A Treasure Album of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Georgia

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A Treasure Album of Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Georgia •* ts> *•■£,•' aV ^'‘aA aO° *V ***•'•' y a0 % **•.*•' y ^ - *0 ^ .4 ♦V. * vdfe*. V y ^ y ASfer- ^ y *w^ ^.y * o vv C, vP V <Cc * <£ ^ °o ^,* A %> J.W/ v ^ A ^ °.w-‘ O . » *o-.. , 44 a0' °V '••* 0^ t.-., *V *4> C0 “ 8 c°‘ i*^* °o , •y c *W2^A o A* „• \N ^ * JWt/S?^ - aN % o 'X y ^ < V O O V 0 v 0 *• v0« o V y; 4.0^ <-£► *> i? ^ * • r O^ * 0 „ 08 ^o ^ *8 *' * y r+ c> <p »;*8' > v .•• \ y % y *' ^ss v-v C, vP ; y*V ' ‘ “ 1 1 * *VA * V V '•^^K;> y* y °°?fl!v yv ** <r *'. .-V ,GV O '<>..* A •C* ' • *4 a° A. ^ . ^ . AsS’ -;»“<=« - . - -*>. o .<■••. \A s *■OsXWN.^vk. ' + r_ c 1 VX <A o V ^ b°-r* ,0 *U •■•• ... 'V';'"’v^',.--, %*•■•’ .v ^ .* .•>335^'. V A+ ^ <& & V C, v/‘ c> V ,• /\ ;.!W' --w.* ♦♦■ V r»* <<y 'i '«.»’* a <\ ♦^^..•"•*c <G< V '«•> ^ ag" '•-• »v'# a o av<kV o, o M « C° v^.*- °o ^ C° • C -'&4r77?i?„ ° ^ o V & - >. -a? ^z&yj},& * Nv O '^vV5“ * 0 ,0* o H 0 ,0' O. * D N O ° \0 £> M © ,0 »1*8' > V *LV1'* ^ 0 . 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A ^ ^ r-^ r ' -OA Vr£* .v <*• ^*i4 A° ^ 'o*‘‘ A <, <0^ V -•.** . , o^ -l" g #oJV % ^ 0^ t •1" -, ^O AV o —OWO^ - * ^ V , t-1* * ^O A^ A ^ c° / - <*• >.^/>^a-. -r o o ^ ^t. ^ *£$%%>.:* <>>_ ,■$ o * <^N 2. **- o4 - * o' o v 'o K A V'-^'a0’ \‘‘: ■’'•■'>/ f'°t.''*^■'A0, \-''?AA %A^-\o> \ XA <A ^ *'«•>■** A^ -0^ ^ *'•*»** A^ ^ O _ ^ cjr 0 »^ 0^ t • 1 ' * •» ^O ^ c 0 " ° •» o^ t . 1 ' » « ^O A1^ c° " ® . <#> 0*j ^ °-o ^ . „u _: *b ^ K° j.°*n^ '^Wm: 'Mm3*? '333m§: \ ^°4 ' f°° ^ "’-1 ‘’ .. °°^, °0 a°° %. *•»'*' A^h ^ "*°^r’ ^°3 ^ ‘‘T^-1 a1 °o : o(^%|: .^|M; \ ^A* •b^ *.W*• aV<VaV^ ^ »Wf; ,\>'V j< #° * ^y ^ y o t/ \r» * A * 'a • * a v *4 ♦ -CLV rci> A TREASURE ALBUM OF MILLEDGEVILLE AND BALDWIN COUNTY, GEORGIA COMPILED AND EDITED BY 7W NELLE (WOMACK) HINES “-‘P Y m .Ml. H s' COPYRIGHTED BY NELLE WOMACK HINES MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA 19 3 6 CciA 97359 Ageless oaks Fragrance of magnolia Jasmine.... mignonette Fur pie breath of wisteria Swaying in the moonlight. Silver silence. Song-ecstasy of a mocking-bird In a mimosa tree. ‘Dream voices. like fairy shadows; _And in the velvet dusk, ■ Down a boxwood bordered path, JMy Dady Walks. Shadows of dreams. Old Times Old Homes.. Old (gardens.. Old Loves “Tie tender grace of a day that is dead. ” THE CITY BEAUTIFUL BY HARRY STILLWELL EDWARDS BY COURTESY OF THE ATLANTA JOURNAL TIjl’ANY southern cities are beautiful in their wealth of classic architecture, attractive flower gardens and kindly, gracious inhabitants, but I am one of those who believe that Georgia’s ancient capital, Milledgeville, has no equal in the number and diversity of those things which delight and elevate the soul. There is infinite appeal in its architecture, framed in immemorial trees, in the lavish display of color in its gardens, in its clean paved streets, velvet lawns, and the grand old hills that run out to the horizon and leave it, a jewel, set in jade under the in¬ verted turquoise cup which is its sky. And there is appeal of another kind, but not less delightful, in the easy cour¬ tesy and friendliness of the people—courtesy unobtrusive; friendliness sincere and unselfish. ****** Nor is this all. The past clings to Milledgeville, as if the souls of the splendid men and women of other days still wandered among its scenes; gallant men and lovely women who helped to build up that immortal tradition, “the old South”, which is destined to become America’s fairest legacy; who gave of their brains and souls to edu¬ cation, to Godliness, to art and music, dissolving themselves in new generations, as Cleopatra’s pearl passed into sparkling wine. ****** But it is the new generation risen from the mysteries of the past that today crown Milledgeville with its greater loveliness; the loveliness of vibrant youth and incomparable grace. Within a few tree-sheltered squares four¬ teen hundred Georgia girls, reborn, have returned to lay their treasures at their mother’s feet, and take from her gentle hands immortal gifts. And not far away in halls that once rang with the eloquence of the South’s greatest orators, are hundreds of manly youths wearing their country’s uniform, training for life’s conflicts, come as they may—to defend the principles of their government in court, in legislative hall, and on the hustings; to carry its flag to victory. In truth, gazing upon these splendid boys and girls, one is seeing not alone the Georgia of today, but of yes¬ terday and tomorrow. One day, perhaps, some Georgian whose inspiration has flowed out of a beautiful life that once graced the homes and gardens of the dear old city, will return to erect a monument to Milledgeville—a noble woman hold¬ ing her infant, her face lifted toward the east and full of the beauty of holiness. And at her feet carved, in the rock, ten words—THE PAST IS IN HER HEART: THE FUTURE IN HER ARMS. For such is Milledgeville. The State of Georgia has much to boast of in educational institutions. Great colleges carry on for the future in many sections, and a thousand noble schools attest the eagerness of her people to keep at the front in mental development, but the University at Athens—a great son of Milledgeville—and the colleges at Milledgeville, be¬ long peculiarly to the state; and without prejudice to the former, sentiment will always cling closer to the spot whence are to come the little mothers of tomorrow. If you, respected readers, fail to journey to this cradle of so man}* hopes and view the birth of new eras there, you are perhaps neglecting your best delights. For there, in your own historic halls, are your own children living upward to God, inspired by your best traditions, trained and guided by those to whom you have intrusted them; men and women of great hearts, powerful intellects, incor¬ ruptible souls, and compelling genius.
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