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4-29-1968 Kabul Times (April 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 32) Bakhtar News Agency

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'. ' .. • ,. • w " FOR SH~ER llLTI DELIGHT .~\ • -.. . ,

PRICE AF. 4 . VOL. ,VU; N.;.;;q...._32;...... _----~-~------K~AB-UL, MONDAY, AP;RIL 29,,1968 (SAUR 9, 1347 S.H\_ His .Majesty ·Returns U.S. Rejects HO'me After Medical Phnom Penh; Check·up In Italy Warsaw A~

KABUL, April '29, (Bakhtar)-His Majesty Ihe King returned horne yesterday afternoon by sp-ecial plane .from Beirut where he Talks Sites spent. the night on his ~ay fromItaly to Kabul. His Majesty, dur­ 109 hIS 28 days of stay 10 Italyhad medical 'check up and 'recei­ WASHINGTON. April 29. (Reu­ ter.).--William P. Bundy, Assist~ ved treatment. His Majesty is now in perfeclhealth. ant Secretary of State for Far His Majesty's plane landed inKabul international airport at Eastern Affairs, yesterday firmly rejected 'Phnom Penh or Warsaw 4 p.m. as possible: si'es for peace con­ His Majesty was received near at the airport, His Majesty left tacts between the United States th... pfane by HRH Prince Ahmad for roy~l palace. His Majesty's and North Vietnam. Shah. HRH Princess Belqis. HRH cal'. escorted by motorcycles we­ Asked whether the Cambodian Prince Mohammad Nader. HRH re ,,'elcomed by thousands of pe­ I and Polish capitals had been com- Prince Mohammad Daoud Pash­ ople who had lined the two sides pletelY ruled. out. Bundy told te­ l.uonyar. HRH Marshal Shah Wali of the streets leVISion mterviewers. "We have ~f Khan Ghni. HRH Sardar Abdul Thousands students, offici­ made it

• - ., .-...-...... ,...... - \ PAGL 2 \ ------''-'----~------'-- I .i1£ KABUl tIMES APRIL 29, 1968 - PAGE 3 --'-----'- L--_~ THE KABUL ___;__- TIMES APRIL 29, 1968 = K~B'UL UNIVERISITYANNOU~£ES ~'oJ' Fo/lowmg Hi the Food l'hougnt lext 01 tllft 'ipe of the Conference Will depend Thus, we run the rtsk b!i:~ll-" \ Madam~ cdl deZ,vered by A bdlll of Rahmall On thelf full cooperatIon mtnff an echo of What has- My Madam Paz!Jwak Afghan UN Ambassado" been = We deeply regrel as we do 1D sa.d belote, 'restahng- thilt we HEW al (lte fnJernatlOnal UNIFORM rhe healt), Of H tlmdn Rlghh lhe Unrted FOR the people H rwllv Nahons Ilself the ab have observed anew the cehtutles GIRLS; Conference lIJ Tehran sence of so many representati old mactIon 'lie /o"ndallon "pon which aU over IIljust.ce A""hd '''tlr Your clectlOn Your Royal HI Yes of nations and Institutions of we rededic'ate ourselves The M,urder Of nt'h" to set ' Originality Iwpp and ail t"('ir pou (I .. en (J ghness to preSide over the Unt peoples "ho oartly for reasons better STUDENTS WELCOM ~lnt paths for the future E 11t'(lt'lJrl MOVE led Naltons Internat'onal C,mfer of theI! own alld some of them Even In a century long before By A Stall Writer By Nokta Cheen encc on Human Rights IS an 0.:: by the force of unfavourable Cl! our age of two Wlthm a few weeks Some -filll/amlll D/\'Taeh most horrtble all gIrl slu has been designed In consultation of the young fresh and be 's a k,nd of regimentatIOn caSlOn worthy of our heartfelt ~umstances and undesltable Wals-an :lents al Kabul Umvers,ty needs of the uOlverslty In thiS can SOphIsticated m age when every s!i:cond Will wear wllh the gIrls themselv.,. and the cutJes In the umver not sutted fOl free and democra congratulatIOns May I add You. ternattonal sItuatlons ate absent IS pregnant uniforms said the necllon They have saId a blue and s,ty compound WIth the fear of total deputy rector of Women s lnshtute Home madc tex WIth their bare tiC socIetIes Royal H,ghness that It IS espec from amongst us ann1hllallon Ihe Umvcrslty white mattmal IS needed for the knees of mankmd we were 10 an mtetvlew last file IS to be used for new and cuI collars are not too 'ally heartwarming to the dele We call for the understandIng nghtly week uOlform Uniform happy about THE KABUL told History Is little else she added the proposed unl And as to the economy TIMES gahon of Afghamstan that such and the saCrifices whIch are es than • Dr forms for Mad a pIcture of human CrImes Mohammad Slddlk com109 Mrs Sahral satd the glfl stUdents The am they say the a tremendously ImpOttant deve sentlal In removmg such that for three Anwar said that the new uniform IS obstacles and mIsfortunes Our gatherIng out from a uDlverslly meeting that mam new matenal adopllon of the unrform w,ll ter not lOexpens lopment In 10 reasons we have deCided to ve One um form as Pu bLashed eve'll aov aC"Pt Fr,cUrJ/ and A tDhun the held of Human the mterest of lhe umversalI here slgmftes Qur reahsabon dISCUssed the adoption needed by tQe uruverslty and POSSI mmate their tasts Ch01ce pub­ = that of a umform deSign a uOlform for our girl stud of cIa the onglOators of the scheme have t r holldavs bv tite RIghts as thIS Cunference shouid Iy of human fights and fundarne the future said bly by gIrls h gh schools too w,1I thes dagger nosed Kabul Times PuhlfshiJr, AR'QIC) does nol have to re that the meetmg deCIded that cots shoes shOWing calculated costs roughly two be convened On our contlnent of n ta1 freednms peal hIstory be sold only al shops opera them between I I 11I1 "'".".,;"." rather It can learn unlverslt:y girls wear Uniforms ed hy four to SIX Inches hundred AfghanIS, 11111I1 III III II H ASIa and Fast our girls should wear cloth Apparently In lran the home of a from It We should make our de Already wottlen the Company Jtself and not In shops taller and sleeveless cut collar brother teachers at the es conSlslent wtth the cconomy for none of the students one unt natIon anti a neighbour As \\e gather hete as lepre hberatIons more than a unIVerSity. are of purchaSIng company s products su,ls Even gone WIll mIser wearing a unlfom their fan1Jltes May be Ihe odd form,s enough Every college to Afghantstan For many thou sentattves of our governments It able outcrytng of be herc III Ka He added Ihat Malalar H,gh colours and eye catchmg Rural Development despaIr HOpe Dr S,ddlk adde (11111 student!> have the / observed alreadv mvested consIderable saId In a v.. olld un (' lU nhl Madam by the repre 0' dmahon among the achvllIcs to the Rural De out sa\- Of.: )nstl u q e t un wi ('Ih of oher depar that In addition Ihe olhel ns thiS Ide I sC'nlatl\€S of the ('utles They ,clopment Department Projecls WIll mereJ) ments are meant to lead nat ons was dlsl" Irded I Ie" rhe ompany will he able t l prt Vde do ments of lhe government whIch ha\e IdentIcal fhese clal k and demOniC respon \ie Irs ago ubt f n l (llal ecbnomv delav frullful rcsults to act to wake UD mcn and v. t the ncw kind (f Oliler till: and spe uperatlons and ThIS IS one field In wh••h ses \\ 111 be t emoved II I)n With the Rural De\ elopment J)(" only as men Fr am the begmntng of record men to their duties Lately the n vers ty h tS ... Ially the pr K!ullion of Ihe Af we have to put m the to weave up f rmly crsily wants for tht: uniform .. I d "lflment best of our tramed per a e possess(' by the nVlslble ed ~h P," staud out Thus a VOIdIng overla•• of history prophets splTltual Ie man s intentIOns and asp t.:!ct,; ded to presu be a un rurm for In 1 I I Company Will recel sl)nnel doctors nurses agrICultural lOner law which ratIons So far the Klibul Unll,JCr<;1 y hi work by the Rural De\ elopment Oepartment experts etches on then aders ohJlosophet s poets law IOta vIgorous actIOns gJrl students on the has s ve a b s exccpt a couple of htl handicraft of he de not made ny offle II L n Id \-\ ~l and techniCians and ,oclal pro heal t.s the conVictIOn that all yers and politiCians have talked 'What mands ndleds 01 d,esses \\hlch they the IDlnJstr:les tS more Imoortant there by their parents the company Only two of therr rnilV fesslonals Thc elevahon 01 the department men are brothers and that love IS aboul the rep make By .ts very \ Irtue of to sObJect whIch IS Ihe fore IS the Implementation of She s..11d Ihal lhe new unrform rc,\nlnlives bemg m louch WIth Ih~ level 01 a mankInd s most potent weapon thE'rne hive Sfll ken about the Ihe Villages mmlstry as has been suggested by of thiS Conference the Prine oles The measure )r the Rural Devclopment Department for personal and \Vhtle some quarters w.1I not be as effective soc al transfm man every ..vhel e has success 10 uOlversalismg M05l of these cutJes who ar\: can apply the projects III a better manner for Its matI human Some further development as the on been denied the opportuDity for flghls Ihlough full ratlflcalwn Press On Women r nm thl I ch fam I es ale alre:! lebV1bes ot the MinIstry of Public true cooperation 01 Paradox callv of Health such the vaflOUS mimstrIes but fltlingly full atlalnment of human nghls the IOstruments of human (1\ plannIng to (rdC'r the typP of as vaccinatIOn and coordination of the thlS man has ~ fights DDT spr3\ 109 IdoptlOn 01 en actl\llIes IIIterrelated betome Immortal Wei have been no dearth of a Iready adopled matellal needed for these unIf) to II through the blow he received Plomlses Wedding Day Is be One need only cite be We are aware that we cannot Unforgetable rms made (10m the foreIgn maj cause r IS SPl nt lives In thi! hea g'[Inrng m the Seventeenth Cen deal here With every problem of Bv A Staff WrIter matel a1 and the home pro~uc 1ts and m nds of men evel lury OnE' of Ihe most mportant ywhe the English Amencan Fr human nghts but we must have days 'hereforc the wr ter IdvIse'\ th 1se d w 11 md:"l d show I'L~lf very Ie the human DCI sons for whom ench and n the life of a man and I IIOME PRESS GLAN~E RUSSIan pronounce a total commitment to see to woman \Vomen who for Some re Ison much and thus madam the SPI AT A ht fought courage! usly It IS the day they Ye~terdays Ile\ and pea menls One need only remem that the Instruments gel marne<.! says other arc reluctant III of abol \ hmg diStinctions In \aJ t.:arres n Fl \C ng plants and n ulberrles are Implc to uluk gO( d the help l f Ihe 11 I1Istn lefully WIth reasun and determl ber the more lecent Ihe women s page editor of d es cs cdltonat On pn YISt1n of hnU'ilOg h r l abundant IS alrcad\ mternatlOnal mented hlah food 10 Improvc the r l:ookmg lOti \\ 11 be dead all over the country On the natIOn t b ng PI oled\< n marh n of concern expressed In I Wednesday s Issue Marr age ('I:: the city s homeless pc pulall m UN 1\S the edltonal Only the Co ren say thiS wIth the full leal that their dIshes a C' I ked by Ihesc are l ~hts ant of bnngs tier the lountry .. deve! nel:t.:~ the League of Nations In satlOn t hat even If all the a profound change In the thclr hu.c;bands The girl \\ ('af ng I he same u pm('nt plan... 4.) develop a l:cncuhure Martin Lll prlnel ~Yeral J he e:dllonal enl:ourages the Min her King Jr was the Alianllc CharIer 0' 194L and pIes alreadY life of a l:ouple and the memory 1he form but made from housmg pr Jecl", h l\C been Ind honey prodl dum mdustry greate~t set out at e Imple wn er refers to the fact Iha! the hOJTl'" Islry to ulVcr now vIJlage~ one of thl' walkers of 'n the 1942 Declarallon of thIS day always t,;ompleted dUring Ih€ )a~t 10 YC tnd lore the path of Ilghteousness He United NatIons them But whlcb the editOrial says has prov nl:eS so th.u our Villagers One need only remam to be done Thts IS true still more memorable sn all bUI Important qucslon Jealous 10 Ihe bot10m of her' , I rcsul cd Irngal/ n In the {laSt }ears has \\ alked many limes along Iecall of In many thousands (f ",h) have plenly of lime 10 devote hIS the solemn pledge of na because even n the settmg up of and sweeler IS the day when a wo l ok ng seflOUS when she ees another class mate pq pic nlmlng made far reaching efforts 10 promo­ way can vlOg No matter how 10 these pursuits and the bannet of lions 10 defend I'fe liberty In pllnclples the man learns she has become prege In the same Uniform but 010 new home" te lhe produd on who reaJly conventIOns and good a houswlre a woman IS If she m:tJtc uf silk and of humanity On h1s way to hiS last dependence and t Rant ft am fhe Kabul Munlc IJeed the money whIch the same eliglOuS free declaratIOns are Incomplete 1m and m a few monlhs tIme she docs not know how to the foreign matena) pal (arpora honey III VIllages lO several prav," restonng place whIch was also dom cook II IS I lIOn beSide'S could bnng them l:ould benetl1 hiS and preserve human r ghls perfect and 11m ted 10 theIr sco Will give blfth to a child The hope b g shortcom hOUSing proJclls has (;c" SIlk and honey, produced fll ng and has 10 be l: r Another group of nurese WIth more sl because he neVel Iesled 10 and Justice In then own lands pe that she WIll soon become recel also I!arned OUI extens to: mother reeled asserts the ve ty beau hIS hfe the flag wrIter vcd their diplomas last week In of the Untied as well as 111 other lands Of co The Secretary General men predomJOales her thlnkmg and llficat on pruJel:l<.; The Zaher Shah NatIOns accompanied sh" fhe woman wr ler refers to the a seremony held al Kablll New Jersy Girl Scouts hIm To the urse We remember and respect ttoned the technological thInks of nothmg but Mater Send Toys Park In Share Nau has nu"' paved end he "alked revolu her child fact that In some families lhe ques fIIty HOSPital ,n the foolsleps Ihe Unlled Nallons Charter the tlOn all around us to realise When the child comes he roads better sport.s gr(lund~ tntl of the Areat Mahatma tha or she I on of cook ng can make the fam Gandh' a Umversal Declaration of Human SCIentlflc advances al c fal out brings all Ihe happmess to the To Children In Kabul more flowers arc grown Ihere son rna ly unhappy Is sometimes the source The Deputy Mlns.ter of Pub Hospit als of ASia R,ghts Ihe Internat'onal Coven s!llpPmg ou, abIlIty to cope w,th ther There IS a period Roads In nearl~ all ne\\ d str l:1~ ,*1 he tnbule when moth of constant quarrel between man Itc Health Dr Abdul By A Stall WrIter of the members of ants and ConventIOns of the Unl the dangers to human er Rahman have been surfaced fhe H H/ml!?' 'If nghts 10 accc!pts all the trouble and hard Ind (ompaSSIOl IS In IOlC'lll, f n n l.1l r f r on lOternal pu qu f'd an n(ontestablc are attendmg thIS Confer these great promises have not mllnlcatlons techrn}ogy? Mrs Hablba Askar Feroz ha!'l nursIng pol tllal Can hu 'ionallty \11 h \l I ('II II she \\ IS soon outtll1g them all to Il1ment build ngs I\,. e" rather Ihan the I.;Omposltlon or ence The d~legallon of Afghan ueen fulfilled and Importance IS attached three of bul they have achIeved IIltle t.: I ftom fhev ha\ c been tUI ned over to pos/twn He declared th It the 'ill to man,; sallsfac lan conversatlO:l be gual anteed children and IS qu te satisfied Im( mlnenl ~ether by osk nlesrat 1I1 of ts Istan and I am I) hIS reasonable Wishes success In thIS connectl0lL llt,lXlllSslvl ng Why not have !\Irs Glenn Craig chairman of team engthen n~ f Palesl sUle all membels tlDn anywhele (ConlHllIed on page 4) With her family Me accordIng nl<.ln rl,;S slanl:C Thus ~dltor to an Grrls Ind U IKcrn f I IlC fdlu" f11~n the Gill Scouts In Ten3fly New lhe ArnellCan fhl\ I} pI.: I I Sllknl Ii J ..Ir d Bla(k Afr l:an countries det.:lded says the woman II IS Intervew wltb mIddle schools edu Women s HOspltal had I.;hanged the Vie" thl.: l utslue ---- she had With the reporter lei sev do something f(lI when a large numher , f tmll c.. n lhangc: the rules the newspaper 'he dUly ,f mother 10 see that ch I catlon a re enrolled to 5ludy In A JlI~'n \h lnll\: the Committee fOl d stllbutlOn am w rid hid f Iht.: AI Ib l:OI11mando~ of hlah $0 far she ac ed n more sllnl, th .. h ldl en n the h )sPltal l: In live 1 Ie lared W dren arc well treated and laken fhe sehoul eslabllshed al;onut ~ In Ka on,.., the ch Idren In AVlcenna Ho rda \d II Ire IS th (ommun sl help Ihan SO plays and she was 18 Vl:IY \ dl MIS D nald Zt.:J!lcl I til the~ llrc of only 1 sPll rtl With all Ih publl: amellel l.."!I. pr \ abandoned the old entry 'ilan lears ago t f I 1 h Ne\\ Jll S('V He)kal l nd<:'r I nlOg aga n that Will Humphrey Have Better years when she look Inleresl n 'd I\1IS Luck In lhe Sijme \Vh It Ot: ttl' 1 \\ IY ded h r 11 Iht' ~1 Ht.: d d I dard l f Ahteam s t:omposlt on and This Time? Issue allent on ha<; mg Z III Gill S, 'Ieatle' to helD an Ihe EgyplJan arow had reorgansed In add \\ hl:n OlC'sentcd \\Ith thIS PI( II nt.:! lonely l:hlld new clevel pmenl n I r I!hl d CI lip a new standard the na ure ol been drawn to the mportanl:e of lIOn to provIdmg them \\ II ut lht kI10\\ forget h S r tsell n rnord lime U" Vice PreSident on shaped Mrs Askar Ferol has tWll:e tra letlg t I a I us I n hl: G II S(out~ warned thaI HubC'r face he has a sharp WIth the Dlo:n1ol"rcHIl.. party f( od cooked It "Ith umforms the dec dt:d I {Omll I What;:'ln ~!1nch ng I on n the gr v, h 'h I (l ( team shomo reafme beutUse of the home school also \\ JI I r [) II r Pusht sh "rae:l wa.\ nUl I kdy to Humphrey a liberal .10 ability veIled With the group of Afghan a lund lillY \\ould Ike t Ihe On remain pas mmded Democ grasplOg rn r cate legal obJcl:lJons of some It~ I he wnte, f the artJde ~I\e, foed and salary to mike tOYS not l. Xpl:1 enll.; for the GIrl Scoub of e II til thl!,; basls Soulh Afr h<.l of members lells the tlStS 10 the the \ tl :"1 tt ss h I l. np ISS 011 t ys l: wh Ie l nfronled W Ih tht: re ral of humble ongms who has fou problems He has been descnbed as tudents lh( chtldll:n \\ould bOllOW It n"fly N J J IS been expelled again an from Ihe southern states .. tory of a fnend who always ate during lhear three "ear fl I th< s l'k ch linn r Kabul a tn know thai they nlfort.:ement of Arab arm es and n ght throughout hiS career for l:IVtl effervescent extrovert In addition to the part she lak6 mel Iclurn but t( Vs thl ch IdtL:ll h IVt: given a few S f II lht: 1\ IS It was (he beg,nnlng (f h s o IlSlde Not lhat he was on course t 1\ I lhL hours of plea h been meand If ~sed long bad III the regular othll slUe f tilt.: 11 the PaJc'itlan t.: mmand) adlVII} hgh1s IS making hIS second bld In In 1958 he had an m(erVleW lasl pla,ys In Kabl I and A course on huso tal c luld keep st ((' to someope less fortun~te er ng n 1I d rt t no; even cI mb 'hereby the Intern It anal Olym l:ampalgn tor t.:Ivll fights legislatIon lerms With hiS Wife bUI because he malern ty was \\ lid f, 111 htl Nt \ IllSlV (0 Hav ng failed t( slantp I. ut Pale.. e ght years for the preSidency 109 eight and some provinCes or the l.:oUnlry she also I hl:1I ndustly mu t h3.vl: 1(ler th~1l themselves ng 1 un ~slng p l: (ommlttec a half hours With the which he lalE'r helped \ tS fed up With conducted lDd at preser.t 111 nUl ltv A begmnmg a n.. n I rl r \er has destroyeu the rlo: 1 to push thro the flod t.:ooked also ads LXpet.:tlOllti n an n.:c;- "llnlt.: the brac:l Slier For the second tl1Tle he finds him then Soviet Prime Minister Nlklla m the drama br at.:!l: IS 90 students arc uudergmng A fe\\ \Llks aq> I ss 1 In human undel sta,ndlng a..Oo h r ... tmtll1ulng the game~ ugh (ongress as deputy mOJonty Ie home; tr.u \1/ Z, thn n v, dr<> 1m ng I I"CupY ng l1e" self faCIng a head on batl1e With Khrkshchev and vcr Radlu Afghanistan mnl{ m tins (' U xc::. t r handmade dolls I p ~ 1l.1l a I r Me~ 0::' prcpar tun!) the was the first Ame Ider In the Senate cOUfSe It I l' I n guag wlthoul hcd" f Ihe.: Arab lerrll t.'~ Kennedys-In Ind PUPr~ Is ",'Cr~ t.:!c1 \ red I hl~ r Iht:\ 1m IglOed 1111ghl 1960 John F Kcnne flcan legIslator to talk at length with I, I k nu nplanned eXp WSI Ot.:lober llymplCs arc probablv t) In IlJ64 Pres dent Juhnson gave btc refugt.: ft r Ih~ re~"lant.:e f gh dy defeated him tn two presidential hIm n I the \ d Inger )US advanl:ocd I m kt: ta lU.:lI It on hlll1 one l f the pens he used llhe Problem Child as the Ie.:r" ht.: l(Jdt.:lI pi mary electIons Educated to sign plan~ them I" durmg a bitter at punilt,; schools he Ihe expans on \cre not based )0 fl,; hIt: (Ivll fights al:t WIh an mscnp­ I.:n~ r ghl for the Demo...ratll: party no had 10 leave college for s~x years Iny I c ring Iud es Further IrCt.:a~t tal I Hubert Humphrey With He f hr It.: I \\ lId rcal" I m nalloll 10 works as a clerk m hiS Children With Tics lllure ht.: n re he ty BUI l nl{'ss the OlyOlp father s out whl III I ltluld nOI have happe And Mannerisms expands , , 1 "'}~ A f I" to II lnh:r th( Humphrey who travelled the drugstore to raise enougb funds to ned lady was dlvorl:ed because her ~omOlon Ihe 1 r I th r lie transpOrtatIOn lIee: Gin reSlnre the standard TiCS art" very In emo III rea~l llf In growing \Ircnglh campaign bu~ husband the n.. I. f lhl::lr l! ff t.:llltlc" In~ I f the fgyp Ian trail 10 an old while I" ompletc hiS edu~allon thought she wlIlked al cV tonally me: vIII ht.: nc( ..str> More dlv,dual U Illpcltu m th( 'I.: dlstrubed lhlldrcn ind the\ 1 hlngs t.:ars tH ultl army '1 woulll the Kennedy:"! In the ~enale he urged lo:ry frrend of ~u like dntn<.: therapy nl! d nu be e.: lher lort.:e II II. f u..ed u modern Blre Shll workmg part time he grad the medll: hts who came vl:::;11 Lake varrous forms T ..,"'i I1d pc haps Ir lllls and un the Ja I Ohmp (;S I~ cs are un n e minds th It.:! en to dr 11 ... ghl beft rc rcorg tnl!)atlOn wa~ t.:Om raft blamed lack of funds for tus lIateu With a degree In polttll:al st.:! programme fought for govern him He had noticed It several tlllle..'i ntlonal rrnt p lJergr )und \\ 11 x n nel:~ IHdd \'0 II nih I\C muscular movemcnts of \' I helome w n t I IHI h~ ~t ~nl:e 1 t:nl aid I lfe:-. anll n vcnlcl1lS IS 11 k I g I pleled ..I fie' of flrov()catJOn~ dde and withdrew from the pre from Louls~ana stale unlvers~ In educatIOn proposed lhc I yield to any type of dlssuas ons r ous II ary f r ",h h hert "i V ton f 1 J I J nl.: H~l parts of the body (htlcJrcn mUTt hyt.: thus Iht: I,,]('~ f la~l J l ~ $100 000 (aboul nncsola Kenneuy adnllnlstralion Her sister tned lOt.:rt: t!'l nl:; Ihull .. 1111 n Ie ( pc.:.KC nc: offen.!. vc 42000 sled ng) uOIverslty was elected mit embraced to defend her by lids or tWitching the r muuths rp r It n I nls Ire.: It\ "11h It:! A\ \ (II All ~ru the: ~ r hev I he.: /I nO/ { 11 Llt'(!1 rep .... ampa gn defu:H y r of M mn~apolls In ~ Ide anti \Vas ( n'" of the senate s ty ng that II was her rtl ~h I'14 habit from may be domg morc cd t h 11 1I Hassci e 11 o~t than One sUl:h I hlOgs I ~e tons r"i thal t mystcr 0 IS g IS hus Now he IS hI. ping for In Iwo sllll:essful I In spokesmen un fore gn aff lhe very childhood II I uper It I 1 hit.: I t Hq~al (or belleT IHt.:k terms IS mayor and was not thlOgs at a time he cd r II c.: ,pre.. 1.:\ Ih hope tlrntllFrdtY agaln~t , For example a sm somctlme~ been suggested ... ed uffll:lals Oil Wilke Island to del: the l:lle preSident s brother he fuught gamblmg cr me tnd gr ~fl 'd call ve of any bad moral mten tu l Ih It the N Idcr Shah Mal be c)m Ht:ykal V,It Ie n ,/ A lira' ill boy seen by me the other day n lIl~ but thai ry Senat 1r Rober F Kennedy of New HC' was elccted to I-Iumphtey does not smoke bUI lions The man also privately they have Ilw Iy' pruHlI u pie ell n due ... ur ~ t mlo: aoll he hel eved thl Ihe Senale III conc the bus rubbed hiS eyes and the:n f .... mluslon of a tre larc part" of Ihe likes a t.:ocktall occasionally eded elcss and bctter be avtllt.:!cu Bu II Island uft hm s York IlJ48 lhe fmit Dcmot.:rat tl Win In One of to hIS fnends that hc had seen wr ncklcd hIS more pruJCl:1s 1kt t h la nl.h\:d al) and n)l the uuupallon of Arab nose and cheeks repe a phYSical trouble was rhe gas fmil notlt.:ed In Februa Hubert Huratlo Humphrey w's Mrnncsota hiS f Ivour Ie pasumes IS fISh 109 and no other vulgar act m hIS Wife ex the h l::l" 1 In the l: y terr Il ry had been aledly He did thIS more often when Israel S essent al y his senl born on May he enJoys IJstenlOg l:ept the start of the tics It IS better to obJ~ctlve as many as 60 persol Ii '7 1 )11 In an apart Humphrey and Johnson arrived to both classh.:al thIS detestable habit or wmk he Ye'itenhi) An f t.:arre~ an t.'d ( In lhe fighting was 'Observed afld made conscIous cure It For a day to the Wake Island l.hspensiJ menl Over a drugstore r1 Wall n the Senate mUSIc am.! Jazz 109 at people whom exampLe a t.:hlld st Iris rial On t.:crll:ullurc hon~j fhe lace on the same day In she h IS never Commonly It IS believed that and Pi Israelis had been b(mded by Once Ihe South Dakota the: tWltchlOg h s forehead bCl:ause of US (oast Guard stat owned by hiS father January 1948 Though at first they He has descnbed himself seen before Unfortunately the Sl: arc Just bad duct on the r nil lary SUCl:CSS which expla on was pollrJca hablls but thIS IS a short sightedness and If h s eye!'; evacuated HIS mother l:amC to Ihe United were far apart pohtu.:ally they lIy as moderately couple could not be reconCiled and are had left on centre and wrong notion which does great harm les ed and given "orrect Slates from Norway both been ardent n hiS Jlhe dIvorce formal ties were: number thl admirers of presI early days was conSidered too con I 10 these children because II IS tho t ( may be nt"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Fl es of the vice pre~;tdent dent uded cured or m IV have betl<:'r s argue Franklin D Roosevelt and hl!\ lert;sl for Wall Streel BUI altlJough ughl that habJl IS something volu DIsplay Column Inch Aj '00 that he IS a compulSive new ThiS IS true nces of beiJII cured. talker II deal poliCies he has never forgotten hiS ongIns story and a very sad ntary and can be prevenled If d (minimum seven lmes p~r i.nstrtwn) ways litury I he d,fflcuilles whICh Ihe ,h Id at preSIdent Johnson s Side Thcy soon began l long fnend lOd the deprIValcons of the people too beca{Jsc thiS lady was lal lied rhe result ~ 24047 IS a shower from abu may feel at home or at school sho Classljled per line bold type Aj 20 Just JO case the fatlure of a heart ship l'ne of Ihe: conSideratIons he lefl behmd he has made er seen by a PsychiaTrist who cer ses from hts pea whosoever observes them uld be attended to It IS usually beat suddenly makes him pres denl which I(:d Johnson to c;hoose ce With big buslOess IIfled these movemenls of the eyes a SIl:k him and the maJur To prevenl thiS parents must ke personality wh .:ubscrtpl1On rOlts SHAPIB RAHEL Eduor But Johnson himself has relied as hiS running mate IndustrIahsts uf thiS la\1y to be Simple l:h resor s to tiCS and on for the Vlce ln recent years muscular ep It In mmd that drawlOS ch.ildrens thus hiS deputy to mend preSidency IICS lhe attempt should be to try diplomatiC fcn In 1964 HIS chief backIni: 10 thJS ~ear s a tenllpn towards thelT Yearly For otber numbers first dial lIes results (Conf1nued all page 4) Ai. 1000 SWitch ces around the world' Humphrey had been calapulled election campaIgn IS PreSident John ua.lf Yearly Ai. 600 Humphrey has made IOta ~board tours of V let national limelight at the Dem SOn whose hne on VIe nam he ha.'l Quarterly Af 300 number 23043 24028 24026 nam the Far Easl AfTlca \Od Eu ocratlc convention m Phlladelphla, c( nSlstenlly followed rope to argue 10 each capital for the 10 1948 when he made a fiery plea Humphrey marneJ Munel Buck Amencan FOREIGN or JC1hnsonlan vlcwpom for a strong CIVil tights plank In the daughler of a South Da)

~"t "...): ~~ ,,\, patients enjoying lheir new gifts \ PAGL 2 \ ------''-'----~------'-- I .i1£ KABUl tIMES APRIL 29, 1968 - PAGE 3 --'-----'- L--_~ THE KABUL ___;__- TIMES APRIL 29, 1968 = K~B'UL UNIVERISITYANNOU~£ES ~'oJ' Fo/lowmg Hi the Food l'hougnt lext 01 tllft 'ipe of the Conference Will depend Thus, we run the rtsk b!i:~ll-" \ Madam~ cdl deZ,vered by A bdlll of Rahmall On thelf full cooperatIon mtnff an echo of What has- My Madam Paz!Jwak Afghan UN Ambassado" been = We deeply regrel as we do 1D sa.d belote, 'restahng- thilt we HEW al (lte fnJernatlOnal UNIFORM rhe healt), Of H tlmdn Rlghh lhe Unrted FOR the people H rwllv Nahons Ilself the ab have observed anew the cehtutles GIRLS; Conference lIJ Tehran sence of so many representati old mactIon 'lie /o"ndallon "pon which aU over IIljust.ce A""hd '''tlr Your clectlOn Your Royal HI Yes of nations and Institutions of we rededic'ate ourselves The M,urder Of nt'h" to set ' Originality Iwpp and ail t"('ir pou (I .. en (J ghness to preSide over the Unt peoples "ho oartly for reasons better STUDENTS WELCOM ~lnt paths for the future E 11t'(lt'lJrl MOVE led Naltons Internat'onal C,mfer of theI! own alld some of them Even In a century long before By A Stall Writer By Nokta Cheen encc on Human Rights IS an 0.:: by the force of unfavourable Cl! our age of two Wlthm a few weeks Some -filll/amlll D/\'Taeh most horrtble all gIrl slu has been designed In consultation of the young fresh and be 's a k,nd of regimentatIOn caSlOn worthy of our heartfelt ~umstances and undesltable Wals-an :lents al Kabul Umvers,ty needs of the uOlverslty In thiS can SOphIsticated m age when every s!i:cond Will wear wllh the gIrls themselv.,. and the cutJes In the umver not sutted fOl free and democra congratulatIOns May I add You. ternattonal sItuatlons ate absent IS pregnant uniforms said the necllon They have saId a blue and s,ty compound WIth the fear of total deputy rector of Women s lnshtute Home madc tex WIth their bare tiC socIetIes Royal H,ghness that It IS espec from amongst us ann1hllallon Ihe Umvcrslty white mattmal IS needed for the knees of mankmd we were 10 an mtetvlew last file IS to be used for new and cuI collars are not too 'ally heartwarming to the dele We call for the understandIng nghtly week uOlform Uniform happy about THE KABUL told History Is little else she added the proposed unl And as to the economy TIMES gahon of Afghamstan that such and the saCrifices whIch are es than • Dr forms for Mad a pIcture of human CrImes Mohammad Slddlk com109 Mrs Sahral satd the glfl stUdents The am they say the a tremendously ImpOttant deve sentlal In removmg such that for three Anwar said that the new uniform IS obstacles and mIsfortunes Our gatherIng out from a uDlverslly meeting that mam new matenal adopllon of the unrform w,ll ter not lOexpens lopment In 10 reasons we have deCided to ve One um form as Pu bLashed eve'll aov aC"Pt Fr,cUrJ/ and A tDhun the held of Human the mterest of lhe umversalI here slgmftes Qur reahsabon dISCUssed the adoption needed by tQe uruverslty and POSSI mmate their tasts Ch01ce pub­ = that of a umform deSign a uOlform for our girl stud of cIa the onglOators of the scheme have t r holldavs bv tite RIghts as thIS Cunference shouid Iy of human fights and fundarne the future said bly by gIrls h gh schools too w,1I thes dagger nosed Kabul Times PuhlfshiJr, AR'QIC) does nol have to re that the meetmg deCIded that cots shoes shOWing calculated costs roughly two be convened On our contlnent of n ta1 freednms peal hIstory be sold only al shops opera them between I I 11I1 "'".".,;"." rather It can learn unlverslt:y girls wear Uniforms ed hy four to SIX Inches hundred AfghanIS, 11111I1 III III II H ASIa and Fast our girls should wear cloth Apparently In lran the home of a from It We should make our de Already wottlen the Company Jtself and not In shops taller and sleeveless cut collar brother teachers at the es conSlslent wtth the cconomy for none of the students one unt natIon anti a neighbour As \\e gather hete as lepre hberatIons more than a unIVerSity. are of purchaSIng company s products su,ls Even gone WIll mIser wearing a unlfom their fan1Jltes May be Ihe odd form,s enough Every college to Afghantstan For many thou sentattves of our governments It able outcrytng of be herc III Ka He added Ihat Malalar H,gh colours and eye catchmg Rural Development despaIr HOpe Dr S,ddlk adde (11111 student!> have the / observed alreadv mvested consIderable saId In a v.. olld un (' lU nhl Madam by the repre 0' dmahon among the achvllIcs to the Rural De out sa\- Of.: )nstl u q e t un wi ('Ih of oher depar that In addition Ihe olhel ns thiS Ide I sC'nlatl\€S of the ('utles They ,clopment Department Projecls WIll mereJ) ments are meant to lead nat ons was dlsl" Irded I Ie" rhe ompany will he able t l prt Vde do ments of lhe government whIch ha\e IdentIcal fhese clal k and demOniC respon \ie Irs ago ubt f n l (llal ecbnomv delav frullful rcsults to act to wake UD mcn and v. t the ncw kind (f Oliler till: and spe uperatlons and ThIS IS one field In wh••h ses \\ 111 be t emoved II I)n With the Rural De\ elopment J)(" only as men Fr am the begmntng of record men to their duties Lately the n vers ty h tS ... Ially the pr K!ullion of Ihe Af we have to put m the to weave up f rmly crsily wants for tht: uniform .. I d "lflment best of our tramed per a e possess(' by the nVlslble ed ~h P," staud out Thus a VOIdIng overla•• of history prophets splTltual Ie man s intentIOns and asp t.:!ct,; ded to presu be a un rurm for In 1 I I Company Will recel sl)nnel doctors nurses agrICultural lOner law which ratIons So far the Klibul Unll,JCr<;1 y hi work by the Rural De\ elopment Oepartment experts etches on then aders ohJlosophet s poets law IOta vIgorous actIOns gJrl students on the has s ve a b s exccpt a couple of htl handicraft of he de not made ny offle II L n Id \-\ ~l and techniCians and ,oclal pro heal t.s the conVictIOn that all yers and politiCians have talked 'What mands ndleds 01 d,esses \\hlch they the IDlnJstr:les tS more Imoortant there by their parents the company Only two of therr rnilV fesslonals Thc elevahon 01 the department men are brothers and that love IS aboul the rep make By .ts very \ Irtue of to sObJect whIch IS Ihe fore IS the Implementation of She s..11d Ihal lhe new unrform rc,\nlnlives bemg m louch WIth Ih~ level 01 a mankInd s most potent weapon thE'rne hive Sfll ken about the Ihe Villages mmlstry as has been suggested by of thiS Conference the Prine oles The measure )r the Rural Devclopment Department for personal and \Vhtle some quarters w.1I not be as effective soc al transfm man every ..vhel e has success 10 uOlversalismg M05l of these cutJes who ar\: can apply the projects III a better manner for Its matI human Some further development as the on been denied the opportuDity for flghls Ihlough full ratlflcalwn Press On Women r nm thl I ch fam I es ale alre:! lebV1bes ot the MinIstry of Public true cooperation 01 Paradox callv of Health such the vaflOUS mimstrIes but fltlingly full atlalnment of human nghls the IOstruments of human (1\ plannIng to (rdC'r the typP of as vaccinatIOn and coordination of the thlS man has ~ fights DDT spr3\ 109 IdoptlOn 01 en actl\llIes IIIterrelated betome Immortal Wei have been no dearth of a Iready adopled matellal needed for these unIf) to II through the blow he received Plomlses Wedding Day Is be One need only cite be We are aware that we cannot Unforgetable rms made (10m the foreIgn maj cause r IS SPl nt lives In thi! hea g'[Inrng m the Seventeenth Cen deal here With every problem of Bv A Staff WrIter matel a1 and the home pro~uc 1ts and m nds of men evel lury OnE' of Ihe most mportant ywhe the English Amencan Fr human nghts but we must have days 'hereforc the wr ter IdvIse'\ th 1se d w 11 md:"l d show I'L~lf very Ie the human DCI sons for whom ench and n the life of a man and I IIOME PRESS GLAN~E RUSSIan pronounce a total commitment to see to woman \Vomen who for Some re Ison much and thus madam the SPI AT A ht fought courage! usly It IS the day they Ye~terdays Ile\ and pea menls One need only remem that the Instruments gel marne<.! says other arc reluctant III of abol \ hmg diStinctions In \aJ t.:arres n Fl \C ng plants and n ulberrles are Implc to uluk gO( d the help l f Ihe 11 I1Istn lefully WIth reasun and determl ber the more lecent Ihe women s page editor of d es cs cdltonat On pn YISt1n of hnU'ilOg h r l abundant IS alrcad\ mternatlOnal mented hlah food 10 Improvc the r l:ookmg lOti \\ 11 be dead all over the country On the natIOn t b ng PI oled\< n marh n of concern expressed In I Wednesday s Issue Marr age ('I:: the city s homeless pc pulall m UN 1\S the edltonal Only the Co ren say thiS wIth the full leal that their dIshes a C' I ked by Ihesc are l ~hts ant of bnngs tier the lountry .. deve! nel:t.:~ the League of Nations In satlOn t hat even If all the a profound change In the thclr hu.c;bands The girl \\ ('af ng I he same u pm('nt plan... 4.) develop a l:cncuhure Martin Lll prlnel ~Yeral J he e:dllonal enl:ourages the Min her King Jr was the Alianllc CharIer 0' 194L and pIes alreadY life of a l:ouple and the memory 1he form but made from housmg pr Jecl", h l\C been Ind honey prodl dum mdustry greate~t set out at e Imple wn er refers to the fact Iha! the hOJTl'" Islry to ulVcr now vIJlage~ one of thl' walkers of 'n the 1942 Declarallon of thIS day always t,;ompleted dUring Ih€ )a~t 10 YC tnd lore the path of Ilghteousness He United NatIons them But whlcb the editOrial says has prov nl:eS so th.u our Villagers One need only remam to be done Thts IS true still more memorable sn all bUI Important qucslon Jealous 10 Ihe bot10m of her' , I rcsul cd Irngal/ n In the {laSt }ears has \\ alked many limes along Iecall of In many thousands (f ",h) have plenly of lime 10 devote hIS the solemn pledge of na because even n the settmg up of and sweeler IS the day when a wo l ok ng seflOUS when she ees another class mate pq pic nlmlng made far reaching efforts 10 promo­ way can vlOg No matter how 10 these pursuits and the bannet of lions 10 defend I'fe liberty In pllnclples the man learns she has become prege In the same Uniform but 010 new home" te lhe produd on who reaJly conventIOns and good a houswlre a woman IS If she m:tJtc uf silk and of humanity On h1s way to hiS last dependence and t Rant ft am fhe Kabul Munlc IJeed the money whIch the same eliglOuS free declaratIOns are Incomplete 1m and m a few monlhs tIme she docs not know how to the foreign matena) pal (arpora honey III VIllages lO several prav," restonng place whIch was also dom cook II IS I lIOn beSide'S could bnng them l:ould benetl1 hiS and preserve human r ghls perfect and 11m ted 10 theIr sco Will give blfth to a child The hope b g shortcom hOUSing proJclls has (;c" SIlk and honey, produced fll ng and has 10 be l: r Another group of nurese WIth more sl because he neVel Iesled 10 and Justice In then own lands pe that she WIll soon become recel also I!arned OUI extens to: mother reeled asserts the ve ty beau hIS hfe the flag wrIter vcd their diplomas last week In of the Untied as well as 111 other lands Of co The Secretary General men predomJOales her thlnkmg and llficat on pruJel:l<.; The Zaher Shah NatIOns accompanied sh" fhe woman wr ler refers to the a seremony held al Kablll New Jersy Girl Scouts hIm To the urse We remember and respect ttoned the technological thInks of nothmg but Mater Send Toys Park In Share Nau has nu"' paved end he "alked revolu her child fact that In some families lhe ques fIIty HOSPital ,n the foolsleps Ihe Unlled Nallons Charter the tlOn all around us to realise When the child comes he roads better sport.s gr(lund~ tntl of the Areat Mahatma tha or she I on of cook ng can make the fam Gandh' a Umversal Declaration of Human SCIentlflc advances al c fal out brings all Ihe happmess to the To Children In Kabul more flowers arc grown Ihere son rna ly unhappy Is sometimes the source The Deputy Mlns.ter of Pub Hospit als of ASia R,ghts Ihe Internat'onal Coven s!llpPmg ou, abIlIty to cope w,th ther There IS a period Roads In nearl~ all ne\\ d str l:1~ ,*1 he tnbule when moth of constant quarrel between man Itc Health Dr Abdul By A Stall WrIter of the members of ants and ConventIOns of the Unl the dangers to human er Rahman have been surfaced fhe H H/ml!?' 'If nghts 10 accc!pts all the trouble and hard Ind (ompaSSIOl IS In IOlC'lll, f n n l.1l r f r on lOternal pu qu f'd an n(ontestablc are attendmg thIS Confer these great promises have not mllnlcatlons techrn}ogy? Mrs Hablba Askar Feroz ha!'l nursIng pol tllal Can hu 'ionallty \11 h \l I ('II II she \\ IS soon outtll1g them all to Il1ment build ngs I\,. e" rather Ihan the I.;Omposltlon or ence The d~legallon of Afghan ueen fulfilled and Importance IS attached three of bul they have achIeved IIltle t.: I ftom fhev ha\ c been tUI ned over to pos/twn He declared th It the 'ill to man,; sallsfac lan conversatlO:l be gual anteed children and IS qu te satisfied Im( mlnenl ~ether by osk nlesrat 1I1 of ts Istan and I am I) hIS reasonable Wishes success In thIS connectl0lL llt,lXlllSslvl ng Why not have !\Irs Glenn Craig chairman of team engthen n~ f Palesl sUle all membels tlDn anywhele (ConlHllIed on page 4) With her family Me accordIng nl<.ln rl,;S slanl:C Thus ~dltor to an Grrls Ind U IKcrn f I IlC fdlu" f11~n the Gill Scouts In Ten3fly New lhe ArnellCan fhl\ I} pI.: I I Sllknl Ii J ..Ir d Bla(k Afr l:an countries det.:lded says the woman II IS Intervew wltb mIddle schools edu Women s HOspltal had I.;hanged the Vie" thl.: l utslue ---- she had With the reporter lei sev do something f(lI when a large numher , f tmll c.. n lhangc: the rules the newspaper 'he dUly ,f mother 10 see that ch I catlon a re enrolled to 5ludy In A JlI~'n \h lnll\: the Committee fOl d stllbutlOn am w rid hid f Iht.: AI Ib l:OI11mando~ of hlah $0 far she ac ed n more sllnl, th .. h ldl en n the h )sPltal l: In live 1 Ie lared W dren arc well treated and laken fhe sehoul eslabllshed al;onut ~ In Ka on,.., the ch Idren In AVlcenna Ho rda \d II Ire IS th (ommun sl help Ihan SO plays and she was 18 Vl:IY \ dl MIS D nald Zt.:J!lcl I til the~ llrc of only 1 sPll rtl With all Ih publl: amellel l.."!I. pr \ abandoned the old entry 'ilan lears ago t f I 1 h Ne\\ Jll S('V He)kal l nd<:'r I nlOg aga n that Will Humphrey Have Better years when she look Inleresl n 'd I\1IS Luck In lhe Sijme \Vh It Ot: ttl' 1 \\ IY ded h r 11 Iht' ~1 Ht.: d d I dard l f Ahteam s t:omposlt on and This Time? Issue allent on ha<; mg Z III Gill S, 'Ieatle' to helD an Ihe EgyplJan arow had reorgansed In add \\ hl:n OlC'sentcd \\Ith thIS PI( II nt.:! lonely l:hlld new clevel pmenl n I r I!hl d CI lip a new standard the na ure ol been drawn to the mportanl:e of lIOn to provIdmg them \\ II ut lht kI10\\ forget h S r tsell n rnord lime U" Vice PreSident on shaped Mrs Askar Ferol has tWll:e tra letlg t I a I us I n hl: G II S(out~ warned thaI HubC'r face he has a sharp WIth the Dlo:n1ol"rcHIl.. party f( od cooked It "Ith umforms the dec dt:d I {Omll I What;:'ln ~!1nch ng I on n the gr v, h 'h I (l ( team shomo reafme beutUse of the home school also \\ JI I r [) II r Pusht sh "rae:l wa.\ nUl I kdy to Humphrey a liberal .10 ability veIled With the group of Afghan a lund lillY \\ould Ike t Ihe On remain pas mmded Democ grasplOg rn r cate legal obJcl:lJons of some It~ I he wnte, f the artJde ~I\e, foed and salary to mike tOYS not l. Xpl:1 enll.; for the GIrl Scoub of e II til thl!,; basls Soulh Afr h<.l of members lells the tlStS 10 the the \ tl :"1 tt ss h I l. np ISS 011 t ys l: wh Ie l nfronled W Ih tht: re ral of humble ongms who has fou problems He has been descnbed as Soviet Union tudents lh( chtldll:n \\ould bOllOW It n"fly N J J IS been expelled again an from Ihe southern states .. tory of a fnend who always ate during lhear three "ear fl I th< s l'k ch linn r Kabul a tn know thai they nlfort.:ement of Arab arm es and n ght throughout hiS career for l:IVtl effervescent extrovert In addition to the part she lak6 mel Iclurn but t( Vs thl ch IdtL:ll h IVt: given a few S f II lht: 1\ IS It was (he beg,nnlng (f h s o IlSlde Not lhat he was on course t 1\ I lhL hours of plea h been meand If ~sed long bad III the regular othll slUe f tilt.: 11 the PaJc'itlan t.: mmand) adlVII} hgh1s IS making hIS second bld In In 1958 he had an m(erVleW lasl pla,ys In Kabl I and A course on huso tal c luld keep st ((' to someope less fortun~te er ng n 1I d rt t no; even cI mb 'hereby the Intern It anal Olym l:ampalgn tor t.:Ivll fights legislatIon lerms With hiS Wife bUI because he malern ty was \\ lid f, 111 htl Nt \ IllSlV (0 Hav ng failed t( slantp I. ut Pale.. e ght years for the preSidency 109 eight and some provinCes or the l.:oUnlry she also I hl:1I ndustly mu t h3.vl: 1(ler th~1l themselves ng 1 un ~slng p l: (ommlttec a half hours With the which he lalE'r helped \ tS fed up With conducted lDd at preser.t 111 nUl ltv A begmnmg a n.. n I rl r \er has destroyeu the rlo: 1 to push thro the flod t.:ooked also ads LXpet.:tlOllti n an n.:c;- "llnlt.: the brac:l Slier For the second tl1Tle he finds him then Soviet Prime Minister Nlklla m the drama br at.:!l: IS 90 students arc uudergmng A fe\\ \Llks aq> I ss 1 In human undel sta,ndlng a..Oo h r ... tmtll1ulng the game~ ugh (ongress as deputy mOJonty Ie home; tr.u \1/ Z, thn n v, dr<> 1m ng I I"CupY ng l1e" self faCIng a head on batl1e With Khrkshchev and vcr Radlu Afghanistan mnl{ m tins (' U xc::. t r handmade dolls I p ~ 1l.1l a I r Me~ 0::' prcpar tun!) the was the first Ame Ider In the Senate cOUfSe It I l' I n guag wlthoul hcd" f Ihe.: Arab lerrll t.'~ Kennedys-In Ind PUPr~ Is ",'Cr~ t.:!c1 \ red I hl~ r Iht:\ 1m IglOed 1111ghl 1960 John F Kcnne flcan legIslator to talk at length with I, I k nu nplanned eXp WSI Ot.:lober llymplCs arc probablv t) In IlJ64 Pres dent Juhnson gave btc refugt.: ft r Ih~ re~"lant.:e f gh dy defeated him tn two presidential hIm n I the \ d Inger )US advanl:ocd I m kt: ta lU.:lI It on hlll1 one l f the pens he used llhe Problem Child as the Ie.:r" ht.: l(Jdt.:lI pi mary electIons Educated to sign plan~ them I" durmg a bitter at punilt,; schools he Ihe expans on \cre not based )0 fl,; hIt: (Ivll fights al:t WIh an mscnp­ I.:n~ r ghl for the Demo...ratll: party no had 10 leave college for s~x years Iny I c ring Iud es Further IrCt.:a~t tal I Hubert Humphrey With He f hr It.: I \\ lId rcal" I m nalloll 10 works as a clerk m hiS Children With Tics lllure ht.: n re he ty BUI l nl{'ss the OlyOlp father s out whl III I ltluld nOI have happe And Mannerisms expands , , 1 "'}~ A f I" to II lnh:r th( Humphrey who travelled the drugstore to raise enougb funds to ned lady was dlvorl:ed because her ~omOlon Ihe 1 r I th r lie transpOrtatIOn lIee: Gin reSlnre the standard TiCS art" very In emo III rea~l llf In growing \Ircnglh campaign bu~ husband the n.. I. f lhl::lr l! ff t.:llltlc" In~ I f the fgyp Ian trail 10 an old while I" ompletc hiS edu~allon thought she wlIlked al cV tonally me: vIII ht.: nc( ..str> More dlv,dual U Illpcltu m th( 'I.: dlstrubed lhlldrcn ind the\ 1 hlngs t.:ars tH ultl army '1 woulll the Kennedy:"! In the ~enale he urged lo:ry frrend of ~u like dntn<.: therapy nl! d nu be e.: lher lort.:e II II. f u..ed u modern Blre Shll workmg part time he grad the medll: hts who came vl:::;11 Lake varrous forms T ..,"'i I1d pc haps Ir lllls and un the Ja I Ohmp (;S I~ cs are un n e minds th It.:! en to dr 11 ... ghl beft rc rcorg tnl!)atlOn wa~ t.:Om raft blamed lack of funds for tus lIateu With a degree In polttll:al st.:! programme fought for govern him He had noticed It several tlllle..'i ntlonal rrnt p lJergr )und \\ 11 x n nel:~ IHdd \'0 II nih I\C muscular movemcnts of \' I helome w n t I IHI h~ ~t ~nl:e 1 t:nl aid I lfe:-. anll n vcnlcl1lS IS 11 k I g I pleled ..I fie' of flrov()catJOn~ dde and withdrew from the pre from Louls~ana stale unlvers~ In educatIOn proposed lhc I yield to any type of dlssuas ons r ous II ary f r ",h h hert "i V ton f 1 J I J nl.: H~l parts of the body (htlcJrcn mUTt hyt.: thus Iht: I,,]('~ f la~l J l ~ $100 000 (aboul nncsola Kenneuy adnllnlstralion Her sister tned lOt.:rt: t!'l nl:; Ihull .. 1111 n Ie ( pc.:.KC nc: offen.!. vc 42000 sled ng) uOIverslty was elected mit embraced to defend her by lids or tWitching the r muuths rp r It n I nls Ire.: It\ "11h It:! A\ \ (II All ~ru the: ~ r hev I he.: /I nO/ { 11 Llt'(!1 rep .... ampa gn defu:H y r of M mn~apolls In ~ Ide anti \Vas ( n'" of the senate s ty ng that II was her rtl ~h I'14 habit from may be domg morc cd t h 11 1I Hassci e 11 o~t than One sUl:h I hlOgs I ~e tons r"i thal t mystcr 0 IS g IS hus Now he IS hI. ping for In Iwo sllll:essful I In spokesmen un fore gn aff lhe very childhood II I uper It I 1 hit.: I t Hq~al (or belleT IHt.:k terms IS mayor and was not thlOgs at a time he cd r II c.: ,pre.. 1.:\ Ih hope tlrntllFrdtY agaln~t , For example a sm somctlme~ been suggested ... ed uffll:lals Oil Wilke Island to del: the l:lle preSident s brother he fuught gamblmg cr me tnd gr ~fl 'd call ve of any bad moral mten tu l Ih It the N Idcr Shah Mal be c)m Ht:ykal V,It Ie n ,/ A lira' ill boy seen by me the other day n lIl~ but thai ry Senat 1r Rober F Kennedy of New HC' was elccted to I-Iumphtey does not smoke bUI lions The man also privately they have Ilw Iy' pruHlI u pie ell n due ... ur ~ t mlo: aoll he hel eved thl Ihe Senale III conc the bus rubbed hiS eyes and the:n f .... mluslon of a tre larc part" of Ihe likes a t.:ocktall occasionally eded elcss and bctter be avtllt.:!cu Bu II Island uft hm s York IlJ48 lhe fmit Dcmot.:rat tl Win In One of to hIS fnends that hc had seen wr ncklcd hIS more pruJCl:1s 1kt t h la nl.h\:d al) and n)l the uuupallon of Arab nose and cheeks repe a phYSical trouble was rhe gas fmil notlt.:ed In Februa Hubert Huratlo Humphrey w's Mrnncsota hiS f Ivour Ie pasumes IS fISh 109 and no other vulgar act m hIS Wife ex the h l::l" 1 In the l: y terr Il ry had been aledly He did thIS more often when Israel S essent al y his senl born on May he enJoys IJstenlOg l:ept the start of the tics It IS better to obJ~ctlve as many as 60 persol Ii '7 1 )11 In an apart Humphrey and Johnson arrived to both classh.:al thIS detestable habit or wmk he Ye'itenhi) An f t.:arre~ an t.'d ( In lhe fighting was 'Observed afld made conscIous cure It For a day to the Wake Island l.hspensiJ menl Over a drugstore r1 Wall n the Senate mUSIc am.! Jazz 109 at people whom exampLe a t.:hlld st Iris rial On t.:crll:ullurc hon~j fhe lace on the same day In she h IS never Commonly It IS believed that and Pi Israelis had been b(mded by Once Ihe South Dakota the: tWltchlOg h s forehead bCl:ause of US (oast Guard stat owned by hiS father January 1948 Though at first they He has descnbed himself seen before Unfortunately the Sl: arc Just bad duct on the r nil lary SUCl:CSS which expla on was pollrJca hablls but thIS IS a short sightedness and If h s eye!'; evacuated HIS mother l:amC to Ihe United were far apart pohtu.:ally they lIy as moderately couple could not be reconCiled and are had left on centre and wrong notion which does great harm les ed and given "orrect Slates from Norway both been ardent n hiS Jlhe dIvorce formal ties were: number thl admirers of presI early days was conSidered too con I 10 these children because II IS tho t ( may be nt"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Fl es of the vice pre~;tdent dent uded cured or m IV have betl<:'r s argue Franklin D Roosevelt and hl!\ lert;sl for Wall Streel BUI altlJough ughl that habJl IS something volu DIsplay Column Inch Aj '00 that he IS a compulSive new ThiS IS true nces of beiJII cured. talker II deal poliCies he has never forgotten hiS ongIns story and a very sad ntary and can be prevenled If d (minimum seven lmes p~r i.nstrtwn) ways litury I he d,fflcuilles whICh Ihe ,h Id at preSIdent Johnson s Side Thcy soon began l long fnend lOd the deprIValcons of the people too beca{Jsc thiS lady was lal lied rhe result ~ 24047 IS a shower from abu may feel at home or at school sho Classljled per line bold type Aj 20 Just JO case the fatlure of a heart ship l'ne of Ihe: conSideratIons he lefl behmd he has made er seen by a PsychiaTrist who cer ses from hts pea whosoever observes them uld be attended to It IS usually beat suddenly makes him pres denl which I(:d Johnson to c;hoose ce With big buslOess IIfled these movemenls of the eyes a SIl:k him and the maJur To prevenl thiS parents must ke personality wh .:ubscrtpl1On rOlts SHAPIB RAHEL Eduor But Johnson himself has relied as hiS running mate IndustrIahsts uf thiS la\1y to be Simple l:h resor s to tiCS and on for the Vlce ln recent years muscular ep It In mmd that drawlOS ch.ildrens thus hiS deputy to mend preSidency IICS lhe attempt should be to try diplomatiC fcn In 1964 HIS chief backIni: 10 thJS ~ear s a tenllpn towards thelT Yearly For otber numbers first dial lIes results (Conf1nued all page 4) Ai. 1000 SWitch ces around the world' Humphrey had been calapulled election campaIgn IS PreSident John ua.lf Yearly Ai. 600 Humphrey has made IOta ~board tours of V let national limelight at the Dem SOn whose hne on VIe nam he ha.'l Quarterly Af 300 number 23043 24028 24026 nam the Far Easl AfTlca \Od Eu ocratlc convention m Phlladelphla, c( nSlstenlly followed rope to argue 10 each capital for the 10 1948 when he made a fiery plea Humphrey marneJ Munel Buck Amencan FOREIGN or JC1hnsonlan vlcwpom for a strong CIVil tights plank In the daughler of a South Da)

~"t "...): ~~ ,,\, patients enjoying lheir new gifts '.'; . ., ", \ "

\ PAGE 4 \, THE KABUL TIMES APRiL 29, 1968 I -----'-----~~-_7_--'-----~ 'World News In Brief Artificial Heart Briefs' I. May Functiori 'On SINGA~~RE. April 29. (Reu­ Ky was once employed by the ter). - The abandoned Liberian Central intelligence Agency for, KABUL. April 29, (Bakhtar).­ Nuclear Power ·tanker. t't6Simi·II, was \ycsteu-day clandestine operations in North The Afghan ambassador in , Mohammad Osman PHILADELpHIA. April 29, (Re­ still bla'ing furiouslY 30, miles Vietnam. but was dismissed for uter).-:The artificial heart. when south of Singapore despite al- smuggling opium from Lads to Sidky arrived here yesterday. to participate in 'the' preparations finally developed, may be powe­ most round-thc·clock attempts Saigon. red -,\ly a searing-hot atomic po­ by British navy ships to pu1 OUI for the visit of tlie Turkish Pre­ sident jevdet Sunay. The presi­ wer plant inside the chest, Dr. the tire. BOCHUM. WEST GERMANY, John C. Norman. a Harvard Me­ April 29. (AFPl.- Soviet stellite. dent of Turkey will an'jve here Wednesday afternoO,n. dical School research surgeon, BONN. April 29. (AFP). - Bri­ Cosmos-21, made a soft landing told a meeting here. tain. Frahce and the United .Sta­ in the USSR Sunday mOrning, The Afghan 'ambassador to Dr. Norman reportee he had tes Sunday delivered identical the Satellites Institute' of Bochum Saudi Arabia Khalilullah Khalili already used nucle'll' power for letters to the SOViet ambassador Observatory said. arrived here yesterday for a vac­ pacemakers to control the heart-· in East Berlin on East Germa­ Scientists at the Observatory ation, beat of laboratory animals. ny's restrictioh of free access to predicted that the USSR would He used a "wafer" of plutonium the city'$ western sector. . soon launch a manned space 238 'as his power source. Although French embassy sources here flight. KABUL. ~prjl 29, (Bakhtal'),~. the isotope has a working tem­ said the Ie-tlers. from the British The minister of Agriculture and peratu,e of 360 degrees fahren- charge d'affairs and the Fren­ AMMAN: April 29'. (Reuter),­ Irrigation Eng, Mil' Mohgmmad heit (182 centigrade). he said it ch and United Slates ambassa­ A Jordanian military delegation Akbar Reza left here to inspect \vas tolerated \ly experimental dors in Bonn. haJ been 'handed will leave for y"'ithin the Sardah Dam. The ,ininister of dogs .because.: into the Soviet embassy in East the next two days. according to agriculture of Uzbakistan Mama The wafer was Iiemeti'cally sea­ Berlin, Al~Destour newspaper here Yf"S­ Rasoulof. the president of the led in a metal capsule, then in­ terday. Nangal'h'lf Valley Authority sulated. Abdul Haldm and the president SAIGON. April 29. (Reuter), ·Blood carries away heat to all of Water and Soil Survey depart­ portions of the body. so it can A statement issued here Sunday DAMASCUS. April 29. (AP) ment Juma Mohammad Moha",­ by Vice President Nguyen Cao be dissipated through the skin. Syria Sunday announced a madie iHe also accompanying the resulting in a body temperature K.v's office said nllegatlons that ~~qa.470.000 oudRet for 1968. the minster. Rasoulof came here with risc of only a degree or two. he had smuggled opium "cons­ higgest in the country's hisl·lry. Skachkov, the president. of the lillite a gross fabricalions. Dr. Norman reported . his. re­ Described as one of "war and ('ounci! of ministers of the Soviet search to members or the Ameri­ Tl1t' statement was eomment· eon~truction'" the new bud.a:et is Union foJ' foreiJtn el'onomic re­ ing on a report before a U.S Sen­ "mba.sador Pazbwak delivering his speech before tbc participants can sotj(>ly for artificial internal $57 milliltll higher than last ye­ lations. organs at its annual meeting here att' sub-committee all('~ing thaI ar's in Tehran's International lIuma n Ri~hts Conference. last week. ------He said he had experimente" (Ir' 19:3 dog~ opel' the last fivp Journey LongerThan Proverbial Thousand Miles Premier Talhcuni, Years. cognlsing the value uf difreren­ ment in the field of frcedom .:r (Co"tinllt'l/ from pugtt :!.l l'I'gn:ttalJle. reluctance tfJwar,1 ct:'s inherenl to the establish­ information and press. Jarring Meet Congress Accuses the right t.,o privacy when \',"tlrrls the promotion uf human ri~lq .. ment (If these rights should he 4~ Urging further implemenLI­ ('an be scopoed up on the dish 01 {In tht-· national level every\\'h,.­ the recognition that these difft!r­ til1n on the' domestil' level and Pentagon Of AMMAN. April 29. (Reuter),­ ~om(' remote electronic sensor" It.'. which has put Cl brakl' ofl ences should be expressl'd even asserting the need for judicia~ Na­ Can the all-knll\l,;ing abilities of work on the international' !I2VI'! ..... they involve dilTerenet's bet· nwchinery ,to protect individuJI Dr Gunnar Jarring. United Mismanagement tions Middle East peace envoy, the ("ompUler be kept In check') Hut de~pit(' the difficulties invo:­ \\'('en a citizl'n and his govern­ rights: An independent and oh­ WASHINGTON. April 29. (Reu· held two meetings yesterday BUl whill' necessary protpc·tillll verl humanity should not givl' III ment without fpar of repralsal. .kctivp judiciary within ear·1-) terl.-Congrcs.<' yes!erday accused :If human rights against th(' ~l'l­ to this national trend. Humanit­ The jOLJrnl~Y is morL' than the state which is immUlw to pulitl. with Jordanian prime minister Ihe Defence Department of wasting ('nuric revolution must ('nnw S()­ ;lrian work 'ihuukl nOI be subjuga­ prnvl'rbl;.l! th(Jusand miles. T ral pn'SSun'l-i 'lr ,un- sort \\'h,,'­ Bahjat al-Talhouni during a one­ thousands of millions or dollars an­ day visit here from hi~ Cyprus me tIme in the future. nOH' COIl­ tpd to ncltlnnill reluctance to im. make thl~ International Ye;~r rot' l' \. p.1'. nually by "loosc :'lOd flagrantly ne· 11l'adqua rte rs. centration on lmplementlllg th{' plement internationally ackllo',\'. Human Rights signilicant WI' ~. E~tiJhlishmC'nt of an lllfil'e uf gligent management practiccs.. ·. Talhouni told reporters the ta­ principles f;:Ilready enun{'iilll'd IS leoged pnnClples. Th'is Confel"f'l.­ must cdl put 1111 flur S('VPI"J Jt'~I,l~I!i l the multiplicity of international needs of m"!-n enabled us· to with all members of the confe­ Sunday at Can Duoe, 16 miles (25 ests and of the need to develop fur· . of the nongovernmental organI­ and national legal systems. '!J.e discover the remedies to maTI,)' I"l'nCe. I appeal humbly but most kml south of the city. sations. and of devoted individ­ ther good ncighbourly relations am­ should all be aware of these ddh­ of the calamities that ('all beset stronly that we shnuld keep in A South Vielnamese spokesman ong themselves. uals. National tribunals have paid gn.~ater l'ulties. But nunc of us shoulrl us. but a challenge is t.,l mind the importance of nul" ap­ said the Viet Cong after an initial "The chairman and the prime n1l­ little heed or in some l';IReS ig'­ bow to them. take action agcllnst more '3uht I. proach in dealing with all these cHhangc or automatic weapons and nored even the limited' decisions We are all, happy that the yo­ nister were confident that rriendly blunders. mailers. small. arms fire {led. Bttt contact was relations and cooperation could be ~.f international institutions. ke of· colonialism is being lift<":1 I1ln~{ . The d.iTkull lJlundL'r I.. The SUCCt'ss of this conference Sllor, rc.established and the gr on the basis of mutual respect for Up to now. the United Nations or. in some cases. thrust olf. Thl:, avoid. although It mi!!ht :;t.lII'·'~ in promoting Human Rights and nm~n: troopS called in artillery ar..d ei:tl:h olher's independence and :-.u\'­ has made human rights of more j:-; sureiy one of the greatest ac.h­ totally startling, i~ the hlufldl'r fundamental freedoms depends I co~cf'rn helicopter gunship fire and je-t fi­ ercignly,'he. prom,.olion of the eomll~­ Internationall.v-. Reing ievpments of our age and in I.t­ of nun.existencl.' Ill' a ~!ngle S:I­ soll'ly on creating and maintain- ~n ag~regate ghter !\lrikes. on good .. and non-interfrence in each of nations. tht· in­ :,(>If represents a step forward m I":~ {'ietv where all indl"i<1uals ing an atmospherc in which any South Vietnamese casualties 10 Ot1Jt.'I·~ ternational organisatloll. hCJ:' internal affairs. ont' field of human rights-indl" JOY '",hal trH.'Y arC' cnlltled til I.:uns'tructive cllnlrihlllinn could the baltic were' described as light. severe limitations of power. tJllJ I "'They were also of the view tool: ppndent'e of countries'" enjll.\'. The time for n'ctlgntsillj.: be expC'ctl'd. Five American soldiers were kil­ slich relations ilnd cooperation Wll· the reasons for this are known til, But in' recognising the pl'ol~r­ the' l'ven.>xisting old and l'V('I- ;i11 of us here. F\lrthermOI ('. led and 'i€'V(l1l wuunded in the en­ uld help ~reale il South east ASlttrl l':"S In the area of spH-determ'~l­ increasing new rca Ii Ill'.... i... lWCI". With all tIll' lpl1sions that ex­ there is a \\'t:.,II·knowll. ~lllhl}ll~'h gagement. community of nations in which C'v­ (Ilion we must not t.he m'l· Th£' challl'nL.l"(' I~' tf) nlnke thl':'ll' Ist In th!' \\'(lTld and all the emo· Strategil:: air command 8·51 bo­ ery nation would be free to develup Il\lnS of people who sull lIve U'1­ an eel'1<11. inlegral ViI!'t I,f t-'vel'.\ tilln that. if allowed. can be in­ l mbers flew seven raids Saturday ni­ lir~ del' alien domination. Even Wlt l minule' of ('Vl'!'Y mall·... I!ft, PVl'1 \'. its own way of and would be \'Illved In tlur disC'ussions,of so ghl and Sunday dropping tons the dassic colonial po\~'ers g(IIl~" prob~ able to contribute (0 the orderly de­ - . where. many tens(' ilnd emotional of high exp!nsives un North Viet­ no matter what contment \\'t.' !\'lan hil~ sucl'l'l'{h·t! III disco,vl' 1('IIlS (lUI' ,1.1.1 patest rcsponsability velopment and security ('f the rl..' namcse troop positions and stotage gion:' maY have chqo.:pn fi'r nul' ('onfel'· rin" man's nE:'W cilpabilities. Hl~ IS \11 reso('ct qUI' oledge that this Weather Forecast . areas In Sou'h Vic=tnam's norrhern l'm:(' W(' would fll'H..i ourselve;; 0fl SUf';l.':-iS in thIS directIon is ever­ \'l'ar should be Human Rights The Iwo leaders no'cd Iheir plc.j. til' closl' to ll'lTltllry and peop:;' provinces. sure al being ablE' to find out !nor' Skies In tbe soutbern and sau­ int'!'c:lsint.: and 1;11' ('halilengl' Year.' That we must makt· great denied the right of self-det('rml' abuot each olhcr"s SOcIal and ~c·oI'. tbwestem regions will be clear no\\' i:-:; not ju:-;;t to h;IVI' more PI'IJ. political sanHices in lh(' lI1lerest natitlll l'Vf'n h:-' countnes that L:n'~s omil' advancemenl and agreed they and In tbe rest of the country in this kn()\\'!l'ug,e. It i:. Ilf mankind. This m('ans a cons­ I.lnn' J could derive much benefit by I1lUl­ 'will be cloudy, h:Jd bpcn \Indpr. cul"nl.l mClre. to ::ivl' thl .... i1lrl'ady \\'(11.' trul,tivc approach to the t'ommon . '. ha~i iJ~ Yestenlay tbc warmest area I'ul t and who sul1ered lIl: success a 1'('<,11 mL'Cllling till' problems of mankind as a whole. FRG Election llill exchanges of experience and iJ. was LaSbkargbah with higb of dpl' alien dominallon. dC'pths tIl' mUIl's life. It y; t'l We' al't' he 1'1..' tl) out I'lght "What cas in the field of economic develo. What can be more harmful to l 35 C. 95 'F. and the coldest area make his life really mcanmgfu 1:-. wrong" not l:1 s\ ress who is (Cofl/inuCLJ from page I) pment. They decided therefore, !II Salan~ the caUse of human nghts thil:l through thL' uttainn\l'lll and \\ ron.!.t.·· ing and want all foreign troops intensiry efforts to this end, p:.rtl­ was Nortb and South to flOd those who shuulci kno's with low of I C. 34 F. protection Ill' the rights he had off German soil· are now enscu­ l..'"ularly in development techniqul:';. bf'St. from experienct'. '~'hat It Today temperature in Kabul at bIrth but whir'll have bC{"1 With, ut "'ul'h s;"tl'l'ifln' .. aull I nCt..'d in seven out of to region::t: me'.ms tll be ueprived. hl'lhg 11'" in who knows lh·' w(' rill this we rpndcr our pa~1 Thl'ir previuus highest poll was Ye~tenlay's Temperature: ThiS IS my htlmhll' (lupcal I 10 lreat these children more uffc(­ the iJn.'cep1s by heart. but falls 3 III the Bremen election last Octo-' 22 C 12 C and prl'senl achievl ml'nts .an.! ,1111 l"t'nllnd...d (If th(' Persian sa­ tiona1cly. They should be assured Kabul to practice them. is like unto f1I1L' meamn~:­ 72 F 53 F our future endeilVoul'S \·1I1~'. "Yuu kOllw a good year bel' when thev took a 8,8 per Cent thai iheir tics can be cured and the\" who lights i.l lamp and then shuts 30 C 16 C II'S. i'nl;)l hn\\' beautifully the season share. have only .to be relaxed abuul it. Kandahar hiS l'Y~s.'~ 'Their Doll in other states wa"': 86 F 61 F It is noW time tu move fronl oj' suring ul,!gins.'" This ('(mferen­ But suppose "all countril's . il: Hesse 7.9 ppr cp.nt. Bavariu 7.4 The idea tha t the tks were caused 18 C 12 C ('(' 1:-' Ihl~ suring of thl' I-ruman Herat the wurld v,'ere to become po.11 t 1­ O1:Jking "great excuses" to mak­ because of s0rt:le organit· cause musl 64. 5 F 53 F Hlghl" ,veil!'. Rhinehnd Palatinate 6.9 Schle­ ~ven ing "great admissions"; from tb:.· be ruled out from tbe minds of these 33 C 9 C l'ally free. Let us conJul;e swig Holstein 5.8. Lower Saxony Jalalabad up u world in which all coun.­ st'lge of great possibilities. to that children. 91 'F 48 F of great certainities to dlsental~­ In this spring. Madame Presi. seven per cent. , nes become' not only free, b~l Last night's result was seen as Parent.s can do well to reduce the 23 C 12 C Ie from the succession of confu~, dent. "Let jud~cment run down Kunduz ecDnomically. developed. l~ thn~ a political turning point in West tension. in the house by presenting a 73 F 53 F ed subjective states to condi- as waters and righteousness as world let us suppose that IOtf'l'­ German history. with the first more favourable attitude and over­ 25 ·C 9 G tions of a new life. if only 10 a mighty stream:' as is ~~id i·n Mazare Sbarif nptional cooperation .,"'ere III looking some of the defects in these 77 F 48 F the book of Amos. 0\" all the de­ clear cracks appearing in the do­ .. reach a oeak: and all wars. ('old hope to survive. . children. 2i C 10 C liberations of ttxis gifted and int:.. minance of the two big parties. Gbazni Ignorance may be widesprc.Ju Difficulty a'rises when the 'chiJd 70 F 50 F and hot \vere to cease. But sup­ ellgent assembly \".'ill be a "melo- In the Weimar Rel)ublic. Ado­ pose, that in this highly develop· once cured uf. tics, have a reoccur: 22 C 10 C and may have prevailed thr­ dy of ou l' viols." . , If 'Hitler's National Socialists· Farah orld the rights of the tnd I oughout eternity, but no h~man made their gains at the expense ence when, he is put in some diffi­ 72 FSO'F e,d W t d' vidual were not protec e. . being lacks enlightment as to the Let me conl'ude with the eter­ of Conservative Parties. but' ,in cult situation: It certainly does not nally beautiful words of S' adii .~t. What kind of a world. WOUld violation of his rights and fret.... - Baden-Wuerttembel'li the big lo­ indicate the incurability of it bUI "f Shij·az. the great poel of all ~.' this be? What would peace. and, doms. . only an easy reccurance which e.m Pe~isian-Speaking ser was the Socia"! Democratic J • .wealth mean to the mdlvldual. In summatiun, M~i:iame Pre-' peoples, a Party, again be removed with proper all. It would be, a world gf prosper :­ sident. let me specify' that w,' great s.on of humanity and. your entio.n has taken place. ty without dignity. a w.orld In expect this Conference to concen­ beautiful country inspired by ----';------_._- which a man would remam a sl­ trate on the followinll goals: Mohammad. the Prophet of Is­ ave under the false flag of free: 1. A total comitment to b.rin:~ lam. (iOETHE INSTITUT d~m and independence. And. II action for the universalisa.tion of a~e presepts would be a very rragile peace, tn· Human Rights. It is the first im­ "The Sons of Adam limbs lJel'ative for this Conference and of one and the same body as the a lecture about ARIANA CINEMA: deed. This is surely not' the :vorld its only justification. clemenrs or Iheir creation are'. one At 1:30. 5:30. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. and the same, When one limb "Growing.conditions of, develo- pIng countrjes'~ , l·OInf.':~e";can and Englisb fIlm we. here. can take any part in 2. Urging ratification of tI'L legal instruments already adop.~ .. suffers pain, comfort 9ies in all· creating. We. in this Conference By 'af"",',-- , WORLDEMA: ' Room, should work toward the ed without any. delay, now III uther limbs. Either you are aw­ Prof. Dr, Said Scbarlf ScIJa,rllf on Wednesday, May 1. at 8 p.m. .._' , ' and 10 p.m. development of human rights for 1968. The Human Rights Yea:'. are of this reality or you are not a So.n of Adl'm. !E OF THE RIVER all. rights that transcend all 001', '3. Urging the adoption of nn ".rBI. internationally binding IOtl'll· Thank You, at Goetbe-Instltute, Kabul, Sbare- e- Nau AdmIssion free. ;,;, " . 11m deI'S while at the same time re- IIJ' " "