Monuioutb County's Great Market Place All Ue News of The Register's ClassiOed UED BANK !>u|iuf Uncut— and Surrounding Towns Where the Seller Finds Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. BANK the Uuyer. iiiHUcd Weekly, Entered aa Second-ClabB Mailer :.t the I'oat- Subscription I* rice: One VCBI II.iO VOLUME LV, NO. 42. office :iL Red Uunk, ti, J., under tbo Ac1, of March 3, 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1933. Six MonlliH 51.00. Single Copy dc. PAGES 1 TO

.Sale to per.sorr; under night con years of ape in apruhibitei]. Important Notice. (Hebrews Observe !Legal Beer Is ;ir( ;: 'A New Candidate j Sewer Service John T. Lawley's I Water Rates For Beer cannot be - old in p' ' Through a new postal regula- PfTccned or otherwise hidrlrn fumi tion a lederal charge of two Mf: public view, with tho exception Lawns, Gardens ! Week Of Feasting j Now Being Sold r For Freeholder Charges Begin Hat In The Ring cents is made to us on cych o chifc, which faij umJrr un*Ah?i liolilication of change of 'ad- provision. He Announces His Candidacy Charges Will be Reduced Half j Celebration That Began Monday Thirty Places in Red Bank Re- Any plavi- whorr- (hn publi*- i-- nuiHenry A. S. VanDaalen of Leon- Money for the Maintenance of* dress sent by a postmaster, itd i hibid f tru.- :.nU-. for Committeeman of Middle- for Sprinkling Purposes Dur- v* herefore if a change of addres . at Sundown Starts the Feast ceive Licenses—Thirteen Li- : permitted is prohibited f ardo Announces That He Will I the Sewage Disposal Plant is town Township at the Repub- ing the Warm Weather—Su- , : ! eijuired please notify us d;- of the Passover Marking thc cenaes Granted at Rumson—i ° Kstabii-hmcnt \> 1 tjriejit. mo,u impoi tant of thc Jewish calcn- liank. ;ii. a .special meeting Wednes- have bc^n i* idcnt of t - I nounces that he will be a candidate (with the. water bills Kent out nt Jifd ; for thf p i t U K f \ f n if'i o nli in i u i tin hi will bo $j, for tlie first three months of this Bank last week: If addrr;:-:s on your co]>y of day started Monday al sundown find day night, approved • granting ii- years of ij,c md hi ( nut b*' n ( i i/ml i f ji t i uiUi it Lie lie- year were mailed with water bills at for the Hepubliciin nomination for |is being observed for seven days by een.-e:;, lo 33 persons to sell beer. township committcenmn of MitMlc- Any consumer desiriiii :.]icci;il Tlic Register is incorrect please vie ted of inv mnir m\ol\ in i ub'ii ui puiiii ilution next i;c-d Bank lihl week for the first iUeformed Jews and eight days .by! Since that lime other applications tin•pitudf* in the 11 t tr n \ c n town township at the primary elec- t mmrncr let us know at once. A change JiionMi }\i i i In m hi opinion time. Heictoforo tlie money for tho s] rinklins," rales (JuiinJi th Orlhodox Jews throughout the woiid. have hron approved. However, this tion to bo held Tuesday, May 1*3. The ' month:; is instructed to m ki; apfjli- of address for the CUM cut num- Regul uly jnc oipoi it< d i li I, thi _iiii n n ihr one-third of that made foi ! [ihone 20. Beautify your lawn and i^n fee in $,VJ nnd a bond for 5^00members p,-ty annual due:; i;*y n Al. J-jt'OJiaJ'd of Lounaido, both ilo- .;;ajdcji by usinj; more water. sraelites for fo#y years In the wi:U- coive !H < nsf"- Fhns < luii *• '' ; water. The mayor and council bti- ls Most of the applications jiublJcanri. i The latos, for sprinkling will he erncsaencsa YtnlorcYtlorc thetyy attaineated d thee p promr - obliged to hi\p then pi in Mi \ inlM ii n unhnf of ; linvc lhat the revenue from thin iiscr t land. Among thh e Jews whh o obb- WrWoje made before the license fee was In in' Du ( h -!t It of Allicricn. . Mr. Lav-icy i:; a life lutij; resident approximately one. half of those reg- o o r Hie public view .sourer, together with tho profits oC 'fid Th llllrhtt person to pay th There shall be no di.-pen n^ f Mi In li 1 of M u i tit tnud \ U| I \( \ II I ir Ii i hc-Ai 'nice' ^'\v,i!;i: disposal costs. Last at Monrnouth Hcach, wheic ha livtd used is $3 per 1,000 cubic feet. Wh':rc cncO hi cad in used in the home dur- ' ce, puvt t;iup or counter frmn which .•ilcoholic tw outside meteni arc owned by individ- or eight -days. Un- - Herbert Jlenenber^, pro- I ' in ( i i it ui'! fiatrt-j year t ho ::awrrn^c expnnses amount-* until I'jiu. In l'J-7 lie moved fo Con- , or matzohs ale used jprlo'oc of Hcnncnljcrg's Delicatessen entge Lif di^juii (d unl it win h over'-'hint: wlierr: he built hi:, pruaent uals thc water for sprinkling will be To Conduct ttheh y ne then con umed led tit $3>j000, of which $2-1,000 wan exactly measured and charged for at • L'Tlusivcly on street. Permit No. 1 ' uj'Cd to retire maturing bonds and. home. Tlic other incmljtin of his n the display window of ICnth IK en ( nui t p( i!\ 1 the rate of $1.V) for 1,00'J ff-ct. Where " 'Vn t'.i^' homes of Orthodox Jew-s ticuiai pi ico intoi r..- !. n i ;ind he i:> piesidcnt of the lied Hank .Mi.-.U.e, nlU-len appointe tiuuliiuUd an a:o visitantf Leonard, lendo- Pas:-;over holiday. Stoves are often rnfon rnicnl nor hill in> oftKiit br ;tb'i.,T of V.WJ. U is planned to raisis For example, if a con: inner paid on lho prnmiiic:;. Me paid §N) for j ;intrrc trta'L' hoai'l. lie i:> C]iH'U^ed in $3.70 for water dining I he winter ;r of a Pucono Mudy tour tu be yiy- I repainted, tables arn recovered and each;. ihc real fj: Into bii:-.inu;-s at livd Hank MI thi.i summer under the autpicc.-; of lnrdcrs filled with specially prepared I iy in inv *^ut h lu < n < ' l ho otlict $12,000 from profits on. months and lo take advant- 1 Ten iipph'riitiunp were rrfurnd. In with the litm of Hawkins Uio:-'. the American People^ college in Uur-food:-. j ' VM itiwn uf thr- pidM iun if th sales nf wator, Nothing will bft age of the half rate for the coming F.omfi instance.} this was the ; ic^oliitu n \\t!l b< ( I i^srd i in d raised by taxation this year for Mr. Lav.iry'-s statement as to his opt-. Mifcs South all i;; cixtli grade Seder, the feast that ushers in j 'nicanoi1^ and puiu^hiblr b\ mt It rummer, pprovided that the waler ,., 1 .1 . LI r ther places where it sewerage expenses. , . candidacy J:; ;i;> follow: : tcaclitr in the Leonardo ^raoe school. \ than liner > r u in j ill 01 u \ <« i j department w-as satisfied that the ex- Pa .-ovcr, was spread on the table of i d „ t| ,t b month i.iic won iii.^L pri^e in theeyciE y devout Jewish family Monday i1 ^ |, ,., , tion of IK i n L ui bo h Jt w [ tij> In some in:!Uuicr::i water bought "At the urging cjf many friends, tra water was used for sprinkling, ' ' fiu|licicn 0 conform wilh from the town for business purposes both KcpubtJL-an and Dcniociatic, X uld be annual travel contest conducted by 1 night after a brief prayer .service in the newly- enacted, beer legislation uHitecl th it no lit* n -^ li ill '>« the rate for sprinklin;; b granted to j>! u c (llin lk ohnlu i. not discharged into the sewers. In have decided to be a candidate for computed on a basis .of ll water which require that the space must n bevei ifac^ w hn h no st ill illf j. ii u other instant'es tiomc business own- township conunil'f:c;iuun of Middlc- used above the value of SI On wa- ticnal ma^'aziini , fur the be-t article ! crushed fruit, hard boiled e^gs andbe not less th;m 400 square feet, or i-ubniittcil bv a teacher on ;i rucciit ! other dishes that are a reminder of coidinH to tht Cunstit utiun 1 have private water supplies and lown town!-hip on the lie publican ter used for sprinkling no sewerage the equivalent of 20x20 feet. Various Frid i> it r ((I D ink \v t ( in< the water is discharged " into thQ ticket, nt the primaiy elcctiun to be service charge will be made if European trip. Miss Southall'd prize- the hardships of Israel in the desert I other rca^on.s air.' naid to have u-injiin^ article w;i-. Ijeadcd "Uelievc were serve]. Then followed a plenti- . ], o ap- what, like a hnliiiay \vh;it with bi-rr ' vev;-:. Special arrangements havo held on May l'>. sprinkling permils have been issued |c 1IJSPd unfiiyi>r:1 h: acljon on lh com ins back into- Ir^al iu><: after a }>em made to cover boih kinds oZ "There U probably nu municipality by the water department. It is nec-It or Not—Hj Wt'tlvH Abroad for 5100" ful supply of meal, and pa£lry dislics iplicat.ions which were turned down. banishment oT thirteen year,; und and described the Pocono htudy tour ' prepared only for that holiday. The j1 ^ c i cs, so that, the, service' charges in the ^tati; with the many different essary fur the user to notify previous meeting it wan stated what with flags flying in cclelnaiiun Mil no it her exceed nor be less than :i 1<; ineal is usually a lengthy one. Often ,thilt intero'-;, po.;. ';-:-''d by MJddlelown Mr. Bunell in older ti o• i icreivM.I,LIV>c, ,' ' too- k la^t j ye ] J — • • • j - i ti iii i. nWJo licenceiii.i;ii:' wouliv uu d bo, granted j of the ^uccL'.sri of ihc Second Nati'm- he value of the use made of the 1 own:; hip wi'h i^. t-'srttiinx, tiiAuni; Ihis :CIVU:I-. 'J'b/j v,;itcj- .•.U|ieiint<'ii- I.eaviiiK -New York, Kaluiday, July i laslins until midnight, and a special |whcn" it ,vas proposed :-cll bccr at Bank and Truht company in it.- L t Ti':;. Tim ohar^t; for the average and oth'T ni'lmti iij. :; ii.i count ly e.-.- lU-Tit and thc mayor and cjiincil bn- fir: '. uth-'Jll and her ^'roup, >scat U always rcKcrvcd for the hun- phicr lexi than 1,000 feet from s reopening campai-n. After woi k UMChold w;ll be. So to %l per year, t-'iten and ail the >f:ar around icii- whic 1 ?i opon to both meu ;ind worn- "ry wayfarer who might enter the ;hoolhfju?.c or a church. However in^ hours rcsUiuni nt^ and reft e;-h- linvf; that thi:i innovation will lead ; contrasted with charges of $15 ck'ntial pupil! it 1 ion ;itid il:-i Ml miner lo lawn:; :iml ;;ui(U:n.s be in;; kept en, will : ]. nd :-.cvcr;il week:; at tlic open door in search of food and Eh ..iis requirement i.= nnt bein^ en ment omijoriums which had received > ?';i) per year at Long fJrancti norm: ;jjjd rccrci' ion a I :ic! ivitio;j. I fiefh and Rreen during period:; of American People:;' college in Europe ! ter. Uorcfd. In the old pre-Volstead day?, licenses did a rushiny bu;-inr:;:; in 11! * !• where the sewage disposal systeirt fcol^hat there u no othr-r place that drought and thu>; enhanre the ap- has its iieadrjuartci.-; in a) Before, d urine and after the meal, Jjt wa.. required that alcoholic drinks of beer. TJie beer drinker;- ;J!'.:.J:V A v.\N i*AAU-. 1-' privately owned. has :iuch yrcut pos.xjbililicu for future pearance of thc community. quaint. Tyr lean town high in the j the Hebrew text of ancient Israel is | could not be sold at places less than were orderly and it was not. ncuc;:- progress and development. Austrian Alps: To thi-; center come read by the head of the family. The (200 fCc! from places of worship and sary to make any arrest.-:. niil w ork. Me i.-; a member o[ .lit; » "I. confide i the mo^-L iniptuUiiU . both American and European leaders reading describes ihe beginning of jschoolhou^es. Not even this rule Anifrie.ui l.'^ion. 1 ho Forty and I ho J ht l0 s vc infon al Ho time ago Peter Forbes Of the tiling lor the present \a to reduce "' '• ' « ' » lectures •assover and traces it to the present, being enforced at Red Bank. Some I grocery firm of Matthews & Forbes the taxation a! New York. The • cM.-ile in lialf. background for the European (ravel j allowed to conduct the Hebraic read- 'churches. i that the.snlc of beer would not he-ollur mi'nilx'i".; nf hi:, family are hi.. "1 vctiluc ii'j V-";i)" tillioaJ fan that, follow:; n visit .11. t IK: COIIP^C. i inp. Responses are made by every- ,, Tho moofing nf tho maytr and •omn to^al . b3' .Inly.,1. In tho evnii \v;fe mill ihr^e children. • : An educallionril cither change ihc Constitution or the b J LI r4*~ir n' ' "II ' »°n-pro(lt organi^a; j one at the table. There is frequent |council Wednesday mcht ivna thr, jM r p-iifjl^ won he Wis tn rrceivc two L:<^ 'u'M- .Mi. '\';>nir'-ih:n \\:)*~;L Inierior of St. Andrew's 'ax law a and I ab-u realize that the RccofdeT Harold h. I ickersgur Uon sponsored by a group'of leading "tipping of sacramental wine. ! largest in attendance this year. Most Ci,i,'c./or beer and in the event that auidkbtc foi ihu ucpuhiicm numin-;- pa[ Church Completely Re- township committee i -: responsible of Perth Amboy Addresses. American uducatois interested in crc- \ Scrmon3 in all synagogues touched j of the applicants as well as many ' Mr. Forbes won he wa.i to grt two 111 1 a ni(J : alion fnr a -i-ri'.lilvnian and h.« lu.-t bv . , , . ^. in o only- for a MIUIIJ jiajt of the taxes a" Members of Red Bank and' " ^ re intelligent in:ernational upon the history of Judaism and its | other poivons were present. The jboxc^ or ci"ar: . Matthews only -MO vuie . in fneni nt/ modelea—Church Proper or real estate, but the local ullicial can Long Branch Units. ; understanding, the American-Peoples':mai-ch_ through- the ages. ^ -Ewitiny capacity was _ not large j wc',.c among thc Jirsi. tu receive ;, li :ha; In- w:i- reluciar.t to entnr the Gothic Design. ncvcnhelchrf help by cutting down • colloge depai-ts from traditional cdu- Public seders were held in some'enough, some persons being required jeense for the sale of the mall brew 1 political arena thin vrar ;ind lhat in- „., • • , ,. e,L , the expenses m his department t'> Ufotiitr Haiold 10. Picket ,-^;ll of i national methods used in the United i synagogues for the benefit of thosejto stand. j and'Mr. Forbes personally delivered did o t- i he nr1 in*'- of iiier 1 •! • o'1 work of remodeling St. An- the boat and .-f.-fkin^ out inuny new have no facilities for observing 'crt'h Arnbov.' htato rm-iident of the ! States. As in the Danish peoples' | wh Patrick F. Kennedy raised thc big-two cases of beer to Mr. Palnia. l,,lh" |,;,Vt!.-. 11^ fiivml'.: suys liial'111™'' lipl^opal church at High- source:! of revenue uuUhio of raising ^ lub, addre.-i.-ed. college;; thorc arc no set entrance i it strictly in the home. They wcre;,,c^ laugh uf the evening, "All the In front of another Uroad ;-trr. h\-:. rxperit in tlnancial matte i A \ : nl .. ' l;inil:; 11 ii s lit.';1 ; been completed. Tile re- money solely iium ieat uoLale. "~ "its' , n"o" tex'"•t ' book'-'-s an---"d" --n•o also the occasion for social contact |nalians and Jews arc here and nowstore Friday morning a boy was tr bii;i:- al.-jni thnm-ii re •* » * or itic: lied I^unk and Lon^ Crunch 1 wc jiniilelc transformation of examinations. A sincere desire to between the th con ing to put a case of beer into an 'a 'n » lU"" inluctitui 'HI lln-!lh'-' inU-r J "1 think the mo:-t. inipuilant prob- ICxchan^c clubs at. a tliniHT mcuting rabbis and their " here comes the Irish," he said, as he tbia i-. '1'hn church j>roper oa lem of the fuluic in to lay out a coni- held last Thursday night aL Uic M»l-learn and a willingness to adapt one relations. walked into thc council room. Later tomobile owned by a eustomer. 'I" EC1[ to European living conditions Ihr tirst tkiur. whicli tormmiy had pK'hensive pian lo work by, one that )y Pitclicr hole! Ho. conyiutuUled Jon dui:ln^-th,e meeting Air. Kennedy boy lost his grip and the cast; fell in woul'l 'i-o MVIT i iiuViur d[ H m\\- P':un .sidcwallL; and ceiling, now ha3 ' wiH cxt fnd 11r;cc^hury facilities EUCII notli clubs on the civic and welfare arc, however, insisted upon, land other applicants asked a. nunihe•r Ithe street, with the vault lhat nbonl HO FA* WEEK. linn ,it,u-.. ,- i,r liir rivinvfi- ciiifiL-x w'alh; with a domed ceiling as water, KM-, electricity and tele- woik boin^' done by these oi^aniza- Summer groups are made up ac- i 1 of as to the regulations half of the 1M bottles were broken .Mr. Vaiilia-ilni'-i ^ai'cnioii'i a.-^tn iiml windows of ijothio design. Pews, phorie service to all pait.s of the tion.s and told of the aims and ideal.* cording" to special interests .such as jServices at St. James's Church Fur ; governing thc sale of beer. It was and their contents llowed . into thc his i-ai'dul.n'v f"llmv- doois, pulpit and altar of mission township alike and which will insiiie miiMe, ndtiU education, social and 1 Last IVccJt ol Lent, !pxpl;iinod that these. 1 pgulations nre er. uf the n club. When liii-' l':ir,kc!s iiiMiiiu.'litl ,-i ' :-tiiin ad.l lu thf attractiveness of tho ' to each locality the kind uf develop- The mcctinS wa.s opmed bv Harold ! cuJtura] development?, physical ctlu 'the same as the state laws. Nuthing Thc liccniuis will exj ic May LV».drastic cut i'i I lie imu-ct:- of -New piaciv The church act-oinllludatca ment that it want:; and one that will d natiocat_. l n and community recreationrecreatin, ' The final week of Lent is bein- ob- is added and nothing subtracted. int. t inn.- no Hendrickson, prc idem of thr lied servcd with What will hajipfn after guarantee to each locality lhat it re- dmniri, architecture, international re-i- special services at DLSt.. 1 j i t< 1 1 Bank club, who turned the chair over The regu]at on3 wcre rc;id nt t 10 onc ws. The Irgi ing :ii ni"it' iL'iin.. lu* cu :«..•:-. • ' "' ^ Lnihcr, Sr., famous Shakes- ceives a proper return for ihr. taxc;; lationH and economic conditions. ; James 3 church. Confessions will be |Tllpcling and ?pccial emphasis was (granted to ^;xei;il1 i vc tu]-"iank Dakcman. alro of the local ( thul '1 •mil v.j. mri pi'tjntpilv. MMII- P<^''ean tuMor. hi\* donated a lar^o paid and that no one ;-oction will - Miss Houthairs group will emphasize r-eard tonight from half-pant seven ,.hjd on tnat p; |rt of thc ru,CH which I boards thc 1 to lk-cnses un- organizatio/i, who i:; district ^over- 10 nine inoulii LMiuitv n t.- ari'ivi'd 'at tin; ' i^h^ioUo piiiurc,. which when com- 1 11 1 w n f() ry the other fellow';* luad. I nor. Mr. Uakcman stated that this s-ociall and culturac l developments'vpe o'clock. Holy Thursday ser- foibidfoi.bidss lnlnc si[s.i[cc ooff bccbccrr ovcovcrr barSbarS-- jj(i(i(( ththe datdatc mentionedmentioned.. fIf ( (hii pas pl.-in n .-=jimi' critical linLir.i'inl <.Min«ii(iLUir :md. : W ' -'* . ' "" '•<• background for "If nominated, during the coming j meeting was one of a scries of three abroad and after spending a few j vices will include Holy Communion Sven yoda water bars and lunch-j is continued after May 2r> the lii'ty- nftrr 1 become :\ nipnibfr nf tho H»« niVcir. Mr. Loiber's son, Fritz 1 1 : campaign, I. will discuss thf^c va- inter-club sessions, the previous ones wrtks in the Tryol will leave for I at MX, seven and eight o'clock, high room bars arc banned. "O, that's dollar fee will he applied to a h- Uoaul (.;" c;,in;;on Kn-ehoUk !*. 1 htull I^i ioi'r. Jr.. i:< in charge of thc scr- travel through France, Switzerland,! mass with procession at nine o'clock terrible," said one of the applicants. e-Miye for a full yenr. If :;ome other vit c m tllc lious items with the public, and j having be^n held a't Bel mar and make it my hu-ilir::- !1( f;u:e Hie i^U-". : ' « (-'hurfh. while I have derided views on all of Lou- Branch. Austria. Holland, Belgium, Italy and J and evening- Holy Hour from eight "Now I've got to tear down my bar."pian is adopted parp t of the iifty dol- ,-jiitl ID rui U)r hinUi.M. bri'oic wt: aio (-Jn the t=cu:ond Hour are thrco them. I am ju^t a- anxious to secure Willis WoolJey, pi csidenl of tiie England, meeting European peoples. ! to nine o'clock. Mass of the Pre-There was such a gnle of laughter will be rofunclfd. 1 h< placed in tin1 ••1I1:ML' ^:v.l)Lii 1 a.ssiii- pu- IDOIIIH, t lir ' ltir^c^t of which accom- comin>; to see their problems and sanctified will bo celebrated at nincj fter this remark that the reading at tho 1 1 1 '.he viewpoint awl ojiinion <>l my Lon^i Branch club, extended an in- o :rlicial statement was made riitinn ;i;; woi " liii ;;nvt'i ii'.i^ ijoUif.-; niodalcrf ~W per:;on^, and will be neighbor. vitation to the Red Bank members their ways of living and learning t o'clock Good Friday morning. Thc|Of the regulations had to bo. suspend-(council meeting, it sircmed t he the of th- rit,e.. alnrenieiitiuned ' iiM'd for meeting.--, card parties and morc "Jf elected, I pledge to woik on the to attend an initiation of niiw mem- of; progressive. movements I service Good Friday night at eiyht ed for a few moments. It. was ex- of cpinion aiming lie of 11— In I In.; (Miutiiy. ' he bud;:et for V.K'>V> ' entcrtainir.riit;-. The. other rooms lines as above statrd and will guar- hers of all clubs to be held in May abr o'clock will consist of Veneration of plained that bccr could bo yerved 'n that $50 would be ;v '1'L'r i:; ali'Mii ^'V'1"1 !<-. lii.'in in i^'l'J. but. aie a ^uifd aiv.l choir room and a t thc Cross and a sermon on thc Pas-c nly aL tables :md that when sold rge for a full year's liceiiM 1 antee tn every individual,in the town- '.'it Lonj; Erancli. The initiittiou cere- ; ; when we cm.-id 1. ! 1 hat t \w. ;i p- l.ilehrn thoroughly equipped. This I sion by a Carmelite Father. The bottled not le^s than six bottles 1 phi p equal considorat-ion, rc^ardleFS monies wcri," to have been held Thirteen Licensed a) KIIIIIMIII. pi oj' i:i' ii.'ii.-. t>>i lir:tl^i>- and i-iiivrri^ floor has all nrw wuulow.s. The cx- of Ihe .section of Die tmvn.ship fiom Italian Film at h:8t Lenten services will take phice c-uld be disposed of at one ^im nig))*. At a special meeting of thn Kmn, -wa- iTilin-i'd ,>rio,Mni ;ii<> Vc,-\ nf thu leiiur of tin.' cliutch ha.s been re- which he cornea, or rc^aidlf^.s of any John Ransley. upon behiilf of at seven o'clock Holy Saturday Licenses for the FR)C of bccr have ; Strand Show Saturday morning. Lent ends at noon. been issued as follows: :on mayor and council Wednesday political party or gruiip tu which he Frank McMnhoii. president of 'he ivght two resolutions regarding t he | ?:'M,iinn. 1 h;ive made a critical Henry I.V Scinlder. Jr.. architect, ni3y Vjolonp." Soeond Nationaf Bank and 'frust com- There will be confessions Satur- For consumption on the premises: Ualr of bccr were adopted. Onc ]>m-;;m:i!\.!- nf t lit; bin I;;'." l'ur tlii.- yi'ar '^.-if-uieil 1 he rueuiiHt ruction work, 1 The Italian picture, "Genovcffa," ••Rcspccifully, pany, thanked the member. ! of the day afternoon and evening. Easter I^^sis rallahan. lunch monj nenr rail- j vided for the .sale of the X'J bovrragp1 and a tuiihr: cut i-'in e't.-ilv br ;nadv Hubbaid Stiles was thc mason, Mil- with titles jn English, will be shown Sunday the. massw will be at .spven, 1 1 •'John T. [/iwlcy,- Red E'-ink club for their help in the w.i'l utatlofi. ' under the temporary 1 t'^u);j!ioii^ ol jl-liii.cnii j.'ilui-in.:.: :lie:cby 1 he conn- • toil Wright the carpentiu'. McGougb, at the Strand theater on Broad 1 movement to re-open that institution. eight, nine, ten and eleven o'clock, ; Jlcrbcrl's Dolii-Jttc:,: el'. Moimiuu rjdoptcd by the .state lr^i;;lnture. Thr 1 ty tax 'rate by ai lea 0 lo )>n cent. A: Kills tlie plumbers. Churlcs Wcck- Ktrppt. nt a Hpecial show beginning at thc last mass being a high mass. 1 I'ntrirk T. Kennedy, ISccr t;«r••: the cicelncian and Harry Mohlci' COMING MINSTREL SHOW. I. Weinstein, attire. Momini 1:1 h beer licenses. Thc license fee lo sell 1 eroa.-e of a: lea.-' 10 pn ,jfiu in the the painler. Temperance Union film was produced by Roma Film ! 1 Alphonce fJcMnria, 1'lo.isan CHILD HEALTH DAY. beer is $2 a" week for tho period up ' eoiinly lmd<.;t'l. elVeiM in- the ^a:n.* ; The woi it of. ••beautifying tho and js beiiif; released in this country i ;.S!ircw8bury avenue ;ui<] .\c«-m.-ui Plans Big Meeting It Mill Bo (liven by Middletmvn rond. to May 25, the date -^\ by the stato 1 ci'iinMinKiai drci i;:*.--!1 m t \v cmur y (luireli ynmiul-i itf now under way. Township Firemen. pLnt'nitn^rSn. ^^ \ li«. I^U Parent-Teacher ABSocia- Red Ulir,k Y utht lor thc expiration of the present \vr\- 'tax j ate. I am eonU'iil u> t e -i my , Withm lho. week 1-5 pansy tio to Glvo ccM Moll v !•itther hijtel . Uivci-Miie iivcnuc. iiUitions. Anyone .sclHnj; brer witli- Members of tliu Women':; Chris- The film is adapted from the popu-1 " "P rrogram. Muii . m;i ca.-L'. . • plants have been set out by Mrs. Frequent rehearsals arc being held U. ('. •hciii ;cr. c;iit a. license will be charged with a tian temperance union met Jadt lar story of the same name tfy Can-j Pinna are being made by the par- I''cn! ,iir> IMIOCI store. W.-ill MlCCt. » — -•••*-. • •-—- jjcity Hcliker Mis. Samuel Corse for a minstrel show to be given Sat- Neil A. Scolti, n lor c, .Sh r -y .ive- misdemeanor and liable to » tine ut Thursday at the honu: of Mrs. Sani- onico Smidt and contains, in ad- cnt-teacher association of the Red 't.Ui DAY *.\'Vl\lD.\\. ;,iui'r,nnei Corso. urday evening, May 27, by members IU1C. >:' '0. ._-___ -j-j 1,^1,1,1!^ erected a num- • uel Howard of "iludson avenue. Mrs. Ans: ust Klci'n sell 11iiid t, Moriruoutl"1 hotel. ui Wa-S of the Midclletown township fire de- dition to the, principals, who arc well Bank junior and senior high schools r Alina Bailey led thr devotional tier- Wt-l ] t .ill CCl. J hirteen licrnscr- wrro i.->ued ;\r, t Mniicy to IV Kaised U*r Ued Hank her of years ni;o for a parish hall partment. Thc place for thc per- known Italian cinema stars, a cast of to observe Child Health day on May Kll.» rill ti, I i-l ICCt, vicc, A short business meeting, at onc refused. Tho.^c ^.rantud lifci;. cs ni ami iiui;lr turps. by UfV." J. r. Lor.l. When the par- formance lias not. yet been selected. r»,000 persons. Thc picture depicts thc | l. A special program for the day is Stia ml r•tst ;i m aiit Iroii'i :• lice'. which plans for the county institute mi- Sym iiilito I u rich i-oorn . Mon- ! were as follow.s: ch was t.\-tabli:-hed the plan was to Howard Mallen of Leonardo is thc life of Genoveffn, thc faithful wife, being made. Thc names of girls in Will 11. i.-il vi.- diy . .-iC(;iun: to be held at the Middlelown Bap- coach, About sixty firemen will and thc hideous Golo. motilli st reel. u>c 1 he building a:- a houst* of wor- thc junior and senior schools who Anilicily Bnt U-alu pi. Uniun hotel. Wharf niniicy lur ' he bti:;lf juni ilium co list church on Tuesday, May 0, were | i,v,V Mfyct'." : hip temporarily until enough funds take part. The profits will br used Herbert sinister man, manager of receive the highest score;; in the avcmif. of Shrew: hiiry nits! uf i i - V'-ieMi discussed, followed. Mrs. Nina [S I 'i;i It, u 1 re a va liable hi build a church. to meet the premium on liability in- thc Strand theater, stated that if thc health contest will be announced at I.ani ^ I 01 C. Wcit I-'runt jAi legion o\' IU-A 1 lank wii Kramz, president (jf tho state organ- surance for the firemen. street. I Iv plain f nli-d to materialize and local presentation of this picturep ! that time together with tho winnci Honiiui Uilziiu. lifol:c hotel, Kar-t I-'ront ization, will ho the. principal .speak- tli-- ehuivh was nevrr built, ft was er. The next regular meeting of the A short time agb the. llrenicn gave ts with a good response, he will of the poater contest. A special meet- i-cct. fhnrl( chan in/fi >•!' ! lie eoiniuiM< a very successful card party at thc bring to Red Bank some of the best ing is also being planned when a Paul KutFchc. :-lutc, West Front Kticct. Hi.; .i.^i. t.mlr, an' Iiaui. <;n;ided ier(Mii!y to improve the ap- union wilt be held on Thursday, April Tlunn s (lakes pe;ir:ince of the buiMin:; ami thc HO. Is'avesink tlrcliousc at which :JSO was known other foreign films. member of thc National Child Health For consumption off the premises: ' John M;ti l.iw, (.''larh-s II aml. cleared. All of thin money Man been association will address the parents. i.I I'nllc <*l:a 11 ','tv haV r i cern'ed t he senerat Thr. junior hranrh of tliR Women':; Mem!, V/iiharu l':i"i :»i- . npent lo hny Hhner; for unfortunate RETURNS TO TOWN. May 1 was designated as child health llcmuinin H. Ciatc.' buUlcr, Bililge uvu- rt't>t. .•ipftfcn aJ of i lie jj.-tcishloners, with Christian temperance union met last day in a proclamation i;i:iii(ul by IturU ihe result lhat there is renewed in- children. Jla w i',. Weal Thursday night at the home of Mrs. ! U I'-sl m ehui eli at'tl\ itn-.-i. ospjih Schwarl/, Says Thrre's No President. Franklin D. Roosevelt on ckwiV. Ki M! KM'tM 1 Mi> id:t Mi:;h: a- . [Irnygn f'rnwfnrrl of Town- IIill ave- MiV 'l f| Vlnytnn Ilon«rnl, _ j .Ilcttor .St'ttion in The Country. March 31. Muiiiiil tirnrcry ninipiinv. Hiuml 'Mr 1u• <* din m tin.- i.,.. j The i-hurch choir uf about forty nue. Mrs. Crawford is president ( ])uvii i BACK AT COLT'S NKC'K. ; (llltt. ;.V-.!.-;w :'i).i!!1,...i-.'.if.!i..:-l;;;ini;t..MiB.. junior organization. Ki;d Bank was honored last Thurs- months ago conducted a'' general Dlln St ti»hni(.'in:ci. l.;i I it veli L --U i <•' • [if in;ii;i'- day by hping elected first vice pres- Hitkc •thlcy anil Me- John Uintclniiiini. iifui-i.tts-iiu."!. A \ CIMI 111:: Thi- pro;>:.; w.n \n- u.-ed Iv J. O'-ttroli i- superintendent of y p p newspaper advertising agency with L-li:iiiic : 1 limit Ilofman is Again Kuiinint; Ihe ii;iifrwnL TI,,. ,.,,1-p". tieijiH'iitly ta'ivcs j..i 1 ( inipupils. The ehureh :;uilil, of which ciation (if police chiefs. lie is also bank building on Broad .•street and c. Jiii-l Fiont 1:i 1 I J;I ; i • i 1 : aii'i ft her t'cl.-iuat mus >tt v;i • i ^ I'-'nul Auliei 1 ):•• p n-b idcnt, has a member of the executive hoard of who g.ive 11 [) hi.-; activity locally to Emil Hofnian has moved from lied Itnliaclc TaiiKiinc. : -ion for wimlcsiik licon-e:i will a I: Scliullc-DnMrd Mamnfrr OiTcrtt spe- •. Slur.wiiliU! y CMHI • i»l u <• ami itiu. [iioviile;. con- I '»fiy mcniimrs. 'i'hc tiirlri' Kriontlly cial Inducciin'iils. the International association of po- take up his profession in a larger Bank to Colt's Neck, where he haii re- IM inn. ^ e, made by Otto Strobim-ii-ei tinl. 1'h Md. :.ihle fiee •nlvnn am fui ihi' | :-»H*UMV. with Mr.-. Violet. Murray aa lice chiefs, having been elected some Held of endeavor, ban found that.Ilcd sumed tlie management of his Colt's I,,. I-'clnhm UlUl WeM 'John Hint el ma nn. ineorpnr - J. 15ali Vnnl'hiaain, mana^rr of tin.: time ago to fill a three year term. Bank was not so bad after all andNeck Inn. He formerly conducted tlie j ;)p)>lieatio» of Vallei" (.'iauil luwn. Ii will t ik.- p-irt iii a paiade ' 1 ie..ident, has forty niembera. Sohultc- United yturc,- han a larj;e ad- has returned to town, stopping tem- place, but retired from active work From the t hirly I in ted turned down beeaiiM' lie vertiHenicnt. on page three of this te- DOR Owners, Little Sllvrr llorou^h. porarily with his sifter, Mrs. Wilnn- d took up his residence ; Red! above the town has received $1,000. slutr where His j'hiee uf at Wi . t Ni'.v V'M K Suihia May 11. Discount Dad* Kxtrinlcd. At luttb of tin . «• eeicluat suc foEtturing KpecialH in his store. lf)3ri licenses may he obtained liam Ko^clijon of Rumaon. Bank after the death of hi w)l"! The sale of beer became, legal, would be, loeatoil. I me to unu.-iri! et-'jiiumic c'liiiition.s \\ ill lit.1 ronijif! |l tnl;., Iji'l \ !•!! UlltJI • In order to as.sist. folk;,- in their- pro- about a year or HO nj;o. Reno Kcuin, . ThiirKdny at mtdni^lit. ))ut nunc wa.u ill'.' peiiod !,T p.i\iM:; w:iter hills At. police chief. $1.15 for fust do^, $2.15 j Air. Schwartz will resume hi.s form- I^fistor buying he lias arranged to iiold nt lied I.3ank until late Friday ] fin. [Link .-.. ffi.i: lii.-cniin'-' can he for .ill over this number. Any do^ ^ j.repai- who luiH hern len.sin^ the hotel, h;i. The special meet in:; it 1 kcfip the !.;(orc upi'n tomorrow, Kri- l found without n licenn* after April al( ion otf adver!lt in^ copy, salcj pru- moved to Loiitf Mranch, morniii};. According lo a eunent. ••litaiiL«-d ha - lircii L\\!e;i<'L '"l until ilny and Haturduy nightn until a later I'.elt.r iif;,. motion foal urea • i-port thn brewerir:. had originally 1'ih .. 1 ]: 1 \, .\|-: il •-'.< 2r», "will be turncd over to the do^j and ualca- Mr. Hofnian states that the hotel 1.. tondcil. The (•uuneil di-eided I ^ .Ull hour and in order in induce night 1 iilannod tu ;ituri nialunj; deliveries al j catcher. ivian (liisiHtiinet . hcinjr conducted on thn same, lines u* eharj;e a fee of S-V) I'm even !><•. e\e! \ n. rti ,111.1 !,. Ill ;iny purse L»l Irndirig ho will have several uiuisual 1 I-:. D. Hobbii. Borough Clerk. formerly except that beer h now be-jn.dni^hl but later iniidf a nlmn^c •nil I u.if. .if i hlllll v, !l U ,i: I'lia!:, A new .'('Hi-.: II,' Mm'k 1 HOW UJK'Il •'ipeeialfi on utile tomorrow night from license issued. Kvery liein. c unit ; — Atlverthicment. I-oft Kaslcr ('nudv. in?: aold. The hotel i.n liuted in tlie Iv -AUHG .-I the danger of hijaeker.s aiHfi provide :i bond of .^L'lin. Lewi II si.i Mo. w I "I : 1. 11. • :,li:n;;lc: . n the Krd Haaly, binhhn;; and loan L .meia 1 mn. '1'hi. * sei ii'.. i.i cuinputted i e.vcn to oij;hl o'clock. and Ran^iitorfi brinn abruail. .Several 111; 11. • r i, 11. - a iv ll.fil Smith, ehairnmn of t IK; | ml ice con w 1 Dnnt Forget Minister Dame l.'ir M.i 1 t'H.t... Kveiy"n»l 51 per month Vvvd Vonr IJIWII. ; hull. Mount iivenuo, Atlantic IIij;h- nuts; all throe pound.s for !M) cents. dinner purl tea, held at KctJ V,unh inul vicinity ,O< jis t" close alt p);n:e.s n*>l IJCI-IIMM in A h;fIl> X'ropor feeding in vitally iniputtaiil ; .(.•„, iM/.iniiati'.n \>)v>nr llvtl Ikmh > ^- •• " ' "uiures for $-20(i «iveti by Athletic ation. Ainu 11 liirpo mipply of bunnies, OJ;K' . m nlion nf t hf re) urn of beer. ;;i;N m All.inih- Ui.-hlan.'l , '.10 ul-,111 ;i|.pioxni, itely Kl.- months. The

if you desire a grwn velvety lawn. lev .*;ir» at Alluntie, lllKhlniKlh. 1 Music by Joe Kclly'a orchestra. —Ad- eic, from (on cents up. I'nch'a Cl- I'^vorgrccns. It" .[ionic low insiaiii-es tin; telr*- ;:iin liMuiiii}- C..m|.,nv .\«lveiti.-e-|inve:-u.r ni i.'l.i :• "I: luie.-i pay:J $2 Wo offer Vij'.oro, lintm men 1, !;her|) vert Ificmcnt. Ten lieeust'M for seHint; hecr :ui Kiir store, &. Swanncll, pro- Junlpe.iH, iiineH, Mpnice, ml inr.ipor- hranhi, by iipeeinl favur, ijualied Irv iin-nt ' I jM-i iniiiith l"i at>f>iit .'.t intjtilh:i. Thla manure and other fertili/.crfi at low- wine. Were, issued at a Hire r pi in tors, Inroad nnd Mechanic a:> anil iirborvihms, to [he retail Iradd L,U1 brew, while accuidin^ to all ac- -«»..«*-. - '.tl-'i til t v. :il \:'ni) JUT :.h:H'O. est ]»rli:cjj. l-'red D. Wlkoff Co.—Ad- fuel Oft 1 streets, Red Rink.—Advortijipinent. at wJinloHiile prices. Si'« UM bnfoi'n tl7f; of tint Adfintjc ilij.;l));iinl;; niayi Miel.ev M(MJM« jiinl I'eler ICubbit 1 ^ • 111:• : >. rnnovtM , Kce'y. tit (ounti:, in otlicr instance:;, liquid 1 e- to ault your burner; Knulea and 1 : ImyliiB dur where. W. \V. Kennedy and council WiHt we<-k. Act Inn on Uv iit 'IVllr'y . Alwiiy.! the n< \\ ••.•! and Adw-rli nn.-nl pticeu. Unexcelled servico. I/mt D 1 fn-j'hnirnlM <»f ;i different, kind weic Notice. &. Hoiii), Harding road. I . O. box ^7, most c|c\ ei • ei cat inii-; in l\ 1: t ci e 11 'I i -*..*-- Visiting Ciliiropodlsl. Wtkolf Co.. Hnd Dank, phono D.TJ.- Ucd ttanlt.—Advertisement, applieations was defened U peiinit On account, of Ihe banking ailua- a more, i;om|>lcle inve.>tiKation. I'llo.-.e a 1 e now : lu'winr,, ;Vat 1 er |iis- w 11 h Mi>p In I Jr. .l^runcen Cooku Catsler will Advftrtlsftmont Two kinds of lieensc:; iiifi ^ranted niako (UJpointmeiits by telephone to Cum tlm (liMMJimt prriod in thr. Kcil granted licenses weie .laini-.i W. Ka.-iri- e.inls. ' I'el.M- K.ilibft and j !<• < mi :;i ••••[] Imu, .• . .tnd hop ' on fionio tn your home when iiended. lrubhi'M Tyiiowrltor U(Mid(|iinrtcrH Hank watnr department will bo ex- Kxoiupl rirrmcn, Atfention. at Jled ii'auU. (Jne is fur fire mile o( MteKev Mniise ate here with I he I la 1 call and rcpnirod. Trubin':;, fi8 Broad April. empt l irenien will meet 1-Tiday ;\i it. of brer on t lie premises, Tht; Ui.hhe.. hum fail tu ;„••• tht in Trt-jU'. \V. l-.cnnf i\ A- Son;. I Curding; Jamrr; R Itiiac'tl. April M, 8:00 V. M., in tlie eoim«:i| I,. Johnson, l-liiny Snillburp, An- lU'd linnlc 11185.—Ailvcrtiannio.iit. yLrcet, Ked liank.—AdvertiHoment. mayor and council may n.-jrel any 1 Wiitcr Superintendent. ehjwnhera at (he borough | ,||. Iillec- drew Kiehanl, (.'h:n h :. - I!. Mn£i aro an ,'.1 .N Sp id. li. Al k-!Lllis I'll! Kale tllll); HtotO turt'H, oompuiied of Natlvo and Im-White street, Ked Haul:, phone mi. Hrvlt'C. May '2b The colllieil voled p water, ull llavora, malt bev- All work Kunrnntccri on any ant follow;!: \'ei y line I.'l o: IIsa: lee pi ill! 1 •! i.e.. lunclu'onetle V.Hll" choice of meat:). ported Kr(i:tf-;ot;, produce uxcollent re- —Advert iHcnn-nt. li< |i anyone who till .-c- M';;.i 1I1I. .. I'lCd.l. blltlel. ile.i- • —ta * *b~. . . _ •;uL;;ta utitl dintlilrd water. HonJ. li. ny dlaljince. Phono Hradlcy'ii, Ked Niile. belwecn tin? hu\n-\ ui !:<>() A. re[u:>e , re.iMinahl. . Phone IV.,;,",• J. I;. .1 i;iil(fi. I'iiceH lowval In year?*. I'VccJ ha: •siilrnl nl the mil- ; e:t le 1. coif. 1 01 1111K1 All lor <*» l>. Wlkoff Co.—Advertloemcnt. it pays to advcrtlfjo lu Tho UealuterJ M. nnd 7:fltJ A. Al. is prnliihitcd. not iee;i l-'oiinerly Neviuan Spun:;, (,iesn- Wo aUnday i.ulca will be jicnnUted. niciiraliiy ul Icasl a, jear. hou:.e, - AdVL'ili..cui£ijl. ...ill;,.--'U.-.uliU'iit. Pacn Two "RED BANK REGISTER, 'APRIL 12, 1933.'

11 . "i-i'?w i Pi-')?* rind /ir.'it president tap {Xieat a reminder ! History Of Old Shrewsbury Public ." "C:IIIH- -ind \\'\i\*n d Prevent- of affaira before Hitler. School Doings The decree of tho federal ministry New Jersey Canal of pests find telef^'aphs provides "i'<>n ci wt'iou uf find and Animal (hat hereufter all value-;; up lo eighty 1C c p__ . m "1 f%Hk '^ ^ht 'w^.buiy puljlir M-bu'l \,. :il I ,;1'•." r;i>h dj Hit1 written compo- pfrnniKn must carry Vonliinden- You'll Want To Go Places TilllS'ClfaW fliifil /Hi.. .. i r» I A fin-"'! for iho lius'tr,' viii-iilion tlii- .-il- .•. Minn.- in ii-' illu.-i r.itnd by a dr.iw- hui*K':5 head. llilll OfiCIjy M|II BI faVjlVlovc (o Abandon_L>elaware and ; j tc,.noon. >Schoul V/I)| ,,.„,„;„ .,,,,.,. ,; i;.- ! h;i i -vv'M nv>rv. fully explain the. Raritan Canal Recalls Hislory holidays on Tuesday innrnii:?. Api init'ii; •• i-f ill'1 cut,] posit ion; churl of 1S of This Famous Waterway ' ; f i^ usual tirm-. t ii i.- in cnj.'r! •. in;ikiii^' of a lnrf:c A fiUf^ostion was made noi loiif; • r* i • i * attendance percentIILIC f<H,i\v;i ic ;IIH1 .n;mt:ni : < >n Ki id;n- thr pupils plnntrd a white vert isin;; -to the average, American, dreds of the Newest i canal nn June ->• J*:u, pmvidrd the c—ilnroM I'f.i <•• • birch tree CM Hie loral srliaoT grounds ;w vw;jy- -):? rovcalcid hy llin lai v A. Dresses in which to gu runijrL'tin? 1 inK in .-m inbnrl wat.rr- -:.iU' from Belgium. To oacli of ttu; M) i \MI!.Y < OW."— >n Mti'-rlVi.nre .if Albcr day. - II.MI1V \v;iys py.-tctn Hint M rrtclird from f(-ur valiirK is attiichftl an atlvcilhit- Tho ICaster Bi"f\ikfabt fashionably! |, ,,nrl * Urilr t-in trot- Illi'ddr !.-!;uul In Xorlh C.'irolin.'t. Jt Third m-a<)(—Wnll infill, of the tijime *'\zc and color a:-; The Menu At our one little price l ''"'"' jfijrnii'hrfl niifithcr utjliot for JYnnpyl- t hr ; t;i nip. f;i»M«-n l'Yuit ^'Tkini! U'-w.Vl v;ini;i cnal to New York nnrl Noi'th- l-'oiirlli i'J Fair View Firemen Tim :::imo design, n Mymhnlio \'v^- Crmmi-fl Ktm^ "il liuitornl Tfni-,!. for a high quality— TJornlhy .liu-l, J);iln Mullili'- HutlT Jn.-Hv th( Mnn-ic ''iin;,| hud IIM' of :i v.oni.'it] holding' JI tihcaf'of ' M;iried dprnitinn in .183- = ;ind it. fifth Era«lti-(ici»n;i.. M Called Out Twice j.'.i ;nii, i:i used Uw I hi: 10-ccnt inir, (Milk fur (lif (Milldirn) [.•ni\-ril. iur many yenr;- tn como, thr n. 1 .SfjUll ':r;i;,i-;h ^roon, find the 'Jfi-ccntinH , j.^hippin^ problems nf hundreds of ! ^"* lllf r, CMlikrn Jli'.vn..)nn;i]il [:i;i I a mi (ir.'ilors in lumhrr, grain and ' a I-irc at a House Owned by;,,, .1(.,|Uir(, f()U1. or oncl, v.l|11(1- ,,„. I ot her Mipplio^. i Ma . Mary J-'arroll. 1 nip (lienl - 'i nip Kuyar John Bclowco Ihurtday a.i; ciuljiarinK H sliii) line, mineral k'nU'cfridl , . . , 'J'lir cnnal frvrr h;id been pprend- Ki-ym and' medieine. 1 .'iin riifcri - "blcLp*"!!'^ Moininir. t.raiiKPs ifrnon juler nu fo decades through the. only two iulvert isi'ineniM for s-hors- 1 cup dirt«[ 1 fUj) fruit ci* un men s^ou^hi a now .Miilillrluwii liiv.n. hip lir^ r-.iiniiiativ mil the ship line, are issued with olHct-ts 1 land mure reliable moans of tmnypor- Nn. I (if l-iiir View wns callrd mil Mix and chill ingredients. Hcrv(* .i:,iinn than the poor nmtiF over "^''V^?'" "•'twin- hi;! wi-ck. 'rin' [ir.-it. ,-thirm \v;\:- t ( J e 1 n SIMHH c'upri phtced on green leaves) .which hauling wns so rxprnsivr. An .1,,^,, _ ...^ i;. "' fllllli'l in ;il rli-'.t'ii iii-Uu'k VVodlu-.i- Featurinc- the new 'early as JS07 Albeit Ciallatin, peere- Virginia < •if •'• d.-iy ni-lil. Mlmrlly artur 111.' i-cmpnm Yiirj,- vicr: J.I C'rcanHUl Kiffjs on Toast 'i:uv df the tiea^uiy. ninde a study of Xnmut' •'"" ! ll.ict ;nlji,uiiifd Ihi-ir ri^uliii- si-mi- pastel shades m Li ."lit f> |>lrcrs Jint t ni|i, milU 'inlorn;il tnijirin-cnifnts under a scn- belli KeynuUls ^( '••l it lily mi-rim;:. A ;\r:\n> lire Iiml ill** Blue, Beijfe, Kohe Ui \U,L, rcll treaHUrcr .'ind ihinnUl l;lik':)< v i ;itr ic^nlutiiiri,,,,,...... ;ind « jiro^onlci,-.-. l M„,.. , rc-. '- T-I.'ilicil ;i! Kii-(.-r..-i 1 •liniid.s Omuls. Harbors si'iK'-nnt-al-arm:'. The 1111^1:1111 .-inn- lannr-1 l,y an , .i: I ••! ly hrciv/i? wir- Grey and Hand. 1 )! > 1 !<) [ I ( H 1 I imii ,. " •r. ;';; """" ' ,,;™.i-; r " j 1 i 0 is r,,- 1 Imr.l V<,,,I.H 11 .i 1 r B •mil IMifK ' The war of 1-H12 I cm- ] mi'""' i-rmipn.-r d of .Malllin (Vunar ilnra 1, •) i [ i ;r :;i:vrr:il luiii'-i's,' hut nflrr i Included in thi.s a^- c! 1 1 ( 1 M imiari'ly liallril Plan.^ fur blinding , '••h"'"""'), Sainlicl,', Jrinr Cnpl ,i ball a if In, 111 '.. wnlli the lire Wai; ] ! 1 I) i lr P . Jii' alul Mi'll butler ,-inil aiiil (lour. Mix H I 11 r it.!i .anal:-.' but as ncun as |ioa "" Ditto Mllllin.-i (1!) f puffs trimmed'with figured organdy and jilaiii Now .lersev's le^ln In, e in 1.W :l 'l(|iiartnlto, ,-(iinpi,M-d nf Madelyi, Ibe lioll: ,- bill a :|,,,n while before '>"•' "i; "'"VillK pirtun' apparatus. ! 1!n liurmul nil her ii'liun she saw lllii-kl I'l'irima l:- believed lo be the c.nly i t „ lirill, Betty lleyn.jlils, |.|,u, lre • !l,,iir J ,-^^' M!Iin-,-. : nets. Some are with detachable capes. )>v (;r!-' blaek sninke. Tin- siuouhhu-lm,' I rnlry selling advertising s.|i;icc p of ; :l Sill- , ''rnko itl . lliiiiHv; whcji Mr::. Uclowcs Mviih it.^ :-l a lil]'/. nlfliou^h Italy once 1 .Salem ereek/' and by 1804 there was '>' l^ynolds; dialog,, by Jam . t,-;,*|in,m ;,;ill ' f-'l, n,.-ll, ,1 j liv ul a (1 A(lrlhnrr 1 , ,.,||, ,,,,,l: .1,11..- J I ween New York n.ul Philadelphii., ' readm hy Helen Marv. :-taiU'! .1 enr :-tu-,(! In Hn K il on the bad; of Australian Mix Hour, bakin;; puwili'i. Halt and The Mew Jersey Nuvlgntlon company The Hhrewsbury sebo,,l j, l);.,-.'v- lUUilt'I). VJIM Ilic nimii a|-pi •iiK.'ii-. Aili! ii)ill( anil yolli:-. Ki:at 2, was eharlered nn.l a route surveyed. : i"i: '•Conserviilion Week" Ibis i in LIP ly diima^cd in I hv house. JiA'pjy •f.'i (np..\ • NolllinK ram. of II. >'"'c I11'!'"* "f 'lie upper ^r; urn, hnwevcr, w;i;i seo iched and CDIHIIU nnua1 iji^ the tlf I id h an- niiiiiK---. l'""lil in re-:,t of inui-rdl-i nivi'uaiy of Ihr death and ihr unc- •nt-.. Half fill Kirasinl tuiillin pans, In 1KH> a [iimmlSBimi was appoint- : ilcvnlo periods loinorrow WIIK' ! I'iilJlity jsilloos ,,f rhriiiiciil wile Hied I n\ t wvni -i-l h anniversary of riki- 1 r> iniiiuU's iii iiiud*-] ate oven. 6 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. i-H by ihr lojrislattiro to <]plorniinn a 'usuall' usually allnllnallllodi ti lf , iviri s tt the II) li/;!il)l); Ihe Uiize. I I route nnrl estimate the cost, of sucli ;iIlli proniuliun of nm.^rviil inn. : Irlh "I" Ujrhard Wa.uilrl', mtn- a rnnal. A year later it made ftH IT- Tuesday thorn will ]>r a -••mini t lerniany will b-sne a "wv\ • port. At tlie wunc time a second j cu.ssion and explanation ci" ihr- iu> Mri. William I,, lidivards Demi. fin Hrrics in the fall to hr MJUI al OUIIT lirraldasl .Menus joint s-tock company was avdliorized ! iiur and 1hr need of cnn!''M val imi ' Mi.. Ann !Vii(u\ -. \muiu\\viA ; i •{ \\':ii'iir]''s opera:-. llnlk Hi-,.i;. il llini.n .$100,000 for the privtlopr, hut tho j viewpoint of nai innal, as wcil a.' ] j(,n:;- I '.raneh lawvi-r :• iid foriivr'eify • I'M 11 v no.t yea!1 the :.UIH-''country stnte, needs for eonsei vat i., - money was refunded ^vhen Pennsyl- I'm- ]ir. di •d :.iidd»'nlud y l'linr:-day. A., plan.; to memorialize the Fat her- v.-inia refused to grant permission for jectF. in prcpurd'ion [or :, el.'issruiiin ! a sch.,,,1 irii'her i.'wai U .-lie jn- • llr:,iii_... .luli' the upe of t)ic JJclaware'.s Waters to conservatioti n exhibithibit , will miMuil'': || a ur urn I ci] ih<* ;-v tci l'.nd".5 p;i.--t by ail js^ of '"fninou:; )t' acqLUlilii in^ C. ul i-il Win;.' l-n-.-'l feed the canul. j pteyinration of list.; of f] wrrs and j hi y [mpihi uilh' ihr pri .-

federal aid. No purh help was forth- in.^s nf :aich plant i and HUUTIS at-' [ .,[[], ]raws -i' d'uiVii'ici' Mi- • Ada U-( T)M> j>i>i\yni\ til' Kbert, which \i;nl ii' aitrrnaU: with that of Vonllin- Nrw (ircicory hit"i"C. rominc anrl tho project was abnn- ! jn lie made in mhn' and a.^-pinl.lnl j |H H;i i-Mw.ud'' a "tr-irlu'r in' the' Loir T IJEAST^soit

rlrinnft...... j nil n chart n;v!ri; ppipri' hr-nlilir-..;.; I-,.,,,",.}", ::,',,|n|,' 'hj,.j, , ,.|lll(t| ii'-:it)in>; n:i ("IiTiiiany's kjwrr dcnoin- 1 !;il'i| ],i]i|ii!:'Otl, lire i:hirf .,( N'-i 1 Then en l-Yhrnary 1, \KV\ H ^roup :writlen c«mp'»stt ion jiKthtui: . will no loiiyci \><- ur.t <\. It li'r.i' f^'ity, Ji'ri npini-il a ^i-oii'i'',- storo j SCfitTlH t.O the WO- tif men wnn a rhartri- front the Iff,'- '"P'fr at "llis'rie Tier: ; :., , m.i that thnso ill poWfl' oensiil- al :hnl pl:»(-p in thf huildinj; luini- • "' j 11 tr.-u';. lo acJ in The \ i:0aturi: and authority to build n en- "Wood," "Htuv lo 'j'rll th ! i \d\< Ml fiin iiul t he pKtui * ol (lit t. uiintii ni circujiii J bj 11 A Walton. rial. Fiubncriptinn book^ wei-c oprncil _ man who undertakes by James Parker and Jamca Kcilnon ! nf Middlesex, John Potter of Romer-') laundry burdens at :-et, William Halstcd of Huntcrdon : and Garret D. Wall of Burlington. ' home. We can help The capital stork j\\u* Sl.fiUO.QdO. ('(unmudmc Hobrrt V. Stock ton nf you have more fun

trrfK^im-, and John II. 'llwm«:on ot • out of life! We'll do Trrnton srt'.rctary. your laundry—and if Thr1 dirrdoip cf th^ company, "Vm- duinfr-d by the f.iof. th;'t the \ozi.«hi- you don't admit that 'lure had chattered a vnilroad which- wni^, to parallel the. canal, .selected it's better .'I', Canvass While HF engineer and work . v." bej;un at once.; W11ite had cheaper.. .and v/orked on the ]:>ric can*!!, had in- spected L'.oiiii niL 1 r = of canals in Eui- time and ener- opr. and was hip lily rrc-ii'ded. The canal was to run fmm lii'.e •wafer of (lie Tiaritan at New L'liin^- gy savingdon't wiek to Hot rleniovrt o'n the J>rl-i- pay us! •ware, a fli.^lanc'e of 1 \ miif.-. WliUf! Vvcn flurtnj* these low price rhn.-i: A^hbel Welch, a yr,i;:':, wi-r, had h.ardiy renrhed hi.- ni.-n'i: !-.;••. HS Times —ttm ere it reduction in c Regular Mlui-A t'uil-fashionrd nnc of )ns iiH!- iM ;i n! . aT\'l lwr\ v^: r- latrr it \v,\i- Wrlch -who wii-; p;•• r r^-i ;n Silk Hosiery is an event—a real r opportunity to stock up on the 'charge of buildir.^ Thr car.-d f'^-i: r ne hd d l tatmnal price reduction.* Reg- ular antl .New Spring Shades i camo :• upci int crulrr. * -i n'l i r-iicr^'. ! include*). IVirn mis^ this s,ilc. cnKineei . iif ihe canal. fomc in toils-.. .in IKo'J while the \\o]): • w \\-.t fcr-tf- ! ov w;ifl in prni;;r:-- nn fpi/ir;r;:c r,{ , Api'Hii*. choh-ia, tiokr; (,ut nrnonL' W\n P r l c I: s : workmen, piim.ip;.illy r-tni^riint.s fr^m c pr.—2 pis. 1.50 a board of hraUh, ptociiu^i hr.:-pnnl ;u:cnmini'>diiti(jn:- and piov>drd -\ J'-ot- . ti-r"H iield fur the dr;td. intneA—Btittnnn replacrd—Kiorr- The canal, il w;in uppm f r,i. h-td thlng mended In nil llninhcd »crvl(*s. C p •:—?, prs. 1.09 1 certain advantage:-; mit j*n -,•(•-» y 59 any other, not even the Suman.-: L'iie. It. I'o^t *.-ornpiiiat ivcly littlr u> I'Uild. I In ittj early days it had the lai^p.-t | channel in the <-ountry w'ah tl,e r» Icrjition nf the Chcj-apciilu- nnd Do'.a- |\V;HT. 11.L- general level was- low and PROTECT YOUR FURS AND WINTER SI s I did lt> \-l!:i> | il wa;- rasy In niainiain. There vrin i few lock:-', it iMiffcrpil />w fre^lut.; GARMENTS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, 18 Broad St.. Red Bank and it lay b('t\veen New Vi>i k niid Phi la tlf lfi)li;(, the ( w<* rtiu5t inipoi | THEFT OR MOTH DAMAGE. PLACE ant ntifs of Die countiy. THEM IN OUR COLD STORAGE VAULT. When you burn .Icrldo-Highland, you enjoy all the satisfaction that only the very best ronl enn i;ivc ~-iit rcclucncl prices, too ' Flowers

"-V messengers of LEON ~\J r"\ Easleitide these lovely Cleaners - Dyers - Launderers ' U flowers come to make this a day \ of real significance. Send flow- 70-76 White St., Phone 2800. Red Bank, N. J. ^jy IJ—\\ ers foi a gift ecu tain to be ap- picualcd! h;rd - I.«ucl Oil » Patronize Local Enterprise There are polled lilies and

spring flowers, and gorgeous NOTICK. mill iironilnim hui'i'iiinruii' liarl li-ulu Noll™1 In hi-icliy I.MVI.11 Hint till' TCIU-II- iii'i-llicil. niluulc., Iviiik- iiml I,Li., - \\i\u\ to :;ivc ynur purse a break? On every bouqels of roses or assorted Hhhi Coinmitlci! "f Ihi! Tnwuiliin uf Mlil- ll.iiiiiitll tif l'liir lliivi-ii. in tin' roiily of illolnwn «ill re.-rirc mill «W'ii lilila Inr I lie Mtiiimoiilli. nn.l SI nli- uf Nrw Jfi-i y. ciilleotiiiii of Klirl.iii'c in tin' Kant Ku.-ili"- ior li IHiilioii uf l.,l Nn: I'i HI i,li 1V.II ion:, -ii din Special Lehigh coal you save llm spring blossoms. tilllK i::ulini:t: ilistiirt, lit n iiHirtlliu lit Mini of "liimi'c I'lirt." tho Tnu-uslilp Cnmiiiitlco nf tile T IIIOIilNNIMi; ul. II I'liinl in tin: Illl- j i r r - •• . il ,i » ;i:,<; ol biM'r. Nut or Sluve sizf. of Mlililktown. tc. l,c liHil 'in 'Iliui-mlnv. wt-ilm-ly lihi: of rlu,:,l mil Stitil, MII.I;;;:; April lath. l!i;l». lit. :i:3« iiVlock In Ihe •Ki : iiftciiHK-in. flDCiiifii-lili'iii'i IH.-I.V he (ilitjihirij I'l'll'lH-c 'l'll"»ui,lui:iy iili.iur Ilic" i. M'l.V by aiiplicntimi In llowm-il W. Itobortt-, line ol loL Mu. l.'i :i:i.

W. liOHKIfl'S. li:c'j,oulli>M-»lt:i-ly Iliio iif Clii'.-inui .Si itiH 'I'tiwimliin Clerk. Uily' inirallt'l uilil (In: lii'i.l fiiiii:,.' MII-I *„t SIIKRH-I'S SALF.. illilil. imeli'ii nitll Clli'iilnnl nln:H i,uc lain- ,!,,.,! IIII.I nlsly-lliic-i' fi:ct int.ri' i.r It-m It, „ By viituo of it writ of li. fu. lu mo ili- litilnt in Ilio itHilhu'ciili'ily lint.. ,,f n;iii| |, DEAN'S pl rtictcil itinticil out of Ilio Ciiiot of Clinn- Nu. -lli uf \vlii,-li lut tlii,, is a i,;,i| ; llit-m-o «-cry of tlio Stnto of Nnw Jfiincy. will be (1) wt'uluily in n «lii,iuli! lino ,,l,,,i,i. (,„.. NEW JERSEY OXIKIBCII to nulo uL [Hililin VCMIIIIIQ on ly.livn ftt-l, mill i,is liit'lici. |,i Hit: cntlli,,. HONIlAY, 'I'llli 17ili HAY OI-' Al'ItlU liiiiiil of Ilir iiiNl. t,,iii-i,i,. I'IHIII-I-M I'liirlhl*' Trlrj;riiii1i llcllvi-ry ASMI. :ii,i/t:,i ua iii.s |,ii,|,cii.- ..r I'm,. I.-..II,,, Td. 103 lulwci-ii Ih.' limir.i (lf IL'tOII O'I:IIH:I;. nn.l .ti-.. fl ill-, Illl.till ill r-.i:i ul ul lilt- .mil • laiu o'l-loi'ii' (at -:»« iiVlotl.) In Ilia uilcr- tif Tlio M.-iliihlrtr Iliilldlim iiml I,<,;,„ A\,,,,- rnoNi; HI;I» HANK :IM>. iinon of riiiil iliiy. nt Urn Omrt Ilouim in i-lnlit-ii. A .-inn,Million nf Ilic rtlnli: til M«sv Where Quality Rules. I lm IloroiiKh tl 1'ierlinlil. noiinty of Mon. Joi-ncy, mill lu In niilil hy mmitli. Nnw .Jomi'y, to milluty a flanrco of II0WA1M) iltllGHT Kliiiilf lntlt-,1 Min-t-ii ii. loan. j:i.'.. rj.'. mi. Wnii.'ii II. Smock, iiol'r. ——i. All tll« followinjj tiiutt ur luuccl of Inml RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933. Page TKreS Pigeon Veterans PUNCTUAL rcrfect Attendance Lint lor March at In a Battle loir Haven. SALES LADBES WANTED SALES LADIES WANTED Scorning the edicts oJ the League These pupils of the Fair Haven of Nations and the World Court, and public .schools were neither absent In utter disregard. o£ the observance nor tardy last month, the asterisk of Holy Year, the German-American denoting perfect attendance since phaso ot the World war was re-en- September: WILLOW STREET SCHOOL. Fri. and Sat acted at Fort Monmouth last Weell IJr-KiniH-r.i und fir.sL Kiad'-B—'Laura Ack- on a small scale in the Signal Corps er, 'Marion Cameraon, Warren Chandler, homing pigeon lofts when "Spike," •Virginia Cotiover, I.oiu Davihon, 'I the oldest American World war vet- Kniiland. Ernest Fluj-el, Leonard Flutfel, Dorothy I.iel.ed-., Donald ScrMTiT. • AH First quality eran homing pigeon, and "Rheln- Seeond ami third grndi's—Jurnra Acker HOld," the only surviving captured J.I-K11 JJaviaon, Karl Kristiansen, •llti.-in- German homing pigeon, staged a hart Sieijeek, Albert H'.tfart, 'Norman PUItE Cameron. •C,,.i,tv. Chandler. 'Jamen Con- spirited battle lor possession of a tello. Joe JIayniali. Harvey MaredluH, Jark neat bowl in the central breeding and Minton. Charles Anderson, Virginia, Ruddy SULK training Jolts. •Kvelytl lieiinett, Mary IloKart, Elcanot Itiiliitn. Hrutric- Hryljljiiiii. Virginia J^mil-h 323 E3 These two 10-year-old veterans, ac- Ila Anderson. Vinciliiii Schere. Operfa*d by EETA1L D£PT. STORES «r AMERICA, Inc. cording to Colonel A. H. Cowan, Com- Fourth Kniilc —•Munirettu Cole. Allen manding Oilleer, Fort Monmouth, HnrrnH. »;irr..-iri, Huniiriic. Annette- John- son '.luii.. Itiad. 'Alvt-ra Rhodes, M were discovered 'n an exhausted con- KiMiin*. Marl'arel. Scriinerl, Dorothy Sil- 32-36 Broad Street, Red Bank 'dition leaning weakly against the berstein, Haelie \'ariN<.t<\ .John Archtv nest bowl w,hen Thomas Roan, Army Wesley Crosier. "Willard Kmniimn, •Robrr Hudson, Kusnell Minton. 'William Jaku- pigeon expert, entered the loft last hery, Kuth MaeAdam, 'Dolores Morall week on his du parently the battle had just beyun,. The irewt^Ht novelty effecli, in all the attractive according to Colonel Cowan, for Fifth Krnde- • Kol.rrt Callinan. 'Jiay- Spring shading*. Sizes 6 to fl'/z- mond Il.T.i.on, Olot Friberu. Churle.-, .1 neither of the warrluru was i.eiiously Huron". Vernon KlnK, Itoherr. Miller, 'K Luxurious Stieer Chiffon injured, their exhausted condition neih Rhode,, Alb-n Kidae. 'Donald Sny- 3&Tliread—45 Gauge being due to their advanced age. j dei. Oorm Voorhis, Miitllicw Wilson 'ihoina:. Mount John Uussell. John Rut ThrBC arc truly glorioas qual- Furthermore, the other birds in the | sell, Corrin Feldt, Louise Lieheck, Mad loft had not attacked the loser as they elme I.ieheek. ity hose knitted of pure silk, Kuctli arndf—Kum-Hl llemiett, 'Roljerl special twiBlnil three-thread A ordinarily would have done if tiie Cameron. •Willinm Meyer. Harold l'ttcr battle had ended in the complete dc- son. Alfred Hohbim. AVilliam Knbbins. I'liu from top to tot* with nliadow leat of one of the waiiior.-f. iitlyin;; Smith, 'Holdiy Thomii*, M-»orU Aumack welt (fancy or plain) and t*elf •IVivir llenuett. <,r-raldine Farwell. Mar- ealor pirot ^«{Tf- K^^fiHrnt their docile appearance, homing pig- caret (Jailon. Virginia Godfries, 'Evclyr /?i eons arc vicious lighters and display llendei-on. 'Lois Knw. 'Iri-n,.' I.iehsck wearing for sheer IIOHO "Ititif* many of the characteristics of the flail.- Nielsen. Maritarel Ilankin, 'Norma Toe" to insure Monger wear. :-mith, June Walter*, Uarbara Mount, Win Sizes 8% to 10'/ . wolf in attacking a fallen comrade. ilr.d Srherer. 2 This .is the first time in four years, of-.enth alpi elKhth grades — 'Oscar Beek Colon : acccn-ding to Thomas lios:;, that er, Kdwin Conowr. 'William Diivison Sinokr Beige Hula lblifonahfc grains—^lororeo, ( 98 duct, I liarhara Mriiina. Harlu.i'a Olnen. fl'OATS "Spike," according to Ross, is the KNOLLWOOD SCHOOL. 25c In tan onl\—doulile brra<.lc<] stjlc IkKinners and first Kradr Wayne liar all-around 1KI| S|/ s 1 to (>• ideal type for .signal communication .», lliomta Morrii.'uii, Kriricl: I'annley, ( ticrvicv. He WXI:J bicd in I''nincf; of of dainty lace, satin and crtpc tapi to match, "SOc i.ooelh I'et.r.oo. 'Ar'.hur I'ryr,r, M far the small miss. Also dainty uncertain pedigree. In his prime he Itehru:, Stanley Davis, Kinudon fii .... ! F.dilh Leon, Mahel I'eterson. Ki lace trimmed, wide brassieres was a strong, aggressive, fast-llying ,.,, . ,.•„.,!„ n u,, i, vid sillier for the larger woman. bird of great vitality and <; Sch ct l thirrud ;l pairs tj)^n^^ nv.-r, Kohert Lundy. a.l.s—Jackson Sialte ^ ^ Dickie Dare's" for cnduiance. Theie is no definite •llrurc Mrnili 0 Your dollar could not buy more v (IJ Cbarle, Rehrit.. Che,I •v Made of durable novelty mix- .\ ^P* J assortment of plaidn, cliec k**. official recoid of", the service of this Faruell, Wrmm Pete rr Dennett, William value than these "O. K." KNEE Of exceptional quality hro:i(I<*l, elo< k of pure remarkable pigeon, but he is known John Wil PANTS. Selected materials, neat patterns and solid colors. to have delivered U'Z messages in ac-liams. ">»on — also ine<" reared several very iine young.stejs. (haw. Juliiinni> Miller. Nora Urabin. \ r i\on — als Sidc-hook and Step-in models V , •] A Including "Sunnybrook," a l'J2d, Kenneth Urnw The Special Price vvhich hrais thr. Imperial German .'.Martha Cruwfor,l. Kdna V. Albert, Hel crest. II.-ivy. Vitlui m Hi. k'.'l..jis 'lajlor. -Anna 'Mill- Hick-. Dorothy Crawford. ' Alhe.-t. '(iertrnde Hooker. Hr, O'Brien a Victim Howard, Bella Ho rd. Edith Albcri Of Circumstances PARTY AT LINCROFT. Mrs. John O. Slauser, Jr., Kntertai/js New Silk* Neic Style* New Colon A! t'.rney-Geneial William A. Kiev in Honor of Her Sister. r Acetate Crepe FurTrim**! Jackcla Dawn Blue ens has reported to the freelioldci s Mi.-. John C. Mausr. ", Jr., of Lin Sand Crepe Kmbroidcry KfTecln Dove tiray that aside from evidence of an ap-ctuft gave ;\ shower and tea for he Triple Sheers OrpaiMlic TourhrH pioj.riatiun of ieecipts of VJ'-V-t to pali.stcry . Mrs. Thendoro Carl of Rum Ruff Crepes BuilleB and Tucking 11*31 obligaliuns the accounts of fotm- son. at the Mauser residence las cr Sheriff William H. O'Brien aie Wednesday afternoon. A social tim Misses* SUa J 4 to 20 Women's Sixes 38 to 52 fire of tnint and balance perfectly. was enjoyed and Mis. Carl was th Mr. Stevens said tlutl it the Asfouiy lecip:en: of many pretty gifts. Hark and Ocean Grove bank WHS Among those present were Mrs. Wil- opened and the money [Icpositcd by liam Sevcrin. Miss Mildied Severin, the former sheriff was available the Mrs. John Mauser, Sr., and Miss whole matter could be cleaned, up Anna Mauser of Phalanx, Mrs. Wil- without difllcully. liam, Macintosh, Jr., Mrs. Anna Mur The attorney general said he would phy, Mrs. Harold Severin, Mrs. 1 consult with the Lexington Surety Frank Loveisidge and Mis. Fred A Great $iall:n Tin ! Very Xowost Types company, which bonded the sheriff, Hohman of 7!ank, Mrs. Anna to determine what action may beLongstreet of Fair Haven, Mrs. Wa] of the Mtost tleie necessary to assure payment of $u,0'iO ter Carl of Rumson and Miss Chai still owing in fees from the sheriff. lotle of Chapel Hill. This company is now in liquidation Mmslcr and Mr. Stevens said in his opinion The road to better and bigger busi- the original bondsmen for Mr". ness leads through The Register's ad- OBrien cannot be relieved uf their vertising columns.—Advertisement liability. Iu this grand collection of Easter DrcHh-up SUITS *«« COATS This special proup of Easter Oress-np The total dencii, including money Millinery we are featuring the follo^vin^ A Host of Attractive Styles Shoes is, presented as one of the linesl in the closed bank is .$2U,O11.57. Of ultra smart styles — and all the new**t*l thisj.totai $23,035 is in the Asbury «!vle-amJ-vaIun oflVrin^s ever set fortli. Park bank. Other accounts receiv- THURSDAY straws and fabrics. A becoming style for liaturcd are the new color leathers: able owing the sheriff include fees every type face. from attorneys, fees on completed Parchment, Blue, White and the Tfte High Frs Smart Jrrrgtthir and incompletcd sales, printers' fees NIGHT Ever DressY Black Thejiahhh Tar Brims and money owing from the execu- 1'iimps with lace edges and boic front, tions account. Mr. Stevens said it Clever Sailors MonU>lupr N/r« was very evident that the sheriff Specials! Bright F/otrer Crochet Uauf i S—Withsinartly fut-tri mined jackets and-tbe new puff spike heel and narrow toe. was a victim of ciicuni:itancc:.. Straw fsand square shouldered cflecls. Also new cape st>lcB. I'umhfd Oxford icith gruvstilchinp, 7 to 8 P. M. Chamois I aillo Crepeywool malcriala, silk crepe linings. Nnvy, p^-ay, dimu ( nlian heel, narrow »<><•. & l)lue. Sizes 14 to 20. —at— Petaline Visca (loth "7"' Sirup Suittlul with grey J\± Business of the COATS—Effective multi-stitched collars of wool crepe with Hitching, Cuban heel, Freeholder Board plaiH silk Ascot scarf. Also Johnny collar and mannish tuirrow toe. notch collar type's. Cx>lors: Navy, gray, dawn blue, black Tin: freeholders last week received and tan. Misses' sixes 14 to 20. Women's sines 311 to 46. K six bids for the construction of a 1.(1(10 YARDS concrete apron on the Heabright and ' '•••.. • | tan'-;,'I'm,• s;ik Long Branch road at Monmjuih COTTON ico Sets !Mo Chrmisrs 01c Beach. This work is to be done to / ^y ^ "Alicc-In- All-Wool r.hnrrn.,lt; ,n.,.i.;, , prevent erosion of the road. The low Piece Goods Wor IT Aim,-..,. |,,,r Im•. . -!>!..! i bidder was Peter D. Antonio of Tren- JiniM-.l tmtKlrnuv vitl. I ,,, r Hi 111 tinr riiil,r«i Six Smart Mttihl, /li"^*' " medallion*- ^""B filtinj; fronth, fit: ton and his figure was $ll,737.0o cYd. pantirn. Tailor, il nio«lrl- mril Hilli rir), hii|M>rl in I'astt'l Slutiit i trith CTnbro'ulcry BIIII niillni \arrn, ribt>on ((rap* a Bids ranged from that Ilgure up to CAPES HfatiLifully SIYIMI vntEi 515,405. ticl trimniHi^H* I*[tnli^ nml , M. tcitti "Tippcrary" flat* .Sirp-in «tTlr. C»U*r,; Flr-h, perky ho^v nrnl ynitl Plans for the construction of a TCIIOM. SIMS 32, .11, .1*». hlrrvt'H; ollirrfl ^lnlA)n maiir( witli ribbon ilrrnmrrn. Colors: The freeholders last week distrib- green, Anna blur and peac.u. Hr.l, Coiirn ami Skipper mM. uted pay checji.s for fioitni!.- .rHSS' ,,lk.r.,H i.illuicn < ll\ pl< iliiv^ ttul HandSterchiefs liiillon trim. All in I lie new Spring hd At l''rcchold beer licenses were is- •i c each Uule Girls' sued to John VonBargen of the STBAW American hotel, Henry Bnrkalow of 7 to 8 r. M. the Railroad hotel, Joseph a. Mur- MATS 100$ Pure Silk Til vs "B:o%o phy, who conducts a store on South . S1KI B B S1IIKBS street, and Charles Ohagai is of thi' . 79c th > I . . *f..A« New York restaurant. The fee i>! LADIES' $7.50 for private places and $10 foi [ A most attractive i love, lo tvvar Rejection of incorporated clubs. The borough ' Brassierer in new weaves j council has decided lo grant seven | and nil the , permits, one for each 1,000 of popu-' I i • 1 1 |l> .<. |-.l eoloriiigs of the I n> J oil a hue- Infirm, exclusive of clubs, r.ncnl r*'/T- VII -irr- ulations give the inspector of the Trimmed with tin ported board of health or anyone designated1 lacen or tailored wilh by the mayor and council aulhorily | LUUc Girls'All-Wool Little Girls? broidcictl fiouWt. itiitH rut front and buck. I rciich to inspect the various places for anyi Crepe dc Chute violation of local, federal or state pull-prttof Hi-aniH. Straight and biiih-up top?*. ' i PARTY \ 1IIIESSES Colors: Flenli, Tea ,-MX On Ordnance Committee i Rayon Undies Ra&c, White /• \ I • Representative Sulphin of Mala- Miirl* A *>Uort* wan has been named chairman of the I for subcommittee on oYdnanr.i- of the' |7,. •: [.., .,M House nuvnl afTnlrn committee. Illn] Splemlidly inn-< .1 (,i.i i-l Umit dercd entitle in on filrevr. muiz*% white and peach. nmieidi, navy yard and illations und .Sizes / tn 1 Size* .? to 6. ,.,• |,,ri<-rri. 1.. l.'...i,lrl-ll- Bilvalu uavv billa. Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1983. orders with storekeepers who ex- Kstelle—VanBenthujwen, Branch last ' month. Judge Truax arm, and is slightly demented, She has decided to have every water Here and There changed foodstuffs for other things. Miss Mary Kstelle of Lslcewood fixed May 3 as the data for hln trial. wore a plaid dress. meter In the borough tested. It is Mayor Edward Currie said he "has and Howard VanBenthuysen of Jules Golden will defend him. compalned that may of the metera Cemetery Officers. now in uae.are faulty, heard of 'cases where places have Farmlngdale were married recently Wants a Hearing. John W. Slocum has been re-elect- in the County accepted food in lieu of money for by Rev. W. C. Kidii. A reception Glenn L. Paxton, Freehold police- ed president of the West Long KngliBlitowii House Burned. liquor. was held at the home of the groom's man who was dismissed for being Branch cemetery trust. Charles A. Tho home of George Gray at Eng- parents, Mr. and Mis. Seth VanBen- absent from duty without leave, has Poole is vice president, Henry D. lishtown was destroyed by fire Tues- Personal Notes, Sales of Prop- Married at Keyport. thuysen. demanded that the mayor and coun- Brlnley treasurer and Maurice A. Pot-, day nitfht of last week. Some ar- erty, Building Operations, Miss Edith Phillips, daughter of Saw Blimp Fall. ter secretary. ticles of furniture were saved. The Lodge Doings, Births, Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phillips of cil present written charges against Keyport, and Flunk Terry, son of Mr. Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford and Miss him and give him a hearing. loss is about $4,500, Bradley Beach Man Dead. Cluiniplon Typibt. riages and Deaths. and Mrs. "Joseph Terry of Hazlet, Ida Freeman of Freehold saw the Pork Tncft Charge. John W. Bbyce of Bradley Bench navy blimp J3 fall into the ocean at Sirs. Phoc-be I^co, n lifr-loni; rcri- were married Sunday of last week at Steve Glenakl of Freehold was sent died Monday of last week in his George L. Hosfleld, champion typ- dent of Ki-ypiTt, died Tupfdny of last the parsonage of St. John's Metho- Beach Haven last week while it was to the county jail last -week to await eightieth year. For 25 years he was ist of the world, guvo a demonHtra- • week. Surviving arc her husband and dist church at Keyport Mr. and Mrs. searching for the bodies of the men the action of the grand jury on a engineer of the Asbury Park water tion of his speed and accuracy lost two children; her mother, Sirs. Chris- Raymond Terry were the attendants. who went down with the dirigible charge of breaking Into a smoke works. Three sons and a daughter week before (he pupils of the Key- tine Cottrtll, and n sister. Joseph. Akron. survive him. port high school. S2.500 For Dead Son. house owned by Anna Flowertj and Alterniiin. fiuinrr Keyporl coal and Water Main Broke. stealing 200 pounds of pork. Sello Stock of Shoes. Matiuvan's Boor Purveyors. himbrr jic:;!^r, li'ic'l recently at Den- In an uncontested suit at Free- The. Fitkin Memorial hospital at bold last week a jury awarded a. To Investigate Fires. H. E. Treat, who has been in the The Matawan commissioners have ver, Colorado, aj;cd -17. He had lived Neptune was without water for two shoe business at Freehold a number granted beer licenses to Herbert Git- at Krypmt twrniy years, acquiring verdict of $2,500 to William J. Carl Schroeder, flro chief of Bel- Brockstedt of Belmar, whose son, hours last Wednesday night when a of years, has sold his entire stock tins, Daniel Rapolla, Anthony Ra- considering propci ly. water main broke. Firemen laid over mar, has ordered an investigation of polla and the Matawan post of the William J. Brockstedt, Jr., aged fires last week which caused $16,000 to the Two Brothers store of that The county j-ul a! Freehold has a sn years, was killed a year ago a thousand feet of hose and supplied place. Mr. Treat may resume busi- American Legion. library, li is one <>f the numerous damage to the homo of Mrs. Anna by TI car driven by George Corbin water until tile broken main was re- Hilbeg and $2,500 damage to tho ness later. Poultry Mfirliet Robbed. innovations of Wardm Joseph oi Spring Lake Heights. paired. homo of Jacob Goldfarb. To Wed Saturday. J. K. Hauler's poultry market at Schwai it. The libraiy was started Frcncau Annexation Adopted. with a cle;-.;iTion of !it"ty volumes from Miss Myrtle Applegoto, daughter ot Bridle was broken into last week Claim Disullowid. The bill providing for the annex- lieg Crashed in Derrick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Applegate of and ton dozen eggs, nine pounds of a Ijoris: r.rnnch mill. Oilier dona- Mrs. Marparet IjOnergan, 50, of Oliver Jeffrey, employed by tho tions, iKive cilice been received. ation of Freneau to Matawan bor- Ocean Grove, and Rnslyn Jiavis of ham mid fourteen pounds of bacon Keyport, who fell and fractured a ough was passed by the assembly last Thomas Procter company on a bulk- were atolen. Shelves have l>ei>!i in.-;ulled and cov- bone in her upper arm at the home Welsboro, Pa., will be married Sat- ers put on the books'by the prisoners. week and sent to the governor for head job at Long Branch, suffered urday, April 15, at tho home of the of Elmer and Elizabeth Morris, also his approval. It provides for a ref- a crushed and broken leg last week bride-elect. Brown—"Fraley. Easter Greetings of Keyport, was unable to convince erendum for the residents of JTre- when his clothing caught in the i Miss Marian Brown of West Bel- Clerk In Fisrht Ouster Move. a jury of the seriousness of her in- By a vote ol 1 to z the Avon board neau, gears of a Bteam derrick. Marlboro Resident Dead. mar became the bride of Alfred B. jury and her claim for damages was The funeral of Mrs. Walter Crlne Fraley, Jr., of Spring Lake, a few of cdurntiun pa-:-<'il a resolution to disallowed Former Assessor Dead. appoint a IIHV district cleiU. The Freehold Buys New Fire Truck. of Marlboro was held last week at days ago in tho Como Methodiat with Flowers Stephen A. Nelson, former assessor St. John's church. Burial was at term of G>-.pis_r H. Goodrich, holder Golf Sticli and Floor Scraper. The Freehold commissioners last church. of Long Branch, died Tuesday of last week voted to buy an American-La- I KeyporL Besides her husband she (if the ol!kv. (xpins July 1. He has Hit with a golf stick by a play- week. He was a carpenter by trade. leaves a daughter, Miss Nellie Crine. Motored 9,000 Miles. been clerk -I years and he will fight mate, Arthur Eskew, Jr., of Freehold, France pumping engine for Good Joseph Buck and Edward VanDer- Sixty-one years ago he married Miss "Will hook and ladder company at a pick them out — iho oustei mow- on the )4iuund that received a Ions gash over the eye,. Caroline Smith of Garrison, New Verdict Reduced. ' veer of Freehold are home from »a lie conies \nv\iv the tenure of oflice William Keymer, also of Freehold, Xork and she and two sons survive cost of $7,200. The apparatus will be motor trip to California. They were we'll deliver them any- delivered about May 1. Charles W. Shrodes of Keansburg, and hi- removed by a mere picked'up a floor scraping apparatus im.' hit by a car driven by James Fergu- away two months and traveled 9,000 vote of the bnai-,1. , before it had stopped revolving. Part Legion Thnnlted. son, Jr., was awarded $15,000 dam- miles. where, at any time you say. of a finger was torn off, Oldest Mason Dead. Freehold llreideiit Dead. X The Freehold mayor and council ages for injuries. A rehearing re- Beer Licenses. We have a complete selec- William' E. Dcmarest of Long has passed a resolution thanking duced the verdict to $10,000. Thom.-ts Cilenson. n we]] knnwn res- JuveiUlo Performers. Branch, tho oldest Mason holding Morris Miller, deputy hoer commls- ident of Freehold, died recently at JVfonmouth post of the American Le- iiioncr, last week granted wholesale tion of Easter plants and Anne Mulliken of Ocean Grove and membership In New York state, died gion of that place for providing 5,000 Allenhurst Man Dead. the age of 5ti years after a long ill- J. Owens of Asbury Park, both eight Wednesday at the age of 85. He was John H. Kale of Allenhurst died distributor licenses to Samuel MI- flowers — at very reason- ness. After leiiiing from farming meals to destitute single men within ehaelson and Samuel Klein of Bel- years of age, have been signed up formerly in the dry goods business the past three months. Tuesday of last week at the age of he ftaned in the real estate and in- with the greater RKO vaudevile cir- at New York. One son survives him. mar, able prices. surance business. Surviving are his 74. He was a vestryman of St. An- cuit. These two young performers Garbage Bids Turned Down. drew's church. A widow and one Died at the Age ot 72. wife, Ellen, and four ciaiiKhters, Miss- are also making pictures with "War- Candidates Endorsed. The Long Branch commissioners es Helen and Frances Gleason, Mrs. daughter Burvive him. Mrs. Louise Foster, aged 72 years, ner brothers this month, The Long Branch Republican So- last week returned unopened twen- died last weelc at the welfare home. Sylvester Kolan and Mrs. James Roo- cial club has endorsed William J. ty bids for the garbage collection Poultry Farm Sold. ncy. A daughter, Mrs. George Grasberger Judgment Against Constable. O'Hagen of Anbury Park and George contract. It was stated the specifi- The sixteen-acre poultry farm of of Freehold, survives. Judgment of ?500 against Marvin W. Bray of Red Bank as candidates cations were not satisfactory and Frederic Marjenhoff at Southard has Verdist of .S4.IIIKI. Follows Daughter to Grave, A verdict of $ 1.000 against the Zeigler, a Long Branch constable, for members of the board of free- new ones will be drawn. been sold to Charles L. Warwick of was awarded to Rosina Imperato in holders on the Republican ticket. Thomas Scanlon of West Freehold Seven Bridge Rd., Tel. R. B. 2571. Pennsylvania railroad and James Sentenced to Prison. Freehold. the Asbury Park district court last died last week in his seventieth year. (NEAK KUMSON KB.) Sherman was awarded in court at Incendiary Fire at Belmar. George B. Rowland, Implicated in Will Test water Meters. A daughter, Mrs. Clara Cahill, died Freehold last v.xek. The suit was. week for the sale of some goods by Zeigler upon which she had a chat- An unoccupied three%tory dwell- a holdup at Asbury Park in which The Keyport mayor and council last December, the result of a train-auto crash at "Cuba" Lopez was shot, was sen- i Eelmar in 1931, in which William tel mortgage. ing at Belmar was destroyed by fire Wednesday morning, causing a loss tenced to from five to seven years Gant of Allonwooil, aged nineteen, Golden Wedding Tarty. in the state, prison last week by was killed, and Audrey GifTord of of $10,000. Fire Chief Carl Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. John Ijamb, Sr., of says the fire was set. Mrs. Anna Hel- Judge Harry Truax; the same place was injured. Sweetman's Lane, near Freehold, ob- served their golden wedding last big of Belmar owned the house. Girl Missing. l'orai For Liquor. week with a family reunion. They Murder Trial Muy 3. Reported ...missing is Rose Nor- A The mayor and council of Alata- were the first couple married in the Rufus Best, a Long Branch Negro, cross of Neptune, nineteen years old. wan h;\s passed a resolution to dis- present St. Rose of Linm church at pleaded not guilty to a charge of Police state she has light brown continue placing emergency relief Freehold. murdering George Sanford of Long hair, blue eyes, a deformed right

Only Government Inspected and Graded Meats and Broad and White Streets, Poultry Sold in ,. Red Bank. Telephone Red Bank 355.

BAYER'S ASPIRIN 1.00 LISTERINE Mhr I© PETROLAGAR Tablet.— 100V ". :• And Tooth-Bruin Sterilizer 1.50 Sixo— Cot to. Mint-Flavored or Plain— U-SJ». Orders Delivered at 1.50 Renault MILK of MAGNESIA R* Regular Prices SLICED BREAD 4c 1.50 ANUSOL Suppositories—I2*B CASH and Tonic BFFECT CABBY 1.00 LACTOGEN 1 IK Size U.S.P. ASPIRIN Rhubarb & Soda Mixt. PSYLLIUM SEED WHOLE Tablet.—100'. 1 lb.—B<»t BUck—In GUue Jar... 8 ox. Size OH" HALF BROMO SELTZER 1.50 MALTINE fp © PrcparBtion*, Fancy CASCARA Tablets Swift's Bottle of 100 Small Premium lb ABSORBINE, Jr Hen Roasting 1.25 Sue-Cut To } I)P' SIZE) f Fresh FANCY FRESH-KILLED 50c PACKER'S LARVEX Combination -fff; Fancy Liquid & Spray 6-ft. Size Tr.r & Oil Shampoo LONG ISLAND FRYING 50c PROPHYLACTIC 16 or. ENERGINE Cleanaing Fluid • .

55c LADY ESTHER lb 4-Purpo>e Cream 1.15 OTHINE

lb. 1.00 ANGELUS 50c BAY RUM 50c PEBECO ield Rc'i § TTER LIPSTICK Tooth Pacto. 1 00 M»nr Volt linwU 1.50KREML SdcNfcU CARB Leg a ROUGE Rump >. I R lb h| fe)(g or Necl 25c Z. B. T. TALC Boneless Milk-Fe 50c PENNEW'S Pure Ruosian r np. SStavIsig Cream Genuine WHITE ROSE or SCHNEIDER'S SPRING LAMB CO LISTERINE Rubbing ALCOHOL um3G Onr Prico—Full Pint.

.. 17c Regular $1.00 Quality From Jersey Farms !

CUTICURA SOAPy>tefSfi» LIQUID ARVON fiLUAYS SAVE Sliced Regular PIi . DAUDET i"ouraB«ri>e,.t. Armour Star Sliced^ ff 25c BLUE JAY Armour Star CLEANSING B«c».«ltl.AC.mpU BACON HAM Con.Pla.ter.


iSL"11" 1 „, ^ VJHB f: RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933. Page Five ATTEMPTED MUBDEB- daughter, Mr, and Mre. William H. PAINTING CONTRACTOR ! New Charts Issued Tlchenor. Ffltimntliii; on Insidi: mid Outside Pointing Mlsa Eva Cazzle and George Bolte Wniihidt.- I'uinl nsiiii,

ALL TIKKS KKIMJCEI) both of Kcansburg, were married by of Red Bank, died at Brooklyn at the wan were married at Keyport by calvary troop, a position which he Years Ago in and Rev. Charles E. Hill of lied Bank. age off 8811 years. Rev. A. L. Izzard. held seventeen years. Justice William Curchin of Fair Miss Rachel Taylor, daughter of Josephine, daughter of Mrs. Cath- Mrs. Amanda M. White, widow of If You Want to Grow Around Red Bank Haven, while working on the newHenryy C. Taylor of Mkldlelowid n vilil - crini e KcamK s ofSh Shrewsburyb y,, recov- Harrison D. White of Little Silver, iJiuvcmryer house oh the Kumson lage, left for a year's trip to Europe. ered from a severe case of diph- died of apoplexy. She was sixty Flowers or Vegetables • road, fell and broke a'rib. Joseph Salz was moving Into his theria and the quarantine was lifted years old. Gum-Dipped Tires Incidents Culled From The Reg- iIrs- Jolm Jennings and Miss Sadie new two-story building at the corner from1 the house. A new white helmet and a new to Exhibition Size Kklclle represented the Oceanic Prcs- Thomas S. Hubbard was chosen white rubber coat were bought for l.OWIST PRICKS. of Broad and Mechanic streets. ister iot the Second Week in , bytcrian church at a convention held The Rod Bank officials decided to commodore of the Monmouth Boat Chief John Daley of the Oceanic lire Let Your Soil Be company. April\N Twenty, Thirty and at Matawan. do the sprinkling of the town and ad-club to succeed the late Joseph 1. ROTOTILLED. Burrowes, who had held the office for Fire starting from a defective flue D. A. JOHNSON CO. Forty Years Ago. "Mary O'Brien, wife of James vertised for bids, I Kototlllugo thoroughly pulver- O'Brien of Shrewsbury, died of thirty years. threatened to destroy Thomas Automotive and Radio Electricians Raymond Doughty was appointed Cooney's house at Vanderburg. izes and acrateM the eoK, assur- Forty years Ac". asthma. She was 63 years old. Twenty "Vejiry Ago. ing tjulclt, complete germlna- 116 MOXMOITH ST., (or. IVarl .St. Eugene Kly of Holm<*el fell from assistant scoutmaster for the Fair David^ Cosby of Kcansburg wan A hook, ladder and chemical 1C niuw oI 3 )arn antl The Haven troop to succeed Floyd given.a Hyrprlse party at which 25 of I Uon und healthy, vigorous plant riVhi " - ^' ' injured iwo Oasis baseball team was re- (trowth. Hutteries Guaranteed 2 Years. Automobile Ke.vs Moth-. pany was organized at Heal. 0 his organized at Highlands and theSmith, who went to Staten Island to hi3 young friends were present. Guaranteed Service. Thone 360. which waii to be known as thRelief'! ' lingers. members formed a new club known work. I BACK, YAHDS, LOTS, HOM15 company. C. H. Mcgill was chosen u= the Highlands Stars. C. Met John- Melvin Leek of Belford gave up his I GA11DKNS or FIELDS. president, Curtis Clinc secretary, Al- Thirty Years Ago. son, Sr., was chosen president, Harry job as caretaker on the Jersey Cen- Report Made on I All lunds of Garden Work by fred Slocum financial secretary, Bik- Expert by the hour or day. - •- - •— T . , - . ,„, The ljarit;bali reason opened at Kcd N. Johnson and Dr. J. Ti. Opfermann tral Traction company line to go to VISIT a Sheffield pneteurizinK vice presidents, Grandin V. Johnson JtCcufiunablc. Carlock treasurer, J. A. Rowland .,ank belween tWQscru £ Uams jmde Pine Meadow, Connecticut, to work. McLaughlin Case You can scrub fruits plnnl. See the cure with wbiih foreman, Frank CoveiT assist anL treasurer and William J. Hunter foreman and John K. llowlund .sec- j ^''j,of members of the Alerts base- Mrs. Horace Goodchild of Mlddle- undo vegetable s but your milk is protected from Thoso on one tcam were secreiary. John Cornwall and Ber- fown was elected president of the John McLaughlin, street auperin- BEtUMO HURTH nard Creightim were honorary mem- itnptiritv. Afterwards, von won't nnd assUuiil foreman. ,. Thoma-s • Jn;i !—A'i cooper—• •--,• DicJ^'ckk StronStrongg, Burd Hancc, Woman's American Home Missionary tendent of Atlantic Highlandu, re- 110 X 51, was jhe original ,Jamcs iiubbard ^ Tui bers. The players on the tcam were Sweeney., bhop was jhe "J%rinal Jjames llubbard, J. Turlungton, Har- society of the Monmouth association. turned home last Wednesday from ATLANTIC! HIGHLANDS. take a chance on nriliniiry milk. headquarter,; lor the <*»»P™y- ry Smock, Mai Fisher, Mel Johnson, Jr., Charles Herbert, the state hospital at Trenton, where J Fred Austin Ralph Thompson of Middletown You'll buy Sheffield's and be mire. The home oX Peter S. Wilber of ' • William Conoyer. The other Mat Frawley, Arthur Smith, Phil village was badly cut on the face, he had been ill with pneumonia. He Fair Haven vvu,s the scene of a wed- team consisted of' Elwood Curtis, Lnvoie, Joe Caminsky, Thomas Tom- as well as being bruised on the body, had been removed to the state hos- ding. Thc contracting parties weie Jnmcii i'Mtzgibhon, Mart Haviland, linson, Fred Engle, Charles Clark, when he was thrown from a wagon. pital from the Long Branch hospital Klli', Mr. Wilbcr's youngest daughter, Harold Ncinian, Del Fisher, K. Skid- Herbert Huntor and Robert Johnson. Misses Addle Y. and Saldie J. Mill- and hla removal has resulted In a Says Her Husband SHEFFIELD FARMS and Augustus M. Minion ot Ucdmore, iioh McDonald, Japhia Clayton The Chapcll building on Munmouth er, who conducted a millinery estab- controversy between Mayor John R. Bank. Tile ccrem'my was performed and Tenbroeck Ueekman. street, ,'idjoining- the town hall, was lishment in The Register building, Snedekcr of Atlantic Highlands and by Rev. George L. Dobbins uf the Ked The Mason Detachable Tooth com- badly damaged by fire. Most of thewalked to Belmar to visit relatives. the hospital authorities. Lost 16 Pounds Bank Methodist church. Thu wed- contents of the building helonging to David Soffel was building a large County Adjustor John L. Montgom- ding march was played by Miss Ida pany went into the hands of a re- Schwartz & Company, furniture GRADE-A MIL ccivcr arid Henry M. Iscviug was ap-|d , went in ^ Th hennery on his farm on the Redery submitted a report of an inves- Thorns of Brooklyn. Bank-Lincroft road. Edward Soden tigation of the case to the board of pointed to look after the interests oi j flremen wcrc hurtl but none scrious- In 4 Weeks rhono Long Branch 3400* Fred Frick and Wat!.-; ihc creditors The company original- , of Red Bank was doing the work. freeholders at last week's meeting. represented lied Bank in tin; indoor John x M fe]] fmm ]add Mr. Snedeker stated in his charges ly had a capital stock of $15,000, but Joseph Asay was overcome by smoke William Morris of Leighton avenue races held ot the twelfth regimen', t Ijis was subsequently increased to died of grip. He was 88 years old that Mr. McLaughlin was taken to armory at New York. Mr. Watts en- and Robert Johnson was cut byand ^vas one of the oldest members the Long Branch hospital suffering I have never .found • medicine tliat $50,000 antl later to $200,000. glass. 'peps'(you up like Krusclien Salt* and br|- tered in the obstacle race and was'• The Crescent Brick1 and Tire com- of Birney post of the Grand Army. from pneumonia and that the author- ter shll, leiivrs you 'pepped up.' I take it The dictu^raph, a new inntrument two or three time* a wepk—npt to reduce in his dressing room getting rubbed pany was a new organization incor- The Keyport board of education ities the,re had him committed to the 1 used by detectives in obtain ing evi- but merely lo ltd good and clean My down when ho heard the startui'.-. porated by Daniel H. Applegate, Har- elected Charles Lufburrow president, state hospital as an alcoholic patient. husband look it to reduce. He lo»t 1Q dence, was being exhibited by Mo it pistol and he could noL reach the ry Campbell and Daniel II. Applegnte, Joseph G. Bcdle vice president and Mr. Montgomery's report, which pounds tn 4 WCCIIB." Mr». E. A. Ferris TELEPHONE SERVICE track in time to start. Jr., all of Red Bank. The company V. I'nch at his cigar store. The Rufus O. Walling district clerk. included statements from every hos- Washington, D. C. (December 2f>, 1932) mounding instrument was concealed To l»..t l»\ ^JJ-J ut I be hume ij«». Ktl}n Ezra Hankins, a 'brakernan, Ixju^ht a tract of forty acres near Ground was broken for a new icepital doctor and employee who wasin iihviciil imnirtlvpiK- itnii f,.-l ',.;,. in Joseph Kalz's dry gooda store struck by an overhead bruise at Cen-. Wayside whore the plant was to be plant on Bergen place for the Mon- connected with the case, was so vol-iifi urn) ynultiful tukc out half tcaM.non. from Red Bank, New Jersey, : ucross the atreut and almost every mouth Mutual Supply company. The uminous that its reading was disf>il- of Km '-hen \n J. uUx <>r-hm v.a^e tcrville, while he was standing on top located. sound made there was plainly heard before.* biuiil.fif-t tvciy moiuMw. of a moving freight train. He re- J pin nt was to cost $11,000. pensed with at the meeting and it A JHr ihsit las-tr- 1 v..-i-',.« c(j•*U liut n to our New York Office 1 The Amsterdam Athletic associa- Ly the listener:; in Air. X :teh'H store. Frank Haley of Everett imported was referred to Director Bryant B. trifle nl ,,/iy 'h uy-.ton- in the wsthl btit ceived two severe scalp wounds, as tion of Navc.sinR elected Waller B. well as other cuts and body bruises. Councilman Charles Briggs- of , two mulefeet pigs from Ohio. Newcomb for further perusal. be !.uiu HIKI Cftl KiuM-licii Suit-, the RAKK Connor president, Frank Johnson Rumson said i about time that | Dr. Edwin Field of Red Bonk re- f tn iftlurv wide hip •, pjoruiiicitt fiont. CALLWX-3300 The old house on the farm owned vice president, W. W. Swan accrc- I d'/uhle rhiti utul itKuin fen) the jvy of by William Hance at Rcobeyvillo and the RumsoR police should have new signed as captain of the Red Bank It pays to advertise in The Register. u:-;- monty bat-1. it astors of this vicinity took part. The where he went in the harness mak- The Port Monmouth po:-foffisc was church started with U-i members. in;r husiness on a lar^e scale. | robbed twice dining urn; week. On SALE DAYS SALE DAYS William A. Cole of Red B.'nk, a Jeremiah Lon;;str.-.'V one of the the first visit only a few slamps wcrc prominent member of tlifi Masonic pioneer residents ,,ff K«l BankBank , dicd't^dicdn , On the second visit the men April 13th Thru the 19th April 13th Thru the 19th nl liis-homo of heart disease follow-: demolished the safe, but missed tak- fraternity, returned home from a pil- i- grimage which gave him an oppor- 1 — valuable papers finandd poslolhcposlollice overe. attack of pneumonia, j money in the inner vault. tunity to visit nearly every Masonic Mr. '\lt .^"strfii't was born at Popular! lod<;e in thc southern slates. A sociable held nt the home of ;iml ,«•:!>• 71 ye;M\s of Hiio. Gr,orge Kdwards of Ocpaniiort .nct- The Jvivcsink lire." company decid- L'linldn ynar-^. • -BeShei-R.inn'H.inovkt'- V at Rod Bank, sold jworo. li. I-ollinK. Edward Perry. Har- | "SUNSHINE Peat Moss All Kinds of Poultry Feed sides her husband .she was survived out to Mr. Sherman. Mr. Cella open- \ ry Dish row, James Tline;;, Clarence i by two daughters and two sons. ctl a vegetable market at Scabnght. ;Bnhl .(,nl)cl.(f_ willian1 Eritton, Chcs- Sugar The county commissioners decided >ri;o H. I.oliricn of Roiford wa.s tor Mutthewu. P.nymnnd Dnw.son and DAYS" ,nsco Baled Shavings to build a new bridge over Claypit making a number of improvements , gamllp] rjoui^liei ty. Kine Granulated. Arc Here Again, ami the to ihe lib can creek at Locust Point to ic-placc thoj P'-npfi'ly at that place which j 'A ,,„.,,,, ll0uso valued at 512.00(5 SHORE DIVISION §, Selling LEHIGH and WILKES-BARRE old wooden bridge wliich had be was formerly owned by his mother- ;OWIm | by jFlcob Simmons of Hich- 1 PLYMOUTH COAL declared a menace to traffic. in-law, Mrs. f.'arnlino M. Lee. destroyed by lire. The. I 5 *"• 21' of the On neount. of the smallpox :-earc at Joim M. Den_ni.s was awarded the building was one of the largest and For Twenty-Ore Yem-a. Red liank the village ^roL-e:y stoic contract In Arthur 10. Smith of Fair prettiest in that section. Thc fire United Service Grocers of John Pv- Conover at Lineroft was Haven for ihe erection of a frame was discovered by Chief of Police Tomatoes, Try a Ton of This Red Ash Coal one of the busiest places in Atlantic store structure on his property op- CELEBRATES and I-lolmdcl township?. posite Tin- Register olllcc. While John Grant nnd family of Kellogg and Harry I-'.urrowes and Harry SmocU EASTER Miss Mclinsa Truex. (inn^hirr of Holmdel were in a moving picture Corn Little Silver New. Jersey n[ Red l.ank paid for a supper when show at Freehold, hoodlums de- COBN FLAKJES Bargain Carnival ! Henry Truex, and Ezckiel Olcott, they lost a bowling match with Louis stroyed the automebile robes and STRING BEANS Woolley and Sylvester Gootlieil ul blankets and also cut the rubber bulb Pkg. I.miK I'.ranch. which furnished power for blowing EXTRA SPECIALS! Jlr. and Alls. Joseph E. Johnson of the auto horn. cans Locust Point, wliohad recently an- The honor pupils at the Colt's Ripe Olives 2 cans 25c Standard Brand, Large No. %. nounced their nuirriape. wore sere- Neck viHagc pchoul were Emma naded by the young ninn of the com- Decker, Maudn Bennett, Albert U. S. G. COFFEE No. 1—Tall Can munity. Francis. Lester Rennelt, Frederick Vacu urn Packed Thc Red Bank resist ly b"oards ; Decker, Beatrice Bennett and Milton Pork & Beans 2 cans 9c "BAKING NEEDS" which ] Bennett. Campbell or Bitter made up their voting list.- tfe. Swansdown showed !)T>L! voters in the tiwn hall Miss Lucy Bull, flu lighter of Wil- district and tiSli vnlers in til middle ! liam Buif of Kastside 1'arli, and llar- tin 27' Fairy Soap each 3c pkg. 21c !uM S. Allen, son of Stephen Allen FLOUR Miss Ca Ilayward ^ave up the ! of Red Bank, were married at St. i-U>. Mir. U.S.G. Oats2pkgs. 9c Tuna Fish 2 cans 25c Pure Fruit und Sugar. ' Full 20-oz. Pits. Light Meat— !2-S!fl8 All Flavors. Quick Conlt or Slow. TXAGSTAtlF IJKANI> PRODUCTS aw Quality Products. Modernize Your Home Now! We recommend them most ltinrtlly for I'lirlty "nd fl Ritter Tomato Soup Delicious Flavor. Our in>tU*-d | nre 4 Cans—19 Cents. M biurdy \\h ttlDV urc Stop Thinking Tkit You beautiful. 1. Ikes and nllinr tUtwvrs. "Can't Afford It." SEASHORE DIVISION UNITED SERVICE GROCERS C| RED BANK EATONTOWN EAST KEANStlUHG Mr. Eugrnr Scliiofnne Mr. T. HerKenrl/Kher We can install Modern Fixtures at a lower Mr. Snm Blrzarrt .Soiitb -Street. Kentncliy Avpimc. MO Leigliton Avfnue. 11OLMDF.L cost than you have ever imagined possible. Mr. Sum Bijiaro Mr. J.cnli Stern LITTLE SILVER A Cor. Brl

"FOUNDER'S DAYS" "FOUNDER'S DAYS" SPECIAL! SPEOALSJ^ We have rushed from the manufacturers— LADIES" " Hundreds of these New Handkerchief .; •i ,ra each EASTER MEN'S Handkerchiefs SB»T» each At An Unheard Of LADIES' LOW PRICE ! I'-INK < IIAlUXfi' HOSE

Gf) pairs ^P*(fa

"~~MEN^ DRESS SOCKS OPEN EVENINGS ! FINE TERRY WASH CLOTHS OUR STORE WILL New BRIMS! SS/ra each BE OPEN UNTIL New TRIMS! P. M. on THURSDAY New STRA MEN'S \ and FRIDAY. UNION SUITS lhcy have that look—that adorable, dashing Gibson Girl MM; .NAINSOOK SAT. Until 10 P. M. HZ /n, each lock of the Giy Nineties I High-at-back, low-in-front sailors, 2 picplatcs, turbans and vagabond brims! Rough or smooth 1


c Kor "fOUADER'S DAIS' IlcatMifully tailored, CM; ftimnicd. A mnrvlntr. ClliriO.V OK HlilUK l--- Inn-.' FOR LADIES WEIGHT. >E\VKST SrniNG SHAUIiS

y-\ \f CQ They're "just-right"— with un- 'VA'jj ^X I usual ornaments, smart stilch- ir.g, ami contasting bands I Col- ors match or contrast with Spring outfits I

I Finest quality— I unusually hand- V | so m c t r i m - They're values that defy, comparison ! Values Interesting detail that have never before been offered to this com- and trimf K munity! Be sure you sec these before you buy. USE OUR Bowj, buttons, • ' ". \ You>ll POLO TYPES HIGH COLLARS LAY-A-WAY PLAN. scarfs, ascots! New- A Small Deposit colors, practical col- say you TWEEDS PUFFED and ors, softly flattering never Will Hold colors! saw such DRESSY TYPES LEG-O-MUTTON SLEEVES Your Selection. values!

THE NEW LADIES1 I-ADIBS1 MISSES' UIULS' GLULS1 Short Jackets Fabriic Wash I.apin—l'ur I'ulirlr. or Uriiadclcitli. Hurst tjnalilj liver Olternl. Dressy and Spurt T\pc£i. I'.VST COLOI::

Special Feature ! EASTER "FOUNDER'S DAYS" SPECIALS ! "FOUNDER'S DAYS" SPECIAL! MEN'S HUNDREDS OF PAIRS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. 1*4 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Sii'iss-llibbcd Shirl-.. Iiruudclulh Shorts. d MEN ! We know your own good judgment will tell you these are the greatest suit values For The Ladies ! you've ever seen! When we quote a price we Hun 1'iihrlcs. OMOliltS AM) STIt/VI1 HTVLI'S. •OlI'S. SHIM'S, TIV.S l.N know that it is the lowest price such high quality t''-\tta Vttlnv. al— .SOI-IU i.i;.vriu;i; iONSTUHTION—ISLII.T HIU I,OM; \M AK. S. Itl.ACK KIDS, l'.VUtII.Mi;.N I' ivnil merchandise CAN bu sold for. See ihc-se .tl IMIIiN'lS. CAJ-fslilAtf. I'l'H UiATIIKKS.

Special Features ! MEN'S MEN'S BOYS' SUITS 9-98 NEW SPRING 3 l'ANTS

eloth—Fiibt Colors. Boys' Golf Hose fair BOYS' SHIRTS 25' MEN'S Join the Parade of our Well-Dressed Cus- Boys' Knickers PIIESS With Worsted Culls tomers. Plenty to choose from in Blues, Greys, MI'iN ! These lire j;( inline For The Men ! Browns. llnvs' Slip-Over M\Ira Quulily Broadcloth, fur felt hals — <>\i'oui>> <;.\I,OI;I-. ' mill i\ 11ndf l*t>11 SWEATERS rrr-Nlirimli—l'ust t'olurH. \ , i Mwse an. Kir ure'.iltslMilut And Just In Time For Easter! It's a values >1"/ ivr .illereil. Cuiin. . Boys' LONG1ES M.I. 01' Ollli .NIHIKS MCI, Mll.lll I.I.A MARATHON I <.lt .if \ aluefi ! rj) r

r li If a y W © liPf-i ¥, f,' :>v\ u !l li '., j 21-23 BROAD ST., "Red Bank's Newost Dup.-trlnu;itl Stoic" RED BANK, N. J. -&%£S3^&^fy£3Z$Z^!i&<&l!%%!vZyi^2^&^^ ^ f age Erglit RED BANK REGISTER, APRTL 12, 1933.

LATHAM RASPBERRY R 'UAKDKN NOTES. AN OLV NKXVtiPAl'ER* The W r»Tit in 1 ••':.-! «<.l:i»t= arr direct from the mlrojuccr Atlantic Firemen eHef Director Copy of New York ledger of 1862 nil"'» rot *6iC0' Called Out Twice: ^_ ° ™«*&1*£"° *'"" PEACH AND APPLE TREES I Put more ncighborlino?.; jn rclicT i Whiln (here appears to lie little Pail of a copy of The New York •I he flnei't «e haic r.ff s"-,, ;....) i.: rru-<-.> fi.r that 5rs.U <=r tree. ce<1 (lli s Ledger printed over scevnty yeara NORWAY MAPLES Blazes Caused by Defective -'^innf,'. .SliiLr Relief Director John ] " - yc»r for a lTScivoir for 1 , . , _ , . I colt urjrcHl Monmuuth municipal re-: wutcnnj; shade trees, it might, after ago was found last week by Frank Wr h«.r «, l.r:,,,..if,,l you,,,: tlirifcy nw. I - .-« -.W" from J1.00 up. r u A Kuhl cf Wallace street when he took DOUBLE FLOWERING CHERRir.S UOTH STANDAIIH «D VKEH.NG V.\- Chimneys at the Homes otAI- )jcf (lin,cl0].;i 0VC1.scei.s of thr, pour I all, be u KOocl opporiimiiy to prop- KlETItS and PINK JJUUWOOL) »1 S-l-5 i.n.l ,i|,. (1J a picture from an old frame, the bert Bennett and Mrs. George, ;tn•.'••>- pu'p.^r. Decher Friday Night. i '";- bodies last week at Rod riank ! oationn. The Monmouth County Ex- backing for, the photograph. The u1 a- JI.HO r.l i° • nrl -7t.ri{, I'Pr W",. I borougli hall. Mrs. George M. Bud- tension Hei'vicc, court hutise, F'rce- pcr bears, ncwa dating of Decem- BERBERRY as lio The members nf Atlantic; lnn'ii>hi|> | nKin, MonnKintli county director of W. would br int rresl fd in furnisll- ber 1, 1862. ^end for cataktc fhe company we-re called out twicr j Enin-Renry Relief, presided, j i"K details nil Hi,: colmlruction of We are here eve Many of (he news items pertain last Thursday ni^hl. The first alarm n 1Vas (he first meeting of the new reservoirs, .J the Civil war activities. The was given about ha)f-pns( ten o'cUivk. state relief director with aclrnini.-lra- * * * IHUHT5TOW.Pi, N. J. Italian Garibaldi pledged THE NEW VOGUE ! JOS. H. BLACK, SON & CO., Soot in the chimney of Ihc house tn,^ (,j- emergency relief in the coun-1 Home onr has said 1 be time to himself "strongly in favor of the occupied by Albert Konnctt of Van-; ty. I prune i.s when the knife is sharp, North as an opponent to Slavery." dcrburg had caught fire. ! "n seemp to mo that we h;ive a i If die prunin;;- of :-h:idc i rees t:an- 'The United States sloop-of-war Sar- A number of '.be members of thr /.,,. hruadcr and more vital task than! not lie comiileli'd ilurinK the ilorm- GRAND SLAM company had to light thi blaze atoga arrived at Lisbon on the 17th l:ty le feeding, clothing and huus-] t'.nt .season the dead wood should of November" according to a Hpecial : utt.ii ell in their br.-l vi itriinfy lie removed nrlicnevor it ia 150 PATTERNS clothes firemen are member.: dispatch. "MeClelkm'ts removal You iii'rtl not ^v»nv that (tlis • < \ jiossibh^ to lind the time regardlcsa caused depression in American se- Grand tihiui will ii lilu) ;i huim 1 by the tree. plains that the '290' recently launched house tor the play of "The Midden. shin—it can not riilc up—it move* »li Guest." which is to be given'for the! was not for the use of the Southern The only w.'jy to nialtp n cut. in 3'ou do, then hiliips Iiatk in iiunitiun. benefit of the prange, when the alarm J ( Confederates but for China trade." was lunietl in. The live at the FSPII-J pruning whel IHT OH a l;ifK - t;hadc (cci! or a aitinil /lowering burh i.s to "Fresh eggs continue very scarce nett liouse \vtis put uut before much I and | preserved egga arc very plenti- $2.49 & $3.50 damage was done. \ make it. parallel witli the trunk or ful. A very wide difference in price the remaining liranch. This ^ivcg i the consequence. Fresh eggH, '22v 70 uri' Regular Price A short lime later t.hc firemen wetr. (lie new growiii un opportunity dur- : called out by another alarm. This [ per dozen. • Limed eggs, 17c per Ashnrtnirnt of New* ing ihc ^ruwiuu :iwsoii tn fold over dozen." 1 W3? for a fire at. tlie house at Colt's j the i'ut jKH'tion. .Slylcs. All Paper Trimmed Free. Neck owned by Mix Ocor^e Dechor.' "Whiskey is in pood demand but ' A ilrfcetivc chimney \v;is the caune.! (he market is hardly HO llrm. Halon Expert Corseticre in The owner was nut at home when I'fohuhly the vrvy hr:-i ! iojr to of i.000 barrels were made at 33--J Central Park Lawn Seed 12ic "' the blaze broke out. Her daughter,; pruno u Ilowerinj; Im^h, Mich a;; lilac, to 30c per gallon for State and Ohio Attendance to Fit Mr.c. ErUvartJ Uniber, and the lattei's ;;no\vb;ill and hyclran^ca, is imme- product." Every Figure. driu^htcr IjOrniinc were, awakened by ' diately following blooming, if donn ALL PAINTS DRASTICALLY REDUCED ! the smell of'smoke ;il 1hi:i tinio the owner not only lias Holland Society Officers. ; .-in oppurt unity Irj remove sumo of The (ire W;IK a stubborn one !o tiic bf.-nniij; ^V()U(.i bul fo cliniitmtc Two Monmouth county men were Jiglit and it recpiired more time, tu c utircly dii-i'-iisert or wealt growing louoreU with olllecrs in the Holland put out than the one at Mr. Ben-: bi anclir^. Jocicty of New York at the 48th an- ncU'n.- Conoid ei a bio dami^c wus . • * * nial meeting last week nt the Hotel Astor. Harold V. B. Voorhis of Ked KLAR1N'! donr to the Hit ohm and one o'f the Many bnnif-owners wonder about bedrooms. The furniture was ah-" Hank w.'itf chosen our. of the vice. Specialty Shop ( Ihc advi.-iability of ii: ing both wcll- presidents, and Judge Henry K. Ac- "A paint lur r\vry price and purpose" damaged. The loss is partly co\cri ii i uttrd m;i nurc U\M\ concent rated or by in.suranrr. kei .son of New York war. elected 61 Broad Street, mmmcri'iu) t'eri jJizcrs. 'i'o answer treasurer. 39 Monmouth St. Tel. 3838. Red Bank. IO11N ( Ol 1 Ihi quest inn wr wuuld say that in RED BANK V./ Buy:; t*an make extra pocket, mom I i n tit ill^ every instance- plant:; ui* j selling The Hcgi&Lcr.-—Advertisement 111- f Ihr pi ople un In OUl ( ,!( I: rt s do ixiUcv when tlit'ic i.s an It pays to advertise in The 1 oil ikclii d \\i ,i, d, 111 n \M ! 11 ibund met of humu.-s in the Noil. At indi\ idu ll \\ itu (i <. [lit L limn. tin ime time an oct:a^ional appli- tion a J> i it ion imbi md loii_in^ < itum ut i uunnciuial fert ilUcr which is -\ 1 hi i^ the ])ll 1 C Clf e Ii n i-> <]UiiKK available wilt helj) . lo \\O1 k om /nn n i In < t lo mi hniuMr the plant or treo. Katural- ht ii -tbii \ou in I J h 11 not fnl \ < 111 hoi iii I ;i fwnyn bc oxcrcii'iCii in u i 0jiipi i u i i It HI hm ll 1 n ii th< i) r nf ehrniical;;. Thrrr. arc Steinbachs Great i in not inii u ti n in, hut ll o i o in tn ^nod coiniiKM'ciiil products bom I'lil i icti lo l,ui K - foilunate on 1 h< m 11 kcl w]iic]i cuu!d be used Dress Up For EASTE! ( nit i stikd lint Uto burnt of UT lo n]\ ini t ic if 1 }ic liirncJions on ni'n J) [ ( nici ^LIK\ i L 11 f id mm Him \(ih:r;TXu tht; Howrr lOVCl" ill a i \ oikr i (Jit cc M\ t on< n < il \\ i^ K1\] i (] t(j wow ;-prd uf many v ii h I ut iii hm., nn in of ^u ti n i i< r of the ]K 11 lmiii 1;:. In Hpile of the Easte Stetson Hats to tIii untniplo\od but ck of ^un diinc, we fmd that some In the New SprliiR Shades limisiif as tciiiblj, inxiJUh that m i ot t))t / ctls have not only gennin our work we shall ah^'ii -with ;i.ted but have thrown out small our:selve;; every agency at hand—the leaves. Certainly plants will churches in your communities,, the have ion] over those 5.00 7.00 10.00 fraternal organizations, tlie civ re al lui^'f not as yet been i'c club.--. Ihi' wumi'ii'r, i lul.i.i and'the vri- ' (Sen Our. Special at S^.KO.) •••*••* * i-fans' oi'^aniv.iit ions, aiul st inml:i * c them to co-operate with ufi in ikun,^ thin more, personal and equally im- ruch ]>cirni}i;ila un ciuy.^tJntJicniiJiiis Continues Till 9 P. M. Saturday Evening portant tiling " t-ne of tin* licit W!tys to pack the :;oil around the plant, is by tlie~'iise 'I'D the relief admin is- of wain: Where possible it is n.^ual- The most extraordinary store-wide sale in several seasons enters its Manhattan tration workcis he t;aid: "We nui.^t ly. to leave a depres- last days with thousands of thrift-wise shoppers taking full advantage of its be* courteous and gracious, even :aon around the newly set plants to \V)K.'I-C J! \s dillicult. We. mu.--l al^u timely savings on all the things most needed for Easter. Shirts £ive tliem a cliance to gather and 1 i-iiii.'iid.jt'v the v.\'cv increasing finu- hold an ahunda nee of ninisture, New stripes, CIICCUR, plaids And tional strain under which people ^ plain colors. carry on lodny. We iumi, i ekjtbini;, nheltei- That is what we Lmirino S< nt iu l'rison. Here Are Some Of The Most Exceptional are organized [or. Tboie is ^mc- Anthony Laurino, who was impli- 1.65 to 2.50 tiling mom that, we are called iipun cated in tlie dirfotderly house charts to give—something of ourselves, of which resulted in tlie trial of An- 'Parade' Values! Gunrnntced I'a^t Color pat ience, mulorslaudin^ sympathy, thony Garonc; and Isaac^-WooIIey, human kiiulncss and fri lo :-\nii; ); "When we tlo that, but)] through week for one :md a half years l>y ' WOMEN'S EASTER HATS Old clothes and gloomy faces didn't get us- the, emergency relief administration Jud^'e Harry Truax. Latin no plead- anywhere. Brighter, better clays arc com- and liirou^'li ibe coHateral organiza- ed for one more vhuncc. Uc .said lie Mannish briiiuncil cfli'd\ nioiv feminine luiin--, tu:!\i;i- in Broadcloth Shirts tions of which .-I have .spoken, tlie. was afraid 'Vaniethinj; will happen versions., .the new 'Gil'Sun Girl' sailor. ( )f i,,iuli :m.l liiu- ing, so help them along. word 'relief will t;ike on. new force up there." rcfrrrin^ to, the pri-nn. Blue, Tan, Green anil Whitn. and new meaning in New Jersey." hnwtwt to.^fiJird in behalf of the and novelty fabrics. Dress up and cheer up for Spring. You'll Colt, is meeting pM of nninjci- state in ihe 1 rial.s of Clarone and pal directors and their deputies at. j Woolley. be agreeably surprised to find how little county meetings Ilirou^'liout the ' skite. .is one of hi* initial efforts luj One u! the ciuii:);ost ways to find „ that new nutfit will cost YOU. make the emcrgpney relief ciilminis-I Job is to »' in The ReKis- WOMEN'S SILK.-DRESSES tratiun a peisoni.l" mul^ivur. and i'"'", WiUlt »ci»^'»cnt.~Advcnisc- Afternoon and semi-fonna! circles, n\ !K\IVV CI..1,^1, -hecr i';ejv :uul ,- i) wilhin the st:itc-wido (,it;;iniz;ilion, In! frosted roui;h weaves. . . all intended to sell al higher |':ia'-. M/e- Easter- biinK nlmiit a(kliliun;il ft-ionillii-.c.-.s ; 1 1 (o 44. and individual ronsidcraliun in the | SI0COM.I l''l,OOK Neckwear Kuppenheimer and Others Bright, c'hccrfui culors to hai- Despite the new nuini/c' with that tmtfli. liils ri-rfcct in Adciuliincc fm i tQX Ofl WOMEN'S NEW FOOTWEAR 1 jlimlh <>1 March. In UR iK'w Sjifinu shades—uxi'ord, banker 1 lixdusivc 'TowermuiJes' pumps and nxfnrJ< in all Hi./ MII.UU'--t wr- 55c to 1.50 1 and silviT-.L'roy, tan, rn.^et and brown; also * Tin' liill "iwin;t j• uJ>il riT llir Unni- - sinus, of .(lie new scavin.. iJevelnped i;i line le.illiei- a;iil ne ,::l (Src tlie n^w rainhow hues Hun J»ublic :^l)oi>].' W12I perfeel in at- ' tones. All sizes. new effects in |daids. pin checks and striped nt $1.00.) tendancii in Marrli: .. j KiiMlcik'iiru-n—1 rank li mend. Knyniciml Mfi.n-r, \inlnn .\im.-ljijj . H'llJuni (iar- flannels, ili-lhi. llrnjamill Ii-lm, Ko:. ill 1 Kraii<—n:ir)vi Alia.-, I™ Hill, PRICES HAVE BEEr4 \\illi:im MctUio. Atnlrcw Albjmu. Kli/.nhi'l I, $ to $ 00 1)III;,JI, lilizabclh .Mainr. .Mam-lla Jlacln. WOMEN'S DOESKIN GLOVES Interwoven lu: h. REDUCED TO... 14-75 30- S'Tou,) KHHIV- ~.U;isy di'aping fabrics. Uiiajrk, linnly Wviulini. Curmclii ; Exide Batteries have always LITTLE GIRLS' COATS .f,.hn-,.n Sanill.'l Ih.ima Mai.r-i. One to six-yeair coatcoals of cheviots,, tweedss ;inandj ili;i.'<(iii;idiagonal weawweavess in navy $h ffh P* l been the true thrift batteries. $ • I • ''.iilur regulation and1 dressdressy stylestyles botbuth hcconiin,liccoiiiin^ anandd practicalpractical. AllractiveAttractive- JjS X» «% .75 l!;i. Ilail.a .a I >r\" it Nai jii-o-. Hi-ny Hi'i-h.n. .I ,Jin-IJIJist The riewly reduced prices lv lined. 1:..-..l.--li.-,,..,: Aiiil.-i clnnl.T. -••—••-.- ..s.Kr:oNU KIXIOR . lani|i:ilillll.!!. Arlhur Mur- make the economy of Exide IVtiT,. III.mi I'ri.-I.anl, Itolii-rt n. 111 ii- ll.i-.ilil VaiiHrunl. 1I,.])ITI Wil. Batteries even greater. Ili-H>. .linn- llimiiii. Mnriim $29.50 .' ll.-in.l. .Hart,,,-,.: l,,-,,|,m 1),,,^ .li .i-iiliim: I'ulli'ii, .Mary .Scnlzo, SILK LINGERIE ' c'"''! :-.-.:-I,I|, u.',-.,l,-.|-:.l«ai-.l l-iunpaiu'llii, Al- AT Gowns, slips, pajamas and dance sets of line French eivpe. . . all silk f'-'-'l "ill, l-'f.-iiik I "••i.i, WiMi.-,ni l-ayluii, and in plain tailored and lace Iriniined styles. Good ian,i;e ol wauled lanli^ l.,-anii .lanir, I..-,,,.,:. |.ani,-l Mur. t and your old battery The Famous "TEX" Line: l>l..-.. ll....i.r-.l I'l-ii'l.iir.l, Will.iir SIIIKII. liar. sizes. '•I W. I, All.i-il I'I.II..,. ,,n. |1U||. Mrlli,,!,. 1.69 I':: .-,I,,.H, Mull.-,. I',,,,,-, if. :H..,|',,. 1,,,,K- For those lo whom low first cost KirtKT J.'LOOR : "Woi.-t.ed-Ti'X" >lil- 00 il I'lI Boys' and Youths' 11, r , ll.i :/li. Ki-ll . C,,r.i ISi.niiii,. Kuth- is now the only consideration, 30 wo have the now Idex—built by I tilth ri-i.,1,'.. |1|.|,:,I,1 Ap,.!^-'',!,-. l-;,l,vn,-,l •li'l,,."... I..'..IIIM- Tho Electric Storage Battory Co. •':,.•:. Muiiiliy. I WOMEN'S CHIFFON HOSE 1 ,,iui'l',l' iMl'l'l!l.'i-li!'i!!l 'I'lir'sVc'r ''Kiiit-Ti -'." \ii"ui-a T 00 r.'l.'i- EASTER )-'ull-fasl)ioncd stockings of pure silk chitfon witli lace run slop at the ((lilts-— I ii Ms and (.ire 25- -,l,.l, Our Service Car garter welt. In new light tones for wear with liaster costumes. itMla M:,.-,., FIRST KI.OOK. 'Sa.\i";-W, ,v,i .-till 00 SUITS "•;!• 20 Is Always Ready W'-.Jj.J.-J-!-'!] /alia l"-v.-r, <;-,,ri I'aUciiird uflrr Dads—ami II..lliu Melt.1,.- "/•••• l.i.nir, I.IMI Imill for wr\irr. All-uncil Call Asbury Suits with n*« in

< <>mi>r< I.s I'.mlilllininf; COIIIW. Park 4000 J:y"";- ''• I'"V. i< f Mr. and 1 .50 to .75 IWi:-. .Ian,' :. 11. 1 i,,y ,,f Ki-y,.„,•), lia:- If you arc unable: to shop • '>>l• i|il>.I•-.I ., .-inn-, c II, I!,,, M,;AI1H- John Hansen Steinbachs Easter Pariuk1. <>£ J. KRIDEI I''C -,li,i,,l nl einl.aliniin.,,, si iidiKllinf Keel Banli. wc" "-- "" will I"1 .-i.'worlatni Sales in [icrsonj Joan Emory Phone 637. willi ,l,,l,„ ]•;. liny, Krd Iliiull flllicnil 42 Wcsit Front St., iliri't-tur. will make selections for you. ASBUKY PAKK The lirid In lieltrr and U-Vrr l,u,,\. RED BANK "i-::: lf-|d;, ||m,,u-|, 'j'l,,, Urni) ,.l\s lut- M'lli-ini; tlumiiAd BED BANK Au Ideal i'lace to Live. THE KKGIKTER-S PLATFORBS, Located on the Beautiful Broad Street to the Ultee .Shrewsbury Hfver ooe hour Sewers ou Every Street from New York, and provid- More Parking Space ing every city convenience. RED BANK REGI Sidewalks AJong the Highways Issued Weekly, Entered as Sccond'Cltus Matter -t Ibe Pout- Subscription Price I Ooe Year $1.60 VOLUME LV, NO. 42. offic« at Bed Bank, N. i., under lbs Act ol March 8, 18?», RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,1933. Si i Month* 11.00. SlnffU Copy

Arrest Three On ! Cooking School TO Till-; 1TIVL1C. Women Democrats Democrats Flay Information has coino to The Several Charges Here Next Month Itcgfatcr that u party lias been Aid The Needy Assessor Bray! representing himsHf ^s connect- Three-Day Event in Elks' Audi- ed 'wfeth Tho IWgihter and 1ms Large Assistance Provided for Former Mayor White, at Meet- Stale Police Nab Youths After IJCCII boHciting nusiitChH men in Attack on Aged Man, Holdup torium Will be Sponsored by various part* of the cuunty to Unfortunate Families at Red ing Monday Night, Says Jug- anl Theft of Automobile— The Register and Westing- "Rree U> pay for a upcciul adver- Bank and in Other Parts of gling of Assessments Has tising feature. In HO me cuees the County. Martin Griffin Identifies One. house Electric Co. (h« party is bald to have asltcd Caused Rote to Rise. State police attached to the Mid- The Kcil Hank Register will spon- for nart payment fur>Uila adver- The welfare committee oC the George Bray of Red Bank, who last dlotown. township headquarters at sor a cooking school III conjunction tising in advance. Woman's Democratic club of Mon- week announced his candidacy for Largest Banking Institution in Monmouth County Will Ilcadden's Corner early last Sunday with a demonstration of electrical No one but i\ member of The mouth county met at the Elks' home the Republican nomination for free- morning arrested three youths who appliances to be given by the West- Itrgittter'n staff hay any author- at lied Bank last Friday. The wel- holder, was criticised for hJa oHlcial reside in thin uection and charged inghouse Electric Manufacturing ity to Koliclt business of any fare work done by the club was do- actions as assessors of lied Bank by Resume Normal Business At That Time, them "with several crimes that have company in the auditorium of the kind and for tho bo who arc un- scribed and a report was made about former Mayor William H. R. White been committee^ during the past few lilkn' home, Broad street and Pinck- iK'^uainted with them they can the recent county meeting at Sea-and members of the lied Bank Dem- month f-. ney road, Tuesday, Wednesday and easily produce credentials. It bright. It way atatod that all con- ocratic, lnaguc at a meeting Monday The prisoners are Stanley Pirgoski Thureday, Hay 9. VI and 11, to which any htraiiger KUIICHK business of tributions of money, clothing and the Red Bank Elks home, Federal Authorities Sanctioned the Reopening of the Bank for Unrestricted Business of Campbell;! Junction, Krank 35"> the women of this vicinity arc in- any Kind for The Register tho fuod received by the county welfare "La:;t fall, aa an opponent of Mr. lfnnki of Hfadden's Corner and Nur- vited. • public Is requited for its ovrri committee during the winter had Bray for the oilice of assessor, t stat- -^Yesterday Afternoon—Sales of Preferred Stock Completed inan Brintcr of Fair Jlavcn. The In addition to a demonstration of benefit to abk for hlb authority | been distributed to needy families in ed at a puolic meeting in the bor- crimCii thry are charged with com- electrical appliances, there will be to ho solicit. j the towns and districts represented ough hall that Mr. Bray could do Last Thursday Night. mitting include atrocious assault and lectures by Mrs. Bertha P. Howe, Most of Hi is soliciting haa j by the club membership. Plans were nothing as assessor "iu iower taxes, 1 home economist, who has been ee- I made to raise money to take care reminded my listeners at the time battery, holdup, robbery, larceny ut ii been done by telephone, the par- The Second National Bank and amount to now, but later on in th& curcd by Clyde W. Mason, local man- ty using the name of Gray. If i of the poor in localities which have 1hat lhe tax rate ^of the borough of car ami breaking and entering. Mar- j no representation in the club, Trust company, owner of tlic lnrge:;t meeting when just that amount is tin (intl'm, .service stalion proprietor, ager for the Weiitinghou.'ie company. any buBlncbs man receives a Red Bnnk depended upon the hank in Moiimouih county, will re- i Mrs. Mary K. Jonca and Mrsamoun. t Unit, was ypent by the govern- 1 needed to finish the job Leon Reus-* identified Pirgoaki a.s one of the men Mrs. Howe has conducted cooking phone call (Jf this nature it is Beer Licenses unit normal tomorrow schools an'd given demonstrations in Jumcb R. Wolcott of the Red Bank ing body of the municipality and ot .side, tlic chairman of the depositors* who bad attempU'd to hold him up at huggested" that ho detain tho morning at nine o'clock after having committee, will smash that box open. many stales and wherever she has party and have someone- efsc on welfare committee reported that 31 the count;/ un'i state. An assessor, liin home on pet.ei'B place recently, home viaita were made under the at Fair Haven brrn on a restrict c JJruwcr of Ilcaiiden's Coiner tele- as 1'hc Kegistcr has been willing to was made and distributed. A cam- except through tho instrumentality irrdny by Fran It McMsihun, presi- Mr. .McMahon the mysterious gift phoned Ktuto police Saturday night sponsor. paign will be made in May to secure of the oflicialssm charge of the bud- $25 and Bond $100—Other , und conricivaLur .ot tin? contained therein for himself and tho anil told them that uhe had heard another large amount of clothing to get. Public Matters Transacted. :i lit bonding the bank LO reopen lu- other bitnli directors. .••:crearns corning from the rear of her Mrs., Huwc says: "I look upon be sold at a trilling amount to un- inuriuw morning; "U'e have ^ot a regular banic home. The .state po)\cr. investigated every cooking school as comprising fortunate persons who refuse to ac- "LaKt year the members o£ the The mayor and council of Fair Ha- Wabhin^Luii, u. onr. from show the housewives of lied Bank plied for 35 families. Mrs. Jane j per cent reduction of assessment Fair Haven road was turned down , .opening the Citizens National hank * Jeoi^o Clark, an attendant at the five and vicinity the many advantages of son at the Players* Boat Club Garland reported that home visits which wus placed in effect by our as- because the place would be located in Thid is the best news .lied Bank|,,f that place. "And are we going Corners :>jrvice ;;'.ation near Midtfle- electric cookery. The automatic con- 1 at Fair Haven. had been made at Scabrighl and [ sensor, but which failed to 'get bya' residential zone. Councilman Ar- nun deceived since ihe economic Uc- to do it'.'" he ;jhkcd. "Ye6" came the trol on tho Westinghouse electric I the county tax board, town village, C'J'irk ;;'<'i!e*i that lie that food had been distributed. Mrs. thur B. Sickles announced that all prcssion he^an four years agu. unanimous response from thc can- liad been held up and robbed at the range is only one of tho many ad- The Players' boat club of Kair George Hawkins reported that the j "This year further economics were applications should be made to Tuny More than $0.0'JU,OUu owned by 10,- [ VJI.SSCI.;. "And are we #oing to help j effected by the school board and the vantages offered, by thb cooking de- Haven will formally open Saturdaits cluby- | Fair Haven welfare committee • has Hunting, chairman of the police com-| OtHl depositor,; ha;, been frozen? a nd - (he Broad Street National bank get pojnt of a tfuu. The hokl-uj) men, 1 three in number, he rValed, made off vice, f am going to tell Mis. House- IHJU.SU for (tic season used its funds to supply^ cod liver ( council. By reason of further Jug- mittcc, who will then make liin icc-out. of use mure than live weeks a:> reopened'. " queried Mr. Schwartz* wit.ii M"» and lit.-s icvolvcr. wife about'Kiavor Zone' cooking. With night of this week. Prcparationsarc oil to undernourished school chil- i gling of assessments, however, the omniendations to the council. Thom- a consequence of tho banking lioli- j '"Yes" came the unanimous answer, ifK historical hack ground dating being: made for a gala event, as it dren. Mrs. Lorctta Dunne of the ; lax rale has gone up and not down., as Calandriello of Fail- Haven road day. I -Then thc stock selling began, prcf- Clark told tho police that the Uiice- result of this so-called re- men drew up to the service ntation back to tho Dutch settlers in New i:j the intention of the club to start was granted a wholesale beer license Buoinessiiab languished, unempio)- need by displaying on a huge black- Amsterdam in the seventeenth cen- \ ductioa of assessments has been from Deputy Commissioner Munis ment has increased and various oth-lboard thc fact that $42,149 was need- in an automobile. One of the men off the with a bang, A fine Leonardo Democratic club reported nothing. Briefly slated, if our gov- "covered" him with a gun and an-tury, the story of 'Flavor Zone' is in-entcrtainjnent is being arranged, that a card party had been held Miller. '•v bad effects have been felt. [ oil to complete the quota of $1,500,- triguing, and one which fires the im- featuring a dancing group of eight ' erning bodies reduce their budgets A iinick improvement is. looked lor [000, showing that'51,457,851 had been other luok the money from a cash and that the proceeds had been used i the lax bills go down; if they in-1 Mr. Sickles reported that Hamil- register. They then drove off. Clark agination." Rills in nautical attire. This group for welfare work. Shoes were sup- m a result of the reopening uf lhe rJiscd. "Whu will reduce it to an | create them, the taxes go up. Noton S. Battiu had notified the bor-Kink. * oven M-.0007" asked Mr. Schwartz. managed to note the license number A feature of the ;.ci)ool ,will be theii being, coached by Tony Hunting, plied to needy persons and other I so-called •reduction of assessments' j ough to discontinue dumping ashes of the car and gave it lo the police. distribution of gifts and the award- ulio knows his dancing if anyone charitable work was done. ! can change this picture, and anyand rubbi.-h on his property after police immediately communi- ing of prizes, •which will be made pos- doc;-. In the group are Roberta Hc- Mrs. of Middletown town- I claim to the contrary ia intended to May 1. Since the notillcation Mr. cated with the departtnent' of motor sible ihru;li (he rn-oprrntinn of a .Knirht, MiMrrtf Keller, Evelyn ship reported that $30 had been | tool the 'public and nuUiing clue.'1 Sickles has obtained permission to vehicle:) at Trenton and ascciuiined number of the prominent merchants Poolc, Marion Jeff erics, Corinne cleared by a party for welfare work } Plans for a pig roast and picnic to, use the Moller property lui thla pur- that the car bearing that license of Red Eank. Wekh, Margaret Long, Grace Min- and had been used for shoes, stock- ! be held during the latter part of this pose. He said it would take at leajjl number was owned by John Appen- This will be Mrs. Howe's fust ap- ton and Aileen Patterson. Music will ings and clothing for the poor. She seven years to Till in the land. Let- p ! month or curly next month were de the amount iel, R. I'\.U 1, Atlantic Highlands. pearance at P.ed Bank and home be provided by Larry LRoa and also stated that thirteen dinners I made. James A. Cuiiey was appoint- ters of thanks were ordered sent to amount of $4B«,W0 have .been placed to The troopers called at the Appcniel makers are advised to plan to be athis orchestra, who have been en- had been provided for unfortunate ; ed chairman of the committee in Mr. Battin and Mr. MOllcr. the bank since March 1. S'lOWO, which was the signal foe tho Elks' auditorium early, as the families. She said another card par- Due to Friday, March 11, being t of these sales wnu made last k, closely followed by JEd. von- T'ho tioopers then began u search novel features, which were so popu- boen secured for several unemployed scriptions of stock. Only one other roads »;rapod. The matter of tlu Thursday night at tit. James's audi- Passion Play canvasser secured a greater number. torium. Kattengell. ' ' for Pirgonki after obtaining the as- lar last year, will again be featured men, that numerous articles of cloth- road superintendent giving tea per The Xoung Men's Christian aaso-* tiijtance of Policeman, William Fix of this year, together with other events ing had been provided and that the I Members of the club mentioned him cent of his salary to the overseer of Quick action was taken after that | as a prospective candidate for the cialion KUDsciibcd for stock to thq Middletown township. The youth was Again Tomorrow for weekday nights. | balance of the shoe fund, amount- the poor was left in the hands of themeeting to (irijjh all the preliminary i* mount of $500, following which found in a rcadstaud at New Mon- Thc following letter has been j ing to $44, had been^used to buy; borough council next year. road committee. clerical work necessary for the ie-there was a flurry of selling which mouth. With him was Frank Zielin- sent to all the members of the club: [ shoes and stockings for unfortunate Bills amounting to S731/J1 were ot •prl I Third Performance to be Given hU ci skii a nephew of the a^cd man who Tomorrow Night in the Red 'On account of the strenuous times i children. paid. The amount, included salaries - [™}* ™ , b »S completed to- j w™^. Richard KTOX" the larg« had been attacked at Ileadden s Cor- we arc all experiencing the board of I Mra. James Rogers, president of Mysterious Hole tiny . \\ init*JJI iij. rusiui, ii iiiLiii uui the and poor relief bills. Hecly B. Tuthlll, day, b. lister, a ™™^ Itbt depostior o! the bank, with $140,* ner. Bank Catholic High School trustees has decided, at this time, to ! Regular Women's Democratic chairman of' the tinance committee, of the linn of Applegatc. Stevens, 000 in the savings department, then The two young men were taken to is.^uc to each member of the Play- \^ub of Asbury Park, made a report ; In Vacant House foster & Rcurioille, counsel for the Auditorium by the Alumni. 1 a thanked those who have paid their .subscribed for fifteen shares of stock, htate police headquarters for quest- crs boat club a paid-up due card I »o"t the work of the welfare com- tax bills early. bank, made a trip to "Washington which at $200 each amounted to ioning. They Ilrst denied taking any Tomorrow night at nine o'clock the for 1933—1 ' "'Jttee of which Mis. Ivjns is chair- Mystery surrounds the finding of a Councilman Henry A. Friedlander Monday night and attended to legal Su,000. She had previously used moro part in ai;y of the crimes accused of third performance of the Passion "Knowing some are not in a po-jman- •she said tho committee had two-inch hole in the foundation of reported tint the special police will details connected with reopening" the than $40,000 of her $110,000 deposit td but, according to .state police, Pir- play by the alumni of the Red Bank sifion to pay their dues, cither in j Paid water bills for live needy fam- the French manor house on Rumson bank. buy stock. iliPS nad lven keep a close watch at the dock the goski admitted that he and Zielinski Catholic high school will be pre-full or in part and as the club is a : - 6 clothing to four road at the foot of Harding road. coining summer. , .o ^ . -. be flying at Red Bank Herbert Edwards, who had been had attacked the Jatter's uncle upon sented in Die school auditorium. Two j The house is owned by the Harding tomorrow in celebration of thc bank non-profit, organization and tho pros- J children and three adults, had given A letter from C. Frank Bordcn of : rjanipulating the blackboard figures, learning that lie w;ia in the habit of performances were given Palm Sun- cut membership is all that can be !a basket of food to a family of live I estate and has been vacant for a Shrewsbury offering to renew the hfinjr bade in bu'riiii'Ci s""O}T~'att~iin"rp- relieved W.Seh warts and his talic cuiryU)£ inrgc amounts of money on day and wore largely attended. Tho persons containing enough provi- j number of months. The hole was group accident insurance, policy tav It has been suggest was quickly followed by a subscrip- masterful manner in which the cast desired,, it is fcli in order to keep lii.-i perjjun. ihe membership intact, those that sions to last thirty days, and hadi drilled through the wall about a foot thn lircmen at a premium of SIS".50 cd that the • t]:ign be displayed not tion of $1000 from Alfred Lichtcn- The p;ur after attacking the elder portrayed the. characters, together helped to get stays of thirty days above the ground and a few inches was referred to the lire committee. only in the butiineyy ycction but inslein and subscriptions of $2,000 •with thc-iatlistic scenery and light- can will pay something on account, from a window. Chief of Police t'Yi'd thn whole community. Ziclin: ki had not remained long thc. balance to be paid "Whenever a for two families who were served more from various other persons, onou^h to rilie the man's pocket for ing effects, was something nucly with dispossess notices. The Asbury Zieglar and several other Little Sil- The meeting Thursday night WHS which with that made by Mr. Llcht- seen in these part:-. membm- can. Park committees secured an invest- I ver residents made a thorough inves- fear I hat. his KCreams would arouse "This is your club. We hope you Ope Beer License not the largely attended which enstein, matched thc subscription of the neighborhood, This year i.s the secund annual igation of a tuberculosis case which tigation of the premises last night, lias boon heJd to yell .stock to reopen :ri!;000 made by Mr:i. Fox. Thc or- will accept this card in thc spirit resulted in the patient being placed 1 but found nothing else out of order.} (he bank, but it way by far the most After this attempted robbery, police production. Several tableaux ami it is intended and earnestly request At Little Silver chestra played "Over There," Mr« one act have been added to the in the Allenwood hospital. A ci •- I entiuiiiiiusf ic, Tho attendance was Lichtcnstein, bought several othec :;ny, the pnir went to the Appcniel that you patronize thc club not only 1 residence and ton)< the car. They original play. The additional act con- siderable sum was raised for wel- The Little Silver commissioners smaller than at any other meeting blocks of stock during the meeting . at its weekly dances but the in-fare work by a card party. l'"our FAIR HAVEN LIBRARY. which had been held for- this pur- •then proceeded to Red 13ank, where sitting of two suencii and three formal gatherings during the week." lasi night granted a'beer distributor s Tliomas Hnckett, the orchestra they picked up Blister, and ' then tableaux j;avc a short story of the persons were referred to the over- license to Citcrclla Bros. No action iose, but it suon became evident that Kader, showed a fondness for war- 1 Tony E. Hunting, seer of the poor for help which was Over Three Hundred Hooks Circulat- hose who were present were "docr.s" planned the- robbery of the Five Cor- happening. ! in the palace of Pilate ed in. Four Days. - was taken on an application for a time songs throughout the entirs after the Crucifixion. . It is the am- President, given to them. The club obtained ind not merely "lookers on." Fur ners service station, which they car- Leo Hayes, beer license from John Jensen, who evening and perhaps that was what ried out successfully. Thc Appcniel bition of the nlumni to Bee thi3 pro- medical aid for one family and sent Tbn Fair Haven Free public libr- has a refreshment stand on the road .he part they came prepared to inspired Mr. Schwartz, who is him- car was found abandoned near the duction become the Passion ptuy of Secretary. five quarts of milk and groceries to ary has riiculaled over three hun- do their bit to put tho bank "over the '' a veteran, to tell a ytory about the same family. The club will re- to Occanport, Tho fee is $10 up to Pino Tree Inn on the Neptune high- Monmouth county. dred books in the four days in which May 20 and tlio bond $UW. A dele- top." A steady downpour of rain timt that he unexpectedly met way, near Eatontown, and was towed IN BUSINESS 31 YEARS. ceive another box of clothing for it has been opened. The library, ivPpt, away ma ny who otherwise Mr. Hnckett overseas while In mili- distribution within a few days. , gation from the Methodist, church, would have attmded, butd(v>pao the to Wolfs garage. - which is located on Fair Haven road with William 11. (Jarhart, Si-., as then- sxivicc. It was a very humor- SPRING DANCE FOB CIIL'ItCII. •I. C. renney Company Celebrating The Monmouth county club's wel- next to the lire house, is open each inclement, weather (>00 or more per- s(ory and i t caused a gale of The gun that the- trio took from speaker, protested against, the grant- sons present. 1 (he [servtco station, utittc police say. This Week. fare activities will be continued, al- Tuesday and Thursday from two ing of any beer licenses. laughtoi . was found at the IN'CW Monmouth It will be Held .Saturday, April 23th, though Mrs. Robert Scarburgh, the o'clock to five o'clock. Thom.i.s ffjK'keH':-! ocrhestra pio- i-oon thereof!or t)ie balance rc- at Bcllord, The J. C. Penney company, through Miss Jane Covant, librarian, de- •ided inut-ie and just before- thc stock ihed tu reach tlic i[uota "was 523,- roadtftand, •where zJcHnskj and Pir- welfare chairman, said that another THE ItKOAD STKEET UANIi. T ifs local manager, C. A. Norris, takes lolling vn in pa i;, n brj^aii thr mtisi- *."_1.v«. A few niinulCH Inter it wan re- goi?ki were picked nj). The guna A spring dance for the bcncllt oC the seventh page of today's issue of meeting would not be called soon us sires to thank the following for their which they used in holding up theKt. Clement's church of Belford will sho and Mrs. Jane Garland, assist- contributions: Rev. Dr. Kcnnerly, •ians played "(Ice, Hut. I!'.s (.Ire;it to duced to Sl'0,000 due largely to a The Kcgister in announcing its 31st Rcupenlng riiin Expelled lo Ik All-Meet a Friend from Your I Ionic gas station were not found. be held Saturday evening, April 29, ant welfare chairman, will attend Mrs. Marcellus, Mrs. Crozier and llounc-raiu ivir. lated and approved by the bank di- ,g fnr (heir Itoinc town. l.Jti! ' 'Sclnr;,; (.• nrnnd jury. Pirgnnki was churned MisH Minerva Kulnr, Miss Amelia wide organization, which now oper- dress in which she thanked the com- "Wlu/ll buy jl.000 worth' rectors, but it was stileit by bank of- l>;iyi- Arc llcio AKaiti." was of sturk with atrocious assault and battery, Wentwortli, Miss Doris Tarnow, WiJ- ates 1,-f74 stores, the first of whlcli mitted for its work. Hhc urged all Legion Auxiliary Mi'dlng. hi- ,-iskod. ficials jestcrilay that it would ""I be Illp Ijivmilr. It \\;i. hold-up and robbery and larceny of liam Scelcy, Harry Schindle, Harold was started by J. C. Penney at Kcm- her hearers to help make successful pla>fd froijiu'iH "1 will," ;us:.\veriMl I.ei.ior I^i^ncr. The regular monthly meeting of made public until after It h:nl IJCHI ly wlinnnvt-r syni|it a car. Zcilinski was charged with Jelm and George Lcddy. Music will mercr, Wyoming. the card party which is to be held ms f:m>rable to "Kine." said Mr. Schwartz, as ho attempted hold-up, robbery with a bo provided by Frank Decker. at the Elks' auditorium at Kcd tho auxiliary of Shrewsbury post. [.'Ksaed upon nnd accepted by thethe c;mi(>;ii);n dovclujird and il iirvrr niotionr.l Mr. Ileu-ssillc tu get. nearer Mr. Morris, in talking with a Reg- No. 1G8, of the American legion will comptroller of the currency, llus fed- failed tit prodm-r1 uutbui:!.- T hand- '^o the sledge hammer. "Now who gun and larceny of a i:ar.t Bristcr Bank Wednesday, May 3. She sug- ister representative about the anni- take place Thursday at the Woman's eral reserve board and the chief na- clii|iplni; :uul cheer;;. j will buy anothi'r Jl.OOU worth?" vns charged with -aiding in a hold- Tho Hat Granddad Wore. gested that part of the funds raised up. . versary, said that for 31 years his by the party be given to the county rlub at 2:30 P. M. Attcr the routine tional bank examiner. It is expected "Allleiira," [i'd'l>> John T. hawlcy, ! "Uh. is that what yuu'need'.'" asked A hat of the vinta£c'-6f 1833 is be- company his been steadily forging welfare committee to be used for business of the auxiliary a program that an important announcement mis Mine jiifi bi-fdi-i- llu 1-Uirlv Hrll- , Mv. KiMier. "I'll take the other thou- ing shown by Philip T. Jianninc in ahead, and has kept pace with the charitable purposes in lucillit iP."? .not under the direction or Mrs. Tony wit!, |..f,.iij lu lln, -p!jituro Eighteenth Satur- the leading; style of a century ago crease in thn cost of merchandise to as tin.- " •;\ Icoina n." Mr. St-liwurt/, j Kll<'d i nil lm i'd. ju: I like you were day VntKo at Olubo Hotel. file customers and eni|iha:!lzcd the Women's League Meeting. tor!, and the fact that the money of «H worn by the dandies of that per- Foresters to McH, all these people has been frozen nml scarcely • (-(Mini any introduction, so filing Old Man Depression for a iod. Tlio hat is in exceptionally Penney price policy of "Tlie More We A regular meeting of tho Wom- The Independent. Order of Forest- uften has he served in this rnp'tcity ckoiit." ill rrutcci Mr. Schwartz. An okl-faalitoned roast pig dinner Buy, The Less You Pay." Mr. Hor- out of use for more than a month will feature the dance at tho Globe pood condition and i:; attracting en's league of tho Presbyterian ers will hold a meeting tomorrow has had a very adverse rffrrl upon not ,.niy [or the St'i'onil Nat iotial Mr. KiMK-siUe did as tin was told. much attention. ria has arranged to keep the store church will be held on Monday, Hitnk ami Tt u:-t company but also l>ruu^,hi the slrii^e hammer down hotel Saturday night, April 15. Thiti open tomorrow, Friday and Saturday night nt their rooms on Monmouth business conditions ami oilier eco- will be tho. eighteenth of those pop- April 17, in the social hall of tho street. livery member itf requested to nomic conditions at Red Bank nml fur thi' Merrhauls Trust •omjiany, with such forec a., to cause a wldo 1 nights until a lato hour in order to Presbyterian church. Mrs. Arthur which rcrm! (y reopened it.- bank. ;.-iping hole in the ltd of thc "mys- ular affair. }. A door prize, table prize 1'lilluthcu Culm Sale. assist the pre-I^astcr buyers. be jjresenl. The Hl;;h Standing com- vicinity. Thi:i delay could not be pie r and (lance prize will he awarded. The Phitathea society of flic liup- Mayliew, tho newly elected presi- mittee of Newark will be present. vented, due to unavoidable Ii'. :. o[ Mr. Schwa rt sl.i I'tcil t he proceed - teiy lni.x," Thru ttie i;untents worn ir\. .ili'.J, i-njj)].j i.-in:; sul>.--i:rlptionB Hilly Tinnier, ur> usual, will act as Although thn j. c. Penury com- dent, will call the niortinj; t.o order. After the iiiretin;; refiTuhmcnls will time in the appointment of a i-nu- in^;: Ity s(:t(ir»- he •»:)••. K"in^; ti> lint. church will hold a calic sale on for . .les of Muck tit the^valur of ni.i.'ilci' of orronionic.'i nml tho af- pany has been in Ited Bank but a"Presidents' night" will be observed bn served. scrvaloi- for the. bank, bill i! is now-y.r\ iMlnii|J) ,-!' U ;ol,| to lrnpni tin* •Srilurduy afternoon, April 15, be- ,M.^.OOM .»ii. I a hime key symbolical oC fiiir will bn under the niaiujgeincnt tween thn hours of ten o'clock in few months, Mr. Nunis stated they and the presidents of the various hoped that speedy artiun will i-nsnc. hank of the :."•IM'OIHI National Dank were well rileasi'd with the appreci- a ud Ti u.l ii|';i ny it' In' hail 111 krep tin •rim : j. n r' the IMHK with thciiQ of Joo Tonilitmrm, Urn niorniiiK imd ono o'clock in tlio church hocietic.i which tiro lo I'lu,V<:rH' Auxiliary, This hope Is felt ii"i only by lln: de ation shown them by (he buying pub- rvciylM-dy •..I'Mt in tit :-fl ll'fil Up"ll it nrternoun, in lhe Schwartz, iitorc repjTHonfrd will tell the. work positors of I lie bank but by tii.'tiiy lio - (/online; Churtii Supjirr. vation Army chapel on Linden place. ralu-s -11»<-, anlilets ,'ic pair. 1,-idliV urchcttla played l'arlt, foi* (he benefit, of the I'asioru' in approximately 13fi months. The (Jive dad a linx (if Oil hiss or Til- pm shorlly after ei<'ht u'rl rk Mild Tim hidic.i' aid sociely uf tin; New On Sunday morning Capliiin Uceilu; iliu- Aims for lOiistei. I'm-h'.-i Cih'iir rci'iiliir T.'ii- slips :111c, luidge binips 1 I'p Tioiil.le.- Ytmr-OItt aid .sui'ioly of th;jt churi'li. Red investor in Class "!•>" shares pays $li it was nvcr at li.i It-pa: I HUHoV.locU. per nionlh for about 71) months. This Mouniouth IJiijilissf church will hold will tall; on "Tile Uenlily of the store, Denise A Swiinnell, proprie- $1, Kolcx HI.-, ralniollvi-..M>np fn-. la- A y.iei inn.. ln.»L iuj.; h and a I'aillCresldt'til:i wlm (IrHirn to iitlend also matures at .$111)0 ]>cr share. ii. lifly-cent. supper nt lhe chinch nli" tors, riroiicl and Mccliiinic, streets, dle.-,' niyim midi''.. "•'"', ll») wall iniiy bbtiiln ticket:) from Mm. Victor Kcd l'.nnli. Ailvcrlisciiii-nl, Mar.cla. li'iillis l!I)''. I lundml.-i ..I sp,- lleav ;.|ed;;.- niln h; p i'HMi m .h'lit v.;*.-. und'1! grivit nmolioiml lnrlcor of RecUlr:i;i place. —Advertisement. W. W. Ktiniiody * Nuns Illlln I'lillo IHiurnr, :!,r> <'clllfl. and fl Hlorc.- Advci llsc-inml. flnnf fit Mi a|l • "111 Dial lvh'ii )tr nio.'V h> j.pryJf. Hitt Hunter I'IIIIIIN. arc olfcriMj; cvcrt;roriK>, all iii/.ei ch -ill/ "1.. a i;ifl Ihn rntiill Irade at wholesale pn At Katsln'a (.'lit Itiit.r. Druj; Mtore, lm\," ••aid M lii"!;i' .'". >'ial hnicit during hfn U'H llui N« iiltniiitf Timt tUnmiu. l.nrgc variety: Iciwnil in ices on tin Miititnr riirdH In n. grout vnrltity of On account, of the. hrinUiug ulua- Hen ll;i before buying elsewhere. \V.V llllicheiinetfe. Yuvif clKjice of nienlrf, 'IVIIcj'h I'or I'liisl'T *"nrel-.. I'M- Mi', M-M - oilier dl- di, 'uin I- ! l*i nuld he cuultt azaleas, hyacinth.;, tullpii, Kapler lil- There's no llolid.-iy wln'ln cauls :nc bank and l>MTl|dion.- II> MU' c.Hpif,\ifi hl:t uppre* distinct ivn licnthuent.s, exprefitiinf; tlon tlio discount period in ttin Ited es null nnrciiiiiiiii. In mil bloom Tor W. Kennedy & Komi, llnnlmi; road, tllleo vegetables, bread, butter, doti- lertois df ih ju:it what you would Uko U) (>ay to Bank water department will be ex-lOusler and at lower than present P. O. box i'7, lied Bllttk.—AtlvevttHe- nrrt, tea. eolTeu or milk. AU- for 35 moie it})lH(ijjriatc than at Kustt'r \\>v j-iefrniMl tocli iiiuii n the tu-wlv II in (lit: }it-n|)le of Hid Uiink your filendii or any momber of your tended this quarter to the I!6th o£ day economy prices. All on display merit. cuntn.—Advertisement. lime. Kenltor joy with l'iastcr cauls. oi'|.;a lii/.eil ( )Vi'r I li Top club, which viriniiy lor tlieir action. Ha family. We BIHO have a huge nmartr April. in front of inn- ,,|.r,rp n«itrt.lntr Thurs- They are dclighl fully small and pn-1- will be tin* la ded to make up I Hi it ;ln> Utliln: t |.prf,l WOtlt't Afuthi'r'H Iravorlto Knrilrr Pnim ty Ilil" year mid wr lull" plc.-i.Miir in I nn'iil nf ffrnnthif.; t-iirdti for all occn- .latncii N. Bunell, day. Phone •.!«!«). 'We deliver Na- rriihln'n '['yliewrller IIradi|lltll*ter». Hula icoj rn th nplovii to ^rt (his bank r&* Mte lip. li'lonilhurnt Klowir Hhopp,., Typewi itci M rcnleil, houeht, iiiihl l'ci|lli-slin!: \OII to cull aud nial.i lilonii. Ail Krali .Shoimc, lUul Uunk. Water .Superintendent. tional In:, JOc und U atorc. 1 I'aiiU. W le not o 111: • . t»-:i \u,t •I :» • .pii. My ,r |M,.,.,lbio —• AUvci'tifjumcnU —Advertisement. tlscmeuL Adver-U VVlilto utrcol. Keif llii'iilt. Advcl- ajtfj inpiilifii. Trilhln'n, iiH ItrouU earlv selection. Tetlcy ;-, \'l r. UiiomouL, street, ited Bunk.—Advortluomcnt. ttrc'cl, Red Hank.- AdveiUiunnen liuW MUK'll I lie.-: bull liii'nv huw UJ thank ^uu^ II \ Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12,1933.

be held at the Reformed church on O LEON." Second National Sunday morning at 10:-15 o'clock. Meeting Of The Garland Resigns Baird, Richard Smith, rtolston Easter Services It: Thc church school will present a Farce to be Given by Middlctown Wutrrbuey, Thomas M. liopslll, program at the evening service. Mrs. (Township Senior Class. Opens Tomorrow Edwin C.' fiilland, Jnmrf imncll, i Wallace Rankin is chairman of thc School Board Seabright Of f ice committee in charge. The members ol the senior class Theodore Labrecquqe, Burl. M. Deck- , Bank Churches of the Mlddletown township high <>*• E- Albert B^'arl. Cardinrr S. | A program of Easter music will be Two Important Letters Read at Borough Collector Tenders Res- aid. "I ho day we can school al Leonardo will give a three- '. • • n vrci-itinn in some bet-' faring, Joseph W. Child, Kenneth given at the morning and evening Session Last Night—-Cant Buy act farce entitled 'Listen to Leon," ignation But Action on It is !','.r%.-™1|lK!n1'thc''iimde Charles A. Minton, thc new prcsl- The resignation of T. Wesley Oar- v-lun 1 l-.c Imnk examiner (old me j Karroir, Albert L. Ivins, J''rcd S. Those who will lake part arc Wil- will be the pianist and John Ebner • dent of the Red Bank board of edu- land as borough collector of Sea- this inn:-I I". ilrnir. 1 told the examin- 'Hayes, Albert S. Miller, Edward i cation, presided for thc first time last bur Leach, Adolph Frenchman, John bright was received at a mceting'of ,vc 1'iiuW raise Jl.OO.J.000 and that I O'Brien, Alston BccjUman, Mrs. Catholic Churches—Sunrise Service Sunday. the violinist. Inl the mayor and council of that place Friday night. Mayor William R. Fowler, Kr., expressed the opinion that the council should not accept the resignation at thin time and up- on his recommendation the resigna- tion was laid on the table. High water pressure fuf the North Beach section was assured in a let- ter from the wau;r company. The Miss l , t g letter stated that a aurvey was re- j.nsh towards a chair. Lovett, Harry Malchow, W. G. Man-,er people of thc churrhe.". in con- to the board in which he expresEed pi-p.-idr breaks the news that Christ has j Compton, Mrs. Irving DeWItt, Miss there are contests with cash prizes cently completed and planu have "l vr cruii In-i-n ordered around hy ] son, Homer C. Methot, O. R. Kralnz. : junction with thc Yijimjj Mm':* the opinion that the board la not l.anl! prei-idents." he said, "but this ; Eev. Edward W. Miller, Augustus M. . Christian association, have planned sen. "I Maude Sherman, Mrs. George tVU- for ticket selling and poster making. been approved to re-enforcc the Jn Uie fourili scene Mary Maffde- liams- Mrs" Rac Turkington, Mrs. authorized to buy bank stock. The present six-inch main with an eight- i: ihc first time J ever ordered one jlIinton^Theodorc D. Parsons, Ralph :(o nold faster sunrise services, letter was aent in response to advice lene tells a group of- villagers and- Edgar Tcrhune, Miss Gencvicve inch main. The letter stated that rf thrin around." There was u pen- i lV:uce,'>Maurice ^Schwartz. Mrs. ; A union cnmniun ask'ed for by the board. It ia ae tot- Die disciples 61 the viuit to the tomb Conijitou, Mrs. Anna Bray, Miss 7,000 feet of pipe will be laid and lows.' I of Christ. The scene reaches a cli- Susanna Holmes, Mrs. Letter Smith, Lions Convention will provide aiJcqimtcj piptsure for sopranos; Mrs. Kate Hose, Mra. Mil- 1 thank you for ponding mo ,n copy ! four fire hydrants. Councilman max ay the resurrection dawns on of Chapter 83 of the Laws of 1033. l 1 do villagers and in one voice they dred Morris, Mrs. Harry Compton, While it authorizes the board of ed- - Program Ready 'James P. Thorscn stated there were cry, "He lives!" The story of the Miss Minnie Carhart, Mrs. George ucution to conBent to a reopening; of | seven hydrants where the pressure resurrect inn is retold by Mary, the Larrison, Miss Hazel Larrison, Miss ;i bank or consolidation of banks, Sessions of State Organization to was low. lie t.-iid thi-m: hydrant.-! mother of Jesus, in the last scene. Emma LaFetra,. Miss RTary Ella etc., I find no authority for it to In- should give at least l,W)0 gallons a Oakley, Miss Lois Rogers, Mrs. vest, its fundw In bunk stock and am be Herd at the Molly Pitcher minute. The orchestra will give a special of the opinion that same cannot Helen VanSarit, contraltos; , John program of Easter music. Soloiata legally be done. Hotel on Friday, June 16— Arthur Axelson infoimcd the coun- Chamberlain, Charles Rogers, Kelby will be Mrs. Chester Stupelli, Mrs. Yours wry truly, Women to Participate. cil that a petition has been prepared "Wardnn, J.-Russell Woolley, Arthur C. Iieedie and Miss Catherine C. J. Strahan, requesting that Ocean avenue for a John Ebner, Vcrnon W. Rose, ^Tol- Assistant Commissioner A tentative prog rant for the htate Gonklin. Mrs, William CarValier will distance of 600 feet south of the ncw vin Morris, Harold Cadtlington, War-' of Kducatton. convention of Lions clubs to be held bridge be changed^ from a residential Smith is a retired Methodist clergy- be tlie accompanist. Piano selections i , _,. T „, . , ! ren Palmer, Harry Compton, George A letter was read from Charles II. on Friday, June 16, at Red Bank was 1 ,-;-••( i ub:;t-'iibcr for the pale of man. to a business rone and that a meet- needed while everybody ! The oflices of thc real cttate agen- by Mws U West and ; WUf!ini!,( basaes/ Elliott, commissioner of education, announced Jast night at the regular ing of the zoning board lu hear ob- C OI Howard JJrcvoort. i h- iril -jr.d ."-houtcd V Allaire & Son, the law llrm of There will be a special program of The following program will be urging the board to employ teacher.s meeting of the local club by George jections and suggestions will be held Tin- "Ovrv" the Top" club was 'Applcgate, Stevens, Foster & Reus- Easier music ,-md sermon:;. Miss' Conklin will sing "I Find No j given at the morning service: pro- trained at New Jersey normal J Eray, chairman ol the committee in Thursday night of this week at the 1 Slx di-iBinated by John Bucklin, one of Isillo. and thc Young Wen's Christian churches and thc Salvation Fnult With Him." Mrs Stupelli will. lutiC| ••Resurrection Morn," by John-'.-schools. The letter follows: J boiouKh hall. Die*" stork c-Inva.-fers Its contribu- association were reduced to skeleton ; | charge. ton;; anthemn, , "Alleluieaa to thehe Jving,"Jving, ) jn nmploying (cache rs fnv the next P ffo r the entertainmenit t off the J3. Wolcolt J'Viiv, borough clerk, lion for the reopening of the bank jporportions as a result of employees ! [cliorall l Bocietycity;; organ offerinffin g ae- ; schoohll year, ii ttrust t ththat every boarbdd wivca • of the dclc^titea will be made reported he had received $230 for «s much larger than Mr, Buclllin of these places being used to further | lection, "Lenten Prelude," by Battis-iof education will benr in mind the at a meeting to be belt! shortly by plumbers' and beer licenses. Tile nr thc most sunguinc Fiipporters of the bank reopening campaign. , hill; anthem, "Now the Winter Days possibility of securing woll trained a committee of local women headed plumbers' licenses were issued to thc club had dared to hope. The club Are Over," choral society; organ teachers from the normal 1 by MrE Jack nohrcy. The meeting .schools and teachers' colleges. Four Carl \,'onover, J. 10. Harvey and jiu-mbfrs consisted largely of can- postlude. of tliotjo institutions, those located at will be held ui Mrs. Hohrcy's home, James F. Miller. Ilk-hard Jordan Ul llVDt IIIDLIIUIIUII, Li _(n- they have been -welcomed by Red Bank Man's In the evening thc following pro- Glaasboro, Paterson, Newark and! and Samuel Dilllonc received beer Mr. Schwartz's statement about I gram will tbc given: organ recital, the! the reception committee, the dele- Jersey City, are engaged ! licenses after the special meeting Jc-:=c ]lo\\-land being thc star sales- Parapliasc on the Easter Hymn," training of teachers for the elcnien- gates will be taken for a boat ride Thursday night and live licenses man cf stork is backed by facts. He Will Probated hy Nile and "Alleluia," by Diggle, tarary schools. The .State Teachera' ^y^'il the Shrewsbury river to Kort were issiu-d at the spi-cial meeting. turned,in 110 subscriptions, of -which collcg'e. at Montcluir prcpareH teach- 1 Mrs, Willcy; anthem, "Psalm 150," — ,,. ,w,-, — — - - ^-_ ------— - Hancociiilll^V/LJkV antill d-* backLff-LV,j\.< ThlA'i'a »tri pi- » is The borough collector reported a f ji d 1 i hih C choral society; contralto solo, "Bc- ers for junior and senior high ],eduled l0 take place at balance of Sl,8I!!.'j7 in the New Jer- who Zell iAnthony W. Cristiani Left Es- j fore the Crucifix," Mrs. Taylor; an- schools. At Trenton, teachers arc o'clock. The executivo' committee. In sey Trust company of Ling Branch rtock. One subscription was for 75 J: tate to rus o»tcr> and Broth- 1 preparod for the elementary Hrhools, meantime, will meet at thc Molly ; Idem, "Praise My Soul, the Kihg ot and $43-1.81 in the special trust «c- per cent, eleven were for fifty per 1 for the various special llelds and /or I the mean' era—Byrnes Estate Goes to { Iloavcn, ' choral society; organ, vio- otel. cuuiit. in. the SiiihriKht National i-ent, J.!vc wcrq for forty per cent, high school teaching. I l'ilcher h , lin and piano, "Meditation," from New Jersey has made every effort j At one o'clock a luncheon will be ibank. The borough had over J1.00O live were for shnres of $1,000 and thc iin the Seahriglit b.uik when Ihc im- balance were for smaller amounts. Thais", by Massenet, Mrs. Willcy to develop a system for training | ,Civcd a.1 the hotel after which a Anthony W. Crit-tiani. \vho died rr.- and Mr. and Mrs. Ebner; anthems, teachers which we believe l equal | ^f i session will be held. Oltlccra jtional bank h.ilidii.v was dr-f-iared. Jr. talkim; with a Register reporter j . " ncd Bank, mailo his :j ncss ( pntly at \ Bk d hi ill Ride On tn Majesty," by Nevln.and afdfof ^,eci"on"andrp,-e iSiorTare | wiH .he e.ccted and reports w,U be| This money is not available .it this ill. Howland stated that not one per- j iilst .September. He lett $5U0 to Fair I itimr. "Hallelujah Clioruw" from "Thc maintained. Ry employing graduates received. In the eveiilng a banquet, ten whom he approached refused to ]Vie w cemetery to be used in main-j Mesiah," by Handel, choral society; of these institutions, opportunity is ; entertainment and dance will be ; r-ui'K-ribc for stock. ] taining the family burial plot. He ! Walter J. Swi-cnf-y. rcconlti, re- organ postlude, Mrs. Willey. ••Our IsiM Job—The Broad .street i i rs, Pauline and! given lo residents of New Jersey. If held. ported live hearings m March; lcff lo Uvo a stC Confession and services in Italian all graduates of these institutions1 uuring the business session of tho Iviilon.1! Hank," was the sign dis- Mabel al, tne undivided, one-half in- Councilman Michael Deveri'iiux re- and lCnplieh will be held today at St. are given full time positions, oil pos- j iiions tnc W|V(M of the visiting dcle- j.layrd ,-n :>,e blackboard at the close t jh ne ownC(, |n a fa[.m jn I u ported the Koamite extinguishers had Anthony's church from 3:30 to six itions will by no meiins - ""-•' "- ' n, b cntcrlai,W(1 at a brldge r,i ihc mn'ting. It produced a pro- Middletown township," To his broth"J been received. J-Jxeinpt tirpmeu'i J'»n^cd outburst of cheering. "Tell o'clock in the afternoon and from l^r^^^J^l^J^lUy by the .oca, women's commtt-rrrtitlerites were granted to Harry ho left onc: ' 7:30 until ten o'clock at night. IMaury Vr.ur 'Iroublc.^," was unuthef ates of our own institutions bhuuld j tee. Peterson. Henry Brennan, John third of alll his holdings of stock ot , A high murm will be held ut- that ] be given every conKideiatlon. ::iuu which 'warmly applauded, 10k i-A(.KANT, ' TIIB committee headed by Mr. Bray Humbert and Joseph Douclac, the Architectural tile company. All 1 church tomorrow morning at 7:30 | Very Kinceiely yoins_ it icfcrrcd to Mr. Schwartz, he bbe- cbmposed of EutfCiKi Mugee, M. V. Bids will be asked for leuslng "IB the reot of his estate he loft to hi.s Army ,-IIT. linj to hold a "O Cross ot Love," "Blest Eas- o'clocK. Devotional services will be Charles H. Elliott. I n. Smock J. Daniel Tuller, a. Har- in^: known by his friends as Surf bathing pavilliun, thc'munici|ial brothers, Kstavan and Thomas, and three-hour service from noon until ier Morn" and "Christ Arose." held at 7:30 o'clock at nlgllt when Commissioner of Educution. •(jl( 1 NcvillSi Theodore Parsons, Rob- '".Miiur; Karajre and fish drome and other his sister?, Pauline, Mabel and Eliz- three o'clock in thc afternoon on Those who will take part in the Kev. Joseph May, C. S. S. R.. of New rrt Kennedj". (icorge Uhlte, Jierbert "Donl. to press without print- buildings on the borough property, on abeth Pctingale, in equal shares. He Good Friday ill the Methodist iagraut are Warren Farrington, York, will preach on "The Fas.sion." ROBERT SEI'XKY CRITICISED. K. Edwards, Leon Ucussilli c andd Rev. • a statement from me about the the beachfront. appointed his brother •JCstavan, the church. The service will be in seven William Bartun, Harold MacKcnzie, • On Friday' confession and the mass Edtt-ard W. Miller. very helpful service "which your prcat Keyport banking comfjany and Theo- Deniocrntic Club Says He Shouldn't The election of Frank Covert. Jr., newspaper, performed in this bank parts, with an intermission between rjrandin Hammel, Warren Farring-!of the pre-sanctifled will be held at dore D. Parsons of Red Bank as ex-each part. Elach part will be com-ton, Anna nice, Mrs. F. Welsh, Mrs. eight o'clock in the mornint,'. At the Have School Contracts. ! as fire chief and Harry Peterton as 3(.opening campaign," said Mr. Me-ecutors. assistant chief was confirmed. plete in itself, so that anyone de- William Barton, Captain Iteedie evening service, which begins at Tr,,. Civic Improvement committee Naughton Home ; .Mahon ntU:r the meet in™ Thursday 1 Kdward W. V,'i:c. borough attor- jii^-hi in a t-ilk with a Register re- Matthew Byrnes, of Eaten town, siring to attend one or more parts Charles-Jones, Fred Schottald, Mil- 7:30 o'clock. Father Hay will speali of thc William il. .Sutphin associa- noted trainer of race horror-, left two may do so. Each part will he from on "The Cross." Damaged By Fire , nry, will again send an appeal to portrr. "Your news arliclcs and cdi- Ion Scon, John Williams, Irene Ben- ! lion of Middletown township met at | the railroad to put gates on ths lots in' Chestnut Grove at Katontown fifteen to Uventy minutes' duration. A service will he held at 7:30 j jicndden's Corner Saturday night; 1OI-JMI;, -ATI'': wonderful. When proa- netl, Mary Bennett, Mrs. Iteedie and I Church street closing tlir year Xo his daughter, Nettie A. Colernan The churches that are co-operat- TCr:iy comes back to Kcd Bank The round. of Deal. Two other lots there were ing in this service are the Reformed. knowing that it played a"illicit v part 'bequeathed to hia son, Matthew G. Prcbbylerinn, Methodist and Baptist thix | Byrnes. He directed that thc rest churches of lied Bank; the Holmdcl Easter Monday of his estate bo divided into ten Baptist church and thc Fair Haven "Over the Top" Club. equal parts. Seven of them arc to Methodist Protestant, church. Thc Night Card Party The members of the Over the TopKo to his daughter and three to his pastors who will take part in the rlub nre John Bucklin, Mary W. son^ He appointed Herschel Bird- service arc W. Carman Trem- Arrangements arc nraily complet- Bucklin, Arthur Brown, Leon Keus- sail of Red Bank executor of tho will. batlv of the Reformed church, Kev. Emma White of Ocean Grove di- ed tor the card party to be given pille. Jr., Helen Canxona, John P. John A. Hayes of the Presbyterian rected that a stone marker be placed j Monday night. April 17. in the Red Che fry, J<>hn M. Dennis, Mary 1* church, Kev. Albert L, Bancr of the on her grave in Clrecnluwn ccnTctery Bank Cal.hohc hi^-h school auditor- 1-nnr. Chrif-tophpr Fitzgerald, Pat- Methodist church, Kcv. Edward W. at Long Branch. All the rc.-;t of her ium. ;j](ji Vaughn, Urd Eank Scholarship Miller nf the Baptist church, nov. yiind. Maiy Kllen Duncan, Margaret estate was left to the Methodist The proceeds will be med to pay John Sherman of the Holmdel Raymond Phillips. j\. Duncan. Cora F. Klynn, Maggie A. Episcopal homo for thc aged at day morning. The both the thc cost of redci-oruting Ihc ;-el»ol church and Kcv. Henry r. Bowen (tract anu nrai uic tumiau «ua|. Conk, Mai in Clayton, Thomas Lof- Ocean Grove. She appointed thc As- The progra, „ m ,o f musi. c wil, l be as morning and evening: services will n T)j(; auditorium.' A prize will be awarded of thc Fair Jlnven church. folio awarded without competitive bids -^ an(, U)|, conlcnls wm alKO at each table. tus, Annie Ahprn, l^lizabeth M. Sau-bury Park trust company executor. Iowa: Kync, 'Gloria,' "Credo," be ,n cnal.gc of Mrfl Wa,.rcn Smock, The musical portion of the pro- bein- considered. ! bul.ncd. Tho flrempn ^VQli ,hc fur. Mrs. JarficH Anderson is In gen- ickie. E. Henry J?n;irdninn, George j Bernharndd Sanders in a will which olfertory, 'Rcgina Coeli,' B. Hamma: organ)iit and director. The soloists gram will he in i-harge. of Mrs. Ther- Mr Scelcy has issued no reply, , h , n b ,hc wa|la Fulton, 1- dci-iclt'T. '•Hurley• ' , Char~ •- 'i } executed a year ago last January "Agnus wi|) be Ml.s_ -William CaKill soprano, eral charge, Mrs. Thomas Kelsey is 1C esa G. Willcy <.f thc Methodist but his friends point out that inas- Jotte !•'. \, 'wh. J. A. Tarnow. Kmma [ [cft aj| of hi<; rca| estate at Florida Dei,' benediction of "Thc Blessed Mrs. Thomas McClintoclt contralto, and floors were badly damaged by in charge of the' refreshments, Mrs. church. Stanley Brown will bo In much as lie is not a member of the J. Bruce. Nellie U Cook. Lydia G. | lo h\s wjrCi ^rSi signc P. Sanders. Sacrament,' "O, Salutaris," Louise A.. LeRoy Baker tenor and Allan water and smoke. Nora Long of thc pri/.es and Mrs. | lo h\s wrCi ^rSi sgc P. Snde charge of thc Usher:-. Postmaster board of educution there is nothing Clayton. .) h I'it ) B I ' Bcrgc; "Santum Ergo," father Vcr- Woolley baritone. Kred Jones of thc tables and tally )nmea B. I ue R\S'Q bcqueatlied to hrr all of William A. Sweeney is chairman of dussen: "Laudate Dominum," sec- illegal in Ills having the transporta- na rd.i. Assisting are .Mrs. Jerome •Jrccley. 1 nf John .'- bank accounts in the United States Thc program of music at the the committee, in charge. tion contracts. As for the conten- Must Have Thought Sloyan, Mrs. Thomas Salmon, Mrs. Murphy, ndminisl ratrix; National banli ;uid tru.^L company of- ond chant. mornini g servici e wililll be as flfollowsl : The faster sunrise scrviri' will he tion that thc contracts were not] Harry Pcnnington. Mrs. Frank Mar- Charles •' Sffinoi.i, (Jeriikiinc A, Galvistaji, Texas; in the South Trxas Three services will be held on Organg , "Joyy to the World," by Ed- held at -ri:L!2 o'elm-k, weather iie-r- awarded on a competitive basis, it i chant, Mrs. David Knmionf, Mrs. Mourn, W. Phillip. Ch.-irlc.-- K. Swcc- Commercial National hank at 1 luuji- Good I-'iidiiy nt Trinity Episcopal wards; quartet, "The First Euster Liquor Was Back ( mitfiiif.', on the beautiful f-st.-ite of is claimed that the'method used by j Harry Quinn,. Mrs. Mavid Moonan. jiry, Mniy ^ •'. l'ark. r.ohert Spcirn, tun; Texas, in the Penh Amboy church. Tlie children's service will Morn:" baritone solo, "Easter Morn," Mrs. Richard K. l-'ux on Kraneh uvc- the township board of education has Only one case of intoxication has Mis. Alfred Rci.-i?, Mrs. Kdward Me- A~ii t inn ilardelhi. .l"hn ('.a rilplln. W. tiu.'t t:ompuny-und in the Kccuntl Na- at nine o'clock. A prayer sor- Mr. Woolloyy; offertory, "Them stood been recommended anil approved by come to the attention of the Red Doiioii^'h, Mrs. Hal i yCuDpi'ilhwaite, N. (";i:iy. Thri.i.lnrc Martin. The Red liuiial hank and Tru:-t company QL mie. There will he- mslruim-jital vice will be held at ten o'clock. A Three Maries,Mi" " quartet; organ, "Rc- the county and state educational Bank police department since the Mrs, Nora Crevey, Mrs. Tholnna Lit- Ki.nU ]:.-^i.--lcr. Slai'v B. Mount. 1-i?.- KeJ Bank. Mrs. Sandnrs was also music and singing of hymns. An tlure hours' devotional service will '.jolcinK Over Resurrection," from authorities. new 3.'2 beer arrived in this borough tle, Mrs. John P. (Jail], Jr., Mrs. y.o i;.i.' !.c, Fiviiil-: M. J"!nilc, Alfred r.ddress will he made hy Harold brgin at noon and continue until i"Death and Life." bequeathed his stock in flic Nor- last Friday and that admittedly was Charles Oiblin, Mrs. I-'red Seedorf ]•'. I.H Fox, Ali- Morrison Smith U>t the Kordentown three o'clock In the afternoon. j At the evening service thc cantata. ^tcanlshlp line, all caused by thc consumption of a Mrs. Walter Layton, Mrs. Theodore of his pcl-:-ull;il i uperly a.-id the rey- The sermon on Good Friday will ."Life Everlasting" by Alexander War r»n StraV u-ai u,m Urn ll t,,kn part hardcl. 1)Cveiagc. Mots, Mrs. Aloysius Patlerson, Mrs. iduc or tlic estate\. ;Mrs. Sanders was lie. delivered by Rev. R. A. Coerr, iMatthewsMatthews,, will be given. The musi- Tholon c offend( r was 3-I:.IT. Audi- Citarcl.a, Henry Ihc Y»un vv ar on oiray Harry Patterson. Mrs. John McNeil, naii.ed as cveculri.x. K \vho3c subject will be "Thc Seven eall program wililll be as flfollowsl : SSolol , To Bepin Tomorrow ' brought :Rrmvn. 1,. V. ;,hnr=, A .1. Rownc Miss Margaret. Murjiliv. Mrs. Gcnr^e Last Words." Rev. Herbert S. "Let Not Your Heart be Troubled," 1 Timothy Iluunihan, who was cn- IO t>l-glll lUinunuw 1(()rc Borough Recorder William J. F . parli'-ii'.-ilc, in aililliinn to I be lo- )ey, Miriam I-: .Mini 1-;M;I S Mill- ilcor^c U. .Struck of Newark mad ' ton Planitz and Mrs. Mary Massey. :- will in 19'JH and it was probate gical Piotcslant i-lmrchcs, arc^ the —. ^«-*fr. . rr, Charle. I h.- l.-ivinw I'. .;_ j 1 iolnidi-l J'.aplisl, tin- I.incriilL Jiap- Covert, .Siti.' il. i-rcrholi .Mund.-iy. His r-nt n,j es le was left to In:, wife, Kliy.ahctl t'.-1 he Midillctown I'a|.lisl, the i; .MI. n Wilh.-im Ii. ;bury Picstiytcrianl llir t.'olt.'s • ]•:. j Rumson Man Held I M M"l', P.i'fdi-mcd. thi' I lolnnlcl r.i-- thr choirmaster- Thn sermon will be "Blessed Arc They/' Mrs. Cahill; sc- ^^ "censes at hn oflirr of the bor- Tin nf tl.i- i-: , the 1,1'tinariln llapli.-l, l'.el- King (inmhrlnus Now Knlliruncd nt ; 11 n- preached hy the rector. lcction, "Alleluia! O Give Thank, »«** clerk at the borough hall on On Shooting Charge lelhiidist. M Max Sjifran's Store. (Aid) I'.MITV I ford rlnwn Baptist, Thr program oT music at (ho Bap- Unto thc Lord." (Monmouth street. . . : I .in ! Louis Vinci of Ilunison, arraigned •' '.ml l!u i .New tist church .Sunday morning will be """" "^ ' Max Safran received a permit ycG- I yesterday heforo Kccorner Jerc J. ot I'IIUIIIIUIIJIH ll< lil AITiur A( Moninoiilli Bapti. 1 ;is fnlJows: prrludc, "Glorin." from UNIVKKSITV WOMEN. AMIiKICAN FLAti. | Lcrdny to GCH boor after nn Jnispcc- . .Mir,- Knup's. the of MIL ii •'The Twelfth Mass," by Mo/art.; I tioii of his ;;lr>rn nn Maple aventic j Carcw, on ciiarges of assaull. with at- ill In- held in Ihc l-ii -•I c huri.-l .'inthcm, "Thc 1*vnl Tf Ki.scii," by Rhulc io !£<•(! Bank S'Jlks by | had been made by Mayor Charles rt lentpt lo kill and iiai-ljliu; ;, rail- J" -Jiff nf ' rci'ii Monniuuth County Braiuii of Aiiicr- on Maple avenue. Ma ny rshili Wooler; qunrtct, "Thc Kuij; of English and Harry Ii. Clayton, chief '-cealed weapon, was held without bail i; l Iw u hw.M- ' a raid pnnv la^t al'th' icun Abboclatlon Meets at Keyporl.' thn Ijulics* Auxiliary. are ptalunl'L- 1.. In. Id 1 i iluiy," )>y Iloltoj); on'ertory, "Cal- of police. Mr. Safran recently hadj for the grand jury and was taken to Alice r>oop of White 'h ;i*flc ladies' auxiliary of tho JElk.V akfilsl: III iliaielv afler (lie :icr- \ary," by Rodney; anthem, "My He- The May meeting of the Monmouth | the .store enlarged by makinp a beer [the county .jail, Harry Clirmtensen. ,vc:c awarflrd and " lliiis made a gift' of a large • ulau uf ituinsOh, -'-1 years oiu, who vier. ,",,11 ill.I'l. TllK |llUUU l!i CUUIflpCtl With j was shot, in the b.iclc by Vinci in nn I lie .•• ' A LI II'.' h:e; ' made booths nnd benches and with oth»- l)n Monday ui^h! a reception nlgumenl. at a card game in thc lat- elaborate. ]n cpai-al inn : fur Hi.- ples- accommodutions for customers. A .W'-. .'-I- M f.i ll.r.-il I'ociihuntns i ter's s!ore is in the Long Branch l.-^i ; ii entaliun ol' Hie ^a('lei| pa^cunl, "Tile Mhort time ago Mr. Safran Jinci alter- lli'f- i hospital. Witnesses held on their Tl.i l:i:i-ii C'lirl.-I." hy ,M. M. Slui^i.-, at ations and improvements mndc to !'. ink own recognizance arc Herbert Pom- VMS ;i Now | );\y," l,v niRclo by Mrs. f'etrr O'Connor pha'n- brhulf of thc. lod^c. The Hug is now his ftole where he nell.-i fiotla watcj-, 1 he ehapcl .in laliden place Suil.!:iy phrcy, Rocco Kodcmro, Louis Mellnci, [il:;i]|]; quartet, nolortcil; n lM*_ Mian of the education deparLnicnt. llyinR from thc flagpole in front of cundy, cigars and newspapers. the ni^hl. l-'.c:mt i fill seeiieiv ha:: been John Connott, Jr., and Thomas v. i: ii. •' ,< Tho following ofllccrs were elected tho home. •k Ki-ie -Mis. «u: Mrs. I'l-rpared fnr (he nnvi: ion liy l-'ralik- ', "Amliinfinu," by llnuuuv; I Clcary. c't." 1'ur the next two ycnr.s: The auxiliary will elect OIUCCI-H for \' l;.,kr. ! Kn (,'. Moyan, mni h nf the work ter '.MJ\O, select rd, I'JUKIMH; Ma 1'I.AY FOH FIREMEN. -.'.:,:.I Ma!',-HI. Mi psi.n Mr.-. President—MI-K. Harold chirk. HuniHoit. tho coining year nt a meeting on ill i en nl( uit. | mnetlnp are Mrfl. Walter Allen, winch Cal'lani Arthur I', Jleedi "J.>oi)ji JSobjfi," Moxait. tl I'm- Indcpemlcnt Engine-, Co. h.-iin Gilhulv, Mi -. Cor UufoTt^ Sn JpllK"iMr,, J. E. linince and Mrs. Samuel Anilliul Mvctlng ol Cliunili Unit Held J )n -. i ho|ic:> in present :a.,m. l-'upils of tlm JjVithcian Sundity- V,-.-. h-il'l Si Ml:- TtilYd vice prcniOrnt—Mrs. John J,. l^iMllowiU. indcpeiulont Engine compuny of Monday Night. 'Ihc mam ilioji, ]>:iinled l.\- Mr :clu)ol will hold (heir lOn:-t*• L excr- il-!l .-'tlilffl'l, .Ml : Montgomery, Ilei] 13ftlilt. j -«-«-^ Ihn KP'l Hnnk fire dppartment is Moyan. ilcpn-l., a pa-loral . . •i n- ci: c.-i Hiindny ni^ht at rt^ht o'clock At the annual meeting of thc World , I I'- These oillccrj have, nnotlici- year to| TWO ItAI'TlSICU. j .ipomiOiiiiE a dmmatic. entertainment U\.-r Ihc elitjaner. In the :.t:i-e .H in |lie church hull. The program -'•'' KCI'VC: i • and dance to be jriven by the fled Wide guild of the Baptist, church, e;:ch :.idc have lii-rn pain'. .1 .le.-ni a- will cuiK-isI of !i(inf*n rind iTi-iliiticms Hfr.oniiiiK iriTrtnrj — Mm. Ihibfrl. lni - , ('ri'OM)Olty JSllllllll.V AfterilOdll at Fail- I'aiik Tlieater f^uild ]>lnyer;; at the held Monday night at. thn honm of I i\c 111 r 1: •, l ii K<- nh I he by tltr pi iniJiiy drpii tlinrut nn;i^c;int, riititlrd "Tlio Mjcitcr 1" CorrPBPiiinIi'ic hMiptnry-Mr«, Nrnill l'J. The show will hrfjin promptly tho following- nl|lcers were elected: i- • | , • | i 'l'luinun. A»hury Turk, \ t •'••..• (inrdcn" iiml depicti'liR w\\n\ n lily ' Al. Ihc. Chapel of thc. Holy Conl- President—Mm, nln-licll Hlllnn. I- :•" 'I'roiiMircr—MIMS Jimnit.i 'i'ickiin, Allrn- nt luilf-pnnt. eiRllt e'cloclt, after which :;iw nl (.'hriblVi pr-pnlchrr will tie ! inuiiinn nt l''nii' Vlitvcn Kimiliiyiiflnr- Viro prci'lilolit-^Miim Ituth -Eiir.lmnnil. A;;n. linrst. (here will bo snveral [ioin:i of danc- j j»i c:.r ntcd by thc. 11 it c lined late mul 01 Hc.v. \V. \V. Kcnncily, rector, Serretin-y—Minn May 1'icdiinnc. The spenker of Ihc afternoon was "" iiiK to muaic by C'hct Arthur's or- Trciiiuii-ei-—Minn Mm-y ,Minint. Ml.'f.i Mount, was re.fleeted. Thn other officers were chosen to succeed M 1 J; 1 1: . Mi (;lmrcli Units to Meet. Misa TercKa Papn, Miss Nnim Ilnni- l| i ' l: II M P'.i ii Thc Womcn'u missionary society son and Mrs. Herbert. Cotgreave, 1 II.-' 1 ' ill "•' Ti , of the lAithernh dmich will meet who were president, vice president -f p \! t ii thin afternoon at two o'clock in thc and secretary respectively. 1 I .!••• II M 1 i ili-lliM church. The topic to be dincunsed Three new members were hi(t.iat- M 1 '. Hi i •i.lir.-i iiin;-, inii.Min lhal I Hiu-li. Kuj>g, llornthy l'erry, rilim.'ion, Alr.-i. 'I'lloma.'i JrvinKBrown is entitled, "Ijill horan Mlfinionii in ed. They were Misa Ceclle Di.xun, I't Ii. i a::ain. Tliu- f l and Jlrltton, I.. Valley, Wiilln- Mrnd, I'ldgur T.iy-Inr Die :igi''l, and or Ihe insane China." Mia. Tlioinim Mead will Miss Alum Itnrrison nml M)n;i .Ic:;-' ..Id •is appi-.n an.I l.-ll Ilii-in lor. f•;IIi>• diving. Miidrliiic Heiidrl.-k ! -»••»• mni fur Ihn hitler, Mr. and Mm. .1. huvn. rbai^fi of Urn di;;i;ufinion aiiil sin Tlirmuifi, I ll.ll I 111 Il.,ii.n - I.. 11..- . .-piil,-h. r I.,,, l'ln L. Kennm-Iy. Ki:v. Knnnerly will nd- To ol auihtorluin nrxt Tuendiiy Kulinle, pastor of Ihe Church of the )• 1 'lull ".'il I 1 f 11 1 fr. 1'^ •••mil IMI-I." )'nvc I hi' si'l'll.-r.-i fur (i of I h r-fi vicp.n In Ijn lit. night, nn rottoi-tnlnnirnt will lie giv-Little Silver. Thn Atlantic Hlghlandn alhletie ,| 1 Reformation of LonK Brunch, will be \S •• 1, uhll I M ui Vlllill , 1 ''^\' InIn111cM ;iml uptm tlirir return the I IrforiiH-il church on Mood Fri- association will hold a dance Satur- en bv Mis.H Angi'llea OMonilorf. Ariel- Ono of the quickest wayft to tlnd a tho speaker at the monthly meetiiiK ;i i\ tln-y lillbc 111r- : iiMicn; In ;iy thni day night, April 15, In Majestic hall i: 1:;"!.-|/l, : d.-iv. The :ic-rvk-es Mint nl. ,:i:. l.rrl O.'itpiiilnrf iind Mini MHdn-il ).,,,1,. |;I.1. ((4Jn a,i...liini.lli.vol.(|:inn I11n 1'I'll '1'" ! of tho Ladicji' aid fioclety o£ thc at Iliiit pluof. The proceeds will be t 1,:. 11 V.'it ii : 1-1' /i n J'. W ,ili:ii|i'i I null iiwny tin Hlillc •'•Inrli. Ti.-iut. Jir. Kdhcrl. siiinn, uinU: |,,!••„ Wimt Ucpuitincnt.—Advartiac- church. lion.,, .)L!,JI J • -i.:11 ly, William A- M'.ller, In they. ^It'jit- An l';iutir I'iimmiini'in-ucivire will p:iyi:lu)l"gi:J., will uinlm nn addrcea. uient. used to buy baseball equipment. ' RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933.

through the articles which have ap- WITH THE HOTARIANS. FLAY AT PINE BROOK. evening, April 20, at half-pa«t tight peared in The Register. Young People ' o'clock in ths church. Among ths More Jobs For I do wiahi could get the farmtia Nick and Sophie Interested for I have many men who Aiiilniv C n«m of 1'nint Pleasant It will be Given for the Benefit of characters will be portrayed atx are experienced and would be glad Present a Play, thn Speaker Tomorrow, Zlon Ciiurch. prf.nrhtr.-i nnd delegate*, a bishop The Unemployed Russo Win Grind of St. ;flnd a presiding elder to'represent for the work. The Young People's club of the The speaker at the Rotary club The ladies' aid oueiety Today alone eight calls came In for Thomas's Methodist Zion church of six different states. Rev. W. T. Alida M. Oakley, a frealjman Mrs. Ivy E. Batterabury Meeting Populaf Dance Team Finishes First Reformed church of Red Bank luncheon tomorrow Eir. the Molly help. One or two ol these calls can- netted about fifty dollars in the pre- Pine Brook will present a play en- Johnston is the pastor of thechuicifc at Centenary junior college at H&ck- not be filled by me. I do not happen First in Shrewsbury Marathon Pitcher hotel will be Andrew C. Dam Refreshments will be sold. ettstbwn, returned home Friday to With More Succesi With Her to have the right party for the place. sentation oi the comedy, "June of Point Pleasant, an intimate friend titled "Mock Conference" Thursday :>pend the ISaater vacation with her Free Employment Service— I am giving full credit to The Reg- Contest—Five Couples and Time," at the River. Street school of Rotarian Richard T. Smith of jiarcnta, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oakley Plenty Good Honda for Farms ister for Its help. Without that help Two Solos Left in New Event. Friday night. Over two hundred per- Red Bank. Mr. Dam was with Ad- of Hudson avenue. Misa Oakley ia 1 would not have been able to do sons were present at the perform- mira! Sims during the World War a. member of the college chapter of Mrs. Ivy E. Battersby ha« met what I have done. The marathon dance at the Smoke ance. The play was directed by Misa r-.nd he: will tell about his war ex- The people who are asking for Shop at Shrewsbury came to an end Marion Turner. the Feltbosophlan BOclety. with more success the past week in help mention the fact that they have periences. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Green, who have finding Jobs for the unemployed of seen the write-ups in your paper and Friday morning at 6:05 o'clock, Miss K. Evelyn Mattson was chair- The F.otarians l; Thursday were been spending several months in Red Bank and vicinity through her they are loud In their praise ot The after continuing for 3,513 hours. The man of the bu.-5inesa committee and entertained with an impromptu pro- Flordia, returned to Bed Bank last Free Employment Service agency at Register. winners were Nick and Sophie Russo was assisted by member of the so- gram, put on by Kotarians Charles week. her home at 1^6 Harding road. Her If you feel that you could make of Norrifitown, Pennsylvania, who ciety. The orchestra comprised Har- K. Champlin and Mort V. Pach. The agency was started about three one more appeal it would be much expect to receive a prize of $1,000. The ry Jobes, Harry Sniffcn, Ralph Jobes John Gilsey, Fred David Sohunck appreciatedi vaudeville sketch was humorous in and Gustavo Zuzzo, students at Col- weeks ago and during that time end came after a grind of eight and Elmer Brown. Furniture [ur the every particular and the rendition w Thanks for all your kindness. hours when Miss Louise Nicholas of stage was loaned by the Acme Fur- Eatc university, Hamilton, New Vorlc °/k of a more or ICSB permanent Sincerely yours, "went over big." , fre home for the Easter vacation. |™ture has been found for forty per- Red Bank and "William Plitterer of nlture company. Those who sold Ivy E. Battcreby. Oalchurst, the only other couple in The local <:!nb in milking great Jacob Eurlch of Canal street spent f is. Part time work, some of it eandy during the intermission.; wore P. 3.—I am sending clippings of the contest, were disqualified for Edith Wolf, Annabcllc Morris, Helen preparation for their meeting on Bundunda; y at New Dorp, State,, Island, for a few days and some of It for on- the two write-ups in your paper to April 27. which hus hern designated 8 thn head of the unemployment Re- lowering their arms in a rigid arm Itflns and Dorothy Hembling. wheherne h__e_ attended a tolly_ _gather- J' * ^ *°"™:^ """ '"^ '" waits position. They expect to get ns "Past Rotarinns' Day." Raymond ing and tho confirmation of one ot forty other persons. lief fund at Trenton. I want them Miss Evelyn Mattson won first Tiffany of Hoboken, former district As told pcrviously in The Register to know what has been done free by $500. The marathon broke the world's prize in the poster contest sponsored hia nieces. The Register. record. governor of Rotary club.;, will bo the Misa Ruth Bennett of Red Bank, Mrs. Battersby makes no charge for by the society in connection with the guest speaker. A. LeUoy Baker, a Plans for a victory ball, at which play. Second prize was won by Miss member of the faculty of the Red been initiate/*, a member of Pi !» lJ?J.°^" ^u*" ^^^ lime the winners will receive their Elsie Mattson and third prize was Bank high school, will render solos. Lambda Theta, an honorary educa- towards solving the unemployment awards, are being made by the man- won by Miss Ella Uey. Thn judges A feature of the gathering will be "You're Needed to make tional fraternity. problem. In a talk with a Hegister agement of the contest. for the contest were Mra. John Os- the bringing together of more than reporter yesterday she expressed ICHWESI Five teama and two solos are left born. Rev. Carman Trembath of the fifty former Rotarian.s of Red Bank K. Baro Sharabba of Bridge avenue herself as far from satisfied with the In the new contest which is in prog- First Reformed, church nnd Mis/; and vicinity who at one time were entertained relatives from West New results achieved thus far. less at the Smoke Shop. The re- Edna Hallock, art instructor of the the Party Complete" Yuik on Sunday. The Philathea society of the Bap- members of the Hed Bank club. "It may oeem that much has been tist church met last night at the maining contestants are: Red Bank high school. Mia. David Vandcrvccr of Wallace done through the fact that forty home of Mrs. A. M. VanNostrand of dumber 2—George Reese and Frances 9-*-e» . net entertained members of tho pcrsons navc got job3 of a more or NOTICE. !.;••; wsbury Reading club at her ^ , t rt and that forty Branch avenue, Mrs. Julia Walling Hart of West Belmar. CRAIG FINNEGAN PRAISED. pcrmar( n EO assisted the hostess. Plans were Number 3—John and Betty Jan oaky of Kcl Rar.l:, N. J., Invitations to out* of-town hoi. vctilorday. I more have received part-time Jobs," New Monmouth. April 12, 1933. 1 made for a runrmage sale to be held Number 4—Mr. and Mra. Charles Itoclky \j, Poulson Sayh¥)le Is Do- In the Mat tor of the Coi^ervnt ornliin of guests—that "thank you' to Mi.-, "l^n Burnett ot West street jBa(d jjrs. Battersby, "but this fails nt the headquarters of thB Union O'Byrne of Red Hank. ing Splendid WurU. j Sei-onit N'Minnal Han« miti Tci'-* Com- la confli. l to her home with illness. | far Bnort ot wnat i3 necessary. I your hostess of last week— hose company on Shrewsbury avenue Number 17—Pat Colitno of Long Branch I read Craig Flnncgan'y statement i pan/ of lied Hank. N. J., Kcd Uanr., K/ed Wi.''(l» of Bergen place vis-inave 200 other unemployed persons on Thursday. April 27. and Mrs, J, A- VanPcIt of Lakewood. New Jcrpcy. mean so much more when Red at Woo'dbrldgc on Sunday. listed and things cant be rlfiht in our Number 21—Charles Bennett of lied about emergency relief work in Mid- TO ALL WHOM IT MAY (/ been doing a fine work i;mk •will he returned Statiori'tO'Staiion rates: ( subject at the evening service will criticism, Instead of trying to help. Ito its Uonrd of [tir«etorn nml FRUI U nk of Oakland street paid a farewell j Mrs. Battcruby's list of the unem- The Melody Way club made up of will he permitted to renume in ope nit inn vlslt to Rev. Henry B. Bryan, rector ployed ia Indeed desperate. Some of be "Easter, the High Festival ot had the running of things whether j under the tcrm^ of a license approved by 7 8:30 Faith." Special Easter programs piano students from Tusting's Mel- they would do half so well, if not the Secretary of the Treasury to taKe ef- Day p.m. p.m. of Grace church, Van Vorst, Jersey them state that they have been with- ody Way classes met Tuesday at fect on paid ilnte. • City, on .Sunday. Rev. Mr. Bryan out food for two days or more. No will be given by each department of make an awful mess of the whole 24 miles 20c 20c 20c the church school at its session at 4:40 o'clock under the supervision business altogether. Notice i.i nho Riven that lifter fiftepn is retiring from the ministry nnd one can be long at Mrs. Battersby's of Margaret C. Manna, instructress 'lay-; aficr the Raid 13th day of April. 50 miles 45c 35c 35c will sail about May 1st for London, {agency and observe the demeanor of 9:45 o'clock. The Epworth League Thank you for printing Mr. Fin- J0 33,-lh« M-ovisiona nf Section 206 of, the will meet at 6'AO o'clock with the of the Saturday morning classes. Act of Cnneresi of March !>th, Jfl^.3. with 100 miles 60c 50c 35c England, on an extended visit. jthese applicants for work without The children are making apprecia- negan's statement last week. respect to thp Heirrctrsitinn nnd use of He- Miss Mary Bcckman, daughter of believing their statements. A Regis- pastor in charge. Yours truly, l"'Hit:i received ihirin^ the eoniervatorehip tion booklets for which chapters of Paid hank, v,ill no lon^c:' tip effective. Mr. and Mrs. Alston Kcckrnan of ter reporter who was ot the agency "Doctrino of Atonement" will be are prepared on musical points of Hoelkey L. Poulson, Broad street, has returned home on several occasions found every rea- FRANK MfMAHON. NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY the subject of the lesson-sermon%in interests. Prizes will be awarded at Box 174, Leonardo, N. J. Con-scivator. from Centenary collegiate institute son to believe this was true. Har- all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on the end of the term. The following at Hackettstown for the spring re- rowing stories of threatened evic- Sunday, April 16. chapters have been studied and dis- cess. .She is a junior at the academy tions for non-payment of rent and The Golden Tejct Is: "There is one cussed: Savages and Rhythm, Mu- and a member of the Pcithosophian ;other charges and of children recciv- God, and one mediator between God sic of the Far East, Mozart, Child cociety. j ing less than enough for proper and men, the man Christ Jesus." (I Musical Prodigy and the Develop- Mr. and Mrs. Winflcld Hance of nourishment are daily heard by Mrs. Timothy 2:5). ment of Muiso and Culture in Broad street are the parents of a iBattcrsby. Among the citations which com- Greece. helps you get Now's the time to get rid of that con born last week at the Long | "However, there is another side to prise the lesson-sermon ia the fol- Branch hospital. . j the story, I am sorry to any," said Yesterday Middle C puzzles were lowing from the Bible: "Herein is given out to each child and a prize dangerous, winter-worn rubber Miss Celiu Anderson of DobbsjMrs. Battersby in talking with the love, not that we loved God, but Ferry apent the week-end with her ] "porter. "Last week I stated in was awarded to Laurence Olseii as that ho loved us, and sent his Son having first completed the putting and to switch to ALLSTATE. Seari brother. William Anderson of Broad (>-our_J>apcr lhatj ^adJlstcdaJotof your car ready for Spring to be the propitiation for our sins. together of the note puzzle. street. women willin""' g *to" do housework for No man hath seen God at any time. stores all over the country offer SI per day. That statement v/as If we love one another, God dwcl- Musical games are played each Patrick Armstron of Hudson ave- true. I still have women "who wi week and prizes awarded to the nue la expected home during the lcth in us, and his love is perfected, wise motorists unequalled •work for that amount. I try to in us." (I John 4:10, 12). lucky children. Lucky students up rpmlnft vok from tho Long Branch make a thorough investigation . of to date are Catherine Findlcy, Law- values in every motoring need hospital, where he has been a surgi- each applicant, but now and then The lcauu'n-Bciuiou also includC5 rence Olson and Mauile Costa. cal patient for the past month. some of them fool me. the following passage from the and accessory. Bring your car Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbn of "For example,' last week I had a Christian Scienco textbook, "Science Now York spent the week-end at the chance to get jobs for four women and Health with Key to the Scrip- KECEFriON FOR SODALITY. to Sears today and let us pre- home of Mr. apd Mrs. William Shan- att ?$11 ppeerr dadayy . I picked out four tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus ahahnn off BncBranchh avenueaveue. | women for the jobs who bad stated of Nazareth taught and demonstrat- Mm Henry Scaccla of Little Silver pare your car for the open road. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little of ji,at tncy would work for that sum. ed man's oneness with the Father, Entertains Friends. Bergen place spent the early part Every one of those women refused and for thig we owe him endless homage. His consummate example Mrs. Henry Scaccia of Little Sil- of the week at Philadelphia on busi- to work for $1 per day when I noti- ver gave a reception at her home fied them. They said it wasn't was for the salvation of us all, but only through doing the works which last Thursday night to members of .Mr. and Mrs. Albert VanSchoik enough. I promptly notified them the Children of Mary sodality of St. and daughter of Freehold spent Fri- that I wanted nothing more to do he did and taught others to uo." (pp.-18, Dl). Anthony's church in appreciation of Tires cost as to make but they day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with them and crossed their names a shower given her recently. Mrs. Charles More of Wavcrly place. off my list- I had no trouble In find- Scaccia before her marriage on Febr- Mra. David Sheridan of Pinckncy ing four other efficient housework- LADIES' AH) MEETS. uary 26 was Miss Anna Ribustelli of road will sppiul Easter Sunday at ers to take their places. I wish you | Red Bank. . New York with Mrs. Sheridan's would state in, your paper that I rian Birthday Dinner For Monday, Games were played and refresh niece, Mrs. Peter Collins of Colom- cant waste time on either women or May 1, at Methodist Church. bia, South America, who will spend men who dont mean what they eay. ments were served. The prize win- the summer in this country. ^ I am very glad to say that I hare The regular meeting of the Ladies' ners were Misa Mildred LaManna, ost you less Miss Rose Sacco and Miss Jennie Miss Edna Leflfrson of Waverly encountered very few of this sort. aid society of the Methodist church Almost all of them have been willing was held last Wednesday afternoon Figaro. Others present were Misses place, is spending the* Easter holi- Margaret Sacco, Angie and Anna days at her home at Manasquan. to work for almost any price. One in the church parlor. About fifty people attended. Mra. Alexander Mc- Oarutto, Mabel and Lucille Troflano, Mrs. Lawrence Roche of Canal man got a job at scrubbing floors Rose, Josephine and Millie Innacelli, etrcet spent Sunday at Long Branch I last week at tho rate of $1 per day. Coach, the president, was in the chair. Rcportfl were given by Mrs. Christine Barbcrlo, Marie Marascio, with her brother, James Regan. |Ha did such a good job that his em- Kate Figaro, Concetta Yolanda, Es- The Hill Billy boys, local radio I Plo>-Cr Save him $3 instead of SI. John Hubbard for the flower com- Through every manufacturing mittee, Mrs. John Carhart for the pesito, Rose, Angie and Tessie Gel- stars, spent Friday evening at Now-1™" floor scrubber had previously FO, Marion DeAnthony, Catherine process—right up to factory doors arlt, where they entertained the ta«. highly_ paid ^uffeur_for_a visiting committee and Mrs. Ray- family that had been ruined mond Boyd for the membership com- Figaro, Mary. Angie and Carmela members of the Newark Evening , Ciaglia, Jennie Gamacota and Mra. -Sears ALLSTATE Tires cost as News Radio club. The HfH Billy mittee. Mrs. Albert Bancr, wife of floor scrubber told me that prior to the new pastor, was accepted as a Frank Scaccia. boys arc Edward Cogan, Justin member. much to make. Every ply, every fipence, Henry Burke, Frederick getting the $3 he had had nothing Johnston, Alphonso Tomaino, Ed- to cat for a day. It was announced that the Thimble TARTY VOn PUPILS. thread is first grade in every sense Mrs. Batteraby is hopeful that the ciub would meet Wednesday after- nard Harbison and Joseph Lang". reopening of the bank of the Second Bcv. F. Leon Cahill of German- noon instead of Thursday at the Miss Margaret C. Manna Entertained of the -word. But there the similar- National Bank and Trust company home of Mrs. Vcrndn W. Rose of Fiano Class. town, Pennsylvania, who recently fe- tomorrow will release a flood of dol- turncd from China, spent part of East Front street.. The sum of $10 ity stops. Scars own economics in lars which will increase employ- was voted for Easter flowers for the The piano class from the Knoll- last week at the home of Lawrence ment. She also hopes that the ad- wood school. Fair Haven, was giv- P. Carton of Minncsink Park. church. A play will be given in the shipping qnd selling bring them to vent of spring will cause more jobs near future with Mrs. John Carhart, en a party by Margaret C. Manna, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calt of River nn f;umn roundabout Red Hank. "I instructress at the school, Tuesday you at prices far below competi- Plaza entertained. Miss Alice Sample Mrs. Walter Gorsuch and Mrs. War- hope your paper will make a special ren Carhart as co-chairmen. afternoon." Chocolate Easter bun- and Michael Bergen at cards Sun- point of letting the farmers Unow nies were given out as awards for tion. You owe it to yourself and day evening. tliat I have plenty of efficient men A birthday dinner will be given one month's perfect lessons and mu- Donato 'Annese of Washington to do farm work," she said. "There en Monday, May 1, for those having sical games were enjoyed. the safety of your family to choose ptreet has returned home from the ia no need for them to go to Cas- birthdays during January, February, A short pActice recital preceded Jtivervicw hospital where he was a tle Garden or other out-of-the-way March and April. Mrs. Elizabeth the party given by Edith Leon, ALLSTATE. Compare these prices surgical patient. He is much im- places to get help," she added. Stillwagon will be chairman, and Llndsley Hunter, Gloria Wolfkamp, proved and expects to resume his Mrs. Battersby states that the un- reservations may be made with her Dorothy Cadman, Barbara Baumann —not with sccond-Iinc tire prices— music teaching in a few weeks. employed persons listed by her are or Mrs. McCoach before April 27. and Naomi Rogers. Dr. and Mra. D. A. McCormick and about evenly divided among men Refreshments were served by Miss Two numbers by the rhythm band but jvilh the best in America. The daughter of Linden were the week- and women. She states that about Emma Burdge, Mrs. Jennie Supp, were also given, Lindsley_/-Huntcr end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walter eighty per cent are white and twen- Mrs. William Allen and Mrs. John conducting the clock shop and Stan- quality is there! Kcinhaus of Waverly place. ty per cent arc colored. Her investi- Hubbard. The next meeting will be ley Davis the Blue Comet special. At Miss Oliye Truex of Oakland gations show3 that all of them are held Wednesday, May 3. the end of each month's work a street IB spending the Easter vaca- refined people who have heretofore practice recital is held to teach re- made their own way without receiv- Size fn. Sizt- to. | tion with an aunt, Mrs. Robert Train 1 CHORAL CLUB CONTEST. cital routine and inspire confidence of Philadelphia. ing assistance. in public playing. 29x4.40-21 S5.08 rONTIAC 29x3.00-19 6.60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gant of Mrs. Battersby's Free Employment Maplcwood "Won In Event Held hi I'ORD AND 30*4.50-21 5.65 29x4.75-20 estate, iJiiian- Kelsey of Pearl street. My dear Mrs. Battersby; Arlington and Camden clubs. Other dale Farm, for a number of their MOUNTED. HREE..OF CHARGE Miss Kutlileen Murphy of Cath- I have just received a letter from clubs participating were from Atlan- friends who have recently returned erine Sitrcet ia on a two weeks' vaca- Mr. Arthur Gibb,, tellingg mee of your tic City, Weehawken and Orange. from distant parts of the country. tion from her duties At the Mon- tremendously philanthropic action The- winning club will sing at the Those present were Mr. and Mrs. mouth Memorial hospital at Long in Betting up a free employment junior convention to bo held at At- Amory L. Haskcll, Mr. and Mrs. E. agency. I am delighted to know of lantic City Saturday, April 22. Branch. the initial succesa which your ef- D. Eransome, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. B. Dr. and Mrs. O. G. Lewis of Paoli, forts have met. Tho clubs were greeted by Miss Findley, Mr. and' Mrs. Edward M. Pennsylvania, visited Mrs. Edward The multiplication of just such Gertrude Norman, counsellor of- tho Crane, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa S. II. Lafctra nnd Jllsa Emma J. Lefet- projects as you have started because Red Hank club, at tho luncheon pre- Field, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Ruth- ra of Branch avenue over tho week- of your individual intereat in and ceding the contest. Short talks were rauff, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Finch, end. Dr. Lewis addressed the Mon- oympathy for unfortunate neighbors given by Miss Lois Hesse, president Mr. and Mra. Edward M. Ilurd and will be the thing which will change of the Red Bank Young Woman's mouth county Dental association Fri- tho wholo complexion of relief in the E. Gaddls Plum. day night at the Molly Pitcher ho- state, and I want you to know how club; Miss Mary Ann Siding, prcb- tel. Interested I am in what you are do- ident of tho Junior club; Mrs. J. ing, and how heartily nnd cordially I Daniel Tullcr, counsellor of tho local Back From Florida. Change your nil now! And nuiUc it CKOSS commend the spirit which Is behind junior club; Miss Vilma Ebann, state Mr. and Mrs. Amory L. Haskcll of COMIC OI'EKA. music chairman of Junior clubs, and Middletown township and their four COUNTRY, Scars fine 100% I'cnusylvnnia thai Mr. Gibb haa already told you Mrs. Stephen Francisco, state presi- children returned to their estate meets and heals every requirement of high ftand- To ISo Presented In St. Joseph's l'ar- that tho county office of our admin- dent of the junior clubs. "Woodland Farm," Friday, from a nnl oil. And, if you eliangc it yourself—you save ish House, Keynort. istration will co-operate with you in two-months' visit at Palm Beach. every way possible. If I, as state at lenst nnc-hnlf'. Permit !>5J. Tho Oriental comic opera, ''japjiy- director, can bo of any possible serv- Veterans' Kcunlnn. During their stay In the southern 5 Gals. - Your Container Idncl," is to ho presented at tho par- ice, plonso let mn Unnw, Many men residing in this section rcnort their son Amory, Jr., aged ish liall or St. Joseph's church, Key- With very best wishes, of Monmouth county, who are veter- four, suffered a broken jaw when he port, on tho evening of April 21. The fjlnccrcly yourn. ans of tho 78th division, A. E. F., fell from n bicycle. A very painful production if) being rclieartind nnd John Cult. are planning to attend tho "78" re- operation wan necessary, but Amory AM, M.\|I, OIWl'.HS ACVKl'TEB AT THIS SI'OUK produced by Mrn. Jio:ia Bercen, who, Mra. Bnttorahy attributes her uuc- union nnd smokor to bo hold Satur- Is rapidly recovering. an producer of Matawiin'a legion fifi in finding employment, for tho day niffht, April 39, at tho Hotel Aa- "Hhow Boat," ao aptly demonstrated johleas to a largo extent to Tho lteR- tor roof lit New York. It is quite i Auto Tires Stolen. hci "hbl(ity to handle a larfto caflt. i.'ster. Sho has sent tho following let- likely that tho Monmouth county Several eparo tires on automobiles Mrsr Bergen reports that a cast of ter to Tho Register: veterans of this division will attend have been iitolcn tho past few weeks ana hundred will tako pnrt in t,ho :120 Harding Road, In a group. Veterans of any or- whilo their ownern were attending ganization nnd their friendu are 27-29 Monmouth St. RED BANK Phone 1290 production of this beautiful, spectac- Red Bank, N. J. 3ervlcc3 at St. Mary'u church at ular opera of old Jnpan. It la ex- April 10th, WS3. welcome, to attend thin nffnir and To the Editor of Tho Register, they aro nuaurod of nti exceptionally Now Monmouth. During- hia oermmi pected. tliUL a capacity audience will Uundny Rev. Tlioman Maher, the enjoy thin mufiieal treai, tho largest Dear Sir:— Kood time. Information pertaining Vienna accept my tllnnlcn for the to thn reunion may ho secured from rector of tho church, «tatcd that he o[ it:i kind over to ho produced in had reason to «unpert who thn lCeyport. i splendid publicity given mo in my <"iordon U Ilyno at tlm TllBtlng effort to help relieve unemployment 'iiino company store on Monrooutb thieve.i worn nnd Unit if more theft.-* Dancing will follow the perform- In our town. occurred hn would make further in- Many people ara securing work ulrcet. vootlsallonn. RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL IS, 1933.

j fLther and in endowing a professor. A FINE KNXEKTAINMENX. Hi»lory Repeat* Itsetf Ehip in th« Harvard Graduate school Our High Schools RED BANK REGISTER in Beer Licenting Conditions. of business administration. He and It Was Given by Hod Bank Young ESTABLISHED 1878 BT JOBS **.' COO*. Editorial Views Mm.. Straus together gave a new Folks at Middleluwn. Erys who predicted that legalizing the sale of beer library to Milton academy, at Mil- Are Democratic Tho pupils o£ the Bcatikc 11. Greig OEOEGE C. HASCE. Editor. would bring on i saturnalia of drunkenness and other ton, Massachusetts—Newark Sunday 1 vice will find no proof to back up their prophecies In Call. Provision is Made for All De- aciiool of dramatic art at Rod Bank Aave an entertainment at thn :,lui- 6. HATES, Managing Editor. what has transpired since last Thursday, when King Inconsistent and Illogical. •am. gree* of Intellectuality- A new liberty loan drive had been started and the quota for Red I3ank (ilctown village Baptist church,.,^i't Gambrinus was put back on his throne. Perhaps it is The legislature, after hours of BJECENT BKNTAtS. Wealth Brings No Privileges Friday night for (lie benefit of'tfyci THOMAS ffiVENO BBOTTN, too early to judge yet, but in view of the large amount was fixed at $603,100. wrangling, finally last Tuesday agreed and Poverty Doesn't Exclude. Letters received from members of Baptist and Episcopal churclR'sM Publisher and Business Msaas«r. of beer told it is significant that there has been no in- upon a temporary beer bill that will New Tenants for Houses at Bed Mlddlctown. The liberal upplauec, to- Bank and Fslr Haven. (Bar F. H. Lloyd). the Red Bank ambulance company crease In disorderly conduct. remain in effect until May 25, by in France stated that the boys had gether with tho congratulation:! Telephona—Red Bank 13. The claim that "history repeats itpelf" Is supported which time it is expected the Beer The William A. Hopping agency of received their baptism of tire. Al- Hhowered upon tho teacher and rm- Commission will have perfected tbe We are coming to the time of year by the fact that beer-selling permits ar« leeued by exoc- Red Bank has rented the Nathan T. when thousands will be promoted though the casualties In other com- pilB, proved that tho affair waa a Subscription Price*: utlve governing boards. Old-timers remember when plan to be adopted for .permanent Field house on Hudson avenue to panies were large, not a member of great success. The program follows; regulation and control. Tbe i!.* Jnun .McCitr. OtTK Nir*cri &tj month* — . .50 hibits bars, permits week-day sales Everett Carlile, Ensley E. Morris's between Wet and Dry candidates. Many elections were People ask about its characteristics. James Carroll, William Ryan and rlmi.liii liivi-,,l,v,,;h. Limit, Jhirnl an,[ Thr«» month* between 7 A. M. and 1 A. M. only, house on Linden place to George Jli'lcn Murks virtually local option contests. The various communi- no places where beer is sold may be Some ask how our high schools dif- Lester Johnson had enlisted in the 1 Stelr, Mrs. Carl Shlppee's house at fer from those of the rest of the "Glrln Have n Hurl! Time ' .. . lMpn Mark. THE RED BAXK KEGISTER ties decided the Wet and Dry question through the ltind concealed from public view, and re- Fair Haven to George Peffler of Bel- army. Carroll had seen service in Mtlflh-al .... Mjiftliew Cytlu world. Others ask whether our high "Dii'itly'.i Hvr<-(ri<*urt" Mili!r«- i M*rkn of candidates they selected. Some towns were wringing peals all previous liquor legislation. the Marine corps and wafi in the ac- 1 f is & member of mar and Miss Flora Wlllguos's house schooU restrict liberty or enlarge it. rihctrli, ••irimrlt'iiti'm ' Jutie McCuf wet, some were bone dry and some had only a few All this regulatory leglsatlon is on Linden place to C. A. Falconer oj tion which took place at Vera Cruz, uri.l Darin lllr.vh THE ASSOCIATED FBESS There are three things which seem Mexico. plices where drink could be bought. Something like a confusing, inconsistent and Illogical. Vc-n! K,,|0» Mnrcarit Sncco Th« Associated Preio la «etu»lve!y entitled to the Congress, in its wisdom, declared to mark our high schools as our -I Know « I...vcly (," return to these old-time conditions may be looked for very own. "All Kur Vuii" ox* for r»publieaticm of aU news dispatcher to it or not that 3.2 per cent beer Is not intox- if the present beer-licensing system continues after We believe they are wholly free. ANNUAL ELECTION. Three I.ittlc ] iL>ti. mu UM! t lam]!* otbMwlM credited in this paper and aJso tie local ntnn icating. That being ths case, «rhy rciventierKli j May 25. i-hould its sale be surrounded with Bathing Beach They are supported by public tax- •V.rollnt at t|,r •|.-l..,,|,,,ni:" - Woman'o Club Officers to Be Chosen "i'lwini; A-tic..." published therein. ation. There are oo tuition charges I to many rules and regulations? It On May 11. Ivlizuljclh Hunt . lliiniijKiKr. F.-ilr i lias never been found necessary to or rate bills of any kind which the .'"vi-li Ai:i-» uf Man •WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1J, 1988. enact laws governing the sal» of Property Sold parent Is expected to pay as extra The annual meeting and election Dorm Hlrnch 1,-n1,npp Y.-oY.or l.i-al.iap I'.oI.o-iin- a Herns. In a large part of the coun- and Installation of officers of theUiUi/nn » l!ur,.l!t'1t 1'1111111:1 . V>'.V' ; Kr-iK- en 'Iho I ginger ale, root beer, orangeade or Kt»li<\, t'liri«t',l>lirr C.Uirnlxi Service Charge any other non-Intoxicating beverages, Property With Shore Frontage try even books are free. Supplies Rod Bank Woman's club will be held :s!...u-!i. "i..-ii.|'i,.t,.i..r cuii,),.! itivMi- for Sewage Disposal. and BO far as learned no evil effects of 600 Feet at Atlantic High- are furnished free so far as necessity at tho cJubhouso Friday afternoon, liorirli. IXiii» llurn Why Only the Business Section? have been suffered by society. They lands, Owned by Frank Leslie, demands. When these things are not April 14. Mrs. Hosea Chark, acting In 11 IloMiital WaU...l; ll.ui.i .. J,,iiC \u. The plan of ralBlng funds by Bervicc charges for the are sold in drug stores, groceries, furnished It is a matter of money en- president, will be in charge and she tirely and not of principle. All of "Why Not the Whole Community? sewer system at Red Bank iB now in operation. candy stores and over open bars fac- Bought by Andrew Richard. will receive the annual rcporta from MnltlK-w Cr'.ii: , :;l-..-ir, ing the street. They are freely pat- this is quite different from the Idea the chairmen of tho various depart- Many uf the, telccl.irmj had -,iJ. The next time there It occasion to fly the Dag InHeretofore the money for this purpose has been raised The bathing beach property at At- of a limited personnel In tho high B( chiefly by taxes, but last woek for the first. time ronized by old and young and no- ments of tho club. At this galhcrim; cal intc-rpolntlinis which were accom- celebration of good news at Red Bank let's make a bet- fentlo Highlands, owned by Frank ichool which prevails In many coun- delegates will be appointed to the bills were rendered for sewage service disposal, the body has thought it necessary to pro- Leslie of Reel Bank, has been eold panied by c. 1,. l:ivrnlw;ic)i ter Job of It than we have In the past. Scarcely a store hibit their sale on. Sunday, to Bay tries. Novy Jersey State federation of wom- or other business place in the town center was without charges being ono-thlrd of those made for water. The to Andrew Richard of Atlantic High- We believe the American high en'p clubs to bo held at Haduon-ltall, that they shall be sold only during lands. It Is located at the foot of Tarty on Mechanic simi a flag last Friday after the Second National Bank and bills are sent out quarterly with the water bills. The prescribed hours on weekdays, that bchool ia wholly democratic. There Atlantic City, May », 10, 11 and 12. ihd it fl drive to reopen its Avenue A, on which it has a front- in no selection except the selection of . Tho club Is arranging to hold « Mr::, Frank Mi'-ok'Hc \:;i:, lifter; Trust company finished its successful drive to reopen its [charge for water per quarter for the average household they shall be forbidden to minors or age of 225 feet, and it extends over b-nk but no where else in the town was this true. Even j Is $3.50 to $4, and on this basis the average charge for that they cannot be Hold over bars. merit. Let ujs sec to it that, there Is rummage Bale in the Eisner build- to a pnrly of tiicwl • who ^.-w.'ieiY-d 400 feet along the shore. no change In tills principle. The In- ing, near the railroad station, on in honor of her ::i..tnr-, Mi.'-:, June the merchants who put the flags out in front of their i sewerage is about $1.25 for three months or $5 a year. Congress says 3.2 per cent beer Is On the property are a bathhouse Kraiicf:,e, at their Immc :,|. 13 Me. the mer p The change is more equitable and just than the old stitution Is open for all, irrespective Tuesday, April 25. Mrs. John W. not intoxicating, but the attitude of group of 160 bathhouses, a ten-room Ivina and Mrs. Thomas Voorhls arc clmnic ; (reel, Jrt: t 'J' ni^ljt. storesRaisin did,nog at dflao gthi requires at theis littlr homese effort. , and there is ; plan for a number of reasons and especially so because of birth or social station. state legislatures can be explained house, two bungalows and two re- Provision ia made for all grades in charge of the aale and they will About '£> gueKtK wcro present from equally as much reason why Old Glory should ba hoist- j It broadens the base of taxation. It means among other only on the theory that they do not freshment stands. The property has of intellectuality. Wealth brings no h(: glad to receive articles ut theRed I!n|ik, Lot.),. Kiaiieh :,n.| An- ed in front of buineB when a victory is won over the de- things that $36,000 is eliminated from the budget of ex- agree with congress on that point. If been in the Leslie family since 1891, special privilege and poverty does not store on Monday afternoon, April 21. bury Paik. A linirn ;:u|.jji-r WHS it la not Intoxicating and there ig no when it was bought by John Leslie, Mi-vc'l ut iniiJiiiKlit. ;,ii..-i 1-iaiiceje pression afl there is for putting it up in front of business ] penses and that this money instead of being collected exclude. The son of the prince and 1 places. The good news (hat a bank has been r|i;ji&ied j from taxpayers is received chiefly from those who getdanger attending- its unrestricted father of Frank Leslie. Tha prop- the son of the poor man sit down to- received inany beautiful KiJ -- sale, why so much care in defining erty was bequeathed to Frank Leslie and that frozen money has been thawed ou|fiind put the serv Not the least among the good points of the gether. Choir to Broadcast. and limiting the conditions under by his father, who died in 1917. An Old .Hup. into circulation affects for more people ttifrrT the own- new procedure is that not one cent of the cost of maln- which it may be offered to consum- There 1» no selection from the out- The choir from the Cathedral of crs of business places. Even folks who have no deposits ; tainlng the sewage disposal system is paid by taxpayers Mr. Richard was represented In side. The only selection comes from Arthur 1). Han.->.oii of K-iir Haven ers? The irony of the situation the transaction by John M. Pills- the Air at will broailcau in such banks are benefited, often In a larger degree ' owning properties on streets not provided with sewers. muBt appeal strongly to the sense of the Inside, from the heart of the pu- an Easter cantata over station WJBI ha:; a larsu- niayt of Mniimoutli e-nun- bury, Mr. Leslie by Thomas Dore- pil himself. The high school door Is ty of l«."il. Un it are tlin than those who have a direct interest. For many years these people paid for something humor of anyone not directly Inter- mus and the Red Bank building and on Good Friday, April 11, between open wide for all who have the anil- !ho |>riiici|>»l l.'iii'liwnvr.'i ,.,„,! ,,_ So, when the Drat occasion occurs to celebrate a vie- j from which they derived no direct benefit. The time ested in the beer business.—Newark loan association by Howard Higgln- 3:30 and 4:30 P. M. In conjunction P ity, courage and determination to iM^ed tieetiui..- ,f v,,n ,u:i lowiii,, Mr. is more than overdue for them to have been relieved Sunday Call. with this broadcast Rev. J. W. Tuw- ( ( lory over hard times let's Bee the flag filing everywhere son. take advantage of it. Kam;.son found the n/ip wiie-n lie o;>- and not merely in front of stores. Tomorrow it will be of this unjust charge. However, the old adage, "Better rr will deliver a short' yerinon on .» < c. The American high school is free "The Resurrection." The cantata ernted :i tavern at Perry, Olily, » timely to fly the flag again, for the Second National late than never," is uncontrovertible, and It is well that "Toss Coin" Laws. from sectarian control. These are •Kiniiljcr ot yearn ii,V the inequitable tax on sowers has been wiped out. What will' consist of four numbers, fea- 33ank and Trust Company will resume normal busjness Why can't a few laws be written JohnM. Pillsbury the three great underlying principles tures of which are "Thou Art Gone pt that time. Let's inake our town a riot of color with would bo still better would be to provide sewers on the so that they make sense and so that upon which the American high Up On High" and "Wandrrint,' The I'.e.l Hank 1;»K1. u r travel!) the Stars and Stripes. streets now without this improvement. Carrying out the average intelligent individual {To Run for Mayor school rests. Each one of them was Angels at Calvury." Not one mem- over every Fliect jn iuv.-;i .end mriy jsuch a project would bring in additional revenue for the will understand them? Most of the set up at the end of a long fight. No road ill the county. Let it cury vour John if. Pillsbury, who is asso- ber of the choir of tho Cathedral of 1 ~ o-o-o-o-o-o- maintenance of the sewage disposal plant, it would in- Btetute books now read like Egyp- ciated with tho law firm of Snyder questions outside of. slavery has the Air waa lost on the Akron. nlcsfirtc;* to ttiu.^t: who live all UiO3 crease property values and thus bring in more revenue tian hieroglyphics and require & Roberts, will be a candidate for aroused such flcrco conflict of thoroughfares.—Ad vertihcment. and it would increase employment not only because of cryptographer to decipher them. the Republican nomination for opinion among our peoplo as the de- Jirigibles Haven't Proven the laying of sower mains but also because it would Even the lawyers whose business it mayor of Atlantic Highlands at the bates that have hinged around the encourage new construction. is to interpret laws are at a loss primary next. month. Petitions for principles supporting our schools. 'Worth :n Peace or in War. to explain many of those ihat now him and for Benjamin G. Martin They are now accepted In all parts Under the new plan of making service charges Red of tho country as sound principles The wreck of the navy dirigible Akron with a re- grace the statute books. for councilman are being circulated. Bank Is now getting the full advantages which it is en- Mayor John R. Snedeker, who is of political procedure, but they have cuidug 1<">6 of IB lives, tbe second major disaster to There is, for instance, the new titled to receJvR from a public-owned sewage disposal boer regulatory., cod'!- It prohibits completing his third term as mayor, hot yet met with universal accept- lighter tbon air craft in this country bas caused a wide- plant. One fact alone.will suffice to demonstrate the issuance of. licenses to those who slated for the jobiof postmaster ance. . spread doubt as to the practicability of these cralt. advantages of public ownership over private owner- have been convicted of crimes in- of Atlantic Highlands and if he gets Parents should realize that there Both dirigibles wcro wrecked under like conditions. ship with respect to the disposal of sewage. At Long volving "moral turpitude." It might the appointment he will not be a are Individuals arid groups who do They were flying at night and .were torn to pieces hy Branch and at various other places where disposal sys- just as well have substituted " 'twas candidate for tho mayoralty. It will not wholly subscribe to the principles a storm which overtook them. Both were manned by tema are privately owned the charges range from, $15 brlllig and the slithy toves" for he necessary to elect a new Demo- juat described. Propositions are al- 6ome of the navy's leading aeronautical experts. Both to $30, as contrasted with an average charge of $5 at "moral turnituue" for no one knows cratic - committeeman for the first most periodically made to change •were equipped with all the modern devices to keep in Red Bank. Again there is reason for Red Bankers to what either means. Court rulings district, Edmund Gehlhaus, the com- our attitude toward free education. communication with the land and to ascertain the con- will be scanned, lawyers will be con- mitteeman, having moved to theWhat are some of tho doctrines that feel thankful that they own their own water supply, for third district. ^ deny the principle that the Ameri- Easter •Sunday, v V.\j div <.f i!.':- f• « specially metered except New York Journal, song and an address. Special Easter fits the principles on which not only factors in the outlook for agriculture in this srrtion. celebrations will be held at theour schools but all our American in- pride. This includes his technical tit ill ami the when trie meters are supplied by individuals. When Apparently Hie saturation point has not yet been stitutions rest? Horvien ho renders—the rioinp of tho;;c many Ur-Hint Nathan Straus. church Monday and Tuesday even- fuch extra meters are not provided all water above the reached, despite more of these buildings being erected ings at eight o'clock. There arc the doctrines of paren- little things, thoco hundreds of liny detail.:, only average amount u»ed during tbe cold weather montha every year. It would be poor policy to legislate them The late Herbert Nathan Straus was tal responsibility, over-taxation, edu- one of which toff, undone mats the harmony umj will be soid ai half. (lit. muni rnt». The rrpilar water out of existence, and It ia gratifying that the trend in considered th« Jeraey member of this CONTRACT FOB BIG HOUSE. cation for leadership, right of direc- precision oE hla worl;. charge Is less than that made by corporations, and In* t(il»'v:r • control of this store. Proud of hisof Rod Bank has taken a contract to certain times parents should watch the standards ho hue sot. of last summer, but If we do there is no reason why As long at. the government furnishes Dirmbcis of career as a department store execu- build a large house on Bath and lawns should become parched, dead-looking objects ot that they do not undermine tho the Bcnatc aspirin tablets free when they have the hoad- tive—he also was vice president of Westwood avenues at Long Branch structure on which the future of ugllnoks, as they w*re doing rnoit of the warm weather That is why we make it Ui.own that we fea- ache, it seems nothing more than foir that it should R. II. Macy A Co., Inc., owned by for Louis B. Tim, who will use It astheir children is built. ture National Casket.?. Nationally advertised, last year. The water Bupply IB ample. No one need furnish the tablets free to the public when members of his family—he took particular prldo his residence. Tho house will re- made- by a concern who, for well over half a fear utlng plenty of water on that t-core; and If u In his membership Jn the Twcnty- place one which was destroyed by the somite give the public a pain ,n Die nivk.-Macon I''ivo Tear club at Macy'a, for hefire some time ago. century, havo been tho recognized leaderu of (lie drought should ensue Its unpleasant effects would bp Trlegraph. WHO KNOWS ABOUT THIS? industry,, wo can bo' abaolutely certain that tlic tempered. Bomtwhat by increased profits for the water had begun his business life as a Each of the two principal wings merchandise wo supply mensurea iip to our re- department, thereby reducing taxation. stock boy there to gain knowledge will be 22x80 feet and the connecting ScoboyvlUo Man Fears His Dog Was quirements of quality, reliability and value. The of nil details of that vast onlorprlsc. wing will lie 22x60 feet. The house Tortured at Oceanic trademark on every product guarantees, nmterJui The Strous.sph are as a rule Dcmo- will be a frame structure and It will and construction. —o-o-o-o-o-c— And jilsj think, vhen the French I old ui, right after have twelve rooms and a basement. The Reglntor reprints tho follow- rratH in politics—Herbert Nathan'a ing letter from W. A. Spence of Sco- Unclose of the «,-,,• thnt (hey never could repay ua, we brother, Jcsec Isldor, has recently The basement will sorve as a recrea- considered it an expression of gratitude. tion room and among other things in bcyvllle in the hope that someone Maintaining, as wo do, llic hi^;licit pousibla Take No Chancea on befn appointed Ambassador to may be able to supply the informa- standards in our jHOfoBBlowri work ;md service, -Arkansas Gaicttt. Franco by President Roosevelt, but it will be a billiard table. Tho house tion retjucotcd: Causing Forest Fires. the Jersey member of the family will be provided with evory modern wo think It only right that our merchandise bo wan a staunch supporter of Presi- comfort and convenience. It will be April S, 1033. tho best that la available. To keep both on ii Forest flies arc usually very prevalent at1 this ttmr par is our pledge- to you. wnen vou run out of j, . puzzles you might talte dent Hoover, with whom he had boen completed in August. Twelve men Editor, Red Bank Register. uf the year, but thanks to frequent rainfalls ftw have s Bnw nsiiocintcd in food administration are now working on this contract Dear Sir:— •jccurrcd. However, not enough new vegetation has ap- all the things cut o( the bathroom medlcin«-chent ami and the 'number will later be In- while awny « Nw minutes wondering what the heck work durlng~the World War. But Is there any way you can secure peared to ulimliiutc the possibility of tlrcx and it Is Herbert. Nathan Straus did not de- creased to 25. for mo a description of the collie dog liardly to be expected that weather conditions will con- about threc-f'.iiilhr! of them were doinE in there. vote all his energies to business and Mr, Tim Is one of the owners of you mention In today's losuo as hav- Salomon Bros, and Ilutzler, bond ing boen rescued nt Oceanic? tinue to afford nfcsurancc of protection for forents dur- —iliicon Telegraph. politico. He developed a keen ap- My male collie Bruce disappeared ing the remainder of the danger period. preciation of munlc and art and dur- dealers at New York. He wan form- without trace last Friday evening It. R. MOUNT & SON Too much caution cannot be urged for cAmpftra and i"K his undergraduate days at Har- erly president of the Manhattan nnd no far I havo been unable to lo- Blilrt company. Funeral Dirocuira Lmokcrs to employ at thiu time of the year. A liny I3u;inon, levins ejprosa the view that din lowvard played violoncello oolos In the cato him. No one eocms to have musical clubs. An u young man ho The- plans for the house wore pre- seen him. Bruce In a "red" collie, Frederick K, Adume, Mur. . I'liurk or a limouldtrlng ember ti, often the cause of Point or I he riP,,ml,r>n I.,I6 h«.n Jthera will use every care And prec&iUlon not to catue who nook buolnens from tho Red Very truly yours, K'lting «n allotted warship completed In time to have )il» attention. Ho joined with h'ti urn i s b National Caskets imodland fires. two brother* In building a dormitory Bank trading area have long since W, A. Spenc«. it declared olwolele.—Christian Science Monitor, learned to try The Register, flint, Robert. I,alrd Homestead, «t Harvard la memory cC their >Mt anil always,—Advoruacmeut* Ii. I'. D. 1, ISatontown, H. J. RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933.

Port Monrnonth. Mrs. Prentice was Son was in Midway Green cemetery twice DMri*]pd and she leaves three at Matawan. Herbert N. Straus, children by her first husband. They •OBlTUARYl are Mrs. Rachel Gunderson of Union George E. West. Merchant, Dead City and Isaac and Joseph Mceks of George E. West of Long Branch Henry V. Eaatmond, California. .. , dropped dead Wednesday about noon Middletown Township Resident The funeral was held last night at just after he had stepped but of the a well known farmer ; ,;jgo. Mr. BurI- Other winners were Harold C. Hall, Wendell Straus, pupil in a New York by Rc\'L F. T. B. Ueynolds of Key- port. Burial was made at Groan dunn leaven a wife and several chil- I Alida Davlson, Julia Radford, Ruth achool; two hint her:;, Jc:v. parent;; were York. • Bank, waa in Glehwood cemetery at England, Annie McGee, Dorothy lost in the Titanic disaster. He at- The funeral was held Jast Satur- West JLong Branch. Kennerly, Florence Bennett, Dorothy tended Dr. Saxh'a Collegiate institute day afternoon at his late home with Thompson, S. Atkinson, Edward M. to prepare for college?, and in 3903 Rev. W. W. Kennedy, rector of the Arthur Davison. Little, Mabel Scott, Mrs. E. U Allen, Margie Nielsen,1 Joseph Llssberger, was graduated from Harvard with Chapel of the Holy Communion, in Arthur Davison of Glendola, assist- an A. B. dc^ri'p. James Walsh. James Mountain, charge. • The bearers were Everett ant garne^ protector of the Central Adelaide Mulligan, Jessie Patterson, Immediately he joined his broth-! Smith, George Harms, Henry Won- R j Jersey district, died yesterday at the Mrs. E. S. Ackerman, Hance Wool- B in the operation of tho Macy derly, oy King and William and Monmouth Memorial hospital at ley, E. Hiltbrunner, H. W. Weider- ptore. He became liy Alexander Russell. Burial in'charge Ijong Branch, - He was ol years old. holt, Mrs. H. Woolley, Evelyn Geyer, 95 BROAD STREET. NEXT TO RED BANK POSTOFFICE. nr of the firm in 1011* and ft vice of the Worden funeral home was in Spinal meningitis was given,as the Ruth Bennett, Sarah West, Mrs, president three years later. During I *'a»r View cemetery. cause of death. Edna Antonides, Esther Martin, Paul tho \V9ild War he helped organize j r~ ' Davison was appointed game war- Smith, W. F. Hiltbrunner, Dorothy the Hoover food administration! William A. Hopping. den of .Monmouth county October 1, Metzler, Mrs. Weiderholt, Lewis Dav- work. ! The funeral of William A. Hop-1018, and served until July 1, 1929, I hon, William Finegan, Ruth Buck- Hai>alle 6c Koch company of Toledo . byteilan church, conducted the Err- Patients At the and of the DavLson-Paxon companuyi vice. He was a^aihted by Rev. Ed- Wllllum Quacksnbubh, of Atlanta, Georgia, operating stores , ward W. Miller, pastor of the Bap-a former resident of Atlantic High- Riverview Hospital in wfr)ich the Straus farnijy held a list church. land^, died a I noon laH .Sunday at large financial uitr-rcst, and a ( Tiie house was filled with relative.-; the hump of his late brother, Luther i Two babies were born yesterday at member of !he Harvard, Manhattan, i and friends who called to pay their QuackenbUhh of Old Bridge. He was the Riverview hospital. Mrs. Harry j GroJicr and N.itional Hepublicun , respects. There were more than br.> years old and was a resident o,f E. Hotchkiss of South street gave j clubs of New York, Harvard club of ; fifty floral pieces. The service, Dover. 1 birth to a'daughter and Mrs. Louis Boston and the Metropolitan of ' though a .simple one, was very im- The funeral will be held this after- ' Hoffman of Monmouth street gave Washington, D- C. i pres/ivc. noon at two o'clock at the Old Ten- \ birth to a son. Last Wednesday a The funcial \V;IH 1K1<1 Sunday 1 The honorary bearers were Mayor nent church. The bearers, all nepI- fcon-wa s born to Mrs. William Smith morning a I Hie New York home. I Eeujamin J- Parker of, Shrewsbury'. hews, will be Palmer, Chester, Mil- , of Wharf avenue. Vvjift's frcini!!!n, finncur's Star The scrviff: was simple mni eon- \ <'*nd Enr-ley E. Morris, Frank Mc- lard and Samuel Quackenbush, Ethan j Donald Thompson of Herbert ^i.stcd <'f the j»l,'iying of thi<-f parts ' Mahon, R. V. R. H. Stout, Warren H. Palmer and John R, Hawkins. street was operated on for the re- of Beethoven i'iela Michaelson I on for appendicitis last week. Fatally Injured Iiumson, died early Monday at her of Rumson, who died Sunday of last Mrs. John Rossnegel of Koans- name of a general breakdown. She week at her home on Meadowbrook burg is in the hospital with a frac- r was 73 years old. She waa born in avenue, was hold last Wednesday af- tured hip. She was injured in a fall Hairy Bennett, ,>;», former chief of Fancy Milk-Fed KoasUng the Long liram-h, l;n; department, Ireland and came to this country ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Worden at Asbury Park. was fatally injured early. Sunday while a young woman. She had re-funeral home on East" Front street. Harold Holmes of Tinton Falls fell CHICKENS . . '" Rev. W. Calvin Colby, pastor of the morning, when the automobile m sided at Rumson for the past fifty from a tractor while it wag in mo- (4 to 5 lbs. Average) which he wan riding crashed into a years. Rumson Presbyterian church, con- tion Monday and one of the wheels tree on the sharp turn at the east- Besides her husband Mrs. Murphy ducted the service. passed over his arm, inflicting a Strained Cranberry Sauce IDEAL BRAND 17 oz. tin 15c ern end of Oceanport village, known is survived by six children, Mrs. The bearers were Councilman deep cut. He ree'eived medical treat- as "dead nun's curve." Harry Sico, Charles Woodward, Misses Margaret George U- Kuhn, Robert Wilson, Otto ment at the hospital. ai?o of Long Branch was driving the and Helen Murphy and John I* Strohmcnger and Elmer and Latham FOB THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. car. He and Bennett were on their 'Murphy, all of Rumson; William Pcarsall, all of Rumson. Burial'was TAP DANCING CLASS. way to Keyport. Sico taid a cuv zip-. Murphy, Jr., of Fair Haven and in Evergreen cemetery at Little Sil- preaching from the opposite direc- Lawrence Murphy of Middletown; a ver, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hunting of Fair tion swun^ wide around the curve sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Moran of As- Haven Giving Instructions. and forced him off the road. bury Park arid a half-brother, George Arthur Jones. Lang" of Rumson. A tap dancing class has been or- Bennett was thrown through the The funeral of Arthur Jones of ganized by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Large Selected Loose windshield nf the car. Ho suffered a The funeral was held this morn- Bedminister, a former resident of Hunting at their home on River road compound fracture of the skull and ing at 9:30 o'clock at the Church of Red Bank, who was stricken while at Fair Haven. Beginners' and ad- numerous cut^. At the Hazard hos- the Holy Cross, where the rector, driving his automobile near Bcrn- vanced classes for children and pital at lxjng Branch, where he wasRev. John E. Murray, celebrated a ardsville ten days ago, was hold last adults are being formed and in con~ ] The Famous Hormel taken, two operations were per- high masa of requiem. Burial in Saturday afternoon aL two o'clock at junction with these classes Mrs. Easter Egg Dyes Flavor Sealed Ham formed on him. He died Monday af- charge of the Worden funeral home St. Bernards Episcopal church at Hunting will conduct her classes in cans £\ ternoon. was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Bernardsville. The body had been llml j^ives you twico as elocution and dramatics. Through Keg. Site much eutablo! placed In the family vault in Fair years of experience on the stage Mr. EDUCATOR tb. View cemetery to await the arrival FOB THUnS.. FBI. & SAT. ONLY DEATH BY GAS. Mrs. Phoebe Johntry and Mrs. Hunting know the art of NEW of his wife and family from Europe, tap dancing from A to Z. Since Animal Crackers (died at her home at Belford Thurs- where they had been vacationing. H1CL MONTE BBAND Long: Branch Woman .Apparently day morning from heart trouble at their retirement from the footlights Quarter Size Burial, in charge of R. R. Mount & they have assisted in the production Committed .Suicide. the age 75 years. She is survived Son, was in the St. Bernard cemetery. by seven children, they being Mrs. of ma-ny entertainments and benefit SWANSDOWN a-ii-ib.: Mrs. William Stack, 62, of Long William' Bade of Hoboken, William performances iu and. around Hi d COFFEE Branch, was found dead in the gas-Johntry of Jersey City, Mrs. Vere John Weaver Bank. No. SJi can Cake Flour fllled Kitchen of her apartment on Vallcau. of Manasquan, Mrs. Phoebe Ideal Brand "'25c Saturday nipht by her hunbiind. Mr. of Bridge avenue died.last Saturday Wolfe, Mrs. Mary Etta Casler and at the Monmouth memorial hospital AT RADIO CLUB SESSION Stack said he mid hiy v.-ife retired Theodore Johntry of Belford. She al- SWISS KNIGHT \mx Mutual Grade A "'21c about 8;30. At 10;30 ho was awakened at Long Brancli. He was 64 years Buffet Size Strawberries, so leaves two sister and a brother. old and had been a resident of Red Ivod Bank Kadlo Stars Entertain at Mutual Breakfast . . . . "' 19c by the odor of gna, and going to the They are Miss Rosa DeOrote of Red Gruyere Cheese kitchen found hia wife slumped over Bank and Lon^ Branch for the past Meeting in Newark. j Bank, Mrs. Henrietta Reed of Long forty years. He was born at New- Raspberries, Black Pitted the gas stove on which two jets Branch and Henry DeGrotc of Port Several entertainers who appeal were open. Dr. J. C. McKelvie and ark and is survived by his wife, Mrs. ((1 iMirlions) Ideal Brand Tea Monmouth. The funeral yas held at Mary Ellen A say Weaver. regularly over station WJBI attend- the first aid :.,qua<] responded to tho house Sunday afternoon, with ed the April meeting of the Newark Cherries, Loganberries... culls. After Working over Mrs. Rev. J. J. Messier, pastor of the Bel- The funei;ul waa held Monday af- Evening News radio club laut Fridiy Stack for over an hour shu was pro-ford Methodist church in charge. ternoon at the Worden funeral home night. An entertainment was pre- 8 OZ. TINS SUNSHINE lt>. pli|f. nounced dead. Mrs. Stack had boon The bearers were Theodore Johntry, on East Front street with Rev. Al-sented by the local pcrf ormci T despondent for sonic time because Vere Vallcau, Charles Casler, Orvllle bert L. Baner, pastor of the Metho- among whom were included Cow for Prelzeletles of poor health rind the recent death dist ehureh, in charge. Burial was boy Jack and his trio, the Reid vocal Blue Ribbon Cubes of a daughter. I easier, Herbert Fade and WJJfam ir. Fair View cemetery. trio, i£d Cogon and his . Hill Billy Bade. Interment was at Fair View bcjys and the Sunnyland revue, with t-OtilivYy hy lln.TVny..PfdllJ Of KOV- BEVERAGES .Juan MunJinki'i, .ntarlon Ttyyor .n"'J.. his Sunnvlnnd, CHESTERFIELD . 1'1'f- »t 30 tin M fkC HACK FROM SOUTH AMKUU'A. pott. There were many beautiful one-year-old daughter of Mr. andorchestra. Andrew Hill of lied Hi u/.. -Imltii! 1'UMiilUIV flower pieces. Bank was in charge of the show. CIGARETTES , . ... Mr. and Mrs. William V. B. Vindk-y Mrs. Francis Marckstcin of Rector Were Away Six Months, Uoue Helen Apel. place, died last Thursday morning at IDEAL BBAND S& f»r On her birthday last Thursday, the Monmouth Memorial hoapital at Itfvcrvtew Hospital Benefit. Ginger Ale CHIPSO Mr. and Mrs. William V. B. Find- Rose Helen Apel, wife of Frederick Long Blanch after an illness of five The Fair Haven auxiliary of the SAUERKRADT . . ley have returned to their residence Apel of Belford, died at River View j days. The funeral was held Ja3t Sat- FLAKES or GRANULES on the Ridge road, Rum^on, alter a urday with Rev. Dv. John B. McCloa- Riverview hospital will hold a des- Nn, 'i^j cans (no deposit) 1 hospital at Red Bank at the ago ©£ sert-bridge at the Episcopal pai ioh lil>B. fife for 6% PC six-months combined business nnd 35 years. Her death waa very unex- key, jector of St. James church, in pleasure trip to Brazil. While moiit charge. Burial, in charge of John E. house at Fair Haven Monday aitri- t;LEN8lDlt) BRAND pected and it followed a abort sick- noon, April 17,' at half-pa at one of their time was sjient in the city nosH. She was taken to the hospital Day, was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Mr. 28 oz. bottle POMiSROY. of Rio dc Juneiia, they made several and Mrs. Marckstcin have two other o'clock. Misg .Elizabeth Scow.croft ift CUT BEETS .... last Wednesday. Besides her hus- chairman. Members of her commit- trips into the .surrounding country hnn(\ sho la survived by «lx children. children, James and John March- No, V-i t'iius and vialted muny other cities. Mr. stein. tee are Mrs. George Hawkins, Si , Ginger Ale The children arc Frederick, 15 years Mrs. W. C. Van Horn, Mrs. Geoi jje ALICE BRAND 6^ f»»r Findley ha;; extensive business in- old, Hnrry 13, Gladys' 10, Warren 8, For Thunday, fi.JJV 'nd S^luidj/ Only terests in the1 southern hemisphere Hawkins, Jr., Mrs. Ambrose Mat- Lloyd G and Ralph 16 months. She Mrs, Ida VamltNrveer, thews and Miss Mary K. Hendrick- BAKED BEANS . . «5 & Lime Dry >, and has spent a considerable part also leaven a sister and a brother, of his life traveling in .South Amer- wife of Samuel Vanderveer of Fort son. Largo 20 POTATOES . . 5'" New York. They will be trained at Albert J. JtobiiiHon ployment a.Mvlco at 126 Harding fALIKOKMA '!'"• Fort Hancock and tlion finnt. to va- Mif*. Siiftnn Prentice, Ginger Ale 1 of Mutnwnn died Sfituniny at (ha ' roaci. Mian Grob will rotnln owner- Freah Fillet of Haddock . . "'21c rloiiH plnccH to work. Kov. I' . A. Do- of Port Monmouth, widow of James Long Branch hospital in hin 65th ship of 1.I10 •busiiwiH nnd will Hiiper- ORANGES . . . Marlii of Red fj;mk will glvo an ml-Prentice, died Sunday of heart dia- year, ifo leaves a brother, Daniel1 vl.i'jo its nianngeTnent from 1 he lion Long Island Oysters . . . ''"' 18c dress at a ^athrrinjr of Uiosn men at. eufiO She waa ?•*[ yeani of aj^c andRobinson of NuveHlnk ami two nlu-jtital. liLOrtlDA the Vort Hancock Y. M, {.,'. A. ncxl '••hR luid been in poor Iicnlth two (ei'fi. 'Vhy. funcnit wan field yostfi;. Chowder Clams ''"' 12c 12 m. IIDUJO 6ft for Sunday afternoon. Rev. (!nir|;i! R, year;;, Since the death of her huii- One of tlie quickc?Jt waya to find H ORANGES . . . 1 day afternoon at Matiiwuri. Kcv. ,\i I nil i>r . ICIlin nf AMniitii- ntghltmdii will tiiirid Wfrhtccn month/* npo who hatl J. BonUUn ft Atlnnih Jli^hhimh %,^ job Is to adinrtiHft in Thn Ui'Ki. Oysterettcs '''"•' 5c Perrier Water speak Saturday night. lived at the home of William NiHh of ter'H Want, Jtt-purtincnt. -Advct(ib«- Hciatcd. Burial by A. M. Pootur/and ment, ^ n »A RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933. Page, Fonrfppn tractive flower display in his candy towrlship hag reorganized by re-elect- Charges Politics store. Colt's Neck News. ing Russell Keulitt president and Mrs. T. Davllch and Mrs. N. Perry Harry M&yberry vice president and children of Merchantvillo and The sixteenth birthday of Miss Frank Gnnther has had his barns Contractor and Builder In Beer Question Mr. and Mrs. T. Jaffe and children Florence Durczak was celebrated and other outbuildings repainted. of Hastings, New Yolk, spent sev- Sunday afternoon with a party at the Several hew roadside markets have SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Assemblyman Thomas 5. Muir, eral days last week at the Derby home of Mrs. John Moliskey. The Trees and Hardy y been opened on the new state high- SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES house on Miller street. usual features were enjoyed and way south of this village. One in- telephone MO-M 160 Bridce Avenue. Red Bank. Author of Beer Bill, in Address Herbert Wwik, who ha3 recovered everyone had a fine time. genious person has used two former Here Flays Mayor Hague for from an illness of Several months, ^On the schoolhouse grounds and. at trolley to serve as a booth for 1 various other placea "mystery signs" the Bale of farm products. ' Stand on Liquor Problem. is visiting his son, John Kwiic. have been placed as follows: "May Shade Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Vines, Hedge*!] Assemblyman Thomas S- Muir, The American Legion has trans- 13th, 1933?" There lu much specula- The sewing club of the Reformed author of the state beer regulation planted tho memorial trees in front tion as to the meaning of these pla- church will meet at the homo of Mrs. Plants, Roses, Hardy Flowers, Fruit Trees, of the old school to the new school Hill, in an address before members ] cards. It is said that the Boy Scouts George S. P. Hunt Thursday, April 'nib property. The cannon has also been know the answer,, but if this is BO20. Garden Fruits, etc., etc. of the Young ileus Bepublican ra d to at itts headquarters on East Front °™ "£ new school grounds they are not giving out information. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davison have street last Wednesday night, charged I Mr. and Mrs. John Sutmiin of At- Maybe they will later on. returned from their wedding trip to BEAUTIFUL STOCK AT PRICES THE that the state Democratic organiza Washington and they have started from Florida, where they spent the W. Carroll Barclay is spraying his tlon was playing politics with the apple trees. The job la a big one, housekeeping at Freehold, where the LOWEST IN OVER TWENTY YEARS. • liquor problem. winter. groom is manager of a grocery store. j as Mr. Barclay haB an orchard of 100 Write lor Copy of Our Free Catalog. Mayoy r Frank Hague of Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lacell of New ' :acres. The bride was formerly MIBB Harriet he said, talked for twenty minutes York have moved into the ir summer W. A. Spence is stilt looking for his Sherman of this place. She is a 257 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank on the floor of the Senate without cottage on Lighthouse hill. collie dog "Bruce," which disap- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sher- revealing his stand on the question The Young People's Republican peared ten days ago. He suspected man. (Opposite Bank St.! social club will hold a card party of bars and the sale of beer on Sun- that his dog was the one which was Special music was rendered at the TF.I.rrilONE RKU BANK S436, day, although he was asked directly April 18 at the Water Witch casino. h f h Oi i and Reformed church Sunday In observ- J. Duflield, Robert Weiss, .1. Mur-hung from the Oceanic bridge for hls''position on these matters by tortured about two weeks ago, but ance of Palm Sunday. An Easter Senator Elmer Richards. ray and sister and Jacob S. Hoffman he found upon investigation tha^ this program will be given next Sunday. Lovdfs Nursery, Inc. The .blind assemblyman declared j spent-Palm Sunday ,-t New York wna not the caac. . The boyfl of the Young Men's Permanent Wave that /under prohibition men of ' and Brooklyn, George Soffel, who had been Im- Christian association have organized Little Silver, :-: New Jersey, wealttl could always get whatever Arthur Cummins entertained a proving from grip, had a relapse last a baseball team. Suite have been or- they wanted to drink. He said that number of friends at a beefsteak week and he is again confined to the dered and they are expected coon. PHONE R. B 2200. & up drinking was done in the state house dinner Saturday night at his home house. The boys had a very successful bas- and even the supreme court cham- j at Water Witch, The board of education of Atlantic ketball season. i bers. Frank and Edward Wcinhcimer Mr. Muir declared that Governor have a new front on their garage on Moore in liis program of economy Navesink avenue. whereby departments and jobs were The Highlands Lions club "will SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVE Jge abolished saw to It that only Ropub-! hold nn nlrl-fashioned barn dance licans were dismissed from service j Saturday night, April 22, at the All Other Beauty Work Reasonably Priced. and'that "deserving" Democrats were | Lions den. The place will be deco- undisturbed. iited appropriately for the eve,nt. 2 The assemblyman said that the leg- j Dances of bygone days will be a ; islature would probably continue in [feature of tho evening's festivities. [ session until the middle of May, dur- Costume prizes from a pig to gold- j ing which time a cut of seven mil-\ flg^ wj[j be awarded. Delegations ! lion dollars was to be made, in the from neighboring Lions clubs will I budget. He praised Senator Frank attend. At (he next "open house" j Durand of Monmouth county in his meeting of the club Tuesday night, ' NO WAITING efforts to pass the anchorage bill for I April 25, an address will be given by the benefit of the shore counties and the warden of the state prison. PHONES: Easter Flowers stated that many worthwhile bills A dessert-bridge party for the are killed in committee on the benefit of the building fund of St. ground of economy, the general prac- Andrew's church will be held Tues- 3262 or 3263 Spring flowers bring glad- tice being to vote down all measures day, April 18, in the guild room. Mrs, as soon as someone suggests that it Samuel C. Corse is in charge of the QUALITY PLUS SERVICE! ness wherever there's Easter would be a measure of economy to arrangements. A banquet for mem- Free Delivery. in the heart... Easter Lilies, do so. bers of the church and friends will Suggestions regarding the opera- be given April 20 by the guild. Hyacinths, Bright Tulips, tion of the state government by the Princeton . university school body Sweet Peas for fragrance ... were ridiculed by the speaker. He said lie fell that the more exper- Atlantic Highlands Narcissus and Jonquils for a ienced legislators,could do a better The Red Bonk Register can be bought Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday job than tbe Princeton schoolboys. breath of spring, gay Potted in Atlantic Highlands fit tlie Ktures of One of the suggestions from Prince- William Left. W.-Lemburg mid A. Kuti. Plants of many Varieties... ton, he Baid, was that the state abandon the practice of stocking the The water department's shut-off Roses in the softest shades. streams and forests. He pointed out order has resulted In the payment April 13th, April 14th and April 15th that sportsmen paid license fees for of many delinquent water bills. The all are ready to bring Easter fishing and hunting. He interrupted order went into effect last week, but into the home—at the most his epeecli to sing a parody entitled, most of the delinquent bills were "Bye Bye, Blackbird," which ho had paid wholly or in part, and it was reasonable prices.- • • composed. necessary to enforce the older ott only twelve propertied.' The; water If the suggestions from the uni- Evaporated Milk department will continue .its drive Maxwell House versity for the operation of the mo- COFFEE BORDEN'S—Tall Cans Rev. Hollla Hart preached Monday night and Rev. Herbert H. Neaie DeFazio's Flower Shoppe _.m Muir charged that last night. Rev. George R. Ellin Governor Moore desired a one-man will occupy the pulpit tonight, Rev. 4 BROAD ST., RED BANK highway "commission" because his William I. Campbell tomorrow night Special cans appointee -would have the exclusive and Rev. Thomas G. Thomas Friday right to award millions of dollars 6 night. Communion will be observed worth at road contracts. tomorrow night. Phone R. B. 3448. Mr. Muir in closing, complimented members of/ the local club for their Plans are progressing for the card _ STORE OPEN EVENINGS. , interest in the science of government, party Wednesday night, April 19, at SUGAR BROOMS SARDINES j He told of/hi3 early interest in "pollt- St. Agnes'a auditorium lor ths bene- RAYMOND DAVISON, Mgr- j teal science, declaring that he had fit of St. Agnes's church. DOMINO—in Cloth Bags Reg. 50c Reg. 10c • received his early education in this The Central railroad steamers will Finest Imported Norwegian resume operation between here and No. 6 Fancy Parlor Broom FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED IN ANY PART OF THE WOBLD. line as a newspaper reporter. The speaker was introduced by New York on May 23. lbs. A?C Morris Miller, president of the club. At a meeting of the public health each for Other speakers were Herbert Ed- association Monday night, Mrs. Wil- wards and George Bray, candidates liam Crawford, public health nurse, 25- for the Republican nominations for reported she made 153 visits during assemblyman and freeholder. Cap- the month of March. tain Robert Kennedy, overseer of the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Augustine of FRUIT SALAD poor and director of unemployed re- 6 Hudson avenue are thn parents of or FRUIT COCKTAIL OLD DUTCH PEACHES ! lief, told of the work of his depart- a son born Friday night. The child ment. John Lawley told of the ef- will be named Lewis George Augus- Finest Quality—Largest Cans CLEANSER—Special Fancy California—Largest Cans. forts being made to organize a Re- tine. publican club in Middletown town- The. spring: cleaning1 of t?ic bor- ough water plant is in progress. The §1 cans cans C cans The club voted to give, if neces- floor is being repainted and drains sary, all the club's funds on deposit to take care of the overflow from 4 25 in tho Second National bank to aid the pumps and a new sink are being in the re-openinij of that institution. installed. Mr. Bray reported that plans, for Residents of the borough are glad Mayonnaise HEINZ BAKED Heinz Jellies WOE FASHIONS | the dinner to be given Mayor Van R. to hear that Ira Antonides, who is Hal3ey, chairman of the Republican a patient at Mount Sinai hospital at Davidson's Delicious BEANS " Grape, Quince, Crabapple EASTER—-when Fashion holds sway over a new executive committee of Monmouth New York, has shown considerable county, were progi-cooing. The din- improvement within the past. week. and Currant. season. ner will be given at the Berkeley- Mrs. Antonides, Leslie Antonides, ® 8-oz. «| cans *|®|c Med. Sixe Cnrteret hotel at Asbury Park on William Lloyd and Miss Alice Olson EASTER—when you walk in Style, in Comfort, Wednesday, April 20. visited him at tho hospital last week. 25' glasses Mrs. Sara Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. —' jars 61 cans *$1$c Large Size and in the path of Economy, wearing out- Charles Keefer and Miss Lillian Qt. 39c Highlands News Bratton attended the funeral Satur- Pt. 23c very distinctive Shoe Modes. day at Newark of James F. Owen, a t (The Red Bank Register can ba bought summer resident of Beacon Beach. DUFF'S Ginger Bread in Highlands at Bedle'a drug atora and Mr. Owen is the father of George Cranberry Sauce Pancake Flour ; lit Joseph Stamen's etore.) Mix Bran or Devil's Food I Services will be held tonight and Owen, who is the son-in-law of Mrs. Virginia Sweet—Reg. 10c tomorrow night at the Methodist Jackson. Minot Brand—Special ! or Spice Cake Mix church. Pupils of the primary and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kruse are intermediate departments of the the parents of a son born Friday. cans Sunday-school will present an Eas- Mrs. Kruse is at the Long Branch cans ter program Sunday night at the hospital. church. The choir will render spe- Nelson Roberts has rented the cial music at both (Caster services. Robert Cook house on Washington I A joint meeting of the official board avenue and Mr. Roberta's house on • and the Ladies' aid society will be Lincoln1 avenue has been leased to HAMS GRAPE JUICE I held Thiii'Hday nishl, April 21). Tile John W. Plllsbury. Tho rentals were Jersey Fresh Laid Pure Concord Ladies' aid society will hold a de- made through the Bowtell agency. ARMOUR'S—Fixed Flavor pict Mnn sociable Tuesday night, Minn Margaret Mcf^rne nnd the ®m GT/r» Doz. pt high school debating class, nf which 2 Bottle- s Mi. and Mis. George W. I-Inrdy she Is coach, visited New York on -:-,'-iit till'; Wrplt-tlld ' wII11 Mi1.' and Saturday , JJidb. 1 Qt. Bottles 22' .... Itn^inaUi Hardy of Brooklyn. Mrs. A. T. Brook nf New York Fresh Laidrf . 19c doz. . •Kii.l Hardy will be 'home Ihiaj was a visitor In town over (he week- v •. .-U ironi Duke university for the end. :.print; vacation. [ Mrs. Anna Conrad of Jersey City Marmalade OLIVES PEAS Stringless Beans F.rrr licenses iiavr been issued by has reopened her homo on East i ho mayor and council to John R. Washington avenue. C'KOSSE * BLACKWELL STUFFED—Large Bottles FANCY SWEET—LilSWEET—Lily Brand FANCT CUT | Ahem of River road,. JSmll Auf\eri A feature of a meeting of the Phi oi l.:,iy avenue, MI'K. Edna Kitioo of Stprna Chi fraternity tomorrow night .Tars BotUcs ConConBB Can8 c Lay avenue, Mrs. M. Cummins of at the home of Sovrre Sorenson will SI.II;T Harbor, John Content of Ouk | be a legal beer party. Plans will bo 2 2 25 25°° 3 25 :ii rt. M. Mcniles of Fourth street. made for the grand conclave in Mny uuiiick Parrilo of Hay avenue, at , tho Berkelcy-Caiterct hotel at .uk Weinheirner of Navesink ave- Asbury Purk. , '-'. Mel Johnson nf Bay avenue Olllccrs elected hy the Ladies' aid I Kred Mohr, distributor. Kocirty of the Prosbytnrinn church A monthly raid parly nf the Indies' are Mrfl. Kamuel P. Harris president, ai.vjliary of |hr fire department was Mrs. Charles Reed first vice prosl- i.'ld Friday night nt thn ilrehouse. dent, Mm. V. C. Woodruff second . NEW The prize winri'TN weir Mm. Valerie vice president, Mrs. Amzi Qtiackcn- POTATOES ASPARAGUS i Smith, Mi'.'-. 1-niil.iu Krcy, Mrs. T. bush third vice president, Mrs. J. K. SPINACH Pn.iewnrli, Mrs. K He:;.!, Mm. W. Armfltccl treasurer, Mrs. I'.Ylgar IT. POTATOES FANCY WASHED FANCY POTATOES CALIFORNIA I Ili.niilitm, Mi-H. lOttu Quus.1, Mrs. Cook Secretary, MM. J. V. Wills FLORID AS' LAUGH BUNCHES Huili Viiuthcc.-., Jacob K. Hoffman, corresponding neerotury, Mm II. n*. M Ac C Basket Mi's l-IU'n dlsi'ii. Mr., rhnrlon Koh- Went thalrinnn nf thr hotitofm rom- lhB 27 lbs. «C Jlunch Irnliu.-h, MM. Hortha C'ottrcll, Mrs. mittee, MrB. Stanley Lnirrl ohalrmnn 3 I.nrrll-, I'lulTy, Mrs. Hurry Letts, of tho membership committee and 5 - W 25 Mi? (.Tiiifli-: Ilirli.-rl. Mm'. Myrtle Mrs. V. C. Woodruff chairman of KM TJ'nri) TVrJnr;il«-«J I min * in h|jj«-)s ljr• ;ii jiino'lilf: Mrs;. I.nvinn Voor- Mr. and Mrs. Kay Kmri son have FANfJl' STIUNGLICSS LARGE BUNCHES $5.00 and $6.00 '"'••-. Mr Anna (•'riinkel, Mrs, (Joliilp returned home from Wanhln^tnn, J>. FULIi 1'ODS X.AIIQE BUNCHES Kintr and Mi:.. Margaret Voorhorn'at C, where they had spent, several Bunches 6|)6t}0 g% BunohcH Jll M C >

•'•-• • •••' ' •'•••"• : • ' 1*

4 k

7 V V 4 f t V

Five Hundred v When the above amount was suggested by the Chief Examiner and the Officers of the Federal Reserve Bank as being necessary to restore our capital structure, we felt it was excessive and in our opinion much more than required; and it did seem a great deal of money to secure. They, however, maintained that that amount would place the bank in a very strong position, definitely dispelling any doubt whatever as f to its strength, and urged that it be obtained. t Because of the loyalty of our friends, the diligent and energetic work of a large T X organization of volunteer workers, and the cordial response of those who subscribed T T T so generously, the extraordinary feat of raising that amount has been accomplished. V For all the evidences of good will and confidence we cannot adequately express our thanks. We hope everyone who has in any way shared in this achievement fully realizes how deeply we feel indebted to them. We trust it may be our privi- lege to have an opportunity to show our appreciation to each and every one of them at some time in the future. In the meantime, all we can say is, "THANK YOU, EVERYBODY." \.\__L _ With the completion of this "financing the position of the bank warrants the con- fidence it has enjoyed for the sixty-five years it and its predecessors have served this community. - Assets, the value of which were questioned by the Examiner, will be marked down to his estimate, but we feel they have a large recovery value, and every effort will be made to establish this fact. The amount recovered, as well as all earnings of this bank, will be used solely to pay dividends on and to redeem the preferred stock; this must be paid in full be- 1 fore any dividends will be paid former stockholders. AS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BANKING DEPARTMENT HAVE 1 NOW BEEN COMPLIED WITH, WE ARE UCENSED TO FURNISH COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS. WE TRUST YOUR RELA- *? TIONS WITH US WILL BE FULLY RESUMED WITHOUT DELAY. t you have opened an account under the new trust regulations your balance may

be transferred to your regular account at once and checks issued without any re- «• strictions. V t t X rT r' f t Second National Bank & Trust Co. T V T Y t Y ? T ? $ t T1

* Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933. BIRTHDAY FABTY. company held a auccessful card pir- The public school will be dosed play Its first game on lt« home dia- from Eait Freehold to the new Van-Rutherford visited friends here on ty at the schoolhousa Saturday eight. Friday and Monday for the Easter mond Sunday, April 23, against a fast Pelt bungalow, near the railroad. Sunday. Given In Celebration of Mrs. Louis The East Keansburg Athletic club vacation. Newark nine. " • L. B. Conover and son Leon spent Bert Williams moved from Gilbert Becker1!! Birthday. baseball team played against the Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius M. Brltton Miss Anna Betz of New York was Sunday at Belmar. Magee's house on Hudson street to Crescent Athletic club of Keansburg were visitors at Imlaystown Sunday. L visitor here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Urs. Charles S. Brown of Freehold on Saturday. Mrs. Louis Becker of Worthley Sunday afternoon. The Crescents Mrs. M.-A. Coe spqnt Thursday The Field club held a very suc- street was entertained at a birthday won by the spore of 4 to 8. On thewith her sister, Mrs. LeCompte of :e85ful dance Friday night at the Happy Baste*! | party Friday afternoon at her home. same day the East Keansburg team Keansburg. Leonardo grammar school. The house was decorated In purple defeated the Comet Athletic club of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hamilton and and white. There were five tables Keansburg by the acore of 11 to 10. family have returned home after of bridge and refreshments were Some of the members of the beach New Monmouth News. having spent the winter at New served. The guests present were committee made an inspection of the York. See Our Window Miss Kalhiyn Higglns, Gertrude Le- bulkhead last week and they lound Revival meetings are being held at The monthly meeting of the Bap- Lubrication! vinsky, Mrs. Abraham Altberg, Sel- that considerable damage had been the Baptist church this' week. Rev. tist ministers of Monmouth county ma Simon, Mra. Abraham Simon. done by recent storms. An early Gordon Brownville of Atlantic City is being held at the church here to- Mrs. William Coward, Mrs. William meeting of the committee Is expected preached Monday night and last night day. Brown, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. to formulate plans for more beach and he will preach tomorrow night. Proper for Arthur Jones, Miss Daisy Hance, The speaker tonight will be Rev. Mr. protection. Morgan of Brooklyn. On Friday Marlboro News. Mrs. Elva Jones, Mra. Anna Katz, Mr. and Mrs. William Gowan and night the sermon will be preached Mrs. Lida Smock, Mrs. Mary Dick- their daughter of Arlington were at Did your doctor over tell you It's Important to keen your inson, Mrs. Leon Kislin, Miss Anna by Rev. Mr. Sieverlght of Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and their summer bungalow here over Park. No service will be held Sat- daughter of Brooklyn spent the sjBtem clean ? Well—as your car's attending physician, take a Saturday Specials! May Christman, Mrs. Bertha Huhn the week-end. urday night. Monday night and last and Mrs. Joseph Becker of Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolan and week-end at their summer home Up from me—lubrication Is what keens your car's system clean ! night the musical programs were in here. 1 Miss May Donahue of Long Branch, family of Newark spent Saturday charge of the Christian Endeavor Let me keep an eagle eye on youi car, and lubricate. It regularly* Mrs. David Jncltson of Shrewsbury, and Sunday at their summer bunga- Mrs. Lizzie Stryker has returned society and tonight the program will from a visit with her brother, Theo- Your car will feel bettor and your pockctbook will feel better for Mrs. Oscar Becker of Fair Haven ow at thle place. be under the direction ot the Ladies' dore Sickles of Matawan. and Mra. Fannie Falkcnburg of The Keansburg Eaglea defeated an Aid society and the missionary so- Miss Evelyn Maher has been home the charge Is reasonable ! Point Pleasant. Prizes were won by )aBt Keansburg team captained by ciety. Tomorrow night and Friday on a vacation from her duties at St. Marys' Bake Shop Mrs. Arthur Jones, Gertrude Levin- Frank VanNortwlck Saturday at this night the song services will be ledFrancis hospital, Trenton. slty, Mrs. Elva Jones and Mrs. James place by the score of 11 to 8. The by the Ushers' union and the Chris- Mrs. Mary Jane Conover Is a p&~ Higgins. Eagles would like to book games tian Endeavor society. ;ient at tho Long Branch hospital. Atlas Tires... Batteries ... Lubrication 29 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. with other teams. Their manager Lester Thorne has a new team of Mrs. Lydla Fields had a fall the and captain is Clifford Widmer. horses which he bought last week past week in which she sprained her Free Crankcase Service. Union Beach News. City folks who own summer bun- from the William C. Ely estate of wrist. (The Red Bank Register can be bought galows at this place were hero In Holmdel. Mue. Ada Conover, who has been in Union Beach at the store of Gu» Sen-force Saturday and Sunday. For the The missionary society of the Bap-confined to the Freehold hospital ion.) most part they spent the week-end tist church will meet at the home of since December^ due to injuries re- According to a resolution adopted In making repairs to their dwellings. Mrs. Walter E. Wailing tomorrow ceived In an auto accident, is home by the borough council Thursday Tbe brilliant weather was ideal for afternoon. again. night, scrip will be put in circula- this outdoor work. John Walling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gentleman and daughter Ag- Jones Filling Stations •anish Beauty Salon tion to relieve financial conditions. Twenty-seven youths and young Curtis Walling, continues to im- nes of Brooklyn, spent Tuesday here. Current bills have not been paid for men passed an examination to be-prove fiom sickness. Mrs. James Diggins has returned Permanent Waving Specialists for the some time and borough employees come members of the East Keans- from a visit with her sister at Toms COR. MAPLE AVE. & BERGEN PLACE and school teachers also have not burg first aid squad last week. The River. Past 19 Years. been paid for some time. The flnan- examination was held at the Bchool- Leonardo News. Principal William Williams spent house. James Redfleld, Jr., with a tho week-end at his home at Port COR. BRIDGE AVE. & RECTOR PL. 171 BROAD ST., Tel. R. B. 2342. cial stress Is further extended by mark of 89, had the best record. (The Red Bank Register can be bounht the action of the school board of in Leonardo at the stores of Fred Meyera Elizabeth. (opp. Woman's Club Koyport, who will exclude the Union A basketball game between the and Gene Detrat., Miss Louise Pine was the guest of COR- FRONT & SPRING STS Beach pupils from that school May Keyport Ravens and the Keansburg general store.) Miss Dorothy Smith on Saturday. 3 If part of the tuition fund Is notTrojans was held at the Shore Acre Robert Cflrnle is confined to tho Lyle Hayes moved on Monday paid. The Union Beach school board Barn at this place Saturday. Tho house with tonsllltis. READY FOR EASTER ? has made no payment to the Key-Ravens won by the score of 42 to 18. The Ladles' aid society of the Bap port board during the present school The East Keanaburg Athletic club tist church will meet at the home HONEY & BUMBLE By Kent Terry You'll want to look youi best on baseball team will play at Newark year. Efforts will be made by the of Mrs. Abraham Jerolamen tomor- THE HE'D SAY « REASONABLE* AND Euster Sunday. Visit our up-to-date members of the borough council to Sunday morning on the Ironbound row afternoon. new salon and get one of our mar- diamond. THING/

of Belford and Mr. aad MrsClirk. , Irene Cutrlt, Dorothy Gaddis, K»tb- of Bradevelt, Charles £• Uarbuur of SHERIFFS SALE erine Monzo. A. wiBia By vlrtuu of a writ uint - MONDAY, THE ; ITU DAI OF APRIL, At a meeting ot the seventh an- Mina Anna Telchman and Law-White, Kenneth Uceven. Adeline uinaco, nual conference of New Jersey high rence Leach of. Jersey City spent the Kose Blnaco, Meatrlce Clay, Durham Cur- Hirt^JN, PABSON8 & DOBKHtlS. rie, Lillian Webl, Jean Karlcy, Uuth Hen- Oceanport News. Thrift ' COUNSEIIflRS AT UW school councils, Red Bank high week-end.with Mr. and Mra. Charles drickuon. Lulu Jackson, £leanor forcelli. «VhltAeld Suildlnn. R«d A uchoql was chosen to upcak in be- D. Brown; Helen Itociikoveky. foho 1 Quinn. L'haodore l> l-'areona. haltf of. the patrol systems of the Fifth and Klxth grades—Michael Blnaco, Mrs. John B. Hulse of Main street Thomaf P DoremiiB The fishermen are having very Leroy Clay. Howard Drake, Melvln (ier- entertained her club at a dessert high schools of New Jersey. About £ood catches of shad this spring. Al- mati, Lester (ioriion, Paul Hall, Joe Fur- means the buying of the best on one hundred higli schools -were rep-fred Bicbardson caught 77 shad in celll, Lawrence Itobinnon, Lty Robinson, bridge Friday afternoon. High scores &LSTON BKiSIlMAN, James VanWickle, Mildred Andrade, Anna wer. e hel.d_ b.y Mrs. George S. Loper the market. GOUNSEILOB A'i LAW. resented at the meeting held last hlij pound on Monday. The Schnoor Offlcn, 10 Broid St- KE1. BANli, t, j Clark, Adelaide Diehl, Gertrude Drake, | and Mr6 w w Shampanore. Other the Thursday at tho Columbia high brothers also had a very large catch Ituth Fielding, Oeomlanna Krahnert, Ma- ' of school at South Orange. Gasper De- on Monday. be! ShuUi, Shirley Tuylor. June White. players were Mra. Lawrence Selbert, Uie Red Bank Seventh and eighth tirades—Patsy Bln- Mrs. Arthur Duske, Mrs. E. S. Wil- Our, driver will supply this article to you. Malo, president of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lingo and sons aco, Ben Clark, Thomas Farley, John Gor- lard, Mrs. Victor Satter and Mrs- council and cap- don, Ernest Krahnert, Jerumc lU>sd, Vin- high school student spent Wednesday evening with Mr. Frederick Hurley. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy oj Redcent Reed, Robert Scott, Howard "Voor- Experienced .. tain of the patrol system, led the heeB, Gerald F. Wyndorf, Emily A. Covert. Mr. and Mrs., Everett Rudloff of dlscuualon on patrplB. Bank. Lillian Kifjcher, Elizabeth Farhan, Annie Main street were recent guests of advertising Of the six hundred representatives Mrs. Vere Valleau of Matmsquan Hall, Dorothy JackHon, Tekla Krahnert, Jh Kuth McCorrnick, Audrey Morris, ui^n Mrs. Charles M. Couchman of North- Drink a Quart of Milk a Day present at the meeting, twelve were returned home Sunday after spend- Kock, Elizabeth Schuitz. pUrt, L. I. sales promotion and choncn to leud dlscuoulona on the ing a week with relatives here. various school problems. Robert Fat- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooperapent Mrs. George C. D. Hurley of Main salesman ton, chairman of the Columbia coun- the week-end at Btaten Island. street entertained at a tea Thursday wants position in any bus cil, Introduced Curtis II. Thrclkeld, Mrs. Amv Owens of Atlantic High- Lincroft News. afternoon for the benefit of the ness or retail store in any Ladles' aid society. Games wero principal of the Columbia high lands and Rev. David PoVey and Al- Tine Red Bank Register can be bought SHREWSBURY DAIR. CO., inc. or all capacities. school, who introduced Dr, E. K. bert Harvaateck of Homer City, played and prizes were won by Mrs. h n of &t Lincrolt from Edward Buughton, Jr.,John B. Hulse, Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles K he Fretwell, professor of extra-cur- Pennsylvania spent Saturday even- who baa a delivery route.) APFLY J. H. h Ph n so h ricular actlvlUeu at the teachcrH' Ing with Mr, and Mrs. Caleb Luker. and Mrs. Flora A. Wood. The date Serving You 13 Years With Milk Produced Box 511, fi m Mrs. Fred Langendorf and sojn for the chicken supper planned by ne college of Columbia university. Dr. Mr. arid Mrs. John Helns and Misa John of Hew York are visiting at the Solely in Monmouth County. Bed Bnnta Fretwell spoke on "The Inherent the society has been changed from hjruircJth I , t the ea,LLily .,fiju uC Mabel Luker spent Saturday at New home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. May 3 to May 10.. Other guests at Red Banlx 1456. Broad Street, Shrewsbury. N. 3. ;L property of M. Panborn ; thence (5) along P the ea«lei ly Hide of property of M. San- ValucB for the Pupils In a Program i York. Langendorf. the tea were Mrs. Charles R. Wall- brj: n r.or'.h one Jcjiree, nnd niri^ minutes ol Pupil participation In School Gov- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews en- Raymond Walling Is recoveringing, Mrs. Rondo c. DeNyse, Mrs. enat, one hundred and five feet more ernment." tertained friends from Jersey City from his recent illness of scarletDaniel Doran, Mrs. Thomas Meag- OP lorn, to illii "0'ithei-ly siila of Onkland on Sunday. street; thL'nrt; ft;) ai',r.y the Houtherly side Thc representatives Inspected the fever. her and Mrs. George S. Loper. W. 4. HOPPING of Oal.liin.l pin-tt north ciffhty-nine de- buildings aiand grroundgrron B of the high Mrs Andrew Kelly and son Ray- The Uncroft grammar school will xiacA nnd twer.ty-tive minutoa cast twenty- mond of Red Bank spent Sunday The Oceanport Civic association ii".iT>e ffp.l to the pinee of beninnine. school, the separate girls' end boys' be closed on Good Friday and Easter has Instituted a "Thrift Garden" Real Estate and Insurance JiciriK intuided to be part ol the same gymnasiums, ewirnmlng pools • andwith Mrs. Caleb Luker. Monday. land nrnl intmiA-s Monmouth County Clerk'B cussion of and a vote on the pro-two months but was not confined to Thompson. u olfice in liuok HJUC of Deeds at pago 142, her bed until two weeks ago. Her meeting of the Epworth League w« etc. posed formation of a permanent or- •William G. Domldlon, Sr., of New held ' Wednesday evening in the AU.n nil tlmt certain tract or parcel of Ranizatlon of school councils of New condition has shown some improve- York spent tbe week-end In town. liui.i itnd M-.:rniKci heminnfter particularly Dr. Opfermann of church hall. A nominating committee We'll be glad to lend you the money you need. AH jersey hiKh (schools. The proposal | merit of late. Miss Jennie Lewis of Utica, New n dfiHcrlhed. .Minute, lying nn.l beitiff In the for new officers includes Mrs. Joh arrangements can be made without delay or embar- Horouj.-h of Ilcd Bank, in the County oC was adopted by popular vote and a Highlands Is the attending physician. York, returned to her home on Mon-B, Hulse, Mrs. Flora A. Wood and MoMinouth. and State of New Jersey. committee was appointed to select, ^"ices will taheld every evening day lifter spending a week with her Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles. Mrs. Hub" atesment. You can repay us in 1—2—3—6—10 or Fief:!nitiriir nl a imint on the westerly a date for the next meeting. this week at eight o'clock at St.sister, MTB. Horton Roach. sitlo ot Hiidge iivcnue and in the north- Clement's church. Tomorrow morn- and Mrs. Wood were hostesses at more Convenient Monthly Payments to suit income. e;nt roni-jr of property now or formerly Mrs. Georgo Rlchdale ol Phalanx the meeting. lielonj;liiK to I'h«?!;in1 thence running (1) , ing at eleven o'clock Holy Com- in a westerly lUrection and alonjf tho entertained the members of the Mrs. Edward Berry of Main strer*' Belford News. ] munlon will be held, with Bey. H. S.Ladles' aid society at her home last Chargef are In accordance with State Regulations and Real Estate norihi:rli y line of property of Phelan forty- I Craig as tho celebrant. On Good | ^' had as her guests recently Mrs. H five f d eik'bty-one hurdredtha to the eelc Thc next meeting of the so-Kolshaw of Hasbrock Heights and are figured only on the unpaid balance of the loan .. easy of ty of M. San born; (Ths IUd Bank IlcuiBt«-r can li boiwht | Friday a three-hour service will be Ilc|,,iv'. lll be held at the home th«»ncD (-) In northerly direction and In tho Bl'jre ot John O'Neill, the service ' held from noon until three o'clock. Mrs. R, V. Banta of Hackensack. just for the exact number of days you keep the money. Insurance the onst linu of land of Sanborn itotion of Orvillo Cssler and Htrfrjr Was- William Mauser of Oceanport on Rlverview council, American Me- thirty ft.-ft tii'i'»r» e or lens, to other property j At eight o'clock in the evening the Thursday, May 4. For prompt service, come In — wrlto — or 'phonel of S:i!iljo!!i ; tin-ncti c <\i) In an cautcrly di- herma a'""" r.o,r,j^ ot ! story of the cross will be told in chanics, will have a spaghetti suppe" 1 Mortgage Loans i'et'ti p;i!-;ilk'l with thp first courae Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Bloodgood has re- at the Oceanport church hall Aprl forty fcut. nnd seventy-five hun- .— --- ^ i sontr. Holy Commun on w 11 be cel-turned home aiter spending a week Hozlct spent Sunday with Mr. and ebratel>- d. " SundaJ y morning at ten 20. clredt more or IL'.IH, to tho westerly Mrs. Edward Adams. with relatives' at Brooklyn, Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith. line ne iiveniio; thenre (4) in a o'clock and an Easter nermon will be Robert Davlero has recovered from -ly di eftifin :md nlons; the WBst lino Albert Maxson caught a KC-ven-fnot preached. At four o'clock In the af- James Smith and Misses Janet and Rra 1002, Tentl! Floor, Electric Bldg- of Hiidk'e venue thirty feet to tho point uturgeon In his pound net Monday. ternoon a special service will be held Audrey Smith of Bayonne spent 601 Bangs Avenue, Joseph Salz or JIIJICO of i TMs 1B the ftrat sturgeon of the sea- Mrs. Harry Sprung had as her Sunday In Oceanport. Corner Emory Street LOANS Ileint; Int ed to IJC pnrt f the aamc for'chlldren and adults. Easter gifts lim<'LJI1 B;mk, in the County and Mrs. William Randall. tions will be given and questions will in preen. Prizes were won by Julii Jsckbon, Betuy UOBB, Caroline Hammonds, SHERIFF'S SALE. of Monmouth and State of New Jersey. be answered with relation to the dnd j GeorHetla Emmorjs, Calvin Nylander, Ik 1 u Ut n oh !t in the eS 0Tll Mrs. Frank Sherry and family McCarron, Barbara Stewart By virtue of a writ of ii. /a. to me di- ' >Sne„ '^'f "'".i lli r' '' , u l t Christian church. Tho publif i'- in- Jane R.oy. Those present were Doris Ralph Pray, Ferdinand Krome, Oman rtctod. Issued out of tho Court *.f Chun- ' ? "' ^ R'^rtuc (JIMtant nne hundred spent Friday and Saturday at Jersey vited to attend.. West c«ry of the State of New Jen,ey. will be ; riyo_f«et so-itluTly Irani the point of inter- and Kenneth Layton, MarjorJe Stew- 7'hird grade—Marion Blakealee, Ariine - •' to enle at public venduo on Ue.Mioi^ of .the vo^lt-ly line of Brfdw avc- City. I mia with (he soutliei-jy iiiw of Oaklnnn Mrs. Paul Hayes and Mrs. Hatlie | art, Lillian Sprung, Carol Ford, Carlor, Elsie Smith, John Bullock, Grace MONPAY, THE STH DAY OF HAY Jumps Toop of Lincroft, James and. Guilladeau, Helen Guilladeau, Eugene Kin- 1033, 1|t*1rert: tiictico (!) we^tyrly forty-four and gelp spent 'riiurotlay at Asbuiy J'aik.! ia'ie, J«ftnUunr (2) -.mth.-.'ly forty fort to n point making a very pretty rock garden on Maurieli. Rose Mazia, Elsie Mullen, Votorei in the BumuK'J of 'Vwuhuitl. ccuuty »f; in1 - the luirtliorty line of lands of now or About 05 persons attended a birth-. __At . _a recent meeting of. tho Lin- . . , Vtor ! their lot. D w Tober, George KlfiKade, Dominico Laurlno, 19 E. FRONT ST., Phone 372. RED BANK Monmouth. New Jersey, to uati^iy a tie- ('.• mc;!y Kli^.it.o-h Moi-U/rd-; thence (3), Miss Josephine Klrwao spent the day surprise party for Mrs, Harry I croft fire company It was reported Jimmy Scarsi, Harry Stryker, Lawrencf cree of i*md court umuuntlng to uiipiuxi- ivi-t<-ly al.n.i: ihc northerly lino of the otoly 52,672.UU. ' Moi-frml limil.1 forty-fnui* and 7/10 fceL t« week-end at Union City. Covert last Wednesday night. Dane- | that the recent bunco party netted Camp, David Herbert Frank Mazza, Jact' a point in the- westerly Jine of Bridge ave- Hamilton, Gustave Nylander, Harry Van- All tbe following tract or purcel of land ; niit. U1, Mra. Henry Marshair of Hoboken ing and various other pastimes were the company about fifteen dollars, Specials -Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 13, 14, 15. _ and prenilsea heieinafttr particularly .t- i!n clear many fishermen will ba here iwa sa tjent at tno Fitkin M . Seventh grade—Joseph Eckert, Alfred SlC/rs ft. : "a; i hy It.-i-.Jitin in J. I•arler iand Muplowood, Mrs. Felix McGovern and Glover, Fred Hurley, Herbert Johnson, erly, ulonp: the northerly line of lot No. ill I, i; k c r h i •• u1 ifo. Several hundred trout were liberated la, hoapiul where he recently UDller. (Whole or Shank End) r Mr. and Mra. Herbert Rowley and Norman Meitr. Leslie Rice, Catherine Mur- 87 two hundred and fifteen fret, mote or ' Si•17 ( •on 1,... laken i n 1^Cl'lll imi nt the CORNED PIGS- again at the aforesaid beginning imim nnd -ui t of (i . V 11in! tn eral of Joan Winifred Marckstein of went an operation (or an injury to Canevarl. Shirley Morrow, Helen Hurb. FHI1A. 1 J .j h '1'. Whit. be sold bT Eighth grade—-Mildred Klrby. Flora running' northerly along the westwiy Jinc IIO WAI! I) in: IGIIT. Shoiitl* | Red Bank un Saturday. ^^ZTA^^ "'Le^T'Th^^.X re- Laverty, Albertlna Teasdale, Florence SPARERIBS LIVER of North Monroo avenue lifty foct to the Plercp. Emmy Tbeysohn, AdaJino Eramons, SCRAPPLE southeast corner of lands of now or for- [>i ite ,1 Munh 13. I'.K Mr. and Mt«. Ward R. Jeffers, wlio m merly Buchanan; thence (S) KvxtQvly, K. W'i-C, £ol'i ^r^mue^ennett, ,,. w J i^^ ~^-^fMickey Conney, Norman Franks, Theodore C ''!/' 53Z have been spending the winter at Rowe, Charles Smith, George Zehold, Ken- 3 - 25° along the southerly..line of the Dui-liunim suddenly talten sick last week and lands three hundred feet, more or l «e. d [her condition is serious. 'iti< neth Larson. 2 "*• 25° 3 ""• 25 e here on Friday. to the brook: thence (4) aontJjua^turfy. SHERIFF'S SALE. The ladles' aid .society of the Meth- The child study group of the follov.inir the COUIHO of e n o me dl- MIA Fred Smith spent Sunday at odist church met at thc home of Mrs. Oceanport Parent-teacher association LEGS SHOULDER seventy feet to tho end i, Nyack. Holmdel News. first comae. be Theodore N. Parjnly last Thursday. met Tuesday afternoon at the home Seized an the property of The Wolf's Paw club has put in aThe .society will hold its next meet- of Mrs. Rondo C. DeNyse of Ocean- er (widower) et a).. tulvL n Miss Mazie Bennett has returned Y O i 1 » 3, radio in its clubhouse. ing Thursday, May 4th, at the home port Park. The topic under discus- the Biiit of Juiian M. la ke o k I i d Miss Marjorie Sutherland is spend- of Mrs. L. C. Case, the wife of the home after having spent a week sion was the "Adolescent Child." The flold by n he nf- ing a week with Miss Mae Higgina with Mrs. Irvin Beaver of Nutley. ft. ft. HOWARD HL H h T h Ho e pastor. next group meeting will be held •Dated March 30, I9S» n of of Montclalr. Two plays of unusual merit were Mrs. G. L. Cowan of ROBelle has April 18 at the home of Mrs. F. Hal- Howard S. Hitfgitison, So Mr. antl Mrs. William Reeves, who given by the public school pupils last been spendjng a few days with Mxa- sey Cocheu at Portaupeck. Preced- (46 lines) have been' spending the winter at week to raise money to buy uniforms John Sherman. ing the stuiy period at 3:30 o'clock, .Ib Easter music will be rendered at FRESH-KILLED TURKEYS SHERIFFS SALE. Kew fork, have returned home. for the school baseball team. The cards and bunco will be played. By virtue of a writ o Jay White, oldest son of Mrs. Pearl profits amounted to $30, which iB $10tho Baptist church Sunday morning. Those present at the Tuesday meet- roctcd, issued out. of the Ci hs eery of the Stnte of Ke h W^lte, is Blck with scarlet fever. than the required amount. No Rev. John Sherman will make an ing were Mrs. Edward Berry, Mrs. ed Robert Costello of Keansburg spent difficulty Is anticipated in raising the address at a Good Friday union ser- H. K. Lawson, Mrs. Edward Lau- Quality Chuck Rump Jersey exposed to enle at, public ven Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis balance. vice of Red Bank churches. rino, Mrs. Horace W. Kirby, Mrs. MONPAY, THE «TI1 DAY Miss Adeline Holmes has resumed 1«J33, Craig. The ladles' aid society of the Meth- Thomas J. Meagher and Mrs. R, YV. between the lumra of I 0 i hy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tupper and odist churcri will hold a covered dish her studies at . Goucher college at Nelson. Following the meeting re- VEAL 5:00 o'clovk (at 1I:OU o' k ternoon of i,aid day, at h son of Lakewood spent Sunday with suppepp r at the home of Mrsr. Willia lmm Baltimore after having spent a fewfreshments were served by the hos- a d rlnyfl at her home here. She made ft. in the BOVOUBII of I-'LC nnd their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' MacDouguM l Friday, April 28tli. The tess. Monmouth, New Jersey, t W. Miller. (committee in charge comprises Mrs. the trip to Baltimore in an automo- rro« nf «n!ii court union d bile, accompanied by her father and A meeting of tho Oceanport boy's raatcly $4,1)^0.(10, Mrs, Charles VanMcrbcck enter-(Wellington Wilkins, Miss Marie Scott, AH tho follouiiiK tract or M Oli Mlt Eh by Miss Adele Johnson and Miss 4-H club waa held recently at the BITTER'S SLICED taincd two tables of friends at bridge • Mrs. Oliver Maclntyre, Miss Ethel home of Georgo Wilkinson. A report and premises hereinufte Friday afternoon. Dreyer and Mrs. Everett Bradley. Margaret Schcnck. Sauer Kraut Bcribed, eituate, lying i was made on a visit to Parkei s Tomato Juice BACON llorouKh of Kcd Bank. In th Both flrc companies were called out The BCIIOOI baseball team played The members of the Christian En- n& Monmouth and State of Ni deavor society of the Reformed greenhouses, Little Silver, where the O Bottles OCe Monday morning at three o'clock by its first game of the season on its boys studied the plants and flowers. Beginning at a imlnt in 1 a flre at a house owned by Mrs. Mary home grounds against West Long church enjoyed swimming at the 3 10° nldo of Arthur placo, ilia Branch Monday. Those present at tho meeting were feut Moutheily from the Norton on Railroad avenue. Consid- natatorium at Asbury park Friday Theodore Rowe, George Davis, Nor- Jersey Fresh of Irvinn placo and Art erable damage was done by the lire Pupils of the public school with night. man Franks, Horace Kirby, Thomas WHITE ROSE (1) southerly, nlonp the and smoke. A number of the residents of this Arthur place, forty toot to perfect attendance records for the Greenley, Richard Wilkinson and (2) westerly, lmrHllul u Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Leek and son past month are: place attended a dance hold by theMarshall Wolcott. Asparagus Tips one hundred and twent spent Sunday at Jersey City. Marlboro (Ire company last week. or leRfl to I he westerly \ Passion week services are being Beginners and first grade—fJcorge Bln- The William C. Ely estate sold William VanPelt, a student at land heretofore convcyc nco, Harold Boycc, Doniel Covert, (ieoi^e Rider's business college, Trenton, Cans ^fS/fa Wilson to the MHIUIID held at the Methodist church this Covert, Kocco I>e)co, Ooige Griffith, Rich- seventeen horses the past week. 2 Doz. ami Pevelopitijr Comji. weok. A aervice for communion will ard HemliickKon, David Jackson, Elroy Teams were bought by William R. spent the week-end with his grand- northerly, filoni; the his bo held tomorrow. KopBB, Lcroy Kopas, Chnrtos O'Gorman, Taylor and William O'Neil of Port mother, Mrs. Ida VanPelt of Ocean- forty feet to n point;-th Herman Ilitznu, H«roM Shonw, Russell port avenue. 6 for 72c imrallel wltji thu flint co On Easter morning the first ser- VoorhecB. Rudoli'h Wilson, Thomas White, Monmouth, Lester Thorne of New PALMOUVE and twenty-five feet ir.o vice at the Methodist church will be Raymond Boyce. Violet Binaco. Kuth Clay, Monmouth and the Mission of the Mrs. Frank Hornel of Main street CHIPSO GOLD DUST place of be«imiinn. Wilsrm Crawford, Dorothy Ofiborne, Othel- Immaculate Virgin of Mount Laur- is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eu- SOAP Seized as tho jjroiiuity oJ held at six o'clock. At the regular Largo I Cv CoimtiUL'tlon and Dove morning service at quarter to eleven Sccond and third Ridden—Charles Bin- ette, Long Island. Buyera of single gene Smith of Tuckahoe, N. T. Pkg. 1J Large 1 Co G< f0 C body Corp.. of tho StiUu o'clock there willl be topH™bar^iym of in-. | ^ ^c%Z'al^ShJ^^, , S horses were Ella Reid of Marlboro, Miss Anna Hibbotts of Main street I'kg. U a!., titken in execulion at o £ in a John Sutpmn and Fetor Maher of hnd an her rruC3to recently, Mr. and 3 ^ 19 2 pligs. 20c II. Coojior and J, Otiki fants and of members ot the recep- (;adinir>l T T»llor o tnto Mrs. Roa3 Hibbetts and Mr. and Mrs. tiou class, 'iricre will bo n- apeclai ' <•> Vuin'w cii.iui,,! i,,, Co.oHi,, I Supei SudB to bo Hold hy i Easter aervice in the evening. Hoyal Hibbotts of uakbuiut. HOWARD H tintQifMUrcIr .iir/ I'M;;) of Rev. William Carliart of Little Sll- Warren 11. Smock. Soi'r. vor and Rev. J. J. Messier attendeci (45 Hnea) the reception at the Sayroville Meth- odist church Friday evening for Rev. HOLLAND JOO SHEUIFF'S SALE Samuel Blair. By virtuviue of H writ ot iei;to o' An old-fashion get together socia- WHITE — GBEBN — ECRU. tornoon of t^iid day, nl (FORMERLY ritOWN-COOFER CO.) in tlio Hotoimh of I-> ble will be held in the Methodist — lownsi Trice In History ! Monmoiith, New Juwcy, church next Wednesday evening. No Tel. 2680. 47 BROAD ST. oreo of mild court union admission JOB will be charged and tho We Deliver. miitoly H.niHUMi. public hag been Invited to attend. Buy Plenty Now ! Ail tho Mlowlas tract unil pramlrtod heteinnltci Henrv Flsler ia a eurglcal patient iti-i'lbctl. Hltuiitt!, lyinn it at Hazard's hoapital^at Long Branch. iloroutrri ot lied Hank, t Monmutith, and Suite uf Mlar. Helen Smith entertained a inc ltnown nnd defdtfinile few friends a,t a jig tftiw puzzle par- each on" a Mn|' of Went^Mc, | ty Saturday evening. The guests 1) Ci>t>riAi'i I". K., and im Falmolive Soap month County CltrVn oil were Miss Aniln HarnmeRfahr of ETNNINd' Leonardo, Frank and Halph Peiiso of Also larger sizes at nldo of Sun cot livenuc, 29c the iKiulliwect, oiiiiui1 of I Middletown villapo and Mr. and Mrs. L. iiaid map nml rnnnliitf, of Irving Roop of Kelfonl. Low Prices. wnrdly, alonir tho nor it Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roekafellow iLvenuu llfty ffi^L I<> it and lions Joseph and Wilbur of each 1 aouthoaiit cornur of Lot N latin; (honor ('-) nortln Kenniiburg spent Sunday with Mr. A full line of eiiBtcrly ntda »f t-uld L N anil Mrs. living Itoop. hundrtiil mid fifty feu I tlm noitlisuiit. corner of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barncn and GARDEN TOOLS. tlionco (;i) eattiwiii'illy. t Mr, and Mro. Herman Doran attend- ly iiftle of tlm lot heriil ed a bridgo paity at the homo cf Garden Rake toot to a i>ulnt, tiflhiK < nor of ituid Lot No. 1 Mr, and lifts. Waltor Burkhart of tlicnco (4) Bouthwunlly, Tort Mom^inth on Ihuruday oven- 14-Tooth Box erly nUU of anltl Un No. mg. • ,';vv;; Cake Screen Wire and fifty foot to tho pot Ifi II Mcsli. On Sunday Mr. nnd Mrn. John A Real Ilnrgaln ! LAWN SEED .. 19c HMzdil ">« tho prot'Oity f OlntlB ontarlninoil Mr. anil Mra. Wnl- 2S-Ft. Garden Ho»e .... 98c dt ill.* tikon In exciMitli tor Wiu'iKn and Mrn. John Mnnon of liot tho r.u Koyport jmd Mr. and Mra. Frod Cook 75-W. Mazd.TBdirr.r20c ROSE BUfiHES 29c nnd to be u<>Ul hy of Point ploauant. . UOWAlth III Mrs. Jennie Trirnblo la Improving 100-Ft. Clothes Line .. 25cCARD T4/BLES 98c Sq. Ft. Howanl K.'inirKlnson. S« 1 from niolme.'in nl, llif» homo of her IfatvUy (IK liners daughter, Mrn. John fjlaiif. 6x9 Felt Base Ruga $2.49 WATER&LASSES .. 2c lfl Mc»li John Glnsfl, Sr., and John Gtaas, Zt puya to ativoilisu in Ii a it j RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933.

' materially to the Comets' victory. The Bowling League scores Bradley's Best Bet Pap Rumson Club Wins Red Bank Third ° COMMERCIAL CHAUFFEURS. ROD AND GUN From Plainfield In State League Ends Next Week! _...._ IK 14R ttio Schedule to be Completed on W: ?!l llfi We notice recent comment regard- Trapthooting Team Victorious Policeman Charles Erickten McKnighl Friday, April 21—Three ing the size o£ trout with which Sunday by a Score of 454 to Third in Standing of Individ- P39 908 New York state streams are stocked 453—Burgliaid of Rumson ual Marksmen With Average Team* Battling for First BUT. COMETS, in comparison with those placed in •Honors. ISO im New Jersey's streams. In New York • High Man. of 292. 7.!""'".'~".".1I US 142 millions of flngcrling trout are put ,' '" 171 1(9 In a trapshootinpg g team iria>c> h The Red Bank police pistol tearii The Red i!ank bowling leapuj will 168 out, whereas in this state all the held at thh e Rumson country club finished third In the New Jersey Pa» •conclude its season next week. The on trout released are above the legal .._ _ 166 2<5 182 Sunday afternoon, the Rumson team trolmen's benevolent league which final games are scheduled to be limit. played on Friday, April 21. Several defeated the Log Cabin gun club of concluded the season last week. Thfl S0» 028 sei Charlea O. Hayford, superinten- postponed- matches -will probably be Plainfield in an extremely close Ridgewood police finished first with Postoffice team won three dent of the statehatchery at Hac- match. The final score was 454 toElizabeth and Jersey tied for »et- rolled before that time. The kettstown, made the following state- Although the Commercial Chauf- from the Commuters last Frl- 453, .the five high guns among the ond. night. Dennis of the mailmen ment regarding the plan followed in ten contestants on each team count- feurs are still leading the league the day New Jersey: The Red Bankers participated fn with 211 was high individual scorer, ing in the total team score. Freder- fourteen matches, whining nino and chances remain for the teams that "The conditions in New Jersey are are now closely behind them to take- Ho made 202 and 201 in the oth ick J. Burghard of the Rumson losing five. They made a total of er game?, making an average of 201. entirely different from those In New team got the highest ecore, break- 39,012 points during the eeaeon and over the lend before the end comes. York state. We do not have the big The. Chauffeurs have but three The cores: ing 94 out of 100 targets. The in-averaged 1,422.28 for a filnglo match, pools and boulders in our streams dividual scores, are as follows: Rum- Policeman Charles Ericksen stood games to roll before completing their l'OSTOH-'ICE. like the mountainous streams of the fchedule. of 78 games. These three :oo ] sn 15(1 son team, Frederick J. Burghard 94, third in the individual averages. He 170 J o.j New England states, the Catskiils games are with the Navcsink team, i " J™^ .- Charles McVeigh 82, George M. Dex-made a total of 4,088 points for the t ri *^ 172 l^;i 174 and the Adirondacks. ter 90, Matthias Plum, Jr., 89, George one of the tail-end teams. The Util-|, | SV.t 1 6 1 fourteen matches he took part In lr d 1S1 "During my first ten 'years tn Now Conover 89, Frederick Barbour 88, ity team, which is in second place, |.i>mim ... ; jjj'5 211 201 and had an average of 292. Police-** Jersey I tried the came .system used RoberRb t Holey 87, J. Hay, Jr., man George Clayton, who was sixthjij and' thc Postoflice team, which is tistwry • in Maine, planting three and four- y , y, , third, face Btiffer opposition. I " B6S 035 910 8787, Benjamin C. Flnclce 81 and HenrH y collected 4,028 points and had an av- inch flngerlings and six and seven- erage of 28X-71. The standing of thc teams puh- : COMMUTEItE. "WEVRESENST ODDS inch yearling trout, with no results. E. Butler 75. The scores for Plain- lished below,' which was compiled by Mannil K.2 US 177 field were: VanBoBklrk C2, Rowlnml Policeman Bejamin Pryor was < ~ Scott 124 Ki2 171 6OI LEG AI A< E tz-> As you know; flshing has been bet- William S. Bradshaw, secretary of 147 1SS 01, Stuart 01, Yerkes DO, Ackerman rltwnth, Lieutenant Harold JJaviaon the league, docs not include last I K0 173 15fi ter here since we started on the big g», Morse 85, Anderson 78, Carpen- twenty-fifth and Sergeant James J. nights matches: -'.'.. 172 IBS 177 Jish program in 1020. jtor 72, Fargo 71 and Huntsman 75. Hhetdy twenty-acventh. Policeman "Through selective breeding, win- The members of the visiting team Flanncry of Jersey City finished STANDING OF THE TEAMS. 7S6 S75 869 ——- HI i ii i tering the flsh in natural lakes of and their wives were entertained ut first. Yoimnercia! Chauffeurs M -1 SSO 1,017 about one acre in area and feeding Utility Team 4V -- tlfM 1,06s j a luncheon at the club before the The Red Bank team last Sunday Postoffice 4? -* fm our. I them mostly ground flsh, we have shoot and Mrs. J. Hartley Mellick afternoon to tho Sea Girt rifle Clothiers & Insurance *<"> -* R01 1,000 Preparing Now For developed a better colored and much of Humson gave a tea for the mem-and pistol club. The civilians made Pro/ourionel .M«n i'< -~ S87 1.0S1 '. 11 firmer trout than when we fed them bers of both teams and their friends Jersey Central -* 6S5 1,017 | a total of 1,108 points while the blue- Sicmunii Eisner ^- :;(l 87(1 '.l^i i Motorboat Races an all-meat diet and kept them in after the match was over. coats ama.-racd 1,148. Erlcksen was Grocers & rlumbera .... 3- .'( sr.i amall concrete pools. high with 207, Clayton was next with Tilton Dairy - :-1 ::* 1,001 1 "Our flngcrling trout under the 291 and Davison and Pryor eacll Monmouth Lumber .. -<'> -I83' 1 7 Hotsy Totsy Will be Entered in Kave&ink Team -'" '* KL'7 present system of selective breeding Red Bank Poloists mado 2&0. Tllue Comets . - 1 I'' Gold Cup Race at Detroit— average about four inches on July 1 Professional Gardeners -1* ;'- and run about 32 to 34 to the pound. J llJ Miss Columbia of Red Bank Defeat Westfield Practico Game Last Sunday. Commuterfl " "By October 1, one-half will aver- COMING UAMES. May Also Enter. age six inches and run 11 and 12 to The first string polo team of the The newly organized Little Silver baseball club defeated the colored Tonicht—Munmouth I.'Jmtu'.- the pound. By January 1 at least Red Bank cavalry troop easily de- office. Blue Com"! •• .-. Siumuw During the past week several Young Men'u Christian association Profcs- prominent sports writers throughout one-half will average eight inches feated tthe WeBtfield team Wednes- Friday—Professional Mcr- ' day night at the Red Bank armory, team of Red Bank, 16 to 'i, In a ttional (jardenere, ComnH DFS vs. >.IIII»-.I lhc count,.y ]mvp becn giving Red and run four to the pound. By April practice game last Sunday after- tnd Insurance. 1, one-half will average nine to eleven thus atoning for the defeat admin- Monday—Blue Comets v».. Commutersm , Bank eon:iev/-frdu"ftional ]jublicity in noon. Snyder and A. Morris alter- inches and run two or three to theistered by Westfteld a few nights Commercial ChaulTeurs v Nuvivml, T their reference to the Uolil Cup ago. The score was 18 to 8!£. Fred nated on the mound for Little Sil- TueBday—Professional CinrdeiH-rB events, which were held on the pound. The remainder are slower p and Plumbers. Moog starred for the home town ver with Patsy Calandriello behind growers and will require about three team with ten goals, while Jack the bat and Frost and Morse pitched months longer to reach the foregoing for the lied Bank team with Smith 3izes tj Dwycr accounted for eeven. Walter "Six-inch trout planted In October j fager gave a fine exhibition of de- on thc receiving end. « Quadrangle Club To Big T , would not grow over a half-inch dur- Jcn8lvc work an down in l-lio hhtory of yjiort' Circulation That Counts. Hcrgen place waH sentenced to serve amaseert 613 point?. , lhe nnnun) rhiimpionHhips arc sched- tiec Saturday afternoons and Sunday water jg such that they can live. As r & the'crack Jersey'City '^m. .^Tho a:i "lhe year of the bl^ trout." This Newspaper circulation that counts *ixty days in the county jail when Menzzopane 'of tho Clothiers and uled on the Detroit rivor. inon inj;:; .^Tid will .play _ ..Sunday Hl- fast as these trout attain any size police of Neptune township and L-erk- predict [Oil Is bcliif; bioadca^L ardent'*' with the advertiser ia the bonail'Jc ^naigtifd in ppjice court Monday Insurance team still holds the record Victor W. KUcsrath, Hotsy To lay's lernooiisj. they work down,, into the larger uric—tlic kind Tlio ncglnUr has. No eley, California, won in addition to ly by anglei'o who have visited the iifteinuon on" a thargo of attempting for making the highest score in a present owner, already hits had thc .lembcrs ol lhe foam, former h)^h premiums or oilier Inducements have Jersey City. Boston and Binghmn- Slate tish haichory, at HackeUstown streams. vcr b to jjlea) an overcoat owned by Ga»- single game during the season. .Hie hull of ,tho boat overhauled. Between school .players, include Amelcheuk", "By feeding more expensive foods, !f ?ni e i n h is croe!, t!i i.s ber of strikes, 308 in all. Truex leads boat since 11)21, when speciiications 1 TKNNIS TEAM. of the Fish and Game Commission, Septum! i-pi'iuy, trtuu HjK'L'inu'n.s that will be the league in individual averages were changed, is the lap record of Berkeley Gfoige B. Warren, that pools and d ti'ophie.'j worlli iyJkinj; nlxnil around with Mcnzzopane second and Dennis 63.641 milos nn hour, established in Kcd Untile lllj^ It School in smt^s iie created in trout streams is Hod H many a'luUiic tarnp lite. The tish<-'iv third. iy^0 by Hicliard Lyons ot Los An- l'ractico After KusUT, also ot great .value." Boston men are l.)a.-iriK t hia antieijjat ion on geles in bis Californian. Binghamton TENNIS The averages of Uie ton leaders, A meeting of (Iiu tennis candidates a special distribution of 1M),0(JO trout Hotsy Totsy's entry into thc 1933 Trie Jersey ^juCityy "bluccoatuiu^-uiws m-- 4 * ' whi> have -participated in jnore than The of lhe Red Hank high school v breeders from the hatchery pools Oold Cup picture makes a total of feated the Ked Bankers by a score Herman Miller, proprietor of the thirty matches, follow; held at thc Kchuol Ku-t. week in an -uncii the CIUML' ut the li)3U season- Racquets Restrunfi and Repaired by experts seven boata already assured to facfacee of 957 to 913. policeman Charles Motor Eoya store on Broad street, INDIVIDUAL AVEBAGI'V J1 effort lo form a tennis team at Lhe The^e big t\>h nn--a.sure from a foot •th* e" starlin--••'• ng line'• a-'t th-e- champiochampion' =--n-- Erickscn made the best mark for the has announced a prize of a five-dol- in one hour; best gut guaranteed. ^Prices re- . V. .VK H5 .school. As Hie school is unabic to to l-'O jiiuhcii in length. Many of them lar Kingfisher trDut rod and reel for Trues, ITofessiunal .... ships. Horace Podge, owner of Del- locals, a score of 1U3, which was three tinancc a team, a plan of having a are from the jemarkable strain of ..... 6'.* 190.18 ^76 points below thai of the high mark the largest trout caught during the .ilenEzopane. Clothier* .... 7^ IS'J.iil ^ l 7 phine IV, which Bill Horn drove to points below ilial of the hg benefit show was 'made by Harry C. "-super trout," a rapid-growing, liard- duced. DenhlB. I'ostotlice ..... 61.' 186.54 247 victorictory last year, has enterenteree d twtwo of 106 made by Kendall of the Hud- period ending May 31. The contest ,1. Act-rra, Utiii'.y Sicber, principal of the high, school. fishting flah which the New Jersey now craft besides the champion. One son county marksmen. hatchery management has developed is open to all and full particulars Merrill. Utility . 31i 180.20 258 will be driven by him, another by Policeman (Jeorgc Clayton turned William Garatti was appointed as may be obtained at the store, Straus. Clothiers M ISn.iy 2-11 by scientific selection and breeding. W. S. GRAY his sifter, Mrs. Delphine Dodge Bak- in the next high Fcorc for Red Bank. B\ udent manager of the team and Mom*, .Irrsey Central .... 70 ];> Hubert J. .Patrick \v;iy cho.L:on as Wardens have .-;een to it that Tuttlf, Eisne: '. 4'.t 1S1.44 -ofi er, former Gold Cup contestant and a mark of 100, while Lieutenant. Har- Yacht Club Has ParU-r, liiue Comets 8-1 lhl.ln 21U President's cup winner, and the third old Davison was third with 1&*. fcicr-fsiculty advirttr. HniuM Put tor of special .specimens were scattered in TENNIS PROFESSIONAL Hudson avenue will ;u:t in lhe ca- The Professional Men defeated the by Mr. Horn. The boata are Del-gcant James J. Shcedy shot 1&~ and all streamy, .so that anglers Ilahing phine IV, V and Vt, but the power Policeman Benjamin l*ryur scored pacity of coach. Arninponients have in trout waters anywhere in the state A Short Meeting Ti'.ton dairy company in three games breii completed to practice on (he Foxwood Park, :-: Little Silver, N. J. last Wednesday night. Only one plant, of the Delphine V ia not eligi- 185. ,, will have an equal chance at thc big ViniVli^i. courtt; nt Shrmvpbury, The fi'llows. This special planting of 20,- The April meeting of the North match, the second, -wus close. In thcble for Hold Cup competition, ex- Scores of the- Jersey City tram Shrewsbury iceboat and yacht club ceeding the limitation of ol>0 horse first practice will be hold when oi.m includes brown, rainbow and na- third ^ame thc Professionals set a members follow: Kcmloll lfli\ Din^'- school opens after thc Kaater vaca- held Thursday night was one of the new high mark for themselves with power. Should Mr. Dodge decide not live tfouf. Thc wardeiiF! predict that field 10S, Gartner 190, Roth 188, Flan- tion. ihesc ii:.h will have prawn into wise shortest meetinga of the organiza- a score of 1,131. TThei r pprevious Iiiph lo charge the motor in Delphine V nei-y 188, :uid Unix 11 t\ filler a the time it is tion in its more than fifty years of ecore was 1,017. Truex made the he would have only two craft eligi- This week the Ked Bank team is • Tiie candidate: who reported for existence. The meeting was called . ble for the chiHsio at Detroit and llui team , comprise Arihur Krrr, k'j;al for an^ler:; to try to lurti them best mark for arv individual s .scheduled lo oppo.-e the . Berkeley. ; to order, the business transacted and | when he rolled liHT m tho probably vuuld, at> it is hoped, enter California, team. The scores will be Will in tu Jennin^o, iht void 'L'uvnack, I'iom pool.- ;!i)f] i"jft.- - the meeting was adjourned in less tliii d CI'O'-RC Woilhlcy. Ccoruc Yanko, Thc dyod-in-tl'.c-wool l:a'i<: Wal- match- The scou" Jel])liinc V in the National Swoep- certified and sent to Washington, use I *-han eight minutes. .lalies licre nn August l'J. The only Guerin Todtl, Jn'j-naii'i Clai I;, .Stan- tou.-i arc tnuiin,^ :,t 1]] another UN \1. where they arc compilf'd hy iilfici:iIr^ Thn meeting was in charge of Vice .. Hmilrttions on boats for Lhe. National Iry S;iva;;c, Jark Schooloy, Herbert for rejoicing over tins ycur'.s regular Kinj: ... uf thc Icasue- President Benjamin L. Atwatcr, who Minion 177 Sweepstakes is that they be powered I.'ox, PJrilip Mac Kay, Loui:; CI rand, output of trout by the riute Fish and ICdwartl i^ronllwell. Charles Scheidt, t.;an"ie,.c(>nimiHHion, which will place presided in the absence of President Ward ,r-: hy a Finglo 'engine. j . Thomas Irving Brown, who was un- StryW William 1'azicky, iJou^lus Lefferts 4riO,Ofto"'a(hiH fish in tho. fresh waters 93 BROAD ST., RED BANK Truex On thc other hand, Mr. Dorif;r. Mallen ASSOCiaUOIl in id Gt'rai'd Layman. There ha3 not of New Jorney between February 15 able to he present on account of ill- may, in an effort to successfully de- heen a1 tennis loam at the high find .lime 30. This planting includes ness, This was the second time Mr. fend tho trophy, install an eligible Wins Five Pin Games Bro-wn had been away from a club (KEXT TO POST OFFICE) ! U.'UlN li.MK'S motor in Delphme V, making three school for n number uf yoiirs. 200.000 KpIentJici specimens o{ Salve- KniKh linu^ Koiuinalis, that piscatorial meeting in twelve years and the first AUTO ACCESSORIES, FISHING TACKiE, SrORTINQ GOODS. RocUiil .. entries reprcsonling the Detroit The Howard A, Mullen as?nijiation king of boauty uni] pugnacity, pop- time he has misacd presiding at a Duncan . . Yacht ilnbrlub. Delphine V wass built of Leonardo last week defeated tbe 15OWLING CLUIJ KLKCTJON. club meeting in over eight years. Bracishaw ! >'< ] ..J of Leonardo last week defeated tb ularly'known as the native or brook Ml in England, designed by Fred Coop- Red Bank Republican club in thre trout. Thin i;; the largest annual dis- The shortness of thc meeting waa ddesignei r of[ LorLdd WWakeliold'k Hld't games and the Long Branch social Ollu-crs (.'IiOM'ii by i.ady Club tribution of "brookics" ever under- due to a small attendance on account 3-Ft. Silkworm SJ 1 FRESH WATER ..... nunvorlh boat?. Miss 1'JnKland I flub in two out. of three Kanie^. of Kt-U Hank, takrn in New Jersey. These speck- of the sevnre storm and on account The Nave^mk :ta:u '.ouk 'iiiee! :in])y. l'o-ur. i,f tin J last year's ehanijuonshijis; Louisa. Hells .. eo president, Mrs. Fred Jones scc- one of the two surviving charter 1 JI;-I will suytain ti-oiit 1L10 arc getting a 9 FT. . 29' T\'avesink ternn \\ ln^li individual j owned hy John Wnnimiiiker of N'ew laiy and Mr;;. Maurice Schwartz libci;i] restocking with brown and members of the club. The other hi^h sco:er when he initml match | Yorlt and Philadelphia, nnd Miss '.ii.7 treasurer. Committees will be ap- rainbow trout, of lino and theso charier member, Samuel S. Sngues, Hooks, Trout he lolled L'fi'j. ]'h cores | i Muladclphia. owned by John Shibe, RED HANK. pointed at the next regular 'meeUiiit has been very ill of late and a letter TROUT REELS IBS two varieties also will RO into many Vi IJOZ. :_l -'< , vice president of the Philadelphia May 8. of cheer was sent to him. ASSORTED SINCiLIO I'I,Y. : 1 l i^poll 1 1 1 northern county streams. .In all there H lhi». n . . ' . . !•• '.> i *'> \ Atllleli'-s. The. i 1" <\ r h^vi;, nil heen 17 li Hi 7 As there was no iceboating during ; will be liberaled 85,00^ rainbow trout, •••• |'; ' ':", \]l\ « nt Red Bnnlt, MncUonnli! A i.: 10 to 14 inches in length and 35,000 the past winter thera are no tro- BHONSON 100-YD. FLIES '.' -V. iii'i r,(»i ^t iR possiMe (hat California may •• Mndllluali . Ii.7 THJvUo»fcl KAIMHT Ot 7 t0 JO iiu.he.-J,- 25,(100 brown I rout, phies to be awarded this spring. On l.'jfbu ... l • IM llh i he repi eK.'ntl (1 in the Gold Cup nice New Level Wind ASSORTED 80G 8-S 8J.S rictiircd With its owner in lhc 10 to It inches and lOti.OOO, 7 to 10 thin account 'the club's usual banquet , ~v.7 ," ' ??ij.H .season, although nothing deJlin- i'iie Mailen association won their inches. and trophy presentation ceremony REEL ... .^ ' ' ' i itc JI;IM been forthcoming from the Tackle Box MuN.\i.ut:;ii M first game with thc Lonj Branch New Jersey resident anglers, who will not be held this year. ;i.; i,j i\ieilic coast. The seventh boat thuf Herd. club hy tun pins ;imi then lost the Tlio current intme of the Elks' Mug- wish to llsh only, during the year huu.Tii lai hriiiK [iiejutied for the race i, s I IliU IJJ IUI' It i ti& LI it l.t i U* It i^^i L* il^ iv.c in itii outdoor ^porting depart- K jp e 1H and are not interested in hunting, WELCOME BKTUKN OF BISER. Fishing License .15 Snnlio: 131 , I second match by (M. 'Phe final match mont carries a photograph of Harry Trout Basket riiimtn vi it ran Miss Columbia, ow n win now ^et the .special license for ' !7 wns tnUcn hv the Mallrnites bv a niuiy of livxl Bank with his twelve- Issued. by n Ked Bank syndicate. No suit- , ,V~ i"^" m.'een pins;" riie" sco^e,: llshinp; at the reduced rate of $2.15. Homage Paid to Klnx Gambrlntls at IS.'.' year-old bengle hound, "Teddy." Har- able motor 1ms becn obtained for tins ' A special licemio for hunting only a Fair Haven Home. ry and his hnuher Willi.-im t.ho first f. I boat yet, but if nlie is entered Flic K,,v,,;rs|,j. '.'.!'..!;.! ...... also ia issued for $2.15. The combin- 5 00 TR V-l day'of the last hunting season killed Mi*, nnd Mrs. Frederick J. Burg- probably vill be driven by Ted Hall I'm-beit ation resident hunting nnd fishing li- FREE ! $ - °UT ROD and REEL TIIP. TUton dairy i'm,\~ • -•-•-1 of Hed Kank, who was n) the wheel : ^'unli'll ] 7 1 the limit of rabbits ahrad of this hard of Uance road, Fair Haven, cn- cense is .?.'(. 15 and is the logical pur- nut of three jamn fr< • m it 1117 within six hours. Thc photo wns taken tertnincd a number of friends last Nave- la-t year, when she. finished fourth. r.iti ehase for the individual who wishes For largest Trout Cimght. Inqniro /or I'artieulnrs. sink team on Monday hy William Keoncy nnd for (hia rea- Krhlny night at their river front '-.if-'hl. The I 1 H to enjoy both .sports. The uoji-res- ollK.r iiiatrhes, srilfd Hi ISO son lie is not in Ihr picturr. residence, "Twin Willows" to wel- •d li. iwcen iiiont nnd alien fhihinp: license costs thc <";:ou."is and Plmn is .Mid thc 1'liIH.IC TENNIS COUHTS. come the return of legal beer. Mrs. J KM $5.50 and the non-resident find alien .lt'.rM v Cfntral p'jwf-i a li,'ht coin- Burghard was formerly Mlsa Kruc- OPEN EVENINGS. 1 I.ONI; IIUANM 11. IliKhhifMlH niiM'hiill Club. combinaiion hunting and tlshing li- pnny for that ni;:ht. wi post ponnl I'l.v Will l'rnbiilily Mart on Them Ihlliulli ger, and her brother Is tho present ^1:1 IHI 1'ho lli^hlnndii Imsebiill club huu een.'C is $10.50. Lufhnrrow of thr ^.'av: Mny 1st. Wiii-y I ill head of tho Krucjjcr Brewory of Official Baseballs with LOO was hiKh man f1 I..TIUT clcil r.nrtlif Ahcrn cuplain and Trout to he legally I Mien must be Newark, so the party had a special BASEBALL •in,Tle Wnrlt Marled on the Ited Bank HIS 18-INNINO "7 Co $2-15 ;:amr, The score:': .la me:, Andeii'.on niamiKcr for the ulx Inche!) at least in length nnd the iiignitlcance in celebrating the re- SHOES iiinnipid tennbi <:ourta J'etite.rilay 13;. t;oniinJJ licntiori. The learn will be daily bag limit is lf> fl.ih. 'i'iie liout opening of a once large business. TII.TO:; IJAIUV 'o nine; in preparation for tho com. 27-INNING J QQu 136 virtually (lie :;;MIII- us In si year. ncauon will close July .'iO. The fioa- The (juests were Mr. and Mrs. Hol- ij- ; rnnun. Four of tho linem- CamPH will be pluyni on tho At- son for catcliing pike nnd pickerel iday nnd Mr. and Mrs. Scfllkin of BATS lo.vrd men of the borough were put ail 1MB lantic Ili^hiaiul.'i (U'ld, (lumen have will open May 'JO find tile floiuion for New York, Mr. nnd Mra. Johnfrltz UNCOHDITIONAI. [(;:• ' work rakinK out stonrR and de- Urvti uonkrd with .'.cvcrul North J(tr- haa.'i, June J5. GrAKANTEEI) 164 Acliells, Mi-, and Mrs, J. Lowis Hay, 1.19 OFFICIAL ns in nnlcr to prepare the four Firemen's Teams To Mcy tf.'ain:i, but, William Knndrieh. Ji\, "M7-. nnd Mrs. Edwin Stewart, •IUJIS for 1 hi- Mlty loiids of sand h(n)hii}K uianJif'f'J', wan):; ijaniry with luill TeiMii And a J1J, Mr. and Mi'H. Georgo M. Dexter, LEE TIRES BATS i 1 Inch v. ill he used. Open Season Sunday othnt* Mrimnniith county ninei;. Tho 1 Mr. nntl Mrs. Harold I-Itirtuhorno, if. II...... r.- Jin I'I IT Mill acain be in iiiMt };;imr. will ho jilnyrd early in A son was born to Mrs, living Mr, and Mrs. Frederick C. Tatum, I'rnci- nt Ui ii'in is thin year nnd HKiTtHon of Spring .^Ircrt, .Red Bonk SIMONIZ The hasebnll season in this :;ecti'in May, Mr. and Mrs. Thomoo S. Field, Mr. 4.50—21 lie r.\|>iTl: i, have the imirtr ready will ojien next .Sunday aflcrnoon on J-iUnilay. M r. and Mis, 11 HIT Iff on and Mra. John J. Itoyd, Mr. and Mrs. lU'g. (iOo Hi/.c. 35< foi pliiv by lhc lii.l n'f Mny, the .11 n ihr. pamnIn of trn children of when Ihr Inilependent hose company Houllnpr lUniirr Mny I. Klliott Colcmnn, Mr. and Mm. Town- 4.7S—19 weal her pi-',, 1" Hit-. I Ins i.-i Mr. Pnt- and tho Nuvcnlnlt hoolc and ladilei whom nine are boys and one. hi a send Oolemnn, Mr. nnd Mrn. Sholdon 7:1:1 1.71 t:« tci i; Ihini \ '< f ;o- dnector o[ the Tho ripfl Itnnk i'owlnij; lp.-i;;ur will jrirl. 100% Pure Penna. Oil eompuny tenmn will |>Iny nt ITimtei',, hold iUi ti;;hHi annual iltnncr at tlu- C'oleman, Miffs Margaret Bryan, Hen- (.'ommf rcinl Chauffeurs won inuiii'ipa] tt, 1 's, a po: ition he liat; 5-GAI.. SICALISI) Held on Newman Spring rolul for a 1*11 Un home M'hur.idny, May -1. Pir- ri Wiii'lcinnn and William 15. D'ostcr. 13-PLATE fro held cliii-p t!i ioui).« Here Unit (;lnrl- ut of )hr*-(: frnmr silver clip offered by tlm < [onion IMIK- Wuiil tiimirs llirr. C!AN. ed. Th" i-o :'• v.ill he niueh im- limiuary plans arc ' hoinj; made, by 3J8 'mnf; i not' l'ridwy n Tin iiiK company of I,OHK liilnml, hakers BATTERY Container JJ'rcc. 1 tho member:;. 'I'lie KCIKII Indian;; of Newarlc, n Homo From ITIorldn. won tlte flrnt n lllird jirovcd Ihb -ar liv the addition of of "Hllvnr Cup" broad. 18 MO. flUAR. lil.iti'h I-, ea.:ily and lost tl j tin- MM.d ••>" • I in fiice. The nnme /^ht, jiinioi- team, in nnxiou.' book Mr. nnd Mra. E. D. Uranfiomo of : The hook urn] ladder team will he of thi i 111 rani"..1. 1,. " H-l:,ti..n 10 hriurn illicit with teams of similar nlze In Uunisoii returned lnot week from an AC Spark Plugs /flic by twenty pin: Cuichln. cMI't.iinprt by Iiiiiitln Alliilri- while Ono of tlio <]UicUfMt Wfiyf'i In (hul u Eur-KIean mill .'hiiii'. hot' .M'l-lion, Theodore Stevens of extended trip to. lloea Grande, Flor- I'll •J1S 11 *•!!'• he MI • M. • < t this Hie InilejK'lidiMili llieinen'H nine will fob hi to :i(Kcrtl;if in riir l(-(.|.;. tin contributed I year RM I'-I'M Want iJepiuinn'nt.-- Advertrn- 'I llehnont a\-f!iue, rjiiwiltk. jti the ida, where they spent the early part Straw Seals flOAII, ulay under Jo)uJuin: y Otlaiidilello. UlouU ot lue finriug ucauoa.

i... RED BANK •REGISTER, APRTL 12, 1933. Paee Nineteen

hoffer, bricklayer, Neptune; William P. Di- rJne, ^merchant. Fret-hold; Jary 2-Jeade, Frederick 1J.' Ibinpaun. f,t., tilitK*. Meil KUEBOS at Rfbnar, vine, naleiman, bpriiitf Like; Mujorl* Mar» houaewife, Red Bank. boro; William Chamberlain, clerk. Red Names Drawn For tin, housewife, Lonst Branch; Gertrude Samuel Rosen, painter. Hcd Bank ; Hen- Bank; William Montgomery, farmer, Fflrm- Kick and Sophie Russo, winners of Walling. houBCwi'fe. K«yport; Daniel Alt, ry AJdwortb, painter. Red Bank; Walter Jnffdn!e; Ira I. Me-glil, retired. Fnrminsf- the Shrewsbury Marathon dance, will' retired. Bradley Ileach; Eutfentt Goodman, T. Graham, real estate. West Lone Branch; dale; Robert NSCCCJLIB. barber. Red Bank; serve as judges of the waltz contest New Petty Juries housewife, Kast Keansburg. Helen ThemHck, housewife, Matawan; firort'c I1', (j ram aim, antiques, Re.d Bank: Edward Barkaiow, mechanic, FarmJng- Patsy Farnicol*, chtuffeur, l^ong Branch; Frank Weber, carpenter, Keyport; John to be held during the dance for the dale; Thomais E. K«arny, plumber. Key. George Havens, clergyman, Freehold; Hen- Dugan. Baleiiman, Neptune; George Mc- benefit of the Whoopee Boya of Long Selected for Service part; William Bovl. ck-ctriclan. Kast Kcans- ry Strunt, retired, Farminsdalc; Julia Da-^hhn. i-arpenter, f/eornrdo; Emma Ad- Branch at the American Legion horfic burrf; May Vivian Tatsinj, school teacher, vio, house wif«. Red Bunk ; Jtcbecca Keid- ffigo/i, housewife, F-nfflifihtown;. Archie g Court Term Which Munusquan; Harold Johnson, farmer. Add- ner, houtewife. Belmar; (^. A. ApplcitaVc. VuuDorpn, bus driver. Kitcilehtown; Her- at Belmar on Saturday, April 22. Two; j.hia; Kmil C. CJardcli, BaleBman. Oaktiurnt; merchant, Englishtown; IIPUU M. Field. bert J. McMuftri'o, foundry, Freehold. orchestras, Kocky Santangelo and 1 Begins April 18—Many Drawn I^ffllif HttincB, mechanic, Long liranch; L«- merchant. Asbury Park; Aihert Kmrnon*. Kny Dcacy, chaufTcur. Red-Bank; AJon B. metal worker, I^ong Branch; Raymond his Knights of Jazz and Bill McQuire, ' from Red Bank. Hecftk'. electrician, Kavesfnk; Milton W. Hagerman. sal cum mi, Asbury Park; HT- billed as "New Jcrsoy'.s own Cab Cal- Karl, laborer, Ited Bank; I'rrdinand Gar- man D. Woojley, merchant, Fair Haven; loway," will furnish the music. Frank t Six panels* of petty juror* fur the rid, retired. Long Branch; Catli«rlne Herman Roof, clerk, Bdmar. Houses Rented In , court term begijminy next Tuesday Hoclinmri, housewife. Farmingda.le; William Fury will be master of ceremonies. EngliBh, clerk, Keyport; Eva D. B. Throck- August 21 to September 15 •were drawn labt week by Sheriff morton, houncwlfc. Freehold; Ogren Wool- Kdwurd Cook, luboror, Adtlphia; An- And Near Red Bank Howard Height and jury Commis- )ey, ma naff cr, freehold. thony Stellutto, tailor. Anbury P:irfc: lin;. ] Akron Memorial Plunned. sioner William M- Thompson of Rnd '• vthy Brenner, houtiewjfe, Bradley JJcach ; G. Howard Lippincott has made Bank. The names drawn and the July 10 to July 2S I Margaret Mount, home wife, Alle/inurst; the- following rentals: i Veterans of Foreign War posts of Charles Kisselman, retired, Belnittr; bonny Williams, laburcr, 1'rrrhold: Ikri Lyons, asleflinari. Went Allcnhural; iJcnja- j New Jersey are planning to place a time which each panel will serve am I'raiik Ilaldwin, phubajfrapber, Atluntic Cfiarlco D. Lucas's Cape Cod cot- as follows: min KaBdan, clerls, Bel mar; Michael lJuly, tage on Riverside drive to Richard tablet in. the Naval . air station ili|{ti!unds; John A, Quirk, retired, Long mechanic, Farmlnitdalp; Raymond Browcr, hangar at Lakehurst in memory of April IB to May S Jiniiirb; KJvin Kirby, poultry. Upper Free- J. Mealcy of West Front street. hold '1 ownehip'T Florence 'IhojnpHon. housc- i electrician.' Ked Bank; Kierrtt WaJiinjf, The Quality of the Food you serve is so very important, that thousands of Rullf Crawford, rvxu^i, Wunama^s; clerk, Keyport; Emily Bordi-n. h'nuewif'.-, Elvin Frake'o house on Rumson members of the crew of the Akron. / Howard Joncb, retired. liolmur; wife, Bradley Beach; Elizabeth Palmer, hrjuflf.-wife, KnjrliBliUjwji; Thomas Hincs, | Little Silver: W. Abcrnethy, inunuucr. road, Little Silver, to Lewis Wilcox Thirty-four members of the crew j Wise Homekeepers buy exclusively at their Nearby 4SC0 Stores, Bheritian, housewife. Key pert; Jnhu Ma- Avon; Martha Jeniisun, housewife, Ucl- loney, primer. J:H Hani.: Anthony tii.b- mechanic. Lous Branch; Harvey Hulit, of Bloomficlr. Mr. Wilcox ia con- were members oi posts of Veterans I r*!iil pstiiti?, Lon« Hranch; Elizabeth Giv- mar. for experience has taught them that it pays to Shop and Mon HulcHmaii, IMltml; JJi'Ujm ISurleit. Elwood Smith, retired, Fair Haven; nected with the telephone company. of Foreign Wars. muun KouTinljiirK; Jennie Ov-.-i luy, I-IIH, hoUHt-wife, Bclmar, Daniel JOIICB, taxi, BHiniir; William Watkins, clerk. Sea Girt; A dele Miller, houuewife. Long Branch; Save the "American" Way. housekeeper, MiiiiilcU'wn; M. i". .Mu.'^-iliy, Gertrude Nelson, houaewifp, Freehold, R. H. C. Smytlic's bungalow on Park- retired, Jntorlak-n; .l«»>ephw'« K. Tu'f-.-ii- lloraru (i. Owens, farmer. Freehold. K. D. -; James Cuvana, /oreman, tipiiwc hake D.; Eva R. Crouee, houspwifc, KpansburK; er avenue, Fair Haven, to Frank I hrun, houbcwiff-. , lnti-rkki-ii; IUynn.ii'i Alfred Pettit. retired. Freehold; Lilian 1 Bo worn. Biilcnimri, Ahbuiy 1'ark; NM-IMJIHH Jlci^htK: Charlftu Geian, retired, Belmar; Wise of Little Silver. Gold Seal Finest Faniiit; Bordrn, housewife, Red Bank. Miles. houHCwife, Leonardo; Jampa Khan-. Vita, *»](•:>i/iji", Anbury i'aik; Mitriiu 'irop- non, painter, Matawan; Jolm C, Smith. A bungalow on Monroe avenue, poli, silica man. :,.-pi LI in : Lillian Wiiliih, 1-rnnl. li. Stadelhofcr, retired. Wwt Al- roofer, IMmur; Fr«d Collier. huTchant. S<"a owned by thn Hed Bank Building carton houeewifL-. Navismk; Lillian Gar\*.y, h«u-.<- Ipnhurst; 0 W. I'etfc+uori, cinfUieer, Nave- <;irt; iiamue! Welner, rtlired, Lon« Brunei); and Loun association, to Arthur M lieccnt economic changes may wife. Intcrlakf": JCiiuu^ U. l.iM'.h, h'*utt- sink; Cnrne-liui t). Clayton, Janitor, Adel- Horace Smith, retired, Harmony, Pauline of vife, HjtrinK I-»k<-. phfa; Lillian B. Lovine, houKuwlU, Key- .Slovene, housewife, Union Brach; Mar«arct Kendall of Tilton's dairy. necessitate a review of uae'u : port ; Mary Ilankln, housewife, Belmar; Muher. houfiewlfe, N<;[»lunc City; Lli u HarfiNt W. Kyan, clfil:, I- i'M>riKht; Jcl»n s An apartment in Adelaide court to holdings from the standpoint of twelve M. Tnlrn«ri. /H«HH('tT run] r.umt>iu,y. Ai-.ljiiry .1 i-n-rniah N. Bearrnore, contractor, Aebury Crowell, housewife, Lorn: Branch; Paul Park; JUy IX-vlui. Hi-rk. Ma»;.wai»; I Jr. I'iirl, ; Wilder ii. Morris, gsraffe, Leonardo; {jprouli Inauranop, l\f*yp»rt; Kenneth Herman Miller of Little Silver.. Kr.rru Ciufli, art in l, L/»riE Braiiuh; Mildred Improving their Investment po- Selected H. <'. Millar. M:fnii»ry, Aslmry l';i:"k; Woodward, carpenter. Red Bunk. A bungalow on East Westalde Joseph <:. Thotnp- in. (ii.f :'-.TI-)II-!, I'1'-- Prfli iout, hfjUiewlfe, Lone Branch; Jacob sition and profiting by current ,^icin, mMchiint, KiJmdel; James McGuire, Rev. David Hainey, clergyman, Frci'hold; avenue, owned by the Red Bank doz liold; C. Kn«l<-y r.:laytmi, mi'imuktr".. a.- Louis Tetley. hicyclcs. Hcd BanV.; Mar/ K. price levels. lliUM, A'kll'ltin; Anrta H«nii,, , IHJIIM- weaver, Freehold; Irvln B. Cohen, real es- Building and Loan association, to i: tatn. Antiiiry Park; Walter T. Thecker, ar- Dannie, housewife, L^ngr Branch ; Paul Fresh 17c •wife, Melfurd: W«»i'l T. Mix. rhtmi.-l. George Grob of Bridge avenue. iLiUct, Lont? Branch^ Blanche ymock, Kondls, Jr., saleflman, Asbury Park; John Red Bunk; (irorfc-Kli.M.i.n. »ut*-M. NMi>i;i.-; M. West, contractor, A1 bury Park; HOB*' An apartment in the Lustbaum Phillip Cumiclnr-.. m'-M-h.-ml. Irtrhnld; him- hnuf-cwif"*, Red Bank; Annie Baden, house- c 1/2lbpkgi wife. Katuntown. K«muelB, houaewife, LOIIK Branch; JTry building to Albert Heather of Red ford 0, Hint. Mi-rrlmnl [fi!<-rlaJ.f-ji; W. W. nJodectt, retired, Lon« Branch; J. (;, jj . We will l>e giaii to analyze your Anna Jackson. hoiiBt?wifo, V^anamatiBi; }jr 10 Bacon, <«so? No-waSte 2 15c Kennedy. V.crKynmn. 1 nii' Hjf-ffi; n-<: tican, Balesrnan. Anbury P.irk : David Blyth. Bank. holdings and make recommend- Pfiyiii' retired, M;iru- 'i";in ; t:h«th Hurley, h-m-.-- hrjURfwiff, Nfw Bedford; Ros<; Dlugo, wife, Jtplrnar; Alexander Guy, rriir>-'l, Urnii- Bank; Alfred [}• < ,suiiir». m<-<-hani.:, H*<\ hiniTwir^, Lonif Branch; Isaiah U. Ktorer, A house at Riverside Heighta, Rank; Jerry Mi-Coi.scy. curpwitcr, K-lr!cliBon. housewife, er, a veterinarian, will have his of- Miller, liouhewif*-, V.i.mimji-'-ii. Jolm Hiin-- 1- rrchnlil; l.awreiire Farrcll. mechanic. Al- ! Red Bf^nh ; Lida Benrietl. hcuspwifp, Katon- ftce in his home. Dealers in Investment Securities Chocolate Easter Eggs 3 10 man, rctirerf. h^, H-l^ah W-.f,fh't)>i. B. i). 2. l^ouella Slont, houHPwife, MaUwan; ChPt- I.ett, mechanic, K<-1ataw;ui; WMUtrn I- Unit";i f on. piiiut'-r. KnKlishtowi^ Char Its Tuni*. cur- h.'di!. farmer. Cream RiJffe; William B. Harvey Thompson, salesman. Red Bfinl.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutting Law- penter, Kcytmrl. William*, mason, Naveiink; Raymond Hart- [ Abe Colby, merchant, Lonjr Branch; Julin mait, accfjuntant. Freehold; Cora M in ton, i Huhn, housewife, . LoriK Brunch; Reaben rence, Jr., of Fair Haven, are the Represented by Egg DyeS, Chick-Chick or Magic Wand Marion r'!hn, FCt-rrtary, Aiburyi h-iij-cwifc, Red Dank; Edward Adama, me- Krestine, biitcher. Knglishtown: Olivr parents of a daughter born April 3 10c Park Diihirl .S Hri/na. imviunii-. !• n ••- chanic, n*-lf<>rr!; Howard I). Tantum^. mer- I Cain, housewife, Eatontown; Soiti I.ons. h-)ld; Wi'llurii A. !-<'ibi-n, a:tlc-rniiM. K'-y- at the Woman's ' hospital at New IV. RAYMOND JOHNSON rliant, Neptune; Edwin Beers, retired. Key- i housewife. Red Bank; William Supply, for pfjrt • Minnie \Vi-rn>«-."t, hotJ-ev.ifc, li''l- put t' Clinton MacDonaM, salesman. Free- rnechanlc. East Keansburj;; Jane Mahcney, York. The child will be named ford; 1-ouiF- I^vi.,-. y...itifw,rt'. I.-nii' Telephone Red Bank 1S36. hold. R. D.; Bichurd P. Tait. clerk. Free- ! hoUBewlfe, Freehold. Genevieve Kellogg for her mother, Mackerel Fillets 3 10c Branch; Jtobert Mn-U:.-, l,;u.d, A September 25 pfiia; S-imU"l m< rch:.r.t, A .l.jry f).; ThotnaB Urasch, mechanic, Red Bank; who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Park ; Joseph CaHtr. i-aiM.T, I.'-i:,' Hnu^. . Rachael Kankin, houeewife. Fair Ifaveh; Kdwuril Emmuns, forpmnn. Keyport; Ern-, 1 Macintosh Kellogg. I CeorfTc Nfiia". r.-fir-'-l, 1 Tt-.-h<-.\n , Kiln Han- J. Harry Bennett, mstaon, Helfcrd ; C.f.utv.u C-OClf ISO, Gorton's ready-to-fry »•' L KovHts, painter. Delmar. 2 ••**•. 23° nah, hou.-.ev.t!t: ()r-:,n \,TI.\'-; Uonirt Vu,r, M. Haya farmer, Marlboro; Dot Hep Icy, piano tl : .liiffK-i I.. 1f:.!l. : July 31 to August IS tphe!. Belford: Carrie [. HriRgn. l lii! Ms (ioldbrn cwife . Ocean Cruve; KHH 1'icrrc, lifiise- big can *| CQ r»a rnmt Mor Cnni'Sii. clfanlna; ami Hyetnc. Red . BBrad^r v Bench: .John H WiUon e, fCO or Del Monte holm*wife. l.'T^' /iNH.-f,. K'.- Ji-;,:y JEJ'-.I. fUi.i , JvJith Whining, houtewife, Eriton- farmer, Enslii-hL'iwn. R. D. 1 : Jnj:c Pook, eon, rU-rt:>'M"iii. \Y.«i.v>*i. , Hiury la«i,fi I town ; Char leg McConnell. clerk. Bel mar; housewife, Crawford's Corner: Horace I« plumber, llci Hariri. ! Joseph Maloney, laborer, MMdletown; Cor- Harden, merchant, Anbury Perk; Elizfbeth qtjar May H !o July 7 [ i-tUL Mctiii. laborer. Fnrmihifdaje; John Wood, huiiKnwife. LonK Pnin^h: Sinn If oil- or Sour 2 * 25c ' Steele, Long Branch; Tereja D- Cclift J'oiit.-i. ' !. h"H-<, ISflttinr man, merchant. Red Bank; William Whit- ; Culncy. housewife. Red Uaiik ; William inir, carpentcr, Keyport; 'lertrude Dey. John II. Wnil. i-N-: - , (>•' ,w, O.•',••. ••: jfjiJf I Healy, electrician. Lone Branch; Christina tbjar C nsh Rich, hou-cw.f'-. ]>• K"iir,^,iir(r: Osl housewife. Red Bank; Alinp Rousekr-r, [i i Jjouecwifp, Ktansljurg; Paul Mor- Kif IVlfdWalter Deiss painter G. Combs, ptii!i'"!", -•••!''.•'*••<•: I- "n 't*u>lt*. F»ir J^ }iu.winr,'\, CQfttrar*rrr< }."r,w }irnTn- plumber, ndmar: Ke, Jr.. weaver, Adeiphia ; ' Jo<- CoFIly GSCO Crushed or Golden^^ Bantam 1Q man Marlboro; KHi.* Hpi'z'-.'•'•*, i.tira*; retired, Mana-fiuan ; Vjoi^i U'hi; Branrli; Mary Kn,:kj,MI',i. wile, Itrmlky ttfach; .)um-- V can C Kennsbur/. tir-'l. Lout: Branch ; Th->::.:*- [).] Standard Quality 5 C. E. Dixon. jilumbi-r. Mi;, I.oni; Mraiurh. ; Juh;i Th-<>, R. Hamilton, r-tir.-.J. I j.rn.:!.-.:.!;.!-- ; rj hoiltewife, Uinx H/htteh : I--ii-. fiunthcr, !!l farmer, FarrninKdnle, U. D. "„' ; J a f.- Dip- E a s t e r ney, clerk, Asrury Park ; Malcolm Leon- Salmon, BestPink 3 cans 2$C ard. carpenter, Snw .M^nni'iuth. l, •:, lii'im.'ir; jaccn Brod*Ky, no MI, Long Fred Speakrrti.n, ma^.n. Keaiisimi-t,'; Ed- Ah bury r, Branch; Theodore Scott, mison, Naveeink; • rnund L. Tnntum, rrif-chanic, .Mk-ntrjV.ii- pt]a r C I>iriK Brnii.-!'; Mll!:-.r t, Y.'.f.r Kleinf'Chmifft, Etudent. Red Bank; ' Sidney Van Dyke, plumber. Wunarnttssa; H"i Hani-:; \ni,» M. c, cji-rv t;f: K. . Hie key, manufacturer, Red Rev. Thomas '1 homah, clereyninn. I.eon- And the New Hom-de-LIte Mayonnaise 19 >!al«wjix.; UVUtn U- irdo; A'lolph Kaw.i- i -.i.if. . Mat.n:M>; Mfrraret Andcnion, hounewife. T.onar Flranch: Chmtfr Heulitt. mechanic, Spring Can C Anna Hack*tt, h-u-^'f", !'•"! Hiir.k; Mm-; Kllen V. SncllKrove, housewife, Lake; GcorRo Brerr.bos, restaurant. A-bury Standard Quality S ni? frobtir),. honffv.iir, I arnii:;^'!,-1.!". Kc;insl)UrK: Rebecca Krisaoff, housewife, ParV; Sarah Gasman, housewife." Anbury IB Arjnn O'Nftl. hciUROwifo, Belfmd: 1 >r- l.oriB Branch; Earl 'Palmer, sea captain, Park; John HcQuade, mechanic, freehold: FOOTWEAR Lons Brunch; H. B. Pattenon. cimineer. . fnee Bnlicock. • knu-cwif" \•••,.., ; (>nrl»? Klora TIol!and«r. housewife, Ivons Brand)' 1 boU P. WhiU: rhauiTt-ur. -V:ib -'»;?,•; Ilaicy I.or-K Branch; Jacob Kagy, iaborer, Ka.rm- Harry Kollock. trainman, Red Bank • Newell &SCO Pure Grape Juice 2 >' 23c I gSCQ Peaches inKdale: Ana K. Fary, carpenter. Eston- R. Rurlf. 1>rtinter, AHfiitown: Orvi'l Ilrr-d Jluhn. housewifp, I-nnr Hrur c>i ; L. r,;i (Tu- I?nK T~» 1 T\ __ /^ ' _ .. * 1 fit Vint !"•> rin, howicwife, rr""h":'!. E'.-m p, r»r- town: Anna Coeveny. housewife, Bradley farmer, Clarkuhurfir; Ralph W. Prarcr, tax big can jK-nd-r, Jt«7fr trfli.'ifr. irfh'll- < 'S/;t; V* Rr-ni-h: John Roche, retired. Union Beach; councilor, Asbury Park; John B. Heiscr, T la, bdokkcpprr. l.r-nir H^cK-h : (;.=(Tt:e (!i'/ir« fairiiv carpenter, Red Batik; Jus- OruKKiBt, bonk' Branch. ••'' OSCO Bartlett Pears rph I*. A-iay. plumber. Red Bank ; Joe I>ev-y, I Bt^vorit., retired. Miilawaii; < 'he :• : Anrs Hii'J, nuw:-. Freehold: Delia Holleran, hoUBe- 25c vifi', Atlantic llifrhlands: David V. Per- J. Miller. houBPwife. Belmar; Ethel Oakes )lkB; houflcwifc. Aabury Park: Wili|nm Kotl- housewife, Atlantic Hichlands, R, p • I Calif. Seedless Raisins 2 ' 15c Fruited (.'ocoanut Marshmullow each Loaf Cakes Layer Cake 0 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. WEEKLY SPECIALS IN PASTRY DEPARTMENT at Our Fountain Specials! RED BANK (Broad Street) Store: BANANA SPLIT 15c HOT CROSS BUNS 15c doz. A smart beige, black or BRICK ICE CREAM grey strap is new for. EASTER CAKE 23c &. 33c spring. ASSORTED COOKIES ; 2 doz. 25c Pt. DRUG STORES .95 & Quality Coffee 2Ic Victor Blend Coffee 19c $3.80 Value. Acme Brand Coffee 25C Quality Meats—Reasonably Priced All Smoked Skinned /"•LEVER stitching ornaments T-strap. slip- Whole

1 ^"* pers of beige calf or antelope. This is 50c 35c 1.00 Shank ft. S5c 1 50 ; 1 Pt. runups roimollvc one of many distinctive new styles here. Half 14c 1 ' Bay e is Alcohol Milk of Frostilla 1 Petrolagar Shaving Magnesia Cream Aspirin Butt Ends of Slices of I 19° 29" 26" | 79" Ham 16« Ham "25c 9 Fresh-Killed Fatted ; Fancy Young Hen F O '%Ur 1 • exercises at night. Election of of- row night's meeting of .the mayoi1 night, April 21. The date is sub- street, j.-hool. The course includes, ! j( it lu (he approval of the school college at Rochester. ficers will be hold next Monday night and council. Mrs. Fred Ayros suffered a relapse MULK-FKD tooling, slainiiig anil ;is.-emblinp Fair Haven News. by the missionary society. board. It will be a non-partisan leather articles such as book marks, Mr^i. John G. Anderson, Jr., is con- I speech and will deal with theories after an auto "ride Saturday, when The Women's Democratic club will i'he went out for the first tirne aftei keytaincr;, vanity eases, belts, book [ (Thr Rnd Bank Roister caa n be boughboughtt fined to the houso with sicknet^. Veal covers, table mats and pork el books. tin lnir Hnvrn in the storestor s nf Harry hold a dessert-bridge Friday after- Mr. and MIK. E. D. Bransome have• for solving tax problems. being ill. Khe is now under the car< Hams i Kurlis nfd Robert Ca eron and at the noon at'half-past one o'clock at the returned from a sojourn at JSocn of a trained nurse. Representatives of the (.'. W. Dannu- • The patcnf-teachcr association met (Snow Wlilbe) (Wholfl or titrliir; Hull) houer Leither company of Plulailel jlioJj d CcdaraCcdaraJ Episcopal house. Grande, Florida. ) yeslrrday afternoon in tho high Wra. Henry S. Wilson spent the piiia arc instructors. • | The ladies' auxiliary of the flro The public nchnols will close today The Lndies' auxiliary of Rumson I school auditorium. Mrs. Harold L. week-end at New York. The teachers taking the course• leumpany has begun rehearsals for a for the Easter vacation and will re- fire company will hold a kiddie party Woodruff prcHltied In Hit absence o£ Harry Kingfiley has a new Chevro- BONELESS are Miss- Bernadine Stewart, Miss 'minstrel show to be presented on open next Tuesday. Arbor day ex- Wednesday night, April 10, at the Mi'.s. Chris Deislcr, the president. let car. Wednesday night, May 3 in Me- ercises were held Friday at the Wil- Mrs. Benjamin A. Shoemaker en- ROLLED Turnian. -Mrs, J. Ebner, Mis. Jilsie 4 for members mid friends. Stephen I-{. IjpQuier, .supervising McLeon. Mrs. Para L. Levy. Mrs. chHnics' hall. Mrs. Frank Snyder low street schoolhouse by the fifth Those who attend will give canned principal, asked the members of the tertained Miss Alice Hayes of New SHOULD Jill YOUNG F I C ID Bertha Shoemaker and Mrs. Kraiik will be interlocutor. Mrs. Arthur B. grade. oods in place of money for admis- ;:y.snc'mtUm to support the projectYork over the week-end. § SicklpM is directing the musical num- sion nnd the articles will be distrib- A food sale will be held Halurday Plngatove of the Jliver street school, to establish the eleventh and twelfth 1 Veal Mi5s Vera Norcross of the Oakland bers. uted among needy families. Kvery- afternoon, April I, }, from half-past Turkeys " grades here, stating that the.cost of (Solid Meat to hloast) street school and Miss Barbara Declc- Mr. and Mrs. H. K Richardson Rumson News. one Is requested to dress appropri- maintenance would be less than It two to half-past live o'clock in tit. • crt, Ml'5. Frances Manning, M^ss Dor- and son Keith of Landsdowne, Penn- ately for the occasion and fines will coMs to send the pupils to out-of- John's parish hall. Cut flowers and (8 l» 1S-1I). Average) othy Doivdon, Miss Frances Wilson sylvania, were Sunday guests of Mr. (The Itod Bunk Rcgisior can be bought be imposed on those wearing: cos- plants will also be sold. in Rom son at Mnncrty'a gpncral store, town schools. He also stated that BEST CUT and Miss Helen Howard of the jun- and Mrs. Samuel H. Cleeland, Jr., of Barken Bros.1 utoro, formerly Yellen's. Tor* tumes not meeting with (he approval any' cut in the teachers' .salaries Services will be held Good Friday ior high school. The course was Kiver road. They were accompanied beru's store nnd Mra. Ludlow's store. The of the committee. Mi;/?. Edward An- iihove ton per cent was unjust. The at St. John's chapel from noon to CHUCK BEST CUT started by Miss Howard. by Mr. Clecland's mother, Mrs. Sam- Ruuisler is alao sold nml delivered by dre ir. chairman of the commit Ire in three o'clock. The Easter Sunday Charles Geyer. 63 Lafayette street.) charge of the arrangements and her' m xt meeting of the association will sriu.oiN uel H. Cleeland, Sr., also of Lands- be lie Id Tuesday night, May 9. rooming service will be at eleven i/2c lb downp, who will remain for a visit. Stainer's "Crucifixion" will be reiv- assistants are Mrs. -Joseph GunrruT, o'clock. Roast Steak A musical program was presented deren Good Friday night at St. Mrs. Raymond Voorhees, Mrs. Nich- by the Glee club of the high school Rev. Henry P. Bo wen, Mrs. Etta (Prime Steer Beef) Smith. Mrs. Anna McGce, Mrs. An- George's Episcopal church by the olas Havaranis and Miss Irene. Por- Fushlon Show. (Steor Be«f) in the assembly on Thursday and ter. Friday, A. Leroy Baker, instructor nie Kirk. Mrs. Han-y Hall, Mrs. Ro- choir under theri direction of J. Stan- Little Silver News, A fashion show will be prcscntc land Fcnnimore, Mrs. Mae Emery, ley Farrar, organist and choirmas- Naramatta council of the Degree for the benefit of the scholarship of music at the school, was in charge BEST CUT of the pro&'l-nni. The selections pre- Mrs. Sue Doughty and Mrs. Tillie ter. The soloists will be Edward of Pocahontas will hold a card I'llir HP No. 2 cans 2 for 2k Irving Hance, Jr., who attends Coi- nell university, is fpending the spring vacation with li:.s ].;irenl.-, Mr. and This It not pur estimate—but Mrs. Irving Hnni' IF : JI ndnip a is our GUARANTEE month wilh her pare;);.- a; S!. I^ouis. FRUIT & VEGETABLE DEPT. During his wife's ak-enrr Mr. Ais- • ' "',-r thorpe is at Monti'lair. A p r FItESII FANCY CLEAN Misf 1 I I celeb; r 1 1 II (TuesU 1 ASPARAGUS SPINACH Craig \S SEEING AN I 1 Large I C Bunch i Kean \ There Is an old odago that seeing is believing. We emphasize our unqualified 4 - 25 Ham r guarantee that the new Penfleld Aufomatic Gas Water Heater Kane 1\ It FANCY GREEN STRINGLESS FANCY CALIFORNIA Bohn M No. 30 with low input burner will operate in your home at a cost of not ovor Rita M $4.50 per month for gas consumed. If less you pay less, if more you pay only MiB6 I I $4.50 .. . Wo make this revolutionary guarantee explicit and as binding as CELERY Gum BEfNS Jame \ i words can state It. You never heard of such a guarantee, neither did we . .. IDS! C Bvuicli Jtir \ It is our contribution to business—building at a time when your cutting down Mrs. 1 I 8 with I household expense and our developing new customers will help us both In Chi I the big upward movement that has just begun. FANCY WINESAr TABLE SIMPSON scarlt t f Mr: 1 from 1 What this new Wcter Heafcr will do APPLES LETTUCE fined . j t, . Mr. and Mrs. Wilhain T- The new Penflold Convertible Gas Wator Haater operates automatically by ; C Hard have re'UMK thermostat. Its economy Is derived from perfected insulation and a new JlliUl the wir in I-l- i,,nn- from your Plumber If you wish or from us. Our $4.50-a-month-Gas-Bill- Buncli P"C 1 C 11>. on*' h;.'3 it fine imn. Guoraritee is good either way.

iidin f.'l.arli.- W. i',il« r: . '('.u*- ',-i FRESH FANCY FLORIDA 1 In : limn V 1 oa,ip\)pl churr'n };.ur j"f|,A;:-'! C bar. til'- lufi-tln;;. v.dil<-h liny v.c|, i,, ),,,Vi. DAE.Y r AUTOMATIC hold ni-.rt \\'idnei.(l ty, u!,!il i)if, )(,l. JerseyG will be al tin- huim ••! Mi. , ,),,hn T,' GAS WATER WATCH Fit DAY NIGHT'S LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD Ilflldriciuoi; ail'l a (•••.Mid ill: h hinc)i*-on v.-jll )<{• 11 i\< il FOR RECOKp-lSIUCAKING HPKCIALH Al TI1H P. A. SATURDAY. Tile- Chiulian KniK-avoi ;n>'.it ty "ol RED BANK REGISTER

Hou The hour when a little time spent in reading the advertising in The Register can he made to play a big part in the status of the family savings account.... Consistent ad reading gives you firsthand information TODAY about the quality and prices of the purchases you intend making TOMORROW. - ;

The merchants place their various offefs before you each that you may know in advance what the market affords. These advance suggestions, when acted upon, enable the buyer to make the most of every dollar spent ....You too, will find that reading the ads will make an aston- ishing difference in your daily expenses.,..An hour spent in ad reading is truly~ftTHE THRIFT HOUR/' THE RED BANK REGISTER "A PAPER IN EVERY HOME Pa#e Twenty-TVo RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 12, 1933. A WOMANLK£S 'WliDBINfl. |WMY KASTKB HATE CHANGES. TttlAI) CLIJB FORMED HEttll datlons in wrtting at the next meet- As the Map Shows Europe's Debt To America Four More Beer ing, ,:. , It Will He Given at Colt's Neck Next A Wiflc Kange ot Time When This Meeting HeM Last Thursday In Y. An application from the East Wednesday Night. Holiday Can Occur. M. C. A. Headquarters. Licenses Granted View realty company to connect Tho "womanless wedding" which Most of us are aware that Euster The Triad club, organized by char- The Atlantic Highland.; mayor and with the borough water supply was was recently given by young folks ot is the gioat annual Christian festival ter memberu of the girls' HI-Y club council lust night granted four more gi .-intud. Tinton Fails will be repeated at the \in commemoratioj] of the resurrec- land afliliated with the Young Men's beer license/*. They were issued to schoolhousc at Colt's Neck next . tion of JCHCUS Christ. From the Chiibtiun association, was formed Frank Coatanza and Joseph Rich of Wednesday night. The profits will bewor , d "Eostre," the Anglo-Saxon pod- 1 L last Thursday night at a meeting in Avenue A, Paul DeGughlimu of First evenly divided between the lire com [ de. ".y . of spring, probnbly came the j the "Y" building1 vn Branch avenue. avenue and Valley drivd and John High 1'olnt Spiritualist CliapeJ pank-rt of Tinton Falls and Colt':; name "Kaster," really a survival The officers are Mrs. Jafcies'Turnoelc KOSHC of Firat avenue. Services: Neck. Wilbur C. Gardner will be in from the old vTeuton mythology, as preBtdent, Misa Murjorie Worthlc.y An ordinance limiting parking on charge of the entertainment. The are the names of our days, Sunday, 3:00 I*. M.—At the ChtH'Cl. 1 vice president, Miss CeciJe Dlxon First avenue to two bourn, between "weddin;;' made a ^rcat hit when it (Juitc naturally, the early Chris- Tucmlay and 'Iiiun.ilay. 2:0(1 P. SI.—At secretary and Miss Dorothy Gibbona eight and six o'clock wnck duys was 1(1 liiuml .St.. itui) Dunk, N. J. was produced at Tinton Falls about tians continued to observe the oldtieasurer. patjKed on itti fli'Ht reading. Tlic re- two vv'^ks ago. Hebrew festivals, though in a new WednMiliiy, 2:ii0,l>. M.—At Mm. Huth- Other members of the club are & trie ted area is between Wasli ing- ci-Jmid'a, Jliilii St., Kolfoid. N. J. spirit; thus the Fas.sover. with a new Miss Mildred Scheidt, Miss Ruth ton avenui and Bay View avenue, conception, was ob;;erv\ed, and affer riiiluy. 8:00 P. M.—At Florence, near Parker, Misa Helen VanDorn and KiiKley M. Wliitc of Red Hank ALMiltloli Avc I,erinar- first used in England, and their pub- BOWLING LAST NIGHT. WHAT tUROPB OWES Tlilrd i\rrado—Leslie Leist. Edwnrd Ucli- lication .soon followed 'the .successful THE UN ITED S TATES hauser, Eleanor Collins, Eva Eckcrsoii, acceptance of Christmas curds, Utility Team Defeats t'ommcrelu Rock Gardens and •H WAS. DEBTS Kmnm Guncirf, Shirley Jensen, Cnilicrine wrilrh were issued in ever increas- Chauffeurs In Two Gtities. Alpine Plants. (MHCIML ONLY) | Martin, Marion McMaruis. All Kinda of Upholstering : T'ourtli grade—Jackie Moore, Crawford ing numbers the year after the now UTILITY TEAM. : MOKE THAN '^00 VAKIKT1ES. i famous first curd, by J. C. Horseley, and Draperies repaired or made •J Aoerm Mil n ri to order at reasonable juices. Strong field grown clumps. \ Flf.h sradc Martha Huber. Phillip Mr- wns sent out in 184(1. In those early h. Acorni |MJ •jat lfi." InLyre, Cornell Lyke, Doria Set ley, Mary Crifi|iell 1CH Only tho best workmanship Hcasohiibly pi-iucd. Ruck K'l . Uyrne. days, however, it was quite common WAR OEBT PRINCIPAL DUE U. S. to print "Easter Greetings" in place Sliinn . ..'. .".".'.' '.'.'."."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". IK? ] *x id: guaranteed. Have been in thiu (Jons built .'ilirj planted. E:;ti- ' ! Sixth grade—Charles Lube, Elizabeth Merrill 1113 171 16S line for 33 yearn. Any job, ', niaten and suggestions gladly j Tredean. of "Birthday Greetings" on .suitably given. j Seventh jfrade—Daniel ColllnEon, Charles designed cards, "ssu of Mrs Florence Hurley of 302designs in addition to regular iteinp, -.o-*^ j Shrewsbury avenue tomorrow ni^ht :ind for nnnrly every member of the Keal Estate Rentals. jat. 8:30^ o'clock. Among the speakers family, as well as other special titles. H. Kdwin Olson, assistant treas- Chevrolet and Ford Owners. : will bo Mrs. Lillian Brown, presi- Among the titles one may road in urer of the Columbia engineering BWMHNG.FOK THE FUTURE. Eatontown News. Seabright News. dent of the Colored Women's Demo- most of the open displays today are and management corporation of tiennrators and Starters Overhauled and Guaranteed as New cratic club of Asbury Park and as-such as thene: "Easter Greetings to New York city, has rented a house Jor 53.73. Quality Work. Steps Must Be Taken to Protect (The Hed bank Register can ho bougb < I he Hod Uiinii [{cvtister can be ouuutu sistant to Warden Joseph Schwan-k My Wife," "To Our Mother," "To in Fixwood park through the Globe Our Forests. Eatontown from Noble Mosby at Ibtut .So{il>r<£rlit at the nun-en ot Morns Weia of the county jail, and Miss Mar- Father and * Mother," "To Dad," rea) estate agency on Eaat Front Call Iteil lfank 128 for other Information. ett.ilice and nt Frank Marccllo's • barber •i>:'» aiiiJ H. U-Huwita.t If our foresight was os clear as shop.) 8 jorie DeBoury, chairman of the wol-"Across the Miles," "With Sympathy street. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Braman at E.istcr." "To a Shut-in at Easter," our hindsight, the millions of dol- The board of education was re•fnre committee of the Asbury Park of Rumson, through the same agen- The program of yervicos ior Holy nr^iinizctl last week. Herbert F club. '••To My Pal," "To My Sweetheart," lars lost in the state of New Jersey Week in the Eatontown churches in- cy, rented a bungalow at Fair Young, a new member, and > Ray "To Rev. Father," "From All to All," Haven. DOUGLAS A. JEROLOMON because of the ruthless handling ol clude services tonight at 7:45 o'clock "Your Birthday and Easter," and inond Fary and K. Wolcott Fary A Shoot on Saturday. our forests and the loss by erosion the Methodist, church under the who were re-elected, were sworn in- there arc also quite a few in Ger- BKRGEN FLACK AT MAI'LK AVI'J.NtE. would aa eul down more than lift> It pays to advertise tn The Register. direction of Rev. Carlton Whitchead. to oilice. E, Wojcott Fury was re- A shoot will be held at the Harry man. IIEI1 HANK, .V. J. per cent. Rev. Leroy Y. Dillener will lead the elected president, lUoumileld Fary C. Langendorf farm on Saturday af-1 One only needs to make a trip services tomorrow night at the same vice president and Raymond Fary ternoon at one o'clock. E. Mount of j Hospital ruttcnts. over Asbury avenue to appreciate time at the Advent church and onsecretary. v Trenton was high gun and won tlm Mrs. Forman D. White of Wcst- FIRST CHURCH OF I what has happened to the wooded Friday night Kev, Chester Apy will white bird event at the shoot last ' Unusually lovely arc tho Kn.ster A coach owned by Mrs. side avenue was? admitted to the area during the past ten years. have charge of the services at the week with 25 straight. Other win- River view hewpit;)] la.^t night ;IH a CHRIST, SCIENTIST \ JAly Plants we luivn red ived Ihi:; When we consider the loss by lire Methodist church at 7:45 o'clock. John Keenan way stolen one night ners in the event were Oscar Mundy last week from in front of ihe Keen- medical patient. Mr.s. Edmund Gehl- y. {0CU9U UrOUBroaUd StSt.., tieKVL'dU OtIUU(Siinli,. nN. vJ. y.j :! the dinandson of Fords for Mrs. Arthur Officers elected by the Young pressing our .sincere and heartfelt $ da»- A in en ol South Dtrnrt this, nf tor- 1 Women's auxiliary of the Asbury thanks to relatives, numerous friends A Tbc uubllc is cordfallT invited to % thought that goes throughout minils Axulson of this placL , Mrs. Axeiaon and neifthhors who in any way as-Yt attend the «ervlc«s «nd uso the P noon' at 2:45 o'clock. Mrs. D. L. Park Woman's club are Mrs, IiM- p Readln Room. JJ Art Floral Shoppc as we travel this road, and not only Parsons of Little Silver will have was formerly Miss Mary Ytmlters of sisted us at our - time of bereave- K in this area but in many others of Fords. The couple were married re- muntl Lay ton president, Miss Sue ment. Special thanks for tho numer- 00 Krldjjn AvfUije, - charge of the devotions and Mrs, Knob, vice president, Mrs. Chnr'es the county and state, a like change James H. Owens of Red Bank will ft nlly at JElltton, Maryland. Mr. ous attendance and most beautiful lUd Banlt. and loss is taking place. A>ic\i\on, who attended Qk\u\ioiuu. Todd corresponding secretary, Miss floral tributes; nlso the genUerm-n' talk of the work done among the who acted ns pall bearers, also the SINGING COACHl>« American Indians. university, is in the real estate and Elizabeth Moellcr recording secre- TEL. 1159-.J. J. nONATO. How frequently do we hear it said insurance buaincsd with Chet Bow- Rev. J. J. Messier for the comforting that a certain farm is poor r a cer- tary, Mrs. Gustav Grab treasurer words of consolation, and the funer- o Mrs. Charles Breese and Mrs. Adaman. and Miss Dorothy Russell auditor CASS FREEBORiN tain farm is good. After all these B. Nafcw attended a meeting of the al director, Harry W, Posten, for the are only relative terms for tho so- The Ladies' aid society and this and press representative' > satisfactory arrangements'of the fu- jLateot Metropolitan Opera HOUBC, H.X. Garden club held at the Garilckl- neral. Tllli called poor farm may be better GranL hotel at Long Branch on So and Sew club will give a hot din- adapted to the production of cer- ner Wcdneminy night, April 10, at Indictment Quashed. • j Fred C. Apcl and Children. Monday afternoon. Dr. Thomas J. —Advertisement. Voice Culture tain crops than is the so-called good Ileadley, head entomologist of thehalf-past live o'clock, fur the benefit An indictment, against Harry M.! farm. At the tame time both of agriculture experiment station at of the Methodist church. i'lirke of Kecaucu^, a formnr justice J Card of Thanks. Carlton Theatre these farms, or at least a portion of New Brunswick was the guest Shud fishing in the hay this week o[ the peace at Freehold, who was ^ We take this opportunity of ox- RED BANK, N. J. each at one time wns wooded or in speaker. 1-as not been very profitable for the charged with misappropriating $500' pressing our deepest and most heart- leit thanks to rill tlio^c who extend- STUDIO NO. 5. LUtlc Silver Point Road, Little Silver, N. J. pasture end is eroding because of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller of South C.'-hermen uf Ihis place. posted with him as a bail bond, w;is •' the loss of trees or the neglect of ed their great kindness and sympa- TcL lied Bank Terma street will move from their present Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Criser quashed iast week when Judge Har- thy " ;it the recent bereavement I'honc Ilcd Hank :5S-K pastures. It will soon be impossible home to their new home at Newark spent Sunday with Jlov. and Mrs.ry Truax was informed that the com- caused by the death of our wife and 374 Reasoiiabla ^ to bring: back to worth-while pro- about. May 1st. Howard \\, Raah of Toms'River, plainant did not 'wish to press the mother; especially Albert Worden, SPEAIUNG FIANO | duction many of these acres. Rev. and Mrs. Harry VanCleaf of formerly this Ibis place. charge further as the money had 'livv. E. W. .Miller and thoac who sent DOGOCOOCOCCOGOCGOOOOOCGOO been repaid in full. flowers. We are now going through a per-South River spent Sunday in town The So ami Sen- club will,meet to- m Monmoutb Coonty Surrogate'* Office. 1 night at the honie of Mrs, Marshall I Frank P. Rtrykcr, iod where every penny must be care- visiting a number of their friends. Oliver Strykcr. In Ihe nnitttr of the estate or CJCOI^C C. fully scrutinized before spent. Thi£ They were accompanied by Eugene M Criser. Mrs. Oor^e O. Johnson, ' Guest at Kadfo Party. 1 —Adverti-rmcnt. . IhvJKht, dere;im?d. naturally is bound to uffect any Hart of South Oliver. AJIK. Walter Johnson ami Mm. Cna- Mrs. Carrie Webber of Linden , Notice to. ireditoiu to I'rcrent cliiimR : ji^

    0°- j J_ town, Oakhurat, Oceanport, Middletown. Fur quick service consult Uay H. SUUmiin, I'olf.i Neck, near new State highway :; FIKTEKN ACRKS. menduw " wiili brook, Kutontown. phono 178. seven a ere a i^piira^iH, fniit trecn; rented mjitablc for vork or anything.' KG Wett HOU.SB, flix rooms, both, all immuve- tiHJClllRtJl>hh| j ^;^ mentfl, sas and coal range, tubs, one- J_1_ j ; ]'"OU RENT or leii'-c. h Rarairr: ?5nn or \VK CAN Kurely yju with gcad'inic. nrac- rs r unrase. Also extra garage*. H. II, e on Broad 1 provcmeni 1 htrcet. in Mln-c«'i-l>iiry; no location farlJesa «JO«TI : linl.'i fl monthly. Phont Ver The Iratlic- li^htii on the corner j rabbiu an<] ci"h>mcnt for ll , ? 1." ea'"Ii ; champion I'edi- JIJKII j'»i. of h. ltlintr an*l painting; tii"ftl nml h'.mrly nur^c?. Call Nurses' Vnndeveer, A0 Branch avenue, Red Bank, ftork. HtiycSi ^2 Ocoanrort nvr- ' tea room nr ol her Inir-i H. Addrcos O ^^ I! ;^1K!^_UP(| Kiink^ _ • :•••' KaLiFfar-tlon Rimrii Ite«istry, Kr'i HanV: G7. Minn Jcunette.A. l'n«]c iiXPEKlENCKI) man \vi«hpH po?ition on rnent«; ;>_"' i'cr iti). •"'3 Linden ,'lucc. I'hunc S3 ", Red •himtTeur. i'nn fu screen»: one-car sarage. K. A. Oro7.ier, ( their wcrk^nd BUC»J. Mr. and Mrs. ' p | bouj-ht; will call for Mime aii'l 1'iih- Haven: Phonp 1'iS'J, Hcl. Bank. ChchtnviL i,l.rcet. Rt;l Hunk. Hank.^_ >a hrt Ihc iK-ft n't rcfeiencc.^. _Ad-hc.-^ tita-- Seaman ot .SJioit ' FSrt-v Rn-" Y\*\\ Ilntrh- I ^ ' y rcntn perr pennyweight anandd , . „ , ,,. . „ , n , . . SM ALl; furnir-hcd lumimlow • of live roomn NK\V t "Q~-Tooni~i^pni^vr"iii »" a"y amount. WWriti e to EE. S. i?ow- t^£Jl'J^^^'.J'nT-15...lll_:L[M^^L-A:X SIX-ROOM house. Barase: on highway, Dr. Wai-mi Ncviua of Chambers- j KOW[70ATh~JUT5'T~^Tjl7Ti cry. 174 one block to school and bus, on Lcon- tu\n c ntt tr WiiHhintr. Cnll Mnry Had don-, fi1> Carton provements; re-decoraletl; rent reason- fend with hi^ brother, «J. H. Ncvius. i "" t " :J^ . S l S*h^ ^ TKNNIS COURT »for rent. "Green" Acres able; conceoBion. AddresB M. L., box 611, Lrn'LK'siLVHR~Si.\-io()tri lio'iiPc: all im-IDKAI. hutlditiR site. :iiioitt twenty acre* 1>A B E ieh < L I AUTOMOBILES. farm, Colt's Neck. Inquire at gas sta- btreet, Uiinifor, ^N. J_^ The tennia season opened at the ^j^m J^r ^'c c h_r)« r white RdJJk lent to him line and echo IrIee farrmm alannd : elevation, fiiie lo tion. VoUNfi Srolrhmti aiilld like house- . prhools, tv-a-vnr Ku r tlon; bKbrooK; nenl r hl:vte hihighhw IInrjit VanVlict courts on .Sycamore avenue 'Branch avenue^* oppoaiie Vo^wood Park! GRAHAM-PAIGE and Teerlesii »ervlce ne ; pt^aunda • i7xl!00 ; TAKE LESSONS In contract bridge only man's job ; drtvr mr; very handy . fruit, Ki*ai>e». Oivnc Washington road, frontngc. at ?\u per acra. on Sunday. A number of persona j |-itll« ^^^^ „ anJ iiHrta. Simoniiinp, supplies. Btor- I h John Haddow, L \ Carton c. Fred TT. VftnDorn. 77 Monmouth from certiQed teacher*. LessonB given houac. large lot. ntcnm hem, ect. Ut.l Llnnk. BE '' KuniHon N. J-* took advantage of tllf: Lourts and ! r'UK.Sif cw nnd ralf; tuberculin tcntefl. utreet. U«d Bunk, phone 47S. privately or in groups. Jane Williams. sun parlor; one-ear cfiragc; S:i"> per1'OK JUiN'l'. furnished, seven-room hou TWENTY niTfls. vTi-inity "j.f Ited lJaniT. < H I Cri>nick< bridge and backgammon ttudio, 63 Rlver- <;ATtl>KNKR':3 a M,Uni wants work; lone enjoyed an afternoon uf play. Both Fa rn"2oU'H N« K. ""*" ^^l'On SAt.t;." Pierre-Arrow Kedan.~lit.eneu-". 1 monih, li. Howard LippincoU, '11 Mon- two baths', all inipiovementu: 31,^00; Rood noil. Rood drainage, bin nil exuericm-e nn privute estfite' : good mouth Btreet. Red Bank. ph«ne_321. _ Immtdlatdlt c uofi&CBiilonl . PPhonh e 43433-J3 . Bed umoimt. of woodland: j^crfoct for iiiniltry courtR will soon be in condition for jA"k"'TiwS"^~ro7^r~T?wrV^^ Harrnin. A'J»lre*.« Box C1-'>, Red .Dank. r ) WA^^~SVSTEM(P F»frb»tikrMorM~w»r worker. Addiess U. A. E.. hox til. RedUNFURNISHED. BIX roonia "and bath, all nr oY.-linid. Wiiu; Vinlii N. Hahter.-. box ic v r tournament play, which will! for PHIE. 117 I'roi-ieci avenue. Red FOR SALE. 1&27 f'hrynlcr coach, 12b. tcr i;itemu initalled. We Bii«ciallie in Bank.' irari > cmenta: room for one car: ; 4 .t 181. KemiBNiiiH, N. J." Phono riKCr,, Hcd Bank.* rump repairing. ItrBidcnce. MldJletown. lock'To ""buir"Tnqurre~»t""l Clay "itreet] I ai.X-IuTuM li"oTihet'"an7impT"uvcn"icntit] Si ' IS Quinctimc flic latter part of May. 1 »«nt. phone r.T. Fail'alr llavcHavenu . road, one block to river, one ^ htrect. Rumson. Inquire at SMALL FARM.. t<. om Uoimld Nccdharn IS spending the 1 tl-'JIN rrmto-bikc biryclc. red and while. N. J., i»ht»ne Middletown 6S. Plumbina. . ten lo f:r'r rent Hi n a ham avenue, or phone Kurnson , 4 i fomewhnt. rusty, hut runs firrt riasfi ; t FARM PRODUCE 14 4. tion: waiting client. Scu.l full pHi-tii-iil.ii-i week at HJC homr. of lhr> parrnts in lumber. Mteht x-| I BUY and sell accond-hand clothes; must • APARTMENT for rent, furniBhcd. 6 Riv- furnlphed: JH^O for summer sesaon: J«- ; hai9 i7 tur flulck t niarkpoint roarl, Rurostm. Open for in-FOR KENT, tour-room bungalow and five- lo Hox_6n;._Freohobl. N. J. _ __ ConiiCcticul -rhanre for-large ofTire deK-k. Address iiox i ! cutting alfal- _ bo in good'condition. L_. Kcrber. 200 i crside avenue. Red Dank. . Ctlon an_y Sunday, . Wjllmm Val . ne. I room bungalow; all imyrovcmentB :i!:| s. Phone j TYt'O-RoOM apartment for rent, fur- ; Mr. and Mra. VanPclt and Mrs. - Allcnharst, N. j. Write for 8eo thin hay , o;j;, , phore RurriBon 454.J, or .Hoiiokcn 3• -1 fJ I. j Charlca Uienker, 607 Wilt Front itroct. parlor; bath, hot;* a'tcr heat: nnd KCL our riricc. Hanco i Davis. Dfaono ' ~^.i . nlBhcd :• third bouse fiom Globe hotel. riitre:1 froml lorjitTon :- price- ;'i ., . i 'I WO "'baly carriages and B!roller ami ; mde lied .Bank 103. D0AU1) at reasonable rates; all modern | Addrca M East Front street, Red Bank. house; gnr;ipe; reasonable rent. Inquire HOUSK uf Fovcn " nnd bnlh, all im- .. ,-a?h. bu.Hiii-e ui(>rlt:«k'e. « ftenan church bunday morning. j t*0 high chairs for «aio rheap. li; imtirovecncnta; hot and cold running 173 Itivcr mail. Kcd Ititnk.- KOUU-KO0M apartment; bath, gflH rantrc, John Mauser^ Phalanx. _N. J.__ . ._. -.jnenth: i:;trak'i_'. VL*ry reasonable. 6 J ' _. _ .. A meeting of the Young People's I Proapcrt avenue. ICcd nttnt%. phono 57. KAIEMEHS ami truck crowers will find a water; central location. Tlutlnvn House, elcctrity. Arcofa heater; rent 125. A(f- 131 Hudson avenue, phone Red Bank 944. FAHMS for rent, $20 up. Globe Kcal l.akc*ltle nvenuc, Jitjm.sun. limuirc Air. I'C)K SALIi. US iicic", un Missionary society he 111 Friday j AUCTION ROOMS, open for LUhineBs; ready niarKet for their produce by ad- .ply 2'J West P'ront street, phone [ted vert i&ing in The Regibter'B classified col- KST rr.ICES paid fyr raw. for .kins. | llank lJSfcM. Estate. 26 Eaat l'Vont wtroct. Red Bniik. \Va_rd. Yvvvc*t iivemic. Humron.' half rush. Owner, k j'-rlcdiiiaii. furrier. 2< Monroogth j ^pXTnMENTS of three, four, five rooms, FIVE-ROOM bungalow. oU improvtfmentY. KOK"f(KNT".~";i"'M» BMUiu-c'fcct'of floor BIMI street, pii Hod Dank 8757. h d Dk 875| | 51 up ||0(;atc0(;atcdd inin 1,1,U3U31,1,,C8C8,, centercenter.. K ; f3()? ; ; ooniplctclp y " Shrlo ratenhurd yon corneucBr foofr 1'rummoncfent. SuitablJ e SIX-KOOM h all letiicnt.-, - uiicn. East Front «treet. nihlicd Sid. lilobo Ilcal Kstatc, -3 East for brer garden." liai-lor. e A-l inilitinn: c Fnint «treet, program. A play was pr cacnted, •—K I SOU AND STRAW/ali I'il-M. Long Branch. phone i:j:i!i-J. Ited Bank. h J ink'c. K-. ^c hi.-LUifui in I.iftlc .Sih ''OperatjoQ or CfM"jperation/' with u rule. William Kane, ictown phone i ^LI> ('ninjl clopct and book case wanted. MODERN five roomu anil bath; grtraac; FOIt KENT in ttcj Bank. Sprlns street. ii: fo:' rent ur (-ulc; all iinprovc- l'rii-c Jli.-i ici. I'rnnk It. Lanes. 140 Mo thick; $8.QKsTl:7\ lo NOTICE—Guaranteed otrictty fresh BKC, ! r j;!5 per month. Inquire Owner. 12 Oak C. Engliind, Madolyn and Ann Brill, OUTBOARD mutor in fine share, never Kcyimrt S'.tT. ,1.. (iOv-.ii from Kinhafcr'* roultry Farm, for *aic \—'-—"^l^- ._ _ ._ Hare. Fair Hfcven, N. J. for rent. CuUmiil style houi-o at illclmv Bcsnlo Riordiin, Virginia Curtis and •been run over 100 miles : chtaptp. no uecat "Miller crorcry, corner Fulton and Sec- AUTO LOANS—Confidential, prompt. ApAKTMKNT for rent; five rooms and taeil iilai-c, iicm- H'lijhu i AAi B Mlb N' J* SIX-ROOM ho_ifie. all improvements; fire- Midhu: Jiom Midi Alston Ethel Grove:-, for it. AAjircuz Box ST., Marlboi-o. N'. J-*ond ttrects Keyport. Wholesale or retail.' courteous service: _no cntlorsemcnts: j bn'li; all A. Citarel hcut; all Yoe delivery. J'houe Kpyporf S"6 i Payments reduced. Federal Acceptance 73 Moninolith Ftiect. Ucd Hank. place, select location, nun ."parlor, river inlproveiiicnt.i; ^uri lmit- open A dance will beheld hythc Shrews- ;S0n"ANj "iBf.'catVc» PASTUREs so ; centTa'wcekffood" imst-ir.o afte rights; ttvo-car parase; ?50 per DIOD!}). y. ltc.V'Hunti'." May 1 nil in fine rorn!iti'Mi ; Ith' • car aurnae. > NYA\' ix-ynom l,u;ur»l/>i : tile bat}], [ire- bury ailvUtic club at ihc Shrewsbury : mt\« at |nnty timet . sH . T.t <;uiick nnk d(i sond , .hor^o fion. |ar e hor,c f s 5.. rnedi^, ! ^^^^^^^Ilil^J:^^^ , larBo rouniB. ]*i Jink 11. Laves, 116 Monmuulh nircct, Will iw for .:7.'i |.cr Hill. I'r.f^e:-:! HulliAnl hciil. onc-iMi- rann.l R ath aU imp ovemcnlai llc»lBank. 10 1 6 June Nt. A|.|.lly MMi». J. .1. Quirky, lut; Jl.Tiilii. II. Iln-vnnl t.lliplil- flrchouuc FrYuny night, April 21. j ^tf^ -""*--^-"-/'- -^---"*--" —-'-—=. -* horM! 57,1 nVul hmnJl iilnrky "marc ! MOJNEY 'J'O LOAN on first bond and ; Qrovcr Ai>artmc'i)ta, corner. Wallace and 1 1«BW Union ho(c( on J'cltl. I'lt .)!(. .Tl . i>jini!e ;:jl- l;erj tt or SO.",. \Varrcn McHhler, phone iOSI-J, Ited mortRaec on Improved real estate Spring Ftrcets. Phone 20C5. Kcd Bank. Miss Man- Blondek of this place j ^V"n *??„£}? *r™l?lA .^£1* Wlia f 11 venue; fully en nipped: lo re- Hank^* ___^______worth d,>l^lcn "Ll5tOtl Bcekn3Iin' 10 BroatJ i APMtTMENT"»t'Rumaon*, four 'room». all and Joseph KarohuchclJo of Matawan j Ken c party. A. Bacij^nlupi, Wharf rOK SALK. ]r«0 haliy ] mbn for Easier; ?-,', ,r *',P r '• i ; encJosejl porrh : will (Jec- avenue, Red Hank. 1 will ypend a week during tho Easier ^P^B street. Red Bank.* H STOliB for lent IJatontuwn. [>vs 'Ui:K.\N rituNf iie T7jT-T.icTcTy rur. nleo pik-" for i*nlc. If you need any "^ dOLD — We pay cash for your old j onue trj mit tenant; SIS. Millon Berlu rpSTA N"U on Tl^h No hu: n\ Si*, LiniK fCfi ii. .!. ~I*7oy place, apartment nlha or year round; six room hoiifc. IIKVKN-liOHM o'Hnr.k Holy Coniniuniun will be fu • Uvd; nil nuidcrft itni>rovcmeiit<-. j pi.I. mliminl liomp : , i.ei^libo-lnui.l; enst tWl. "AMTP.** Hot IKi, AUcnhurol, double thU nmount; no bonus. > Address ' of four lnryc, sunny rooms nnd buth ; held. Devotion and meditation will N. J,- UABY CHICKS, New HnmpHhir« Hcd.^ Idenl locnllo . orne_r Kem_ .p 11 venue nnd AtM'ly llln li. I'ral.e. ll'.i 1'iurkii ami. ihit-h-.v.. t>[in> Sti .'.HO. blood teht*d hto.'k. Plnt-c orders iww Owner, box 615. Rod_-Dank. . _ ( r,,rnisbc'i, and huateri. nil iniprovoinpntn. Mill.111 be held on Friday afternoon from rOKTY "liABKlfK "for enle, w"h5t 3ftlc or Syctitnore aveinie. Call or phonu J057-W. Iljll rk. 3 Mchani oct. Kcd liuiik. C for April delivery. Ihnvxhurst I'o'ittry STANh KKEf'h'KS u\!>eai°ivc' root fiecr \ i\^<> child'w vaJnut drcsacr ai.d chair, cane or ;{.'.! lied Hank. >2 two o'cloclv to three o'clock. On retail, for K.iftcr. A.'Jrover. Sycamoic Farm, U ?!. N. J., iilione Atlantic ouliit loaned free'; will supply mot beer, j-'^at. Phone 1 yu-M. Kcd Hank. SlX-ltdUM lion: c- Woveiucrih'. 5 .' T.". avenue. Shrewsbury, phone lied Bank O.-.n-M.- ^ _ $:.V> for FIX Billions. Bcventern drinks to j MOI'KKN niuirtnicnt^, Sl'.fj-IJltri. four and SEVICN"UUUM "ho'uVc. a!l"7ni prove men 1.3 ; j,, Ucil Hunk. l-ai HuttMi ..I- Klvcr Ea:itcr Sunday morning Holy Com- n|«o firf-t atid Bctond floor ivitli nil im - Ki'al K t.iU-. ;:. i::..l r.iinl ].:n ills li.t. V,'i..UiO, i.'iillon. For further information mil Off! t live r, lied ; yt)n ri)lti~l\ "aiinrtmcnt of four rooms. do, able nrr. I. tlak placi- il 1 illc. Uurdpc nnd Sons, 125 Uroaii etrcct, M. (_[.ycfi>(f> . NNutriwamt p f fKe.i J M^ __. I A'."iU,|'".\'i;.- ,s l.imlc . Ucd Hank, ii farf m lleff t we.. I. oE I.ivcr Bank. : b.'iili. iiniuovcn-.cnt llh tnr-i-e- _ ) f J 1 Kcd. Hank.- •'.,-, venue.' n'cnr' llin" IIIOUriK." at" .1 "lliTrVson" nvcniK-, Rc'il" MUI'KKN h, in-re»-r I' ""'- l'»'"'y :<'•> •'- l MOUTGAflE money wanted" \Vuiili!tJl. li. 1 >ir- L'< valid ;ind .-lav mile^ VliCKtA'HrE'l'I.ANTS. lettuce, cabbage, .*r,,^O'T Lores of Charles Lehn L o r COW for nnlc, red GuernBcy, *i* year a jiotato f] .-nits; l.n-^e or pnmll quant uif». I.tuul & Lo: Co., !_ Mcchuii- 2nd J. D. riofblvy.) WANTED, houseboat n Good condition. old. tcted, Biiarnntccd. 14 or lu qiiartB <;. I)nui;l._n l'arkcr, Little .Silver, phone ehe Rtrool. Ucd llank. a day. Mike ^7.migulec. Middle town.* Hr.] Hi_nk 1TS1-K. H. M. Ca 2G(H (Jrand (Jon- SEV-IN-RUOM hoTTiTe! uTl iinprovemcntr.. Mrs. Kstclle Stiles is remodeling mm-™ New York City.- :UNl''UKNISIlEli Hi rlnient for rent : three STRAW DERRY plnntH one cent, rhubarb KOK~"PALK'.'"nbo"ill~r.t\~\iKvTci)~~lilorks nnd eJri'lrii- j-nnKC, clcrtric rcfi iKcrntur. ,-un •tier house on Maple place, formerly Jersey (lianlo: Init yenr'n imiletn \n full vegetable pi necli...i _ *, private liathruom; liori-b. RleepiiiK norcb, pui-roiindril by rootf, Jivo rent8. E. W.. u"" 1 1 J1 1 t 1 11 l ded li (|y|l(ll"(W 'h flf.kL l . N-niinnnl Tnnhll.'l! "CiS " r\\SliliyN77qT6TvrKf^n i^ bn"uriful Miad" C'(r<-f"'''"'t"vu"-i'ii "" Biiras- ' fm in waitoii, .licai-. WUIinm IKOO. Mnlu 1 S JVlt'fi. I*1. Palme? Armstrong- center Tue-nliy nfternoon. April ^. ' f<".r "".n>» .•>»•» l.i.lh; n.iill.i.l.uA' UM K«;V ^c''moMilV:" M? " H^W.V, .T' t JiWiliitt vnn. N. J., phone 18.F.!tl, M 1 v c v K JJEKF "" ( A'i'Tl7l', IIIK from three to live o'clock at the home of <••""-•' ," '. f.';*;v "|',S,. i'""p .'_,,",' ",'"A\' ••' Muiinio.ilI. .u.ct, U..I lluiil.. pli-n. Charles Gihnorc lia'n returned from itOAllSTANI*. 12x22 feet, two kc boxes fatlio"i*^"~wanTGir. Mrs. Melvyn Lowcnstcin, Syctuliurc ;H'e- "ilhiKci \lcw. limunctj. I,. Ko.'S, 1 Al-j,,.,, Will pay liinh V.IH imulcet prirc. I'hone r 1 West Palm Heach, Florida. and 14-Toot awning. Ai'ply 'Jcortro nuc, Khi-cwsbury. Admission _. , t-cntp ' 'en pi:,--, , plmnc :!i;t,-_-\V. j ••"•--- . -. - - - u-"--- or wrilc. li. Zioikij Vrcchuhi. plionc 2K. __. *»ti<..>[ifll».*l1_.llt_'. . r . . . ---''ViriJV i.nn r_il-r.* llf.LIM-t fiU II*. _ Kin line rt, Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, vr.n-rooni ho Daniel Chase, a student Yale TKUCK WANTED, flnt body Chevrolet or M'AKIMENT of .three huge, cheerful (next door to Mirkcy Walker's). IMionc r..omi. hall and liathrc i.iovemcntri : centrally located ; university, has been visiting Craw- Itcd Bank U86-J.- Model A Ford preferred. V. Viirfa, iml.lo1 1 . Cull at U taat, I'l BUSINESS NOTICES Slate highwny. Ilcil Hniik, hnx ]j>H,- to reiil : one minute from railroad anil IIIIK. , i;" , """ , ; ' and . Use ford Osborn. Rent, sun inonlli. Mrn. Lydia M. Smltli. I''"' "•"'K' - CK HOX, cictit bargain; suitable for rond WIDOW with own Imcne would board one at and ; good condition; no further PAINTER and prttior hanger and dctor- Miil.llctoivii. phone 2611.•_ _ _ .IICIUSK for rent, culit rooms, all inipi-n Mr. and Mi'fi. H. S. Rcdlc, -Jr., and or two lioya; Kood care. Heln -wit) 1 35 tke s it. uC . hE . FUd1 lli!lll}cliU Htur; rcationablc prlccu. Will paricr n Mr. and Mrs. George WQIUH arc mak- [ ^f,"^: % *y "' ' ' - roum for S ->'_0 and UJi; all work £__ran- pi-honl «nr!,. (mod liomc cooMm;. Mr-.. Iccd. Phone .10-1. ltcd Bank. !•;. It. Eltl!y 1'. I). No. 2, Kcyfort. phont Midillc- mo luokintf for qunlity nnd ncrvko cull ( c 1:,.- ri.l,,,..^ huilt. 1- waic rc.ccnl of tho Million of name,, nlno if iiinp c JIIIVj B Apply lown_JS5." lictl ]lswk 1S1Q. Ofiii-o Gil Itrond utrcct 'rtnuutt) Millon »:-rl.. '\ Me than ,ic. fltl CO, Ucd lattor'a lrarcnlp, Mr. and Mm. Har- iJion _» Mnuiit ntrcot. T!nl Hank. ,,ii lower half. Also oitc-horsc wecder. COM, UAN'iii: for «iic i havo no use for liny W. Mason, Kcyporl. N. J., route I. It.ii.l.. |.hu..i' 1 1; 1 7. ..;.Mi-miNi.Ai,o\v r» r rcint for the (• unC- vey Brenner. Biune; $10 tukcH it. Apply any lime at UAU'I'ON CHAHI1K11LA1N, contractor and bo\ Illi." l'AUK. I.o.-ir-i • • IIIKI l.uilde . . UKA'f'L' 1 , (l] Miss Wllhclminn Vnndoi-Wiinl is r.fl ltrrlor lilnrs. Itctl Bunk.' (inir ciineciiilly. 151 Soutb Hluei- i.y liver, «h- M (1 itreet, Red , ,k, I)lH WANTKp7~l7neil Baa nnd coal combinVtii/n iiii|iiovcnicntfl« 61 Was hi'n'y totl Htl eut. spending a <:oui)le of weeks in Vir- x12_ ru^H, will nut color bed with rliiure, prcfcntbly cnnnicl; also nueil cm convenience Ml ll. irliip. JlvliifT room tnblc, oiUl <-hnii-H Oxlll livinjr room run. Ail