MMillikinillikin Quarterly winter 2006-07 Hoomeme ssweetweet Miillikin:llikin: LLivingiving oonn ccampusampus ttodayoday The Millikin Mission: To Deliver on the Promise MMillikinillikin QuarterlyQuarterly of Education Vol. XXII, No. 4 Winter 2006-07 At Millikin, we prepare students for Produced by the Offi ce of Alumni and • Professional success; Development. E-mail comments to: • Democratic citizenship in a global
[email protected] environment; Millikin Quarterly (ISSN 8750-7706) (USPS 0735- • A personal life of meaning and value. 570) is published four times yearly; once during each of the fi rst, second, third and fourth quar- ters by Millikin University, 1184 West Main Street, Decatur, Illinois 62522-2084. Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Millikin Quarterly, Millikin University, 1184 West Main Street, Decatur, IL 62522-2084. Telephone: 217-424-6383, or call toll-free to 1-877-JMU-ALUM. 2 Winter 2006-07 Millikin Quarterly Winter 2006-07 Millikin Quarterly 3 Campus University signs exchange News agreement with Chinese university University Choir, Chamber Chorale on tour in January The nationally recognized University Choir will present 15 concerts in seven states during their annual winter tour January 5-21, including a stop in Glen Ellyn, Ill., to perform at St. Petronille Catholic Church, 458 Hillside Avenue, on Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m. The University’s Chamber Chorale also will be on the road in January, performing concerts in seven cities in Illinois and Wisconsin during their annual winter tour. For complete itineraries on both groups, visit Millikin publications earn national awards Millikin Quarterly magazine has received a national 2006 Apex Award of Excellence in the category of four-color magazines.