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The Handy Man JAMES J. OSTROMECKY, D.D.S. NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS Patient Focused, Family Operated Dentistry WELCOMED! Comprehensive Examinations and Treatment Planning Lower Dose Digital Imaging • Enchanced Oral Cancer Screening Technology Patient Education • Coordination of Services with Specialists • Patient Liaison Services We welcome Altus, BC/BS, Cigna, Delta, Guardian, and MetLife. For an appointment, call 508-885-6366 or visit our website at HOURS: Mon, Tue, & Thu 8am-6pm Payment Plans Available Through Wed 7am-2pm • Fri 7am-Noon CareCredit and Retriever Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVIII, No. #4 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.STONEBRIDGEPRESS.COM Friday, January 27, 2017 The Local leaders handy unite at QHCC man can meeting My father never fails to amaze DISCUSS ISSUES me. There is nothing in this world (at least not that I know of) that AFFECTING AREA TOWNS the man cannot fix. He is the most creative, innovative and inventive handyman I know. Which would lead you to believe that I naturally inherited this trait, being the heir to his blood- line. Well…not so much. I’m glad I have a job that doesn’t require me to repair, fix or tend to things, because I wouldn’t last Courtesy photo long. As a homeowner, don’t get David Prouty High School teacher Mary McLaughlin recently earned a Mass Insight me wrong, I’ve picked up some Education Partners in Excellence Teacher Award. things over THE the past few MINOR years, but I have a long Anne Gobi Donald Berthiaume DETAILS way to go. DPHS teacher earns ADAM It’s BY KEVIN FLANDERS regarding the impacts MINOR amazing NEWS STAFF WRITER of the recent legaliza- how many In an event that spot- tion of marijuana, as things just prestigious award lights challenges and well as several other decide to randomly fall apart goals shared by sever- items dominating a around the house. A screen door POSITIVE FOR ROUTY al local communities, busy year on Beacon currently sits in two pieces in my ‘A P leaders from through- Hill. mudroom, awaiting replacement. out the area joined Because the QHCC AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT’ That same mudroom, mind you, forces at the Quaboag represents 15 towns remains incomplete itself, still BY KEVIN FLANDERS tion. their students. Hills Community — including Spencer NEWS STAFF WRITER needing drywall and a variety of McLaughlin was “I was very sur- Coalition’s annual and the Brookfields other things. The floors show their SPENCER — recently honored prised about the update program. — legislators regular- age, with the various dents and Teachers never ask with the Mass Insight award. Even though The Jan. 23 event at ly check in with the stains that three decades of wear for praise and are sel- Education Partners the award is, in Ware’s Baystate Mary organization’s leaders and tear would show. Some may dom acknowledged in Excellence Teacher essence, for doing my Lane Hospital was to help identify solu- say it adds character — at least, individually, which Award. Given to only job, it is nice to know highlighted by appear- tions to common issues that’s what I like to say. The deck makes it especial- 52 educators state- that all of the hard ances from Sen. Anne faced by multiple com- needs repairing…and don’t get me ly meaningful when wide, the award rep- work and effort does Gobi, State Rep. Donald munities. started on that back yard. educators like David resents the top tier of not go unnoticed,” Berthiaume and State “The QHCC rep- When we moved in to our house Prouty High School’s teachers in the Bay said McLaughlin, Rep. Todd Smola. The resents a broad more than two years ago now, the Mary McLaughlin State who go above legislators teamed up cross-section of the very same house I grew up in, my receive commenda- and beyond to inspire Please Read MCLAUGHLIN, to answer questions Please Read QHCC, page A16 wife and I were forced to be handi- page A16 er that we were used to. Appliance purchases were made, the entire house was repainted, a kitchen was completely redone — it was a crash course in all things home QQLA voices ownership. Unlike my father, who can fig- A passion for service ure out any project just by look- ing at it (he has an engine in his concern over garage that he built from scratch QUABOAG ANNOUNCES — I think it might be his super power), I am more of a “read the PROJECT 351 STUDENTS instruction manual” kind of guy. groundwater My father was more than happy to BY KEVIN FLANDERS show me things growing up, and TOWN AWAITS PERMIT NEWS STAFF WRITER he did…many times, but I never Schools across the took to it like my brother did. My RENEWAL FOR FACILITY state selected stu- brother was the handy one, too. dents with a passion I was the artsy one. I preferred BY KEVIN FLANDERS for community ser- drawing pictures over building that Spencer’s waste- NEWS STAFF WRITER water treatment plant vice to participate in Legos. I enjoyed sports, while my the annual Project brother loved cars. SPENCER — After is violating the Clean a local organization Water Act by releas- 351 celebration. This past summer, I took the Held each year in initiative in completing a small threatened to sue the ing effluent into the town this past sum- groundwater without Boston, the event landscaping project in my front includes one eighth yard, repurposing an old tree mer over an unse- a required discharge cured permit for the permit. grader from every stump that was quite the eyesore, town and city in the and instead, making it the center- wastewater treatment The treatment facil- plant, officials are ity’s permit renewal state. Bonded by piece, surrounding it with mulch a common drive to and various flowers, bordering it awaiting the results is past due since 2012, of a MassDEP and QQLA members said, improve the com- with bricks that have been laying munity, the students around for years, giving it a nice EPA permit renewal and letters of concern process. were submitted from joined forces on vintage feel. It’s not the classiest Jan. 14 to take part presentation you’ll ever see, but I In August, the residents of several East Brookfield- surrounding towns. in service projects was happy with it, a small notch throughout the city in my handy man’s belt. It looked based Quaboag The EPA is the lead Quacumquasit Lake agency that oversees that honored the life better than it did before. It was and legacy of Martin no construction project, but I’ll Association (QQLA) wastewater treat- submitted an “intent ment operations and Luther King Jr. take it. Courtesy photo to sue” letter to the approves renewal “Our ambassa- As the calendar nears February, Eighth graders Lauren Murray, of Warren, and West dors come from and the days of spring grow closer town of Spencer. permits, and Spencer Entered by James officials said their Brookfield’s Dan Sickenberger, were selected by their every corner of the and closer, my brain is beginning teachers as Quaboag Regional Middle-High School’s Vander Salm, an actions are limited Please Read PROJECT 351, to think of the projects that will Project 351 student ambassadors. be at the top of the agenda once attorney for QQLA, page A16 the weather warms. Maybe that the letter contends Please Read QQLA, page A16 deck will finally get done after years of talking about it. Maybe that bathroom floor will finally get replaced. Maybe the basement Archaeology specialists coming to Tobin Campground will finally be finished. Maybe the garage will finally get re-or- BY KEVIN FLANDERS will host a kickoff meeting to introduce burial ground that contained artifacts ganized. NEWS STAFF WRITER the project to residents. The meeting is associated with the Adena culture of the Thank goodness my father lives BROOKFIELD — Residents have scheduled for 6-8 p.m. at Town Hall (6 Ohio Valley,” Johnson said. “The Adena next door. eagerly anticipated the search for Central Street). culture thrived for more than 1,000 Adam Minor may be reached at ancient artifacts at the site of the former Brookfield officials have contracted (508) 909-4130, or by e-mail at ami- Tobin Campground at Pine Lane. Next with the UMass team to conduct archae- Please Read TOBIN, page A16 month, they will learn more about the ological research at the former Tobin quest for archaeological treasures when Campground. The property is located in ON SELECT a team of specialists comes to town. an area surrounding Quaboag Pond and MODELS 25,000 Unique Visitors On Feb. 15, the director of the Quacumquasit Pond that is rich with University of Massachusetts history, officials said. Every Week! Archaeological Services Department, “The unique element of the Tobin Eric Johnson, and members of his staff Campground property is an ancient 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, January 27, 2017 Venture Community Moore announces upcoming Services to host open house district office hours STURBRIDGE — Venture Community Services, one of the Commonwealth’s leading providers of innovative human services has announced they are hosting a Shared Living Open House & Info Night. BOSTON — Sen. Michael O. Moore (D-Millbury) released the dates, times The event will be held on Monday, Feb. 27, at their main office located at 1 Picker and locations of upcoming district office hours. Residents of the 2nd Worcester Road in Sturbridge. The event is open to anyone in the community who wants to District are welcome to meet with Senator Moore or a representative of the learn more about becoming a shared living provider for people with developmental Senator’s Office to discuss concerns or other matters of interest.
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