This page intentionally left blank. THE DIRECTORY ADVERTISER

FOR THE rEAES 1836 — 7.

The advantag^es to be derived by those who advertise in the Directory, will; we believe, be acknowledged by all who reflect that it not only has an extensive circula­ tion through this city, but will be found in most or all the public houses, and in the steam boats runniiig from Pittsburgh to , and consequently daily in the hands of strangers who visit our city on. business. jMvertisem^nls inserted in the Directory are also exhib­ ited longer to public view, thai throug^h the medium of any other publication.



AND MAP PUBLISHERS. MORRISON'S MAP OF INDIANA, MUNSELL'S " " KENTUCKY, PECK'S " «« ILLINOIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Thorn's row Fifth street, 2d door east of Main. COPPER PLATE PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED. HAVING OPENED A DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, North East corner of Main and Fourth streets^ CINCINNATI, Offer fof sale, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Carefully selected and prepared, including all the new preparations tATEIiY IIVTROOUC ED- PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, GLASS AND DYE STUFFS At the lowest prices, and most accommodating terms. Particular attention paid to the compounding of PHYSICIANS, PRESCRIPTIONS.

s LIVERY STABLE & UNDERTAKER, Keeps ready made coffins of all kinds, and is ready at all hours to give personal attendance at funerals. All funeral appendages furnished if required, also any number of horses and carriages at short notice, Livery Stable, north east corner of Broadway and Lower Mar­ ket street, Sign of Sam Patch. Two horse Carriages, Gigs, Phaetons, Borouches and Buggies for hire. Horses bought and sold or kept by night or week, on reasonable terms. N. B. Horses and carriages for hire to go to any part of the United States. CINCINNATI

(EstaJblished 1st Oct. 1884.) OFFICE NO. 154, MAIN STREET. The plan of this Establishment differing, in many respects, from any one now existing in this city, for the iijformation of those who'raay feel desirous of becom­ ing acquainted with some of its leading principles. THE FOLLOWING ARE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. I. Notes of all the solvent Banks of the Union, will be received at par, and United States' Paper or Silver given in return for the same, at any period agreed upon by the parties. II. AU sums of rooney deposited at the EXCHANGE BANK, will be paid on demand, together with five per cent interest per annum, from the time such sums have been deposited. III. The industrous Mechanic or Laborer, who may feel disposed to place funds in the EXCHANGE BANK, will find the PROPRIETORS always ready to as­ sist him in any undertaking he may be dflsposed to enter into, whenever they can do so with safety to them­ selves. IV. EMIGRANTS and others, can have money transmitted to their friends in any part of the United States, Canada, England, Ireland and Scotland; and every other part of Europe on the most moderate terms. Arrangements have also been made for collecting mo­ ney for EMIGRANTS in any part of EUROPE. 0::^To Emigrants from eirery part of Europe, it is presumed that the EXCHANGE BANK will be of con^derable importance; inasmuch as it is the inten-' tion of .the Company to give every information in their power to straijgers in this City and its neighborhood; mo- which wiill, on every occasion, be fuxnish6


WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDI­ CINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, &c. Mthe old Standi JV6. 1. Upper Market, or Fifth st. CINCINNATI. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. All orders from the country attended to, with neat­ ness and despatch, and upon as good terms as any other house in the West. ESI© 4yL^@4S^» AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; Sycamore street, near Lower Market, CINCINNATI. DAYS OF SALE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYESTUFFS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,,

North East corner Main and Fifth streets, SIGN DOCTOR RUSH. Has always on hand a well selected and general as­ sortment of Medicines'^ Paints, ,Oils, Dyestuffs. &c., which in all cases, may be relied upon as being of the purest quality, and are selected with the greatest care. N. B .Physician's prescriptions carefully compoun­ ded, by day and night.



WM. MULFORD has removed his Drug Store, to No. 3. Lower Market street, Cincinnati. Where he in­ tends to keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Perfumery, French Chemicals, Glass, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., j^hich he will sell on the most reasonable terms, and hopes by his close attention to business; and unremitted endeavor to ren­ der satisfaction, to secure a share of public patronage These Drops, when properly applied, effectually blast the nerve and prevent its twinging, and this with­ out, in the least degree, hastening the decay of the tooth, or producing any of those unpleasant effects, (such as soreness of the mouth, &c.) which attend the use of mineral acids, pearlash, and other caustic pjre- parations. Prepared only by

DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, JYorth East corner of Main and Seventh streets. CINCINNATI.

Resides on Fourth street, between Main and Wal­ nut, where he is prepared to perform all operations in the line of his profession, upon the latest and most ap­ proved principles. WESTERN


Fourth street, Fourth door East of Main, CINCINNATI. The subscribers have constantly on hand, and for sale, a large and splendid assortment of Windsor Chairs, Settees, &c. All warranted, and sold at the most reduced prices, wholesale and retail. ROSS & GEYER. PLAGG & WILLIAMS, UMAFERS ANU TAIIiORS, Thorn's row. Fifth street, East of M in. Clbthing of every description, made up in the most fashionable style at short notice, and on accommoda­ ting terms. Constantly on band, a general assortment of Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Collars, &c. &c.

^ MERCHANT TAILOR, An4 Gentlemensjfashioriable Wardrobe Stpre. M. 171, Main street, CINCINNATI. Has constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Beady made clothing, or will make to order at the veiry shortest notice and most accommodating^ termsi CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY.

Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that he still continues the manufacturing of Carriages in all its various branches. Has now on hand at his ware house, on Seventh street near Main, a variety of Pleasure Carriages, and is shortly expec­ ting a number of superior Close Coaches. Now on hand a general assortment of Malleable Iron, Eliptic Springs, Iron Axles, Hub Bands, Lamps Mouldings, Patent Leather, Steps, Coach Trimmings, Mountings, &c. &c. Alt'orders in the above business promptly attended to.


North side Columbia, or Second street, three doort East of Main. Manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a gene­ ral assortment of Silk and Beaver Hats, Caps, &;c., which he will sell wholesale or retail, on as good terms as any other bouse in the city. Country mer- ehants are partfenlarly invited to call and examine his •took before pnrchasing elsewhere. Old hats received ia exchange for new ones, or re-covered in the neatest manner. All orders promptly aiteuded to« •Morth West corner Fourth aud Sycamore sts. Manufacturer of curled maple. Fancy and Windsar Chairs, Settees, &c., of the Newest fashion, and best workmanship. N. B. Steam Boats and Hotels furnished at shorlt notice, on accommodating terms.



G. MUSCROFT, CUTLER, Fifth street, between Main and Sycamore, Surgeons' Instruments, Knives, Razors, Shears, Scis­ sors, (fee, ground, set, and other,wise repaired, New Penknife blades put into old handles, Currier's Steels and Magnets, made or*charged with the properties of the Loadstone, Keys fitted and locks repaired, Milita^ ry Swords, Muskets and Rifles polished. G. /M. has for sale, Table Knives, Razors, Pen­ knives, Tailors' Shears, Razor Straps and Hones of a superior quality, also Hemming's and Mattras' nee­ dles. Country orders promptly attended to. pame quality. care. Thepric e aslowanyca n beboughtofth quality, and vriirkeepgoodinanyclimate , withusual md Bottles . TheirAleandPorte r isofasuperio Warehouse northwestcornerMainandSixth streets, On Sycamorebetween ThirdandFourthstreets. Keeps onhand,BeerAl e andPorter,inBarrells PAPER MANUFACTURERS . METCAIiF &DISl^EY' S BREWERY. CINCINNATI. .l-H -Q P. (13 ^ The subOl u t-i oul d infor his former Patror IS, and 13 -fl JS . -H 4^ H-) 0) fl o o p Pl the. Pub cD e has business in his fa .£1 PQ -i4 fl o fl fl I-. splendid fl lish the west side of fa H -Q fl U is 0) fl) fl Sycamor 0) hir d and h streets, where *"r -fl ft o >, O ft he will b (U ft hos lio may fav or him ^ with a c (fi O ^ O Q l-H <^ P^ DRUFF, sen. MARBLE & FREE STONE. D- BOLLES,

NORTH SIDE OF THE CANAL, BETWEEN MAIN AND WALNUT STREETS, Solicits orders for every description of 'Plain and Ornamental Marble, and H Free Stone work.

PLUMBER AND HYDRANT MAIiER, South side Third, between Main and Sycamore streets, Opposite the Mayor's Office, CINCINNATI, . ALSO, MaiiufectareB and keeps constantly f&t sale, any ^Mititgofmetalic tin and lead pipe, ©fvaritHJSKtdiBfe, which he will furnish at the shortest notice.. Qr^ersi ^OBQI Umi cowktrj' projaaptly. atsteodeA to. ^


No. 6. Walnut St., east side, hetweeen 5th and Qth. The subscriber returns sincere thanks to the citizens of Cincinnati and its ^vicinity, for the liberal pratron- age heretofore confered upon him, and hopes by his unremitted attention to business, for a continuance of the same. After considerable expense, he is now pre­ pared to do work with neatness and despatch. Dama­ ged goods re-dyed, and finished equal to new. Silks &c. dyed and watered. Clothes renovated, repaied, steam pressed &c. &c. All goods done in a workmanlike manner. ALSO. Domestic Carpets of every description, made to or­ der. Chain will be provided of the best quality, Col­ ours bright and permanent. Patterns made to match. Manilla Hemp Rugs, and Mats, made of various patterns. The stibscriber having had considerable experience in his vocation in Philadelphia, feels authorized in saying, that he will furnish to order, as handsome and durable carpets and on as reasonable- terms, as can be obtained atj any other establisement in the Western country. WILLIAM TEASDALE.

WHOLESALE CLOCK WAREHOUSE; West side Main st. hetween 6th and 1th, The subscriber is constantly receiving from the monufacturers at the East, a general supply of Clocks, of the most fashionable patterns, which he will sell on the most accommodating terms. W. N. BROWN, Agenu BOOKS! BOOKS! TRUMAN & SMITH, BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND

No. 250, Main, near Fourth street, CINCINNATI. Have a constant supply of Books in every depart­ ment of Literature and Science, at reduced prices. Country. Merchants, and all others wanting Books and Stationary, at wholesole or retail, are invited to call before purchasiiig elsewhere. School Books, in every variety and quantity, at Eas­ tern prices. Bibles of diflferent kinds, from large quarto to 32 mo. plain and elegant. All the BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES in common use, also a varity of HYMN BOOKS. Miscellaneous Works, consisting of Travels, Histo­ ries, Biographies, Memoirs, &c. &c. &c. New Publications, on every subject of interest, regularly received immediately after publication. Blank Books, Slates, Slate Pencils, Copy Books, Letter Writing and Printing Paper, Printing and Writ­ ing Ink, Wafers, Sealing Wax, and every^. artielei oi Stationary. Rags Wanted.


Main street. Sign of the Large Looking Glass* Keep constantly oh hand the largest e,s^oftHfent ol Looking Glasses in the Western country. Looking Glass Plates by the box or single. Portraits and Pictures framed in the neatest patterns at reasonable prices, and at short notice. PIANO FORTES. Always for sale at this 6Stabiishmeht, and' warfkn- ted to be superior instruments, in tone and Wbfknian- •hip. STREETS AND ALLEYS OMITTED IN THE REGULAR LIST. Allison s fr Main to Vine N of. Mercer Ann s fr Canal to Western row N of 12th Arch s fr Broadway to Ludlow b 3d and 4th Baker s fr Walnnt to Vine b 3d and 4th Brasher's alley fr Vine to Elm b 9th and 10th Burnet s fr Vine to Race b 3d and 4th Burrows s fr Race to Elm b 2d and Green Dawson's alley b Symmes and Congress Franklin s fr Main to Broadway N of Woodward Fulton s fr Sth N W of John Munroe s fr !^lm to Canal S of Liberty Orchard s fr Main to Syc. N of Webster Park s fr 2d to 5th E of Mill Perry s fr Plum to W. row b 4th and 5th Pleasant s fr 15th to corp. line b Race and Elm Sontag's alley fr Vine to Elm b 8th and 9th Stone s fr 3d to 5th W of Mill Wade s fr W Canal to John Webster s fr Main to Broadway n Franklin William s fr Elm to Plum b 9th and Court



Optician, Jeweller, Silversmith, Watch and Clock Maker, 169 Main street, Cincinnati, four doors above the two steepled church, and nearly opposite Dennison's Hotel, where may be had all kinds of spectacles, moun­ ted in gold, silver, and steel frames, with the best Bra­ zil pebbles, and newly improved glasses, adapted to every sight withiu the reach of artificial assistance. White, green,,and blue preservers to advert the dust and glare of the sun, and for persons who have never habituated themselves to wear glasses. Catarac glas­ ses forpersons who have been couched; reading glasses, variously mounted, mineral and flower glasses, day and night Telescopes, and spy Glasses, Surveyors Com­ passes, and Chains, Mathematical and drawing instru­ ments, Brewers, Bath, and Botanical Thermometers, Concave and Convex glasses for short-sighted persons; Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver, Lever, Hori­ zontal, Vertical, and Plain Watches, Gold Watch and Neck Chains, Seals,* Keys, Ear and Finger Rings, Broaches, Pins, Silver Tea, Table, Soup, and Cream Spoons, of all descriptions; and every other article in his vocation. The highest price given for Gold and Silver. PLANE MANUFACTORY, AND TOOL STORE. No. 219, Main street, Cincinnati. E. F. Seybold respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a general assortment of Planes, aiid tools of every description for carpenters and cabi­ net makers, which he will sell at wholesale or retail, on accommodating terms. All orders in his line promptly attended to. CONTENTS. Page. Abbreviations ..••• ,..-2 Academies 230 Agricultural Society 239 American Sunday School Union 237 Banlis 227 Breweries. .^ !..221 "Cincinnati Directory • 7 Cincinnati, Location of 198 Cincinnati, Historical Sketch of 198 Cincinnati Water Works 207 Churches 242 Co:nmon Schools 231, Exchange Offices 211 Finances of the city 212 Finances of the Township i 216 Fire^Department 251 Foundries and Manufactories 217* Hotels :..,..< 250 Independent Oxier of Odd Fellows 247 Insurance Offices 211 Literary Institutions 223 rdasonic Lodges. 246 Mails, Arrivals and Departures of 201 Mechanics' Institute 234 Missionary Societies 244 Newspapers published in Cincinnati <.. .248 dtficeis of the city 201 Officers 6f the township 202 Officers of the county J.. 202 Officers of the state.. , 203 Officers of the United States residing in Cincinnati .203 Officers of the Government of the United Sta!tes 203 P'ost Office , 204 Postage, rates of. 206 Population 200 1* hyslcians residing in Cincinnati 249 Public Cisterns 252 Religious and Benevolent Institutions 236 Rows and Buildings , c Savings Institutions 210 ' Streets and Alleys « Steam Saw Mills i...'.22Q Wards, Boundaries of , ...... ,*.'.. .2 TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDERS, J\o. 1. Baker street, CINCINNATI. Type, Flowers, Rules, Cuts, Ornaments, &c., of all sizes and descriptions; Com^posing-Sticks, Galleys, Printing Ink, Printing Presses of all descriptions, and all articles used in a Printing Office, including German Type, from Nonpariel to Cannon, furnished to order. Stereotyping of Bool^s, Pamphlets, Notes, [Checks, and Cards, and Stereotype Blocks, warranted equal to liny in the United States. Also constantly on hand, and for sale, an extensive assortment,of Superfine and Common Letter and Cap Paper, white, and assorted fancy colors; Map and Bank Folio Post; and a great varity of qualities of 'fancy colored and glazed Printing paper, fVom $4,00 to •$24,00 per ream. Enameled and ivory surface blank cards, of every size, color, and quality. Printing Pa­ per of various sizes and qualities. PUBLISHERS Of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. Country Booksellers will find it to their advantage "o call and examine their list of publication, and prices.


---- ^r--«~= AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, ASJID) Sim® glJ^IEJla No. 23, Lower Market, between Main and Syca­ more streets. S. C. PARKHUST, PROPRIETOR, At this establishment may be had the greatest variety and most approved AGRICULTURAL AND GAR­ DEN IMPLEMENTS; HERB, TREE, FIELD, and FLOWER SEEDS; BULBOUS FLOWER ROOTS (in their season), AGRICULTURAL BOOKS, &c. &c., wholesale and retail. As the variety and quantify of Implements and Seeds are by far greater than at any other place in the Wes­ tern country, orders can always be executed with promptness. 0:^ Those who wish for SEEDS to retail, can be sup­ plied at a very liberal discount, with boxes of various sizes, containing a complete assortment of the SEEDS mostly used in' a KITCHEN GARDEN, neatly put up on a new plan, in papers,labelled, with printed directions on each package, for its management, and every sort warranted to be of the very first quality.

CLOCK MAKER, Seventh street, between Main and Sycamore, Keeps constantly on hand Clocks of every Pattern, which he will sell on accommodating terms, and war­ rant to keep gbod time. Clocks of ail descriptions neatly repaired and war­ ranted. Old Clocks taken in exchange for new ones. MANUFACTURE SILVER PLATE AND JEWELRY, AND KEEP FOR SALE, At wholesale only,


And watch materials.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONERS, And dealers in fancy goods, east side of Main street, three doors below Third, keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cakes, Candies, Cordials, Dried Fruits, and nuts of all kinds. Orders for parties exe­ cuted at the shortest notice, with neatness and punc- tualityj on the most moderate terms. BOTANICAL MEDICINE STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The subscriber has on hand, the best assortment of Botanic Medicines in the western country, comprising crude articles, and the various compounds used by Bo­ tanic Physicians—^a part of which are Barks, Roots, Herbs, Extracts, Oils, Ointments, Cordials,. Syrups. Salves, Pills, Powders, Leaves, Tinctures, &c. Superior Wine Bitters, which has restored thousands of weak and dyspeptic patients. Essence of Life, lor the immediate relief of headache. Vegetable Rheumatic Liniment, for S wellingis'. Pains, Sprains,'Bruises, &c. FOP sale by ISRAEL WILSON, No.. 273 Main street, Cincinnati. The f ubscriber has just returned from the Elast, with a new and splendid assortment of Watches and Jewel­ ry, consisting of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine &D Plain Watches, Gold Keys, Seals, Chains, Ear rings Pins and Finger Rings, of the latest fashions. Silver Ware, Plated and Brittannia Ware, Mantle Clocks, Pistols, Fine Cutlery, Music Boxes, Pocket Books, Gold and Silver Spectacles and Pencil Cases, Spy Glasses, Perfumery, Watch Tools and Materials, to­ gether with almost every article in his line, which will be sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest market prices. N. L. HAZEN.

HENRY STAUFER, r>OOT AND SHOE MANUFATORY, No. 664, Main street, CINCINNATI. Respectfully informs his frierids and the public gen­ erally that ho has on hand, and will continue to keep a general assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, made in the best manner and most fashiona­ ble style. All orders in his line will be promptly at­ tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. STREETS AND ALLEYS,


Abigail s fr Main to Broadway, N of Twelfth Augusta s fr Western Row b Front and 2d Broadway, fr river N to corporation line Butler s fr river to Symmes Broad s fr Western Row W b 2d and 3d Bank alley fr 3d' to 4th b Main and Sycamore Benham's alley fr Race to Elm-b 3d and 4th Brewer's alley fr Water to Front b Elm and Race Canal Nbrth ) ^^ ^^.^ ^^ p^^^ ^ .^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Canal bouth. y Church alley fr Main' to Walnut b 4th and 5th Centre alley fr 5th to Church a b Main and WalnUt Cooper's alley fr 5th to^6th b Elm and Plum Oollard's'fr river N. West of Washington s Cheney s fr Race to Elm b Front and 2d Clay s fr Canal s to 13th College s fi- Sth to Tth b Vine and Jlace dhesnut s fr West'ern Row to Fulton s, Charles s fr Elm to Plum.b N Canal and.12th Columbia s (see Second s) Congress s 'fr Broadway to Butler b 2d and 3d Catharine s fr W-. Row to Methodist burying ground Courts (see Ninth) Centre e (see Longworth) Druggist alley fr 5th to Church a b Main and Walnut Dunseth alley frMain to Walnut b 2d and Pearl Elm s fr river N to corporation line Eighth s fr W and next North 6f Tth Elizabeths Western Row, westward Eleventh s (see Canal) Friendship s fr l^awrence East b Front and Second Front. East s fr Main to corporation line Front West s fr Main to corporation line Fourth s fr Ludlow W to Wood s Fifth s fr Deer creek W to Mill creek Ferguson alley fr Main toSyc,amore b 8th and 9th Cribson alley fr Main to Sycamore b L. Market and 3d iv Streets and Alleys. Grove s fr 6th to Tth b Broadway and Sycamore Gilthore's alley fr Front to 2d below Vine and Race Green s fr Race to Elm b 2d and 3d Gano s fr.Main to Vine b 6th and Tth George s fr Elm to Smith b 6th and Tth High s fr Symmes E to corporation line Harrison s fr Broadway E b Sfh and 6th Hopple's alley (see Gibson's alley) Hatter's alley b Longworth and 5th John s fr river N to Chesnut Jackson s fr Canal to 13th b Walnut and Vine Jail alley fr Main to Sycarhore, N jail Kemble s fr Western Row to Fulton Lawrence s fr river to Fourth Longworth s fr Vine to Mound b 5th and 6th London s fr Western Row West to corporation line Lytle's s fr river N West of Collard s Langdon's alley fr 6th to TtH b Main and Sycamore Lodge alliey fr 5th to Tth b Walnut and Vine Liberty s fr head of Main to Western Rovir Ludlow sfr river to 4th Lower Market s fr Main to Broadway b 2d and 3d Main s fr river North to corporation line Macalester s fr .4th to 5th East of Broadway Mound s fr 5th North to London Mill s fr river North to 5th Miller's alley fr 6th to T'th b Main and Walnut Masonic alley fr 3d to 4th b Main and Walnut Morris alley fr Western Market s to 4th Northern Row on corporation line North Ninth s fr Main VV next N of 8th New s fr Sycamore to Deer creek b 6th and Tth Pearl s fr Main to Walnut b 2d and .3d Pike s fr East Front to Symmes Plum s fr river North to corporation line Pancoast alley fr Tth to 8th b Main and Sycamore Patterson's alley fr Main to Walnut b 5th and 6th Produce alley fr Front t9 Lower Market b Main Syc. Parson's s fr river N West of Lytle' s Post Office alley (see Masonic alley) Reynold's s fr Front to Pe^rl b Main and Walnut Russel*s alley fr 4tl> to 5th b Elm and Plum Richmond s fr Western Row to Fulton Race 8 fr river to 12th s Sycamore s fr river North to corporation line Streets and Alleys. v Second s fr Lawrence to Mi 11 parallel with Front Sixth.s fr Deer creek W Mound next of 5th Seventh s fr Deer creek W to London' next N of .5th Smith s fr river North to 6th Symmes' s fr Lawrence to Butler Spring s fr Northern Row S E of Broadway Stone's alley fr 4th to 5th b Walnut and Vine Spinning's alley fr Ludlow W b E Front and 2d St. Clair's alley fr 9th to S Canal b Walnut and Main Third s fr Deer creek W to Mill creek, next to N of 2d Twelfth s North of Canal axid parallel Thirteenth s next North of 12th and parallel Tenth a next North^ of 9th and parallel Thorp's alley b Longworth and 6th West Union s fr Race to Elm b 2d and 3d Upper Market s fr Main to Vine on 5th Vine s from river N to corporation line Washington s fr river N Weetof^East corporation line Water s frMain West to Smith Wayne s (see Ninth) West Market a fr Elm to Plum b 8d and 4th Wood word s fr Main to Broadway North of Abigail Wood s fr West Front to 5th Western Row fr river North to corporation line Watson's alley fr Tth to Sth b Main and Sycamore Whetstone's alley fr Tth to Sth East of Main Wolfs alley fr 5,th to Church a b Main and Walnut Yeatman s fr Sycamore to Broadway b Front and 2d

ROWS AND BUiLDING^. Commercial Row, S. W. corner of Main and Water Carr's building, 3d between Main and Sycamore Cassilly's Row, S. E. Corner of Broadway and Front Fox)te.'s Row, N. E. corner of 3d and Vine Greene's Row, Front between Main and Walnut Johnston'^ Row,- S. W. corner of Walnnt and 5th Jones' Row, S. W. corner of Main and 4th Masonic Biiilding, corner of 3d and Masonic alley Moore's Row, N. W. corner of Main and 4th Noble's Row, N., E. corner of Main and East Front Thoms' Row, N. E. corner of Main and 5th Wiggins and Garness' Row S. E. correr of Water and Walnut 1*


Aarons Wm. (Banks <&• .^)boiler mcker, c Ludlow and Congress Aarons Miss $arah, 5th n Broadway Abbott Wm. cooper, W side Mainn cor line Abbot.t Horatio N. blacksmith, NWc Walnut and Court R alley b Sth and 9th and Race and Elm Abbott Wm. tinner and copper smith, boards at John Jones' Abbott Wm H. carpenter, S side New s n Sycamore Abbott Thomas, laborer, at Wm. H. Abbott's Abbott Richard A- printer, boards at John Hare's Abbott Farnham waggon maker, N side Woodward n Sycamore Abrams W. H. clerk at Vallette Bates & Co. boards at Franklin House Ackelman Henry, blacksmith. Race b canal and 12th Ackerman John, do Walnut b 2d and Pearl Ackley Samuel, sexton Methodist burying ground, Cutter VV of burying ground Ackley Scoby, brickpiaker, W end 8th st Ackley John, baker, George b Elm and Plum Achey Obadiah, carpenter, Plum b 2d a,nd 3d Achey Mrs. Mary, tailoiress do " do " do Acre? James, carpenter, boards at Elizabeth Wartman's Adam^ Andrew, drayman, Jackson, ti canal Adams Mrs. Submit, sup. hbuse of employment female poor, S side 5th b Walnut and Vine Adams Alex. A. {SiickneySr A,) Hay- den's Adams. John M. confectioner. Elm b. 3d and 4th Adg-ms Jesse, engineer, 3d b Park and Mill Adams Wm. comb maker, boards at Mrs. Tribbey's Adams John, carpenter, NWc 5th and W row Adams Wm. ship carpenter, c Pike and Congress 8 Cincinnati Directory. Adams Jesse M. carpenter, S side Abigail b main and Sycamore Adams T. I.'merchant, E Front n main n 6th n Sycamore Adamson John, Upholsterer, Green's Hotel E Front Addis Mrs. Elizabeth, Long, b Plum aiid W. row Addison Thomas, Grafton Agency and Conveyancy office. No. 2 Foote's Row 3d gt Addison Mrs. Henrietta M. boarding house W:side Elm n George Adkins Thos. carpenter, S W c Court arid Elm Agniel Camille, commission and produce inerehant, 3 Cassily's row R W s Main b Tth and 8th Agan Patrick, mill stone manufac. W side Macalester b 4th and 5th Ahart Jacob, tailor, boards at John Martin's Ailman John, laborer, c of Elm and 12th Airey Joseph, accountant, N side 5th b. Syc, and Broadway Air Robert, coffee house, NW c Butler and Froiit Aitchison Jas. do do E Front n D C bridge Akers Geo. J. drayman, 9th b. Elm and Plum Akins Saml. grocery and bakery, N E c Water and Vine Albers John G. porter at place &, Thorpe's 8 Pearl Albin Peter, grinder of tools, N side .8th b main and Sycamore Albright Matthias, D Creek b 4th and Sth A.lcoke Wm. grocery and coffeehouse Water b Elm and Plum Alcoke James, do do do foot of Elm n river Aldrich Otis, salesman at Hastings' N W c Geo. and Elm Alexander Joseph, dry goods store S side L. market-b - Syc. and Broadway R S W" c Sth and Pike Alexander Wm. printer, boards at Joseph Alexander's Alexander Thos. turner, S W c Syc. and Sth Alexander J. H. [col'd) cook on steam boat, N side Sth b Broadwfl,y and Pike Alexander Melissa [cord) washerwoman froiit b Elm and Plum Alfred Marshall, ship carpenter, alley b Jdlin and Smith an4 4th and 5th Aldinger Mrs. Margaret, washerwoman, Friendship -alley b Pike and Lawrence Gincinnati Directory. 9 AUgiet Michael, boards at James Wise's Allen John, surgeon dentist, N side 4th b Main and Walnut Allen William, carpenter, 4th n Elm Allen Mrs. Martha, alley b 4th and Sth and John and Smith Allen Baldwin,G. 3db Vine and Race Allen John sen. laborer,S Ec Front and Plum Allen John jun, do. at John Allen sen. Allen Marston (Allen <&• Co.) druggist, NWc 6th and Vine Allen & Co druggists, S W e 5th and Main Allen Saml. at Allen & Co's do Allen Miss Beulah, board, house 4th b Main and Walnut Allen Wm. stone cutter, boards at Catharine Covert's Allen Wm^. Blacksmith, Plum b Longwortk and Sth Allen Thos. H, teamster S E G Ldng. and Smith Allfen Jacob, Potter, Lodge's alley bGano and Tth Allen Mrs. Elizabeth W side Main b Sth and 9th Allen Caleb,* jr. {A Rhodes^ Co.) silver plate manufac. N E c Main and 2nd Allen Rhodes & Co. silver-plate manufac. N E c Main and2d. Allen Mrs. Margaret, seamstress. Pike b Cong, and 3d Allen S. & M, & Co.- exchange brokers, office TO Main Allen Averis iron finisher, boards at Thos. LOnney's Allen Jas. clk. at survey genl. offiee, E s Syc b 3 &4 Allen Geo. M. druggist, E side Main n Tth Alley Rich'd. board.-house, N s .5th b Syc. and Broad. Alley Henry F. shoemaker, boards atR. Alley's Allison Solomon S. plasterer, S W c Court and Elm AUaways Chas. Cartman Cherry b Race and Elm Alter Wm. capt S. B. Samson, S s 6th b Main & Wal. Alter John; river tradei-. Vine b 9th and Court Altermott Jacob, laborer Friendship b Pike and Law­ rence Altermott John do do " do do Altermott Mattlean boarding house, " -do do Alvord Wm. B. ifaerchant, W s Syc. hSth and 9th Alward Lewis, clk. at rolling mill. Front E of D. C. Amelung H. A. wholesale grocer, E s Syc. b Front and 2d Ames Nathan, pork dealer, c Vine and 9th Ames Sylvester, chair maker, bds atMaryMerrell's Amos Robt. B. carpenter do '« A. R Bywaters* 10 Cincinnati Directory. Amos Chas. cai*periter, S E c John and 6th Anan Jas. Painter, boards at Mary Merrell's Anderson John, produce-merchant, E Front bB way and landing, R Long, b Race and Elm Andersbn Thomas, teamster, canal b Vine and Race Anderson John, pattern maker, Ns Harrison b B. way •and Pike Anderson Jacob, plasterer boards at widow Stevens' Anderson Betsey, Long, b Plum and W. row , Anderson Smith, drayman, boards ait Mary Niles' Anderson John, laborer. Front bVinO;and Race Anderson John, 2nd b Walnut and Vine Anderson Jas. locksmith,.boards at Mrs. Ullery's Anderson Alonzo W. carver and turner shop. Walnut • opposite Pearl R S E c 3d and Elm Anderson Mrs.. B. taiToress and mantua maker, 4th b Jkill and Stone Anderson Thos. B. dry goods store, N s 5 n Lodge's alley R Tth n mound Anderson Jas. paver, Catha,rine n John Anderson John, teamster. Vine ncor. line Anderson Joseph do Jackson b Walnut and Vine Anderson John, wood sawyer, 13th b Main and Walaut Anderson Lewis, (coZ'tZ) cooper, 2d b Vine and Race Andress C. painter, 3d b Main and Syc. R George b Race and Elm Andress Frederick, paper hanger, W s Main b 6th & T Andrew'Mrs. Ann, washerwoman. Cherry b Race and • Elm •Andrew Wm. laborer, Long, b Smith and Mound , Andrews Jacob, Cook, Lodge's alley b Gano and Tth Andrews Thos. laborer. Cherry b.Race and Elm Andrews Wm. carpenter, Sth n Elm Andrews Mrs. D. N s4th b Main and Syc. Andrews Geo. lieut. U. S. armyj boards at Cin. Hotel Andrews Rupert, tinner, Ns Harrison h B. way and Pike Annis Wm. river trader, canal b Vine and Race Anges Solomon, silversmith, 2d b Main and Walnut Anthony John G. [Allen, Rhodes 6r Co) silver plate manufac. N E cMain and 2d R Elm b 4th and Sth Anthony Joseph, pedlar, S E c George and Plum Anthony Jesse, laborer Vine n 13th Antonio Francis, cooper, W s Main b 13th and Allison Applegate Stephen, salesman at W. Harts, Cincinnati Directory^. 11 Appleton Wm. W. book keeper at exchange bank April Geo. butcher, head W row on Hamilton road Arbegust George, cooper, boards at Peter Jonte's Arkus Bennfett, laborer, 13th b Walnut and Vine Armour Jas. shoemaker, boards at Jas. Eshelby's. Armor John, capt. S. B. Envoy N s 5th b .Main and Sycamore Armitage Mrs. Isabella, Long, b Race and Elm Armstrong Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, alley b Syc. and Broadway, and Qth and New Armstrong Sampson, laborer, alley b Syc. and B. way and Tth and New Armstrong Francis, boot and shoe maker, S s New b Syc. and Broad.way Armstrong Wm. boot ^iid shoe maker at Francis Arm­ strong's Armsti'ong Wm. Young, boot and "shoe maker, at Francis Armstrong's Armstrong John, grocery,and liquor store. Front E of Broadway R New b Broadway and Sycamore Armstrong Sanford L. dry good store 28 L. market Armstrong Rebecca, boarding House, L. market b Sycamore and,Broadway Armstrong James, flour inspector, S E c Walnut & Tth Armstrong J. S. boards at Pearl Street House Armstrong Robert, clerk at Carlisle'& Whites, boards at Mrs. Hayden's Arinstrong John, laborer. Front below W- row Arrnstrong James, plane maker, W. row n 4th Armstrong S.amuel, boards at Samuel Jacobs' Armstrong James, tanner and currier, boards at Sam'l Jacobs' Armstrong Aaron, carpenter, Catharine n Cutter Armstrong Alexander, (Ms/ier A. and Co) paper ware­ house, N W c.Main and 6th Arnold "Joseph, cartman, N s Tth n Broadway Arnold John, cabinet maker. Pleasant n corporation line Arnold Joseph, drayman, Cherry b Race & Elm Arnot Jacob, brickmakier Sth W of Fukpn Arnot Dayid, do. „ do. do. Arstingstall George, livery stable, 2d b Broadway and • Sycamore Arthur Robert, engineer, Cong, b Lawrence and Pike Arthur Nicholas sen. rope maker, W s Main n 13tb 12 Cincinnati Directory. Arthur Nicholas jr. rope maker, boards at Nicholas Arthur's sen. Arthur's Samuel, drayman, Longworth b Race & Elm Ash James, cabinet maker, boards at J. Hewett's Ashbrook,Thomas, blacksmith, 13th b Vine and Race Ashcraft Samuel, laborer. Friendship b Pike and Law­ rence Ashcraft Richard, drayman, 3d h Pike and Lawrence Ashley Stephen, laboirer. Vine n Hamilton Road Ashin Mrs. Mary, washerwoman, Sth n Mound Askren William, cabinetmaker, Vine n 13th Athearn Ira, [Avery and A.) commission merchant c Cassely's Rowland Broadway Athearn Frederick W. Sth b Race a,nd Elm Atherton Abner, bar keeper at Jeremiah Page's Atkins William, miller, N s Tth W of Broadway Atkins Mark, lumber merchant, n Elbow canal Atkins Isaac, shipcarpenter, Front E of Rolling mill Atkinson Benjamin, carpenter, E Front n Laboratory Atkinson William', clerk at Shoenberger's, 2d b Vine and Race ' , Atkinson Rachel, 6th b Plum and Western Row Atkinson Francis, cabinet maker. Elm b Sth and 9th AtLee SamiialYorke, medical student, S W c Vine and Sth Attee Robert, shoemaker, 4th n John Attee William [Attee and Loflhouse) hvewer 4th. b Smith and John Auchey Benjamin, carpenter, NWc Water and Elm Auforth Harmon, wood sawyer. Main b 13th & Allison Auger William, butcher, Plpasant n corporation-line Aumack Jacob, pork merchant, S s Water b Walnut and Vine, boards at.Congress Hall Aupperle David, coffee house, Syc. b Front and 2d Ausbaugh John, engineer, 3d b Mill and Stone . Austin William, commission merchant, S s Canal b Main and Walnut, boards at Main s Hotel Austin Prince A. [col'd) shoe black, alley b 3d and 4th and Main and Walnut Avey Jonas, grocer and baker, Charles n Canal Avey Samuel, Black Hawk Retreat coffee house, N s 6th b Plum and Western row Avery John C. iron store 200 Main, N E c Tth & Race Avery John L. [A. Sf Athearn) commission merchant, W s Sycamore b 4th and Sth Cincinnati Directory. 13 Avery & Athearn,, commission merchants, c Cassily's row and Broadway Avery L. S. salesman at D Lockwood & Co Avery Daniel, engineer. Front b Ludlow & Lawrence Avery Henry, 9th b Vine and Race Aydelotte Rev. B; P. W s Sycamore b Sth and 9th Ayers Joel, nail cutter, E Front n school house Ayres John, shoemaker, N E c Court and Race Ayres Mrs. Jane, seamstress, Longworth b Western row and John Ayres Gideon M. dry, W s Main n Fifth, R George b Race and Elm Ayres James, chair maker^ Sth b Plum and W. row Ayres Richard, S E c Race and 12th Ayres Samuel, teamster, Fulton h Sth- and 9th

Babb Thomas, laborer, Catharine n Cutter Babbinger Abraham, Gano b Lodge's alley & Walnut Babeock David, laborer, Cherry b Race and Elm Babe Joseph, hatter. Sycamore b 3d and 4th Bach Lewis, [Morse 6f B.) Sans Souci Hotel, S s Front b Main and Walnut Bachel Frederick, laborer, 12th n. Canal Bachelor William, carpenter, 3d b W. row and John Bachelor Jonathan R. do. 4th n John Bachtel Henry, coffee house, L. market b Main & Syc. Backenstrause Mrs Agnes, George n Plum Backhaus Henry W. plasterer and white washer, c Catharine and W. row Backhaus Charles, druggist, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Bacon E. infant school teacher, under 2d Presbyterian church Bacon Nathan, wood sawyer, NE c Elm and Union Bacon Joseph, carpenter, NWc Gano and Walnut Bacon William M. oil cloth, manufacturer, S Ec Race and Court Badgley William, tailor, boards at Isaac Stephens Baer Ezra,, carpenter, Jackson n 12th Baggott Thomas, butcher, Fulton b Catharine and 9th Bagley William A. clerk at C. S. Ramsay's drug store 195 Main Bailie John, baker, c Front and Ludlow Bailey John, cabinet maker, S E c Walnut and 2d 14 Cincinnati Directory * Bailey Ezra, carpenter. Smith b 4th and 5th Bailey Gamaliel, watch maker W s Main b Sth «fe 9t& Bailey Gamaliel, jr. physician^ Elm b George and Tth Bailey Hesford, salesman, Wright Smith, R S. W. C Elm and 9th, Bailey John, [Brown «§• B) nierchaht, boards at Mrs. Hart's Baird William, grocer, N E c Water and Plum Baird William M.[Hart and B.) shoe merchant^ boards at G Crawford's Bainbridge Mrs. Sarah, at James McCandless' Baker Isaac, coal and ice dealer, Plum.n Commfercial Hospital Baker Nathan, lumber merchant, NWc Court and Plum, R George b Race and Elm Baker Richard, tanner & currier 4th b Main & Walnut Baker Lewis, merchant tailor. No. ST Main Baker Timothy^ blacksmith, Sth b W. row and John Baker Casper, laborer, Macalister n 4th Baker Margaret, instructress, S E c 4th and Syc. Baker'James, silver plater,- Main b Tth aud Sth, R Gano b Main and Walnut Bakeman Henry, laborer. Cherry b Race & Elm Bakewell Thomas W. [B 6^ Carlright) 4th n B way Bakewell and Cartright,- Aetna foundry, Front b Pike and Butler Bakewell William W. clerk at Spencer Strong and Blachly's, boards at T. W- Bakewell's Bakewells & Anderson, wholesale glass warehouse No. 20 Pearl Baldridge J. R. iron merchant, 38 Main, R Front b Elm and Race Baldwin Henry, clerk in Commercial bank, 4th b Plum and Western row Baldwin Moses, saddler. Sycamore b 3d and 4th Baldwin Joel G. salesman at French and BanfiU's Baldwin Mrs. Mary, Longworth b Elm and Plum Baldwin Thomas H. tanner and currier. Main n Com. bank, R 8th b Vine and Race Baldwin Samnel, carpenter, Court b Vine and Race Baldwin Almon, sign painter, NW c Court and Main, R Court b Vine and Race Baldwin Charles F. leather store 103 Main, R Sth b Vine and Race Cincinnati Directory. IS Baldwin Washington, bjicklayer, boards at Mrs. M. Concklin's Baley George, laborer, foot Elm n River Ball Eliphalet F. machinist, boards at John White's Ball Samuel, cabinet maker, Longworth b W. row and John Ball Mrs. Satah, boards at Joseph Phares' Ball John A^ coffee house, c Vine and Allison Ball William, mat aijd rug maker,. Vine n 5th Ball. Flamen, [Candler B. and Co.) hatter. Race b 3d and 4th Ball E. F. machinist, 2d b Elm and Plum Ball George W. clerk at Worthington and Ranney's, boards at,City Hull Ball Rice,- carpenter. Elm b 9th and Court Ball Bauhard, bar keeper N. O. coffee house. Front b Main and Sycamore Ball Daniel, [coVd) laborer," Picketts Ac'd Vine n Sth Ballance JohnH. morocco dresser, Canal n Race Ballance Charles, coffee house. Court b Vine and Walnut Bailey Francois, cooper, S sTth b Main and Sycamore Balling Conrad, cab. maker, S s Abigail b Ma «fc Syc. Ballingee Eli, rope maker, .E Front n rolling Mill Ballon Thomas, painter and glazier, N s New n Deer creek . ' Bamfield Enoch., Water b Plum and W. row Banfill Thomas, [French hong. Beamish Wm. bar keeper at Main st hotel Beard J. H. portrait painter, No 4 Foojte's row Beard Isaac laborer, Cherry b Race and Elm Beard Wm. A. clk at Goodjoe's foundry, Vme b T,& b Beardsley Mrs. Margaret, 5 n Vine Bearley Henry, mason, 12th b Main and Walnut Beatty Henry, cabinet maker. Vine b Front and 2d Beatty Mrs. Maria, boarding house. Walnut b Sth & 6 Be.atty Mrs. Ellen, N s Abigail b Main and Syc. Bebb Mrs. Elizabeth, bo'arding house, Syc. b 3d and 4th Beck Truman, hatter, W. row n 6th Beck George, laborer, canal b Elm and Plum Beekley Wm. (coi'd) ship carpenter. Race b Front &2 Beckwith Mrs. Nancy, 9th b Elm and Plum Bedinger B. F. physician, c Congress and Butler Bedgood J. E., E s Walnut b Water and Front Bee Jas. teamster, S s Sth n Pike Beebe J. N. coffee house. Front b Ludlow^ & Lawrence Beecher Lyman D. D. past. 2d Pres. church, and Pres't Lane Sem'y R Walnut Hills' Beecher Miss Harriet, teacher West. Fem.Ins. boards at E. F. Tuckers Beers Mrs. Emma, milliner, N s 4b Main and Walnut Beggs Joseph P. watch maker. Vine b Tth a«d 8th Beggs John, coffee house, N Wc Front and Ludlow Beker Saml. hatter, 3 b Stohe and.Wood Belker David, cigar maker, S E c Longworth and John Bell Thos. [S. &r M. Allen&, Co.) exchange broker, TO Main, R 4th b W row,and John Bell Fountain, bricklayer, S'W c 3d and Smith Bell Geo. W. do Mill b 3d and 4th Bell Joseph, carpenter, Longworth b Wrow and John Bell Hamilton, painter, do b John and Smith Bell Jas, at Thos, M'Gechin's Bell Joseph,engineer. Front n Butler Beir Walter, drayman j. alley b Sth and 9th and Race and Elm Bell Robt. laborer. Friendship ^ b Pike & Butler Bell Wm. do do do do Benckenstein Christian, gardener Elm n corp.line Bender Wms boards at Thos, Hamer's Cincinnati Directory. 19 Belser Chas. grocer, N E c Main and Abigail Benham Jos. 8. att'y at law, office 3 n Walnut boards at Pearl st House Bennett D. V. cl'k at R. & A. Hamilton's, boards at John Bailey's , Bennett Robt.\Longworth b,Smith and mound Benninger Mark, Fort Washington coffeehouse. Front b- B way arid Lttdlow Bennington'Jas. boot and shoemaker, S E c New and B way Benson Peter, boards at Pearl st House Benson D. P, do do do Bentley A. W. merchant tailor, No, 133 Main Bentley Mrs. Nancy, seamstress at Broadway Hotel Beresford Benj. B, mattrass manufac,Syc, b Front & 2 Beresford Saml. butcher, D, creek n corp, line Bergerat John B. brewer, boards at Peter Jonte's Berkley Patrick, gardener, N. Lib. b Race and Elm Berlin John, blacksmith. Vine b .Water arid Front Bernard Chas. Sth W of Fulton .Bernard Mrs. Mary, Sth n W row Berring Balser, shoe maker, c Canal and Jackson Berry Joseph, laborer,. Butler n P"'ront Berry Jas. Fulton n Baptist burying ground Berry Benj. J., physician office Walnut b 4tb &D Sth bds at Mrs Hamilton's Berry Jas. river trader. Elm b 4th and Sth- Berry Wm. G, brass and bell founder, Ludlow b Front and 2d Berte Henry, shoe maker, W sMain b 12th and 13th Bessom Mrs. Rebecca, boarding house, W s Main b 3d and 4th Best Robt. saddler, Front b Elm and Plum Beste Henry, tailor^ S s Tth n B way Bettibon Geo, boot and shoe maker, boards at James Bennington's Betts Mrs, Martha A., W. row W of Com. hospital Betts Smith, brick maker, John b Clark & Betts Betts Isaac, do do Clark b W row and John Betts Oliver C. do c W row and Clark Betts John do do c John aiid Elizabeth. Beurkle George, buckskin glove manufac. S W c Main and 8th Bevan John, grocery NWc Vine and Longworth R Race b 4th and' Sth Bevenge Michael, blacksmith, Jackson n canal %) Cincinnati Directory. Bickham Wra. [Ford <§- JS) produce merchant, Water b Vine and Walnut. Bicknell D. W. [Brasher ^ B) wholesale grocer arid liquor merchant, boards at Main St. Hotel Biegler Lewis, potter, boards at J. F. Francisco's Bieler Jacob, shoemaker. Main n Allison Bieler f'rederick, coffee house, 13th b Main and Walnut Biggs Wm. painter, boards at J. C. Taylor's Biggs Thos. W. drayman, canal b Elm and Plum Biggs John S. do Catharine b W row & John Biggs Thos. do do do do Bigler Horace, waggon maker, S W c Mill and Pearl Biler Peter, shoe maker, W s Main N of canal Biles Wm. cabinet maker, boards at Jas, Lowder's Biles Saml. coffee house, 6th n Fly market Billings E. S. botanical doctor, boards at Adam Smith's Billings Jas. dry good store, S W c6th and.Plum Billings Wm, butcher, W. ro\v n Catharine Billiod Geo. baker. Walnut b Front and 2d Billiods Frederick brewer, N. Lib, head of Vine Bingham "Wm, glass ware house, N side Sthb B. way and Pike Bingham Erastus, drayman, Sth b W- row and Plum Bird Norman, tinner, W s Main, b 6 and Tth Bird Joseph, carpenter, boards at Ezra Bailey's Birdseye Ezekiel, boards at E. H, Morgan's Birney Jas, G, editor of the Philanthropist, Race b Sth and 9th, ' Birrell Wm, [Pomroy Sr B) wholesale^rocers & produce merchants, S W c Syc. and 2d Bisel Felix, boards at C, Martin's Bisel Mrs, E, F, boarding house, George b Race & Elm Bisher Mrs. Hannah, Race b canal and 12th Bishop Mrs. Mary, 4th b Plum and.W. row Bishop Mrs, Eleanor^ seamstress, boards at Elizabeth Irvin's Bishop Emeline, school teacher, Tth b Lodgers alley and Walnut Bishop Willis, clk, at Parvin's drug store, 1^ E c Main and 6th Bishop Rich'd. follows river, NWc Front and Plum Bissell Israel M, [Mc Cleary Sr B) merchant, Race b 4th and Sth Binthammer Henry, shoemaker, bds at Henry Staufer's Black Robt. B. cabinet maker, 5th n Smith Cincinnati Directory 21 Blackburn Edward do Harrison bB. way & Pike Blackburn John, plumber and hydrant-maker, S side 3d b Main and Syc. Blackburn John, butcher, Ham, road head W.row Blackburn Saml. drayman, boards at C, S. Thompson's Blackburn Benj, do • 4th b Wood and Stone Blackman Jas. merchant, L Maii'ket b Main and Syc Blackwell Joseph B. clk. at T. Crane & Co. boards at Franklin house Blachly Mrs, Elizabeth, Syc, b Sth and 6th Blachly & Simpson, wholesale dry goods,-" shoes, &c. , No, 11 Pearl Blachly 'Oliver B. [B8r S) merchant, Syc, b 5 and 6th Blachly J, W.' [Spencer, Strong, &o B) merchant, Syc, b Sth and 6th Blair A. J. clk at Reeves & McLean's Blake Mrs, Sarah, Front b Elm and Race Blake Mr-s, Rebecca, boards at Mrs, A, Aridrews' Blake Isaiah, brewer, boards at J. Pennington's Blakeslee Harper, clock maker, Sth b vine and Race Blakley John S, carpenter, John b Longworth &. 6th Blain Josiah C, plater, Vine b Court and canal Blanchard Jpshua, Water b Plum and W, row Blinn Jas, clk at A, Kellogg's, boards at Mrs, Beatty's Blinn A. F. carpenter boards at Joseph Anderson's Blinn E.M, S B pilot do do Blinn Lorenzo " do do do Bliss Asa laborer, 4th b Stone and Mill Blith John^ cabinet maker, 3d b Pike and Butler Blossom Hosea, .coffee liouse keeper, R Jackson b canal and 12th Block Joseph, dry good store, N s 5th b Main and Walnut Blodget Darius, cabinet ware room, 204 Mam, boards • at R, Alley's Block Abraham, clk at S^ & P.; Moses' Bloomer Stephen, laborer, Sth n W. row Blue Mrs. Sarah, Sth b W. row and John Blue Henry, [col'd) coffee house, S W c Elin and.2d Boal Robt. treasurer Cincin, and Springfield T. P. Co, Broadway b 3d and 4th Boal Robt. druggist, NWc Race and Stb, bds Thos. Forbes' Bobbinger Valentine, grocer, Ham. road, head W. row Boden Saml. blacksmith, boards David "Williams' 22 Cincinnati Directory. Bodle Francis, laborer boards Patrick duijin's Bodley Jas. P, shoemaker, S s Tth b Main and Syc. Bodley A. P. carpenter. Walnut n i2th Bodley Mrs. Rebecca W. teacher female school, Walnut nl2th Boddman Ferdinand, tobacconist, Es Main b 6th and T Boffinger Benj. German printer,- 2 s bB. way and Syc. Bogart. Peter, painter, boards at Isaac Cain's Boggs Robt. soap and candle manufac. Water b Plum and W. row Bolleng Spires, carpenter, 5th b Smith and Park Bolander Andrew, laborer, boards at Saml. Becker's Bolles David, stone cutter and sculptor, N s canal, b Main and Walnut, bds at Jacob Stevens Bolser Saml. grocer andbaker, N E c Main &,nd Sth Bolser Joseph, at Saml. Bolser's Bolton Jas. drayman, Jackson n 12th Bolton Aquilla, school teacher, 4th b W. row and John Bond F. H. clerk at Wm, B Woods, boards at Mrs, Bessom's Bond Samuel [C D Lehman Sr Co.) cabinet ware room, R c Front and Pike Bond Reuben, [col'd) steward onriver 6thn Deer creek Bonnell Allison C. account, at Blachly and Simpson's boards at Mrs. Stout's Bonner Hugh, physician, W s Sycamore b 4th and Sth Bonner Stephen, physician, do. do. Bonner John, clothing store, S s Sth b Main & Walnut Bookman Henry, laborer, 2d b B. way and Sycamore Boon George, carpenter, bourds at John Elstner's Boon Joseph F. drayman, Sycampre b Abigail and Woodward Booth William, clerk at Commercial bank, c Fulton and Catharine. Booth Chauncey F, shoemaker, boards at A, Ludlum's Boots Samuel carpenter, E Pront n school house Boots Mona,stus, laboref Vine n 12th Boots Mrs, Deborah, carpet weaver. Race b Court and . canal Bonsall Joseph lumber merchant, 4th b Western row and John Bonsall Samuel, pork merchant, 4th d,b do. Bonte P. J & J. cordage store, E Front b Sycamore and Exchange alley Bonte Peter J. (P. J. and J. J5.) cordage manufactory, Hamilton road head of Walnut Cincinnati Directory. 23 Bonte John [P. J. and J. B.) cordage manufactory, W s Main b 13th and Allison Borehes John, cutler, works at Marks and Rees' Borden Joseph, finisher,, 3d b Western row and John Borden Mrs, Sai-ah, boards at George Richards' Borden Samuel, grocer, S Wc Lower market and Pro- ,djice alley Borer Christiair, shoemaker. Front E of D. creek Borey George, laborer. Front E of D. creek Boro Benedict, coffee house, 34 Lower market Borland William, boarding house, 3d b Walnut arid Vine Bosart Melchia, 6th b Elm and Plum Boss Mrs, Harriet, 3d b Main and Walnut Bouchi Charles P. 5th b Smith and John Boughen Daniel, laborer, 2d b B. way and Sycamore Bowen Aaron S. clerk Commercial Bank, c Fulton and Catherine Bowen Jenkins, cabinet maker, 3d b W, row &> John Bowen George G. & Co, cabinet makers, S s 2d b Main and Syea'more Bo ven George D. brass founder, S s 6th n Sycamore Bowdle Daniel, Writes clerks office. Walnut b Gano and 6th Bowers Petei-, hatter, works at Valette Bates and'Co. Bowers Samuel carpenter,S s 6th b Elm and Plumb Bowers Sephen B. millright, boards John E. Williams Bowler Robert B. [Foote and B.) merchant, boards at Pearl Street House Bowler Samuel H. clerk at Foote and B. boards Pearl Street House Bowler James (col'd,) laborer 2d b Race and Elm BoWlin Jesse B. boot and shoe maker, Walnut b 6th and Tth Bowliri Thornton, carpenter, boards at Elizabeth Wartman's Bowman Henry, butcher, 13th b Vine and Race Bowman Henry jr. butcher, 13th b Vine and Race Bowman A. exchange broker, 28 Main Bowman Elizabeth,' washerwoman, 2d b Maip & Syc. Bowman John, (coZ'd,) whitewasher. Church alley b Main and Walnut Bowring John, drayman, John b 3d and 4th Bowtell George W, boards at Rebecca Oliver's Boyce Charles, dentist, Ws Walnut b Sth and 6th 24 Cincinnati Directory. Boyce Celia, bog.rd. house Long, n Swed. Temple Boyd Allen, Sthb Vine and Race Boyd John, engineer, boards at Elizabeth Stonebrakers Boyd William, laborer. Front b Vine and Race .. Boyd Christopher, coffee house, Syc. b 3d and L roar. Boyd Mts. Marv, Sycamore b New and Tth Boyd Henry, [col'd] carpenter. New b Syc. and B. way Boylan B. & Co. dry good store, 1T8 Main, R B. way b 6th and tth Boy land William, ship oarp'enter, E Front.n Laboratory Boys John, follows river. Front b Elm «te Plum Brackett Oliver, oil cloth manufacturer, S E c-Race & Court Bradbury Cornelius S. flouring mill on canal, R.ES Main b Tth and 8th Bardburn Ale'xander, stocking weaver, alley b Front and 2d and Racfe and Elm Bradford David, carder an^.fuller,-Harrison b B. way and Pike, factory Congress, nB. way , Bradford C, D. druggist, .W s Sy,eamoreb Ffont & 2d Bradford Claudius, professor of languages in Wood­ ward High School e B. way and Franklin,, Bradstreet John M. [Yeatman<§• JB.) merchant, alley b 2d and 3d and. Race and Elm Brady Mrs. Deboirah; seamstress, foot Elm n riyer Brady David, cabiriet makers boards at Catharine Cove'rt's Brady Peter, laborer. New b Broadway and Pike Brady J. C. carpenter, W s Sycamore b 2d iSc L mar. Brainard Rev. Thomas, editor Cincinnati Journal and Youths Magazine, N s Sth n Race Brandon Stewart, laborer; n junction Fropt and 5th Brannin Henry, last maker, W s Main n corp. line Brannon George, cooper, Walnut n Front Brashears Gassaway, [Stanshury Sr B) dry goods .5th n Lodges alley Brasher & Bicknfell, wholesale grocer and,liquor store N E c Main and 9th Brasher Robert C. [B. Sr Bicknell) 9th b Vine ife Race Braznell Daniel, bricklayer^ Home b 4th and 5th Brealey Charles, boards at Dennison's Hotel Bfeniman Peter, blacksmith, Front n rolling mill Brent William, chemist, Laboratory E Front Brewer Tunis, carpenter. Western row b 3d and 4th Brewster John, sup, of Baptist Journal printing o-fiice, boards at Mrs Floyd's Cincinnati Directory. 25 Brewster Lot E. clerk Commercial Bank, Western row n George Brewster Mrs. Ann, Georgia n John Brewster Alfred, clerk. Walnut b 9th.and Court Brewster Thomas^, [col'd) barber and hair dresser, W s Main b 9th and Court Brice James W, chair ornamenter, boards at E. V- Keirr's Brickel Louis W, rope maker, 13th b Vine & Walnut Bridges Joseph, laborer. Front b Elm and Plum Brien John,tailor,4th bPlum and Western row Briggs Franklin, blacksmith, boards at T. Fisher's Bright Levi, blacksmith, Sth n Mound Brigham Matthias, tailor, 3d b Race and Elm Brisler Micheal, carpenter, c Front and La,wrence Britton Joseph, drayman, Abigail b Main and Syc. Broaddus Reuben, carpenter, Sth b Stone and Wood Broadwell C. & L. • wholesale grocey^ and boat store N W c Sycamore and Front Broadwell Cyrus [C. Sr L. B,)wh^esale grocery and boat store, Syc, b Front and 2d Broadwell Lewis, [C.Sr L. B.) wholesale grocery and boat store, S W c Union and Race Broadwell Jacob, 6th b Main and Walnut Broadwell Samuel, clerk at Irwin & Whiteman's, boards at John Bailey's Broadwell Mrs. Jacob, N "W c B. way and 3d Broadwell James, shoemaker-, E Froiit opposite the Rolling mill Btomwell William, wire worker. Walnut b Pearl and 3d, R S W c Green and Race Bronson"' , cotton gin manufactory, boards at George Richards' Brooke Rev. John T. rector Christ's church, E s B way b Sth and 6th Brooks Thomas G. blacksmith, bds at O. McDonald's Brooks John, engineer. Front b Smith and Park Brooks William D. grocer, do. do do. Brooks Mrs, Sarah, do. do. do. Brooks Eri V. constable, Longworth b Vine and Race Brooks Daniel, shoe maker, boards at Rhoda Green's Brooks Moses, steam saw mill Elm b 2d and 3d, R Elm n 5th Brooks James P. clerk at R. and G. Crawfords Brooks Thomas, carpenter, N s 6th b Lodges alley and Vine 3 26 -Cincinnati Directory. Brooks John, teamster, S E c ,5th and B. way Brook David, do. do, do; Brooks John W. bar keeper at Pitkin's, N E c Main and Tth Brooks Francis cdoper Sth b Main and Sycamore Brooks Solomon, engineer. Front n Butler Brooks Rosahna, [cofd) a,lley b 2d &; 3d & Race & Elm Brookhart John, butcher, Vine n corporation line Brookhoff Frederick A. bar keeper, NWc Front and Ludlow Bi-ps Joseph, Butcher, N. Lib. head Walnut Brotherton Jas. H. clk at Ghas. Sonntag's Broughton Wm, cartman, 3d n Park Brow Jacob G. Engineer, Friendship b Pike and Lawrence Brown Mahlon, grocery, Sth n Smith Brown Warren, carpenter. Smith b 4th and Sth Brown Jas. B, merchant. Baker b Walnut and Vine Brown Mrs. Eliza, McFarlane b Elm and Plum Brown Robt. book keeper at Kilgour, Taylor & CO" Front b Elm and Plum Brown Jas. clk at Kilgour, Taylor & Co. boards at Robt, Brown's Brown Peter, clk at Kilgour, Taylor & Co. boards at Robt. Brown's Brown Barney, laborer, Mill b 3d and 4th Brown Jas. P. plasterer, 13th, b Main and Walnut Brown Wm. grocer, canal bridge n cor. line Brown Jas. do N. Lib. n canal Brown Joseph, butcher c W. row and Catharine Brown Thos. drayman,,Catharine n Methodist b ground Brown Wm. butcher, W. row b 9th and Catharine Brown Mrs. Margaret do " " " Ao Brown John, waggoner, NWc George and John Brown A. C. card manufac. Elm b 4th and Sth Brown & Bailey, grocers, S W c Main and. 2nd Brown Jas. (B Sr Bailey) merchant, Baker b Walnut and Vine Brown John. S. clk at Brown & Bailey's Brown Geo. coffee house, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Brown Elisha, pedlar, boards at Jas. Billings' Brown Jacob, merchant, liongworth b Elrii and Plum Brown Mrs. Deborah, doctress, NWc Long, and Elm Brown.Mrs. Elizabeth, weaver, do do Brown John, carpenter, W. row b Iv-ongworth & 6th Cincinnati Direciery. 2T Brown Abigail, seamstress, boards at John Brown's Brown Joseph" A. copper plate printer, Gano b Main and Walnut Brown Ethan baker, S E c 6th and John Brown John C. brick mak^r, junction Front and Sth Brown Mrs. Ann, 6t]ib W.row and John Brown Rev. Geo. pastor Metho. Protestant church, Tth b Race and Elm Brown Wilson N. superirit. Watson's clock fac. Sth b Vine and Race Brown Matthew grocer, N- W c 9th and Race Brown David, J;ailor, boards at D. Embree's Brown D^ O. & S. grocers arid Com* Merch. 250 Main Brown David O. " " " do do Brown Samuel, " " " do do Brown Edward, shoe maker, E s Broadway, b6 &T Brown Stephen G. Lytle's Mansion house Brown Isaac,engine finisher, 2db Ludlow andCongr^ss Brown Benj. laborer. Friendship b Pike & Lawrence Brown Edward, [col'd) Waiter, 6th b B. way and Pike Brown John, [col'd) barber, at T, P. Casey's Brown Hannah, (coZ'cf) washerwoman, Plum b 2d &3 Brown John, [col'd) laborer, boards" Agnesius Wilson's Brown Wm- [col'd) steward. Pleasant n co'p. line Browne Saml. J. Bellevue House, N. Liberties- Brownfield John R.,painter, boards at John Elstner's Brownfield.David, laborer, foot Elm n river Browning Mrs. Mary, Washerwoman, W. row b 2 & 3 Brua John H. coffee house, W s M'ainb 6th and Tth Brace David, coach maker, shop Walnut b 2d

Cable Mary [eol'd) washerwoman. Front bElm & Plum Cady David K, grocery NWc Walnut and Sth R 6th b Main& Walnut Cady Mrs. Mary, boarding house, W s Vine b 2d& 3d Caffrey William, barber, S s.6th n Deer creek Cain John, blacksiriith, John n Sth Cain James; laborer, 8th b Race and Elm Cain Isaac, boarding house, E s Main b Canal & Abigail Cake ClarenceM. coach maker, Works at David Bruce's Cake Jacob, cartman. Lodges alley b Gano and 6th Caldow R. W." merchant, N s 5th b Virie and Race Caldwell Alexander, clerk at T, & C, Neave's Calhoun James, NE cMain and Sth, bds at I. Wing's Calloway Joseph, carpenter. Elm b 4th and 5th Calloway Joseph, do. boards at Joseph Calloway's Calloway Benjamin, riiason, bds at Joseph Calloway's Calvert & Tibbets, comb manufactury, S E c Lodges alley and 6th Calvert George JI'..[C Sr Tibbets) comb manufacturer,S E c Lodges alley and 6th Calvert Gerrard, cabinet riaaker. Front b Plum & Wes­ tern row Camac P, Sl clerk 56 Main, bjis at Dennison's Hotel Cameron William, carpenter, 6th b Main and Walnut Cameron John, sadler 130 Main, R Walnut b 3d & Peari Campbell Lemuel, pine cooper, N W c Tth & W. row Campbell Elijah, drayman, Tth n Western row Campbell Mrs, Mary, seamstr,ess, 2d b Race arid Elm Campbell .Dugan, cartman, bds at Margaret Shearer's Campbell James L. salesman at G, M. Ayres' Campbell Peter, agent general stage office, E Front H Cincirinati Hotel Campbell John, engineer. Front E of D. creek bridge Campbell John, laborer, Front opposite. Washingtom brewery 32 Cincinnati Directory. Campbell Benjamin, grocer W s Mairt b 9th and G|ourt Camron Robert, drayman. Plum b Front and 2d Camron Joseph, do. do. do., Camron Robei"t, carpenter, Geoi-ge b- Race and Elm Candler Ball & Co, hat ^ cap store, 95 Main & 3 Pearl Candler Samuel M*, ( C Ball Sr Co.) hatter. Race n 4th Candlei: Samuel, boards at Flamen Ball's Canonge Racheli tailoress, Longworth ,b Elm & Plum Cannon Mrs. Elizabeth, Elm n Presb't burying gound Cannon Hughet P. grocery NWc 6th and Plum Canrion James, grocery, 3d b Smith and Mound' Capp Henry, S s Sth b Main and "Walnut Cai-ey Joseph, merchant, Longworth b Race and Elm Carey Daniel, shoemaker," George b Elm and Plum Carey Joseph, grocer 206 Main, R Longworth b Race and Elm Carey George, (cord) barber, Macalister n 4th Carlisle &• White, wholesale dry goods merchants, IT Pearl . Carlisle George, (C, Sr W^Az/e)'merchant boards at Mrs. Hamilton's Caroll Lovicy,.tailoress, N s Tth n Main Carlwood, John, laborer, 5th n Vine CarmanI^liab, teamster, 3d b W.row and John Carmon Christian, surgeon, Es Main b Canal & Abigail Carmen James, teamster,'New n Deer creek Carnahara Dennis, clerk at Clafkson^s pork house, E Oth b Elm and Plurii Carnes Adolphus, grocer, S s 6th bPlum and W. row Carnes Lewis, tailor. Lodges alley b Gano and 6th Carneal Thomas D. E s B. way b 3d and 4th Carpenter Ezra, bookseller, boards at Samuel Steers' Carpenter Mrs. Mary, seamstress, Fulton n Catharine Carr Mrs. Lavinia, Front b Walnut and Vine Carr John, follows river,.boards at lavinia Carr's Carr Mrs. Mary Ann, 3d r of mayors office Carr James, plasterer, N s New b Sycamore & B. way Carr Patrick, cartman, N s Tth n B, way Carr Mrs. Mary, boarding bouse, Syc, n Lower market Career Horatio, chandler, S s Tth n B. way Carrick Mrs. Phebe, front b Race and Elm Carrigan John, tailor, Lodges alley b Gano and 7th CarroUDavid,millwright,4thb "WoodandStone Carroll Samuel, [col'd) stands in market, S s 6th n Deer creek Cincinnati Directory. 33 Carson John clerk. Front b Race and Elm Carson Robert, grocery and coffee house, SW c Front and Mill Carson William, clerk at Sedams lumber yard. Plum b William & 9th Carswell William, engineer and finisher, Pike b 3d and Congress Carter William shoemaker, George b Plum and W. row Carter Elijah, iriver trader, W^ater b Race and Elm Catrter Warren, river trader, at Elijah Carter's Carter Ephraim, dry good store, Sth b Main and Walnut R Walnut b Sth and 6th Carter Jas, H, clk at J, D, & C, Jones' boards at Mrs. Hart's Carter John, [col'd) laborer, church alley b Main and Walnut 1 Cartwright Joseph, (Bakewell Sr C) setna iron foundry. Pike b Congress and 3d Carver Mrd, Keziah, board house,;Walnut b 12 & 13tli Carver Henry, cabinet maker. Green b Race and Ekn Carver Wm. R. jcarpenter, 2d b Syc and B." Way Carver John H. blacksmith. Front b Ludlow & Coflgress R Pike b Congress and^Symes Carey Wm. E. bar keeper at Vini-ng's, elbow canal Carey Jas, H. cabinet maker, W s W. row b Longworth and Sth' Carey Robt. boarding-house, B, way b 2d & Corigress Case Dominick, stone mason. Walnut,b 13th & Allison Casie Chas. R. carpenter, 2d b Syc and B. way Casey Henry, foreman Martin's shoe store, L Market h Sye and B. way Casey Mrs. Sarah, boarding house, E Front n roll milt Casey Thos. turner in rolling mill, E . do n do do Casey Thos. P, '[coVd] barber and hairdresser. Walnut; b.4th and Sth R Walnut b Sth and 6th Casey Wm, [col'd) follows river, church alley b Main and Walnut Casey Shavus,(coi'd) follows river, church alley b Main and Walnut Cash Jesse, [coV.d) laborer, church alley, b Main an(J Walnut ' Casner .Table^ laborer. Front b Pike and Butler Cassady Andrew, do; bds at Patrick Q.uiner's Cassady Thos. do Water b Vine and Race Cassady Lee, do canal h do and do 34 Cincinnati Directory. Cassady Michael, cooper, 8th b Main and Syc Cassat Joseph, basket maker, 13jth b Walnut and Vine Cassat D, C, currier, E s Main b Abigail and Woodward Cassat Francis, blacksmith, Es Main b Abigail and Woodward Castell Joel, millright, W s B., way b Tth and Sth Gastn'ef Casper, boat joirier. Front b B. way and Ludlow Cassilly Michael P, S E c 4th aad Bfoadv\fay . Caswell & Rankin, atty's at law, S E c Main and 4th Caswell Danl, J. [CSr Rankin) atty's atlaw, bds" at Mrs. Miles' Cattermole Henry, grocery and coffee house, N W 5th and Lodge's alley CavanioB. grocery and coffee house, S s Sth.b Mam and Walnut Cavenagh Pierce, cooper, W'aterb vine and Race Cavner Jas. laborer, Es JB. way n Tth Celler John, brush inaker, bds at John Wallace's Center Ira S, carpenter, 6th n Smith Cetchell Newton, do bds at Isaac Cain's Chamberlain Jas. S. carpenter, 9th b Race and Elm Chamberlain Jas. L. physician, 6th b John and Smith Chamberlain Alonzo M, physician, boards at Danl. Chamberlain's' Chamberlain Jas, L, clk at P. Wilson's saddle store Chamberlain Danl. turner, Vine b 2d and 3d R Gano b Lodge's alley and Vine Chambers Henry j waggoner. Smith n 4th Champion Mrs. Elizabeth, Richmond b John and Fulton Chappell Wra. Ii..tailor, N s 3d b Walnut and Vine Chappell Mrs. Mary, seamstress. Front b Race & Elm Chapman P. S. saddler, boards at Wm. Borland's Chard A, C. boot and shoe maker, at Henry Corbin's Charles W. Charles, chair maker, Syc; n 3d, Chase S. P. att'y at law, offiee N s 3d b Main and Syc boards at J. P. Garness Chase Benj. Sth b W, row and John Chase Moody, coffee house. Front b Ludlow and Lawrence Chatfield Leonard, follows river, 4th b Smith and John Cl^tten John H. blacksmith, S W c Syc & Woodward Cheevers Wm. [col'd) Pleasant n corp line Cheney Austin, book binder, boards at John Elstner's Cherry John, cooper, 9th b Elm and Plum Cheseldine G. R. dry good store, S Ec Main and Lower Market, R Race b 4th and Sth Cihc'innati Directory. 3S Cheseldine Chas. clk bds at Dennison's Hotel Chester Elisha W. (,C

Dagaet Aime, laborer, 9th b Elm and,Plum Daggett Ira, engine builder, N E c John and 4th Dair John F. grocer, NWc Lower market and Syc. R 3d b Walnut and Vine Dale Robert, [col'd) shoe black, Elm b 2d and 3d Dalton Joseph, coach maker, 9th b Vine and Race Dana Wheeler & Co, hardware merchants, S E c Main and 3d Dana Charles D. [D Wheeler ^ Co. hardware mer­ chant, 4th b Elm and Plum Dana William P. looking glass frame maker, boards at Cyrus Kimball's Dana Charles E. [Spencer Sr D.) merchant, W s Main 1st door S of 2d Danby James, boards at John Hare's Danforth Miss Emily, boards at Mrs. Jane Miller's Daniel Peter, painter, bpards at DavLd Pfisterer's Darby William,-ct7oper, S s 7th n B way Dare Lee, engineer. Congress n Butler Darnes William, hair dresser. Main b Sth and 9th Dames Alexander, (col'd) follows river. Millers alley b Gano and 6th Darley Levi, engineer, 4th b Plum and W row Darre Michael, blacksmith, boards at John Rogers' Darr Joseph, New Orleans coffee house, Front b Main and Sycamore Dart Job, physician, S s 2d b Ludldw and Pike- Dart Joseph, physician,Congress b Ludlow and Pike Dart Amor, laborer, E s Syc. b 7th and 8th Dart Levi, carpenter. Pleasant n corporation line Darusmont Alexis, clerk Price's brewery, boards at William Price's Dater Adam, laborer, corp. alley b Race and Elm 46 Cincinnati Dirctory. Dathout Clinton, drayman. Vine n 13th, Davenport Cyrus, schoolteacher, W row n 4th Davenport Isaac A. [Emery Sr D.) merchant, Ws Mam b Sth and 6th Davey Isaac, merchant tailor, 44 Main Davey John, Wheelwright, Longworth b Plum and tern row Davie -. ••—, clerk at Goodmans exchainge office Davie Frederick, blacksmith, 7th h Smith and Mound Davies Samuel W. mayor office, N s 3d b Main and Sycamore, R High.nResp^voir, Davies Samuel H. pork house, John b 4th and 5th Davine Foltine, laborer. Elm n corp. line Davis William, carpenter. Pleasant n corp. line Davis Mrs Maria, Elm n corp. line Davis Henry F. hatter, boards at Samuel Steers' Davis James, hatter, 2d b Vine and Race Davis Mrs. Hannah, Cherry b Race and Elm Davis Richard, shoemaker, Plum b Water and Front Davis Michael, cabinet maker. Race b Water & Front Davis Prodo, skin dyer, Water b Elm and Plum Davis Daniel, fisherman, do. do. Davis Daniel, deputy wharf master, Water b Elm and Plum Davis John, hatter. Water b Elm and Plum Davis Daniel, tinner, boards at John Davis' Davis Aaron, clerk at John Holland's boards at Wash­ ington Hall Davis John, collector for Cincinnati water company, Longworth b Race and Elm Davis Mrs. Lydia, Elm b Sth and Longworth Davis Elijah, tailor, Sth b Plum and W row Davis Mrs. Betsey, 6th b W row and John Davis Enoch L. hatter, 6th b W row and John Davis Samuel, grocery, N W c 5th and John,Rtj Sth and Longworth Davis Joseph, blacksmith, John b Sth and LongwoElA Davis & Williamson, grocers, N s Sth b Main and Waluut Davis Andrew, (D&o Williamson) ©th b Elm and Plum- Davis Catharine, tailoress, NWc Walnut and Gano Davis Elias, carpenter, boards at Catharine Pindell's Davis James, grocer N s 6th b Elm and Plum Davis Ebenezer, engineer, alley b 6th and New and Sycamore and Broadway Cincinnati Directory. 47 Davis Nathaniel H. clerk at Hartshorn and Child's Davis Joseph, engineer, 3db Pike and Lawrence Davis Jacob, bricklayer, S s Front E of Deer creek Davidson Robert, clerk at James Johnston's Davidson Tyler, hardware merchant, Main, 1st door N , Commercial bank Davidson Andrew, grocer, 6th.b Elm and Plum Davidson William, carpenter, N s Sth b B way & Pike Davison William C. silver pVt^-sliop 3d b Walnut and Vine, boards at Mrs, R, Oliver's Davison Thomas, cooper, Walnut n Front Davison Peter, [Slough & D.) coffee house. Water b Elm and Plum Davison Alexander, grocer, junction Front and Sth Dawson William, shoemaker, NWc Pearl and Mill Dawson Moses, editor and Publisher of Ohio Phoenix, office S s Water-b Main and Walnut, R S s Third n Pike Dawson Franklin, grocer, S s Water b Main and Walnut Dawson George, printer, boards at Moses Dawson's Dawson Thomas, miniature painter, 3d b Main and Walnut, boards at M. Dawson's Dawson Edward, clerk at Glascoe & Harrison's boards at City Hall Dawson William, printer, boards at Moses Dawson's Dawson L, P, ship carpenter, c Front and Lawrence Dawson Daniel, laborer. Congress b Pike and Butler Day Elias, livery stable, 7th n Walnut, R Walnut n 7th Day & Thomas, confectioners and bakers, S W c Walnut and 7th Day Alexander, (JD. Sr Thomas) confectioner and baker, boards Elias Day's Day Albert G. [Smith & D.) printer, 14 Main Day Henry, carpenter, boards Thomas Snyder's Day Lewis, Hatter, 152 Main R Sth b Elm and Plum Day Berry, livery stable, N" W c George and John Day Bennett, saddle tree plater, c Walnut and 12th Dayton Russell A. book keeper, Burrows, Hall & Co. Vine b Sth and 6th Dean Daniel, shoemaker, Harrison b B way and Pike Dean Joshua, boot and shoe maker, N e Sth n Syc Dean Bishop C. boot and shoe maker, at Joshua Dean's Dean Charles, black smith, shop Ehn b 4th and Sth boards W. Ross' 48 Cincinnati Directory. Dean Mrs. Nancy, Walnut b Baker and 4th Dean John, drayman, boards J. Hicks' Dean G. blacksmith, boards Pennsylvania Inn De Buren Joseph, grocer, E s Main b Sth and 9th De Camp Harvey, carpenter, Sth b W row and John ^ De Camp Henry, stone cutter, boards John Robinson's De Camp Hiram, bricklayer, 7th b Walnut and Lodge's alley De Camp James, bricklayer boards Hiram De Camp s De Camp Daniel, carpenter, N E c 9th and Plum De Camp Joseph, carpenter, William b Elm and Plum De Charmes Rev. Richard, S s court b Race and Elm De Forest Delanzen, tinner, N s Sth b Main and Wal­ nut R Walnut b 'Sth and 6th De Haven Alpheus, carpenter, Clay b 12th and 13th De Priest Alphonso, [col'd) laborer, John n Elizabeth De Witt G. V. H. merchant, E-s Main b 2d and Lower Market, R 4th b Syc and B way De Young Morris J. clothing store, 60 Main De Young Raphael jewelei^ and silversmith Front b Syc and B way Deckamar Henry, laborer. Front b Vine and Race Dee Bradley, paver, Oth b Race and Elm Deilkes Stephen, teamster, 7th b John and Smith Delaplaine Joseph, carpenter, Longworth b Race and Elm Delaney Isaac (col'd) whitewasher. Race b Front & 2d Delaney Joshua, (col'd) steward on S.B.Ns Sthb B way and Pike Dell David, waggon maker, shop Vine b Front and 2d boards D. Pfisterer's Dellinger A. F. fancy store, W s Main b 2d and Pearl Delmore Michael, laborer, E s B way n 7th Doming Walter H. commission merchant, B Way b Front and 2d, R Race b 4th and Sth Dempsey Mrs._ Jane, S W c B way and Woodward Dempsey Francis W. school teacher, Fulton b 9th and Catharine Denman WUliamM. carpenter, S s George b Wrow and John Denman E. H. carpenter, S s George b W row and John Dennis Julian C, grocer, c Syc and 4th R George n John Dennis John, boot and shoe maker. Water b Main and Walnut R 9th b Elm and Plum Cincinnati Directory. 49 Dennis W. B. plasterer, Elm b 9th and Court Dennison William [Reyiiolds-&, D) hotel, Es Main b 4th and 5th Dennison .Edward, coffee house, S E c Syc and 2d Dennison W. W. river trader, boards William Bick­ ham's Denniston Rev. Alexander, SE c Race and 9th- Denning William, shoe maker, William b Elm and Plum Dennington Nathan, carpenter, Front b Elm and Plum Deriny William, carpenter, N s 6th n Smith Detweiller John, coffee house, E s Main b Sth and 9th Devot William H. bar !keepe:f at James Alcoke's Devou Samuel, leather store, 236 Main, R 7th b College and. Race Dexter Edmund, grocery and liquor store, 18 Lower Market- Dibble EH, hatter, S W c New and B way Dick James, grocer, and machinist, 7th b Race and Elm Dicks Joseph, shoemaker. Front b Race and Elm Dicks Rob'ert F, engineer George b Race and Elm Dicks Abel,,finisher, E s Macalister b 4th and Sth Djckman Dedra, laborer, 2d n Syc Dickson Mrs. Elizabeth, washerwoman. Vine b Front and 2d Dickson Joseph M. blacksmith, alley b Front and 2d and Race and Elm Dickson James M. clerk at W. H. Deming's, boards at Cincinnati Hotel Dickson Thomas, school teacher, George b W row and John Diekers'on Jacob, cabinet maker, c W row and George Dickersori George, pilot on river, Frorit b RaJce and Elm Dickerson Darby, machinst, Sth b W row and John Diekins Mrs. Eliza, seamstress, HigJi n corp. line Dickinson Samuel S.'maqhinist,' Elrii b Sth and 9th Dietrick C. coffee house, Sth b Race and Elm Dillon John, laborer, E s B way, n7th Dillihart Eliza, seamstress, Rjice b 9th and Court Dinsmoor & Neville, wholesale and^etail grocers, 5 Low ey Market Dinsmoor Silas G- (D.Sr JV.) grocer; boards R. Resor's Dinsmoor Samuel, drayman, boards J. Hick's Dirkey John, laborer, alley b 3d and 4th and Main and Walnut 5 50 Cincinnati Directoryi Diserens Frederick, (F. Sr 4^. D.) William Tell coffe.0 house, S s Sth b Main and Walnut Diserens Henry, [F. Sr H. D.) William Tell coffee house, S s~ Sth b Main and Walnut Disney William & Son, paint store 168 Main Disney William, [W.D.Sf. Sbw) paint store E s Syc b Sth and 6th Disney David T. [W. D. Sr Son) paint store, E s Syc b 6th and 7th , Disney Wm. jr. (^- Sr Metcalfe) brewers, Syc b 3d i^4 Disney Mordecai painter. Race b Sth and 9th JDisney James, M". comb maker, bds at David Pfisterers Dishmey Daniel, brick maker, 8th ,W of P^ultori Distin 'William, L. painter, S W c Elm and McFarlane Diters Abraham, saddler,' Woi^ks at Bassett,- Kendall &Co's Dittering Frederick, tailor, S W c Syc, and Woodr ward Dixon Miss Maria, A. milKner, bds at^amuel Lewis' Dixon Miss Waitstill, flaantua maker, boards at iSamuel Lewis' Dobbin William, boat man. Front b Lawrence and Lewis' Dobberrer Michael, bjack smith. Vine n corp, line Dodd Walker fireman on S. B. Sth W of Fulton Dodds William, 1 ottery agent, S W c Front & Butler Dodson Edward, NWc 6th and Walnut Dodson William, B. county commissioner, N s 6th b Main and Walnut Dodson John, R. grocer, NWc Walnut and 6th R 6th b Main and Walnut Dodsworth Marmaduke, cartman. Congress b Ludlow and Lawrence Doen Mrs. Mary Water b Vine and Race Dohralm Thomas, (col'd) white washer, boards George Brown's Dolch John, laborer,alley b Main and Walnut 12th' and 13th " Dole Joshua, shoe store, 36 Main R Sth n Race Dolph Edward, teacher district school R N B7th n John Dolsen Jacob, hat store 11 Lower Majrket.R Richmond b W row and John Donabo John, clerk Neff- & Brothers boards Gvrus Coffin's ' Cincinnati Directory. 51 Donabower Charies, pattern maker .c Pike and 3d Donaldson C. & Co. hardware stpre IS Main Dolialdson, Christian, [C. D. & Co.) Sth b Vine and RacQ , Donaldson William, (C, J), & -do,) atC. Donaldson's Doney Mrs, Ann, alley b Race' and Elm" and Sth and 9th Doritel John, laborer. Walnut b 5th and 6th Doolittle & Manson, engravers, Thoms' row N E c Mairi^and 5th Doolittle Curtis M [D. Sr Munson) Nls Sthb.Plum and W row Doolittle Samuel,, shoe maker. Cathari-he b John and W row , , , D,oolittle Benj, F, lihirarian young .men's library as­ sociation bds Mrs, Ann Wright's Doran James, grocery, S Wc.Race and Front Doran Jariies," boot and shoe maker iSd n Park Dorfeuille Joseph, proprietor Western Museum S W c Main and Pearl R 3d b Vine and Race Do"rman Lorenzo, black smith, boards O. McDonald's Dorman Archibald, at J. Rk Baldrige's Longworth b. Elm and Plum Dorman Jesse, B. carpenter, c 7th snd Lodge's alley Dorman William G.,carpenter, 7th b Lodge's alley and W;alnut. Dorman Johij, clerk"Whets,tone'slumber yard, boards Jesse'B.-Dprman's . Dormer James, blacksriiith,.boards D.,McDoald's Doty Wi'lliairi, justice of the peace, office 2d b Main and Syc R Vine b Gano and 7th, Douds Mrs. Ma.ry, S Ec Plrim and4«h Dougherty William, laborer, Elizabeth n W row Dougherty William, carpenter, Sth b Elm and Plum Dougherty Barnard, porter drayman. Pike b Congress and 3d Douglass Ralph, shoemaker, Wrow,b Lon^wOrth &5 Douglass John R.6th b John and Smith Douglass James, plerk in bank, 7th b Lodge's alley and Vina Douglass "VVashington P. teamster', c 3d and Ludlow Douglass John, liquor dealer, boards John Hare's Dowler Bennett, follows the river, Front b John and Smith: •powler Samuel, follows river, Fronfb John and Smith 52 Cincin'^qM Directory. Dowler Thomas, follows river. Front b John and Smith Downey Patrick, clothirig store, S s Sth b Main and Walnut . Downing Mrs. Mary Ann, alley b 6th and New and Syc and B way Doyle & Smith, merchant tailors, W sMain b Pearl and 3d Doyle Samuel, [D.Sr Smith) merchant tailors, 4th b ' Race,and Elm , Doyle Thomas H. coffee 'house, Stond corner Lower mj.rket' Drake Benjamin (Morris Sr 2).) att'y atlaw, boards at Daniel Drake's Drake Josiah, bookseller ^nd stationer, 14 Main R 4th b Vine and Race Drake Daniel, physician, N E c'Baker and Vine Drake John, carpenter, boards at JohnThomas's Draper Joseph, watGh maker, W s Main b 3^ and 4th Drayton Mrs. Mary, tailoress, Home b 4th and Sth Drennan Mrs. Margaret, Sth n Elm Drennan'Thbmas,.tobacconist, bds Margaret Drennan's Dresbach Samnel, river trader,'Sth W of Fulton Dresbach Jacob, carpenter, Sth W of Fulton Dressel Nidholas, cartman. Walnut n 13th Dresser Thomas, carpenter, boards T. M. Osgood's Driffill George, laborer. Water b Vine and Race Drummond Josiah, dentist, N s Sth b Main and Syc Drilinmond John, boarding house. Front fa Walnut and Vine Dubois John, drayman, 7th b Race and Elm Dubois Adela, seamstress, 6th B Elm and Plum Duckman Henry^ laborer, Syc b Lower ^Market and 3d Dudley E. & O, auction and com. mer. 74 Main Dudley Otis," (£?. (S' O.D.) auction and commission merchants. Green b Race an Elm Dudley Elias, (E.*(S- O, D) auction and commission merchants, boards D. Embree's, Dudley Samuel, dealer in queensware, N s 6tb bPlum and Wrow, R Wrow b 4th and Sth Dudley Mrs. :Clarissa, seamstress, Fr.ont b Stone and Mill Duechmin Peter, painter. Smith b 4th and Sth Driechmin Phillip, painter, boards Peter Duechmin's Driffield Charles, merchant. Court b Vine and Race Duffield J. J clei-k McClellanand Yorke's boards Mrs. Andrew's 4th street Cincinfiali Directory. SS Du£&n Randy, laborer, E Ftont n laboratory Dugan Jacob, cabinet maker. Vine b Gano and 6th Pulhageri Garret, livery stable, W s Main b Sth and 9th Dumenil John,, 2d b Main and Walnut Dumont Richard, engineer,.Lawrence n 3d Dunbar Robert, tinner, boards Marg^aret Hudson's Duncier George, gardener. Vine n.Hamilton road Duncan James, clerk, E s Syc b 6th and 7th Duncan James^ sexton Baptist burying ground, Fultofi nCatharirie Duncan Solomon, coach maker. Walnut opposite Pearl Duncan Thomas, tafarier and currier, 6th b Race and Elm Dunday Job (coVd) vhitewasher. New n B way Dunham John D. saddler, N s 6th n John Dunham Benjamin, caulker. Water b iPlum and W row Dunham Mrs. Rhoda, Smit]^ b 6th and Longworth Dunhimer, Christiari, laborer. Pike b Congress and 3d Dunlap Thomas L. nail cuttier, E Front opp, rolling mill Dunlap James, clferk in Franklin bank, boar.ds Joseph • Forbes' Dunlap'Mrs, Mary, Ns Sthb Main and Walnut Dunman Bennett, laborer. Lodge's alley n 7th Dunn Alexander M,, carpenter. Plum b Water and Front Dunn William, alley b Main and Walnut and 13th and Allison Dunn Anna, coffee and boarding house, E sSyc b Front and 2d , Dunn Denton exchange office, E s Mainb 2d and 3d Dunnohew Thomas, butcher, 12th b B,ace and Elm Dunseth Crawford, follows ri'ver, 7th b Lodge's alley and Vine Dunseth Mrs, Mary,7thb Lodge's alley and Vine Dunseth Lewis"", engineer, 7th b Lodge's alley and Vine Duplair'Lewis, tailor, works Peter Early's Dupriece Mrs, Juda, boards at Mrs, Jane Millero's Durant John laborer, alley b Vine and Race and 2d & 3 Dutton Miss.Mary, teacher in Western female Institute boards E, F, Tucker's Duvair George W, grocer, NWc Sth and W row Duvall John,eiigineer, Water b Vine and Race Dweriger Henry, laborer, 7th b "W row and John Dwelle Elisha, clerk surveyor general, offiee Gano b Vine and Lodge's alley 5* 54 Cincinnaii Directory. Dyer Charies B. tallow chandler, 2d b Main and Walnut R 4th b Vine and Race Dyer Mrs. Prudence, boarding house, Ludlow b2d and Congress

Eacret Daniel, Waggoner, Long, b Smith & Mound Eagan C. clerk at C, B. Palmer, & Co.. Eames James, ship carpenter, E Front n Laboratory Earle Isaac F- notary public ' 109 Main, R N s 6tk n John Earley Peter, t&ilor. Water b Main and Walnut, R Water b Walnut and Vine Easley Miller W butcher; W s Main n corp. line Eastle Jacob,, baker. Canal b Vine and Race Easterbrook John, school teacher, S s Front E of Deer creek Easton Shadford, bqot and shoe maker, 211 Main Eatori Mrs. Sarah F. boarding housb, S s 4th b Main and Sycamore Eaton George C, clk at H. and L. Lardrier's, boards at Mrs, Eaton's Eaton Mrs, Mary, boarding hous^, c 3d and Ludlow Eaton Richard K, clerk at Sterrett &;Merriweather's, boards at Mrs. M. Eaton's Eaton John, bricklayer, 4th b Smith and John Eaton Bird, plasterer, NWc Front and Lawrence Eaves & Martin, jewelers, E s Walnut b 2d «fc Pearl Eaves William T, (-E Sr Martin,) jewelers. Plum b Water and Front Eberle John, physician", professor of Theory and Prac­ tice in Medical College of Ohio, S s'7th b Race and Elm Eberle John, jr. ^druggist & apothecary, SW c' Sth and Vine Eberle Richard, physician, N s Court b Main and Walnut Eckard Mrsl Elizabeth, Sth n Fulton Eckert Daniel, .coffee house & bakery, E s Main b 6th and 7th Eckert Thomas, engirieer, Elm b Sth and 9th Eddy Rev, Augustus, Methodist preacher, McFariane bEhn and Plum Eddy Stephen; laborer, W Front n M. creSk bridge Cincinnati Directory. 55 Edgeworth Mrs. Jane, S s '6th b Main and Walnut Edgington Silas, drayman, N s 6th n Smith Edmeston. Mrs, Cassandra, Longworth b W row and John Edmeston John, carpenter, 7th b Race and Elm Edmiston paniel, oil cloth painter, 12th b Vine and Jackson Edmonds William, boot and Shoemaker, Syc. b 2d and Lower market Edmondson John, brass founder, Sth n JTohn Edmondson William, (farpen'ter, Wakut b Front & 2d Edstrom A. G, coffee house, 3d opposite theatre, R C 7th and Syc. ' - Edward Thomas, cartman, boards at Abraham Evans' Edwards Mrs, Ann, E s Macalister b 4th and 5th Edwarjls William, clerk at O. Goodwin's & Son- Edwards Peyton, boatman on steamboat Logan, bds at Mrs; Ann i Edward's . Edwards James, cartman. Front b Elm and Plum Edwards J, P. carpenter, boards'at John Hare's Edwards John C. carpenter, S E c Gano and Lodges alley . ' . , Edwards John C, merchg,nt .tailor. Front b B way and Ludlow Eells Samuel, (Chase Sr E.) attorney at law, boards at .Mrs, Carr's Eff John, butcher, Ws Mainjicorp, line^ Ehler Martin, ship joiner, Front b Elm and Plum Ehrsam Ernstj baker, 85 Lower market Eitelgeorge, August, baker, N s Sth b Main,& ^alnut Elam Mrs, Elizabeth, seamstress, Richmond n Cath, Elliman John, laborer. Cherry b Race and Elm Elliman Henry, laborer. Cherry b Rjace and Elm Elliott John, laborer. Race n corp. line Elliott William, machinist, board's at James Heaslitt's Elliott Robert, laborer", b 2d and Broad h Mill- Elliott Alexander, laborer, boards at Robert Elliott's Elliott Jabez, book keeper, Long, b Wrow.& John Elliott Ezra, clerk at Woodnutt & Co. Race b 6th & 7th Elliott G. K. tin plater and copper smith, boards at John Jones' Elliott James, (col'd) steward on steam boat, S s 6th n Deer creek Ellis & Corwin, wholesale & retail dry good store 183 Main 56 Cincinnati Directory. Ellis Rowland, queensware store, 101 Main K 4th b Race and Elm , . Ellis Jesse, carpenter, N s 6th b Race and Elm Ellis John W. clerk, boards at Franklin House Ellison Joseph, blacksmith, works at Reuben Garbet's Ellison Resin, laborer. Congress b Lawrence & Pike Elli'son John, moulder. Congress fa Pike and Butler Elstner, Jojin, grocery and boarding house, S E c B. way' and 6th Elwell John C. carpenter, cotton gin manufactory 7thl n Mound . Ely Jacob. W. bookseller & publisher "IOL. market, boards" at Pearl street House Embree Daniel, boarding house, S E c Main and 7th Embree Davis, master steam boat, bds at D Embree's, Emerson Henry, N s 4th b Syc, and B way Emerson Jonathan,, drayman, 12th b Elm and Pfum Emery & Davenport, grocers, wine and hop merchants' W s Main b 5th and 6th Emery Thomas, (£.. W row b 4th arid %ih. Evans Bartley, carpenter W row n Sth Evans Caleb,, carpenter, Sth b John and Smith, Evans Isaac,'agency office, 4tH b John and Smith Evans Abraham, cartman, 6th b Elm and Plum Evans Joseph, carpenter, S W c Front and Lawrence Evens Piatt, merchant tailor,.149,Main Evens D. T. surgeon dentist, N s 3d b Main «Sz; Walnut Evens George W. surgeon dentist, at A. Rostaing's Everett Thomas,"carpenter. Race n canal Everhart Francis C. pork house, Produce alley b 2d and L market Everman Henry, laborer. North. Lib. head Walnut Everist James, grocer, N E c Elm and 5th Everson George, coiOfee house, W s Syc.b L market and 3d Ewan James, grocer, S W c B way and 7th Ewing Nancy, carpet weaver. Front b Ludlow and Lawrence Ewing Enos, drayman, Walnut b canal and 12th Ewing Morgan, clerk at J. D. & G. Jones', boards at Dennison's Hotel Ewing William, saddler,.boards at Cyriis Coffin^s Ewing John, geocery NWc "Vine and Long. R'6th b Walnut and Lodges alley Ewing Jacob W. clerk at Wotfdnutt &; Co. boards at • Ezra Elliott's Ewing Alexander H. Walnut b Gano and 7th Ewins Jonathan,-cartman, Pliim b Front and 2d Eyler Elias, coach maker, bds at Catharine Pmdeli s o8 Cincinnati Directory, Fable Adam, tailor, W s Main.h I2th and Allison Faer Stepheri', cooper, e Elm and canal F-airchild Oliver, druggist. Front fa Main and Syc. Fairchild Levi, cordwainer-, bds at Sans Souci Hotel Fairley Alexander, drayman, Butler b Front and Cong, Faies Stephen, attorney at law, Front b Main and Sycamore Fallman Jacob, comb maker, 4th b Main and Walnut Fanning Samuel, carpenter, boards at Elizabeth Wart­ man's Farmer, David, carpenter, Longworth b Race and Elm Farran Charles P. S E c Front an3 Ludlow Farran James J, attorriey at law S E c Main ?ind Hop­ ple's alley Farran Robert, soap boiler, Front b Plum and Wes­ tern row Farran Mrs,, Melintha, Sth b Stone and Wood Farrar Alexis, carpenter, N E c Sth and Race Farrer Andrew W, boards at R, W, Lee's Farrell Thomas, blacksmith, Richmond b Wrow ami John Faulkner Stephdn, mate on steam boat, S s Sth n Ma- cg,lister Faulkner Lemuel, engineer, N s Front E of D. creek Faulkner Charles, carpenter, N s Front EofD. creek Faulkner Mrs. Sarah, W row n Catharine Faulkner John, E s Elm b.5th and 6th Faunce William, ship carpenter, S s Front E of Rol­ ling mill Fawcett Felix, in ate on steam boat, alley b* Main and Sycamore and .3d and 4th Fayett George, laborer, c Fulton and Catharine Fay Edward E. (J. J. Marshall Sr Co.} boards at R. Alley's Fehx A, (^col'd) barber and hair dresser, Ws Maiab Court and Canal Feltman Henry, laborer, 12th n Canal Fenner John, ladies'^shoemaker. Vine n Sth Fenner John, carpenter, Harrison n D- creek Fennimore George D. shoemaker, Sth n Mound genton Mrs,-Mary Anij^ seamstress, felm b 9th & Court Ferdin Joseph, cooper, Front b Vine and Race Ferguson James, S W c Vine and 7th Ferguson James, boards at James Ferguson's mguson George, rope inaker, John b 4th and 5th Cincinnaii Diredlory. 69 Ferguson Robert, steward on river. Smith b 4th & Sth Ferguson Spears, cooper. Water b Walnut and Vine Ferguson Alexanderj shoemaker, W s Walnut b Sth and 6th Ferguson William, clerk at Fuller & Co. boards at Wil­ liam Boal's Ferguson Charles, (corrf) follows river, Walnuth 5th and 6th Ferguson William, scourer and colourer, 7th b Main and Syc. Ferrill Nathaniel, tailor. Front b Lawrence and Pike Fessenden Benjamin B. attorney at law, office E s Main b-.4th and Sth ' FetTierstone John, grocery and, coffee honse. Front b Mill and Stone, Fiebre John, butcher. North. Lib. head W row Field William R» coffee house, junction ;Front and 2d Fichner Adam, grocer, Longworth b Race and Elm Fick Jacob, brick maker, Catharine b W row and John Fife Elias, (col'd) follows river, 9th b Race a.nd Elm Fifield Osgood, carpenter, 9th b Race and EJlm Finch H. H. fruit store,'Front b Syc. and B way Finch Henry, coffee house, Sth n W row Findlay Mrs. Gen. James, E s B way b 3d anid 4th Findlay Sahiuel, attorney atlaw, boards at Mainst. Hotel Fink Abraham, laborer, Catharine b W row and John Finkbine Tobias, shoemaker, George n John Finlay Samuel, B, commission merchant. Canal b Maiii and Walnut Finley Robert, Carpenter, S E c Court and Elm Finneman Anthony, qoffee house, N E c SyCi & 6th Firth Joseph, farmer, c Jbhn and Catharine Firth' Joseph, jr. carpenter, 9th b John,and Sm.ith Fish Charles H, Congress Hall, S s Front b Main and Walnut Fish David A, follows river, 5th b W row and John Fish David, miller, 5th b Smith and John Fisher EUwood, 9th b Race and Elm Fisher Charles, produce merchant, canal b Main and Syc, R 9th b Vine and Race Fisher William S. horse dealer. Lodge's alley b Sth and 6th Fisher Thomas, laborer. Lodge's alley b Sth and 6th Fisher Charles, cooper, L. market, b Syc. and B way go Cincinnati Directory. •Fisher Thomas, shoemaker. Front b Ludlow and Law­ rence . , -IT . 1 Fisher Brownlow, printer, boards at Denmson s notei Fisher Alexander, blacksmith, Abraham Wilson's Fisl^erJohn, butcher, c Race and 12th j^ -u Fisher George L, pump maker, 7th b John and Smith, boards at Isaac Steven's Fisher Thomas, iron finisher. Plum b Water &o Front Fisher Armstrong, &; Co, pa,per warehouse, N W c Main and 6th Fishwick James, macliinist, 7th n John Fisk Robert W. grocer, S E c Wood and Sth Fith James, shoemaker, NWc Pearl and Mill Fitton Samuel, waggon maker, 6th n Mound, boards at Wilson Crail's Fitton William, coach painter, boards atD. Bruce's Fitzgerald Peter, mattress manufactory, S s 6th b . Plum and "W row" Fitzpatrick Patrck, produce merchant, N s Water b Main and Walnut Fitzpatrick John, (G..G. Bowen Sr Co.) cabinetmaker, 3d b Main and Sycamore. Fitzler W. Es Main b Sth and 9th Fitzwater Samuel, cooper, boards at William Vance's Flaek John, tariner, E s Sycariaore n Corp. line Flack Mrs. Rachel, seamstress, c Vine snd Mercer Flagg & Williams, drapers and tailors, N s Sth b Main and Syc. Flagg Henry, (F. (S' Williams) id^ilot, Sth b"W row and. John Flag Jacob, Teamster, Front b Race and Elm Flash Ryder & Co. book iand music store, N s 3d b Main and Walnut Flash Alexander, [F. Ryder Sr Co.) S s 3d b Main and Walnut Fleak Alfred F. hatter, Pike b Congress and 3d Flemen Miss Mary, niilliner, E s Main b 3d and 4th Fleming Mrs, Jane, Water b Race and Elm Fleming Samuel L, tobacconist, bds, at Jane Fleming's Fleming Robert W. coppersmith, do, do, do. Fleming William J. carpenter, Main b 8th and 9th Fletcher Lowell, produce merchant, Front b "Walnut and Vine Fletcher Calvin., produce merchant, Fro»4 b Walnut and Vine Cincinnaii Directory. 61 Fletcher Mary (col'd) washerwoman, 9th b Race and Elm Fhnn Dennis, hatter, boards at Susan Rogers' Flint Mrs. Anna, S E c Elm and Union Flintham William, produce dealer, E s B way n Woodward Florer WiUiam, river trader, S W c4th and Smith Floyd Thomas, cooper, Fulton b Sth and 9th Floyd Mrs. Lydia, boarding house S s 4th b Main and Walnut Flushman Lewis C, brewer,- Main b 7th and Sth Fobes Josiah, township trustee, N E c Sth and Race Foglebaugh Conrad, laborer^ Vine n corp. line Foiretir Adam, barkeeper at David Aupperle's Foland George, potter, boards at J. F. Francisco's Folger Alexander, dairyman. Vine n corp. line Folger Richard, street Com. 4th b Elm and tluni Polger C. K, clerk at C, Donaldson & Co. Folger Seth W. grocery and coffee house, 2d b Vine and Race Folger Mrs. Nancy W. 7tli Ford William, boot and shoemaker, E s Main b 7th and Sth Ford John, grocer, boards at Phebe Pierson's Ford Riehard, laborer, 4th b Mill and Stone -'Ford Elijah, (coZ'd)steward on steam boat. Pleasant n corp. line Fordenholtz Garret, carpenter, Syc n Abigail Fore Prior G. physician, office N E c 6th and Collegf,. boards at Franklin house Foreman Christian, tinner, S E c Front and Vine Fortman Francis, coffee house, N s Front n B way Fortriey Batus, livery stable, bds at Thomas Hamer's Fosdick Richard, E s Race b 6th and 7th Fosdjck Samuel, sheriff, E s Race b 6th and 7th Fosdick Ezekiai, grocer, NE cfi way and Harrison Fosdick^Henry N.(jH'ar.fcraess VoorheesSr Co.) at A. L. Voorhees^ Foster James, notary public, S s 6th b Main & Walnut Foster William R. merchant, boards at Pearl st House Foster Charles, mercharit, E s Syc. b 6th and 7th Foster William C. cabinet maker, S s 6th b Syc. and B way Foster Banjamin, clerk, boards at William Robertson's Foster George, laborer. Congress b Pike and Butler Foster, Edwin P. hatter, Longworh b John and Smith Foster Charles, clothier, George b Plum and W row Foster John W- merchant, 4th b Elm and Plum Fowler Mrs. Mary, Longworth b Smith and Mound Fowler James, tailor, boards at D. Embree's Fowler Isaac, blacksmith, S s Sth b Syc. and B way Fowler Joseph, (coi'd) huckster, 6th n D. creek Fox & Wright, attorneys at law, S W c Main & Peari Fox Charles, [F. Sr W.) attorneys at law, E s Race b 4th" and 5th Fox Oscar F. steam boat clerk, George b Race &Elm Fox George, starch manufactory, N. Lib. head Vine Fox Richard, gardner. North. Lib-head Vine Fox Charles, tinner, 2d b Race, and Elm Fox Bolser, sausage piaker. Elm n corp. line Fox Lawrence, baker,, Front b Elm and Plum FoK Adam, W Front n Mill creek bridge Fox Jacob, laborer, boards at Adam Fox's Fox Itfrs, Rebecca, 9th b Elm and Plum Fralger Stepheri, Congress b Lawrence and Pike Cincinnati Directory. 63 France Peter, tanner, E Front n corp line Francis James, tobacconist. Long, b Race and Elm Francisco Solomon, grave digger, N E c Elm and 12th Francisco Henry, waggoner, c John and Betts Francisco James F. .Cincinnati pottery, entrance Sth b Race and Elm Francisco Elon, potter, ,5th b Race and Elm Francisco Calvin, carpenter, alley b 2d and 3d and Elm and Plum Francisco L. laborer, NWc Elm and Water Frank Lewis, baker and grocery, E s Main b canal and Abigail Frank Henry, baker and grocery, E s Main b canal and Abigail Frank Conrad, laborer,' 12th b Main and Syc. Frank Augustus, grocer, NWc 6th and Race Frank Benedict, grocer, N E c Race and 6th Frank Jacob, f rocej, N E c Race and"6th, R George b Elm and Plum Frank Henry, wood sawyer, canal b Elm and Plum Franks Federick, museum and gallery paintings. Front ,b Syc. and B way Frankens'tein T. P. portrait painter, No. 7 Footes row 3d street Frantz Joseph, coffee house, Sth n Lodge's alley Fraser Hugh, Caledonia Hotel, W s Main b Sth & 9th Frasier Martin, laborer, W s Pike n Sth Fray Jacob,^tailor, W s Walnut b Sth and 6th Fjazee John L. drayman, Catharine b Fulton, and Richmond Frazer John, attorney at law, office 3d opposite Post office Frazer Hiram, carver and fancy ftame maker, W s Main b 3d and 4th Frazier Charles M. millwright and carpenter, alley b 2d ahd 3d and Elm and Plum Frazier William, machinist, boards at Edward Soords' Frazier James R. coffee house, Longworth b Smith and Mound Frecha Frederick, mason, Sth n John Freech Anthony, brewer, boards at Peter, Jonte's Freech Michael, laborer. Friendship b Pike and Law­ rence Freem?.n Alexander, carpenter. Vine b canal and 12th Freeling Peter, laborer. Main n Allison 64 Cincinnati Directory. French & Banfill, grocers and bim; mill stone manufac­ turer's. Front b John and Sriiith French John L. (F. Sr JS.) grocer, NWc Elm and Water French Richard, steam boat pilot, 3d hPark and Mill French Hehry, laborer, Gano b Main and Walnut French Z. P. beef & Pork inspector, canal b Vine and Race Fretch Henry, laborer, E s Main b canal and Abigail Friedlander Aaron, merchant tailor, Frontb B way & Ludlow Friend Charles H. shoemaker, ^th n John Fritz Nicholas, tailor, W s Vine b Sth and 6th Fritz Ignatius, laborer. Pike b 3d and Congress Froise JoseiJh, stone cutter, Court b Vine and Race Frost Nathaniel, stove Manufac. W s Syc. b 3d & 4th' Frost Judy, (coZ'd) washerwoman," S W c 6th ^ Vine Fry Joseph Reese, attorney at law, office S E c Main and 4th Pry William T. carpenter, Longworth b Elm & Plum Fry George D- grocer, c 7th and Syc- Fry John, bricklayer, canal b Elm and Plum Fry Joseph, laborer, 7th b Main and Walnut Fuller Valentine, carpenter, W s Main n corp. line Fuller Daniel, mason, Catharine n W row- Fuller Orin, follows river. Water b Race and Elm Fuller John, jr. tobacconist, NWc Main and 6th Fuller, George, tanner, E Front n corp- lipe Fullerton John, grocer. Water b Walnut and Vine, R Water b Vine and Race Fullerton Hugh, engineer, Harrison n Deer creek Fullman, Matilda, (col'd) at William Smith's Fulton Robert, salt warehouse, N s Front b Main and Walnut Fulweiler Abraham, butcher, N s New n Deer creek Ful-weiler Abraham, tanner, E s B way n canal Fulweiler Mrs. Maria, E s B way n canal Funk Henry B. leather store 216 Main, R B Way b 7th and 8th; Fury Jackson, tailor, W s Main b 6th and 7th

Gable John, tailor, Sth n John Gage Edmund, boot & shoe store 177 Main Cincinnati Directory. 65 Gage .Gideon, carpenter, alley b Race and Elm and Sth and 9th Gaines H, P, attorney at law, office Footes roW No. 3 3d street, boards-at Pearl st. House Gaines Austin, (col'd) cooper. Woodward b Syc, and B way Gaither Evan, [Hinkle Sr G.) carpenter, 3d b Main & Walnut Galbraith Samuel, laborer, NWc Front and Plum Gald G, carpenter, boards at Congress Hall Gallagher William D, editor Cincinnati .Mirror, R 4th b Race and Elm Gallagher Mrs, Francis, W row b Longworth and 6th Gallagher Thomas J. clerk at Ellis & Gorwins, bds at Dennisons Hot^l Gamble George, grower, Vine n coi:p. line Gamble David, carpenter, boards .at George Gamble's Gamble James, (KnowUon Sr G.) soap and candle manu­ factory -Water b Plum and W row Gammer Joseph N, coffee house, N s Sth b Walnut & Vine Grammer Nicholas, coffee house, N s Sth b Walnut & Vine Gandolfo Peter, Patriot coffee house, S W.c Elm & 12 Gandy Eli, laborer, High n corp* line Gano Daniel, North, Lib, n Hamilton road Gano W, G, W. cashier Lafayette bank, N s .5th b Plum and W row Gano Aaron G. pork merchant, Syc. n canal, R 8th b Vine and Races Ganson Joseph, cabinetmaker, E s Syc, b 3d and 4th Garbet Reuben, blacksmith, S E c 2d and Vine, bds at J. McDougal's Gardner Lawrence, engineer. Friendship b Pike and Lawrence Gardnei: Joseph, physician, W s B way n 8th Gardner Joseph, shoemaker, John b 9th and Richmond Gardner Joseph g. exchange broker, W s Main n Fr^nt Garibaldo, Augustine, coffee house, S s 6th b Pl«m & W row .^ Garish Francis, brush, maker, board* at Thotcm M. Rutherford's , _ Garmoozen Bernard, laborer. Front b EJffl and Plum Garner Robert G. b 2dand 3d « Mill Garner Henry, 'hhox4> ^^^ Walnut and Vine 6* 66 Cincinnati Directory. Garness John P. N E c 4th and B way Garod Thomas, printer, S E c George and Plum Garrard Mrs. J. D. 4th b Ludlow and Pike Garrard William & Co. Cincinnati steel works, canal n corp. line Garrard Beverly, (col'd) ba,rber, bds at Robert Thomas Garrells Jonathan, dealer in books &c. Catharine b , John and W row Garrett Cyrus, blacksmith, bds at Catharine Pindell's Garrett Samuel, shoemaker, alley b 3d and 4th and Syc. and B way GarretsonH. V. earthern.ware merchant 52 Main Garrison John W- Exchange Hotel, Front b Main &; Sycamore Garrison George W. carpenter, S s Harrison n Pike Garrison Jeremiah, drayman, 3d'b Elm and Plum Garrison John engineer, 3d b Mill and Stone Garrison Isaac G. tailor, boards at Cyrus Coffin's Garrison Dayton, plane maker, boards at Catharine Covert's Garvey Christopher, clerk at C. Donaldson & Co. L. market n B way Gaskill Cripps, pattern maker, Macalister b 4th & Sth Gassaway Mrs. Rachel, NWc 4th and B way Gate Mrs. Dorothy, Sth b Smith and Mound Gates & Nash, coffee and oyster house, S s L market n B way Gatewood Richard, (col'd) whitewasher. Church alley Gay Thomas, manufacturer extract logwood, W row . n Corp. line Gay George, merchant tailor, N s 3d b Main & Walnut Gazlay -Theodore, (James Sr G.) printer, boards at Mrs.H. Gazlay's Gazlay Mrs. Huldah, S W c Sth and Vine Gazzam C. W. &Co. commission merchants, 22 Main R 4th b Race and Elm Jeandra Mrs. Charlotte, Long, b Smith and Mound iney Charles, watchman, N E c Front .and Vine Geihmill Mrs, Mary, Longworth b Plum and Wrow Georg\Matthew, machinist, Green b Race and Elm GeorgeNSVashington, (col'd) laborer, Vine b Front and2d Gerhard Jofta R. printer, 5th b Elm and Plum German Johri^, coffeehouse, Front b Syc. and B way German Michael, coffee and boarding house, Front h B way aad Ludlow Ciricinndti Directory. 67 Gest Joseph, dty surveyor, 4th b Walnut and Vine Gest Benjamin, baker, boards at Daniel Akins* Gest Jonah C. clerk at E Ppore' Gest Mrs. Mary, Lqngwort^ b Plum and W row Gettier George, coffee house, S s Sth b Main and Walnut Getty Robert, clerk, 4th b.Smith and John Getzenduner Jacob, carpenter, Longworth b John and W row Geyer John [Ross Sr G.) chair maker, 3d b Main and Walnut Gharky William', joiner, George b Race and Elm Gibbon Edward K. at R. Shoemaker's 202 Main Gibbons Francis, drayman, boafds at MaVy Niles' Gibbons John, drayman, boards at Mary Niles' Gibbs William F. merchant Syc. b Front and 2d B Race b 2d and 3d . Gibbs John, carpenter, Sth b Smith ^nd John Gibson James, coach maker, W s W row b 4th & Sth Gibson Peter, plumber, W s Walnut b 4th and Baker Gibson Mark, carpenter, E Front n corp. line Gibson & Butcher, brush manufacturers, W s Main I 3d and Pearl Gibson Alexander, [d Sr J^utcher) c Hopples alley & Sycamore Gice Peter, laborer. Friendship b Pike aad Lawrence Gidney Euphemia, boards at Susan Ro'gers' Gigondy Nicholas, saddler, works at G. W. Tuckers GilbertGeor'ge "W painter, 5th b Race and Elm Gilbert Riley, river trader, bds at William Boriands Gilbraith Mrs. Margaret, boarding house, S s Wate- b Walnut and Vine Gilbraiith Thomas,| painter, bds at Elizabeth Stevens' Gilbraith Samuel, painter, bds at Elizabeth Stevens' Gilchrist James, blacksmith, 3d b Pike and Butler Gildersleeve Richard, carpenter. Western row b 7th ariijl George Gilderslefiye Richard, ship carpenter. Front n Deer cre^ bridge Gilfy Samrisl, engineer, Lawrence b Front and Cong. Gill John, cibinet maker. Smith n John Gill John, shoemaker, boards at James Eshelby's Gill Philip C\ carpenter. Plumb b 6tb and Longworth Gill Thomas, jailor, Longworth b "W row and John 6S Cincinnati Directory. Gillespey Mrs. Sarah, John b Longworth and 6th Gillet & Co. tea merchants No. 9 Pearl Gillet L. M. (G. Sr Co.) tea mereharit. No. 9 Pearl Gillet C. M.[G. Sr Co.) tea merchant, bds at Pearl .street House Gillen Ezra, carpenter, boards at, Mary Bernard's Gillen Thomas blacksmith boards at Mary Bernard's Gilliland-Mrs. Mary, Sth n Vine Gillman John, hatter, boards at J Hewett'S Gillman James S. mason, W row b Longworth & 6th Gilmore Mrs. G. R. Front b Vine and Race Gilmore Robert, watch maker, 117 Main, R Vine b 2d and 3d Gilmore James boards at Mrs, G. R, Gilmore's Gilirion Samuel, laborer. Water b Elm and Plum Gilpin J. C. Retreat coffee house, N E c Main and Court, R Jackson b canal and I2th Gilpin Joseph H. grocery & coffee house, S E c canal and Walnut rilts Lewis, laborer, 2d b Virie and Race riuH John, grocer, N s 6th b.Plum and W row rivens Inward K. grocer, boards at Mrs. B. Allen's (ladder Peter, cooper, S s 7th b Main and Syc. kaney John, laborer, c B way and Abigail pardon Frederick, bar keeper at J. Schmidt's lascoe Abraham, carpenter. Union b Race and Eliri iascoe & Harrison, druggists, NE c Main and 4th iiascoe James S; (G, Sr Harrison^) N s Sth b Main and Walnut Gasgow Hugh, carpenter. Plum b Sth and 9th Gasgow Robert, carpenter, boards at H. Glasgow's Gftiss \V.illiam, boiler maker. Friendship b Pike and Butler, Glendfening Peter M, drayman, 12th n Vine Glenn Edward, blacksmith, boards at G McDonald's Glenn Mrs. Margaret, 2d b Vine and Race Glover John, carpenter. Water b Elm and PJum Goble Jeremiah,, carpenter, 4th b Plum ani W'row Gochnat Henry, tailor, 6th b Plum and Wrow Goe R. H. botanical doctor, N s 6th b E-'m and Plum Goforth Mrs, Elizabeth, Race b Sth and 0th: Gogin Thomas, cartman, 3d b Smith anl John Gold John, shoeniaker. Lodges alley b-Gano and 6th Golden Edward, laborer. Congress b iBway & Ludlow Goldsmith Burfit, engineer, Ludlow b Front and 2d Cincinnati Directory. 6& Gonsaluss, John, painter & glazier, alley b.New and 7th and Syc. and B way Good John, American house, S W c Front and Pike Goode Mrs. Matilda, George b W.row and .John Goods Peter, (col'd) laborer. Church alley Goodhue George, coal yard, S W c Water & Plum, R S W c 2d and Plum Goodhue Franklin, coal yard, S W c Water & Plum R S W c 2d and Plum Goodhue Perry, cartman, boards at James Goodhue's Goodin James, merchant, S scanal b Main & Walnut R Court b Main and Walnut Goodin Samuel H. merchant, bds at James Goodin's Goodloe James, founder and engine builder, Cong, b B way and Ludlow, R Water b Walnut «& Vine Goodman T. S, produce merchant, W Front Green's buildings, R S s 6th b Main and Syc, Goodman Ji. H, exchange broker, office 3d b Main and Walnut, boards at.T, S. Goodman's Goodrich Ephraim, grocer & baker, S W c 6th fie Elm Goodrich Henry, carpenter, George b W row and John Goodwin O. & Son, druggist, WSth n Main sign Good Samaritan Goodwin Oliver, (O." G. &• Son) druggists, S s Sth n Pike Goodwin James R. ('O. GA Son,) druggist, S s Sth n Pike Goodwin Alexander, baker, 2d b Syc, and B way Goodwin Aaron, laborer, Sth n Wood Goodwin George, iron finisher, bds at Mrs. Shearer's Goodwin Griffith laborer. Lodges alley b Gano and 6th Goodrich D. tailor, boards at Caledonia Hotel Gordon George, mate on steam boat, c Front & Pike Gordon John, rnate on steam boat. Friendship b Pike and Butler Gordon Archibald, ship yard, E. Lib. Gordon Tapley, '(col'd) follows river. Elm b 2d and G,reen Gorham Parsons, merchant, N s Sth b Syc. and B way Gorman George & Co. com. and produce merchants No. 8 canal street Gorman George, (G. G. Sr Co.) com. and produce merchant, E s Main'b 7th and Sth Gorman James', (Strader^ Sr G.) merchant, boards at Cincinnati Hotel TO Cincinnati Directory. Goss Mrs, Mary, N s 6th b Main and Walnut Gossm Henry, blacksmith canal b Walnut and,Vme, R 13th b Vine and Race Gossin Jacob, blackpiith, E s B way n 7th Gostater, Henry, lock maker, W row n Sth Gothria, Jennet, boarding house, W s Syc, b 3d & 4th Grabham James, brewer, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Graeff John, clerk at W. C. Stewart & Co. boards at W. C, Stewart's Graham J. & J. paper warehouse 52Main Graham James, [J. SrJ. G.) paper manufacturer, S W c John arid George Graharii Joseph, [J.Srh^. G.) paper manufacturer, Frorit b Vine and Race Graham George, jr. N W c pth and College Graham John, carpenter, boards at Janies Graham's (rraham Charles, turner, boards at John Pettit's Graham Thomas, baker, E s Main n Sth Graham Mrs* Catharine, washerwoman, at William H. Abbott's Graham James, blacksmith, bds at Wm. H Abbott's Grandin Philip, S E c Syc. and Sth Granger, William, bar keeper at "Wm. B. Barker's Granger William, brewer, boards at Jennet Gothria's Grant Williarn, wire worker, bds at Wra'. Bromwell's Grant Zona, (col'd) washerwoman Elm b 2d and 3d Grapevine, Hudson, drayman, E Front n district school house Graves'James M. tailor, board,s at Isaac Stephens' Gray Martin & Co. coffee and Isoarding hoyse. Front h Ludlow and ^iawrence Gray John, Laborer, boards at George Collins' Gray Robert, mate ori river, S^^ith b 4th arid Sth Gray Edmund, pilot on river. Home b.4th and Sth Gray Martin, coffee house, 9th b Race and Elm Gray David, laborer, George b W row and John Gray Joseph, laborer. Elm n corp. line Gray Letitia, Fulton n Baptist burying ground Grayson John, jr. store Front n Race Grayson John, boards at John Grayson jr. Greble Joseph R. cooper, boards at Matthew Gay's Green William, teamster, c. John and Richmond Green John R. carpenter, 6th b W row.arid John Green Robert B. carpenter, bds at David Pfiisterer's Green Eli, exchange broker, 4th b Elm and Plum Cincihnati Directory. 71 Green Captain Joel, follows river, Elm b Front &; 2d Green R. C. printer, boards at John Jones' Green William N. clerk at Spencer Strong &; Blachly's Green Mrs;. Rhody, N s 5th b Race and Elrii Green Mrs. Jane, seamstress, Pike b 3d and Congress Green S, B. printer, 6th b Race and Elm Green Marmaduke, tailor, S E c George and Elm Green James, tinner and coppersmith, boajtds at John Jones' Green Francis, tinner arid coppersmith, boards at John Jones' Green Alexander, tinner, boards at Richard Alley's Green Caleb B, druggist 19 L, market, R Harrison st, Green Benjamin, printer, N s 6th b Main and Syc. Green Thomas, cartman, 7th E of B,. way Green Elizabeth, L. market b Syc. and B- way Green* Samuel, laborer, 2d b B way and Ludlow •Green George, sheet iron worker. Congress b Pike & Butler Green Elizabeth A. seamstress, Cong, b Pike & Butler Green George S. Greens Hotel, Front b B way and Ludlow Greene William, Secretary water company, R N E c Vine "and 3d Greener Mrs. Augusta, E s Main b 3d and 4th Greenleaf William T, & Cfl, hat apd cap store, W s Main* b Pearl and 3d Greenleaf Thomas, shoemaker, 8th b Race and Elm •Greenlee Lewis, saddler, boards at S.amuel King's Greenlee John, laborer, W row b Water and Front Gireenwood Miles, Eagle foundry, canal b Main and Walnut, R William b Race and Elm Greer David, grocer, Catharine n Richmond Gregg Stephen, tinner, boards at Mrs. E Williamson's Gregory Henry, produce merchant. Water b Walnut- and Vine Gregory Daniel, laborer, High n corp. line Gresh George, oil manufacturer, 7th n W row Gridley Cyprian, salesman at Newkirk's Gridley Chester P. tailor, 7th b Syc. and B way Griffey David, blacksmith, 3d,b Pike and Butler Griffin &,Lnckeyi wholesale dry goods m^chants, S E c Main and 4th Griffin David, p'roprietor Pearl st. House, 'N E c Pearl and-Walnut 72 Cincinnati Dirctory. Griffith Robert H. drayman, 4th b Mill and Stone Griffith John, drayman. Stone b 4th and Sth Griffith John, gunsmith, Ws Main b 6th and 7th Groce Christopher, laborer. Walnut n 13th Groesbeck John H. merchant, S s 4th b Walnut and Vine Groover Josiah, coach maker, boards at Catharine Pin­ dell's Gross Samuel D. physician, S s 6th b Main and Walnut Gross Andrew Exchange coffee house 194 Main Gross John, clerk Newport manufac.'Co. R Syo.-b 6th and 7th Grubb George G.,grocer,.S W c Vine .and Canal Gschwendt John F. tailor, Walnut-b Sth and 6th Guidable George, laborer, alley n canal b Vine & Race Guilford N. & G. booksellers &, stationers, E s Main b 9th and Court Guilford Nathan, (JV. A G. G.) bookseller & station­ er, Stli b Vine and Race Guilford George, (JV. A G. G.)bookseller and station- erSj Court b Vine and Race Guin John, stone cutter, Longworth b Smith & Mound Guioti Da.vidB.(Robin^bn'SrG.) stone cutter, R^oe b 3d and 4th Guiou John P. stone cutter, N s 7th n Syc. Gutherie Robert, carpenter, 4th n John Guy Matthew, cooper, W row b George ahd 6th Guyer Frederick, tinner, boards at D. lEmbree's Gwatney Mealeus, carpenter, boards at Wni. Vance's Gwynn James, carpenter. Walnut n 13th Gwynne David, boards at Mrs. Ann Miles' Gwynne L. M. attorney at law, "S c Hopple's alley fis Main

Hackinger Protes, shoemaker, 9th n Smith Hadsall George, engineer, Syc. b 6th and 7th Hadley S. P. drayman, 12th n Walnut Hadley William, clerk at E Stones'. Hafer Rodold, coffee house, N W c 2d and B way Haggard Mrs. Eliza, Longworth b WTOW and John Haggerty John, laborer. Lodges alley b G^no and 6th Hague William, cabinet niaker, Macalister b 4th & Sth Haigh Mrs. Elizabeth, Sth b Elm and Pluto Cincinnati Directory. 73 Haigh John, carpenter. Spring n Woodward Haight Rev. Benjamin J. rector St. Pauls church, W s Vine b 6th and 7th HailmanSimon, W row b Catharine and Elizabeth Haines E, S, attorney at law, S s 3db Main and Wal­ nut, R c 3d and Lawrence Haire Peter, tailor, 7th b Vine and Race Hale Amos,,boot Sr shoe maker, N s Sth b Main and Syc. Hales C. & Son, livery stable, S s Sth b Main & Syc. Hales Charles, (C. i?. & Sora) livery stable, Sth nPike Hales Allen (C- H. &c, Son) livery stable, Sth n Pike Haley James, tanner & currier,c John & Richmond Hall James, attorney at law, N s 3d b Main and Syc. boards at Pearl st. House Hall J. C. [Burrows Hall S' Co.) merchants, boards at Pearl st. House Hall John C. grocer, W s Main n corp. line Hall John, carpenter, 12th b Vine and Race Hall Edward, plasterer, John n Elizabeth Hall James, ship carpenter, E Front n corp. line Hall Thomas, grocer, E Front opposite Rolling mill Hall James, plasterer, S E c New and B way Hall Albert, laborer, Front n Mill Hall Thomas, drayman. Front n Mill Hall John G. grocer, S W c Water an,d Race Hall Parker, at W. M. Woolsey's Hall Mrs. Nancy, 3d b Main and Walnut Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, N s Sth b Race and Elm Hall Edward, plasterer, George b W row and John Hall Bradford, tinner. Race b George and 6th Hall Harvey, attorney at Law, W s Main b Sth and 9th Hall Sariiuel, mason, Sth b Race and Elm Hall Henry P. (col'd) bairber and hair dresser, W s Main b Sth and 6th Hall Dorcas, washerwoman, (col'd) Vine n corp. line Hallam John, tinner, N s 6th n Smith Hallam Daniel, waggon maker. Front b Elm and Plum Hallam Charles, livery stable, Walnut n corp. line Haller Peter, butcher. Vine n corp. line Halley Samuel, carpenter. Home b 4th arid Sth Halley David S. clferk at E Ross' lumber,yard. Home b 4th and Sth Halley W. G. tumor and cabinet ware room, N s 5th b Elm aud Plum 7 74 Cincinnati Directory. Halley Samuel B. clerk American sunday jgchool de­ pository 186 Main Halpin John, laborer. Water b Walnut and Vine Halpin Nicholas, drayman, alley b Main and Walimt and 9th arid Court Hamer Thomas, plasterer, George b Elm and Plum Hamill Samuel, stone cutter, 3p b Vine and Race Hamilton Mrs. Joana, boarding house, W s Main b Frorit nnd 2d Hamilton R. & A. com. merchants, S s 2d b Main and "Walnut Hamilton Andrew, (i2. A A. H.) com. merchant, bds at Frariklin House Hamilton Mrs. Juliana E Long, b Plum and W row Hamilton Henry, shoe store. Long, b Plum and W row Hamilton Samuel R. bellows maker, 2d b Main and Syc. B Harrison St.' Hamilton Joel, works at Rolling mill, E Frorit n Rol­ ling mill Hamilton James, wood sawyer, 6th n Smith Hamilton Mrs. boarding house, W s Vine b 4th & Sth Hamilton; William, waggon makeir, boards at Thomas Fitton's Hamlin Hannibal G. carpenter, 3d b Pike and Butler Hamm John, paper stainer. Front b Vine and Race Hamman Henry, [H. Sr C. H.) grocery, S W c Sth S^ Sycamore Hamman Christopher, [tl Sr. C. H.) grocery, SWc 5th and Syc. Hammitt Daniel, dyer & Scourer, at Wm- Ferguson's Hammond Charles, attorney at law* W s Main h4th and Sth R N W C- George arid W row Hammond Aaron, works at steel factory, 12th b Race and Elm Hammond James, shoe maker, Walnuth Pearl and 3d Hammond James, shoe maker, c Front and Lawrence Hampson J. shipping merchant. Water, b Race & Elm Hampton Thomas, ship carpenter, E Front n Labora­ tory Hampton Jonathan, grocer, Reading road n cOTp. line Hancock J. B. auction and commission house, SWc Sth and Walnut Hand William, brick maker, Catharine n brick yards Hand Ulmore W- waggon maker, N E e George and W row Cincinnati Direiidry. 75 Hstnd David, carpenter, George b John arid Smith Hand Firman, carpenter, 6th b W row and John Handy Henry, collector, Woodward b Syc. and B way Haney John, rope maker, I3th b Walnut and Vine Hangould Frederick, laborer at Valette Bates & Co. Hankins Mrs; Matilda, 212 Main above stairs Hanks & Niles, Cincinnati iron foundry, E s Main n Woodward Hanks G. L- & Co. watch makers, W s Main b Sth arid.6th, boards at J. S, Niles' Hanley Oliver, cooper, boards at Andrew Lucas' Hanley John, merchant, S E c 6th arid Walnut Harin David J, clerk at J. M, Foote &'"Co, Hannah William, brewer, boards at Robert Pye's Hannah Charles, brewer, boards at Robert Pye's Hansellman Jacob, gardnei". Vine n corp, line Hansford Garrard, [col'd) alley b NeW and 6th & Syc. and B way Hanson Mrs, Barbara, boarding house, Lawrence b Front and Congress Harbaugh & Peel, painters, Ss 5th b Main and Syc, Harbaugh Hamiltofi M. [H. Sr Peel,) boards at John Elstner's Harbaugh Henry, [H. A Magness,) blacksmith, Sth b "W" row and John Harchaugh Francis, musician. Vine n 12th Harcourt Enoch, brickmaker, alley b 4th and Sth and Mill and Stone Harcourt William, brickmaker, alley b 4tn and Sth & Mill and Stone Hard C, P. cabinet ware polisher, Macalister b 4th and Sth Hardcastle G. S. dry good store, N s 5th b Main and Walnut, boards at Mrs. Hart's Hardie Patrick, carpenter, N s 6th b Plum and W row Harden Reuben, carpenter, 9th b Race and Elm Hardin Andrew R. cariienter. Race b 9th and Court Harding Jonatlian D. ornamental painter, George b Race arfd Elm Hardy Patrick, cai-penter, Sth b Plum and W row Hardy William, riail cutter, E Front n District school house Hardy Francis, machinist, bds at Mrs. Stonebraker s Hare Jdhn, inn keeper, court house square Hare Jesse, boards at John Hare's 76 Cincinnati Direetory. Hare John, butcher, D. creek n corp. line Hare Anthony, butcher D. creek n corp. line Hare Joseph, butcher, Deer creek n corp. line Hargan Peter, laborer, E Eront n Washington brewery Hargrave Mrs. Anna, grocery and coffee liouse, Cong­ ress n Ludlow Hargg John, cabinet maker, N s 7th n B Way Harimount John, shoerriaker, bds at James Eshelb'y Harker Mrs. Elizabeth, George b Plum and W row Harkness Voorhees & Co. Hamilton foundry, NWc Front and Lawrence Harkness Anthony (H. V. Sr Co.) Hamilton foundry, Pike b 3d and 4th Harms Henry, starch maker, North. Lib. head Vine Harley Ralph, derk, boards at B- Hunt's Harper William A. [Looker RamsuySr H.) Cincinnati Republican office Harper Edward C. clerk at J. Hoffner's Harper Samuel (col'd) blacksmith, at E. W. Jx»neS' Harran Mrs. Juliaria, seamstress. Sth b B way & Pike HarreU Nathan, carpenter. Elm b 9th and Court Harrington Nathaniel E. salesmari for Corey & Web­ ster, boards at J. Forbes' Harris Francis A- painter and glazier, 8th b Vine arid Race Harris Thomas, mason, 9th b Race and Elm Harris J- clothing store. Front b Syc; and B way Harris Daniel, itinerant merchant, S W c W row qihd Catharine Harris Eleazer D. hatter, basement Uunitarian church Harris Mrs- Eliza, seamstress, c EJm and canal Harris James, shoemaker. Elm n corp. line Harris Thomas, tailor, Walriut b canal and 12th Harris Henry, wateh maker 117 Main Harris Catharine, (col'd) washerwoman, boards at Asham Curtis' ' Harris Nancy, (co/'d) washerwoman, S E c Green and Elm Harrison Gen. Wm. H. clerk Hamilton County Court Common Pleas, North bend Ghio, boards Main street Hotel Harrison Carter B. writes clerks office, boards at Main street Hotel Harrison Ebenezer, magistrates office, N Wc 3d and Walnut, R Longworth b Elm arid Plum Cincinnati Directory. 77 Harrison John Pitts, {Glascoe Sr If.) druggist, boards at Pearl street House Harrison L. B, clerk at Brown & Bailey's, boards, at Bagle coffee house Harrison William H. clerk at Allen & Co* drug store Harrisoa Joseph Cap't, follows river, Race b Water and Front Harrison Riehard, carpenter. Home b 4th and Sth Harrison Job, shoemaker, E s Walnut b Sth and 6th Harrison Samuel, baker, N s Sth,b Main and Syc. Harrison Alexander, iron. Finisher, bds at Ann Thomp­ son's Harrison Mrs. Mary, S E c Longworth and W row Harrison Lewis, plasterer, S E c 6th and W row Harrison. William, river trader. Walnut b Water and Front Harrisori Mrs, Margaret, seamstress, Vineb Front &2d Harrison Elias, (col'd) waiter, 2d b Race and Elm Harrold Charles, boards at Pennsylvania inn Harsha James, cooper. Lodges alley b Gano and 6th Hart Silas, plough maker, boards at Keziah Carver's Hart & Baird, boot & shoe store, W s Main b Sth & 6th Hart Frederick C. (H. Sr Baird,) bds at Mrs, B. Hart's Hart Lorin tailor, boards at C. .Coffin's Hart Mrs. Barbara, boarding house, N s Sth b Main and Walnut Hart William, boot and shoe store, N s Sth b Main and Walnut Hart William, painter, boards at Ann Thompson's Hart Henry, clothing store. Front b Syc. and B way Hartberrn'William, carpenter, W s B way b 6th & 7th Harton Charles, carpenter. Cherry b Race and Elm Hartley John, tanner & currier, Jackson b canal & 12th Hartley Robert, draymari, Walnut b canal and 12th Hartley William fancy chair maker, Richmond b Ful­ ton and Cutter Hartley Abner, fancy chair maker, boards at William Hartley's Hartley Josiah, livery stable. Race b Sth and 6th, R N E corrier Sth and Race Hartley Isaiah, 6th n Methodist Protestant church Hartsell Frederick, pedlar, Sth n W row Hartshorn & Child, produce and com., merchants, E s Syc. b Front and 2d .^i u Hartshorn Warren, (H. Sr Child,) merchant, Elm b Front and 2d 7* 78 Cincinnaii Diii^ciory. Haxtshorn Sanders W. siteam saw mill, E Front n corp. line, R E s Syc. n Sth Hartwell Lawrence & Co. Wholesale grocers 20 Main Hartwell George H. (H. Lawrence Sr Cot) 4th b Race and Elm Hartwell A. C. clerk at Reeves & McLean's, boards atMrSi Bessom's. Hartwell Clark, salesman at S- Menken's Harver Daniel, stone quarrier, Woodward n Syc. Harvie A- H. inspec. and gauger, N s Abigail n Main Harvey Mrs. Amelia, 6th b W row and John Harvey Edward, drayman. Elm b Court and cana-1 Harwood Christopher, -carpenter, Sth b Smith & Park Harwood Christopher, jr* do do do do Harwood William, do do do do Haskins Joseph, I. 3d b Elm and Plum Hassan Da^vid,. clothing store. Lower market b Main and Syc. Hassan Moses, clothing store 25 L. market Hasson &Mathars, produce merchants, N s Water b Main and Walnut Hasson William, [H. Sr Mathars,) prodnce merchant, boards at J. S-Massard^s Hastings Nathan, queensware store 101.Main, R4th.b Race and Elm Hastings Charles F- glass cutter 24 L. market Hastings Thomas, laborer, E Front n Neweil's tan yard Hatch Isaac B- carpenter, E Front at corp- line Hatch Charles, dentist, at Dr. Shot well's office Hatch William S. cashier Commercial bank, E s Main b"3d and 4th Hatch William, rectifier, S s Front n Main, boards at Washington Hall Hatchard Joseph B. designer stucco work, S Ec New and B way Hatcher Jonathan, laborer. Water b W row and John Hatfield John; river trader, Harrison street Hatfield George, ship carpenter, bds at John Hatfield's Hatfield John, (coZ'rf) barber, Es Walnut b Peari & 3d Hathaway Henry, 5th b Stone and Wood Hathaway Elisha, at Henry Hathaway's Hathaway Mrs,.Selah, washerwoman, yd b Vine and Race . Hau^hton John, (SeJ-rt'e* ^ fl".) lumber marchant, S s Race n 7th Cincinnaii Directory. 70 Haughton Richard, Iron store 174 Mam, R S W c Race ind canal Haven Mrs. Frahcis B. Longworh b Vine and Race Haviland William, engraver at Doolittle & Munsons^ boards at Mrs, Laporte's Hawkes Mrs. Margaret, washerwoman, alley b Sth and Oth and Race and Elm Hawkins William, cabinet warehouse-, N s 4th b Main and Syc, B Syc, n 4th Hawkins Robert M. bricklayer, S E c George & John Hawkins John, bricklayer, boards at Mrs, E, Macy's Hawkins Henry, bricklayer, boards at Mrs, E. Macy's Hawkins Miss Susan, N s Oth b Syc. and B way Hawkins Mrs, Matilda, 212 Main upstairs Hawkins Thonias, (col'd) laborer, 2d b Race and Elm Hawkins Reuben, (col'd) steward, 6th b B "way and Pike Hawn Jacob, drayman. Main b canal and 12th Hay William, plane maker, boards at Mrs, Nile's Hayden Mrs. Esther, boarding honse, E s Elm b 3d and 4th Hayden William, (col'd) barber. Main b Sth and 6th Hayes R, P. physici-an, N s Sth b Race and Elm Hayes Henry, NWc Longworth and Race Hayes John R. saddle tree maker, 12th n canal Hays Philip, tanner, boards at Caledonia Hotel Hays Samuel, sawyer, N E c Court and Race Hays Simeon, brickmaker, 3d b Stone and Wood Hays ,.book,keeper Trust' Company bank Hayt Edward, turner in Wood and ivory, W s Syc, b 3d and 4th , Hazen & Lawrence, grocers, E Fr.ont n corp, line Hazen Septimus, (H. Sr Lawrence.) grocer, E Front n corp, line Hazen Livius, magistrate, 2d b Main and Syc, R B way b'2d and Lower market Hazen N, L, watch maker, 143 Main, R Syc, b Sth and 6th Hazelton Abraham C, blacksmith, Richmond b Wrow and John Hazleton Bernard, hatter, Sth b Plum and W row Heaslitt James, boarding house, W s Race b Sth and Longworth . , Heath Sam. paper hanger, S E c Lodges alley and 6th Heath John, follows river, S E c Lodges alley and Gano 80 Cincinnati Directory. Heath Miss Savina, milliner and mantria maker, W s Main b 6th and 7th Heckwelder, Thomas, clerk steam boat N. America Heckwelder .(xeorge, drayriian, Longworth b Elm and Plum Hedger Benjamin, drayman, N Wc Cherry and Plum Hedgerland James, blacksmith, 2d'b Vine and Race, R. John b 4th and Sth Hedgerland James, jr. blacksmith, boards at James Hedgerland's Hedgrington William, whitesmith. Court b Vine and Race Heid Leonhart, cabinetmaker, Walnut'n corp. line Heighway Mrs. Ehza A. W s Main b 13th and Allison Heighway Samuel M. at Mrs. E. A. Heighway's Heighway Henry, salesman at C. J, W. Smiths, bds at Mrs, Mary Smith's-. Hellmech Frederick, cooper, Walnut n corp, line Helm Mrs. Nancy, .Front b Plum and W rovv Helm F, T, commission merchant, Front n Green's Hotel Helms Lewis, laborer, E Front n Rolling miH Helscher G, shoemaker, W s Main b 13th and Allison Helsman John, carpenter, E Front opposite Rolling mill Hemel Thomas^ teamster, NWc Court and Race Hemming Thomas, clerk at J. J. Marshall & Co. bds at William Robertson's Hemming.William F, clerk, bds at Wm, Robertson's Hemphill Andrew, shoemaker, boards at A, Ludlum's Henchley Cady, drayman, 7th n John Henderson Thomas, associate judge Court Common Pleas; N s 6th b Syc, and B way Henderson T, J, attorney atlaw, office 8d b Main and Syc. at Judge Henderson's Henderson James, ship carpenter, E Front at corp, line Henderson James, stone cutter, Butler b Front and Congress Henning Mrs, Mary, seamstress, 2d b Lawrence and Pike Henrie William H. City Hall, SWc Main and 5th Henry John, printer' boards at Sans Souci Hotel Henry Mrs-Sarah, Front n Mill Henry Mrs, Sarah S. S W c Vine and 2d Henry George, carpenter, Pike n Sth Cincinnati Directory. 81 Henry Daniel, bricklayer, boards at J. M. Blair's Henry Thomas, machinist, Harrison street Henry Mrs. Ann, bc^arding house. North Lib. head Vine Henry James, engineer, Sth opposite the Mbund Henry George, (ro^'d) waiter at Dennison's Hotel, 6th n Deer creek ' Hep worth William, tanner and currier, E s Main b 7th and Sth Hepworth Daniel, boards at Thomas Forbes' Herald Samuel, laborer. Walnut b 9th and Corirt Herbert William, tailor. Front b Water and Vine Herburgher Frederick, tailor, ccanSirand Elm Herder G. sutler, W s Mairi b Sth and 9th Heritage E, painter, S s 5th b Plum and W row Herna Berndrd, laborer, Syc. b Abagail arid Woodwatrd Hermann Anthony, Waggoner, 7th n Mound Herron Dr. Otho M'. physician at Commercial Hospital 12th n canal Herron A. C. provission store; 2d n Lawrence Herron John, coffee house, 2d b B way and Ludlow Herron Joriathari, boarding house, E fe Syc b Front and 2d Hess Joseph F. grocer, N s 6th b Elm and Plum Hesselman Harman, blacksmith, boards at Frederick Vonseggern's Hesselwood Ajidrew, tailor. Elm b Court and Canal Hewett'Jedediah, cartman, 4th b Stone and Mill Hewett Nathan, grader and paver, W row n Commer­ cial Hospital Hewett Daniel, butcher, bds at Alexander Stewart's Hewson B, W. exchange broker, 54^ Main Hewspn John, city crier, boards at J. B. Covert's Hey B;.grocery and hay scales, N E c, 5th and John Hey Michael, merehan^ tailor. Front n Ludlow Hiatt Squire,' (col'd) laborer, W row b 2d-and 3d Hibbard Samuel P. (Spear Sr H.) grocer, N s 6th n Plum Hibbard Elmore D, laborer. Front b Stone and Wood Hickman Jesse, shoemaker, W row b 3d and 4th Hicks James, jr, produce merchant, S E c'VValnut and Water, R N E c 4th and Race Hicks William, ostler at Washington Hall Hicks Notly, (cord) laborer, 7th n Deer creek Hidey Joseph, brewer, E s Maitt b canal and ABagau ^2 Cincinnati Dii^ectory. Higbee Charles, physician, S s 4th b Main andSyc. Higbee Amasa, wood measurer. Plum b Front and 2d Higbee Wilha™} assistant wood-measurer,^ boards at A Higbee's Higbee John, paver. Cherry b Elm and Plum Higbee Nehemiah; laborer, Sth b Elm and Plum Higbee Wayne,-butcher, alley b Sth and 9th and Race and Elm Higdon Josiah, paver, 9th n John Higdon Harrison, drayman, Plum n Longworth Higgins Mrs, Lucinda, ,mantua maker, 5th b B way and Pike Higgins Henry, Carpenter, S E c Pike and Friendship Highfill Sarah, W s Walnut b Pearl and 3d Hildreth Jonathauj confectioner and coffee house, N WcSl;handElm Hildreth William, soap boiler, bds at John Hildreth's Hildreth John S; grocery and coffee house, 6th b Elm and Plum Hill Samuel, carpenter, Abagail b Main, and Syc. Hill John, ship carpenter, E Front n Laboratory HillPhilip A, do do do Hill Charles P. printer, boards at William Borland's Hill G, W. carpenter, boards at Ezra Bailey's Hill WilliariiB-book, keeper at Reynolds and Denni­ sons, boards at H. F. Hill's Hill James, carpenter, Longworth b Vine and Race Hill Mrs. Mary, tailoress,.N E c Longworth and Plum Hill H. F. clerk in bank, S E c Front and Race Hi^l George H. tallow chandler, 9th b Main & Walnut Hill Joseph S, clerk, boards at Main street Hotel Hill Dennis, (col'd) porter'at Foster's, Race b Court and Canal Hillman Rachel, tailoress, boards Wm. Jackson's Hillman Michael, labbrer. Vine n 13th Hills Joseph, shoemaker, at A. I(Udlum's Hills Townsehd, [Wade H. (S'Co.)'merchant, boards Miss Miles' - Hills William book keeper at Wade, Hills & Co. Hills Elias, clothing store. Front b Syc and B way Hilton John, school teacher, .3d b Smith and Park Hincker WiUiam, tobaceonist, boards John Elstner's Hincker Joseph, laborer, Syc b Abigail and Woodward Hinckley John, drayman, cutter W of Methodist bury­ ing ground Cineinnati Directory. §3 Hindman Samuel, shoemaker, bds at James IJahelby's Hine Sam^el, blacksmith. Frontn Laboratory' Hinkan Harrod, laborer, 2d n Syb; Hinkle Philip, (Gaither Sr H.) carpenter. Race b 3d and Union , Hinsdale J. T. clerk at Hartwell Lawrence & Co, bds at Mrs. Sargent's Hinman E. recorder and collector, Longworth b Vine and Race Hoaf Michael, shoemaker at George Leininger's Hobbs Henry, (col'.d) steward on river, 2d b Race and Elm Hobbin.Richard, coffee house,,N E c Front and Ludlow Hobson James, cartman, S E ePike, and Friendship Hodgert Ninian, grocer, S E c Longworth and Elm Hodges Rufus, attorney at law, S s 3d;b Main and Walnut, boards at Mrs, Hamilton's - Hodgkinson George, pririter, bds at Madam Laporte's Hodgson William, Y., druggist, N s 5th b Plum and W row Hodgson Joseph T. bricklayer, George b Ra,ce & Elm Hofer John R. works at Rolling mill, E Front n Rol­ ling mill Hoffman Charies, stone mason, E s Syc. b 7th and Sth Hoffman Jacob, butcher. Vine b canal .and 12th Hoffman Philip, drayman, 3d b Mill and Stone Hoffman Jonathan, carpenter, Front b Vine and Race Hoffman William, plasterer, bds at Catharine Covert's Hoffner Jacob, jr. grocer 206 Main, R Walnut b Sth and 6th Hoffner Anthony, tailor, 7th b Smith and Mound Hoisch Isadore, dyer & scourer, W s Main b 8th& 9th Holbrook D, B. boards at Broadway Hotel Holbrook W. M. boards at Broadway hotel Holbrook D, L, agent Covington hemp manufactury, Viue b 6th and Gano Holcomb A,sa, coffee house, S s 5th b Main & Walnut Holden A, P. & R. A. shoe stoi-e. No. 2 Noble's row Main Holden A, P. (A. P. &; R. A. H.) shoe store. No, 3 Noble's row Main Holden R. A. [A. P. Sr R. A. H.) shoe store. No. 2 Noble's row Main Holder Michael, moulder, boards at C. H. Williams' Holderfield James, laborer, boards at S. Kirkendall's S4 Cincinnaiti Directory. Holeaes.Alexander, stone mason. Water b Vine ajid feace Holeman George, laborer, boards at George Collins' Holinshead John, cabinet maker, Longworth b Elm and Plum Holland John, wholesale grocer, 37 Main Holland Palmer, at J. Holland's bds Mrs. Hamilton' Holand Nelson, waggon maker, FrOnt b Race and Elni Hollarid Alfred, carpenter, bds at Haqnah Rawling's Holland Mrs. Jane, nurse, E s B way b 6th and 7th Holland Madison, paver, E s B way b 6thvand 7th , Holland -^ , plough maker, boards at D. Embree's Holland Jonathan R, printer^ Sth b Plum and W row Holland Ephraim, (col'd) cook, Newj,b 6th and 7th and Syc and B way Hollard Garot, laborer, Vine b canal and 12th Holley Nathaniel, school teacher, W row b Longworth and 6th, R George b W row and John Holley Oliver, tinner, boards at Sans Souci Hotel Hollgath Joseph, laborer, boards at Richard Knight's Holliday & Wright, agOrit Methodist book rooms, W s Main ,b 6th and 7th Holliday Charles, (H. A W.) agent Methodist book rooms, 6th b W row arid John Holliday "William, blacksmith, Sth n Plumb, a S W c Stone and 5th, Holliday William S, boards at Franklin house Hollinbeck John, carpenter, boards at Hugh Nisbit'S Hollinger Frederick, carpenter, Vipe n corp, line Holman Eliphalett, bpiler maker, c Pike and Symmes, R c Congress and Lawrence Holmes WilHam, Marine hotel, SWc L. market and B way Holmes Southworth, (.4ZZen «^ Co.) manufacturer pa­ per hangings, Virie b Tth and Sth Holmes Cornelius, drayman, 3d b Stone and Wood Holmes Benjamin, file cutter. Vine b 2d and 3d Holt George, saddler, S s 7th n D, creek Holyoke William, coach maker, Es Syc. b 3d and 4th Homan Eli, superintendant water, worksj N s Front E -of D. creek Homer Samuel, hame and rivet maker, Sth b Elm and Plum . Honor Isaac, laborer, boards a John L. French's Honn Mrs. Nancy, 3d b Main and Walnut Cincinnati Directory. 85 Hood Mrs. Nancy, W Front n Mill creek bridge Hood William, brickmaker., 3d b Stone and Wood Hood Archibald, laborer, Front b W row and Mill Hbogland Ralph, Walnut b 12th and 13th Hoole Samuel, sen. locksmith, and cutler, SWc Main and 7th Hoole Samuel, jr. button manufacturer. Walnut b 6th and 7th Hoole William E. cabinet maker, S W-c Catharine and Fulton Hoon & Cloud, -blacksmiths, 2d b Ludlow and Law- TGHCG ' Hoon William, [H. A Cloud,) blacksmith, Sthb B way and Macalister Hoone Henry, laborer, E s Mainb canal and Abigail Hoover Jacob, shoemaker. Front b Lawrence & Pike' Hoover Samuel, carpenter, boards at John Elstner's Hoover Michael, Vine n 13th Hoover Sebastian, physician. Vine n corp. line Hoover Christian, laborer, Vinen corp. line Hoover Lawrence, laborer, a,lley b 4th and Sth and Mill and Stone Hoover Daniel, teamster, bds at Moses M. Williams' Hope John B. clerkat Thoms' George b Race & Elm Hopes Aaron, (Col'd) huckster, N s New n D. creek Hopkins Samuel, laborer, Frontb Lawrence and Pike Hopkins Henry E. tobacconist, alley n canal b Vine and Race Hopkins Harvey, carpenter, bds at Jedediah Hewett's Hopkins Harvey W. carpenter, boards at Margaret Mc­ llroy's Hopkins Dennis, clerk, W s Main n canal Hopkins W, F, bolting cloths and burr block store 22 Pearl, boards at Cincinnati Hotel Hopkins Mrs. Rebecca, 5th b Vine and Race Hopkins John E. carpenter, George b Race and Elm, boards at Mrs. R. Hopkins' Hopkins Franklin, carpenter, George b Race and Elm boards at R. Hopkins' Hopkins Samuel, shoemaker. Plum b Sth and Long. Hopkins John W. teacher in 7th district school Hopper Joseph L. painter, works at D. Bruce's Hopper Albert, grocer, NWc Longworth and W row 8 86 Cincinnaii iDirectpry. Hopper Aarons dry good store, 20 L. market Hoppins Edwin, carpenter,-bda at Archibald Herman's Hopple Aaron, tobacconist, 7 L. market Hop wood William, professor of the flute, W s Walnut b Pearl and 3d Horn Abraham,, carpenter, E s B way b New and 7th Horn Frederick, carpenter, boards at Abraham. Horn's Hornblower Charles W. hardware store, N s Lower market b Main and Syc. Hornblower, William, looking glass frame maker, E s Main b 6th and 7th, Hornburger G- N, coffee house, S E c Main and Sth Horne Daniel H. pork merchant, SWc Syc. and 6th, R E s Syc, b 3d and 4th Horne Daniel H. jr. clerk at Blaohley and Simpson's boards at C- Coffin's Horner John, cartman, c Oth and John Horner MT:S, Sarah, Sthb Plum and Wrow Horner-Theodore, engineer, boards at Sarah Horner'*i Horr Lot, painter, c and Smith Horrett Benjamin M. clerk at T, Crane & Co. boards at Mrs. Gassa'w.ay's Horrocks J. R. Tinner and coppersmith 39 Main, R S W c Front and Race Horrocks John, tinner. Front b Walnut and Vine Horth John, laborer. Cherry b Race and Elm Horton y. B. attorney at law, N s 3d b Main and Syc. Horton Henry, watchmaker, 5th b Vine and Race Horton & Baker, White and black smiths, N s Sth b Elm ,and Plum Horton Nicholas T. (IT.

«* 90, Cincinnafi Directory. Ick Jacob, blacksmith* Race b 9th and Court lehle Godfried, Confectioner, Sye* b Front and 2i Ilgner E, G, druggist, Ws Main b6th and 7th Iliff Thomas, laborer, E Front n Rolling mill Imes John, carpenter, boards at William Murray's Imhoiff .John,. fancy and music store, "VV s Main n 4tb Imhoff H, upholsterer, R 3d b Walnut and Vin,0 Imhoff H. upholsterer, N s 4th b Main and Syc. Immell Jacob, auctioneer, 212 Main Ingalls Lewis, machinist. Plum n Com, Hospital Ingersoll Henry, bridge builder, Sth b Smith and Park Ingersoll Ralph, carpenter, boards at John Elstner's Ingram John, teamster, boards at John Spinning's Ingram William, teamster, boards at John Spinning's Ingle Isr lira, sexton Wesleyan chapel, E s Syc-b 3d and 4th Ingles Roxina, George b Race and. Elm Ireland Isaac, butcher, Elizabeth n "VV row Ireland Anthony, carpenter, Frankli» street Ireland Jonathan, carpenter, bds at Susan Bartlett's Irick William, brick maker, 4th .b Race and Elm Irvin Christy, carpenter. Elm b 7th and Sth Irvin James, cooper, boards at James Sarver's Irvin Mrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, 3d b "Wood & Stone Irvin Stephen, (col'd) laborer. Elm b 2d and 3d Irvine Mrs. Margaret, 6th b Smith and Mound Irwin & Whiteman, commission merchants, SWc Front and Main Irwin Archibald, (/. A W.) commission merehant, Ludlow n 4th Irwin William, pork merchant, Syc. n canal, boards at Main street. Hotel IrWin Benjamin I, grocer, N E c Canal' and Race Irwin James, N W c 4th and B way Ishum Augustus, keeper B way Hotel, S E c 2d and ,B -way Isham William, merchant, boards Franklin House Isham Samuel G. dry good store, N s Sth b Main and Walnut boards Franklin House Isherwood Thomas, physician, office 3d b Main and Walnut boards Pearl street House Israel William, mercharit, N s Sth b Race and Elm luppenlatz George, 26 Main Ives Henry, [Burritt Sc L) tailor, Longworth b Vine and Race Cincinnati Directory. 91 Jiick Cynthia Ann, boards Mrs. Jane Miller's Jackson David, clk Canal market, at David Jackson jr Jackson David jr, liquor store, W s Main b 9th and Court R Walnut b Gano and 7th Jackson William, tailor, N, Liberties head Walnut Jackson John W, grocer, Vine b Canad and 12th Jackson John, cooper, c Catharine and Fulton Jackson George A. umbrella maker," W s Main b 3d and 4lh R 3d b Pike and Lav^'rence Jackson Mrs. Mary, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Jackson & Lindsay, hatters, 156 Main Jackson John, (J. Sr Lindsay) hatter, 7th b R ace and Elm Jackson George-, drayman, B way b 6th and 7th Jackson Henry, cooper, boards Richard Knight's Jackson Edmund, currier, Woodward n Syc Jackson Jacob B, shoernaker, at Edmund Jackson's Jacobs Saniuel F. grocer, N E c Sth & Race R Race n Stb .TacobS Mrs. Elizabeth, Walniit n 4th Jacobs Richard, board house, B way b L maricet and 3d Jacobs Abraham, tailor, L market b Syc and B way Jacobs Richard jr printer, boaj-dsRiohard Jacobs' sen James Levi & sons, produpe and shipping merchants, W s Syc b Front and 2d . James Levi, [L.J. Sr Sons) produce and shippirig mer­ chants E- s B way b 3d and 4th James J. J; (L. J. Sr Sons) merchant, at Levi James' James David, [L. J. Sr Sons) merchant, at Levi James' James J, A. «Sc Co, stereotype founders. Baker b Waljirit and Vine. , JamesU.P.(,/../a. J.& Co.)stereotype founder, boards .Mrs, Gazlay's James John, whitesmith, Vine b Water and Pront James Henry, tailor, 4th b Race and Elm James Rdbert, shoemaker,' Sth b Ra'ce and Elm R Long worth b W row and John James & Gazlay, printers, Bakerb Walnut and Vine James Francis .X. hook binder, boards Joseph Marot's James John, millright, S s 6th b Main and Walnut Jameson Horatio G. physician, 5th b Elm and Plum Jaquess John, butcher, W s Main b 9th and Court Jaquish Amos, cartman, N E c Plum and 2d Jardin Thomas, coffee house, L market b Sycamore and B way Jefferson John, drayman, 3d b W row and John ^2 Cincinnati Directory. Jewries &"Haughton, lumber raerchaints, NWc 7th and Race Jeffries Constaritine,. (J. «S'Haw^Aton) .S W c 7th and Race Jeffries John, hatter, George-bW row and John Jenks L. B. hat store, 122 Ma^ri Jenks Liberty, carpenter, E Front ri Laboratory .Tonkins George W, pak cooper, boards D, Embree's Jelleff Benjamin, grocer, N W c canal and Vine R Race b canal and,l2th. JenningsMartinC,tailor, S W c.4th and Elpi Jeremiah.Mrs. Effie grocery, S W c 7th and John Jewett Isaac A. att'y at law, N s 3d b Main and Syc Jobe John, dyer Bind'scourer, 2d b Main and Walnut Jocelyn Mrs; Maria, 4th n "Walnut Jocelyn' Jacob, carpenter, N s 7th b Syc and B way Johns Elias, laborer, John b 9th arid Richmond Johns Moses,.(corrf) follows river, 12th b Main and -Walnut ^ ' Johnson & Dunlap, shoe store, 198 Main Johnson Charles, cedar cooper, E s Main n 7th Johnson Peter, blacksmith, boards Henry Cole's Johnson Dudley, clerk at S. Menkeri's Johnson Seth S. salesmari, at R, Kurd's Johnson John D. (Levi Sr J.).cigAr manufactory Johnson Williarii, Franklin House, W s Mairi'b 3d & 4th Johnson H.- tinner, boards Congress Hall Johrison J. L, painter, boards Pennsylvania Inn Johnson James, brickmason, boards Pennsylvania Inn Johnson Caleb, river trader, boards Pennsylvania Inn, Johnson Edward J. dry good store, N s Sth b Main and Walnut , ' Johnson Mrs; Margaret, 7th b Vine and Race Johnson Elias, rriason, Race b Court and 9th Johnson Hamilton, carpenter, boards Mrs. E. F, Bisel's Johnson Thomas H, shoe store. Front b B way and Ludlow Johnson Sarah, boarding house, c Congress & Ludlow. Johnson D. I. merchant. Race b 4th and Sth Jlphnson George, steward, Plum-n4th Johnson Peter, General Marion coffee house, N s 6th b Plum 3.nd W row Johneon David, ship carpenter, 6th n Smith Johnson John, saddler, 5th n "Vine- Johnson Noble S. publisher Cross and Baptist Journal, boards Elizabeth Tribbey's Cincinnati Directory. 93 Johnson William S. S W c 4lh and Vine Jo'hnSon Alfred, (col'd) laborer, bds Agnesius Wilson's Johnson Charles, (col'd) firemanon river, bds Agnesiiis Wilson's Johnson William M. (Qol'd) silversmith. Race b Front and 2d Johnson John, (coi'cf) cook, N s 6th b B way and Pike Johnson Mary Ann, (col'd) washerwoman, Water b Race and Elm Joice Ardoff, carpenter, E Front n district school house Johnston «Sc.Little, city auctions, 202 Main Johnston Thomas, (J. Sr Little) auctioneer, boards Derinison's Hotel Johnston James, grocer and commission merchant,.49 Main , ' Johnston Alexander, S W c Front and Plum Johnston Mrs., Matilda, Plum b Waterand Front Johnston Joseph, carpenter. Water b John and Smith Johnston Mrs. Elizabeth, S 'W c Water and Vine Johnston, Rev. Benjamin W, (Protestant'Episcopal) Longworthb Elm and Plum Johnston James jr. carpenter. Walnut b Front and 2d boards Elizabeth Cranmpre's Johnston Alex, carpenter;.bds Elizabeth Cranmore's Johnston William, carpeiater, boards William Barker's Johnston Adam, distille/r, George b-Race and Elm Johnston Ailexander, (coZ't^ waiter. Walnut b 2d and Pearl Johnston William, [cor0) laborer, George b Raceand Elm Jolley John, follows river. Water b Plum and W row Jolley John, N s 6th b John and Smith Jolley Edward, N s ,6 b John and Smith Jonas Samuel', clothing'store, N W c Main and 3d Jonas Joseph, watchmaker, Sd n Main Jones George W. sen, N E C 4th and Vine Jones George W,jr. pork merchant, N s Sdn Fike Jones William D. commission merchant, 3 Noble's row Main R 4th.b Main arid Sycaniore , Jones J- D, & C, dry goods store, 19 Pearl Jones John D. (J. D. Sr C. J.) 4th b Walnut and Vine Jones Caleb, [J. D. Sr C. J.) dry goods store, 19 Peari Jones T abot, att*y at law, S E c Main and Lower Market 94 Cincinnati Directory. "Jones A. A. druggist, 244 Main Jones Thomas, stone sawyer, Sycamore b 3d and 4th Jones Joshua*, stone mason, Sycamore n Abigail Jones John, boarding house, 3d b Main and SyCamore Jories^William, cooper, boards Thomas Lonney's Jones Joseph, carpenter. Pike n Sth R Sth n Pike Jones Rev- Edward, N s Sth n B way Jones 'William., carpenter, ii s Harrison street Jones Benjamin N; type founder, N s7th n Bway Jon^sjohn sen. Watei* b John and Smith Jones-John jr. waggoner, boards John Jones sen Jones Mrs. -Rebecca, mantua-maker, Longworth b Elra and Pluna Jones Nelson, follows, rivei-, Walnuth 6thand^7th Jones James, tallow chandler, Walnut b 6th and 7th Jpnes Edward, cartman, boards Abraham Evans' Jones Philip,cartman, 6th b Elm and Plum- Jones .Edward, cartman, boards Philip Jones' Jones David W. grocer, S E c Elm and 9th Jones Thomas, butcher, alley b Sth and 9th and Race vand Elm Jones David.D. constable, J^ s 6th b Plum and W row Jones Joseph,, shoemaker. Race b Court and canal Jones Thomas, cooper, boards Hugh Nisbit's :Tones John, boards Main street Hotel •!ories William, grocer. Lower market b Sycamore and B^ay Jones Thomas E. merchant'tailor, N E c Sycamore and Front Jones Robert, blacksmith, S s Front n rolling mill Jcnes Thomas, ship joiner, E Front n laboratory Jones Willikm, blacksmith. Race b canal and 12th Jones John, house joiner, c W row arid Elizabeth Jones Mrs. Sophia, stock maker, Catherine b .W row and John Jones Mrs. Francis, Catharine n W row Jones Jtfhn, drayman, W row b 4th and Sth Jones Machael, clerk J. D. & C. Jones' R Elmb Sd and 4th Jones John, masbn, 3d.b Vine and Race Jones Stephen, hatter, works Vallette, Bates' & Co. Jones William, coal merchant, Race b Front, an'd 2d Jones Ephraim, shoemaker. Plum b Front and^d Jones John, laborer. Mill b 3d an4 4th Jones E. W. (col'd) cook, 6th b B way and Pike Cincinnati Directory. 95 Jones Castilia (col'd) cook, alley b New and 6th and Sycamore arid B way Jones James, (col'd) laborer, 7th n Deer creek Jones Isaac, (coi'd) steward, boards James Jones' JonesGeorge, (col'd) laborer, Elrri b 2d and .Greeri Jones Maria, (col'd) washerwoman. Water b Rj|,ce and Elm Jonte Peter, brewer, S E c Sycamore and Abigail Jonte P. N. oak cooper, S E c Main and Franklin, R 9thb Race and Elm Jordan Daniel B. dry goods store, N s 6th b Plnm and W row Jordan John, carpet weaver, S s Oth b Plum and Elm Jordan David; carpet Weaver, S s 6th b Plum and Elm Jordan Mrs. Mary, S ,s 6th b Plum and Elm Jordan Mrs. Eliza, grocery, E s Walnut/b 3d and 4th Jordan Jacob, (Wm.B. Beall Sr Co.) hatter, 7th n Main Jordan A. T. clerkat Rogers and-Shrewsbury's boards Jacob Jordan's Joseph J- G. optician and jeweler, 169 Main R 4th b Main and Walnut Josien William, grpcer. Elm n corp line. Judkins William,.physipian,,5th b Vine and Race Judkins David, clerk at'Bakewell& Anderson's, boards Dr. Judkins' Juniper Benjamin, drayman, boards S- B. Shipler's Justice Jesse, liquor store, W s Main b 6th and 7th Justis & Meader, merchant tailors, 66'Main Justis John, (J'.SrM.) merchant tailor, Justis Thomas, (Baii'ks A J.) boiler maker, N s Sth n Pike

Kain John, blacksmith, Longworth n Mound Kanck'Folate, laborer, c Sth and Wood Kane Anthony, gardener, c Sth and Wood Kattenhorn Aaron, coffee house, E s Main b Lower market and 3d Kattenhorn Ortyes, coffee house, 27 Lower market Kattenkemp, Diedrick, tailor, Abigail b Main and Syc. Kaufak William, barkeeper at Patrick Cody's, boards M-Ryans'' Kautz David, City Hotel, W s Sycamore b 2d and Lower Market 96 Cincinnati Directory. Kay Richard, butcher, John b 9th and Richmond Kean Nelson,tinner, boards Susan Covalt's Kean William, laborer. New R No 2 Keefe David,'laborer, E s Macalister, b 4th and Sth Keeler Benjamin, carpenter, E s Macalister, b 4th & 5 Keeler Samuel, carperiter, 3d n Ludlow Keeler Theodore, locksmith, boards Mrs, UUeiry-a Keely Michael, carpenter, Keil George, organ manufacturer, E s Main n corp line Keiser-John, pointer, boards S. Kirkendall's Keller.Jacob,'Geo"rge b,Race and Elni Keller Henry, laborer, FrontE of D6ek creek Kelley Dennis, brickmaker,-W of Methodist burying ground Kelley Moris, brickmaker, boards Dennis Kelley's, Kelley Thoriiias, cartman j b'Frorit and 3d n Mill Kelley Thomas,laborer, Congress bB way and Ludlow Kellara James, works shovel.'factory, B way n 7th Kellogg & Kennett, .wholesale-grocers, 12 E Front Kellogg Sheldon I. [K. Sr Kennett) wholesale grocet, 12 E Front Kellogg & .Williams, merchant tajlors, W s Mainn Front Kellogg Charles P. (K. Sr-W.) merchant tailor. Main n Front Kellogg Albert, auctioneer and furniture dealer, Ss Stb b Main and Walnut R 6th b Race and Elm Kellogg, Wells «fcCo. hardware store 176 Main Kellogg Henry S. (K. Wells Sr Co.) Tth b Race and Elm Kelly John,--drayriian, Jackson n 12th Kelly Owen, cartman. Race b 2d and 3d Kelly Matthew, liquor store. Water b Race and Eln?"" Kelly James, follows river, Water b Race and Elm Kelly William, cabinet maker, boards Mrs. B, Allen's Kelly James, coffee house, Water b Main and Walnut Kelly James carpenter, Longworthb Plum and W row Kelly James M. carpenter,Lodge's alley b.Gano &; Tth Kelly John, bar .keeper at Marine Hotel Kelly J-ohn, coffee house,.Es Syc b 2d and Lower Market Kelly Mrs. Catharine, boarding house,,E'sB wayjb 2d and Congress Kelsey David S. tinner, boards Robert Moorhead's Kemper James, N sSth b B way and Pike Kemper Nancy C. boarding house, Longworth b Vine and Race Cincinnati Directory, '97 Kendall U. potter. Race n Qorp line, R Eliriin corp line Kendall H. printer, boards San Souci Hotel Kendall Joseph, carpenter, bds Elizabeth Wartman's Kendall Joshua, saddle tree maker, N "W c B way and Woodward Kendall & Henry, printers, S W c Sycamore and 4th Kennedy John, clerk, boards Cincinnati Hotel Kennedy Charles, laborer, W s Main b 13th and Allison Kennedy Matthew, laborer, alley b Front. and 2d and Race and Elm Kennedy Robert, merchant tailor, 51 Main, R Race b 2d and Cherry Kennedy Thomas sen. looking glass manufacturer, Longworth b Plum and W row Kerinedy Thomas ji-.lookingglass manufacturer, boards Thomas Kennedy sen Kenriedy John, looking glass manufacturer j Longworth b Plum and Wrow Kennett John, (Kellogg S,- K.) grocer, 12 E Front Kent Luke sen. watch maker and jeweler, 216 Main- Kent Luke jr. watchmaker and jeweler, 216 Main Kent Thomas, watch maker and jewel'^r, 58 Main Kent Patrick, laboirer. Water b Vine and Race Keown John, grocer, S s Water b Main, and.Wxlnut Kerr & Westerfield, chair ware- house. Sycamore b Front and 2d Kerr E. V (JK. Sr IF.) chair ware house, 3d b Vine and Race Kerr George,,coffee house and grocery, S E c Front and Ludlow Kershner,Isaac, tanner. Sycamore n Abigail Kesey Charles F. tinner. Front b Walnut and Vine Kesler Mark H. brick maker, W Front n Mill Creek bridge Kesler Valentine, laborer, Pikeb 3d and Congress Kesterson William, laborer. Front E of Deer Creek bridge Kestner j. P. grocer, SWc Sycamore and Abigail Keys Thomas, chair painter, 4th b Race and Elm Keys Richard W. clerk at Kellogg «fc Kennett's, boards Mrs. Eaton's Keys William L. clerk McClellan & Yorke, boards Dennison's Hotel Keys John, tinner. Walnut b Sth and 6th Keys John F. clk trust company bank, c 3d and Ludlow 9 98 Cincinnati Directory. kibbyS. N. trunk manufacturer, W s Main b Front and 2d Kidd Hugh shoenjaker. Front b Lawrence and Pike Kiersted Mrs. Anna, boarding house, 3d b Pike and Lawrence Kiesner George, laborer. Northern Liberties head Walnut Kiifer Dominick, tailor, S E c George arid Plum Kilgour, Taylor & Co. wholesale grocers &c. 14 W Front Kilgour John, [K.Taylor A Co.) wholesale grocer &c. R Spring Hill Kilgour Daniel, drayman, NWc Cherry and Plum Killbrath James, clerk, N E"c 6th and B way Killough James, physician and surgeon, B way b Front and 2d boards B way Hotel Kimball Cyrus, looking glass frame manufacturer. Vine b 2d and 3d R 3d b Vine and Race Kimball Joseph, sawyer, S E c 3d and Ludlow Kimball Mrs. Charlotte, N s Sth b Main and Sycamore Kmch Charles, butcher, John n Catharine Kincaid Miss Lavinia, milliner, Sth b Vine and Race Kmcade George L. clock maker, Ss 7th b Main and Sycamore King Frederick;shoe maker. Front b B way & Ludlow King D. A. township ti-ustee, Ns Woodward nMain King Truman, laborer, 6th n Smith King Samuel, wood sawyer, 4th b Mill and Stone King Mrs. Sarah, 4th n Walnut King Mrs. Margaret, SWc -4th and Elm King Justin blacksmith. Walnut b 2d and Pearl King Georg e, hatter, works Vallette, Bates & Co. King John, mate on river. Front b Vine and Race King James, last maker,-2d b Elm and Plum King Jonathan, butcher, at Samuel Beresford's King J. W. boards Pearl street Hoq^e King Edward, barber, Front b Mairi and Walnut King B. D. river trader, boards Congress Hall King Lewis, confectioner, N s 6th B Elm and Plum Kmg Samuel, coffee house, S s 6th b Plum and W row King Darnel,Ns Abigail bMain and Sycamore Kmg Ge^rge^^H. blacksmith .5th n Mound, R Smith King Oleba tailoress, Abigail b Main and Syc Kingsbury Obadiah, farmer, c Canal and Liberty Cincinnati Directdry.. 99 Kinmont Alexander, teacher academy, SWc Long. and Race, R Race b 6th and 7th Kmnan John, turner, W s Main b 6th and 7th Kinsela James S. Republican coffee house, N s Sth b Vine and Race Kinsey Edward, silversmith, c 3d and Walnut, R 4th n Race Kirby John, currier, N s 6th b Main and Syc. Kirby John, butcher, N E c Fulton and Elizabeth .Kirby Timothy G. agent bank U. S. 4th n .Race Kirby Thomas, butcher. Vine h 9th and Court Kirchart Michael, works in Gazette office, R Tth b •W row and John Kirk James, iron founder, Butler, b Fi;ont and Gong. Kirkendall Solomon, wood sawyer, c Tth and John Kirman Edward, shoemaker, boards at Mrs. Morrow's Kisner Frederick, moulder. Corporation alley b Vine and' Walnut Kite Joseph, (co^rf) pedlar, N s 6th n Pike Kitson Nathan, Weaver, Ludlow b 2d and Congress Kizer Conrad^ brickmaker, W Front n M. creek bridge Kizer Colman, baker, E s Main b Canal and Abigail Kizer John, blacksmith Sth n Mound, R Snaith n Mound Kleine Joseph, tailor, 5th b Race and Elm Kleine Henry, do. do. do. Klinck George F. confectioner, 3d b Main and Syc. Kline Henry, carpenter, North. Lib. head Walnut Klinga Justus,,'coffee house, Ws Main n corp. line Klotter George, drayman, E Froni; opposite Washing­ ton brewery Knapp John, saddle tree maker, bds at D, Embree's Knapp David, do, do, do, do. Kneeler Foltine, laborer, Vine n Allison Knight Henry, (Selves Sr K.) Eagle coffee house, S W c Main and 3d Knight Richard, drayman, New b Syc, and B way Knight Thomas J. chair maker, bds at Mrs, Eaton's Knight James, la,borer,-4th b Mill and Stone Knight Mrs, Mary, boarding house, alley b-2d and Green and Race and Elm Knight James, laborer, Longworth n Mound Knoblaugh Frederick, tailor, George b Plum & W row Knoph T. upholsterer, N s 4th b Main and Syc. Knowlden John, pine cooper, N E c W row and Court Knowles Edward, laborer, 9th n John 100 Cincinnaii Directory. Knowlton Hiram, soap boiler, Water, b Plum and W row Knowlton Francis, teamster, boards at Elizabeth Wartman's Knox Charles, (col'd) shoemaker, S s 6th n D. creek Koegel Andrew, butcher, c W row and 9th Koelch Francis, waggon maker, Vine n corp. line Kolp Joseph, edge tool maker, N s Sth b Elm & Plmn R Elra b 4th and Sth ' Kelt Jacob, rope maker, Elra n Corp. line Kontz George, grocer, N E c Syc, and Abigail Korte John A. grocer, N W e Main and Canal Korte Harman, blacksmith, N E c Walnut and I2th Kramer G. shoemaker, n S W c Syc. and Sth , Kramer Mrs. Eliza, Longv/orth bW row and John Krewson John, blacksmith, S s Sth b Main and Syc- Krietley EHzabeth, Sth b VV row-and John Kro Henry, laborer, c Sth and Wood Kugler, John, produce merchant, 6 Cassilly's row E Front Kuler Samuel, carpenter, 3d n Ludlow Kurkiss Frederick, baker, B way b 2d and L. market Kyle H. T. att'y at law. officaE s Main b 4th and Sth Kyle George, saddler, W row n 5th Kyles George, brick mason, S s 4th b Syc and B way

Ivadd George W. clerk at A, A. Wilkins, boards at William Borland's Lafferty Archibald, drayman, N s 6th n Smith Lafferty James, drayman, Walnut n canal , Laird Samuel, drayman, Water b Vine and Race Lake Robert, clerk at M- W- Byrne*.s boai-ds at Wm- Clark's

Lakey James, physician, office Footes row 3d n Vine 9 board® at Williaria Borlarid's Lakey William, harness maker, E s Syc. n Front l^akin John, laborer, Sd n Park Lalland Mrs, Margaret, washerwoman, Tth b Smith and Mound Lamb J. G. cashier Miami Exporting. Company bank. Vine b 9tb and Court Lamb James, laborer, John b 9th and Richmond Lamb Alexander, drayman. Home h 4th and Sth Cincinnaii Directory^ 101 Lamb Edward, laborer at Broadway Hotel, Race b 2d and 3d Larabdin Wm. T. carpenter, boards at Samuel Dair's Lambey Letitia, Smith b Longworth and 6th Lament & Anderson, tailors, 293 Main Lamping Henry, blacksmith, S s 7th n B way Lane' Mrs, Sarah, N s 6th n Smith Lane William,.shoerriaker, boards at Henry Stanfer's Lane John, pilot on river. Race b 2d and. Cherry Lane Wilson, confectioner, Syc, b 2d and L market Lane Morris, pilot on river, boards at James Sarver's Lane William,,laborer, alley b 3d and 4th and Main and Walnut 'Lane John, waggon maker, boards at Rebecca Oliver's Lane Mrs. Mary, piiHiner, 5th b Vine and Race Lande John, junction Front and Sth street Lang Robert, grocer. Woodward b Syc. and B way Langdon Elam P. deputy post master, N s 6th b Main and Syc. ' Langdon Wm. shoemaker. Water b Elm. and Plum Langdon R. C. printer and editor, S s 6th b Race and Elm Langdon Thomas P, printer, boards at Main st. Hotel Langdon John M. printer, boards Main street Hotel Langley Edward, hatter, W row n Tth Langtry William, furniture warehouse, E s Walnut b 4th and 5th Langtry Lewis, cooper, boards at Carvil Clark's Langville Jefferson, boards at Jacob White's Lanphear Mrs. Elizabeth ,Longworth b John and Smith Lanphear, Mrs, Lucinda, 6th b Race and Elm Lansden Alexander, shoemaker, E s Walnut b Water and Front Lansing Stephen, boards as Erastus Poor's Itepe Mrs, Mary, E s Main n Abigail Laporte Mrs. Victoire, boarding house, N E c Syc. and Sth Lapp Matthias, coffee house, Es Main n Abigail Lapp Simon, grocer, c Walnut, and 13th Larber Jacob, laborer, E Front n district school house Lardner H. & L, wholesale grocers, 2T Main Lardner Henry, [H.Sr L. L.) wholesale grocer, boards at Cipcinnati Hotel Lardner Lynford, [H. Sr L. L.) wholesale grocer, c 3d and Ludlow 9* 102 Cincinnati Directoryr Larriier David, tinner, boards at Mrs. Jane Miller*s _ Latham David, physician, office Footes row 3d n Virie Latham Thomas & Sons, grocer and produce mer­ chants, SWc Main and Water Latham Henry, [T. L.Sr Sons,) grocers- and produce merchant, S W c Main and Water Latham Charles, (T. L. Sr Sons,) grocer and produce merchant, SWc Main and Water Latham Frederick, clothing store. Water b Main and Walnut Latta Mrs. Rebecca, grocery, E FrOnt n district school house Lawns Mrs. Caroline, W s Tth n B way .Lawler Davis B. 4th b Walnut and Vine Lawrence Josiah, (HartWell L. Sr Co.) president Lafay­ ette bank, Tth b Race and Elrn Lawrence Lorenzo, physician, Race b 3d and 4th Lawrence .& Averil, victualing and coffee house, Lr, market b Syc- and B way Lawrence Manuel, steward at Broadway Hotel, Race b 2d and 3d Lawrence Charles, laborer. Friendship h Pike and Lawrence Lawrence Richard, cooper. Vine b Front and 2d Lawrence Daniel T. blacksmith NWc Water and Race Lawrence Miss Hannah, mantua maker, S E c Lodges^ alley and Oth Lawrence Washington, clerk. Long, b Race and Elm Lawson Benjamin S. physician, S s George b W row and John Lawson Thomas & Sons, tinners and coppersmiths,. 144 Main and S s Sth b Main and Syc. Lawson Thomas [T. L. Sr Sons,) tinner and copper- Sraith, Tth b Syc. and B way Lawson Fenton, (T. i. Sr Sons,) tinner and copper­ smith. Race b Tth and Sth Lawson Robert, (y. i. (S- Sons,) tinner and copper­ smith, at Thomas Lawson's La.wton Josiah, Sth b Vine and Race Layman John, saddle^, ITO Main, R George n engine- house Layman John H. saddler ITO Main, R at^ohn Liiyman'» Layman Wesley, saddler, boards at Pennsylvania . Inn? Lay ton Mrs, Margaret,. Longworth b W row and Johaf. Cincinnati Directory. lOSt Leach Thomas, tailor, boards at C. Coffin's Leach A. A. carpenter, W row n elbow canal Leach Alfred,, (co/'d) carpenter, alley b 2d and 3d andf Vine and Race Leadbeater Wm. cabinet maker, 6th b John and Smith Leaper James, blacksmith^ 5th b John and Smith Leathers Bolen, clerk at T. Crane & Co* boards at Mrs, J, Hamiltori's Lecbunt David, S s 12th b,Vine and Race Lecount Collins, shoemaker, Sth b Smith and Mound Ledyard H, L. wholesale grocer. Water b Main and Walnut, R N s Sth n Main Lee James H, clerk in Trust Company bank, c 3d and Ludlow Lee Mrs. Elizabeth S s Sth b Main and Syc. Lee R. W, [Miller SrL.) pork merchant,. Ss Tthb Snaitb and Mound Lee William, drayman Longworth b Johri and Smith Lee Edmund, civil engineer, bdsat Mrs. H, Addison's Lee T. G, boards at Mrs, J Hamilton's Lee Henry,, (co^rf) steward on river, 6th n D, creek Leech James, tailor, boards at William Borlarid's Leer George, coach^maker, boards at Jacob Strodbeck''s Leese Manyel J. engirieer. Front n Mill Leetham John, boa'rd^g & coffee house, 2d n Ludlow Leever John, laborer; Elm n 13th Leflar Mrs, Elizabeth, Plum n Longworth Leflar Joseph, brickriiaker, W Front n M creek bridge Legg Owen, cooper, S s 6th n John Legg William, drayman, Tth b Race arid Elm Lehman C, D, & Co. cabinet ware manufactory N E c B way and Front, R E s B way n 4th Leibee John, carpenter, 3d b Smith and Mill Leighty Wm. hatter, works at Valette Bates & Co. Leininger, George, shoemaker, W s Vine b 5th«Sc 6th Leininger, Banhard, shoemaker, boards at George- Leininger's Leman Charles, painter, bds at Frederick Wallsman'a Leman Matthias, waggon maker, at N. 'Reed's Leman A ray, Sth b Smith and Mound Lemena Henry, laborer, works at Vallette Bates & Co. Lemmon Lydia Ann, N s L. market b Syc. and B way Lentner Jacob, chair maker, Macfarlane b Elm and Plum Leonard Patrick, (Crosby Sr L.) merchant, E s Wselr nut b 3d and 4th 104 Cincinnati Directory* Leonard Henry, cartman, Walnut n 13th Leonard John, blacksmith and iron finisher. Home a 4th and Sth Leonard James, carpenter, alley b 2d and 3d and Race and Elm Leonard William, river pilot,, Plum b Water and Front Leonard George;blacksmith, bds at Mrs, E, F,'Bisel's Le Page Mrs. Margaret, milliner, E s Walnut b Wa­ ter and Front Lepman Hannah, clothing store, N s L. market n Syc. Lesher Charles, coach maker, bds at Sans Souci Hotel Leslie Mrs. Maria, tailoress, 2d b W^alnut and Vine Letton Ralph, proprietor museum, NWc Majn &, Sth Levassor E. merchant, S s L, market b Syc. & B way Levey Henry, architect, NWc Syc. and Sth Levi Lewis, (i. (S-Johnson,) cigar manufacrirer, W s Main b 3d and 4th Levi Benjamin G. fancy store and circulating library, lOTMain Levi Isaac G. engraver and circulating library, lOT Main Lewis Samuel, att'y at law, E s B way n corp, line Lewis Watson, loan office, N s 5th b Smith and Mound Lewis Thatcher, county assessor^ 8th n W row Lewis John H, grocer, S E c Main and Tth Lewis John, tellbr in Franklin bank,'Macfarlane b Elm and Pluiri Lewis Joseph, clerk at Manser's iron store, boards at Mrs. Bessom's Lewis Hannah, tailoress, B, way n L. market Lewis Henry, attorney at la,w, E s Main n Franklin Lewis Robert, blacksraith "W s Syc. n Woodward Lewis John T, clerkat H, Lewis, S s Tth b Main and Syc, Lewis William, saddle tree maker, S s Sth b Syc. and B way; Lewis Alexander, coffee house, Commercial row n Water, R Race n Sth Lewis Richard, grocer, S E c Front and Race Lewis Heriry, produce merchant, N E c 6th & Walnut Lewis Samuel, carpenter, George b Race and Elm Lewis John, (t^ol'd) whitewasher, Sth b B way and D« creek Lewis Sanders, (cord) steward on River, Pleasant n corp > line Cincinnati Direetory. 105 Lewis Anderson, (col'd) steward on river. Pleasant n corp, line Lewis.Samuel, (coPd) steward on river. Pleasant n corp, line Lewis Rachel, (col'd) washing and sewing, SWc Race and 2d Lewton Abraham, millwright, S s Sth n B way L'Hommedieu & Co, proprietors and publishers Cin. Gazette & Liberty Hall, E s Main b 4th & Sth L'Hommedieu Stephen S. (L. Sr Co.) Tth b W row and John L'Hommedieu Richard F, [L. Sr Co.) boards at John C. Avery's c Tth and Race Libeau Charles, military and fringe store, S s 3d b Main and Syc. Liddel Isaac, mason, 6th b Smith and Mound Liedel Peter, barber, S s 6th b .Plum and W row Light George S. clerkat O. Fairchild's, boards at Exchange Hotel Lightfoot John G. shoemaker, N s 6th n Smith Lightner Joseph, cabinet poHsber, 8th b Race & Elm Lilley William, grocer, c Richmond and W row Lilley John, grocer, NWc 4th and W row Lilley Charles, engineer. Friendship b Pike and Butler Limber Thomas, engineer, William b Elm and Plum Linck Mrs. Rosannah,,tavern. North. Lib. head Vine Lines William, N s 5th b Syc. and B way Lingo Caleb, hair dresser, 2d b Main and Syc. R Court b Elm and. Plum Lipps Michael, .boarding and coffee house, Frontb B. way and Lirdlow Lippincott Sylvester, Uvery Stable, 2d b Main & Syc- Lippincott D- A. livery stable and undertaker, N E c B way and L market sign Sam Patch Little Rev. Henry, 3d Presbyterian church 150 Main, boards at Thomas Forbe's Little Robert, Gano b Main and Walnut Little-Henry, boards at Thomas Forbe's Little William, at Wright Smith's, S W c Elm and 9th Little Thoraas,laborer, W'oodward b Syc. and B way Little Mrs- Rachel, carpet weaver, Longworth fa John and Smith Littlekin Joseph F. coffeehouse, N W.c'Front and Lawrence Littler John, boards at Joseph Talbot's 106 Cincinnati Directory. Liverpool Isaat;, (col'd) shoemaker, NWc Walnut ^ Front Liverpool James,.sen. (col'd) laborer. Race b Front and 2d Liverpool James, jr. (cofd)laborer, at Ja,mes Liver­ pool's sen. Liverpool John, (coTrf). barber, Water b Main and Walnut, boards at James Liverpool's , Livingston Robert, merchant, 24 L. market Lloyd Miss Henrietta, boards at-John W Foster's Locke Dr. John, female academy, E s Walnut b 'M and 4th Lockhart, Archibald, carpenter, N W[ c Longworth &,' .. . Plum Lockman Willianq, moulder, Front b Pike and Butler Lockwood E. S. & Co. dry good store, 142,Ma,in Lockwood D. J).[E. S- L. Sr Co-) dry. good store, bds, at Dennison's Hotel ^ Loder James, engine forger, 2dn Ludlow Lodge Mrs. James, 4th b Walnut "and Vine Lodwick Charles, ckrpe'riter, 8th n John Loe Frederick 'W. paver. Cherry b Elm and Plum Lofthouse William, [Attee SrL.jhxewer, 4th b John & Smith Logan

Macatney J. bar keeper. Pearl street House Macy Charles, cook on river, 3d b Elm and Pllira Macy John C. clerk, R- G. Mitchell's Macy Mrs, Elizabeth, board, house, 4th b Elm & Plum Mackral Robert, drayman, W s Sycamore b 3d and 4th Made WiUiam, laborer. Cherry b Race and Elm Mader Magdalen, servant at "Wright Smith's sen. Madigan Thomas, laborer, W s B way n Canal Madison Rancil A. magistrate, office W s Main b Tth and Sth R •l3th b Vine and Race Madison Reuben, (col'd) boarding house, Oth b B way and Pike • Magee James, engineer, Frontb Plum and W row Magee Mrs, Emily, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Maggini Joseph, artist, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Magness John, [Harbaugh Sr M.) blacksmith, Sth b W row and John Magness Benjamin V. carpenter, E s Walnut b 6th and Tth Maguire John, laborer, at J. Hick's store Mahard J. & J- produce merchants, SWc Water and Walnut Mahoney John, laborer, alley b New and Tth and Syc and B way Maine Mrs, Sarah, George b Plum and W row Makin James, clerk Fulton Foundry, Front b Pike and Butler • Maley John, tailor. Union b Race and Elm Maloone Mrs, Mary, shoe binder. Water b Race and Elm Maloy Daniel, shoemaker, boards Andrew Lucas' Manhorn James, shoemaker, at A. A. Ludlum's Manley Washington, laborer, George b Wrow & John Mann JohSi, cartman, at John Mortimer's Mann Ohnriig, copper, Vine n corp line Mann M. B. dry good store, W s Main b 4th and Sth Mann Morris B. clothing store^ W s Mairi b Court and canal boards Main street Hotel 10 110 Cincinnati Directory^ Manning Samuel, carpenter. Union b Race and Elm Manser William, iron store. Front bMain and Syc R Front b Walnut and Vine Mansfield E- D. att'y at law, office 3d b .Main and Walnut R 3d b i5 way and Ludlow Mansfield Mrs- Elizabeth, 3d b B Way and Ludlow Mansfield Ros well, lumber yard, Elni b Front and 2d R Front b Plum and W row Mantanes French teacher. Lower market b Syc and B way Mantor Arazi, (Stoddard Sr M.) carpenter, George h W rovy and John i Mappin Alexander C- blacksmith, boards John Cox's Maradis Edward, carpenter, N s 6th b B way and Pike Marar Henry, laborer. Cherry b Race and Elm March Frederick, laborer, Friendship b Pike and Lawrence Marchant Isaac, inn keeper, S, s 9th b Main and Sye Marchant S.& N, liquor store, S E c Main and 9th Marchant Samuel, [S. Sf JV. JIf.) Sycamore b Sth and Oth Marchant Nathan,.(S. Co.) Ge&rge 1) W row and John McCormick Charles, shoemaker, bds David Rickoff's McCormick Chapline E. carpenter,, alley b 24 and 3d and Vine and Race McCormick Samuel, W s'B way n 8th McCormick William, drayman, boards at John Hand's McCormick Samuel, George b Race and Elm McCormick Samuel, shoemaker, George b Race,& Elm McCoy James, drayman,Vinen 13th McCoy Mrs. Mary, seamsti^ess, 2d b Race and Elm McCoy William, salesman, R Water b Vine and Race McCoy Mrs, Mary, seamstress. Elm b Front and 2d McCracken William H. printer. Water b Vine & Race McCracken Mrs- Jane, bo'ards at Joseph Harrison's McCracken Francis, shoemaker, 4th VMain «fe Walnut McCracken James, brickmason, bds at - Pennsylvania Inn McCreight , coach malier, works David Bruce's McCullough James M, deputy sheriff, Tth b Vine and Race McCullough Robert, bar keeper; at Dennison's Hotel McCuHough John, saddle tree maker, 12th b Vine and Race MesCullough Hugh, boot and shoe maker, W s Main b Tth and 8th McCuUough Thomas, musician, boards at Mrs', Ann- Henry,'s McCuUum Hugh, laborer. Elm b 6th and George McDaniel Mrs, Margaret, milliner, E s Syc, b 4th & S McDaniel R. works'at Tatern's foundry McDonald Dowdy & Cp, cotton gin manufacturers, Tth b Main and Syc, McDonald Mi-s, Margaret, 6th n Smith McDonald James, brickmason, bds at Sarah Stewart's McDonald Oswald, blacksmith, Front b Walnut and Vine McDonald Arthur, works at Price's brewery, R Wates." b Vine and ,Race McDonald John, tailor^ works at WiUiam Smith's^ McDonald George, paver, Ns Tth n D, creek McDonald John. W s Syc, and Sth Ciricinnafi Directory. 119 McDonald Hugh, stone mason, Spring n Woodward McDonald John, tailor, B way b 2d and Congress McDonnell Michael, laborer', N s Harrison street McDOugal Hugh, deputy sheriff boards D. Embree's MCDougal Joseph, coffee house, S W c 2d and Virie McDowell Joseph N. physician, office Walnut b 4th and 5th, R Longworth bRace and Elm McElwee John, engine maker, Pike b Front and Cong. McElrpy George, teacher in district school, boards at Mrs. Laporte's McFaU Mrs.,Eliza, Water b Walnut and Vine McFarland James, laborer, bds at James Richardson's McFarlane Isaac, river trader, John b 3d and 4th McFeely Ja.mes, carperiter, bdg at Charlotte Morrison's McGary John, N W c Front and Plum McGee WiUiam, saddle tree maker, alley b 4th and Sth and John arid W row McGechin Thomas, grocer, N s 5th b Main and Wal­ nut, boards at William/Robertson's McGeorge Jotharii H. carpenter, W row b 4th and Sth McGill Mrs. Margaret, 6th n Smith McGipnis, Mrs. Lucy, 6th n Smith McGloin John, bar keeper,at Exchange Hotel, Front street McG rath —, coffee house, 2-38 Main McGraugh Alva, plasterer, alley b New and Tth and Syc, and B "way McGrew Alexander, boards at Pearl st. House McGrew Wilson, silversmith, W s Main b 3d and 4th, R N W c 4th and Race McGrew M. C. plasterer, Elm n 13th McGrew Henry, shoemaker, Wrovsr b 3d and 4th MoGrOraty •—•, drayman. Walnut b 2d and Pearl McGuffln James N. tanner, 5th b Smith and Mound McGuire Thomas, druggist, E s Main b L. market and 3d, boards at L. Q,uinton's McGuire Austin, machinist L. market n B way McGuire Lawrence, blacksmith, 3d b Syc and B way McGuire Barnabas, laborer, boards at Abner Conner's McHenry Dennis, silversmith, 4th,b Main and WalnuU McUroy Mrs. Margaret, grocery, N E c Front & Plura> Mcintosh John, tailor, 5th b John and Smith Mclntyre James, Vine b Front and 2d Mclntyre Duncan, baker, W S B way b 6th and Tth McKay John, shoemaker, boards at Mrs, Laporte's- 116 Cincinnati Directory. McKay John, stone mason, George b W row and John McKay Patrick, coffee house, SWc 3d and Walnut McKean James, storie mason, N E c Front and Butler McKelvey — , cooper, boards aft Thomas Lonney's McKertzie Joseph, hatter, N s Tth n B way McKenzie Tandy, carpenter, 12th b Elm and Plum McKey John, shoemaker, boards at Mrs. Laporte's McKimle William, plane maker, boards at Catharine Covert's, McKine Nathaniel, laborer. Water b Elm and Plum McKinley .Tames, pattern maker, c Pike and 3d McKinney John, carpenter, S W c Front and Butler McKnight Charles B. clerk at B. W. Hewson's Ex­ change office, McKown Gilbert, clerk „at Griffin & Luckey's, R W row n 4th McLane Ellen, E s Syc. n Tth McLane James, laborer, E s Main b Abigail and Wood­ ward McLaughlin William sen. dry good store 56 Main, R 4th n Vine McLaughlin William jr. clerk at Wm. McLaughlin sen, McLaughlin John H. bar keeper at George W Burns' McLaughlin Samuel, clerk at Gibson &c Butchers, bds at Mrs. Gilliland's McLaughlin John, river trader. Court b Elm and Plum McLaughlin John, laborer, bds at George McLaughlins McLaughlin George, teamster. Court b Elm and Pluffli McLaughlin James, laborer, boards at George Collins' McLean Milton N, attorney at law, office 3d b Main and Walnut, boards at Miss, Miles' McLean John L. constable, boards at Noe Williams' McLean William, (Reeves Sr McL.) merchant, N s Sth b Race and Elm McLean James, pattern maker, 6th b Race and Elm McLean William. L. carpenter, boards John Elstner's McLean -^. ', hatter, boards Mrs. Pugh's McLennan Barnard, white lead manufacturer, Elm b 3d and 4th McLiUey Mrs. Sarah, washerwoman. Front b Raceand Elm McLute August, laborer. Walnut b Pearl and 3d McMakin Benjamin, river trader, canal b Vine and Race McMannus Rosannah, E s Sycamore n Tth McM^nnus Patrick, laborer, Ss 6th jti Deer Creek Cincinnati Directory. 117 McMiUen Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, junction Front & 3d McMartry William, (col'd) Elm b 2d and 3d McNaughton Isaac, book keeper at C. P. Barnes, R Walnut b 6th and 7th McNeal Moses, drayman, MiU b 2d and Broad McNearny Thomas, currier, boards Caledonia Hotel McNicholl Peter, W s Sycamore b 4th and Sth McNichoU Widow, Woodward b Sycamore and B way McNickens Isabella, Front b Race and Elm McNulty WUliam, engineer, NWc Cherry and Race McOwen William, stone cutter, 3d b W row and John McVay Daniel, coffee houge, 17 Lowei" market McWilliams Michael, laborer, E Front n rolling mUl Mc Wright Joseph, coach maker, boards John Pettit^s Mead J, K, N s 6th b Lodges aUeyand Vine Meader Daniel F. [Justis Sr M^) tailor,' Front b Vine and Race Meader Nathaniel, carpenter, 6th b Jbhn and Smith Meai^a Thomas, grocer, 9th b W row and John Meara John,,gr6cer and tailor, NWc Race and George Meason Isaac, clerk Trevor, Messick & Co. boards Mrs. Sa.rgeant's Mears William ,E. clerk Philips' leather store, R Green b Race and Elm ' Mears John, shoe store. Lower market b Main and Sye Meckel Philip H. waggoner, Sth n John Medaris Stephen, carpenter, Sth n Elm Medaris Prior, carpenter, N E c WiUiam and Elm Medary William, grocer, S E c 'Walnut and Sth Medary Joseph, carpenter, Sth b W row and John Meek Jacob, laborer, S W c Mill and Pearl Meeker Daniel S. grocer, N E c Sth and Sycamore bds P. Gorham's Meeker John C. grocer, boards Mrs. Laporte's Meeker Mrs. Amanda, Longworth b Race and Elm Meguier William, grocer and coffee house, E Front m corp line Meldrom Garret, engineer, bds Mrs. Ann Thompson's Melendy John & James, fanning mill makers, W s Main n corp line . Meley John F.. plasterer. Vine b 7th and Sth Melson Mrs. Ann, boarding house. Front b Ludbw and Lawrerice Menan John, laborer, Walnut b Sth and 6th Menke J. W. shoemaker. Sycamore n 6th 118 Cincinnaii Direclory. Menke Rudolph, shoemaker, Sth b John and Smith Menken Solomon, dry goods, 195 Main Mercer Jacob, drayman, boards Andrew Adams' Meredith Joseph, blacksmith, boards J. Cobb's Merrell Morris, painter, NWc Walnut and 12th Merrell William, waggon maker. Walnut n 12th Merrell Benjamin A. painter, W s Walnut b canal & 12 Merrell Mrs. Mary, boarding house, N W c 2d and Vine Merrell WiUiam S. druggist, S E c W row and 6th R Longworth b Plum and W row MerriU A.S. druggist, boards WiUiam S. Merrell's Merrill Bushrod, drayman, Ludlow n Congress Merrie Robert, NE c Oth and Race Merrill Jacob, dry goods, 4th n Elm Merrill Bradbury, brickmaker, 3d b Stone and Wood Merrill Alanson, brickmaker, 3d b Stone and Wood Merrill Daniel, brickmaker, 3d b Stone and Wood Merrill Mrs. Mary, S E c 3d and Wood Merrill R. «fc Son, bakers, N s Front b Main and Walnut MerriU Robert, (R. M. Sr Son) bakers, S E c Front and W row Merritt James P. E s Walnut n 6th Merritt Dolby, carpenter, at Samuel Harrison's Merriweather Nicholas, (Dana, Wheeler Sr Co.) boards City Hall Merriweather James H. (Sterrett Sr M.) merchant, 8 L market Mershom WiUiam, blacksmith, S s Sth n Pike Messle Jacob, laborer. Pleasant n corp line Mesloh Henry, laborer, 7th n B way Messick John W [Trevor, M. Sr Co.) George b Rac^ and Elm Metcalfe & Disney, brewers, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Metcalfe WiUiam, [M. Sr Disney) R Syc. b 4th and Sth Metcalfe James, laborer, boards Mrs. J. Gothria's Metcalfe Amos, cooper, 7th b John and Smith Metcalfe James, carpenter, 4th b Plum and "W row Metcalfe Samuel, cooper, N s Sth n Sycamore Metcalfe Joseph, grocer, SWc 6th and Wrow Metz Pearly, coffee house, c Elm and canal Meylar Mrs. Margaret, boarding house. Sycamore n Lower market Micdenna, Jefferson, engineer. Water b W row anil John Michael PhUip, weaver. Vine n corp line Cincinnaii Directory. llf Middieton Thoinas, brickmason, Spring n Woodward Midgley John, cooper. W row b 4th and Sth Middle wood George, sen, book keeper at Wood & Middlewood's Middlewood George jr. (JTood Sr M.) brewer, John b 3d and 4th Middlewood Matthew, drayman, Johnb 3d and 4th Miles James, merchant, 9th b Race and Elm Miles Miss Nancy, boarding house, 4th E of B way Miles Mrs, Ann, boarding house, c 4th and Macalister Miles John, carpenter, 7th b W row and John Miles Mrs, Ann, George n Mound Miles Nelson, stone mason. High n corp line Miley Isaiah, painter, boards Isaac Cain's Milins Ferdinand, clerk at.S, Menken's Miller &. Lee, pork merchants, canal basin Sycamore Miller William, (JIf, A L.) Ss 4th bB way and Ludlow Miller E, J. at William MUler's Miller Francis G. engineer, N s 5th b B way and Pike Miller Samuel R. secretary Trust Company Bank,R W s Sycamore b Sth and 6th Miller Henry, stove warehouse, S s 4th b Main and Sye Miller Jonas, blacksmith, at Richard Cox's Miller Ezra, blacksmith, Es B way b6th and 7th Miller Lydia, alley r Mayor's office Miller Henry B. grOcer, c Pike and Congress Miller Rev. Frederick G. E Front n corp line Miller Henry, works Cincinnati Type Foundry, 12th b Vine and Race Miller John, tanner. Race n corp line Miller Jacpb, grader and paver, Oth n Smith Miller Richard, book keeper R. Buchanan's, R C I4th and Elm Miller Thomas N. carpenter, boards D. Embree's Miller Peter, tailor, Sth n Smith Miller Heriry,.physician, boards Timothy Coleman's MiUer Mrs.. Mary Ann, 3d b Stone and Wood MiUerMrs- Jane, boarding house, N s 7th b Main and Sycamore Miller James, hatter. Walnut b 2d and Pearl Miller Moses, waggon msiker, boards James Clements' Miller Henry, hatter, works "Vallette, Bates & Co Miller Peter, stone maSSn, Cherry b Race and Elm Miller WiUiam, brick mason. Cherry b Race and Elm Miller George, brick maker. Front b Stone and Wooi 120 Cincinnati Directory. MiUer Mrs. Jane, boarding house, NWc Walnut and Water Miller Mrs. Mary, boards John Bailey^ MiUer Fayette, follows river, boards John Bailey's Miller George C. carriage and edge tool maker, S s 7th b Main and Walnut Miller Mrs- Ann, Lodge's alley b 5th and 6th Miller Daniel, coffee house, Ss 6th b Elm and Plum Miller Henry B. (Stewai-t Sr M.) grocer. Pike b Congress and 3d Miller Mrs. Jane, boards John Ewing's Miller Joshua, book binder, boards Lucinda Lamphear's Miller Alfred, cooper. Canal b Vine and Race Miller Jacob, brickmaker, W Front n Mill C bridge Millner John, dealer in bacon. Front b Vine and Race MiUigan Robert, screw cutter, c Congress and Ludlow Mills R. R. tinner, boards William Borland'e Mills Mrs. Mary, SWc Sth and John Mills Isaac L. attorney at law, S s 3d b Main and Walnut Mills Samuel R. clerk John Taylor's, boards Marine Hotel Mills Michael, cabinet maker, Sth b John and Smitb MUly James, laborer, NWc Cherry and Race .Milson John, drayman, McFarlane b Elm and Plum Miner Henry, gunsmith, boards Congress Hall Mitchell Thomas D. physician, 83 Main R N s Sth ri Vine Mitchell R. G, grocer and commission merchant, Commercial row R 4th b Race and Elra Mitchell O. M, superintendent Institute . Science and, languages, c 3d and B way Mitchell Robert, cabinet maker, boards Mrs, B- AUen^s Mitchell John, laborer. Water b W row and John Mittiow Joseph, (col'd) barber, Elm b 2d;and 3d Mix Zebediah, ship carpenter, Vine b Water and Front Mixer Nathan, saddler, Front b Elm and Plum Mixer William, engineer. Elm b Front and 2d Moehring M, E, clothing store, NWc Commercial row and Water Mogres Mrs, Susan A. mantua maker, 4th b Vine and. Race l|([olloy WiUiam, porter B way Hotel Molrok Christian, laborer, W s Mainn corp line Molstee Martin, iron roller, E Front n rolling mill Cincinnati Directory. 121 Monaghan John, laborer, at G. M. Southgate & Co Mondowney Jeremiah, (col'd) laborer,-4th b Plum and Wrow Monfort Williara P>. stereotyper, R canal b Vine & Race Mong Devalt, carpenter. Lodges alley b Gano and 7th Monroe John-R. waggon maker. Plum b Front and 2d Monsarat D. T. notary pyblic mayors office, R George b Race and Elm Montgomery James, carpenter, W row N of corp. line Montgomery -, coffee house, N s 6th n W row Montgomery William, boarding house, S s 4th n Syc- Montooth rieni-y, laborer. Front n Wood Moody John, gardener, (Bth b Smith and Mound Moody William, shoemaker. Plum b Water and Front Moore Abner, carpenter, 6th b Race and Elm Moore Abraham, carpenter, 4th b Elm and Plum Moore Amos, tanner, W row n corp. line Moore Arthur, pattern maker, S s 5th n Pike Moore Basil cabinet maker, boards atRt G. Langdon's Moore Charles, att'y at law,^ boards at Mrs- Fisher's Moore Elijah, clerk at C. WiUiams' Moore Eliza, seamstress, 9th b Elm and Plum Moore Elizabeth A, boards at J. W. Yost's Moore Francis, boards at J W. Yost's Moore Capt. Hugh, W s Main N of corp. line Moore John painter, George n" Mound Moore John H. coach maker, boards at J. W. Yost's Moore John, eating house, Front b Syc. and Bway Moore James R. carpenter, c Sth and W row Moore James, carpenter, S E c Court and Race Moore Joseph, (col'd) shoe black, W row b 2d and 3d Moore Michael, Waggon maker, aUey b 2d and Green and Race AXI^ Elm Moore Moses, tailor, works at William Smith's Moore Nancy M. boards at J. Wv Yost's Moore Oliver, laborer. Cherry b Elra and Plum Moore Robert, cooper, Sth b Plum and W row Moore Robert, cabinet maker, bds at Robert Gilmore's Moore Robert C. pattern maker, Mainb Canal and Abigail Moore William, carpenter, bds Elizabeth Wartraan's Moores Levi, river trader. Green b Race and Elra Moores and Musselman, saddlers, W s Main b Pearl and 3d Koores William B- (Jtf. <$• M.) saddler, 3d b Walnut and Vine 11 122 Cincinnati Direcioryt Moores Mrs. Sarah, c Sth and John Moorhead John, physician, N E c B way and 3d Moorhead Robert, physician, bds at Cincinnati Hotel Moorhead Kobert, drayman, boards at Andrew Adams' Moorhead Robert, tinner, Rabe b 2d and Green Moorhead James, teamster, 3d b Smith and Mill Moorhead R. works at Tatems foundry Moorhead Samuel, moulder, 3d n Park Moorhead William J. gilder, boards at Mrs. Mary Moorhead's Moorhead Mrs. Mary, Longworth b Smith and Jobn Moppin John, blacksraith, alley b Frorit & 2d & Plum and AV row Moran Mrs. Susan, John n Lorigworth Morecraft Richard, teacher, Front b Race and'Elm- Morehouse William, upholsterer, George b Race & Elm Morehouse Mrs. Dinah,> Fulton b 9th and Catharine Moreland WiUiam, drayraan, 4th n John Moreland Augustin, Carpenter, Sth'b Smith and Park Moreman Henry, laborer, 12th n canal Morgan & Sanxay, booksellers and Stationers, W s Main b 3d and 4th Morgan Ephraim, [M. & Santtayi)'book.'&&\\&r and sta-* tioner, 4th bRace'and Elm Morgan Hugh, physician, boards at Mrs. L. Floyd's. Morgan James F. cl'ferk at Morgan &; Sanxay's Morgan Elisha A. stock manufacturer, 36 B way Morgan Duncan, stone cutter, W s Macalister Morgan David, follows river, boards at Congress Hall Morgan Nathaniel, carpenter, Longworth D Elm and Plum Mbrgan John, (col'd) huckster, N s Sthn B way Morill N. clerk at Stickney & Adams' boards at Dr. J; Cobb's Morlidge Joseph, wrought nfeil manufaicturer, Smith b 4th land .5th Morhdge Samuel, wrought nail manufkctwrer, Smith b 4th and Sth Morlidge John, wrought nail miattufacturer. Smith b-ith and' Sth Morman Barnard, labor©*, Ss Abigail b B way & Syc,; More Fi-aricis, elockmake¥>:6th b Jobn and Smith Morran Hugh, Grocer, S W c 3d and Mill Morris & Drake, att'ys at law, N s 3d b Main & Syc. MdWis WiUiam, R. (M. ^ Drake.) ^xmit^^nX law. If s 9th b Vine and Walnnt Cincinnati Direclory. 128 Morris Morris W. machinist, Sth b John and Smitb Morris Mrs. Mary, MUl b 4th and Sth Morris Thomas A. editor Western Christian Advocate office NWc Main and 6th,, R 4th b Plum and Western row .Morris William H. painter, 4th b Elm and Plum Morns fJohn, engineer, 3d b Pike and Lawrence Morrison William C- book keeper Lafayette bank, R 7th b John and Smith, Morrison Mrs. Agnes, E s Syc. n Sth Morrison Mrs. Charlotte, Oth bElm and Plurii Morrison George McC. printer,.boards D. Embree's Morrison James, engineer, N W, c Front & Ludlow Morrow Joseph, (Paris M. Sr, Barwise,) auctioneer, 6th b Walnut and Vine Morse Stephen, clerk at J, Hick's, R Vine b Front arid 2d Morse & Bach, Sans.Souci Hotel, S s Front b Main& Wakut' Morse Increase, (M. Sr Bach,) Sans Souci Hotel, S 3 Front b Main & Walnut Morse Stephen, parpenter, W end Longworth Morse Alfred, Sth b Elm and Plum Mortimer John,-shoe maker, E s Main b 6tb and Tth Mortimer George, laborer, S s New n Syc. Morton Richard, dry good store, Ns Sth b Main and Walnut Morton Thomas, janitor Ohio inedical college, 6th b Virie and Race Morton William R. clerk Trust Company bank. Long. b Vine and Race Morton John B..(Sergeant A M.)4th. b Virie arid Race Mosby Littleberry, grocer, 28 L. market, R 4t-h b Race • and Elm , . Moses S- & P, .wholesale dry goods 179 Main Moses Solomon, (S. & P. M.) boards at P. Moses' Moses Phineas, (S, & P. JW.) Longworth b Vine and Race Moses Morris, auction and commission merchant, Syc, n L, market, R Syc. n 4th Moses Simeon, dry good store, N s Sth b Main and Walnut, R Syc, b 3d and 4th Moses Benjamin, clothing store. Front b Syc, and B, way and c-Main and L, market HJostoxca Simeon, laborer, Ei^ront n Laboratory 124 Cincinnati Directory. Mothersal WiUiam, carpenter, bds at Jennet Gothria'"8 Mower Benedict, laborer, Richmond b W row and John Meyers Thomas, toba'cconist', N s 7th n Syc. Muggeridge H. dry good store, N s Sth b Walnut, and Vine Muier John, baker,-N W c John and 9th Muier Thomas, baker, NWc John aud 9th Mulford Richard, magistrate office, N s Sth b Main and Syc. R c Court and Vine Mulford Dr, WiUiam, druggist. No- 3 L. market, R Longworth b Vine and Race Mulford John, [Riekard Sr M.) carbinet maker, boards at James P. Rickard's Mullen Jonathan, chair manufacturer, NWc 4th and Syc. nSyc. n 4th MuUen Isaac, tar keeper at J, Keown's Mullarky Andrew, silk hat manufacturer, S E c Main and 2d Mulley Jeremiah, cooper, S E c 3d and Elm Mumford fllanuel, follows river, bds at John Bailey's Mundy Freeman, [Sims A M.) saddle tree maker, 12th b Vine and Race Munhall David, oak cooper, boards at D. Embree's Munhall Samuel, oak cooper, boards at D. Embree's Munroe Charles, merchaijt, LorgWoi'thb Race& Elm Munson Saniuel B. [Doolittle Sr M.) engraver, Thoms' row Slh street Munson James, wood engraver, Thoms' row Sth street Munson Anthony, butcher, Catharine b W row & John Murdock George L. turnpike contractor, W s Vine n 13 Murphy Thomas, waggon maker, 2d b Syc. and B way R Hopple's alley b Syc. and Main Murphy James, blacksmith. Plum n Com. Hospital Murphy Patrick, bricklayer, Sth n John Murphy Michael, laborer, W row n Sth Murphy Daniel, printer Mirror office, N E c 3d and x^Tain Murphy Neal, cooper. Front b Vine and Race Murphy Daniel, trader. Water b Plum and 'W row Murphy Mrs, Catharine T. tailoress NWc Walnut arid Sth Murphy Richard, blacksmith, bds L, B, WiUiamson's Murphy Betsy, (cor^i) washerwoman, 9th b Race and .Elm Murray Abrahara, grocer, S E c B way and Tth Cincinnati Directory. 12S Murray Bernard, hardware raerchant 104 Main Murray Malcolm, hardware merchant 104 Mairi Murray George, -cotton manufacturer, Butler, b Front and Congress Murray Joseph, fancy store, W s Main b 3d and 4th Murray WiUiam, carpenter, Longworth b Elra &o Plum Murray James, carpenter, c Millers alley and Gano Murray Mrs, Mary Gano b Main and Walnut; , Murray Mrs. Elizabeth, Lodge's aUey b Gano and 7th Murrin Edward, boajrding house, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Muscroft George, cutler, N s Sth b Main and Syc. Musgrove Samuel, silversmith, Longworth b Plum & W row Musselman Samauel, [Bassett Kendall Sr Co.) saddler, Syc. b 4th and Sth Musselman John, boards at William B.. Moore's Myer Diedrick, drayman, Abigail n Syc. Myers Jonathan, master steara boat Farraer, B way b Front and 2d Myers Abrahara, clothing store, Front b Syc. and Broadway; Myers John, confectioner 42 Main, Myers G. confectiorier, W s Mainb5tharid Oth Myers John, musician. Court b Elra and Plum Myers Frederick, blacksmith at J. Kolp's Myers Michael J. labofer,.c Fulton and 9th Myers Joseph, river trader^ Allison b Vine and Walrtut Myers Henry, laborer, Main N of corp. line

Nagle WiUiam, shoemaker, boards at D. Embree's Naidenbush J. W. C.-physicianj bds at James Sarver's Nash Rev. WiUiam, boards at Susan Covalt's Nash WiUiam, professor of music, S s 3d b Main and Walnut ' oj Nash Bonarges, hat store, E s Main b L. market & 3d Nash Mrs. Abagail, Sth b Smith .and Park Nash B. [plates Sr -TV.) coffee and oyster house L market n B way, R 6th b Main and Walnut Navle Jacob, baker. Friendship b Pike and Lawrence Navle Andrew, laborer. Friendship b Pike and Law­ rence Neal Murphy, cooper, boards at B. McLerie's- Neal Samuel, carpenter, S.s 5th n Pike. 11* 126 Cinoinnaii Directory. Neave T. &C. iron store 89 Main Neave Thompson, (T. Sr C. JV.) icon merchant, 4th b- Race and Elm Neave Charies,(T. Sr C. JV.) 6th b Syc and B way Neblett Edward H. carpenter, George b W row and John Need Patrick, grocer. New b Syc. and B way Needham H. G. milkman 9th b Elm and Plum Neely Mrs. Catharine, grocer, L ongworth b John & Smith Neff & Brothers, hard & Clueensward merchants, S W c Main and 2d Neff George W. (JV. Sr Brothers;) R N W c Vine Sr 3d Neff WiUiam R. (JV. Sr Brothers,) R 5th b Syc. and Broadway Neff' Peter, at l^eff and Brothers, Nehemiah C. drayman, Longworth b Plum, and W row Neighbours James, butcher, Walnut n Mercer Nelson Rev. Sacker, Methodist clergyman. Pike b Congress and 3d Nelson William A. grocer, SWc Syg. and 4th, R Har­ rison street Nelson Mrs. Sarah, 2d b Walnut and Vine Nelson WUliam, irori finisher, bdsat Thomas Fisher-ij Nelson WiUiam H. shoemaker, NWc 6th and Race Nelson, Clark, tinner, boards at Sans Souci Hotel Nerny John, coffee house, N s.6th b Elm and Plum Nesbit Hugh, boarding house, S E c Conrt and Vine Ness John, boards at Henry Fritz Nengass Henry, jeweler. Front b Syc. and B way Neville Morgan, secretary of Ohio Insurance Co. 4th b Main and Walnut Neville Julian [DinsmoorSr N.) grocer, bdsat Mor** gan Neville's Neville'Eugene, printer, boards at Morgan Neville's Newbold Mrs. Charlotte, Fulton b Catharine and Elizabeth Newbold James, tailor, NWc George and Elm Newbury WUliam, eating house. Front b Syc. and Broadway Newbury William O. shoemaker. Front b Vine & Race Newell Thomas, secretary Fireman's Insurance Co. 4th b Elm and Plum NeweU Joseph, stone mason, c Friendship and Butlet Newkirk MattheWj grocer, Johnson's row, Sth street. Cincinnuli Directory. 127 Newkirk Jefferson, saddler^, Vine h Front and 2d Newraan Daniel, Shoemaker, Main'n corp. lino Newman Abner, mason, George nSmith Newman Edward, drayman, 6th b Walnut and Vine. Newman Joseph, bar, keeper, bds Frederick Pearson's Newraan Charies, clothing store. Front b Syc. and Broadway Newton J^ames, butcher.' Fulton b Catharine and Eliza­ beth Newton Abner, mover of buUdings, alley b 2d and 3d and Vine and Race Newton Thomas, carpenter, Longworth below Mound Neysmith George, tailor, boards at Cyrus Coffin's*- Nichols Eli.,,drayman, NEc 5th and Smith Nichols William, drayman, Stli.b Smith and John Nichols WiUiarid, sawyer, WiUiam h Elm and Plum' Niles Jonathan &. [Hanks (S',JV.) Cincinnati iron foun­ dry. Court b Elm and Plum Niles JsLines, [G. L. Hanks Sr Co.) jeweler, boards at J-S.Nile.s' Niles Mrs. Mary, boarding liouse, Longworth b Vine and Race Niles John W. carpenter, boards at Mrs. M. Niles' Niles Mrs. Catharine-, mantua maker. Elm b 6th and George i Nixon William, piano forte saloon, S E. c 4t,h and Walnut Noble Mrs. Elizabeth, W s Elm b George and 7th Noble James F. writes Ohio Insurance office,.boards at Mrs. E.. Nobles'- Noble Henry, grocer, S W c 3d and Mill Noble Jonathan, carpenter, 3d b Mill and Stone- Nocks Reuben, constable. Plum b Profit and 2d, Noe Job, drayman. Friendship b Pike and Butler Noels Mrs. Sabra, boards at John Bailey's Nolen Charles, cooper, boards'at Sans Souci Hotel Nolen M.iss Mary Ann, boards at Samuel Lewis' Nolen Charles..oak cooper, boards atD. Embree's. Nordike John, ship joiner, E Front n Laboratory Norris John H. merchant, Sth n Race Norris N. & C.'C. hardware store 77 Main Norris Nelson, [JV..Sr'C.:C, JV.) R S ^^ C ^alnut and 4th .Nctrris Charles -C. (JV. Sr C. C. JV.) boards at Nelsoa. Norris' 128 Cincinnati Directory. Norris Alexander sen, chandler, 7th b Rade and Elm Norris Alexander jr, moulder, boards at A. Norris serir Norris Ethelbert D, carpenter, W row n Longworth Norris J. C. blacksmith, W s Syc. b Sth and 6th R E s Syc. b 6th and 7th North Alexander H. Finisher, Elm b Sth and Longr Northgraves, Joseph, waggon maker, bds at Rebecca Oliver's Northrop Andrew, comb maker, Longworth b Elm and Plum Northrop Williara, clerk at N. Bartletts, boards at A. Northrop's Norton Rev, Herman, pastor 6th Presbyterian church, S. W c 9th and Race Norton Elijah, ice dealer, N s 6th n John Norton Stephen L„ tends at G. G, Smith's SWc Vine and Front Nottingham Mrs, Harriett, SWc Longworth & John Noyes Albert, clerk at W, Peck's, drug store Nuckles. John, bricklayer. Water b Vine and Race Nugent Mrs, Ann, 7th b Main and Syc. Nunn Mrs..Sarah, boarding house, Frontb Ludlow Sc •Lawrence Nuph Ambrosia, laborer. Main N of Corp. line Nye Stephen, carpenter, John b 3d and 4th Nye Samuel, cabinet maker, Longworth b Smith and John

Oakley Elias R, shoemaker, John n 5th Gates WUliam, drayman,S sNew nD. creek OberdorfF; J. C. physician, Longworth b Plum and Western row O'Brian Thomas, tailor. Court b Race and Elm O'Brien Geoi-ge A. grocery and horticultural store, WUliams' row Sth n Vine, R 4th n Elm O'Brien James, hatter, 6th b Elm and Plum O'Bryen James, laborer, Water b Vine and Race O'Conner John H,. school teacher, NsL market b Sye and B way O'Conner Martin, laborer, 6th nD. creek O'Conner Mrs. Elizabeth, 2d b Vine and Race Q'Cowier Patrick, grocer, N s Water b Maifi «nd Walnut Cincinnati Directory. 129 O'Donnail Michael, cooper, Gano b Main and Walnut O Donald Francis, drayman, 2d b Race and Elrii O Donnell Hugh, cooper. Canal b Walnut and Vine O Donnell Barnard, cooper, Race b 9th and Court O Dornell James, laborer. Court b Walnut and Vine O Hara WiUiam A. collector, office J. W. Piatt's, R NEc Johnand EHzabeth. O'NeiU WiUiam, grocer, 6th fa Elm and Plum O'Neil John, tailor, boards at Caledonia Hotel O'NeU .Tesse, constable, N Wc 9th and Main O'Reilly Mrs. Mary Ann, Congress b Lawrence and Pike O'Shaughnessy Thomas, hardware and fancy store,, N s 4th b Main and Syc. Ocheltree John, printer, S s6th b Main and Walnut Odaras Peter M, gardner, boards at Caledonia Hotel Oder David,- butcher, Canal b Race and Elm Odiorne. J, boards at Pearl street House Ogden & See, merchant tailors 34 Main Ogden Jame,s R. [O. Sr See,) merchant tailor. Race b 4th arid Sth Ogden ^, «fe J, merchant taUors 26 Main Ogden Samuel, (S. Sr J. O.) merchant tailor^ 26 Main Ogden Jonathan, (S. Sr J. O.) merchant tailor, boards at P. Gorham's Ogden Samuel C. (O. S. Sr Co.) raerchant, boards at Pearl street Hotel Ogden S. C.,& Co. com. merchants, 10 West Front Ogden Mrs. Sarah, alley rear of Mayors office Ogle WiUiam H. foUows river. Front b Walnut and Vine Oglevie Williara, boards at Main,street Hotel OhjBeJSeiiry, laborer, Abigail n,Sy.c. Oldfield Mrs. Rachel, c Lodges alley.arid Gano Oldham Mrs„ Rebecca, chair canef, Union b Race and Elm OHphant J. clerk at John Wescott's bds Mrs. Floyd's Oliver William, president Cincinnati Insurance Co. Front b Main and Syc. Oliver William, boards at Pearl street House Oliver Thomas T. cujrrier,'Abigail h Main and Syc. Oliver Mrs. Rebecca, grocery ond hoarding house, E s Walnut b 2d and Pearl, Oliver & Co. wholesale dealers in boots shoes &e- 2S Peari 130 Cincinnati Directory. Onions Williara M. moulder, Lawrence n 3d Opperiheimer Emanuel, raerchant tailor, Front b B, way and Ludlow, RB way b Front and 2d Oppenheinier Frederick, laborer, 3d b Pike and Butlw Oppenheimer Henry, clerk at Burritt and Ives, I2th b Plum and W row Orange Benjamin, upholsterer, Syc b Front and 2d, R W row n.Long worth Orange William, upholsterer, Frontb Syc. and B way R Frontb Vine and Race Orlebar John C. boards at Caledonia Hotel Orr Winthrop G, auctioneer and broker, 39 L. market Orr James, ca,rpenter,'N E C 6th and Race Orr Henry, grocery and coffee house, SWc Main and Water Orr Dr, botanical doctor, boards at Adam Smith's Osborn Levi, drayman, Walnut n 12th Osborn William,' coach maker, NWc Vine and 12tb Osborn John, c John and Richmond Osborn Mrs. Rebecca, boards at Mrs, Mary Veancher'i Osborn Jacob, saddler, boards at John A. Thorp's Osgood T. M. carpenter. Race b George and 7th Ostler Eli, laborer, Gano b Main and 'Walnut Oswald Winter & Co. livery stable, 2d b Syc. & B wjiy Ottraann Frederick, drayman, boards at Peter Jonte'i Outcalt Peter, clerk at A. Gi Wheeler's, boards at Cin* cinnati Hotel OuLley Mrs. Harriet, washerwoman., alley b 3d and 4tb and Walnut and Vine Overall Isaac H. writmg master, boards at Sans Souci Hotel Oyerend John, leather dresser, bds at Joseph Clark's Ovletou William, (pol'd) laborer, 2d b Race and Elm Owen WiHiam J. shoe store, 62 Main Owen AUison, commission merchant, Wiggins & Gai< ness' row Water b Main and Walnut Owen George, carpenter, E Front opp. Rolling milj O.weri James, provision store, N s 6th b Plum and Western row Owen Richard, boards at Dr. Williain Price's Owen WiUiam, (Stanley A'O.) clock maker, E s Wal. nut b 3d and 4th Owen John, silversmith, boards at Cyirus Coffin's Owens Owen, shoemaker, Elm b George and 7th Cincinnaii Directory. 131 Owens John, boot and shoe maker, Ns 5th b Virie and Race Owens Thomas, merchant, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Ower Thoras, W s Walnut b'5th and

Pace Henry, sen. N s 6th b Lodges alley and Vine Pace James, dry, N E c,5th and Walnut Pace Henry jr, merchant, boards,at Henry Pace sen,- Packer Lewis, cooper, W,s New n D. creek Packer Jacob, cooper, We New n I), creek Paddison Mrs. Dinah, mantua maker, 3d b Vine and Race Paddock John, carpenter, McFarlane ,b Elm and Plum Padgett William, teamster, George n Smith Padgett George W. salesman at Rhodes', Gano bLodgee alley and Vine Padgett Ebenezer S. clerk,'S s Harrison street Page Jeremiah, Main street Hotel, W s Main b Court' and canal Page Mrs. Rebecca, 8th b John and Smith Page William, drayman, 9th n Johri Page Thomas, boarding house, W s Walnut b 4th & 5th Paine Mrs. Hannah,grocery, Plum n 4th Paine Charles, Mill b Front and 2d Paine Phineas, Front b Stone arid Wood Paine Bracket, laborer, boards P. Paine's Paine William, laborer, boards P. Paine's Paine Columbus, grocer^ Water b Vine and Race Paine Robert, laborer, NWc Sycamore and Woodward Painter Benjamin, bricklayer, Sth b W row and John Palmer Charles, tallow chandler, Mill b Front and 2d Palmer Abraham, watch maker, Ws Mainb, 3d & 4th Palmer C,.B-& Co, fancy store, 217 Main Palmer Williara, [CB. P.\Sr Co.) fancy store, 217 Main Palmer Barker, clerk, boards S. B.. Hint's Palmer Thonias, auctioneer, S W c Plum'and Sth Palmer Seneaa-y architect N E c Congress and-Lawrenc0 Palmer Thomas, store, S c William and Elm Pancoast JesHaathan, E sMain b 8th and Oth Pangbum^Sploraotaj'^hoeaneiker, /5th n Elm Park Marther, weaver, E Front n corp line Patk Harveyi plane ttiak?er, boards iCadiariift 'Potcrt'* 132 Cincinnati Directory, Parker John, grocer, Thoms' row Sth street, R 6th b Main and Walnut Parker WiUiam, [Cobb Sr P.) livery stable, boards Dennison's hotel Parker Samuel, grocer, at John Parker's Parker Joseph, bricklayer, N s Cth b B way and Pike Parker Adara, ca,rpenter. Vine N of corp line Parker Mrs. Anri Eliza, Elm n Presbyterian burying ground ; Parker Stephen, waggoner, c Elm and 13th Parker John, tailor, George, b W' row and Johri Parker Adrial, sawyer. Plum b Front and 2d Parker Jdhn, paver, Cherry-b Elra and Plura Parker Aaron, sawyer, Front b Plura and W row Parker Elmore, brick maker, Front b Stone and Wood Parker George H. clerk at A, F. Dellinger's, boards Congress Hall Parker Randolph, coffee house, NEc Front & Walnut Parker George, laborer, Lohgworih b Smith and Mound Parker Thomas, blaicksmith, E Front n corp line Parker Alexander, 150 Main Parker Joseph, (eol'd) cook on river, Elm b 2d and Green ParkhurstS. C, agricultural warehouse and seed store, 36 Lower market, R Sycamore b 5th arid 6th Partkinson John, blacksmith. Front b Ludlow and Lawrence Parkinson David, shoe maker, B Way b AbigaU and Woodward Parmele Erastus, Ben Franklin coffee house, Commer* cial row Parmley WiUiam, grocer, N W c Main and AUison Parris, Morrow & Barwise, livery stable, S s Sth b Main and Sycamore Parris Daniel, [P. M. Sr B.) livery stable, boards Johii Souders Parris Peter, grocery arid hay scales, SWc Sth and MiU J , lu auu Parry Edward, (H. Sr L. Lardner A Co.) 27 Main Parry William^ dry goods store, N s Sfh^ b Main and Walnut boards Dennison's Hotel Parsells John, butcher, 12th b Vine and Race Parvm Dr- H- drug store, N E c Main and 6th R 6th b Main and Sycamore Parrin Josiah, livery stable^ Patterson's alley R Sth b Main and Walnut Cincinnati Directory, 133 PasseU Stephen L. salesman at E, Stevens* R 4th b Elra and Plura Passmore WiUiam, type founder, bds Rebecca Oliver's Patin John, teacher music and German language, bds Charles Libeau's Patrick Isaac J- physician, Plum b Longworth and 6th Patterson Andrew W, rectifier, 4th b Race, and Elm Patterson Michael, carpenter, 6th n W row Patterson Edward, cabinet ware room, Walnuth Baker and 4tfi boards R. Giim«re's Patterson James, hatter, 3d b Vine and Race Patterson Thomas, laborer, 3d b John and Smith Patterson Ludlow, waggoner. Front b Raceand Elm Patterson John L, clerk, at Griffin & Luckey's, Long- Worth b Vine ajid Race Patterson Mrs. Mary, 8th b Race and Elm Patterson Mrs. Sarah, l^ace b 9th and Court Patterson Thomas, carpenter, E Frontcorpline Patterson John S, att'y at law, boards Mrs, Mary Patterson's Patterson Samuel, boards Mrs, Mary Patterson's Pattinson Thomas, New n Deer Greek Patton John, carpenter, boards Mrs- E. F. Bisel's Paul & Fletcher, leather store, E s Main b 9th and Court Paul Josiah, (P. Sr Fletcher) leather store, E s Main b 9th and Court Paver George W- bar keeper Light House, junction Front and 2d Pawson Williara, waggon maker, E Front n Neweil's tan yard Payler William, confectioner, N E c Front and Pike Payne Williara, carpenter, boards James Knight's Peale George, butcher, B way b Abigail & Woodward Pearce Henry, machinist, 7th b W row and John Pearce James, machinist, George b;W row and John Pearce Nathaniel, livery stable, 0th b Elm and Plum R 6th b Race and Elm, Pearce Charles, pork butcher. Lodge's .alley b Gano and 7th Pearce Joanna, S E e George and Plum Pearce Andrew, erigineer, 2d b B way and Ludlow Pear Joseph, stone mason, Congress b B way and Ludlow Pearson W- M. willow ware manufacturer, S s 5th n Walnut 12 134 Cincinnati Directory. Pearson MoSes B, tailor, 5th b Smith and Mound Peareon Mrs,, Sarah,'7th b Main and Walnut Pearson Frederick, coffee house, E' s Main b Sth and 9th Pease Mrs, Asenath, S E c Race and Sth Pease Henry, cooper, boards Ann Thompson's Peasta John, saddler, E s Main n corp line Pecard Jerome, cooper, Sth-n Sycamore Peck Dr.."William, druggist, E s.Main b Sth and 6th E 7th b Main and Sycamore Peck John, huckster. Race opposite Presbyterian bury-; ing ground > Peel Qa.mue\, [Harbaugh A, P.) 'Pointer, boards John, Elstner's Peele Thpraas, 7th b Vine and Race Peirce Thonias, iron store, 45 Main R Front b Race and Elm Pelser John, John n Catharine Pelster Francis, P'ireman's Exchange coffee house, Thoms' row Sth street Pendergrass Thomas, tailor, boards Cyrus Coffiri's Pendleton Nathaniel G, att'y, law office 3d street opposite post office, R head B way Penn Joel, waggoner, Wrow b 9th and Catharine Penn John W. laborer, 7th n B way Penniman & Burdsal, druggists, 21 Mai.n Penniman 0.(P- <§• Burdsal) druggist, 21 Main Pennington John, dry goods and grocery store, LoWer ,^ market b Sycaraoreand B way Pepper Henry, laborer,'W s Main n corp line Perkins Silas O. moulder, boards Pennsylvania Inn Perkins Joel, chair manufacturer. Plum b Longworth and 6th Perkins Isaac Chair manufacturer, Longworth b Plum and W row Perkins Stith, carpenter, Gano b Elm and. Plum Perkins Garrett, blacksmith, E Front n rolling mill Perley Augustus, grocer and produce merchant, E s Sycamore b Front and 2d Perrine Isaac B- hatter, 4th b Elra and Plum Perry Fiillum, cooper, N E c Walnut and Canal Perry Samuel, Elm b 3d and 4th Perry Joseph, at Samuel Perry's Perry Edward W- Capt. S,B-Adriatic, at Samuel Perry's .Perry Joshua H, S W c Plum and 4th Cincinnaii Du-evtory. 135 Perry John, engine finisher, Walriut b canal and 12th Perry Thomas, drayraan, Catharine. W of Methodist' burying ground Perry Reese, carpenter, Oth b John and Smith Perry Plrs, Ann, seamstress, Frontb Plum and W row Perry John, erigineer, 5th b Race and Elm Perry Joseph, mason, John b Longwqrth and 6th Perry Samuel & Co. produce store, 7 Cassilly's row Peters Frederick, carpenter, Jackson n 18th Petersagen Henry, labbrer, Front b Elm and Plum Peterson Charles, draymari. Plum b Front and 2d Peterson Mortimer, (cor'fZ) cook. Union b Race & Elm Peticolas T. V. confectioner, S E c Hopple's alley and Main Pettis Sairiuel, boards Isaac Cain's Pettit John, street commissioner, W s B way b Sth and 6th Pettit John P. printer, Plum b Longworth and 6th Pettit Mrs. Sarah, boarding house. Front b Stone and Wood • Peugh .lames, laborer, Longworth below Mound Pfau Michael, coffee house, George n Plum Pfisterer David," boarding and coffee house, S. s Sth b Walnut and Vine Phares Jos'eph, tailor, Longworth bWrow and John Phares Samuel, N W c Court and A'ine Phelps S. W. & Sons, stove ware house, 34 Main Phelps Benjamin R. (S. W. P. Sr Sons) stoVe ware house, •Sth nRace Phelps Samuel W. jr. [S. W, P. Sr Sons) stove ware house, boards Mrs. Bessom's Phelps Abijah,.Sth n Sycamore Phfrin John, comb maker, George b Elm and Plum Philler George, hatter^,boards Timothy Coleman's Philley Erastus, mate on river,boards Mrs.M.Carey's PhiUey Heriry, chair painter, boards Mrs. M; Carey's ' Phillips, George W. leather stope, 12 main R N. Lib. head Race. Phillips Austin,'shoe maker, "VV s Main N of corp line Phillips Benjamin, plane niaker. Elm b canal and 12th Phillips Esther,- boards Mrs. Susan Roger's PhiUips William H. comb maker, bds Mrs. M. Carey's Pbillips.& Speer, paper ware house, 24 Peari'. PhiUips William, [P. Sr Speer) B-way b'Sth 136 Cincinnati Directory. Phillips Silas, grocer. Race b Water and Front Phillips Thomas, follows river. Water b Elm and Plura PhiUips Samuel, carpenter, boards Deborah Brown's PhiUips Tilman -A. G. physician, boards Mrs. Susan Covalt's Phillips WUliam D. pork merchant, 4th n W row Phillips R.. C. black and white smith, NWc 8th and Elm Phillips WiUiam, boards Robert PhiUips' PhiUips Moses, coffee house, N E c 5th and-B way. PhiUips George, glue maker, boards Thomas Lonney's PhiUips MUes, coachman, 7th n Deer Creek PhiUips Nancy, boarding house, 2d b B way and Syc. PhiUips John,'chair painter, boards WiUiam Borland's PhUpot William, machinist, Ss 3d b Main and Syc Piatt Mrs. Martha H. Perry b Plum and W row Piatt J. W. att'y atlaw, 258 Main Piatt D. S. boards Pearl street House Pickering George, Coffee house, N E c 7th and Main Pickett J. VV. school teacher, S E c Vine and Sth R Sth n Vine Pickett Albert, schoolteacher, at J. W.Pickett's Pickett John, joiner, boards J- C. Carr's Pickett Levi, Catharine n W row Pierce Joseph, Port Warden, E s B way b 4th. and Sth Pierce Abner, carpenter, William b Elm and Plum Pierce John J, clothier. Congress b B way arid Ludlow Pierson Mrs. Phoebe, Ss Sth b Elm and Plum Pierson Mrs. EHzabeth, 7th b W row and John Pierson Ludlum grocer, S "Wc Plum and Longworth Pierson Daniel, carpenter, Longworth below Mound Pigraan George W. clerk Trevor, Messick & Co. boards Dennison's Hotel Pigman Harrison^ blacksmith, SWc 6th and Race Pike. WUliam, blacksmith. Pike b'Congress and 3d Pilepick Augustus, cabinet maker. Pike b Congress and' 3d PindeU Mrs. Catharine, boarding house, N s 6th b Lodges alley and. Vine PindeU Richard, carpenter, cSth and John Pingenot Lewis, baker. Walnut b Front and 2d Pinger Adam, bar keeper Maryland coffeehouse Pioneer Isaaq,*^superintendent of Commercial Hospital' and Lunatic Asyluiri Pitts James C. engineer on river, SWc Longworth an4 row Cincinnati Directory. 1.37 Place & Thorpe, hardware merchants, 8 Pearl Place R.L.(P,(S- Thorpe) nWe SyCamore b 4th & Sth Plappart Andrew, drayman, 6th b John and Smith Piatt L, W, printer, boards D. Embree's . Pleasants Samuel G, wholesale grocer, 69 Main R Front b Walnut and Vine PJew James, laborer, n junction Front and 5th Plitt PhiUp, tanner, N s 12thn Walnut Polander Joseph, shoe maker, W s Main b 13th and Allison Polaire David, laborer, Macalister, b 4th and Sth Pomeroy Samuel W sen. W s Race b 3d and 4th Pomeroy George, auctioneer, boards B way Hotel Pomeroy Charles R, & Co. coal merchants, N s 3d b Main and Sycamore Pomeroy Samuel W- jr. coal merchant, B way b 3d and 4th Pomeroy John^ at William Wood & Co. Pomeroy George, bar keeper on river, boards Mrs. Ann Thompson's Pommer William, piano fi^rte manufacturer, N' E c Main and Sth Pomroy & Birrell wholesale grocers and produce mer- . chants, SWc Sycamore and 2d Pomroy Caleb M. [P, Sr Birrell) wholesale grocer and produce merchant, 2d b Vine and Race Pomroy C. S. clerk at Pomroy & Birrell's Pool Thomas, mathematical instrument maker, John b 4th and Sth Pool Geprge, Vine ri Sth Pool Stephen, moulder. Congress b Ludlow and Law­ rence Poor Erastus, grocer, S s Sth b Main and Walnut R Walnut b Sth and 6th Popjp & Fehr, tobacconists, NEc Main and Wood­ ward Porter Joseph, mason, Catharine n Fulton Porter George, cabinet maker, W s Main b 6th & Gano Porter Oliver,stone mason, boards HughNesbit's Porurids Samuel, ship carpenter, Plum b 4th and Sth Postle John, laborer, 2d n Lawrence Potee Peter, plasterer, W row b 7th and Sth Potter Aaron,.stone cutter, NEc Court and Vine Pough George, laborer, E Front n rolling mill 12* 138 Cincinnati Directory. Powell Palemon, gunsmith^ W s Walnut b Water and Front boards Congress HaU POweU Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, N s Sth b Main and SyCamore. Powell William, boUer maker, S s Sth b Sycamore and B way Powell David A. engine builder,. Frorit n Deer Creek bridge R c Butler and Friendship Powell Peter, tailor, Sth b W row and John Powell Anson, iron finisher, boards Thomas Fisher's Powers Hiram, sculptor, boards James Gibson's Powers Stephen, pork mercharit,,boards Saml. Power's Powers Samuel, clerk. Court b Main and Walnut Powers Cyrus, saddle tree maker. Court bRace and Elm Powers Isaac, laborer,7th n B way Pratt Elijah C-coffee house, N s 6"th n Plum Pratt E,-G. bar keeper, B vvay Hotel. Presbriry Septimus, hatter, E s 7th n Main Prescott F. W, Front b Main and Sycamore Prescott T, O. Frontb Main and Sycamore Prescott Whitney, river trader, boards Wm. Bickham's Price Dr. Williara, Cincinnati brewery, SWc Front and Race, R Front b Vine and Race Price Mrs. Ann, 12th b Vine and Race , Price Isaac, hlacksmith,.:FuIton b 9th and Richmond Price Sarah, 4th n Elm Price John, hatter. Race b 2d and 3d Price David, coal yard and ice house. Vine b 2d and 3d R. 2d b Elm and Plum Price WiUiam, coal yard and ice house, boards David Price's Price William, laborer. Vine b Front and 2d Price WiUiam, laborer, V^alnut b Front arid 2d Price Isaac, blacksmith, Longworth b Plum and W row Price Tho'mas, grocer, NEc Sth and W row Price Watkin,'salesman at ii. Donalrfson & Co. R Longworth b W row and. John Price P, P. watch maker, N s 6th b Elm and Plum Prince, Mrs, Charlotte, N s Harrison street Pringle Mrs. Jambs, Sycamore b 6th and 7th Probaseo, Peter, plane maker, r212 Main Procter WiUiam, taUow chandler, NEc Main and 6tb Proctor Newton T. rope maker, c Vine and Mercer Proctor Daniel, cooper. Frontb Pike and Butles Cineinnati Directory.-. 139 iProsser Phillip T, printer, Lohgworth h Elm and Plum Pruden WiUiam,potter. Elm b 9th and Court Pruden Ebenezer, Clinton Hotel, Front b Pike and Butler Pruden Amasa A,, S. B, clerk, at Ebenezer Pruden's Pruden Clark, Front b Pike and Butler Prunner George, laborer, Friendship b Pike & Lawrence Pugh & Jones, pork merchants, S E cSyc, and canal Pugh Lot, (P. Sr Jones) pork merchant. Court b Elm and Plum Pugh Achilles, printer, office 106 MainR Walnut b 6th and 7th Pugh Mrs, Louisa, boarding house, SWc Main and Gano Pugh Ulisses, hatter, boards Timothy Coleman's Pugh Mrcbael, cabinet maker, boards David Rickoff's Pullan Thomas, pork and produce merchant, SyCamore n canal R Sth b Vine and Race Pullan James, (Shillitto, Burnet Sr P.) merchant, Sth b Vine and Race Pummill WiUiam, coach and waggon maker, N Wc Vine and 12th R Clay b 12th and AUison Punch Mrs. Eliza, Stone b 3d and 4th Punch James, laborer. Stone b 3d and 4th Punshon Robert, surveyor port of Cincinnati, N s 7th b Vine and Race Purbach Benedict, screw cutter, Pikeb 3d and Gong. -Purdy Charles, tailor, boards at John Hare's Pursell B.& S. General Pike coffee ho.use, E s Bway n Front Pursell Mrs. Mary, Watier b Elm and Plum, Pursell Miss Sarah, at Mrs. Pugh's Putnam Stephen, shoe store, 46 L. market Putnam Mrs-Ha^^riett, tailoress, W row n 4th Pye Robert, brewer, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Pyne William, taUor, N s Sth n Macalister

Q,ualte John, works in/foundry, Abigail b Main & Sycr duarle Williara, laborer,.Race n Corp. line Q,uick John, blacksrai',h, boards at O. McDonald's Q,uinn John, U. S. navy, W s B way b Sth and 6th Q,uinn Patrick, laboref, Front b John and Smith Uuinton Littleton, clerk at G. V. Garretson's R. Sth h Elm and Plum 140 Cincinnati Directory, Ragan Isaac, cooper, boards at Carvil Clark's Ragan Joshua, (col'd) cook on nver, 7th n D. creek Rain Robert, oil cloth mariufactarer, boards at Hugh' Nesbit's Rairdan N. B. printer, boards at C. Coffin's RaU Peter, shoemaker, SWc Elm and Water Rail Jacob, chair maker, Syc. b Abigail and Wooward'; Rall'Edwaad C. clCrk, boards at'Philip Young's Rail George,, brickmaker, W of Methodist burying ground Rambo Francis, grocer, 2d b Race and Elm Ramelsburger, Frederick, cabinet maker, bds at Mrs. B.Allen's Ramer John, jappaner, Sth b Vine and Race Ramsay Charles R. editor Cincinnati ,Republican, N s 3d ii Main and Walnut Ramsay C. S. druggist 195 Main, R 4th b Syc. and Broadway Ramsdale John, botanical mejd. store, Es Walnut n Stb Ramsey Aquilla, laborer, Home b 4th and Sth Ramsey Thomas, hatter, 4thn,3mith Ramsey Mrs. Elizabeth, dress maker, N s 4thn Wal't Ramsey James, hatter, hoards and Mrs- E, Ramsay's Ramsey Benjamin, shoemaker, Longworth b Elm and Plum Ramsay Tobias", laborer, Sth b Race and Elra Ramstirie August, laborer, boards at Joseph Severt's Rand Charles, plasterer, John b 4th and ,5th Rands Robert, constable, SWc 8th and Syc, Randall William S, bar keeper at J. Hildreth's Randolph Joseph (col'd) follows river, bds at Agnesius Wilson's Rankin William, grocer, NWc 6th and W row Rankin William jr. (Caswell & R.) attorney at law, S Ec%.inand4th Rankin JuUa, (cord)-washerwoman. Race b Front &i2 Rannals James, carpenter, W row n Catharine Ranney Moses, (Worthington Sr R.) grocer, boards at Dennison's Hotel Ranolds Williarii, boatman, Frorit b Stone and Wood Ranshoff Nathan, clothing store, 31iL. market Ransom Mrs. Lydia, carpet weavtr, N E e4th & Wood Rape Samuel, engineer^ Front d l,^lum and W row Raphael Joseph, clothing store, Ffont b Syc and B way Rapp^Frederick, dyer, Walnut b Sth and 6th Cincinnaii Directory. 141 Rapp George, tailor. Vine b Sth and 6th Rapp John, laborer. Canal b Race and Elm Rapp DbUy, 13th b Vine and Walnut Rapplee Thomas, blacksmith, E Front n corp. line Rasehig Rev. F. L. Longworth b Elm and Plum Rattery Robert, hatter, l^oards WiUiam Robertson's Rawlings. Mrs. Hannah, Front b Stone and Wood Rawson Joseph, clerk at Hartshorne and Child's Ray Joseph, Professor MatheraatiCs Woodward College R B way n Franklin Ray Sarah, carpet weaver, John b Longworth and 6th Raymond James H- clerk at Kellogg "Wells &• Co, bds at H. S. Kellogg's Raymond David S- blacksmith. New n D- creek Raymond Daniel, plough maker. Main N, Lib- R Wal­ nut n corp- line Raymond George, plough maker. Main N. Lib. R Wal­ nut n corp. line Raymond Francis, laborer, N. Lib. head Vine Rayne R. W. at Williara Harts shoe store Razor Peter, blacksraith Friendship b Pike and Butler Raynor Jacob, butcher,N. Lib..head W row Read Mrs- Francis, S, s 4th c Main and Syc. Read Nathaniel C; State's attorney, office S EcMain and Hopple's alley Read Ezra, physician, S s Court b Main and Walnut Read Williara, basket maker, 8th n Fulton Read Jaraes, jeweler, Tth b Miller's alley and Vine Reagin Resin, butcher. Main b Abigail & Woodward Reddick Richard, tearaster, c John and Sth Roddick Anthony, shoeraaker, boards Wra. Sraith's Reddick Harailton, engineer. Race b Water and Front Redding George, dyer and scourer, W s Walnut b 5th and 6th Redding Patrick, laborer, 2d bMain and Walnut Reddish John C. drayman, George b Plum and Wrow Reddish Mrs. Phebe, S s 3d b Main and Walnnt Redhead John, Sth b Vine arid Race Redman James, cooper. Front b Vine and Race Redman Mrs. Matilda, seamstress, Frontb B way and Ludlow Reed Caleb, laborer, B way b 6th and 7th Reed Charles, physician and druggist, c 2d and Ludlow Reed John, engineer. Front b Pike and Butler Reed John H. carpenter, Friendship b Pike and Butler 142 Cincinnati Directory. Reed Josiah E. painter. Western row b Catharine and Elizabeth Reed .lohn, masori. Smith b 4th and Sth Reed Richard, tinner, Vineb Front and 2d Reed William, drayman. Water b Vine and Race Reed John, carpenter, Longworth b W row and John Reed Samuel, wholesale liquor store, W s Main b 8th and 9th,-R 7th b Race and Blni Reeder Mrs. Hannah; E s Main n Commercial bank Reeder Alfred S, .pork merchant, S W c Court and Vine, R Mrs. H Reeder's Reeder Henry L- [Schooley Sr i2.) pork, merchant R Mrs.'H. Reeder's Reeder Jesse, machinist, boards at City Hotel Reeder Charles, writes Ohio Insurance Co, office, bds at Mrs. H. Reeder's Reeder Mrs. Mary, Vine n corp. line Reeder Reuben, stone mason, Lodge's alley b Gano: and 7th Reeder Eden B. B way b 6th and 7th Reemelin Charles G. grocer, W s Sth b Walnut <& Vine Rees. John, (Mark Sr R.) cutler, W s Main b 3d & 4th, Rees David, carpenter, 2d n Mill . Reese George W. auctioneer, N E c 6tlt and Plurii Reese Robert, pattern" maker, bds at Mrs. B- Allen's Reese Solomon, laborer. Court b -Vine and Race Reese Heriry, laborer, N- Lib- head'*Vine Reeves & McLean, wholesale dry good merceants 28; ' Peaal Reeves John, .(i2. Sr McLean,) Sth d Elm and Plum Reeves Mrs. Electa,, E s Syc- b Sth and 6th Rehfuss L. druggist, W s Main b 9th and Court Reid John, physician. Race b 3d and 3d Reid Alexander, physician. Race b 2d and 3d Reilly Robert, coffee house, S E c B way and Congress Reilly John, constable, SE c B way and Congress Reilly James, attorney at law, office 'Walnut n 3d, bds' at William Borland's Renier Mrs. Elizabeth, George b W row and John Renshaw Joseph,moulder. Spring n Woodward Replogle John, oak cooperj boards at D. Embree's Resor W- & R.^P. tinners 25 Main Resor WiUiam, (W. Sr R, P. R,) tinner. Water h Walnut ahd Vine , Resqr Reuben P. (W,.A J?2. P. R.) Front b Walnut &. Vine Cincinnati Directory. 143 Restor Joseph, laborer. Friendship b Pike and Butler Reus Andrew, piano manufacturer, E s Walnut b 3d & 4th' boards at C. Coffin's Rewt Nicholas, waggon maker and blacksmith, N E c George and Plum Reynolds Jaraes & Co.,wholesale grocers, 2d b Main and Walnut, R-Frorit b Race and Elm Reynolds & Dennison, importers of hardware 69 Main Reynolds B, B.[R. Sr Denv^on,) boards at Dennison's Hotel Reynolds Jabez, engine buUder, Water b W row a,nd John Reynolds Bowen, finisher, boards at Jabez Rey4old's Reynolds WiUiam R, moulder. Water b John «Sz; Smith Reynolds Walter, book binder, N s 7th b W row and John Reynolds Isaac, laborer, E Front opposite RoUing .miU Reynolds Widow, E s Syc. b 3d and 4th Rhinebolt Ferdinand, musician, W sMain b 13th arid AUison'' Rhinehart Charies, laborer, W s Main b 13th & AUison Rhodes Thomas F. (Allen R. & Co.) jeweler, N E.c Main and-'2d Rhodes William H. clerkat Reynolds & Dennison's, boards at Mrs. Hart's Rhodes C. K.& E^-merchant tailors 31 Main Rhodes C. K. & E". di:y good store, N s Sth^b Main and Walnut Rhodes Charles K. [C K. & E. JS.) mercharit'31 Main Rhodes Edward,(C. K. Sr E. R,)Ms at Mrs. Hart's Rhodes Robert, blacksmith. Home b 4th and 5th Rhyner Isaac, carpenter. Vine n 13th Rhynierson John, carpenter, boards at Ezra Bailey's Ricard Sr Mulford, cabinet maker, S s 6th b Elm and Plum Ricard James B- [R. & Mulford,) cabinet maker, S i^ 6th b Elra and Plura' Rice Wm. P- grocer, Walnut opposite Pearl, boards at Mrs. Hamilton's , Rice Euclid, hatter, 3d b Sraith and John Rice Charles W. Gano b Main and Walnut Rice John, painter, vSth b Race and Elm Rice George W. writes recorders office, R Elm b 9th ' and William Rice Mrs. Frances, N. Lib. head Vine 144 Cincinnati Directory. Rice George, laborer, N. Lib. head Vine Rice Jacob, butcher, N. Lib. n head Vine Rice Jacob, pleasure garden, head Walnut Rice VV'illiam T. carpenter, George b WrbW & John Richards George sen. boarding house, E s Main b Sth and 9th Richards George jr. at G. Richard's sen. Richards John, cooper, W s Syc. n 8th Richards George; brewer, boards at Peter Jonte's Richards John, blacksmith, Nl Lib. head W row Richards John, stocking weaver, bds at John Lilley's Richards Wolcott, physician, FooteS row 3d st. Richards Dennis, barber. Cherry b-Elm and Plum Richards Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house, S s 6th b Main and Walnut Richards Warren, forger and finisher, Gano b Main and Walnut Richardson Mrs..Margaret, Woodward b Sycamore and B. way • Richards Thomas, carpenter, N s 7th b Main and Syc. Richardsbn Rev. Robert, Methodist minister, 2d b B way and Ludlow Richardson Mrs'. Eliza, seamstress. Friendship b Pike and Lawrence , -Richardson Jonathan, ship carpenter. Front E of D. creek bridge Richardson Linder, Laborpr, E Front n corp. line Richardson James, merchant, S s Water b Main and Walnut, R 6th b Vine and .Race .RiehardSon Mrs. Jane, milliner. Walnut b Sth and 6th Richman Eli, coal measurer, 3d n Lawrence Richmond M. L. taUor, Longworth b Race and Elm Richmond Mrs. Mary, seamstress. Front b Stone and Wood Richmond James, boards at Mrs. A. Cooper's Richmond John, laborer, 6th n Mound Riekard Wm. plane maker, boards at Benj. Keeler's Rickoff David, boarding house, S s 4th b Elm and Plum Ridabock Philip, blacksmith, Walnut n 5th Riddle Adam N. attorney at law, E s Main b 6th and 7th, boards at Miss Miles' Riddle Augustus, carpenter, Main b 13th and Allison Riddle Hiram B. fancy painter, S W c 8th and W row Riddle J. L. boards at Pearl street House Riddle WUUam, butcher. Elm b 5th and 6th Cinciniiaii Directory. I45 Riddle Adara, baker, S s 6th b Plum and W row Rider B'rederick, steward at Gates & Nash's Ridgely Williara S- physician, N s 4th b Walnut and Vine Ridgewajy John, bricklayer, 4th n Plum Ridinger Mrs. .Barbara, S E c Fulton and Sth Ridlen Samuel, blacksmith,, Friendshi|) b Pike and Lawrence Ridlein John, cooper, 9thb Elm and Plum Rigdon Charles, drayriian, 6th b Wrow and John Riggles'Benjarain, blacksmith, Macalister, b 4th & Sth Riley Daniel, livery stable, 6th b Main and Syc. Riley James, laborer, Front b Pike and Butler Riley Abel, cahiriet maker, 3d b Stone and Wood Rimes John, laborer, S s Harrison street Rinear Mrs. Maria, George b Race and Elm Rinehart Jacob, horse dealer, W row n Richmond Ringe Lewis, printer, boards at Mrs. B.. Allen's Ringgold Frederick G.'Tremont House, SE c Peari and Walnut, R Race b 2d and 3d Ring Sebastain, bakery and coflee house L. market b Syc. and B way Rirding John, laborer,'9th b Elm arid Plum Riske Mrs. Elizabeth, W/row n 4th Ritchie Alexander, shoemaker, bds at Mary Knight's Ritchie Mrs-JVEargaret, Vine b Front and 2d Ritchie Robert, merchant, 7th b Race arid Elra Rittenhbuse Mrs. Lydia, searastress, Plum.b 6th and Longworth Ritter Mrs. Mary Ann, MUl b 4th and Sth Rives Landon C. physician, office 5th nRace, K Race b 4th and Sth ' Roari John, carpenter, alley b2d and 3d and Vine arid Race Robbe Henry, tailoi-, 7th n B way Robbins Silas, cooper, W s Main ri corp. line Robbins Charles, tobacconist, Sth b Plum and W row Roberts John, stone cutter, 'VValnut b 12th and 13th Robenly? Stephen, saddler, .5th n Vine Roberts Samuel, tailor, NEc Union and Race Roberts Thomas, laborer, 3d b Sraith and Mill Roberts Britton, dealer in flat boats, boards at Mark Beach's Roberts Thomasj coal dealer, bds at Joseph MartinV Roberts Louis J. D. clerk at Peter Jonte's brewery 13 146 Cincinnati Directory. Roberts Lewis, coach maker, 7th b Main and Syc. Roberts Joseph, stone cutter, bds at Hiram Howard'i^ Roberts William, screw cutter, c Ludlow and Cong, Roberts James, chair maker, boards at Wm, Borland's Robertson WiUiam, boarding house Thoms' row 5th st4 Robins Ephraim, agent protection Insurance Company, office Front b Main and Syc, R 6th b College and Race Robinson Abraham F. bookseller, N s 4th b Main and Syc. R N W c Sth and Race Robinson Daniel, butcher, N. Lib. head Vine Robinson Michael, machinist, Sth b John and Smith Robinson John, carpenter, 7th b VV row and John Robinson Jacob, laborer, alley b 4th and Sth and MUl an.d Stone Robinson & Guibu, stone cutters, ,S W c Vine and'3d and N E c 3d and Walnut Robinson Daniel, [R. Sr G.) stone ,cutter, bds at John Robinson's, Sth b Main and Walnut Robinspn.M. R. school teacher. Plum b Front and 2d Robinson William, engineer, Elm b 5th and Longworth Robinson John', S s 6th b Main and Walnut Robinson B. painter, Walnut b Sth and 6th Robinson Miss Elizabeth, milliner arid mantua maker, 7th b Vine and Race Robinson David, S s Harrison street Robinson George', coppersmith, 2d b B way & Ludlow Robinson John, sheet iron roller, E Front n roUingmill Robinson Mrs. Margaret, seamstress, E Front n roll­ ing mill Robinson Lorenzo, boards at William Borland's Robison James, cooper, Oth bElm and Plum Robison Samuel, teamster, boards at George Collins' Robson & Moorhead, coppersmiths, N s 2d b Main & Walnut Robson WUliam, [R. Sr Moorhead,) coppersriiith, 2d b Walnut and Vine Robson F. S. carpenter, aUey b Sth and 9th and Race and Elm Rocap James, blacksmith, boards at Richard Alley's Rockenfield J. S. plasterer, 7th b W row and John Rockey Henry, produce merchant, S s 3d b Main and Syc, 4th b Walnut and Virje Rodecker Jacob, hat dyer, c Fulton and Catharine Rodefer Joseph, carpenter, boards at R, Knight's Cincinnati Direclory. 14T Roe Frederick, grocer and sausage maker, S E c Court and Ehn Rogers & Shrewsbury, salt, grocery and poduce store. Front b Syc. and B way Rogers John, (R. Sr Shrewsbury,) Front b Syc. and Broadway Rogers M. physician, S s 3d b Main and Walnut, bds at Pearl street House Rogers Mrs. Susan, boarding house, 3d b Wrow and John Rogers Hiram, cabinet maker, Long, b Race and Elm Rogers John, blacksmith, S E c Plum and Cherry Rogers F. W. rope maker. Front b Elm^and Plum Rogers Thomas, foUows river, bpards at'John Hamm's Rogers Everett, mason. Clay b 12th and 13th Rohmann A. B. dry good store, 197 Mai^ Rohrer martin, blacksmith and scale beam.maker, W- row n 5th Rohrman & Ross, coffee house, Ss 6th b Elm & Plum Rohrman Alexander, (R. Sr Ross,) coffee house, S s 6th bElm and Plum Rolls WUliam, (coZ'd) blacksmith. Walnut b 2d and Pearl R C Elm and 2d Rolls James, (col'd) blacksmith, c Race and 2d RoUston WiUiam, printer, boards Washington Hall Rombach Francis X. boarding and coffee house. Front b B way and Ludlow Romeril Charles E. plasterer, alley b Elm and Plum and Court and Canal Ronck Jacob, laborer. Elm n corp line Ronebaum J. H. Globe coffee house, NEc Main and canal Rents Henry T. shoemaker, boards John Luit's Room William, stone mason, Frontb Plum and W row Rosa E. H. clerk Lafayette bank, boards Mrs. P. Pierson's Rose Luther, E s Walnut b 6th and Tth Rose N. D. grocery and hay scales, NEc Vine and 6th R Gano b Vine and Lodge's alley Rose Washington, engineer, at Luther Rose's Rose Thomas, carpenter. Elm b Tjth and Sth Rose Mrs. Rachel, seamstress, alley b 4th and Sth and John and Smith Rose Abraham, cabinet maker. Race b 2d and 3d Rose Mrs, Elizabeth, Race b 2d and 3d 148 Cincinnati Directory. Rose Joseph, engineer, at Mrs. E. Rose Rose Samuel, (How Sr R.) leather dealer, 236 Main Roseboon William, shoemaker, W row n 6lh Rosenborn John H. waggon maker, boards Frederick Vonseggern's Rosenburgh Richard A. shoemaker, 9th b Elm and Plum Ross Ezekiel, lumber yard, S E c Sth and Plum R 4th b Elm and Plura Ross & Geyer, Weste'rn chair manufactory, N s 4th h Main and Sycamore Ross W H, (R, (^ Geyer) Green b Race and Elm Ross James J. cooper, W sMain n corp line Ross William R, blacksmith, Elm b 4th and Sth Ross Joseph, drayman, Stone b 3d and 4th Ross Charles, river pilot. Elm b PVont and 2d Ross Mulford, stone mason. Plum b Front and 2d Ross Joseph, follows river, Front b Race and Elm Ross Samuel, [Rohrman Sr R.) coffee house, 6th b Elm and Plum Ross Britton,engineer, Longworth nPlum Ross David A. painter, Sth n Mound , Ross George, laborer. Court b Elm and Plum Rossater, John, grocer, S E c Sth and Elm Rosser David, blacksmith, S W c 6th and Race Rostaing Augustine, surgeon dentist, N s 4th b Main and Walnut Rourke Michael, laborer, B way b 6th and Tth Rouse Isaac, (col'd) laborer, Pike n 6th Rousey William, carpenter, boards Caledonia Hotel Rout Henry, shoemaker, boards Rhoda Porter's Rowan John M. Capt- of steamer, at Griffin Yeatman'a Rowland Richard,stone cutter,boards at.N.-Williams' Rowland Mrs. Martha, Sth b B way and Pike Rowlet William, labc^rer. Water b Vine and Race Rowley Esrom, laborer, E Front n rolling mill Rowney Charles A. carpenter, bds Benjamin Keeler's Royse "Vere, dry good store, N s Sth b Walnut and Vine Ruby Charles, blacksmith, alley b Front and 2d and Plura and W row Rueker Joshua, writes county clerks office, S W cB way and Franklin Rueker Henry L. deputy clerk C C Pleas, boards Joshua Rucker's Rudolph Jacob, shoemaker, 9tb h W row and John Cincinnati Directory. 149 Rudy D. shoemaker, junction Front and Sth Ruess Jacob, coffee house. Front b Sycamore and B way Ruffin Samuel, merchant, George b Race and Elm Ruffin James, bookbinder, S E c Elm and Sth Ruffin John, at Samuel Ruffin's Ruffner Joseph, canal collector, office canal b Main and Walnut R 3d b Elm and Pium Runge, Henry, cabinet maker, Ws Main b canal& 12th Rungon Peter G. wheelright, junction Front and Water Rush Daniel, shoemaker, alley b Main and Walnut N of 13th Rusk David L. carpenter. Elm b 12th and 13th Russell Mrs. Rachel, 4th n Elm Russell Samuel, river trader, AbigaU b Main and Syc Russell Jeremiah, laborer, NEc Cherry and Race Rust Paul &D Son, cabinet makers and undertakers, E s Plum b Longworth and 6-.h Rust Thomas, cordwainer, WiUiam b Elm and Plum Rust Benjamin D. cordwainer, Oth b John and Smith Rutherford Thomas M. brushmaker, W s Walnut b 4th and Sth Rutherford Harrison P. sheet iron worker, NEc Pike and Friendship Rutledge Henry, dairyraan, junction Front and Sth Ryan John W. & Co. importers of China, glass, and earthen ware, 14 Pearl Ryan Mrs- Ann, Tth b Race and Elm Ryan Martin, boa.rding house, S s Water b Main and Walnut Ryan L. wood sawyer, 4th b Smith and John Ryan James, laborer. New b Sycamore and B way Ryland James, female academy, W s Walnut b 4th and Sth Ryland Thomas, Race b 2d and 3d Ryland James S. hatter, boards Thomas Rylaud's

Sacker Jacob, shipcarpenter, E Front nLaboratory Sackett Israel, machinist, boards WiUiam Borland's Sackett Wentworth, drayman, 6th b John and Smith Sackett John, pedlar, 4th b John and Smith Sackett Charies C. (JV. W. Thomas Sr Co.) merchant, SWc Main and canal 13* 150 Cincinnati Directory. Sackett Mrs. Margaret, milliner, W sMain b 3d and"^ Saffin James, city marshaU, alley b 6th and New and* Sycamore and B way Sage Ezra,pilot onriver. Race bCherry and 2d Sage Samuel, pilot on river. Water b Elm and Plum Salmon Alfred, watchmaker. N s Sth b Vine and Race Salmon Susan, boards Mrs. H. Addison's Salter Thomas, clerk Henry Clark's* 6 Lower market Sample Janes, finisher, Lawrence h Front & Congress Sampson

faber , engine builder, bds at Mrs. M. A. Bett's Taft Samuel H, house carpenter, N s Richmond n Western row Tagart Morton, carpenter, S s New n D, creek Tagart George W. printer, S s New n D. creek Tagart Andrew, hatter, boards at Timothy Coleman's Tait George, carpenter, 9th b Elm and Plum, R Wil­ liam b Elm and Plum Talbert Samuel, brickmason, SWc Vine and 7th Talbott John L, teacher. Elm b WiUiam and 9th Talbott David, teacher, Sth b Elm and Plum Talbott Joseph, carpenter, 4th b Plum and Wrow Talbott Allen, shoeraaker, boards at Jesse Hickman's Tallant Mrs. Mary, boarding school, E s Walnut b 3d and 4th Tanner WiUiam, blacksmith, NEc Front and Ludlow Tappan Benjamin, brickmason, W row b Gth & George Tappan Miss Lucy, teacher Western female Institute, boards at J. C. Tunis' Tarrant F. E s B way n corp. line Tatem Charles, W s Walnut b 4th and Sth Tatem Willis &c Co. iron founders, W s Walnut b 2d and 3d, boards at Mvj. E. F. Bisel's Tatem Henry L. [W. T. Sr Co.] iron founder, S s 6tli b Race and Elm Tatem John, moulder, S W c Elm and 2d Tatem Willis, (Wilder Lyon S' Co.) Clinton works, Butler b Front and Congress Tatham WiUi9,m H. grocer, NEc Longworth and Western row Taylor Griffin, (Kilgour T. Sr Co.) 3d n Lawrence Taylor John, dry good store, NEc 6th and Lodge's alloy Taylor J. C. shoemaker, 12th n Walnut Taylor Michael, butcher, c 12th and Jackson Taylor Thomas, teamster, Plurri n Com, Hospital Taylor Silas, NEc John and Catharine Taylor Edward, book keeper at J. Thomas', R George Plum and W row Taylor Caleb W (Woodnut Sr Co.) N E c Sth & Plum Cincinna^f: Directory. ITl Taylor Eli, publisher Family Magazine, bds at A.aron Marsh's Taylor George, coach maker, works at D. Bruce's Taylor John, grocer. Plum b Front and 2d Taylor John, carpenter, MiU b 3d and 4th Taylor James G. card manufacturer, E s Main b 9th and Court, R George b Race and Elm Taylor James, carpenter. Elm b Tth and Sth Taylor Sarah, mantua maker, Elm b Sth and Oth Taylor Jarvis C. shoeraaker, Elm b William and 9th Taylor Mahlon R. clerk at W- T. Gibbs', Syc. b Front and 2d Taylor A. M. & Co. leather store 106 Main, R Front E of D. creek bridge Taylor James, [A. M. T. Sr Co.) Front E of D. creek bridge Taylor Joseph, [A. M. T. Sr Co.) Front E of D, creek bridge Taylor John, carpenter. Smith b 4th and 5th Taylor WiUiam, engineer, bds at Mrs. Stonebraker's Taylor Melinda, (col'd) Water b Race and Elm Teasdale WiUiam, dyer and scourer, E s VValnut b 5th and Gth Telfer William, clerk at J. Westcott's, Longworth b Race and Elm Temley John, laborer, W row b Longworth and Gth Temon George, (cord) follows river, Church alley Temple Jesse, carpenter. Race b 2d and 3d Temple Alexander, ship carpenter, E Frorit n corpora­ tion line Templeton WiUiam, master steam boat, B way b Front and 2d Terhune James, cooper, NWc Tth and B way Terris Foltine, carpenter, N. Lib. head'Vine Tesh Henry, butcher. Vine b Canal and 12th Tesh John, laborer, Main b 13th and Allison Test Thomas, ship carpenter. Front b Vine and Race Thacker Anderson, gardener, Vine n corp. line Thatcher Thomas, carpenter, c Vine and 13th Thatcher William, grocer, S s Canal b Main & Walnut Thatcher Richard, boiler maker. Congress b Pike and Lawrence Thayer A. & Co, comraission raerchants 3T Main, R.. Syc. n Gth Thayer Z. (A. T. Sr Co.) Syc. n Gth 1T2 Cincinnati Directory:, Thayer Henry, tobacconist £6 Main, R Syc.n 6th Thayer Caleb, shoemaker, alley b Front and 2d and Race and Elm Therman Isham, (col'd) whitewasher, George b Race and Elra Thiestadt Philip, ship joiner, E Front n Hartshorne's miU Thising Ernst, blacksmith, 12th n Walnut Thistlethwaite James, grocer, boards Mrs. B. Allen's Thomas E S. editor and Publisher Evening Post, office W s Main b Front and 2d, R 3d b Pike and Lawrence Thoinas L. F. assistant editor. Evening Post, at E, S, Thomas' Thomas F, W. attorney at law, at E. S. Thomas' Thomas N. W- & Co. wholesale grocers, S W c Main and Canal, R 9th b Main and Walnut Thomas Wm. R„ (C. W. Gazzam Sr Co.) E s B way b Sth and Gth Thoraas C. & W. confectioners,S W c 12th & Walnnt Thomas Charies, (C. Sr W. T.) &W c 12th & Walnut Thomas Washington, (C. .S' W. T-) S Wc 12th and Walnut Thomas John H. grocer, c John and Richmond Thomas John, cooper, Tth n W row Thoraas John, pine cooper. Plum n 4th Thomas David J. carpenter, boards at S. J Thomas' Thomas Richard, shoemaker, S W c 3d and MiU Thomas Wm. cooper, boards at Sans Souci Hotel Thomas Wra. R. tinner, N s Sth b Walnut and Vine Thoraas John B. [Day Sr T.) confectioner, SWc Walnut and Tth Thoraas Mrs. Christiana, 3d b Smith and John Thomas Mrs. Margaret, Vine b Court and Canal Thomas Edward, drayman, E Front n rolling mill Thomas W. H. oak cooper, boards at D. Embree's Thomas Henry, (col'd) laborer, Gth n Pike Thoraas Robert, (col'd) barber, S s 6th b Plum and Western row Thomason Julius, plasterer, Woodward b Main and Syc Thompson John, hardware merchant. Front b Main and Syc. Thompson Ralph, Front b Main and Syc. Thompson Wra. A. clerk at R. Hobling's Thompson & WaterfaU, cotton factors, c pike and 3d Cincinnaii Directory. 173 Thompson James, (T. Sr Waterfall,) Butler b Front and Congress Thompson John, canal produce exchange, NEc Main and Court Thompson Daniel, blacksmith, boards at Henry Cole's Thompson David, engineer, bds Mrs. Ann Edward's Thompson Samuel, soap boiler. Pleasant n corp. line Thompson John, laborer, George b W row and John Thorapson James, carpet weaver, Sth b Race & Elm Thompson Charles S. drayraan, 4th n Wood Thorapson Wra. H. at Sedam & Yeatraan's boards at- Walker M. Yeatraan's Thorapson Robert, printer, boards at Susan Covalt's Thorapson Mrs. Amelia, 3d n Lawrence Thorapson Mrs. Ann, boarding house, N s 3d b Syc. and B way Thompson Mrs. Eliza, Race b Canal and 12th Thorapson Mrs. Ann, alley b New and 7th and Syc and B way Thorapson Winney, (col'd) washerwoman. Front b Walnut and Vine Thompson Hannah, (col'd) Church alley Thoms James, grocer and liquor store, 238 Main Thoms WiUiam, pork merchant, 6th n S E c Main Thoms Joseph, blacksmith, George b W row and John Thorn Joseph, machinist, boards Widow Stevens' Thornhill John, engine finisher, Pike b 3d & Congress Thornbridge David, shoemaker, at A. Ludlum's Thornley William, engineer, boards William Wester- man's Thornton B. & J.coraraissionmerchants,Es Sycamore b Front and 2d Thornton Benjamin, [B. Sr J. T.) commission merchant, 3d n Butler Thornton Joseph, (JB. Sr J. T.) commission merchant, Sth b Vine arid Race Thornton T. grocer, NWc Court and Main Thorp John A. stone cutter, N s 7th n B way Thorp Andrew J; painter. Spring n,Woodward Thorp Mrs, AbigaU, W sB way b 6th and 7th Thorp Mrs, Sar'ah, S s New n Deer Creek Thorp George, plasterer, at Mrs, S, Thorp's Thorp Charles W, saddler, W s Main b Court and canal boards Mrs. E. Thorp's 15* 174 Cincinnatil DireclO'ry, Thorp Mrs. Martha, seamstress, E Front opposite- Washington brewery Thorp John F. clerk, S W c B way and Franklin Thorp Mrs, Elizabeth, B way n 7th Thorp WiUiam A, tinner, boards Mrs. E. Thorp's Thorp Abraham, pattern maker, S s Harrison street Thorp William, teamster,.boards Thomas Hume's . Thorp Reuben, paver, 3d b Stone and Wood Thorp Alanson, Frontb Stone and Wood Thorp Levi, caulker, boards Alanson Thorp's Thorp William, caulker. Water b Plum and W row Thorp Mrs, Catharine, S Wc Longworth and John Thorpe John D. (Place Sr T.) merchant. Front b Elm- and Plum Thrasher, Charles, brickmaker, junction Front and Sth Threlkeld WUliarn, physician, W s Main b 9th and canal Thurlwell Charles, carpenter, 3d b Pike and Butler Tibbatts John W. commission merchant, W s Sycamore b Front and 2d Tibbets Samuel, botanical physician, W s Elm b 6th. and Longworth Tibbets Samuel jr. (Calvert Sr'T.) comb maker, N s7th n John Tibbets J-.C, boards Dr. S. Tibbet's Tibbets Mrs. Emma S. 3d b W row and John Tibbs Nancy, (col',d) washerwoman, 6th b B way and. Pike Tice Solomon, hatter, 8d b Wrow and John Tice Mrs. Joanna, 6th n Smith Tiernay John, laborer. Congress b B way and Ludlow Tiffany David, York Exchange coffee house, 212 Main boards J. Ward's Tift William, engine and cotton factory, SWc Ludlow and 2d R 3db Sycamore and B way Tileston Willam, provision store, NEc Vine and Allison Tiley Francis, grocer, Sycamore b Front and 2d Timmerman D.. H. stone sawyer,, W e Sycampre 'm AbigaU Tinsley Jaraes, tinner, 4 Cassilly's row Tinsley John, (col'd) carpenter. Vine b Front and 2d Tinson Aaron (col'd) barber, "W s Main b Court and canal ,- Tjipley EHzabeth G. B way b Lower market and 3d. Cincinnati directory. ITS' Tipton John, brush maker, Sth b Main and Sycaraore R W s Main b 8th and Oth Titsworth Reuben, iron roller, E Front n roUingmiU Tittle Isaac, carpenter, Elm n corp line Tobey Cornelius, penny post. Race n Sth Todd Joseph, clerk G. M.Southgate & Co'sboards Mrs, Hamilton's Todd M. R. pork merchant, boards James Orr's Todd James, machinist, WiUiam b Elm and Plum Todd James, W s Sycamore b 4th and 5th Todd Mrs. Mary Ann, miUiner, N s5th b Vine and Race Todhunter Evan, tallow render, Vine N of corp line Todhunter, Thomas, butcher, Es Main b Abigail and Woodward Toliver Philip, (col'd) huckster, S s New n Deer Creek Tolman P. J. printer, boards WiUiam Borland's Tomlinson Ralph, clerk Spencer, Strong & Blachly's R Tth b Main and Walnut Tomlinson John G. engineer,.S s Front n rolling mill Tompkins James, cabinet maker, 2d b Main and Syca­ more R Race n 4th Tompkins Amos F tinner, boards James Tompkins' Tonner James, printer, Sth n Vine Torrence George P. county treasurer. Court b Vine and Race Torrence Mrs. Esther, mantua maker. Vine n Sth Torrence John F; clerk Reynolds & Dennison's, boards G.P..Torrence's Torrence James, at George P. Torronce's Tosport George j (col'd) barber, basement- Pearl street. House R Front h Vine and Race Tospot' Jonathan, (col'd) barber, boards George Tos-. pot's Tosso & Winter, Bazaar, ^ s 3d b B way and Ludlow Tbsso Joseph, (T. Sr Winter) professor of music, N s Sth, b Elm and Plura Toth Frfederick, laborer, Mercer b Vine and Walnut Tousey George, cotab raaker, boards J. Batchelor's Townley John, plasterer, George b Smith and John Townley George, carpenter, W s B way n Franklin Townsend John, cedar cooper, c Elm and Court Townsend James, carpenter, Sth b John and Smith Towsly Nathaniel, caulker,^Frontb Ehn and, Plumt 1T6 Cincinnati Directory. Toy Isaiah, carpenter, boards Thomas Brooks' Toy John, trunk maker, Elizabeth n W row Traber Jacob, at Wade, Hills & Co. Tracy Ransom, carpenter. Elm b Sth and 9th Traies WiUiara, watch raaker, Fulton b 8th.and 9th Trainer Mrs. Elizabeth, searastress. Congress b Law­ rence and Pike Trainer Mrs. Esther, seamstress, W row b Water and Front Tranchant Casper, stocldng manufactory, N s Sth b Vine and Race Tranor John, draper and tailor, S s Sth b Main and Walnut R Tth b Race and Elm Tranor Thoraas, draper and tailor, bds John Tranor's Trask Charles, student, boards Dr. Williara Wood's Travais Absalom, blacksmith, Richmond n John Treat John, carpenter, E Front n rolling mill Tree Mrs. Ann, Vine b Front and 2d Trener Worthington, painter, George b W row and John Trevor, Messick & Co. wholesale dry goods merchants,, 12 Peari Trevor Samuel, [T. Messick^ Co.) merchant, R 4th n Walnut Tribbey Elizabeth F. boarding house. Walnut b Baker and 4th Trimble & Woodrow, iron merchants, TI Main .Tishner Nicholas, engineer, Tth b Sraith and Mound Trone Frederick, jeans manufacturer, 2d b Sycamore and B way Trone Peter, laborer, 3d b Pike and Lawrence Trotat Joseph, cooper, boards Peter Jonte's Trotter Jeremiah, watch maker, W s Main b 6th and: Tth Trotter Mrs. Agnes, milliner, N s Sth b Main and Syc Troup Edmund, laborer, Pike n Sth Troutman Christian, Napoleon coffee house, Sycamore- b Front and 2d Trow George, laborer, Sth b Race and Elm Trowbridge A. grocer. NEc Sycaraoreand Abigail Trowbridge C. S. boards Pearl street House TroxellMrs. Margaret, railliner, E s Sycamore n Tth Troxtrill Mrs. Jane, seamstress, N Wc Front and Plum Truesdale Thomas, gardener, Northern Liberties headi^ Vine Cincinnati iDireetory. ITT Truman & Sraith, booksellers and publishers, 150^ Main Truraan WiUiam T.(T.Sr Smith) 8th b Race and Elnt Truman John, medical student, bds Daniel Edmiston's- Trump John, (Cozine Sr T.) rope maker. Vine n corp. line Truss Jonathan, drayman, Longworth b Elm and Plum Tucker John, painter, boards John Elstner's Tucker Leon, clerk at George A. O'Brien's Tucker E. F. agent Newport manufacturing Co. Plum b 3d and 4th Tucker George W. saddler, S s Sth b Main and Walnut Tucker Mrs. Ann S. boarding house, N s Sth b Vine and Race Tucker Benjamin S. saddler, bds Mrs. AnnS. Tucker's Tudor Thoraas, carpenter, S s Tth n Main Tuite Edwardj loan office, N s 5th b Race and Elra Tull Valentine, shoemaker. Northern Liberties head Vine Tunis J. C. N s Sth b Race and Elm Tuman Jacob, follows river, S E c Front and Plum Turner Mrs. Susan, boarding house, S s 5th b Sycamore and B way Turner David, bar keeper, at Mrs. Jane MUler's Turner Mrs. Susannah, boards WiUiara T. Fry's Turner James, laborer, boards Charles Thrasher's Turner Thomas, laborer, boards Charle"s Thrasher's Turrece Peter, laborer. Congress b Lawrence and Pike Turrow Reuben, moulder, SWc Front and Butler Tussey John, drayman, "Vine n 13th TutewUder David, pedlar. Walnut b 2d and Pearl Tutin Simon C. clerk at Livius Hazen's Magistrate office Tuttle Mrs. Rebecca, S W cSth and W row Tuxford Mrs. Mary, raUliner, Es Main b 6th and Tth Tuxford & Williaras, grocers, W s Main b Gth and Tth Tuxworth George W'. book binder, 14 Main, R Elmb Front & 2d Tweed John P. clerk at J. R. Coram's, boards at Den- .nisons Hotel Tweedy Thoraas, screw cutter, c Ludlow and Cong. Twigley Jaraes, potter, N. Lib. head Wrow Twi'chell John, E s Syc. b 4th and Sth Tyler S, T. grocery and Uquor store, SWc Front and.' Ludlow ITS Cincinnaii Directory. Tyler Nelson, teamster. Elm b Tth and Sth Tyrack Nicholas, shoeraaker, N s Gth b Plura and W row, R S E c George and Plura Tyser Allen, blacksmith, boards at Joseph Kolp's Tyson John, boards at Mrs. Ann Cooper's

Uhl F. A. printer, boards ct D. Embree's Ullery David, boatman. Walnut n canal Ullery Mrs. Catharine, Race b 2d and 3d Ullery J. P printer, works at Republican office Ulm Ditz, blacksmith, works at D. Bruce's Ulraer Mrs. Mary, tailoress. Green b Race and Elm Underwood James, mustard manufacturer 26 Pearl, boards at Mrs, Bessorii's Underwood Mrs. W washerwoman, S s 6th n Deer creek Upjohn Mrs. Mary Ann, boards at Mrs. Susan Mpgre's Upperman John, laborer, E Front n District school house. Urick John P. H. laborer. Front E of D. creek bridge Urner B. & N. wholesale grocers, 10 West Front Urner Benjamin, [B. Sr Jf. U.) 4th b Race and Elm Urner Nathan, [B. SrJV. U.) boards at Pearl st. House Urwiler John, pattern maker, boards at Mrs. Susan Hawkin's Usher Peter, grocer, SWc Longworth and Sraith Utley Hastings, shoe store 32 Main, R 9th b John and Sraith Utz John, blacksmith. Race b Court and Canal

Vachett Francis, brickmason, Plura b Water and Front Vadner John, laborer, c Eltii and 12th Valentine Aaron, carpenter. Water b Elra and Plum Valentine Bernard, Vine b Water, and Front Valentine Charles, drayraan, Gano b Main and Walnut Valentine John, drayman, Gano b Main and Walnut Valiant Hugh, door keeper Western Museum, boards at Mrs. E. F. Bisel's VaUandinghara Andrew W raason, 13th b Walnut . and Vine VaUandinghara Richard, mason, Vine n 13th- Cincinnati Directory, 1T§ Valette Bates & Co. dealers in hats caps and furs, J>f W c Main and Pearl Valette Henry, (F. Bates Sr Co.) bds Mrs. Andrew's Vairin Justus, merchant. Front b Main and Syc. u Longworth b Race and Elm Vanader Peter, Sth b W row and John Vanausdol Garret, dry good store, S E c Main and Gth Van Burgh Morris, clothing store, 31 L. market Van Derbelt Cornelius, river trader, 3d n Park Van Dewater Joshua, book binder. Elm b George and Gth Van Dugen Mrs. Deborah, carpet weaver, Elm b Front and 2d Van Eaton James, cooper, 9th b Walnut and Vine Van Eaton Isaac, teacher 10 District school, boards at James Van Eaton's Van Horn Andrew, drayman, 12th n Walnut Van Horne Wm. J. member city council, at William Barr's Van Hagen Isaac P book keeper Reeves & McLean's R John b 3d and 4th Van Horton Isaac, follows river, Sth b Plum and Wes­ tern row Van Liew Ira C. cartman, c Oth and Fulton Van Matre Daniel, attorney at law, office N s 3d b Main and Syc. R Vine b Tth and Sth Van Matre Mrs. Ruth, Tth b Race and Elm Van Pelt Benjamin, shoemaker, 0th b John and Smith Van Wey Henry, type founder, c Smith and Oth Van Winkle Benjamin, laborer, S W c 3d and Smith Vance WiUiara, cooper, E s Syc. b Tth and Sth Vance John, cooper, boards at John Hare's Vandergrift Benjamin, lumber yard, SWc Waterand Race Vandozen Abraham, steam boat rigger, 2d n Law­ rence Vannata Samuel, [Burrows Sr V.) lumber merchant, Green b Race and Elra Vanormer Mrs. M. Vine n 13th Vattier Charles, Lodge's alley b Sth and 6th Vattier John L. druggist. Race b Tth and Sth Veancher Mrs. Mary, Frontb Smith and Park Veatch Charles, carpenter, 12th b Elm and Plum Venneraann Theodore, [M. Gray Sr Co.) boarding house, 2d b Syc. and B way 180 CincinnaH Directory* Vestal Mrs. Violetta, miUiner, W s Main b 3d and 4thi "Viar Wm. T. laborer, 4th b MiU and Stone Viner J. H. dry good store, 13 n Vine Vinerider Ignatiys, laborer. Main b 13th and Allison Vining Lester S. clock dealer, elbow canal Vinkerman Henry, cabinet maker, alley b Gth and New and Syc. and B way Vinston Mrs. Esther, Sth b Race and Elm Voigt Jacob, boarding house, N s Sth b Walnut and Vine Voigt & Shoemaker, boarding and coffee house, 2d b Syc. and B way Voigt Henry, (V. Sr S.) 2d b Syc. and B way Vonseggeni Frederick, blacksmith, NEc Syc> and Abigail Voorhees A. L. [Harkness Sr V.) engineer, W s Pike b 3d and 4th Voris Jeremiah, laborer. Front b Plum and W row Vreland Abraham, laborer, boards at Levi Darby's

Waber Francis, potter, boards at J. F. Francisco's Waber Frederick, potter, boards at J. F. Francisco's Wade David E, N W c Butler and Congress Wade & Woodruff, attorneys at law, S s Sth b Main and Syc. Wade David, [W. Sf W.) powder maufacturer, W Front n MiU creek, R N W c Bntler and Cong. Wade Hills & Co. dry good merchants, 133 Main Wade M. S. [W. H. Sr Co.) Congress n Butler Wade S- J. (W. H. Sr Co.) S s 4th b Syc. and B way Wade H. B. tiuner, N s Sth b Race and Elm Wade William, tinner, 6th n Smith Wademan Joseph, tanner. Pleasant n corp. line Waggoner John, grocer, junction Front and Sth Waggoner Dennis, hatter, bds at Timothy Coleman's Waggoner Conrad, tailor, Race b Front and 2d Waggoner James, iron finisher, Lawrence b Front and Congress Waggoner John, brickmason, S s Sth n Pike Wagner Henry, shoemaker, Sth b Walnut and Vine Wagner Nicholas, shoeraaker, at Henry Wagner's Wainwright William, blacksmith, E Front n corp. line Wa^t John, cooper. Walnut n Arthur's rope walk Cincinnati Directory. 181 Wait Richard T. waggoney. Pike b 3d and Congress Walbridge J. D. merchant, boards at Main st. Hot«] Wald Lawrence, screw cutter. Congress b B way and Ludlow Waldon C. H. clerk at W. Peck's drug store Waldo F. Augustus, physician, S s 4th b Race & Elm Waldron David, drayman, George b Plum and W row Waldron Benjamin, cooper 4thn Stone Waldron J. W. clerk at N. D. Rose's Walker Williara M. merchant, E s B way b 3d and 4th Walker Timothy, (Wrights i^ fF.) attorney at law, R 4th E of B way Walker James H. dry good store, 68 Main Walker Samuel, potter, boards at W. Kendall's Walker Joseph, cabinet maker, W row b 3d and 4th Walker Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, 3d b Elm and Plum Walker John, drayman. Mill b 2d and Broad Walker J. & C. grocers, N s Sth b Main and Walnut Walker Joseph, [J. .^atkins H. C. alley b 4th and Sth. and Smith and Park ' "^atkins Evan, grocer. Race b 9th and Court . atkins Empson, (col'd) barber, E s Main n 4th R church alley Watson Williara, gardener, 3d n Park Watson Joseph H. raachinist, boards Pennsylvania Inn Watson Isaac, drayraan, Longworth b Elm and Plum Watson Thoraas, Longworth n Mound Watson Joseph, carpenter. Elra b 6th and George Watson Williara, carpenter, 9th b Elra and Plura Watson W. W. (col'd) barber, NEc Walnut and 3d R post office alley Watt Sarauel, potter, boards J. F. Francisco's Watts Williara, salesman Sedam and Yeatraan's, boards Mrs. Stout's Waughendorf John H. starch raaker, Northern Liber­ ties head Walnut Wayne C & Co. hardware raerchants, 106 Main Wayne J. L. (C. W. ^ Co.) hardware merchant, 106 Main 184 Cincinnai.'' Directory. Wayne Anthony, (col'd) laborer, George b Race and Elra Wear Isaiah, drayraan, Vineb 13th and Mercer Weatherby Jaraes S. saddler, 166 Main R Walnut n 6th Weatherby Gardner, coffee house, 4th n Elm Weatherby Ann, George b Race and Elm Weathers Smith, blacksmith. Friendship b Pike and Lawrence Weaver David, grocer, W row b 3d and 4th Weaver Noah, carpenter, boards Mary MerreU's Weaver Francis, blacksraith, church alley Weaver Adam, laborer, Front E of Deer Creek bridge Weaver Henry, ship carpenter, E Front n Laboratory Weaver , carpenter, boards Samuel Dresback's Weaver WiUiam, Race n corp lirie Webb & Greenwood, eagle foundry, N s canal b Main and Walnut Webb Joseph, (W. Sr Greenwood) eagle foundry, 12th n Walnut Webb Alexander, clerk Bonsall's lumber yard, R Mac­ farlane b Elra and Plum Webb George, carpenter, Vine b Water and Front Webb William, plane maker, Water b Vine and Race Webb Nancy, seamstress. Front b Pike and Butler Webb John, ship carpenter. Front E of Deer Creek bridge Webb Lagia, (col'd) washerwoman. Elm b 2d and 3d Webber Charles N. blacksmith, boards H. M. Abbott's Webster WUliam G. [Corey Sr W.) bookseUer, Race b Sd and 4th Webster Daniel, chemist. Laboratory, E Front Webster Daniel, laborer. Mill b 3d and 4th Wehmer Louis, carpenter, Walnut ncorp line Weeks Henry, boat builder, E Liberties Weide Barnard, grocer, S E c Pike and Symmes Weidner, Charles H. pattern maker, N s Sth n Pike Weigh Matthew, gardener, 4th b Sraith and Park Weigler Mrs. fancy store, W s Walnut b 4th and Sth Weingartner Joseph, coffee house, S s 6th b Plum and Wrow Weir .Tames, shoeraaker, S E c Sth and Race Weisenger, Peter, tailor, boards John Martin's Weishampel Clement, clerk, boards Cincinnati Hotel Welch Cyrus, saddler, boards John Ridgeway's Welch James, boards Deborah Bradley's Cincinnati ^Directory, 186 Weller J. M. bar keeper at ibennison's Hotel WeUman B. H. dry goods, W s Main n canal WeUraan Louis, dry goods, corp aUey b Vine and Walnut WeUraan H, H. shoeraaker, E s Main b canal and Abigail Wellner Charles, surveyor, N s 3d b Sycamore and B way Wells James T, physician, Sth b John and Smith WeUs H, K, (Kellogg, W. Sr Co.) raerchant, boards Thoraas Forbes' Wells Mrs. Mary, Front b Walnut and Vine WeUs Olrasted (col'd) blacksraith. Lodges alley b 6th and Gano Wellstood Jaraes, agent for N- Longworth Welsh Jaraes, cartman, Tth E of B way Werk & Snyder, tallow chandlers, S s canal b Vine and Race Werk Michael, (W, Sr Smjdtr) tallow chandlers, S e canal b Vine and Race Wert Michael, laborer. Vine n Hamilton road Wertling Leo, carpenter, Front E of Deer Creek bridge West Mrs. Mary, S s Gth n B way West Jaraes, laborer, boards Mary Ann Downing's West Isaac, engineer, E Front at corp line West Sarauel, 4th b W row and John West Mrs, Harriet, washerwoman. Home b 4th and Sth Westcott John, shoe merchant, 1T3 Main R Sth b Main and Sycamore Westcott Thomas, carpenter. Elm b 12th and 13th Westcott Mrs. Phoebe, W row b 9th and Catharine Westcott Mary, washerwoman, church alley Westcott Wm. D. shoeraaker. Congress b Lawrence and Pike VVesterfield D. J. [Kerr Sr W.) chair raanufacturer, 3d b Vine and Race •* Westerfield Mrs. Jane, railliner, W s Main b 3d & 4th Westerman Wra. painter, SWc 6th and Sraith Wetherill Wm, H. confectioner, E s Main b 9th and Court Whann George,, deputy marshaU, Sth n John Whann James M. moulder, boards at C. H. William's Wheatley Robert, blacksraith, boards at J. Kolp's Wheaton , livery stable, boards at Mrs, Eaton's Wheeler N, W. pork raerchant, E s B way b 3d and 4 16* 186 Cincinnati (Directory. Wheeler Aquilla J. exchange office, 14 L market, R E s Syc.n Sth Wheeler I. D. (Dana W. Sr Co:) S E c Main and 3d Wheeler Anderson, laborer, Elra b 2d and 3d Wheeler Ignatius, at Hodgson's drug store, 9th b Elm and Plum Wheeler Mrs. Rhoda, NEc Front and Butler Wheeler Stephen, clerk at Tifts foundry. Front n D. creek bridge Wheeler David, clerk, Front E of D. creek bridge Whelan Mrs. Fidelia, mantua maker, N s Sth b Elm and Plura Wherryraan John, tailor, boards at Cyrus Coffin's Whetstone J. & Son, luraber yard, NEc Walnut and Tth Whetstone John sen. [J. W Sr Son,) E s Vineb Tth and Gano Whetstone Richard A. [J. W. Sr Son,) boards at John Whetstone sen. Whetstone John jr. printer, S s 4th n Main Whigell John, grocer, Elm b Sth and 6th Whipple E. stove warehouse, Walnut b Front and 2d, R 3d b Main and Walnut Whipple George, engraver, S. W c Vine and Sth Whipple Charles, distiller, Elra b Front and 2d ' Whitaker James, boat store, Frontb Syc. and B way Whitaker James, E Front n Hartshorne's mill Whitcher W. C. clerk at Vallette, Bates & Co. boards at Pearl st. House Whitcomb J. Y. boards at Pearl st. House White Barton, cabinet warehonse, NWc 4th and Syc. boards at Mrs. Floyd's White Hugh, Fulton foundry, 2d b Ludlow and Law­ rence, R Front b Pike and Butler White Isaac, chandler, George b Race and- Elm White Jacob, blacksmith, Sth b Race and Elm White James, pilot on river, bds at Jaraes Sarver's, sen. White John, raachinist, 3d b Elm and Plum White Thomas W- accountant, Sth b Syc. and B way White Obadiah, fancy frarae maker, boards at Cyrus Kimball's White.Wm, E. merchant. Vine b 6th and Tth Whitehouse Walter E, drayman, S s 6th b Elm and Plura Whiteman Lewis, [Irwin & W.) merchant, SWc Main and Front Cincinnati Directory. 18T Whiteman B- B. secretari Cincinnati Insurance Co- Front bMain and Syc, Whitelock James, laborer, Hamilton road head W row Whiting Timothy, shoe store, S s L market b Main and Syc, Whiting Augustus E. raachinist, c Pike and 3d Whitman Josiah, physician, Foote's row c2d and Vine boards at Pearl st. House Whitmore Benjamin F. Tontine House, S 8 3d bMain and Syc. Whitney Daniel, engineer, MiU n Sth Whitney James H, carpenter, boards at Ezra Bailey's. Whitney Wm- E s Elm b Tth and 8th Whitridge Wm. painter. Clay n 13th Whittemore Mrs, Elvira, Sth b Vine and Race Whitten David, captain steara boat Superior, Sth b MiU and Stone Whitten Sumner, engineer. Pike b 3d and Congress Whotervine George, shoemaker, Syc. b L, market and 3d Wibel Francis, bar keeper New Orleans coffee hoise Wicker Henry, drayman, 3d b Mill and Stone Wickwire Uriah, well digger, Oth b W row and John Widarstatar Eknac, laborer, Sthn Smith Wiebling V^m. G. shoemaker. Front b Walnut and Vine Wiegand Wm. drayraan. Front b Vine and Race Wiggins Samuel, S W c 3d and Vine Wilbur Thomas, carpenter, Abigail b Main and 8yc- Wilcher Daniel, pedlar, boards at Jaraes Billing's WUcox Mrs, Mary, tailoress, W row n 4th Wild John C. Landscape painter, 133 Main, boards at Mrs, Bessom's Wilder Lyon & Co. Clinton engine factory, Butler b Froijt and Congress Wilder Cephas, (W. Lyon &- J« .e tailoress, George b Plum and W row vVt.5i>*.7 Ep'^iaim, cooper, NWc Tth and B way 192 Cincinnd'i Directory. Wisbey WiUiam, cooper, boards E. Wisbey's Wise Daniel, coffee house. Main b Sth and Oth Wise James, carpenter, E s Sycaraore n Sth Wise Thomas, painter and glazier, 6th n Smith Wiseman John A. magistrate, office S W c 3d apd Sycamore, R Longworth b Elra and Plum WisweU WiUiam, (Cooper Sr W.) R N Wc 6th and Sycaraore Witchcr Raymond, Maryland coffee house, E sMain b 6th and 7th Withers J. II. Oliio auction rooms, E s Main n 6th Withers Jacob, clerk Ohio auction rooms Withers David, cooper, Sycamo-re b 2d and Lower market Wolf Henry, laborer, aUey n canal b Vine and Race Wolf Jabob sen. baKer, VV s Walnut b 4lh and .5th Wolf Jacob jr. baker, at Jacob Wolf's sen. Wolf John, tinner, E s Main b 9th and Court R canal b Vine and Race Wolf Abraham, boarding house. Lower market b Syc and B way Wolf Daniel, engine finisher, Congress b Lawrence and Pike Wolf Lewis, engine finisher, 3d b Pike and Butler Wolf WiUiam, engine finisher, 3d b Pike and Butler Wolf George, tool grinder, boards M, Scott's Wolf Maria F. W s B way b 6th and 7th Wolff Charles, dry goods, Ns 5th b Main and Walnut Wolff Christian, fruit store, N s Sth b Walnut and Vine Wolff Christian, tailor. Court b Walnut and Vine Wolfington Robert, blacksraith. Race b 2d and 3d Wolford George, brass founder, S E c 2d and Ludlow . Wones Edward, [Martin & W.) livery stable, R 3d b SycaraOre and B way Wones Siraon, drayraan, E Front n rolling mill Wood John, lumber merchant, 4th b B way and Ludlow R 7th b Vine and Race Wood Henry, lumber merchant, at John Wood's Wood John H. publisher Echo, Longworth b Raceand Elm Wood & Middlewood, brewers, S s 4th n W row Wood Thomas, (W.SrM.) brewer, 4th b W row and John Wood WiUiam B. druggist, SWc Main and Pearl % S 6 Harrison Cincinnati ifirectory. 193 Wood George, livery stabhi!. Race b Sth and Long R Sth b Vine and RE(ce Wood WiUiara, horse dealer, boards George Wood's Wood William, [W. Lockwood Sr Co.) dry goods, 142 Main R E s Sycamore n 4th Wood Alfred, [W- L. Sr Co.) dry goods, E s Sycamore n 4th Wood Williara, physician, N s 4th b Vine and Race Wood Cornelius, carpenter, S s Sth n John Wood Frederick, shoeraaker, John b Sth and 9th Wood Joel, whip sawyer, boards John Lilley's Wood William H. boards H. C. Watkins' Wood Samuel, ship carpenter. Water b Plum and W row Wood Charles, shoeraaker, boards James Bennington's Wood Abraham, turner. Woodward b Sycamore andB way Wood Charles, boards Susan Turner's Woodin JohnG. tin and coppersmith, 4 Cassilly's row Woodin S. laborer. High n corp line Woodington Martha, boarding house, 2d b B way and Ludlow "Woodnutt &Co. wholesale dry goods, 197 Main Woodnutt William,(W, Sr Co,)boards Dennison's hotel Woodnutt WilUam G, clerk Woodnut & Co's boards Mrs. Ann Tucker's Woodrow David T. (Trimble Sr W.) boards B way Hotel Woodruff Truman, printer, boards Franklin House Woodruff Archibald sen. Arcade hath house, E s Syc b 3d and 4th "Woodruff William, engraver, 3d b Main and Walnut R 9th b Mairi and Walnut Woodruff Edward, (Wade Sr W.) att'y at law, R 9th b Walnut and Vine Woodruff Enos, 3d n Racfe Woodruff Stephen, jailer, at county jail. Sycamore st Woodruff Joseph H,, NEc 6th and College Woodruff JohnS, printer. Walnut, b 4th and Sth Woodruff Lewis, brick maker, W of Methodist burying ground Woodruff Archibald jr. speculator, boards at Mrs. M. Beatty's VoodruffWilliamj salesman atBi J. Irwin's 17 194 Cincinnaii Directory, Woodruff Mrs, Sarah, seamstress, E Front opposite rolling mill Woodruff Alexander, laborer,' Deer Creek n corp line Woods James H. grocer, S s 6th b Plura and W row Woods Jaraes, boiler maker, Front b Elm and Plum Woods Joseph, clerk Reeves & McLean's, boards John Reeves' Woods John, carpenter, Longworth b Elm and Plum Woods John, founder, Sth b Sraith and Mound Woods Edward R. boards Mrs. Ann Thorapson's Woodward Benjarain, river pilot, boards Elizabeth Rose's Woodward Washington, cabinet maker. Walnut oppo­ site Pearl, R 5th b Plum and W row Woodward Job, hatter, works Vallette, Bates & Co Woodward Charles, physician, N s 6th b Main and Walnut Woodward George R. saddle tree maker, S E c Wood­ ward and Sycamore Woolley Stacy A. iron raerchant, W s Main b 2d and Pearl Woolley WiUiam, atS. A, WooUey's Woolley Mrs. Harriet, grocery, 6th b John and Smith Woolley George,-physician, Sth b Race and Elm Woolley Asher, carpenter, Canal b Vine and Race Woolsey Wm. M. druggist 100 Main, R 4th b Elm and Plum Woolsey Daniel, trader, Home b 4th and Sth Woolvert Henry, laborer. Cherry b Race and Elm Works Samuel, butcher, N. Lib. head Walnut Workum Jacob L. Macalister b 4th and Sth Worrell Elizabeth, Sth b Plum and W row Worthington Vachel, atttorney at law, W 4th n Main, R S W c 7th and Elra Worthington John G. attorney at law, N s 4th b Main and Walnut, R 4th b Syc. and B way Worthington & Ranney, grocers, 199 Main Worthington Lewis, (W^. Sr Ranney,) boards at City Hall Worthington Charles, dry good store, W s Main b 6th and 7th Worthington Charles jr, clerk at Wm, M. Woolsey's Worthington Wm. Sth b Smith and Mound Wozencraft John, tinner. Court b Elm and Plum Wozencraft Hannah, mantua maker, N s Sth n Syc. Wrenn J. V boards at Pearl street Hou°^ Cincinnaii Directory. 195 Wright & Walker, attorneys at law, E s Main b 3d and 4th Wright John C. (W. Sr Walker,) attorney at law, N E c 4th and B way Wright Nathanipl (W. Sr Hodges,) attorney at law, office S S 3d n Walnut, R Elm b 3d and 4th Wright Crafts J, (Fox Sr W.) attorney at law. Long. b Vine and Race Wright B. T. (W Sr Walker,) attorney at law, N E c 4th and B way Wright John J. auctioneer, office NWc Syc. and Sth, R Sth b Vine and Race Wright Thomas, clerk market, N s George b Race and Elra Wright Samuel, laborer, W s B way n Sth Wright Thomas, coppersmith, S s 8th n Syc. Wright Joy, engineer, S s Harrison street Wright Mrs. Ann, boarding house, SWc Front and Lawrence Wright Thomas, works at Pace's saw mill, S E c 3d and Lawrence Wright Mrs. Hannah, seamstress, E Front n corp line Wright Alexander, taUor, works at Wra. Jackscm's Wright Thoraas B. butcher. Vine n 13th Wright Michael, drayman c Race and canal Wright Francis, laborer. Elm n 13th Wright Charles, laborer, Sth b John and Smith Wright J. L, works Tatem's foundry Wright Samuel, millwright, Water b Elm and Plum Wright Samuel R. book pedler, bds Sarauel Wright's Wright Wendell, carpenter. Long, b Race and Elm Wright Mrs. Mary, tailoress Long, b Elra and Plum Wright John F. [Holliday Sr W.) R Keys' hUl Wunder Vanaken, butcher, Walnut n corp, line Wunder Daniel, butcher, Vine n corp, line Wunder Sarauel, butcher, Syc-^ n Abigail Wuntsworth Edward, stone sawyer, S E c Court and Plura Wurmser & Zuter, clothing store. Front b Syc, and Broadwav Wurmser Sigmund, (W Sr Z.) Frontb Syc, and B way "Wyatt Mrs, Ehzabeth, Long, b John and Sraith Wyatt Wra, shoeraaker, Sth b W row and John Wy»s Francis, laborer, Frienship b Pike and Lawrence 196 Cincinnati Directory. Yager Henry, laborer, head Vine Yager Enoch, shoemaker, Walnut n 13th Yates Newman, bar keeper at Samuel Jacob's Yates Samuel, whip sawyer. High n corp. line Yeakle Jacob, shoe -dealer, 6th n John Yeatman Griffin, record Hamilton Couhty, S s 4th b Walnut and Vine Yeatman Thomas H, exchange broker, S s 3d b Main and Walnut Yeatraan Wilson & Shield, Franklin foundry, SWc Sth and B way Yeatraan Walker M,'(Sedam & Y.) Vine b 6th and Tth Yeatman & BadstrOet, dry good store 76 Main Yeatraan Wm. T, (F, & Bradstreet,)'76 Main Yocura Conrad, laborer. Friendship b Pike and Law­ rence Yocura Peter, teamster, 7th n B way Yocura Joseph, tearaster, 7th n B way Yocura Daniel, laborer, "Vine n Harailton road Yorke & Levis, Covington cotton manufactory Yorke William, [Y. &D Levis,) Lodwick E of B way Yorke Joshua, (McClellan Sr Y.) boards at Pearl st. House Yost James W. raachinist. Long, b Vine and Race Yost E. boards at J. W. Yost's Young Plilip, tobacconist, 4th n Main, R Syc. b 4th and Sth Young Williara, tabacconist, at Philip Young's Young John N. boards at Mrs. P. Reddish's Young Rev. Henry, Sth b Smith and Mound Young Mrs. Eliza, Longworth b Plura and W row Young Isaac C. tobacconist, George b Race and Elm Young George H. grocer, S E c Main and canol, R Sth b Vine and Race Young Matthew, clerk IS L, raarket Young Isaac, saddler, 114 Main, boards at Franklin Houfee Young Philip, artist, S E c Main and 4th Young Robert L. drayman, Syc. b 6th and 7th Young WiUiam. laborer, c 12th and Elm Young Francis J. grocer, N E c 6th and W row Young Wm. millwright, 6th b Smith and Mound Young John, laborer, c 12th and Elra Younger John, laborer. Friendship b Pike an4 Law­ rence Cincinnati Directory. 19T Zanoe Anthony, fruit store, L market b Syc. and B way Zeumer Henry, confectioner. Front b Vine and Race Zeuraer Charles^ tinner, boards at H. Zeumer's Zuter Adolph, [Wurmser Sr Z.) Front b Syc. and Broadway

17 198 Historical Sketch.

LOCATION OF CINCINNATI. The city of Cincinnati is situated on the north bank of the Ohio river, directly opposite the mouth of the Lick­ ing, in the centre of a spacious valley; in latitude 39 deg. .56 min. 39 sec; longitude 7 deg. 24 rain- 45 sec, west frora the city of Washington. The plane on which the city stands, is bounded on the north by the highlands, east by Deer creek, south by the Ohio river, and west by Millcreek, which empties into the Ohio at its wes­ tern boundary. This plane covers about four square miles, and is composed of two distinct pla,nes or tables, commonly called the hill and bottom; the upper table being elevated about fifty feet above the other. The ascent from the bottom to the hill, which was original­ ly steep and abrupt, has been graded to an angle of about 6 deg. The streets intersect each other at right angles, forraing squares of 132 yards each- The prin­ cipal streets commence at the river, and extend back in parallel lines, a course north 26 deg. west. The cross streets run nearly parallel with the river. Opposite to Cincinnati on the Kentucky shore, stands Newport and Covington, the former on the east, and the latter on the west side of Licking, Both are flourish­ ing manufaclnring towns,and their interests areidenti- fied with those of Cincinnati. Newport is the seat of justice for Carapbell county, it contains a handsome Court-house, and an arsenal and railitary depot belong­ ing to the United States.

HISTORICAL SKETCH. On the first of March, 1786, the Ohio Company was formed at Boston, consisting of officers and soldiers of the revolution, who by an act of Congress were enti­ tled to a military grant of land in the territory north west of the Ohio river. This company contracted with Coni^ress for one miUion five hundred thousand acres, on the 27th Nov. 1787. On the 7th of April, 1788, Gen. Rufus Putnara, with forty-six others, arrived and pitched their tents, and coramenced clearing the ground where Marietta now stands, This was the first per- Historical Sketch. 199 manent settlement in what now forms the state of Ohio. In 1788, Arthur St. Clair, was appointed Governor of the north western territory, and entered upon the duties of his office about the first of June. In Septeraber the first court was holden in the territory. In the winter of 1786, Mr, Benjarain Stites, an inhabitant of Red Stone on the Monongahela, went to New York with the view to purchase of Congress a tract of land be­ tween the Miami rivers. On becoming acquainted with Mr. John Cleves Syraraes, then a raember of Congress, he represented to him the character of the Miami coun­ try, and solicited his influence and co-operation in ef­ fecting the purchase. Mr. Symmes preferred having some personal knowledge of the country before a con­ tract should be completed. He accordingly crossed the mountains, and descended the Ohio as far as Louis­ ville Kentucky. On his return the contemplated pur­ chase was made in his own name. The tract contain­ ed one raillion of acres lying on the Ohio river, between the Miamies. Soon after Mr. Syrames sold to Matthi­ as Denman, the entire section number 18 and fraction­ al section number IT, in the 4th township. Not long after, Denman made Col. Robert Patterson and John Filson of Kentucky, joint proprietors with himself in the tract he had purchased; Denmans purchase, togeth­ er with the fractional section No. 12, forms the pre­ sent site of Cincinnati. In September 1TS8, Filson was killed by the Indians. His share then reverted back to Denman, who subsequently sold it to Israel Ludlow. In June 1T89 this gentleman, with about twenty others, commenced a settlement on his pur­ chase. They erected three or four log cabins, the first of which was built on Front street near the corner of Main and Front, The town was first called Losanti­ vilie. During the winter, Mr. Ludlow surveyed and laid out the town, then covered with a dense forest, marking the course of the streets on the trees. About the first of June, Major Doughty arrived at Losanti­ vilie with one hundred and forty men, and commenced the building of Fort Washington, and before the close of the year it was nearly completed. On the 29th Dec. Gen, Harmer with 300 men took comraand of the Fort. The population of Losantivilie, consisted of eleven families and twenty four unmarried men, with about twenty loj cabins, mostly on the lower bank. In 500 Historical Sketch. January 1790, Governor St. Clair, and the judges of the Supreme court arrived at Losantivilie, and organ­ ized the first judicial court in the Miarai country. At this tiraethe Governor gave to Losantivilie the narae of Cincinnati. The first President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, was Williara Goforth; associates, Wm. Wells and William M. Millen, John S. Gano, was ap­ pointed clerk of the court, and John Brown sheriff. Cincinnati had an increase in its population this year of about forty families, and the cabins erected amount­ ed to nearly the same nuraber; the first two frame hou­ ses were built this year. In 1T91, Cincinnati had lit­ tle increase in its population, about one half of the inhabitants were attached to the army, and many of them killed. In 1T92 the first school was established in Cincinnati. In the fall of 1T93, the small-pox broke out among the soldiers at Fort Washington, and spread through the town with such mahgnity, that nearly one third of the citizens and soldiers fell victims to its rava­ ges. After the defeat of the savages in 1T94 by Gen. Wayne, emigrants began to flock across the moun­ tains in great numbers. In June 1T9S, Cincinnati con­ tained 500 inhabitants. In January 1802, the terri­ torial legislature incorporated the town of Cincinnati; and in 1803, the State Government went into opera­ tion. In the year 1819, Cincinnati was incorporated into a city; the number of inhabitants at that time was 10,283 POPULATION.

In 1T95, the number of inhabitants was-.500 " 1800, tc (( <( « TSO " ISOS, (< <( t( (( 960 " 1810, (< (C (< (( 2320 " 1813, ( K (( (( 24148 " 1833, (( (C <( (( 2T64S " 1835, (C (( (( <( 29000 City Officers. 201 CITY OFFICERS. Samuel W. Davies, Mayor, office 3d b Main and Syc. James Saffin, MarshaU, office Mayor's office Ira A. Butterfield, Deputy MarshaU, office Mayor's office George Whann, Deputy MarshaU, office Mayor's office.

CITY COUNCIL. George W. Neff, President, Ebenezer Hinman, Retorder. First Ward— Oliver M. Spencer, sen. Archibald Irwin, John Hare. Second Ward— Ebenezer Hinman, G. W. Neff, N. S. HubbeU. Third Ward- Septimus Hazen, OUver Fairchild, E. S. Haines. Fourth Ward— David Griffin, David Loring, Aaron Valentine. Fifth Ward— Edward Woodruff, Ebenezer Hulse, W- J. Vanhorne. Charles Satterly, City Clerk. Samuel Scott, City Treasurer. Joseph Gest, City Surveyor. SCHOOL VISITORS. S. P. Chase, WiUiara Greene, Peyton S. Syrames, Williara M. McCracken, George Graham, jr. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Richard Mulford, office N s Sth b Main and Sycamore John A. Wiseman, office S W corner 3d and Sycamore. Ebenezer Harrison, office N W corner 3d and Walnut.. William Doty, office N side 2d between Main and Syc. Livius Hazen, office N side 2d between Main and Syc. Rancil A. Madison, office W side Main b Tth and 8th CONSTABLES. First Ward— John L. McLean, Robert Rand. Second Ward— E. V. Brooks, D, A, Ross. 202 City Officers. Third Ward— J. W. Riley, Thomas Hurst. Fourth Ward— Reuben Nocks, John E. Williams. Fifth Ward— David D. Jones, Jesse O'Neill. STREET COMMISSIONERS. First Ward—iohn Pettit. Second Ward—Richard Folger. Third Ward—Jon&h Martin. Fourth Ward—George W. Smith. Fifth JlFard—Nathan Hewett. WHARF MASTERS. Moses Coffin, and Amasa Higbee- PORT WARDEN, Joseph Pierce, CLERKS OF MARKET. Thomas Wright, David Jackson, sen- WOOD MEASURERS- Amasa Higbee, Benjamin Jelleff. COAL MEASURER, Eli Richman- GUAGERS AND INSPECTORS- Lewis Hunt, A- H. Harvie. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. William Stephenson. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. TRUSTEES. WiUiam Crossman, D. A. King, Josiah Fobes. Samuel Steer, Township Clerk. COUNTY OFFICERS. COURT COMMON PLEAS. David K- Este, President Judge- Slate Officers. 203 Thomas Henderson, Jonathan CiUey, Joseph Burgoyne, Associates. WiUiam H. Harrison, Clerk, N. C. Read, Prosecuting Attorney, Samuel Fosdick, Sheriff, John S, WaUace, Auditor, George P Torrencq', Treasurer, Griffin Yeatraan, Recorder, Mahlon Brown, County Surveyor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Thoraas Cooper, E. D, Williaras,WilliamB. Dodson. Jonah Martin, County Assessor,

STATE OFFICERS. , Governor, Carter B. Harlan, Secretary of State John A. Bryan, Auditor. Joseph Whitehill, Treasurer. SUPREME COURT, , Chief Justice, Frederick Grirake, Reuben Wood, Ebenezer Lane, Associates, Isaac G, Burnet, Clerk.

UNITED STATES OFFICERS RESIDING IN CINCINNATI. Robert T, Lytle, Surveyor General of pubhc lands, Peyton S. Syraraes, Register of the land office, Morgan NeviUe, Receiver of public raoneys, Robert Punshon, Surveyor of the port of Cincinnati, Custora House, 3d street near post office.

OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, President of the United States, 204 Post Office. Martin Van Buren, of New York, Vice President, and President of the Senate, John Forsyth, of Georgia, Secretary of State, Levi Woodbury, of New Harapshire, Seeretary of the Treasury, Lewis Cass, of Michigan Territory, Secretary of War, Mahlon Dickerson, of New Jersey, Secretary of the Navy, Benjamin F. Butler, of New York, Attorney General, Amos Kendall, of Kentucky, Post Master General, Ethan A.Brown, of Ohio, Commissioner of Land Office John D, Craig, Superintendent of the Patent Office, SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Roger B, Taney, of Maryland, Chief Justice, Associates— • Joseph Story, of , Smith Thompson, of New York, Henry Baldwin, of Pennsylvania, P, P, Barbour, of Virginia, James M. Wayne, of Georgia, John McLean, of Ohio.

POST OFFICE. North side Third street, between Main and Walnut. Williara Burke, Post master, E, P, Langdon, deputy.

Arrivals and Departures of Mails at Cincinnati, EASTERN MAIL. Arrives daily at 9 A. M. Departs daily at 5 P. M. SOUTHERN MAIL BY STEAM BOAT. Arrives daily at 12 night, Departs daily at 6 A. M. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. 205

NORTHERN, VIA, HAMILTON, OHIO. Arrives daily at 12 night, Departs daily at 5 A. M. CHILLICOTHE, OHIO.

Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesdays, Fridays & Mondays, at 6 P. M. WEST UNION, OHIO. Arrives Sundays, Wednesdays & Fridays, at 11 P. M. Departs Mondays, Wednesdays«fe Fridays, atG A.M. SOUTHERN, VIA. GEORGETOWN, KY. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, at 6 P. M. Departs Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, at 6 A. M. BROOKVILLE, INDIANA. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays, at 5 A. M. CYNTHIANA, KY. Arrives Sundays, Wednesdays & Fridays, at 2 P. M- Departs Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, at 3 A. M. WESTERN, VIA. LAWRENCEBURGH, lA. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, at 5 P. M. Departs Wednesdays, Fridays & Mondays, at 6 A. M, MAYSVILLE, KY.

Arrives Tuesday and Fridays, at 12 noon. Departs same days, at 2 P- M- NEWPORT AND COVINGTON, KY. Arrives daily, at S A. M. Departs daUy, at 8 A. M, WALNUT HILLS, OHIO. Arrives daily, Sundays excepted, at 9 A- M. Departs daily, at 10 A. M. 18 206 Rates of Postage.

MOUNT HEALTHY AND CUMMINGSVILLE. Arrives Saturday 10 A. M. Departs Sunday 11AM. There is a small Mail twice a week to Guyandotte Va. by steam boat. The large Mails close one hour before the time of departure, the others half an hour. Mails that depart between the hours of 9 P. M. and 5 A- M. will close at 9 P.M.

RATES OF POSTAGE ON LETTERS. 64 cents for any distance not exceeding 30 miles 10 cents, if over 30 and not exceeding 80 miles 12i cents, if over SO and not exceeding 150 miles 1S| cents, if over 150 and not exceeding 400 miles 25 cents, if over 400 miles. Double letters are charged double, treble letters, treble and quadruple letters, quadruple these rates. Postage, on heavier packages in proportion.

NEWSPAPERS. Not carried over, 100 mUes, or for any distance within the State where they are printed, are charged one cent each. If carried over one hundred miles, and out of the State where they are printed, one and a half cents each

PERIODICALS, PAMPHLETS, AND MAGA­ ZINES. Carried not over 100 miles, one cent a sheet Carried over 100 miles, two cents a sheet Those not periodicals, for lOOmUesor less, 4 cents a sheet. Those not periodicals, over 100 miles, 6 cents per sheet. No deduction wiU be made on postage of letters charged double, treble, or quadruple, unless they are opened in the presence of the post master, his assistant, or some one belonging to the office. Banks. 20T CINCINNATI "WATER WORKS. This establishment is owned by an incorporated company. It was originally projected by Colonel Sam­ uel W Davies, in the year 181T. In May of that year, he obtained from the City Council a charter, granting the exclusive privilege of laying pipes &c. in the streets of the city, for the terra of ninety nine years. In 1819 Col, Davies commenced operations, by erecting suitable buildings on the bank of the river, above Deer creek. A well has been excavated in the solid rock beneath the building which communicates with the deep water by a canal, and thus guarantees a constant supply at the lowest possible stage of the river. The water is raised from this well by steam power, to a point above high water mark, and thence forced up to the reservoirs on the hUl, a distance of TOO feet. The reservoirs are two in number, and are of sufficient dimensions to contain 1,600,000 gallons. They are elevated 158 feet above low water mark,, and about 30 feet above the upper plane of the City. The water is conveyed to the city in iron pipes, thence through the principal streets in wooden ones. Of the former there is two miles laid, and of the latter 22 miles. The affairs of the Company are managed by the fol­ lowing officers: John P. Foote, President, William Greene, Secretary, D. B. Lawler, Treasurer, E, Hinman, Collector.

BANKS. OHIO LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. This Institution was incorporated in Febuary 1834, and is authorized to make insurance on lives, to pur­ chase and grant Annuities, receive and execute trusts of every description, and to buy and sell drafts and bilfs of exchange. The powers of this company are vested in a board of 20 Trustees, each of whom to be stockholders to the amount of 5000 dollars. 208 Banks. Banking House, north west- corner Main and Ath St. CAPITAL, $2,000,000.

OPFICERS- Micajah T. Williams, President, Samuel R, Miller, Secretary, •T. M. Perkins, Cashier, V. Worthington, Solicitor, Thomas J. Matthews, Actuary, Josiah Lawton, Paying Teller, William M. Morton, Receiving TeUer. Henry Hayes, Book Keeper, Charles E. Lynch, Discount Clerk, Lysle Lodwick, Messenger, Isaac G. Burnet, Notary,

COMMERCIAL BANK. East side Main, between Third and Fourth. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. J. S. Armstrong, President, William S. Hatch, Cashier,

DIRECTORS- James McCandless, J- R. Coram, Jacob Strader, Nathaniel Wright, .John McCormick, Aaron G. Gano, Joseph Smith, James Hall, John M. Rowan, ) n rr T -u . > 2 Vacancies, Jaraes Johnston, ^ ' John L. Avery, Notary, Offering days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays, Bills of exchange discounted every day.

FRANKLIN BANK. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Banking House west side Main street, between Third anc Fourth. Offering days, Thursdays and Fridays. Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ranks. 209 John H. Groesbeck, President, Augustus Moore, Cashier,

DIRECTORS, David Loring, John P. Foote, George W. Jones, E. S. Haines, O. M. Spencer, sen. G. Taylor, Marcus Sraith, J. McGregory, D. Corwin, F. Lawson, William S. Johnson, J, C, McCleUan, A, J. Wheeler, Notary.


CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, Josiah Lawrence, President, W. G. W- Gano, cashier, DIRECTORS. John D. Jones, Charles S. Clarkson, Caleb Bates, George W. Neff, Davis B. Lawler, WiUiam McLean, Henry L. Tatem, Morgan Neville, Wright Smith, S. P. Chase, C. Donaldson, S. W, Phelps, William R. Foster, Notary. Offering days, Mondays and Thursdays, Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. The Franklin and Lafayette Banks are now erecting elegant and comraodious Banking Houses, on third street near the Post office, which will be corapleted during the present season, after which the Banks will there be perraanently located.


CAPITAL, $600,000. Banking House north east corner Court and Main streets. Discounts daily, J. C. Wright, President, J. G. Lamb, Cashier. 18* 210 Monied Institutions. DIRECTORS. Daniel Gano, C. W. Gazzam, George Graham, jr. James Taylor, J. W. CaldweU, J. M. BisseU,* George W. Jones, jr. C. S. Ramsay, J.W.Coleman, W R. Morris. Joseph Pierce, Notary.

EXCHANGE BA.NK AND SAVINGS INSTITU­ TION. (Private Institution, Established, 1st October, 1835.) John Bates & Co. Proprietors, WUliam Surtees, Cashier, Offering days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. For further particulars see advertisement.

CINCINNATI SAVINGS INSTITUTION. JVo. 5, West Third streei, George W Jones, President, H. H. Goodman, Secretary.

DIRECTORS. •William Burke, Daniel H. Horne, Jacob Burne', E. P Langdon, Jtef)hen Burrows, James Mclntyre, William Crojsman, E. Morgan, John P. Foote, George C. MiUer, Calvin Fletcher, Williara Neff, Joseph Gest, Jacob Resor, J. H. Groesbeck, Joseph Smith, David Gwynne, Wright Smith, Sen. WiUiam Hartshorne, O, M, Spencer, Sen. E.S.Haines, WiUiam Stephenson, M. T. WiUiams, Charies Tatem, ).ffice open for receiving depositee on Mondays, from 10 o'clock A. M. untU 1 P, M. Insurance '• Companies. 211

OHIO INSURANCE COMPANY. Office Front, between Main and Sycamore, David Loring, Pesident, Morgan Neville, Secretary, CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY. Offic2 Front, between Main and Sycamore, CAPITAL, $250,000. J. Young, President, B. B. Whiteraan, Secretary. FIREMAN*3 INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, JVorth East corner Main and Front, CAPITAL, $100,000. with the privilege of increasing to $250,000 George W. Neff, President, Thomas Newell, Secretary, EaUITABLE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office south east corner Main and Sixth streets. William Disney, President. James Foster, Secretary, Benjamin Mason, Treasurer. AGENCY OF THE JETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD CONNECTICUT. Office JVo. 5. West 3d streei. CAPITAL, $300,000. Williara Goodman, Agent, AGENCY OF THE PROTECTION INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD CONNECTICUT. Office, East Front street, between Main and Sycamore, Ephraim Robins, Agent,

EXCHANGE OFFICES. H. H. Goodman—No. 5, West Third street, L, Murphy, & Co—No. 6, West Third street. 212 Finances of the City, S. & M. Allen, & Co.—No, TO, Main, B, W. Hewson—No. 54^, Main, Bowman & Fichner—No, 28, Main, A. J, Wheeler—No, 14, Lower Market I, P, WiUiams—West Third, between Main and Walnut.


RECEIPTS. Balance in the Treasury 20 March 1835, 3,6T8, 85 Do do for paying interest on funded debt, 4,966 34 Do do for paying the night watch,. 2,050 83

10,696 02 Received for Wharfage, 5,65T 84 Do for Tavern Licences, 459 IS Do for Coffee House ditto, 8,110 90 Do for Porter House ditto, T5 00

8,645 08 Do for Powder ditto, 58 16 Do for Wagons, Carts, &c, ditto, 1,261 00 Do for Exhibitions ditto, 100 00 Do for Horse Auction ditto, 255 00 Do for Ferry ditto, 250 00 Do for Road and Dog taxes, 4,225 ST Do of the Mayor for fines and costs col­ lected, 1,601 41 Do for Rent of Market Stalls and Benches, T,919 68 Do from the Water Co. for Water privi­ lege, 900 00 Do for materials of old Market House, T9 50 Do for old stone, 12 SO Do from J, M, Holland, am't. refunded, 51 25 Do from J. Gest, 15T 50 Do from C. Wayne, his proportion damar ages ass'd on alley, 13 4T Finances of ihe- City. 213 Do frora County Treasury, taxes col­ lected 29,052 ST

60,241 13 Do balance of the City Loan, 35,500 00

$106,43T 15 EXPENDITURES. Public Improvements. Paid for excavating and grading streets, 6,99T 08 Do for paving and repairing streets, T,038 4T Do for raaterials and erecting a bridge over the Canal at Main street, 1,824 20 Do for repairing bridges, 1,0T5 10 Do for building bridges at the intersection of Race, Elm and 2d sts., 420 OT Do for extending the Sewer, at the foot of Main street, TIS 40 Do for depositing earth at the Main street landing, 458 T3 Do for erecting Sewer on Sth street, at Deer Creek, ^ 845 31 Do for materials and labor erecting dams to protect the earth frora washing away on Sth street, near Deer Creek, 143 37 Do for erecting Sewer on Sycaraore street near Abigail, 2,186 58 Do for extending Culvert at intersection of Collard and east Front streets, 3T9 39 Do for repairing Lower Market House, 2,668 52 Do for building an addition to the east end of Fifth street Market House, 900 00 Do for repairs to the other public buildings, 451 58 Do for repairs to the public landings, 211 62 26,318 51 Street Expenses. Paid for cleaning the sts. in the First Ward, 1,TT1 81 Do for do do Second Ward, 1,285 46 Do for do do Third Ward, 1,T55 46 Do for do do Fourth Ward, I,ST1 4T Do for do, do Fifth Ward, 1,641 24

8,025 44 314 Finances of the City. Expenses of the Fire Department. Paid for repairing Engines, Apparatus, engine Houses and for fuel, 1,092 64 Do for rent of Engine Houses, 610 00 Do salary, City Fire Engineer, 285 00 Do for building Public Cisterns, 1,,S41 24

3,S07 61 Expenses of the JVight Watch. Paid the Regular and Extra Watchmen for services, for fuel, &c. 4,781 06 Health Department. Paid Board of Health for expenses taking care of the sick, 311 9T Do for lime put on the streets, 105 88 Do Wm. C. Oglevie, for services in Cholera Hospital in 1832, 50 00

46T 85 Fees of Public officers. Paid for keeping prisoners in the jail of Hamil­ ton County, 285 05 " Costs of sundry suits, 225 54 Rent Account. Paid rent of ground on which Council House is erected, 9T 72 Reports of Interments. Paid sundry persons for making reports of in­ terments in the different burying grounds, 106 00 Interest Account. Paid Interest on the City Loans, 6,4T3 50 Do on City scrip and orders, 141 85

6,615 35 City Council. Paid merabers of Council for services, 322 00 Salaries of City Officers. Paid them for services rendered, 8,SOT 33 Attorney's Fees. Paid them for attending to suits, 96 00 Judges and Clerks of elections, paid them for services attending City Elections, 62 50 Public Offices. Paid for printing and advertising for the City, 224 11 Finances of the City. 215 Do for books, stationary, fuel, candles, &c,c., for public offices, " 323 17 Do for iron safe for Treasurer's office, 20T 00 Do the Mayor for printing, stationary, fuel and for repairs to his office, 179 26

933 54 Contingent Account. Paid the reward offered for the apprehend­ ing of incendiaries, damage accrued by open­ ing Bank alley, taking censua of the City, a- raount refunded on coffee-house licenses, and expenses negotiating City Loan, &c., 1,3T6 36 Paid City Scrip, bearing date in 1833, 2,281 69 Do City orders issued previous to the current year, 4,090 SS

6,3T2 ST

68,700 46 Deduct orders afloat charged in the above account, 255 TO

68,444 76 Balance in the Treasury for City purposes generally, 23,324 56 Do for paying interest on City Loans, 9,398 06 Do for the support of the Night-Watch, 5,269 TT

3T,992 39

Dollars 106,43T IS Nearly the whole of the sura of $23,324 50, stated to be in the Treasury, has been teraporarily loaned to the School Building Fund, towards the erection of the 9 new Houses, for the use of Coraraon Schools. Araount of City ^ For City purposes, 180,000 00 Debt. I For School purposes, 60,000 00 216 Finances of the Township. FINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP. RECEIPTS. Amount of balance in Treasury on last set­ tlement, 2d March, 1835, - $208195 " Rec'd from State Treasurer 230 00 " " " Auction duties 2741 3T " Township tax 1T138 06 " " " Hara,co,for keeping lunatics 2586 40 " " " Robert Punshon " Mariners 406 88 " " " Butler county " Lunatic 97 87 " GaUia county " do, 32 00 " " " Sundry townships " Paupers 445 51 " " " Sundry individuals" Lunatics &c 918 96 " Former Board of Trustees onI settlement 863 05 Total Receipts, $27542 05 EXPENDITURES, Amount paid Trustees salary for year ending in 1835, $2100 00 " Old debts due prior to 2d March 1835 - - - 5720 22 " For support of Hospital current year - - - 8119 61 " For support of Orphan Asylum currentyear - 1237 75 " For erecting Pest House - 473 89 " Township Clerk's salary current year 400 00 " Tax on out-lot No. 43 - 76 50 " Expense of elections - - 166 62 " Out door paupers, as temporary relief, including fire wood, and nur­ sing in small-pox 3528 78 " For coffins, funeral, and other inci­ dental expenses - - 585 14 Balance in Treasury 7th March, 1836 $4054 07 Cash in the hands of the Trustees 1079 47-5133 54

$27542 05 In the above amount of expenditures, there is inclu- Foundries and Manufactories. 217 ded orders on the Treasyry, to the amount of $153 ,55 cents, not redeemed.

There is due to the Township, as follows, viz.-

From Hamilton county, for keeping Lunatics $630 48 > " Sundry other counties " '• 307 21 " Sundry townships " Paupers 98 12 $1035 81 There w.'is owing by the Township, The Trustees salary for the year ending in 1836 $2250 00 There have been admitted into the Commercial Hos­ pital, and Lunatic Asylum, of Ohio, during the year as follows:— 307 strangers—243 of whom have been discharged, 41 have died, and 23 remain. 76 Lunatics—40 of whom have been discharged, 7 have died, and 29 remain. 164 Resident Paupers—105 of whom have been dis­ charged, 20 have died, and 39 remain;—to which add S births, and the account is, Whole number admitted, 555 Died, 68 Discharged, 3.88 Remaining, 91

FOUNDRIES AND MANUFACTORIES. Phoenix Foundry, owned by WiUis Tatem &Co, on the west side Plura between Third and Fourth, has a cupola and air furnace, is driven by steara power, and gives employment to about thirty hands, Cincinnati iron Foundry, engine and raachine shop, on the East side Main be' ween Franklin and Woodward; -owned by Hanks & Niles, has a cupola and air furnace, is driven by steam power, and employs frora 35 to 40 hands. Franklin Foundry, south west corner Slh and Broad­ wav ownfed by Yeatman, Wilson & Shield; employs " 19 218 Foundries and Mam factories. about sixty hands, and is driven by steam power. Attached lo the above establishment is a boiler yard owned by A, Clark.

Hamilton Foundry, north east corner Front and Lawrence, owned by Harkness, Voorhees & Co. employs 120 hands, and is driven by steam power.

Fulton Foundry, north side Second street between Ludlow and Lawrence, owned by Hugh White, has a cupola, and is driven by steam power; employs twenty hands-

-^tna Foundry, owned by Bakewell & Cartwright, East Front, between Pike and Butler, has a cupola and air furnace, and is driven by steam power; employs from fifteen to twenty hands.

Union Foundry, owned by Henderson & PoweU, on Butler bet^' een Front and Congress, has a cupola and air furnace; driven by steam power; employs about thirty hands. J, & J. Goodloe's Foundry, on Lower raarket between Broadway and Ludlow, employs 50 hands, and is driven by'steam power; attached to the above is a wool carding and fulling establishment. Iron Foundry, on Water between Western row and John, owned by Jabez Reynold.", has a cupola and fur­ nace, and driven by steam power, Engle Foundry, north side canal, between Main and Walnut, owned by J. Webb (S" M.Greenwood, has a cupola and furnace, and is worked by steam power

Engine Factory, south side Front between John and Smith, owned by Jesse Sraith, works driven by steam power.

Steam and Fire Engine Factory, north side Fifth between Elm and Plum,conducted by William Paddock, and driven by steam power. At this establishment are manufactured Fire Engines of great power and exquis­ ite workmanship, equal if not superior to any manufac­ tured in the United States. Foundries and Manufactories. 219 Machine shop for building engines &c. owned by James Wilson & Co, on Seventh between Western row and John, driven by steam power, and employs about twenty hands.

Boiler yard, owned by Banks and Aarons, south east corner Ludlow and Congress; employs 15 hands.

Boiler yard, owned by Holdman & Winters, south west corner Congress and Lawrence; employs eight hands.

Boiler Yard, Congress between Ludlow and Law­ rence; owned by Banks & Justice,

Ohio Engine Factory, owned by D, A. PoweU, on east Front between Butler and Canil. Driven by steam power, and employs about fourteen hands.

Fayette Factory, owned by Bakewell & King, situa­ ted south west corner Butler and Congress. Manufac­ ture steam engines, sugar mills and all other kinds of heavy machinery : driven by steam power and employs 45 hands.

Clinton Engine Factory, owned by Wilder, Lyon & Co. situated on the east side of Butler, between Front and Congress; manufacture all kinds of machinery. Driven by steam power, and employs fifty hands.

Phcenix Company, south west corner Ludlow and Second, William Tift agent. Worked by steam. Makes and finishes all kinds of steam engines. It also embraces cotton spinning, and runs about 500 spindles. This establishment affords employment to from 35 lo 40 hands.

Cotton Gin Manufactory, on 7th street, between Main and Sycamore; McDonald, Dowdy & Co, proprie­ tors. Employs from 15 to 20 hands, and is worked by steam power.

Cincinnati Rolling MUl; owned by Shreve, Paul & McCandless, is situated on the river bank above Deer Creek, Employs 75 hands; has six nail machines in 220 Foundries and Manufactories. operation, cuts from six to eight tons per week, and rolls from forty to fifty tons iron per week- Propelled by steara power,

Cincinnati Type Foundry,—This is an incorporated Company; situated on the south west corrier Vine and Longworth streets; manufactures all kinds of Printing presses. Types, and all articles appertaining to the printing business. Has fifteen patent machines for casting type. Employs about 70 hands; driven by steam power- Type and Stereotype Foundry; Baker street between Walnut and Vine, Owned by J. A- James & Co. Employs frora twenty to thirty hands.

Flouring and Oil MiU, Eighth, east of Broadway. Owned by C. S. Bradbury. Has f ur run of stones, and driven by water power frora the canal- Canal Mill, corner Broadway and canal; owned by Clark Williaras; has three run of French Burrs. Driven by water power frora the canal. There is attached to this Mill, a kiln for the purpose of kUn-drying flour and corn.

Corn Mill, owned by Basset, Kendall & Co, Eighth east of Broadway, has three run of stones; driven by water frora the Canal,

Machine Card Manufactory, Elm b Fourth and Fifth, Owned by M. P. Cassilly- A. C. Brown, agent. Em­ ploys from 30 to 40 hands. Manufactures all kinds of cotton and woollen machinery and machine cards.

Patent Lever Lock Manufactory, north side Fifth between Vine and Race. Manufactures all kinds of Locks, Bolts, Vestibule, Latches, Brass Butts, &c. &;c. Employs fourteen hands. Owned by Abel Shawk.


M. Brooks & Co. steara saw mill, board plaining machine, !ath machine, and lumber yard; west side Elm between. Second and Third streets. Employs on an, Foundries and Manufactories. 221 average fifteen hands. Saws 2000 feet in twelve hours. Makes 20,000 lath, and planes 2.500 feet of flooring in fame time.

Steara Saw Mill and lath raachine, north east corner Front and Western row, owned by Scowden & Hughes. Employs six hands; saws 3000 feet boards, and makes 20,000 lath in twelve hours.

Pace's Steam Saw Mill, situated north side Congress between Ludlow and Lawrence; carries two run of saws and a lath raachine. Eraploys six hands. Steara Saw Mill, east Front above Deer Creek; owned by S. W. Hartshorne. Has two run of saws.

Stone Saw Mill; owned by Jaraes Henderson, Butler between Front and Congress, saws marble, lime and free stone. Driven by steam power.


Metcalfe & Disney's Brewery, situated east side Sycamore between Third and Fourth, Gives employ­ ment to eleven hands. Driven by steara power,

Washington Brewery; situated east Front above Deer Creek; J. Schultz & Co. proprietors. Driven by steam power.

Western Brewery, south west corner Fourth and Western row. Wood & Middlewood proprietors. Em­ ploys eight hands.

Eagle Brewery; southside Fourth between John and Smith, owned by Attee & Lofthouse. Employs eight hands, Cincinnati Brewery, south east corner Race and Water, owned by Wm. Price, gives employment to 10 bands.

Lafayette Brewery, owned by T. Billiods, situated at the junction of Vine and Hamilton road, 19* 2S2' Founderies and Mamfaforier. Bavarian Brewery, situated south west corner Maiir and 12th, owned by Agniel & Flashman, eraploys 6< hands and is driven by steara power.

P. Jonte's Brewery, south east corner Abigail and Sycaraore, employs 6 hands and is driven by steam power.

Walkers & Blakes Brewery, west side Sycamore be­ tween 12th and Abigail, employs 5 hands and is driven by steara power.

P O. Reillys Brewery, south west corner Pike and Congress, employs 8 hands and is driven by steam power- Stanley «k Owen s Brass clock manufactory, east side Walnut between 3d and 4th.

Bell and Brass Foundy, east Front b Pike and Law­ rence, owned by Shilito &, Co., driven by steam, em­ ploys frora 15 to 20 hands.

Spade and Shovel Factory, Sth east of Broadway, owned by Kallam & Rollins,, driven by water power frora canal, employs 20 hands.

Saddle Tree manufictory, south side Oth between Main and Sycamore, owned by Bassett «Sc Kendall, driven by steam power.

Printing and seal Press manufactory, north side Sth near Elm, owned by S, S. Dicknson, employs 9 hands.

Burr Mill Stone establishment, north side Front be­ tween John and Sraith, owned by French & Banfill.

Cincinnati Button manufactory, Sth east of Broad­ way, Dunlap Hoole «fe Tomlinson proprietors, driven by water from canal, employs 20 hands. Bark and Leather Rolling mill, on canal near cor­ poration line, owned by S. &; S, S. Clark, driven by steam power, employs 12 hands. Literary and Scientific Institutions. '223 Cincinnati Stocking manufactory, north side Sth be­ tween Vine and Race, owned by G. Tranchant, manu­ facturer of all kinds of cotton and woollen Hose.

White lead manufactory, south west corner Front and Western row, owned by MeLannen «Sc Co., employs from 8 to 10 hands.

White Lead manufactory, south side Sth between Macalister and Pike, owned by James McCandless && Co., driven by steam power.

I.ANE SEMINARY. This is a Presbyterian Theological Institution, situated on the Walnut Hills, a high healthy and de­ lightful location, two miles out of the city. It was chartered six years ago. Its general concerns are con­ ducted by a self perpetuating Board of twenty-five Trustees. It is under the immediate care and instruc­ tion of four professors, in the several departments of Biblical Literature, Systematic Theology, Ecclesiasti­ cal Histo7-y, Church Polity, Sacred Rhetoric, and Pas­ toral Theology. The whole course of study occupies three years; and students, as a qualification for admis­ sion are expected to have acquired a thorough ciassi- cal education in some College, or else where. The year, preceded by a vacation of twelve weeks, com- raences on the first Monday in October. The Institu­ tion has been very liberally endowed, principally by the munificence of gentlemen in the Eastern States. Its buildings erected, most of them by Western liberality, are two houses for professors, a large board­ ing hall for commons, a house for the superinten­ dent. Seminary edifice 100 feet long, four stories high with single rooms, and a commodious chapel, in the style of a Grecian Temple, 75 feet by 55. Attached to the Institution is a farm of one hundred and ten acres; and the students are required to labor either on the farm oral some mechanical business three hours a day. The Seminary has a library of between three and four thousand volumes; and several thousand volumes of the most valuable standard works from Europe,^are 224 Literary and Scientific Institutioni, to be added the present year, there has recently been laid out on the Seminary premises as a cemetery, for the accomraodation of the^city and vicinity, a beauti­ ful plat of ground containing six acres. Arrange­ ments have been made to erect two additional houses for professors and several other improvements are pro­ jected to be carried into effect with the growth and de­ mands of the Institution. The faculty is composed of the following Rev. Lyraan Beecher, D. D. professor of Theology. Rev. Baxter Dickinson, professor of Sacred Rhetoric^ Rev. Thomas J. Biggs, professor of Ecclesiastical History. Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, professor of Biblical Literature.

THE WOODWARD COLLEGE OF CINCIN­ NATI. WOODWARD HIGH SCHOOL. Origin.—This Institution originated in the enlight­ ened benevolence of our fellow citizen, the late Wil­ liam Woodward. His first donation of land for the purpose of its foundation, was made Nov. 1. 1826, and a second on the l6th Dec. 1830. E-arly in 1831 the present building was erected; and on the 24 Oct. of the same year the Institution went into operation. Title.—It was first chartered by the Legislature of this State, as the "Woodward free Gramraar School." But tlie subsequent law for the establishraent of the public schools in this city, seeming to obviate in a measure, the necessity of such an institution as the Trustees of the Woodward free Gramraar school then conteraplated, they with the respected founder, applied for a new act. Tiiis was granted, and the narae charg­ ed in the "WOODWARD HIGH SCHOOL." At the late session of the Legislature, a law was passed authorising the Trustees to estabUsh a collegi­ ate department to be styled "THE WOODWARD COLLEOB OF CINCINNATI- This grant of power was accepted; the college forthwith ertablished; and the gentleman filling the situations of President and Professors in the High School wera appointed to the same places, also in the Collegiate Department. Literary and Scientific Institutions 22S The advantages possessed in the Institution, a histo­ ry of which has just been given, are such as must ad­ mirably fit it for our city, and the circumstances of the Western country generaUy. It offers the means of education for all pursuits. The parent who designs his son for the bar or the Medical Profession, or the Sacred Desk, may find for him in the WOODWARD COL­ LEGE, as thorough a Classical and Philsophical train­ ing, as can be]obtained in any other College or Univer­ sity of the West. And those intended for mercantUe pursuits, civil engineering, or any other of the depart­ ments of business life, or enjoy in the HIGH SCHOOL, all those advantages for the acquisition of the preparatory education which is so essential to their future respec­ tability and success. Owing to their liberal endow­ ment, the Trustees can extend those benefits to stu­ dents generaUy for a very moderate charge, and in ac­ cordance with the benevolent purpose of the founder, the number of those gratuitously educated, will be continually increased. At present, the latter amount to 40, and in the coming session 50 will be admitted. The institution is now in a very prosperous con­ dition, numbering from 180 to 140 students. It is situated, at a distance from the noise and dust of the densely populated parts of the city; and surrounded with a green, sufficiently extensive for healthful re­ creation. THE FACULTY- Rev.j B. P. Aydelott M. D- President and Professor of moral and political Philosophy. Joseph Ray, M. D. Professor of Mathematics, natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Mr- T. O. Prescott, Tutor in Latin and Greek Lan­ guages &c. Mr. F. W- Prescott, Principal of the Preparatory department. Mr. H. W- Aydelott, assistant in the Preparatory department. D. McLeod Esq., (by especial arrangement) givea instruction in Elocution. TRUSTEES. WiUiam Green Esq., President; Sarauel Lewis Esq.,, 226 Literary and Scientific Inslilulione. John P. Foote Esq. Mr. O- Cogswell, Mr. Oliver Lovell- Sessions.—The year is divided into two sessions, the first preceded by 6 weeks vacation, coraraences in the middle of August- The usual diploraas are conferred on those who go through the college course.

THE CINCINNATI COLLEGE. This Institution was projected in 1818, and chartered in 1819- It continued in operation for six or seven years, when it was suspended and all collegiate in­ struction ceased for about ten years—that is, till the spring of 1835, when the trustees made an effort to resuscitate it by the establishment of Medical, and Law Departments. Its edifice, one of the raost capacious in the city, meanwhile, from not having been finished, had fallen into great decay; but has already been restored to a better condition than at first, and considerably enlarged. The lecture rooms are fitted up in the most commodious manner, and are large enougii to contain respectively, 300 pupils. The dissecting room is 30 by 45 feet, and is provided with every convenience. The Trustees have established a small botanic gar­ den, in connection with tho edifice, in which they have introduced a sufficient number of plants, native and exotic, to iUustrate the elements of Botany. The means for making these repairs, alterations, and additions, like those by which the edifice was at first directed, have been derived from the people of Cincin­ nati; several hundred of whom are contributors. The Trustees are elected annuaUy by the contributors; and thus the donors, in reality, govern the appropriation of their contributions, and direct the policy of the Institu­ tion. That policy as evinced by the results of the late election, is not only to sustain the Medical and Law departments; but after a thoroughrepair of the building shaU have been effected, to establish a department for the education and special preparation of professional teachers, for our common schools, academies, and col- Literary and Scientific Institutions. %21 leges. Thus every part of the building wUl be brought into useful and permanent requisition. Under the charter, aU kinds of professions may be appointed, and every branch of human knowledge raay be taught, ex­ cept the tenets peculiar to any sect of Christians. The power to confer degrees, is as broad as that of any institution in tho Union. The Trustees, at the end of the first session of the Medical departraent, conferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine on eighteen alumni of the institution, and are about to confer that of Bachelor of Laws on five mem­ bers of the Law class. Tbe number of pupils in at­ tendance, in the first session of the two departments, Was 89; of which 23 were in the law, and 66 in the medical class. The former were from four, the latter from thirteen states. The Medical faculty, during the session which has just expired, consisted of the following professors:—

DANIEL DRAKE, M. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, and Dean nf the Faculty. JOHN P, HARRISON, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica.

JAMES B, ROGERS, M, D, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. LANDON C, RIVES, M. D, Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases peculiar to Women and Children. HORATIO G. JAMESON, M. D. Professor of Surgery. SAMUEL D. GROSS, M, D. Professor of General and Pathological Anatomy, Phyi' iology, and Medical Jurisprudence,

JOSEPH N. MCDOWELL, M. D. Prfffessor of Special and Surgical Anatomy. 1228 Literary and Scientific Institutions. JOHN L. RIDDELL, M. D. Adjunct professor of Chemistry, and Lecturer o» Botany. J. S. DODGE, M. D. Dissector. The Law faculty v/as composed of the following gentleraen -.— JOHN C. WRIGHT, Professor of Practice, Pleading, Evidence aiid Criminal Law. JOSEPH S. BENHAM, Professor of Commercial Law, and the Law of Personal Property. TIMOTHY ¥/ALKER, Professor of Constituiionnl Law, and the Law of Real Estate. The session of the Medical dfepartment opens the last Monday of Uctober, and continues till the end of February, Price of all the tickets, one hundred and five dollars. That of the Law department commences the first Monday of November and continues till in the spring. The following gentleraen compose the Board of True* tees for the present year:— Williara R, Morris, President. Peyton S, Syrames, Secretary. J, Smith Armstrong, Treasurer. Samuel Perry, Ephraim Morgan> Albert Picket, James Hall, E. S, Haines, Robert T. Lytle, WiUiam Wood, E. D. Mansfield, Daniel Drake, John A, Gano, Jacob Kirby, WiUiam Mount, Joshua Martin, Joseph Graham, Benjamin M. Piatt, George W. N«ffj William R. Foster., Literary and Scientific Institutions. 229 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO. This Institution was incorporated in 1819, and en­ dowed by the Legislature in 1825—6. The College edifice is on Sixth street, between Vine and Race. It is 99 feet front, by 43 deep, and two stories high. The number of Matriculated students in the winter of 1835 —6 was 127, The Anatomical department is furnish­ ed with every thing requisite for a full, minute, and satisfactory illustration of the various objects embrac­ ed in this branch of medicine. The faculty now organi­ zed, consists of the following professors, viz: Dr. John Eberle, Professor of Theory and Practice; Dr. Jedediah Cobb, Professor of Surgery; Dr. John Moorhead, pro­ fessor of Obstetrics andfdiseases of women and chil­ dren; Dr. John Locke, professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy.. Dr. James C. Cross, Professor of Materia Medica; and Dr. John T. ShotweU, adjunct, professor of Anatomy. The professors of Theory and Practice of Medicine, and of Surgery, deliver clinical lectures in the Hospital twice a weeic, where the treatment of diseases are practically illustrated, and the effects of disease in fatal cases explained by post mortem ex­ amination. The instruments belonging to the different professorships and the chemical apparatus, (which is most complete and extensive,) amount in value to near 6000 dollars. The Library contains 1702 volumes, and embraces the best standard works on the various branches of medical science. Librarian, Alexander Denniston, Treasurer, W. Stephenson, TRUSTEES. Morgan Neville, Calvin Fletcher, Wra. S. Hatch, David K. Este, Wm. Burke, John C. Wright, George Luckey, John Cotton, Joseph Carter, N. G. Pendleton, Thomas Morton, janitor,

ATHENiEUM. This is a Roman Catholic Institution; it was estab­ lished in 1830. Its edifice oa Sycamore street between 20 230 Literary and Scientific Institutions. 6th and 7th, adjoining the Cathedral. This is 130 feet long by SO wide, and is two stories high without includ­ ing the basement. It is devoted to all the usual pur­ poses of a college, conferring degrees, &c. &c. Con­ nected with the Institution is a preparatory Grammar School. The whole is under the general superinten­ dence of the Bishop of Cincinnati, and the resident Catholic clergy. President, Rev. S. H. Montgomery. The resources of the founders, are such as to com­ mand every facility for carrying on the Institution with vigor and success.

ACADEMIES. Cincinnati Academy, east side Walnut between 4th and Sth streets. J. L. & D. L.Talbott, Principals. Alexander Kinmont's Classical Academy, on Race between Sth and Longworth. O. M. Mitchell's Institute of science and Languages, corner Broadway and 3d. A. Donough's Academy, corner of Main and Court. Deming's Academy, basement story 2nd Presbyterian Church, N, HoUey's Academy, Western row, between Sth and Longworth. J- W- Johnston's Academy, north west corner Oth and Race. E. Stone's Commercial Academy, North East cor­ ner Main and 4th. FEMALE ACADEMIES. Messrs. Picket's female Academy, South East cor­ ner Vine and Sth streets. Mr. & Mrs. Ryland's female Academy, West side Walnut, between 4th and Sth. Mrs. Tallant's female Academy, Walnut between 3d and 4th. Dr- Locke's female Academy, East side Walnut be­ tween 3d and 4th. Mrs. Wright's female Academy, Walnut near 3d, Mrs. Hopwood'e female Academy, Walnut between 2d and 3d. Common Schools. 231 Misses Comstock's female Academy, basement story Christ's Church. Mrs, Wood's female Acaderay, 4th between Walnut and Vine, Misses .Lanphear's feraale Academy, 6th between Walnut and Vine, Western feraale Institute, by Misses Dutton & Tap- pan, North West corner Plura and 3d. SISTERS OF CHARITY. (CathoUc.) The sisters of Charity have under their imraediate care, 32 orphan children who are solely dependent on them, and share gratuitously in the instruction af­ forded in their school, which is located on 6th street between Main and Sycamore; besides these orphan children, they have under their charge 200 others, regular attendants of the school. The nuraber of pupils attending the foregoing Insti­ tution is about 1210, to which may be added, 230 Ger­ man children, who are receiving English instruction; making an aggregate of 1440, exclusive of the Dis­ trict schools. MUSICAL ACADEMIES. Timothy B. Mason, Professor in the Eclectic Acade­ my of music. East side Walnut between 3d and 4th. Williara Nixon's' Piano Forte Saloon and Logierian Seminary, South side 4th near Walnut. William Nash's Cincinnati Musicial Academy South side 3d, opposite Post office. Joseph Tosso, Professor of music. North side 5th, near Plum. COMMON SCHOOLS OF CINCINNATI. The following account of these interesting and valu­ able institutions, is extracted from the last annual Report of the trustees and visitors, dated 21st of March, 1836. " From the docuraents herewith submitted, it appears that the whole population enumerated within the city of Cincinnati, and its environs, in June, 1835, was about 29,000: that within the city proper, there were, at that time, more than 4400 householders, and 5100 •yoters: and, that the number of white children under 6 232 Common Schools.^ years, was 4125; of which 635 were of 5 years; 575 of 4; 640 of 3; 625 of 2; 680 of 1; and 970 under 1 year of age. The number of children between 6 and 16 years, (the only ages admissible into the common schools) appears to have been about 5550; males 2670; females 2880. Of these 595 were of 6, 564 of 7, 561 of 8, 548 of 9, 621 of 10, 522 of 11, 647 of 12, 515 of 13, 562 of 14, and 565 of 15 years. About 3300 of the whole were then in attendance at the various public and private schools of the city, (namely—380 of 6, 390 of 7, 398 of 8, 388 of 9,426 of 10, 318 of 11, 343 of 12, 263 of 13, 251 of 14, and 138 of 15,) and about 2250 were now-attend- ants; (namely—215 of 6, 174 of 7, 164 of 8, 160 of 9, 195 of 10, 204 of 11, 264 of 12, 252 of 13, 311 of 14, and 327 of 15.)" " The children between 6 and 16, residing in each of the ten school districts of Cincinnati were, at that time, as follows:—In the first district, (north of Sth street in the first ward,) 320; in the second district (south of Sth street first ward) 640; in the third district, (east of But­ ler street third ward) 175; in the fourth district, (west of Butler street third ward) 520; in the fifth district (east of Plum street fourth ward) 580; in the 6th district (west of Plura street fourth ward) 240; in the seventh district (east of Plura street second ward) 810; in the eighth district (west of Plura street second ward) 515; in the Oth district (east of Plura street Sth ward) 1110; and in the tenth district (west of Plum street fifth ward) 640;—Total, 5550. Of these, the number now enrolled as belonging to the public schools, is about 2400, (males 1250, females 1150;) namely—In the first district SCHOOL HOUSE, (on Franklin street east of Main) 190; in the second district (on Sycamore street north of Fifth) 300; in the third (corner of east Front and Parson's streets) 135; in the fourth (on Congress street east of Lawrence) 240; in the fifth and sixth (on Race street north of Front) 400; in the seventh (on Race street north of Fourth) 330; in tbe eighth (on Fourth street west of John) 285; in the ninth (on eighth street west of Vine) 245; in the tenth (on London street east of Mound) 275:—of which the usual daily number in attendance is about 1900. Of the whole number enrolled about 410 are of 6, 320 of 7, 310 of 8, 270 of 9, 260 of 10, 250 of 11, 240 of 12,150 of 13, 110 of 14, and 80 of 15 years of age. Common Schools. 233 The average number of year's schooUng received by each of the classes enumerated, is believed to be nearly as follows:— Those of 6yeal-s of age, |th of a year; those of 7, 14 years; of 8, 2 years; of 9, 2i years; of 10, 3 years, of 11, 3i years; of 12, 3| years, and of 13, 14, and.15, 3i years each. The public schools, now 18 in number, are at present organized in 30 spacious apartments, of 26 by 38 feet each, (six rooms, exclusive of the basements and attics, of the new houses being yet unoccupied) and conducted by 43 teachers of different grades, with a daily average of about 45 pupUs each. The whole annual cost, con­ nected with the education of each pupil, being about $8. The aggregate salaries of teachers, is about $14,000 per annum, namely— 14 male principals, at $500 per annum, 7000 10 male assistants, at $300 per annum, 3000 4 female principals, at $250 per annum, 1000 15 female assistants, at $200 per annum, 3000

43 teachers, $14,000 SCHEDULE. Names and stations of the TEACHERS of Common Schools in the several districts of the city of Cincinnati: April, 1836; First District—George McElroy, principal; Edward N. Blake, Miss Mary A. Murdock and Mies Caroline 'Cole, assistants.

Second District—Elijah Slack, Jacob S. Davis, and Mrs. Lucretia Matthews, principals; SSmuel L. Slack, Williara L. Slack, and Miss MatUda E. Jordan, assist­ ants. Third District—John Easterbrook, principal, Joseph Herron, assistant. Fourth District—Theodore S. Parvin and Miss Margaret Tait, principals; David Hand, jr. and Miss Helen Robertson, assistants. Fifth and Sixtk Districts—Rich&rd Morecraft and Jacob B. Wyraan, principals; George B. Hand, Oliver Wilson, Miss Charlotte A. Johnson, and Miss Jane Adams, assistants. 20* 234 Common Schools. Seventh District—John W. Hopkins, and John Hilton, principals; Misses Ellen Robinson, Martha H. Beaman, Amelia Fullerton, and Mary C. Perry, assistants. Eighth District—Cyrus Davenport and Darius Daven­ port, principals; Mrs. Sarah Davenport, Mrs. Mary Belknap and Miss Amanda F. Best, assistants. JVinth District—Edward Dolph, and Miss Harriet Folger, principals; Joshua Dial, and Miss Frances S. Rands, assistants. Tenth District—Isaac VanEaton, and Samuel S, Cole,- principals; Thomas R, Dickson, William Phillips, and Mrs. Margaret Wing, assistants.

Board of Trustees 8/" Visitors of the Common Schools of Cincinnati, for 1835—6. Peyton S. Symmes, president, Elam P. Langdohf Jaraes R. Baldridge, George Graham, jr. and William Wood.

Examiners and Inspectors of the Common Schools.

WUliam Greene, president, James Hall, Edward D. Mansfield, Rufus Hodges, James Lakey, Ephraim Pea­ body, and Jaraes H. Perkins. The trustees meet every Monday, and the examiners on the first Monday of every month, at the council chamber, on Fourth street.

CINCINNATI EYE INFIRMARY. In the winter of 1827—8 the General Assembly of Ohio incorporated a nuraber of gentlemen in this city under the above title, but provided no revenues for the support of the poor, who might resort to the infirmary with maladies of the eye. Private charity has to a considerable extent, however, supplied the omission, and a large number of indigent persons, from various parts of the West have been relieved. Benevolent Institutions. 235' The Surgeon and Physician, Dr. Drake, has throughout the whole period given his services, acnd the requisite medicines, without charge, to all who are unable to pay. All the operations on the eye that are performed in any other infirmary, have already been performed by him. Application must be made at the corner of Baker and Vine streets.

OHIO MECHANICS INSTITUTE. This institution was incorporated in 1828. Its ob­ jects are among other valuable purposes, for furnishing scientific information to the laboring classes in the city, gratuitously by means of Lectures recitations &(i. The pilosophical apparatus which cost $2000 was pre­ sented to the Institute by the late Jeptha D. Garrard Esq., of this city. DIRECTORS. John P. Foote, President, Calvin Fletcher, Vice President, George Graham, jr. Treasurer, J. L. Talbott, Secretary, George C. Miller, C. Milder, Joseph Bonsall, Joseph Gest, Timothy Walker, Oliver Lovell, James Hall, E. Hinman, WiUiara Crossraan, U. W. BakeweU,

WESTERN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. This Institution was organized in April 1835, and has lately been incorporated by the Legislature of Ohio. The HaU of the Acaderay is at present in the South West wing of the Cincinnati College, second story. There are about 50 raerabers, and many corres­ pondents. A coUection of specimens of objects in Natural History, has been commenced. Contribution! 236 Benevolent Institutions. in every department of that science, from all JVataral- isis, and amateurs, particularly in minerals, fossils, shells, plants, and birds, are most respectfully solicited. The institution is one, which it is hoped, the citizens of the West especially, will feel some pride in sus­ taining. OFFICERS. R. Buchanan, President, Dr\^h^C- \^'^^ ^'^^'^-<-' J. S. Armstrong, Treasurer, George Graham, jr. corresponding Secretary, Dr. Wm. Wood, Recording Secretary, Dr. S. D. Gross, Librarian, Dr. John Locke, Dr. J. L. Riddell, f ^i .. J. Dorfeuille, '> Curators, J. N. Perkins,

HIBERNIAN SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. OFFICERS. President, Hugh Bonner, M. D. Vice President, John Keown, Treasurer, Jaraes Johnson, Secretary, Wm. H. McCracken, VISITING COMMITTEE. 1st Ward, David Bradford, 2nd Ward, Bernard McLennon, 3d Ward, William Holmes, 4th Ward, Patrick Cody. Sth Ward, WiUiam A, O, Hara, Solicitor, Joseph Reese Fry, Esq, Physician, Stephen Bonner, M, D,

ST. PETERS BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. For the support of the female orphans, under the care of the Sisters of Charity. Benevolenf Institutions. 237 OFFICERS, President, J, W, Piatt Esq., Vice President, Wm. R. Sanderson M. D, Secretary, Christopher Garvy, Treasurer, John Rogers, John Bonner, ^ Dr. S. Bonner, f Superintending James Wise, ^ Trustees. Patrick O'Conner, j

WESTERN LITERARY INSTITUTE, AND COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS. The objects of this Institution, is to promote by every laudable means, the diffusion of knowledge in regard to education, by aiming at the elevation of teachers, who shall have adopted instruction as their regular profession; the officers of this institution are, Albert Picket, sen.. President, Nathaniel Holley, sen., Cor. Secretary, David L. Talbott, Recording Secretary, Thomas Maylin, Treasurer, John L. Talbott, Librarian, The regular meetings of this society are held annual­ ly, on the first Monday in October.

WESTERN EDUCATION SOCIETY. Hon, Peter Hitchcock, Geauga county, O., President^ VICE PRESIDENTS, Rev. Robert H. Bishop D, D., Butler county, O., Rev. Luther Halsy, Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. George E. Pierce, Hudson, Ohio, Rev. Lyraan Beecher D. D. Walnut Hills, Ohio, Rev. James GiUiland, Red Oak, Ohio, Hon. Jacob Burnet, Cincinnati, Ohio, Evotus P. Hastings Esq. Detroit, M. T. Ralph Turner Esq., Rising Sun, Indiana, Rev. John Matthews D. D., South Hanover, Indiana Rev. Isaac Anderson D. D., MaryvUle, Tenn. Rev. Thomas Clelland D. D., Harrodsburgh, Ky. Rev. Edward Beecher, Jacksonville, lUinois, Rev! WiUiam S. Potts, Missouri, Rev. Philip Lindsley D. B., Nashville, Tennessee 238 Benevolent lYtitytions. Rev Joel Parker, New Orleans, Lousiana, James Wier Esq. Lexington, Kentucky, Rev. John Spalding, Secretary, Augustus Moore Esq. Treasurer, DIRECTORS. Messrs Stephen Burrows, Robert Boal, E. W. Chester, E. D. Mansfield, Rev. Thoraas J. Biggs, Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, Rev. Thoraas Cole, Rev. Thoraas Brainerd, Rev. Herraan Norton.

CINCINNATI LITERARY SOCIETY. Regular meetings are held in the college edifice, on Walnut street, every Friday .evening, OFFICERS. I. D. Wheeler, President, W. Parry, Vice President, J. W Yost, Treasurer, H. L. Reeder, Secretary, R. Whetstone, Assistant Secretary, A. S. Reeder, Librarian and Minerologist, DIRECTORS. H, S, Groesbeck, J, Trevor, W S. Groesbeck, G. B, Walker, L, M, Gwynne,

YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Rooms on Fourth street, between Main and Sycamorty JVorth side. This association was organized in the spring of 1835, and obtained a charter fifth January, 1836. The library contains about a thousand volumes, and will shortly have an increase of frora 4 to 500 volumes. The reading room contains the principal foreign (Eng­ lish) and American Reviews, and periodicals, and papers from most of the cities in the union. There are now, (April) upwards of 300 members. Sunday School Union. 239 The officers are elected annually, by ballot, on the first Tuesday in January.


Moses Ramsay, President, Elbridge Lawrence, ) ^r^. „ William N. Green. \ ^'f^^ Presidents. Isaac D. Wheeler, ^ Rowland J. MitcheU, f T^. Robert Brown, > ^'^ectors. Sarauel A. Spencer, j Charles G. Springer, Treasurer. Williara R. Sraith, Secretary. B. F. Doolittle, iiiraWan.


G! P.To'rrence, \ ^^^^ Presidents, D. C. Wallace, Recording Secretary, D. Van Matre, Corresponding Secretary, S. C. Parkhurst, Treasurer,


Alexander Henry, President. Frederick W. Porter, Corresponding Secretary. Paul Beck, jr. Treasurer. Frederick A- Packard, Recording Secretary- The system of Sabbath school instruction, which is now in general use throughout Great Britain and the United States, was coraraenced in 1782, by Robert Raikes, of Gloucester, in England. The first Sunday school society in the United States, was forraed at Phil­ adelphia, in 1791- The American Sunday school Union was formed at Philadelphia, in May, 1824, by the com­ bination of several local societies, which were previously in existence. It embraces members who belong to the following denominations of Christians:—Presbyterians, Congre- 240 Sunday School Union. gationalists. Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, Lutherans, Moravians, and others- The general objects to which the funds of the society are appropriated, are two fold:—First the establish­ ment and support of Sunday schools in destitute places, especially in the western and southern states; secondly, the distribution- of the society's publications at the lowest prices, or gratuitously, wherever readers can be found. All the books of the society are published under the direction of a committee, consisting of eight members, frora at least four different denominations of Christians, and not more than two merabers from any one denomi­ nation; and no book can be published to which any mem­ ber of the committee shall object. The relation of an auxiliary involves no obligation which is not expressed in the clause of the constitution referring to it; any society or school is as independent after it connects itself with the society, as it was before. The society has no control over it, and cannot interfere, in any form, with its proceedings. Its patrons and friends -u:ay have a school when and where they please-. Nor can the society oblige them to support any of its plans, or abandon any of their own. In addition to this, the relation may be dissolved at the pleasure of the auxiliaries; indeed, it is constituted for their benefit, rather than for that of the parent union. The society has already published between four and five hundred different reading books, nearly three hun­ dred of which are handsomely bound, and cost one mill and two thirds per page. The residue are put up in paper, or bound in small volumes, to the number ot twenty or thirty. The reports of the society up to May 26,1835, show that there are, or have been connected with it, upwards of 16,000 schools, 115,000 teachers, and799,000pupils. At least 50,000 teachers and pupils have become pro­ fessors of religion, during the 11 years of the society's existence. The principal depositories for the sale of the society's publications are 146 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, and 205 Broadway, New York. A com­ plete set of the publications, bound in uniform style, and numbered, (exclusive of cards, text books, infant school books, &c.) can be obtained for less than $60; such a set would embrace nearly 400 volumes. Bene-eolenl Societies, 241 The Western Board of Agency of the American Sun­ day School Union, was instituted in January, 1836, Their depository is designed to be a ware room for the whole valley, where it is intended to keep a full and ample supply of the publications of the society, and also all others of a similar character, making a complete assortraent for Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Parish Libraries, and religious family reading. It is situated No. 186, Main street, Cincinnati, Charles T, Cherry, Agent. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. Hon. David K Este, President. Augustus Moore, Ohio, Vice President. (The other Vice Presidents for the several states in the valley, one for each, not yet designated.) Rev. B. P. Aydelott, Secretary Foreign Correspondence. B* J.Seward, Secretary Domestic Correspondence. Mr. A, W, Corey, Recording Secretary. Rev. Thoraas Brainerd, E, W, Chester, Esq, Mr. Robert Boal, Mr. John Stevens, Dr. Lorenzo Lawrence, Mr. C. M. Doolittle, Mr. WiUiam Neff, Mr. A. W. Bentiy, E.Dv Mansfield, Esq. Henry Starr, Esq. Dr.'W, S, Ridgely, Nathaniel Wright, Esq. Mr. John Melendy, Hon. Bellamy Storer, Mr. J. M. Bissell, Mr. Nathan Baker, S. P. Chase, Esq.

THE SCOTS' SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. This society was instituted October first, 1827. It was formed according to the fifth article of the consti­ tution, for benevolent purposes—to relieve such of our countrymen as may arrive among us in distress; to give them information, as far as our knowledge extends, to assist one another, and for the purpose of keeping up a friendly and social intercourse among ourselves. The officers for the present year, are : Peter McNicoll, Esq. President, Andrew Harvey, Esq. Vice President, Mr. Thoraas McGechin, Secretary, Mr. John Thomson, Treasurer, WiUiam Thoms. Esq. Joseph Clark, Esq. and Mr. James Lament, Counsellors, 21 242 Churches. PESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 1st. West side Main near 4th, Rev. Joshua L. Wil­ son D. D,, pastor. 2d. South East corner 4th and Race, Rev. Lyman Beecher D. D., pastor. 3d. North side 2d, between Walnut and Vine, Rev. Thornton A. MiUs, pastor. 4th. East Front near corporation line. Rev. John Dudley, pastor. Sth. George, between Race and Elm, Rev. John Burtt, pastor. 6th. South side 6th b Main and Walnut, Rev. Her­ man Norton, pastor. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. Christs Church, on 4th street, between Sycamore and Broadway, Rev. John T. Brooke, rector. St. Paul's Church, 4th between Main and Walnut, Rev. Benjarain I. Haight, rector. BAPTIST CHURCHES. Sixth street Baptist church. Rev. S. W Lynd, pas­ tor. This church has no house of worship at pre­ sent, but is about erecting one on Oth, between Vine and Race streets- Enon Baptist church, on Baker street, between Wal­ nut and Vine, Rev. J. B. Cook, pastor. African Baptist church, on Western row between 2d and 3d ctreets, David Nickens, pastor. CampbeUite Baptist church, on Sycamore between Sth and 6th streets. Rev. David S. Burnet, pastor, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. Wesley Chapel, on the North side of Sth street, be­ tween Sycaraore and Broadway, Rev. W^- B- Chris­ tie, and Rev. Leonidas Hamline, ministers. Fourth Street church, on the North East corner of Fourth and Plum, Rev. A. Eads, and T. A. G. Phil­ lips, minister. Asbuiy Chapel, head Main street, Messrs Eads and Phillips, ministers, African church. East of Broadway, between 6th and 7th, Messrs Christie and Ham line, ministers. McKindric Chapel, in Fulton, Rev. Granville Moody, ministers. Churches, 243 METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCHES. On Sixth street, between Vine and Race, Rav. George Brown, and Rev. B. W- Johnston, ministers, Wesleyan Methodist church. West side Vine between 4th and Sth, Rev- Wra. Burke, rainister, CATHOLIC CHURCHES, St- Peters Cathedral, on Sycamore between 6th and 7th streets, is under the pastoral care of the Rt, Rev. John B. Purcell D, D., Bishop of Cincinnati- assisted by the Rev. Messrs Francis B, Jameson, S, H, xMontgomery, and E. T, CoUins, CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY. On Fifth street, near the Mound, is under the pastoral care of the Rev. Henry Juncker, assisted by the Rev- Messrs Matthias Wurtz, and John M. Hent. In the basement story of the latter church, there is a school for German children, which is capable of containing 300 scholars. FRIEND'S MEETING HOUSE. South side of Fifth street, between Western row and John- NEW JERUSALEM TEMPLE, North side Longworth between Race and Elm, Rev. Richard DeCharmes, pastor, UNITARIAN CHURCH, South West corner. Race and 4th sts,. Rev. Ephraim Peabody, pastor, GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH, On North side 6th, street, between Walnut and Vine, Rev. H, W- Lower, pastor, GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. North of Canal, between Walnut and Vine, Rev. Phi­ Up Howser, pastor. GERMAN PROTESTANT CHURCH- North East corner, Elra and Oth streets. Rev. T. B. Rasehig, pastor, JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Adjoining South East corner, 6th and Broadway, Joseph Jonaf, Sen. Warden? 244 Missionary Societies. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH West side Walnut between 3d and 4th, Rev. Rogers, minister. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Central Board of Agency for the Western States. Rev. Lyman Beecher D. D. Cincinnati, O., President, Rev. Thomas Brainerd, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Robert Boal, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. A, W, Cory, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Daniel Corwin; Cincinnati, Ohio, Dr. James H, Hughes, Oxford, Ohio, Mr. Augustus Moore, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. William A. Levey, Lexington, Kentucky, Mr. George W. Neff, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Jabez C. Tunis, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Wm. T. Truraan, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. James Fisher, Rossville, Ohio, Mr. Wm. Richardson, Lexington, Kentucky, Rev. Robert H. Bishop, Oxford, Ohio, Rev. William Graham, Oxford, Ohio, Rev. Sarauel Crothers, Greenfield, Ohio, Rev. John M. Dickey. Washington, Indiana, Rev. Jaraes H. Johnston, Madison, la., Rev. Jereraiah SuUivan Esq., Madison, la.. Rev. N. H. HaU, Lexington, Kentucky, Rev. Eli N. Sawtell, Louisville, Kentucky, Rev. John C. Young, Danville, Ky., Dr. John Steele, Dayton, Ohio, Dr. John G. Telford, Troy, Ohio, Rev. Henry Little, Cor. Secretary and Agent, Robert Boal, Treasurer, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Rev, Thoraas Brainerd, Rev. Henry Little, Mr. Robert Boal, Mr. Daniel Corwin, FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Rev. Robert H. Bishop D. D. Oxford, O., President^ VICE PRESIDENTS, Rev. Francis D, Herron D. D,, Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. Robert G, Wilson D. D,, Athen.'?, Ohio, Rev. Lyman Beecher, D, D,, Walnut Hills, Ohio^ Missionary Societies, 245 Rev. James Hoge, D. D., Columbus, Ohio, Rev, John Matthews, D, D., South Hanover, la. Rev- Andrew Wylie D- D., Bloomington, Indiana, Rev- John C- Young, Danville, Kentucky, Rev, Thoraas Clelland D. D,, Harrodsburgh, Ky. Rev, Gideon Blackburn D, D., lUinois, Rev, Benjarain Labaree, Jackson, Tennessee, Rev. John Allen, Huntsville, Alabaraa, Rev, Ezra Stiles Ely D. D,, Marion, Missouri, Maj. John B. Brant, St. Louis, Missouri, Hon, Felix Grundy, Nashville, Tennessee, Gen. T, A, Howard, Rockville, Indiana, Hon, J. H, Hallock, Steubenville, Ohio, E, P, Hasting Esq, Detroit, M, T,, Rev. George E, Pierce, Hudson, Ohio, Rev. Joel Parker, New Orleans, Louisana, EXECUTIVE COxMMITTEE. Rev. Arteraus Bullard, Secretary, Mr. Wra. T. Truraan, Treasurer, Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, Rev. Henry Little, Mr. Robert Boal, Henry Starr Esq., Rev. Herraan Norton, AUDITORS. Mr. Daniel Corwin, George W. Neff,

YOUNG MEN'S TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Crafts J. Wright, President, John Jtcvens, Vice President, S. P. Chase, Corresponding Secretary, John Laughlin, Recording Secretary, E. Whipple, Treasurer.

Depository of the Young Men's Bible Society, at Truman & Sraith's, ISO, Main street.

HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT FOR FEMALE POOR. This establishraent is located at No. 12 Johnson's row Sth street. Its object is to meliorate the condition of destitute females, by giving them employment in 21* 346 Masonic Lodges. various kinds of needlework, thereby enabling them t» obtain a livelihood by their industry. This instittttion is under the direction of tv.'elve female managers, and is conducted in such a spirit as to reflect much credit on the ladies of Cincinnati. It is under the superin- tendance of Miss Submit Adams.

OFFICERS OF THE ST. GEORGES BENEVO- LEi\T SOCIETY. Robert Pun.=hon, President, Wm, Metcalf, Vice President, Wm. Stephenson, Treasurer, George H. Parker, Secietary, CHARITABLE COMMITTEE. PhiUip Young, James Edwards, George Muscroft, Thomas Wood, G. Middlewood, COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS. Hooper, Charles Fox, Rupert Andrews, STEWARDS. James Pullan, Edmund Dexter, William Surtees. MASONIC LODGES. Officers of Cincinnati Royal Arch Chapter, No* 2. Elccled Dec. Uth, 1835. R. Punshon, H. P. J. B, Covert. M. 3. V. Wm. See, K. J. Hewson, M. 2. V- E. C. Harper, Sc. J. Evans, M. 1. V. S. Reed, C. H. C. W Burt Recorder, J. Jonas, P. S. E. Dudley, Treasurer, J. Cottle, R. A, C. S. Duncan, Guard, J.Hen,p.„„, |3.^„^^,,

Officers of Cincinnati Council, No. 1. of Royal and Select Masters, Elected .Dec. 2lst, 1835. R. Punshon, T. I, G. M. E. C, Harper. Recorder, C. W. Burt, D, I, G. M. W, Holmes, Treasurer, W. See, P. C. W. J. Cottle. G. S. & Tyler, W. Hunter, C. G. S. Duncan, Guard, Masonic Lodges, 247 Officers of N. C, Harmony Lodge, No. 2. Elected Dec, 7th. 1835. J. Reed,W. M. E. C, Harper, Secretary, J. Cottle, S. W. . J, Evans, S, D. S. G, Brown, J, W P, Reilly, J, D. E. P. Langdon, Tr,, S, Duncan, Tyler, J, Banks, ) c,^ i P, Hunt, 5 Stewards. E. P. Langdon, i S. Reed, V Charitv Committee, J. Banks, 3 R, A. Madison, ) a. ^• « _•.*».» W. Hoon, S Standing Committee, E. C. Harper, Secretary of N. C. H. Lodge, No.2,, also Recorder of the.Chaptcrj and Council.

OFFICERS OF MIAMI LODGE, No, 46. Elections held annually on the first Tuesday in December. Br, WiUiam McCammon, W. M., Br. Seth W, Folger, S. W., Br, James Saflin, J, W,, Br, EJias Dudley, Treasurer, Br. David Churchill, Secretary, Br. S. York Atlee, S. D., Br. Casper Sharp. J. D. Br. Benjamin J. Irwin, ) g^^^^^.^ Br. J. Hampson, S 2''-«f-'?f-''^^«"'^°°'? Charity Br. W.lhani See, ^committee. Br. S. \\. Vannatta,)

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Held on the south east corner of Fourth and Main •treets. Officers of the Grand Lodge State of Ohio. Matthews R. Southard, G. Master, David A. Sanders, D. G. Master, Jaraes McCord, G. Warden, Wra. H. Ross, G. Secretary, WiUiam Doty, G. Treasurer, Wm. P. Stratton, G. Chaplain, George Holt, G. Conductor, James Reed, G, Guardian, 248 JVevDspapers published in Cincinnati. NEWSPAPERS PUPLISHED IN CINCINNATI. (Daily's,)—Cincinnati Daily Gazette, published by L'Horamedieu & Co., Charles Hararaond, editor; office east side Main between Fourth and Fifth. Cincinnati Daily Republican, published by Looker & Ramsay; Charles R, Ramsay, editor; office north side Third, between Main and Walnut; Cincinnati Daily Whig; Jaraes F. Conover, editor and proprietor; office north east corner Main and Sec­ ond streets- Daily Evening Post, E. S. & L. F. Thomas, editors and proprietors; office west side Main between Front and Second. (Serai Weekly.)—Cincinnati Advertiser and Ohio Phcenix; M. Dawson, editor and proprietor, (Weekly's.)—Cincinnati Journal and Western Lum­ inary; published by Chester & Barnes; Rev. Thoraas Brainerd editor, office Ohio book store,Main,near Fifth. Cross and Baptist Journal, published by Noble S. Johnston; John Stevens, editor; office west side Main, between Third and Fourth. Western Christian Advocate, published by Holliday & Wright; Rev. Thoraas A. Morris, editor; office north west corner Main and Sixth- The Philanthropist, Jaraes G. Birney, editor and proprietor. Cincinnati Mirror, Flash, Ryder & Co. publishers, Shreve &o Gallagher editors; office north east corner Main and Third. . Peoples Echo; John H. Wood editor and proprietor; office Third street, between Main and Sycaraore. Gerraan Franklin, A. F. Boffinger editor and proprie­ tor; office Second, near Broad way- Farraer and Mechanic; published by N, S- Johnston; D. C, Wallace, editor, (Monthly.)—Western Monthly Magazine, published by Flash, Ryder & Co., Jaraes HaU, editor, office west Third street near post office. Western Medical Journal, published quarterly, by Messrs- Johnson & Wood, No. 133, Main street; edited by professor Daniel Drake & WiUiam Wood, M. D. Ohio Medical Repository; edited and published by James M. Mason, M. D. Physicians. 249 PHYSICIANS. Barnes WiUiam, office east Front b Main and Syc. Bonner Hugh, office west side Syc. between 4th & Sth Bonner Stephen, office west side Syc. b 4th and .5th Cobb Jedediah, office south side 4th b Race and Elra Colby Isaac, office east side Broadway b 4th and 5th Crittenden E. W. office north side 6th b Main & Walnut Dodge J. S. office north west corner Main and Front Drake Daniel, office north east corner Baker and Vine Eberle John, office south side Tth between Race and Elm Eberle Rich'd office north side Court b Main and Walnut Flagg M. office Court 3 doors west Miami bank Fore P. G. 6th opposite Medical College of Ohio Gross S. D. South side 6th between Main and Walnut Hays R P north side Slh between Race and Elm Higbee Charles, south side 4tb between Main and Syc Herron Otho M Com Hospital and Lunatic Asylum Judkins William, Sth between Vine and Race Killough James, west side Broadway near Front Lakey James, Footes' row 3d near Vine Lawrence Lorenzo, Race between 3d and 4th Lawson J. S. south side George b W Row and John Ludlum James M. west side Walnut b Sth and 6th Moorhead John, north east corner Broadway and 3d Moorhead Robert, west side Broadway near Front Marshall V C west side B way between 3d and 4th Mason James M north side Longworthb Vine& Race McDowell Joseph N Walnut opposite Cincin College Mitchell Thomas D S3 Main Rogers M soulh side 3d between Main and Walnut Richards W Foote's row Third street Ridgely Wm S north side 4th between Walnut & Vine Rives L C Sth n Race Read Ezra, south side Court b Main and Walnut Reed Charles, north east corner 2d and Ludlow Smith Alban G Vine near Sth ShotweU John T Walnut opposite Pearl Stone John C S W corner Yeatman and R-roadway Simraons R P south side 6th b Main and Walnut Schultz Henry, north s Front opposite Wash brewery Sanderson William M W side of Main, n 6th Threlkeld Wm south s Court 3 doors W Miami bank Whitman Josiah Foote's row NE corner 3d &; Vin© Woodward Chas N side 6th between Main & Walnut Waldo F Augustus, south side 4th near Elm Wood WiUiara, north side 4th b Vine and Race 250 Theatres, Miiseums, and Libraries. HOTELS. Cincinnati Hotel, by J. H. Cromwell, north west cor­ ner Front and BroadM'ay. Broadway Hotel, by Augustus Isham, south east cor­ ner 2d and Broedway. Pearl Street House, by David Griffin, north east cor­ ner Walnut and Pearl. Cincinnati Exchange Hotel, by J. W. Garrison, Front between Sycamore and Broadway. Dennisons Hotel, by Wra. Dennison, east side Main between 4th and Sth. City Hall, by Robert B. WUson, south west corner Main and 6th. Main street Hotel, by J. Page, Main near Canal. Congress Hall, by' C. H. Fish, south side Front be­ tween Main and Walnut. Marine Hotel, by Wra. Holraes, south west corner Lower Market and Broadway. Greens Hotel, by George S. Green, Front between Broadway and PU?e. Washington Hall, by John Longshore, Water between Main and Walnut. Lafayette Hall, by Butterfield and Murphy, Lower Market between Sycamore and Broadway. Pennsylvania Inn, by C. Martin, south east corner 6th and Elm. City Hotel, by David Kautz, Sycamore between 2d and Lower Market. Walnut street. House, by Thoraas Forbes, south west corner Walnut and 6th. Tavern, by John Good, south west corner, Front and Pike. Tavern, by Jaraes Sarver, Water between Walnut and Vine. Tavern, by Philip Siegle, north west corner Main and 13th. Tavern, by Isaac Jack, north west corner Water and Walnut. Tavern, by Enoch Larrican, Lower Market between Sycaraore aed Broadway.

THEATRES, MUSEUMS, AND LIBRARIES. Cincinncti Theatre; south side Third, between Syca­ more and Broadway; James H, Caldwell,proprietor, Fire Department. 251 Western Museum, south west corner Main and Pearl streets; Joseph Dorfeuille, proprietor. Lettons Museum, north west corner. Main and Sth sts.; Ralph Letton, proprietor. Gallery of Paintings, Front street, between Sycamore and Broadway; Frederick Franks, proprietor. Sun Circulating Library, west Third street near Post office; Flash, Ryder & Co., proprietors. Eagle Circulating Library, 107 Main; R. G. Levi, proprietor.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. This department is divided into brigades, each of which has two En­ gines, a Hose Company with one hundred and fifty members. The officers of each consists of a chief, and one or more assistant directors, a Secretary, and Treasurer. There are ten thousand and nine hundred feet of Hose belonging to this department. Cincinnati Fire Asssociation- Composed of persons from tlie diflferent Fi.e Companies, for the mu­ tual benefit of tbe Fire department. J.J. Stratton, President; Miles Greenwood, Vice President; S. S- L'Hommedieu, Secretary; Wm. Scudder, Treasurer; Washington Fire Engine Company, No. 1. Pat Lyon and Ohio Engines, Ranger Hose Carriage; Vine between Front and 2d, 1400 feet Hose. George Whann, Chief Director; F. W. Loe; Assistant Director; Jacob Coachnowcr, Secretary; Amasa Higbee, Treasurer. Relief Fire Engine, No. 2. Relief and Cincinnati Engines, Reliance Hose Carriage, 1200 feet Hose. Location George between Plum and Wesjern row. J. J. Stratton. President; J. S. Ross, Vice President; I. Treat, Secre­ tary; R. P. L'Hommedieu, Treasurer. Independence Fire Companv, No. 3. Constitution and Liberty Engines, Veteran Hose Carriage, 1600 feet Hose. Location 4th, under Council Chamber. 1st. Director, Miies Greenwood; 2d. Director, R. G. Mitchell; 3d- Director, David T. Disney; Secretary, Alexander Lewis; Treasurer, Alexander Webb. Franklin Fire Company, No. 4. Neptune and Atlantic Engines, Nyph Hose Carriage, 1000 feet Hose. Location, Sycamore between 6ih and 7th. James Wise, Chief Director; Samuel Taft, A.ssistant Director; P, Nead, Secre'ary; James O'Donnell, Treasurer. . Brigade Fire Company, No. 5- Fame Engine, Canal Hose Carriage, 1250 feet Hose. Location north east corner Canal and Vine. Ist. Director, George H. Hill; 2d, Director, A. Trowbridge; 3d. Dir­ ector, A. Baldwin; Secretary. E. W. Luce; Treasurer, Wm. 'Scudder. Cincinnati Independence Fire Company, No. 1. Water Witch and Pilot Engines, Red Rover Hose Carriage, 2500 feet Hose. Location 4th between Sycamore and Broadway. 252 Fire Department, George W. Neff, President; Moses Coffin, Vice President; Alexander H. Adams, Secretsfry; C. D., Dana, Treasurer; B. Keeler, Chief Di. rector; F. Lawson,(J. O. Clark, S. Easton, A. B. Roff, William O. Shands, Standing Committee, 12 Directors. Cincinnati Independent Fire Company, No. 2. Cataract and Deluge Engines, Pioneer Hose Carriage, 1500 feet Hose. Location, corner Symmes and Lawrence. B. Storer, President; A. L. Voorl.ees, Vice President; James Loder, Secretary; James Henderson, Treasurer; David Grifin, (.'hief Director; John Beggs, David Griffey, J. A. Thorp, James Walls, Cephas Wilder, 12 Directors. Independent No. 3., Buckeye. Buckeye and Niagara Engines, Dilligent Hose Carriage, 450 feet Hose. Location, 4th between Main and Walnut. President, Wm. LonssL.ore; Vice President, J. Johns, Secretary, J. 0. Jeffries, Treasurer, W. B. Clements; Foreman, John Macfarlane, com.* posed chiefly of boys. Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. Location, under Council Chamber. David Palmer, Foreman; Joseph C, Brady, Assistant Foreman; J. S. Chamberlain Secretary; Wm. Murray, Treasurer; Mulford Ross, Steward; 45 members. Protection Society, No. 1. The object of this Company, "is to aid in preserving lives and pro­ perty frora destruction, and preventing theft, to which goods are so much exposed in times of fire." George P. Torrence, President; E. Hinman, Vice President; Samuel Reed, Secretary; Wm. Butler, Treasurer; Chief Director, Wm. Schil­ linger; Jeremiah Butler, D. K. Cady, E. Dodson, A. H. Ernst, P Krens, Wm. See, Directors. . Cincinnati Fire Guards, No. 1. Joseph Gest, Chief Director; Wra. Medary, D. C. Wallace, Wm. M. Woolsey, Daniel Woolsey, FuUuni Porry, Jesse O'Neil, S. Hinkle, J. Jonas, Assistant Directors; Wm. S. Merrell, Secretary Pro. Tem.; Jesse Justice, Treasurer; Henry Goodrich Messenger; 60 members. Fire Warden Company, No. 1. This association is composed of 6 members from each ward. George W. Jones, President; Harvey Hall, Secretary; Wm. Stephen- son, Treasurer.

PUBLIC CISTERNS. There are 27 Fire Cisterns, which are supplied from the Water Works, will contain from 6 to 700 gallons water. Located as follow* INTERSECTION OF Symmes and Pike, Symmes and Ludlow, Front and Vine, Second and Main, Third and Walnut, Third and Race, Lower Market and Sycamore, Fourth and Sycamore, Fourth and Main, Fourth and Vine, Fourth and Elra, Fourth and Western row. Fifth and Walnut, Fifth and Plum, Fifth and Race, Fifth and John, Sixth and Broad­ way, Sixth .nnd Maitt, Sixth ai