ADO Newsletter

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ADO Newsletter E-magazine of The Activity Director’s Office Website / Volume 02, Number 06 Providing Online Resources for Activity Professionals August 2006 Dangers of Overdoing it Dear Activity Professionals, in the Summer Heat The following article is just a word of Robinson. "Some people feel a bit As I write this note, things are hot, caution for busy AD’s. lightheaded and weak, and might hot and hotter across the nation. have a touch of nausea. The serious That is the reason our cover article (ARA) - With longer days, warmer problems develop when symptoms is about summer heat and what temperatures, and an abundance of are ignored and additional fluids are can happen if we or our resident’s sunshine, it's no wonder so many of not taken right away." Dehydration overdo it. Please be careful if you us take to the outdoors for summer- - and the resulting loss of electro- time fun. While it feels great to be are going outside...take precau- lytes such as sodium - is the pri- outside for recreational activities and tions...remember hydration. mary cause of heat exhaustion. Dr. exercise in the summer, too much Robinson advises people to stay This month we welcome a new exertion can lead to serious health well-hydrated and take in extra salt. contributor to Activity Director problems. "Drink Monthly. The NCCAP has joined "When even our group of providers and has an the tem- though excellent article concerning certi- perature you fication track 5 (see page 7). soars and don't humidity feel like If there is a subject you would like rises, it is it - you us to cover in a future issue, time to can't please e-mail us at The Activity take pre- count Director’s Office: cautions on your [email protected] to avoid thirst I am always interested in your danger- mecha- ideas. ous nism to health prompt Looking forward to a great month conse- you." in the Activities Department… quences such as heat exhaustion, heat Sincerely, stroke and overexposure to the sun," Heat stroke is the most severe form says Dr. Sean Robinson, assistant of heat illness and is a life- professor of education at Argosy threatening emergency. It is the re- Li n d a University/Washington DC and sult of long, extreme exposure to ACE-certified personal trainer. the sun, in which a person does not sweat enough to lower body tem- Linda Lucas: co-owner of Seniors, children, and people with perature, reaching over 103 de- The Activity Director’s chronic illnesses are most susceptible grees. People suffering from heat to heat exhaustion and stroke, how- Office website, stroke may experience extremely Linda has been an ever, everyone is at risk. Many tell- serious medical conditions, includ- tale symptoms and warning signs are Activity Director ing hot, dry, red skin; no sweating in Indiana since 1983. associated with heat exhaustion, in- at all; disorientation, hallucina- cluding dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, tions, or delirium; convulsions; and Readers may contact Linda at: headache, weak and rapid pulse, and a loss of consciousness. [email protected] cool, clammy, pale skin. And many of these symptoms take several hours "Heat stroke can occur within 10 to to appear. 15 minutes of the first symptoms. If treatment is not given immediately, "The early symptoms of heat exhaus- tion can sneak up on us," explains Dr. (Continued on page 10) Activity Director Monthly Page 2 came a pivotal point in Bozo's his- tory. Bob’s Monthly Larry Harmon and Bozo the Clown, the world's most famous clown Journal Together with a group of investors, By Robert Lucas, H.F.A. (retired) Larry Harmon purchased the licens- Co-owner: The Activity Director’s Office ing rights to the Bozo character from Capitol Records. Larry Harmon had a great talent for marketing, and by the late 1950's had created local Bozo The Unusual History of Bozo the Clown TV shows in nearly every major U.S. - attempting to unravel who did what when in the creation of market, and across the world in places as far away as Thailand, "Bozo, the World’s Most Famous Clown" Greece and Brazil. world's first "read-along" book, and At this point, the history of Bozo di- was a huge hit for the small com- verges wildly, as numerous Bozos pany. It starred a clown narrator, were operating simultaneously across named Bozo. the world. Notable individuals in- Alan Livingston had hired Pinto clude Bob Bell, who portrayed Bozo Colvig to be the voice of Bozo the for WGN-TV in Chicago for decades, Clown. Pinto Colvig was a former eventually retiring and being replaced circus clown, who at that time was by Joey D'Auria, the longest-running, doing character voices for Walt and last Bozo TV show. In Washing- Disney, including Goofy and Snow ton, D.C. Bozo was portrayed for a White's dwarf Grumpy, among oth- time by Willard Scott, now well ers. And the book, "Bozo at the Cir- known as NBC weatherman. In Bos- Most clowns are created and per- cus," written by Livingston, illus- ton, Frank Avruch wore the giant formed by one individual. There are trated by M. Fischer, and voiced by shoes. And Larry Harmon created a exceptions, of course, such as the Pinto Colvig, sold over a million well-known series of cartoons featur- Harlequin, a character from the Co- copies. This was a success unheard ing Bozo as well. In recent years, media del Arte. A more contempo- of at that time for a children's re- Bozo has appeared to be in decline, rary exception is Bozo the Clown, cording. as most of the TV franchises have who is owned, copywritten, and gone away, in favor of nationally trademarked property of Larry Bozo as a live person syndicated morning programming. Harmon. But although Mr. Harmon However, DVD's are now available The success of "Bozo at the Circus" has done an admirable job of market- of Frank Avurch's portrayal. In addi- generated more read-along books, ing Bozo the Clown worldwide, the tion, a new music record (CD, actu- including 15 that featured Bozo. story of Bozo does not begin with ally) titled "Get Down with the The continued success led to vari- him. Instead, it begins at Capitol Re- Clown" -- proving that everything old ous spinoffs, including Bozo dolls, cords, in 1946. is new again. and a demand for Bozo in person. In 1949, on KTTV in Los Angeles, Bozo the Clown Our thanks go to born at Capital Records California, Pinto Colvig became the first televised Bozo the Clown, with In 1946, Capitol Records was a rather Bozo's trademark hair, suit and small company, attempting to make white faced clown make up. August is an entrance into the children's mar- ket. They hired a young man named In order to meet the demand for International Alan Livingston, who came up with personal appearances by Bozo, an idea for a book that would have a Alan Livingston had hired numer- Clown Month record included -- children would ous actors in several cities to per- listen as they read, with an audio sig- form as Bozo at various events. One International Clown Week nal to turn the page. This was the of them, named Larry Harmon, be- is August 1-7 Vol. 02, No. 08 August 2006 Activity Director Monthly Page 3 Orientation and Training: A formal The DH Special Services Page volunteer orientation procedure By Debbie Hommel, BA, CRA, ACC should be in place, with an orienta- Executive Director of DH Special Services tion checklist. The orientation can be provided on a 1-1 basis but should be provided all the same. Providing the Volunteer Management volunteer with a handbook and writ- ten guide will ensure there is an un- for the Activity Professional derstanding between the volunteer and the organization. Infection con- Overseeing the volunteer program to your center is more effective if trol, HIPPA, confidentiality, as well is one of the many responsibilities you establish a formal recruitment as understanding the special needs of delegated to the activity profes- message. Clearly describing the the elderly population should be dis- sional. The activity professional need within your facility and how a cussed with new volunteers. A assumes this responsibility, often volunteer can help is an effective signed acknowledgement of the ori- with minimal training or guidance. means to seek interest. Targeted entation and receipt of materials The process of organizing and recruitment seeks particular people should be kept on file. managing a corps of volunteers for particular jobs, while general requires planning, organization recruitment seeks interested parties Motivation and Retention : Since and monitoring. To guide the activ- who just want to help. Targeted volunteers do not receive monetary ity department in establishing a recruitment should be tailored to the reward for their work, they should be volunteer program or upgrading a person being sought. For example, rewarded through other means. All current program, consider the fol- if seeking a male volunteer to assist volunteers seek some sort or lowing steps..... in leading a men’s group, one “payback”, even if they deny it. would aim recruitment in areas Some people volunteer for the social Preparation : Before bringing in the where men gather (the VRW or contact, some because they like to first volunteer - the volunteer man- Elks or local hardware store).
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