1967 V.22 No.4

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1967 V.22 No.4 A " A Student Publication VOL. XXII AGRICULTURAL & TECHNICAL COLLEGE, COBLESKILL, N. Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 NO.4 INAUGURATIONI WALTON A. BROWN TO BE INSTALLED AS SEVENTH PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE by A nne Swiskey ward Brewer , harpsichordist from The Inauguration of Dr. Walton New York City; Mr. James Car­ A. Brown as President of Cobles­ ter, violinist, a lso from New York k ill College will take place on City, as are Virginia n land, oboist Saturday morning, O{~to ber 21, and W.imberley Curter, violin ~ 1967 at 11:00u. m. in the Bouck ce11i st. Hall gymnasium. Although Mr. Dr. Brown, who took office on James J. Warren, Vice-Chu'rman December 1, 1966. succeeded Dr. of the State Univer si ty Board of Edward J. Sabol who resigned Trustees will preside al the cere­ to accept the position of Presi­ mony, Dr. Samuel B. Gould. dent at Sauk Valley Junior Chancell ol' of the State Univer­ College, Sterling, Illinois. Al­ sity, w ill officiate in the actual though he came to Cobleskill ins tallation. from Atlantic Community College, An academic procession wdl New J ersey, where he served as begin the program; delegates President, Dr. Brown is a native from the State UniVC1'sity, State Vermonter. A former resident Education Department, faculty, of New York City, he has served vi llage, students and alumni, in­ in education on the primary and cludin g former chief administra­ secondary levels in New York tors of the College, will be in­ S tate. cluded. He received his Bachelors De­ Assisting at the Inauguration gl'ee in 1950 from the University wiJl be Mr. Grosvenor at the of Vel'mont; his Masters Degree organ, Mr. Guernsey at the from P urdue University in 1951; CariJIon, the College chorus and his Ed.D. from Columbia Univer­ the High School band. Credit sity in 1958. should also be given to those other departments and individu­ The Brown family, which in­ als on campus too numerous to cludes two children, reside at the mention here, without whose President's house, which is located valuable assistance on the sid e­ adjacent to the Horticultural and lines, the program would not be Agricultural Complexes. able to takeplace. In the short time he has been An Inauguration Concert is on campus, Dr. Brown's presence scheduled fol' Friday· night, Oct. has been felt throughou t all 20, 1967 at the BOlick Hall thea­ phases of campus life. An active tre. The 120-voice student College and interested man, he has con­ Choir and the Col lege-Commun­ tinually kept abreast of what has ity Orchestra, as well as sever al been "going on", as well as ex­ top guest performers engaged for PRESIDENT WALTON A. BROWN ecuting the time consuming and the concert, wi II present a musi­ varied administrative duties of cal program that promises to be with the Tanglewood Chorus and another soloist with the Tangle­ his office. a musical highlight of the year varied soloist concerts; Dr. Henry wood Chorus; Miss Patricia Grig­ Although the highlight of the at Cobleskill. Wing, Tenor, who has also per­ net, oboist, who has performed lnaugura tion ceremony is to be Among the guests performers formed with the Tanglewood as a member of the Cincinna ti Dr. Brown's inaugural speech. are: Miss P hyllis Bryn-Julson, Chorus and made numerous ap­ Symphony Orchestra and is cur­ those students who were on cam~ soprano, whose li st of distinguish­ pearances along theEa~t Coast; rently First Oboist of the Albany pus last year arc already familiar ed performances includes Singing Mr. Donald Millet', Baritone, Symphony OrChestra; Mr. Ed- (Continued Page 3) 2 H ILL· W HIS PER S Friday, October 20, 1967 EDITORIALS DATA PROCESSING whether he wants to lead the the musical talent of The Fugs, middle class life cherished by so The Velvet Underground, or The It seems that everything nowadays appears on some sort many, or whether he wants to American Underground. of card with rectangular shaped holes punched in it at multiple live boldly and li ve in a !Smaller Next consider art. There are spots w h ich to the huma n brain represent something similar to "non conformist" group that reg­ very few middle class people who a Sopwith Camel that was recently hit by the Red Baron. AI· ulates ideas and habits just as have ever seen an original paint­ though these cards h ave little significance to the purchaser, rigidly as their opposing group ing by Van Gogh, Picasso, or da does. Vinci. But these men are accept­ r egistr a n t, or the m a n on the str eet, to the world of business, ed by near ly everyone as the government, and public institutions they represent a specific This mass conformiity demand­ ed by even the non ' conformists greatest artists. Mass conformity action which has taken place to either their benefit or dismay. is easily seen when examining the and acceptance have made their Relerred to as I BM cards, these cards are the basic books cultural aspects of society. First, names great.: Mass conformity and records 01 the data processing .fields. These are the sentences, consider literature. The perfect and acceptance has also made paragraphs or stories that tell and show r esults, ideas, and lacts. middle class student is· subjected Andy Warhol the king of the non Ironically, the only people they are valuable to are those in data to the readings of the great conformist artists. processing. classics. The books of Homer, Politics is. probably the best But actUally how m a ny people are counted among th ose Chaucer, Steinbeck, and Fitzger­ example of the loss of individual­ labeled "programmers" or Key-Punch operators, or any 01 the ald are required readings. These ism in the United States. The other positions held within a D.P. center? Only a very select Ibooks are. necessary to help cn­ Democratic and Republican par­ ties are the two accepted parties few that have had the specialized training cim qualify for tnese lighten the thoughts of every stu­ dent. But how much value do in the United States. Regardless labels. Their numbers are lew but th eir task s are stagg~ring. these books actually have for of the views of these two parties With the world becoming more populated, more complex and students today? Personally, I and the views of third party more troubled, t he human m anua l processing techniques of past would say they have very little candidate, the number of middle decades could never begin to cope with what can be accomplished meaning for me. The obvious class people who would cast a by those few . and their machines. Yet so little is really known alternative to solve the problem vote for \ any other party is very a bout these centers and how they operate, the people in them of the dislike for classics is to. small. It is widely thought that and their tasks because of their complexity and scarcity at the turn to the books of the non the Republican and Dem.ocratic present time. conformist groups. But unless one parties are the only parties that We at Cobleskill are very fortunate to have our own Da ta has read poems by William Bur­ any respectable person could vote Processing cen ter for both administrative, faculty, a nd instruc­ roughs, Gregory Corso, and Allan for under any circumstances. The exact opposite· is true in the case tional phases. But how much do you know about it? About its . Ginsberg you have failed again to read the required literature. of the non conformist society. people? How they accomplish what they do, and what exactly The only choice left up to a per­ What respectable radical could do they accomplish? . son is whether he rather have vote for a Republican or Demo­ Therefore, HILL WHISPE RS has produced an ON CAMPUS The I liad or K addish as required crat? Anarchy, socialism, fascism, article covering our D.P. center in an a tte mpt to acquaint the reading. and communism are the accepted student body with it. HILL WHISPERS hopes it will give a Music, art, and political viiews ideas of the non conformists. little insight into th e world 01 Data Processing, a nd your cen fer. also help to determine a person's In all of the cases considered, FGG social acceptability. What cultur­ music, art, and politics, the mid­ ally enlightened student is not cl le class and the non conformists awed by the name Mozart, Beeth­ form a rigid opinion or idea, and Letter to the Edi tor PL~STIC PEOPLE oven, or the Beatles? Much of any deviation from this accepted these peoples' individual fame thought is a threat to that par­ Editor, Hill Whispers: majority of them would wait lies in the fact tha t they are ticular groups' security. Plastic people or people who until they heard the decision of <:'.ccepted by mass opinion, not by Both the middle class and . the ca n b e molded, shaped or another before they would decide individual appreciation. The non ranks of the non conformists are formed into anything are walking which one to choose. These are conformists must counter this growing rapidly, but with their throughout Cobleskill's campus the plastic people. musical success by forming their growth, individuality is slowly today. r have concluded that there is own musical geniuses. No non being l ost. The fear of ostracism Students are too easily per ­ no place left for the individual conformist would ever condemn (Continued Page 3) suaded.
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