A CMSEnergy Company

February 5,200l

By Electronic Filing (and Hand Delivery at Prebearing February 7.2001)

The following affidavits of publication affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U-12781 on January 23,200l. NOTICEOF HEARING FORTHEELECTRIC CUSTOMERSOF DETROITEDISON COMPANY,CONSUMERS ENERGYCOMPANYANDGREAT LAKES


InternationalTransmission Company (d/b/a The Detroit EdisonCompany), Consumers Energy Company,and GreatLakes EnergyCooperative may obtain approvalof their join1 ptan to expand availabletransmission capability by at least 2000 megawattsover the availabletransmission capablbtythey had In place on January1, ZWl, if the MichiganPublic Service Commission approvesthalr request.

The inlormattonbelow describeshow a personmay participate in this case.

You may call or write lntematlonalTransmission Company at The Oetrolt EdisonCompany, ZOlKf’SecondAvenue, Debott, Mlchtgan 46226,313.235.9141; Consumers Energy Company, 212 West Avenue,Jackson, Mlchlgan 49201,517.766.1464, or GreatLakes Energy Cooperative,P.O. Box 600, OneCooperative Center, Newaygo, Michigan 49337,231.652.1651, for a free copy of the proposedplan. Any personmay reviewthe proposedplan at any Ofthe aboveofffcas.

Thefirst public hearingin this matter will be held:

DATE February7,2OGl This haarinrjwill be a prehearhrgconference to set future hearing dates and decide other proceduralmatters.

nkuz 9:OOa.m

mxnok MichiganPublic Service Commlsslon 6545 MercantileWay, Suite 7 Lansing,Michigan

Any interestedperson may attend and participate. Personswifh disabilities needinghelp to effectivelyparticipate should call the Commission’s ExecutiveSecretary at 517.241.6160or 80D.292.9555a week in advance to requestmobility, visual,hearing or other assistance.

The Michigan PublicService Commission (CommissionJ will hold a public hearing to considerthe December26, 2000 requestof InternationalTransmission Company (d/b/a The Detroit Edison Company),Consumers Energy Campany, and GreatLakes EnergyCooperative for approvalof their joint plan to expandavailable transmission capability by at least 2000 megawattsover the available transmtssioncapability they had in place on January1,2001. The proposedplan was filed in compliancewith Section Klv of ZODOPA 141. In an order dated January 4,2W1, the CammIssIonconsolidated this case with U-12780. AU documenls in this matter must be elechonlcallyfiled usingCase No. U-12780. TheCommisekn has seWed this casefor pat%cipat&mh its EMmnk Flllngsw#am. All documentsflkd III tbLbcase must be submitladh both paper and electrcink verdons. An original and four paper copies and an ekebook copy in the portable document format (PDF)shoold be fled with the.Commisshn. Requin%nents for filing el&onk documentscan be found in the Canmisstt’s ElectmnlcFtllngs Users Manual at !@~$&Ile.cts.sla~.~k/usersmanu~. Contact CammissionStaff at 660.292.9555,517.241.&I70 or by E-mailat [email protected] pria to filing to obtatt accessprtvt@re and wtfh any quoslknw. Any person wishing to interveneand becomea party to the caseshall file an original and four paper copies of a petition to Interveneand an electronic copy m the portable documentformat (PDF) with this Commissronby January31,2001. The proof of serviceshall indicate serviceupon each company’sattorney: A. RobertPierce at The OetrortEdison Company, 2OW Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan46226; Jon R. Robinsonat ConsumersEnergy Company, 212 W. MichiganAvenue, Jackson,Michigan 49201,and Albert Ernstat DykemaGossett PLLC, 800 Michigan NationalTower, Lansing,Michigan 48933. A memberof the public who wishes to make a statementof position without becominga party to the case may parhcrpateby filing an appearance.To file the appearance,you must attend the hearmgand advisethe presidingadministrative law judge of your washto make a statement01 position. A copy of the company’srequest may also be reviewedat the office of the Commission’s ExecutiveSecretary, 6545 MercantileWay, Lansing, Michigan, at the Commission’sWeb site at t~~p~tile.ci$.~te.mi.uslefilg and at the office of each of the companies.For more mlormationon how to participate in a case,you may contact the Commissionat the aboveaddress or by telephone at 517.2415170 or 800.292.9555. The Commlssionhas jurisdictionpursuant to 1909 PA106, as amended,MCL 460.551 et seq.; 1919PA 419, as amended, MCL460.51 et seq.; 1939PA 3, as amended,MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1962PA 304, as amended,MCL 460.61 et seq.; 1969PA 306, as amended,MCL 24.201 et seq.; and the GImmission’sRules of Practiceand Procedure,R 460.17101et seq.


MPSC Case No. U-12781 Date Notice Was Published January 23,200l Pre-Hearing Date February 7,200l Ad No.3983-E Affidavits Due to MKPolack February 1,200 I



The Bay City Times ...... 1-26-O1 Cadillac Evening News...... I-29-01

The Flint Journal...... l-26-01 ...... 2-Z-O 1

Midland Daily News ...... I-25-01 Ludington Daily News ...... I-26-01

Morning Sun-Mt. Pleasant...... l-25-01 Manistee News-Advocate...... 2-S-01

The Saginaw News ...... I-25-01 Petoskey News-Review ...... I-26-01

SOUTHERN REGION The Big Rapids Pioneer ...... I-25-01

Traverse City Record-Eagle ...... I -29-O I

Adrian Daily Telegram...... I-24-01 The Grand Haven Tribune ...... l-25-01

Hillsdale Daily News ...... I-26-01 ...... 2-2-01

Jackson Citizen Patriot...... l-26-01 The Muskegon Chronicle ...... l-25-01

Monroe Evening News ...... l-26-01 The Daily News-Greenville...... I -29-O I

Kalamazoo Gazette...... I-25-01 The Grand Rapids Press...... I-31-01

The Albion Recorder...... l-29-01 The Sentinel-Standard-lonia ...... 2-2-O I

Battle Creek Enquirer ...... 2-I-01 METRO REGION

The Argus Press-Owosso...... l-25-01

The State Journal-Lansing ...... I-26-01 Oakland Press ...... l-25-01

Herald Palladium-St. Joseph...... l-25-01 ...... 2-5-O 1

Detroit News ...... 2-5-01 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Bay City Times

STATE OF MICHIGAN ss. COUNTY OF BAY I c nr,re E. lA3nml J being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the acting principal Clerk of THE BAY CITY TIMES, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Bay City and the County of Bay; that a notice, of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, taken from said newspaper, has been duly published in said newspaper--OQ?---V $J& the _____ a3_rd_day of ____&nu,atx-mAca I mentioned in said notice, and that the said notice was so published in said newspaper on the

ah-d dayy’ of ‘Lnuaru -saool

RECEIVED Subscribed and sworn t 4 beto-! e me this 2.4Sh JAN 2 6 2001

PRINTERS CHARGES a co\umns x ID314 ” Lines



Affidavit Charge RECEIVED Affidavit of Publication JAN 2 6 2001 %JOURNAL C.E?CO.LW (STATE OF MICHIGAN) ss. (COUNTY OF GENESEE)

1 Thomas A Ewn, bei% duly sworn says:I am Advertising Director ofThe Flint journal. a newspaper printed and published in said cwmy.The mcxed is a pn’nted cow of a notice which War @iished in said paper on chc bllwing kte.to tic

c z%nu@2n~/ 23 AD.. do@ / AD. / AD AD. AD. AD. AD. AD. AD. A.D. AD. AD. ? ,.1 AD. AD.

Subscribed and svmm to before me this -

MY COMMlSSlON EXPIRES:- -- RECEIVED JAN 2:5 2001 c. R co. Legal



PAULA C. ST. LOUIS, being duly sworn, disposes and says that I am

a representative of Midland Daily News, a daily newspaper published and circulated

in the County of Midland, and that a notice, of which the annexed printed notice is a

true copy, has been published in said paper once in each week for successive /’

weeks times and that the first publication thereof was on the 23 %$- I

ofj&. 2001 and the last publication was on the

of ~&ki&L~,i-~~ 2001 /

Subscribed and sworn to before me thisxday of

My commission expires

Printers fee Affidavit chg g, 00 Total Charges --- Affidavit of Pub@cation STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Isabella County of Gratiot ss. county of Claw > lck Mills being duly sworn. deposes and says that he is publisher of , a public newspaper printed and published by Central Michigan ,Inc. in the Cities of Mt. Pleasant(Isabella County). Clue (Glare County) and Alma (Gratiot County) in said counties and circulated in said cities and counties,that the annexedprinted notice was duly printed and published in said newspaperat least 1 _ in each week for 1 successiveweeks, and that the first publication of said notice in said newspaperwas on the 23rd day of January 20 01 and that the last publication of said notice in said newspaperwas on the ‘hi day of January ,20 Cl

Subscribedand sworn to beforeme the 23rd day of Januar P&k Bill. JOYCELATHHOPPOTCFF ---_----- Lines __--_____ Thea ------__ NOTApyWW-a

Atsdavit Fee______------.

NO.39922~~. Per------Debra Lee being first duly sworn. says that she is the PRlNCfPAL CLERK of a newspaper published in the English language for the dis- seminaiion of local ortransmitled news and intelligence of a general character. which is a duly qualified newspaper, and that annexed here lo is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the orderwas published on the day of 2001

Paid Arm”“, Due

Subscribed an sworn to before me this day of z a.1 AN 2001

RECEIVED JAN2 4 2001 CRco.Legal Afidawit of Publication Consumers Energy

STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF HILLSDALE ) RECEIVED Marlanea McGraw, being first duly sworn, says that she JAN 2 6 2601 is the Advertising Manager of the Hillsdale Daily News, c. P. co. Led a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news, which is a duly qualified newspaper, and that annexed hereto is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the order was pub- lished on the following dates, to wit:

January 23, 2001

Subscribed and sworn to before me this Jackson Citizen Patriot 214 S. Jackson St., Jmkmn, MI 49204 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION

STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) County of Jackson ) ” RECEIVED Mary Heard being duly sworn, deposes JAN 2 6 2001 and says that she is prilicipal clerk of the Jackson Citizen Patriot; that said Jackson Citizen Patriot is a newspaper published and circulated in the c. I?.co. Legal County of Jackson, and the attached notice has been duly published in said newspaper on the following dates: 01/23/01



Lfp ‘LiLy, LL /ti d 22” Folios 1 Times$ 528.00 25th 0 \ Subscribedand sworn to beforeme this - Affidavit 3.25 day of January 2001 $531.25 f#& c.~R/ ReceivedPayment ~.iil,thvk’l~‘lll,‘ AX”FOR THE cn L! .: “rI\CK\O\.\IICHIG*\ My CommissionExpires @ius 1s tuuY AFFIDAVITOF PUBLICATION .-, STATE OF MICHIGAN ss COUNTY OF MONROE Shirley Hyde% being5rst duly sworn. says that she is the Secretary of The Monroe Eventng News. a newspaper publlshed in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news and which is a duly qualified newspaper. printed. published and circulated in the County of Monroe. The annexed notice is a printed copy taken from said newspaper, and has been duly pubbshed in said newspaper for - insertions. and that the first publication tyOrlof was on the RECEIVED &.,,+ day ofJanuarY AD. -andthelast publication thereof was on the lirrl day of -A JAN 2 6 2001 A.D. w C. I? Co. Legal

Sworn to and subscribed before me thiszday of January A.D. -.2001

JAW I_. LATONDRESS My mmmlsslon cxplrcs NotarvPublic, Monroe Countv. Michigan My CommissionExpires January 25, 2003 STATEOFMICHIGAN ) Countyof Kalamazoo


Sworn LOand subscribed before me LhiS ..,.. 23 RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2001 C.P.CO*k@d RECEIVED State of Michigan JAN 2 9 2001


In the matter of Consumers Energy-Case No. U- 1278 1


Richard L. Millim611

being duly sworn, says: I am the Publisher of the Albion Recorder, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county since 1874. The attached is a printed copy of a notice which was published in said paper on the following dates, to wit:

l/23 A.D. 2000- A.D. 19 __

A.D. 1999- A.D. 19 __

A.D. 1999-v A.D. 19 __

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

24 day of January A.D. 2001

My commission expires 3- a-w STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF CALHOUN \ ss

Ak& Clark of the City of Battle Creek, in said County being duly SWXII deposes and says, that the Consumers PWW was inserted in the w/e creek ,xnquirer 0n January 23,2001 Page 4D Column

Position Charges computed as follows: **” @ $32.00

Total $704.00 for each insertion. Times I insertions. Total $ 704.00

Plus charge for each notarized proof of publication 1 Proofs @ 7.20 $7.20 Color charge Total charges $ 7’ 1.20 RECEIVED FEB 0 1 2001 c. I? co. Legal and that she is advertising clerk of said newspaper and knows well the facts stated herein. \ (y Q-y) &

Subscribed and worn to before me, this +A day of 200/ VJ 1 I’ &LA viLL=k Notary Public. Post Office Box 399 * 201 E. Exchange Street Owosso, Michigan 48867 Phone (517) 7255136 . Fax (517) 725-6376


In the matter of the Consumers Energy Display Ad Number 3983-E

STATE OF lMICHIGAN ) j 88 Thomas E. Campbell Couty of Shiawassee 1

Being first duly sworn, says that he is the Publisher of -PRESS, a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character end legal news, which is a duly qualified newspaper and t.hat annexed hereto is a copy of a certain advertisement taken from said news- paper. in which the advertisement was distributed once, and that the only insertion of said Notice was on the 23rd day of January, A.D., 200 1.

Publishers of: The Argus-Press, The Durand Express, Shiawassee County Journal STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Ingham

RECEIVED sworn, deposes and says, that he is Foremen to the printer of JAN 2 6 2001 C. I? Co. Legal a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the County of

Sworn and subscribed to beforcme this

KAREN L. BCRTON b!otq/ Public, lngham County. MI 41 6% Commission Expires 03/08/2004 RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2001 C. P. Co. Legal


STATE OF MICHIGW COUNTY OF &k%-Ud 1 ss Traci Harmon, being duly sworn and says that she is Inside SalesSupervisor of The Herald-Palladium, a newspaperpublished, printed and circulated in the County of Berrien, State of Michigan; That the annexedprinted notice has been printed and published in said newspaper / .times, Samebeing on the following days, to wit:

J,&-b&,uyy-gg (Signature)

NOTARY PUBLIC, My commission expires RECEIVED J.AN 2,‘-9:,2001 c. P.co. IId PRUOF of F’IlBLICATIC.IN STATE OF MKHIGAN } County of Vr%xfot-cl 1 SS.

-- Erenda Vanderhoef of Cadillac New/3, a paper published in the Gxmty of Wexfwd and circulated in the Cmnties of Wexford, Missaukee,

Dsceola, and Lake; being duly svmrn, deposed and says she is the

accounting- clerk of said newspaper and that the annexed notice has been duly published in said paper once and that publication thereof was on the 23rd day of

January _ AU. 2031.

day uf County of Cheboygan, ss Stote of Michigan &fi L\1; \k,;S& ,being duly sworn, says: I

RECEIVED am the Business Manoger of THE CHEBOYGAN DAILY FEB 0 2 2001 TRIBUNE, a newspaper printed and circulated in said C. P. Co. Legal county. The annexed is o printed copy of a notice which wos published in said poper on the following

dotes to wit:

5+ Subscribed and sworn to before me this f -’ doyof t-0 hmckr4 A.D. +I,!-


Notary Public, Cheboygon County, Michigan

My Commission expires: Affidavit of Publication

RECEIVED STATEOF MICHIGAN ss JAN 2 6 2061 County of Mason c. p.Co. Led Alan H. Nichols being first duly sworn, says that he is the business manager of the Ludington Daily News, a daily newspaper printed and circulated in said county of Mason, and that annexed hereto is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the order was published on the following dates, to wit: January 23, 2001

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

-day ofJ;lnll;lrv

A.D. 20~ -,j&/& Notary Public

Commission Expires /;\-/& -L’/ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION

State of Michigan RECEIVED w County of Manistee FEBo 5 2001 C.Rco.LegaI

David L. Barber , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is one of the editors, publishers of the Mantstee News Advocate ,a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County of Manistee , and that the annexed notice of Display ad #3983-E was duly printed and published in said newspaper once each week for ONE (1) weeks in succession commencing on the 23RD day of JANUARY A.D. 2001 and ending on the 23RD day of JANUARY A.D. 2001

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1ST day of FEBRUARY , A.D. 2001

‘,x., ,, c-.~~~ ‘--\ ~~~ ;:x .~_‘7 T.- Notary Public Jeanine M. Barber,%sceola, acting -hMa ‘stee County

My Commission Expires March 10, 2002 PROOF OF. PUBLICATION


JAN2 6 2001 Shelli Dennis C.P.CO.LWd

being duly sworn, deposesand saysthat sheis the principal clerk of the Pe- toskey News-Review,a newspaperprinted and publishedin the county of Emmet in said state; that the annexedprinted notice was publishedin said newspaper.

January 23, 2001

Subscribedand sworn to beforeme this 24th day of January ,

Notary Public in and for Emmet County,Michigan. ”

My Commissionexpires: RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2001 c. P. co. Legal


State of Michigan )SS County of Mecosta

Judith E. Hale , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is one of the editors, publishers of the Pioneer ,a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County of Mecosta , and that the annexed notice of Case No. U-12781 was duly printed and published in said newsPaPer once each week for One (1) weeks in succession commencing on the 23rd day of January A.D. 2001 and ending on the 23rd day of January A.D. 2001

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd January day of ,A.D. 2001

My Commission Expires Sept. 15, 2005 RECEIVED JAN 2 9 2001 C. P. Co. Legal


Michael C. Nau being duly sworn deposes and says the annexed printed copy of notice was taken from the Traverse City RECORD-EAGLE, a newspaper printed and circulated in said State and County, and that said notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates:

that he or she is the agent of the printers of said newspaper, and knows swell the facts stated herein. / /’

E. Dolores Eikey Notary Public in and for Grand Traverse County, Ml Commission Expires September 14 2004 PRINTED COPY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION


LEE CARTER, being first duly sworn, saysthat he is the PIJHLISHER of the Grand Haven Tribune, a newspaper Published in the English Languagefor the dissemination Of local or transmittednews and intelligence of a general Characterand legal news, which is a duly qualified newspaper And that annexedhereto is a copy of a certain order taken from Said newspaper,in which the order was published.

JANUARY 23.2001

Subscribedand sworn to before me this mday of


Deborah A. Easterly

Notary public in and for Ottawa County, Stateof Michigan,

My commissionexpires December22, 2003

ADVERTISING FEE $ Afldnvit of ‘I!

(616) 3922311, Fax (616) 3923526 Publication Consumers Power

l-23-2001 3933 Notice 01 3 11.5 34.5 $7.45 $257.03

RECEIVED FEB 0 2 2001 State of Michigan ss County of Ottawa 1 ’ c. P. co. Legal Ronald Wallace, of said county, beiig duly sworn, deposesand saysthat the notice, a prbmd copy of which is hereto attached, was published in THE HOLLAND SENTINEL, a newspaper,printed, published, and circulated in the City of Holland, County of Omawaon the abovelisted dam, and the &&ant f’urtber saysthat he is the Cla&fied Manager of said newspaper,and knowing to the fim abovestated.

Jodi Tretheway Subscribed and sworn to before me i%tan/ Public, Gttawa Countv. MI My Commission Expires June 13,2M)4 &is 2232 day

Classified Manager RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2001 STATE OF MICHIGAN ss. County of Muskegon C. P. Co. ItegaI

Gory Ostrom being duly ,sworn deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the MUSKEGON CHRONICLE. a newspaper printed and circulated within said County of Muskegon; that the ublished in said MUSKEGON

that said publication was continued during said time without any intermission or omission, and that he has a personal knowledge of the facts above set forth.

times, $ _l~,...... -.“.e.----.---~ RECEIVED JAN2 9 2001 C. R Co. Legal Proof of Publication

Amy O’Brien, Advertising Director for STAFFORD COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, Publishers of THE DAILY NEWS, Greenville, circulated in the Counties of Montcalm and Ionia, State of Michigan, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the following listed advertisements have been printed, published and circulated in each issue of each listed date.

Publishzd on the dates of Amount $ &XJs - 5s

r/,-M Victoria M. Brown Notary Public, Montcalm County, Michigan My Commission expires

VICTORIA M. BROWN NO~I~mo!ic. MontcalmCo., MI My ~cJr;ii,,,:,swExpires 9/14ml01 THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS RECEIVED STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF KENT } ss. JAN 3 1 2001 c. p. co. Led

The Advertising Manager of THE GRAND RAPIDS, PRESS , a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Kent, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the following advertising was inserted.

January 23, 2000

Advertising Manager

Sworn and subscribed before me this 23rd day of JANUARY A.D. 2000 I ~LLLqy&+--- NOTARY PUBLIC, KENT COUNTY, MI

My commission expires: PRddF OF PUBLICATION

RECEIVED County of Ionia, ss /j&5& #my FEB 0 2 2001 State of Michigan 9 C. P. Co. Legal

, being duly sworn, says: I am ard, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county. The annexed is a printed copy of a notice which was published in said paper on the following dates to wit:

-Lhun*U 23 A.D. 20 o I A.D. 20 A.D. 20 A.D. 20

Subscribed and sworn to before me this A+ +‘. day of 4 -Lo A-rI A.D. 20 o\

c\d-L. 9-t kb&LL”-- Notary l?Jlblic, Ionia County, Michigan , My Commission expires: Lo- s\ \ 3 $ 7.~0w\-

Sentinel-Standard, 114 N. Depot St., Ionia, MI 48846 THE GREATER DETROIT NEWSPAPER NETWORK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 210 E. Third St., 2”d Floor - Suite 210 Royal Oak, MI 48067 Phone: 248.414.9500 Fax: 248.414.9502

Stateof Michigan, RECEIVED county of vh?iHrl b JAN 2 5 2001 C1,hrlL*h ~%dti+ c. P. co. Legal Being first duly sworn, says he/sheis the principle clerk of TBE GREATER DETROIT NEWSPAPER AGENCY

Newspaperspublished in the English languagefor the dissemination of local or transmittednews and intelligence of a general character,which are duly qualified newspapers,and annexedhereto is a copy of a certain order taken from thesenewspapers in which the order was published on the i : ( htlu AL61

Subscribedand sworn to before me on this 24-J-

Day -SkY4-1oAGZ$ A.D., 200 1

IL L-h s k-q D/L --y--&, NOTARY PUEi% IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY Commissionexpires JZ -~ct-q


PRINTER’S BILL Received Payment Amt $ Inches


AMOUNT state af Michigan Affidavit of Publication county of Wayne I ss .’ +&L&J RECEIVED

Kevin Smith, Account Executive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and says that the advertising illustrated above was published uzdzh classification ROP on the following dates: Tuesday Invoice Number: and as an authorized employee of The Detroit Newspapers

Sworn and subscribed to me. a Notary Public in and for Oakland County. State of Michiqan. Acting in Wayne County.

On This lst Day of February ma pxf&mQ3~} s5 Affidavit of Publication


Kevin Smith, Account Executive Being duly swom. deposes and says that the advertising illustrated above was published under the classification ROP in ‘i”he$$&~~ / Free Press on the following dates: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 Invoice Number: and as an authorized employee of The Detroit Newspapers he/sheSigned knows K-4, ell t herein.

Kevin Smith

Sworn and subscribed to me. a Notaq Public in and for Oakland County. State of Michigan. Acting in Wayne County.