Here are the decisions about ILoI0009 made on December 9, 2000 (AS XXXV) at Stargate Yule Revel, as typed by Kathri (who has corrected the item headers where Bordure needed it, which explains why some of the comments seem to be about problems that don't exist.) Griffon, Bordure (and deputy-Asterisk-for-the-day) Unto the Ansteorran College of Heralds does Estrill Swet, Retiarius Pursuivant, make greetings. For information on commentary submission formats or to receive a copy of the collated commentary, you can contact me at: Deborah Sweet 824 E 8th, Stillwater, OK 74074 405/624-9344 (before 10pm)
[email protected] Commenters for this issue: Magnus von Lübeck - Raven's Fort. All items were checked against the on-line O&A. Mari Elspeth nic Bryan - Solveig Throndardottir, Name Construction in Mediaeval Japan, Free Trumpet Studies in Heraldry & Onomastics 87 (Albuquerque, NM: The Outlaw Press, 1994). Andrew W. Nelson, The Compact Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary, abridged by John H. Haig. (Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1999). The documentation for a number of the name submissions in this ILoI is not presented in enough detail to be reviewed by the College of Arms without problems. It is not simply enough to (for example) state that a name is in Withycombe. Even "Withycombe, page (page #)" is not enough. Different editions of Withycombe have the headers on different pages. Even the 3rd edition hardback has entries on different pages than the 3rd edition paperback. Name documentation has to be summarized clearly and completely enough that: 1) a commenter can quickly and easily look up the reference and 2) it is clear why this reference supports the registration of the submitted name In a number of the comments below, I refer to the Annals of Connacht.