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IV / /iW nV>\ DIRECTORY CITY OF COLUMBUS, For the Year 1848. CONTAINING A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CITY, STATISTICS OF INSTITUTIONS, THE NAMES, RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS OF ALL CITIZENS, INHABITANTS, &c. COLUMBUS PUBLIC LIBRARY COLUMBUS AND OHIO DIVISION COLUMBUS: PUBLISHED BY JOHN SIEBERT S. MEDARY, PRINTER. 1848. JJDEI TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ' BUSINESS. PAGE. physicians,.- 225, 227,233, 237, 249, 252, 256, 257, 259 pcntists 219, 247 Druggists 208, 209,214, 223, 262 Lawyers._205, 217, 218, 222, 233, 244, 255, 256, 257, 260, 262 printers 234,237, 244, 258 Booksellers 204, 246, 249, 263 papers and Periodicals 204, 237, 244,258 Bookbinders 251, 252, 263 portrait and Sign Painters 232, 241, 260 Daguerreotypists 231,242,254 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1848, Engravers 256 By JOHN SIEBERT in the Clerk's Office of tho District Court of the Jewelry, Watches, &c 241 Music Saloon.__ 232 State of Ohio. Engineer and Millwright 230 Marble Yard 255 Glass and Oueensware 229, 262 Dry Goods 202, 212, 218, 224, 228, 231, 235, 243, 250, 253, 254,256, 264 Varieties 218, 229, 250, 253,256 Hardware 202, 219, 223, 225 Groceries and Provisions 202, 212, 213,217, 220, 224, 225, 231, 235, 236, 249, 254, 256, 257, 262, 264 Carpeting 225 Tailors 205, 218, 222, 235, 243, 261, 264 Boots and Shoes 212, 223, 228, 241, 243, 245 Hotels..200, 206, 207, 208, 213, 224, 236, 238, 256, 259 Brewers 225 Bakers 249 Confectioners 199, 203, 248 Restaurants 233 Nurseries 206, 230, 261 Commission Merchants 225 Foundries _ 207, 210, 238 INDEX. =ffi Brass Founders 24; Hatters 227, NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS AND DESPATCH. Umbrellas and Parasols 2 Cabinetmakers 213, 224, Carpenters and Joiners 224, 228, Chairmakers ___205, 243, Painters and Glaziers 226, 2 DHI t FUSS Tinners and Stove Dealers 201, 21ffl Lumber Yards ^^11 CHEAP Tanners 24(11 Dyers 210, 22* Coach Makers 204, 21'fl Saddlers, &c 211, 244, 25a JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Gunsmiths 221, 24M Cutler 22? Undertaker 2451 Columbus, ©l)io. Livery Stables 204, 211, 222, 233 Farrier 216 Tobacconists 203, 226 For Sale and Lease 200,214 A uctioneer 2271 Large additions have recently been made to the already Notaries Public 205, 207 Justice of the Peace 205 Insurance Offices 212, 222,233, 212 Of materials in this Office. The Proprietor is now prepared to execute all the various kinds of ERRATA. Lines counted from BOOK & JOB PRINTING, Page. Top or Foot. For Read From the SMALLEST CARD, or a TASTY CIRCULAR, to the 11 1 and 5 butts buts 12 13 when while LARGEST 8L MOST SHOWY 16 5 names name 21 4 Mayers Mayors 42 6 and as 81 13 having have Either Plain, or in COLORED INKS; such as 117 2 and 4 Erwine Eswine 120 11 Ss Sof 122 16 and 18 Fazell Frazel RED, BLUE, GREEN, &C. &C. 123 14 Gale Gabe 133 14 and 15 Hinckel Hinkel 193 2 Whiteworth Whitworth 198 1 and 3 Ziegle Ziegler m A BRIEF HISTORY OF COLUMBUS. Before noticing the rise and present condition ofc Colum bus, it may not be amiss to briefly glance at the circum stances which brought the town into existence. From the first organization of the State Government, in 1S03, until 1816, there was no permanent seat of State Government. The sessions of the Legislature were held at Chillicothe until 1810; and the sessions of 1810-11, and 1811-12, were held at Zanesville; and from there they removed back to Chillicothe, and there remained until December, 1816, when the first session commenced in Columbus. During the two sessions in Zanesville, the Legislature, de sirous to establish a more central and permanent seat of Government, received various proposals from different places, offering inducements for the location of the seat of Government at those several points. And amongst the rest were the proposals of Lyne Starling, James Johnston, Alexander McLaughlin and John Kerr, the after proprie tors of Columbus, for establishing it on the '• High Bank of the Scioto River, opposite Franklinton," which site was then a native forest Franklinton was then a town of more consequence than it is at present, and one of the sites proposed ; but the plan upon which it was laid out, and more particularly, its low situation, were considered sufficient objections to its adoption. As we generally feel m 5 more interest in the perusal of any work or document to house and offices on or before the 1st Monday of Decem which importance has attached than in a mere recapitula ber, 1817. tion of its contents, the proposals of the proprietors are "When the buildings shall be completed, the Legisla here given verbatim; and, also, the law passed by the ture reciprocally, shall appoint workman to examine and Legislature in pursuance of said proposals : value the whole buildings, which valuation shall be bind " To the honorable the Legislature of the State of Ohio: ing ; and if it does not amount to fifty thousand dollars, " We, the subscribers, do offer the following as our pro we shall make up the deficiency in such further buildings posals, provided the Legislature, at their present session, as shall be directed by law; but if it exceeds the sum of shall fix and establish the permanent seat of Government fifty thousand dollars, the Legislature will, by law, remun on the east bank of the Scioto river, nearly opposite erate us in such way as they may think just and equitable. Franklinton, on half sections Nos. 25 and 26, and part of "The Legislature may, by themselves or agent, alter half sections Nos. 10 and 11, all in township 5, range 22, the width of the streets and alleys of said town, previous of the refugee lands, and commence their sessions there to its being laid out by us, if they may think proper to do on the first Monday of December, 1817 : so. " 1st. To lay out a town on the lands aforesaid, on or " LYNE STARLING, [SEAL. ] before the 1st of July next, agreeably to the plan presen "JOHN KERR, [SEAL.] ted by us to the Legislature. " ALEX. McLAUGHLIN' [SEAL.] "2d. To convey to the State, by general Warranty deed, " JAMES JOHNSTON, [SEAL.] in fee simple, such square in said town of the contents of " Attest: 10 acres, or near it, for the public buildings, and such lot " WM. ELLIOTT, of 10 acres for Penitentiary and dependencies, as a direc " ISAAC HAZLETT." tor, or such person or persons, as the Legislature shall The law referred to, is as follows, to wit: appoint, may select. " SKC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the u 3d. To erect and complete a State House, offices and State of Ohio, That the proposals made to this Legisla Penitentiary, and such other buildings as shall be directed ture by Alexander McLaughiin, John Kerr, Lyne Starling by the Legislature, to be built of stone and brick, or of and James Johnston, to lay out a town on their lands, sit either. The work to be done in a workmanlike manner, uate on the east bank of the Scioto river, opposite Frank and of such size and dimensions as the Legislature shall linton, in the county of Franklin, on parts of half sec think fit. The Penitentiary and dependencies to be com tions numbers nine,ten,eleven, twenty-five and twenty-six, pleted on or before the 1st January, 1815; and the State for the purpose of having the permanent seat of Govern- 6 men-t thereon established ; also, to convey to the State, a surveying and laying out of the town aforesaid, and direct square of ten acres, and lot of ten acres, to erect a State the width of the streets and alleys therein; also, to select House, such offices and a Penitentiary as shall be directed the square for public buildings, and the lot for the Peni by the Legislature, are hereby accepted, and the same, tentiary and dependencies, according to the proposals and their penal bond annexed thereto, dated the tenth of aforesaid, and he shall make a report thereof to the next February, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, condi Legislature ; he shall, moreover, perform such other duties tioned for the faithful performance of said proposals, shall as will be required of him by law. be valid to all intents and purposes, and shall remain in u SEC 5. That said McLaughlin, Kerr, Starling and the office of the Treasurer of State, there to be kept for Johnston, shall, on or before the first day of July next, ihe use of the State. ensuing, at their own expense, cause the town, aforesaid, " SEC 2. That the seat of Government of this State, to be laid out, and a plat of the same recorded in the Re be and the same is hereby fixed and permanently estab corder's office of Franklin County, distinguishing therein lished on the land aforesaid ; and the Legislature shall the square and lot, to be, by them, conveyed to this State; commence their sessions thereat, on the first Monday of and they shall, moreover, transmit a certified copy thereof December, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, to the next Legislature for their inspection. and there continue until the first day of May, one thou u SEC 6. That from and after the first day of May sand eight hundred and forty, and from thence until next, Chillicothe shall be the temporary seat of Govern otherwise provided for by law. ment, until otherwise provided by law. " SEC 3. That there shall be appointed by a joint res- "Passed February 14, 1812." olution of this General Assembly, a director, who shall, And by an act amendatory to the above act, passed within thirty days after his appointment, take and subscribe February 17, 1816, it was enacted; an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties "SEC.