IAS Letter Spring 2004
THE I NSTITUTE L E T T E R INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY · SPRING 2004 J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER CENTENNIAL (1904–1967) uch has been written about J. Robert Oppen- tions. His younger brother, Frank, would also become a Hans Bethe, who would Mheimer. The substance of his life, his intellect, his physicist. later work with Oppen- patrician manner, his leadership of the Los Alamos In 1921, Oppenheimer graduated from the Ethical heimer at Los Alamos: National Laboratory, his political affiliations and post- Culture School of New York at the top of his class. At “In addition to a superb war military/security entanglements, and his early death Harvard, Oppenheimer studied mathematics and sci- literary style, he brought from cancer, are all components of his compelling story. ence, philosophy and Eastern religion, French and Eng- to them a degree of lish literature. He graduated summa cum laude in 1925 sophistication in physics and afterwards went to Cambridge University’s previously unknown in Cavendish Laboratory as research assistant to J. J. the United States. Here Thomson. Bored with routine laboratory work, he went was a man who obviously to the University of Göttingen, in Germany. understood all the deep Göttingen was the place for quantum physics. Oppen- secrets of quantum heimer met and studied with some of the day’s most mechanics, and yet made prominent figures, Max Born and Niels Bohr among it clear that the most them. In 1927, Oppenheimer received his doctorate. In important questions were the same year, he worked with Born on the structure of unanswered.
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