Minutes No 5
3 The Board of Council having taken the said proposed Law into consideration, it was re sohed that the same should lie over for further deliberation; and in the meantime that John Oxley, Esquire, the Surveyor General, should wait upon his Excellency the Governor to request, that His Excellency woulJ be pleased to direct, that the Members of the Council should be seYerally furnished with a copy of the said proposed Law, and of a certain Colonial Order re ferred to therein. His Excellency having communicated his assent to the said request, it was resolved, that the Council do adjourn until Tuesday, the 21st instant, at noon. No.5. Council Cliambel·, 21st Decembe1·, 1824. At a Meeting of Council held this day by adjournment. PRESENT:- TRE CmEF JusTICE, I THE PRINCIPAL SuRGEON. THE CoLoNIAL SECRETARY, THE SuRVEYOR GENERAL. The Council having proceeded to take into consideration the proposed Law laid before them at the ~1eeting held December 14th, 1824, it was resolved, that the following Letter, relative thereto, should be addressed to His Excellency the Governor, viz. :- " To His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane, K. C. B., Governor " of the Colony of New South Wales and its Depen " dl\ncies, &c., &c., &c. "MAY IT PLEASE YOUR E.XCELLENCY: " The Council humbly submit to your Excellency that, entertaining doubts upon the ex " pediency of the form of the Ordinance laid before them, relating to the levying of duties on " importation into this Colony, they beg submission to suggest, that all such rules and regulations " as might be deemed by
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