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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

4-6-1933 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1933). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1689.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTY- I THEHEARTOPGBORG� the Week THE HEART OF GEORGIA. .-:Soclal Happenings for "WHBRE NATURB SMu,a. � M sEN B 0 vn vas "WHEkS NATURE SMILES cccl TIMES du tl BULLOCH Macoi ng I Bas I Cone of Ha leh st (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mrs D ho ne fo tl e veel end Macon d Bulloch Times Established 1892 COJl8OUda� Ja"ua--, 17 1917 VOL 43-NO 8 Statesboro New8 Established 1901 Mrs W H BI tch moto ed to } Statesboro Eagle Established 1917-Conaolldated December 9 1920 vannah Wed esday for the day

· .. Jake F ne of Savannal Leefield P.-T. A. To Baptist HosRital Mrs Don B anne vas a HOLD CLASSES FOR CIVIL DOCKET OF MAY ESCAPE LEVY ness s to n the c tyy CONTEST BEGINS Supplies dur ng the veek Council Needing In Savannah · .. · .. Entertain the · .. a as a v s ted rela M ss Dor s Moore of Sylvan of the 1 st Z po Yeoman The W M U Ogeechee FOR COUNTY TAm r L the Bul M ss Cat e Clay spent week The quarterly meetmg of ADULT EDUCATION APRIL CITY COURT for the, eek end a vtstton III the c.ty duri g the WITH MUm VIGOR RIver ASSoClatlon Wishes to call the relatives Savan ah Lexsy Oouncil of Parent Teach entl with •• · .. loch County o HEARING atention of the mrss soc ettes · .. SPECIALIST TO GIVE AID TO CASES ASSIGNED FOR onary IF DELINQUENTS SETTLE er Association w ll be held at the UP, Herbert several days Miss Sara FOR n otored to Bland spent �OUNG LADIES COMPETE ON WEDNESDAY SHOWS VERY that IS the month to contnbute Mrs Frank DeLoach PARENTS IN SERIES OF LES May LEVY FOR PRESENT YBAR ho 1 e Leefield School Saturday April 15th last week m Atlanta on bU3 ness St Ison wus at THE TITLE MISS POPULAR Imens the st tal Savannah Thursday for the day SONS IN COUNTY NEXT WEEK SHORT CALENDAIl to Georgla Bapt Hosp • • • An interesting and helpful pro WILL BE UNNECESSARY · .. end ITY IN FIVE GROUPS m Atlanta ••• za L last week gram on health and recreation m the Mrs ssett M ss EI fsey pent fOI II term of c es MIS Ga ies Boyd and 2i MISS Martha McAlp ne child study The docket Ap ty Every W M U and the aux liar Ernest and this IS Bulloch be week end W th he pa ents ut Reynolds Mr and Mrs Rackley spent home has been arranged county taxpayers may several days dun ng the The 'MIss Popularity COUI t to convene next Monday pub are urged to have a part In th s spent o • • at spectalist w ll conduct classes In par last week end WIth her parents to begin at 10 30 a m and conclude br II'lvon a present of their county tax. ch m Statesboro IS attract hshed herew th ind cates a very ef work Our IS m need of the In Savannal Denmark of wh began hospltal Mr and Mrs W 0 y th the luncheon hour ent education at t" 0 centers in Bul · .. Stilson term The cases arc hsted for the yeat 19S31 mg WIde mterest As was announced following following art cles WhO s Brooklet v s ted In the city Sunday The Leefield PTA cordially m loch next week begmnlng M ss Kennedy run in divis 'County to be trled on unbleached 68x100 COUld one th nk of a more Margaret • •• the contest ig be ng five Wednesday 200 sheets accept. for Mrs W E v tes PTA In the to ns was at Home every county 10th and F re Insurance Co teach ng at Coil Ions H school col Monday AurJI extendmg United States 250 eases both ends hem Mr and Mrs Lann e F S mmons mess VISitor (I) gh gills (II) plllow able gift? We doubt It was a bus attend the meetmg and It IS ear the veek end rls town rJs mar through Fnday AprIl 14th vs B B Fladger maker and H D med 32x15 motored to Savannah Tuosday for the lege g (III) g (IV) And all th s how · .. Tuesday deslred that each local be depends upon well nestly rep afternoon classes are to be held Brant en endorser 72x90 · .. r ed lad es of Statesboro (V) all the The 100 bed spreads cr nkled Mallard has returned to day The m detail WIll those who are delinquent for the M ss Ruth resented program room m States Teachers put • • 0 Bro vn vere entries Those who have III the Woman s Club South Georg'ia College 12 blankets all wool 60x80 after the Mr and !'ilrs Walter out of town ac where she teaches in next ssue of this paper four years respond to the call for M6n were appear boro The first class for mothers of vs D J Donaldson cut 12x13 folded Mr and Mrs E A S nth v m dur been entered their frIends are Gauge compresses busmeas s tors Augusta ng by settlement week end at lion e At this meetmg each president IS Teachers tors n Wednes I-Florence Sara school ages through the grammar South Georgia College 3x6 Inches .. bus ness vis Augusta the week Dalley Fay Foy pre · to whether dues have It IS eatimated that there Is due • • 0 expected report IS to be held from 3 vs D J Donaldson defendant and children day Remmgton Ahne WhItes de Mary school grades 12 dozen stra ght pms Mrs Thomas Blitch and and laws on unpaid taxes in Bulloch county • • • who s been paid by approved and the second class MISS Tommie Womack claimant s unbleached time MISS Beatrice Bedenbaugh SImmons Lenna Josey Nell DeLoach p m to 4 15 200 women pajamas of Atlanta are spending some for the years 1929 1980 1981 and s W li a \ nann and as home fOI the adolescent I. W D vs C E Mr and MI Heg teach ng at Conyers at Leonora Whiteaide Carolyn Bhtch fon mothers of age Kennedy Kennedy mushn WIth relatives here 1932 approx mately ,250 000 Of this children n Maco w th eek end to be held from 4 15 to 5 30 do ng busmess as Kennedy s Smart Be sure to mark the WOld wo I en · .. spent Sunday the Colhns Em ly Ak as and Carolyn DECLARES amount $100000 I. due the .. PARKER county. · I elat ves The classes are to be held R J Kennedy garmshee on DeLoach has returned their dut es mornmg Shop inside vrappmg MIS W H ... Betty Josey the school. and · .. vn $100000 $50000 the MISS V Bro as elsewhere G F Anderson vs 0 W Horne S LANIER WIth rei Mary cers attended the meet -Charlotte Lou se Add III Brooklet announced MRS ROY from a vISIt of several days 0 CLOCKS T venty off II Taylor state th 1 er s stet THREE vs TIllman last veek III th s Issue J W Wage3 J G spent D sm ssed WIth a prayer by son LIIl an Vand vere Reta Lee HANDS-OFF PLAN atives n Savannah Waldo E enterta ned ing' U thoae who owe will make a de was chon e \V th her Jr 111 s Floyd · .. T J Cobb Lovett For these classes the county sheriff club the Mrs Lon L Day Newell DeLoach Kathrme study • the men bers of her bi dge IN termmed effort to pay-even If they ark antl week end •• 0 HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY mto two W H SImmons et al vs M sses Ruth Helen Denn Henr etta Moore Cecile Brannen has bbeen divided groups • •• Mrs Waldo E Three 0 Clocks Wednesday aftel noon pay one third of the amount they are Savannah 4 H CLUB CONNECTION WITH POSITION center for one and Portal PLANS Ida Sci gman I otored to IIHDDLEGROUND Carrie Edna Flanders DaISY Vmlng Brooklet being the FORMULATE n a DeLoach her v s tor MIS G ady n and the other tax M ss V rg guest her cous MIS and HELD BY MISS JESSIE DELL Bank of Portal V3 J C and P 0 arrears-they for the day County Agent E P Josey By Mathews Helen Olhff Ruth Statesboro for the other group The Tuesday vcek end » th se Ala Crab Evelyn of the escape a .. last of se Ala Proctor of ,t;:nte p payers county may · spent Enterpl VIS ted M .clool are aaked to at Clifton ro Dyer ddleground Ballard Bern ce follOWIng PTA s TAXES Bland blossoms we e Thompson 1 -The TO COLLECT for purposes for 1935 Mrs Hcrbe t and dogwood Washmgton D C Apr 3 WIlson vs Bral levy county Mrs H nton Booth Feb 27th and called a I eet ng tend classes m Statesboro Nevils J A tieY' Kennedy · .. StIlson s n ualY HIll Kather ne Melton Sara Mr� W the Barnh 11 of about the loon s of the three membe s The tax valuat ons of the county ;vere v s tors profuslO ntelested appomtment Bes des the above cases to be call TO HAVE CON son John:::;ton of and g rls who a e Fulcher Wallllock the Tramng School Reg s SCHOOL LEADERS S va n of Cluxto v w her boys Alice Gray Sad e Many spend ng a fe days th gland vi ch he three tables we e placed ney of the servIce comm s.lOn R last year approxImated $4000000 A tl e week ,olk The club vas or CIVIl SIde Portal ed for tI al on Wednesday such other FERENCE IN STATESBORO nah durmg n 4 H club Sal a P I and ter Statesboro West VIS t her n ccc Mrs F ed T nother Mrs Anme Barnes she served sand �Ich Hawes ppm Irby vey of reductIon of 25 cent III valuatlona ng After the game the perogatlve of the preSIdent as be per w a n en bersl p and Grount! and CIV I busmess may ready SATURDAY MORNING · .. gan zed th lalge Frances Parker MIddle Chponreka Ogee for several tlays a matter that has been agreed upon for the present Mrs Ida Donaldson Ma ch 15th the Untted States It la trIal WIll be heard • • 0 held an ofl'IC al neet ng Leefield Stilson Brooklet Esla Mrs Malv n Blewett of Savannah Waters Helen Cone chee Ill-Myrtle come under on year whIch w II brmg th6 dIgest to some t n e n Savannnh as follo vs does not my Jurlsdlct An act ve campaIgn for the col IS tl e to elect off cers who ar", and Denmark PTA s are asked to M s Herman Bland spend ng s the week w th her pal Menza Cumm a DeLoach Jurors for Term The Burns spendl g ng Vlrgn have no on the Aprll taxes m npprox mately $3000000 count, ter Mrs J B n I fight reappOInt lectlon of school v th 1 er s 3 Pres dent-HalOld Ak the classes m Brooklet delmquent week end n Thon pson ents MI and Mrs J B Eve ett BI annen Grace Blackburn attend m Dorothy ment Jess c Dell I have not Lester E Brannen W H ChandleI a tax rate has been 10 mIlls recent Fla n of MISS Bulloch WIll be launched at s · .. V ce Pres dent-BIll kl two centers were ar county ter Mrs George Sturg Carr e Lee DaVIS Mathews The group mean Mrs George W U a ns Maey been to the proposal of John B Everett J B Cannon Bert be held past years ThIS rate would .. - antagontstlc school to • • • letUlned to Treasu er Mary Sue convemence of those meettng of people n Jul an Clalk has Secletary NOTICE Katherine for the Wednesday w th M 5S Dorothy Darby Annie Brooks Grimes re ranged W LlIlton of 000 the Frank W,ll ams spent Da,by certam IIldlvlduals to have her Scarbolo AlgIe R Clark house levy $30 upon taxpayers M ss Reta Lee of the Teachers a fe v at Akms March 27 1933 attend s )n the court Saturda:( mormng lanta after spend ng days and M ss WI ona Aldled Statesbolo Ga Brett Martha Donaldson Frances deSiring to MISS McAlpme Therefore Savannah on bus ne3S Jack Da by I have not dIscussed her Bland Frank D Fletchell W H for county purpose. evel'J' - Laller appotnted 0 clock v s ted m Glennv Ile al d Clark MISS Bertha Effect ve th s Roy S It at 10 30 · .. College ho ne WIth hIS nothe� Mrs H of Faculty Sponsors tlay Gates classes and m thIS way making as co hosts MISS Darby preSIdent Brett Hazel Deal Mary Lou MAllen who a tax bur­ n or reappomtment WIth any offICIals of SmIth I S Aldred Logan person escapes county last veek • 0 • and 0 s no conected any way The propoaed plan agreed to by Brannen and Claxton one day neS3 Lee Brunson Doy Gay longer Bonme for a number to attend Mr and Mr3 Ernest the club p es ded at the bus Bulloch Plumb and EdIth Tyson Norma Boyer I easlen large Foss L Zeterower C Erastus den will be the recipient of a cBlb · .. n cans v th the ng the UmtJed States government S J J authorItIes Is Mr and Mrs W L Jones motored club selected Haupy Hus classes at the county and state last de The th,s IS not ce Woodcock Each one may attend the httle son of G,aymont spent neet At th s meetmg they Electr�c and Louise Page and NIta her In her Anderson A Akms H M of $10 on every thousand dollars and hiS s ster afternoon to see ng Company have m no way opposed Floyd school to gilt W D McGauley to Savannal� Sunday a name IS for the local offiCIals agitate relatives here Cushman Club tiers as owmg saId Bulloch Mrs eIther center preferred and It (Ie week end WIth c ded to name It the to all partIes IV -Mrs J B Johnson Glp secure a EmIt L Akms M W Akms worth of property he returns for tax Adahne spent Sun Bonaventure REPORTER efforts to reappomtment Teets of that of del nquent • 0 • MISS McGauley the flowers m cemetery and Elech c Company to she the payment part busmess games Plumb ng SmIth M", sIred that each choose the group man who After the meetmg Johnston Mrs Crook sm to be one of omlS N J WIlson Alfred Dorman Gor atlon Thmk of thIs-the at · .. My appeara the schoolR and has returned day WIth frIends Reynolds settle �th the underSIgned one taxes whIch Is due Mrs Roy Blackburn and refreshments Pfaff Mrs Hal Macon Mrs prefers but after enrolllng at 000 for taxation will be were played hght PLUMBING AND Eddie slOn rather than one of commISSIon don Rufus H Terrell J E returns $5 Mrs Marvlll McNatt of Swams W M ·U· �ALLY BULLOCH Beasley credit given on the fi fas for VISIt to her daughter Mrs IS best to contmue attendance having from a her were served Ten were pres I COMPANY John Glenn Mrs Howell Sewell Mrs place It 0 Ander saved if thone who owe dehnquent Mr. Lou s Thompson and guests for Brooklet ELECTRIC I have not endorsed MISS Dell there Parker II J Cox Morgan $50 s a fe v days tl s week The W M U rally the amount and the funds thus m Savannah. boro spel dmg there as a record of md v dual at paId S dney Thompson ent L J SHUMAN Owner Robert Donaldson MIS Waldo Floyd res J 0 A taxes will an Important part of Mra W J McGee motored to on was By fore I am charged WIth the pons son Paul S Brunson BaIley pay o •• guest WIth her Mr and Mrs W E dlstnct of Ogeechee Assoc at turned over to the school parents • 0 • Mrs Gus WItch tendance WIll be kept paid being to the for the March (30mar2tc) Mrs Etlwm Groover of to about B Burnsed L L Clifton J M WII their mdebtedness county J H Brett of Sa Augusta Monday day held w th Lawrence church on blhty attemptlllg brmg boards of the varIOUS distriCts Mr and Mrs Dekle VISITOR la from the • 0 • BRIDGE FOR Mrs Sam MISS McAlpine depart But let no one the Idea tlaat •• s er Mrs Johnny Wages her defeat hams get the week o 18th WIth Mrs A E Woodward d wa3 vannah were guests dUllng soc al events of educatIon of ThiS proposItIOn suggested M Glover and the lovely Beamon Martm and ment of vocatIonal th� 19 all that IS to MI1. and Mrs W Renfroe who IS Among Frankhn Mr.s was asked or four Geor $30000 required pay Mrs Sm th MISS Sara Bess tnct pres d ng I by Dr NorrIs New York s chlCf med of weeks and was of her sIster Harry was Mon secretary sent to here a couple ago n Au the week tl e brIdge part� Mrs GlIbert Cone the Unverslty of Georgia and Is the operatmg expenses of Bulloch • 0 • baby daughter spent Sunday congressmen to endorse ap studymg at Wealeyan Conservatory Devot onal was led by Mrs Day gla Ical exam ner estimates that one consented to the county of afternoon g ven by M S3 Sara Bulloch from that departm�t readIly by Indeed It coata tImes gusta as guests of hIS parents hoI day Mrs NOTICE V -Vera Johnson RegIster Mary of a Mr Tate another county county many Mrs W A B rd and daughter Mucoa s at hon e for the sp� ng MIl! WoOllard then recogn zed phcatlon fourth of the pedestrIans mJured by fic als who expressed dIS · .. Rem ngton compl ment ng her guest Rosahnd There IS no local expense attach;.! however;, that amount to the wheels tum- Brannen of Metter thc Agnes Cone Rocky Ford an who IS seek ng to be ap keep Mrs Lawton Idays Day the new super ntendent fo� Georg automobIles are mtoxlcated at the mcJnatlon to unless agreed to Mrs Louis Thompson had as her MISS Lorena Thomas of Orlando Fla to these classes The classes are pro proceed • •• have Walsh Garfield Sara Sm th Stilson nted one of the members of the were V sltors m the cIty Tuesday assoc on and otnel v s tors pres If you papers po that thIS authorItIes Cor wele nv ted to at tIme A wag suggests the state tax Mrs Douglas Cal N ne tables of guests vlded under the auspIces of the Bul by · .. guests Wednesday Rev and Mrs W L ns have V vlan Donaldson StIlson Mrs Roy CIvIl servIce cornm salOn I SIgned Hugg s n t mes as con ss Ver ent also pastors left WIth that one three was WIth the houn and Mrs TUI ner of M Ilen meet the charm ng v sltor M or valuables loch CounCIl of Pal ent Teacl er proves respondence begun Mrs W E McDougald and Mrs returned to the rhome m Fernan Mrs Sm th Portal Carolyn HIli Sylvama name to the petItIOn endorsmg County Welcome addless vas g ven by my n when nformatlOn IS that he w 11 made score at the uch dangel trollel and for Dub ster non Keown hIgh a h 0 n a I OUlda n anner Assoc at ons _:;o� � Fred Shearouse left Tuesday d na Fla after a VIS t to her s M 3 the FIrst N Oleo Smldh P,ortal Bryan Mr Tate and that s the only Ho veil Se veil Gus Taylor w th response by not on Thus the CITY FATHERS TO Mr and Mrs spent and rece ved dustIng powder tnterpose object few w th fr ends game Blooklet DOriS L Cl to Ma�y \\ have taken m the con I n to spend a day" Mrs F ank 011 I Zetterower of Statesboro eIther In ndsey m I ch I part to be several days dur ng the veek w th Fletcher for consola J Bank safety way seems clear for the schools � •• MISS Ehzabeth Mallol Hollngsworth Sylvan a Ev Roll call 'as 1 to by the y troversy STILSON FARMERS fOI relatives n Macon and R chland handkerch efs Rose lesponde DEFEAT saved by a systemat c campa gn H PaTr sh and had as her ton wa. ven boxes or other­ TEACHERS Dr and Mrs C M s Gover C Brannen g SlInn ons R F D M.s Wllhe have been of the op n on all the GIVE REDUCTION After re depoSIt elyn I The churches m the d str. ct the collectIOn of dehnquent Bcl 001 Pa sh of Ne v end 1 er mothel were the ft to the hono� guest M ss Hen etta ng guests for the veek g a Zettel 0 ver M ss M ldred whIle tl at I was p v I to pel Mrs A tl u a d d ffe ent cl a r nen nessage c a II t Ogeechee lege Mr and Mooney M ss ports by WIse, please taxes SUBSTANTIAL RELIEF FRO M were v s tors n the Monday ne and Mr and IIirs 1 ostess was ass sted by Doroth) Sm th III ton city M s C W Lov Lon H Iton Sylvama El �abeth endolse whomsoevet I ght GROW ASPARAGUS ch ldrel of a e e gue3ts du of the vas brought by Rev sonally BREWTON-PARKER morn Sylva Jul a Johnson Nora Bob day once and them. At the meet ng Saturday ng TAX BUIlDEN PROMISED AT Roy Ma shail of Macon Darby get tal Helen Hall and Mrs e fOI an nt ve off ce ndel veek M sEA S th of Brooklet chu ch Po Guyton des appo ng the end of n tl n serv L Day pastor PRODUCTION FOR MARKET WAS mer bel of each local school TUESDAY NIGHT M s B H Ramsey spent sevelal . .. and Jean S every MEE11NG SmIth Mary oc at c adn n stl at on I do "ILL INVADE SAVANNAH FOR · . . extens on the Den on enhstn ent and March 1933. B), MEM n s asked to be veek n Sa a nah vlth her cou se Easter fa ThIS BEGUN LAS1 YEAR board the co nty days last Cec 1 Wate sand ng a da nty salad 7, to me WITH ALL STAR TEAM I Mr� a not beheve It s fa chalge MATCH lunch hOUl vas b to tax s • nd s Afte yo g people COMMUNITY CLUB e3ent also the heads of eael of Good ews ought the brother Dr L T "ate I vo s ve e ven Pans es and spyraea BERS OF p I Eff have g v e othe eleven n e nbel s NEXT SATURDAY daughte elyn s P F th vhat tl am n chalge of M tl e nte ested • of Statesbo 0 vhen at a meet fan the effect ve decorat on p og W. L deJARNETTE, the schools and pa paye II f om Savannah vhe e the fo med a 0 I n tl e louse folIo VB of the Georg delegat fan as • 0 • • • � t n as ns FARMERS A e nber of the lly Iy schools At th s co even announcement­ BULLOCH tenn s tea coached tlo s of tl e ng Tuesday ng been for an rat on do le I an The Blue TIde hatl ope M n LIqUIdatIng Agent. and senate have speak ng Devot onal leJ by s G found ts vas ade J L Ren'roe M adMsHD t med back B P palagus off c nal s has vay ference t s hoped to by Mayor · .. · .. 9n a I un Ie stand the by" S Hannet 0 vo 2tc) only for myself but te s M sses Ma Talk by MIS Zette fo tl e nmed ate col that a .educt on of 15% s authorIzed daugl the tune of s x natches to none fa n of Bulloch once a plan and 111 Seab Bakc o lando other eleven have IV thheld the en I to nto the ng plOgram Duet Grace and Norn a TO ENTER CATTLE Ca 01 motol ed lo Saval nal by on school taxes no v so badly n real estate ,aluatlons for the pres m th er ser es at the F. jay leet of a e g a F a a stu lent t Wesleya College I dorsement of MISS Dell also In fact college caUl farmers spend nte est to kno v that v ty the II be g d n commun It s ent yem day fo day as the HAVE CHANCE TO WIN evel of last veek There vas a needed every ty th h s s ste the SPI ng hoI days WILL IS [umoled that senatolS and con ng In 1932 e ghteen aCles of aspara spend g zabetl Sci e s v 11 be Shal We do tI It Rutl EI What We Are StIll Delivering FAT mated that thele s due the schools Last yea a un fOI n re luct on of PRIZES AT SAVANNAH to v nd blo v vh ch n ade play n SIX est of M ss Sara Remlllgton ess en genelally have decl ned strong ng gus va3 planted the county by M ss El zabeth Fut eli a student guest W Lh the SI ut Ins pro Lon L g -Rev Day an at tit le not less was ven therefore It WIll be • 0 • d ff cult nevertheless not of the county thIS 5% g · .. Ilch milk to STOCK SHOW endo. se M,ss Dell but I d scla many extre nely fal nels Even though they d d S C on n At con m ttee That good your at L n estone College Gaffney a 1 0 stat WSB ts of taxes the seen the ale be I gIven Repol tenn 3 was than $100000 n del nquent that people g MI and sses Ma e Nev Is an I M nn e the act on of the excellent brand of played to hul vest of the grass M 0 clock responslb I ty fOI expect any alr�ved to spend the sp ng 0 n g at 8 30 Conseclat 0 se vee by dOOI every mornmg at a very r or on as Tueoday lanta Sunday Steels \\ h ch were fed out III Bul accun ulatlOns of the past fo an mpol ta t leduct compared ch ldren of Reg'ster ve e guests ed 1I1r and 111 s 1 have no COl tlol each n atch e 1 of 1934 some of the Jones accompa by S M ss 530 over �ho I by befo Apr hoI at hon e 30 n Statesbo 0) nce D sm ssed th prayen us have show con days e (9 low cost Let your for the fat stock n the Ii st five Th s sum 01 any WIth t vo yea sago of he M 3 Lann moto ed to Chat les loch county off asso Sm th played Collms sho �a se and fur years • •• Monday Ren el B ady of the double ... M ss Dell has been clally aCleage has Sellels s the ) oung-est and to a Announcement of th • r.e­ order for MILK and CREAM be held n Savannah today el e each rated nUll s derable port on of t will go long proposed F S nmons ton and v s ted Mag ng v of ou senators and match They n for the table already Ed �ard and S C Sunday s a s REGISTER W M U c ated th nany shed t ps Kennedy tak th s gnal as quartette ng part mOlIOW should enter the r ngs ve teams van:! reltef duct on was made by Mayor Renfroe satIsfaction of ber one man on the r respect th s new crop way to g vmg have been �th the h nolta Gardens ste n ss ona soc We gualantee essmen fOl a numbel years Farn ers III tlat ng nedy J vho gh s s ,tel of J A Sell The Reg y ety eangt er of honol She the accor 1 to Coun and are at a meet of c t zens called to Mr and Mrs' ;la:ence Gto 0 •• qual ty ploducts ng than s was the best match of the MOra If you are a school patron ng tment at M llen were at I st church on Ma ch I hnve been m Wash ngtoa less Th eaSIly nto Bulloch county are C Yay depa. Statesboro Stud 0 and IS met at the Bapt a a Glovel of ers of the arc IIlV ted to attend confer v th the mayor and councU Ph ladelph d Robert MI and Mrs Chari e S mmons had " AMOS AKINS & SON Agent E P Josey that Both men a dr Vlng s B McElveen mterested you the veek ead ladles atten led the ty a and n half The feehng day played ham John W Dav C home for III commerc ..1 h school {22nd Sever,,1 year v s and Mrs a student gh have a fine chance a m and to learn of the s financal con • • 0 Waynesboro ted Mr as Mr and Mrs These ammals ss but had to m x up qUIte and P the conference Saturday mornmg cIty theIr guests Sunday �as as a "hole has towards M game W W H Sellers III June She TI e c Bu ld ng congress R Getger Atlanta to graduate meetmg top Phone 3923 ac IIlterest and III W M Glover M Ss V Illa of to be n the run for the money and cuts w th court house dltlon It was an og Dr and Mrs R J H DeLoach: and Wednesday Bowea and daughter rg It n be certa nl,. number of chops along Richardson all of the St lson and the Fifth dlstr ct the World Peace on the Word Dell whateve� ay S ------••• WOI1 the cIty as well as McWhorter and J formatIve wh ch was read Bowen of Claxton cordtng to G E dr veo The wmd made the re thIS report by LOUIse DeLoach spent Sunday was held and cannot be charged to me thelll Ivanhoe commumty Though een of Atwater Kent rad 0 a.. ard BIble study many Mr and Mrs Harry McEI • •• GeorgIa cultural agents too the It disclosed m detaIl the as of Mr and F Jackson agr f01\ on astra ght dr ve rIsky been III the Fish to mayor m Savannah guests beautIful eces were read nclud ng FOR RENT-Two rooms WIth Iymg crop ha3 loag grown RaiSIng Columbus and h s n other of Con last fall also the youngest par p large who MlBs Ehzabeth Thompson who has bemg the of GeorgIa RaIlway Reference to Postofl"lces them on at expenses of operatIons for the past Mrs LeGrande DeLoach connect bath sink III k tchen Central WIth but each of put power home commerc al asparagus IS now The NecessIty of Peace and En ng garden Control MosqUitoes cord several last week as from her section She on a recent as need for • •• spent day� been her parents Mr and tlclpant Mr recommendatIOns score was 5 3 6 8 6 aeveral years as well the VISIting W,ll rent furmshed or unfurmshed accompanIed Josey I have made my t nes The 7 on m a IS comparatIve emles of Peace The meetmg closed product Georg of Mrs W R WoodCOCk week at Atlanta Conservatory of B J mmed Penn e Ann Mallard who IS guests Mrs D N Thompson left last studymg Rent reasonable MRS PAUL B tour the farms of C Gay w th re m t �o revenue the yeara ately MISS of to the postofflce department for SmIth a new New mterest Convel t a nto a dUllng o •• Summer s WIth a that umversal and per ly enterprIse ng swamp relatIves MUSIC Mr3 Alberta C prayer LEWIS Phone 468 210 South Col owe8 a at LImestone Gaff for North Carohna to VlSlt M HendriX T J Hagan "Xmght of defeated Conner South ahead It showed that the cIty student College speet to the appomtment p03tmas Thompson s was undoubtedly brought acre lake on the campus of Mr and Mrs W J McGee left manent peace mly prevaIl street th crop • •• class lege (23mar1tc) McLemore who IOdebtedness at the C arrived to spend brothelS and 0 L those cases where the present seto 8 6 1 The first set ce of not III bonded pres ney S Tuesday ters m stra ght 6 about by the dechne m the pr Georg a Teachel s College has for theIr home In Atlanta for thIS at home Thursday Mrs and her broth been cattle over the steeled m ent moment approXImately $100000 the sprmg hohdays Berry RIgdon have feedmg tncumbent IS holdmg beyond was close but Thompson s nce the acreage to be a method of mos a w th peaches largest only proved o • 0 afte� VlBlt of several days er Warren Baker have retulllled to show he or she was second and won to as w th $200000 ten years term for wh ch ap down m the handIly tlie state IS found around Fort Val control and added beauty the compared andd Mrs Lou s qUIto Mrs Durden and two sons Capt Thompson a VISIt to stated that ther", WIll be Vu:gll theIr home m TIfton after Mr McWhorter as follows Munch defeated Chapman m two ncreased the 0 t ago It showed that the c ty • •• pomted They a�e ley and Marshallvtlle campus but has of beef Bobby and Donald Graymont theIr sIster Mrs Roge. Holland who woult! be some 300 quahty type S A College match was never m doubt called to ret re bonds and m Mrs W M Glover and her I ttle Waynesbolo Gray sets ThIS Asparagus IS one of door laboratory faeil tIes and prov d upon last week end WIth her par IS 24-Hour tn Savannah show Fol Wentworth spent III Service steers the Po�t Munch s chops z es terest approxm atmg H Wells firat aettv t payments $36 daughter Sarah Mr seriously boro Guy after the game dell cate vholeso ne and appet ng od for extra recreatIOnal Donaldson acconWamed • •• Will ents Mr and Mrs R F low the show these ammals M Ilen W Scor.. 6 0 6 1 000 the next four yeals an ng Andrew A Z ppeler were placed perfectly of the County Th s lake has been completed and dUI ng o � 0 ODd Mrs Clarence Glover to Bruns product. garden Just MI.8 Alme WhIteSide Margaret auctIOn It Guaranteed First be sold at Dan el Adr an Dr G E his match over Dugan n scuss of around 000 per year WIck for several dur the Qualit7 Brantley 'raylor won EP Josey declared d has been stocked w th fish average $9 Cowart and days ng pres were Agent Judge and Mrs Leroy Baxter and John Damel Deal show a of fas First Line 'I ires In add tlOn to the Youmans Statesbolo George T score of 6 1 61Th s match Bulloch coun smaller lake on the sho ved that the c 'Y holds fi ap ent week TIRES by the mg th s ne � crop III the Leke Weils a chIldren Martha Clotilde and J mmy m Macon to broadcast over heifers Friday , orthorn bulls and young Glennv Ile MIS L K Rush an v fOI the mat for unpa d c ty­ • 0 • SI Gloovel was also easy ctory farn a n Its early appear can vas con pleted n 1932 and PIOX ng $35000 motored to M lien for the week end students ty prog pus the radIO WIth the group of flom Brannan Herd ex 29x5.00 w 11 be on dIsplay Mrs Lou se Walke �as hardly v th the dent H Wells taxes the of wh ch rep Mrs Waldo E Floyd and her g est 29x4.40 $3.75 $5.25 Soperton Teachers Taylol ance tn the sp ng togethel accord ng to Pres G y gleoter part and were guests of her sISter Mrs from the Statesboro School be HIgh Belvlledere Tenn wh ch may pur HOMER C PARKER M C �hen once cont 011 esents del talXes for 1932 Mrs Grady Proctor of Enterpr se tended (act that an aspa agus bed plove I to be deal fo ng nquent o 0 • 30x5.00 $5.50 George Mays farmers tn thIS section If n of last Ala M ss Anme 29x4.50 $4.25 chased by Sm th anti Sh tea ned up fOI n the old n arsh and for It sho ved that the pay nents • 0 • accompan ed by ppy establ shed � 11 produce man) n osqu toes Mr and Mrs R J Proctor and son 28x5.25 The on bull at than Brooks mes and Mrs Robert Don $5.75 des red grand champ the doubles to do �n Coll ns and Con al tance have applox 1 ated less Mr and Mrs J M anrt Gr yea.s n akes t of spec pOI outdoo" nature stu

Sale Under lower III Secur ty Deed GEORGIA-Bu loch County Because of defuu t n the payment secure of a oan sec cd by a rlee I to PLOW SALE debt execute I by W H E I s to the Bunk of Statesboro dated June 13 1927 and eeo ed n the off ce of the Bulloch cle k of the supe 0 cou t of One-Horse county Georg a n book 81 page s has elected to fifteen days • announced $9.50 268 the unde gned 5 on a e the ve of sale con Fr and Satu (derby day) p oceed unr e po Colon al Dames day day w on the Georg a Chapter ta ned n sa d deed and II 15th a st a ate Sa Apr 14th and ght A I 1933 act under of Amer ca M s Cra g Barrow TURN PLOWS 25th duy of pr ng an e of one cent a n Ie v th ght tlay ve of sale conta ned n sa d es dent M mosa Garden the po vannah p of sale etu n 1m t deed dur g the legal hours Club of Atlanta Mrs Clarence Hav at the court house n sa d county tlent Geo u Aux J ary b tlder e ty p es g Steel Beam. Chattanooga sell at auct on to the h ghest Farms Given Away n sa d Un ted Span sh War Veterans JIlrs for cash the lands descnbed deed to-w t Da sy low n Atlanta department At World's Fair Make. Popular Size, of land ng and be ng Federat on Wo That lot Iy pres dent Georg a and n state and county aforesa Gholston I I 4-A dl s Club. Mrs J M Ch cago Apnl and be men Reduced to n the c ty of Statesboro ng a the land Comer pre. dent and Georg Daugh n the 1209th G M d str ct be ng seven feet ters of the Amer can Revolut on Mrs one hundred forty (147) hundred on North Ma n street two an of Atlanta regent Ju McCurry on Elm n seven (297) feet v duals nety In add t on a number of nd ne $3.85 street one hundred forty n nembersh and have qual fied for p (149) feet on Walnut street and been n seven a numbe� of memor als have about two hundred nety R feet on I ne ad]o n nil' Dr tak.. These nan ee WI I be announced (297) L no v F D 011 ff Th. It s thal; JOHNSON HARDWARE COMPANY Samples at ea y date expected n a"l lot I es on west s de of North Ma II take atlvantage of th s op the land many STRICTLY CASH street be ng R part of be for a n emor al bounded al po lun ty to s bscr bought of N B Foss of some follows North Elm street east to pe petuate the memory STATESBORO, GEORGIA by south who North Ma n street by relat ve or fr end or someone has by lands of Dr R L Samples now d st shed to ngu F D 011 ft' and on tl e west by Walnut street All that certa n lot or parcel of he II land s tuate Iy ng and ng Bul och county Georg a and nth.. B. B. Sorrier front ng vest c ty of Statesboro �f on North lola n .treet a distance tenths e ghty three and two (83 Z) fee� and hav ng a rectangular depth three of two hundred th rteen anti tenths (2133) feet and bounded as follows North by lands of A W Quattlebaum east by Statesboro INSURANCE lot owned F F San tar m by Floyd south by H II street and I street welt ny North Mil n (rho Bank of Statesboro has executed .. ESTABLISHED on of th s qu t cia m deerl to a port of lot to the Standard 0 I Company s of 1888 Kentucky wh ch aa d deed of record n the off ce of the clerk Bu loch coun the super or court of 428 wh ch ty n book 89 page prop PHONE 374 th s arty s excepted from sale) A so one ce ta n tract 0 parcel state and of land s tuated n sa tI G county and n the 1209th I'll d str ct conta n ng e ghty e ght and bound (88) acres more or less lands of cd as fo ows North by Mrs Bruce 011 ff and J P Foy Bruce 0 Iff east by lands of M. of and J P Foy and ght of way of Georg a Ra vay the Central It south ily landa of Mrs Bruce 011 and J P Foy and Alex M ncey lands of W H co 0 etl and we.t by R ggs execute a deed Tho un Ie s gned w I zed the to the purchaser a. autho by deed aforesa d Th s Ma ch 28 1938 THE BANK OF STATESBORO R E Act ng by and through of Go mley supe ntendent state of Georg a MORE DAILY DEPARTURES MORE SERVICE TO MORE banks of the By W L deJARNETTE CITIES TERMINALS RIGHT IN rHE HEART OF TOWN L qu dat ng Agent for of Statesbo 0 YET FARES ARE LOWER OVER HOOD COACH LINES the Bank � , (30mar4t) THAN BY ANY OTHER WAY SHERIFf S SALE YOU LL ENJOY BUS TRAVEL MORE rHAN EVER OVER THE STATE AND NATION WIDE SYS1EM OF BUS TRANSPOR TATION IT S SCHEDULED 10 YOUR CONVENIENCE


I a e Time SAVANNAH GA $17" 1 VI Hours ATLA TA GA 6 00 7 Hours SWAINSBORO GA 145 1 HOlr MACON GA 400 4 Hours

Fa mer 810ws Head Oil I ncnster I -Deapondent one okl r� om Ku p seventy yearB Btlck or d n 1933 TICKETS AND INFOR.MATION AT ELLIS DRUG CO tired tnrmer pl�ced " Th s 4 1933 lit the fuse lind Apnl No 44 am te In his mouth Telephone ....J J E JIlcCROAN Ord naey blew�hl. head oft ..

THURSDAY APRIL 6 1933 TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS EIGHT BIJLLOCH CLUB PARTY TUESDAY BRIDGE Oscar Simmons was a business VIS ILER-LANIER ,sURPR.ISE ined MIS C Z Donaldson anterta Mr and Mrs Carl Iler of Pem On Saturday even ng about twenty tor m Augusta Monday the members of the .• Social the Week school Friday aftemoon BULLOCH C011NTY­ Happenings for · .. bi oke announce the marrrage of five glTls and boys in the high BULWCH COUNTY­ club at bridge and invited Mrs J C Watel s was a VIsitor m their daughter Wauweese to Delmas set surprised MISS Sara Rem ngton Tuesday Wells MIS THE HBART OF GEORGIA. TWO PHONES was Mrs Guy TUE HEART OF GEORGIA. Savannah during the week Lar ei of Savannah The marriage WIth an Apr I fool party Dancing M 55 Hester Newton nment was solemn zed March 22nd by Rev the featui e of enter ta WHERB NATURB 81111L.... Cowart A jnr of "WHE� NATURE SMILES" POI tal v 5 Sunday at VI SImmons was a business · .. and Mrs H H Mro Edna Brannen of Lannie F J E Strickland BULLOCH Mrs TIMES h SCOle vent to lted friends here Fniday after noon VIsitor In Savannah Monday BIRTHDA Y P \RTY p ckles fOI gh · .. · .. box of Sun · .. FORDH \M-BRADHAM Mastel John Oll ff Groover cele G P Donaldson and a (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) MIs J E McCroan was among the Nell Jones last week low to nils George T B Nevil of Claxtor MISS spent Mr and MIS R P Kn ght announce brated his eighth Fr- day afternoon sh ne , afer s for n Savannah FI friends a salad VISltOl In the c day end In Hazlehurst with marl ece MISS number of h sit lliarns The hostess served Bulloch TIme.,lsbed 1892 iness ty the age of their p by entertaining a W CoMOlldated 17 1917 • •• • ••,. 1933 VOL 43-NO 4 · .. State.boro News E.tabll.hed 1901 STATESBORO, GA, THURSDAY Glen ece Fordham to Melvin Brad tle friends WIth a picture show pal ty } motored to 9 1I1r and MIs Bates Lovett have MISS Zipora Yeoman MISS Call e L Clay spent last week ••• Statesboro Eagle Establl.hed 1917-ConllOhdated December 1920 ha of M llen Ga The mal riage After the show Ice c eam sand, icl es Tam annah Satui for the UNION retu I ned frpm a busness tr p to Sa day day end In Savannah with relatives CHRISTIAN WOMAN S was solemnized at the hon e · .. quietly were served s Union \\ III • Clu-lstian Woman Statesboro Beautician pa Fla of Mr and MIs Knight Statesboro The Students • •• Mrs Ann e Mobley motored Hem etta Parr sh of 01 College KIIIFJ) BYId M ss Newing INFORMAL lE,\ at the Method st ch rch A HOME GOOD-WILL CREW ANDERSON n eet MAKING n tl e PI esence of a few fr ends With CHEVROLET CARS Wins Distinction G W to Sa, annah Saturday for the day ton was a VIS tor In the city Sunday 11th at 4 Conduct services High lilts Groover enter ta ned I Tuesday afternoon April .. Rev 0 B Ruatin off'ic atmg Mrs S C Mr · ThUlsday · .. after noon fro 1 5 o clock The sprtng beauty show held IN ROAD ACCIDENT Jake Bennett of Savar nal \\ as a 1I1rs Andrew Bird of Met formally Saturday A moat servrce at the OF A SCHOOL HOUSE VISIT STATESBORO trllde Mr and uftei noon Will SHOW INCREASE deltghtfull of Sylvester BUSSEY-GLENN 1I1al for the on to 6 h01lO1 ng !If ss Penn e Ann The subject m Savannah at the DeSoto Hotel · .. bus mess visttor m the city Tuesday ter "ere visitors in tl e city Sunday MethodIst church was that last Sun and Its Place III the MADE TELL OF SAVANNAH'S PLANS COLLIDES WITH PARKED TRUCKi • •• Co 1 as a surpr se to the r many ests MISS Luc Ie be The Church WARNOCK SCHOOL BEING March 27th 28th and 29t" "as a .. • • 109 lard and her g PRODUCTION FOR FIRST QUAR was very MISS Kathryn Hodges Lane Will day evening when the program LOADED WITH ROSIN WHn.. of the mun M ss Caro APPEAL TO FOR CELEBRATION OF FOUND Mr and Mrs W M were has returned frlOnds IS the announcement Woods of Greer S C MISS 111 Idled Co ty TER FAR ABOVE SAME PERIOD BEAUTIFUL AS AN beautiful one hundreds of \V th Sharpe MIS Howell Sewell students from the Teach ,bnngmg nah spent Sunday MIs Coalson Will give presented by ING OF GEOUGIA COl\lING FRO&1 JENKINS Satur of MIS F'rancesca Bussey 0 N C and ve a talk PRIDE OF 1 BE SrUDENTS hairdressers from the southeastern VISIt01S in Savannah Irorn a VISit to relatives m R chland marrrage Murrow of Gcrensbot g FOR LAST YEAR ladles ami Bernice Hodges Will be III ers College young young of Mrs Nell e to students thp de otional MUSIC Ftortda Alabama .. daughter Bussey Elizabeth Futrell all states Georgia, · MISS men the Y W C A and Y 111 Arnold Anderson .. frotti ar A from the Savannah aged thIrty three, • • • MIS Bean No matter how pretty or how delegation MISS Bess Martin who teaches at John Richard Glenn JI of Waycross at LImestone Gaff: ey S C charge of the first quarter this year MISSISSIPPI andrKentucky IIIr and Mrs Juhan Brooks spent College Durmg A The was du ected men was are 1Il C program by Chamber of COl In I co comprrsmg a prominent business found Waters Savannah IS week March 24th the lad es of the city manu chitecturally fine a school house may At Stanley of was at homo for the The vedd took place were for the SpI g hoi All the Chevrolet Motor Company the many intereating fea sever al the \\ eek m Register ng who hece WlIlburn of the \\ ho Amollg days during the R L college nt Thomas A Jones Allen B Brow ne dead upon the highway leading- W w th lela the and to attend both be or how well bu It and well pa spend ng the week here end III R S C Witness ng GIOO' ei was assisted by vited urged factured 148336 new cars and trucks tures of the show was the finger wav on busmess dgeland days Mrs the VIS tors WIth choice Ianta lour that mtroduced bam Dan E Kehoe and Alex S Cassels Millen ten miles from Statesbore, t ves • •• sses Helen Bran 81 d the social units et! the 11 t stands oui · .. ceremony were M her Franc s program as compaeed WIth 183363 n the building contest 1Il WhICh many of the best granddaug'hters M8IY worda their WOl k and their. mg about 2 0 • •• touching m visited Statesboro clock thIS mommg HIS de­ Mr and MIS Bhtcl of Sa Ann e Maude and bleak 1\ thout the yesterday mornmg Mr and Mrs Rufus Henry nen and Bern ce and and Jean Groover in serving sand follows first three months of 1932 W S softenmg finger wavers of the South were en . ambItIons "'cluded III the program overturned Edward . . IS for the of nteroot to mohshed automobile and R J Kennedy and Kennedy vannnh WC1C week end n a student at man fluence of II> mg plants the place PUI pose adulIlg third en of were week end Woodcock MI Gle IS salted nuts and tea Knudsen presld nt aT d gCl eral teled can e In for chlldl Guyton wlche3 FOR BUIDGE were two vlOlm aolos MISS TOI GtorglQ a rosm Savannah af PAR ry by that tI 0 s III thut truck loaded WIth staud­ motored to Saturday the · .. 110t a home for the children plUl bemg perfected city VIsitors m the cty the South Geol glB TeacflCl. College ager announced today prJze-a beautiful lovmg cup which city W Smith and Mrs rence two vocal solos MIss III of ternoon · .. Mrs Ha ry Brady by for the celeb I at on of s BI mg the edge the highway told · .. coulse he INFOIH.1AL BRIDGE .pond the day there 110r IS the pie GeoIgIa of and afteI completmg hiS hostesses In March despIte the unsettled was awamed to Mrs G A Boyd · .. Savannah se were JO nt Newell DeLoach a vocal solo by the of the aCCident which had 01 L W Will ams of Fled Shemol tUte declared Pro! Ru ccr tenn al 'h eh v II be presented story Mr and Mrs Paul Lee ahd Mrs Glenn Will make the I home entel tamed sltuat on total comprOllllsmg thiS The IIrst 1Il thiS con Mrs Robent Donaldson at a banklllg plOductlOn ate short city prIze MI a "I MIS Frnnk Smith motOl ed v s tOI Wedl aftellloon lovely James Hmton and appropr brought hiS death was a busmess esday n In hiS leasons for durmg Thur lay FTlday and Satur WeJe recent VIsitors with Cleveland OhIO aftelnoon at came vithil 300 un ts of lus Mart g vmg was awald�d to WIlson of Monday Brett a equallIng test Betty and WOllnsloe G81deI mformally MIS J H talks by Ralph Stevens Eugene Km 28th and 29th M r A nderson was IYIllII' face tlowa Thursday • •• palty hOl0lmg the excess ve b t of day Aplli 27th MIS Henty BlUnson MIS DUI \Val d Wat March 1932 ve figUI es a e landoeap ng bemg s Beauty 'l3hop II Chattanooga · .. bridge honormg shared hon Compatat There was a Rudy recent b de Mrs Blett ney and Kent VIl 11U 1 culn m the road when a young Mr · .. LEGION AUXILIARY Leona,,!, 011 at the Warnock school OUI 0 con ty spurt y Aycock, Mrs PIOC announced M I Knudsen are 38 665 curried Tenn and second was awn I ded • • • who IS son of Macon and Grady who IS by prize DaVIS MISS Kennedy o > \lth MIS Fled SmIth attendance of young people III s "tlOn the emoule to hiS home III Jel klns coun Mr and Mrs Westmoreland Margaret The Amer can on large In out thiS landscaping nterested lh celeb for Leg Auxlhar.y Ala Even ng of umts thiS March and 38890 last cnrr� mg to T H of Ma 105 Beauty and Mrs W Hannel at ho ne fOI tor of Enterprise The as well as from the Byrcj at the Mr !3 spent teaching at Collms waa also a bl de of the pa.t month from the college the 1 eacl ty came upon the gI uesome tragedy of VIrginIa a�e reg StCl ed wIll meet at the lome of Mrs J B am PI of Martm has I eld the Paris was g ven MI � Lou s March Both Jam my and February p og Shop Ta Pll SatUiday aftCl noon III Savannah on the week end perfume MIS Smith at which the anti the ent rc piogIn 1 was und 1 zed the feless of Hotel for several w th MIS Tillman as lome of city a shrubs to na fla ecogn body Jaeckel days Avelltt Joe 1 cor selectIOn of plants d .. • • for score and damty productIOn an well al ead of the • • • bUSiness Thompson high assembled was thlown togeth well lece ved the mlln to whom five years ago he co hostess FI I 14th at 3 30 guests t ve fl beca use he sa d • • • day Apr honol montl 5 of 1932 nd ngs they MIS E N B 0 vn and Mrs Halvey handkerchiefs wele gifts to the With Iespondmg MISS Ora Flanklm who IS teach ng lIlvlted to er and beaut fully decorates hud (l'one to school While he taught p m All membels are restncted a c to (HOel re and \ e e nl cady BULLOCH FARMERS teaches wele MIS In the month el ded easy MISS Madge Temples who Blannen vele v SltOlS III Savan ah guests Others playmg FostOlla Just at BlOoklet spent last week end w th stock and roses Pieces of n Jenkins county Mr Aycock re­ be Illesent to atlapted to tI e sectIOn PeI haps the at Glaymont "as at home for the tho week Thomas Evans of Sylvan a, MISS and bankmg faclhtIes fOI cleal ng cars ANHOE CLUB TO Brett IV a Mrs A J Franklin dUllng wele given M" Illamed With tl e till passerby her mother MRS B McALLISTER glasswale n 011 the body • • • C Secy 1 ser mterfered With plant leadlllg POPUllll ty • • week end Anllle Brooks Gr mes MIS Sa dealers ously pro • · .. MIS Sm th and also for high sCOle WIN STOCK PRIZES brOl ght WOld, to COlonel LUI1l Akms, • • • IS tl e thel e be ng Macon Mr and MIS Thad MOITIS and chll Frankhn MISS Maltha Donaldson ductlOn schedules dutlng campus dogwood MIs Gelston Lockhart of wele Invited espeCially who after a hllrlled notIfied SEWING CLUB FOUl table. of guests WAREHOUSE out The IIlquest MIS Alnold AndClson and MIS Savannah to first half We had to on BUILD n neteen trees Iecently set C\1TLE SHOWN Al SAVANNAH for a VISit to her dren n otoled to Sunday 11115 Waldo Floyd and MISS Dorothy late the operate ar,rIved Wednesday The Flench Knottels sewlllg club for and a numbel called lln undectakCl and the body \Val VISltOIS III Savan blldge fence 81 Qun I the cnn pus has the a d Emit Ak ns wele VIS t "01 msloe Garden Blsnnen a hand to mouth baSIS 1111 Knud WIN IN COMPE rITION Ml and MIS H C Cone on tea The I ostesses CORN \I ILl \GAIN BE TRIED AS to Stute.boro palents was enteltamed velY dellgl tfully III the afternoon to In blought FI · .. v 01 of the Spalllsh bayonet plant PIO GEORGIA • • • nah day sen sa d We dldn t Imo e week �IEMBERS BES I IN aftel noon R L Cone and a sweet course A THUCK CROP BY The abandoned truck With WhIch · .. Wells has retullled to Fr day by Mrs sel ved a salad the flom DeLoach and 111 .5 DANCE FRIDAY EVENING one \\e do the YSlds t!espas.ers Dr and Mrs R J II Molly ••• 01 day what \\ould tectlllg I er home on South Ma n stleet OF COMMUNITY CLUB MI Andelsol s car had colhded Wg MISS Will e Lee Lalllel of Sava aftel a VISit to at lIve ouk e tie Bulloch beef cattle entered e lei ho Ie 1 111 dVllle e week we WCl e The sycamore crel ny county MISS Lou se DeLoach Rl sllendmg The MlhtalY ASSOCiatIOn Will spon MOZART MUSIC PUPILS next In tl second and othel SPI flowers gave stand ng m the edge of the road bear nah vIsited her SIStCl lIiIs MISS Mal tha Donaldson SpYlaea ng crab red h IW ,ed bud or JU las In the fat show In Savannah several thIS week III Atlanta sor a dance even ng ApI I 8 Mozart Mu able to I un our pial ts only one day Plans for a commulllty wnrehou�e apple .to�'k days looms sel ved a Friday Th mUSIC 1. of th no IdentIficatIOn marks " Brannen the week chm n to hel She pup have tuk t n each ep sode depict were of such IIlg except • •• dUllng as tl ee black I aw and shad bush ng po ApI 16th 7th at Guards ArmOl nn But at no t me were we closed "ere at the y beg ng s c Club 1 et at the ho e of Dorothy made lhe monthly meeting lIndf the number as a • • • I yard Watson of Macon IS course of salad WIth a bev II the VarlO113 outstnnd Instor cal 1931 tag With tag H Warnock and 111 s Du congealed all found a III the g g ng that stacked WIth the Ml1. and Mrs R 9 0 clock A as one full week club held place landscapn quahty plomptly at special pro Fr at 8 0 clock The long of the Ivanhoe commulllty thfY was ownor of DI and Mrs R J 1ll0tOl as the of Ten members WCle preaent Hodges day IlIght events III the state clue It found that the were Kennedy ng the week guest crage n around the the progl ess of of them and son WIlham of Brooklet guests spend measures to new progra ShrubbClY best "l .howmg selhng · .. has been planned for the eally wele on the honor Emergencl get at E B Martlll s 17th ed to Savannah SUI to V Sit the G \\ atson glam followmg pupIls ApI WIll be costumed aecordll to each the truck' was J P Walea an Eman E A Smith day 1'111 and MIS J bu was to grpwlllg g From a finanbal pomt of view the Sunday of Mr and Mrs of the At 9 30 CRIS to dealers field stocks up The thiS house as Idmg put ••• MRS COBB HOSTESS palt evenmg BatteIY loll Mlr am Lallier FIances Floyd kept purpose of tUI Off 1 .. Wormsloe Gardens which TI e uel county pentlllo opelntor · famous few pelJIod they "epresent pTlce received pound by Bulloch A Will be formed and Will be plesent there was some reduction m out the vanous members years ago pel · .. MI and Mrs Fred T Lallier and hostess G C Coleman JI DOlothy Hodges although brought by CClS went to hiS lome and J Lev Martlll and MISS Frankie MIS T J Cobb Jr was srubs and tree. open ng cp sode w II beg n at 4 0 clock furwlCrs fOl their entrIes In brought Mrs ex m hands dur the The collectIOn of county I ttle ed With the lettel E fO! mak ng was ren new cars dealers ng 5 to have a place fon assembhng MIS Fled Shealouuse and ch Idlen moto ed to Savannah Sunday aftemoon at a The follo vlllg plogram fOI hnn to Statesboro thiS momlnc. vIsIted Wormsloe Gal den last Wednesday lovely par thiS Will m the aftemoon and wIll last tl s mdlCates tho Moxley bat We were transplanted to campus prac sprmg show qualIty Bloollet wece cellent 1Il target practIce The Martha Brown G C second ten days espeCially truck crops for market and for stor hla van tlaughtCl Sh dey of to vlalt WOlmsloe Garden She used roses es and Call delet! Solos by hours the even Here he made the statement that Sunday and spent the day III Sa ty pans t the schOOl flowers the about two DUllIlg of ammals fed by these beef cat ••• on a Silent manual taxed to cars of er as cally give VISltOIS III the Will also put rna n 1 read get enough display fertIhzer and otl produce a Clt� Tuesday a about the room 1Il telY Cole J Dorothy Hodges lllg forms cntertamment f.ut tlnv", had stopped to repaIr tIre, Ilah forn poppIes round In mgs many of Uemen C B entered ammals • • hne III the field year Beg nnmg February Gay • DI and Mrs R J H DeLoach and of arms followed by the gland march Brown Mlmam La the new Staudal d well as I a defimte place to hold • •• her th,ee tables wele ngs Margaret aVlng lInd that he had fallod to stop Mr which placed by tl ee also called have been plovld",1 for the VISitOrs first cross sold for 476 cents tIme announcement on the red bud or Judas of tht Mastel Bobby Durden of Glay M 55 LOUise DeLoach motored to Sa All attendmg are urged to be on and to make OUr puhhc theIr regular monthly meetmgs C E Cone and MISS Nel ss Yeoman made score llIel JUtelle Shuptllne Mary vallOUs Anderson as he approached that. Mrs Charles M Zipola high bird WIll start the such as balls at tho hotel. T .t Hagm s entry sold week end with lIS to mI3S of March 11 But m the full month we the eye bloonllng per pound mont spent last vannah Saturday for the so as not any the pro are on the com G Garner marketing speclBhst of colhslOn Lee left for Douglas to day received a box of Helen Lallier proglam a street dance Will be held after the fatal the drIver lIe Tuesday and duhlllg pow othel flo WIll follow up and huge 1Il two lots sold for 680 and 6 86 per Mr and MIs R F Don ••• bUilt 10743 Standald caro and 27 selWlce the erlOg plants con grandparents gram MUlam Lamer al d Martha extension highly approved hIS truck and went the Methodist mISSIOnary del MISS Carrie Lee DaVIS for low m front of the DeSoto Hotel With 406 left fo� help that attend until the haws come III and as they pound KllIght receIved aldson Capt and Mrs LOUIS Thompson 922 Master models IS of the that thiS @lrothors bowl A Brown are on the refleshment com plan and opmlOn he was still the ference score was given a cut glass Will about splendid bands fumlshmg contmuous 3 60 ocnts for theIr en seekmg help during • • • retul ned a of several NOTICE mto at hold on late the program and )fer pound • •• have ilom stay con We went Aprll operatmg IS one of the methods of marketing cut ze went to mlttee We also had an arpeggIo time the coroner s was taklllir theatle tIcket for pr musIc tries and 0 McLemore. entty party Mr and MIS B J MIS III on busmess Pel mancnt waves round curl or be completed for the year Parker and children Sheppald days Washngton MISS Arden a nearly normal baSIS The banking that the farmers WIll have to resort j; Mrs Roy Mrs R L BI The hostess was test Judged by Dorothy s sectIon Will b. charge of the body ••• ady marcel With end $1 50 also AmerIcan elms Savannah busllless sold for 4 75 per pound The G W Taylor Mrs J F Bel and Wal slllglet has been ltoned out It thetr truck Wlien &sked why the �nbs and Kenneth last "on After bus ness meet uncertamty to If dIspose of crops fertIlIzer Bllhe Jean spent Rosisted MISS Mar�on Cobb and Evegene and Cloqulllole waves at Hodges they decorated With unusual The all entTles Mr Anderson who seU. lace P of Savannah w.. e VIS Mr and Mrs Olliff Everett spent by estimate exact found a place m thiS school PIOJect deslgno ,verage pllce received for Thomasboro erpont sets dr 20 IS still too early to III the future FInal detaIls of the week with relative. m m a Ieduced prIces ed cts WeI e played after WlllCh in Bulloch and Jenkins counties was Dr M ss Charlotte Taylor selvmg ng game3 a same concern that decorated Wash 46 cents ItOI s m the c last wee to end with her palents but Prof Martm stated that there 1. III the sale was ty Sunday GILBERT S BEAUTY SHOPPE productIOa for thiS month gen as wOlked out a commIttee and Millen candlestick salad With sand Mrs W Iton Hodges sClved punch and Illan by han coming home from a eollectmg tour • • • and Mrs R D Jones at ReidsvIlle damty 30� N St 246 J about the and shadows lIlgton fon the mauguratlOn Will T. IndIcates that tbe • •• College phone IS our best productIOn 8th WIll be de breadth hghts per pound Clackers REPORTER erally April meetmg heM Aprll hiS when he was kIlled MI and MIS D B TUlllet M ss · .. Mches Eastel cand es and ICed tea die thiS pal t of the celebratIOn and fed out m Bul Upon person (6apIltp) we reflected and embossed 1Il ItS fohage quahty of Imalls Mrs G W Sheffer re month of the Lost AprIl a mass of the the"213�mmal. IIIr and year veloped from meeting he carned over m cash and Turner s Ja nes A Thomas Evans of 1 festIVe and carn val fit W II pre on the ,800 Marguer tt MI Mrs Sylvallla a freedom and boldness m Its sp loch surpassed average put after several bUIlt 66 000 cars the largest month III week smgular tur"ed Sunday spentllllg members later the �he checks ThiS was found umh_tur,becl Branan and MI s R L wele III IS the "eek w th her par rIChness vall throughout the Mother City block at thIS sale at the Brady spendmg we have outhne aod a pleasmg IU'itl! days III Atlanta and al e guests m 1932 ThIS year already The commIttee flOm thIS club that F N GlImes the entn e celebra al m hiS lockets Savannah aftellloon ents Ml and Mrs ons branch and hmb Savannah dUllng There was also another financ Hotel SatuIday exceeded that In January we the tele huge ramlficat of :Jaeckel · .. figure 18 worlung on commumty M r Anderson was a son the late · .. tI n the entnes of • •• at lender It to our of VlCW for Borne of bUIlt 64000 cars as a result of the that Ime. tl highly adapted pOint MIS Lann e F S IT nons M S3 NOI ma and MISS M. ry phone system reported C H Anderson Ho wa_ marrIed awl, who for MI and Boyer as a HatchedChickl Spec a tates are bemg offered by from thiS Mr took mne Mr and MIS Roy Beavel our county Gay Newly gratifymg pubhc aCceptance of would connect some of tl e members purposes III Charles Timely hIS Widow IS survIVed two ter MISS Ma th 1 WIln a Lou Gates m beSides theu anti daugl spent Sunday around the bUIld the railroads and the hotels Savan WIth hiS cattle while Mr by the past yem have been mak ng Smce landacapmg prIzes a Galdens homes Immediately sons PlalllI the mtennent v Sited . .mall for motored to Sa\llllnah afte ton and __ __ .• __.. _____ Will to Sunday Magnol product_s soften nah and ample accommodallons took one Mr awards home m Ista have retulned IIlg IS already domg Its bIt to Haglll Gay. Aug · .. County Agent E P Josey dIscussed noon to VIS t WOlll sloe Galden be available for the large crowd that 0 The the to lIve the appea18nce of the school and I anget! from $3 $16 prizes city · .. Mrs Lee Roberson of Statesboro Students the flock for the bene 111" and cullIng gIowmg Savannah · .. the s expected to VISit dunng won these farmers are Mr added grass growmg on the campus by Gay M and M 5 Robel t Donal,lson S C vele guests SatUtday fit of the members that have Johnson of Atlanta IS Wm Honors tTlm the time B second class B Illdl County Council M ss Bile HIgh The additIOn of trees completes the claos pen al sses Matti a Do H Idso 1 Ve non a d Mrs Lann e 811nn ons to their farm program d M poultry As featUte a S de hel pa el ts MI an I MIS S made the small a spec,"1 U V dual second and thtrd class C pen VIsItIng m mmgs fOl the dress by Leefield Keo vn and Wells n otoled The School of the Air re number of brick blooders have Meet at and othel lelatlves hOle Molll Geor.gla stroyer " 11 be on I and on Fllday Mr foulth) E Johnson t Du and so Rob plants and grass thIrd (WIth .Haglll takmg Satlld fOI the Robe lap Macon over statIOn creased untIl now there IS one on the Savannah y day Dresses cently I eld at of the celebratIOn to 500 U e second cross fOl a fe V lays The H to ter day CIUoD C IIldlV dual thud filst IS the of the · .. of Maco weI e g ests du ng membel of the 4 club boys plan help Followlllg program WMAZ a contest n wh ch the high farm of most evellY · .. face the campus to stop some of the With a b gar show to be pIe and first cross IIldlvldual CounCil PTA to ,eek MI a d lI!rs J G Wat gether pen first Bulloch Cou Ity MIS C of state of sent club Chicks 1 ave been procUled and s Perma 1 AndCl SOl 8chools of the Georgia dItches started the heavy M and M small by sented third anti fourth on Sat­ ... Sheers ... second be held "Ith Leefield school and Powder Blues and Grey Damty n are broodet! out of Saval Navy Blege contestants to compete fOI honors being wmtcr uuns I ttle daugl tel Joyce DI M P JIHn gan of He State 16th at 10 00 John W DaVIS of the urday Ap11l1 begmnmg loti e declamatIOn rec tatlOn p ano and plesldent the , eek end ,tl hel ... wa. one spent Bea Multi-Colored WIld Flower Prmts and and of Agl1lculture who o clock m the forenoon Navy WhIte, Grey corn had College vOice club Ieported that agam MIS G W Hodges ALUMNI REUNION BOYS AT OGEECHEE of the Judges stated that Mr Gay s Theme Health and RecreatIon Pro­ • •• found ItS m tho truck program . MISS NOlma Boyer expleSSlOn place PlaIds .. . and More . . stock and the · .. anel noon to v s t and WhIte StrIpes StrIpes Lacy Sport J cattle was tho best fed fOI the Home of thiS 01 gram Mr and Mrs De, GlOover ha, e teacher n StatesbolO H gh School of the farmers gamzatlOn entnes m the show Other M s S K M lls mellowest Assembly smgmg directed 1\(ISS ,hOle ThiS IS one of the that the ARE GOING STRONG by letUlned f Om Bluffton S C . .. SIzes 14 to 20- who the contest from here products HELD SAVANNAH .. In IN · sponsored Thmgs were Will urn Schulderberg spen I 'll' th s veck to handle Judges Martha Donaldson la.t veek as guests of D ha. I ece ved a lettel from the dll ector warehouse IS bemg planned tl ey spent 111 I a "I MIS Alf ed THEIR STUDIES IN L Clem M s 111 S Scal bo 0 FORMER STUDENTS OF COLLEGE PURSUE BaltImole and V Starkey DevotIOnal-Local mmlster wlth an Mr DaVIS stated that thiS crop was and lI1rs L T Watels Alfled Ie t Satul of the School of the Air the PERSISTENCE F and duughtel My spe Ar SA FARMING WITH son BUSIness •• Key INVITED ro DINNER College • nouncement that seven students from ORe that glOwels could not go wrong day 11 Augusta as guests of 1111 OF OLDER MEN J M HendrIX and pOSSibly other BIll e WatCl s and VANN AH FRIDAY APRIL 21ST Assembly smglllg MISS Nan WateIs StatesbOlo won fiISt From on 1Il that It IS cheaply produced .. Schumacl er places · 1111 sEC Bulloch farmers Will enter the Macon The Home anti CommuDlty 8 Re­ an MIS lied Wa WIll not take the corn H MIS C R Coch · .. the h sci 001 the wmnm In decla If tho markets Ogeechee s Beet 0 Round 4 Ul TIl leI gh 20th and 21st Mrs A tl The alumm of the South Georgia show to be held AprIl sponSibilIty m the Matter of Health ters and thel" fathel HOlace WatCls S 111 rec m the at a stalsfactory are on thelr work 111 lilts Wile Ian an I S was D B Frankhn Jr green stage clubstors carrymg and Brn matlOn daugl tel J uhanne acco 11pallled by Teacher· College Will hold their an A total of 506 had of cattle have and RecreatIOn-MIss Cormne G«­ m to IS be left m the field to eVI Savannah lo was spent Wednesday httle son have 1 etumed to theu home ItatlOn Brown In plano Ahne pllce It hke grown ups ThiS fact Mrs GOldon M 3 C Z Do .. CaIolyn EducatIOn AssoclBtlOn Itsted for that show • •• Mays Mutton nual Georgia been dille a IIlr 2.95 III vo ce Florence mature for early denced at theIr on Fr VIS t 5.95 day n Re dsville after to and WhIteSIde and fe!!\lmg meetmg Lovett aldson and MIS H II Co valt mo luncheon at the DeSoto Hotel 1Il Sa Diets TI Home­ MISS Mal garet corn IS In south clubsters took Adequate rough Mrs James A Branan Daley The wmners m grammar glown extensively ApTlI 7th when these tor.ed to Savannah fOI the vannah on 218t Foods-Mr dIrector of of Prof W B Lovett of H I toma Wednesday farmers In FrIday Apnl Teachers to Grown Dyer tment were declamatIOn Alabama and slnc� these of their program WIthout any Play school depal the charge n d Itles as su day IN thiS WIll mark only Ivanhoe al rIved Sunday to beg Mrs Lester. Lee and I ttle BRAND NEW FROCKS, RE-ORDERS, ALL THE MOST Bulloch trIed the It has Although and It CommullIty Projects • •• Mr and Johnson Jr reCitatIOn Mar county crop assistance from anyone put Tomorrow tallum Brantley second of the group the Douglas Servtce Commun­ at the san m Dorchester meetIng Library Through permtendent and daughter Joyce of Savannah were Brown Frances Deal been llltroduced county over hke older people would have Dr and Mrs Waldlo Floyd garet pl8no an • •• WANTED STYLES AND FABRICS-DRESSES THAT ARE affaIr has been estabhshed as an the South Co operatIOn-Open dISCUSSIOn. week end guests of her parents Mr carried South Carolma carrIed on The Teachers wlll play Ity thelT guest Mrs PIOCtOl and MI ThiS announcement congrat held Mrs J Lev Martm and nual custom The first meet ng Recreat on and Play (talk anti dem­ and Mrs H W The soctal feature of the 7th out thiS a State flom Douglas and MIS Robel t Do aldson vele dill Dougherty ulatlOns on the excellent tra mng and Aprll The program carrJed by Georg College kle Will leave to the alumm at a state conventIOn Caro Lane Fral Moxley FrIday IN GREATEST DEMAND. conSIsted of a by and Satur onstratlOn)-Mlss talent of these young peo meetlllg of the club club was Old Farmers Learn From here tomol'l'OW (FrIday) BI un.wlck unusual Macon F JO n Mrs F B Casey of Mr and Mr;; Alden and was held last year m fty Guest speaker-MISS Martha Me­ Morgan These students Will t)eturn to plcmc lunch 4 H Club Boys Ruth Bradley a gc 1 day afternoons n ckson pIe attend to the week end J, Macon v s ------alumm and members ne spend lIttle son MOIgan Jr of faculty s The Teachers havo fOUl Alp STUDIED THE Macon for a final audItIOn on May eral diSCUSSIOn on \\ hat club work pla�ed WE HAVE DEMANDS, REQUIREMENTS AND luncheon At tI e meet. Vllle Hed for several dur ng the ,eek ed the Macon two and Luncheon ••• days Will NatIOnal 4 H Club Creed Mmme games thiS senson Wlnmng · .. 16th wi ele should they agam UONS CLUB HAS m Savannah on of the PTA In­ \V th h 5 MI and Mrs D D mg Fntlay One of the The Leefield cordially Mr and MIS WI Ke and palents a to Sue Zettel ower and Its lOSIng two games played M81 on Roach Hazel Rush ght nedy DESIRES OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE SEC U RED they w 11 be given trlP Chicago Poultry Misses HONORED GUEST a EducatIOn Assoc at on sev vites PTA s of B llloeh count,. Alden {AND Georg Barnesvdle w th Gordon WIll not all Mr and MIS T Iden Kenne Iy of Sa to be heam over the a rand Place n Club WOlk Mildred Thomp m and Mildred of Claxton • •• agam attend lIlg Hodges eral hundred are expected to of the counCil and all IIltelested m t8 pro­ ,annah son e Ie n the c t of ion the club the entltO be counted In the standmg MISS Carme Edna spent t y THE CREAM OF THE SEASON'S FRO C K S TO SELL AT where they wIll VISit the Century GOl'ernor Pound of and pledge by wcre guests of MIS J N Water.s who I as been Dlstr ct Sparta the Teachels luncheon because to attend thIS College In tbe state confer glam meetmg emoute to Metter to attel d now held there As tho roll was callet! each teams Georgia Wh Ie hele Frday Progress bmng was honor at the luncheon of group Flandel� Wednesday spend ng the past th ee n onths , Ith guest of the nearness of Savannah to the have on h 5 Tl 5 ence ShOUld thiS game GOldon S G T C the funelal of the I brotl el Dr S B THESE SPECIAL PRICES. member reported project league they attended the hel Mrs E A Sm th the LIOns Club Wednesday bemg tern served the daughter tory by college on either of the clubs lOCAL CONTESTANTS club has 38 n embers some effect Boxmg Program Kennedy on h s annual v station and spoke gasketball game tu ned Monday to I el MISS VIOla Perry regIstrar of tbe tl · .. In the COl test Tuesday Era Zetterowel and Sid at tbe end of the season e • •• prehmmary to membels of the MISS DTlg standmg encourag ngly the e has malled nVltatlOns to all At Teachers country colle� over College even for the honor of were elected as local leaders 01 wdl be played MIS· LOlena Thomas of Orlando ng representmg r () r gers game, · .. 01 gamzatIon BeSides G 0 ve n alumm and have been to III the First they urged Teacl ers won t" 0 from Gor sevelal as the Slatesboro High School thiS cl b for the sun mer n onths The The Fla who spent days Pound the e , ere one or two other No The second spnng boxlIlg program !VISIT OUR PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT respond as soon as pOSSible and Thurs ct contest at Sylvama MISS MISS M nn e Sue ZeL tlon here last Wednesday of 1I11ss Sala Ren IIlgton left d str Renfroe club accepted wIll be heM III the Teachers College guest v s tors nclud ng Mayor 11 been announced III defimte progra has the first v 3 Alme WhiteSide won first place s nVltat on to meet at hel WIth Slayden pitch ng last week fOI Mt VCI non to t Two new tcnower day 11 at C1ght NEW SILKS! vho made a short talk the luncheon but have beel gymnaslU Fnday evemng Allen filst III decla (or plans and and Settles d vldmg e ds befole Ietu n to hel stud Emo y home for the May meetmg day Mobley fr g plBno embers were at the meet ons o clock n reported made for several mus cnl select Coach B and M ss fIrst method n wh ch thiS of the work the second day Ies at Wesleyan College NEW VOIUES! mat" Dorothy Darby The gro Ip A card was arranged at ng alumn and a talk on The Prog boxlIlg IS by wOlk the same · .. In rcc tatlOll Statesboro expect te carrIed on their pro L SmIth wl11 probably the bUB ne.s pIO young I cOJ the two weeks ago and proved BeSides l'�gular ress of the PreSident Guy college from these talented College by lIttle men th 5 week IS expected NEW a great deal lin nd cated that they were Slayden Wlnners In PRINTS IIlg the club was honored w th the gI so successful that the gram H Wells on m the fOIl:hcomlllg con nlerosted m the of to pitch on Fr day and Mobley young people ladles fron offelmgs tl e first matches have been matched presence of three young The AluInIll A.soclBt on of the test es and ,0rt11 Saturday seven ne Wh te pr scholarships WIth each other There vnll be the School M ss Al u Tcacl ers was VERY LOW PRICES! High South Georg College SIX more home were more There wdl be Mar by md slr al leaders but only Fr With a battl.. sroe MISS Florence Daley and zet! at the dmner fights day mght organ last sDrmg on the Teachers schet! Statesboro of the att tU"e that mcr who look games played The admIS­ Boy Brown a11 of wi om were w n Mn; royal to open the show gnret held "the d Illng hall are college InISS lie a nd the of thiS secbon upo 1 agrIculture as a h t and people made 15 25 cents Honor Roll ners at tI e recent Macon school of was sIon has been and On Clarence WilliS of Swa nsboro these The or hazn d bUSiness carr {.,\l on n UI to atten,d games were hnp ged WIll be made as fol­ the an' contest and who 3190 D Edwards of The card up · .. elected preSident D been cut to Deal Lhc slllshme wcro Of ce of adm s� on has Athen. Ga ApIlI 8 -N J the � hot wlong pI lows Busler Deal WII! fight Frault thiS week chosen to represent Savannah and e Ann Malla d a studel t Clayton n 25 cents With the MISS Penn W Deal of course mak elds at a m o 15 and hope Eu- son Mr and Mrs L vo read re ng big y lly wlll I ght of ;,chool In pial 0 ce and ng of Summit were elected Collllls Henry Bussey at LImestone Gaffney S C Graymont ncs!:! vlth tl at lhe or Statesboro WIll College made the dean s I Et num of cost IS senous bus people Wllhams will Statesmoro has at the dlstr ct h gb school Tur 6ene KlIlney Cheste� ho 1 e and had as specllvely vice pres dents MISS Marguenle spent last week at Inc. the these 4 H duh members 1 come out and the team FI at the UIlIVCIS of Georgl8 fOI young hey �'Fl'ort CI ff Hale Carl Hodges Will ty secre fight LucIle Wood of Gleel meetmg ner of Statesboro was eloded MISS --E, to aD have tl e r hearts III th 8 'Worl' Al Lchman guests JAKE wmtcn quarter accorJmg Rm AmerIcan.s faced a fight Lawrence ShIPpey STYLE AND and Rev L 0 Dasher 01 In 1917 foreIgn M.s Mlldled MUlrow of WHERE QUALITY VAl UE PREDOMINATE to be re ee.ry S C anti Dean L L Hendren A boll on the neck used most sul.consclOusly they are laymg Ernest nOl ncement of "on. If are defeated F".nkhn WIll fight Hollaud. left Mon con treasurer foe and they GreensbolO N C They ded as one of the most annOYlllf: fOllndlltlOn wh ch wIll be students above lbe gal the upon foe Price wIll be match!!\l agal••t STATESBORO, GEORGIA today Only now t will not be by a foreIgn Edgar resume their studIes as d d now Wmchester to of human affhctIons but we have MarJorle�H�a-y�d-en-I-6-of bUilt an cra of WIthout a N.. day freshman clnss whose grades average prosperIty of confidence In Emeat Dowlllng and Ambrose ca by them !tick ElIzabeth Fu trell who was conclUSIOn that an un Mass IS saId to be the youngest lIut also MISS m thIS hon come to the m the agrIcultural history of 87 oil better are lIlcluded parallel thelllSelves 811Uth will fi&,ht Kennlt Deberry. lU Uruted States at home for the sprlllg holIdays' balanced blWCet 18 JUlit about at bad rillon player the tho county orary ratlll&