xessful Candidates in Saturday' Election Are El Paso's Friends They 11 Be Here Next Month SECCIÓN ESPAflOLA Th Morning Hjalfn a f A tr.nll.Hon Tesvccntey f PAGINA 11 Prtntesl and IrlexrtbnVcsl IH.Iol mstai. mabmctii hM AnM, M Days' smarts. 1 Ml I .II. pa0 Rondar 1,0. 34TH YEAR f ELBraMPASO, TEXAS, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. SIXTEEN PACES" PPJCE FIVE CENTS RUSSIA MASSES 1 ,280,000 MEN ON THE AUSTRIAN FRONTIER 1 ADERWOOO AMENDMENT won.n RKVOLirrioxizB Tan NI UtTKR OF The Czar of MEETS FEDERAL LAMATION POLICY GERMAN ARMY Bkmmn to im: colors Russia Whose WILSON By I he iwNkM Ctmi Ms at I Pre.. Washington, July t. evolutlranli 8L Pet rabaf July ttv- - AJI I Manifesto is inr of tit goternment' reclamation ukase issued tne emperor lonigni SEEMS F RESOLVED policy Was propoed lndv by rslls tn the sn immertt nnm- - Expected Hourly imderwootl, the Democratic her or reaervlt II leader. In an amendment to the tenate The men eattod nut are: BUSINESSMEN bill to extend Train 10 10 vein the TO MOBILIZE Firs- t- All UH) reservists or Ml Whole time allowed tattler on Irrigation governments and of 71 districts In 14 projects to pay for their water rights oiher govemmentt. Vnder the amenttnient all reclamation Second Itrt of the reservist of nine BY Yes- expenditures In future would bo lim- Such is the Report Given Out district of four governments. 10 SIANO SERVIANS Held Another Conference ited to appropriations made from te Third The curve, reservists in tt dls Pend- reclamation rund by controls. From Embas- Uriels or It Huaalan governments and terday On Subject of Though trltoroualy denounced by the Austrian one Finnish government representatives from the public landi Berlin. fourth The Cossacks ing Trust Bills. sistes, the stoendment was carried on sy in or the terrliorlea of Don Kuban. Terek. two preliminary vote. A roll call will Astrakan. tlrenbarg and Ural. be demanded when the bill cornea up Fifth A corresponding number or DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS THAT WERE PENDING BE- for final psssage tomorrow. At the CABINET COUNCIL IS HELD resenlst orflerrs of the medical snd CULBERSON AMENDMENT preaent a fund or about tail .000 .000, ac- veiertnsry services, in eddlUnn tn TWEEN AUSTRIA AND RUSSIA HAVE FAILED cumulated through the aale of public needful horses, kagornt and transport landa. la in toe hand a of the Interior services tn the governments and dis- AND ARE FINALLY ENDED. department ror eapendlture without Was in Session Until Late tricts thus mobilised. Texas Senator Would Make congressional limitation. Opponents of the Underwood amendment declarad Hour, But No Information Unfair Competition Un- today that the prapoaed chantre In tiollry would make the rund a "pork Was Given Out. BE NO MORE OPPOSITION lawful and Defines It. barrel" and "grab baa" and result In THE FIRST IMPORTANT I arramble for runda." FIGHTING OCCURS T President Will Not Take Part In Aay RUN MADE ON GERMAN BANKS ure mane NEW YORK DEMOCRATS CONFER tifats Being Against FERGUSON'S MAJORITY Democratic Congressmen. Depositors Standing in Line SERVIANS BLEW UP BRIDGE ACROSS THE RIVER Seeking to Have President AND PROVOKED THE AUSTRIAN FIRE for Purpose of Converting has decided not to Interpose any obstacle Wilson Smooth Out Some to the re nomination and or Bank Notes Into Gold. Democratic members or congress who have BEFORE THEY RETREATED. Existing Wrinkles. aupported the policies or the party, no mat- HII Special Wirt to The Timet By ter what their local and state affiliations the associated Prooo may be, He believes they have proved By the Aeeoelntrá l'rear feel I reslly can be or more use outside By Aeeociated Preee Dallas, Texaa. July Official return, Berlin. July An important official London, Jul) St. Arrnrriing the the lines the including nearly every l.vote cast in Satur- - on their smyaity to progressive principals am le than within them at the present Washington, July . President conference the situation should UV flanea diplomatic Intercourse between Juncture, I hear war I. C election was begun afternoon, therefore not be opposed by if hat broken out. Wilson held another conference today on iy primary here early thla and administration. Austria aad Russia was suspended I shall si unce return to London to raise ponding Submission Por. IS9.IE3; against. 161.119. did not adjourn until late tonight. When business conditions and the trust FeTruson, This policy, which is to be (Dulled aren today. corps ol suraeons and nurses; other with a delegation of men Oovemor Ball. I81.04J: il,oe: it adjourned it was announced that noth- coming I rrom billa business Morris, ing conrerence or re orally during ibe campaigns, was wise shall await tnslructluns here varied throughout tjm. concerning: the Its aBaara By A teocinte Preee At can no news repreaeotlng Interests it oovemor Hobby, ito.dob: tonight. made known today by the president dur the alavko. present he ret the country. sults would be made public ing- nis conrerence Representa London. July tt. Today s events brought through on this aide, I nope he will a Sturgeon, isa.TQO. It I understood that the conferees tn wiut but A delegation or wholesalers presented ( Fltxaerald and other Democratic ineml no roller to the auapenae. nor any diplo- be able to reach me by way of Greece In a price14 "ex- congressman-at-ure- isavis, 7B,or; eluded, tn addiuon to Or. Von Bethmann house brier opposing the "one and T.7S5: Kone. 6fl.0M; Lane, 7.784: stc- - the Imperial chancellor, Oottletb of the from New York city, who matic achievement lo restrict the Austro day or two." clusive agency" features or the Clayton Hollwer. called t the White House to complain that servían war to urate two nations. The Mine, tlroiilleh wi formerly Mitt Mable or lemore, 80,1 It. Von Jagow. the foreign minister, Admiral II. bill, and several sections the trade or or tome of the federal appointees In their NICHOLAS reeling throughout the ronUnent ss re- o. uunlap or Virginia. Tbey Wilson they Von Tlrpitt, minister marine, and the state have been claiming tbey had sup- - commission bill. told Mr. emperors a the flected by reporta lo the London pipers or legislation In a member of the or Is GREAT WON KTRATTON V approved the pending commanding generals the German army. rt ine aomintatrauon in righting incm. tonlgbt distinctly more anxious than PATRIOTIC HE MMr.i .nn tnnuehi It necessary to of me or the .New Yorkers went into con Two event have made pes- OCCURS IN ST. PETERSBURG. vv GOVERNOR'S STATEMENT It was reported late tonight In circles up for orevent unfair competition, but reared ference (Urred over the lei ear am sent simism tilrect negotiations by litiasis ind By the seriously close lo ine Austrian emnassy inat by Dudley Field Malone, collector of the WILSON BALKS Associated Preee tome of its features would mobilisation of the Oerman forces tomor Austria, winch gave the other governments St. Peiersburg. July A treat patriotic with business organlaation par- port or new tori, to Representative Fill hope of a compromise, have railed snd demonstration look place on the Net sky Relative to Nomination or James row wu highly probable. No confirm asking Mr. M on a small scale. the C gerald, that alone be admitted ended. Hussia la mobilising against the Prospect arternoon. A wa alad Ferguson Temple, to tion of this report waa obtainable. Mr. Ibis nroceialon Vnr more than a half an hour Uta pres of Suene to the meeting. Malone. did nol ask the Austrian frontier Four army corps In etch formed and with bantiers flying marched a It Is evident thai English and French president for tn appointment and not ident and the business men bad detailed banker are drawing all their balances from wis TRUST PROGRAM of rour districts, consisting or I, an M0 men. to the Servian legiilun, where there were discussion. Afterwards the leaders of the i re sent toosy. ine members or ine delega- Russia's resolution lo stand by servia ap- spec, hes, singing cheering. Thence the encour Russia, Austria and Germany and that the ron left the While House somewhat dis pears ind delegation said they were greatly By Special Wire to The Timet capitalista In these three countries are to be fixed, and Russian sentiment procession moved to ibe French and British aged ny prcsigeni money appointed because they had not been Is all for taking up arms. embassies, where similar cene of en- ine iu,uu. Tex., w. Governor colqutt transferring tnetr to London a any i , PREKIDEVr TT.l.i.S Austin. July promised Doointmenis. bin mm LARGE DELEGATION thusiasm were the crowds In- security against the uncertainties r.r war. over Mr. Wilson's regarding OT SUSINENS MEN THE REAL Russian Manifesto Expected rntcied. híúSSn C?lbres?u or senate has Issued the following statement re la Hm eon attitude their or mtk-In- creasing. In the Judl The runa on savings banks here canaioacies ror re election. AIMS Or HIS ADMININTRATIU.Y A mtnireaui by the itusslsn emperor site. mmmi.iiaii Introduced an amend Uve to the election of Ferguson: tlnued today. his policy clear ts expected hourly. The cadets of the naval school were ri.r promoted today to the rank of in maro m ih commission bill to make "Ferguson's nomination for governor 11 The dlplnmttlr representatives Itsve not yet officers, nai I addressing Ilic emperor ssid: V ÜAfalr competition unlawful Juat as the a great victory for the imago. It shows PUBLIC ANXlOl HLY AWAITS Would Put lato he Law of the Land What aetraatren.
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