THE HOLLAND SENTINEL DELIVERS THIS MARKET Prices per column inch and options for any size advertising budget! FANS REMEMBER ERNIE In Print Sentinel readers share stories about legendary Tigers broadcaster, B4-B5 SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2010 INSIDE HIGH 56 LOW 54 Details, A10 RIVER BANK The Holland RUN RESULTS, B1 Readership $2.00 Since July 1, 1896 Reach MUZIEKPARADE: TULIP TIME FINALE Weather frightful, crowds delighted as man proposes BY STEPHEN KLOOSTERMAN, ANDREA GOODELL AND BLAKE THORNE Over 41,000
[email protected] A cold spring breeze Sat- urday couldn’t chill the vis- ible glow coming from Hol- Stretch lander Rick Thompson, 25, and his girlfriend Lindsae & Cushman, 23, when a group of Dutch dancers in * Tulip Time’s Muziekpa- 0 1 0 2 rade pre- e m Ti sented a Tulip banner ask- Readership and ing, “Lindsae, Daily Readers will you marry me?” As the crowd oohed and ahed, Thompson dropped to one knee to present a diamond ring to Cushman as TV cameras rolled. She said “yes.” The couple, both gradu- ates of Calvary Schools of Circulation Holland, started dating in November after they both happened to take jobs at Heritage Christian Academy in Kalamazoo, Cushman as a teacher and Thompson as a janitor. “She told me awhile back, I just want a story to tell,” Thompson said. “Both of us have grown up (with) Tulip Time. I thought, what a perfect time to pop the question, and make a ONLINE PHOTOS, story.” VIDEO See photo galleries Did she know the pro- and video at posal was coming? “Not