Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey Introduction This anonymous survey is designed to assess your perceptions of campus safety; access to information and resources about sexual harassment and sexual violence; knowledge of university policies and practices; and experiences with sexual harassment and sexual violence on campus or at off-campus CUNY-affiliated events. The survey will be open from March 29, 2016 through April 21, 2016 and it will take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. Please note: you must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Please be advised that some survey questions ask for personal experiences with sexual misconduct. You may skip any question you are not comfortable answering and you may exit the survey at any time. All responses are anonymous and cannot be traced back to you. If you have any questions about the survey, please send an email to
[email protected]. If you would like information on the issues contained in this survey, please go to CUNY’s Combating Sexual Misconduct website. This site provides access to resources and contact information at your college as well as links to community-based and on-line resources. Your college web page provides contact information for the Title IX Coordinator on your campus, a staff member with special training in helping students who are facing issues related to sexual harassment and sexual violence. The link to this website appears again at the end of the survey. Daily Raffles for MetroCards with a Value of $65 All students who complete the survey are eligible to enter one of 24 daily raffles for a MetroCard with a value of $65.