University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 4-29-1968 Kabul Times (April 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 32) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (April 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 32)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1732. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1732 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'to:" ., .. f •\ '. '. t . '. ' .. • ,. • w " FOR SH~ER llLTI DELIGHT .~\ • -.. , PRICE AF. 4 . VOL. ,VU; N.;.;;q...._32;......_----~-~------K~AB-UL, MONDAY, AP;RIL 29,,1968 (SAUR 9, 1347 S.H\_ His .Majesty ·Returns U.S. Rejects HO'me After Medical Phnom Penh; Check·up In Italy Warsaw A~ KABUL, April '29, (Bakhtar)-His Majesty Ihe King returned horne yesterday afternoon by sp-ecial plane .from Beirut where he Talks Sites spent. the night on his ~ay fromItaly to Kabul. His Majesty, dur­ 109 hIS 28 days of stay 10 Italyhad medical 'check up and 'recei­ WASHINGTON. April 29. (Reu­ ter.).--William P. Bundy, Assist~ ved treatment. His Majesty is now in perfeclhealth. ant Secretary of State for Far His Majesty's plane landed inKabul international airport at Eastern Affairs, yesterday firmly rejected 'Phnom Penh or Warsaw 4 p.m. as possible: si'es for peace con­ His Majesty was received near at the airport, His Majesty left tacts between the United States th... pfane by HRH Prince Ahmad for roy~l palace. His Majesty's and North Vietnam. Shah. HRH Princess Belqis. HRH cal'. escorted by motorcycles we­ Asked whether the Cambodian Prince Mohammad Nader. HRH re ,,'elcomed by thousands of pe­ I and Polish capitals had been com- Prince Mohammad Daoud Pash­ ople who had lined the two sides pletelY ruled. out. Bundy told te­ l.uonyar. HRH Marshal Shah Wali of the streets leVISion mterviewers. "We have ~f Khan Ghni. HRH Sardar Abdul Thousands students, offici­ made it <rulte clear that we sim­ als. and people lining at the two ply don't regard Phnom Penh or Wali. HRH Princess La.luma, ot­ \ W~rsaw her members of the royal family, sides of the roads waved and clapped as SUitable for the kind· Prime Minister Noor Ahmad Ee­ as His Majesty's motorcade passed, of contacts clearly enVIsaged bv emadl. the Chief Justice of the Yesterday morning, the Lebna­ both sides". Supreme Court Dr. Abdul Hakim "esc foreign minister. the chtef of Bundy dechned to comment on Ziayee. the presidents of the two protocol of the president of Leb­ whether Pans frequently menti­ houses of the parliament. the de­ anon. the chief of protocol of oned as a Dusslble compromise puty pTime ministers, the mmis­ the Lebanese ~orelgn ministry Slte, might be chosen. ter of national defence, the mi01­ went to the Samt George hotel lie reiterated Amencan ob)ect­ lOns to Warsaw a'" lack of an lm­ ,ster of Interior, the governor of where His Majesty spent the ni­ Kabul. the ambassador of Italy ght and accomapne,ld HIS Majes­ partial atmosphere and cited Po­ and Sarciar Rahmatullah the SOil ty to the airport lISh military aid to North Viet­ of the late king Amanuilah HIS Majesty accompanied by nam as an mdlcallon of that na­ The offiCials and the large cro­ the foreign minister of Lebanon \Ion·... partisanship in the war wd at the airport expressed deli­ inspected a guard of honour and Asked whethcr the United Sta­ Ilht at His Majesty's recovcry a fter saYing goodbye to the hl~n tes had made arrangements with After shaking hands with tho­ rankmg orriclals of Lebanon dnd the Saigon government for Sou­ ulh Vletnamese representat:ves se near the plane, His Majesty. Ihe Afghan ambassador )n Cairo to be' pres("nt in any cllY chosen accompanied by the Minister of and Beirut left for Kabul by a National Defence General Khan special plane. for talks. Bundy replied that the US wanted to leave that POSSI­ Mohammad inspected a guard of Earlier, 111 Rome airport. the bility opcn. althOugh Just what honour Afghan charge dc·affairs. and HIS Majesty later shook hanns members of the Afghl\.n embassy. each nation wished to do had not WI th the members of the cabinet, members of the late king Aman­ yet been fully deCided. Bundv dCfended the United generals of the royal at'my, dip­ ullah family. Afghan students, lomats, judges. members of the and the chief of protocol of the Slates otTer of Geneva as a POSSI­ parliament and high rankIng of­ preSident of Italy and the hil!h ble talks site and discounted a suggestion that Hanoi was oppo­ ficials and eiders of the city. ranking Italtan military officials ---~-- After acceptmg the warm feel­ were present. sed to that city because of its feeling It had been cheated fol­ ings expressed by those present His Majesty tbe King talks to His Majesty's tnp to Italy took His Royal Highness Marshal u.S. Loses 17 Helicopters lowing the Geneva accords that 28 days. His Majesty IInderwent Shah Wali Khan on arrival at partitioned Vietnam. medical check up and treatment Kabul airport yesterday. In A Shau Valley Battle Mean\vhlle. Hanoi's offiCial m Rome and Florence. His Maje­ newspaper Nhan Dan yesterday Pazhwak Notes sty spent sometImes In the ch­ 1\ SA AU VALLEY, South Vietnam, lIl\tl-<l.Ircraft grId like that guardwg .- rCl'eraled Its of-repeated call nir of hIS attendmg physician ---- --------- April 2Y. (Reuter).-Amcrican anu some of ihClf towns. KABUL, Api'll 29. IBakhtar) trucks for the United States to agree on Afghan-Irani Dr. Seaglietti. South YlclIlamesc troOPs are sweep' Reconnaissance pilots saw The development budget of the In the Phnom Penh or Warsa\\' as the through this lush 22-mlle valley. :lOd underground warehouses The Brttish eYe speCialist. Dr. Supreme Court for the current ing slcel site for preliminary peace talks Friendship At Fayson who has also checked .held for the past two years by (he ,alley. some built. under the on the Vietnam war. Afghan year and the views. of the l"orth Vietnamese. mailing of the three airstrips. Rights Meeting His Majesty's eYes in Kabul. in­ Budgetary and Financial Affairs An editorial in the offiCial or­ spected HIS Majesty's ey'es In the The battle into which the ArnE"- America"s massive 8-52 bombers gan. quoted by the North Viet­ KABUL, April 29. (Bakhtar).­ committee, of the Senate 10 this Florence university clinic. regard \vere discussed by the Se­ [leans have thrown their best divi- returned to the area round Saigon nam news agency, again charged Abdul Rahman Pazhwak. the Afgh­ All of His Majesty's 'medlcal sian-the first air cavalry-is rag- IIJ blasl Viet Cong troops and ste- Wash1Jlgton With delaying con­ an Ambassador··lo the United Na­ nate yesterday. check ups and treatment have ing over Ihis mOst formidable gut:· rage pOSitions less than 30 miles tacts tions and the head of the Afghan Senator Abdul .Hadl. Dawi pre­ been concluded satisfactorily. rilla stronghold m Soulh Vietnam. Ihc capItal. lt stated that since PreSident Delegation to the Untted Nations Another report says that Her Sided. The House of Representa­ On the first day the American~ The 9 uam-baS(.(j' strato fortresses tives in Its meeting· yesterday Johnson declared the U.S.'s rea- Human Rights Conference in Teh­ Majesty the Queen IS continuing l~st 17 helicopters. It was Ihe black- blasted targets northeast of Saigon ran arflved here ye~terday. chose the members of the Commi­ cimess to "send its representa- with her treatment in a MUnich est day in the history of the first air and the Bien Hoa air base in the la- tives to any forum," the Amen­ Ambassador Pazhwak 'who atten­ ttee on Trade. cavalry since It came Ill, Vlclnam in lest of series of raids on gucrnJ- hospttal and will remam there dlscu~sed ,I C:Ins _had stepped up their war ded the opening meetings of Human for some more time. Her medical It later on a part of early 1965, \ . ia positIOns round the capital. the investigatIOn report of the efforts in North and South Viet­ R,.ights Conference IS here on vaca­ treatment IS successfully contm- The operation was announced in Amerlcan and South Vietnamese N aghlu project. nam. tion. uing. Saigon last ntght flint' days afler tIOOPS_ have killed 30 Viet Cong The U.S government had also In his speech as the head of Af­ it began. An Amcrlcan military spo- \ in two 'fierce clashes ncar Saigon, <t "increasmgly shown its lack of gh'anistan delegation at thc Tehran kesman dcscnbcd it 8S a reconnaiS-j'nllli.tary spokesman reported. goodWIll" In arrangmg a first conference Ambassador ~zhwak sance 111 force. Sixteen guerrillas chnging to their meeting. said the election of Princess Ashraf . He said It was proceeding succcs- enlrenched po~itions threatening the presiden~ e as of the Conference was sfully. But many detalis were ~lOg • <CIHI'II1IU d Otl p('Ke 41 "an occasion wor1hy of our heart­ held for security reason~ --------- ------.- -_._-- -.~,.----.- ---- felt congratulations". ThIS valley IS a funnel bringing .. It IS espeCIally heartwarming to ID Malaysia Express Belinf North Vlc'namesc truops out of)lJ.urma . It ~ the delegation of Afghanistan that a de­ Laos and mto South VIetnam It I S th t A .
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