The Manassas Journal 1914 03 06
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imi^^imimmmimmftmmK^^^ VOL. XIX. No. 41. MANASSAS, VA„ FRIDAY^ MARCH 6, 1914 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FARrTREDICK: PBHT lHNAS3gPOl)IM!JiOW I AWHIl' OtJK flllJi SCHlKli SENATOR PM'S SPEECH County S«3tooBr"W^ Comp^tgm 1 Former Resident «nd Great Friday's Meeting of Inatitnte How Many of Us Realize How Old Prince William Singularly Of Great Interest to Patrons Aniiu&l Track and Field Friend of the Late CongrcM> Very Helpful to FarmaM- Fortunate Are the Young . Fortunate—Only Minor And Pup3a of Agricultural Events Next Month. mairE. E. Meredith. Eacellent Attendance. I. Faik nf This rmnerationZ ~ rugn scnopis. — —tConttibutad.} I Gilwrtftir The fifth annual Prince William Died suddenly at his home in * BY C. H. YAHBOBOUGH, JR. The^ r OtTtttXtt jr MB. EDITOR;—The friends of- County Public Schools track and Philadelphia, February 17th, of (Director M anassas Agri cu ttural School) A campaign of pnhliVity ia. night played havoc •throoghoot thc MgHBfcaas'Agiricuirural HIgK°~ field meet will be held on Round pneumonia, Ekiward Tredick, a The meeting' of the'Tarrners^ sometimes necessary to call to this section of the country. School, the firot of its kind in Athletic Field on Thursday, April man of the most upright charac- Institute on Friday, the 27th, was our attention some of the educa Prince William was unusually Virginia.and every one interested >g.,1.914^ - This nrieet has gi'owntter and genial manners, a man a very successful one. The crowd tional opportunities enjoyed by foftttaate ia that no irreparable slowly fJ-oitt yaafto year Sha iSlfwReslfi-iendsHf'WM k privJlfige w atteHaificg' mm pai'ha&'B tag tB6 y6uth otbfir Eighth Uongres. e was done. Telephone nct schools. organi2 lobse- year, when sixty youthful ath- to claim. His unselfish and un largest of the year and the speidc sionai District and telegraph communication quently, will be interested fn the letes representing Haymarket, changeable friendship endeared era proved to be masters of their Here, within the limits of our has been cut off causing serious speech of Senator Page, made at Gainesville, Hickory Grove, Brad him to those who knew and loved subjects; own bonders, we find an institu inconvenience. There have been the close of the debate <HI the ley and Manassas, competed for him; ever ready to sympathize Mr, Lewis B. Flohr, of the Bu tion whkh has won for itself the no fires except perhaps a chim Smith-Lever bill, which -seenaa supremacy, was the most success with those in trouble, and help reau of Markets, United States proud distinction of enrollment ney or two. about to become a law. ful meet of the series. the weak. He haa a noble son Department of Agriculture, was amongst the accr^ibed high The warerooms of Mr. E. R. The friends of Vocational Edu This year teams are promised and brother, and proved worthy the first speaker introduced. Mr. schools of our state, at the same Conner were rcinus the light of cation were greatly disappointed already from Greenwich, in of the confidence placed in him. Flohr's talk dealt with the pro time, giving a thorough course one large' window which had in the provisions of that bill, but Gaineeville District, and Occo- Mr. Tredick came to Virginia duction of eggs and the market" in aetence, bearing upon the ag- been boarded up to exclude the we are glad to see that the Ver quan and Cherrjr Hill, in Occo- from New Hampshire aftar the ing of this product. He told of ricuko^ nec^ of oar oomnuH wind, when the heavy plate glass mont Senator has not forgotten quan District, and it is hoped war and lived eig^iteen years in the importance pf the "infertile'^ nity. W9B shattered by the motion of the boya and girls on the farm that before the entries are closed Prince William. After his egg in influencing the keeping We refer to the Manassas Ag the awning frame. The pane and that he is hopeful of the fu each district in the county will father's d?ath, he went to Phila- qualities and urged the farmers ricultural High School, a modest was replaced Wednesday. ture. .^ have at least two schools to com- aeipma and went into ouamesa— Titt uBgglwt ihiBlmuufimii twe- BtraetB^e AB tHaOUMUlKB ot Ma~-—ii:xaio mi p"*^! nf ihiT TetHrtr It awitint to iH? Pretty well un- pete for supremacy. The meet- was made prcaiidcHt of the Nye UH. He luld of th« cola fltOjfage naeaaBl^Ownahip, aitnated nn an come echoes of minor diooBtcf. deratood that something wiH~bg -ifflH day t» -A-l^ftN<—Co.—Ho-ww-ygeaai-- and water glaaa methods «f-«top- eminence, overlooking a rolling At Blooms, a milk atatien about done at au wly dale'by the tna coaaty spemng mAtCh SiTi nent ia Maaonie eifdca in Phila ing oggc, and discuooed tho relit' eountry, ot tho foot hillo of tho two pqiloB ooDt of town, tho ptet the presence of the scfaooi ex- delphia—was a naember of the tiveImportance of each. He con- Blue Ridge. form and shed were overturned; direction. A bill has become a bibits from all over the county at Elks, the Union League and fS^ ciuaed ms address by diS{yiAyinj; OB lt». Jauully me itachttB tarw anpointipg a National CoJQ- the same time, should draw the triot and Founders' Society. - a number of packages suitable who have pursued advanced comhouse was unroofed and Mr.' mission of nine persons to con- "hnQtest crowd in the history of fiewas Lh<i (!lo!M«t and most for Bhippiuy eggs by uareel pqgt eoawflg of gtuaiflB, tmderfligeair Caspar Horn's alio oveitutQfed; sider all phases ot the subject" the event. • ^ _. intimate friend of Hon. E. E. and -pointed out the relative im cational experts of Columbia, at Haymarket- the school was and to make a report to Congress The^lneetislli ire'financed hy iSleredith and ever since Mr. portance of each. ^ Johns Hopkins, the University of closed a short time while result- not later than .TiiTiP Ifrt: nPTt.;, the High School Athletic Asaocia- MereditFiB deathr^Mr. -Trcdiflk Mr. Brandt^of Manafwaa, jgaa Chicago, the Univeiilty of VliT ing repairs were in progrcoo, and $10,000 has been appropriated to tion andall details will be handled has been a loved and valued the next speaker introduced. His ginia, Peabody Teachers' Colle^ from Independent Hill, Dumfries pay the expenses of sodi investi by Manager Williams of the track friend of the family. > He always addrees dealt with poultry hi the tind A^rginia Polyte<^nlc Insti- and other remote sections cornea gation. - The commJBBion named -team, tnuu ABsmiiig the ft nf going tn Virginia as main, hnt he also tonched on-theJAuy* tfte~wair"»Kniff fftlgphnnp wfcea by PreaJdent Wilson inalndnrrthe^ athletes that everything for theii* going ie.know thoro dairy indutrtay. He urged the By -^xpenence; m snceesaful and damaged timber. following: reception will be &im after In woa g wowja and loving woleomo I fofmora preaent to. keep pure. practice, theae teachers have aeon Hon. Hoke Suiith; of Gworiga^ the beat manner possiMe. awaiting him. Though a repub- bred fowls and showed why the for themselves, honored names of "the pines'f tef f the threshold chairman; Hbn^ C S. Page. Sen- UST OP BVENTS, ' licftn, he always voted tor his |'keepti^o f such fowls i»id. Be on t^^ilt Of our state educators, of his cotmtry home next inmm- sitor from-V«rmont; Represente;-_ 1. SO-jr«rddasb (SOpoands.) friend, Mr. Mfflredith. It ia ael notedaeveral inatiiificf^ in hiaown —Goapletwu of the academic ifig h4 was suiprised to find the ti^ Hughes, of Georgia; Repre 2. Running high jump (80 pounds.) iifom nowadays to find «p true and experiences to bear him oat. He coarat^ of .Kanassas Agricaitural building completely hidden . by sentative Fess, of Ohio; Messrs. 3. Bunning broadTump (88 poanSsTJ^ ~ "gteadfast^a character. Ht^rSchoOl. failing pine- trees. Thie ' writer u ArPwaac^ofNew ¥<H*; :i<Att Shejwwtcr hon knowu Mi. Sfe hen from a conrHnorcial Bt«Bd> to thji^.foremost colleges of oat 10 muAle to vouch for this atatC' Ai Lapp, of •Indhuut; C H. Wimt^ &. Sunning high jump (9S pooiids.) riti'k f^i' flirty, yanrn ar\^ appre^ point, and according to—Jri»|uouuto and the- agricoltural m«it, however, as it happened low, Dewtrtmeat of Labor. Wash- •. Running broad jump (96 ponitda.) eiated bis many noble ctoalillesi fc:©Z_ 7. W-yar d daah (115 ponnda.) ^gurea, showed^utt^he hea ira»J;eoarg^ ue of aoch excellence as to be second-hand informAUoC liigtiim%i88 Jtoeaee M.—Mai> g. Running JMgkjuJHpl^llg ^wuBdfc) - aiMl it ia for m to lovO him as^ by far the naost ecoaomieal. -— tu Witt feeogmtlon at Comell. T!be grouud hug is uo w c^F jghrf^^f New York Clty> MBdMiafr' t. Running broad jump (115 pounds.) mourn his d^ttfa.- ffia ftiendship His address won thorooghiy ' Recently. s Normal Depart- a place beyond the aver- Agnes Neestor, (^ Chicago., IP. lOOrysaraaBW (tJnl&Httad wtfiifrt) #ftS lfli« a peiri itbev« iHwe. enjoyed u^4|M:-che^ep0^^e|\9e nent has tiecH added-which gwgs it-te tfrl>e hoped triat UuactHn- "11. S^O-yJERlTTOl" -tiie- Institute to have, him with us a year's c<>»rs«? fa» th" »t«'«"T ''T"< and we are willing to oonfeea a miasioB will be able to formulatg- junq> (unlimited 12. Rotmlag high p«ari is safe, and he aieepetn practice of teaching, with ample budding hope that next your he a pdan to bring about Federal aid „^iweight4- 13, Running broad jump (unHmiti? woll • • ' S.