xessful Candidates in Saturday' Election Are El Paso's Friends They 11 Be Here Next Month

SECCIÓN ESPAflOLA Th Morning Hjalfn a f A tr.nll.Hon Tesvccntey f PAGINA 11 Prtntesl and IrlexrtbnVcsl IH.Iol mstai. mabmctii hM AnM, M Days' smarts. 1 Ml I .II. pa0 Rondar 1,0. 34TH YEAR f ELBraMPASO, TEXAS, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. SIXTEEN PACES" PPJCE FIVE CENTS RUSSIA MASSES 1 ,280,000 MEN ON THE AUSTRIAN FRONTIER

1 ADERWOOO AMENDMENT won.n RKVOLirrioxizB Tan NI UtTKR OF The Czar of MEETS FEDERAL LAMATION POLICY GERMAN ARMY Bkmmn to im: colors Russia Whose WILSON By I he iwNkM Ctmi Ms at I Pre.. Washington, July t. evolutlranli 8L Pet rabaf July ttv- - AJI I Manifesto is inr of tit goternment' reclamation ukase issued tne emperor lonigni SEEMS F RESOLVED policy Was propoed lndv by rslls tn the sn immertt nnm- - Expected Hourly imderwootl, the Democratic her or reaervlt II leader. In an amendment to the tenate The men eattod nut are: BUSINESSMEN bill to extend Train 10 10 vein the TO MOBILIZE Firs- t- All UH) reservists or Ml Whole time allowed tattler on Irrigation governments and of 71 districts In 14 projects to pay for their water rights oiher govemmentt. Vnder the amenttnient all reclamation Second Itrt of the reservist of nine BY Yes- expenditures In future would bo lim- Such is the Report Given Out district of four governments. 10 SIANO SERVIANS Held Another Conference ited to appropriations made from te Third The curve, reservists in tt dls Pend- reclamation rund by controls. From Embas- Uriels or It Huaalan governments and terday On Subject of Though trltoroualy denounced by the Austrian one Finnish government representatives from the public landi Berlin. fourth The Cossacks ing Trust Bills. sistes, the stoendment was carried on sy in or the terrliorlea of Don Kuban. Terek. two preliminary vote. A roll call will Astrakan. tlrenbarg and Ural. be demanded when the bill cornea up Fifth A corresponding number or DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS THAT WERE PENDING BE- for final psssage tomorrow. At the CABINET COUNCIL IS HELD resenlst orflerrs of the medical snd CULBERSON AMENDMENT preaent a fund or about tail .000 .000, ac- veiertnsry services, in eddlUnn tn TWEEN AUSTRIA AND RUSSIA HAVE FAILED cumulated through the aale of public needful horses, kagornt and transport landa. la in toe hand a of the Interior services tn the governments and dis- AND ARE FINALLY ENDED. department ror eapendlture without Was in Session Until Late tricts thus mobilised. Texas Senator Would Make congressional limitation. Opponents of the Underwood amendment declarad Hour, But No Information Unfair Competition Un- today that the prapoaed chantre In tiollry would make the rund a "pork Was Given Out. BE NO MORE OPPOSITION lawful and Defines It. barrel" and "grab baa" and result In THE FIRST IMPORTANT I arramble for runda." FIGHTING OCCURS T President Will Not Take Part In Aay RUN MADE ON GERMAN BANKS ure mane NEW YORK DEMOCRATS CONFER tifats Being Against FERGUSON'S MAJORITY Democratic Congressmen. Depositors Standing in Line SERVIANS BLEW UP BRIDGE ACROSS THE RIVER Seeking to Have President AND PROVOKED THE AUSTRIAN FIRE for Purpose of Converting has decided not to Interpose any obstacle Wilson Smooth Out Some to the re nomination and or Bank Notes Into Gold. Democratic members or congress who have BEFORE THEY RETREATED. Existing Wrinkles. aupported the policies or the party, no mat- HII Special Wirt to The Timet By ter what their local and state affiliations the associated Prooo may be, He believes they have proved By the Aeeoelntrá l'rear feel I reslly can be or more use outside By Aeeociated Preee Dallas, Texaa. July Official return, Berlin. July An important official London, Jul) St. Arrnrriing the the lines the including nearly every l.vote cast in Satur- - on their smyaity to progressive principals am le than within them at the present Washington, July . President conference the situation should UV flanea diplomatic Intercourse between Juncture, I hear war I. C election was begun afternoon, therefore not be opposed by if hat broken out. Wilson held another conference today on iy primary here early thla and administration. Austria aad Russia was suspended I shall si unce return to London to raise ponding Submission Por. IS9.IE3; against. 161.119. did not adjourn until late tonight. When business conditions and the trust FeTruson, This policy, which is to be (Dulled aren today. corps ol suraeons and nurses; other with a delegation of men Oovemor Ball. I81.04J: il,oe: it adjourned it was announced that noth- coming I rrom billa business Morris, ing conrerence or re orally during ibe campaigns, was wise shall await tnslructluns here varied throughout tjm. concerning: the Its aBaara By A teocinte Preee At can no news repreaeotlng Interests it oovemor Hobby, ito.dob: tonight. made known today by the president dur the alavko. present he ret the country. sults would be made public ing- nis conrerence Representa London. July tt. Today s events brought through on this aide, I nope he will a Sturgeon, isa.TQO. It I understood that the conferees tn wiut but A delegation or wholesalers presented ( Fltxaerald and other Democratic ineml no roller to the auapenae. nor any diplo- be able to reach me by way of Greece In a price14 "ex- congressman-at-ure- isavis, 7B,or; eluded, tn addiuon to Or. Von Bethmann house brier opposing the "one and T.7S5: Kone. 6fl.0M; Lane, 7.784: stc- - the Imperial chancellor, Oottletb of the from New York city, who matic achievement lo restrict the Austro day or two." clusive agency" features or the Clayton Hollwer. called t the White House to complain that servían war to urate two nations. The Mine, tlroiilleh wi formerly Mitt Mable or lemore, 80,1 It. Von Jagow. the foreign minister, Admiral II. bill, and several sections the trade or or tome of the federal appointees In their NICHOLAS reeling throughout the ronUnent ss re- o. uunlap or Virginia. Tbey Wilson they Von Tlrpitt, minister marine, and the state have been claiming tbey had sup- - commission bill. told Mr. emperors a the flected by reporta lo the London pipers or legislation In a member of the or Is GREAT WON KTRATTON V approved the pending commanding generals the German army. rt ine aomintatrauon in righting incm. tonlgbt distinctly more anxious than PATRIOTIC HE MMr.i .nn tnnuehi It necessary to of me or the .New Yorkers went into con Two event have made pes- OCCURS IN ST. PETERSBURG. vv GOVERNOR'S STATEMENT It was reported late tonight In circles up for orevent unfair competition, but reared ference (Urred over the lei ear am sent simism tilrect negotiations by litiasis ind By the seriously close lo ine Austrian emnassy inat by Dudley Field Malone, collector of the WILSON BALKS Associated Preee tome of its features would mobilisation of the Oerman forces tomor Austria, winch gave the other governments St. Peiersburg. July A treat patriotic with business organlaation par- port or new tori, to Representative Fill hope of a compromise, have railed snd demonstration look place on the Net sky Relative to Nomination or James row wu highly probable. No confirm asking Mr. M on a small scale. the C gerald, that alone be admitted ended. Hussia la mobilising against the Prospect arternoon. A wa alad Ferguson Temple, to tion of this report waa obtainable. Mr. Ibis nroceialon Vnr more than a half an hour Uta pres of Suene to the meeting. Malone. did nol ask the Austrian frontier Four army corps In etch formed and with bantiers flying marched a It Is evident thai English and French president for tn appointment and not ident and the business men bad detailed banker are drawing all their balances from wis TRUST PROGRAM of rour districts, consisting or I, an M0 men. to the Servian legiilun, where there were discussion. Afterwards the leaders of the i re sent toosy. ine members or ine delega- Russia's resolution lo stand by servia ap- spec, hes, singing cheering. Thence the encour Russia, Austria and Germany and that the ron left the While House somewhat dis pears ind delegation said they were greatly By Special Wire to The Timet capitalista In these three countries are to be fixed, and Russian sentiment procession moved to ibe French and British aged ny prcsigeni money appointed because they had not been Is all for taking up arms. embassies, where similar cene of en- ine iu,uu. Tex., w. Governor colqutt transferring tnetr to London a any i , PREKIDEVr TT.l.i.S Austin. July promised Doointmenis. bin mm LARGE DELEGATION thusiasm were the crowds In- security against the uncertainties r.r war. over Mr. Wilson's regarding OT SUSINENS MEN THE REAL Russian Manifesto Expected rntcied. híúSSn C?lbres?u or senate has Issued the following statement re la Hm eon attitude their or mtk-In- creasing. In the Judl The runa on savings banks here canaioacies ror re election. AIMS Or HIS ADMININTRATIU.Y A mtnireaui by the itusslsn emperor site. mmmi.iiaii Introduced an amend Uve to the election of Ferguson: tlnued today. his policy clear ts expected hourly. The cadets of the naval school were ri.r promoted today to the rank of in maro m ih commission bill to make "Ferguson's nomination for governor 11 The dlplnmttlr representatives Itsve not yet officers, nai I addressing Ilic emperor ssid: V ÜAfalr competition unlawful Juat as the a great victory for the imago. It shows PUBLIC ANXlOl HLY AWAITS Would Put lato he Law of the Land What aetraatren. aji ay inert is yet nope, thui present bill does, bul deriuuig unralr com the ueoDle are. caoable or making their own CABINKT COUNCIL MEnULTli. Moral Judgment of the Com- ml base tnelr heller on the rci thai Ger was FOUR PERSONS DROWNED -- Bjcorimrtted In Ih navy in view of the pallt Km He explained Ma amendment selection or a good and competent man munity metale. many, rrance, ureal nrium anci iiitj me unlawful, acts which two otMalV-d- not want serious events throtujh which Rbasl ts designed to make from the ranks to he governor, and thai V) last named moat " your the accomplishment of political wl ajad do not think the Austro Hervían paastnr. Ihifln service at offlcera land" toward thrv ara nut deneadanl unon lb Hv the Aeenrleirtt Veas not forget i say you W Íjassssssssssss Rrimtt of Excursion Hleimrr to ti. ni do wtigt in trust in things which the. .aberrean HHt bosaea. either upon tira aott or dm aloe or quttrsi lAPtajnenoiign justiry grest- - uniawrtu. With, and Capsizing Ht one erae Washington, July ft. nvdehdlng th sd UUli in ilia sWty tad makes rxt; politics, to select in Bast neis of nr iiiiahty MOunify.'.' a aUtaa imTrtffrirriont antt irum program. President AtíSIÍ wWÉ York Demorrols. for ineun. it is orrer The nuritlnt htiresu has nnouBcd the wwovni in tarta President WW Wilson today told a large delegation of tntt Austria reruseo tuts Tne ic. closing or additional ilghM both in Ike hi. uetnri. ta the riirrerencoa between hAaaea aeneral v. It also mm excbinind between átmror WUli By the A Meets ted Preee buair ss Bien reph senOns; large whoTatttMi fusal appears to hive heen in extend the Baltic and Black heat. Demócrata, ruteen strata what I have contended all Of and ftnoeror NFchoUs. but htm. too. bones New York. July one lie seeking much discussed ntgotntlons wiin-- yester tions of Hew York were At Meat ani orgsiiiiaiinns thai Wat lo end (he by order of Ih emperor, the enforce- the New York city delegation the time, that a majority or the Democrat bleated. The ntwiic ncrerussiesa. suu possibly rour persons were drownci an era or "suspicion day ere considered in chancellories ment or. trie legislative reirlel-lu- r membajs of sees favorable the ami snd rei riniinstion oj ror resolution in congress, headed by representative of Texas are opposed to alele wide pro aururv hi Uterrhsnn it It reared other tsusltles occurred isle pnttlng httr. law what the moral Judgment! ta ine principal known Dasis iipumism. Un- scuiiiKition nf real estste bv com mnii to the white House today. htbttlon. of telegrams Itself. today when the river steamer, MajeaUd or Hie community hss said ought to toe real RrJtala Coaelllalor. panies and also raatrlc.tlnr the inclusioil plan the White House was to noldJ "Thla administration has given the state Meanwhile news continues to pour into of Newark, returning home with ajMUl Mir i ilwarn (rey, tne onusn secretary ni or Jews on have been leni- - the at regaromg s there." directorates the con re renco iwiuo.i nos uooib the verv best of Its law regulating the Dornn nussta military meas l.ooo exciiralonlsts on board from s day'I lured hem that fhe government Wal atato rof foreign afralra, to whom all look iHirsrlly suspended. any atatcment afterwards, the) heat of It ores. I. or r.urope. is not lo give out liquor traffic, and statutes Ma oUUng at i.oUege Point, i.. collided in not "nmnlna amuck." the foremost ronriimor urrictals asenso to toe president said that for the enforcement of local option, where salan ssatdUaaáton Cause far War. the" saat river with a barge, The wholcnai.Ts laid before the president attempting. II It believed, lo rrtme fresh NKRVIANH BLOW UP BRIDGE to meet me new upon themselves, and The frenen errmsjtey proresses to have aa - The dlplo- ACROSS THE RIVER SAVE. Mr Wilson was anxious the people vole it assurances rrom government rapslting the rrelgtn craft. tirnnared irmmset asralmit sural left. proposal- for t settlement tn a irienuiy apir the vote in primary show we the German The steamer was not damsged, urea of the Clayton bill and the world or London clings to tne netter By York Damoerats the uui that Germany would not regard a Russian but in t math the Altai la utt Prtee Uaiu Treaties. people are for the poney of legislative rest panic on hoard aner in crash, tne irtd commission hill, but said tbey ap- means can be round whereby Aus- Vienna, July rt. The sjervlint 1:S) Ium by nom mobilisation on the Austrian rronUer as tn or pro- Sit mayt sue tt nn President Wilson's urgent request upon this subject, advocated the ranee passengers rushed to the decs. proved of the rrnrnil purpose the tria saiisfy nutti that cm attain o'clock this tuorntng blew up the brldtw governor. absolute casus belli asstu perhaps posed legislan. Mr wtusgut recourse to measures that Secretary Bryan's new peace treatlea inee ror received since Emperor William's return rtdusrs, righting snd pressing for polnti Wilson entered Into her ends spsnnlng ibe river Save between the Aat-l- r twenty nations be ratified at the cur- "It is .wonderful victory ror the peo- or vantage as the steamer wss headed for s deislled discussion r Ibe bills and prom- Which the Russian government and flua- I an town and htemlln and Belgrade. Thn with along line, a so uerosany- ..pinion cannot accept. rent contrae, the senate foreign relations ple all the and wonderful tn Ron on Oerman Banks. the nearest pier. When the Majestic ised to lay Ins callers' suggestion before sisn public Aualrian inlanlry and inlllery stationed tl the conventions umnn ror sir. rerruaou. woom an me po touched the pier, jumped to- - rhe proper committees or the senste. Tnero Is ine greai anxiety as to wneiuer Mini in. in conjunction with monitor a an committee today referred Two tone lines nf men stood all hundreds tn a with Instructions to litical bosses, both pro and anil, ridiculed before Talked Business Conditions. uaalan inoliilltatlon will be confined the Danube, rtred on the Servian pnsluon to the counters of the Relchs ban s boundary or Is proceeding n. yon, study tbe,m and report. as an 'unknown man.' handing; in note ror redemption hi gold. The nreildent also talked or business con Aitllrtan the bridge. The Servían rrlceaUd practically decided to post- The election result ouent to put Texas some were crushed between the s bills with Hugh aerrelly against Oermany. but between rati- sfter short engagement Senators bad These lines were still unbroken when the ditions and the anil trust a which- next session, bot owing rest ror a while and give an impetus - side end the racing of the pier will blllxatlon and war there Is gap small detachment of pioneer. tn pone action until tt bank' business day closed. Amona- the Chalmers, a Detroit manufacturer, who may the threatening euuauon in Europe, rat- to good reeling and development and applicants ror redemptions evidently were exist until the excursionists check up their agreed the president's views snd said the two nations bridged in inn and operation with lbs custom officer vea. to enjoy long with so again. lerday ifications may be hurtled. such as she cannot a a many email depositors In savings banks who Utt at newer. prosperity would ss soon aa tne do captured two Servian stesmors ladeu 'hoty W- - thai mine designing men make a war' on a had withdrawn their balances from these Ufe sever, stationed near the point present uncertainty was relieved. Pint Important righting with ammunition tnd minea. The pioneers pani moral issue, roe Doooie navme won institutions and then burled to the notch ii. ptcaeo up a woman, sup in speaking to in wholesalers, ine presi The first Important righllna occurred be and revenue guards. fter a sharp en- thla fight with Ferguson, are entitled to bank to exchange ror posed to be the wife of the bsrge cap fore Belgrade when (he Servian blew up counter, overcame tbe Servian rrewa and platform notes sold. dent said: took possession ot FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD a auneasatlnu at El Paso and in i as ioreum eicnaiure maraet nere reflecta tain, floating down the river, "be died We have had ten or fifteen years or bridge icross the river. The Auairlsns tbe vessels and their harmony with the pónete advocasen ny the among a hospital without regaining conscious- dangerous cargoes. The raptured ablps anxiety prevailing the Russian at ceaseless agitation about buetneaa. During attacked them and the Servian retreated were the successful candidate and lb people and Austrian people. The price of SI. ness. that length or time we have read atone to the capital, which unconfirmed report towed by ope or the Danube terora. who stood with and for nun in ine con Petersburg and Vienna billa newspapers or I Kinperor rrncl Joseph will return to Definite Action In the Warburg Dase U dropped today In the and In the mgxtns ly. beata bomorried. Vlenn rrom Ischl tomorrow May test. to Use lowest level of two 81. tne wrong inings inai were Councils of were held at m. Petera- - and may then Hasrtad Today aad Name npnoux decade. eiiravgtntiy iialt go lo t to be nearer the scene or lie Withdrawn. "Then, we should all support ana Pelersburr notes for tan roubles th nsr going' on and in iimotphere of almost burg, Berlin and Paris. The Hritlsh his to carry out lbs policies advo- value of which was marks, brought KM suspicion created, so continue tb the action. Popular enihutuum It rrowtnif efforts sis universal hi been attitude that slnre Ine emperor s cated by him. for It was these, as well a mark, .while Vienna 00 crown notes RUSSIAN SUPPORT that r a man became a business man in . críala doe a not yet concern Great Britain manifesto and patriotic man. the people have endorsed as a spectator peacemaker. demonsirstlons sre being held all over the the that nrpugni niaras, compared with a par big way, he hid the uncomfortable feeling save ss s and In country. on "washtoTSaly'wnotner President with their ballots." that hit fellow men probably looked upon an official statement issued tonight, says: Run the savings banks aft the nomination or diminishing. Wilson will withdraw htm t not coming by hi money in tne Official British tatemen!. Paul M. Warburg, of New York, a a mem- Carraasa Beluraa so Monterey. STtnmera or BunarzA right wty. reserve board probably SURE FOR SERVIA No measure have been taken by me ber of the federal By ASMhtS LIKELY TO rHtTf. are of the idmor.-ow- was said the Xttoeiatet Breushi to Clear! e Bouse. military authorities which will be announced It fretJnly St. OM. Venus- only order ah President bad written to Montare. México. i uuna i am rigm in (eying ini wnat or atobillxaUon. Th By the Ateoototeé Preee tonight thai llano ' arrama arrived here today rron Below It shown the armed atrenrth art the preaent administration has to do which been given of purely Mr Warburg urging that he reconsider tnoae wmen are most likely to IN RUSSIAN EYES THE WAR DOC tried hv ire Parla, July Notwithstanding the order the comodín Tamplco on bla way to Saltillo, where b) countries Baa Been to bring an these Questions to nd defensive Tlss Bis refusal to appear before iigin in iiss imnroguo. ALtWADV BCatN I.AST AND "M l chrctr. Mo of the government prohibiting an acceeded to Konaiiv win eonauci nesotiaiiona wvi MIRACLE CAN WAR. clearing house and aeUM up the balines naval meaium are also precautionary. and that unless the banker renreaenta- - Austria: Array, war aweaartn. ajioujni AVERT may meeting tonight, called by the revolution would be withdrawn lmmadi- - visional President Csrbslal's navy, Judament. It have icenied sudden In mobilization has been ordered." ary labor organliatlon. thousands of work examination w me Mexican gov two dreadnoughts, alt battleship so many one so a tlvea for the Iransrer ' do things in rongress. bat In Ibe rare of what ing men assembled to we ernment to the conatltullonailsts. wj srmoreu cruisers, live cruisers. fifty Vast high I Money canea me aad tried rath 'lonator Owen, chairman or the banking one torpedo and destroyers, six Entire wasn't it time? am not maintain Iranian aa viscount in cordons of police in order to enter the boat sub wt ,e or lonignt e mianailllal who baa relumed rrom Europe, will aaea nc ing lhal ibsy are settled in the lords "t vael caiasirofine meeting plsee ier-- scrltnmsges ensued asking that marines. Under I sadsrstlp of ch Ihev COUM be seined, bul noiltirlans anil the Brosa have become telegraphed Mr. Warburg loday Germany Army, war strength, IJ00JXX) in wni ttd of the rioters were arrested. eotue the committee. telnly Hie men engsaed-hav- tried to settl (sobered to Ibe client that Uila country ha a before PANDITS-HO- navy, thirteen dreadnoughu. twenty bat Hie country Inevec Not a word Tonight Mr. Warburg replied, referring P TOURISTS My them in Ibe Interest of aad before been known. In' I EMil.AND WILL NOT SRE ueantp. four nstnesnip cruisers, nine ar the Associated Preee think in the main they hay suc ceeded W dung toward international or aomrsur mo red cruisers, tony torpe St. Petersburg. July In Hussian yes LMKNCH KATtON CRUSSJRS. ay conferred with the banker 'and who cruisers, its nao money condition, aaaaimg coiuiiuonav boiUlllles cues from many qurier. The do boats and deatroyer. twenty-lou- r sub tne die is cast, uaiy a political nuraew can conditions, or country sun paper spe ot Sly l lie A ttacta tee rreeo Taeaty-fl- Leads WMh Ma Per- economn trhlch the mol blltei iiernwn m tirhe marine. amart war. we tnt- - or London. July The Times, la an to to Wash sea Help Up and Mobbed - they are wrotw-- ' now nave llermtiiy in lenns retpeei ana rneuo Servia: Army, strength, Russia doe not awerve rrom nsr osier- ' thla morning on the war Owen O1 Gorman con war fto.ooo; to give remedy and until thai erial, and ta tetwwaawne rara. navy, one steamship. ansnaiion to supiwrt Servia nd paruai mob dertsken t "i' . . neither would sy what wta done business could not settle down A cllsosu n nolo inswiru lomsiii Jihuii later, but ordered. There 'f I nit had been. Rus sis: Army, war tlrengtb, tjaon; Ubtatlon has already been to anything, the giisiion wis ture miernaiioual war come, It would frutee menaced, or the saTeiy of navy, ships, every indication that the whole vast mill becauw "Hhould the Belgian rroniler, whtcb guaran- , At While House It waa (aid a reply By BpeeUl Wire to Tho Tim eight battia sU armored cruis- It come gun. mean a new slory III the history (if civil wt the Gardiner, Mont., tv. States ers, nine cruisers, 107 torpedo boats and rnachtnery or huasla will soon be set teed with France and Pruarit, we gnau to the President' letter waa expected to- July united lry Mad Enania Amuck Halloo a kind ot death grapple In the use dag Senator Owen saw a motion. darkness, a cosmic rslsstrnphe." know how to act We can no more arrord morrow Durlnr An tnanireaio la sua ilea lonignt. "I just want to Mtve that thought with to ee and sfwrward said scouted the linperi! we running Crrml 'Libera! MeOttSa. traiic. rmhed by Uermany or lw President In search two navy, two eighteen Should Emperor Nicholas beooroe Mat. thai are not 'amuck. the balance of power upset againsi , am inclined to believe Mr. Warburg of dreadnoughts, Battle niihi Honorable fame Henry Balxtel "I es. held up ships, twenty or the forces, a It le under Are trying to close una era of uption Tie France, than Hermans- can arrord to WtU not come before the committee. I thtnk tt coach armored cruisers, ten crula recrimination, by In the law presiding l a great Llberel meeting here tea stood ne wui, an uunseuse wave ui vutuu-wll- l and pulling - Hiingan Up- reeta ni ui new loads of loaríais In the park loday and art, ttO torpedo boat and destroyer, stv lontrii in un cu iue isirjntfi iar- Austria crushed by Russia. n oigiuij "uum iuho took money of 16 pasaengers. enty sweep over Russia What the moral Judgueni of the communil irían on Issue should tt have to Of coarae, bla nomina the The rive sauassVTn. ought I honnsi tleipated and which was originally calleU thai be deter- of clrcuminc. troops cominead or L. The nnilUiial oartle hav saiuk their dif fits aaid lo be there. And mine! by arms, tienda en non Winn withdrawn if be doe not re are under Lieut coi. Iv believe Ihst when It is done snd I hope to stirren the back of the geveriimeut on our f and our M. Brett, gaPtrn W ferences. The tener! altitud I not ime- - will rind thai we think tnd art wttrt apond to Ha committee's invitation." jangiatlc," bat one of resolute coax ideaos It will not be inore iban lx weak now home rule, aaid: nimamr u'Oorman at that Urn said ha ax- - seeking to lerrepl we off our Th threat or civil war in irriann na oat accord." aoo i country In Ose or UM country a cease eat when it is done can all lake psetad Mr. Warburg would go befora the reach the jaca Hole Wyom SOLVE MEXICAN TROURLE ttl tasltce u greatly magnified II has a greater log. a ramrd restart or bad men. readiness to make all aacriflcea coas ano gei urs osw tsro oinw a JgMtawxMasi d that ho weoad be oéttfirmoü. in the face and say, 'ibis I aalloii o btaring on the present foreign situation The holdup occurred tn the upped geyser Tat proposal attributed lo Austria to dls puvnc naa any a distance rrom cuss term when BeteraaM be been oecu hnnesi anatt and we ar going to do bus! laau III nrnun osiir. basin, short the hotel ka sums ss you mat Hon of" spring creek canon. At ftat an the coaches Died la res arded as Impossible it la PtMIild surn ii inina is nan ooacuns hosllUtla Rjaati reasoiuible view lo take of the pre seal The earl ol riymouin. auurnaains use July SO. It waa stated bl OOO- - rounded a bluff they were (topped end lit that before It was the or ail inn blowing up were to alight proposed to Austrl direct exentaos of sliustionV atattlni said duty uerlloti with the of ibe rsti piMenjar ordered and as t I III hi hi support Mr Kdwird Urey wy bridge crost 11 river Sive by Ser- Were to peáis losar nsuaiey m reea sack lying on tria, which Austria rejected. Bill Jsv daantel Tin rVaas HI. and show united urest Britain vian that lis Austruns have another M., the around. Each roaeh we uunaiy re By the Amtoeteted treme The lorerom Petersburg dlapalrb sanu Fo. H. July r The past was py censor wiusoui brldte, in aeciloea, on their tide of th In loaded and ordered to move otf rioihing Washington, July tt Direct word rrsta passed ine revision BOMBARDEO put week wast a rather aliwnuoua one snoney was e which la ronaiderod highly sighlll BAM THE RIO liKANBE SmtsRAIMX HAH river, which they ran up tn few Mexico, to but taken, the tourist benvt General CerrtaWI sssssti mclng mat if Car fart TI At l III AM It Mew reports of Uses could keen St Hit day. accidents vsiucfaarrUfhar eome rroan vari- - their tawalrv. How kstial offer to surt nadir uavcoadlitoualiy much the bandit, obtained cannot be learned uie By the Associated Press believe " J V. ! wUI be iá7fac"rlif "solved,' cline Mew Ms sirs Charter breeUd Cimpssty Atlsnis u) flic toon follow tele run from Nlb II I IINt Hlltl tonatbt to the roaumietionallst junu in Waiek rrat to novelea rea received the Im Weaniogiue ttUumHu Ike ' Breoo rrem ike Riser. dsttod July I: tin Ihr social.' Press rvrw Dunns Use night Hrigrsde was bom London, A despatch iuly VteMe tt suusrauia; awaaw Buerntan, or mus Carransa'a niessye, daiMS at Tasnsstco. Otbralttr. July be ordered kssnsai, fell miaaluiii o ago near the estst directed Rafael head sssrnwM to isiirlls ii various Hie tx. luuige TlegrPb compny art: had it cojltr host broken when fstsase. at Mu Beeaieú Mare as Ttatas os i o - amount or i i to deary ransaras mat am was ta tue tOWll. austng gi anisar several After heavy bombardment by tb Daa- ra, to pick up an unruly r air and t lane oniameq. aaani tar Mediterráneas The M July M. To build a Ksilmau Inte I ttadetvortng to place way sania te, a. dim on the na ine Ahdrr gunboats. Belgrade wa occupied by carry u on ma anouwer, nay aiatcoun. tStYMMttoe lo the WblM ftaek yon of the Hto uranae I M or tatnnd vary from pmac. aaasnaera or me at esa tanks anoreviien' aaa aaaa Auatrlan troop Wednesday of HiiuiK.ro. with a boil over one eye, of esiswismu is ibe flrn, w aa wouiiuni is in nana nave I gutlattrad a naaay cut over the other from Msasnsotl. Uriel, tt YeUosaekthe part. coaitlluunnaaat agtmcy aaid Ussy oWesEtorpedo l,.,.i r uerman sssyaxton Hitad rsfeisnsee to uacondltlaaal anatadron are Ma vlag Algr.'iras for the aa. in war artbit in vmÑA a rSffanST IB INCREABLsit MOl MLY v reuaer ai caoitsl which filed IU acucia, ol incor Lis about three f bMtt, Um of WiaUlaiui Xurttm. wunsis nao wsr,r totfsrin vanoue rorots uui he would not re rasmia Usa Alt aeceasary precautions ar belay taken li the lasos lesl Preee ukxm or uwr asorauou what th Mat i orpOi lluil July Th war pirii ins convertible rhartut Ctrhsjsl toveraMBtat as legally lb here today Taw company pro Vlenn. rt in snsussastjntÉÉsnstl ssnt tsBsassssnsnsTssatT JSm ! h baiMlli mission capital Is hourly incraasJaa. 1 M that jtndrtsjlal the astsdsv atañed u, aaaarsuakvüro-etoeirt- nower a IAN Aualrian Th sua WILL RAAM tULUMEEH of Tl ' lr."cSü' wore s Mart hwhwercnlef aver u They predicted tkat Uta gjusMiiaa of m Ibe lor 11 power aad light RBKS Mrestt miis"i'i'is PaulW.. Cl3d.TZgaraae race dam .ufficlent or HI snWONB AND M enthusiastic pereoa ami liuosii'1 i antra car and at his ranch asety and usr mises for the fedssraia MT purposesm, AJsaatMrfM. eaaia leadlug burned at a would not be a snianoama moca s the Aeemefteé Preee lag thai traffic in the BtniOUtB SsMtat pMafJksssjW- mssmiim. July -- wa alanest brought to IIIBBMUI II Plooi tel,,i lBHtloQ&t9tk roMiiu.iuuu ii at Mat osar osa laau a asosuuiry asjso Uittdan. ft Mm. Uroultcb. tb tsm t of lb loving hotel, at Laving. 1. at By the A octet cd Vsss. r"" aaoansoralurs ar. Aiuorlrwi wife of the Servian aatJauat The patriotic rJorsssaslraiksDS tasar blk fishing, backed off a stoop bluff Coto Sre I leí' secretary ur lucetgii si airs, urvu passed in eataai san terror wit Leus. 10 wss mosco ry fracturad Sat apta asad Is now m aoerial entttMi July ta. eompTeufd errai Y Itch, is expected cesan ta nessed wiihta .rriSonreuP-- rala orpa r votunloor dispaicn to a vieiwa paiwr aaya mat aeactaá (M4J uufsjet ror wr erv www un or the Danube monitors began holl has chartered sy early ín aputuaw wood, 3aT rsnwiituusataiisu and kapau s fa rrffeo I sua w ,oou;Sll ol LssBOM rrlsad yeso thai the Aus lag Belgrade in morning aner taiavrr í Hvs 1. aoroaa Ma BBS MBS been da poet LJanass. hica. hat which la i Veías Th coscerh Is ca piulued rular mLmW. ú Thuinji uy the awrvuma. mans aaid the svuUtera n iliiaMBIil woavtd aatl one so tame tuon Mst wiiuam -- . E. I.. Lswis I rar. airo ied ine boy toeBT7tBi She wrate Ir. M Sat part nf ah jraar Hd?M.Sold at Hurler, bad his k ftsto ratios, stated sorb a , Jjgjs activities jat eeseral duo k ttse porauirs, cvsst. wroufbt htso ipod he HVveMoi Mere fjjt"'mlawUu' Basttansanni es san lepa an nee ta tpttfgi .Wp5C jetsrsu-- Wtft ftlllBtlSi - IjUatatery ateai. lut aiavka. bu uin uriTp iv rill ANTI-FA- T REMEDY iiiA nLAio rUL Are Yon TO DtGIDE STAKE USUALLYSW1NDLE ested ii the gammmlmfl Always First Purchase of a aCSVLTS."

araaaa Stow Felur Not Onl IMHk Bat .f Tasas y WiMm strnasjiiag Msrarfnt I VrreMIn; f Agrl- - feg Htsa Frisa wiaarr. uepanaacei. Player-Piano- ? Show the fir iMIlimOww Wwelal 0ivjeitasa to I rwiroit. Hits., inly fallen JffWssatagion, July Numero us Inquine to (M aaerrftenu and rrtaniifactiir-ftt awtrai rMHr v ton UnltM Slates n an italic, lop UMr on today' Oraim Clr- - partn that pro- - ervn progresa, una tne ran want orar to remagfles and tomorrow, wheal three hen wtnner Willi ' Ud Hick go a dreaaad tn new clothes te rat poo If ao. soar tauxsj io nan. When dsrsmses rut " deterve ositos end to the struggle, two horses bsd won ianaeroiu rer wonnwas or two hears each, and another, on. fin TTriSranahs The advertise Things Wlnnn or the first heat was distanced i; ment ippesl id the vanity or people who New io and also to second Urn uL wish regain gracerul figure, The races were j te sirsiawt the business néVes.ttlci of iboae who be w in, and lh Itard after roar mm. come sorat that may can no longer do JENKINS PIANO CO. onenlna the M. and M RythlMI. scor their wort erriciently to ing fourth rrom the pole, shot th 'ordeVVo We have two player plane of old ral MB rttKil and led Ml the way with Peter Scon, su Vflut, m'ttVe a definite standard m Mci.lnk'y. Mahotnet Witts and king ply aiaftxr people insjnjrVaxr abont aaaclfto Tbaty have been aaed tor dam onat rating only. Thar are la the vary beat Our Fall Styles of Stetson Hats Are Clansman rmtending every fool. Ryttm. remedie, the drug specialist! of the bureau playing oondttJan. The regular Belling prto of Ihease phnxtoa ara SSSS.SS wai tnn alow darting the sacona of chemistry recently conducted a series of and fsaa.to. Ta stimulate haartneaa w are sota te tot Utatn M round and broke st the flrit turn. She tests wtib a Dumber" of of ta nostrums this 1 00. Saury paymanta If tmpoaai-bt- o Fan a quarter of a mile and was rar hack character on employes In th department IIH.H and daatred. It wottW be Ready for Your Inspection Of Hie distance when Linda Wrona flaiheii wtio wished to Ida surplus rieah without to buy hatter plano at any prion. Detjt fall to aa tkam. Here nndi he wire a winner. McMvtu got injuring their health. Une of tha most We have a very omplet stock of asm anal sllghaly usad atoooa raanrlxug awav wil and kept his mare la front al widely advertised prescription! xa prion fraga 110.0 and upward. Terms mar ba arranged to aaat absolutely correct in tall styles of Station Hats. Take a look ttsas way King cfsniman lappoel Peter c. for reducing flesh was tried for a period of Everything that is wno was a stole naca or Lino wrona at u unniius. ipm rosuii waa inai Iwo oi me tha oanranleno of ovary buyer. lb nd subjects uatoer exBerinaanutton obliged I. t them you will like them. l.tnda Wrona led to in nait in tn inirn to atop after taking the medicine heat, then Peter Scott rushed mto su or iwo or lores weeas Decanía or its in Jurlou erren. The third subject gained JENKINS PIANO CO. In the fourth heat, Peier Seoit showed 'n pvunua matean ui losing i lean. Anoth- On in front until well down the stretch. He er of the remedie of a "great Our Clearing Sale Is Still pull When challenged by Lassie MCOrewor obesity speclalut" was Hied. Tha subject ana aroppea naca io sum piece. scrupulously followed the dial Uat which clearing sale of shirts, better goods and at a big- hornet Wait. King Clansman. Linda Wro accompanied this remedy and rallhfully We call special attention to our na and The Guide showed wonderful speed carried out the system of eierelsaa recom- n earing the wire ana an were pun enea mended. After six month' treatment there ger discount than at any other sale in El Paso. See our window display. whfn tli neai iiocn. was a reduction of is pounds or rtesh, but rat and surplus ussua removed from the has running water piped Into hit barn ror On!v beat winners were eligible tn start Ihls the experimenters attribute to the ract body. Other schema supply a tsblet at 7t tbe horses and cattle, while his wire has the rirth mile, bul through an oversight that the auagect ate no bread, butter, cents a doten for which a claim la made to carry what she asas in cooking and of th Judgea. MrCloskey waa permitted starchy food, pastry, sugar or candy while that It will reduce fat at the rata of a pound washing from a añilas n eighth or a mile to in away wnn rcier eeou, Lassie nc under observation. The first month rtne a day. distant. It Is only reasonable and natural Qrearor and I Inda Wrona. Lassie Mo discontinuing the treatment the subject Moat Preparations Absolutely Worthless. that tha hoys and girls, aa they grow up Oregor took the round rstlier easily, but Sained to pounds, and tn three months wsa No other class or preparations exploited to should get away from condition! such as when McDonald drove McCloskey rrom the naca io ine original wergni recorded at the humbug the people has a widar sale, and in these, and go where they can live mora LET 'EM LET 'EM rear and ine sixtn neat. i:ox beginning or the treatment. nearly every Instance they are absolutely easily and comrortably. The living condi- After a long discussion, the oró Haw the Swindle Is Worked. wortldass. in many cases where patient tions on the rarms must be mad better as les! was allowed, and the other starters Tha circulars, letters and other announce- seem to lose weight this result la attributed a necessary part ot makUoj- farming itself were placed aa they rinlslted behind Mc- ments of these obesity remedie, to tha hot baths and the diet and exercises better." HOWL Closkey. Thli gave Peter Scott tha hast which are published broadcaat. In many recommended as an accompaniment tn tak- While Nr. Eble was visiting back home HOWL with Linda wrona second ana lsssi at cases assarted that g stamp is the ing the medicine. ba aroused much Interest and discussion by Oregor third. The rac was then post only charge. Those sending-- the i cents to Little Hope for tha Fat Bum. creenlnr tha rxirches and windows in a poned. lh supposed philanthropist who wishes to The onlv ways that the department's me Varmbouse be owns there Ha did the work The record for the slake, which previ belp other sufferers to get rid of surplus dalists know of safely reducing flesh are mmaeir, at an outlay or several dollars for oua 10 this year wsa ror horses. flesh commonly received statement that rigid meting ana strenuous exercise, ana the wire cloth and two daya of time. His I waa broken by Linda wrong in ine sec the physician or "professor" discovered those to be effective, must be continued nelghbora could easily have don the same end beat when aba did the mile tn a:osw ihls remedy in the wilds of some foreign over a long period of time. Th thing, but, like so many or our farmers, The previous mark. 8:0SH, was made by country or received It from some famous log patient mutt eliminate from hi diet files and the discomfort aa Sonoma Girl tn I 07. Indian medicine man on his deathbed. Then fats, starchy roods and sugar, in many files and the d si comfort as was are to mad tha after due praise or the effectiveness of too cases ll il not wise, because or other being all in a day's work. In ibe gem buildings. ayi mat tnu triotic demonnratlon in favor of sarvia before the senate be by Thu tipsii of the measure. A conference of Heal Causes On Death. remedy lite "professor" states he Is conditions, for fat people to way tha farmer who owns bis horn could lh . nata nere tutugni. friends that Bhyslcal Servían did not return fir. A led willing lo supply rapid reduction In weight. As pare tha raw dollars and the two days to a u.iwi mnn.trftHnn , .r Ml fTSil Si tlM those who have preparad amendments hai Bu tin ocla Press thli wonderful treatment Interrupted. been called by Senator .lowlands, in charge Oklahoma City. Okla.. July go. Extreme for a fee of rrom lis to fK a month, ir the a general rule, diet and exercise are best make tha bous better for the women and cathedral. P)t special service Ntramthlp Herviré by skilled physician. Loss children to live In, van Hitan rnr Bu the of the bill, and a eomoroinlse amendment heat caused one death here today. The prospective pstlant does not answer Imme- directed a of and could spare was held and" nrsyer were offered Prtti follow-u- by no means If accom- the money necessary London. aer1July 30. A dispatch lo lb Times embracing suggestions rrom various sources official temperature waa lOi, the highest diately be Is besieged with a 110 of flesh a blessing tor s windmill and ririory m in is. ami.. Lloyd may to senate tomorrow. season, a letters, and finally as a great individual panied by loaa of health, energy or water system tost would ssve his wire t.ooo a thronged and the of rrom Durgiso ay ih Austrian be presented the for the and for corresponding The cslhedral sea Is are twenty rour years. favor be is told that he can obtain tbta strength. pounds of 11rung every day especially as Ihe ceremony, pre steamship service rrom the Adriatic Amour inose invnea to ine couierrnce dale in Aramore re Carefully flclatlng priests., after completely interrupted. There were Sruauirs Pomerane, cumrnings and Sauls- - ported a maximum temperature of 110. marvelous guaranteed flesh reducer ror the Law Is Evaded. tbe piped water for the livestock would transactions jemerrtay In Insurance bury. urn or a.so. m return for the reduced It Is practically Impossible to prevent toe the whole plant. imill of Iba Ilion of ilw Holy Virgin of however, agree saie oi mese preparauons .... ' T price, the patient must to in mieraiaio Satan (Or iu owi .laii nnj. nusdruDlad as cuniDarod Willi tilosa of Tue- - tell all hit rat friends about this wonderful commerce under the rood and drugs act. Mexleaa Mea 8uddeaLv. nanded the IKon 10 officers who ara Charged With Fraud, mean or for tint reason claims upon the r ller shedding avoirdupois. that the Amando Peres, who lived at ftt East the front tonight darT are lining for are By fi iétooltted l'rctt Woman Fall Easy Victims to rakers. pickages purposely so girar ded as to Fourth street, was taken suddenly ill last The Herman and Austrian embaslB Judging rrom ibe by evade action. Aa a rule tbe claims, evening at Sign died a physi- strong detaiu-nwni- s Fegarala la Lowrr California. letters received the and berore guarded on all sides by department or agriculture appealing to it to etc., appear In advertisements, cir- cian could be summoned. Little is known police and nobody Is aJwwaa By Attoclattd Prttt of ror calexlco. Cal.. July it wa were found guilty by a Jury In the United This Week's atop this practice under the food and drugs cular letters, etc., and these the, makers are of the deceased. Hp waa a man m middle to step on the adjacent roolpalna fear Slates district court here late today on the ct. women are usually the victima or these very careful to keep separate rrom the lire and had tha appearance of a laborer. of hostile attempts. : of m selling con- package. re- air there were no Meslcan 'federal troops len chart misusing the malls "proressors." Much of ibe literature Justice Mccimtock ordered the body K feeling prevails here ore- - The DOBtofflce however, has conndent a In Lower California. Hie federal garrison fraudulent locations on California and tains allegod statements of soma Individual department, moved to an undertaking establishment. Great Britain's support. Oarmany's Is at Mexican. railroad land grants. . B. sellers, of .woman's experience tn forming been instruments! In silencing some of mes An tnquest incomprehensible, of several hundred men still fon thrilling fat will be held today. is regarded as i;aptaln c. il. Hlliiin- couipsny of linitad was found not guilty. and and Wis make the situa- promoters ny issuing fraud raerá against on lhe assumption that she Is anf- stales coast artillery has been ordered back Piano Bargains tion aeem real and personal to lb other them and denying them th use of the ión for a trial of strength at the present on August Il will not women, cases are on women malls. The denartment of agriculture can to San Franclaco i. Cuban Congressional Heelf aatlons. record Where moment. be replicad at this time. have parted with almost their list dollar in only warn the people to beware of all such M Odessa patrloUc proceastons marched Bu A good substantial Piano, upright the hope improving preparations containing suen claims, ror in por- te Auuviated Prttt In. of their figures, and through the straws today bearing the HEAVY RAINS AT BOWIE. Havana. July SI. The house of Mission case, flue for the beginner, nave awaited resulta with anticipation that the knowledge of all drug specialists at th traits of Emparor Mcnel anditha Mntj today accented the retlgnatloti church, club, eic. Fully warranted. makes their later disappointment almost pa- present time there Is no preparation that Bread 3c A Loaf of Pervla and Montenegro and Downpour 'Causes Coaslderable Loaa ! of Antonio uonzales Lanusa, presldeni ot S Fries 1165.60. thetic. The strong fenure of most of the ran ba depended upon to reduce flesh tn Oreat Srltsln. soy marked degree doing Servia, France and tropa as r d.i as pcuvim. the house, and also that of Farnaudez Oa Terms M.M Par Month. literature Is that no dieting ll necessary; without injuries. Ibe. fly rissa Special Corrtapo' Casiro, first of the houaS. the medicine la to do II all, and the patient 25c no He Jt ! reported ibal the prealdaat or tM is ioiu mat no can ail ue wants ana aa THE FARM HOME Potato. ñau at ii Juiv aw rains bare A than ibe average Piano, eai I FLEET IS MOSILIZINO over San Simon valley for sánale, Sanchez Agraiuonie, also will re- better usad often aa he wishes, Which It a strong In- Iba been general thP fancy Burl Walnut case; ir this In- the pan week or two. Craps have been sign at the next seision of the upper ducement to most stout people. d fa Otxipajaw 25 China, ge.-- BrtUsh nouae. strument was of the latest casa de- Same of the Dangerous. r 1 nena Hal. July r benefited generally, but in soma instances sign we yon "Cures" cans Pork and would have to ask These preparations usually contain thy- own-- , I 'Western tleei is mobilising at farmer lost heivlly through Ibelr lands rhe rrilgnatlons of these officials arc double the price. "Every farmer who xoa farm ought Beans Sc! on the north cosit or Shan Tun provino. being flooded. Old limera in qc ' to the sudden rally or the two rival roids and a laxative. The thyroids mav to have running water In his kjtohen and a fleet Is mobllUlog at Tslnf- - has tha wetten Price 1 16.00 orova very hurtful unless riven under tha bathroom tn file house, and those who do I lba flood The German ciar that ibe present been linns of the iberal parly around Hep or iso, about wo miles to mr. auuin. season in twenty years. vitatlve Bagara, editor of the EI Cu Terms St.W Par Month. advice a physician persona familiar not own them should have these necessi- ice. 25c It la reported that the local opera bouse bano, who was clubbed by thai polla wish, wo buujogvs piijrsijca cunuiiiuu. ine ties supplied by the owners," asid A. C. romnosed least in department baa on an Instance a iúk .MÉMÉ ii la to be ml arret! ao aa 10 seat at am on ma newspaper ornees on July A splendid upright Piano lu San Do- record Eble, business man of Dallas, In talking battleship Triumph, four "ulier,' oóq where death ha followed overdoses of recently to his neighbors tn a farming com- PRIZE WINNER FLOUR of the people. . ss s resuu ot violent auavoci on xa mingo Mahogany case or the latest rung three gunboats, eight destroy", mre BOWIS II aglHHIOg WW government. . . ume. preparations thyroids. Other munity near Canton, Ohio, tha1 occasion B I"r aainmi design, used only a short in preparations poke (Phytolacca). being 24 IDS, BSC IDS., $1.65 "two some county road in tma vicinity, mn extra good condition, good for twen- root tha Eble reunion, when about 900 25E!!Í?''.WÍ! 'JZS? na town growms than any ib lb) Sen a potionous sua outers, analysts relative and connections of th family 100 is faater ty years of service. shows, Ids. $3.25 auu i ww. Interstate Commerce Heartag. contal kg that could possibly cama together, and his remarks apply to , oiiiiou vancjr Price . have the. site! "St0' tn Chines entiilcd io mora eonslderstion at the binds II u Ihr Amactated Pre tu effect in reducing flesh. condition to Texas as wen as in Ohio. Shoulder Steak, of the of the board of supervisors. lienver. Colo.. July Terms teMt Per Hoan Pins Sold ia Suckers. "A reason why young people leave tbe waters consists . ""'"T n. Wllnetnes The promoter une t lba 25c J. w Hammer, who lives south of Bowie, the .arrien M)Ufld at today session of of preparation assert farm as soon aa they are able Is that they von soea. on fdother armoiau last week lost I seres of milo mslse. The me Fin Harvard Upright Grand; would that It secures tnoat marvelous results by a are very much less happy there man they Round Steak, rnimi interstate coioxnerce cosnmission-- crulsari, toren fun place it located on tee nappy eiup can- be In very process oi ciuiitiiaiiun oi looaa wiinout at might be If a little consideration on th cruiser, three mall hearing into tna proposed advance hi mistaken for new: the gestton. people par lb and one torpedo boat. yon ill aw and the owner had made no live stork freight by firieen west- of condition. We guarantee These guarantee the re part of their parent were shown them. boats of vast amount ratet but dtirtlon of a pound a day. a or The reason so many are Lota Steals. ..nit ror taking care the ern The MsUmony largely this Piano the same as new. A rare preparation farm wives old and carriers., wsi If I ANTWES"1 of wurr wfcleh flows down the draw after stnilstli-al- T. C. Taylor, or opportunity to get a high In- this character. It did what it maker worn out berore their Ume is that they do par 20c aisr.ss IX statistician tlio class claim for It, would probably so every lb IS ALMOST PHAI.VMUI. a big run. Chicago, Milwaukee V St. Paul strument for a medium price. elimínale any much work day that a little study Angelas. railroad. need of dlgeitlon In the expense Steak, Aaaoclotrd Pre Mlis Maude Wlckernhim. of Lot I'M future. Another and less on tbe part of their Bv. fc iiiing figure designed to show thu Price tsto.oo. product, unnecessary. par lb aa rinanital mA rAmmrr increased cost of transporting cattle by examination shows, consists prin- would make It Is sur- 20c .... 1 . . ... Inlmi.rn la naralvUrl a Mrs. I'. T. Sullivan and Rr daughter, Mils Tarase gi.oe Par Heath. cipally of ordinary soap. The Idea la to ap prising bow much additional pleasure and result of the .mistión. Tha Cornells, are vlnltlng old friends at ISelr bly thin locally with friction and thus re comfort can be (amad at Utile or no cost, ..'"J v. w. ,.n.rt uulav It I former home her. move the rat wherever it may be In excess. and what a wonderful difference It make McHklde's A still more chem- Grocery expeneu uusinrs- - imi m1 wn.-- u Mr. aud Mrs. it. riper are rejoicing or If II' Worth Having. It's Worth Paying Paso Co. clever scheme provides in a horn and in th mamones or that will inoreate enormously if a general war Far. H Piano ical i to be added to xha water In which me home. The farmer tn reasonable clrcum-lance- TIM CLEAN GROCERY." 1. v buys sulky mows ensue. Mla Mary Prtca. of Haao tailing We don't bave to give our advertising patient li to bathe. These chemicals are or and lmnrovad atto-st- would 3M Texas Street s or St Phoars ner riieno. miss Mien rora. away, in order to get It. our patron are such nature that they form a sort curd farm machinery of all kinds, and generally !.Quick aatUDelivery It you want seme thing JAFAKESK SAW lll.l MASJOTT mi. ana nri. .uaiuuvia lurwaj v satisfied to buy II. A word to the In the water alter the patient hai bathed. uvea in s noun mat is anaoiuteiy devoid ajutck, saaae us. lArtF.RCOEK St W.I MF. MiMiaiium. where thuv will xoend a month This cur, th advertisement átate, is of comfort. A farmer or my acquaintance By the a asocio ted rVwa with relative. Tokio. Japan, July s A slump m the raw Mrs. liourrier, irom u niinon. is w Ilk market ha resulted from th outbreak gurat of Mrs. Torrence tbts week. I, .. aii.trta anil Serna and the pete Foh , has taken his son Harry to withdrawalk,..of orders by ftyv-- .J (he hi.spiia: it Tucson eral bank have raised tneir eirnsnge raw on London. Cad Caaal Formally opined. Bu the .lsn leiad Picas Palrletlr ! Ii ! Butxtrd Bay. Mass.. July Tb Cod l loirrf Prtu canal was rormslly opened today, federal Isosco..!(Russia. July . An immana pa and tle officials a staling lh the dedica lory eserrlsat while thousands of algbl To mor Opportunity You thousands Beckons seers lined hank and Las ine Cruces took their rirt trip through the nawaater-way- Should TIM canal unite Butiardt and Cape Whit Thin Folks cod bays and shortens by seventy miles tha water route baiaattv Nw York and Do To Gail Weight Bolton. Warburg Will Tab Medicine. Uu tin t aaaatotod Prcas Advise fat Tela, Laaevelopeif Washington, July to Paul M. Warburg, rnyslclaa's to Mea tVesaea. lbs New York banker. wiw nomination aai the reserve board ha long been The greatest f.deril opportunity that you high-cla- a ,,i i' l, auffer from e e bold un in the senate, communicated Willi Thu u a strictly ss pixpoti-tion- , Mas, weas uerve ana irau the White House today and totee ll wa. who. having tried advertised announced that b would appear before lb am ever hope to find in th way of flesb niakers, food ladr, physical culture tenate banking committee, which wiihrt io where every dollar of your stunts and rub on urania, resign them- Inquire inn. bta qualifications for th orrtc. selves to life long ikiitohMss and think Nr. Warburg ais telegraphed to twmslor ubatsntid time to nothing will mtkr ibnn fat. Yet their caja nwen. chairman of th conssatttae. staling investment. Th money invested will bring big is not sópela a recently discover re Ihst his appraranr could ba arranged. Sen- returns, generativo ISrre makci. rat grow after years ator Owen said tonight ha had not set a of thinness, and u also unetwaUed for re- dale for the committee to mast and that act pairing th waste of tn knees or faulty dl hi would do so u anon as ba learned so when Mr. Warburg would com Io id saraol. Washington. tlx strangtb-gtvin- fat productos eleioenu ui scanowiaogeo mem nan seen cumuuiru Ffahllag California Pareet Fires. en- .4 IS In tola peerlCM preparation, which la Bf lfce WHted ',.. NOW ACT NOW dorsed by eminent physicians and usad by Slaaon. cat July to. Five hundred men prominent peo pit everywhere. II Is anao- - tolled all night tonight righting back rorci lutoly aanas. toaxpaasive and ftlclent. fires ahlrh threatened 10 wlp Btsaoa fit A raoalb'e yttamauc ue or hsrgol aboak i tbe map. produo neen ana xrangio ny corree mm Lai her in the day lh fire undsr Fault of dlgeauoo and by supplying ala control, but a chañan of windaatdswept the oeaaaasraiad tats to xa nsooa. increesea flames acroaa fire lanes and barkrtn iiourishmeni Is wtalned rrom th food toward the town. At dark aaw trenches pao ueen aa nan tn town s taw nuog Ibe Many of tha rirbiera hare slant only We offer you lots in SUBDIVISION NO. 2, located just five blocks from ay inara xa a tarea namann ror n lew Btomrnia ai a tun lor yirea aays the biisinees cen- wsili this naw oiaoaratlon has atvaa ft as a nerve ionic and vital Trans ftommlsston I ter of the city. REAL INSIDE PROPERTY. Are you going to overlook this ot b san by peooa unless By Mm iniasto Peana opportunity g3 gata at least ten pounds of Washington. D C . July M. in is trata rfaeaailiios aw hear to double your money in twelve months? THESE PIUCE AJRE LOW AIMO THE TERMS ARE EASY Levy Grocery Co. An'ouff. Corner 9)25 to $178 Inside Lots $100 to $1150 - Uta NO TAXco NO INTEREST Us NoW tor Choice Corners Aj They Won't Emt Lrortg Importad Swiss, lb ' Mte aBJvWtl, Ik 2fk S H. OaifrU. Sole Ageai Las Cruces Rifaba Co. Imported Umburajai. lb . . , ,"i .... .3th. Ask Us About Valley lands Btiek. lb 30c 215 N. akraet Pbooe 154. Las Crucen. New Mexico. HolUa4 Haráaa. kca Iljjf All MwtJS m tohgaisisaY Aajiion. J..j. Crab, Tjaff I .S utuwwej IENING GIRL WINS SPECIAL MUTR EVIDF.NfE f in Title I rsafie The MPopularvv Qotttf Fridays Noon, Sharp HONORS AT NORMAL OF PARK'S FATE 9. at ra e WSiarlty ot the physical culture tU Alt na n BIB M I'MIM M TAB OF n.rNTIFT.ATln er wawaiiaaw anr aaBfaajwi. TaarTwatMT Semi-Annu- al ruíM Mjcxirn cm. Today. Thursday. Sale of aleo the Met n 22? !rr''l; noun reducers B, Nstsee. xatirr Tesan aatd.flaawai The Fat and Pari at I Mnntitalntd lei JjBerirt, after asaaBBBBTLaOSsTXn term Slave Been Mepealat viroMagertat tawta.HH fYirrntg M la Mettcaa mVnlcíSl he maSSS Baal aaaJBai mm War Office ler Many Weeks. 'jhine'éí ttoaatmn iry Mttlr trouble, ex ni costs TBS r Timm aerial Perresgeweasi aaat Lw ATLVXP penvotts. which nemtnr. n. M . July S Mlaa Manraret norm In 4 I y Manhattan late of Private parka, of Shirts when raaL Tata, of County superintendent or Samuel the metis until weight Ooabet, and a teacher M Iba CMMKH( WM?M Twenty-eight- infantry, r a. army. Who innn reselle neming schools, wai aw arara a dtnlona or waa shot to death by a Memran outpost in peda seaalon front of vera r.roa earlv in Mar. reached the no.h lert ollrt ar.rt the skin toft and bachelor of ro17 at the recant Brigadier lieneral Funsion looay wnen me tBOOth. or the normal acbool at silver City. snta aluminum tag or Ideniirii n.n whlrh Park MynOuaL woo nas oeen learmnr ai wore when he wandered nut or the Ameri waa tit-e-n a diploma for prora ran llnei, waa forwarded tiy malF from clonal elementary teaching. Mexico i:uy. ureal Uttwu Wit Pro At given aenlora by By (Mi aleseoisteit u the entertainment the Tba lat ami parla of iu hlnndstalned JYree !. the Júniora or the normal school the guests have been reponlna in the Mexican Dublin. July w Mor Iban SSsXJS per- atbered at tba training acbool building, war orrire many week They were aeni program waa sona atanrtint bareheaded and itlent In um where the first part of lbs there when an investltaiion or the killing or earned out. Mr. Utrero ft acted ai student the American soldier hy Hie WmtMnrlnn Btroeta tonight witnessed tbc funeral rtro- - master and announced that the principal government, wts undertaken by tbe Mex- 'eeaalon of uw three persons killed Hit rearara or taw evening waa a readme by ican ofrtrlala. Bund whan the king's own Scottish hot- Miss Margaret Randolph of Dentina. Mlai What the reault of thai invrstlgallon was Random h la said to have proved tba aa- - THE LINEN THREAD MOP or tbe nature or tbe report mad to Wash derers fired Into a tnob durlnr an attempt aertlon by delighting Una audience to wall inarton la not known here. Tbe Metiran by Ihe pollo and taw aoldlera tn setae that aba waa rcamy eMail M respond to an eensts, m taata aaas peajawce war office apparently ronsldert the inci- encore. Tba enlertarnment closed wim a dent rloaed, however, as the uajrorm, in anna Which ware being brought mm Beryl Long. Msarrg. wan a o aa FoaMine rxaewa. vocal solo by Mlas awe rae, rludlng Parir1 campaign hat. caked with lor use by tba Irian nationalist roi SlMnfff D4Bd. rita, uro ira, blood and a hole In the back of It made nntaera. All a hopa wre closed for the news wag racatvea bare Mono ay or tne asm low nas rxooat by the bullet which prolibly caused lua oecaalnn. death of Charlea B. Nelson, pioneer cattle oh death, was given to a janitor .employed Tbc procession, which alerted from the man ana rormer snertrr or ursm couniy about tbe war department last Friday wllh cathedral, wai a mile and a half lona. at bu bona near surer City. The cause the alatement of an attache thai "we don'l The mayor and city council and other or death was coneer of tba neck, after want thla aiurr here any longer." pnoiic uooipi aaa Dattaiions or nauonsnai several nan' aurrerlng. He waa a native Tuttle The Incident was reported to an Volunteer! followed tba hearses. of Goliad. Tai., and waa O reare old. Mr. residing In Mexico city and he ob- "The Best Known---Know- n ihe neison servea aa snerirr na usaa nuu. tained possession of the tdentlftratlon tag as Ufrest" Kansas, during the Indian days or thai Paint & Glass Co. rerwaraea 10 Quick Cura far ntawweaa. p ana it nennrsi rows! prompt and cfrectaal cure atase ano came to wis kcuuh ui Parka waa detailed as orderlyruii.to Lieuten- The for engaged Twoniy-eithi- la Chamberlaln'a Mexico about ts years ago, and ant Colonel Taggart of tbe diarrhoea Colic. Cholera He at one Vlctorlo springs tn the Florida Mining and Diarrhoea Remedy. When a In the rattle bualneaa. Was dts mraniry soon arier Funslon'a troopa arrived Thursday morning we begin the sale of these famous shirts the usual semi- - riven time Interested in tne Chico Cattle com; tiict known aa the El Trnnira mine. to crux. He bed charge or at awn a tba first onnetural looaaneaa or tba Margaret earrlaon Vers appeara petty and tupennienaeni or ine n a n Tiles baa filed suit In the dlslrlri colonel Taggart' two horacs and wai nevei reductions. Every these bowda one doae la nearly alwayi years. He waa a widower. court divorce Ira riles, alie annual man in broad United States knows that when off leleht to afreet a aura. II should be kept ranch for several for asalast seen by Americans aner ne naa rtnaen his wtfa hating died some tt years ago in Ing that the derendant la In the employ m exerciae the anímala. An mvettlgatlon in he buys a he at band ready for Instant uae. For aale by ware held at or t:asn roinpany ai MANHATTAN SHIRT, buys the very best shirt that it is possible all dealer. silver citv. Funeral services lot national Hetisier Vera Crux showed tbat be had wandered the cemetery at Silver City. In charge of Dayton, (.. .and that they married In Sen throurb the American Une toward to make in style in fit, and in wearing qualities. Twice yearly, in January the Masons, to which sir. netson neiongen. Antonio, Tei., In April, 1011. and that the elation, nine miles out on Oeorg I.. Burgess, stationer ror the Mis defendant has failed to auioori her. railway, where Mexican outposts and in July, are the prices reduced on these shirts and then only, to clean up snurl Parirte railroad, with headquarters at The Demlng Nstlonal hank haa riled tull till are mantained. St Louis, and daughter, Ruth, slopped over In the dlatrlct court this week aralnst J. A few days later rumora that an Ameri- broken lines. When the time for these reductions comes, it pays to think ahead Irf Denting Monday on their way to vistt J. JSrooson on a promissory no.e can soldier and tvo American horses had a nrotner, h. j. Burgess anu isnmy. my. BMBltC been captured by Mexican soldiers snd and buy for the future, as well as present use. Today wa begin this sale Clean Milk Burgess will return to St Louis this week Fred 0. hilling and wife of El paso, thst the American had been shot as s spy, and hie daughter wlU spend the remainder hare sold to Edward Simmons and Wife, drifted mio Vera crux. General Funston with the following reductions: or tne summer with her uncle. lots 7 to it inclusive, block so, in the town gave little credence to these reporta at From Boyd Cometí baa gone to bis old home or Goiumnut, ror tnesum or i,sai. first, bat sent word to Oenersl Msa, then at Superior Lake. Tex., for a vtslt with bis commanding the Mexican troopa In front or fl.BO Manhattan Shirts, . 1.18 $3.80 Manhattan Shirts, . $2.88 parents. Woman's Duty to Herself. Vera Crui. seeking Information aa to Parks Dirty Dairies 0. J. Brown, s mining man of Miami. Every woman owes It to beraeir to kaet and bis boraea. 1.78 Manhattan Shirts, . 1.28 3.78 Manhattan Shirts, . 2.88 Arts., is In the city for a few days visiting la good health. No one can i reasonably be Mo satisfactory answer was returned, but with rrlends. expected to maintain a cheerful disposition ten days after Parks' disappearance the 2.00 Manhattan Shirts, . 1.38 4.00 Manhattan Shlrta, . 2.88 la It possible? Certainly not Dirt Miss Otis Burrls and Miss Kit a Purvis of wnen nan sick, inoigesuon ana constipa horses were sent through tbe American Baring. Mo., are apendtn- - a few days with Hon are two or the moat common ills i 2.B0 Manhattan Shirts, . 1.88 la lines. 8.00 Manhattan Shirta, . 3.66 ra Milk Mostly Manure. Nothing rrlends In tne city. wnich women are tunjeci ana roriunatety Oenersl Funsion then reported to Wash- Less. Nothing; More. Good for Fer- Miss Alice H. Krebsum of Silver City, are easily cured. Mrs. H. C. Oetty. indiana. ington that be had every reason to believe 3.00 Manhattan Shirts, . 2.26 6.00 Manhattan Shlrta, . 4.46 was s visitor one day this week on her Pa., wrttea, "Last summer l was advised by the rumors as to Parka' execution and tilizer, not for Stomachs. to try in- but Tour way to El Faso. - a friend chamberlain's Tablets ror Washington's demsnds upon Huerta for The above reductions apply on our regular stocks of This rainy weather Is a good Urn Miss capltoel Robertson of Lord abort, digestion and constipation. Tbla medicine an tnvcangauon rottowea. these shirts and include spent the week tn the city. not only cured me or these disorders but Negligee. Bosom, to Visit the Dairy that Supplies B. A. Harria and family of Prescott, Am- toned up my wnoie system so thst mv Pleated with stiff or soft French cuffs, in Madras, Percales, You. Then come and see Ours. are In Denting and will locate here. health has been better than lor years ataca NEWS IN BRIEF Mercerized Soisettes, Crepes, Silk Silk Miss Ella Olbbons Is here from Cananea. taktnt ihem." For tele by all deslera. (Advertí aements.) and and Linen Oxfords and Flannels. Not Wo know How. Mexico, to spend the remainder or the sum- all sizes in every style, but the best selections by far in mer in Doming. Fewer Overdrafts Dr. Ebert, Dentlat. 9t S13 Mills Bldg. the entire Southwest. Mies Rhynette Trowbridge, e teacher In Sires from 13 SEE tba Denting schools, has gone to Qulnry, t Special Wire to Tht Timet to 20. THE WINDOW DISPLAYS SECURE THE EL PUSO DAIRY CO. 111., to spend her summer vacation with Austin, Tax., July St. Within the past BEST relatlvea. twenty months, the stale bank reports SELECTIONS FIRST. W. M. Pickles or Santa Rita, has filed a bare shown a tola) reduction In overdrafts Dr. Paget, Dentlat, Rob. k Ban. Bldg. The Clean Dairy. mining location notice with the county or fMM.lMt.M. This reduction haa been or clerk for a mining claim one mile north occasioned by a campaign tbat has been Rill, tbe Optician Precision, Mesa. Specfial waged persistently by W. W. Collier, of at Extra s o c suk Extra Special 2Sc waah-- or banking -- commissioner Insurance and Banner Russell Vtaltlaa Kl Peso. Wash lto, all colors, a able Ties, all colors and gy. and Chief Bsnking clerk Bonner. AI lbs 8am HusselL a sMte ranter, In close of on so, arrived AA f business June 19K. there Ihe city yesterday morning. Mr. Huasell Is 36c each, three for.... J, strlpaa, each waa a total overdraft of SMO.oso.M as s nrotner or state Hanger miasen A ,00 1UC with ss84,oi0.oo at the close ui who wss killed at the Smeller about I mcN'H TKOU8KR SEAT UNION SUITS, athletic atyle, aleeveleaa, knee length, closed crotch. In allk business on November se, mi. year ago. He Intends spendlnt a raw daya will mull, llk stripe nainsook, madras, soisette and linen, regularly worth 11.60 and 13,00 In El Paso and trien go to visit friends extra, i aa in vaieta. special t hi ellU electric motors sold and repaired. South western Electric ít Machina Co., Kt Baa Schools street, rnone tatt. hhss , July Clearance of Word Safety First. Phone. st7, the of College and Academy the Incarnate cleaners. White work a specially. Alamo Height Stun Antonio, Texas Dr. Anna Rabin, Buckler Bldg., over Kim. Summer get Hat Men's Wool Northern End of Breckenrklare Park Ton Suits Last, Always Continues its remarkable value giving only a short time longer. We have added Select Boau-din- School tor Giria mad Yotmg Lndies Te Put Ora baa Beys la School. Carlos Jatiregul, proprietor of the Jueras many three piece, médium weight suits to these stocks, suits that are ideal for Courses: Preparatory, Academic Commercial, College. Ideal seno nans. ien yeawraay lor usuuusnus, w Location at the Headwater of Sain Antonio River. tske chsrire or twelve Mexican boya, or fall and winter wear in this climate, that should quicken the thrift spirit in every Interest is one of the greatest phans or orrirera or villa's army who have Uniwertity Affiliation Dasrree Conferred factors in the increase of money. beep killed In battle. Ms will bring the 'man who sees them. Reductions apply on all our famous HART, SCHAFFNER hoys to tne uniiao states ana piare inem afutlaea misting in orlvate schools where they will be edu St MARX, Rogers, Peat & Co. "Fitform" and other high grade suits, in tropi- It works automatically for ou cated at ihe expenae or General Villa. Two or are sons late Oen cal and medium weights, none excepted. Blue Serges and Novelty when your funda are depoa .cd tbe bora tbe of tbe Weaves of eral Torlblo ortega, who died recently at both foreign and domestic manufacture are included in the clearance, E31 Paso School tor Girls in a Savings account in this chihuahua. AT JUST ror neonle who know tba difference. ONE-THIR- D Bank, constantly increasing at A larre alork of roeflnr oaner or best OFF THE REGULAR LOW PRICES. All trades from Primary through High School. Special Courses. Music. up. ror Year Book full Information address MISS SLATER, Terrace Street. quality, Per ron ana i.snoer Lum and till the rata of 4 compounded Co- Pbone SSI. Sunset Heltbta. El Psao. Texas. ber All $40.00 suits reduced to $26.88 All $25.00 suits reduced ' to $16.88 Imported Beer on draught at tbe Oera. All $37.50 suits reduced to $25.00 All $22.50 suite reduced to $18.00 West Texas Military Academy To fully realize the value of Carat han Gees last. reduced Affiliated with leading Unlvaraltlaa. Army officer detailed by United States Oanraa c Carotbera. aoeeial aaent of tbe All $35.00 suits to $23.38 All $20.00 suite reduced to $13.35 Ooraraunent. 1100,000 buildings. Ail modern conveniences. Swimming pooL interest you should make regu- state department wnn tne consuiuuonaiiat All $32.50 suits reduced to $21.88 All $18.00 suite reduced to discipline. Write for catalog, F. Howard, San Antonio, Texaa. lar wsaHy deposits. aovernmeal headquarler, left Psio ror $12.00 Strict i. Kanaaa yeateraey to spena a wees a vaca All reduced All Uun with relatives. $30.00 suite to $20.00 $15.00 suite reduced to $10.00 with If you have yet All $27.50 suits reduced All $12.50 iter Junior year not opened Tbe Meleelbera. to $18.38 suite reduced to $ 8.50 San Antonio - Write J. B. Karraoax, JX D, your account do so today in South Santa Ke la now onen for butl- $1 will uci. r vou want a real tenuiiie tiuicn Female College start it Lunch there Is tbe pisca to go. Lverylbtnt new and ciesn. mil is manager ana you Advance Showing off Maw ail snow wnai iiw nicns. Of Showiiuf f Rio Grande Vallev Woman'.. Fall Stylet In Twjqm fireproofGunterwttM AntonAo, Hotel & Co Footwear A Hotel Buflt For Um fThnnj, Bank Trust AMUSEMENTS The "popular" la aow Stetson Hats Percy TyrreU. Maw. show Ins some of the new combinations in fashiona- Ws are now showlns all the new Pall Fash- ble new atreei footwear for ions tn Men's Ha ta a showing that leaves women the Patent nothing: to be desired, em bracing every new At las lalaar. Leather broca (Ted quarter Pump puni. with Toda drsuu. "An Awkwsrd Cat patent leather vampe, with quarter or paunt block and shape that Will be worn by the well dcrrlla." with Bub Leonard and lia Hall: dressed man present lmi iravelott!.'. "Unlveraal Hoy" (No. S, leather Inlaid wllh brocaded fabric Just like for the and coming sea- nrajii uuia MStiy. wno meet, an aoria or the Illustration brocada Inlaid also on the son. Tba nsw Oxford Greys ihe new shades sbrlllea In few York, and fine Eclair buckle. These come la wait, sole, with leather GO COOL tern drama When lieaili Rode UM of blue aad silver grey, blacks with beads of WHERE k Louie Cuban heels. ITS Entine,'' s im iuie chin lull of thrills silver and blue shades oddly stitched la folds rrom the very sun. THE PAW $5.00 or a o lever shaped bow high Tomorrow Lawrence In an aa the crowns, with llórenos ASS. TO ae THE NEW OOIONIAL KTItkETI rellrnl l Victor drama. 'Tbe tSa brims rolled aad stitched these sad many Man . Ward." and one or those real ruani PUMPS Shown la patent leather and sun other styles ara ahown In a aplaudid gathering Kestor cone diet, "Maggie's Honest I. over' metal Louis Cuban heela moderately priced aa usual at the "Popu scream. Pair $4.00 iDuo t forget tbat Saturday Is ford Star lar." California ling day. ON SALE s. werkij- - sia t lif16. drama with a atory rrom Ihe land or ''2! 8. lf 22. 23. 29. 30. snows, will be featured at tba Bijou to Men'a Sea the Spsclal Kftfl dar. una iilctuic abouuda wllh btautirui RETURN LIMIT DAYS. AsVlrmseV W.jr SIXTY win ler aoenea of Sis anow covered Was! Trails erB Window Displaya Stopovers allowed. of Us far aortbwsai sad makes Plrasuit ratease. 28 Par Cant In Our San An-- Los ' Mearii awnit weaaiy, ma oast ptc- - Anéeles and return $35.00 Tas Off Rafular San Diego and return $35.00 Uw profiaiu. ahowlut soma excenOonaliy San Francisco and return pesuiuui sou uiwrosuut amp up Prices $45.00 with the tunee. II don't cvatc.any more. Windswa DAILY EXCURSIONS Twa Uaad-to- r NaUsass" Teda. Return Limit Oct. 31. 1914. Tbe Good lbs raaster piece eorvlc aelacOon. IU be sees SI tb Los Angelas atad return $40.00 WlgWsni theater today lor the last tune. Diego H IS s snsppr ra ui imo w sua wesi Saa aad return $40.00 . ho Biuy Anaerat rays ota tasa San Francisco and return uw rale. Tbe drsau Is good, whoietowe $50.00 cui producttos tbe sbow rind, the real rose. See her eejeystt eat reps. and words St Vueaibiaa ara never settled tltsn riret a Mas at a- m.. and the otbart folio day at Coser leased with Duabsr nal iluda for asm ere seuied right, snd I save an sMdtni TRAIN SERVICE ttans ll riikea made an nay hahttf - f PI d CI ata ,. al kalerv ala of so hour ana five asististe confidence thai MreaSveSeSBOcrscy will o:j a. V:3U p. m. sau. leetw could personally expresa ajar TtU5r- LamuriN j datum lo seca aad all or soy Axr. Uos Csaatevd Tkaetse. no? To Aagelea 7:15 a.m. 9:50 a.m. ever see s fool? suse set attee asa Has at Best naie honored urn wiui ineir will longTis IHuXi DM yes wits a. e " eu.i Ms fase Agent Micoi tasas un-- pari oi s wise one auppori. aleta liter. "A wise l "l .1 Hie rawfo mm .iai Wars la taw "I aera tried to eoeduet ray tejsjeeiau Blast, it la full of uugbt aad aa all. fcoúsioB. Tel., July .Tk roUowkag upon a plane worthy tbe great ofrtos or Store Surta. around deady aiuw, ao dp am aalas it Tba sUliassal ass seta Issued hy Thomas H tovereor aad am aura thai I hate net nam Hu . . .ml Wána a ialfol Troy comi.aiiv cioars na arete Aualin. Tax., July taseasen f gatuiday aigbL Prices, "No r reatar liibatM sear has be iaid lor iioialloo aad eearta nainsir iur unit- - ' but leuipoiarlly delays Use Slisesig Of Uie ass rasas to um praKU'iea lor wmrn i twee saa rougni itaiiiiful bv Haa ml Pacific Of elsewhere utee i Southern nun la. muí ha Moat wttaaa' acum laasslas asajkael. ras Kiyst, eeveiea sou u nil uw mail ur ranuiusie IS tn suit sia El Pas 206 ' my near North Oregon St. real o ir lisroet Bberrr anu I success. While plsce ruiui I Aaaiaiani Altontsy Oaaai 142. in a o reel MwMSm ea- - V he in the rank.. shall s Phone Tbe Uaná 'ud"'; alee a Majestic ihruushout Uw Meat wno aiaua work rur the good ui aty state seal ii ""Lee v. lui'ge. A tuutt sut- - potiiii a seat food guneri aw Util sswiejsjt. Mtigsrei gat asan ubUfeuoae wl on Raso ami Dodger T. H. Sdmeadao Bmokljm and St. Look Battle Sixteen Sportint Editor Battle Eighteen Baseball Inning tn National Racing Mcrahag Time Boxing Inning in Federal Bowhng


FEDERALFEATURE IN OVERTIME GAME A DOUBLEHEADER A BRILLIANT GAME FIGHTING SUNDAY three teses or rom suited on Hr.rumi MEN TEE SIXTEEN IVfTWH rmANK CNANCX NAB Rf COMlMrg APFEAR tes ant U OA IT AMtl THA INTO EXTRA INMNCS BSTOU nun be n trill ..TwntS WITH tn T bewlt OUMS. bttlethru i im. ri va. Two rnoM cons CnowtgiaJN. men that ImUn tm M ImIi IM WttA Elfk-S- esreu H Brtlrr ol MrQatUaa I Brill!! Bender I 4 Tlaae gra and Brwwae Ai Bears Arc Peftete aa so Are tke Bee Ear teas reata KeHey Pleaeea Dally ta like VELVET. total trátete ayates b We STlefcert' Settle. IVMIr BlBlS Aaet RagB. near While ta oreataaert wis aaa bile rs BI middle- leaner WMk áraw m lu gee. Ml Cakt at r4tol SAT. walte Sea t t pee Beta l the TV tetera Leader. rerertt) Sag Shews Up Well young men, NATIONAL UUOUB. AMERICAN LEACUE WEBTERN LEAOUI Harlem Eddie geOey and Frankle Dare, -aged the principela in the atar attraction or men an' Moflea et un ciuae. CWon MaaaMg et the Cluke. big boxtne card ta be taren neat Sunday Woo Won. Lost. Pet. by th p or the paetttae Athletic uuas ri. Philadelphia I retalien CMeate ...... eft. si .Mt New Yorg . aloui City II .Ml club, worked out again etlerday trier-noo- Ettitimnr CMcatra ... . .007 noaion íu ta Deader 17 M JM berore large crvwd: k alley work-i- In 41 BL Loul .. Wash run .Ml BL Joseph M 4B - 00 thta id at th Stanton atree 1 bar, Satinaren . notion Oetreit at lit Lincoln M t M while Oarer want throuyh hag training Cincinnati 3 Cblcaeo aa .mi Des Molnet tl M Jin routine acroas tba river. - Kan it. Louis 4 .406 sea city riHIadetpnlt OBMha M M .44 A upon th two aftemoona iirerfanu, VELVET appeals to oil classes of pips smokers, be causo Ptttehtirea. pitteoargn Nw York Wichita 41 M .M both boya put In strenuous evenlnr and Bi. Louie .. H .411 Brooklyn Cleveland oa IÍT1 Topeka M 64 Xtt when their trainer nneJly celled belt it prijaaiii Tiitt the natural flavor and fTtyrrance that has both voted It one or the best workouts Ihey Barley Je Lux the name oí "Nature's Wkere They Piar Tedejr. Where They Where They Play Ted ay. Wiser They May Tedey. bave ever gone through. tjivenKtsntuckv Cltv t Pit! aburrh. PltUburgh at Brookly Sot ton at Chlraro. Bloui City M Wichita. ' addition VELVET, Smoothest tuui WUBtngton at Detroit. KeUey hit the road for about rtv miles Pipe Tobacco." In The i.nicaro si mmeif l.ltirlnntll at New Vork. yesterday morning and pulled up in the mel- 8i. Louis i Brooklyn St. oiiia Boston. Philadelphia at St. Loul. very or abape. Thfs bog Smoking: Tobacco has aa exclusive it New . beat la rapidly Indianapolis t Baltimore. Oneego at Philadelphia. York at Cleveland Omaha at Topeka. making himself toll among the local rurbi lowness. Full weight 2 on, tins, 10c. Coupons of Value rant and be will Bave large billowing By th By the By th Atoctottd Prtut with VELVET. AeUiti Prtt Attedatrrt Prett .tew Bv th Aoetattd Press when be lakes the rtnr next Sunday to Brooklyn, July 19. Brooklyn won w Brooklyn. July Cincinnati pen Cleveland. July York Woe beta Dea Molnet, 11., July oeorr og- - box twenty oaga. ramea of today's doubleheader rrom Cleve- round with Frankle 31 DC elrhtonn-lnntn- m rrom 81. Loalt ner sutaw-bnd- a 1 In the afternoon he through 3C IE Brooklyn tn a battle, to land, lo I, and 10 to 0. naner pitched rldre'a wnnderrul pitching enabled the went the lac today. BL Louis feed lb rem wall tn today, thirty one players, Including a steady rot new York in the Boo to win the opening tnune of Ut rerular routine skipping tke rope akedow net rtrai. atari taking tnd then taking on Lefty Floyd for hand at MM end of Ike elxth lining, but pitcher, taking part In ttt play. but Brown wat hit freely tn the second series rrom Lincoln here today by a acore horse. Plaintiff alleged a Manager Birmingham, who waa injured rour tirenuout rounds, tm uttar boxea that ata bonrm In ID aeventh, ttrhtn tnd ninth, th lo- Superb appeared 10 won or I. Not hit waa rerlstered orr Benny Cordova twenty also next SHOCKED; ASKS norae from Lure for 1100, pay in pan bate th rem COUUM rri,odee the e srhth Ewoldt ., ronndi , $20,000 t cal! laHlad tbra rani, one homar By pinch unt lnnlnr. Is. down and entered Into an agreement to Into the ninth, nut oohtales. amasiwd out a home run over the fence pay tba balance hi monthly end- the field Ike aecond same by final, which ahould prove an Interesting Instalments. Evan, and tied the acore. The fame hilt inc for vinal in, doubled: Daniels trip during with Jones on in the second. very borrowed none a week with two man In the Herzog a umpire Eran for dlaputinr a decision. bout in itself, aa both boys figure Former Employe of Beata ge Railroad Lure tbe aro and ed out elrhtaenth. ten and seni out aeennr in. acore R. H. E. closely upon Deal uerrormancea wben Mrs. ceniceros demanded lie re- Anderson acorad on a Hoff- acore. for Pfer Score rlrat eme: K. 4 I witn semanas ntavy uamegr lor suegra whan tingla by tleinr the Hsrher batter mi. Dei Molnet . 0M 110 OSk I ctaaot equal. turn, be refused to deliver II. styln man. St Loult played a in with the full snd iveiana 010 010 000 a 000 noo I about talarle fren Electrical ktarhlne. that taat fleldtnt rsni" fer the batea Lincoln oto t i with Floyd In be bed changed bis mind sell a Brooklyn bad twenty-tw- tba for the New York too 000 o 6 7 Alter Ma bout which both about In. and. at result. two out and Moran saved tame t Retteries: Mogrldpe end Haley; Detaatl boya mixed fiercely to rtnlab. He also to the' money. Mrs. men on nena n naiterwa naaerman. Bland mr and it from start rerused rerund left tvttn nenommat caicn tnd Blarkburne. Suit was filed ta the dis Cenlceroi a aequcstratlon suit and The secondbe.rama acheduled wat not Heulbarh hMd the vlallora until he wss O'Neill: Plaber and Sweeney, bronrhl In Two baae hit- - Booo. Three bate round and bandied the Mr middleweight trtct court yesterday by C E received Judgement. played. taken out c in Frwln bat for him hits St. Jeaegk I; Dearer E cleverly. mornlar R. H. K. a man on Krwin uraoey, ere. Doubt plays O'Neill to He baa tnown btmseir In bis Topeka Score: wlih third. petoM; By th A modeled to a rtgbver Scott aralnst the Atchison. and Brooklyn nno o one ooi 4 t l out tn ihe the visitors Chapman to Johnston; Boone to Prtu training be bard in struck sixteenth v rkinpauarh 10 Chapman St. Joseph, July It. Joaepb succeaa and capable of a great amount or Suit Fe Railroad company asking 10,000 Bt. . .ftjri nni 000 000 OOO 0 hits off Hagan, which, with Mullen; u'Neiu to atandlnr Loult 0001 mad four Hlte-- orr fully bunched hita on Oaaklll thlt after Battcrf Marlon. Hour.k. MrOraw. petera wild by Smith to the with liarerman. In ft. (none out in punishment. damares ror illered personal injuries re STUDY SHORTHAND throw 011. ntnih); off Blending, I In 1. Baaea on noon wnue nomas was no torn tne vis- Uatre entertained a large crowd across and Land: uevrnport, urown and an easy double play In of him belli t r plaintiff waa In employ Competent stenographers are tn t.tiaii front orr S; Blending, itors ufa. gtolorra Yieiatnr and the working but aa he tba two ceived while the constant man, Simon. brought tn runa and won the ccm- Harerraan. ft Fisher, the river, did demand. Learn System Simplest, four Struck out By Haeertnen, 4; by Blandtng Si or Willi ama were reatar. Second day previously, with Benny Cordova and of thlt company. tta Orerr teat. The Brooklyn, with Ames on the s. Baseman Faye. or tne visitors, wts over- Kid Payo. Like KeUey on or June eaaleat and best. Terrapin I. tn aisteentn, a raity I; Usher, Umpires Evans and Kran. be put in a strenuous Been claims mat anoui 4: alert mound the mad dyinr Score g rood reme: It. H. g. come by the taat and forced to retire in afternoon, working through eight herd he waa worklnr aa bollermaker'a helper fl tAe A but rm n'y on run. ooo tne aecond lnnlnr- His condition la not boxing waa to me tterial"! Prett B. Cleveland 101 009 111 I rounds of betides tne usual shadow and ordered ro into tirenox Baltimore, July to. Baltimore won out Score: tl New York M0 to 17 I serious. boxing tnd rope skipping;. Oarc la not of one of the nrlnea 10 use the air motor .001 nno 01 000 4 H ' in oil tn the tenth lnnlnr of today game wltn Cincinnati ... oil Batterlea Bowman. Blending and Score R. H. E. heavy as kelley. and will have to do as to remove screws or nous Brooklyn ooontt OS) 000 000 5 14 OM- 1 to certain Jnrtlanaoolll. 4 to S. Ktuff tied the acore u neut; nrown and nunamaker. Denver 001 001 -I IS little road work In order to make the re- The elr motor waa operated by mean or for Indianapolis in the fourth Innlna when Baits net Ylngllnr. Hour!. Ames, and Two baae hit klrke. Malte, Brown 8t. Joseph S00 100 I fix 6 II 1 quired weight of IM pound next Sunday electricity and while the plaintiff waa us he mad ma aecond home run or the s ciark; Pferrer. itrulbarh. naran and Ut cree. Three bate hit crancr. Double Batterlea: Oaakell and Spahr, Block; morning. inr tt tne outton on one or tne wires rlei and tant in two runt ahead of htm playa Chapman to Turner to Johnston (J): Thomas and Orimth. The Pastime Athletic club, which la connecting It came tato contact with his Three hiti and a tarrlflce rave Baltimore Tno base hits Oooialei. stengaL Three Jackson to O'Neill; recklnpaurb to Boone promoting the right la In communication person. On account of the defective in play V 2. tb winntnr run. bate hit- Daniels. DotiDle Omit id Aiuuen. nut urr Bowman, 9 In 3, It Tepeka 3; Oataka with several or ihe big men In Ibe aulanon. tta plaintiff claim, be received core: n H. B Harior. Bate on baila Off Ttnrttnr 9 out in lourini: otr manning, 8 tn 6. Baae By the eeeolaterf division tt present lu an effort to shock, seriously numen ana nn 1. Bagan 1. out . wts Baltimore Alt 000 00ft II Douglast t, Pferrer Struck on nans orr now nun, t ; on Blending, Topeka. July iraRldgeway'a rood prtr.h-In- arrange a card for Sunday, Aurust u, which nervous lystem wrecked. The plain 4. . Ragl entire Indlanapollt ooo 100 ooo o 3 I Tingling I. Dourless Pferrer Brown, struck out By Blinding. j desolte numerous errors behind him, la the rirat Sunday or convention week. saya ny reason or nia condition 4. Rayan orr nngiinr. m inat Muertes Wllhelm and Jaeklltich; gal bach I. Hilt "i iwwu, 1. uuunm 1. san ana r.vana. enabled Topeka to win the opener from Tne club realises tba value of a rood card hat been damared in the sum YOUNG'S aerluig and Warren. it Pnuelaat. 4 In 7: Amet. 1 In 1: Pfeffer, ornaba today. Three errors and two hitt upon thla occasion with the great number 830,000. PHIL CAFE 0 In 10: Reulbarh. f In I: Bagan, Athletics, l Brswas, 0. rave the visitors their only runt in the or vlallora that will be present at the for yoar Leech, Hot or Cold, and all CMfeda 4; Buffeda J. L'mplrea-H- art and Birlar. Ins By th A teateied yre 7 fourth. Extra Data ntt oy aoerner ana Democratic convention and will endeavor Justice Settles Horse Dispute. klada of Ilex lean Dlahee. Aleo for the 81. I.oula. M.-- to boya celebrated Moerlela Beer r By July Sl. Louli batiera McAUltter and two by Wakefield drove in brlnr two well matched together. Suit was yesterday morntnr tn Cincinnati the AtteclHeé Prett S: Phillies L could do entered and Edaewood Wbleky. 217 South Pnrrelo. July 30. Chícate won one of the Cardinals nothlnr with Bender'! delivery rour of Topeka'a rive runs. Two singlet One hound lloren, of San Franclico, will Justice of the Peace McCUnlock'a court Bh the Prrmm and an error allowed Ornaba ta fill the probably be one of the boys In the rtnr aa El Fsssk BE SWEENEY. Prop. beat ramea of the eoaaon from the Buffalo AnoetnltA pounaea he by Matilde Ceniceros aralnst Alberto Lurv rrderala today by a acora of four to tnrci Philadelphia, July S St. Lnula developed nuaoeipwi weiimen and Lev bases In the ninth. has wired his terms and tbey were ror the recovery or rro paid nun ro In twelve tnnlnrt- Captain Joe Tinker tied a halting streak In the twelfth inning to ercnt si opportune moments and won. b to Score B. H. E. satisfactory to the club. Horan, Is a good 0. The vlallora 110 5 man, capable taking the core In the ninth on his atnrle by iwo day end pounded nut four runs, which played clean rail reme Topekt tMugxl II of care of film self in more by ave them the vlrtnry over Philadelphia by in the field, while the localf errors eldei Omaha 000 X 0001 7 0 the ring with anybody and hit title aaretlea Jarkaon and Parrel!. Both mps McAllister; would indicate, possessed tt power- aides made one run In ihe tenth. Hal 10 a. Marshall and nan a due " iwnug. score: n. H Batterlea: Rldreway and Is of remit i niieaeinnta (too on 0 5 7 grurer. punch. chase, who had acorad iba tlalor run in Score: B. H. 1 0 Crabbe and ful thai lnnlnr on a three barrar, followed l onls nno 04O 000 0O- 4- It " 000 OSO 11 Batteries Bender and Schanr; Wcilman.004 Wichita It; Nioux CUr II. BUTTE ENTRIES by a sinrle. wat responsible for Cblraro'a Phlladelnhla on 011 00- I- Leverena end Agnew, AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY run Banerlea and snyder. n'connor; Cronln By the AaaeaMted wtnnlnr In the twelfth. Pcrrltt hita schanr, Williams. Jraaa By Special 16 n. M. K. Martball and Doom. ..2W". Hite Wichita, Kan., July Wichita took the Wirt Th Timet fleore: un wenman, a in 7: ore Levereni, M. 000 000 Cruise t, Miller, j in , opening from Sioux City In Butt, Mont, July FIRST RACE Five Chicar 0!l 101 I 11 4 hits snyder rame fourteen r AMD ACCESSORIES Buriato 001 000 100 100- I S. Cravtth. Home run S. Mag 4. innings. A bunt by Nicholson In the rour' tnd furlong, selling. -1 Mara. Btrtick out By Bender, t; fcy ... 105: 1300 Virginia too Ratlertea Double playt-- Perk to Hnggins to Ureaaen 1. Wellnun teenth put acroaa the winning acore. il3 outdance 8.. Preoderrast, Watson and umpire Connolly end Dtneea. tU7 Roacaa .. 111I Deal . Blork; Krapp, Moran and Blair. lliiagtns to Miller to riressen. Bases on Score R. H. E. ioo Carrol tn orr Perrltt 4. Marshall I. Struck sioux city 000 ots mo too 0010 17 1 (lM8)Mru Mac . 114 us Alwilda . ... tu halls Senatore, I; Huera, 7. 1184 M'k'W Belle 100'l4)Ytp .. 104 LONGWELL AUTO & TRUCK SALES CO. Kawtada ; Rebels I. out- - By Pmritt 4. Marahall t. Wnplrct JJg Ihe Wichita Ml 110 040 100 M II 17 1 Hi Yl Annotate Pm, Re- SECOND RACE six Belling. By Klnn and Emails Batterlea: Klein, WoodUurn, Clarke, rurlonrs. the AttociateA PremM euTOi. juiy required ran and Crlap; Lambert, taker and OTaham. im Medio . ... iiiiitMKty M Cole and Overland Automobiles, WUleys I. C. B. PlttimiiTrh. Jiiiy defeat ibe services uf five piiencra to De- - 1177 Dick and Trucks ntr a; a. v defeat lite camel it7 Benton tn ed the Pittsburgh Federal eraves una iroiu, 10 7, today in the openm or na macs 1 in ibe third Bh Ihr Amnclntrd Preea rame PACiriC COAST LEAGUE. nao tía m mi miss Tempo. PHONE 171 SAN FRANCISCO STREET ny rv neejimguan iwire tosí the lead 1M4 Dad Stearns 104 Post Boy ... 107 were unable to overcome Boston. July W winning today, bos finally reralm d and held it with IKO gob Farley, loll tin rait Kansas It In It ef Me Clubs. City's lead, they siilistftuiaa ton made two out of ihrae the arl Walter unaaon in inc not. l.onr blttin steadier THIRD RACE Six furlongs. althourb used with chicare. The home tetm fell on 7 and Won. Loit. Pet. Selllnr. snd plnrh hitters, ntwilnirs. formerly unuatli base nutatsi featured abe 5 .530 1800 Suporl lOE 1914 McAlan . 114 of two InVthe game. I Venice ..01 ... AUTO the Cincinnati Nattonala, played shortstop bel for runt first Inning and A total or ten atolen bases wire ItTllCllnt Tucker 114 Angelus .. BORDERLAND SUPPLY COMPANY tnree in tne tnirn, aootn inree more registered. Score 1.0s Angeles ties Ill for Kansas city. He put up a rood ram h. H. E Portland H l!7)8'per Knlrbttlt! itio Befiintcker . 114 ann a the seventh on four bite off HnaB. Washington en 11- 1- 9 14 I Five and fur in the neid mad two barrer. R. H. Uf ban ranclaco as ruunTH hace Plain and Puncture Proof Score: R. H. Score: on ooo- - long- Handicap. Boston an oat go it II.MAMuu-UHt- in 771 Sacramento gamuts city Oto on I0- O- 0 s Airas, nenuey. Kneel, Oakland 44 till stellate . ..too llSfi New Haven. Chicago .....100 110 ote t Johnson and Williams, Alnamltb, 1104 . M 1174 Quality & Plltsburrh 000 000 IC I 4 gabei, Hall ehMr, ntxreraid Pav Streak flt lira Cor. Myrtle Kansas Batierles Jamet and Whelmgi and 8 lanar, Mcgee. (ItM)O'r Bloisom lotj(H74)Kooteney . . 11 Batteries Stone, Adams and fcnsenrotn: Two baae Where They Play Today. Cimnltz. Walker and Berry Hurt man and Bresnahan. hit Hire Thru FIFTH RACE Six furlonrs. Belling. nevor. Three-hat- e hit - Mooler. Ayrea, Mitchell, High. San Francisco at Loa Angele. hit Homo run Venice at Sacramento. 1917 Sonoro tm tne i.ognui Whined. f r.abel, 7 IR Innings '.mmorn. mu orr lo 1 i SOl'THERN LEAGUE t shew, i s; off Portland tt Oakland. tl7 Brllon 1103 Hel HawHn WESTERN MOTOR FISH Hareman I in I. Double play Jamet to . ais Eaatmai 1177 TIRES on I. re.: Slrurd Standing Ihe Cluba. Schmidt. Bee talla Off James ttiv,Tsss-fsr'a- Yrsterdav'a iui uerxey . at r.abe r. 1 ottt By rr Boehler. tl W ; Hall. 1 I. RAI Won. Lost. Pel: Htreman struek off In Baeua At Loa Angele San F ranclaco, I; Los SIXTH sellii James a I. l'mplre Byron and slit Off w, off Ayres. ; SUPPLY COMPANY Mobile U 4S S74 rabel I; off Angela, a- nos Pbil Mohr .. tü Ideacen sew Johnson. 1300 Lear . IM Orleans tS 44 A VMS At venire, a; t. Palm diiSiClar W .. rts by Boehler, sacramento itcrinraiw, I IS Blrmtnrnam sa 47 '? At. San Franclaco Portland, Oakland, 1. Barb a Lane let Tim Judge íi a. mplrca OLourhlln !; 115 Atlanta 10 47 .110 Oléala Pirante and Sheridan isn Eek Davla . WRITE Ry f A FOR U M .sir. ke tteeletrat Pres. SEI.ECTIONB. SBVENTH RACE One mile. Belling. CATALOGUE chattanoora Red get. TODAY'S Naehvtiie M at .41, xew York. July New York today I; Wake Box, 4. 1161 Boly Hill .. so D. of Shelby or I. By Ik A 1206 in Memphla 43 M .41 made tt two out three from Pittsburgh oUt4 Prtu Br heeldau Bulle. Electric . ..tot 105 John Oraham 107 ,ulv w played up 1st 110 Montgomery 41 bv winning In the ninth lnnlnr by a acore K.Üní!H' "oaion an Mac, Clark M .... Tranaparent HEMY SERVICE or m n waa a hill battle today and dereated Marta Roacaa. see Itn STATION me rame ttrnt numera Cblcaro t S. Medio, Say. Dad SUtarat. weyanoke its htttle between and McQuillan, but' hlert ctco,te naa tain hit Where They Play Today. Tetreau oJISLi?Sfwe gam, MCAian. snarper anigni. anreiut. Chattanoora at New Orleans the visitors' pitcher weakened In the but luck waa ut Pay Streak, Kootenay, Orange Bloaaom Weafher dear: track ran. TKXAS ELECT JUOAX, STJPrTY 11 ninth. hit favor until the tenth inning. wnen CO.. North Stanton St tul Memphis it Montgomery. wuh be Slrurd. Lady Macy, Brtlon. Nathvllla a! Mobile. Srore: R. R. K. iW.W? vtitninr Lear, Davit, HAMILTON ENTRIES n 1 Faber attempted to cut aw. Palm Clara irridettMtve. Atlania at nirmint-ham- Plttaburrh 000 000 OOP Duke or Shelby, Weyan New 000 000 0M I a runner, put wat hit Trantparent, By A York who oke. aerial Wire to the Timet EI Paso Rubber -- batted for BedlaVd7anv1ln Batteries McOulllen and Olbaon; Tetreau cored. Snore SrhneMeu HeaalltoB. Hamilton, Ont., July W -F- IRST RACE ann Meyers. R. H. E. lunonaja. VULCANIZING Avito Supply Co Challa Boston Exmor. Deference, Mauaolus. cia No. I noora I. rvnrle. Three baae ...tm oto on 4 i 0 11 Mauaolui .. tm 887 Cxmer Phone Jt S8S B. BI Peer, Et. Cblcaro .000 io 000 0 4 to 1 Kaian, Flossie Crockett. Carrie Onn. T. 107 At Atlanta- - Atlanta 1: Birmingham 7. hit Olnson. Bates on bella on Tetrean Batleelea African, tin Flanagan Percy Ryan, in Greer. Bedlem, Leonard Exton, The FrlJole. . At Montgomery MoMromery ; Mam 4. Mrurk ont By Tesreeu 4, by McQuillan Thomea, and Petal, Lady, r aiming . 1 wtt Aliaría . ... in Centran. cicotte. Faber Privet water Elwah. . phi t. l mpires outriey ann bason. Schilk. and B. 119 Deference ml Ptrlor Boy. J. Roblnaon. Chilla. SECOND RACE TWO baae hli- gen. Five and fur mo - Hooper. Three baae hita Denrro. Jeff Roberta, longs. Phone Delay Platl. Sir Fretful. Brooms Edge American Garage Zjtzz-- orTgnsrv; ?"oi, 1166 The Lark .. im isio Jsck Winston a Í ofTMrTm Blackthorn., ton 511 . . eonard 1 ta 1; orr trio vtneland a ClcotteTlt ta I off Tleptn ... iw mo Palermo . .. M S. Double playa-Bar- rar tin iJr.lta ta Fnumler ittt rL croctett to tto Arrant .... M WltMNC wetltwOaf orr oreeg, t: on mío Proctor .... Ill U10 Carrie Ores 10s EL PASO ACTO BET are 50. TC cicotte, t, orr Fatar use tasan 111 r ta eioeroowa i. St-- Johnaon. Jr Maw. Also ellUla Itg N. Octane STANTON BAR tin Httardaah.. ldH winton St. Tel. SJUBB THIRD RACE Sleep two six lech tt. About TEXAS LEAUUE miles. ( 80) Elton . .... I4TI IBM AurMTc . . E.P. & S. W. BUILDING t the Cluba. BPORTINQ 1188 FrlJole IM 188 Joe Gaiety WOO. LoiL Pet i Cor: N. Beaumont . ilea no Arricen, ijh auua lswi Fraakliti an. SUoton Ml FOURTH RACE H Heap Mil on turf. Houston , . 70 HjSAXtQUARTERB AGENCY Waro 1187 Privet ratal IdlTOtTow'n Field 108 Phono 510$ C P. He.ry. Mgr' Hal vasto . lota c.i'r Michael BB tsta eiwan . 114 I TRAINING HERB EVERT I itM)Water Lady tin Harbard Fon Worth 71 1881 Kayderoaero Dallas AFTSRNOON AT :I0. M tail Ban Antonio Cliff Edee . AutUn FIFTH RACE ll furloart I EVBHYBODT WELCOME. IBM Parlor Boy.. KM 87 Harebell I IMS J B Roblasen tn (tiU)Ttaalerea Foci Tiouiion TU'' 1001 Stnel ion ton Baton . worth toso milla Mil 1148 flBBIIBI Dallas at Oalraaton Erin ton Waro ai Beaumont lili Auaiin at Ban Antonio. 1807 Dañero . BANAN SHOES Yesterday, 1807 Ken Ill 107 A mee Leslie in teaaea. 110 Palerme . . tot tsor jerr Rotoru. toe At eat M. Br a,t E 874 Enerreuc .. tet ttofi Haberdaah tumos BJCVENTn RACE Sit Mitt 12 : rurlonra BL obo w Aaatxia IIM Holloa . . W7l 113 Daily Man I H bmrV Jwan, Steele and tan; lalaon and Man' an armor . ne tars sir rrejui B Eeeeeeatrkaee I lis ret oar non 101 uu gi VflJ At Ban Antoni- o- IMS Liberty Hall ton 1Mb Ian Antonio SHE, THE Fori worth 3 clear; rest Crajtbta ta Weather track and HauanateU; Veaaey and Jor MAT rntrrroNE bono bale 4ÜaDARCT LUA e A OareealoB DC I ' r h . Cetutly Centaaieleeart EiraitaH BEST Otlveaton I 1 , OeVARCZ seed Price HBMn laea whee ...:....:...::: The BtMmkar of thelreottoiy rnmraliilmatt. Moor aad Noyea. Asa to and Carton win. was 10 tar been held yeeterOay morning was rata posponed unui tue I tatter part of tta nL tm aak otueci ON it SíaflfcflPa2!P wLmmLm I g Curtis Lewta. of h t anera ooannanlet are EARTH Mousse a 11 ready t aegoiiate Mr the, pur eke 11 Ware and kiueea. alarrta A reed brio wat offered at aha eon- - Itiloner ee Tweed ay laornlar. bal tt Ta taiatlaae laaeiliti.. tta enlatan ef the bond buyer taat tta At lasliauapollt-ladjaaag- eta I rrartditknan m anrepe win tare depress A- THE said that if thai eras tta aaaW oounty could not tne Use new Brew ftASTER'S I Btean Kvasrr BOada at advaotae. erectlua of Us Jtfrf'l im ' -- Tta Ms regtt aainaiiiaii VS1 jjWJBa Bel fee tstnsea tleiuer UptetrlaM board or L Maria tlu ttajtVai ataai aa valuation or MiJtow subject to uxa ataos rlttrae or aeuma Uajtaer ae ease-- j Raster uon. re rtny atx Uwuaaad aera Bre SJea day waa Wee TuetaV7a taltal i Me rrtcuJturtl land M the cetntg u SMMeroty I ee an ten n ae wtu we uu uc,. u dry aawtlte. aMe os a gat) fruod t rali tai at mm at Use ftA4 jurjr Ta dT. July 30. 1914. EL vlES

MORNING TIMES' FORM CHART MORNINi FORM CHART M'LOUGHLIN WINS Art At Mmtattt r- . MEW FAST SERVICE TO DENVER ' J "ns. woe el t; track fatt, WWt,r and If Streak fut. LONGWOMTROPHY Ig7ff' eeehali rmotv Tune t i, M . t o él ttsrt 1234taVtJIMT Meam rnrtoow. Tim nn. Mart tend: wo My. VIA Medio . Jv h iff, r lift ft i tMrotcj, IIM KM kelson ...... Au,:ítíváS"Añ,r' El uat wütt in t r i tima il N 11 t Pt P M V amm Paso and Southwestern m c t wait I - ira Mutt Wheeler . I .. ( 7 4 Dawson ...... 917 4 s in M 9 Nathan 114 .f( i t I 4 4 ÍM l- - l Neva no Quarter . ... It7 4 .. I M stooker 4 .. I Metcalf Wü líT. 'T.Z 1JM tad iiUBoutnfTi Mata IM 1 . M in TiiimrhMt .m M M I Hertwelt I ft t I OoMlMUl IM i' l II Pea I . r t w m m larvta. place attck. nlar No abow betuna. Rock Island and 111 1 I Montouridt motion, showed much the most and usilv outrun 1 A - .101 Nolan 30 tt was nel asee, (e- Jree M stick omnia early bul hnled fait tad out Boiion. July 9 -- tit unseated'HI'ridr HaMm t ntrn v.iq pull badly In strrt. b The custody of the nrtb Lontwood bo i. place. 8 even ehow. famous u a tennis ilnale Colo. & "Csl-- how. Nelson. place. how. WUtl, HACE-- SU Time liul-l- . won . apby. Sou. Slleshnr. a.lnvtIVs larMr sltcwn ferloiltl. tM tood: Ttvma-- was rerained today by Mturlce E. Medio broke alowly moved up filial v slipped on rmU in stretch eLouthlln, of San . .1. ihcoufti tatiax. Norie" rrsneiien .lw O front lun did lui. Eld Nelson, ivit poorly. etoMd trenveodoua tP t tr. rm. lor key. Sa.orn?.wh4J match and with a rush ejpuld won another atrlde. Willi race 'tcal'UoM .'. .". unlnteresllnr flnlshlnt have in fot "Mr Til II BánóváV xSSL: Wl"'m M oMtotniio it tWflurnoul oenaeie Mac qun tot walk ta stretch TMltnrhst llrert. iiM Ruatitnt 7mr.tM ti 8m vt ha 'Si MM Slipper tS?rX1L. needs mother Lv.EIPmo ICeSOPM. Day t t Mctralf I t I I Doaaeaalon of tb "ACR-F- t I - "KCOND lve and furlemt Tint 44 M l. ttert Prince Ph0throp I 4 Cummin 'Ilirinareit aut 228 Mt Puritan Leu ::::::'fi Acton def.Stt.ei V Ar. M. MM Amplon u.r'ü JS.C" e' Dinvtr 70 k Hota. m mr. rm. lorhtr, Qfr toi 4' slish.n rn.it u nn caper tanca 7 Shtlllnt Fmrv t w. 4 4 IN place "ai"1 in -- - Nile. Íl97 ....10 ihow t v Ruttltnt, nlar li te, show Diy. abow l. Tr A. "'fl'Dabney. R. l, Williams MrhU Tllthman ....119 oí ronowed siipner ry rlusely to stretch, where she went Into to no and William 1104 s "L". Jjurray Johnston He Iron Queen ....tot V 91 It Hollín e ridden out at rralMd off the leader to atrelch, rt hlmaalf today SS Far Csthy a m turtweli WJ leu thin ....Ml cinE .trotar own. liinyy tag, wbb yint fan. prevwea contests, with itBt AjmmiI inter! ! I l "j Round Trip Summer . ::::!! Mt Valneí I XI THIRD RACE Ilfi tool 1236 8li furlonrs 1:11 I t Start food i won drlvint. ti sir rfr i a M MCBrtde MM Suaan F ....i....IM I raaax. Horse. wt.it. StrT Jockey. Odd. Ri bHaHS Tourist Fare - - - - -r m i1 dakhael tb. and l.ckeS fancy. 7 s placa, how. GlrpJi, 1 pure, (haw. Tllthman. (how. in rot- Tnr llevan too "Ti ,he y tb. $35 UarTV w arlve from ecratcnen: uaiaoora. r.sstman, nrnon. IIM Mediator r .tt ta hnTs baa FOR PULLMAN RESERVATION, INFORMATION INQUIRE M K fcS Fancy, away well. w taken back moved up rant In itretch bat wu IIM Arreo 7 l s Utsrt. 1117 VJl "ma, la tb match was NcLouthim r tirina; at end and Just tutd. otmli, muetl the bt, wat hrply cut off on far turn. Oen. Ban Ledl M 4 t 4M Bhllllne lotlnr aeveral laiurth. cairn attain and would have won in inotner strrae. Hit Sackcloth 9 IM r.diihui airaw 1101 vi Tilrhman siso hid a roufh trip. Annual Interest dotted It badly Vuted Rlthll . IM P B t Danny when City Passenger Office H Harris John ton took those iohnny . 7 II t 7' Metcalf in suc?Mtoci and intule tb score rime. drlv- - - lmprudni . ... M a 7 Roberts-Banne- nlKD RACE rurloats. Tim m Stan food: won in warrtntton ..inpio csfirureej toe t r Building 11. - R. it. Oray . ... a o at s neit 1229 9' Ward without jomplnt into the air or rntaSS IIM Little Bp 10 in 10 to Hanover ihv unusii.T mMm Inde Hnrae. tt. 1 H H pre, rm. iocbyy. Qg. ...Q. Normtnlti ... .107 10 it tt II Cummlnts it mm tames in that set Me- - Hat Lttlttt ! 14 QrilMI 1 t Ütfly 4 Herrweti Screiched Armor. Ilfi r Pamplnea. o, s í. . irtl i Newtneyer place ihow Mediator, place ihow Arran. abow Pampina snowed rood speed from the Into Harold of iirtRotffu . 4 Goray surt, raced imprudent submluton ind of walser Tnuaa bv rtui bra cheeks, one lot i had lert to (tall orr Mediator. a alow lie bearin the number It J . 110 T anoerton enourh Latter closed bit tap from bettnntnt ion or orino nip to, oy tne top neavy and the B. P. M. 0 Parol t ! and winner at every came letters. Limited, the (lUt)RMl Worth 10 ' VbtthAW wu ratchlnt tMd. Arrn also with a rueh al end after oí v to a, wa xne mt aurprtae or toe other simply the rirure t, were round in 7 htvlnt a rough trip. Veiled Rlrht moved up fast turnlnr for home but hunt Badly. tosday. one or (lM)Ylp Hi Y .. W I 7 Booker I it nd Jlad the core for ibe man' pocket The police Myra 100 M 40 tam, tta iiSl Charles Evan of Chlcato, and Albert believe man an Helmer t FOURTH RACE Mile 9:11 won that the wu employe or and Time Start rood; eully. 01 niverssae, won tneir matcres the El Paao Mtlltnt company, limited, 5 ijeeppa. wj 237 wwi and Letltla. place. how. Nifty, place, een how. Jhow. rather eully and beint paced srsintt that he wa wattlnr to take a car for ni alway haw rield h Letltla went rlo: lo the rront and iettlac a fat pe bar f. Inoet. JtWia. HH.lt. U Vi k Htr. m. Jockey. 53dT en oinei lomorcow. are expected to home m when run down. An and out uepp end. Rotllla bunt finally the headline or Evan Yiu Nlftv raced forwtrdly throurhotit famed at 191 Havana) .111 9 IM i ittMetlon ttcket for Y lleta wu amo or hi IB way. TI W wirrlntton WOtl from Nnward BM Oelrnit. 1 snd after heint ouirttn the 1107 Penalty . ... M 1 4 of arrecí. Mamr 4a carter IV 4, and Serkrl defected Oa)Ott l.yon, UM Dynamite . .111 I IM II a 8 Metrilf tt tt'ertb Mavlas. II' Worth the The body wu removed to Ibe RACE On :M 1:11 l. tur; wo Pajtnj .anadian cntmpion and oldest man in 1 FOURTH roe. Time :tt. iTt fita 8 lav ano . . M 4 f 9M t Johnson tot of McBean, Simmons A carr )on l!. a the tournament. 4 and 9. by w drtvln. . Itll Early Ltvbt . .!U 7. V ' Taplin order or Jostle, u. s. Mcr.untock, wno Lady .107 T Tb other matchaa wre u roltow; indej. Hore H H ST Fin. JOCkay. tiBi, tilt Rankin 9 7. 6' II va Dusan D. will hold aa Inquest today. Tft.W. kr tiTO Decathlon . E. Sawyer, Who ton, won over Ken- .100 S shUltnt Chapman, or car. 119 Baraje . I t I t Reunion to7 jim cafrery . .til 5 Burns neth P. Edward, Midlothian, by default. the driver the aftsr IB 1 I H. Buffalo, area Mer- the Injured man to the hospital, lit! Hrdbll 1' Hartweii IIM Woodcraft . .114 II D a Andre W. uardner. d ted taktnr 4 a Vott tl 'l man Paunce. Chlcato. 4 3. surrendered hlmaelf at police headquar- im Kelierhi Ml I UM Tróvalo .IM 9 10" 10 I0a (silaban WESTERN GOLFERS PLAY. and Ilfi Harry si 101 I I1 7 3 l 41 Collin - Jicamo s n it Watt James D. Sttndlah, Jr., Detroit, defected ters. He wa allowed to to on hi own (ItMlSoroajte 10 S S 5 Donovan Howard wiiton, cnampaim, and I. recornlxance tor appexranre the Malch Btwen Jack Neville sad E P. t tt Servlcenee, I- - place, ihow. Kelietta, out how. Scratched: Noble Orand. Henotlc. Binar, place, ontubow. Ball. out place 9. penalty, place 9, Dynamite, n. ,u. A ..l!L.1r!!LPx,' rattir. Chapman an experienced cnanrraur Baraac wu reierVad to the lower rum where he moved up and In a lonr traten Ravenal. ihow show I. show tl aet a pace and on ramaty a Ravenal went rlrht to the front nd mtklnt all the pace easily held sway 0rtnd Rapid. Mich., and bear the reputation or beint one or drive outnnMd Hardball at end. Latter fait hunt nnauy. - clDi FATAL AUTO the Keltetta ed Harry Shaw ai end.. Latter tired. Zoroaster outrun an the inroutnouL pantny recea rorwaroiy ana finished fist. Dynamite mint sta- íñ.iLSi'Ii.wl brilliantly this ifternoon. ACCIDENT tnot careful driver In the employ end. outrun pace so t U way, - vano rorcea ine eiretcn ana men tirad. Early Utht outrun the wu - ,v lu vwvi i oine ear way. tnrournout. his nnoe wnrir n,i. in. nanaroaD f Francisco, Unidentified Mexican Rua Dewa and Al F,rTH "ACE tortomra. Time m. itfi. surt tod; won drtv- - fan the champion of toe 1231 :i FIFTH RACE Mile and one' aliteenth. Tim Start rood; won easily. cimunaieo rrom tne most lastantly Killed I Ben Antonio 1238 í by and Manten street. p- ."''nanipionahlp tournament DR. Hnru. WCBt U U V tr. nn. foclty. ot ct. f- I of Milwaukee. Allie won A. BURTON rndek. Haraa. tVK ,H ,H llrT-- Joay- M he .101 l II IM Pauley M 19 rK match, 9 up and I. Neviuo1 Aa tin Bail Bird t il 11M Club ...1M 1 IH IM nishmon rtetprrato unidentified Mexican, ipparentiy DENTIST 104 I si I 1 tl P efforts s ra In at overwhelrnlnt 1IM Leicar ormei Ml Polly H ... 91 7 M 4 3 9 7 v about year or mm 1101 106 4 4 9 IM Mathew I .... smith odd wu the Mature af tb afternoon n at, wu run aver Graduate Louurvllle Collet ISIS. Robert Mantell 1109 Tippecanoe . ...110 1 9' 9 V 9 Hinovcr 5 1IM II 101 11 C 7 4 Wolf 9 7 II mortally hurt It9t nlrht about t:M by an Ethelbur l . .... 97 3" 9M 4" 4 Jones When . KeUbllahed bare alnoe 1911. 1117 101 8 5" Stcvao 1 M UM Mañanen I ! the fnNMuu, k.i. .w. Lyt Knlkht ... I 4l M IM M fl' 5 automobile drives by W. E. Chapman, an 41S M1U 105 5 Cory I IIM Paint Brush ... 5' Metcalf wu over, the Milwaukee youth was up. Bids. 1lf0 Ed Luc . . i employe or com- liS 4 BM 7 M 7 not Rudolfo . ...tt7 t 7 7" 7" 7" e'l Andrea .ire or the Hotel Auto and Tail Phonee Orrloe 1078; Ken. S804. 1171 Bad Proapecl . I !toln 4 IM iim not. ine anernoon, M UM Lochlel ...IM I 4l M 7 Shllllnr pan Tb An- MM Nldiummer . . . 101 I . T McBrld II ISivJi bl?ced "w "raliy jr. accident occurred at Saa M S tM Flora Fina . ...IM 4 I S am v,ei.. Lady Stalwart . 10 V Helion 10 I t t cllshn tonio and Stanton street. ;;",".!i!.'19 to 19M 101 10 10 way point Neville, IbMTJyndia II Reunion Clubs, place 9, show Polly, place 1. ihow Tippecanoe, know aut. i down on the The injured man wu at one taken ta 1157 Abigail K IM 9M II II Spartvr 90 10 no turn, halved the next three hola and won the car ran him to f Clubs want rtfht to the rront, racea Tippecanoe into the trouno arev out tWrty-rtri- that down the Hotel the 4 s. at end. Polly H wa outrun early but finished and caualit Tippecanoe at and That wu the Dleu, wher be expired on the operatlnt 1 aven rut ttrtar ba Bird. 5 place, ihow. Leaear, place, ihow. Manull. ihow. end. Latter could never tat to the lead. Manaiuh a tood race. Paint Brush and nearoit tot to victory. Neville1 drive table a law minutes after arrlvinr M the Scratched: Irtih Ann. Rudolfo always outrun. "y ' "oí. o cost mm we tmriy-Utli- hospital. Dr. W. P. Oallather, who at- AtTTtTMOBTJUBai VOBt 9IIMB1 Belle Bird, away wall, want rlrht to the rront and alwayi held bar field aaM. decided the match. tended him. found that the man suffered at Pace Jsaa mm tad Uvery . rorwardly and In a hard drive ou Roban Namell at end. Another a Martag ear l.esrir raced tanned 8IXTH hace an tartana. Time 111 Start tood; won drivinr. Utht flrht wu duel injuriai snout the head and about the ab- M btaja Latter huny ftnilly. Ethelhurr. iway poorly, rlosed Mt tap. 1230 nwHm oi min.ira. r.s.- - domen, either of which wee sufficient to dena, and Friser Hate, ot Edrowster, Chl- - dutb. Hor'ie . cuu m SIXTH RACE Mile and M yarda. Time tM till. 1:4 I I. 1:44 " , iivviim, . oonasuvreu Waltlnn tor Car When BTtlled 1m Start rood; won drtvtof. n Ririe BTirad . Eaoah anviie iviiniigvi lor lira line, oui nun A surch ot the victim's body revealed IIM Lady tcr woo the detdtnt point. The deten HtU that would dlaeloM hi loenmy. two attisaa Horaa. Bit, flp. ItKkvy. H Llahtnlnr Ja wrd inde WlH t It a jlM Rubicon II IM lit fIM Metcalf 1 9 1 HtrtwaU 11M Evelina IM9 Dick s Pat 1 7' 7' 4 Callahan 1194 Borart coium nil Anavrt .....111 5 "IM II I'l Smith 1117 Tony Koch BaaanaoD I IIM Gold cap .....105 M M 6 V Shtlllnt titi Florence Xrtpp 9 PI 4' gttT Require am tot T L 7 Van Dusen MM SleepUnd .111 M 4 5 1 Í Orm I 97 IM s M 9 Acton 117 noe sweet . ... . 97 I 9' 9 9 BMvtm M ilMSeene w .107 B 9 7' 7 7! W Mclntyra M Rtna, psac ihow Llrtnlnt. place tbow Rubicon, lbow7-l- . ill Moatauk Don ... .IM 7 a BM 9 carey Scraicbtd. Amoret. Thaalrea, Buprero. tilt Blue Beard .IM fv Rifle Brltade wu outrun to the airetch, finished rut under stronr urtlnt and tot 1I7J Littleton 9 to M 10 M Montour up In fliul atrlde. Lady LMrtnint. showmt hlrh speed, set a rut pace and hunt on wall at end. Rubicon II forced the pace all the way and foutat It out tamely F.vallna. place. - abow. Bojart, 1 place, even abow. Tony, ihow. at and. Gold Cap ran a dull race. ... Heralrhed: PryRtt. PatrlvUc. Evellnt was kept off the early pace to the stretch then flnlibad Mat and wu RACE one on away moved a on lower finally. SEVENTH Mile and fourth, turf. Tuna Start food; rotnr at end. Bo(art up with rush turn but hunt iniA won BUHy. Tonv Koch a rood race, do latpae. Florence KHnp tired badly. t Horae. Wt, W. W H 8tr. pip- lodttr Odd. SEVENTH RACE Futurity course. Time dM, 1:11. start rood; won lndr 1233 1107 onde Baa . ..:.ni 11 m t I" Callahan 1911 Htoro ....1 a at ti it tt warn The of 7 11 Adventures Hnru. A Btr. Ftn. jptjay. Op. CI,. Ml Just Red ....10 tshililnr ndi 4 49 4 Smyth 1477 Rermudtan tOM TOM Hancock .... It. tt II Runway ...... M 9 It 11 9 5'i Metcalf 1109 Gordon Huuall . nil M 9 1 1 9 1 1 M IIM Netmaker ...... t Acton 1909 Scrapper ...100 .. Booker IM 1 a 71f . ..111 .. - 4M 1 (iJti)Oood Day .... tt i taotb 1IM mnlohr if i cavanauch 9 4'l 4M Uoldsleln (IIM) Ada Anne ...101 1 .. 4M 4M M ! C0I.1HS 4 10 1191 cuff Stream . ....IM It I (MTDBlar Berta Matbew Ben, place show Eloro, place 9, ihow 1. Red, abow I. till Princess lanlee Pauley to Scratched: Pountalu Pay. Uncle Ben wa taken back at start, moved up rraduilly and taktnr the leed in Bermudlan, place, 4 abow. Ruuell. even place. thaw. Scrapper. t ihow. stretch, elly held field sfe t end. Eloro, outrun early, rinlsned fast. Juit Red Bermurtian Mt a fast pice tod wu under reitratnt at end. could have won a rap Tom Hancock badly. Runway tired after a faat mill. off. Cordon Russell raced to the leader to itretch. then finished ctuud mt hunt tolnt farther elou fail - but could not beat winner today. Scrapper tired after forctnr early pace. Too abort fiJijLnJxroir'"icvM'-i'-- i " "1 "- - i tor Phil Moar. be saf a mile. At another time he ran TIMELY COPPER np on a bunt and put the ball to itck three In time to put oat man who may bava Kathlvn UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU DAILY BULLETIN. LEAGUE GOSSIP Made ibe score look different. At Santa Rita 00 Saturday afternoon Jse made the al . av. 71th Time, M, rviios Takes I MerMlaa July Hit V. only borne run of the Ryn formerly - By PARIS BUSH. tain. PrecM- otb played In the Cblcefo, ill., TtMIHfUlll Stiver city N. M.. July of the city leatue with Wind tailon came down a few points and Beaton. tVPtllt velocity 94 Cktno teams .A 4m', last ibe Indians and Soldier strenflbenod Hlfbest laat State of Dt- - per I 1 hour, two winner beint Fullwtder the name of the new Santa At K p.m. today, nltbl. weataer. recuon. hour. Inches. tbemaalvei. straitht itw m the copper Uatua tama ot Rita twirier who played in both ram. amlent . Wer Stiver city admin i Ü S and Sunday. He a Texas, boy and look rood on lb Amarillo cShLt uiirtS lb drattinv to baau KlU both mil. ne rucas out tour meo saturnas Atlanta time and the Port Bayard soldier copped and banded out two puses Sunday, one Boise. Idaho ..... M ctaar HW m Hurley. This put We expect M . .loudy NE the two cooled with PTovint dtsutrou. Mt tbtst Boston M the club ttandlnr u follows santa fella, from blm u toon u be rets scclimawd. chlcato 4W: Hurley, AM; stiver city, .MS: Port In Cloth Book Binding, Now On s 5 5 was mum lejoictnt In M Cloudy Bayard, .996. There Bruto s knee worked well Saturday and Denver BW 4 m these part when word wu received that M x NE Sunday, and after the accident of several Dlroll dear n m the soldiers were victorious over the Con Week which was injured. Duluth, Mlnh. - 4 the ato In be atMoot - fiad,- M ceotralor. u tout sireoftbened local aeriouaiy, ba around nicely. EL PABO .... boy' chances (or the pennant when com- tol (iarvuton bined with their own two winner. Sale at s Harry certainly played In . as i 2 tana rood luck I It la doubtless M Uondy BW M joo S M baseball in UM clear NEX tt been pul up u cloudy NW 4 Naw York 3 i the but that could be obtained troMJJout luck. nmaba .... minor nérvea ou in cm wu w ? S weak on any of the 3 There ara ao siiu cotton Mason, who rftakint Riotd City. S. d. Copper leetu attretatlooa, and lb wis a record excellent ball. Take for for mMi)f M UM Mrtkeoui buncb. foaled Rotwell It os made muve tonesom Times City and S. tie santa Branch between Sliver 9 St LOUIS in tern tab by home run over left take Cityjjy...... 51 S Hants here ttorooon. There I field fence. haii 3 mi leader on to Later M Ibe day be put another ball Ban A mutilo E wu never larter tame played under saa m &pi oay. a S The uittat wu litbi and tb fence to the same trdeo, only u wat 108 Texas Street rr 2 d'rrrJ to I. At no 1 foul. Baau M Cloud hE 4 the acara beid down I k tbaa Clear N S aaaaatja. Error were tew vvkaaini 5 Pi Cldy. N a S and tke fl)Mtnr capan of conwariaoo wTt eyoad a doubt tb Indians bava the m A Muía. 7 Clear BE m r Irstur leaiu dolus sfruorrst outfield the leatue bail to is which appeared seria) the Morning " otar w 5 ttrcuii The exhibition Ihrourbout was en ate ritiman, Darawr nd ScaaJon, must This the story in form in m ba or or under tb fence. Everyibinr tbctr moneys worth this on did The nicely handled by ibM than. A tama hanoened ovar at Port Bayard Time end made tvuch decided hit throughout the Southwestern TIMES WANT ADS ALWAYS BMIX Q Hurler when the Soldiers idowu at ibe cairlMl would uavetSeu UM talk for week, RESULTS a 01 we lurueo. iw w iu" now they ar Mare nutter of fees The slots (Up l in top 1. wnnoui fan should appreciate this trie more than country. It also appeared in a number of the beet Moving Picture and upan, ta optntoo or tan wno itay do. km aeen buabttl a us touthwed mm lass raTt up UM wa Owes is one of Theaters. . j mi tb direction, affirm aapMIMi M UM ru..i thai the areataM Sell aaaks yet altorded laasu. His pku travel tt ran la this 'BM Hilly are now betas Only Nights! played. It is now cm aale in this section exclusively by the Morning 2 5S tortor. isc vzn El Paao má Adantat, Gat., Tiroes. Call at Branch 9. The price is 50 cents or by mail to any Pltckaúswtwu leuue essUMly out euuad up bar, bat M sow matatf nod address , 55 cents. with Delkert, Teua. tas ao wasfcd s Sntib and BMocbfiald irtttaa tab) ternr dey.but u dldsri to ta Burle makinr rood M latAsf you read atMBl iitti Branch 9 for limited rime only end every day. On sale at a while you are TEXASPACIHC iaTiaeyret(M 'of Buiiajjmod wort! there get a fresh box of Jacobs' candies ''ade last night" U Wt Ksftt ttarUr IP wr. Payus tu U3JÍ AtUnU diet for - Si tnmA A fA, meara1 r. one fool atm to usr pv Imfi aaa State - . Your ad ta in su hinrtrrt casca m 4saJ2í day' Turns will rv to tnss e jJÉSJ'l''M'lf 10! 4 EL PASÓ MORNING TIMES ft. Pcacr Is Smiling Upon Mexico. The Impending European Conflict. Statistics of Railroads. Carranza a Real Test. In pite of the alarmlnr reporte that emanate from The immediate canse of the tremble between Aus H G. Ankew af Austin, railroad statistician, has New York World. I, re- peace and amnesty which Bul.1l.hed Every Pay In the Year by am Wuh-Inglo- n via which Juest Issued to the stats copies of his The reasons favoring the newspaper rorreependants the border, tria and or has precipitated a clash that roads of the eonettiu-tlonsdls- rSOV TIMRg Cy I A T port showing the sspestsss and earnings of the thirty President Wilson Is urtng opon the Mexican la satatfled thnt peace ts actually about to threatens to embroil all Europe In the greatest war by of O row o wtrM ta tu Poftornc h ta re. m mnm-1m-í leading railways of Texas for a period of eleven are now reinforced the threat mail matter. tu. , over ta.ll Mexico, and the ewnrde en Ione drawn that has occurred since Napoleonic days, la the as- mm. the Immediately preceding May 21. 1114. and a and Cardenas to Inaugurate a new revolution. These re about to be trensftrtmed Into pruning hooks. sassination of the O rand Duke Frenóle 'Ferdinand. Ilka period prior to May 31. ISIS. It shows a defi.n chieftains and their followers have been singled out by Villa vengeance. More than Washington her received assurances from Oen-era- l heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife, by Servians of $3.63.6t .S3, for late period as against a balance Carransa and for $4(3.347.36 the or a difference of once It has been proclaimed that 1st their cases quar- AiMrou all romro unlettMMU lo CeiramBSi President Cerbajal. General VMU and In the Austrian pro inca of Bosnia. of for earlier, THE ter would be denied. t MOIININU TtMKü. EL PASO, TEXAS Diplomatic $7,031. 8 37. General Zape.ta that they are all working for a com- relations between the two countries The total operating revenue for the later period If this spirit Is to prevail, the new regime will be mon purpose the restoration of peace and tranquil- nave been badly strained for the past ten years, how Is given as $104.IIS,111.$1. aa against $110,601,300.00; confronted by more thaa one revolution. Men with ity In Buffering Mexico, and the further assurance Is ever, dating from a quarrel which arose ovar the con operating expenses, $14. 16 J, as against arms In their hands who are under condemnation of 1. sill Urea dearly. With suspicion and rOMUOn ADVERTISING REPKERECTA TI VES given that all interests are to the same struction of a treaty. The net operating revenue for the eleven death their ffew York, 6. C. Bectwith Special Agency. TrlbuM Building. months ending May 21. 1814. was $1S.013.$$3.4I, as terror prevalent In many districts. It will not be dif- di- During the 01 Chicara, s. C. Beekwith Special Afane. Tribuna Building. end. And with all interests working In the same rear If relations became more compared with $36,600.337.30 for the eleven months ficult for outlawed leaders to rally many people to t. Loula. S. c Beckwltn special Agency, Tblrd Nart Sank Side. la so strained as the result the annexation of Bosnia and Travelinx Asenta Lutber Bernard, ollle Mellos. rection the result can be that which earnestly of prevlona Other Income amounted to $1,010,172. IS, their standards. Auibortaaa city collector a O. Morreo MUIar M sought. Hersegovina. with large Slav populations, by Austria aa again.) $1,246.031.54. Ths gross corporate Income Aside from this evil prospect, the president's ad Claud Andrua. period, compared vice has another important bearing-Ther- It may be that there are eome minor differences More bitterness was created by Austria's attempt to totaled $31,030.037.31 for the later ts Carransa $27,41 1, will be no change In our attitude toward Mexico SUBSCRIPTION RATES. among torce Servia to withdraw troops from With 363.44. (By Mall lo Advance) yet existing among the leaders the constitu- her Albania The taxes of the period ending May $1, 1014, were until govenmenr in that country shall represent Dally and Sunday, one year tionalists, but It la believed these dlfferencea. If they following the close of the recent Balkan wai. $4,320.S0.60, as compared With $8.29 ,703.1 2 for the something 'besides assassination and massacre. The Paily and hundty. alt months exist, will not be strong enough to Interfere with the In the event that war actually ensues the various earlier period. Rent accrued for lease of road, $864,- - great powers of Europe are in full agreement In sup bally and bandty. tbroe monta port of same policy. Daily and Sunday, una month psclflcatlon of Marico that there la patriotism European countries involved iwll probably Una up as 374.45. 1014, as against $338,120.07. 1013; rents of the I be Time, one year Joint facilities. $1, $47.602. 43, compared with $1.600.- - Carransa in the capital without foreign recogni fiuxiday enough among these men who have so long risked follows: Servia, Russia, Prance, Great Britain and ... 001.04; hire of equipment debit balances, $8,073.-03.4- tion or credit, and menaced at Important points bv ally and Sunday, one cnootn their Uvea for the pacification of Mexico and the Montenegro on one side, and Austria, Germany and as against $6,213,073.73; accrued on rebellion and brigandage, will be little belter Off than art interest Sbtcliberi who fail to receive tbeir p.per reulrly restoration of constitutional government to not per- Italy on the other. The flret named combination can funded debt. $13,107. 332. 40, as against $12.006,421.26; Huerta. Uke many another commander in what ap- requeued to notify the butlntea office to Mat etTeci. debts, aa peared to be a Just cause, hie real teat is to come with In fuU, including county and ante mit any aelfteh reasons to stand In way now at once put an army of 2,2.17,391 men in the field, Interest accrued on other $2,074,434.40 Olve poatomee eddrea the that his triumph. He will be Judged so by Remit by money order, draft or regitterod letter. against which interposed a agslnst $3.023,313.70; outside operation debt balances, not much the success has been achieved. there would be nother army manner .In which gained It as by "private exchange with four irtmM lioet $l$t,038.3B, as against $143.042.76; miscellaneous he the uses that he Pbooe 3030, branch President Csrbajal Is anxious to over of 2,170,187 men. without taking Into consideration makes of eonoecunr aU department!. TeU opéralo! turn the renta, $21, $2$. 14, as against $23,102.4$; other deduc- it department you with and connectlona will be made. government to the combined fleets of both sides. $267,005.07. $226,431.10. The total Mat BoUdays tbe the victorious constitutionalists, and tions. as against After to pnTtnd on Sunday afternoona and .l0 deductions period Is $28,- - Income anawer direct: with the arrangement of the pending detalla now In from for the later Biggest Flags. departrotnu will 205,670.32, aa compared 6$, 312. 09. fhe of ...Manager 600.... Editorial and Reporten progress, It looks as If the era of strife and contention President Wilson has finally ordered suit against with 12. Mgr. &ol Adv. and CWS. IJapU. What Is said to be the largest American flag now loVi Society Bd. end But. la over In Mexico, and all Interests ready to the New Haven rsllway system for Its flagrant vio- extant If tbe carrier falla to deliver tbe paper promptly, are unite haa Just been completed by the Amoskeag anti-tru- Plupy"Thi aver any of tbe above telephones. In upbuilding that In which so many Interests have lation of the lsws of the country, and has Real Boy." Manufacturik... company. It is ninety-fiv- e feet long. fifty feet Raedera of the Morniní Tme Uavln Be city f?r been engaged In pulling down. also ordered n grand Jury Investigation of the acts of (Copyright Page Newspaper Oeailoa.) wide and Is designed to be flown from a retort., or lor Europe, rsmmded pole 235 feet high. tide, mounttlna or rural the railway's board of directors, Is The bunting of which the big may can have tbe Tunea tent to tbem direct by mail for The recuperative powere of Mexico are wonderful which It believed CHAPTER XI. that Subscription flag Is made was constructed especially for that pur- any period or moolht. only to ha measured by her wonderful resources, renders them liable to criminal prosecution. An ef- pose, was spun, woven dyed nay ven to newSSaleri or tent to tne Time. Otttl.ilon "We're sorry, "n we wouldn't ha' did it If we'd and under the roof of branch office, through the malL Aadre.jri snd with peace and tranquility restored the republic fort was made to do these things without recourse thought," said Beany apologetically. the Amoskeag plant. bambaneadas often as deelroo. Suhtcrlpttoo relet to The width til will soon be more prosperous than ever before in its the courts, but the railway people have violated "Why boys," continued the squire after s long of each of the thirteen stripes of the at printed above. In is slightly under feet, nr history. their solemn agreement and there Is nothing else to pause and a glance that sunk into their guilty souls. four and the stars on the udob the tendlnr, chsrscter blue field measure about three feet from point to inrtvu or corporation. which nay do now but give them the benefit of "I'd a gone to the farm to see her ef I'd had to go of firm the law which point. The blue field measures thirty-eig- eppeiíta cZníT. of The Timet, will U I went. Med to leave pung on the feet by i they have so long treated with complete barefut, 'n the twenty-seve- n unci brought to tbe attention of JfiSJSSSS Great Day for disdain. drlfty, get on feet five Inches. The stars alone weigh lit beinr A Texas. road haffway thar, wus so 'n hed to pounds, Whltey's tnam oat ose to death, but I got nine while the entire flag tips the scale at The close of the Texas state Democratic campaign old back, ee fr 200. Progress. The Chamber of Commerce budget fund ts stead thar. The stars are placed four feet nine Inches be- Southwestern last Saturday, which culminated In the defeat of sub- ily growing, El tween centers longitudinally and four feet the cltlsena of Paso rallying to the "When I got out enough to get abaout and three county tax rolls for the current mission the thawed inches vertically. The San Miguel and nomination of James E. Ferguson necesaitlea of the situation with characteristic El had seen to Whltey who Wus éenamost used up, the ana in- - The proportions of the flag are strictly in accord year have been received at Santa re .un- for governor of the slate, means a great deal for the Paso spirit. But with the keeper took me Into the sick room 'n I got a start, of county are shown to realisation that the fund ance with the government regulations, and one Im taxable values the .white-haire- d colored developing as one entire atate of Texas. must be increased to $50.000 this year, for thar on a' bed lay an old portant regulation that never $14.061. 1SÍ. San Miguel Is fast in order that Mlnty Ann, I to onct by of letting the flag new state. It means that the eternal question of state proht the Interests of El Pasó woman. 'Twus knew her touch the ground was fulfilled only of the wealthy counties of the be kept continually and ener her eyes 'n her smile, 'n I tell ye I couldn't speak, after consider- bltlon, which has been made the chief issue In getically able difficulty In manipulation. The huge dimensions the to the front, there should be no delay In ther seemed tu be a lump In my throat es big ex a of flag schools of Colfax state many years the made it a difficult matter for the workers The flnanclal report of the for to the great detriment of the subscribing the entire amount Give the Chamber of yarn ball. So I sot down in a cheer by her side 'n to follow last been received at Santa Fe. the rule to the letter. eonnty.'New Mexico, has state, has been shelved for soms time to come. It Commerce what it asks, give It Jest held her hand, 'n she Jest laid thar 'n trailed. the Income for the county high and without any un me The report show that means that no man, no matter how good a roan he is, necessary delay. "Blmeby she began to apeak. She called was $0,078.13, and the expenditures for the Marse Jelluk she used to. Glimfues Into the Past. school purposes can to In Jack 17.342.-- The totsl receipts for school be elected office Texas on ths prohibition year Í. " 'Oh, Marse Jack, it do seem good to see yo. Ah (FROM TBE FIDES OF MORNING were $108,324.11. Issue. It means thirty-fourt- h THE TIMES.) in the county last year that the people of Texas are worn The anniversary edition of the knowed yo'd come to see ol" Mlnty Ann, honey. Mlnty out with the apparent determination uf a few political Morning Times, to appear next month, will be gwlne THIRTY TEARS AGO TOD AT: past in full Ann couldn't bar without serin' Marse Jack. good that have fallen during the preachers keeping with voice grew and A box of dynamite exploded The rslns Texas, to run state politics, and that these gentle the reputation of the Morning Times Marse Jack,' and here her tremulous on a car at Black days in country around Big Springs, took on old pitiful pathetic look. Canon, hurling about few the men of the cloth have been properly swatted and ad- for doing things and doing them In the proper man- her face the same forty men who were oh the best cotton and feed oropa known for 'my Josh, he never ktm back while Mlnty Ann was car in every direction, killing Insure the monished to to ner. Issue of paper threo and Injuring the years. That portion of Went Texas is coming In for return their proper work and atatlon That the will be a comprehensive sick, hey?" others. year! m Urge hunk of prosperity this In Texas. portrayal of the growth and development of El Paso, " 'No, Mlnty Ann, he was never heard of. God together Texas haa adequate local option laws under the with the presentation of much excellent mat alone knows where he la,' I answered. A Times employe found a bunch' of keys on money was available last year Is prom- "Mlnty Ann lay few minutes with the More than provisions of which any community In Texas de- ter that will reflect the progress and development of quiet for a city streets yesterday. The name W. H. Witt, Dallas, school Albuquerque this year. that closed eyes. Finally she said. felt tonight Marse ised for the Indian at sires prohibition It, the Great Southwest. Tee Texas, was on a tag attached to key ring. Albuquerque Commercial can have and there Is no sxcuse I'se gwlne find my Josh, gwlne the The Senator Fall haa notified the Jack, lak lak he's owner can have same by calling at The Times office committee In congress has for thle continued prohibition agitation that has lay on my brea, dis pore brea club that the conference jonn 'Is head dat's been during business hours. allowed the school tSS.ROO thla year, $26.000 of which served to obscure every other vital Issue in the state Shrank of Milwaukee, who shot Colonel empty dese long years, so long time, Marse Jack, so Theodore la to be expanded for a new mess hall. since the poiltloal preachers first undertook to run Roosevelt, will probably never be brought long time. Dat he's gwlne come back to Mlnty and Reagan, 'splaln been. tings yer Patrick a resident of New Orleans, the politics of the state. to trial. Advices from the asylum In which he was whar 'es I'se dream ob dls the execution two California, It has been spouted from the night, of Josh en de ol' cap'n, ob yo's faddy an' of men charged with murder R. C. Ely of Demlng haa returned from rostrum confined after the shooting indicate that Shrank is and secured a piece of the rope aa a arranged colonising the Little Vine- and dinged Into the ears of the people of mammy so good to Mlnty en Josh, ob yo', Marse talisman, and in where he has for steadily growing worse and hla now leas than one hour was himself In the Mimbres valley with 0 families Texas until their patience is worn threadbare, and a dementia has Jack, en de boys,' en my ol' heart mos bruk for wantln arrested tor the yards tract very acute form. murder of George Blake. MM ,.f Jaoaneae farmers. The Japs are good workers sigh of general relief goes up from every portion of taken a to see you onct befo' I went. I hears you haa little sucqess boy, my and It is expected they will make In the the over Marse Jack, Sn ol' heart es glad en hopes de stats the fct that this eternal hobby has little boy so good his en mammy. P. A. Keller, a contractor of. Mimbres valley, whsre Intente farming yieias sucn Daniel H. Madero, an uncle of the arsasslnated as fadder his I'se El Paso, been backed off the poiltloal boards and made to re pray de bressed Lord that yo' heart en yo' bras neb- - will leave within a few days for St.- labuls, MoáSor fabulous returns. president of Mexico, says sume Its rightful position of a moral, instead of that Carransa la a strong ber be empty ee pore old Mlnty'a' a short visit, and from 'there he will ko to home in Clair county, h!ld Farming around Clovta. N. M.. this year is bring- political, question. and capable man, eminently qualified for executive "The pore old thing wus so weak thet she stopped 8t Illinois, and perhaps bring ma- duties, and predicts for a few minutes, n wus but back a helpmate. ing very satisfactory returns, especially in the The nomination of Mr. Ferguson csvme aa that he will do a great work for nothin' heard the tickin In the Plains a paralys of the clock. Finally begun again. tter of wheat production. One farmer ing surprise to the prohibition element of Texas, as the upbuilding of Mexico when he assumes charge of she reporta a yield of 40 bushels to the acre. " 'I'se great favor to ax yo' Marse Jack. When A. Tllton is confined In the county Jail on a charge section they were confident that there would be veritable the new government at Mexico City. Charles Hatfield made 2 buhels average to the a done dead kin I be burled In de ol cemtry. Pears lak of aggravated assault. The victim of his warlike L. M. Boney and John Burnett report a Ball landslide. Governor Ferguson, when he assumes I'se gwine be nearer Josh dar, en kin I have a white courage was a woman and the woman Is hla wife. acre, and Cattle receipts In Kansas City 160,000 yield of 22 bushels per acre. office following his election, will put forth his best are short of coffin wld spangles on do side en gimcrack handles? Mr. "T" will be taken care of by the county court, the same period last year, En could I have a stun wld en Mlnty en Ed Domldlon is also in efforts to wand promoting the Interests all and the market situation whits Josh the "cooler" charged with Douglas la available material of gret big writ In'?' robbing a stranger Acme "Not a vacant houae in that Texas, Instead of confining there has become very acute. Ths receipts at that at the saloon of a large story comes the thrlv-l- n himself to carrying out "I promised her It should be as she wished. sum of money. Ed was by Deputy for a renter." Is the that from market this year have been the smallest for 20 years, arrested Marshal CoDDer City of Arliona, and it la a story the proposition of forcing all Tasas to ac she smiled contentedly, and feebly pressed my hand. little and Kansas City packers a vary peasimiatio that bears on its face complete evidence of thrift cept the dogmas of the ecclesiastical crowd who would take view I ee one ting I'se saved for yo, Marse Jack. of yo my n-- and prosperity. The city of Philadelphia has 17,000 have been tn the saddle with the situation. Put hand en bres en tak' dat little bag. It was The world's exnosltion tn he hM t i. one. Com the nomination of Colonel Joth gin me dat, en I knows tlnk yo is sq advanced Vacant residences, the city of Douglas not Thomas H. Ball. he bes 'serve it' far in all its departments that It is to the. southwest, where prosperity has a permanent The Information comes from Washington that the "I silently put It In my pocket, and she dosed for in oraer 10 state mat It will be the greatest of air The nomination of Ferguson and the elimination a few moments. Finally she opened eyes, world's exhibitions. - abiding place. Wilson administration haa determined the revolu her and The hniiriinn of the prohibition question is the best thing that has with a bright smile said: any other ever held and the exhibits outnumber by crop tionary spirit shall be curbed In the republic of " 'I'se try to forgib cap'n man. Illustrative of the magnitude of the fruit hsppened tn Texaa politics for a number of years. dat but I no tink " i iia atno. isvery nation 11 Mexicp. and is a suggestion I quite. yo ""i"ui around Farmlngton. in San Juan oounty, N. there therein which our kin Tell little boy dat Mlnty lak to make will be represented. Including Mexico, which haa nay be mentioned that one firm, Farley brothersJt, old amigo, Pascual Orosco, should bear In mind. blm cooky. I'se very tired en hope to see Josh soon.' approprloated 1200,000 for the purpose In speaking of the new treaty with the United "Thet wux of erecting have arranged to ahtp fifty carloada of peaches to the last she said, for she died right buildings and putting in a unique exhibit of Mexican States. President Restrepo of Colombia says arter trj6t, I ' market from that point. It la estimated that the fifty in his It is reported that General Victoriano Huerta 'n sot 'n held her hand for a long time. products. cars of peachee will add $16.000 to the wealth messsge to the Colombian congress: "Colombia The next mornln' I made arrangements for her fu- finds the quality of the rum produced in Jamaica to neral In old cemetery. the producers this season, and that la not bad for should feel satisfied that a great power has treated the Bummers and vagrants are plentiful In El Paso peach crop. be all that he hoped for, and he la In no great hurry "Sometimes, boys, when ye gwup thar, Jest look at present It is the her as a civilised nation on the basta of reparation at estimated that at least 60 men are to resume his Jouxney in the direction of Europe. those twin stones thar. 'Twus the least I could do laying around different gambling halls and equity, and she should not forget that for pore and saloons On August 17 thousands of acres of the public civilisation the old critter. Wa'al," he continued with a with no visible means of support. These men comes deepest smile thawed out hie gnarled are domain in the Mesilla valley of New Mexico, which through the suffering. Now it beau The Texas state Democratic convention which that and frosty counte- not looking for work and would not do any if they because of the Elephant Butte on nance like the sun on a frost, "the boys near found It. They pari been withdrawn our shores and calla at our ports on the waters meets in El Paso next month, is going to bs a regular mobbed watch for a man who has made a reclamation project, will be thrown open to setlle- - me to let them pay their share. Jest insisted on it. winning and then beg him for a rn that cross the world's canal." t em winder from start to finish and will probably They wux good boys, stake order that tnent. according to official advices from Washington the hull of 'em." they may play. Recently there was an effort on the land thrown open ts In part reclamable by make some new political history In Tsxas. "Judge," said Pewt, after vlgtrous nudges by Plupy part of the police to rid town The Colonel Rooseveli saya prove the of these men, but pumping, and a portion of It will come under tbe that he can all that and Beany, raising his hand aa if he were In school, It did not last long. "what Mlnty reclamation project and the canals of ths irrigation he haa Charged agalnet Boas Barnes, who la suing In hla psssing from Mexico, it pleased General did Mist Ann give you?" System. him for I SO, 000 for alleged "Oh, yes," said the squire. "I olean forgot thet. Mem Reserve. defamation of character. Huerta to feelingly refer to President Wilson, General When I got tal And home I opened the bag and thar, whacher "Gentlemen, ths Indications are that ths damage auit Insti- Villa and General Venustlano as among 'spose I can't lie about the horse; he ts Th Improvement in the livestock situation Carransa his it wusT It wus the picture of tl t harnsom blind In one eye," by Barnea le white-haire- said the auctioneer. Is well reflected the tuted Mr. going to contribute a great deal best friends. d old lady thet hed been found throughout ths Southwest in in the The horse was soon knocked down to experience of Ray Morley of Bocorjao, N. M who lo the edification of the American people. dead men s hand so many years ago." a cltlsen, who had been greatly struck by hon- Is getting SS2 per There was a long silence, then the the auctioneer's aayt he now head for the same It looks like ths Mexican situation is to be backed squire nodded esty, and after paying for ths horsa yearling ateera he once ahlpped out dismissal to the boya and they atole nut on tiptoe. be said: fclaea of that of Friends of Senator Morris Hheppa.nl are utterly completel yoff the boards by the European situation "You were honest enough to tell Magdalena at $4 around. The cattle men of that ace As they glanced back the squire sat gastng Into va- that this animal unable to find anything that la comforting In the peace was blind In one eye. Is there any ?" Eton are enjoying great prosperity at result and that in one direction ts followed by ths out- cancy, busy with memories of the past, other defect thlt time and "lr; ta- - 1 of ths Texas stats primaries. break of bloody war In ther H also bltndMn the other .the renge was never tn better condition. another. (To be continues tomorrow) eye,"J"was the prompt reply.

POLLY AND HER PALS- ssa- - Even a Davenport Mag Have Ears -c By STErlRETT V Ati rlo 14" WstfoeJlrr HtlVlAH IT WOULD Bfc -r-ftt OH. PA UcttoikóLv mu lfW -i-kAT nt wrtsW HtAtl) tfl.tTR IF Mt BAiRto Sb:To Mt I my mtt BtttJ erlftl. MR.PÍRK.4IS TólHfc rio! R4Í DtaJ' StZ. But I I I . - H. L i . ,. i ' j -- t Q r 1 1 r . L r . ' T I " """-u I iiII1 I ' t1


pijMl IBs M ' Httrdremtnf In deem heyoort A rlrele to rrt London and Parts around the Mlnon beam to hajennOPBeRi totwra, T. P. - Oargairtv in. roll Mfii so Week is the Tba oopwi of tb ainary rctv rrom ibe vertee eUUt re positively 4HM 11 R1r- - and enwruta women rlnhs throurhom tb world, who may vlatt Thousands of Articles.. Basement Salesroom OM U Urn woman or the eapoattton. wooder. Umr wtthtn ra in ruff nm I ma mt mv n nv nene, no may rare of their htlr There are city. ""!?, hundred or alunes and a menurartiirrrs or triáronnos rum thav rr Was Meetaee. charm-In- Enaielware Bargains While They Last BO makeshift, but preparations marte Mr. ma Mr. 8. B. Prewttt fava a t Ice ICe Cream Freezers iwiiiKHnn oniy ana inquiry a lo 1M at their home. 1M Moun- Cream Freezers Popula' shampoo Dría tka reply Mm tain View Jarrare , latí niabt omrlinvnuiry to Ml. Mary lternond, wbo w. the brldot-aei- 10c Gray Enamel Drinking f at their weddlnt in luna. The hot) 1 Quart Arctic Quart White Mountain. cniantl-tle- (A Cupe DC A arm decorated with cot flower and f Special Which ever cnort drnxlii haa in a or beautiful yellow deities tent down Special Price tI.3e7 25c Grey Enamel Coffee 1A Price 1.07 ) bol water. Tola mixture clean from Ciouderon tb orcatlon. They and uvea to the acafp tbe vítor were aboutfr Iba rooms in lara 2 Pota IOC , - vrnM Quart Arctic OA I man ret bur beaut)-- c anthrax sham- brass andbrowTi wicker baskets, moon 35c Grey Enamel Tea 2 Quart White Mountain, AO maka tka bead fart mwl ara nn art red between the dances and a sand- Special Price tf eOaf f re aair a raneo aiana prune wich and Ice coorae waa Barred later. The l Pota aCtjC Special Price pl.afO or rreattv enrich the rotor tuesta were: 3 nair ana five to it a Dewmitm tan Mltsea Quart Arctic dhf AO 35c Grey Enamel Covered Of Mary While Enu Mae White Special Price Saucepana aatejC 3 Quart White Mountain. Valerie I.orlt AUce Myle le 70 0O Atk Elisabeth fteddint Enid Afnsa 25c Gray Enamel Lipped A Special Price Beatrice stiles 4 Artie VLAV Katnerto PTaf Quart aa aq Saucepana Nellie Ma Bowen Madeline Safford Special Price IOC Genera Collins Mary Dewey 35c Grey Enamel Fry 4 Quart White Mountain. Ode Aitkin Ann Matorfln PJ7 OO AO Virginia Akard Floy Bernhardt 6 Quart Arctic Pana LLC Special Price ePaaeeOf0 Uossipotaociety Nancy Edward Mary Beery AO Messrs. Special Price tPatteafO I Oc Gray Enamel Pie M Luckctt Cochrane Alfred McNaroee Platea IC 6 Quart White Mountain. A. Sharp, Society Scott White Alfred Jones 0 CO Julia Etta. Henry nine l.oule met) 6 Quart Arctic 39c Gray Enamel Special Price 4e).07 Round Kemp Special Price 0C Telephone 104. aldiidte Hal oreer JeJeOef Chamber sCDC Jack Htpper F.lgle Means 8 White 1 $1.25 White Enamel Quart Mountain. 1 A Lout Robertson Henry Collin 0 Quart Arctic JA Qfitt 7 Joe Magoffin Henry Schumaker tJ Combinéis Special Price I i7 Bitty nace Billy Andrraon Special Price 4e4e7 !. ALICE B. DE KRAFT. H1x Tooley nrimo Richmond 50c White Enamel 9Qa Sreat black cloud that o'er u flint Lewis urootrr Bin Albert 2 Quart Arctic Saucepana , 1 0 Quart White Mountain. Shadows that darken everythlnt; John Howland Vernon Lyman r AO OaC OC S tortea of death and wo they brint Oscar Redmond Richard Redmond Special Price pD. "O 35c White Enamel Covered Special price pD.áW when war u born. nave Hoane. ?Q Mra. prewilt was uneven i mm Saucepana MafC Love that Ik turned to blood and hat, by Mrs. A. C. Keep. Mr. Euls Rsgsdaie. 50c White Enamel Waah Battle call. right, nor wait Mrs. C. a. Morenea na ais m nm OQ For mother's trier nor children's mourn Baaina OeC Dylnt nor dead, when war la on. hewer for Mr. and Mr. Levlne. Thr mantara nf Rl Paao Iodic. In. SBO 35c White Enamel Covered Berlin Of Croe deaerts Mt, dry, burning apace The Frlernl Brotherhood, gathered at thp Kettlea DC Up mountains' cruel rocky watte, home of Mlaa Esther Flgntra. on Arliona i lghilnt for victory, forward on, street, last nlgbt and surprised Mr. and Mrs. 35c White Enamel Of Extra Special!!! Peace la the end. when war la done. charles i avine with a miscellaneous shower. Extra Special!!! Mr. Levlne baa been a raimiut woraer ana Chamber fciDC Party at tb Porcher Ranch. officer in the lodge for the pen 'en years. 50c White Enamel aVTar home of the T. D. Porcher In the and last month ne stole a marrn on bis Qa ganuey waa in scene ot a nappy manda, went to Ran Antonio and waa mar Cuapidor. Improved side icing Re- tainerint wed. brlnauw his bride here to live. Sev Varnished hardwood 0C Batí turto, when they entertained at 1 5 Ql.-Ha- auction bridge, compiimeniary to Lieut. eral beautiful piece Of silverware and rhlna c White Enamel tea rorcoer. woo are nere together wrtn linen ana rancy won mane Re- frigerator, Mrs. i.. uioaosn among the single door Polar handsome t visit. Lieut. Porcher I in the United by the ladles of ibe lodge, were revenue cotler service and la on tne toon also prrwiuru mi. an Mrs.tin. Levlne with I -- r- oak cabinet, 50 pounds nlate. frigerators, galvanized HOME Or LOW PRICE ea- Mnnrf VIMM, nmM hLn After the presents hid been given and Mr. Levlne hart resnonded. another member steel lined, ice capacity ice capacity, removable was surprised. Dr. Ida E. Bishop bmt snl and Mrs. Pnrrhar presented with a handsome electric corree shelves. Regular Messrs ano Mesdtmes urn. Dr. Btahoo bas been-o- or tne ex 50pounds; two shelves, price Florence Leñaron amining physicians or the lodge since It organisation It years ago and has Just brass trimmings. Reg. mm $18.00. Psseo out or tne prettaenr cnair, wmcn Extra she filled durtnr the latter term of 1BI price $13. Ex. Specialf' 3 atSSSSSSSSls Later card were played and refreshments Special 913 5 B. M. 0. William were served. .... sla I.eRamn W. D. Oreet " L Overland &r J stance Patentan Tom Davis Price Beck Wedding C6&W A very pretty wedding was solemntied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nagie Paso and vicinity for about three on Lee street last night when Miss Mlnnl longer, before returning to bis A. Beck became the bride or Charles Prte. Potted pakns and plants formed a bower l am sur that he l not In lb employ of non contemplate the trip back to av beneath which the marriage ceremony wis ihe W. C T. V. EL PASO SHORT ON HUNS rope to participate ine ímporjajotT Smith Honored performed by Rev. Perry J. Rice. The Jack' confessions sre stronr tnd virile they are unmoral. been honored bride looked sweet and dainty in bar gown Elbert Hubbard's Weekly Sermon becauie Mr. Ca1 Smith has just I or crepe de ana lace, ene do not believe that a would No Serbs Few Be Thai tveether Forecast. whit mine ever be led to darkness and to death on tnd Andrlaa Here. euthwestera carried a shower of brides roses. Miss Population It Unlikely le Dwindle on By f Hable wss the bridesmaid tad STRONG DRINK. account of readtnt Jack's confessions. I do luociU4 Prut Harrison think, however, many a boocer wllH Account of Wer k Europe. Washington, July no West Texas; was gowned in sort pink satin with lac that Thursday and Friday. puuc nanus, u. w. By ELBERT Hb'BBARP. erythtnt which the world can tlve; work, read these conresslons and rind therein a Ulr overdress sna carnea (Copyrltht, by Newspaper sweet and New Mexico: Fair south, Howl actad a best roan. Only few re- ItU. Feature love, approbation, prosperity, all mixed with satlsraciinn and (urflcleot arru- Providing the war in Europe Is conrtned t service, inc.) a modicum of opposition animated and men! why be should not break off. probably local showers north portion valuable, it of dun Roman goto. latival and mends witnessed tbe ceremony that to a scrap between tbe subjects of the Thursday and Friday. it was held. Inspired why la It that aucb a man should Aa a study in psychology. "John Bsrley blue rter which a reception or a that new a Emperor Frant Joaepn and those or and Mr, price will leave íonay inr be rilled with a sense sadness. corn" Is book will be hundred arid they will vlalt Of course, everythlnt hasn't been said. Is on count or year rrom now. It Is t book upon which Peter 1. the oonulstlon or El Paao I not Set Charter. Jeffersonvllle. Ind., where everything- And Jtck answers, it u tbe a the mother, Mrs. a. vsrooroutn. and hasn't been done, tod never demon Alcohol in author could lafely round llieriry likely to stirrer any serious rtlllnt off a By Special Wire,nito the Time bride's i. be. repuutlon. l a monument to tbe man declaration or war. san then on to Pennsylvania for a visit win the it the result of the Tex., Chartered today t But Jack: London done a new in Juil there tb author teems to force w ho wrote It According 10 United BUM immltrattowl Austin, July with mends and relatives, iney win bat thint Issue, and In an arrumem by the cos i,ia m Mr. Prtce Is con hi treatment of J. Barleycorn. dra Hig tblntt In lltartture nave no violence orncert. mere is no recovo or any aero Supreme Lodt or the Benevolent Order Of RS MAREN Ft Pato, where mic scrurr. The rsci It that men who do or one Pato. No capital stock, incor- nected with the J company. noen ana ueyumcy s direction. This story haan'L Etch living here. Huna ara likewise sciree and Bee. El ODluf Eater" are Usales: and a claaslc is not imoke, nor drink, nor swear are often wbo reads it win read lota it tua own ex- known would sesretly make porators, John a. nelson, w. h. iiui mnuL.ii melancholy. The very fact mat the Austrlsns l. Rirr. Cameron, a mint mat never 01a. filled with perience, and It will extract rrom It any a corporal' tuard. So far a Is known E. CbrtMl. Cuest el Mrs. cUsilc. " individual has everythlnt thai bU neart be wishes to. IP joiui whyTe srtuincnt thai uáa t r Harris, of si. Loula. trrlved has carted tbiraU alncV on " reason is a.ppy The story Is sn arsenal or reasons both the city Tuesday and la the of her venwi blithe '"'and fay- ror or or 1 1 SW tut history, and today is the one bit htueboltle snd artinat. It leUt Ihe why and a laslala Mrs. J. T. Cameron, stra. nam : IIIIIIIIIIIHItfSJl HIIV III I nelee.- fir civilisation's nreclous ointment. I am not ture that this treat human docu tne wnat ana tne wanner 01 ins wno na IIIIIMIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIMIIIHIIII ItllllllltllMMIIIf arith Ft Pain and after see Inr all an tbe you uiTounding Solomon, wrltlnt on tne subject a thou- ment entitled "John Barleycorn" Is arru- when. It will make think; it will or the lfht of tb city and sand veer before Christ, passed out a few men t actinal drink. country, Mrs. nd Mr. Cameron positively Lydia ru s Veg-- Hrrl ro tbtnts that are Just ts true today After reed lot the book one la tempted to rmkiiam will to to ciouderon, ana later win as wnen ns mem: is a moca fatalism. lis doctrine Is the doctrine of i by automobile through New Mexico utterea wine the beiier tbit ir a man can drink aa this Com pound and Wants a trip er, ttront drink rating, and whosoever msn lays he has, and still btl tbe brsln to pessimism; snd Ihe literature or pessimism and Arltona. aeceivea tnereoy it noi wise sntlyte ihn sltustlon snd put the whole s tne literature that live. is wrltlnt ilconfeislona thing- - each one or us tbit he ourt erais Women El Vase. London b on psper and sell It ror s princely murines bit Mis Burleson la least be would have us think so. in one sum. ss this man evidently has. then how ter than fate, that he Is aa exception to To Know Mlaa Eauna at. Burleson, a sister of Post sense, all literature Is conretslon. We can It be that stront drink It wholly bsd? the rule. And out of sadness we distill a It master General Burleson, srrlved here confess tbe w have done; alio the kind of Joy on account ot ibe ract that w a HAlalBl tblnrt Tbts mtn is bitter thin drink. Jsck does and la stopping al tbe Paso del Mori. tbint we mifht have done; and we occa- not sy so outright; but be leaves us to were alive, in ihe pains of other there t nn l hava Miss Burlesoo't home Is in Austin. Texas. sionally conreas tbint w have theutht make the lurerence. i certain and w mentally ire never oonrxetulatliiK imrselves on the fict about but arad do. And at the Indicted John that Birthday Parly Saturday . i nere must oe a certain amount ui irum Ut, htvlnr the traredy is none of ours. to toll yon what your much, It Barleycorn on a thousand counts, the au- Little miss ireae uanipueu win in Jack's rtne eonfMSlons. How on a one, wonderful remedien her birthday snnlversary satura y would be Indelicate lo ask Nevertheless, thor rails to convict htm tlnrle nets lure nd beckons. tenth and the case is still In court. have done for me. afternoon, when she will entertain aeveral ibe whole thint has both trip ana punen. Anyway, Jtrt London, in I of her Utile friends. n you read It you rind it la on your He explslns lo you thst rrlendshln and corn. waa a sufferer frota nerve. You're dreamy about thai boy or conviviality are at tbe base or the drlnklnt tur. It ror saloons, ban- TTRAGTIONSt weak noes ..a a rtaaaaa Will Meet. rifleen. sixteen and seventeen wbo con- bablt, and that were not lámala The Phllatha nd Brc classe of the tracted the habit of Indulttat in stront quets snd meetlnt.s with sont and banter and fileplarjatnatit First Bsntlst church will meet Thursday drink. Xow tnd attln, as ibe year paased, tnd wit and play and rancy and mad rldlnr and I would have evenlnt u tbe church at 7;S0. be broke away and did not toucb tbe stuff or tne senses ana now or toui, jonn nancy NO SALUTES FOR auch tirad, worn oat ror days, weekeend mouths. And we find com would be out of tbe tame. Ulac Vanaa Caaslaa Rasa. him back Barleycorn wholly ! toint And ir John war bat. feelings, tick head- Ml iJiflon Yount. wbo vltirtnr He orinas rum beer, absinth. a Jirk would hive ua think, why doesn't aches Mary Colquitt In Auaitn. It expected borne Jack cut bis acquaintance absolutely? and ditty 01 weea. apella. Doctora did the Utter Pn tne aet bis brain tnd nis thourhis Jack isn't wrltlnt any Sunday school tract. VILLA BRIGADIER SOCIETY "PCTBOIS ALB. re is neither Tor nor stalnst. He It stst-in- t roe no good bo I tried He Is St pean lb simule facts of temptation and rail Lydia E. Pink- - seir, with the I or or tb Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, Sr., left last nltht woman. inr from trie, the inward clutch GENERAL ROBLES AND OFFICERS CIVP, Remedies Vegetable Compound ror Hot Bprlnrs. Art., for two month' conscience, snd or staninr ano repentmr rlPHT HLIBS THE We rind him livtnt in sweet camaraate. If the whole thine were a Umperaac 0CE 1 tav Me. Forbes haa been tnd not the lady waah the OVEJ). "Motion Sanative Wash. am now wen ana lot dtsnc. nave explained be haa Pictures" as rapidly was tract, Jack would that recoverlnt ts aesirea. Qt nao one orina, i nai is noi natío. the earn one nd forever. But in Ha anaaka awav from tba woman and - milt uis- or he rranxiy expiin ne Vlalt Eallrely ai It U t allkely owe it all to Lydia E. Pmknam'a Vege- Miaa Jaanta Hoar baa returned from honestly puu in an extra one. unknown to stesd mis inn it Inorflelal and relative in Ban or man drlnklnt man still, and win continue to mat it will at Returned by the Compound and other Buffer- visit with friends her It makes vou think lets tba to tbe day death. table want An Is It and bow drink of btl tmrrlran Camataader " Mra. telo. and ret nere he confessta Tne horse is runnier swsy wun mm, out "Vaudeville ing women to know about it you blame man wbo Uys bis soul Desmond, or Buffalo, dare t he maintains that he Is able to keep tbe H. E. MABCK, 211 8. Spring, The Muses Hose and be tore you! He disarms you by nit rrant- or road, Oeneral Yaabel Hobtol. eommtndtr 01 8t. N. Y are tne urana notet. otad brut In Ihe middle the and tueata It thus l tbe the dltlrlcl, wltb It Tenn. Wben a mend cell, in pure oclabllliy master of sttudion Laruna bedqurtcr Mra. M. end son, Wesley, Then we rind Jack M lint or hit phyticiaa. Torreón end a or Qen This famous remedy, the medicinal Judte and Satte thev have drink torether And then Ibe atronr able, hallastart with brain, clear eve. prominent orricer Specialties" rrom their summer on have returned outinr blotrapber tumtboet awty to the kitchen wbo ssys to "Look at me! Look ertl villi's army, visited Fort Bliss yds (agredients of which are derived from the Teta coatí, accompanied by Mr. and bas a couple or drinks by himself. Jack. tl mother Mrs. S. M. Wsldrop. me!" and in admiration Jack looks at the terdsy. Tb visit wss entirely unomdai Psao a newett and fineet theater will open native roots and herbs, haa for nearly lfle' at nrat me man orina oniy wnen mi man realises the doctor is on who El I But tnd thst aad no salute were rired in honor of Ibe years proved to be a moat valua- day lltcrtry work done. then Bat never tbe pace, oooxe. forty Lieut. Berkley T. Merchsnl, Thirteenth coma Unte when the mornint open dull, ton citaren, viallor. it we said latí nirht that ujare tonic and invigorate of the female eevalry, tUttoaed at Columbus n. n., was are opaque, ss nave never ble hazy, forty, damp. Tbouthu in their frsniu clutch It Hill likelihood or the isjaaniam Women everywhere bear m El Pato yesterday enroute to ron ntier, and refute lo flow. And so be take ta belur 1 tan where be will attend tbe mounted ware Ilk him. turned by tbe Antrlcan conunander or bJa Saturday Evening. Aug. rilling testimony wonderful vir-- Three months to by, and now comas In. to the service school Tba habit I upon him. ir he break rep r Jack i bat Ibe physician U desd TM "bur tentative. at- away from il for a few tbe thou aav jenaned mm. just wnst tne Oeaertl RobUt. wno ws ccomptaMU The management haa secured for the opening Mrs. John Lowmtn. accompanied by her afín in mliMi nf l ha mad.dr.sad. bad dar ourt i. hi. aera jack doesn't say. But tb terms of py famous European issati. fatally wilt return bom today rrom Clo In Honolnu and ata Francisco, wnen rooo hi surr and a nunuier m conttitu tract tone, "La Rubia y Paco." Why Hope. crort, where they have spent me yssi youlb had disease tot their scran tie nota on mm wno Loes fellows met to tether, tnd IU They rormed a combine, evlatafly. and tlontlisi officers nave been in II Paao dancers; Gilbert and Bramnick. musical specialists; No woman suffering from any pam ror l ne paat rew aya, made the trip to use 'am Mm. n. L. Daniel ha returned from Moun jumped from dlffereni tides, mentaed Dim post in Mise Bob Burgess, vocal- should lose bone Jack views tbe subject from evert stand aad rave him Ibe coaiulc jiujll end the sutomoblles. n wit the tee and Arloine Andrews and female troubles tain Park, N. M.. where the apent the paat point. He It as analytical as Herbert Sota tral's desire, he said, to look over tho Lydia E. Pink ten days ner sister, sirs. mora man was no mor ists. These artists are tb. top liners of their profes- haa given ham's visum Harris eer. and t thousand timet entertain Then Jack, without eayms anear srtiuery and to rat a dot" He It so human at time that bo ts tin untune rant of Uncle flrbuar men Mr. nd Mrs. Arthur Cox expect I to Ittv la. It. allow a tb leader lo think what t deal bnr sion. mor run this doctor would have had if be on ouiy. yea peelsi advice write te today for a two aeek' t usmen trip 3V once do I fmd hU lotic Uodnt Tblt Accordint to advices received here ye For tba first night's motion picture film, tba If waft point la Old Mexico. had been of tbe convivial sort. H amm -- Al v Pinkhsa aeuasa ia. irjoan- - It when be ride out boraebtck ever errot lived looser thtn be did; for with all Mfdty. (ienerel VltU It .till In t:blbuhui will show a beautiful band colorad feature, bit broad trret, after hit day's work I Snitmperance all hit abstinence, all hi and will probably remtin there until nek Mr. M. L. Bpenee aad daathter. Hazel done and well dooa. weak before laavhtt lor Toneoti. "Nero Brittanicua." This is the first tima this have returned from a visit to to nappy abnefitlon. be wat not immune rrotn the and friends Tb man tnouia aave own in ma Jumo Mid tne lofty pole uenersl HobUs, Uen. A. cmf In power, staadtnt bleh o .Urel. reel bas bean shown in southwest and critics ciouarron. prosperity, bis strentlh, In bis In lb burs. or tb medical corpa, uep. itooolfo Fierro ever tba bit sweet Intlmsey with Nslure. Ho ror science, mucb for wd colonel aeoonmaatM by their finest colored films Jilts Carrie Motley, or Pallas. weave ner o much to lem 'omt. have pronounced it one of tbe Tesa. r But meuncaoiT about o ranee to mucb ror tbe simple life. (MuTs tan bodytutrdt, will leave Juires nvea us in cny weantteey mornint nun, ano me miia wtna or tne ten, mow this irternoon tbotrd train ror ever produced. It will surpass anything that bas vKH ber sister. Mrs. D. M. Smith, or no, jaca iso t wrtunt tempwaa Story t ttweUl In bU rc. rills hit soul with t eat Chihuahua The train will carry uairorm exhibited El Paso. North Flortaee street tnd crutrrmenti ror itanerai wtiRnr art ever been in ICE CREAMS He asks why II is the! one who bat e quantity medical sup DEUCIOUS Rev. C. W. Wendetl family tad, lira at In addition to thia exceptional bill, the Alhambra, and will arrive ii Of ami' i it cariotd SHERBETS and CANDIES ion momios rom a visit to nom routs returned yaatarday rrom a vlalt to aha for Gains JVev Complaxion quintet under Prof. Ernesto Gonzalez, will render an Hit sour seer's mother a Tacotut. Wash. Mrs. excellent program of classic and popular music. El eeves ano cmienta tve aen wy much By Skin Btne irons r.i raso. Pbonaa 347 and 348 Miss H. Bsker and ber taest. Miss Hsi Piling keenly de- from Jub a Ht Ptquelra Talk. With tUUread Chief. Paeoans wbo enjoy good mueic will be have relumed Ciouderon Mías H V woo will leave tomorrow home) Roberto Fttqutir. rprnt - V deliver "RIGHT HOW" If for her in Mr. and Mr. after spend In a ronndriiti capee lighted by tbe artistic performance of thee muai- Paul. Mina, arier a pleaaeai visit la Uoydarrlarer Keep tun. sad heeri. and ceaaa raplnuir; Oeneral Cerrante wanted or PROMPTLY at aay Paao. m rew ttm wan relative, in outbo ma. bebtad ihe clona Is tbe sun ny aa tne noratr, wit m coniertnce between seven a. m. will visit various aaaiem poinit and per- I Wat lortlMy reuuudad of thaet thte with Col Euseblo tltedo. dlreeW-HMr- (tven tune lo Li Paso ru--r Mra. K. J. Preston aad oaurtsaar haps return before the winter when. iitontb or rreiw of railroads in Villa territory. Mr sad atarea p. m. her season 1 1 Í aa-- Kuitire Pre sine, will lea Rttureey for ami ugly cocao lesion, teond bow 1 made the trip from DourUt Ciouderon. wbr they win visit retativ. 10 reatxer Ihe rtoady. mee oerUllv to meet Colonel Cilitdo and re PhsMM Ua Yeejr OrtUr corps! Mto cavalry! bruit Rhrth t.hrtsrbl, new á turned to the AxUoua border town list ADMISSION: attacbad utaTWruealh or oramsrvmerc aspa. Mr. and Mrs W tee Moose pot an ontve tuttoaed at Cetuathus. N. s this likei eold Oul street will move tha "rj.nrat of ta week into oay aw druactsr and seed crta Ttrnioe, Jr.. el real leant j a new bunt alow u All víala. lew n. at ror two waat, i.oiifirmatloo Of the report mat Lui Adults 28c "rna.""! ft r . It,, had beta riMawd from inv i by aad Mrs 'Wort h heave and ardua hibuthu peaiuntury. u recelavd uwoUeer of lb family la M pm Children 16c We train leaautd out ot Li Paao .pep-- ye. le rear ra Trrusamiiy wa wiummii laeT we make a apMtaliy of attend ancea no oistetmori. use ttm, tttja a lo wbeuesr or not tb prlt to I14M rjouireeaaou order are ouer wonap o utowta to nev IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS Mk aha day (Jthr are reeelved aadl isf' reentved yetUrday said that rat This Thettre Cannot Burn 53CÍ. rubber feoda. aftiy ratof end WJgrjam cauacT tecttaoriet are atRjae aaeeo eat py nyUt U Ma rterah arlk rrowat, rut Boiiaa caia a snow atm east Rat Let save the a tea. lie. and tuppiiti at nasi "a batt1 SMahy w don't hat to ptv our td.ariiatar Cool and 4iry Fact Spadatít to II Our pat coat CmfoitaUe9 MRA sawBEsNtiON, VJJlXirfuYZli ewe, ta order tal pi Root arauAi waaaa asTae aursiTaie, MUit SÚmiwbi Pata Tvaee. 'it't u oTn "ui ux may A word le the wua-- év?yj2. itaa Miurtee h. itaaiMaaajaaa Udrfliietaii AdvrUaaak II It III Jury ÍO. 19M. EL PASO MORNING TI Tnursdsy.

Dorhan, IV. C Enio CROWD COMING FIIR jr vn JEFF DAVIS BLOWS IF YOU ARE LOOKING Dnprecedeitcd rrospenty For a first luí dentist; on STATE CONVENTION IN FROM ARIZONA that dm th beat material, dona irham. sj. C, Joty ft lgn Wanted Room work pslnlaas, then look no his section of the Cnlon tn degree hi r known to the pa! The prseenl farther, but noma to tha mnamr.vr PKMonttra rao ti i m iper coadlllotis tt allrlh'lled lo the AMAIAAHtTaV AU frnt-cU- rtw tiVy r I II tiW hróitf I'll" s.tl.tl.r. I SSIHM high prices last lesf tvbaeeo has brought Hon os IN lint NEW TORS I'AIN AT l.oi.tl. bWsbHbT' in the lot al markets m recent years. Dur- CONVENTION. ' cotv LKM DBriTISTII. There yon will ham la th hesrt Sf Ihe bright tobacco can rent at time of th Denoeratic Colgutll. K. district, rroat Which the world receive Ht Net UshasaH et Mia Chases Be get tn bent of everything. Gerernar JSates Peranum an pply of leaf for restty inndi cigarette Prsteslsa, i nrmer Rentier aaney Masas lae sinoklng saciare rrsaps are necessary ss fequegted to atWrea the tn snd for genuine "Butr inn ham Kssergaary Lekerrr. vention are Careful ttentmrnt, honest ad Vol.hieN Be icen, used by smokers who roll tbrtr to your case, opa, and. rigsrettrs. writing ulce a' e dangled clinging Chamber of Commerce in not m'lhoda, Prominent men from all section of me manufacture of Hull" Imrham "I just in from Anions, frank hnalnnw and mate hare announced llietr tnientlon of be- la Darhsm't leadlnr Industry, sad to in numbers of s rough rstller." saw leave feeling clad you data. ing present al lhi atate Democratic con- null" factory, where a million sack Jeff liarla yesterday morning, aa he wash- August 3rd, giving location, If yon have an vention. hlrh will to a session in r:i or Ihia famous old lohtrco ire made daily. ed the grime rrom tils fre with the brown later than IS. la busier than sear. The null" rctory I wster of Ihe Franklin canal PI.ATK or HHIDÍli: "T CROWN Paso August II, If and The galberin promise, to be the largest of th imd ever the largeat consumer of the choicest leaf , Mr, Davla, who claims to I member prices and clac of accommodations. coma and wc will 111 you why It heM la Teta, and reeerratlona for hotel grown in the csmlhis Virginia district. Of a distinguished southern rariuTy and that doea not fit and make It fit If accommodations already made. Indicar an at my oi men is empwycii an ine year his grandrather was the brother of the 1st lhat ne faclllllea or the city will be Mtel round in procuring this choirs lesf for prealileni of the confederacy, la not nearly a thlwr la possible. Hun mm so family con- urh lu their. nlriKiKl U entertain the multitude ham. They tlslt th farmers: proud of his distinguished Our referencee: Ak any ona that will lie here. The exceptionally low Hispci i Hie leaf as It grows and la cured; nection, ss he Is of his present position. li rrom For, be It known, Mr. president-gener- you aea. Lady attendant, rale orfered by I he railroad, th bos buy direct the ruinera or st Ihe Davla is Bit pliable invliailon tendered by Mivor Kelly daily .i". Hons In the leaf warehouses du- of the Modern order of American Didn't Hurt a rst; the season. Hobo, an orflce whit h be has held for sev- 1 and the commlttoeftien, and ihe hsppy re- Sunday, t:tO till p. m. i or 11 eral yesra. orne noun. i:io un t. sult r the iititnaty election, have all been ootids heat inbao-- grown I handled Ka Bmite l Hakes' Convention. In swelling the i which It t 'Ui annually by the fariom The president-genera- l to tin- .d. gath- Bull'' Imrham factory, v a pound of Is en rout lbs now certain will be largest ever any national convention of the which NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS ered here. but the moat rarefully selected Vir order, ginia- - Aortn cnmiina "nriRni moarrn ever this year la to be held en Chicago, aa Bis hriroallnn from Honalnn. Hie abandoned on Blue Island avenue Telegram lettera renervlDg enters factory. Moreover, only per brewery M l WORK GÜARAXTKKD. and purcnaseo ii having been secured a convention hall. iMen iionrlng Into the cent oi tin seicciea tonacco for la ua. have actually In He expect to spend days In El Bllberhrrg Jewelry atora under paat few In numy usd "Bull" Imrham. The re sever! hotrla for the day. malnlns v'. per cent is not considered good Paso on official business, rounding up a caaea aaklna kIio c floora to tags ears grcm delegation for the convention and propagat- delegation the larger erne. Among enough for inn nrand. from tutted slates internal revenue orriror ing the tenet of the order. those who hnr- reserved Miltea tt the raatory contrary lo popular belief, according to n. B. visit the lo.ii" regularly snd mak I'aao del orte m ieiin,r (lq;;'tl a rigid Inspection of everything contained President liavla, the hobo la a useful mem- Jame v.. t'ergtison. the parly nominee for Ihercln and of every detail or operation ber of cm le Sam's large fatally and his g'ivemor. forniei mi"i J"erin w. natrry and manufacture. These federal ofrtcers iraoiuonai aversion to won a my in THAT OXTR&. 11. K. a hlg psrty HOSTKSTT IB TTOE BEST POUOT. NEXT TO OOKM HIMebrand and from Ihen submit official reports, and these re- "Who work In the harvest fields of san Antonio and Juke Woltern of Harria ports furnish anthot native proof of Ihs Kansas and other grain producing slates? county. Mr. Wolter will arrive from purity of this woilil ramous brand of smok- Who picks lb hops in calimrniaT Who The Two Republics Life Houston at the head of a delegation ing lobsceo. wandera the country over and works on ixiv. for which uiiuricr hare Man The "Bull" Imrham industry la recognized ine emergency jods, wnere great Quanti iimraiiiiiii erved st the l'aao del None and III SA Important pros- ties of common labor la reauired?" asked county, rarlor In bringing B. A. Belaner of Harria and perity to this part or the country, snd in the president of the timid reporter who Insurance Company rank E. Bmklialler of Waco, will maintaining Ihts prosperity. To the people sottgni lo interview ine august omctsi. among those Moimlns at the I'sai del Why Ihe hobo." be continued answer man an honaat policy natfeoUnc hla honaat of this section the lainou "Btill" Durham, An honaat without Norte. Bull Is more man a trademark for this gen ing bis own questions. dependent upon Mm support. Memhera et Kiernllve llnmmlllee. erailons-ol- or "True, indeed, there Is s clsss men rtisTmmlii. daty to those for brand tobacco; be stands as of Tou cannot afford to take tha chano of leavta roar wife and Members of Ihe licmorratic atate execn a champion or good times. wandering over th mutiny which either duty to sea thay re eommlttee who will attend the con win noi, or cannot won, out one or toe children wMhout protection. Make It raw flrat that vent inn, are: principal objects or our order Is to drive an provided for In oaaa anything ahould happen to you. Name Residence DUl. such ss these rrom the road. They are a yoer home U mortgaged take oat a petlcy In sufflolesvt amount C. Pant Linden I 13. 14 and 13. block St. Franklin Heights menace u the resl hobo and the crimes If '. p. Cornelina f.larkavtlle addition StO. etc. July they commit hsvc caused the enure clsss family have home no landlord f C. (J.t. to cover It Tour will then a that !. Wllllama part s J. Huff to Herman Porter, lots 41 and or itinerant workers to be looked down out of Into tha street. II. i:nlp OaltirsvtllM 4 it, block 5, Hidden Hill addition; upon snd to be hunted by police au BUY YOUR an drive them and George (3. ti.m. the Phone HI. or oa.ll at office, shrth floor Two Republics Life In- William nacon ilreenvlll R June lnorltles of tbo different cities. J. minion Dalian iticiiani H. Thorn to benjamin c. Weber, Beal Blessing Is Railroads. Building, and full particular wtn be furnlahed by a eourteoua S surance B. Warren mtmer .. 7 lol snd west of lot 6, blork 4, "It Is true that we travel without pay of tha company without any obligation on yonr part. Magoffin homestead addition; 4,O0ti. July Ing rare and thus our goings to and rro rent A. H. Baker Csrthage (4. Don't put off until tomorrow "delay are dangerous." orlnntn. Jr. Terrell over the earth add nothing to the passenger Karl Fain F.nnls III Minnie ceregnino to Anna Peralto, lota M, revenues or ine transportation compsnies. If your birthday la near st hand, your policy new. Every year a and 'i. block II, East El Psso addition; But the work we do In saving the crops T. Heriey Cameron etc. added to pour saja calla so a hlaher rata 0. Setxer Terue If lo. July ft. means millions to the railroads In the way IS Molotes l.tmci lo R. M. Reed. (St seres for freight earnings so that, even from the 11. Hughe Palestine off or N. Beaumont of the east side the Dolores Lopes standpoint of the companies, whose police Now while it it cheap, Phone ua and our representative Thotnaa Hill It special agents persecute us, Kaatman llnntsvlll It ii:v in mini; usi. July n. and we aro In willCOAL.call and see you. T. Rice to Mrs. P. T. Hire, one blessing. B. P. Bonner Houston 1 hnlf realty s Interest In surveys Moa. 141 S3 "Another aim of Jamea B. stiibba flalvealon 17 and on the the order." continuad Island in san EllxsMo grant; It, etc. o. the president. "Is the sending home or W'her l a 'Irang July Caldwell 10 boys, who hare run away from home. Heallp Building Every member or the sssoclatlon Is pledged wedding rings Jno. L. Hrnnner Taylor Permit. "Our SI Marllu. to repair house and rara to use every effort to prevent boys from marriages." Hurat l.ockhirt at AHI miss street; atoo. uccommg tramps, aun wnenevcr s wanner Insure happy MrCrarken Floreavllle 8 HEID BROS. lllleno. to build adohe on ar. anrl Ing Isd Is found, be promptly Jamna K. Wella Cameron 83 lots started M block iM. Bassctt addition; m nomewarn in annual report or the serre Leon and Second Streets. coon San Antonio i. company, tary, shows that 1,283 were sent Fenley I'vald airspairtt-g lo build brick boms .last ft apartment on lol 7 and one hair or lot 8, year aiouc. Wholesale and Retail Hay, Grain, Feed, Seeds and Fuel. Hilton Hurks Comawh block "C," Originated lllghway. (lateavliie ft Htevena; $11,000. Lincoln Ilatley tt 8. Pothir. to huiiii brick bungalow At Ihe last meeting or the association Phones 35 and 36. Men Thomaa Traniniel Sweetwater on lol For 3. block 171. compbcli f4,ooo. which was held at Cincinnati In the Quanah tS addition; summer Iierker Jose Malla, to build adobe on lots IS and of ISIS, over one thousand hobos were in Elgin Wrist Wstch.es fill every requirement Paul Waplea Ft, worth 30 attendance, SI mura j, r.asi r.i faao; SIOO. mis year's convention at Chi Nickel or Oun Metal. $10 W. Chancellor Bowl cago Is expected to be ven more largely Bill of Bale. attended. Silver 1 2 TO COMmiTÉES APPOINTED E. L. Hsn to Horsne Lay, all persons Davis claims lhat the Idea of the Lincoln fence hurdle. Ties will .be Jumped off on Uold Filled tie Ml AM. I FOB OS MM KIN property known aa the Saratoga restaurant. highway across the continent originated JUBILATION AT CUNT a retire hurdle, by raising height. The ircneral committee appolnled Including all fixtures belonging to said wnn mm and mat ne has tenured on mi Fourth event, cantaloupe race. United It will be our pleasure to ahow them. fueaday afleriiooii to make ai i iingements restaurant, located hi tw south Stanton snd other subjects before commercial anil state, cavalry; cash prise. Demo- civic throughout for Ihe entertainment of Ihe street; si, rant due, elc July W. bodies the country. While Arrangements Cantaloupe Day Fifth event. Monkey race, Drilled States cratic alate convention, to be held here on in camomia, ne ssra yesieruay, ne spok riaal far cavalry members ror a cash prise. night at or before the faculty Completed al Luncheon Yesterday August II, met ltat the chamber Dsager or Cholera Morbus. and students of th at Ihe tiheldon. ."ixth event, musical drill by csrslrv; lov- - commerce, committee were appointed and In almost every neighborhood soma one t diversity of california. He also addressed The D. Co. instructions' given for the preparation lor has died from an attack of cholera morbus me university or Nevada Rurmtnr A. tin- Foster the entertainment of delegate. before medicine could be procured or a Davis a Man of Education. A luncheon was held yesterday noon al at Kings," and a Human race, which will nan reponen livs.li Ian Davis gives or being s msn Herald Bldg. The convention committee summoned. Kvsrv fimik. ,hn,,M evidence of ibe Sheldon Hotel, tor purpose of mak be participated by United Stales cavalry; a tent had been rented of a lis suf lie iirepared for an emergency. education. He is an adept al the lingo the with cash prise place. that such Mrs. Cantaloupe for first El Paao'a Popular Jewelry Wore, ricletit to handle the delegate. Tin- teni e.. . neraimer, n. v., says. 'About the road and some of the terms he uses ing final arrangemtnt for the The military part of ihe program will be measure 1S0 by l0 feci. The commit! foiir years ago my husband had an snack ate beyond the understanding of the un Day celebration to be held at cum on chins or cspti to cover the of I Initialed. When sneaking A r -- are to make arrangements cholera morbus. gave him Chamber- - sertottslv. how August 18. In order to with TeSWDf0 ground In the vacant lota or the city ollc. Cholera and Dlarrhneu ever, ht uses ordinary' English and Im- between picked team Menorfu city, a soldier of Fort hall with aawduat and sellaetand platforms. Mid It relieved the pain Immediately, presses his bearers with the sincerity of tha business men of tha the railroads sun i en tv. and his n.php inpwajtc ic plans are lo use the council chamber v. miw uusais o i ii eitecteu a cure," heller that the hobo Is not only a have decided lo run two special trains to Those DiVBaln arne hntehron were court-m- y dangerous id Ihe cottttroouiA in the county iir sale by all oeslera. . ctttten, but that, under present lias on that day. O. Martin, 'leurra JtL LABsrroo A. Whit 1 Tor committee rooTfla for Ihe con- - conditions, he Is tn absolutely necessary Gray, A. program la lengthy and Includes a W Hon. factor In the nation's welfare. the Reeve, Bert orndorrf, E. C. Davis,' snd Mr! it via announced that Mayor C. K. Kelly Has Solution of Problem. number or Interesting events. Prises are w line. oitld deliver Ihe welcoming speech to Ihe Aa a solution of the problem, Davla ad- bolng orfered and considerable rivalry Is on or vocates a federal clearing house ror labor, delegates the morning ine tun ana being manifested among the citizens or .ágil WWWwJ TjsT'lBs. atafl would Invite them tn a home in El Paso. C. PICKED IN and Ihe quick transportation at govern- VITAL RECORD Mrlionald will welcome the members or VP ment expense of large numbers of work ihe surrounding country. The sport convention In behair of ihe Chamber of HOTEL LOBBIES ing men from one aectlon of the country will be as follows: Births. .niinerre and West Texts general. . io anoiuer aa toe neen arise. Part One, Morning. SANCHEZ To Yrleneo Sanches and w fa, The committee on decoration Is as fol Under present conditions, he mil tits out Baby carriage parade, with three prises. 1007 " B. Leon Alley. July n, a boy. sal ws: II. F. Potter, Adrian Pool and c. A. csrl Pciigh Is sl the Paso dsl Norte, men In one section are orien In dire need First sweepstakes, tor common ponies. AHMEMTE I n V rrom To Burgas Armente and wire. iiney. A committee was Siso appointed ueming. of employment, while In another sectlou, Distances Ü0 yard; three prises. 1007 Lean Alley. July st, a boy. enieitaln the governor and the nominee pi.sstbly a thousand or fifteen hundred Second sweepstakes, for good horses, r Kovernor and was given Ihe power lo J. E. Wilson Is st the Paso dsl Norte miles away, farmers are threatened with (thoroughbreds barred), 350 yarda; with from Uro Orsnde, It. M. Deala. anisilul subcommittees that would be loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars three ulses. MARTINEZ Santiago Martines, 60 secure event, a relay race yetrt, ceded to entertain timer auungtitsnea owing to inability to the nelp need Third for ponies; with July 37, &s Ctnal street; burial at Catholic isiinrs to the convention. This committee ed to work In their field. three prises. Concordia. 1 t composed or ihe rollowtng: Senstor C. H Fourth event, will he a girl's pony rare; baker Mrs. Jane Baker. N years. July linlspeth. B. F. Burses. A. i. J. Kftar II It's Worth Having. Ha Worth Paying with three prlxe. 17. Providence Hospital; burial tt Con- Kimene Harria and 1. F. Prlmm. .lentenant V. 8. Bradford Is at the Mc ror. Fifth event, will be a mule relay race; cordia to advertising-away- , wllb At ii meeting oi ine ooaru ui riirei nirs oi We don't have give our three prises. VELARDI Jose I. Velardt. years. July lo to get It. Our patrons are Sixth event, a tug of war, between valley ft e cnamaer oi commerce iai mgui inn order 17. ta E. Boulevard street; burial In Jut-re- in member were elerted and the new Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Flndlsy, or naming, aatlsried to buy 1L A word to the wise. rarmera and agriculturists; with can- Mexico. are fruesls ihe McCoy. taloupes cigars ror iMiat road from Arícala, N. M.. lo raso it Advertisement. and prises. COLLIER Emma Augusta Cooler, a years, aa aiseusasu. dui no acuuu kh. uc Seventh event, will be side splitting goat July SS. Palm Court; burial in Evergreen This Is the to new members elected are: Wright Cleaning roiitns contest, rmen lo all comerá. Cemetery. Place Hear the New onipany, Ferguson investment cutiipaiiy ami PERSHING MAY JOIN STAFF the above racing program la an excellent FLORES Edubljes Flore. t7 yean, Juiv Dr. i. m. Hicmnona. drawing cara, ana win ne in charge of SS. bl Paso tnd Sixth streets; burls) in aun mum. Juares. Mexico. Part Two, Aflrroooa. Commander sf eighth Brigade Bald lo Be RAMBLE John Bundsey Gamble, 43 reara. IN THE COURTS saber drill by United State cavalry. July 48. Pleraon Hotel, ajid H 11. Allan and 1.. O. Howard, or Olobe. Kiaieu to tsuereca ueserai fkoit corner Mills a AeelsUat Chief. Bareback riding exhibition by United Kansas streets; burial In Evergreen Ceme- District tleurt. are slopplnr st the Sheldon. Slates cavalry troopers, with a loving cup tery. Victor M. Judge.) a Records (Dsn Jackson. ior prise. Francisca 8 J. s. of Demlnf. is th event, almardo Almardo. months, C. E. Scott vs. Atchison, Topekg k Santa Faurht. tt Zelter. It Is rumored among local army men ibe third will b a Jumping con- July SO. lit South Santas street; burial in Fe railway company sun lor nauiagcs i that tien. John J. Pershing, commander or test, with a prise of tt. by member of Concordia or White M., catholic personal injuries. James Lee. oaks. If. is at ine r.igntn brigade, with headquarters at uie cavalry do raer oairoi. SMITH Elsie Smith. M years, July M, for August the Kelier. El Paso, may be appolnled assistant ehlet The rules covering the Jumping conten Hotel Dleu; burial at Evergreen Cemetery. Ceuuly Court. or starr of the army In November when will be: One around, over two brush SIDA Soledad Sida. 16 year. July tí, tBlo (A. B. J. I vlar. Judge.) cha. K. Smith, of Cisco, Tex., Is at th .Major oeneru woinerspoon retires. Dan hurdles, one odd looking hurdle, and Msgorrin street; burial It Concordia, I'edro Espinosa, disturbing the peace; Oi hdorff Hugh 1. Scull, rormerly commander al Fort ined S10 snd coal BU, is slated lo become chief or staff Pedr Maaia, dliurbing the peace ; rined I'KACB lllKITHUt.HK FINED. when the vruicy orrurs, leaving the orflce - and cosu. or chief or Ibe general siafr to be Apolinar Bocha, inert under StO; lined Mrxltsns Who Started Trouble la Smeller filled. ml costa and leu days in Jail. DIMrlrt uel Ofr l ightly. lieneral Pershing has been In the esst and Josa Careta, assault; ruled tin and cost: Pedro F.sutnoxa and Pedro Mast pleaded norm ror ine isai two months and is ex Juan crui. assault: fun it sii and costs. kiiiIiv to the charge or the peeled to return here on August I to ra, unlawfully lupmi dlslurbJat Better Than NOW ON SALE Maria Aroala, aelllns pesci and ware fined yesterday momiiM sume hi command. mi election uy; release, un saw uonu. by ihe touuiy court. Kaplnoxa waa fined i.eii George Bell, Jr., left El Paso yestar tin and costs and Maata at and costs. lay lu assume command of the seventh In gladly iuatlre of Prme Cauri. in two men were few Come in any tiro. We'll give you a descriptive list Mcflinio, k arrested a if. u. Judse.l nights ago attar they had forced Deputy ouver Barracas, wasn. ne win anana a Stocks and Bonds Matilda Cenicero vs. Alberto Luge -- tew nays in san oerore proceed recover in in to rail ror assistance from rrancisco a and play any records you wish to hear. sequestration auil lo Jou the army paplnota and .Msta at ing to hi new nation. The departure or jr'. Bio Grand Machinery company vs. ü. A ctgf, tempt, i to assault the deputy tn the Uncle neneral Bell leaves Col. John Parke. Tw Macintosh sad J. F. I'lleai, suit on acrouu netb Infantry, acting commander oi tint health will far A hint of the entertainment waiting for you: a. Joe saloon at lb smelter. pay better dividends. Strength, en- for Jose eras ware also roross staiiaatd Bar. M. A vs. W. W. for Latvia and Juan I tutcltt l.ewl. suit on or Lieut. Lawrence Hohl, Sixteenth tn SVS.TS. tiiieo, a charge assault. Hania aim ergy and a keen brain are bound to succeed. debt or men rantry. who has been appointed aid de I'sul Judge vs. The Tevis It I'srlNc rail in a were the two who tried lo kin camp Bell, kllpatrirk Snd Rlshop at to lieneral ccomiiaoird him to way onipany, over ciiarar. sua.. deputy sheriff his new post. SeMS Passing of Salome WalU Healtatlon Mil. state or Texas vs. cuattalupe Castro, rapa Ihe Smeller lew weeks ago. kllpaliick Victor Band were along Lieut, wuter n. neiu, rmrteenin cavalry, Right food right living and Bishop walking the street was and go a long way toward Barcarolle Walts Healtatlon Victor MIL Band Uieq Ihe two men cursed them. When wbo recently ordered to Yellowstone Marrfasr Llreaaea Park. Wyo.. ror duty in organising and health. A good start is to avoid heavy, Oamp Meeting Band Medley One-et- p Victor MIL Band ( I z.M N I ItA.MiA poiinar Cumian ami instructing the new mounted police tor ihe greasy foods sMlt I kniie and to cut atipatrirs. nisnop Mana randa. tried national park, yealrrday for hla new over-ta- x one-ste- n over men cap ir:f that overheat, and the digestion. I Love the Ladle Medley Victor Mil. Band BATEMAM HAsMl tiM Halpb L. Bale him tie and station. Carolyn lured Ua companion. ud of J men and Itamuaaen. Lieut Willuni W. West. Jr.. lin I. en iii lTtfO The Roe the Mountain Trail 'earless Quartet OIIJÍVIAAAI. Al.rjAMitltl tl'llll Jt Ht cavalry, wbo hss bean tattooed sl Colum- Alice of Old viaoeanee I Lav you) Henry Burr yuitaanal aud Teresa Alejaudru HELD ' HM bus, v M., pasted through El Psso yesier RHI I. Sllil I M. Brue and Sell U, day eu ruulo to Fori HUey, kan., to atlcud lTlll When It's Moonlight on th Alamo Peerlsss Quartet fcil.it oi tiuadaliipr Cwdro Charged With Crlsstnat the mounted service school. r Alejandro an Youua l.lrl . Do T , chavfjc Ri'.vt Chavas ana tssuull Eudl fcuglc. Ninth avalrv. was baa Tou Remember Frederick Wheeler hnsau-- t Following hearlug bel orí l.tul. Grape-Nu- Tiitildsd a chinum. been assigned lo serviré at lh ts j i u yes mounted 17H They're on Their Way to Mexico Heidelberg Quartet tiHTIi LI CfcHO Jusn mils Slid ...in or ibe Peace MrCuutoek service school, pasted throusb El Paao Lucero. terdav. fludliipe Castro, charged wlui lerday en route to Fort HUey. kan Irosa Across Rio Heidelberg assault on Espinosa, was the Oraade Quartet crtuitlial Julu in A ruóos aorasr. Automobile Llreuse yeslerd) held without ball to await in. J. De H Old Black .oe Christine Miller i caul. Fradartck Fuaisk. sixth vi..i U ni., law h. hvda street, rive a ui id Ihe grand Jury. lantry, baa goo to ihe San Fran is a scientific food containing great nutriment in small rrune, at com Presidio. Come Out, Mr. Sunshine Christine, Millar i.-eue- i turd. The all"srd ending lo the cisco, tor service inert, sirs. Da reatas St-- C. y. BrtltaU'un til s. Slanuin plsini in the case, occur red at cluii ome sccoiupuiled hiss. bulk, and quickly digested. 17e0e lieranada (Drlgo) violin, cello, flute, harp .. Florentine Quartet sliest, ftvt passenger Turd. nvr m int us ago. Ta r.spinos gin lo, pianoforte W. M Srourh. tttK Alameda av His. time was put It years uf str. TO STOP KMI COLINt. At the Tollefsen Trio nut..'i. two uasssaacr Maxwell 44- - A DsbthtiinMT, Sttuu Tillaros Made of wheat and barley, a little IklfT Rlgoletto Quartet (Accordlaa) Pletro Dnlro strati. Waasa laaaaetar I Stareh rasatataa Stu- - yeast, salt lord uu.S geru Grape-Nut- Ught Cavalry Overture ( Aocordtan) T Sheldon s si isttratlleaH and pure artesian water that's all. s Pletro Retro Jose Hable. Holl. in an errort lo flsinp con- Bouree (I) Menuett oasaeassr Packard gtuig or anuuumuou 7StT Maud Powell tMSt Oeneral It L. Fierro. Juan Mexico, at roas taina all of the nourishment of the grain, including y llonal Collector JUcb L. Cobb win the 1 4 St Uood-b- Johs MoOorinack even passenger nuitaui- brtda.detail sss j. I. HoBsaa. aaaldon Hotel, a an today another woman inspector tor vital mineral phosphates that are essential to the per- 411 Beautiful Isle of Moiuaahere i Evan Williams liast na I'srkard. IT suutnttag or fect body KiTO PAYS The csrtnastts in rebuilding of and brain. Held Brother. Second sad León - streets, live paseogr roro and pays watt, to keep the ap- auaotiur. ha becouts a ihrlvlaa- ludutlry Btn-- c. w Webdell, gut Mesa five of lata and oae attended far but unit risk. rt, petite kean, the nor-ma- Tha agsnts SI Paso, it coosOtoltoasilst ht Crape-N- ut datoai It said, tuppiy th cartridges to we food is ready to b. Itogrrs. its Bio Oraade tha thrar auad bowels ac- ta serve from the strat, n psseeiigvr Psig. men who r paid oae cast! Bar rery package tiva and tha Uood ptsre. one they deliver m Jutn. stnv th healthful, appetizing and aatisf ying. For aaaasaawa are uasnun Seal Katals Trasslera. asesffc Jatjat W. G. Walz Co. a sl. nam-- , .n to j N Atktttsoa, tot w thia isastlar try protrrultoo tt th bauds of of lot ll. block "B," Baa tutl... núes, s Urge July Si. aMsntn have taken iu N Attinaou ai K s PiaaatglJiir, tot HOSXEnrXE2Rs-- Mtalttua at a atsta of "There's a Reason sad satt half of lot ti, bloca "B." STOMACH BITTERSl At tha taanaat of ism arnav sett seditton. in July ta. treasury oJsffattU has Slattaá oH by 103 South EI Paso St s Atktaaoa io a N. Harrises, tat t. after all w nates rroaatat JJttsrax Grocera trverywhesre. Stork Ml. Cotton addiuoa. ii n, jaly as tatvt io submit io a asare by a east mikis u Dori to LiuabeiB A uawav, astt at tfestr owa . iiiaaat REPUBLICAN SPLIT SANTA FE GREETS TO CKarjrr Ctaarorrier All purchaea made Thursday end Friday will be rendered to you Sept. I . Store clone at I o'clock Saturday ta iré our help a real Week End Holiday. Make Money RAPIDLJJIDENING GOOD ROADS MEN Si or Cloa or P.M. Saturday St VDRBTt DSXJMA wrvtiov HSh

If Mandrd Sativr el Party Machinery al Ardor. Míe. te Carry visiter By Seealsa Seoekhtf Bhmet re Sera- - . All Over tttete t Calberlee eAllleOseaty Reaeelcd. at Astltet ceeMsi.

Sr reset Sssesel Ooiinaasdsat IIWMWSH!. n. jiiiy -i- n ell the now prsrttrslty reedy lor the reception of more who are I notions: to compere with the uproer reused the rive hundred or delegttet by Ore action of the Romero-Bre- t non- - expected to arrive tonight and Thursday contrail mr tne county central com morning to the dual good roads We Give Green Trading Stamps urent, proxy stteed seine In refusing to recognise the meet here the ttate brsneh or the R of W. H. Olllenwiler si the committer - meeting this week, in deciding that no tlontl Highways- Attnelttlon tnd the New proxies will be showed In ike county con- Mexico atsocitiinn or hlgimay otflctila vention on Aurusl it. and In Ignoring the The rlly Is being gsyly decerned ror the standard net by the stele committee as to occasion: accommodations have been Do You Use Palm Olive Soap? Today We Give You the apportionment. The committee beted it tared ample for all demands; the streets apportionment on the election showing- in of the city tnd environs. b meins or an ini. ana tnereoy rae rom precincts, con Fmamnrv rimnllrn hv nnbllr SllbSCftP Opportunity to Get Three 10c Cakes Absolutely Free trolled br Romero and Baca, ret a dele lion hire' been pieced In better shape than Your tale in tne rounty convenllon and the city they have been In ror t year, and there Biggest Chance no In the carrying out nwelnms onlr at. Tne country delegate. should be hlteh whom Romero and Bscs claim tbty ran of Ibe entertainment or business programs THREE CAKES PALM OLIVE SOAP with twlnt for Btct for ronrren, thut htve t for the two conventions. Santa Fe motor "onsider the rapid growth of this located majority or tt. j lilt, their midlines tbltie with pennants bunting, will motor In a body to Li a 50c bottle Palm Olive Shampoo. 39; or a 50c Aaeleal Baeattes I Combination snd suburb. Note its advantages, which make it a real in Bajada hill Thursday morning to meet the The county convention it likely to he scores of ctri expected to trrtv In the jar of Palm Olive Cream, 39c. The value of vestment for the home builder or investor. Then put come historic In the Republican annuls 01 big motorrtde from Albuquerque and the tne ttate. The Andrews torees ire form southern rotintlei. Moving plriures or this Free this offer ia 75c. Today only (Main 39c ur savings where they will make you real money. Inr t combination with Frank A. HuUbcii. procession ire to be liken el point or former dlriator or tne parly In Bernalillo trenle and historic Interest along the Cam its sold on The Original Newman Investment Com county, and wltb v. H. Olllenwiler, who Ino Real, and at Albuquerque the movies Floor.) Terms. has In recent years needed the Progrettlvr will alto Include list mules snd is many pany element, lo fight the Romero tnd Btct dump carts, with sll the rest or tne nor nillllo county roid building equipmeni as Whet the plan ot campaign sembled ror the purpo! (10.00 Down; $5.00 a Manth made apparent today. It is reoogntaed that santa ra It entirely nreasret ror what tiniest sotnsiatnr aratiic is aone Homero should be the most impofTtnt ind most tnd Bscs will very likely domínete the fruitful good roads gathering In the his NO INTEREST NO TAXES NO MORTGAGE county convention tnd do with it what they ry or tne stiie. pivsse. 11 it ueuevea inn u osea boot raises Doas Ass Roads. Into the Republican sute convention with The best noaalble tribute lo the norman Clearance Let Us Show You the Bernalillo county delegation ti his back ncy or the highway building done m Dons he will hive s formidable start toward Ana county conies lonay iroin oiaie r.ui-nes- r landing the congressional nomination. The French, who hat just returned rrom Andrews forces htve taken heretofore, tbo extended trip in the southern part Form- Klfego Joke, in Of Beautiful Blouses Entitle that Btct It t or the siete. Mr. French says that in are indications that he It likely tplts or the hammering or tlte elements snd to prove s serious joke. the ralnt the Dona Ana Sleet Belweea City and Counir. roads ere In perfect condition. The - erly $3.95 $6.95, New bitterness between the country and h also renorts thtt the stories ot dtm- and the city Republicans it increasing, until 11 ige lo the roads In general in Ihe south If rapidly approaching the nature or e neve neen cijwiirir u is little doubt that when the rtrnt went Mr. French round I live ind en- - gets Into the convenllon In Fe Price $2.95 ttate Suits tbtitlittlc interest In the road conventions there will be the most spectacular and Iter thlt week tnd bellevet the aeiomoblie hopeless row that ever electrified the voters procession bringing delegate! rrom Dona 01 tne state. Ana, Lune. Oram, Slerrs snd Socorro coun- We anticipate a quick clearance because of the wonderful New Candidate is Field. ties will be ihe longest gasoline certven While E. C. i. ramptun, or Coirtt county ever seen In the atete. hat said nothing publicly, there is good Me French established two new roan values, the desirable stylea and the extremelv low Clearance reason ror believing thai he will declln' ramps with small crews, one at Lordsbnrg to be a candidate Cor conrresa. Humor ha and another, also In Lune county, oh the Price. had It ror some time thtt Crainpton would Demlng Columbus rotd, work to sisri be the choice or the, Influential northern j ft 100 rieptiMicani ror tne nomination. Personally The El 1'tso Bridge ind Iron company rPhor San Is Urtmpton highly esteemed, but It is will begin work it once on the bridge 550 Antonio St. pointed out that he it nol Intimately known across the Rio Puerco, material ror which "Quality, Nowhere in the city it there such a selection of waists at the to a very large proportion or the voten has been on Ihe irround ror torne time Like and It has been frequently declared thai natiiorlaa at elate Runeiielendentt. price. Every size for misses and women ia in the lot, ev- Ills amUattons would not make him In any A new feature It mured for the sute not Sense a popular candidate. The latest convention or the New Mexico Kauc.iiionsi Truth Will candidate to past before the calcium light npiatinn in Alhnnueroue next November. ery size of every kind, but there are dozens of pretty styles wrignt uiacnngs, rorroeny lieutenant of Schools Alvtn N. governorit or Slate Superintendent Michigan, who has been promi White announces mat no is mamut Out" nent In New Mexico Journalism ror some riiusmnnii ror a department or inperin- - and kinds, so that you are sure to find a style to suit you. years past. tandanea at this meeting. Invitations have "Look et those beautiful Republicans to Start Newspaper. been sent to rounty ind stste tnperln- - They waists are up "Everybody's" standard of Mr. Olddlnes Is lo be editor or the on i..ninM in Arizona. Texas. Utah. Colorado walste," a women suld, .at are that to California promised stand pat Republican dally to be Wyoming, Oklahoma and Kansas to attend she viewed the dlepley ot tuned in Santa Fe, and ror which Frank tne garnering mni - value giving, priced from $3.95 to $6.95 Beautiful shadow SiapUn, or tuts city, baa bean engaged ror n or a sinothwesi Conferencew on educa these waists at fi.( In our VIA tome montns past in sen nr stock. Fre Hon. Mr. White says Ihit quite a number quent and rlowlnt announcements of thú been received Texaa St. window. 'Those laces, Crepe de Chine, Chiffon Crepe, Japanese Silk, Taf- forthcoming or erreptinees hive launching or this newspaper ala riada on Ramnaar. nurely ere Murgaln. I am iu no kiiowu as me bisib journal, nave been V nr thrae feet In the Rio flrande feta Silk and Organdie. Plain colors and beautiful color made rrom time to time for the oast six vesterdey U reported by Olenn A Orgy. sure they must be marked The Golden months or more and Its promoters have held or the Itydrogrtphlc orrice of the claimed that It Is assured enough support a survey. The Rio Puerr down." Today there Is a card combinations Clearance Price. pe a suc- nlnrinl iruiu nnpuuncaiiH to conspicuous prlnrtpal western tributary ot the Rio In the window which readu: Limited cess from the start. The grand old partv Orande. Is tlso on a rampage end Ihe Perot State has nol had a dally newspaper, which tl river It carrying t large volume or water, "Clearunc.e of Illouaes For- could count on fur a lone time, and tin lay the reports from the stream measuring TRAIN OF pressing need or party urrtn durtua- - the merly Priced I1B6 to H.tt PREMIER campaign makes it quite probable that the stttinns. hehaal Annnrl laament. paper will i..... r.niv at THE SOUTHWEST be actually started before! A rund of ,870.10 his bate appropriated lo the rounty schools, being en iverage or0ur10 rents lo each pupil, aerord-In- WILLIAMS IIECLABF.S HIS to a resort to the department or public NOMINATION 18 A CINCH. Instruction. Leaves El Paso 2 p.m. Arrives Los Angeles 2:40 p.m. Hv Timet Nprctal Oirri spoadrnf Santa Fe. N. M July ill Ills nomination TI BERCl I OXIS CFNSl'S. $2.95 Make your reservation early and let us take care of and election are a "cinch" In the opinion IL $2.95 or Hugh H. Williams, state corporation Ministers and Churches to Be Asked te you properly. commissioner, who has returned with Land Repurl All Deaths snd Sickness. commissioner R. P. Km in. rrom an lnl or Jtfl rtsie Hiiii rrrcj.odesf. lour the north end or the stale. New York, July SI. A tubereulotls Williams Is absolutely confident or of Ihoufsnds of ehurrheg In various week In the mlereile or Ihe Scottish Rite Park, arrived In the city In their automo- tion, notwithstanding Ihsl this conridence psrts or the country will be taken In Masons bile Monday and Hie following dey Is nol started altogether shared by the Republican under Ibe direction of the CAR STALLED IN though high snd dry, has plenty by motor lor I.os Anéeles, where they will leaden and that hit name not Pre- Myndus. CITY TICKET OFFICE hat been Asaocisiton for the Study ind or wsler on either tide, on the west the spend the summer. prominent among ine names or those men- vention of Tuberculosis. Tb census will out tioned as the probable or Mimbres river has been pouring lis Miss jeasl Turner. Miss LuctlM Arm- nominee Ibe slab be pert or Ibe prepirttlon for Ihe rirth Wide area largest In strong and Mrs. J. C. ROBERTS-BANNE- R ((mention. surplus ovrt t Hufr slopped over BLDG. annual Tuberculosis Day to be observed any In Demlng Tuesday rrom a William says ihsl New or the recollection of old luhabllsnis. visit v. Kansas northern Meilec during the week November te. RAOINGiMBRES While on tin nortbesat the surplus from tllly; Mo on ihelr way home Is mure t io,erous loan In all Its history or aeversl thoustnd in same bul . Tbr ministers Ihe mountains north, mining down Hi" mis. strenuously denies iii in ohoei-ho- will lie In report on the range and liood hi party ditpute (Jod draw between Cooks sis Oscar Mamulle, or silver uity. was a tnjy with Alintgiity rrsdli number or detibt rrom tubereulotls in the MOTOSISTB NARBOVV-L- Is spreading over Ihe valley crops, r living rases In TRANBCONTIKNTAI. mountains visitor In Demlng, Monday, to make ar- idt irenrrnnous wnirh they ur list year, tne number KBt AI'K IIROVVMMU making travel almost Impossible. Home or it lo harvest In the northern eouii parishes on September I. the number rangements for the setting up or s large ties. their M. lt DCMiNfl. Ibe enterprising farmers ere utilising the automobile which he The dry rarmrrs, according lo Wil- of deaths rrom all rauset and Ibe number ror truck, received hero liams are lying swakn night or or These overflow Irrigating. by rreigbl from Detroit. trying lo figure members rommuntranti. rrom out how io get rid of the excess rain- will be made the bstis of su l Rip Machine Hauled Out el Hlrram by s Felix Harnett relumed Ran Hlmon. i:. W. Bowers, a prominent nurse and water. .inn sim. which will culminate in After Hetrral Hours Aril., Tuesday, where he bat lieen engaged cattle ratter, or Davit, Cel., It visiting Among the metiers attended lo by Mr. Ine Tuberculosis Day innvemenl, for wblrb btrenuous Labor in installing wetta in tnis vicinity. frienila In the city. Wlllliims during bit trip wat the terur-lu- occasion sertnou and lecture outlines and Mrs. T. V. Yates snd Mist Oeraldlno II. H. (leull snd wire, or 8t. Louis, Mo., i i cent per hundred rile, Instead other ronus or tuberculosis literature will Mi hois or Oodley. ieas. ere visiting stopped over In the city. Tuesday, on their n cents on Ice rrom Tucumraü to Mara be distributed rree to ministers. By Tinea 6proll o r. pi.ni. nf. menus in mis city. way to Fort Bayard, where they will visit Vita Mr. Williams Investigating ror yrsr nearly TC.in churches, Demlng. N. M.. July fettle Mr. and Mrt. J. D. Anderson or MealUe It Lett srbnolt drowning In Ui rrlends. Hi. lUlihilssloll complaint thtt die einress and other bodies look pert in live Tubtrcu-lotl- t Aldrieh nerrowly esnped (muíanles an Man- - Diy movement Mimbres river, sbout two miles north of .rdiudnr stuff to New obsrrvsnce. The had Aldrlrb ico phi. u in a roundabout manner In tbe Indorsement "f lesdlug church Demlng lit! Mondiy MihL Miss raer lo n , t - - longer haul. of every denomination. More than was wllb a piny ..I aulomobllists consist- Responsibility tan societies scattered ing or her rather ind mother, Mr and Mr, si over the country will work this year j I Aldrlrb, tnd Mrs. E. B. Atliworth. e to make Tuberculosis Hay a success. of Mrs. Aldrieh. Tb pariy la rropa lltlsr making overland In is a word of partícula: importance B Time ,, (.'( .,. Hostou. Mass t trip to peo- h, ing car. They bad been tpend-in- e N. M .. an auto uoii vrsiilt I'trk. Ju several dsys on the oils river and were CURED ple who are looking for the Safe Invest- l.add Informally ,exv ia DISEASES el. on their way lo Dernier, eiperllng 10 dies Saturday arteiiiiton m ihjuoi I'rest- - here end resume thetr ment of funds. An account with the den add'., Mrs. spend the niKht sitter. ji malee lie. journey lo the cost! Tuesday morning. delightful aflemoon wat sprni - n i. n First National Bank of El Paso affords you eonverssnon. Not knowing ot the Borderland route By The International Specialists wiuir doing ftney work t'.l' tbe Ira. 1 McmI-ui- bridge they attempted lo rord rlvef Safety and Liberal Interest. tipping hose nulled wer bridge snd were "oviHiaii. Younr. I kjrt. HobbUls Slim, m ar the banta ft rallrosd THEIR COMBINED METHODS CURE WHEN OTHERS FAIL Hare and Bane. i a aoori sKrid snd the flrsi Mr. Aidrtcb now of flood Mrs. H. F. Bine and three children ar- uullred ws quite a 4 Cent Interest 'I iieii a..., w They COMBIM: THE UBAtAT I I BATIVk POWERS KI.KI TBII ITV, I 11. HI MEAT. Per Paid on Savings Accounts rived) last week from tullas. Texts, for a coin ins "ii 'I" river sf l. l ulling oil fulL,sic. ,l he nilgai IHHA I ION sl.HI MM (IMI.WIC a JI DICIOI SDMIMKIBA-TIO.- vtslt wiih her Utter. Mrs. H. F. Hare, on Ihoilghi sad tMHtlls, villi able to rrott. When the i sr struck Ihe ef LABWI I.I.V HaXKIIUi NT A NILS wHuWM IfKOII INKM xhlch arc prepared U Capital Surplus Crdlrgsr englm- and 11,000,000 lio. l bed Ihe Ironl wheel, snd were their rBIVATi; LASotUTOBv i.udrr Ihelr Pl.HHd.N VI. Misa May Buell retiinicd Sunday iver was llirdwn si i'LKlslii morning rrom Vegas, under wslei Ills daughtei las where she has hit aide Into the river snd the swirtly been attending the stale normal froto bun- JOSHUA 8. RAYNOLDS, minium osiers rerrled her almut two A VISIT President. Mist Carmen (lllllam accompanied Mr stream but she man- DON'T GIVE UP WILL TELL JAMES O. and Mrs. dled leel down the MlcNART. let Vice President Will Broaddus to Mdedad can aged io rearh the south bank ind gain dry J. U. WT ATT, yon eai'irdaj sriemuou. There wn joined young lady with her clothing INVEST MiATE THKIB PROVEN METHOD There her mother land. The W. U TOOUST, and sunt. Mr. reculan, wlsi ilriLipiiiK with water went in search of It no guesswork or eipcrlmenl Ul laetr methods of bav been II re ror tome lime. - nssiv fir orosoectors to ireilment which have stood ibe severest tests ot F. Mitt Mini spent J. PH4MM. Paris Wednrsday snd ii wagon, who haalsned to the river front time snd have not been found wanting. EDGAR W. KAY8KR, Thuriwlay In El Pato. three hours work tur.ceeu-- I Orsleful people rurrd by Ihetu are cousianlly Cashier I nil efier souk Dr. limite E. Odd has gone lo Denver In inilllnir the tlallrd automobile otii rerniiunendlng others and Hi is la why they pos- WALTER M BUTLER. Asst. .ir m Cashier la the Inieietla of the exleimion depari "a." i i hi- and the machine was rilled sess the largest practice the Soutawest. QL.EN T. riser MOORE. Asst . Cashier gamt of ibe Agnruliursl college. He will For Absolute Success ill vaicr nearly la Ibe seels of lb' THKIB EUUPMEM Iheir ofrices are n,e best Met with representatives of many west- lonnesu esiulpiied In Ibe Muuihuest, occupying imk HALF ern roHeges. Ihe or ham mi i or agricultural win. will be in Ue sao Mrs Aldrieh and Mrs. Ashworth of sarond rioor tbr hUick. with the bead I In Raising Chickens Feed uer HI. and Mess Ate., consisting or prtvsu lonferenre of he secretary wore mu; in ii to aland up on Ihe Tetas oi agnruiiiire auoui now lo put ubuserged. Tb ptrtyalt Rsrepiion liooiua. i.oii.iili loe Booms end atrerel operation the approprtslloo lo keep riiiiii Imiiik IKTEBSATIONAL prirslr Irealiueni room., wherein are to be found acirulug from "PERFECTION" HEN AND I. rm hi inelr uno. nine none HTM IAI.INTH MIL ii lite el tu sll the neeessery modern uriinfn Applisncea for the evi w etpertaaavt aara for KlgM Years ia Kl E. CHICK ihe lor wl Psa. making eerurste diagnosis snd successfully I real Dr. I. Humbert of Sw sdrrononty de POOD cloibrs and a digbl tear. Longest isi.lt. lied Mod psrtnvni - vlttllag sen Juan and Rio Ar ing Ibe diseases of their spec Lilly. will producá Xeaje. heel-thl- i C Hubrr. formrrty bookkeaper with successful and Hellable rllu conulKt In the Interests of lbs rol It tiers now Nperlallsls. as Medlral In If oat of town, write fully, desciiblng your symp- lege. He will give lloesTUt snd aVnaon Uses any toed eat Ihe Western Irsnstir cixnsny. toms and condition enclosing cenia chicks. tlss- rlly Terminal plomas snd tnd four la ai tlst rounty Insumir, ror about with etlver Iliense stamps one uf their books on diseases similar traiions the mark at ! spending tbv week vlslUOf friends newspaiier Iterorda ttbow. for tan uayt or iwo weest. Later he wiu visit to your own. Kama Fe. He will be gone about Ihm "auparintendent king, or Hie K f i H. weeks. TRY IT veaierdiy In bit prívalo Mis Nanette Myers, W.. Wat in the m J IIIM IMS OF C. M. G stale siiiruitenu For Sale By All Grocers ear on his way to Tyrone oo en inspection rider T. A. Thsslis at or industrial adueaUoa. while a lien. FREE BOOKS V. Iilslls OF WOMEN tig rou Ana county Ma. htUNEV AND RELTAL DIBJXAHCS. the Intlliute. vlatieu H. Dr. B. t:. MatfJBaflBi with Mr. Alice I Usarlos and en (allege Row of Ihe I. nos county road board. Mlas Sadie rduart we the victim or an W. 0. WISE & CO. members THURSTON uuaie acrid Ses day oo the wav AUDIT CO. anion Hubbard' T Llark lell Tuesday church. and nam CURED IN ONE Hydrocele, Rupture, Piles home frota Ul aaa way the rir Wholesale and Retail vaiilut over Uve sania le railroad to ai Auditing, AcooeBtang, 1j slsinaliiim be aim nasable sed rea into a dun, ten. Ibe of Ihe New i miss Sadie to cranking saiiusl By tatir Pataleas sad Blssdlea Usthnd. N IsrleaU Fraa. Beslasas. fl ted feaavtry rtlvlalou uf lee Natlou) Highways as reJkns of ike Asácete Assseteoae at PsMta mis Swisses htr srm broken Jutl shove tbe wrist. Th Ulttt rit not lB0 City Natioael Baah lVsUding ereat tt at Batata until after usar O M Sadler, insmkrr or tat Usee oiuniy bad reached bom, sad bar the time at yoad botrd sod secretary sad treeaurrr of They sise sera by the I. ATSST and BUST MBTMtMiK Hie shorts si lme Miastble tsow sass ax paso, returned to Les Creces sad bad the ta Ptbosaa 11 and tee board has rsslgwed froaa lur board, very REvNONABLE rXE. CATARRH BLOCsTJ POISON, SKIN UtuMSMt. fJHH tkjlas est. II 5290 N IIEI i kUMley, lured member had become etc.! who h accepted eitd titiles H Usstfa LEPSF. KEBVIH KN reus tit. b suiter aud tasiial hurry painful. has seentil rlarlad to rill Ibe position of (Maeesee and til specitl dlseaaes uf un ii and woiuru li w Carroll. Santa re agent at Una See re IS IV aim treasurer irr. n tsnimai pfcvr received word SaHrf mornu has also tendered his rralauation as a CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE thai Ms moinsr. who residas at PacttV asetuber ol tin board. vhteb has net as yet tMrt. .al had rattan sad dloaled her r TWK Q LP WtUABU" 1 beni acted upon, a psuisun IS oeint en oilier Maura. a at. to I p. at ; 2 p i., i at-- Biuaaya. te to L kta Mr Carroll and the two children. Mr sed Anns ksihsrta. ten at see fe at it.. i. samiibei oi itve board lo suueeed sdM BL B. Ibe Specialists CsTWWlKAl, BROS.AMD ssirai, asa o - International CUFFORDMCWHANDIat WHOUWAlat SUCTAJX ja Telegrapb mioa. uainiam dttlet Telaaiboue and tSalskBaatel Jahaat Et ) leal Oreses Orrea PrxasuM A Mi-M- t K. VtHsaa Tuesday rrom a vs. a Vter. Is Pete ties lis. Oréeles. 111 rompan ie turned sad VI ear aasa.rii black, Carear Texas Mrerl aad Mass Avcaaw, El Pasa, lasas Bsl u aYMJt Bainiaad, (toe trip to Denver. Cole., wear be visited ai STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES whent ... o. tipster!at take Cassstsrrlatn's Ta E,r..c. t' I Ms Taws are eesw M aaks sad aaotl "'hariea Arvla Wa-et- of Sanie agTeesbls Is erfsct for Sel by sU deejere. y, as in ib city lee early pen of tea

I Thursday. July 30, 1914. 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

of rveita kappa. b win arme Tho Now Baby July. ' mr PANAMA-PACIFI- C tat. Now Good Time bftmlJmj pretty ceremony pa: is S hs and a persemlfira DRIIíKlNCi tone htmaelf was held on STOP Beery tiny Infant makaa ltfe-- riimin Pacific Hite Do It Now, It' 80 EXPOPROGRESS tnecUve wider ftmft brighter may inly 11, wften to expon don toast w sad ususa' añdlrwrsT wixntn t7tvtStltaMktSffnSFatan drinking by his own effort Mr any To Purify the Blood home Ha airiest and around breaking his tnnermnat self, that he cannot and diving girl had 1 part in the afternoon lenigin. of time, ror the toce rormao a snd only i.ATrrr imtummom m mn rww 1 tmea audi comfort natal nMrVFrlRALwuawiUOUORJfTSTSt. - HIV a TAftftft KftSltUT m f. event. SSI sue h . .. nmaeaH hv the CUU 00 P Tfil UAOOtafPALACK. free him r.,from the awful craving for drink. Bnt with OIS remedy abara Id be 18 EAST. Tbe patten t. wl rt or will on bis pan, with ao loss Proptr Help WW 8hrt Nature Big Boost temtlem. OBITUARY of time and without tba. of his moat inllmst mend, finds Do Seer mearon (I Con nay af nonlh Africa real helpful thing, titmseif free rrom hit old enemy, Ml respect returns, aad with II tba respect ib mana msfatnetet urepiay la an external ab and confidante of others no essential to tha success thai ovary true) carea Duriag Nm Warm Moatttt of Summer. af Wttamtda. dominal application COLLIER Mrs. Emma August Collier. for. For IsaTcrmatlap writ Tba Universal Liquor Cure Co., P. O Mr, R known gat 'Mothara years of ana. tba wife of T. L. collier B ontttl irire to rtma Friend." It la an died Tneadav evening al Ibe family rest (an Fraridaco, loryrt í Thd contract wa wan Ibsastil of by dence, M7 Fauns court Funeral servlcet will be held this afternoon at S o'clock lot oa July the Bolivian pavilion on woman that taoart drug toree throiurh-c- fr tba XJnnad arUtea carry ' Mother's at tne cnuren ar bl cssmtnt. xrr mov the gronndt of the fanaint-Ptclfl- Interna Henry Easter. Interment will be mide in Friend" aa one of their atftnla and ran Fvergreen ror (leave! tmosltKM, Carlos Ssnjine. rtpre nfflta. ta applied to cemetery km. ixmmr ts an able rara it tba vivad by husband and one son. aeniatire or nmrvie. it in nurm in muecJoe atoaba her Irttidaeo The "ollvlsn pavilion will have abdominal to relleva ha an laitlal cost of tHfmo. on liga menta tutd tend one. SMITH Mrs. Elsie Smith, wife of John In a little book are deeorlbed mora morning in una many why Smith, died yesterday Latest News Among the fully the reeeone "Mother'a surprises thai the department city. Mrs. who ill mil of fina arta will rive 'he world when the Friend" baa boon a friend Indeed to smith, had bota International exposition women for mora than two treneratlone. t short time, it survived by bar busbsnd opens In tola will bo the presentation of Tbla book watt prepared not only to aid a young son. Her parents re Batallóte by Samuel Morse. Inventor of the the Inexperienced! bnt to enable ao many la Kansas City. Two brothers, Albert and Robert Fulton. Inventor of th women to haws at hand tne timary Walter Sherrier, or caraveras ano Topoaa. from ttaamboai; Colonel Baden Powell, warrior, Buggeetlona halpn m ot '25 Mrs. and Mrs. Wooorow Wilton. EngTgvngt hv and Kan., respectively, and three sisters. neatly printed form for ready reference. 0. P. Sanders Of Kansas City, Mrs. Chu Paul Revere, the ftmout patriot, will be - u. wapiayru. It ahould he in an nomas, stotners móla of sal na. Kan., ana Mrs. r. Friend" may be had of ahsoat amy drug; Gutsch of ToneTkt. also survive. Funeral government arlat but If vou fall to find It write ua dl aiiauarasaaSTits win not ne announce! Cloudcroft Alfred Keller. Austrian archi- pending the arrival of from Kan tect, arrived In San Francisco on July 18. met and alee write for book to Bredfleld relatives and work on the au irían pavfllon ft to Regulator C fj ugnj; tfKlf., evuanxa. sas. begin at once. The Austrian govamment ueorgia. has awroprlated IJM.ono for participation If It's Worth Having. It's Worth Parlas riiyground. in I he Panama Pacific international expoal-tlon- . Far. Pass's We don't have to rive our advertising unction. Athletes of tbe cans! toas ara sway, in order to gat It. Our patrons are Tha Norwegian storthing anxiona to enter the exposition garnet ano satisfied to buy 11. a word to tne wise has appropriated Advertisement. WEATHER: Delightful and Invlaroratln. Cloudcroft was) novar ino.ndo kronrrt, or IW.nno for a Norwtglin ontetia. They Detieve tney can capture Impurities Disappear With Fairy's Wand. Pavilion al the Panama Paciric ama meitats The athletic department of mora beautiful. at international colonel GoaUsala Tba rmuona war ft. ft. ft the plan of macona memriranen lining all tn exposition. In addition lo this, an appro the exposition has acked Impnrltlea the body. Herein la where priatlon was made or 0.000 kronen lo cover 10 grant permission 10 ine ainiviea iu at- Stood portier, ellmlaatee an terltles of tend and It Is probable that AMUSEMENT: Golf course In splendid condition; four bowling al laWreattag aa they are Important. polaonoua matter collect! to be prepared the exponte of entering a Norwegian war- the exiKislUon. aa ship In men who tram tne canai win oe repre 1ft Bo Into anbateaes be readily the float that is to come through tha ley! pavilion; dancing at pavilion every Thursday many people actually need a eat of eooertr1 to the Panama to the exposition sented in another feature of the exposition purtiVr knowledge ac- U aecnmpllahed mainly canal grounds blood that n of the eliminated Tbla In 1015. J. Yeyerdalh Hansen tent to night; ball at Lodge every Saturday night Fine ft. ft. ft. wilt aeree to op by uta murena membrane oí tka langa, wtt My a Olrl tion at clear forwar by Norwegians of the t'nlled Ptates Maryland, Maryland," "There's roads. Good hornee. mack of the doobt eruttag today. llrer, ktdneya and bladder and by fba akin to petition official action by the storthing. Heart of Mtryland," "Dixie." and mucosa mem In the Deeply hiding In the aaaall lymphatic which la a mod lord form of g BIJOU "The Star Spsngled Banner" wove mu aparee throughout the system arc burled broa. . B. H baa a neat peculiar action Two mora special days have been decided THE LODGE: Modern la ovary respect Splendid tabla. Muele at germa that may bare lata dormant for la ttlmnlatlng ibaac membranal to tha upon for the international sical web or sentiment about Maryland's elation of hyper aecretloot. exposition In lOIS Illinois day will be Ji'ly dedication on tbe grounds of tbe Pan meal tima. moo tha. perneta yean. site --Selig Weekly" Through aome ranee nurb aa a aerare Tha well known catalytic action of !4th. and Chicago day October oih. r ama Pacific International exoosltfon 01 "Hearst cold the ayatem la la a low at ato of a. ft. ft. la Important. Thta mtana that Edward F. rutnne win come on t July At the luncheon given In the Pslsce the 01 The boat pleturea of current events Week-En- Then la .tba time whoa the tba medicinal pcopertlte upon oatarlag sterll train for Illinois dav. and first novel nv tne president ana aireciors m Season Tickets $5. d Tickets $3 through regiment of the National guard of Illinois, exposition to the visiting commlsloners tne forma lamp at tba opportunity and aome tha blood do not loaa their Identity punc continue medical Influence with ten military bands, will be bis escort. music came rrom an orcneaira inai form of Mood trouble mekee Ita appear rhangea. bnt a the toasts. At the grounds the mill Sundays place brings you by tutted Wilderness Mail" Special train on takes of regular service and aact until eliminated tba raciona For the first time in the history or ex- tary band from Fort Wlnfield Scott played The Whoa the moeeaa membrenea are be- positions, China has applied for tne near 10 tne aeryianaers. heme Sunday night refreehed aad ready fer busineaa Monday. Batter tpsce for airs tnst are A story of snows. vel red we bare rolde, catarrh, broncbltla. Tka action of ft. ft. a by catalyala machinery in the Panama Pacific intern from tbe land odjwfl pneumonia and eo on ; If the general t thronghont tha connsctlve tlaanea dLalodgea llonsl exposition. Two thottssnd square Hawaii's dedication of her site on July 7. tstp. of nutrition la disturbed we bare tboea dlaeaaa germa la biding, calla npea feet or spsce in the palace of machinery on the ground! of the Inter tba body check dlaeaaa has been requested by China, and Ibe space GARNETT KING, Gen. Fans. - ladlfeetlon. boadoctae or anemia. all tba forcea of to national exposition wss the most Aft- ehewa ami replace with new pronanty win ne grantea. inis males attractive And wbea the akin bnaka out It ceremony affected blood that which baa broken down or baa Chins an exhibitor In every exposition de held thus far In connection with how Import tie hare tba partment. The new republic's appropria- state and foreign sites. Hawaiian lltma lets, generally and that the dormant germe here become Infectad by dlaeaaa terma. Tbla Unique Today tion la vTMO90 la gold. beautiful Hawaiian girls. Hawaiian music o roc oe me nabar and hare the upper band. (a equally true of Ihoee nnfortnnate con- Rex Drama droga, and the characteristic program ending with Then la tka time to attach dlaeate germa dition! ao often tha effect of harah Officials of the Interna- the "Shower of Flowers" provided sn aft- "AW AWKWARD CINDERELLA" tin me nary with ft. ft. ft. it la ilmply a acallan of getting tba tional exposition have received a cable- ernoon amply repaying tbe great throng Imp Travelograe epleodld purlfler la a blood cleared and forcing nutrition r gram In Pineapple The action of tbla announcing that France, through III that wss attendsnae. lulos Universal Boy No. 2 Wa Buy Constitutionalist Currency Today Following powerful and aweeplnff aid to tba natural tba damage aoeda repair work. chamber of deputies, has appropriated wss sprinkled over the sits by Mrs. Victor at Prices: lit fluí at tba body to rid Itself of all At la well known 8. ft. ft. la pan iy a Hon.ono for the exposition. Tba number ot Houston, wife of the commander or tbe with UTTtiE MATTY Carraña Currency 28 hi cents harmful germa. Foe If take were not to, vegetable preparation but eoatalaa a meat foreign nations participating and the num- United Sutes cruiser St. Louis. The and Chihuahua Currency 27 cents 89. was by Mrs. A. V. If nature bad aot prended na with tula wonderful Ingredetnt to overcame Mood ber of states Is Hawaiian riag raised Eclair Weatern Drama, Old Villa Currency 37 cents teodeacy. If nny of ne Impnrltlea and particularly eczema and Taylor. wonderful few sso.oon U. S. BROKERAGE aecoad weak of akin dtaeaeee. Chicago has promised to the fund "WHEN DEATH RODE THE MEXICO CO, weald hare eurrtred the all X being a Klmberly mines and Oat a of ft. ft. ft. today of any raised for pavilion Diamonds from the ENGINE," sll-li-a Mills Bldf. bottle at the I'ansms international exnost of ft. ft. B. leada tbrongb drugglxt. Beware of all aubatkutet. Then ractric working models of the mines showing tbe Vary Thrilling. lion. New York city it expected to raise or netware f ymphat eelni write for a aaw and bandea mal y tUaatrated a similar amount, and a larger aum will manner obtaining tnese precious stones Tomorrow a will be shown as an interesting part of the wherein arermi aro attacked) aad held down book oa "What the Mirror TMe." It ne given by citizens of ureal Britain. (Ires! FLORENCE LAWRENCE or made eaptlrt la the tiny gland of the pUlna akin tea tore and akla tronblet. with the presence of exhibits in the palace of mines st the Britsrtrs participation -Pacific exposition. lymphatic ayatem. Hereon It help to ft. ft. ft. la preparad only fa tha laboratory tne great ntei promites to oe. greater than international This Two Reel Victor Drama tal mug.. building will cost lii.000 wthout furnish nature lar ft. ft. ft. ao etlmtlatee cellular of The nwlft specific CO., dm nwirt ir the tenon or parliament had been favor Ings THE MAD MAN'S WARD" you pure able. Tbe. laal the 2&7 national In snd Is for the accommodation of the actlrlty that by Tarto ne proontaat tba Atlante, Oa. Wbea bare a bottle of and publicity department of tbe exposition as Don't forget that Saturday la Ford aarma or impartelm rejected by of ft. ft. ft. look for tha little folder that ternatlonal congresses and conventions l art tha noose well as for visiting newspaper men and Sterling Day. axmue and" anally eliminated U yltea you conaull freely oar raefHsBI Bsn Francisco tor the 1015 seas on an it the National Associttion or Machine Job women. Them those to tko complex and extérnale hers, Iste other organizations that bave Psnams-paciri- hostn Ban Francisco are tne Michigan Ag The cinder track for the College association and the .Na international exposition is now being built ricultural , PIUIBI.KM. or way. There- tional Association or nentai Kxsminers. under tbe direction of E. W. ("Dad") SOLVING ttimCULT solution after Ibe usual of men whose fore I have worked among worker, as veteran conditioner Fight beautiful standard guagt observa knowledge of track building probsbly Is Prrarhrr Telia How He Raiacd Hla Family a cltiten tmonir other clllxens. t farmer, or GrecianTODAY any man oa ftmall ftakary. carpenter ana office holder, nearly doub Hon cars, specially constructed for fbo greater than that other la the Grand Canyon or Arixona" al the Panama world. Tbe track Is to be a of a A a ling my Ineoinr- in this manner; eduraiing Bronch Headllner Featuring Mlddtabury. VI, July W. How pastor - Pacific international exposition, have ar mile oval with a Quarter or a mile ttnlahl- - ramuy lnv nilrtren. utnnlna- the reeoert and con away. BARNEY SHERRY and RHEA la a country church can raise- a fidence, of Ofticri, really preaching IhrnugD rived on the exposition grounds. "The Tba flrat quarter of tbe half mile WATSON'Í cm by Rev Canyon or $350.0(0 races will be on ihe straightaway. The MITt'HEL a email islsry wai described prat tice and aiirreaainir in tne lata. Grand Arizona is the run M. A. culler or I ait Jaffery. N, K.. at to ronceasion or the Santa Fa railway, and In track Is to be the finest ever built and in tbe day'i aetelon or ilw Rural' Lire conference making the trip through It, visitors will with the athletic field wm cost fis MO. IB Mlddlehiirv colleen. Will Lift Embargo Saturday. he psssengtrs on the big observation cars "LONG FEUD" GROCERIES "For twenty seven years," tain Mr. cut Mu ihr Ánortútci Pm f .r bsir an sour. Tbe year IttS at the Panama Pacific in- (9 roela) ler, "I nave wen patior in a nine coun- Topeka, Kan., July To. The embargo ternational exposition promises to be "Fret also try rhorch with a aalery of SMri or lea gainst wheat shipments In Ualveaion. rhe Panama canal tone, which is to be Year." Alresdy thirty-thre- national con- house rent lo come out of that, t Texts, for export will b liricii Saturday connected with the Inter- ventions of Greek letter college frsternltles "LEST WE FORGET" ARE FAMOUS talary or two with which to live and st midnight Instead of Monday at midnight national exposition m so many phages, are scheduled to meet here. The last two Majestic ralee a family is originally piannedaci oiaiiig to in an from rtuse to the title or tba concessions that have come to the scheduled list are tbe a Drama "Financially, tha problem la Impossible announcernenwmade here today. district, "The Zone" may hsve another dls- grand lodges of Theta XI and tbe Council Tomorrow OUR MUTUAL GIRL NO. 28 FOR QUALITY

Masterpiece service today Wigwam Theatre i '" Continuous 11 a. m. to 11 p. ra. "The Perils Lamat presentations today of Éatana, "The The Eaaanny Company's feature. Banking By Mail of Pauline" JTJftT AS EAST TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH OS AS - Coming'THE BRUTE." Sai K- THOUGH TOO LIVED NEXT DOOR. mov- Wo pay 4 par cent Intereat, compounded twice every year. Wo da Another great business under the depositors ajuaranty lew of tha State of Texan, aad are a Guaranty Fund Bank, aa provided by snob lav. ing picture serial has CRAWFORD TONIGHT Our plan, la addition to betas convenient, ts saute, prontabSt aeft exclu- liberal. Nobody baa aver loot a dollar ta a ateto Bank In Toms. been secured WHITE TODAY FOR OUR WBMK BOOKUBT, "BANKING BY MAHV sively by OB 8la FLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. A WISE EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Texas The Morning Times FOOL CRANE WILBUR and will begin appearing Sun- - Something new and full of laughs. Prices Balcony, I 5c; In "The NrilB. of Pauline" day, August 2nd. The story lower floor, 25c 35c STATE NATIONAL BANK will appear each Sunday, just m ahead of the production of the picture each week at the CAPITAL, KCRPLUS AND PRORS. . 9 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts PEARL WHITE Geo. D. Kendall a b no t. JOSBPB MAOOrTTN. Tlot-rrt- a Alhambra Theatre In Jh Penla of Pauline" atetas Whom a M. BABSBTT, VVss Prsotlsel OSOROB X PXepRT, Caaratsm la J. OILCHXlftT. Aaat. Caablor. This will give the new play house goers a chance to read the story and then enjoy the picture which is said to be one of the finest ever produced. Dr. Che Hok Be sure to get the Sunday Morning Times. CHINKSK ravsicuM WHERE TO DINE The Peril of Pauline and the Million Dollar Mystery will continue to run each week NMM Foi.cih arid W ftm Sjam nam m eme. atm a A saatmaa susarr suaos in the Sunday Morning Times throughout the Summer. all Internal snd Ks 1m wartcai TO BAT icrnal Diseases axe I I I Lf im Ml I I . pedal irasimsaia IILL tor woman at stoa Remember the date of the beginning of the Perils of Pauline arate Fosa.

The New Three Nations Cafe Aug. Next to Alhambra Tboatar. on South El Paao Street, La now open. Sunday. eooloat place 2nd Tbe ulaaaeot. In town. The Morning Times is full of lots of other good thing thi is just one of the many.

EAT AT Day aad Mlsbt toimilMi - rmlisai cara BajoidaWepUag Kinispaidii ClulTHouse W. DAVIS, Mm war Cafe It P taaat Bob Ones, 1 14a4-14f-t. Tiwst Bid-- o bMaab SB ramo la. T BSM '

I Precio de "El Morning Times "Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 25 Centavos MexicanosNo Se Pague Mas FRONOSTKXM TTRMTO. IEL COTtMTfON MC xtltTALKR. to Washington, Huí.ruílo w. Ri e! OmM da despejado én general Ccrr tu. Ti foeres y wer 1 por Wtts MH Ar,on '"nevo Plt, .' Milico. rtetpejsdr, ea Plomo, por ion libra Sw- nn' U- nft.il K's y ríeme. I""" lrt ?ag ft0rnia ime fine, por too Ib M mu: w ARO 34. f EL PASO. TEX. JUEVES. JULIO 30 DE 1914. PRECIO 5 CT3L

EL CZAR NICOLAS MAS DE UN MILLON HAY ACUERDO YA 1 1 Especialistas Autorizados par La Junta de Sanidad dsl Retado CONFIAREN DIOS MOVILIZALA RUSIA CON CARRANZA? de Texas, romo Doctorea Registrados para curar Gran Barata de Bnfermedadea del Cerebro; Knfermedades o Infecciosas Saroyre, los partidos POLrrrr.ni) olvidan s LO I "H Mit os AlV TIENEN eTE CASTEI.I.OT MOSTRO UN TELEGRAMA AL ds la Agotamiento DIFERENCIAS TENSENOS) AtKtOLtJTA RAN DE OVE LA CERRA 8 EVITE SFI'lt TAHIO HRVAN, PROCEDENTE o Debilidad dsl Sistema Nervioso; Insomnio; na CONFIANZA EN LA H 8TICIA. BALVANUO A Et'ROTA. DE LA CAPITAL DE MCXKO tratsmlento Infalible para la Impotencia; Restau- ración completa y permanente sin estimulantes Muebles La soto Grandes Maltetoetoass e kan Hecho rn Aelitnd a la Sra Bretaña se Hice que Fálta la l'lrsia de Espala para que ls dsAosos. Curamos bajo garantía sin pérdida ds toda ei Imperio, Desfilando Proeesto-e- s Ser de Símala Espectador y Parlfl-- Euerias Cooperen al ResáafeteelHitoBto tiempo y sin operación dolorosa, la Estreches, en muy pocos roa Bandera Oe aplegad as adora sale el Conflicto Bélico. de la Pas es Méxlts cas Todos. días; as compradores deMexico curan pronto la Gonorrea. Flstuls, Catarro y en muy corto tiempo Páralos enfermedades Vejiga. ó mago. De la Prensa Asociada. De Prensa Asociada. De la Prensa Asociad. da la Bat Hígado, Piel, Ríñones, Hydro- Con gusto le mostraremos nuestro surtido y todas nues- San Perburgn, jun m. a los oíos ds Londres. Julio I os acontecimientos Washington, Julio PJ, El .Oral. Carranta cele, Varicocele y otras enfermedades crónloas del hombre y la mujer. Rusta, la suene esta echada. Solo un del día no trajeron ningún alivio a las y et presidente provisional han llegado a la Solicitamos spaclalments squellos llamados "caaos Incurables," embarque prodigio polmco base par el la pa de Mé- tra mercancías empacadas propiamente para puede impedir la guerra. gestión diplomáticas para acuerdo sobre que no han podido sar curado por otros doctorees. Rusia no ae aparta de au determinación restringir la xico, segun el mensaje recibido hoy por el y sujetas a envío al recibirse las órdenes. da apoyar a Servia, habiendo ordenado ya guerra austríaco aervla s estas do fiarlo-n- Sr. Jote castrllot. quien mostró al secreta- MJrw en I número del coarto. Hay otros doctorea rn I mismo RECIBIR, las la movillxaclón parcial de su ejército. Hay Kl sentimiento en todo el rontlnrnte, rlo Bryan las últimas ñutirían de la ciu- edificio dr nombre semejante. Basque cuarto No. B. MUEBLES ACABADOS DE an todas todo los indicios de que toda la ma- dad ds México las que dicen que el eral. reflejado en lo periódicos de Londres, e y CONSI I7TA8 GRATIS. gC HABLE ESPAÑOL. clases, amueblar de la cocina a la sala. quina guerrera de Rusia se pondrá muy Villar el Lic. Allende, loa dos delega-do- t para pronto en movimiento. marcadamente más diverso qus el de ayer. de Carbajal. llevan Instrucciones pars El estilo es propio. Para esta noche ae. espera la publicación Se nota un notable pesimismo. I.ss ne- llevar a rabo los detalles sobre la bsss de) un manifiesto imperial. gociaciones directs de Rusia con Austria, general de psx, "sobre ls que ya se ha DOCTORES ALEMANES La calidad propia. SI el emperador Nicolas sienta plaxa que dieron alguna eaperansa, ban fraraaado tenido acuerdu." De 8 a. m. a 1 i. m. Domíneos: Cerrado. como generalísimo del ejército ruso, como y terminaron. Esto se interpreta por él Sr. catteltol Cuarto No. El precio razonable, lo desea, una Inmensa ola de entusiasmo se Rusia Mueve un Millón de Hombres. signii liando que por conducios prtvsdos t. Calle Mesa No. 200 1. extender por todo el Imperto. Rusia movillta sobre la frontera de Aux- y por Cepeda, el delegado ade- Al Erente de "Lea Kress." Segundo Piso. El Paso. Texas. y Ud. ganará indudablemente, visitándonos antas de com- Olvidan ana Diferencias. ilia cuatro cuerpo de ejército, en cada lantado de carbajal. ahora hablando con Los partidos político lian hecho punto omi- uno de loa cuatro distrito, compuesto de carranta. ae na llegado a un rnicnellmlehto prar en otras mueblerías. so de su diferencias. La actitud general no un millón doscientos ochenta mil ombres. para la en trapa pacifica del poder en la es agresiva, pero de absoluta conriansa en la La resolución de Rusia de apoyar Ser- ciudad de México s los consttturtmtalitts. Se da atención especial a las órdenes para muebles justicia de la causa del pals, habiendo dis- via parece estar firme ye el sentimiento Con respecto s la amnistía y a las garan- finos que no tengamos en existencia. posiciones de sacrificarlo lodo. ruso es por no tomsr la armas. tías el Orsl. Carranta ofrece inmunidad La propuesta que so le atribuye a Aus- Se espera momentáneamente un maní para todo, excepto par Ion que que di- I tria de que se las condiciones riesto del emperador. Lo diplomático di- lectamente son lo culpables del derroca- Compramos Moneda Constituclonallsta Día da Hoy: discutirán qe cuando Belgrado naya sido ocupado por el cen esperante todavía, y batan su miento Madero, casi todos lo culpa- Moneda de Carranaa 214 centavos oro ejército austríaco, se considera inacepta- esperanxa en el hecho do que Alemania, ble han buido de México, y est ex- Moneda de ble. Se puntualiza el hecho de que antes Francia. Oran Hrelafla e llalla, ls Ulti- cepción no se opondrá el presidents Car- Chihuahua 17 centavos oro & de romper la hostilidades! Rusls propuso mas mencionadas mis que toda, no desean bajal. Moneda de Villa vieja, a 27 centavos oro Ziñkler s Austria un cambio directo de opiniones, y no que Se espera que de muy pocos Foutz la guerra creen dentro días la disputa entre D. 8. MEXICO BROKEHAGR CO., lo que rehusó la segunda de las y la comisión de carbajal trabajará en lo 1 Calle N. 1 1 3. nacio- Austria Servia la Justifique. De Musía Teléfono 06. Stanton nes mencionadas. se abe quo esta nación pide un inter- detalles dé cate convenio. Loa diplomá- Mills BldR. Nicolás Pide Contlar en Dios. cambio de opiniones; pero que Austria lo ticos esperan también que una dr las pri- El despacho que antecede, fue pasado rehusa. mera cuentones deber ser el reconoci- por el censor en San Petetbtirgo, sin ha- El secretario de Relaciones británico miento de loa protocolos lirmados en Nia- berlo revisado, hecho que se considera muy trata de hacer nueva proposiciones para gara Kalis, entre los Estados Unidos y el cesarlamente un ruptura de 8PAM19H gobierno Relarlonei CAFE. significativo. un arreglo. Lo diplomático de Londres de Huerta, significando apro- entre Hutía y Austria. EXPLEN PIDAS Una grandiosa manifestación bación de esto por los comidas estilo mexicano. patriotic afirman que un medio debe encontrase consUtuciondlila Servicio activo y limpies absoluta. Sara iuvo lugar esia taroe en .ncvsg.y prospere por el que Austria pueda satisfacer a Rú- ti reconocimiento probable de loa Sa- HE EKCLCHA LA OPOSICION Itodrlguez, prop. 107 Se formó una procesión, la coa ban- lados Unidos, Argentina, y De Sur Santa Fe. A que ala y que étla pueda llegar a sus riñes, Bradl Cblle. la Prensa Asociada. espalda del Hotel "Paso del Norte." deras desplegadas se dirigió a la legación sin recurrir a los medios que el gobierno Un acuerdo por las' fueraa de Zapita Washington. Julio . El comité de Atención Refugiados! Servia ante la cual se pronunciaron dis y la opinión pública do Husla no aceptan. para que cooperen al restablecimiento de del Senado retolvió inrormar si MONEDA MEXICANA. cursos, ae cantaron y la paz en Mexico ba el de del Sudoeste himnos patriótico La Actitud de Gran Bretaña. sido arreciado por Corl. Hootrvelt, como rrspuetta a su pedi- Compro y vendo de todas clase. San Tengo surtido mis grande "Vidrio" de ae lanzaron entusiastas Víctores. Después Hay gran ansiedad sobre si la movlllxartón loa delegados en Veracruz, y añora solo mento para que fuera oída la oposición al francisco St. lot). loa Estados Unidos, incluyendo cristal da aparador, vidrio ios mauuestenies se dirigieron a tas em- de Husla se confinará a la frontera de requiere las.rirmas de Zapata y Carranxa tratado por el ruat s paga la suma de FHANCISCO J. LOZANO. bajadas rrancesa e inglesa, donde se regis- Austria o si proredrá secretamente hacerse públicos. ttfe.tiou.unu por la que contra lara eirbdón de Pnnam DUCTOR 0UH.LEHMO Q. corriente, y manufacturo vidrio da fantasía y vidrio alambrado, traron idénticas manifestaciones de entu- Alemania: pero entre la moviiitarlón y la Una definitiva Idea del Oral, villa se es- teiia rsrtirhado cusndn el couir.c ruar ELLSWORTH espejos y siasmo, habiendo aumentado el número de guerra hay un espacio que las dos nacio pera muy pronto, sobre bu Intenciones I convención. Los ndore dicen, sin un enfermedades de las seño- cristal biselado. la muchedumbre. nes cruzaron en 100 y que puedan hacerlo luturas. embargo, que ninguna nueva consideración ra y quirúrgica. Caito San Antonio M. Calla Mills Nos. 413 y 416. El Paso, T Promovido al Rasgo Inmediato. nuevamente. Lo delegado de Carbajal. Oral. Lauro se le dar al tratado cu esta sesión del Consultas de It a 1 p. m. y de 4 a t p. tu. Los cadetes de la escuela naval rueron La más Importante lucha dló principio Villar y Lic. üutiérez Allende, deberán Congreso. , Teléfono lálf. L. W. HOFFECKER promovidos boy al rango de oriciale. Kl cuando los servios volaron un puente salir hoy de Veracruz para Tamplco en el emperador, al con tal motivo la vapor dirigirles frente a Belgrado: los austríacos atacaron hcmco. asi io isrorma ei consul I HON Pit L II L Mil litis L. J. ARELLANO HIJO Compra y vents palabra, les dijo: y toa servio se retiraron a la capital que Canada al departamento de Etiado. lie la Prensa Asociada. de cas y terreno. Caías "He dado para que sean Ud. rue bombardeada, según se amuebladas 7 órdenes dice. , Parí, Julio .No obatonte I del sin muebles de renta Comisiones en - en cercanías de Cusymas. Todos los incorporado a la marina en vlst de los Consejos de Estado se han tenido en San INSTITUTO "LYIHA PATTERSON" orden las gobierno, prohibiendo I Mills Dldg. p. trenes llevan escoltas con sutnctonai latas graves acontecimientos porque atraviesa l'etersburiro, Berlin y Parla La Oran Calle Florence MS un mitin contra nsral. ft. Tal. auM. o. ESTA HAMBRIENTA Htisla. Durante au servirlo como oficiales. HreiaDa insiste en que su actitud debe sor EL PASO, TEX. guerra inunriatlo para esto noche y al Bog toy. Caí de la Artillería as Compaña no olviden lo que voy a decirles: confien en de espectador y de pacificador. Eslabierlmiento selecto liara la educación cual citan alea Táctica la organizaciones revoluciona ADELA .é,00. "LIBrerlo La Ideal," 108 Overland Si. Dios y tengan fe en la gloria y la de Jóvenes mexicanos. Se reciben Internos ría de trabajadores, tmllarea H. DE KELLEIt, Eipeclallala Co- y externos. sep- de obrero rrijo toda claae the (Advertisement.) de nuestro valiente pal." Apertura de las clase, rudieron e intentaron franquear los cor- lmnrrrecrtones ruis. La dirección marítima anunció el cierre tiembre y de imc Para mejore inrorinoi dones de pulirla para ticas. Paflo, peca, picadura ds viruelas. LA en mares dirigirse al llegar al lugar de veno etc. upsoa. GUARNICION CAMBIO EN EL FOBT BLISS. do faros adicionales lo Báltico cita. Una riera contienda se en- superriuo, tu Telet. Rev. H. S entabló y Negro. CAPTURARON AYER Laurence Reynold, Presidente. tre lo civiles y lo gendarmes, habien- El Oral. Pershing rr a Ocupar un Puesto (Advertí sement.) do aprehendido aau a de lo amotinado. SE LIMPIA relole our SOI" THA- - as Washington en el E. Mayar. SE LLAMAN LAS RESERVAS ruerna EL VAPOR "CITY Or SYDNEY" QUE SESION cristales li. llagamos por moñuda PROVI8IO-- - Voca- EXTRAORDINARIA. LO Ql E HICE LA iiieutcaua DE DESEMBARCAR Se rumora n loa circuios militares Imperial se a De la PRENSA. cUc carranza, chihuahua. Calle Sau T NES NO LO HIZO AL TW. les que el Oranl. John J. Pershing, coman- Por us ukase llamas toda lien Asociad. las reservas del Imperio moscovita VAPORES SERVIOS Brutal. Julio av. A pedimento de loa ttohre ai Amonio íu. Denver Jewelry Co. dante del Octavo de Infanufri, estacio- delegados Erasela e Amenazad en su I ronl- - va ayu- De la Prensa Asociada. americanos aue se uncuentran tera Belua se Sabrá Proceder. nado en El Paso, a ser nombrado Peterburgo, Un aquí, ib "EL BUEN TONO" Los' Federales Culparon de ule laeldrnte dante del pere de Estado Mayor, cuando el San Julio "ukase" Asociación inierusciunsi do Paz Oe'U Prensa Saloón de y y Imperial expedido boy en la noche llama LOS SERVIOS VOLARON convoco a una sesión para el viernes prósl Asociada. billares. Puros cigarros de lo Americano Provocaros jefe de Estado Mayor, Oral. Wotherspoon, EL PUENTE Londres, 30. la mejore marca. Uonzález Hostiles ea Contra. a las filas a un Inmenso numero de reser- Ul 1 SOBRE EL RIO SAVE UNIA uto como protesta contra la acción guerrera Julio El Time" en un edi- Hermano, renuncie en Noviembre. SI el nombra- tiu sau Antonio at . El Pato, vistas. A SKMLIN CON BELGRADO. de AUltrla. La referida Asociación ha de torial de hoy on la manan, dice lo si- iex. miento del OraL Pershing Uene lugar será a son: el que recibe dicho nombra- Los nombres llamado las fila, tldldo traasladar lugar de sesiones del guiente reí riéndose a la guerrera. L. 1. AKELLANÚ -- I segundo tefe 1. lo S3 go- Congreso Universal crlslt t HIJO Compramos y i 'Tensa pues el Oral. Scott, Todo lo reservista de de Psx. de Vlena "SI Ki ates, sin., juuo w.- -ti vapor-- .iwcity orí miento en esta ciudad, 71 en gobiernos El Emperador Francisco José Saldrá para Berlín, en al mea ancla e smenaiada o ls seguri- vendemos moneda jnexicana da toda desempeñaba al mismo cargo, fue biernos y de los distrito II da Setiembre venidero. dad de la hey," que caminaba de Salina Cnu a maulo más. Budapest eon el Propósito de Estar rronlara belga, la cual liemo ríate. Mili Bldg. Tel. IMN. nombrado ayudante de Estado Mayor. nueve Más Cerra de las Operaciones. garanilzado con Francia y Prual, sabré SAB resolvió no guarnición del i. Parte de lo reservista de EL COMENTARIO ES ACHE. mus Franclaco deaembarrar El (ral. Bell, jefe de la y gobiernos. como proceder, no podemos ever a MAQUINAS de coser de rema. A Kort saltó ayer pan su nuevo puesto cusirá De Prensa Asonada. Francia rruinada por Alemania, Foutt previsiones en Mazatlán, como habla sido Blls, I. Los navales en 6i distritos ÍS. coma Ale kler. Teléfono nos. N. Stonton tlx de Vancouver, dejando al reservistas De la Asociada. Pan, Julio "El Fígaro" comentó con maula 110 puede ver a u intención, debido a que el capitán te- en los cuarteles de doce gobiernos ruaos y de un gobierno Prensa Austria Hungría Corl. John Parke, cany sustituto. viena, Julio A un y medu ds ssts acritud la absolución de madaine Calllsui, arruinada por Rusia. 81 al pa- finlandés. i. el esto fin tiene O VBJNDA. compre al cambia usted mió que au barco y las vid at de loa mañana los puente Humándola veredicto de la ignomlnls y que ser resuello por la armas, nuestro 4. Lo cosacos de tiempo cumplido de lo torvlot volaron ol qus el iiuryor escándalo Ue segUOOC DISOO ni sajeros al entrar a la bahía ae vieran DOSCIENTAS MIL PERSONAS Terek, Aatrakan, de nuestra época." amigos y enemigos encontrarán que pen uoiiiiuesieiiu territorios de Don Kuban, ae extiendo sobre el rio entre la población El diarlo mencionado termina ren- - rifles, basta qus aspa mts prseioa. ruego y cío auno- y obran de acuerdo." en' peligro por el de los ato toa que Orenburg Ural. austríaca de semUn y Belgrado. L glones con un articulo de Uaston Calmelte, Teléfono 21. H. Mohr. 10 aV Kl Presenciaron Isa funerales Ires 6. número de oficiales arti- El correspondiente en cuyo cncabezaelo se lee: "Hi Memo- - Faao. muerierou por los soldados reservistas de lo servicios medico y veteri- llería y la infantería sueuiacas estaciona- El OL'l'PAUO BELCRADO. tjomo resultado el gobernador federal ex- De das en ftemlln, rn unión con lo monito- la Preñas Asociada. nario, además de loa caballos necesarios, be la Prensa Asociada. DJS VENTA tipo y cajas pidió un manifiesto tratando dep rovocar Dublin, Julio av. Mts de oo ,oou personas carro transporte al servido de log res del Danubio, dispararon sobre las po- Londres. 80 Ln usados ds ser permanecían ds UECI.AHARON LA Julio despacho de Vlena Imprenta. un sentimiento mtl americano, por los que noy en la nocba des- gobiernos y los distritos, serán inuvlllxado. siciones., despue de un ligero encuentro. ta LHItA para la cejinpsOtt "Exchange Telegraph," Oficinas da Bl Paso americanos lo culpables de no haberse cubiertas y silenciosas en la calles de la t'n pequeño deatcainentu de tapadores, dice: Morning Times. Resguardar -- desembarrado las provisiones. población, presenciaron los funerales da ESTUVO EN CkUHl AHL A AVER. en cooperación con los guardas aduanales, Para mis Intereses en Servia Deapue- de un terrible beemhardso por Mazatlán ha estado medio muerto de los tres individuos que fueron muertos el capturaron ayer dot vaporea aervlo car- Recurre a la Fuerz de la Armas, los RELOJEROS Y JOYEROS. y evacua Mftoncroa del Danubio. Itelgrado fue 7 iiunhrn duranle varios meses la último domingo cuando los Fronterizos de El Oral. Villa Persa aaerió Ayer Todavía ra gados con iatiue y minas; los que, lie la lirnaa Asociada. ocupado el miércoles por las tropa rlos no puede demorarte mucho. Los Escocia hicieron fuego sobre la muche- la Capital del Estado, se Dlee. de un breve encuentro, dominaron Viena, Julio A. I. declaración da gue preparativos para nevaría a cano se están dumbre tratando de confiscar las armas Kl Oral. Villa permaneció en chihuahua IS tripulación y tomaron posesión de los rra fue publicada ayer tarde, y au texto activando y se espera ' que la guarnición que estaban siendo Introducidas en Dublin ayer, según la noticias recibidas de "pores y de su pengroeo cargsmenlo. mee: federal dentro de poco saldrá para Sa- pars uso de los voluntarlos Nacionalistas. capital del Estado. La recito exacta para - vaporea capturados fueron remolcados "El gobierno real de Servia, no habiendo POR linas Cruz. Todas las tiendas cerraron sus puerta en la partida del Oral, villa al Sur no se por uno del Dsniiblo. contentado de una manera satisfactoria v sa Ya no hay tropas federales en la Baja señal de duelo. ha fijado; pero lo oficiales del ejercito El emperador Francisco José regresar a la nota remitida por el uilnialro convencer. A N i nrn. California, y llegan noticias de que los in- La procesión partió de la catedral y que hay en la ciudad dicen que probable- Vlena de luid manan y entonce Ir en Belgrado, e s? du Julio de Dardl Co. Calle 8. El Paso No. 107, Segundo dios yaquis están cometiendo depredaciones ocupaba una milla y medís a lo largo, ti mente saldrá la presente semana. Budapest pars estar mis cerra de toa IVU, el Imperial y real gobierno se ve obli- AVISOS de OCASION Pito, cuarto No. 1. Ensayo gratis. Mayor de la ciudad, el Ayuntamiento y Un tren especial llevará al Oral. Isabel operaciones. Un entusiasmo popular ae ha gado a salvaguardia!' sut derechos e In- otros empleados públicos y batallones de Robles, Dr. Vluerreal, Jefe del cuerpo mé- notado desde ti muiriesto del emperador terese y par cumplir este propósito se ve voluntarlos Nacionalistas, acompañaban a dico del Oral. Villa, Oral. Rodolfo Fierro y demostraciones patriótica se han tenido Impelido a hacerlo por to fuerza de la los cadáveres. en todo el armas. lAMUfA VAHA. LOí AMJ.NClCte y Corl. Gómez con tus Estados Mayores pal, JLeAblP ICADOS. PLATA Y ORO y sus guardia respectivas, debiendo partir por lo lamo, se con- AUTOMOVILES DE RENTA OTRA NUEVA INSPECTORA para Torreón. En tadera, en ete momento en un elado de palabra, una vea jg Kl á en precio por oro de Juárez eta larde 7 Paso Auto Taxi Usos para no se nos compite el mismo tren se llevan un completo equipo guerra con servia. Firmado, El Conde palabrea, una vea Be cantidad, rundi- 1 alquilar 10 Brandes ca- y plata en cualquiera de medicina e para el cuer- Bsriihord, ministro de Relacione da linea al mea SI. 00 sutos ds y ensayada. Liquidarnos compras instrumentos LA ES Hungría. " mino y tasto, da Assay Sueste otro emplee po médico del qué a Jefe el Dr. Vlllarreal, RENDICION durante toda la ñocha sobre kilos y gramos. Jeansos y Lea del Hotel Shel- El administrador de la aduana americana uniforme y vestuarios para la brigada del todo el Ata. estación sata Co. Oriclna, corredor Oral. Hoble y algunos otro implemento LOB IMMENSOH TESOROS don. U Ksso, Texas, P. O. Box 570. Zack L. cobo pondrá una inspectora mas situada frente al Hotel "Paso dsl un el pueute. para practicar el registro do de guerra. DK VENTA Loa casa de lu amue- Norte" Calls W. San Antonio nanea Juárez. Tanto Un carro de municiones que, h sido Almacenado, ea la aria de la Tesorería cuuio inris muieres fina a INCONDICIONAL de lo Estado blado. tneguu o(M. No. 111. TeISfonos SI2 y 441. los funcionarlos mimares como toa del pasado de contrabando en fracciones, de El Laido la Insistan o Peto a Juárox, también va agregado al Le 1 Prensa Asociada. iiiuoL, Frijol, Frijol, por mayor y menor departamento de Teuorerl Washington. Mi. que sean minuciosamente registrada las tren espacial. Julio Con un billón y de varia cle y precio, s. étaiitou mo. pasan a pues na llegado Los oficiales del oral. Villa, que por al- ASI LO DIJERON AVER NOCHE LOS cerc a 'Be ciemos millones eu moneda Tel. MU. P. o. Bu Uw. mujeres que Juáret. 'CIONALIMTAM CA- oro y que gún días han estado en la frontera, no CONHTITl DE de barras de pista, almacenada sa AÉMACIA 10 ORANOS -- a conocimiento de dichos funcionarlos y SK VENDE-- - Hifle navage ctjton AftJiamoi por ge llevando en asa sido molestados por las autoridades RRANZA UN WASHINGTON, D. C tos caja fuerte ue la Teorerla, teres de SE COMPRA ORO el contrabando esta a cabo pulgadas, hac. blanco lo a Joo pequeñas cantidades que las personas militares y ayer ru la larde al Oral. Ro- de seiscientos millones más en cu euiacton, dé Y PLATA seso llevan escondidas entre dt bles y su Estado Mayor visitaron en auto lo empleado de dicho dcpai lamento yarda, ituihuu de venia olio "Savage" n la ciudad ea un débil la roDa. Be Sabe Posltltaatentr que Zapata ka Ofre- dijeron etta nocba que lo Catados nido de satoii csllbie lururinaii calle lomillo donde te hall can- autoridades ds Juárex están osa ando el Kort Bill, en donde Inspeccionaron la cido mi I ooperai luce para Eslableeer la completo lurtldo de medicinas rrance en cualquiera forma o In y en no e alai lose Mu por rl tremetulu embarque patenta precios libarales por lo cartuchos que artillería las fuerxaa que hay eso 'i Paa y el Orden es Mélico. de y productos de México. sin com- pasan y tal cosa ha Inducido ds oro de Nuevs York pira la bellos el IDADiJNi DESPACHO kN LAS Rfcc:E tidad. Precios de contrabando cuarteto. Europa. MESA de carambola, grande, ae o a a hacer el negocio. Se vende TAS. Vitfteno, o por telefono pida to las mujeres El TctásVo majiifeno que ae cambín. l lelo "Two Republic.-- , petencia. que se am centavo por REGRESO DE BAILOLAS. AH- I- DO Asociada. secretarlo dsl que y ta I llover eu le informa le paga ls Preñas ratade, No. 7o) uahlese al Teléfono tM'j neeétlt seto caos canuca, sienoo proporcionado el Washington, Julio Lt Junl con auna la nación habla en mejoras ruarlo domicilio. JOYERIA condicione pars enviar fuera alguno V uaraue nor ásenles de 1 ss ssesntuctoB' Peasuctra Otee sue el Gral. Villa Slesapre de Waabinrtou recibió boy COMPRA!", cuto, piala y cobra en cual- que coa Ocuparlos. tllucionalisl millonea y declaro que no habrlt que tetaer alista se encuentran ese fin en Participar de la noc (eral. quier cantidad s csfiidlcloiiet, maule, Süberber, Hermanos como no nay nail aro de V. Pesquelra llego ayer en la en la he un deapsrhu onecía del ls demands europea El Paso, Roberto Carranxa. en que etto inanirteaia quo Plancha., (erei epcido, lc. Mtial tuying uroeesado ñor loa autoridades americanas. tarda, procedente de Dotigfa, y por al- let Refilling zlU Esquina Avenida Masa y carbajal ofrece upt f" BAJAN LOS VALOREA á t.o ban Fraucltco SL muchas e dedican al gunas ñora i con el Corl, ''J rrntirum mujeres contrabando. uOTcreocro en,- que la actual siUiarlou ds Ds la Prensa Asociada. SEA ORES COMERCIAN! kb POR Calla Tama t.abada. gereou de lo. ferrocarriles de maneta Vork, CANOAS LN MUEBLES DI. SEOliNDA MANO MAVOB: mejorea con a Douglas, toxico pronto será retuln Sueva Julio M. l. formal de- r o IOS sotos, cuidadosos chauf- de Villa. cando uucvaiucute satisl " claración de guerra de alquile tenis rn abonos cómodos, Vendemos toda clase de Frente al Banco Rio feur Teléf. MO -- (AdverUaemem. AMs a asuntos oficíale A conclusion actorls de Auslri s Sarria touts Zlnkier, .v Mantón IU. Ll .ictpai'hee de carraiu siá rechado en Bs seguido s uns vMlleait cieclliisciúu cu u á tille a precios suinamenta Grande. de la entrevista ron callada, el sr. Tsmpico y dirigido a Itafaii Zubsráu, lo eq el illa tomaría eottxaclón de valore lo mercado i. HEN A o vende una cata, eleganlenteule por ex- i NECESITA ANTEOJOS t dijo que Oral. da la agencia, y en él niega ca- lócale y en tssSiplot, hoy. precedido baratos ser asentes IOS. la capital, cuando lot aiuuehlada. otifuiiablr y con toda la Pregunte a Resell. Calle Texas No. parts en ocupación de rranu que rale poniendo dificultades al por alierarlooet cutivultlvat en loa clusivo de Isa fAbrlca. Com- Establecido aesae toot .tAaverHssmeaL) asa dada la ordsu por el Oral. Carranu pax. teulru cotiioduiaes. en centro de la ciudad, lu esisblerimirnlo de la flBSDcierot del extranje forman N. i.ampbeii pramos ganado. Aceptamos salir nacía el Sur, en marcha bacía Lo miembros de la agencia sii o México oíase (Uñero rrs ra manifeslaron que ellos Interpreta-ba- LA BLBELLION EN MAITI Rl.MAliHANT IEo Dt, oho Malquiera da aa lo da -- renduión ineofidiciunsi," como Bu Sato IUJ sumía calle y El Pato. pago de marcenólas y me- Us Naeve eft ',,.. ... al una repetición de la intisieiuia de ca- cabo Haitiano, Jubo ftv-- Cn terrible Se sirven muías corridas y platillos a jor tipo. Walter Arnold. Os esta ciudad, ha sido rranza en Do reconocer el gobierno do b - , ,, comida abundante, y consul en la ciu- cómbale estado u cari, nutritiva nombrado vice británico Crbjal como lrglinenie: establecido las ruertat del gobierno y los revoluiiona tana servicio ctuirraou. 00 Jt ARE COMMUtSION CO. dad, en utilucssp dai consul Mayle, qus reijcje e.eii que la cuestión de la no Lo ledetale atacaron a los rebelde naaa unas acartones loor a. UTAIIAMLL 1.IECTRIC CO. Telefono cUdtu. Tecrtser Piso del EdUxtcte par 0 frou, pumo lllltdo si Sor d esta El Sr. Mle y su rastilla saldrán I piedra de las prou poblsclóti. habiéndolo desalojado La i.oiniesflia más razonable en la dudad "Klrt National Bank." S1T. donde para eictndalo dursato tu y tusiva Vork B na axubsrcarau sato ronfereaclat. que precrijei u a la posee ion. y reí aplurado si nteiiciontdo par je scenes reprckitus elécincaa DE CANA Inglaterra, pensando permanecer do liar- irso. AZUCAR ndsle.n del gobierno, o dijeron que. el pueblo. Lo revoluclpasrlo evacuaron as a el estrujara visitando Alemaula. pueblo, que se encomiaba en territorio isniuicm la villa de caracol, puro los Francia i alguna otras oactouc dominado por Muerto, nula confiante es combate. conlMiuan en otro vario túgales csrrsn United Sugar Companies la raOTCasMI UE VsLLA. Hoy cu It noetic se connrmaroa loa la LLElsA A NON TEBSEV fJXfanaa de que er un hecho que un ato toa General existís MsCTMIO, Isa Dewraa 4 Baértaaga UeudimieiiLi uuitiuso emrr lo s El Oral. para roadurlr pcrasasl- - MOCHIH, xUMAIOA, (asaasjaasa II i Carraaa UN Muartaa BH luu q Isa filenas da tápala. Se Hiratec la aegeetiaetosc de paz cario, jaurrgui, III SBIdlsl li de los geno áue el Jefe suiianu potbuadr su alto ayer para para aira De ls Preua Aociada. de Jusrrs. Cldliusbus. Ktoidad guerrera desplegada en ta xtoatcHTey. Julio v 1.1 liral. caí rauta a ñamaros clientes, y al pssMLoo oa mnrnaml, as loinai oajo su uiusou a unios mexicano, que Veracruz rarlklsasm is. pobi iones circundan la capital par llegó aquí boy ptucedento de Tamplco, ds ijcaana asseartv asa offelna est Kl Faso, cas 'es No. , First National huccfolio de lo oficlstos del ejercito del esiio r paso pars saltillo, un donde peraonalriueute Oral, villa, muerto a los combate, país de U px. la uegoeiarioue con lo llana HaJadsnaj. es as lo iiiucuacbo y ponerlo conducir repte, ir.. . ni ii villanía del preaideuie carbajal para U en pariKulsre en donen EN I $745.00 rsueia ESTA VI nil HI tu del aasMerxtu s educado s aaasata del oral Villa. li.s jo couttuueiuaaiui. doctos tcsxraaus sarta IfBaMll litis B Es Vis Dos de sus icrucjeattsa sua lujo dad Gral Lata Jr , se Earoealra ruara PELMIHO BE LOB EOOeS n fs que murto haca gastu , u Terraja, de rl Ortega cinhualiu rUe la Prensa A orlada LA RUTA SUNSET Y VAPOR A GALVESTON Azúcar Cúbica y GrsmuUda en Sacoa, Marca "Ajjuila' La soneto de que uis I errata II, habla Tudela. J uno tv. vemin uno gruir MtERTA BttáBQ A ANA Ear funoie muerta y tuicuetila nía herida, bSuieocUrlt en donde habla setsdo confl atguoa de manera mortal, su une plosión El Vapor más Próximo SsJo Prastow tog Materia El luí 4 eweci IM1I vrueciii-- eee.e. . CIICS, de luegut de srtincio coa fitoiivo de uní Irser rwBSiTSssBS Basa Bnalsadrr. canille. t por las ralle, dé cusnuabua, a (etttvtdad re ligio ta en to pueblo de EL DIA 6 DE AGOSTO Alcohol Marca Victoria," en Caja. Ja 34 litro. Ds la ireusa Atunal I Jaiualra. Julio ex arsti- - Ep0a kmt.'o'i. ti por i cuneo, eiec uní i oras, reaideole aasxlc Muerta asas SBJS S e.u tugar a aiiieuiio iieins que MOVUJA KN PARI IAI Cuarto No. 42 as sua r.ia nadad. so sá de Julio laranasso amnio. Dar top. Lato habla salido de la tMUtattriari be la Prensa Asociada. sstiAr J tréfico muy recargado. embae ase a Europa el próximo dosafetro. Loodres. Julio naovilitarioa El oral tuo qus coatratar el vasvt i . La lautllto no tab itri ... tot tropas ruase sa ti Noretle y ae crocus ti cu i Terrax. nada da l It IN HI tria" tin. lima cierto L- w, Sure tic fue 01 deoaoa por el oepaiiamemo noli Hi. First National Bank Building Cotí Blas; pero que dvtu llegar el uiesi Mil. iaos.- o lueitauo ue uxu la r de Cueir ruao. awua IU none eai J otra MMBBsatBM junto coa mu riuuiis .i.piial Vl.l.l. OH K CUM No. BOB, KL I PIFII lu PltiLc (OKhtlI cXUlllj a un lisBualtua sssaioti esta luis. . M.n .s,aa,a. Tillí.in 812 puerto Bit UASMUA EOFAAOU dé tapaS.. uceado probóme ka MRS doeco '.'.'riunin cboi uupuc us mm I nkfagthjajya, n : Thursday, July 30, V 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

THE STOCK MARKET THE ÜRAIN MARKET MOSf York Stiver. fko FADING aaseaseeS Preso BtWl HOTFLv ta day of specialists t the Waea Nsw York. JSAT atlver ASH money la to be spent efflelasry Menean doliera. A. StARKKT AT MTM ABPOAJ TO in tho person who arta tn an ad MUVTAJN STABILITY. vlaory rapacity I the rtrtt con other specialists, H. Léala Metal. akieretlon Like By ko A o.veM(d Sreeo we know nor buslneis better Cera I n robed arttk vTaaat, I An la Uw Now York Alt Dewawsrd Import SB feeler than any one olaa ran know it ta lot s aa ilsSsSki, aad ooto Ajee linn Waa Ik Ksteaotve Paréaseos our field, and are proportionately atajas i LredtleS U lavestnra. a Léala. efficient. Aa Investment It CI Paoo sjetei m you eenalilve thing. May we harp Meneen to avoid Think It over. currase, ta. y f Ae Asleal Pres. Jy (AO iUMttM Pratt A mistakes' es. i at-- Chtrato, Jul St. Apparently inrreetln New York. Juiv ih' iori itoeir i MANNISH CO., M'tican pesos r.l Pato buytag price) 43c. tho only alora homo crimes curreory. chencos tbst after all the war might Bs nar- honro wu mark't it Invr.lmaat Brokers, vills rrst csrraots currency. AS 10 preserve stability today, rowed down sad prora Itself tended or abroad its Tirol National Sank Btrlldlet. V chitmihna ciirrency. sH. toe wheat market today a sharp ihouth at times eaperially in Iha initial El Pase. Tatas. five sal were tn evidence W Pase Sosoruar matead of another stunning advance. ttadlnr. itorm mrnl unetetloa No failures developed yesterday-- ! SHELDON HOTEL A or Uw paralysis msnlfeatod Daily.) from HOTEL HOTEL ZEIGER result eerni ted tea; of nearly te cents, even among toe by I nnrton and Berlin Ltieai developments Bar al Ivor, ASy,. tat the Casa ant at B nata Cald Kunnln Water, eeuaeii tho British smallest traders, in consequence, a PASO DEL NORTE Hat aad In tío (loman oltuatlon Pit lesa, t.w. albor than feverish strength atañe Ho now. Up ephoae ha Bvary and French markets to practically withdraw Comer wire bars. 11.. toe oporailona. whllo 1 IAS. elote, with final values at aaaaTirtBB from all activo other Rock Island Co.... Lesa (London). II virtually the lowest point of the day I1.SS aad a. exchanges, including Frankfort ami Rock Island Co. pfd 11 sad 2" saaa dletrtct at W rana. expedient to follow the d pfd Weekly 10 etac under last night Tumblint tat, Private DlnlBAT Roo ma Opes Hamburt, doomed It SL Louis A San Fran. it Averages. táprices for wheal tn minutes IVtuxrb Dally rourao of Amsterdam. Vienna. Madrid and Southern Paclflr 01 (Dourlaa smelter Quotations.) the first few ateas'o Ma All ItltTh. Ratea to S OS. wont tn tn extreme of Mac Violent reac- - ll.at Montreal, which ouaponded business Southern Hallway M Silver, M IA. lltaaT a. sa. aa BtBS p. aa, a Tonnosooo copper ssl copper, tlona ensued, bat to no rate exceeded He l.7. from the bottom of the openmt rant An unutual feature or tho London market Toxaa Company Iff Before, the Ispee union Pacific LIVESTOCK MAnkeTT. of thirty minutes, the was the merely nominal quotation ported list convulsive swings In the market had to S LOCKIE issues, while tboao in which union Pacific pfd 79; HOTEL THE for American am great extent ceased and from tbst time tranaartlona artuaDy were made declined united Statea star! Fori WorlS Uveatask. near the pnce Steel pfd By Wore to 7 until close the enantes McCOY Hotel HOTEL AMD APAItTsfSStTB t to A point. united Slates Mil ttirMnl thf Hero kept within fairly reasonable bounds, held The Grind t Utah copper a Port Worth, Tetaa. July St. Cattle-- Re An moo riant factor In the advance hare rati by the refusal of a majority of firms rhe leedlns European hotel of atronarse O waa the extensive credited to Wabash preferred J relets Sam. irtcludlne MM calvea. Steers. 0 fr purchases SM 10 accept ordera unlets becked by margina Paao. rurnlahod with the world'a A reflnod. aseden end Inventors, an element which baa Ions been Western Union 10 so SI Paao. Tasas TPJ AÓj(7.oóTbñut', of lo cents a buahol. la the sad beat. All rooms with either show-a- r hotel. BeontlfulW in toe financial district. West! nt house Klertrlr BSdSJsi betfo's. M lio.oó were crumbling rapidly, as $1 lacklnt prices much un- Tout islet or the day. 796,900 abares. CAlrea, SA at or tab hatha. Kvory room an jr. Mgr. Phone A4SI f oreign r achante waa again hitbiy Mil t7.A0. One cent a huahel In a few mlnutot, but atlll up. R Leckle. settled am; tops, tv.ej; mat. tv.oo did not set but a trifle below the level outaide one. Ratee II.SS and Bonds fliictnatod uiiielv. showlnt loaa re- MINING STOCKS MARKET. touched at tho opening. ctifiarailve ability than stocks. Total salea. Ipti too WethérA, J0tI.SI: í Corn lurched downward with wheat with- par value. 3,7S.0nn. i nited statea coupon t.eo lomos. eawija year out, however, suffering any unuaual break. ( a 41 par rani on cau. T Boston In.int Mlalag The wlndup, though, was 10 In laylnt off for a trip or two. Fireman John Prewett of the Textt rained unsettled, extra service, after dolnf roller work after or Engineer Agnew on By t hr Press Bat lower. Oats ruled easy. Toe elote ta El Paso tor the past thirty days. Brakcman P. Newberry the eastern Ptclflc. is firing for Auocictrit Cblease Livestock. Southwestern, has report- the SSL while regular Fireman 1. H. Har- STOCK IIARKF.T Boatos, July as. e mam waa lower by to i net. P. di- division of the By (Ao .Aaoaoiolod AVeso f Brakoman 0. Fife of the eastern laying off for a few ris It taking a shorl vacation. Allouex 31 Conga, especially foreigners, told pro- vision or the Southwestern, laying off ed for duty, alter AM it c. C. New York Cleala Stack List. Amalttmated Copper visions freely on every decided advance. for a few tripe. trips Brakoman wnrmnirton of the east- By (Ao AétotHated Prut American Zinc Lead at 8m sí) marksi siren. Bulk. as.;tj.s.it; ht'ht. SLts' The outcome waa a rested ftnlah, bat with Conductor W. D. Moon of the Texas ern division of the Southwestern, bit re- Mow York. July ft. Anions ComniTrial t O.; BUieo.. as.aosr5; heavy, a4Dajw.lt; be average at about the same et last nlthL Conductor Hunter and Brakoman Powers Psetnc, bit returned 10 work, arter a rew sumed bis rotular ran, after s few trtpi Alaska Cold Calumet A Arlsona Ml rousn. aa.auejn.ae: pita. 17.011ejt1.10. Chicago cloitint prices were: of the western division of the Southwest trlpt' off duty. copper A WO CatUe Receipts. I3jnn; market steady July St. September St. ern. returned the aoeclal to Dourlaa Tuet Amalgamated calumet Mecla Wheat nay American Beat Sugar centennial 1M Beevea, e7.40efv.SO. steers, f, tulrt.; atock Corn: July 74, September 71. mornini, trier handling rretraeni Can copper Con. Co S3 era and feeders, H.S0OSM; rows and belt. Oats. July 3D. September 36. waiter uougiaa special rrom mat piece. American Rente era. American Smelling and Henmnt Last Butte Cop. Mine W M.7aM.1l calvea. 17 60011.. Pork: July 23 tt, September SO.eO. En linear Johnny Jackson of the a. H. ft Do ' sheep Receipts, is.ooo; market alow Lard: September 10.tf4, October 10. JO S. A., has lo Sanderson, be has preferred rransiin Sheep, tone where American Sugar iterinuif Granby consolidated 78 SB.IStjJA.flO; yesrltnta. l5 60fj.M Riba: September n.ssvt, October 11 47 V,. oeen assigned 10 tne aay awiicn engine American Tel. and Tel Greene Cananea W Conductor W. W. Rotert of the eatte American Tobacco Isle Royalle (copper) Ctly Livestock division of the Southwestern, has relumed Anaconda Minn it Kerr Lake k to work after a week a Atchison l Ui) (Ac iseeeseAed" ake Copper Proa RAILROAD NOTES N. or 01 Baltimore A Ohio V Kanaat City, July SO Receipts Brakoman J. White tne eastern La Salle Copper Host vision to Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt Miami Copper in 4O00 market hither. Bulk. MaS.OS.00; Douglas of tbe Southwestern, bat tone Walter of the Southwettom ror service on tne Aia California Petroleum Mohawk i heavy, esotoe.oo; packers and butchera, ayttem. ocoupytnt the private car Aitmotoroo extra SS.90OÍ-0- ; motordo and Sacramento Mountain dtvi ISfSrsoS. Canadian Pacific Nevada Consolidated llsbt. Sg.SOOS.SA; pita, St300 N acotar 1. arrived ID hi Pato Tuesday Central Leather SSO. Hon. Nlplttlns Mines morning on a special, and Oeneral Manager or Mc Chesapeake A Ohio , cattle Receipts MOO; ateady. Mitt Nellie Kettle, sitter Hueb North Butte market it. j. siitinwns, occupying tne private ctr H. A. en Cblraro Oreal Western 1 Prime red steers, 0.oOflSS; dressed beer Michael of the 0. at S. coach North Lake Paso del Norte, and neneral Stiprrlnirnd tine, Monday Peoria. III. Chicar'. Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Old Dominion AT steers. 7.00O0.S0; western steert, 17. 000 ent 0. F. Hawks, occupying private left for o.oo; the Brakemen M. H. Wilier and A. P. Ripley Chicago at Northwestern oacsola n aiockera and fecdert, WooOsao; car, San Pedro, together with quite a num- Copper A calves, SA.00Ol0.05. of the eastern division of tbe Southwest Chino i.mlncy ber of other local officers of the south ern, Colorado Fuel At Iron Shannon heep Receipt. ,000: market steady. system. have transferred to Alamofordo for western Joined Mr. Douglas at El service between mere and on colorado at Southern superior S3 Lamba, I7.4O0S.OO: yearlings, tt.OOOS.S5; Paso and left on s special train over the cioudcron Iienver A Rio Grande It Boston Min I wtthera. SL78Q5.TA; A4.SSp4.7A. the Alamogordo and Sacramento division superior ewe. eastern division at 10 o'clock Tuesday "EI mem Do preferred Tamarack .' until business out of Paao entitles tl morning ror tn inspection trip. 10 steady employment. Manners' Securities IV 8. Sin. nef. It Min... S3 You may mistake your conceit for self cnnridonc.o, ao one else will President E. M. Dickeraon of the Kan-- J Brakoman M. Bell of the Southern Pacific Erie Do preferred el but take that sas General Electric t'tah consolidated 10 view of the situation. city, Mexico and orient, occupying has tone to Tucson for a few dayt on HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREE Great Northern tire clft rtah copper Co....; at private ctr 100, trrlved from tne cut on buslnett. Kreat Northern Ore rifa Winona I o. h. a b. A. no. 101 Tuesday morning Six can or sheep from the north cime Gurtenlielm F.iploratlon Wolverine to spend a few dayt In El Paso on bual In over tbe Santa Pe Monday, and left Clip oat aad present ate coupons Hate the ahora, bearing; con. total. Monday over O. H. A. Illinois Central Bulle At Superior 30' Inefsspendsnt Offlos night the at 5. for aecutJTo datas, together with oar epedal price of SBc. Books ara . pfd Assay A. Del nio. Interborouth-Mat- aarrot.MSMae loeo. 0. Psrker, operator and pumper for 00 display too . Passenger D. P. Harris the at Inspiration Copper MISCELLANCOttS STOCKS. .odjV D. W. RtcamsaT, k.M. inn u. n. 3. et atoppea conductor of International Harvester off In El Pato Tuesday an route borne from eastern division of the Southwestern, it L. J Kansas city Southern (By Special wire 10 the .Timet From two wecus vacation at Beach, Cal. laylns off for a few trips on account or t Lont sickness. Overlook, Rlibee.) Brakcman E. J. H. Ooeteler or the O. H TIMES BRANCH 9, JULY 30,1914 9 -- Ray B. A., Passenger Brakoman Vincent McMechin Blabee. Aril.. July Chino Sflt. w, e. aos aa. at went to Del Rio Tuesday nlgnt for or tne or - Mealcan Petroleum id. 104, unio 30. eastern division the soulnwett- Copper !enn inspiration nntt extra service Between uei nio and Ban 11 orr ror a rew Miami tuck SSM, Tonopab 6a4. derson. ernr itying trips. Missouri. Kansas At Texas.. Engineer Fritz Hobeln of tbe 0. H. At u Secure Brakcman J. W. Gerald CouPjS Missouri Pacific METAL MARKETS of the Southern A. passenger service, hat reported for duly. $1.50 Volume National Hlsi nil Pacific, hat reported for duty, after being 6 the orr ror ten days. National Lead New York Metal. Nevada Copper S. or Well hound ta piala green English cloth, without tha (Ae Brakoman J. Co(titan the Texas a hot New York Central Be Auociútrd JYrsi Pacific, baa duty laying off gallery New July SB Copper easy; returned after portrait at famous alngora. N. Y., N. H. at Hartford.. York. toot Assayer and Chemist ior a low irips. OPEN ALL NIGHT Norrolk At Western .lOtVs and September offered al 113.00. e. o. H spot September Chief Clerk h. Harten of the It by Mall Add lie Euro for Insured Post, Northern Pacific Tin strong: S30.UO3I.; QUO. W. CAMERON k 8. A. superintendent's office, hat re Parcel Pacific Mall f30.A0O8l.fS. turned from a two weeks' vacation tpent as atar ttaaa At "HEART BONG!" The book SOO Pacific Tel. Tel Iron quiet and unchanged. Representativa 11 Cloudcroft. Mail Orden Wlad bobs with a soul! of the Pennsylvania In London: Por Shippers ta the of world In ona BOO El Paao Smelter. Engineer Billy Schlndler or the Texaa n tha volume of pages. Choees by Pullman Palace Car copper firm; spot 7 As; futures AS Sa. Pacific, has returned to work, after laying E. RYAN CO. íO.ooo muslo lovers. Four yean to complata Every Bay Consolidated Copper .. un spot ISA I3S A. & tha book. firm; 10s; futures 10t. BC. ) Paao, Taaaa orr tor a tew tripa. toag gam of melody, Heading Iron Cleveland warrants, Alt IVtd. Dispatcher w. M. Fuller of the Southern a Republic Iron A Steel Lead quiet. 13.My3.os; tn London, is At. O. Box eSS. Pacific, want to Tucson Monday night for

r IIIIIIII11IIIMI1IIIIKIIIII1 lOOO lllllllMlllllllltllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM 11 llllllllltlMIIIIIIJMIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllMIIMIII Fountain Pens FHEEII It II M I 4 Everybody in El Paso and Lt.il 'JI V the uGreat Southwest For the next 15 days The Times will give absolutely FREE with each Cash Want Ad of 15 words or more, to run one week, ONE GOOD RELIABLE FOUNTAIN PEN

Suggestion: Yu And ne ad you want to insert The Times Want Ads work wonders and it matters not mmmmJm is less than 15 words, you can run what your proposition is you cannot find a better way two ads in the same issue, and if the two combined to let it be Known than through Times Want Ads. equal 15 words or more you will be entitled to the pen Below are a few suggestions as to what you might just the same. advertise. ADVERTISING RATE CARD Heve You For Sele Furnitura. rugs or draperies Machinery") Do You Went cuumtmcD unkrs. Road Estate, improved Stoves or ranges A Cook 1 oaat par word each Insertion Heve You For Rent 1 cent par word on Sunday. Vacant lots Piano or other musical instruments A House A Maid A cento par word each 7 Inasillmis Aa AuiotTAobtU Fun Rooms A man to make garden ' No ad taken for lata than IS cents, aad cash Buggy must accompany the order. or wagon Fir Aína Vacant Ground A man to prune your fruit All clairvoyant ada double rata Wood or Coal A Bora or Garage shade trees Display advertising on classified page donahs Hora smt cow price Ko outs permitted Chickens or eggs Hots or buggy ) Heve You Loot Anything lastCAL ADVKKTIhl.NG Legal advarttsing at legal ratas. Nothing i Too Large or Too Small to Advt?jtue in The Tim Oahed Colurau. Call Phone 5050Ak for Min Oauihod. """IHIIlUlltttMistW EL PASO MORNING TIMES 13 THEMSELVES IN THESE The Greatest Opportunity of Your Life May Be Staring You in the Pace if You'll Just Look For It Through These Little Classified Ms. Dont Neglect to Do This Regularly. The Look Daily is Bound to Pay You Well.

Art,. Reta Card Mete Help Wantad. gHtoanee rli.it Frmttabed Rooms for Rent RooaMS for 3l Pereonel aVpai tinaaili for Rant. Reel Esteta for Sola. CLASSIFIED LINERS. WRY not pot your Want AdslrTtbe rooms, BW BR per Tire, net OUtLLKRMO 0 ELLSWORTH eurgtcsl OOrt RNMrwr word aun tnaarttoa. carpenter., rmn wort, you .re tur. 01 UK resultar raaaas, rmt An ISMtflllllllll tn nniinniM 'Vi cent per word on ami., t hr.; r wiuyour ad amounta to TI bw you rooms, ncnriir KnmiA4 IliBOll N. M.. houa he. MM, cenia caah rent claltTot San Anionic St. Mauri: a m. reiinquithmeai. T rtrp.ni.rt. work, will a good pen roanas, If interetted, ciil 411. """per ora Men usaraaw. (t fountain free. Call I rent Rober's Bldg. aw monm. pnon mm for Want A Boy, I Ranar Phone 144. WIU be fl mining camp, R. M.. in mom, rem a So m ItawUkof for 1 no Me. waftrets maid. R. rocana, gas tas POTOS. H OFF; NOVtty Foto. W bar but few days. im than mu. M b. aod r. waitress, hotel, ran, b...... V,. i ran iiioc good nh mutt looompmr th order. a, II rooms, rent SIO SBM oti. mesirin war rosnt. ratauo m To buitnei opportantuet. n rooms, 7& wholesale nrlr.i ti. B. BTIIDIO. nv.r B-- e. UE8LER. .as oouoi. rete. FALL 4 WITCHELL. LARGE, airy furnished room. ntw bung a r rent Itooo Ryan, rutin on dutmed pr m; no stem, room, transient atJOO druggist. FOR stl criflee, No San Fraaclaco St. Ell. tana. w, era, nun twi. ii it tu room, red rut. pwramed. si raoatt. good place ttaw DO IT YoL'R SELF Sara and euro with 0ON- - brick dwclltog: well located. AN MENUER dow or Mr. and - hotel la stares wa nave reiuuranu, cigar stores . aa- a m i box, and external. Kt redstreet ; MT50. RELLKRO A ULÁIR. LCOAL ADVERTISING. aiabop. Lartr. wan mrmabad. lofrtts. pixil halla, harper Houaes internal FOR RENT at nam Bit il,oi. Follow directions, i to 10 SiUitacttoa FOR SAI terarttatnt n legal rUH. llttbll rata. ror rem. or unfurnished. dar. THE A R rrperty CHEAP. WU1 Lel bathing Eniraaca overland furnished or money back. 11.00 at all druggists or ex- Of ST APARTMENTS at reditu.. CREEL, with press IN THE CITY. ALL OUTSIDE aril prlre that will net purchaser. AD a. Ei paao as. prepaid by Oat Medictaa Co.. tiM DISPLAY SPACE. EMPLOYERS' AUSTIN 4 MARR --6071. STEAM unrurnlaMd, about I per cent; CLEARING HOUSE. olive St.. St. Loula. notiMS, HEAT 'ntd I par Opta flat wea "eh. Master mechanic, mow or elec- FOR RENT nice, cool sleeping rooms. tM AND ALL MODERN cent. Answer Owner No. t, ral. 71 Pr torn led re I RüdkitKo Houses. CONVENIENCES, rare Timet. tolumn Mt, ech tnaertloa. cant. tricity. Mexico, am tmid; asaayer ror S. Stanton, gentlemen roo preferred; AN MAKING IT CONVENIENT AND Saina, Sunday each lnaarilon. IS eanta. inert 8 rooms, close la Englishman, now to town and shortly i. mill. n. M IW; bookkeeper. Spanish board If desired. rooms, returning to London, would Ilk to Inter- HOMELIKE. READY ABOUT Standing: display ad, per. tscb par montb, N, ., i emte ta AUO. (10.10. required, io: woman cook. N. M., 10 view owners or large tracto or mines tn I5TH. LOCATED II M rooms MO; Huí Ei. nei.MAR. 417 N. Stanton Hot and room, clot la Iioou ML'.NDY ind toro, dot in. full dishwasher, city. Is per week; waitress, MOO Mexico with a view or disposing or same HEIOHTS. t contracta for large amount or dliplay ad city. com water; free Mine all hours; roa tl room, rant tea PERRY ...... rmiing tor tar. so par paca or subject to discount. Mr to i day; up weekly. iv rooms, refit few Iltou over there. Large connection!. Box tn, KIRfPATRICK REALTY CO. not.Liso per on rcadara Ml Milla Building. Phone H Phone icen. 80 MESA. THONL cent investment Ii04. 11 rooms, close ra Uto care Times. 157 FRANE J. ETIE. rooms. 0 N. READING NOTICES. FUHNIrtHED Oregon. II room, danflr iiíim Ileal Estate and hrnlaU. par 13 rooms, dandy .itrao SPOTS removed acianutlckliy from deli- tot Milla St. Par re4int matter, aaeh inaertton. FOR KENT I e si rabie room, I minute' cate lingerie. Phone MS. Una. h cent. j. Lócala, per One, each insertion. IS cant. teamsters, It, BICKNELL, Phone l Arellano e SON, real atot ana railroad work, jt, i.n Crescent Cleaning Work livestock commualon; rental roUacuon; and , free rara;, cook. city, aaa to aoo; ONLY. bou tor We EL PASO CO.. man cooks, N. NANilERSON PEOPLE BARGAINS phone tret, auto rent buy and Ml Manean TIMES and wife ranch. M., MS, rooms, N. Florence, gyr will call. PM Mill Bldg. PublUber El Morning Ttataa, everything couple for coining to El I'aao rent tas.oo ntoa. Phone utu. Pato furnlahed; boarding 7 raoaxt, near library, rent pat nso-o- I U. BOX 40. El Pata. Texae. houa, clly, ear, everything furnished, col- Slop here. ored waiter, tsu, Eacb room with Prirtte Bath. room. Meat avt wso.oo city, r. aid b. and ttpa. rooms. Wyoming St.. rent MS MtO.OO FOR SALE PAYER TWyVMAM EMPLOYMENT AOCY. Electric Fan. I AT SACRIFICE k Day. to rooms, an itarm. n sea p g. rent teu.awo.tin PRICE, 90S W. san Antonio St. Phone 1441 Raiea li.oo rooms, location, MM PER LOT. TRAVELERS' HOTEL. II rine rent III íáuo.oo For Sole Miscellaneous. 11 lot on One block weat of Hotel Paao del Norte. MO. FURNISHED W0 Estrella St., including s cor- tWVfc San francisco St. Pbom II nns. all light bskpg.. rent ...1560.00 aparuaenta. Mundy Av. ners; TIMES BRANCH II rooms, fine location, worth liMu. suoo.oo WHY not put your Want Ada in the Times, perfectly level; I block south of NICE roonx, bath, light. 713 Mundy. II rooms, everything new. btths Iiduo.oo where you ar lure or the best results? CAROLINA APARTMENTS, Ofyrher Myrtle offered Mii per lot for 3 inside Iota. Mustbn 18 OFFICES boy. wheal. IpT rooms, light hskpg. nd apt Iitso.oo ir your ad amounts to 71 cents cash you ana uciavia sta. caay waiting aittance; tell all lot with- wanted wwte with NICE room, every convenience, small pri- it built-i- in next lo daya. Attractive ply Acme Messenger service, no II rooms, downtown, rent MS iis.vi.oo will get a good fountain pen nee. call ood car service; (team heated, terms. For tbe convenience of patrons vate family; 6 minutes' walk; also good rooms, mown, phone 6010 th want Ad boy. feature furnished. If desired. Call al JAS' WATTS. lu Broadway. garag. 3604. n do fine location.. Il3o.oo for 1M San ' The Time maintains branch ornees at Pbuue ir any or uie above do not pietse you. Apt. t or pnon tt or Francisco St. Phone 454. the following placea: Wht nu put your Want acts in the Times. FOR us. We the largest Hat and are FOh SAl.I -- 36 or KENT BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED k hve BEAUTIFUL apartment tt the Coty rii aoM. Lols to 3, oilv SL. Magof- Hotel McCoy; St.; where yod are aura the beat results? ROOMS ta all parts of city. Phone A. J. in a position to tell any houa on small fin bomeataad. Lobbr to Tests your 7 inquire Pax stl Denting. Elite Curar Stand, corner Texas and Mesa ir ad amounts to cents caah you MYERS. tan. rash payment, balance easy. No trouble to n, M. Ave.; Store. Highland will get a goad fountain pea free, call abow you. Drat pnona soso A RARE BARtUlN-cor- nr. East El Paao Drug Store, SMI for the want Ad Boy ONE large bedroom, private family, no JAS. A. MrMAHON. 62X11; a and Park; ISOU 4 room t Alameda St.. Boulevard Drat Store. children. E. Boulevard. Phone SO N. atanton si Phone 453 FOR rent Unrurplahed modern fi room brick bou; good rental proper- WANTED Men t tora the barber trade. 481 W. apartment. S large ty lnrestmaat. R. H Boulevard and Florence Sta. Wa prepare you raw earn Fort SALE. porch, al.im hett. Thorne, tole lis In week, can Oood freighting outfit, complete; wagona, Phone 1851. ban Franclaca St., El Paao, Tag. Want ads and subscriptions tafeas. while you learn. Tool liven. Joba wait NICE furnished room ton Housekeeping dooming Big ror Mouse Profita harness and borers, with good ore hauling int. demand our barbers al sur rotim. running water, at en, san Antonio. Rooms. Monthly. Price. go FURNISHED rooma, EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. wages. today. Moler l.arjix Remarks. contract. Party selling to into other apariment. two prising Write NICELY 8 Myrtle Ave 1230 business. Address Box 324. N. M. and batb completa Apply Geor- Beautiful yellow couege, tort worm, lax. furnished room, with or without IN.... l.ordsburg, brick, E. Rio pTivtte bath and sleeping porch, Pbona It 175 .West. Mo 1770 gette apartmcnta. 711 N. Stanton St. oranda st. home. wt or ooiden Hill; mxiio Estate Dealers. naw. 18 1100 to law. run'g water MOO down ft., souih rront; nice tomrior finishing Rl tts....near P. o II Wo terms beating plant hardwood rioora; apactouB Afeóte Wanted (175 FOR 81 Reasonable for cash, a Twin garage and Registry Of leading Real S to 1160, OPP. P. O..I3AU0 Itll Reel Estate for Sale. storeroom; cellar; servants' rimes' lb. MOO cylinder 7 norte power motorcycle in good ma WHY not put your want Ad in the Times 1100.... rem S0 Sl'rwi,V,ron na brlrk fencing all Afras OI ru. you !. condition. Phone Í71I. It you want to reach all the people all wound; brick vosrv are aura or in. nu results.1 i mnished room rent, cloae In. it iso.... big map noo outhouses; ANDERSON KILLER REALTY CO, your lor 8 140 . thn lime use Timos wanta adt. If ad amounts to 75 canta caah you rnone a. Myera, 1441. best location 1850 t and 9 Buckler Bids. will get a good fountain pen free, i. It too W. Mo., very swell airwi AÍnsWR?'?!. JüAñí call house, full lots, MOO, Apply inc Au noy. 1100.. rent ItlU 11850 for aale 1814 motor- for terma; for Information to 104 i;tpiet Bldg.' AUSTIN MARA. iwswww ior want ti Motorcycle Indian 3 rooma, furnlahed, Iota, ItOO; room 14 75. ...rent tto woo down cycle, cylinder, I ,M capíes Building. Telephone twin starling device, bungalow, li.voo. Blcknell. Se. me rnr . us ....'. wo.. Wyoming 177 lights; used one montb; liso. Pbona Phone IMS. loll h...i.. uuvcrunieni mu BILLARO A KENRY. PHONE M. HSKPO. and furn. rooms. Court house blk II 1100 beuuty. Oregon 11000 055 before It m. PRANK II W5 near depot 11850 J. ETIE. COOL BEDROOMS. CLOSE IN, CHEAP. M0 M25 Harvard piano, practically naw, for Dlw.iV,J:,ul "WW od coUectlona. Salesman opp. Popular.... M0 S43. Wanted FAYETTE ROOMS, rt3Vk MILLS. Ph. 17. 8 Mo Mesa A wyo....Mto sale cheap account leaving town. Gall ,0, muu gl 44M-- J morning V 9:90. WANTED rtrat-c- 7 55 private baths.... Moo from to HELL8FRG BLAIR. Phone 14 o aalesmen. Call on THE kENNAHD. 42314 N. Oregon. Room. choice lota, Allure Park, at 1M each, on business bouses only. Mr. Dalton, Ho 24 Iloo 3 rm. apta...... 17M FUR SALE Full grown t at M0 Indian runner TS . anu 0 per month; no CO., tel Sheldon. ROOMS, 41. up; I in look, rent M0....I7UO ducks. 3 for Mra. J T. Rltcbay, Box week ltd I E. overland 10 55 ti. isr. n. irayier, juaj Hotel Sheldon. Both Pbone- - next city Hall Mm ill Alpine, lex. Ma. 11 170 look, rent Ilioo to ACHES rine - BO.... airalfa bottom aoll, IS acre A. P. CoLEs . BROS., neal Estate and ln- 10 170 run'g wter moo FOR beat quality Elberia peachea, dtrect c e.rerj. only to 30 reel to w.ter house, Block Fbon 1M. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. bAve suraice. Morehouse WHY not put your WHAT BETTER INVESTMENT? from orchard to your door, address WE tome real bargain! In upper valley ini ' "llnl; 3 froaty-- Want Ads in th limes EASY TERNS Moffett, Box 77, Alamogordo. N. M. land. Dei. ffl DOUGLAS U. CAO WELL yon are sure of the beat re .1 where suits? WHY not put your Want Ads In the Times Be BAILEY LAND CO., for aood El Pun hmm.' im, r tot Mills Bid. If your ad amounts to cenia caah you buy tacono-nan- . Real Eatate. insurance. n where you are sure of the best result, r WANTED To tools 308 Mata Ave. phone tOM. '"' " will pen guns. H. sou ' get a good fountain free, call If your ad (mount to 75 cent caah you PARK BROS., Phone 698. Mobr, 8. El St. BICKNELL. pnoue &ooo ror noy. Po Phone ttM. PbOO tne want ao will gel a good fountain pen free. Call lis Mam st. Crawford Theatre H unmet t Block. pnone now for the want Ad Boy. Bldg. h0Nl p-8- ow?"' hou, 1001 nun a uTitw.NB. Situation. Wanted Wanted to Buy r Real Estate and insurance. FOR KENT cool, large housekeeping Bank Bid' " r,r" " auonai room. 4M N. Oregon. JAS. J. WATTS, WHY not put your Want Ads In the Times, war war war WHY not put your Want Ada tn the Times, where you are ; you are SHARP BARGAINS. 104 SL Phone 4M sure of ibe beat results HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 30 a w W where sure of the beat results? San Francisco your 76 you Stwrt. Wwar W your 71 6 r. bunas ow. anuí' i..k If ad amounts to cenia caah 2i reama, apta.. 2 tingle if ad amounta to cents caah you cnmrn m.. ANDERSON REALTY CO.. win get a good fountain pen free, call t win get good fountain pen free, easy pay menu. rooms and I suite. Rent 1150. call a 300 w. Antonio St. Phone iJM. pnone suso ror tne want Ad noy. phone WW for the Want Ad Boy. Foit aie cheap, ir I ounguowt, paved St.; rurnaco Sin cn put you In this house at your tasan it nee, lote (woo; One block west or Paao Dal Norte Hotel pwn Nye, Sole Agent. tnd J. block i;. Altura Park. Phone MM. heat; rented for Ms per mo. WANTED Poattlon by civil engineer, I TWO or three furnished bouMkeeptng term? WE NEED a few more coal ranges, cook ; have building lot m all 24 rooms on N. El Paao, 6 double, loo WAsit A.M ctty; will payments! years- experience eoastrticiino, concrete, ingle Tm stovea and henar for our fall trade. It build for you on easy Money to Loan. construcUon, will it apit.; real liio. is you nave any call ua today. We will pay turest. will railroad dialling, etc; i.lUH'i liousekcepin rooms. 31 E. Missouri the best baigaln or the summer. A cur. you a a' ' people Su any piaee u cuiten, A. n. c u'si prices. W alio buy all kind, of sec baauUfU ilOM brick. Phone sasfi. If yen want to reach all th an aoüicss rooms. very nicely small payment down and MS per uuute. ou car una and na uciguuoruoou. cure iiuics. TWO Ualh. close in. rur month. Nye, Sola Agent. ond Bind lurntiure. t ali today. the lime use limes m "" OUbed, cheap tu couple, phone root or CO.. nam aw ratal vt utilt GOVERNMENT HILL BAH0A1NS. So rooma In the throbbing heart of TEXAS FURNITURE absoiuiolv naw bunaalow. , emn MONEY! aaa. 406 So. El Piao Phone 'f mtk MK UtALY' MONEY! any kind; will leave city; references; the bustneaa district for sale ror si. toil. porch, vary large rear porch and baaemeut. dayir Kch?' mtt you money tor Full HL.NT- -2 rooms, light fisso oath. i ho belter bUUt bouse in ibe clly; staxl lea can good small salary;, clerical .work preferred, but houtekceplng; WANTS 4 tot. block 55 ror MOO eh" legitimate porxwaaTÍ yo hav. i aMe. than actual value ir aold wiiuiu 10 oayu erb. win auyuuns. Address ai. L. H., car nortbwasi corner block SO, Time. ta N. Oregon. Phone 71. irom June Mi taw cb, baJauc etJjlot am LOAN ASSN.. TTUt Bide EWTABLK of Á bufiSng- EASTERN dreuinaker, large city experience, for rent i furnished room, montb baauttrul houa on Montana hi.. - ta Loan, money on OirWture August: water, lights bickad swivel chair. S or 4 other c SU! " PRIVATE bank estate wishes day engagement. Phone Mra. Hunt. and shone: beam tilinga, hardwood floor, built m pianos, diamonds. Uvaatock, real Hst-- Call 4128. l. and typewriter and table. Addres N. 30. ittiures. irunt rooma riniiaaa 10 msbor Oood noie bought and sold. Pboo NORTH SIDE HOUSE. cue TUnes. any: soaclou ' aroumla. near naw Math Phone sot. to Chanuier at 'camtn.ee. et. treat- BY BROS. our ornea. courtems WANTED Position. MlnUxg engineer. Tech. FOIl RENT PARKER 11 rooms, very pays odlat M,500; ISO u or call at exteaded- clean and neat; MM churcbi hair balance to ACOCO DLrr.u TTTTTTtr ment conndentlal deaWura gradúale, t yeara' experience in Mexico t rooms and bath, Myrtle montb now; 171. price A good WANTED To buy houaehoid good or ill ch. C did rooms, housekeeping. rent li.soo. once, phone east. With ZT.!- . HOS TWS w.pupuc. pin. as (ampler, engineer and ablft boss, talk t El Paao living in this ror you. kind at II. POPULAR FUR- We cab Nil you brick bomt. ' rooms, . t rokao. Price tot per Spanish, handle Mexican labor, will accept f housekeeping No. Missouri. HOWELL REALTY CO., NITURE CO., 500 Me Ave. close to on E. Missouri St., for leu than ' iCre. wiU fit WW rr position In mine, mill or smeller. Address 3 rooms and batb. Boulevard llMorgtn Bldg. Phone MT. ground It worth; lot tlxtto to lleri MsUW .oouvw. O. rooms and WANTED o buy an Everett note and do a gat. P. box 81. clly. bath. Boulevard or Stoinwiy cub, balance to suit; 14 mu. JM Mllli St. chattel and real eaMle 3 rooms and bath. Myrtle piano, mahogany, slightly used. Address modern brick, ou Morencl St.. sv. u. WANTED Employ meu i Bldg. hi tobacco store; t room ano nam. aouiev.rd E. K., care runes. Kail El Paso; tTW rt. ground. Wbtt Bbor. xru I have experience I 4 KiliyASSH., IU. in Ibe matter; speak room and bath. Mundy " are you looking Torf 700 cash, balance English and Spanish. Address 601 Wyo- ó room rum. House., copper WANTED To buy aecond-hkn- tool and monthly. Notice the price lt,oo. ming St. hi guns. h. Monr, SM S. El Paao St. 1100 CASH, room 0t.. vacant Fine BiMtaess If you arc interested Ut 6 room bungs IS6 per month, new Educational. house, Cigar swell, MOO 1000 búng- EXPEH1ENCED bookkeeper and atanogra- - vacant ttore. run Ml..,.. low la lb. block Arlton at. gt busy alo; v rull lota; M7M. " can rer MR. Cafeteria, fine 11000 with your uuon 441. - to reach all tM people u . uuu nu icugo knight, piara tad call taoo CASH. it you waul l".' oi aptiuso, seet Phone PARK BROS. MS uarage, pronta atoo montu Hoes as for Rent. WE HAVE A SPLENDID LIST or rooming time use Time wanta sltioii. anywhere; single man. Address ttuw aX&J """'b. lncludtn ibe d. GROCERY. IS LIVING ROOMS. RENT bouae otfurmga. and win take pleaaur lu bthiiralow, 10, care Time. v. us , Lit 4"room cloaa teacher. 0. iwuii, surto vi travo 140 , 140 WHY not put your want Ada in the Time, sbowin you lb ban we have, come in. n etf8 SPANISH LESSONS by rtliable clot. In. Blair Apt.. oi&Vk . Camp- - wnere you are ture or tne best re VALLEY LANDS, ANY DISTANCE FRoM bjttb, Printing offic 12500 tuns? 150 CASH HOlgulu. mimo Faénele See TOWLE, with your an amounts 10 7 EL PASO. Help Wanted. will get a good fountain youra including nun. W are tor réntala, collection, nr. 4 room K "fh'b. mterett. P Faculty of TWO or s nicely rumlthed houekping Park Bros. peona MIO for the Want Ad Boy. insurance and notary work. brick; corner tot; tMOO. A Enthutlttilc room (or rem. I'none . CLOSE IN pupil every week. 116 Main St. Crawford Theatre Bldg. See OREESON. with L el. Ut FOR RENT J. H. SMITH EON. 6;rooni bungalow, within i Ártenioon evening classe HOC NO 808 V I and WANTED Young lady aa and as SEKEEPI room. H. Oregon. FREE Foto Magaxlnea! Film developed, house on Boulevard, Ml; now be- SM i ' Enjlwh. Spanish and conHnerOal marker large at. Phone Ml. sorter; must read and write English. TWO front rooms for light housekeeping in toe. Copying. O. D. Studio, over Ryan, ing papered and painted; baa acreened Ti itS&IXnV"-- Cleaning porch. W. S at?rN"COREOOH PASO, TEXAS- - Wlllson Minican Works. Ml E. private family, no children; no 705 druggist. ST.. EL tick. JAS. A. McMAHON, 10 new 4 Mlaaourl. Oliver si. wri-- tad I room bungalows BUSINESS CHANCES. SM N. atanton. Phone 8453. VALLEY BARGAIN. Jut completad; pnce son n 5Mi.' WANTED Experienced Mexicn girl for rlom. Saloon; centrally located; price 1400. riv acre tn th upper viiy, loo to ttuo caah. balance easy Special Tramhixetat. itmtiy or tnree, muat stay nignts. ItOS saloon; beer only: good stand; MM. FOR RENT BY H. E. LVoNa. U mile from El Pun, pito tod to mtnta. rooma. 40.00 E. Boulevard. urocery; cash butlseii; cheap rent; fin MM Nevada furnished wheat, on Borderland automobile MONEY TO Loan. H01JSEKEEP1NO rooms, eta tn. mi Mas. location; taw. iTii ban Diego, 5 roma Stat road, will aaU at t bargain on good w'" l0 you the money chTouicir A middle-age- Phooe 4M1. , 110. nan room ao .00 price, tc., vT w? and dr. auer wanted woman (German Grocery; caah business rent Will 77 lote, term. For writ L., build for you en your Ion or oura itirrr preferred; lo cook ror small hotel; Consider tride; price MOO. till N. El Paao, 4 room M OO care lime. fcaty terms. new sad clean; only a few transient Confectionery; tine location; rent Stt; Hotel sneidon i.obbv. Phone li7. MACOH REALTY CO., Hours to to if. to t. price tlOOO. AM Mills Bldg. swii, wwivi INIIB vuin situ (UUO two rooms, privsu btth, close to. tit JAS. A. NcMAHON. Phone 537. APELA H. De KELLER. place for right women. Address Hobba Ho- E. Missouri. Phone 5414 SM N. Stanton St. Phone MM. Special!!- remove ' 22 FOR RENT, -! room BUY FOR SALE -- An old aatabllshed pool and cigar loodara apartnieni, clot, in, ' V!xfiBtMOa-- on aunarfkm hair. Sis Upson. Phone fcujijuitve. atore, doing good business, cheap rent Buuiritid; htrdwood maple rioon, THIS. Boerd end Rooms For Sole end and good leaae; owner oilier (team heat. AU outside large room. modern heme, well located NEWMAN CO bat butlnett BROADDUS A BARON, Ooiden Hill. Can INVTMENT and tell; will invoice about MSOO; LE in be bought at a must ttt-ti- Building. bargain, on eay Musical. WHY not put your Want Ad in th Timet, price titeo. Address N. 4, care Timet. Flrtt Nationil Bnk torra. Address wnere you or Phone 155a H. 0., care Timet. HEAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, BONDS. ire ture in ati results: 100 SAN ANTONIO VIOLIN LESSONS. PaoB ir vour ad amounts to 71 cania cash you ST. iSEaWl will get a pen BEST INFORMATION FROM BUTTE AND good fountain free, call HAMILTON. THIS INFORMATION FHOM Q ror th Ad boy. 1350- -4 UM. BUNO., GRAND rtsiaintiUI abone want CLOCK ERa AT THE4E T HACKS PHONE NEW. LAWN HOSE. Allen Arms :o til VIEW BLK. CAW LINE B.W COOL rooma ad board. Prospect. AFTER O'CLOCK. CASH, It it rOR FOR SALE HO PER MO. Wan Loan or neo for yi For SALE OR TRADE Oood land, shallow RENT ted i ii iw, CONVALECEN I IUME ror TUSEKCULuel R. old .Mt-- BY OWNER cured L: wicr, mil from bemlng. Address OLD Panama and avaw hits mad naw. No I house at Fori Bliss ... la arder mi kaap jon too tmtii; no work too airneuii I R bouse on MtMourl St Mil Two south front lots on Hueco ing tn aeu aaa Bex 137. Clifton. Arto. Government HCÍI'V It. M.. Addr -I. car Time. CneSCKIST Wi Large wtehous. on nt F St.. in Hill: half black bua. umber or ooovi IF you something. Phone 40vt Auto Will of car line Small cash My want lo trade, start tad tracks. paywael tad ak. Mas la atiicttr nrtl claaa fu AHTESIA REALTY C, room 45, Grand BROADDUS 4 LE BARON. Batanee aw par monta. Auction Sale. racommartdad by El Paao toada pay Hotel. Pot National Bank Building. Lot, car. Tima. alrlaaa Prtvata room.. Ilatptog imnSa ito rint Second Hand Good, for Sale. CASH. BAL. aWT. aaa tsait ooiiagaa. ran ausa car p FOR TRADE subdivision tract, clot. is. uoor. rnone am. into the business canter of the clly of San f AR0AINS 10 improvaa rarma and FlHáT - Diego. Cal. Prtt lS4.uou. WIU con Mar Ei class accommodations ror cnv- FOR RENT to Miauno. upmn and uiaaacaca totcant. Price raaaonable. Pbon 4(07-- Paao or oilier desirable property tor ex- count!. 1 at tota Anions, room cottage, mo. MM0 aerea for aal right. Will tafea cato. Sail BvarrUt ' caangc s. uao., tats stagoitin av. WHY away your t LAS CHUCES. X. M..CUNVA1 T u,.uv throw old furniture wban MM Pro.fieri, rut (fur... IB part paym.ni. amy a. tasUT. ajratr. Eitrt - wa posiively tugbeM paywa -a- Uwn. set POM THADE- 40 aerea paco valley irrigable are ih. lar Ml Prospeei, 4 room (unfur ), Midbwd. rtiat. bade trae. mom tlttptag and hotiaaeold aru-c- ' fui porche, good rood, things that make Una and toast eaab aa part payment on tacaos band furniture hh, orand. rooms .iacolna El Pax 407, Drmlng. N. M. El Paao Raw and Second Hand 01 1. HENDEaVSOH, Weaimaker. pa. sua ptaaaant. Ratal raaaoaabte. Mr. Strong. Pao retklenct. Mar. uuicii, uiiiii ou, nun. private nam, L. Pkan Mtt. too a. El Paao. hardwood floors, aaa stove and beater, HEIOHTS HOME SITE MM PER A.- -t, iNb at borne or by day. Mra. UiMVAUtSCENTa-La- ra. nMBs. atoaping irxco tsraai, a choice SUI:lI Ml. VELETA, porcMs asm noara, aa AnMaU. pa. 188. flnagjal Notisee SELL yol : FURmTüñk. tur alt lia wartn. cAeSlirV On. 01 use taw oasirani. building tt A. CASH, 10 PCT CASH. , Rang, toes. 11 kind; h.atrs, . 4 "I les. M a reaaoaabto coal, tort to MO., FINE LAND. tfl17irr tee this district; high Vi'fLs. cablnau. It VP Hand colored .jiv.i,..... Ty your Ad boxes and ctotbUtg. Texaa Furn Two room rnmitaas tattet with sleep. restuctod pavea; anta Ml WHY not put Want in the Tim.. Highland lots. oa - I Halts- O. v, www ritkias. waak. "ia Co.. 404 Ei fun. Pnon 407. ing porch. Park Mat, W Boulevard. ovr- MO PEE A i SAN bivvw, niw, Artiaea. Miakland . where you r tur. or tne ben results? A EL. (NAP. flH- - Ptk ú rtmmm. I I CASH, TÍBlS- - i ir your d amounts to 71 cents cava you MLNT- room get a good fountain pen for -4 cotiaa, Hamilton and DRE8SMAK1NO Prse raaaonabU. ra. KA fre. call Division, ho. reftrenca Apply Ma Pboo. lori Truit Bids Wantad- - Rooana and Board. pboo Mao ror ta Want Ad Boy lit! A. WELL iMrnnvnn WANTED To bap second band tools and IINE CHICKEN TiANCHV " Ml New aa. H. Mom, tot t. El Pate st. YILETA, MOU CASH, BAL SUIT. - 8-- Stantoa, Beat emae tadis rm .11 pajec'ngs for room lad 4mrican WE BUY. aeli and .xchaug. second band and tMWwaa. all , "SPSS- 86?J "" ar lutea- - Colo Áa tonta furniture c L Erwln 4 C.. IM t. tt you west to U the paopu Mi NEWMAN INVESTMENT 00 ' S4Nr Manwn St Pboo in be lima ua Ttewtrebwants aaa. 4 uMorated- - Spw isJycipjiv i ror laattoa. WaNTED-A- U ktoda of furniture w pay Facing N. El Pato St wiFtrade for ana Pet Stock for Sal. if AH. Proartoior Lawn MOWERS sturpanad Alton Arm. Cu. ESS CATTLE ranch mat Is a cattle ranch. 7 000 south pari of town or for small bo um HPMOBILE so for sat cheap 4 isl) bauonai cask teres. w m oign or JAY F. KNOX WINU Vv All HINO IA , tocaied al 8 So. VasMer. U.S siaaaA tin. ruiiivuion, tn popl u co. Pboaa 1.000 can be out to: M0 T rna Ai r cheap. Ofwpaa St.. city, saw r. pre by tthar bead eMai it fated t. anr jsr an acre for the land and na rcunu Oawd second head Rao autooa to par wong Ban. who manea, ta emir, com Aiur minx bead for TWO OOOD ST per the Is loeatod Mex Apply rr suETco.. pany Woag ate Wee. oe or tbe cauls M bouse, fine t coudtttoa ire .tuck Raen. Ico. lose to Border, two hours' rid to su rental pronotUtoe. acta Pa sx rj feaidwi. aitbaraa at tetártela Jaa n. Wanted to loCBObU. will nat It pr Pnea to Kw It III Parfc.i Uti. Owned by for surprise y.iU laoer. Waatjk ttleuBBfeltner Bouae. ua LA I N IO N room houa on corear ForSaOe con chai apAJfiM raauaraai na taJvad Ptwut or Mm. AJtoá Arta Oa. FARMS CO., etc 4 tots, ma v, m: Mtwktes DOrcbaa. full fruit Pkaa H Bra. with cm aa wa WARTKO to raat- -4 or 1 rec) rajunusbad baratía lb motor cycle can 7t wj pay real? apanaaant tn cios. in oaere STYaOM E. ctty. WMHaka a pan wataaw. Prtc grown iioiiaael CELL LOIDS repítete In auto tap FENIMORE. gtjMkanA baa; taothar tud aaa. Aadre.. or mora for largar atoaa Ml Trual Blatg. teg. ISIC eort nana MOST have ta toa aasi w days, tajan IIIKI M4 Matt t eiifeaiv. PROPaaWpR PRAVO baa pty " ' r4 miara orto of anaa'a I stand band suits uj I roo aui7 u at vruuo ass Cap Bid avar easts Muat a to fair raadltton Will Uveatock for Sole. to feature.,AJtZFnbtaaataat. sn car Unt. to AMa RENT HOLIES runMaSts) Viita dittrtct. two full toU; wtlf taka vea- - HtaniT"! araSSrTfa Have rlMBtt WMUM. or aa- dor IIleo notes or Sou ax part pattaM AiilnsfainM linn! a so ti at. furaisbed prw aatoo, aaod varws. pop v. sito iMijaTta mii o Melt grá aaa tar sas. toa n itoew. ii K.i'.g.?.gt krtejaa FRANK 4 ETIE. utpataau, ckcee fur caak-- tit a Isama I atw " tAeO TRANSFER 00. COLUMBIA .Ucirlt. aaap McknaU Ph IMS Thursday. 0. 14 EL PASO MORNING TIMES JfV M4. What Are You Looking For? Fagei Kl It CanTarqaelea Ca. (Jem Yon Tasas Shop. On This Wagon Find Yard AAiiina Machines. Gear Fixture. Cutiera, Dealers aa Pa' Motorcycles. Saddles. Veterinary . aUaafaetarors. Waurea Tee Dealer la There art two huadrod Barreas ci Pistare - Thar Matai ry la Smith Machia C Saatdle Weet Teiaa Saddlery CV laree HaepMal Fitted with every kaow Ceart Heaa n To Laurwaat modera appliance for sciaaUflc kind of feed; muse asa nor ror sua Admits Machines uh ta n mo. Kanaaa if 44) orglcal - splaj in BoeiBwesi. atari urnera ao Am.nrtt. tree tro eat of dtoeesei of, or lSjaiiBB te, Phone so, uer. wars poeta aas nwr- lte. Sx Ban I' ranciase St all domeatlc animals 806 S. Oregon. Dr. M ul h Work BL sJisleeoveeeyeNeAa'w,vev t opitei by Beepleg Contractor and Builder. tig rap A, Higgle Phoa SSS. ' chfMÍ toaaea Ca., 006 hUlli renal la This Bul. If Jeaalaga Weede H - rls Bennor Bldg. Oloves. auaegrahle Safety Razors. U da NaUeoal Bank. afesy ktaaar IMadaa TJaahla Watchmakers. Retail aad Whwleeale West Texas Aeteaaahtllate Weal Tasa Saddlery BMhiiaS. Sad rr Nurseries. edge. S canta aVeeaa. Slagl edge. 88 Oattt A atlag Mfg.. Jewelera and watch cents new. R a Assayers. Aau aad Heaaaaa'o E. T. Aaieaett. HaaaKy Ca., tea. and doaan. Better than jaa maker a us Texa Chemists, Critenetl Pas Pratt Drug Store. Window Cleaning A.aa.rrs. MriallurfiaU I. S. MrKee. Ill Baa AataOla St. W do ornamental trees, abrubs, flawara aad BBa. main enringa 50c. represent llv for ora ar- wlndowa seed essaslag. pann mt a Ferguson, any kind of building work. Loans riarness. planta, rows oar apealaliy. Harvsry sad hernia aad Mlaaw Selly crystala 18c. All work guaranteed twe It yost Kl Smelter; umpire tad SSOO snipper 5 Po or ranged. Jobbing and repatria ara see West Teiaa BaddVasy Ca. Oreen Hooasja, block AIaB. years. Geneva Jewelry Co, 228)4 Baa control work a specialty; analrshi eaL Just csir4S4. Pkoa 8SS0 Flower Store. 106 H Sam-to- n K. A. Salaty Sua laasi, baavad aa aareppad Aatonlo St. phono 11 Phoa 620. Harria klgr for If year wtaejewe aeed rleaala. aad atertllaed Doable edged, soc aosen; I'll point to you a Job Assay r aad Cham! lleprrscnitlvs single edged. 80c doaeo. Tour own s to Iba HI P.o Smelter Dairies. Optician and Optometrist. blsdee returned Mall ordera eoucltod. In tha trad you have aU rac.lv. c.raful au.oüoa. Caryl c. Mill 421 Heaa Ave., oppoalte elty work. tie" W Hardware. Pred J. Feldmaa Ca. mastered and show yau Iroajpt aud accural MUk Nothing ddcd. nothing lakao away. Rase, Hakra. SpaSee at water office. My optical eerrlce om Bracea Suffragettes woo - - goes ser lardea Share!, goods, Militant th way to bubbbss area tlUtH'Hl. W ' Juai aa It coa rroni ins cow it right price. "Call aad ca agalo." 44 mora than the eelllng of lurlud consumar. Tim i dairy lo Tazas. eye Sxauilhatlo Safes and Vaults. happiness. Tete. lerinet 8 Ell ao. as Icrurat and frame On of interesting devel- Office Again ror on Kvery bottla larlllscd before ft lilac. sdjuilmi'nt that win give rriulll. Ph. 78. ata. Qaiail Caaab.jatloaa the Indryeadeet Assay .. opment of laat month was tha Bbfpptr Aays and El Dairy. Pboaa 1376 W. S20 8. Paao .t"" - "rtrr appeal of the Brltlh Govern- """k . 7pWT&.- Cfc. TSfi Dentista. Osteopaths. -- W. B. More baa d. ment to the newspapers not to Rum St, M. D. MS 309 Id 1 and Chihuahua his. Pa, P. Wright. Hers so th rencieco Bryaa, DeaUsl, Ml Herald Bids Hau and Caps. BIS. Specialty, l,oateopatbr. BesMeSoe print much about Ttiaa. Tax. .Pbone tlt-M- . Iiuols Bata At ftltiinrnthars. Bampart Kl Office Phone 1643 U. lSSh. JSa Sheet Metal Work. - assay bsialillanei rhone 1002. Office hoars. 10 WSA Government's ac- tIT IT. La Btelataah. Ueatlat, SOS Bldnce A. Kaotf-msn- , It the Frank U. bramón, a.. as. lean lrUu Salta AI lilumetitlisl's. to 12 a. m 8 to 8 p. m. Other boon) by tent sheet Matad Warke Cha. new pa- Chemists and MJulug"""J1",Buglner First National Bank Btdg All work appotattr.ent OIU B. Moore. OeBeral Sheet knowledgment of the for ora Shippers. 404 Bai guaranteed. Pboaa S22. Metal contractor per's power to arouse and hold óseo Bt, El Po. Tas. P. O. Box M. loin. ri,r 411 Tasa Bu SU public attention. 140. Dressmaking, Adjustable Forms. Paao, Tax. Pbon 6460. Teople mechanically are at- aud cheuilat. many U.alcaa aeaihae'ea Kanrv trimmed also irtuur W. Houch Aeyer Hair BVaatltier jclly Pollard. plain palm leaf, all liae. Henry B. te Modern la Baalaaaa Metbadet Save a Signs. tracted to name they see In the A tpeclaity msda of tupirá and control Heacb, 4US City Na- 408 N. wliolanle Ban Francisco St Chech Aecaaat al Thla Bank r paper. wort Agent for ora blppar. Draperies, Rugs and Linoleums. tional Bank. MeCItateeb. C. Blgu and Ad. Oregon ti Paao. Tai.. Bos SSS. serUelng. Phone HOI. Wise advertiser u thla Tal Ball TIA Household Necessities. power constructively. They cre- sn Seals Woeea Da Sang k Wellborn. cloth elgae IS1 Paso Sign Co. Phone llaU. El Paa Blana t o. 414 Meaa Are. ate dealre antl transform desire Architect hleeae Kaabrelderlea ea Uraaa 4)07 California Office hour Into a demand for their prod- Hollies, Office pbone 4281 ; residence 6427. Grad- Edward uhrerrl, Architect llooms state Dog Furnishings. aspklua, lunch clotbl; whole ucts. . i aale. Hoary B. Bsaob. 40k Ban Francisco uated under the rounder of osteopathy. .aiionaJ Bank lild.-- nunc tat. and t ..Hare West XuxaS Saddlery Poor yesrs college snd hospital training They find newspapers the beat Co. One year la El Paao. osld sign. hi Paao Blgu Co. Pboaa 1W. advertising medium because Beautify Tear Yard lio,, Auditing. and lion. they reach the popular purse-strin- Drugs and Remedies. npaiies ana Baxea, sprinklers. s7rrs Ore Buyers Metal eigne 1.1 Pain Blgu Co. Pho 112. tali se iiiureiou Audit CO, city Fee Hcberlrr Batsbllabed 25 ysar. Bank Hid. Preacrlptloua a apoclulty. 304 Mee. Ara. -- McCllntock Co., Pbone IOS. 0M. luut.iuu auuii Co. vil W Nailuual Malteae Crake Olive Oil Kelly A I'ollard. Bans Bids I'buue MB. Olaytoa Uo( Beeaadlea Krliy Pollard. XlandeTllle A Klo Co. Klower Seed a Osteopath ad eld etraw hale Haaa'l Order Ilea Kelly a Pollard. H. r. Wright, M B . D. O la Beat. McCllntock Preserving Time and B. H. Parr. M. II.. D. O.. D. C t liaat Juice Kelly Pullard. an ;ioo Herald Bltlr. KpoclsJty. oiteopsthy. "Preserving time" Is still hot Agencies. Residence IMS Auto -- Himparl St. Orflce phone work, not nearly ao 1 Brsail H" Hair Toole Kelly A Pollard. ; Shoe Repairing. tiresome but j ,d Matar Any ems aud Bausa. residence phono urflre to t'sob lie. Thermoa alottlea Kelly a Pollard. hour, to to It a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. other Cha. tok.hr. Beat Maker Sboo No. hard aa It usad be. Aetoo Myrtle 1 fading Place. hours by appointment. Texas Bt. Repairing dons ny tits Maay utensils have bean In- Drugs and Remedies. Whlak Brooma Clethea Uoodyaar no system Over- aad Bru.be welt repairing It easier many LoegweU Auto a iroea salas Ce. Beaall kVeaaedlaa Kelly Pollard. Kelly A I'ollard. Pbone 878, vented to make land ears. Dots cars. Photographic Supplies. thing to lessen the heat and kuiealtnaail (reaaa Kelly A I'ollard. X'botographla aeppUae 4U0 N. lfrd J. Pddmaa Shoes, Men's and Women's. lighten the labor. ,,.,uit Cara aud Blraa. Co. Phone UW4.- Shee Bindings West Texas Suddlery Co Many of these are standard US CCowyripAt, Mi. by D Portar Porter., .uun.-i- .i 1'aStf SlgU Co trademarked articles. Host of them are to be found LMibrt-W- Tuxa Bitddiry Co. In the better atores of the town. uo i.t Telephone Urdera Olven Immediate Atten- Photographers. tion Tolapbdne 781 aud 732. Knob-I- Stationery. From day to day women will Automobile Ntephenaon, the Pkolograpaer. Tear Bat- - mil Waruer Ltru Co., urndorff Hotel i.ara-e my 210 Pound Paper aad Bavelepee ta Maten find welcome in the adver- "I'll get you a workman who is Jttat City htuud Phones lafactlun Is advertlaeuent Bun- hints Auta Ltry c. dull ion. Kelly A Pollard. tising of The Times aa to. how the man you seek most to fill a WW and 610. Courteous, careful dm era. ulghl aud day sarvics. Kale. ts.uu par Vlael Kelly Pollsrd. Framing. Jouveturs.. tcr make "preserving time" eas- piavces In the factory." Timen. uour. Trip, at) canta par pusseugor. Picture ads always bring be- Fletar Framing Feluiau a. El Paso, J aerea colored Postals aad 'raid-er- ier. Want results Mexican Curios. Fleary 8. Beach, Only one of many reasons for ca une everybody reads them. Call Auto Painting. w holes l. IdS Ban Franclaco St reading advertising today. 5060 for the want ad "Kid." Chata E. Bass Automobile, Cania Printing. the l'alntia and i'liunuiug. Texa Our Service le Baebseoe B If you want nytmpg, sdyerlls every day bt. Phou 403. If year wiadowa seed cleanlo. pbone 728. Coanertloa with (lead l'rtntlag "Jira of to PAUB" Court Heaae Drug alera 424 Ban Antonio that aext Job Printing Sporting Goods and Fire Arma you Horse Remedies. help your Buatneas Grow. Prsuklln Auto Repairing. traet. raon ltiz. we are aa near Co., Antonio Campbell, aad AjBsaaaltloa Bee sbeltoa-Payn- your phone, yet out of the high rent Hera Reeaedlee West Saddlery Co. rlnltng Ban ud lireaxsas not a AL tuuobiLi. Una six kluds ot . Taxas Arma Ca. V la IU couatruction Caat Iron, dtetrlr-t- We solicit your patronage. it at new Bend iu your ardor for met! BlacL, Cupjpar and bee Page today for parUcultr. wadding Invltstloni. and Aluminum, Brass, visiting School commencement Your Classified ki..t-.i.- W, can weld uní ol cards trun. Educational. W a Una to tbaas matai parts In from ous lu tan House Wiring. programa. hare fine select opou GOOD posltlcms aw suing; many mor Iban lira, deluding tua ai t oiama Swatt Elaatrle Ca, aa Mgr. Specialists. pay expense while learning. We teach Sens. Spe- thoroughly economic culling aud ueai Electric wiring aad fixture. Prompt Public Stenographers. Catted Offices. lag, it, nice. All work guaranteed, too N. cialists. BUven Bldg., 20HVÍ Meaa Advertisement KaorlaUv Hsnnou Btana- in Mentón St., Kl Pao, Tex. Ph. Bali 4770. Legal Work ,'hone 6854. Ot'KEN C1TV COLLEGE, 6t Mill Bldg. tnn't nnrf A way far Maw Auto t'arta. Pbone COa. 107 S. M Paso SL grapoii We make tusui Built b Macbiuu Co., 1 Home Builders. Specialists. ts. kanaaa. ltraualin'i Uualaeaa College Bookfcae-Ing. Plumbing and Heatiag. ft Blenograpb.v, 8panlb and Kngliah. 'hoewli-E- I Paee Itulldlag International Bpeelaltsts Specialty : Bas- Tapa aad Laahtva Cavara 40U Tasas. Purniiliea competent office help. Onar hull! on eaay payinenta. Plamblag aad Heating, All Wark (rear- tare, Chronic Nervous, Blood unil Special ante a poelttona. The moat up to data liliM k. Phone 4t)f. an teed. Repair work a peUlty. P. B. dlaeases. Best equipped office. Charge Automobile Supplies. Buslneaa College In the West. B. P. Da Buapp, B00 Sao A.itoulo ac i'huae 1684. reasonable. Consultation free. Usmmett The Times nsp do your Completa Mgr. Phonea, Trut Blilg Klrkpatrlck Baalty C. "Quality it' a ta basa buapp Block, El Paao, Tex. Phoa 11M4. Uardertaad Auto auppl Ba ri. itoiue iiiniiicra. as Mean. pluuitilug. Una of Ac. eaaurlas. Machinery r Suit Cases. supply Co. Lee tires, US Electrical it Engines. AuderKun-llllr- Kcalt) Co. Heal Estslc "House-to-Hous- Uorderand Aala Hide auu luyealmctiia. Caa -- El Paao Trunk Factory. uuulliy lire. Plain . ud puncture pr joi. By Building, luaurutc Suit Make e The (berk Boom ar Thla Will Aoroaat Baak 481. a Buckler Block. Pbuu TUrsa aa Aacaasaraa.--O- Í San Franclaco. tomóles Beoaetay, lucreasas Bualaass autoatoaPe reatlge, Supplies A Simmer Resorts Kanaaa. red the Want, af iroaddas t.s Baureo Real ataUle, City Business Men City National Bank. Panperty, Kent and Inaoraao. Auto- Why suffer with rheumatism, stomach or mobile, Workmen' Compenaatton, Lia- kidney trouble when you can ret imme- Automobile Tires. Kodak bility, Burglary and Fire. Valley Land diate and permanent rullef st Hot Wells, Canvass" for You by Finishing kU county, Texas? sani- I Ire. saaUa ai Mile. Borderland Ants Baataaa, Uaealhaa aad oil, mad. the Bedahe a Specialty. First National Bank Paso Beaultful leMipply Co International Marvoater o. Bauthweat- - aad Medak Fluiente Fred Bldg. Phone 1668. tary bthhoue, expert mussur and good rn lie, trie and hlacbla Co., 804 Baa Feldman Co., 80S Ban Aotonlo Bt. hotel accotnmodsUona. Rates reasonable. Framiaco. ' Kodak Goods. Spanish Classes. Upend Lea. Thaa Tea Kara aad Ilapaell HueeboruugU A Dyer. Phone Boy Banks. the Dlfferearo In Tkla Baah. It', the Ceo Methods. Cart Laageacs. Transla- 5050 and Will Nadara Flaaoctal Way City National tions. Prof. F. 3. Uooxalei, Lineóla Bank. i. P. Colee Mree. COX'l'UN AUUliiON. Bcuool of Languages, Booms Buck- specialty. Close in resident lot on ler Bldg. boulevard, 6ou aud 1000 each, I U eaab, Feather Renovating. balance to 6 years, d par cent Interest. Call for Your Ad. Feathers Meaaealad Ersln Mattrees Office 203 Oregon at. Phone IBS. Tailors Factory. Pbon 110. Baea aad Chapa West feme Saddlery Co. a Baila Maalsy Co. Real rústate. Loans aaav eoaeoa and laeurance. Valley Leads and city ee Life. AccideuL Automo- a MUia by Itareugb a Floor Wax and OIL Property, vire. Sear tuna Livery. and Insurance. Boom Chacktug Acoeeal la Thla itaak. Tbare An Old Made New Me bile Tornado ' Fleer With Ma Best Liter Bigs city Toalco HIU Bulla Mads to Measure, SIB Up. Safety la the Method--Cit- MaUuUSi Floor la Trans 320 First National Bank ulldlug aad The Times Is On Sale I. Was. Co. Morehaad, Tailor. 402 Bank. fr Pboaa 265. thhj North Oregon .vorybody Svnowa Ma Nu If you want auyuuijtr, úverliM Tul A Y. Bar Fixture So No -- Myitis Trading Talking Machine. Before you go away for the- - trip the beat filing do la Vletrolas to right now tete Mar Ualh toll en Estate, Rentals Insurance Victor aad Keeords. BJdlsoa phone S0S0 ask Tin.es dcpurtuieot Mature, udunswlck Real and Ifheatfraphe Beosrds W. Q. VVala and the circulation to send the Morning dar Co. aad Tlxuce you. We Casangas Florists. Ut your alca Big and Saddle Horaea at Btxchaagae, Meal Balate Jay P. Kaex. Co.. Mi lji Paao St. lo can the address aa often aa you wish. PaiUng Imponed Palm, far Boater. All Klada Ureer'a too do thla, you. will find Tune on aale Stables Hack service night sad asm Load. Jay '. Knoa. the In practically every resort and Baseball Goods. potted pínula, freab nowera every day l.ij Prompt attention. Pboue 82. Tanners. t large city hi the United The Ust below is jeeda Sbeitou-i'u- ua Arm Ulve ua aouie bu.lneaa and help ua grow State. a partial one only, bul The Plotter Sbup, 117 N. Blanto. What atoriisug" le ta alivor, "Majrftsld" MeLollaa Bros BUS San Prsnclae St. you'U find a welcome friend tut any of the stands named if you call there. Laurie Aaaortmeal era. The Lumber. I a Mooae We bulid boma oa eaay Cat Flea b Mayficld Bldg. k Improvement cup una ant ana put it in roar nat Dana. Bbop. Pbon BS0-- aad Inveetaaenl Co. term. Taxidermists. M. Kl.r Madera Vard." 160B Ms Co., Inc., SU-S- New National ATiaAKTIC CITV, Haurtanau LOIJlSVILtiK, K.Y. The Pin slrat MeLellaa Brea-- Ban Franclaco i. International I MFOBMB Uoa.bal', friremaa'e, Folleo, g otila. Bank Bldg. Pbons Baa. St. Miller; Cuaa. Btciui Young's Old News Blanda. Portera' and Boilboy Our prtcea are Fountain Stand. th Tailor, Pene Magneto Supplies. Put Mew SLAN8AB CITV. MO. Yoma News Oo, tha loweat Morahead. Taha Tear Leahy rea Sha Paaahala Thlah Mere, Spend Lees. Tha System Teaa and Coffee. ATLANTA, OA. World New Co.; tn Kortb Oregoo Pen Doctor at Ryan' Drug Store. tosch Sapply aad Service Station. boob Placase a Man Ahead af Mis s i and Slain and IStb and Main. startera, storage BOB N. ras. (erre. Can, White Heaae Star New Co. batterlea. city National Bank. nruiiinrt, upton s and Tetley MONTGOMHKY, ALA. BaUoi cigar Bakeries. Kanaaa I'koue uts coi, BAllTMOHkC, kU. World New Co. bland, SSS Boobs h uimture. near. Jo P. Bao BOB I UN, MASS. Huh News te., tlty Mall bt. Food It. MTMl'Hlb. TstHN aVoelrl rv. Mot BeMa Meaa aad Keaalag Pure Furnltur. tlphul.tored. Hepalred aad Machinery and Repairing. 1 mners Ate., A Palviolo, prop. Nm Hakery. Peeked ÜU 8.1 UK t pper aUeyr lasada Jay Y. hlaex. MOBLUs, ALA. World News Co, WellhorB. Trade. Myrll tredlug Place. Pboao Ua fear iiaaoe Wator Ill IT t BOM. Poatofflc New Fifty Pbon 6NH4. ' naga cana i re bland. "XxXLAfl B May News Co., 848 Pt... Oar. Are Bet la alley I sada lay Buox. SBdeU Are.; -- huie'rou SnrntsBv' Baa Antonio CLKVtliAND, OHIO Lake Shore World New Co. tr 8348. NKW Whlta-Pad- Maeily e. Baa ua for News Co., 1SSS Proapect IfOBJlHotoHuir'. btaud, 148 Billiard Tables. Ave. W. Billiard iablo. luuu.wKk homes, lor your tiaaea. sitber oily ur Trunks and Bauza. CUAKLKBTON, B. C World New Co. seth bl; bchuiiy. Bland, isas Mantels and Tiles Valley. W will watch you. We write Ail Siego Kl Paao M hXore, HroMtlwar. der Co af Truaks Trunk Pa. CiUCACO Walter' agatina OAKLAND, Bl Paso Maatol A Tila Ce Tile floor and Insurance, ceruialy. Phoa 154. very, next irewrura xaeater. 87 Huurue bL; Bur CALKaaulrer Maws Its, asa. bath room and oparat Morguu Bldg. Uostato uceo. Bowling Alleys. aaluaculln la l ot OKAUO BPS1NCS, News Hanoi Book ( aooo h Ing room of hoapltala. Faience tils Ulular kluusa At Maud Alley. xJra. Bl I .so uiautel. the very latest; greet Variety erua and colore. UALLAB, TKA. M. B. Mayer. 110 ttirnhwiB Ulalag-Baa- Jausin Bl. ; Newspaper Tables. Meats Tha Lew BVaaHy Treat too, nosy, 44 laaeairueio vvararooe liuas at hluiocu Tesas Agency, PUKBLO, COL Pueblo Bugllsh. Pumed aa aa 41 Tras JBalldlag Mousy to loa a thai'. Statu aad d aud Oriental itotal guaherTÍeaí. Blue Printins;. sou & 384 B. 'A Berrien. Paao. aud bargain la real ealau, valley huida Lobby; V. McCarrolL SSS Saín ML; rHíLAÍÍÍ:U1A'Co., SOS voet ur laPhineT 1571 Mark Craas Leather uoods Al Bluuientual a N. SUi Bt. leu tala, aad eai action Boasslag News Btaud, 105 B. Krvay BAN s4 In. use and small acreages. ANTONIO, TKX. A. Laxvotnpte: Mattvess Manufacturing. It la for sale, advenía In Iba rimes ML cigar store, west sida phone UANVILXJi. VA. Vhglnla Meara Co, Piers; World News N. W. Bou" Boarding Stable. Mat'resa Man ufact ur lag Br v Mat If oar wladosss abag, ta, Car. la trees Toilet reparations. SIS layuu hit, 70S Statu ML, to aad Navarra. staulee. Saddle Factory Phus 111 lie a Hey. aud bTT. .d uues Win All gvtry hi low bhlue Bland in PACT, MINN. World News a Geeerel Msma'ésvmBs Baa'ia oo.,, ni., ,w..,i. , trout of lie pol. ST. LOL lav. w.m V2 In mattraeses auu plllowa aud renoval ,ww,.o,ie,.Resal Kalale Cream, aicú Haaal Uraam am' halve, Bgg Bland. If you do not find what you want on Oar I srolloa Oat of the Mlah Boat nk old waltreKSTsand plIluws.Krvl Uattraa Saver aud 'ialeum I'owdo . Ska each lMkNvh.lt, (JOLrO fcplu Nows Co, thai paga, read Waal Ada, next pas. trici enablee ua to mas yau right Petiory Pbon life. Package or warn a fállame ttorai I'Ui Bad WetUsu !.. ; a. CA?S-- Alvarado; p. priees oa rurultuie Lmorsou A Beirleu rattle, good farm Bear Anthony far lot Powder cot. isth aad Curtía. N. ItliuiUey . Or, I us. w Buyers. otig. rvargam iu uaiaravaai situ Ageatcy. Bullion Manufacturing Furriera. Iota. Veador'e lieu aotee bought. W. N btt UOl.StB, IOWA Louie U i BAH PKAN natd aaad Bllvee atalUoa Sarna-Met- als Furs Stored. ii, ('an Steven Bldg I'noBs a Transfer and btorage. htlztb and Locust lit. CISCO. CAI. Tn- A- n boytaf and Beflulng Co., 210 Baa Fran Leilas Bros. 80 BSD Mo v tag Western Transfer auu Btoraga POlfl WOtXTU. LA. Jo" karfcet Ñ. Co. US i Acana New be; claco fit W. 0. Metdaa Baally Ca. 884 hulla St Phoa his dan I St Co., Main aud Kictiasure; Lita Brute, Wheat2" ley, Prsrry Blatloa; Crdted Manufacturing Phaaes aad 881 Heal eaUM aud val Jeweler. tin aashi Lasaai Atevlog I 1 our uaove Beveuth aud Main BU.; Ixnpertai Chiropodist Groceru. P. I. BVasaar A All Jewelry m ley Una. A. Wllllaiua. employ litem bu Call seat Hears Co., . W H. rovniing aa op; get oor price , aak your Moore Mhi SaacUUa All foot IU artentirii ally order. Wedding rtaaa ea rtjrt reu. cnu, bouse. Ur aslghbors who has ago bausa, L feat repairing I8TS ry i,, wis and B. Ply , insurance and he' ato: ALVthlXJ.N, TtvX. Ualvn Hotel i treated Men and wuojtas both Ireatcd. Uvy Rxnert Phoae beet moving vaos; beat transfer mea DuuUilt MB Herald Bid loans. W. C SBldeu, bu vines cauces Boo hrwa baaud. slat ML; Hub Twelve yer' prarlic C Odoni'a Transfer Co. Jerry' News la Chicago Messengers. Shd leolBls. L Msnuing Waal lo buy. News stand, irrusoul aad Poalolllca. Btoad, Perry biatloa! lus nhoa tell, rout ur trade? See us' Do you need Bt.; Inter ur Iran News Slat A danta Newa Co. help or 'op busud. Sit SANTA CaaMUUng. a nuoue ooa To all parta of the elty want to BIS baa Irandsco Bt ; t . U Lauuulue a Cay, SIS h, N. acarea.; WaM. Dyeing and Preing O vai atar a Cat Pries oroeery aad Urn oaa dav and night Our motto Prompt k..i.T I ..a ivreiA. at. Burrows tar aala I loosed, hsaaaa or Vaeaaas L 40 - aeea aad Poli 824 WASH. Wyoming W aaadle the beat gro- leasee Mills St.. Bl 40 4io lira! Bank Bldg. Matice sUn y reuclsco St UOLhfTOK, run. Bayethsr ItrosL, BAjATTLL; o. W. Whltae, San. A W.Ubora. asrj st lowest prices. Phone ISTI. Teg Nti SIS bland; Anas lands sad reach. W 'hate aad BIS Main Bt.; Utuayai Supply Co.. News t Oar grototleo I. minion aeree IB Cong res a aad Osdarwass Harry JBU Ave. Clrssmnc and Pieaeing beet in tb ssarkot laad list la 0. S Bta Is oar BaM aa Ftaee. Bata- - su pago !.,CL.LL-Hu- ea Nrrw. ksta-- O. Klvwsva Busy Little Shop, 4b7 North Refrigerators. A l'o I.1&. Hilt. latasad New Millinery. Bland, Mesriolau aayd waaniiiuTUM, tl. c. FÍsaasoCBtJ WnthJaflnai caewa rxaTCBscy, In ST Carry a Caaaalala Line of I uxkuuñ Matha. Ma.; Yuaaa News kSkassd, Uliuoaa aad front WMk aa Aooo usa la Tbta Baah Ta mUUnerr t reeeuuablo prloee Hat ea rruut hlesa the ast yayas rtseaas atara ata. o' Fetusa WMb Cahuidaae. tr4oed and atad asar. Pas lb... S rid HOC Poat ai CMsAlaa Al BluiaeoUul'a Me Thrifty. Hty Mettoual Baak etteaed and dyed Moo. MUltaay. 802 ?.?llemt thy yah want lo he la shape whan LiTlLh. A. A KB.. World M WAOO, Repairing. toe not Co TKX Jtsaarle'. Ta. SyeBaa Blaasaatbal t'arvaviaar U coming I V bile utas IS tuuu Bt. ff4kdW os T. A ra U asaran ai i caa a ni. (.asiepotuoa. AL aray New Aa Gems and Jewelry. If It sale artel i. fratase It see MS atV" ' Paeasa TroeoasrsAt tluasaelaal's It ror Advertise oa Tat I'ag i nous losa Oreoa Al. VatXiCVKK, H. Csuaa-racirt- o "aasood. Boms While Hoe Wad Curtis lAMj AÜ CAT News h - UX1A Veia,P M Ca. ajlB- At MlusaayaShal's aii. tie Metal Buyers. Typewriter and Office Supplies ( ertuiubla 'BWHaa'a:.' MUM JParsr lleUla- Buyiag a a Mena as ansa's Made tvaar e Ma Wevat Saa rraacus ISsWBSa Teaaa C. ti St. hsutastK ataada .aw L PASO MORNING TIMES 15


Lttftxt Ntatipse atoners' court by purchase or condemnation all such rules, regulations and acts or the the account ror final settlement or said ae- and for such other reliar u be may lie For Sale Real EtUte. tenant In Hie same organization, which bore or all the land desired for seawall and commission being authorized and approved tata to appear and contest toe same. If they Juatly entitled to. he brunt or the righting in the two bat- - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE land ror the seawall reclamation district and ratified by county commissioners' Herein rail not, but have you before said ires mrnuonen. neiqutanri cnavez serven CONSTITUTION, AMENDING ARTICLE from tne seawall to bay shore tide Una court. Tbe district must bear all expenses Court, at Us aforesaid next regular term, as aherirr or Bernalillo county in issj. XI, SECTION 71. Or THE CONSTITUTION boundary or tbe property abutting on tbe or seawall and purchase of the land and this writ, with your return thereon, show- BUSINESS CORNER. lened three terms In the legislature and -P- ROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZUNO COUN- bay, and the coun- expenses or riling (filling) same and oilier ing bow you executed the same. had ror years a slate hereby cedea to the or htva tsn.ooo. will lake up to 440,000 In been familiar figure in TIES BORDER! NO ON THE ÜULP OF ty, ror such district, for reclamation and expenses, and the same shall not In any way 7th day September. A. D. 1MI, when said witness, Park w. Pitman, Clerk or the trade. Valley land or other city the councils of the Republican parly in the MEXICO TO BUILD SEAWALLS. general uses or tbe district, the title to bay Involve the credit or the county ur be a account and application will on by County Court of El Paso county. properly. county. He wst s ramous orator and in Senate Joint Resolution. shore lands In the baals ror a tax by tne county on general said court. Given under my hand and the seal or aald or 3 the olden an Influential political fac- district between tbe or my or Block lots oo paved atreel days (S. 1. R. No. property tide line boundary and tbe low lands tbe county unless authorised by a Olven under hand and seal said Court, at office In tbe City or El Paso, going to Country club. Will take val- tor, i To amend section 7 or Article XI of the line or bay tote or or the property taxpay- court, at my orrice in tbe city or El Paso, Texas, this tbe 23th day or July, 1014. tide the shore, and any land in or ley land or other lota as part pay- Constitution or the state or Texas, au the reclamation district that may have been ers or the county voting st a speclsl elec- this 1Mb day July. A. D. 1014. PARK II. PITMAN. ment. - Courtmanial t nitle Thieves. thorliing counties bordering on the guir by or tion therefor. It Is provided that PARK W. PITMAN. Clerk, County El County. retained the republic Texas or (or) further court. Paso MO acres or land below Fabens on By the .1 fed or Mexico to build seawall by adding the state ror any owner or land In a proposed (Seal) Clerk county Court or El By C. ARANDA, Deputy. undo Pntt roads when the lands adjacent district paved road and R. R. tto tere. Agua i'rieia, sonora, July TO. colonel p. section 7a, so as to authorize sucb coun- were platted and sold, and tbe county Is may subscribe and pay for the district raso county, Texas. Will lake city as pay- By C. ARANDA, property part or mili- ties to build seawalls and designate sea- given the right to dredge In the bay or in commission, whan organised, as the pro Deputy. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ment. Ellas Calles, commander the Sonora day or A. l). 1014. wall reclamation districts ror tbe protec- the gulf ror fill ror the district, and right rata or his land of the expense of the wall, Issued this lith July, State of Texas, County or El Paso To Automobile Will take part Iota In tary garrison, haa promulgated an order tion of lire and property from to sell the land orr reclamation, platting aa town lots on a PARE W. PITMAN, Those indebted to or Holding clglms payment ror storm when reclaimed and laid County or automobile. to tbe ranger force he is organizing that overflow, and to build or condemn land as townalte or otherwise, and where con- basis aa such area or land Is to be the Clerk Court Paso Co., Tex. Against the Eetate or James Rogers Lewis. 3 room house on 3 By C. ARANDA, south front lots III cattle thieves captured will be court ror seawall and reclamation districts, the demnation Is used to acquire the land whole land or tbe reclamation district and Deputy. Deceased: The undersigned, having been on Ritas St., MOHO; eesy the A copy, I payments. eoumy to beve state's title to tbe roads proceedings to be as under tbe statutes for seawall, and at any tune before tbe com- true certify: duly appointed admlulatratrlx of the estate BROADDUS I E BARON. mariialed and deallh with severely re pletion or may PEYTON J. EDWARDS. Rogers 4 Md bay thoro line to low tide within the condemnation ror railroads, provided tbat tbe district surrender tbe or of James Lewis, deceased, late of First Nillontl Bank Building. gardless or nationality, areordtng to re- district, and the right to Issue district the condemnation shall vest title In lee in bonds and receive "from the county a bond Sberirr El raso county. the county or El Paso, state or Texas, by port learning here from Naco today. Donat ror acquiring and developing tbe the county, and county may Issue bonds or ror title far his land in town lots, less tne non. A. s, 4. r.yisr, juuge Of the county rne ortier louows a nuiriDer of srresis and the seawalls, and evidence or streets and alleys deducted therefrom, ror TO Whom It May Concern You will take court of said county, on lb Ith day oi recently on or district balldlnr other district Indebtedness ror COR. RIVER AND STANTON, the American side the border when district Is developed as townalte to acquiring the building sea- which on surrender deed may be demand- notice tbat tbe Untted States and Mexico May, A. I. 1011, during a regular term or when the were charged by the property, the company, collage, corner lot. Price MtOO; prisoners sell aui-- portions or tbe land as not re wall, reclamation development and all In- ed from tne county after toe district is Brokerage a partnership com- said court, hereby notifica all persona In- United States officials with stealing Mexi- al- good terina, only isoo cash, bal. per mo. served ror nubile use bv tbe eountv. cident thereto aa expenses or seawall and walled, rilled and plaited Into streets, posed of Otto H. Jacobs, I. Viicarra, Jose- debted to sMd óslate to come forward and ttai can stock and smuggling them into this Be Legislature or leys and lots, and bonds so bought shall so phine Vlicarra and O. Visearía, baa applied make settlement, and those having claims ROOSEVELT ST. it Resolved by the tbe reclamation district, with Hen on land and cottage, good country. siei oi lexas: such terms and conditions as county, provide. It Is runner provided tbat no ror articles of incorporation, and ariur Am., against said estate to present ihem to itar at titos; terms; pivtng On account ol the turbulent timet, many Tbat the rolMwIng to con Us district shall be formally designated by the ao. 1914, wiu do business under lb sania her residence, 704 N. Santa Fe St., In 'n paid. Sonora stockmen have been unable to brand amendment the through commissioners' court, may ROOSEVELET BT. atltutlon or the or Texas county county commissioners' court until owners name, but as a corporation. city or i l Paso, El Paso county. Texts, calves tor two years, of " slate be proposed deem best, and the commissioners' 6 room new bungalow, heating pav- hundreds to the or the or ror shall appoint two persons or at least or tbe proposed ares or UNITED STATES AND MEXICO wnere an receives net matt. plant, are roaming the ranges near the voters state Texas their court who are ing paid. Price tiOOO: terms to suit. adoption in accordance with Jaw. and that owners or land within the district, and who district petition therefor, and subscribe out BROKERAGE COMPANY. This 2td day or July. A. u. 1M4. line. ror bonds ror rrom county ROBU M. E. RIO GRANDE, the constitution or the state or Texas be desire to sell lor reclamation and buy back repurchase the LEWIS, cottage, so to or as herein provided. Thla amendment may BV Administratrix or tbe Estate or James t lots, only tftrtO. EIGHTY SHEEP. amended as add section 7a article from the county when reclaimed, who, with CITATION PUBLICATION. RAMPART ST, Tr10l8NU XI. or county con- oe acted on without delay or legislation in The Slate or To Hie Rogers Lewis, Deceased. and that section 7a article XI shall the Judge as chairman, aball Texas sheriff or Any 6 room cottage, 2 lols, MSO0. read as follows, to wit seawall com- aid thereor or legislative action may be had Constable or El Paso county, You Reawell Man Concludes Big Deal la Mexict; tinue a reclamation district meeting. CASSID. MEEL, 211 Mills. Section 7a. wnere against the mission, whose compensation shall In furtherance thereor ir desired by tbe are hereby commanded tu summon W. L. 12,000 Coming Tomorrow. protection be fixed county, Bids and Proposal i waters or tbe guir of Mexico is needed rot by tbe court, and this commission has acting through lis commissioners' Tuley, L. T. Kelso and F. V. Oowen. by Twelve thousand head or sheep, the court. making publication or flrtl protection oi lire, neaitn, property or th power to make all rules and regulations for thla citation once In PROPOSALS FOR SHEEP liepartment of installment or so.ooo recently purchased In seawall, any county "bordering On the gull' tbe land or seawall build- Be It Further Resolved by the Legislatura each week for four consecutive weens pre- A SUGGESTION TO THE WISE acquiring district or tne interior, orrice or Indian Attaira, E. oi Mexico may acquire uue to tne ror ing, reclaiming and platting land or dis- the Stale or Texis. vious to the return day hereof, la INVESTOR. Mexico by 0. Bales, of Roawell, n. m land That tome D. C. July 27. IM4. Sealed nroDOSSls. sata seawaii or seawaii reclamation dls trict. Issuing bonds or otber evidence of In- tbe foregoing proposed amendment newspaper published In your county, to plainly on Do you know that lota on the mesa are expected to retch the border rrom tbe trtct as to the constitution shall be submitted to the appear at marked the outside of the staled designated by tbe county controls debtedness ror same, subject, however, to the next regular tenn of the envelopes, "siheep ror Jlcarllla offer the heat Investment in El Paso interior or chihuahua tomorrow. Mr. Bates qualified voters of the sute or Texas ror county court or El county, Indians" la 1'aao to be and addressed to the Commissioner or In- today? The location the best. It Intends place their ratification and adoption at an elec- bolden at the courthouse thereor, la the is elote lo. Look the Improve- lo the entire bunch on the tion to be held throughout tbe state on the dian Attaint, Washington, D. C will be re- tt city of El Paso, Texas, on tbe first Monday ceived at the Indian orrice until ments now going In and the class of American market, bringing them across the second Tuesday In November, A. D. 114, In September, IM4, sama being o'clock ror border convenient Intervals. the the 7ih a.. Thursday. August 27. 10 14. for fur- - homes being builu call us an it EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY and at such election those favoring the day of September, IMI, then and there lo appointment. The sheep will be sold on locsl markets rat ration adoption or mining tooo grade ewea and too pure bred, in and said amend- answer a petition riled In aald court on the or approximately pure bred, typ RAMEY BROS. and shipped to New Mexico. Kansas City ment snail nave written or printed on their day or July, 1M4. In a on uiuttoa pnone snd eastern Texas Buyers. They are aald tth tult numbered i auia, aa per speen icaiiona, to First Nat. Bank Bldg. Hi. AUDITING. PACKING. ballots: "For tne amendment to article the docket of aald court No. 4323. wherein eonatuons to be a rine lot and will weigh ranch more XI, section 7a, or the constitution providing be observed by bidders, etc., which will than the average aheap, H m. REDDIO. I'hone Mi. P. O. Box Me. GOODS packed by Gelger Charles T. Nagle Is plalntirr and w. L. be upon paper raited in Mexico. belt tbe globe. lor authorising counties bordering on tbe Tuley, L. F. furnlthed application to the Transfer, storage, repairing. MM. Kelso and F. F. Uowen are or periodical In ap- Pb. N00 gulf or Mexico to build seawalls;" and and petition alleging which advertisement ACCOUNTANT. dereudants, aald that, pears, tbe U. s. Indian Warehouse at Chi . aw. those opposing Use adoption and ratification about May I, plalntirr charle T. Nagle cago, ni., Neb.. St. Lou Is. Mo., and 8NAP-M- THURSTON AUDIT CO. Phone SsM. it-- t or said amendment shall bare written or and defendantsll.w L. Tuley and L. F. omina. on Btn Francisco, cel., and the Superintendent acres or Yaleia. City National Bank Blag- - printed their ballots. "Against tbe Kelso made a written agreement whereby or SH heart THE OUN8 repaired. Allen Arms Cycle Co, amendment to article XI. section 7a. plalntirr tbe Jlcarllla Indian School, liulce, N. M. Mjoo. UNIVERSAL Phone IM. leased to aald two defendants tbe CATO SELLS, LONGNECEER W1CESTEAD. or the constitution, providing for authoriz following real No. COMMISSIONER. bungalow; hardwood t O. Box estate In Precinct I. El LIQUOR CURE CO. American Bank Blag. P. Hi. SEWING MACHINES. ing cuuuuca uuraermg on uze gun oi Mex- county, or rioors; located on Bliss near olmbel's Paso Texas: 'that portion survey EL PASO, Tex., July 12, IM The city of El ico to build seawalls." Proclamation or No. IS7 or valley or Y groceryi terms tho best. a positive the land aleta grant raso, win r. o. n orrert CURE ror tbe liquor AUUI.NC MAUPNESt. SEWING machines ror rent. Tne easy aucb election shall be made by the gov- made by J. W. Taya 1173 which lies to roas, receive mas 42400. HABIT. No detention rrom la El Paso, Texsa, on to.ooo fast eight inch 4 room bungalow: business. Mills St. ernor, as required by tbe constitution and southwest or the county road and between up lo tbt min- Address p. 0. Box 107, El Pato, Texas. DALTON Adding Machines. tit the law, and there Is appropriated put or No. 1 aewer pipe. Bid should be In the ute; M00 down, balance U par said road and Hlo Grande, and being par- handa of the city purchasing agent, at the ticularly described as rollo wa: Beginning month, including interest. cari-k- t cleaned. BUY HER Jacob' candles; "made last a on or city ball. El Paso. Texas, not later than Au- 1 1,700. at point tbe 8. side county road gust 1, IMi. The city reserves the to night," at Times Branch No. so much thereor as may be necessary, to or in- right pebblo dtth, 1 full lota; "DÚAJTaTvvIuIÍc t. lot where the west Une survey No. 1st accept or reject any or all bids. exes Bt. pay the expense or advertising and holding tame; thence 4 deg., nice Utile borne. vacuum carpet cleaning. P. tersects north lu' a. a. 11,000. team and such election. west amng south side or said public road Munuoca, S. Purchasing Agent. frame: Order Rubber Stamps RENT tbe easy running White and Stand- (Nota. J. R. No. pasead the senate 110 varea, more or less, to point where the lertnt ttty. utMialv ard; beat machine In the world lor family by a vote, yeas 24, nays 1, and S. line or slid public road la intersected by f,7it, use. Repairs senate concurred In house amendments by or survey 800 40 room teoiioeot on Broadway; ÜAXLOWAY. Ml MUlS lOg. guaranteed the eaat line its, varaa, more ror Over Our 445 DRaV BROWN WHITE MACHINE a s vote, yeas J7, nays 0; and was less, to of elote la; rents lav per month; a. SEWING OFFICE. or north bank the Hlo Grande; any tts s. Stanton. H. Stewart. Agi pasted by the bouse of representatives thence in an easterly direction, rollowlog AUTO STAGE LINES terms. New Phone f l. with amendments by a two thirds or FOR TRADING PROPOSITIONS 46 AUK.NUIO. vote. the meanders aald Hlo Grande to tbe west DE1ECT1.E line or survey lad; thence in a northerly SEE US. am AND LOCH EXFERTS. along or survey GLOBE TO PHOENIX at acres rinesi land In valley; u Elli Broe. rVmtinsT Co. direction the west line 1st, In i 7 lilt, and riled In tbe department of slate or Via Auto. r ear lesvsa Glob tirtlfa. balance lu gtrden, horses, ,Ti and SAFES AND VAULTS opened no more or less, lo place begin- mules, wagons - April t, IMS, without toe approval or tbe daily. Tim s hours. Make reservation! M every thing al H23 cases 1st NaL Bank Bids- Pn. lau drilling. no s. El Pato ríoLtmí-w- . ning, containing li acres, containing im- per acre. at governor. provements thereon of a house, barn and Dominion Hotel, Glob. Olla Valley auio term or five years Stag una. WHITE PADEN REALTY CO., other rivluret, for i from 11 12 13 Morgan - SPANISH LESSONS. CITATION BY PUBLICATION. the ttt day or May, whereby dereud- aids- Phooe IMS. cattle, horses, mules. Tne stale of Texas To tne sberirr or any L. ll, dead or ants W. Tuley and 1.. F Keiso agreed lo nailed away tree. Pnona 7 lamtedisiely. Constable El Paso county. Greeting: You pay plalntirr as renlsl fTto.ou per annum, H. MOHR are hereby commanded tu auuunou E. F. payable In monthly installment each Latv Auto cara, s. El Pasó St.. dally. In OOOOXOO It TWO WAR VETERANS DC All Cut IMVü TaUAtailtNi;.. and the Scarrllt Bible and Training year or M0.00 each on the rirat day of eluding Sunday, at 4. it a to. Heturulag, Rate Hardware, OMINE ASU School, both paruet nonresidents or the each mouth In advance during the con- Fought al . Glass. eauuuMUM in "rink ttata of Texas, by making publication of tinuance of aald lease, that said lease is lag Sunday, ror El Mas Who Olerlrta and Valvardr Paint and habit. Oay pho 6 or 6ISI; Ibis citation once la each week for roar or audDrug got. Di'ANisU taugui In Paloaore UjUege. attached to and mads a part the appli- ntgui pfa 174. P. O. box successive weeks previous to the return cation and afridavlt ror distress warrant By Timet Ssaeial CorrMBOatfesit day hereof . in soma newspaper published No. tout, on Hie docket or E. B. Albuqueiuue, N. M nfy TWB er the KTÜHAUC county, appear regu- in cate ft RKsTUaVB sUsTAIRiNW WAEilOCa In your to at the next Mcclintock, or tbe Peace, Precinct and Carrito to dally and Sunday at a. ca- or county court or Justice t best known Spanish Americans hi oenirai fl lar term the El Paso No. I, El Peso County, Texas, that defeud-aut- lor Picacho, Tlaol. Roudo, Lincoln, Fort Myrtle. Phone Ta. PASS CITY BTHuAGE CO., N. county, to be boidan at tiie courthouse ton, Capitán and Metal. Ntw Mexico, veterana or the gory haul', t. m. LuPti. Mi iti isoM- W. L. Tuley and 1.. l kelso look pos- lian Throat far . !fr ranuture. - (hereof. In tne city or El Paso. Texas, on or premises un on way WatT later medial poiqttTe par or Valveide and Giorldta, N, M.. In tin ' goods, autos, session said under said leste away jLifiat machinery and fresent. tbe first Monday in September. IM4, iim May IMS, possession Baggage carried up to Hi pound-s- Civil war. passed within an hour oi Custom r.my Offloe iMfiUff Central location, reasonable or in, and have been in mil. yesterday morning. rates. same being the 7lb day September, 1VI4, there of under aald lease to July Mb, IM4; o peuuoa '? P"r pouou. each oiber Melquíades tmiTCHKTT At to answer a petition In it; TTe Chaval, axed 77. died 4 o'clock rKKCCBOM, PASO TMUNE r ACTUM then and there riled that defendant F. F. Gowen, became Habla auawai-- ouarani, at and initio. Dealers In aera tren, rubber. hi. - New on or Operadora.suiu aged H, m. Aaaayara, Metallurgist bouse, location; VI. said court tbe Mat day July, IM4, in to pay rents aa ou said petition al- Owners and Pboue is. Josa Chaves, died about i a. Chmlta, - - safest peeiuvetr lantwi on or taid was commlesry ry rata. Pboue MM. a suit numbered tne docket said court leged, lo plalntirr, by virtue or the reel The sergeant RpreBtatlva (or Or Shipper. BOTTLE AND VtiH CO, No. SMS, wherein Columbus Healck, guar- he assumed the payment or said BLACK RANGE AUTO STAGE AND EXPREBB In the mounted Infantry commanded by la aaa im or estate Helen thai rents East over no- - rian dian the of Alice hemes, tu plalntirr lu accordance with tbe terms o( UÑE. Cai'ialn santiago Huooeii et Albuquerque mloor legate of Sue T. Cameron, deceased, aid lease, that by reason or the promise Paaaeoger service, leaving Eagle and In Hie war, Joae (.haves being s rirat ueu Is e petitioner, and said petition alleging deily. except Sunday, si 7 a for ACME SHEET METAL fTTITrtl there Is due and unpaid pumtlff from all Chloride in JatvaJ that Helen Alice nenien i a inluor legale said en la, as renta fur the leal half Elephant Butt, Cuchillo, Willow Springs sheet metal contractor or all kinds, tl e 1st l will and testament or defend Texas St. Phone MM. ill under Sue of Oct. and all or Nov. and Dec, IMJ. and and Fairview Through fare on way, H. 1 i ame on, deceased, lliat Columbus for Jan Apr, May and June. IM4. in intarnwdiMe points loc par mil. Baggag UNION STATION OFFICIAL RAILWAY TIME CARD i.aa been appointed guardian or the turn of 0.00, all or which said defend earned; to pounds rrae, ascent t cent par hUBAilCAi. INaTTBUklaWT. of said minor legatee, and wherein pe- ama tu pay, though pound. T" Mb-- BtnrlnsTei iAe. have railed and reruscd Ti,..ut main titioner alleges that certain legada orten lo dauiaga guaran leed two iHUsaEa, etc. hm Phone requeued, plaintiff's in Tabt feeil MaM M I laslltt lit J1 wk to said minor legale under tbe last lb aum of tato.OO; that said rent la sut ured ELEPHANT BUTTE AND MOT SPRINGS ntaa a ta. Suai Geneve Jewelry Co.. Yt baa trill .estanient or said Sue 1. t caiuuroiao . sad Cameron by s landlord's lien ou the lollowiag par LINE. I St. are in the possession of the Aim (Mounutla Tim Only.) ror lW all iotonlo WCRI rsjNTlHC. administrator son SI property oi au saia oeie Clay Davidson. Prop.. Eagle. N. M. MB BubSM and usrlaw other parties designated in said Eugl daily, a aald pi en use. Leav t m. end t p. m. W. Systaaa. tt Sunaat J:::-.:::::::::.afi- CITY SIGN OU., petiuoa. of which legacies the said guar- Fare from Eagl to a r. a a JUNO WORLET demanda ror dian Inuuedlate possession lot and Elephant butie .Mot Pram North and Eaat Arrive. I rtiirtstjMB any noma, and be can build tne next. in behalf of the minor legatee, Helen Alice chbfornlaa t ua.sa. SoT prices Honest structure. provided Pide I dlaplsy esse, Hot sarins t Uta tot uut Uwitd tones! Renlck, as for by law of the alai Raturn fares tame by appowuntnt- tOolden Siai Uuilted t.tipju. jata, of Texas Herein rati not, but bare you register. I leoter table frota lb Wat-t- TYPEWRITERS and Office iliaci Co. before said court, at Its aforesaid card table. basket miser Texas s Faclfl Railway, Md, licit waah tubs. 5 cuspidor, Msuan' reaied and repaired. Ms regular term Hat writ, with your return 4 f&faYY'.'."' 2mb rrom the East Arrive, MuUSl raoo sac oorotu Type writer thereon showing how you have executed giaplsuplsune, I refrigerator, pi"-- ui. I gtaolut nove, I MJ 1 the same. coal rants. bedsteads, lead I AJUiSbJtMlafT Olven under my hand and seal of said mor or i aprutga. t, Dr. Cauri SnUtK at orrice as the cur of E4 Paso, t lunch tableaI, atccctU-A- BROS, phone Tea Frisco fsau-- this, the or BU.004J, m ttd day July. IM4. Thai il any part of aald pr rty hat h B ITTL RE. SKIN, LIVE! KB. PARE W. PITMAN. MEV AND aWTiJHMl BMBflfl (Baal) Clerk county Court, El Paso j errurved ruin said Drsrui rlhe aatae baa NatlMtt Railway t at ale. keen removed within unit! days before Arrlva MUM 14th. 114. the date Lra -- Mercanuie asrasttiee oh It A. HIGOIN Out) Ui. ft a. By C. ARA.MM, i"PUt " lituano Vaag. Juarai t av iuarat t.ot,pj, HAJWY aegr-- . usar of tbe distress warrant o. man FtrM ajjIltaM Beak PAIUeAfl. miajiei- sanean iw ana ejptev ao. aim Bt areata Bl fmrn Rattr.aa, m m Herald dg. Hoped, and wllhoul the vasdge or con ajr P.OIICE BY rtfUCjTiUM OF FINAL seal or plamuft; lhal perscaal prat) (aaata r CteadrIt ti'htula iWMMSW VA4MiiHa. eriy was aMSed arid From lb North OJslLY EkCEFT tUffDAT. i - aimlsi ta TsiSA Tr, ths eharllT m asm tmnAo Muutoy. Couat .for Pr sea Mat Bat tirirnt mXTl ÑUS glasee t dee Wood, ail overland. Coaatabi of Si Peso County, Ore ting Mrs. ruicl No. 1, II Paso M I. xi uta'roajt, atoxcuirli of ta asíais asw Juiw tMb. till hi arrets) by aald Metiñtóck i issued LONG TRANSFER ,,SÍí::::..'ÍSÍSS"...::t:: .r.xnn.tffm our ouuuiy court Marinas' accouai ui the fustic Iba Peace, in said case WELL'S am cunea. .... IsoCaE WaUtVk of tbt 4ÜI of said E. J. Mill, peiluoiiV SUNDAY SCHEDUUt. m ni ootnUtiuu ftatd grays iliMall said d feadent tS njunmu-- mm -,- Trala-- fkuATu gram; MOMVi. tne dairy iVedTwTlu .m asi iniuuia a B i cuso as appear ana answer said Mjrrtrt. lipevlal seal- ware s i liuut said trust, you are tanaaS Taiauif l.Wv.. VIA diseUaisu and Mr JeMaTOsSoi for io, B Si AUTUMOnOanL HACHA. LJVBLMT VJILV " ) suata lv EL -- wrom urn . rU JXtk Aaava Tracfc a an. At... All lair forVlut'iir to otatn Lv... xj rasa aald Mr tuna? preWly, it It P BV AT.... gaHSliSa be decreet) t he fVhl at coining tu 1 It to p at-- Af.... 1H ENGINEERING NEWS EL PASO MORNING TIMES INDUSTRIAL NEWS J JULY 30, 1914 EL PASO, TEXAS BUI LD1NG--CONSTRUCTI- ON SECTION r. : il Where Quality Counts When you put your money into a home, you should get "quality," for your home means much to you, We beUeve we can give you your money's worth only by offering you "quality construction," and, as we own our lumber yards, wood working shops, sash and door factory, and building material warehouses, we are in the best position to give you "quality" at the right price. We now have more than $150,000.00 in buildings under construction, which shows we have a large part of the present operations in El Paso. THERE'S A REASON" Perry-Kirkpatri- ck Realty Co.

THE We are Sole Agents for A On The Buttom Press THREE NATIONS CAFE Holmes' and tin room la flooded with oft. beautiful light. That what Self-Airin- happen where our fixture, am OÍ g part of the furnishings. You may get plenty of light from A new and place ugly fixture. But you'll not to dine, adjoining the New Disappearing obtain that Hoft radiance that our peclally deatgned flxturea Alhambra Theatre. We give. Hea them once and you'll serve the best meal in the acknowledge their nrtlatlc effl- - city at reasonable prices. Bed Icncy. Also Chinese and Spanish dishes. 'If It's Electrical We Have Also handle Wall Beds and If Good food and quick ser- Door Bell vice. NATIONAL TELEGRAPHONE and H. T. Ponsford SOPPLY COMPANY 213 South Electrical Contractor and Dealers 914 E. Missouri Ph. El Paso 831 Mills Perry-JCirkpatri- 317 Street Phone 759 El Paso, Texas A New ck Bungalow Recently Completed Prices and Catalogue on Street Application. MM nrfciorz3iio1iczr WATER The Reason We Have Such German Process BAGS Small Use for Money at SANITARY FLOORING AT The Myrtle Trading Place la because wa went about three daya wit limit much water sad no beans For Office Buildings, Store Buildings, Hotels and CUT when building a railroad to Colorado thirty years ago. We had more PRICES than Two Thouaand Dollar Cash Is the wsgon. When you think of Residences money being tight, )uat go out sod try building a rstlrnad without the Tou will not asad to If you "hsaiia" fur a tow days. Th reaaqn the people have the money oras le desert, they um our Dry Climate and bSCauae they never built a railroad acrnes th where Can Be Laid Over Old could run out of "beans." Our bankerx know so llttla about finance Floors El Paso South African WlUr Bsc that they let a fe ainart gambler In Wall Street get hold of 26 billion aanltary. and with patent top of wealth through a Imple percentage game, and this Is th game: Giving you a beautiful one piece floor without cracks, ossh i opening. We have ovar IS There la thro billion to do buetneas on. and gamblers have making it absolutely sanitary and better than tile Trunk dosea on hand and to move charge of meat of that In their own bank. When they want charge any all they atmply aall s amount oí wealth lock them qulok have put of rmsll their snd th color desired to match the paper or furnishings of the SOUTH AFRÍCAN I the money up. than sverybody aaya money I "tight " Whan you go to sail Factory following cut price on them: money is tight and your this WATCWBAC anything "bean" don't bring anything until room. Nothing to equal flooring for bath rooms. m the gamblsra nave bought up what they want. Our bankers with W carry a full Ha oiftb bast t 1 Gallon Baga. hundred of million of dollars Of Wealth and caeh can't boat the game. May we show you samples? Estimates furnished on Trunks. Including JWardroba T"E CO They only adf as tin horns bafctnd the crap gam Trunk, also Butt OaaW AOAM APPELL H Ihk OaJloo baj table sad help th short notice. Traveling to win mors. If you want to beat the game, call at Bags and Fancy leather Uooaa. II Uallon Be. SIM We repair gad exchange trunks and other tgaveltug good. t Gallon Baas The Myrtle Wa store household Trading Place J. W. Jackson goods. Now EL PASO TENT & AWNING COMPANY warehouse. Bafsat location Pos- sad axe bang the products of mine, farm od factory (or a Myrtle Contractor and Builder itively lowest ratas. 312 5. Paso Straw Phone 2044 Trading rises property raaalpt, which will buy anything that a bank H. COLLINS, aota will buy to th vela of th property rctptd for. It' bsusr Lowest prices on mül work. Window and door frames. J. Manaaw Usan bank deposits ar cash your Meat and safar la own tomato cae Mill Phone 5595 Residence Phone 2750 ta Crawford Theatre. J Tai. 164.