Monuioutb County's Great Market Place All Ue News of The Register's ClassiOed UED BANK !>u|iuf Uncut— and Surrounding Towns Where the Seller Finds Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. BANK the Uuyer. iiiHUcd Weekly, Entered aa Second-ClabB Mailer :.t the I'oat- Subscription I* rice: One VCBI II.iO VOLUME LV, NO. 42. office :iL Red Uunk, ti, J., under tbo Ac1, of March 3, 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1933. Six MonlliH 51.00. Single Copy dc. PAGES 1 TO .Sale to per.sorr; under night con years of ape in apruhibitei]. Important Notice. (Hebrews Observe !Legal Beer Is ;ir( ;: 'A New Candidate j Sewer Service John T. Lawley's I Water Rates For Beer cannot be - old in p' ' Through a new postal regula- PfTccned or otherwise hidrlrn fumi tion a lederal charge of two Mf: public view, with tho exception Lawns, Gardens ! Week Of Feasting j Now Being Sold r For Freeholder Charges Begin Hat In The Ring cents is made to us on cych o chifc, which faij umJrr un*Ah?i liolilication of change of 'ad- provision. He Announces His Candidacy Charges Will be Reduced Half j Celebration That Began Monday Thirty Places in Red Bank Re- Any plavi- whorr- (hn publi*- i-- nuiHenry A. S. VanDaalen of Leon- Money for the Maintenance of* dress sent by a postmaster, itd i hibid f tru.- :.nU-. for Committeeman of Middle- for Sprinkling Purposes Dur- v* herefore if a change of addres . at Sundown Starts the Feast ceive Licenses—Thirteen Li- : permitted is prohibited f ardo Announces That He Will I the Sewage Disposal Plant is town Township at the Repub- ing the Warm Weather—Su- , : ! eijuired please notify us d;- of the Passover Marking thc cenaes Granted at Rumson—i ° Kstabii-hmcnt <oni; Run for Republican Nomina- i Now Being Raised in This • i:fl, Red Bank Hegis'.ci, P.UM Cud uf Buiidage. than 100 fed will not 1)* h< i n r ! lican Primary May 16. perintendent Must be Notified ' Dank, N. J., instead or sending No Arrests Followed Advent. Lac n cs will b _i J i I < (\ m lion—Favois Lower Budget. Way Instead of by Taxes. ,: through the Post (jllicc Lic- Tlic Feast of Puscover, onc of the Thee niayojmayor1 and council of Ked citizens of thr I mt<'l M it< John T. Nawley of Conover Unc an- The following notice, wan mailed v 1 H i \iiiDulMi ot Leon-j Bills for sewage disposal service \>\> 1 tjriejit. mo,u impoi tant of thc Jewish calcn- liank. ;ii. a .special meeting Wednes- have bc^n i* idcnt of t - I nounces that he will be a candidate (with the. water bills Kent out nt Jifd ; for thf p i t U K f \ f n if'i o nli in i u i tin hi will bo $j, for tlie first three months of this Bank last week: If addrr;:-:s on your co]>y of day started Monday al sundown find day night, approved • granting ii- years of ij,c md hi ( nut b*' n ( i i/ml i f ji t i uiUi it Lie lie- year were mailed with water bills at for the Hepubliciin nomination for |is being observed for seven days by een.-e:;, lo 33 persons to sell beer. township committcenmn of MitMlc- Any consumer desiriiii :.]icci;il Tlic Register is incorrect please vie ted of inv mnir m\ol\ in i ub'ii ui puiiii ilution next i;c-d Bank lihl week for the first iUeformed Jews and eight days .by! Since that lime other applications tin•pitudf* in the 11 t tr n \ c n town township at the primary elec- t mmrncr let us know at once. A change JiionMi }\i i i In m hi opinion time. Heictoforo tlie money for tho s] rinklins," rales (JuiinJi th Orlhodox Jews throughout the woiid. have hron approved. However, this tion to bo held Tuesday, May 1*3. The ' month:; is instructed to m ki; apfjli- of address for the CUM cut num- Regul uly jnc oipoi it< d i li I, thi _iiii n n ihr <Hin y clcu- | sewage didpc-al system was raised ber should reach us at least a J'l'hc holiday commemorates the ao <UJCH Nut nn::in that all these placesfrntei nil oi £, ini/ it ion \ hi r h n J) ; i jj J fl i that le- j principally by taxation, terms of two cuinmiUeL-irien will ex- j i-titioii to the water liUpcr intendent, been in existence foi day in advance of same. We Ilivcrance of Israel from Egyptian will tell thc beverage. Thc rca- dui I () m ' I HI (mid < t ily be Under thr new plan tho service pire tin.-} yctir. Tlicy aiy. Robert IN', i.I. N. Bunrll, Horou,';h Hall. Tclc- who.s thank you. i bondage and tin- wanderings of Hit son for such a possibility is that the longer, before tonight, 1 Hceley of Pent Monmouth and Philip nnd , fn < t(n of nxnc than chai^o ir> one-third of that made foi ! [ihone 20. Beautify your lawn and i^n fee in $,VJ nnd a bond for 5^00members p,-ty annual due:; i;*y n Al. J-jt'OJiaJ'd of Lounaido, both ilo- .;;ajdcji by usinj; more water. sraelites for fo#y years In the wi:U- coive !H < nsf"- Fhns < luii *• '' ; water. The mayor and council bti- ls Most of the applications jiublJcanri. i The latos, for sprinkling will he erncsaencsa YtnlorcYtlorc thetyy attaineated d thee p promr - obliged to hi\p then pi in Mi \ inlM ii n unhnf of ; linvc lhat the revenue from thin iiscr t land. Among thh e Jews whh o obb- WrWoje made before the license fee was In in' Du ( h -!t It of Allicricn. Mr. Lav-icy i:; a life lutij; resident approximately one. half of those reg- o o r Hie public view .sourer, together with tho profits oC 'fid Th llrhlltt person to pay th There shall be no di.-pen n^ f Mi In li 1 of M<jnm"Ulh county. Jlc was born ularly charged. ThB rate ordinarily served the holiday sliictly no Icav-'fixed. The ^Inlilh tu \n town- the writer plant, will be sufficient t« f ;i bond nnd receive' any b n (I> u i tit tnud \ U| I \( \ II I ir Ii i hc-Ai 'nice' ^'\v,i!;i: disposal costs. Last at Monrnouth Hcach, wheic ha livtd used is $3 per 1,000 cubic feet. Wh':rc cncO hi cad in used in the home dur- ' ce, puvt t;iup or counter frmn which .•ilcoholic tw outside meteni arc owned by individ- or eight -days. Un- - Herbert Jlenenber^, pro- I ' in ( i i it ui'! fiatrt-j year t ho ::awrrn^c expnnses amount-* until I'jiu. In l'J-7 lie moved fo Con- , or matzohs ale used jprlo'oc of Hcnncnljcrg's Delicatessen entge Lif di^juii (d unl it win h over'-'hint: wlierr: he built hi:, pruaent uals thc water for sprinkling will be To Conduct ttheh y ne then con umed led tit $3>j000, of which $2-1,000 wan exactly measured and charged for at • L'Tlusivcly on street. Permit No. 1 ' uj'Cd to retire maturing bonds and. home. Tlic other incmljtin of his n the display window of ICnth IK en ( nui t p( i!\ 1 the rate of $1.V) for 1,00'J ff-ct. Where " 'Vn t'.i^' homes of Orthodox Jew-s ticuiai pi ico intoi r..- !. <m bonds nnd .$12,000 waa family are his wife <iu<l hi A two Ujru., Miss Helen Sou thai I to Lead , . , , "1'- *-»ui!<lin;.; where Mr. Honenberg 1 Jack, n^ed sixteen year:;, uiul Fran- there are no rac)i melon; the amount Fee of Sjfl nm \ \u i in used to moot maintenance charges. ctri liis delicatessen and luneh- j;-tc, cis, H^td thirteen year-;. Both boys of water used for lawns and gar- r, ., , _.,-, _ i elaborate preparations-are made for vancp md b nnd of NJin . The .HItin of $'J-t.uuu was raised by buriint'.HK. His bondsmen Eire license i p,i u l rrl attend the Middlctvnvn township high drns will be estimated on a basis of j droup Abroad ihls bummer |the beginning of Passoverand silverwar. Thee | room taxation aiid •'512.000 was provided. L^on and Jacob Yanko. Mr. No license hall ho ^i jntf d to m .school at Lconaidu. Mr. Law ley is average use which will give Ihr: buy- r are carefully ! Max from tlie prolihs of the water depart- for European Study—Wins ' dishes, kitchenware Hennenbei^ look out two license, one public olht i 1 (hllnMl ment. It is estimated that this year's a member of ihi; I led Hank Rotary er I lie advantage of almos.t a half UfcCcleansed durlnd an dth storec d away and rc- ^'[•antm of lutn o undri tin ic o rale. Annual Travel Contest PrizeJ * for-lhe .^ale of bottled beer and onn 1 OXJ)ITUOS will br ribout the same as club winch he helped In form in 11*21 p};tcr:<i by wots used only during thc• for t he ::alr; of beer to be consumed lut.iun <JI with thr i Imini li iti >n i ;ind he i:> piesidcnt of the lied Hank .Mi.-.U.e, nlU-len appointe tiuuliiuUd an a:o visitantf Leonard, lendo- Pas:-;over holiday.
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