Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 4-6-1933 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1933). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1689. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1689 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTY- I THEHEARTOPGBORG� the Week THE HEART OF GEORGIA. .-:Soclal Happenings for "WHBRE NATURB SMu,a. � M sEN B 0 vn vas "WHEkS NATURE SMILES cccl TIMES du tl BULLOCH Macoi ng I Bas I Cone of Ha leh st (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mrs D ho ne fo tl e veel end Macon d Bulloch Times Established 1892 COJl8OUda� Ja"ua--, 17 1917 VOL 43-NO 8 Statesboro New8 Established 1901 Mrs W H BI tch moto ed to } Statesboro Eagle Established 1917-Conaolldated December 9 1920 vannah Wed esday for the day · .. Jake F ne of Savannal Leefield P.-T. A. To Baptist HosRital Mrs Don B anne vas a HOLD CLASSES FOR CIVIL DOCKET OF MAY ESCAPE LEVY ness s to n the c tyy CONTEST BEGINS Supplies dur ng the veek Council Needing In Savannah · .. · .. Entertain the · .. a as a v s ted rela M ss Dor s Moore of Sylvan of the 1 st Z po Yeoman The W M U Ogeechee FOR COUNTY TAm r L the Bul M ss Cat e Clay spent week The quarterly meetmg of ADULT EDUCATION APRIL CITY COURT for the, eek end a vtstton III the c.ty duri g the WITH MUm VIGOR RIver ASSoClatlon Wishes to call the relatives Savan ah Lexsy Oouncil of Parent Teach entl with •• · .. loch County o HEARING atention of the mrss soc ettes · .. SPECIALIST TO GIVE AID TO CASES ASSIGNED FOR onary IF DELINQUENTS SETTLE er Association w ll be held at the UP, Herbert several days Miss Sara FOR n otored to Bland spent �OUNG LADIES COMPETE ON WEDNESDAY SHOWS VERY that IS the month to contnbute Mrs Frank DeLoach PARENTS IN SERIES OF LES May LEVY FOR PRESENT YBAR ho 1 e Leefield School Saturday April 15th last week m Atlanta on bU3 ness St Ison wus at THE TITLE MISS POPULAR Imens the st tal Savannah Thursday for the day SONS IN COUNTY NEXT WEEK SHORT CALENDAIl to Georgla Bapt Hosp • • • An interesting and helpful pro WILL BE UNNECESSARY · .. end ITY IN FIVE GROUPS m Atlanta ••• za L last week gram on health and recreation m the Mrs ssett M ss EI fsey pent fOI II term of c es MIS Ga ies Boyd and 2i MISS Martha McAlp ne child study The docket Ap ty Every W M U and the aux liar Ernest and this IS Bulloch be week end W th he pa ents ut Reynolds Mr and Mrs Rackley spent home has been arranged county taxpayers may several days dun ng the The 'MIss Popularity COUI t to convene next Monday pub are urged to have a part In th s spent o • • at spectalist w ll conduct classes In par last week end WIth her parents to begin at 10 30 a m and conclude br II'lvon a present of their county tax. ch m Statesboro IS attract hshed herew th ind cates a very ef work Our IS m need of the In Savannal Denmark of wh began hospltal Mr and Mrs W 0 y th the luncheon hour ent education at t" 0 centers in Bul · .. Stilson term The cases arc hsted for the yeat 19S31 mg WIde mterest As was announced following following art cles WhO s Brooklet v s ted In the city Sunday The Leefield PTA cordially m loch next week begmnlng M ss Kennedy run in divis 'County to be trled on unbleached 68x100 COUld one th nk of a more Margaret • •• the contest ig be ng five Wednesday 200 sheets accept. for Mrs W E v tes PTA In the to ns was at Home every county 10th and F re Insurance Co teach ng at Coil Ions H school col Monday AurJI extendmg United States 250 eases both ends hem Mr and Mrs Lann e F S mmons mess VISitor (I) gh gills (II) plllow able gift? We doubt It was a bus attend the meetmg and It IS ear the veek end rls town rJs mar through Fnday AprIl 14th vs B B Fladger maker and H D med 32x15 motored to Savannah Tuosday for the lege g (III) g (IV) And all th s how · .. Tuesday deslred that each local be depends upon well nestly rep afternoon classes are to be held Brant en endorser 72x90 · .. r ed lad es of Statesboro (V) all the The 100 bed spreads cr nkled Mallard has returned to day The m detail WIll those who are delinquent for the M ss Ruth resented program room m States Teachers put • • 0 Bro vn vere entries Those who have III the Woman s Club South Georg'ia College 12 blankets all wool 60x80 after the Mr and !'ilrs Walter out of town ac where she teaches in next ssue of this paper four years respond to the call for M6n were appear boro The first class for mothers of vs D J Donaldson cut 12x13 folded Mr and Mrs E A S nth v m dur been entered their frIends are Gauge compresses busmeas s tors Augusta ng by settlement week end at lion e At this meetmg each president IS Teachers tors n Wednes I-Florence Sara school ages through the grammar South Georgia College 3x6 Inches .. bus ness vis Augusta the week Dalley Fay Foy pre · to whether dues have It IS eatimated that there Is due • • 0 expected report IS to be held from 3 vs D J Donaldson defendant and children day Remmgton Ahne WhItes de Mary school grades 12 dozen stra ght pms Mrs Thomas Blitch and and laws on unpaid taxes in Bulloch county • • • who s been paid by approved and the second class MISS Tommie Womack claimant s unbleached time MISS Beatrice Bedenbaugh SImmons Lenna Josey Nell DeLoach p m to 4 15 200 women pajamas of Atlanta are spending some for the years 1929 1980 1981 and s W li a \ nann and as home fOI the adolescent I. W D vs C E Mr and MI Heg teach ng at Conyers at Leonora Whiteaide Carolyn Bhtch fon mothers of age Kennedy Kennedy mushn WIth relatives here 1932 approx mately ,250 000 Of this children n Maco w th eek end to be held from 4 15 to 5 30 do ng busmess as Kennedy s Smart Be sure to mark the WOld wo I en · .. spent Sunday the Colhns Em ly Ak as and Carolyn DECLARES amount $100000 I. due the .. PARKER county. · I elat ves The classes are to be held R J Kennedy garmshee on DeLoach has returned their dut es mornmg Shop inside vrappmg MIS W H ... Betty Josey the school. and · .. vn $100000 $50000 the MISS V Bro as elsewhere G F Anderson vs 0 W Horne S LANIER WIth rei Mary cers attended the meet -Charlotte Lou se Add III Brooklet announced MRS ROY from a vISIt of several days 0 CLOCKS T venty off II Taylor state th 1 er s stet THREE vs TIllman last veek III th s Issue J W Wage3 J G spent D sm ssed WIth a prayer by son LIIl an Vand vere Reta Lee HANDS-OFF PLAN atives n Savannah Waldo E enterta ned ing' U thoae who owe will make a de was chon e \V th her Jr 111 s Floyd · .. T J Cobb Lovett For these classes the county sheriff club the Mrs Lon L Day Newell DeLoach Kathrme study • the men bers of her bi dge IN termmed effort to pay-even If they ark antl week end •• 0 HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY mto two W H SImmons et al vs M sses Ruth Helen Denn Henr etta Moore Cecile Brannen has bbeen divided groups • •• Mrs Waldo E Three 0 Clocks Wednesday aftel noon pay one third of the amount they are Savannah 4 H CLUB CONNECTION WITH POSITION center for one and Portal PLANS Ida Sci gman I otored to IIHDDLEGROUND Carrie Edna Flanders DaISY Vmlng Brooklet being the FORMULATE n a DeLoach her v s tor MIS G ady n and the other tax M ss V rg guest her cous MIS and HELD BY MISS JESSIE DELL Bank of Portal V3 J C and P 0 arrears-they for the day County Agent E P Josey By Mathews Helen Olhff Ruth Statesboro for the other group The Tuesday vcek end » th se Ala Crab Evelyn of the escape a .. last of se Ala Proctor of ,t;:nte p payers county may · spent Enterpl VIS ted M .clool are aaked to at Clifton ro Dyer ddleground Ballard Bern ce follOWIng PTA s TAXES Bland blossoms we e Thompson 1 -The TO COLLECT for purposes for 1935 Mrs Hcrbe t and dogwood Washmgton D C Apr 3 WIlson vs Bral levy county Mrs H nton Booth Feb 27th and called a I eet ng tend classes m Statesboro Nevils J A tieY' Kennedy · .
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