Summer 2017 Volume 20 Number 6 ISSN 6522-0823 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Charity No. 260581 President The Lord Saye and Sele Vice-President Dr. Barrie Trinder Chair Deborah Hayter:
[email protected] Secretary Treasurer Simon Townsend Geoff Griffiths Banbury Museum 39 Waller Drive Spiceball Park Road, Banbury Banbury OX16 2PQ OX16 9NS 01295 753781 01295 263944
[email protected] [email protected] Membership Secretary Committee members Margaret Little Chris Day c/o Banbury Museum Helen Forde
[email protected] Brian Goodey Clare Jakeman Brian Little David Pym Barrie Trinder Susan Walker (All as at time of printing, before the AGM on 11th July 2017) Cake and Cockhorse Editorial Committee Editor: Chris Day, 37 Gaveston Gardens, Deddington OX15 0NX
[email protected] Reviews Editor: Helen Forde
[email protected] Deborah Hayter, Barrie Trinder Sub-editing: Jeremy Gibson Notes for Contributors We invite contributions on all aspects of the history and archaeology of Banbury and its surrounding region, often referred to as ‘Banburyshire’. Material from amateurs and professionals is equally welcome. The Editor will be pleased to send guidance notes to potential authors, so as to ease the process of submitting a piece for consideration. © 2017 Banbury Historical Society on behalf of its contributors. Cake and Cockhorse ____________________________________________________________________ The magazine of the Banbury Historical Society, issued three times a year. Volume 20 Summer