' - * V-- NET PRESS BUN t h e WBATHSa reneut bf O. «. Wrethw B«rM«, AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION New Beece for the month of Febnxai7 , 1920 increasing cloudiness with Ui^t 5,284 showers and ri^ g temperatnre; Member ot the Audit Bsrcav ot Friday showers followed by ftdr and Clrcalattoue subtly colder.

VOL. XLIII., NO. 133. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANGHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. FOURTEEN TAGES PRICE THREE CENTS ______—L," - VARIOUS EPISODES IN MARSHAL FOOTS LIFE A L L M O U R N I BLAST IN MINE AT BIER OF TRAPS A HUNDRED G E N . F O C H AS MANY ESCAPE Highest Honors to Be Paid MOTHER EARTH First Reports 500 Were Generalissimo of Killed— Many Come Out Allied Armies. I S S T D i m of Shaft Miles Away from

Paris, March 21— The fun­ F 0 R _ ^ Y E F Main» Entrance Which eral of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, France's famous soldier, Caused Wild Reports; Red will be held on Tuesday, it was Scientists Predict That officially announced this after­ Cross Crews Rushing to noon by General Weygand, the World is Destined for Bil­ late marshal’s chief of staff. the Rescue. Paris, March 21 — The highest lions of Years Before honors the French republic can confer upon a passing warrior and Kinloch Mine, Near Parnassus, national hero will mark the fun­ “ Big F ro s f Arriyes. Pa., March 21.— With 150 of the eral of'Marshal Ferdinand Foch. 250 men caught Imtbe recesses of generalissimo of the allied armies the Kinloch mine of the Valley at the end of the Great War, who Washington, March 21— By all Camp Coal Company by an explo­ died late yesterday. the geological and astronomical sion, safely above ground. Federal, Attired in the field uniform of a Equations, Old Mother Earth Is yet Marshal of France, the body lay at destined for billions of years of State and company officials confer­ rest today while a steady stream of red this afternoon as to the most notables visited the Foch home to existence before the cold descends, extend their condolences to the as the glaciers of the frigid zones, effective way of conducting rescue widow. 1— A recent photo of .Mai-shal Foch, taken at an iinjMntant inilitaiy conference; 2— ^Foch as a schoolboy of 12 in Southern France; 8— Foch and General Pershing on former’s slowly creeping onward, freeze operations in the blast torn mine Marshal Joffre, the hero of the visit to New York; 4— Foch, Pershing and Howard W, Savage (center), American Legion commander, in Legion parade in Paris; 5— ^Foch and Pei-shing when latter visited his chateau away the last vestiges of terrestial for the 100 still missing. First Battle of the Marne, and in Bi’ittany, Pershing holding Foch’s little grandaughter; 6— Mayor Hylan greeting Foch on aixival in New York. life. Nearly seven hours after a belt Myron T. Herrick. United States As viewed from the knowledge of Ambassador to France, called at the geological past— from the be­ conveyor was believed to have brok­ noon. King Albert of Belgium, who ginning of the disimentary age en, plunging down the mine slope served under Marshal Foch as com­ when rain began to fall— the pos­ and generating the fatal spark, mander of the Belgian Army, tele­ PICTURESQUE CEREMONY I LAWYERS RUSH 1 HARDING A LOYAL FRIEND sibility is remote but that the only one body had been found with­ graphed that he would arrive this earth will, do anything hwt meet “ a afternoon to express in person his natural death.” in the mine, and 150 men had made sorrow over the passing of the not­ AT NORWEGIAN WEDDING TO m OUT BUT WAS HIS OWN BOSS But there are possibilities — tbflr way to safety through the ed soldier. rotesquely remote, but yet exist-! connecting entry of the Valley Persliing Present ent— that before these billions of Gen. John J. Pershing, com­ years cool the earth and still all Camp mine several miles from the mander of the American expedi­ Crown Prince Olaf of Nor­ BOOZEjELLER living beings— there will cotne a scene o f the explosion. tionary force in T rance, and Mar­ SLEUTH’S BULLETS Former Attorney General ^CAUGHT IN MACHINE sudden termination of life. Rescue Teams shal Petain, anothjsr famous French They were outlined today by Dr. Two fresh rescue teams entered military strategist, arrived at the "William Bowie, eminent scientist, Foch home together. Beginning be­ way Married to Princess Reveals Some More About iSAVEDBYWORKMAN the workings this afternoon while MISS LOCAL MAN Attorneys in Various Cities of the United States Coast and Geo­ George Mccaa, Federal Bureau o f fore daybreak a mighty crowd be­ detic Survey. Dr. Bowies said: gan to gather in the street before Mines attache, superintendent ot Marthe, of Sweden; Na­ His Relations With the ___ “ If the earth should move very the wrecked mine, and W. J. Mc­ the Foch home. The men and wom­ Declare Jones Act is Too far away from the sun or go suffi­ en making up this multitude were Gregor, state mine inspector, con­ ciently close, rain would cease, or ferred as to the most effective way orderly and filled with reverent tion Has Holiday. Earl W. Howell, Arrested in Late President. Hilliard Co. Employe Has would be modified greatly, and con­ respect, but they filled the thor­ Severe— Call it “A Force of reaching the entombed men. ditions might he so changed as to None of the 150 men who es­ oughfare from side to side making make life impossiblfe. Our obser­ traffic impossible. As the throng New York, Fails in At­ Narrow Escape When caped were much the worse for Oslo, March 21.— In one of the BiU;^ EDITOR’S NOTE:— This is the vations, however, show no Indica­ their experience, and this led offi­ continued to swell Police Perfect third and final article based on tion of any material change in the Chiappe went to the scene in per­ most elaborate and picturesque cials to hope that many of the men tempt to Escape. an exclusive Interview with Har- Arm is Lacerated. yearly average distance between still entombed had "butressed them­ son to direct the handling of the ceremonies ever staged in this his­ lY M. Daugherty. In previous the sun and the earth. crowds. toric capital, Crown Princa Olaf; New "York, March 21.— The Jones selves away in the spacious recess­ articles Daugherty defended his "It would be difficult to visualize es of the mine, afraid to seek the -VJ JOO Police Guardians 1 Enforcement Act— which sends a of Norway, heir to the throne of his record as attorney general as how anything within the earth entries because of fear of gas or One hundred policemen w'ere Earl W. Howell, Manchester .well as the character of the late Catching his fingers in a coni could make it liquify or explode. massed along the sidewalk in front fathers, was married in the Church man to prison for a possible five flame. of Our Saviour, today, to Princess I YOung man, wanted by Rockville President "Warren G. Harding un­ pressing machine late yesterday The earth is too old, too stable. of the house. years for violating the prohibition Start Investigation Marthe, of Sweden. { police for theft of automobile sup- der whom he served. afternoon as lie tried to grab the ^ No Danger of Crash While the leaders conferred, Gen. Weygand, chief of staff to law— goes on trial today. "Nor does it appear that any dis­ Marshal Foch. a life-long friend Thousands of people, who had pHes from cars parked outside of end of the warp as it fell towards three Westmoreland county com­ made the pilgrimage to Oslo from Michel Feldodorff, charged with Sarasota, Fla., March 21.— Harry, turbance caused by the passage of the late marshal and a comrade the Vernon Center Gr. j\ge hall re­ the floor, John H. Larrabeo of SS missioners prepared to begin their all parts of Scandanavia to witness selling a glass of whiskey, is the M. Daugherty, attorney-general in near the earth of some other hea­ investigation Into the cause of the in arms, dressed in civilian clothes, cently, was arrested in New York Strant street, employed at the E. venly’ body could do more than dis­ sat in lonely vigil throughout the the ceremony, thronged the streets first man to face a jury under the the Cabinet of the late President blasts They were Elliott L. Hibhs, outside, while A the beautiful City today and made a futile at­ Warren G. Harding, pictured Mr. E. Hilliard Company, had his left tort a portion of the surface, or James F. Torrence and John Kil­ new law and will go down in alco­ cause tremendous, ocean tides. (Continued on Page 3.) church a distinguished assembly of tempt to escape. Harding as “ a loyal friend and a arm drawn underneath, the 400 gore, and they were to be aided by guests watched the future Nor­ holic folklore as the lad who took great president” in an exclusivesin- “ Of course, a,condition such as While on his way to the Tombs pound weight right to the shoulder Abner H en./ aqd Fred Trachner of wegian king plight his troth at the a chance. A plea of guilty would terview with International News that might destroy life but It would the district attorney’s office. altar to the beautiful dark haired to await extradition proceedings, Service at his winter home here to­ before the machine could he turn- seem that when the disturbance have given him but a six months Rescue teams from all parts of Swedish girl. Howell attempted to trip Detective day. He also reminisced on his long ’ ed off by Richard Moonan, a fellow passed the earth would still he the western Pennsylvania, numbering MUCH OPPOSITION The wedding was followed by a Jeremiah J. Murphy and tlien slug­ sentence, according to the promise associated v.dtli Mr. Harding', workman. same size and shape. 190 picked men, were on hand this state luncheon at the royal palace, ged him. In doing so, Howell broke of the court, while a conviction aft­ and related several incidents re­ Taken To Hospital “ Since we have had conditions afternoon to aid in the search. almost N similar for over a billion which was presided over by King away. Murphy pulled his revolver er _ _a jury __ trial opened a defendant vealing the .vital part he played in Larrahee was rushed to the While physicians and nurses set Haakon and the Queen and was at­ Harding’s career. hospital where an X-ray disclosed years there is no reason for sup­ “ to the'iimiL up quarters in the machine shop AGAINST PROTOCOL tended by many royal visitors from none of the bullets took effect. “ Harding was like a younger that no bones were broken. He was posing that conditions might arise near the pit mouth this afternoon, all parts of Europe. The displo- Headed by Frederick R. Coudert, brother to me,” said Daugherty, as then taken to his home where Dr. on the earth in the next 100,000.- waiting for any injured to be matic corps, the Norwegian Cabinet, Is Recaptured Jr., a “ Personal Liberty Commit­ he recalled “ the old days” when he G. A. F. Lundberg treated the 000 or billion years that could de­ brought up, they had little to do so members of Parliament and many A traffic patrolman caught Howell tee” composed of prominent law­ and Mr. Harding were both in laceration. At the first examination, stroy life, unless some wandering far. None of the 150 men who es­ other distinguished quests. Covers a short distance away as ‘ he was yers, have rallied to the defense politics in Ohio. “ I enjoyed every when the arm was badly swollen, it celestial body might pass close to President WiD Have Difficul­ us. Such an eventuality is so re­ caped* suffered injuries, the only were laid for 400 guests in all. dashing madly for freedom. The at­ of Mike the Martyr. Coudert has minute of my association with him. looked as though the injury was men rushed to the Citizens’ Gener­ Ih-oops Along Route. tempted break took place as the been appointed by Federal Judge He was the most charming man I severe. This morning the swelling mote that it need be given no seri­ al hospital. New Kensington, being ty in Getting Senate to 0. Thousands of troops, including pair were rounding a street corner Coleman to represent the defendant ever knew. We had one big fight— had reduced in size although still ous consideration.” those injured when the flames de­ the whole garrison of Oslo, guarded after leaving the Criminal 4lourts as counsel. and only one. But .1 won’t tell you very painful. However it will be stroyed the tipple and outside fan the route from the palace to building. “A Force Bill” what It was about.” some time before Mr. Larrabee_wiU-r^ house. The “ Personal Liberty Commit­ K. World Court. church. A squadron of cavalry in , Howell was picked up by New Harding, Own Boss be able, tp return, to work, as he State troopers from Greensburg full dress uniform was stationed Y’ork authorities through informa­ tee” termed the Jones bill a “ force cannot use the arm at all. Daugherty was asked to reveal the COOUDGE CONFERENCE barracks patrolled the valley in outside the church. tion forwarded by the Manchester bill” and declared that “ the pre­ He has been employed at the which the mine lies, keeping back Crown Prince Olaf arrived at the Police Department. posterous penalties authorized by extent, of hi.s influence with the late Washington, March 21.— Presi­ president, and this was his reply: plant for over eight years and this the hundreds of anxious relatives church in an automobile with the Howell is a carpenter by trade. the bill are un-American and wholly is the only time he has had an ac­ BEHIND CLOSED DOORS who stood in silent suspense, await­ dent Hoover will face serious dif­ Duke of York, son of King George incompatible with the spirit of our “ They thought because I was At one time he lived on Cooper Hill close to PresidenLHarding and had cident. Old employees said that this ing word from inside the mine. ficulty in securing Senate approval of England. He immediately en­ street. He has been in police court institution.” Senator. Jones, author is the first time an accident of this When word Ti ent out that one body of the new World Court proctocol, tered the church and took his place of the bill, was quoted as saying on helped him in his political rise-that had been seen inside the mine, the here before. Once he was chat'ged I was the last word. I was in some sort'occurred. The fact that the arm Meets Three Men at New York based on Elihu Root's terms of at the left side of the altar. with non-support. He is the same was pressed into the.'soft wool and news was greeted with silence. Princess Marthe was accompanied (Continued on Page 8) things, but Mr. Harding was a man Hotel But Gives Out No In­ American adherence, it was appar­ young man who several months ago not into a hard surface, saved Lar- It may be tours and. even days to the church by her father, who with a mind of his own. No one before the rescue crews can reach ent today. “ borrowed” a truck from Perrett & rabee from having the bones crush­ formation. . escorted her to the altar, followed Glenney’s garage off Summit street would be appointed agaipst my pro­ ed. all the inner r ecesses o f the mine Although League of Nations i by the bride’s maids. without permission. At that time FAINTING WOMAN test, but Harding-selected his own where there is a possibility that- Democrats, lead by Senators Walsh Bishop Lunde -preached a brief he got off with a reprimand from Cabinet. New York, March 21.— Behind men have barricaded themselves. ' (D) of Montana, and Swanson (D) sermon then read the Norwegian Judge Raymond A. Johnson. “ I alVays stood for the President closed doors at the Hotel Commo­ of "Virginia, have endorsed the Root Episcopal and Lutheran nuptial It was only a short time ago that against his Cabinet if he was right, dore, Calvin Coolidge, former presi­ Kinloch Mine, Near Fasnassus, terms in substance, the old Irrecon­ rituals. he was arrested for non-support. SAW BOY DROWN and for the President and the Cabi­ FEDERALS EXECUTE dent of the United States today Pa., March 21.— Through fiacre cilable group threaten warfare Bishop’s Blessing. While in the cell at the Police net against Congress if they were transacted “ strictly private busi­ and smoke, rescue crews battled against the new pact. In view of The couple made their vows, then Headquarters here, Howell became right, and for Congress and the ness” with three men who called on their way forward in a desperate the fact that the Senate ratified the knelt to receive the bishop’s bless­ despondent and attempted to com- President and the Cabinet If they him and his close friend, Frank J. effort to reach more than 100 compact originally only after the ing. i mit suicide by slashing his wrists Invalid Just Out of Hospital, were all right.” GENERAL AGUIRRE Stearns. miners believed still trapped in tlie Coolidge administration accepted Upon leaving the church the ' with a broken tumbler. His efforts Discusses Old Days Report had It that he is here to Kinloch mine of the Valley Coal five reservations— one of which the Crown Prince and his wife passed were frustrated by Chief Samuel G. Discussing the “ old days” when discuss forming a connection with Company, wrecked at 7:45 a. Root terms would emasculate— the under an archway of swords held Gordon. Physicians examined him | and Three Tots Helpless Mr. Harding was United States some prominent firm— electric rail­ today by an explosion. Irreconcilable opposition may block aloft by young naval and military and found him mentally unbalanced I Senator from Ohio, Daugherty said Rebel Chief Cooly Faces R r- ways, insurance and banking, all O. F. Taylor, superintendent ot a second ratification. friends of Olaf. Howell was committed to .the state' he was convinced at that time that were mentioned—rbut no confirma­ the Hinloch mine, said that of the Borah’s Declaration. The ceremony, which links the hospital at Norwich. i to Aid Gilbert Child. Harding was of presidential calibre, tion could be obtained. 250 men he believed to have been On the heels of a declaration by HO said he made a tour of the coua- ing Squad After He Is Cap: A special policeman walked post in the mine when the blast let go, Senator William E. Borah (R ) of (Continued on Page 3) Freed From Asylum try-feeling out sentiment and re­ in the hallway. 145 miners already had made their Idaho, that the "World Court is an Mr. Coolidge occupies a suite Howell was detained at the In­ How strange a set of' circum­ turned to "Washington and talked tp way out through the connecting “ attorney general’s department of a Harding. Then Mr. Harding made hired. which costs $25 a day or more than i’ sane asylum for 15 days. During stances kept the drowning of little Valley Camp mine entry nearby, political institution (the League of this period of observation, officials several speeches and Daugherty half'the monthly rental of his 542 and that others were believed on Nations).’’ Senator Hendrik Ship- nCHTlNG AT MAZATLAN reached the conclusion that there Ernest Gilbert from becoming gen­ studied-their effect. a month home at Northampton, their way to the surface. stead (F-L) of Minnesota, announc­ was no need of holding the Man­ erally known yesterday was not dis­ “ Harding and I were talking in Mexico City, March 21— General Mass. The full force of the explosion ed he would oppose the Root terms The former president Is expected chester man any longer. Conse­ closed until today. Sevcn-year-old my deu In Washington at 2 o’clock Jesus M. Aguirre, 'leader of the struck near the base of the shaft, Shipstead warned that the United Mexico City, March 21.— All re­ quently, he was freed. It was Russell Graham, who afterward in the morning and he asked me, to return to Northampton tomor­ sending out a shaft of smoke and States was being dragged into the ports reaching the presidency from shortly after this that Howell be­ went home and in his terror and with some-doubt in his voice if I revolutionary movement In Vera row night. flame, and apparently trapping a League of Nations “ inch by inch’’ Sinaloa today indicated that Gen. came mixed up in the "Vernon Cen­ bewilderment said nothing about really thought he should for Cruz, cooly faced a firing squad at group roughly estimated at one and that the new Root terms for Francisco Manzo, rebel leader, but ter fracas. Articles valued at 5300 the tragedy, was not the only per- the highest office in the land,” Almagress early today and died like CAPONE GREETS FRIENDS. third of the total number of men the World Court were but another formerly federal military command* were stolen from automobiles pair­ soh who witnessed the drowning. Daugherty related. the soldier he was. who had just entered the mine at step toward the destruction of er of Sinaloa, is starting an offensive ed about the hall in which the Unluckily, though there wiere four “ I said to him: 'If it were I I’d Aguirre had bhen' captured at Chicago, March 21.—-“ Scarf ace the day shift. American sovereignty. with the eventual objective'of cap- Grange meeting was being held. other on-loOkers, three of them go into the big circus.’ , A^uacatillo, In the southern part Al” Capone, visitoy in Chicago at Made "Way Out The Roo^ terms would effect only i turing Guadalajara. Howell came to the hall In an were tiny children and the fourth “ He replied: ‘I’m going to do just of Vera‘‘Cruz, late yesterday, Th* the request of federal prosecutors, Two of the three groups into the fifth American reservation, out­ The attack upon Mazatlan. which automobile, it is alleged, ransacked a woman convalescent, only just as you say, Harry.’ few troope who had remained loyal .spent a busy day today in a luxuri­ which the mine was divided made lawing all advisory opinions by the began last night and is proceeding the caps, taking blankets, coats and out Y)f the hospital after an opera­ “ I said: ‘You ,can’t do as I say. to him to the end put up a brief ous suite of a south side hotel their way back from the scene of court on questions affecting Ameri­ fiercely tpday, is the initial step in automobile parts, and then fled in tion and so weakened by. recent ill­ I don’t want the responsibility.* battle against his Federal pursuer. greeting friends and followers. the blast to a connecting entry in can interests. Root devised a new Manzo’s campaign. the car he was driving. Up until ness that after a.futile effort to , “ So Hardftig made his own der In the affray, Gen Mgnuel Aleman, Capone had nothing to say for the Valley Camp mine and it la be­ plan for arbitration of disputes Gen. Plutarco Elias Calles, field today, police had searched in vain render aid to tlie drowning child cision.” of; the Federal army,* was killed. publication.' lieved that most of these are, safe; over such questions, with America commander of the federal armies, for him. Howell is about 25 years she collapsed jyid was only just Daugherty said that It was he ”;Under orders 'from President After a hectic session yesterday The last third, nearest the shaft,^ permitted to withdraw from the has ordered 6,000 soldiers to pro­ old and pretty well known about able to drag herself away from the. who suggested to Harding that tt)e Fortes (5U and War Secretary before the Grand Jury, Capone may be trapped by flames and this* court in event her wishes were ceed at top speed for Mazatlan to town. scene. The identity of this woman latter should advocate prohibition Calles, Gen. Miguel M. Acosta, Fed­ "went into retirement until Tuesday group is expected to jrield the over-ruled. - ‘ succor the beleaguered federal gar­ Before Howell can be returned to has been carefully covered up by and woman suffrage. He revealed eral commander in the. state of when he again must face a barrage casualties. Bone of Contention. rison. this state, it will be necessary for friends who fear that adequate al­ this upon declining to give his Vera Cruz, convened a summary of questions ‘concerning gangland Of the 145 who made their way “ It is the court’s advisory juris­ These reinforcements, undef Gen. either Rockville or Manchester lowance might not be made by the views on prohibition and dry en~ court martial , immediately after conditions to Chicago, with which i out, the large majority were un- diction which makes the trouble,” Lazardo Cardenas, were detached police to go to Albany for extradi­ public for hfer physical condition forceme(it. - lAgulrre’s capture. The court martla.1 .he said lie "teas not familiar. hurt. said Borah. “ If the court simply from the army ot the north at tion papers which will have to be and'that she might be blamed for • “ I was author of the resolution found the rebel commander guilty The first two vlcUoit o f the ex­ exercised judicial functions and Torreon and rushed southward to signed by Governor Franklin D, not having eet up an alarm. She that committed the Republican of high treason. . , TREASURY BALANCE plosion to be recovered were found arbitral functions, there would be Zacatecas and Irapuato. They were Roosevelt. Upon his return here, is, however, said to be a Bpstonian Party to prohibition in Ohio,” said Aguirre accepted his fate calmly near the tipple; They, were'taken no hesitancy about joining it and under orders to proceed westward Howell will be taken to Rockville temporarily living-in the vicinity of Dauigherty. “ Harding was chair- stating that he. was. perfectly willing Washington, March 21. — Trea- to th® Kensington General from those two points, via Guadala where he will be arraigned for trial suiy balance March 19: 5404,617,- Continyed on Page T) jara. on charge of theft. (Contiuued on page 2 )' (Continued on Page 8.) (Continued on Paj^e iU) 710.10. (Continn^d oa ’AGE O T O : MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1929.

im O LO G Y EXPERT The Butterfly and Her Ra (coo)coon! FAINTING WOMAN OBITUARY i: ARRESTED IN HARTFORD SAW BOY DROWN Local Stocks N.Y.Stook^

Is Bound Over to Higher Court (Famished by Putnam ft Co.) (Continued from Page One) Bid AskM AlllediChem ...... 281 On a False Pretense Charge. DEATHS Am Bosch ...... 68% V; Bank Stocks. Center Springs Park and only re­ Bankers Trust Co .. 320 __ Am Can ...... ' 1 2 6 , Hartford, Conn., March 21.— Carl Jonas W. ■\Varreii cently discharged' from Memorial City Bank and Tr ..1600 — Am Car ft F d y ...... -101VI Lindberg, 37, of Boston, who re­ Jonas William Warren, 74, a di­ / kospital after a major operation. Cap Nat B&T ..... 415 — Am Loco ...... ‘ 117% cently lectured before Kiwanis, rect descendant of Joseph W’arren, Walking with Children Conn River 400 — • AmPow&JLit...... 168% Rotary and Lions clubs here on the Revolutionary war general, killed w Yesterday this woman, seeking First Bond & Mtg . . 43 — Am Tel ft Tel ...... 215 subject of Criminology, was today at the Battle of Bunker Hill, died / the restoratlA’e of exercise in the Htfd-Conn Trust Co . — 700 Ain Tob ...... 176 bound over for trial In the Superior Wednesday evening at the home of fresh air, ventured on a short walk Anaconda...... 173% 'l First Nat Htfd .... 280 300 Atchison ...... 200 Court and held In default of |5,000 his son-in-law, J. Clarke Baker of in Center Springs Park. She took Land Mtg and Title — 60 to answer a charge of obtaining 67 Comstock Road, after a brief alouig with her the two little chil­ Morris Plan Bank .. 200 — Atlantic R e f ...» ...... '64% ' money under false pretences. illness. dren of Mrs. Eldred McCabe of 115 Balt ft Ohio...... 126% Russell street, the elder of whom, New Britain Tr .... 225 250 Llndberg was arrested when he He leaves his wife and a son and Phoenix St B&T . 575 — Beth Steel...... 106%* Robert, is only five years old, and Can P a c ...... ^ ...... 247% collected money from a chain store daughter. The son, Albert, resides Park St. Bank ,...1 1 0 0 — here ostensibly for a Bos­ in Los Angeles. His daughter is the another little boy, George Tedford, C M ft St Paul...... 35% , also five years old. Riverside Trust .... 710 — Cons Gas .... i...... '107%' ton or charitable organization. An wife of J. Clarke Baker. West Htfd Trust . . . 400 — officer of the organization testified Funeral services will be held on Tl\,is little group, so the woman Corn P rod...... -86 told friends afterward, had reached Bunds. ^lupont ...... y 1851^ in Police Court today that Lindberg Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock Htfd & Conn West, 95 — was not authorized to collect lor from Watkins Funeral parlors. In­ a point, near the roadway at the Erie ...... ' 71% dam when she saw at some distance East Conn Pow 5s . 100 102 Gen Elec ...... 233 that institution. Police then an­ terment will be in the East ceme­ Conn L P 7 s . 116 119 nounced Llndberg had made sim­ tery. Rev. Watson Woodruff will on the shore of Center Springs Gen Motors ...... 90%' Pond, two small boys one of whom Conn L P 5 i,s s - 105 107^2 Int Harv ...... 108VI ilar collections In New York, al­ officia^te. Conn L P 4% s . . . . 98 100 ways approaching managers of a The deceased came to Manches­ had evidently been w’ading for he Int Nickel ...... was putting on his'^shoes. She saAv Brid Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Kennecot ...... 101,%* chain store as he had done here. ter from Los Angeles about a year Insurance Stocks. Lindberg waived examination. i ago. He is a native of New England bne of the little fellows start to Mack Truck ...... ; . 107% cross the ice, break through and Aetna Casualty, ....1 9 2 0 1960 - having been born in Stow, Mass. Aetna Insurance___ 805 820 Marland O il...... f’K- I disappear. Miami Copper ...... 21%' MORE FLOODS y There was no one within caUing Aetna L i f e ...... 1335 1350 hlo Pac ...... 81 I distance and it was impossible' for Automobile ...... 630 645 N Y Central ...... 187% \ FUNERALS the woman to run, in her weakened Conn G e n ...... 2250 — New Haven ...... Chicago, March 21.— After a state, but she hurried as best she Htfd F ir e ...... 1055 1070 New;Haven Pfd ...... night of apprehension in which Ml’S. Helen Gleason Gibbs could toward the place where the Htfd Steam Boiler . 850 — North Am C o ...... 102% hundreds of men patrolling the Funeral services will be held to­ Gilbert boy had broken through, Lincoln Nat Life . . . 140 150 Packard ' ...... '138 dikes watched the swirling Mis­ morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock for taking her litle companions with National 1475 1525- Penn R R ...... 76%., sissippi river rise to within a few Mrs. Helen G. Gibbs, widow of Mar­ her. She picked up a long stick, Phoenix ...... 1040 1060 Post Cer 70 inches of the flood stage, dawn to­ shall S. Gibbs, who died at the home when she reached the nearest point Travelers ...... 1900 1925 Prsd Stl Car ...... 22 day found the mighty "Father of of her daughter, Mrs. Bessie G. on the bank, and tried to trust it Public Utility Stocks Pullman ...... 84Vs \ Waters" and the Missouri river Peters, 37 Deerfield Avenue, Tues­ within reach of the child but the Conn Elec S v e ...... 108 115 Radio (New) ...... able farmlands, and their homes. TRAPS A HUNDRED rushed to Ihe surface when the ex­ mine tipple frames the charred grasped at the thought that he The Iowa and Skunk rivers rose plosion shook the pit in which they shaft. was coming to the rescue and Automatic Refrig . . 10 — nounced today the appointment of steadily during the night and resi­ were working. Avould save the boy in the water. Auto R e fr ig ...... 10 — an American committee of business Within the mine, roughly two nfen for the exposition to be' open­ dents of the lowlands faced a new tContinaed from Page 1.) S:vo Jliles Away miles by one mile in size, small IP and faint, she gathered her little Acme Wire ...... 26 30 peril today. Convicts were fur­ Several miles from the main charges together and started for Bigelow.Htfd, com . 100 104 ed at Barcelona. Spain, May 15 by groups of rescue men, masked and do pfd ...... 100 —- King Alfonso. nished from Fort Madison, Iowa, to heading, they were unable to bring equipped with every modern mode home. hospital, where a cursory examina­ BARB Bristol Brass ...... 37 40 The epmmiftee will be composed augment the force of men patrol­ tion showed them to be suffering word as to the fate of the entomb­ of fighting fire and gas, move slow­ Unluckily th-e niau in his shirt ling the levees. Seven thousanl ed men. sleeves was on some other errand do pfd ...... 108 — of Alfred Sloan, head of General from burns'and shock. ly into the grim interior, groping Motors; Major Gen. James G. Har- acres near Wapello were in danger One explanation of the disaster their way through -wreckage. The and knew nothing of the drowning, Case, Lockwood & B 400 — They were identified as Charles Collins Co ...... —• 160 bord, retired, 6f the Radio Cort?or- of being flooded. Hemphill, 28, of Parnassus. Hemp­ which reached officials was that fire apparently has subsided within The annual catch of whales in nor did he come near to the pond. the belt of a coal conveyer at the At the McCabe home Robbie told Colt’s Firearms .... 38 40 ation; L. Osborne, of Westing- hill, a mechanic, and "William Tay­ the ia3cesses of the mine. the Antarctic exceeds 10,000 a house Electric International Co.; mine’s mouth had snapped, hurling Outside the mine, a cordon of year. of seeing a boy break through the Eagle Lock ...... 50 60 lor, negro. New Kensington, who Fafnir Bearing , . . . — 140 Conde Nast, publisher; Otto H. PRIVATE HEARING with five others were on the tipple the conveyer down the shaft where state troopers has been thrown The Government of Venezuela ice but the sick woman could do friction threw a spark in the coal no more than nod her head in veri­ Fuller Brush A .... 15 18 Kahn, banker; B, F. Yoakum, when the explosion occurred. The about the workings, while nurses has built a highway connecting banker; John F. Tinsley, manufac­ dust, causing the explosion aud and Salvation Army lassies are on fication. The children had picked do Class AA .... 60 70 Reno. Nev., March 21.— Reno's seven were thrown off the tipple to Caracas, the capital of the coun­ Hart & C ooley...... 25o — turer; cf Worcester, Mass.; Noble fire. hand to lend assistance at the up the name of the Gilbert boy,.pro­ divorce colony suffered a severe dis- the ground. try. with the -ft’estern States. Hartman Tob 1st pt — 90 F. Hoggson; P-. F. Saylow, and Overwhelming clouds of bleak [ emergency hospitals and morgue. The year 192 8 Avas the second bably from the Graham child, and appoinment today. smoke and swerving flames handi­ Mrs. McCabe telephoned to a friend do com ...... 20 22 President Alban McCauley, of Pack­ On motion of Harland Howard, EYEWITNESSES STORIES largest in the history of foreign Inter Silver ...... 140 150 ard Motors. capped the mine rescuers and the RED CROSS READY financing in the United States. on Center street who knew the Gil­ counsel for Walker P. Inman, a Kinloch Mine, Near Parnassus, berts and immediately thereafter do pfd ...... 114 — rescue squad from the government’s Washington, March 21— Physi­ The neAv underground railway private hearing was granted the Pamn., March 21.— Hope that most Bureau of Mines. was about to call the police when Landers, Frary & Cl 68 70 German business conditions, on. multi-millionaire heir to the Duke cians, nurses and equipment from station at Piccadilly Circus, Lou­ Manning & Bow A . 19 21 the whole, were less satisfactory of the 200 or more men still en­ The tipple was virtually wreck­ Pittsburgh and other nearby Red the Center street friend called back ^tobacco fortune, in his divorce tombed in the Kinloch mine of the don, Avas officially opened on De- do Class B ...... 12 14 iu 1938 than in 1927. ed by the ear-splitting blast that Cross stations are enroiite to the cejuber 10, 1928. and told her that the police had against Mrs. Garnet Helene Patton Valley Camp Coal Company by a awakened residents of nearby gone to the pond. New Brit Mch pfd . . 101 — Inman. Kinloch mine disaster, near Pitts­ The highway program, recently do com ...... 47 50. Alaska, which .the , 'United gas explosion early today may be towns and what was left standing burgh, Red Cross headquarters here It was the irony of fate that of The court room of Judge George rescued was expressed by grimy ■was being fast consumed by flames. announced by the Province of five eye-Avitnesses of the drowning Niles Bern Pond . . . .55 58 States bought from Russia for A. Bartlett was crowded with mem­ announced. Quebec, Caniada, contemplates the do pfd . . . ; ...... 100 — $7,200,000 has produced' $600,- rescue crews which penetrated the Walter Davison, assistant mana­ none was of an age or a condition bers of the divorce colony as the flame swept »vorkings of the mine.’ FIRST BODY FOL .\D. expenditure of $17,000,000 in the to either render effective aid or give North & Judd . . . ------29 000,000 worth of minerals since second day of the trial opened with ger of the eastern area and C. L. next six years for resurfacing. Peck. Stow & Wilcox — 20 18S0. Groups of men emerged from the Greenlee, field representative, plan a timely alarm. a prospect that the first of the sen­ wrecked w’orkings at two entries. Kinloch yiine. near Parnassus, Declared exports of merchan­ The funeral will be held at the Russell Mfg Co...... — ' 146 sational testimony promised in the to leave hre for the mine by air­ dise from Shanghai to the United Seth Thom C com . . 33 — Thirty-seven men escaping through Pa., Jlarch 21.— A twisted, mangled plane or train later in the day. home of his mother, 2 5 New. street case would be introduced. the entries of the Valley Camp mine tody, huddled in a corner 500 feet | States during: 1928 aggregated at 2 o’clock Friday afteimoon and do pfd ...... 26 — DAVID CHAMBERS $14,132,430, compared with $14,- Smyth Mfg Co pfd .103 —• workings of which join the Kinloch from the shaft bottom in the blast-1 TO START PROBE at St. Mary’s church at 2:30. Rev. MISS EARHART IN STATE mine underground. torn Kinloch mine lay untouched as 736.965 In 1927. J. ,S. Neill will officiate and burial Stand S crew ...... 130 140 Greensburg, Pa., filarch 21 — When Christmas falls ou 'I'ues- Stanley Works, com. . 6 4 66 CONTRACTOR Small groups fought their way rescue crew’s today groped their Members of the W'estmorelaud Avill be in the East cemetery. Bridgeport, March 21 — Amelia out of the blast torn mine in a way through the wreckage of the day, ns it did in 1928, it is sup­ Scovill Mfg Co . . . . 59 62 Earhart dropped onto Lordship county district attorney’s o)lfice left posed to-indicate a bright year, Taylor & Fenn .... — 150 steady stream. They were members mine in the hope of leaching men for the scene of the Kinloch mine AND BUILDER 1A Airfield this afternoon on a flight of two of the three groups or sec­ ■who are not beyond aid. with a mild winter, leading to a Fashion Plaque Torrington, new . . . 77 80 from Curtis Field, Long Island, in blast at Parnassus shortly before good summer and good harvests. Underwood ...... 115 119 tions of miners employed there. A The body -will lie there, together noon today to aid in conducting an 68 Hollister Street a plane handled by James Taylor of third group, which may number with others the men may find, as When Ave say ‘‘A Merry Christ­ Union Mfg C o ...... 18 21 'the Air Associates of Curtis Field, investigation into the explosion. mas" the Swedes say ‘‘Glad Ju- (J S Envelope pfd ..117 — 100 men has not been reached, and the crews utilize the precious min­ Two mine rescue teams from the and departed shortly afterward in it is thought this is in gravest dan­ utes to fight for the lives of en­ len," the Japs “ Kinga Shinneu." Veeder-Root ...... 47 49 an Avro-Avian which was w’aiting Keystone Coal & Coke Co., all the Spanish ‘‘Felices Pasenas." Whitlock Coil Pipe . — 15 ger if not already stricken. tombed men. Tiiey dare not Avaste available nurses and a detail of 22 for her at Lordship. Her old and the Chinese ‘‘Tin HaO Nian." IMiiio III Flames time by caring for bodies now. state police al-so were dispatched to plane is to be reconditioned here Grimy men, their clothing in tat­ The shaft aud mouth of Kinloch Parnassus. A Avhole German tOAvn Avas re­ ’QUAKE RECORDED and sent to Buffalo, N. Y., for ex­ ters, fought their way through the has the appearance of a shell-rak­ cently made invisible from the air STATE hibition purposes, the plane being by means' of a smoke cloud Avhich New York, March 21.— Seismo- Valley Camp entries. The group still ed French chateau. The smoking, Puerto Cabello possesses the “THE HO>i£ OF SOUND m rsl” rose from vessels containing a se­ graphists at Fordbam Unl'verslty one in which Lady Heath flew from unrepresented in the- survivors is twisted hulk of what was once the best harbor in Venezuela. ' Cape Town to London. closest to' the tipple of the Kinloch cret ch'emical compound. today reported that their instru­ mine, ivhich is in flames. Three Christmases are celebrat­ ments had recorded a ■violent earth­ Czechoslovak industrial activity The flaming tipple shot tongues ed every year in the Church of quake shock last night 2,679 miles LAST. TIM ES, TONIGHT in 1928 surpassed the 1927 rec­ of fire sixty feet into the air as fire­ Nativity at Bethlehem. Roman south of New York. The ’quake' ord, and the total production ex­ men battled to extinguish it. Catholic ou Dec. 25, 13 days later started at 9:42 p. m.-. reached with Sue Carol ceeded the pre-war level by 10 per The survivors poured into emer­ the Greek Orthodox and 13 days maximum intensity at 9:56 and •‘cent. gency first aid camps in a steady after that by the Armenian continued until 11:30 o’clock. David Rollins stream, most of them suffering from Before And After Judge Church. There are more than 450 varie­ the shock of their experiences. Elm Avood is A'ery durable under r ™ ...... ties of mistletoe, including some The fact that the Kinloch min© Avater. with colored berries. and the Valley Camp mine meet un­ Ordered Boy’s Hair Cut An odorless onion is cultivated ‘The A ir Circus’ derground and have a passageway by the Chinese. T ypewriters connecting them probably saved the Oranges Avere first grown in New Ensemble lives of the survivors, for tS© flame California In 1873. \ \ All makes, sold, rented,'ax- M aryAstor apparently was beneath two of the The Individual per capita in-, changed and oyerhanlect. three groups and the Kinloch pit come of 83.9 per cent of all In­ \ mouth. dian tribes in America is less than Special rental rates to stu- Tell Graphic Stories $ 200. demis. itehuilt machines *New Years Eve’ The survivors told graphic stories The general in command of the .4N ENAMELLED scene, paint­ $20.UU and up. Salvation Army has control of ed in the modern manner, distin­ of the blast as they rested at the ►/iX- < ' emergency hospital cots. funds and assets in excess of guishes one of the new vanity Stanley Palowski, one of a group $100,000,00.0. cases. K , 2 M P '8 ALSO A VARIETY OF of fifteen men who made a success­ PLEASING SHORT ful two hour fight for safety, said: 76li Main St. Phone 831 "We went down the mouth of the SUWECTS. mine a mile, me and ray buddy. We heard a roar. ‘My. God. Explosion!’ My buddy hollers. There wasn't any I GREAT TEN DAY gas or fumes, so we turned back. We made our way to the Valley Camp entry and out.” ' R e v i v a l C a m p a i g n William Birhin. attendant of a filling station a mile from the mine, TOMORROW was first to spread the alarm. "I ■W'as shaving when the explo­ SalvatiQTi A rm y Citadel SATURDAY sion came with such force it rocked the filling station. It jerked my hand with such force I cut my face. I ran to spread the alarm.” Mar.21-31 ------For a R e c o il Hun o f Lovs^ The mine, a few miles from Par­ lAughs" and Tb'riils. A , nassus, is ou a bleak hillside over­ looking the Allegheny river. Each Eve. 7:30 a-Mlaut« Eentertainnient is The mine has a drift entrance, Coming to Towg. but in the last few years it has been worked through a shaft. Men SUNDAY SEE AND HEAR trapped in the workings would have egress through the sloping drift 11 a. m., 3 p. m., openiug, but it might be days be­ J ® 7:30 p. m. fore they could make their ■way to 'The Gre^und that entrance. Mine rubble would ! bar their way and they w'ould have nUs Isn’t an ad for hair tunic to get through a maze of tortuous, Noon Day winding tunnels. -—It’s Basllo C'ontorercer of Akron before and after Juvenile Judge Meetings with : Other Openings H. C. Spicer ordered Basllo to get They mioht reach the surface, a haircut. ^ 12:20 to 12:50 MONTiSBLUE through other workings also. The I A Vltaphono TaUdng Pirtiire. Kinloch mine has had an opening DURING into the workings of the H. W. Akron, O.,— Basllo Contorercer’s PASSION WEEK BOyd mine since Feb. 21, 1928, pretty hair that rolled in flve-iuch m when an explosion broke down coal tresses over his head Avere a source — ALSO 2 VITAPHONE VODVIL ACTS barriers between rooms of the two of pride to him. The boys used to JACK NORTH { XYDELL uid HIGGINS mines. poke fun at him at school, but The Singing Baiijolst I TweTLoose Nuts The mine was rock-dusted and Basilo didn’t mind. Rev. Gilbert Laite had passed the inspection of the bu­ However, Basilo was often ab­ EVANGELIST reau of mines with au excellent sent from school. And many times was the comment of Judge H. C. record. ^ he was tardy. Finally he was Spicer, The boy’s pleas were in The explosion occurred one hour hailed into juvenile court for vain. A few minutes later a bar­ COME ONE! COME ALL! Fashion steps daintily in a blue after the day shift of approximate­ truancy. flannel suit with polka dots the ber had shorn Basilo’s beautiful ly 300 miners had gone into the “ Maybe you could get to school tresses. '. ' 661 Main Street, / South Manchester ‘•WHKRE THE 8CUEBX Sr«.AK«“ ' darker shade. The coat is the very earth. on time if you didn’ t waste so Basilo has promised to be at [pew aleevelesB type. Four miners iu the Boyd mine much time combing all that hair,’” school on time. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, INARCH 21,1929. PAGETHREE:

DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA HARDING. LOYAL FRIEND WORLD MOURNS I MERCHANTS WEEK LET’S REFCRNISH THE BEDROOM... .DURING MARCH. FOCH’S DEATH SUPPER TOMORROW BUT HIS OWN BOSS HERE MAY 4 TO 11 TO HELP OUT (Contlnned from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Annual Entertainment and man of the convention and I was night beside the body of his former Dance Also to Be Held To* BOOZE SEUER chairpian of the committee on reso­ chief. Committee Picks Date of Un- morrow Night in Tinker HaU lutions. I thought that inasmuch Asked about the funeral plans as Harding was going to be Presi­ Gen. 'Weygand told International Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ (Cootinned from Page 1) dent that he should stand for two News Service: usual Sales Events in Lo­ ters of Scotia will give their annual things— woman suffrage and prohi­ “ ■With the widow’s consent we supper, entertainment and dance in the floor of the Senate in 1921 that bition. I saw they were coming. have suggested that the body be cal Stores. Tinker hall .tomorrow evenin,?. “ there is no such thing as personal However, I never co-operated with placed in state at Napoleon’s Tomb This is always a most enjoyable af­ liberty in a republic.’’ the Anti-Saloon League. in the Invalides on Sunday «o that fair and is attended not only by Committee’s Statement An Attractive Man. the public might view it. Undoubt­ the Scotch residents of Manchester “ It is felt that if the Congress "Harding was a very attractive edly the government would agree to The Merchants Committee plan­ hut many others as well. A large of the United States under the spur man. I thought when the war was this arrangement. The funeral will ning for Merchants’ Week met this delegation of the members of Ellen of dry organizations is prepared to over the people wanted a man of be held on Monday, Tuesday or morning and selected May 4 Douglas lodge. Clan Gordon of imprison for five years any and all peace— a kindly man. Harding was Wednesday, according to the through 11 for the occasion. Spe­ Hartford and Clan McLean of this violators of a law which has created a man of peace. General Leonard government’s wish.” cial sales and other features will be town is expected. a legal offense which is not a moral Wood was military. Everybody Although a national funeral was offered as an inducement to bring The supper which will be served wrong, lawyers who still believe in thought Wood would be elected. regarded as a certainty, it is un­ out of town as well as 1 ical people under the direction of Mrs. Eelina the bill of rights can well afford Harding did too. 1 said no, he derstood that such an honor would out for the affair. Somerville and her associates 'v^Mll to offer some of their time and en­ would not. I tolci Harding he would be at variance with the wishes ex­ The committee in C r.rge con­ consist of cold meats, baked beans, sists of C. J. McCann, F. T. ergy in a purely professional capa­ be elected. pressed by Marshal Foch in his will. salads, relishes, cranberry sauce, city as a protest against such savage “ I liked Governor Frank O. Low- The marshal is said to have asked Blish, Jr., F. J. Limbacher, F. J. rolls, homemade cake, tea and cof­ fanaticism,” the committee stated. den of Illinois, also prominently that his body be buried at Plou- Wilkie and George E. Rix. fee. The tickets at a moderate price Word of similar committees of mentioned for the presidency. His gean, Brittany. include the program and dance, or prominent lawyers who plan to con­ birthday and mine are on the same Two suggestions were made that those who cannot be present at the tribute their services voluntarily to­ day, the body rest in state over the PICTURESQUE CEREMONY supper will be admitted to the en­ ward the defense of those facing “ I watched this political battle week-end to give the public an op­ tertainment and dance, as the ad­ portunity to view it. One proposal BETTER the Jones law penalties, poured in closely and did what 1 could for vertisement in this issue explains. today. Harding. I always stood in the was that it rest beneath the Arch AT NORWEGIAN WEDDING Bill Waddell’s Orchestra will play In Other Cities background and let others lead off. of Triumph: the other that it lie for dancing the Scotch reels and From Boston, San Francisco, Bal­ I took w'hat happened philosophic­ in the Invalides. i modern numbers. timore, Philadelphia and Chicago ally. If I got results that suited me The general impression was that (Continnerl from Page 1.) ' An excellent impersonator of BEDDING VALUES! ;ame word that the action of the the body would be taken to Na­ I felt happy and repaid for my ef­ Harry Lauder’s songs will come Your bedroom is -vvorthy of fine furniture. Why not make it a part of the -vt’eH Coudert committee was causing. forts.” poleon’s Tomb on Saturday. Norw-egian and Swedish royal fam­ from Hartford; 9-year-old Gordon similar organizations to be planned. [ Never Craved Power. Marshal Foch received in death ilies, was performed on the stroke McBride of town will sing; Miss dressed home and enjoy all its comforts? You can do it at a surprisingly low cost at Coudert pointed out to Interna­ Daugherty declared he never the highest honor that France can of noon by Bishop Jonan Lunde, of Bessie Young, Scotch soprano, will Keith’s. These typical Keith values tell the story. Compare them! ^ tional News Service that the New craved power and that he did not pay. Gen. Gouraud, military gover­ Oslo. also sing and Miss Curry of the York committee had no idea of or­ want to be named attorney-general nor of Paris, went to the bier last All of Oslo was in gala attire for local lodge will give readings. Hrs. ganizing nationally. of the United States. He w-anted to night and pinned upon the neck of the ceremony. Today is a national Somerville will give the address of CHARMING COLONIAL “ It is unnecessary.” he said. “ We continue as a lawyer, but, he said, Marshal Foch’s military jacket the holiday in honor of the event, and welcome and Mrs. Elizabeth Cone, merely offer an idea and an ideal he permitted President Harding to Grand Cordon of the Legion of almost the entire population of the chief daughter will be mistress of city turned out to witness the to other members of the legal pro­ prevail upon him to accept the post. Honor. ceremonies. SPOOL BEDS fession throughout the country. We “ It was in St. Augustine, Fla., Gen. Weygand stated that the occasion. hope our action will serve as an that Harding put this attorney-gen­ body would be placed in the grand No ceremony in recent years has alarm to the people of the country eralship on me,” Daugherty said. salon of the marshal’s residence to attracted so many members of rul­ as to the menace to their personal “ I didn't want it.” await removal from the house. The ing European families. Great Brit-j FEDERALS EXECUTE liberty which the Jones law holds Daugherty said that he and Hard­ great coat the marshal -nmre at the ain' and the British royal family | $ 1 9 5 0 forth. And if leading members of ing made enemies in carrying out signing of the Armistice was placed were represented here by the Dukei Spool beds were among the earliest pro­ the bar throughout the nation wish government policies. Daugherty at the feet. The body was attired and Duchess of York, who traveled | GENERAL AGUIRRE ducts of Colonial craftsmen. Their popu­ to offer their services, it should be said Harding took office when the in the familiar horizon blue uni­ from London especially for the oc­ larity is ever increasing. The beds illus­ done spontaneously and not form. casion. Holland was repfesented country “was changing from war (Co-.Uliinetl from 1) trated above are made of hard wood in through any organizing.” to peace, the battlefield to the har­ Friends View Body by the Prince regent, Henry. Den­ antique walnut finish. Any size. vest field” and that “ reconstruct Throughout the morning friends mark -was represented by King of the family were permitted to Christian and his Queen. Crown to suffer the consequences of his the government” was the cry. part in the revolt. Daugherty stated he played an im­ file past, first visiting the red salon Prince Gustav and the Crown CASES TO GIVE DINNER where the marshal’s medals and Princess represented Sweden. ' Mazatlan Attacke

ward In the second hour by a sell­ estate broker, was arrested for ASSESSORS’ CLERK IS j ANIMATED MAGAZINE ing wave which spread itself chief­ KEITH’S BEHER HOME murder early today on the eve of CHORUS WILL SING ly over the stocks which led yes­ his departure for Canada to “ for­ TWO STORES: Oak and Main— ^Park and Main Streets terday’s spectacular rise. The Oils get all.’’ SAVING MUCH TIME i REVIEW TOMORROW slipped off a point or two, and the CLUB HOLDS BANQPT Mackenzie is charged witli the high-priced Specialties from 1 to 5 murder of Arthur A. Glanke, 40, AT C. OF C. DINNER points. his neighbor. The prisoner has con­ The ten pei' cent call loan rate Monthly Affair Held in Club fessed slaying Glanke on October HALE'S SELF-SERVE Installs System to Make Work Center Church Organization to attracted money to Wall street and 24, 1928, in an argument over a of Assessors Much Lighter Present “Woman’s Home Re­ the renewal rate of the day was 0 Rooms on Third Floor of Lo­ spite fence. 2 5 Members of Choral Club in Future. view” at ChapeK per cent. Cotton sold up about 12 cal Furniture Store. When arrested Mackenzie had a B R a C E p Y points in the early trading and valise wdth him in which police Center Church Women’s Feder­ grain prices were fractionally low­ The Better Homes Club of the found $500,000 in bond and mort­ PAVS TO WAIT ON YOMWOK^r' Neil Cheney, clerk of the hoard gages. to Participate at Annual of assessors, is at work on a plan ation will present an entertainment er. Crude Rubber held at Wednes­ Keith Furniture Co., held its in the chapel tomorrow evehing at day’s final price levels. Copper monthly meeting and banquet last that will make much of the actual Chief Justice Taft has sent a work of the assessors unnecessary. S o'clock that will no doubt tax the gained almost a cent a pound, with night in the club rooms, on the Banquet. seating capacity to the utmost, both domestic Metal quoted at 23 cents third floor of the store. It proved suit of his old clothes to help a He is now taking from the laud needy farmer out west. If that’s records all of the change in prop­ because of the originality of the and foreign shipments 23 1-8 cents to be a most enjoyable evening. Buy Your a pound. one of the suits Taft wore when One of the most pleasing'features erty ownership that has taken place program and the number of the The committee in charge prepared church people who will participate I a splendid menu, consisting of he was president, and if it fits of this year’s Chamber of Com­ r.ince the last list was perfected, as the man he sent it to, well, the merce annual banquet will be the of October 1. So far he has only gone in it. It will take the form of an ASKS CHANGE OP VENUE roast pork, mashed potatoes, green animated magazine under the peas, rolls and coffee, cake with ice poor fellow’s not starving any­ Groceries Friday participation of the Manchester through the warrantee deeds to way. Men’s Choral club. It Is expected March 1, a period covering five title of the “ Woman’s Home Re­ New York, March 21.— Justice cream. It will save you lots of time Saturday. The same low that 25 members of the club will months but up to that time he has view’’ with the following depart­ John Ford today reserved decision At the end of the feast, Mrs. prices, the same satisfaction. Have your groceries de­ take part in the program of enter­ made records of 170 chr.nges. ments: on the presentation of counsel for Helen Graham was presented wich Table of Contents: a nicedeather bound traveling book livered for the nominal charge of 15c a delivery (large tainment following the dinner serv­ These transfers are noted on the James A. Stillman to change the or small). We guarantee delivery before ten-thirty ice. Director Archibald Sessions filing card under the new owners’ Cover Design . . .Miss Bertha Dietz venue of the Beauvais-Stillman as she is to leave soon for a trip has promised to play the accom­ names and at the same time deduct­ Advertisements $500,000 slander suit from New abroad and was given a rousing Saturday morning- paniments. The Choral club will ed from the lists of the owners Editorial “ Education as it isn’t.’’ York to Westchester county. send-off by the members of the give a half hour concert immedi­ featuring Messrs. Pillsbury, John E. Mack of Poughkeepsie, club. She was also given a sub­ as of last October 1. Parkis, A. Dexter, Thompson and stantial check by the_concern. Jack Frost’s ately after the completion of the From the report of the building representing the banker, declared dinner service. This program will Hale and Mesdames Marte, Ir­ that Stillman’s voting residence was President Gill called the meeting inspector can be noted any new vine, Maidment, Hale and Dexter. to order immediately after the din­ consist of the lighter numbers of buildings or alterations or addi- in Pleasantville, N. Y. Benjamin the club’s e.xtensive repertoire Story: “ Dont write— Wire.’’ ...... Friedlander, counsel for Beauvais, ner. After the business session, Confectionery and lions. All this inforniatioii will ap­ Miss Hazel Hughes whist and other games were enjoy­ which are sure to please, the ban- pear on the card. In additioii will Indian guide, opposed the petition. lueters and put them in good humor Bouquet of Spring P o e ts ...... ed by all. Much credit is due to be recorded transfers made by quit Miss Florence Schielge the committee in charge, consist­ before the more serious part of the claim deeds and administrators’ Powdered Sugar program. Interview of Mr. Verplanck...... THAT STABBER AGAIN ing of C. LaCoss, Ed Kratt and Good Entertainer. deeds. The lists of automobiles and Miss Marian Taft Frank Chamberlin. Off An entertainer of unusual ability their ownerships can also be made .\rt Page ...... Miss Condon Worcester, Mass., March 21.— 3 lb. pkgs. 19c and versatility has been Dooked and up and values can be figured ahead How to Manage a H usband...... Police throughout New England MILLIONAIRE SLAYER ihe under the direction of the enter­ of time. Mrs. Wilcox and New York state today were ARRESTED IN TIME tainment commitee his acts will be Careful check will also be made Fashions as seen at J. W. Hale’s. . hunting Bridgeport, Connecticut's Interspersed with several later ap­ as to mortgages resting on real Mrs. Pillsbury alleged “ phantom stabner,’’ Loren­ Chicago, March 21.— Fleeing be­ M Fresh Made pearances of the Choral Club en­ property as the law provides Models: Ruth Stevens, Frances zo Desmarais, 18, who with John cause he “ feared the justice of sembles and with the speaker of the ihat no property shall be taxed on Howe, Ruth Hale, Priscilla Pills­ Deane, 21, of Somerville, escaped man, although sure of the mercy evening. The entertainer comes to less than the amount of the mort­ bury. from Worcester state hospital by and understanding of God,’’ John Meadow Gold Buttcr IMauchester through the personal gage on it. Traveloque: How to get to Hart­ picking a door lock. Mackenzie, 4 5, a millionaire real influence of William Halstead, ford on One Hundred Dollars. . . manager of the local exchange of Miss Florence Kelley I lb. 53c 2 lbs. $1.05 the Southern New England Tele­ Music Page ...... phone Company, who was himself AT LEAST TWO MODEL Mrs. Samuel Turkington for some years on the entertain­ Auction Bridge ...... By Mesdames Felber, Alvord and ment stage. THIS HOMES TO BE BUILT Carpenter. Many Responses. SIZE Pure Lard Although the first official an­ Played by Mesdames Pillsbury, Proven by MTTU nouncement of April 8 as the date Marte, Joslin and Shelton. 50t of the banquet was only made last Modernizing and Boost Man­ Manchester High School Prize 2 lb. pkgs. 27c Sophomore Play “ Whose Hand?’’ Tuesday, the responses have been chester Movement to Be Car-, w lk v e s immedate, numerous dinner and Marian Janes PERFORMANCE table reservations having already ried on Diligently. | Featuring lilarian Jaues, Marian been received. It is evident that ------' Pi|)pin, Rebecca Harris, Dorothy SILENT Glow ilepemlability is built into this mod­ Mhmm- Van Camp’s more organizations than ever before At a meeting of those interested ! Fraser, lilarshall Finlay, ern kitchen range burner— the product of seven are mcdving up their own table in the Home Modernizing and Boost 1 Beauty Hints .... Miss Helen Estes years’ successful experience. parties and reserving tables well in Manchester movement us outlined j The Spice of Life . . . .C. P. Quimby a i i m ! Advertisements. Bake— Roast— Broil— Fry— for less than 1 cent Evaporated Milk advance. Members and guests are to over 60 at'a meeting at the i Final an hour— with plenty of hot water without cost. urged to not too long delayin mak­ Country Club a ffew weeks ago the j Watch it bake. Note the steady, even heat— the A HEAUf^G COMPOUND ing up their table parties. following committee was appointed | absolute control— the wonderful convenience. ANFCSEPTIC AND 3 tall cans 29c to carry on the work in conjunction 1 Flasily Installed in your present range. Modest in LOCAL A?iODYNE with the Manchester Herald, the NOON STOCKS cost.. Come In today and let us demonstrate this Goml also for— U N D rS WEDDING DATE Hartford Times cooperating: John I efficient oil burner. Hyde, Harlowe Willis, Elmore Wat­ HEAD COLDS. CUTS, BURNS. Campfire (Original) kins, Emil L. G. Hohenthal. Leon New York, March 21.— The Stock; 5 Years on the Market, 5 Year Factory Guarantee BRUISES, SKIN IRRITATIONS. Mexico City, March 21— It is A. Thorp, John I. Olson, William .Market threw off its nervousness TIRED BURNING, ACHING to be a June wedding for Col. THE SILENT GLOW OIL BURNER CORPORATION FEET. SWOLLEN JOINTS, BACK­ Knofla. over money market conditions very Marshmallows Charles A. Lindbergh and Miss There is an increasing interest in early in the first period today and 97 Center St., South Manchester. ACHE, SPRAINS, INSECT STINGS Anne Spencer Morrow, daughter of SUNBURN. the air and it is expected that the bulls showed their skill in push­ M. H. Strickland, 832 Main St., South .’Manchester. the United States Ambassador to many contractors, builder’s supply ing upward a number of the specu­ On Sale at Your Druggists. lb. box 22c Mexico, Dwight W. Morrow. An­ firms and others will line up with lative blue chips in the Motor, Cop­ .1. 1*. Lcdgard, 218 North Main St., .Manchester. i’ Y.NOIL PHODUerS, INC. nouncement has just been made the movement. Many new tracts per and Specialty stocks. St. Petersburg, Fla. here that the nuptials will be cele­ are going to be developed this year An old favorite flashed across the PYNOIL PRODUCTS, INC. brated in June, but it is not yet board. General Motors, widely tip­ Republic known whether they will take and there will be two or three model homes during the course of ped as the “ next leader’’ in the bull place in Mexico City or Englewood, movement, burned the tape in a N. J., where the Morrows lived be­ the year. The first that will be ready will be the one in the IMarvin new advance to the year’s highest fore coming to Mexico City. Col. price of 91 1-2, up 3 points in the Tuna Fish IJndbergh is expected here at the Green tract being promoted by Leonard Rlchman, Morris Elman first half-hour, in blocks of 1,000 end of the month when, it is be­ to 15,000 shares. The resourceful PYNOIL PRODUCTS, INC. TO land Frank Rolston. lieved, additional information will bulls are passing uP no opportunity can 17c 3 cans 50c be given out. to keep up the speculative interest of the vast throng of outside trad­ Don’t Forget Our ers who have been “ playing the GIVE SMALL INVESTORS CHANCE PUBLIC RECORDS ABOUT TOWN market” with good success for a year or two and a smart move in a The social of the Emblem club stock like General Motors does the Canned Goods Sale Will ran tco Deeds Case Brothers, Inc., to the Third yesterday afternoon at the Elks trick for them. home in Rockville was largely at­ Packard, Chrysler and Studebak- TO PROFIT IN THAT COMPANY Sunbeam’s and David Harum’s fruits and vegetables School District, land bounded northeasterly by Cheney Brothers, tended. Bridge and straight whist er advanced about 2 points on the at special low prices for this week. Buy a supply now! south by the school district land, was played. Winners at the-latter average and I.Iack Truck joined the Save money! southeasterly by land of the district game were Mrs. Michael Roberts of procession in a 2-point move. The and north by land of Cheney Bro­ Stafford Springs, past president of Coppers were given a whirl, with Ownership Shares Fully Participating to Be Sold thers. the club; Mrs. P. Connors and Mrs. Anaconda up a couple of points Mechanic's Lien A. Drayton, both of Rockville, were and Keunecott up 1. Advance For $2 per share—Only 15,000 Shares to Be Fresh Fruits dt Vegetables Charles Kuhr by Christopher winners of the second prize and the Rumely led the Specialties and Sold at That Figure When Price Will Be Fresh and tender. Wehr for labor and materials on consolation. In bridge Mrs. J. gained a new high at 94, up more Green Spinach, 3 lb. peck ...... 15c house and land on Fern street in Johnston of Rockville won first than 40 points on the move. Cou- Advanced Frequently the amount of $3,500. prize, Mrs. William Crockett of tinental Can gained 4. Well bleached, large bunch. ^ Manchester, second and Mrs. M. Wall street was convinced that Prutting, Rockville consolation. the New York hank will boost its Crisp Celery, 2 f o r ...... 25c HOSPITAL NOTES Sandwiches, cake and coffee were re-discount rate either today or The Corporation Manufactures a Medicinal Preparation served by the committee which was next Thursday. A show-down is due Florida Sealdsweet Oranges, 2 dozen . .35c headed by Mrs. John Flaherty. The in the money situation and since all That is To Be Widely Advertised The Memorial hospital today re- public card party planned for next other methods of squeezing bank Tangerines, 2 dozen ...... 35c jiorted the admission of Mrs. Lil­ week will he postponed until April money out of the stock market have lian Curtis of 617 Center street and 17. Mrs. Mary Graziadio will be failed, the higher rate \4'ill be tried, (Sealdsweet) Robert McKeown of 12 Brainard chairman. Next Wednesday after­ according to the best Wall street WILL SEND ANY ONE FACTS ABOUT COMPANY Grapefruit, 4 f o r ...... 25c Place and the discharge of Mrs. noon there will be a members view. Isabelle Lobbell of Teachers’ Hall. ' social. Prices were again forced down- Also a fresh supply of aspar^us, peas, and The laboratory of Pynoil white grapes, cucumbers, ci*anberries, radishes, squash, Products, Inc., is located in St. etc. Petersburg, Florida, a City fa­ mous for its climate and sun­ Demonstration (Park Street Store) shine. The Northern office of the Corporation is maintained in Boston, with bran'ch offices Weston's English for distribution and advertising purposes in Hartford, Conn., Quality Biscuts 39c lb. New York City and Rochester, Made with fresh butter. 18 varieties. N. Y. The principal product of the Corporation is Pynoil, one of the world's best remedies for head colds. Flu prevention, rheumatism, skin eruptions and abrasions, cuts, burns, sunburn, insect bites and many other We can now save you from five to ten dollars on any purposes. For a few years, Pynoil was sold only in the drug store, connected with the labor­ "Seafood That’s Safe” atory, but as the fame of the Axminster or Wilton many cures made by Pynoil spread, it was sold by other The Largest Display Low overhead makes the difference. Now listen to this. wholesale and retail drug con­ cerns in the South- of Seafood in Town $3 to $5 delivers any rug up to $75.00. Balance in easy week­ Mr. Taylor, one of the Direc­ ly payments. tors of Pynoil Products, Inc., said, “ We know every stock­ Steaming Clams qt. 18c $10.00 to $25.00 will deliver any three piece living room suite up holder whether he holds 5 to $225.00. shares, for which he paid $10, or 500 shares, for which he paid Fresh Jack Shad...... lb . 38c $10.00 to $25.00 delivers any D ining Room Suite. $1,000, will be a booster. The Red Salm on...... lb. 27c advertising value through the M. J. TAYLOR, Director PjnoU Products, Inc. $10.00 to $25.00 delivers any Bedroom Suite. stockholders’ co-operation is Fresh Tile Steak...... lb. 20c very great. We know we have 17c $10.00 delivers a Quaker Range. issue, as well as a sample bottle Fresh Cod Steak...... lb. one of the best and most neces­ other Corporations that manu­ 45c $3.00 delivers Ruby Sewing Machine made by New Home. sary household remedies on the facture medicinal products. We of Pynoil, to any one sending Medium Size Scallops______pt. $5.00 delivers a Gas Range. market and it is bound to be­ believe Pynoil can do the same. their name and address to Pyn­ come, with proper advertising, The Company will be glad to oil Products, Inc., 68 Devon­ a popular remedy in the North send the facts about the stock shire St., Boston. $5.00 delivers Bed, Mattress and Spring. r . Mackerel ib. I 2 c Wanted, 250 new accounts. Come in and look over our values. as well as the South, and that will mean increased earnings PYNOIL PRODUCTS, INC., Dept. 14, I for the Corporation and profits Fresh Halibut Steak...... lb. 34c for the stockholders. The 68 DEVONSHIRE STREET BOSTON, MASS. Fresh Fillet of Haddock...... lb. 25c stock of the Corporation, mak­ Please send me full information about “Pynoil” Products Fresh Bull H eads...... lb.35c ing “Listerine” Products, has (Skinless) Benson Furniture Company m ^e huge profits for the stock­ Stock and a trial bottle of “ Pynoil.” NEXT DOOR TO DUNHILL’S. holders. The stock of Vick Fresh Smelts...... lb. 15c JOHNSON BLOCK, SOUTH MANCHESTER Chemical Company, makers of Name ...... Street...... Fresh German Carps...... lb. 24c “ Vapo-Rub” , has, also, had a big advance, as well as many C i t y ...... S ta te...... • J . .1 s MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., ' THURSO^ 1929. PAGElfTVtft

New Britain, Norwalk, Waterbury trict committee at the request of and West Hartford. JUDGE HYDE TO TEU the Manchester Green Community LUTHER LEAGUE PLANS FEBRUARY FINDS club. The meeting will afford BOTH H. STEAMS Decided changes in the ranking Manchester Green ' residents who PLAY FOR ITS MEETING of individual cities according to OF CHARTER AT GREEN were unable to attend the recent WINTER BUILDING their building activities occurred special town meeting at the High LOSE IN DEBATES during the month, the customary school, an opportunity to learn SLUMP AT WORST leaders dropping far down on the mors about the situation and to Departing from the usual type of list. New Britain entered first place To Outline Proposed Changes ask any questions which may be program presented at the monthly for the month with permits valued In Town Government for puzzling them. These in charge of meetings of the Luther Lea,gue, the at $677,451. West Hartford was Second District Residents. having Attorney Hyde speak urge Affirmative Beaten Here by Mission Committee will give a short Figures Much Below January second with a total of $422,695 and all voters In the district to at­ one-act play entitled, ‘‘Dust of the Totals—Leading Cities Drop Stamford was third with $399,7 80. tend. However, the meeting is Middletown> Negative in Road,” at tomorrow night’s meet­ In Rank, N. H. Road Survey Hartford went from first to fourth Judge William S. Hyde will ad­ open to everyone In town. ing. The play tells of Peter Steele, place and New Haven fell to ninth dress a public meeting at the Man* entrusted with money by a friend, Shows. ranking. Chester school next Monday Meriden. who is killed ‘‘over there”. The Comparative figures for Febru­ money is to be given to the friend’s Building, in- Connecticut towns ary, 1929 and 1928, were reported evening duriilg which .he will ex­ In the world productlcm of tar­ son when he becomes of age. When and cities during the ihonth of Feb­ by the railroad’s committee as fol­ plain the proposed ' 'changes under taric acid estimated In the aggre­ \- Si the time approaches Steele decides ruary continued in its winter slump the town charter and cohsolidatton. gate.. at. approximately.. 20,000 Both of the Triangular debating lows: Mr. Hyde was Induced to spea.K at metric tons, Germany’s output Is to keep it himself. The develop­ and the total value of the building Feb. Feb. 1 teams representing Manchester ments are Interesting. permits Issued during the month City the Green by the Second, School Dis­ exceeded only by that of Italy. were defeated in the debates held Four characters take part In the was. exceptionally small, according 1929 1928 last evening. The question for dis­ play. ‘‘Peter Steele” is taken by to the monthly survey of the Com­ Bristol $277,487 $87,460 cussion ‘‘Resolved, that modern ad­ Eric Modean; ‘‘Prudence Steele,” mittee on Industrial Development Bridgeport 188,435 324,660 vertising methods are detrimental his wife, by Viola Larson; “Uncle,” of the Nev Haven Railroad. Per­ Danbury 20,740 55,900 to the public,” gave a great deal of by Herbert Brandt and ‘^The mits fell off both as compared with Derby 29,000 20,790 difficulty to the teams inasmuch as Tramp” by Raymond Benson. January figures and with those of Greenwich 205,440 435,860 the question was open to many Herman Johnson is the leader of February, 1928. Hamden 55,930 139,135 h s . . varying interpretations. the meeting this month. Refresh­ A decrease from January figures Hartford 380,378 1 573,106 In the debate at the local High ments will be served as usual. of nearly one million dollars in per­ Manchester 5,090 1 10,350 school the affirmative case was mit values took place among the 22 Meriden 37,920 108,409 PERTUSSIN is made hy a special (Tacschner) opened by Jacob Rubinow who as­ communities reported upon in the Middletown. 38,310 23,430 process to relieve coughs quickly by removing serted that modern advertising was FARMHOUSE BURNS railroad survey, their combined Naugatuck- 23,340 17,600 ^ the. immediate cause. / causing excessive economic wastes total for the month being less than New Britain 677,351 245,950 I ^ i s cause usually is accumulated mucus, dust, to the American public and that three and a half million dollars. New Haven 162,561 637,310 inflammation or irritation. many of our leading national ad­ Willimantic, March 21.— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowell and their three Eight of those towns and cities, New London 44,450 92,000 PERTUSSIN, by helping nature to expel the vertisers were practicing dishonest children were driven from th.eir however, recorded gains over their Norwalk 199,695 193,100 phlegm, and by soothing the irritation, quiets advertising methods. In reply. Miss home in Conantville, Mansfield, to­ January totals. These were Bristol, Norwich 14,985 24,560 the cough. It is entirely free £rom harmful drugs. Louise Bailey of the negative side, day when the place was destroyed Derby, Middletown, Naugatuck. Stamford 399,780 462,050 A ih ’ThaVis why Doctors have prescribed it for a stated that modern advertising Torrington 16,420 34,167 A.nr Doctor by fire with a loss estimated at over New Britain, Norwalk. Stamford •f I quarter of a century. At all drug stores. to methods were enabling manufac­ six thousand dollars. A crying child and West Hartford. Eight com­ Wallingford 6,000 14,240 turers to offer their products at roused Mr. Lowell who found the munities also showed increases over Waterbury 134,050 133,500 lowered prices because of the great lower part of the house filled with their building permit totals of Feb- West Hartford 422,695 413,115 demand created by advertising. I smoke. There is no fire protection i ruary, 1928, these being Bristol, West Haven 48,200 116,210 Second Speaker in the district. j Derby, Middletown, Nau,gatuck, Willimantic 4,800 6,040 Miss and Mr. Sooti-to- Wed The second affirmative speaker. Pertussin Miss Charlotte Rubinow, declared that through the stimulation of artificial wants, advertising was causing needless expenditures on the part of the public and that pro­ ducts were being bought merely be­ ft e r the betrothal r.i. .f.f. the cause the advertisements carried home some psychological appeal to wedding. After the wed­ the people. The second speaker for the negative side, Anthony Planeta A ding. .. . the honeymoon. claimed that advertising carried with it great educational features After the honeymoon the home. and that advertising was one of the chief contributing features to the high standard of civilization that the people of this country have been able to attain. Joseph McCluskey the concluding affirmative speaker refuted the argument of the negative side that advertising was reducing the ulti­ People travel from north to south', mate cost of manufactured prc ducts. He quoted authorities t.> trom east to west.. all around the prove that in the industry as a whole the tremendous operating world; they see beautiful things and costs incurred by advertising made such reduction in costs impossible. live in elaborate hotels... .only to Miss Mabel Churchhill was the con­ cluding negative speaker and took return and find there' is no sweeter as her topic the fact that advertis­ ing was responsible for the present lir'osperity of this country and that place than their own home. •..ithout advertising we would not have been able to secure our pre­ eminence in industry. Rebuttals The rebuttals by both teams were very well given, but it seemed that both cases failed to meet the prop­ osition and neither team took the .And when you come back' from precaution to limit the questions with the result that much of the TOM O RRO W your honeymoon, you want to step ■case of both sides was irre’avent to the debate. » in to the sweetest place on earth...; The .Manchester High negative team consisting of Eva Koehler, Carle Cubberly, Eleanor Dwyer, your home. The place where and Marion Janes, was defeated at Meriden. friends will be entertained. After the debate at the local High school the members of both teams with several guests enjoyed a light 1 lie Treasure Chest luncheon served by the members of ; the cooking class. Brief comments on the debate were made by Sena­ tor Robert J. Smith, John A, Dana- her, assistant United States District After all, your hdihe is jwir castle attorney, the judge of the debatf, and J. Gifford, coach of the Middle- Opens r.. ...whether it is a two-roPm apart­ town High school team, Middletown Leads Middletown by virtue of its vic­ ment or a twenty-room mansion. tories over Manchester and Meri­ den, gains a second successive leg You want to be proud of your home; on the H, Wales Lines cup. A school in order to secure permanent pos­ You don’t need to measure^40 paces you want your friends to admire it. session- of the cup must win the triangular debates any three times. from the giant oak and dig out six feiet The all-important question is how. i to furnish it within the budget you KILLED AS POLE FALLS of sea sand in order to locate this treas­ Greenwich, Mo.rch 21.—Thomas have planned. Storm, 18, a Cos Cob resident, was ?*« killed at Port Chester, N, Y., late ure chest. Here it is ... and in if the yesterday when a pole on which he was working broke at the base and Little Pirates have hidden for you a treasure that’s worth fell, flinging Storm to the pave­ ment. Storm was dead^when taken to United hospital in Port Chester its weight in pirate gold • • • He was a member of a gang remov­ To select what you want; to select ing old poles to widen Westchester .1 i avenue. For in this chest are such jewels as health . . , convenience what is right and what will prove to be a source of lasting comfoif may- • •. economy •. • the satisfaction of being up-to-date in home I FOR SALE seem to be a problem*to you. It is equipment • • • only a problem if you attempt it un­ Main St., 2 family house, 2 car garage, aided. No one appreciates this steam heat, lot 66x350 more than Garber Brothers. . feet. Price and terms Those who see it will have the right.

2 family, 12 rooms, 1 to all good things for car garage, price $7,500 « In the spirit of helpf ulness, we in­ cash $1,000. vite you to consult us. We can help to come you in many ways. Do hot hesitate 6 room house, lot You have already seen the great iron.bound chest in our to come in. The services of this en­ 90x200 feet, 6 car gar­ tire organization are at youh dis­ age rented. Fine for vindow. . . you’ve wondered what it holds. . . see it opened auto washing and tomorrow • • • see what’s inside posal without any obligation. greasing business, five minutes from Main St.

Sound View, 2 very fine cottages. Owner , FINE FURNITURE MORGAN says sell. ' direct to the Public 832 Main Street, Next Door to Montgomery Ward & Co., South Manchester^ H. W. Campbell A SHORT BLOCK FROM MAIN STREET , 2193 Tel. * 2982 HARTFORD 865 Main St. Insiirancei Steamship Tickets


IT' 1 ed what business It was ol his what : CHARTER REVISION; IRanriieKtrr hour Manchester people started Ettenins E rralb their day’s work and ended it- and there could he no telling an­ Biennial Elections PUBLISHED BT THE swer. HERALD PRINTING COMPANY. INC. We should like to see the pres­ At IS BUsell Street. Why should we as a Town change from annual to biennial elections? South Manchester. Conn. ent kind of daylight saving If It Is it solely to cut the expenses of election in half? No, though it is an advantage to the taxpayers. Is it solely to bring the Town elections Founded by Elwood S. EIa could be universally adopted and Oct. L 1881 in the alternate years from the State and Federal elections, and so re- were universally approved. But the moce them from the influences that determine the national election? No, Every Evening Except Sundi.ys and Holidays. mere setting of clocks isn’t a things though there are certainly very great advantages-to be gained thereby In Entered at the Post OlBce at South that’s worth ccntinually squabbling the separation of the settling of the Town’s affairs from those relating Wou Manchester, Conn., as Second Class about— not even when we can get to state and national matters. Mall Matter. The great advantage to be gained from biennial over annpal elec­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall precisely the same thing in another tions is that the average office holder will have longer experience in the Biz dollars a year, sixty cents a and inassailable way. execution of his trust and hence greater knowledge of the requirements month (or shorter periods. By carrier, eighteen cents a week. and needs of the Town. There are decided advantages also in treating town affairs as a dignifled and responsible undertaking that is not to be Single copies three cents. TAXES AND REVOLT SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE- settled in the heat of great political and partisan campaigns. There SENT ATI VE. Hamllton-Do Llsaer. Armed revolution, in ninety-nine are great advantages to be gained In giving our chief administrative Inc., 285 Madison Avenue, New York, cases in a hundred, is the outcome, board the Board of Selectmen, two years Instead of one to work out im­ and 612 North Michigan Avenue. direct or indirect, of taxation. Tax­ portant policies for which they may have been elected. One year is too Chicago. short a period in which to accomplish major constructions or reconstruc­ The Manchester Evening Herald Is es are the. bane of civilization. The on sale In New York City at Sohults's tions. News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. ideal of freedom from all taxation ^ Street, and 42nd. Street entrance ot is, to millions of people, equiva­ Grand Central Station and at all Hoatling News Stands lent to a dream of heaven— or A Blue Room? • • • would be if it were not that a lot AO rcen Room? Client ot International News Ser­ of people hope to go to heaven and KitchenCabinet:IvDty,truxiinea Kitchen Cabinet: Green, with vice. HEAL1H«*IHET ADVICE bine. Other FaniitnretTo red decoration. Other Furni­ “International News Service has the none, generally speaking, who hope match Kitchen Cabinet. 'Win­ ture: TomatehKitchenCabinet. exclusive rights to use tor republlca- to avoid taxation altogether. Yet D r Frank M cCoy < dows: Side drapes, unbleached, Windows: Green and white tion In any torm all news dispatches muslin bordered with blue checked gingham edged with narrow red braid. Floor: credited to or not otherwise credited here we have a population mutter­ cheeked ^ g h a m . H oon Large in this paper. It is also exclusively Checked linoleum, green pre­ entitled to use tor republlcatlon all ing bloody threats against their Blue and ivory linoletunsquares. dominating. Utensils: Apple the local or undated news published government and trying to work QUESTIONS IN RECARO TO HEALTHS DIET IlflU BEMSNERED Utensils: Robin’s-egg blue en- green enamelware. Towels: herein." amelware. Towels: Blue and Green Checked border. Acces­ themselves up to the killing point or C!t.MCC0r WHOtAN OE AODRESSEO IN CARE OF THIS MFER Full Service Client of N E A Ser­ £r/CLOS£ STfIMPED /fODRESSeO ^N\/£LOP£ FOP P C P iY white checked crash. Accesso­ sories: Potted geranium at vice. Member Audit Bureau ot Circu­ — and not a soul among them ever ries: Dclph blue Dutch clock. window. Red porcelain kitchen lations (^1326 fK . COY IKAW I j aSWA T IQ S AMOtLES- CAL. .______clock. has to pay a nickel of taxation. YoorfiitnJs w ill aJmirt itl Inexpautet Itautjl THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 The population is that of Mona-' EXAMINING YOUR DOCTOR <^lhinking, etc., to insure a perman- cc, (iny principality on the French Many who read this daily health ent and lasting cure, FOCH Mediterranean coast where gam­ column have been discouraged in j Patients should be and usually A Rose Room? Sunstiine Room? The simple grandeur of Foch their search for health because they are grateful for any relief given bling pays all the public charges, have gone from one doctor to • them through the skill of their Kitchen Cabinet: Grey, trimmed Kitchen Cabinet: Sunshine will live on and on, so long as or would if its bonuses were em- in rose-red. Other Furniture: oak. trimmed with green. Other another without receiving perman- ! physician, but the masses are slow- Furniture: Golden oak. Win­ there are still on earth men and ployed as they are supposed to ent health. Many of the letters I ; ly but surely coming to a know- To match Kitchen Cabinet. Windows: Grey cretonne side dows: Ruffled tie-back curtains \ of dimitjr with yellow figure. women who remember the Great be. ' receive from readers are filled with ledge that their physician should drapes with rose-red figure. criticism of doctors. Many ask me i be a teacher of right living to pre- Floor: Green and yellow lino­ ■\Var. His was the personal glory in­ Monaco is only eight square Floon Dark red and black stripe leum squares. Utendls: Yellow to publish parts of these letters, but j vent Illness. These are the doctors tile linoleum. Utensils: Rose- separable from the winner of the miles in area, has only about 15,- I do not have the space nor the in- | of today who have the long wait- enamelware. Towels: Yellow red enamelware. Towels: Red- striped crash. Accessories: Yel­ greatest conflict in history. Yet his, 000 permanent residents who live clination to do so, and my readers ing lists. bordered crash. Accessories: low porcelain kitchen clock. too, was the unaffected modesty of mostly in three towns, and has an will continue to find this column QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Red wall clock with grey border Tiny goldfish bowl at window,^ filled with the best constructive ad­ Liver and Pancreas the common soldier who shuffles Ti^uIJn't you IJcc to own it? income of $450,000 a year paid by vice I can give and with very lit­ Question; V. E. T. asks: “ Would Brings tht sunshine inioanl and blushes when they pin on his the gambling concessionaires who tle criticism of the methods or be­ a diseased pancreas cause disorder breast a decoration for. some stu­ operate the Casino at Monte Carlo. liefs of other members of the heal­ of the liver or a diseased liver cause pendous feat cf heroism. ing are. Yes, I use the word “ art” a diseased pancreas? It seems that That sum is»supposed to be ample advisedly, for the treatment of dis­ in my case both organs are affected. Leadership of the millions of for the support of the principality ease cannot be called a science, as \ causing aching of the lower limbs, allied forces was to Foch as imper­ — including the prince— and to it is said that mathematics is the backache, can’t lift heavy weights, sonal as the functioning of an auto­ keep up all public utilities. But the only exact science, although even a burning of the urine, very nerv­ ous, a sallow color, with sometimes HCX^SILR Helps You Start If mobile steering gear. He happened now Einstein has almost convinced Monacans declare that the present us that we have been wrong in that boils and abscesses. A liver stimul­ to be the right mechanism for the prince, Louis, uses up the nation’s assumption. ant helps, but has to be taken regu­ job. So he fitted into It and func­ income on personal extravagances Physicians are human and as larly. The doctor says it will not do to train the liver that often.” tioned according to the design. He and lets the utilities slide, thus such have more or less of that Rii^Kt Now-imTHjcW something which we call finite Answer: The liver and the pan­ would have laughed long and loud putting the state on, the bum as a knowledge. Among the allopaths, creas do affect each other, but the W ith yotir present walls and woodworlc you in green, grey, ivory or oak, with contrasting if anyone had intimated that he point of attraction to tourists. And homeopaths, osteopaths, chiroprac­ use of a correct well balanced diet m ay have a kitchen as charming as those decoration. Little hy little you add the neces- was deserving therein of credit without tourists the Monacans tors and naturopaths there are pro­ would doubtlessly adjust the trou­ bably as many dishonest men as in ble you have , which apparently for especial meriL • would have no way of getting a you see in the magcizines. And it’s not at all sary touches of color and soon the room^s any of the other professions, trades starts from overworking the liver transformed! But the stcirt’s A great soldier, a great citizen of living. Wherefore they are talking or vocations; also just as many through the use of too much'-food. expensive. You pick the color the world, Foch was essentially and about revolting, throwing the doctors who would make better Try cuttin,g down your amount of scheme you like hest,’ above. important. Espedcilly as you before all things a great French­ plumbers, and also as many plumb­ food to a third, and for a time get 31 pieces of dinnerware prince’s army of several policemen eliminate starches, sugars and fats. Thenyou start developing ithy man. Much of his genius was es­ ers who would make better butch­ into the Mediterranean and setting ers. _ / Pepper and Horseradish first getting this new Hoosier at no cost for starting now! sentially racial. And, broad and up a Republic. The doctors of the different Question; R. F. B. asks: “ Is kindly and charitable as he was, schools have essentially the same pepper harmful to the system? Is Tliis ^^^elc ^ou O et Tliis So, you see, even without taxes Tliis N ew H O O S IE R Beauty PAy ONLy ONE DOLLAR DOWN all of him was, at base, dedicated training in such subjects as physi­ horseradish a good vegetable to eat there Is such a thing possible as ology, anatomy, and the diagnosis or is it harmful?” Balance arransed tomit Dinnerware at N o Extra C ost to France. He was saturated with Clioice of Fo u r C o l o r s political discontent. of disease. They differ only as to Answer: I do not advise the use that peculiar patriotism, that fun­ their method of treatment. The of pepper. Horseradish may be damental adherence to an undebat­ wise doctor of any school knows used to a limit amount with a PROPHET OP DISASTER ed nationalism, which has no exact that nature is the great physician, protein meal but should not be Sir George Paish, whoMs recogr and that the best he can do is to used with starches because it stim­ parallel anywhere else— the spirit W Kat To Do W it K Tlie Beauty ^juve nized in Great Britain as an eco­ teach the patient how to remove ulates too much hydrochloric acid which at Verdun demonstrated its In the stomach. nomist and financial authority of those things which are Interfering everlasting verity. with the healing power of nature. Heart Burn y?ur O IJ Cabinet Seen In O tlierM om es very high degree, having served as Question: Mrs. MD writes: “ I am As an Individual Ferdinand Foch The allopath or homeopath may advisor to the Chancellor of the Ex­ employ drugs for this purpose; the 95 years old and suffer almost con­ Put it in the attic for the Athirty-one-mece ivory dinner- commands the respectful attention ware set in Paul Revere Gad- chequer and the British Treasury, osteopath or chiropractor ipay at- tinually from heart burn. Some­ children’s toys; in the cel­ of history. As a soldier he was a temph to assist nature by rendovlng times I have very serious attacks, roon shape. Jasmine design. is making prediction of a disastrous lar for work-tools; or on master intellect and courage per­ such interference in ? mechanical with smothering; have had attacks and world-wide financial crisis to way, and the naturopath principal­ of cramps in muscles of legs, usual­ the porch for odds and sonified. But as a Frenchman he occur no more remotely than this ly through hydrotherapy and diete­ ly at night, and it seems worse ends that are always and aidnaired beauty like rose to the heights of national after a hard day’s work. What in the way. But get spring. “ We are not trying to see a tics. this in other homes. ;;.iypification. From my viewpoint, when the would you suggest?” it out of the kitchen. Have it in yours. way out,” he exclaims, “ we are just patient selects a physician he Question: You are probably suf­ A NEW HOOSIER It costs nothing ex­ dancing.” • should do so with regard to the fering from Indigestion due to i '• DAYLIGHT SAVING belongs there. tra this w e e k . What rather weakens the force physician’s skill, and his local repu­ faulty food combinations. The The New York Legislature has tation for results. Also another symptoms you describe may come of Sir George’s gloomy forecast Is • received a favorable committee re- equally important point is that the from this excessive flatulence affect- that he made a similar prediction physician, however greatly skilled in,g your heart. Have your heart ..'.port on a hill to abolish the pres­ a year and a half ago and it was in bringing about a temporary cure, examined and if the trouble is ent daylight saving law. The exist- not fulfilled. should also have a definite philo­ there, write me again, giving me Vving law makes the adoption of day- sophy about correct living so that your full name and address and I WATKINS BROTHERS,I«f. It Is extremely doubtful, as a ;-;^ight saving time optional with the patient placimg himself in this will send you an article explaining matter of fact, that any financial physician’s hands will be further .how to help the heart through cur­ South M anchester. , • ccmmunities. Under the terms of S i J / crash that could possibly occur m guided in his eating, exercising. ing flatulence. ■. ;T(.peal the only legal time in New the world or to the world, at this IpYork state would be standard time. time, would have anywhere as near X;Thus we have the Empire state T,.'. disastrous effects as some that •^trailing Connecticut— but not quite have happened in the past. A finan­ JJ - to the extreme where it Is a de- W ASHINGTON cial panic is not, io itself, so fear­ rtueanor to set a clock an hour some a thing to contemplate, ex­ 1 ahead. New York has only gone so LETTER cept to people who possess paper *. far as to withdraw its sanction from fortunes. It is its consequences to mania, but Pilose is always per­ late and you drop Into a ild« '. 'an artificial arrangement not by By RODNEY DUTCHER. ^ that last Christmas He merely lost fectly honest and Innocent in his street and wander Into some trade and industry that count. If . any means unanimously approved a fairly good suit of clothes beyond attacks because whatever he gets IN NEW YORK flashy h{^-away does the reali­ we should have one now, for in­ ' ■■ by the people of the state. Washington, March 21.— Senator repair and was unable to return to he brings right straight home and zation come that part of Broad­ stance, some thousands of inflated J. Boomboom McWhorter says it is Washington until some time after doesn’t try to hide it or anything. way plays with a gup at its hip i While appreciating the many ad­ millionaires might have to go to a mistake to suppose that a states­ the recess, by which time he iound Unfortunately Pilose never remem­ New York, March 21.— To mil­ to be a tangle of plot within plot, and a leer in its eye, with drugs vantages of the daylight saving ar­ man’s troubles all come while he is ' ^n ultimatum^ from all near rela­ bers where he got it, so that the lions of people, Broadway is merely until a master unraveler alone in its vest pocket and sinister pur­ the poor bouse or to work. But it is rangement for industrial communi­ trying to be elected. As a matter tives in the- form of a, nomination other McWhorters are never able a street of play. can follow" the involved trails. It poses in its heart. very much to be doubted whether, slate, partly as follows; to return anything. GILBERT S'WAN. ties and for people who seek as of fact, says McWhorter, it is only They find it a care-free dis­ jumps here and it jumps there; in the light of our more scientific after he is elected that they really Minister to Mozambique: Caleb There are other McWhorters de­ penser of anodynes; an escape from it widens and it narrows. It runs much outdoors as they can get m understanding of real values now­ begin. McWhorter. Caleb was originally manding federal jobs besides those the work-a-day realities; an an­ through life and death and bes­ the summertime, we are more and The 'Senator Is sorely concerned trained for the ministry anyway mentioned but all are unanimously esthetic against care. tiality and depravity; it takes adays, it would be permitted to DAILY LENTEN THOUGHT more Impressed, as the years go by, with problems of domestic relations and it wasn’t his fault if he didn’t supporting young Pilose. And so its meaningless catch­ gamblers and suckers and win­ paralyze business and industry as penny places take on a carnival sig­ ners and lowers. with the improbability of there ever which he says are far more delicate make it did the panics of 1873 and 1893. than those of foreign relations and Secretaries to cabinet members: nificance. The “ cathedrals of the By WILL1.\!^I E. GILROY, D. D. being anything like concord on the moving picture” bring illusions of We are inclined to believe that if he had his way there would be Ethyl and Methyl McWhorter, the I was minded of all this by the Editor of The ConKregatioiiallst subject. The country people do not a Senate committee to handle one twins, who are rarely qualified to grandeur. One is ushered to a shooting the other day in There is a great deal of differ-- Sir George’s fears are rather those like it and seem to take it as a per­ as well as the other. The trouble be confidential secretaries. Ethyl cinema Seat with all the dignity Miami of “ Fatty” Walsh, who had ence between mere Impulses of' of a financier than those of an eco­ and cold politeness of a caller at a sonal grievance. seems to be that the other members and Methyl have unimpeachable been bodyguard to the late Koth- good will and real actions that are nomist. There is, after all, a very of the McWhorter family do not see reputations for being able to keep Park avenue home. And its theaters! stein. In the midst of a card uplifting and helpful. It Is onle The Herald would not.care to go -why J. Boomboom, who was never secrets because Ethyl is always so project one variously into art, slap­ great difference between the two.. game a /-.man stalked into the thing to have very generous on record as objecting to that meas­ by any means the brightest of them, busy talking about her boss to stick, laughter, tears or life prob­ room, fired his shots and walked thoughts of our fellow men and ure of daylight sa-ving observance should be on the government pay­ Methyl and Meythl is always so lems. out. And when the shooting was kindly feelings, but quite another mSCARRIAGE OP JUSTICE roll while they are left off. busy talking about 'her boss to This is the Broadway known all over, the police were closeted thin,g to stretch forth hands of co- which consists In calling six o’clock The situations is somewhat com­ Ethyl that neither ever has time to THE CODE NAPOLEON to the average New York visitor, with a blond girl— still in her operat^n and brotherly assistance. In the morning seven o’clock and So long as the state of New plicated by the fact that during the talk to anyone else. One of the three or four great and to quite a number of New twenties . . . a girl who “ be­ There is a richly symbolic sug­ calling eleven o’clock noon, so long York sticks to its Sullivan law it darkest days of the McWhorter Prohibition Agent: Addle Mc­ legal code’s in the world’s his­ Yorkers, for that matter. longed” to the racket. gestion of this in the story of Peter Unfortunately, this is but one as that is the desire of the people can poorly afford to criticise the election campaign the senator Whorter, the senator’s brother. And she told them of men and and the bftggar who sat at the beau­ boasted within the family circle Addle is not so good with an axe or tory to bear the name of one man side of Broadway. Unfortunately tiful Gate of the Temple. As Peter of the town. But it does seem to us Jones "five and ten” Federal women of Broadway who watched that if he were defeated he would blackjack, but has long since was promulgated in France 125 for the play spirit of the world the night club tables for young entered into the temple the beggar,^ that it would simplify matters statute or any other prohibition be appointed to the cabinet and proved that his stomach was de­ years ago today— the Code Napo­ there are many Broadways. looked up asking for alms. When leon. girls— fresh young girls, generally greatly and put an end to a deal of measure, no matter how topheavy that everyone within the family signed for a protracted campaign uew to the city and new to its Peter said. “ Silver and gold have circles would then have a job In of evidence-buying. Addle has an Unlike the codified systems of There Is, for Instance, the lures. ' She told them of young­ I pone,” the beggar must have ex-;t complaining if we were to leave the with penalties. law by which the names of Solon, his department. uncanny faculty for locating speak­ Broadway, of the wastrels; sters of the chorus who were perienced a disappointment, despite^ clocks alone and, from the first To convict of a felony a taxi easies in a strange town and after Mahomet and one or two others in of the racketeers and the procur­ tricked by a woman, now dead, Peter’s sympathetic glance and in' of -May to-the first of October— or driver bearing an excellent reputa­ All the McWhorters, young and visiting one invariably blabs all he history are known, the Code Napo­ ers of women; of the bootleg who had a convenient way of get­ terest. • leon was the work of a corps of kings and lecherous dandies— and for such period^s might be deter­ tion because he retained in his pos­ old, fell on Uncle Boomboom’a knows, sa that he could be depend­ ting them into the country on When Peter said, “ But such as I neck ahd went cut to contribute to ed upon never to furnish protection French legal minds and Napoleon this is a Broadway that is seen have give I thee',” the beggar still mined— were to open our factories, session for an hour or two a pistol “ week-end parties” — and who the campaign fund of his oppo­ to any rum shop. himself really had little to do with but seldom in its own spotlight. lived to be tossed from one rich may have doubted the ability to our stores, our offices and other which he had knocked out of the nent. When the senator was shown Assistant Attorney General: it. The rest of New York sits up racketeer to another. help him of one who had neither business places an hour earlier in hands of a thug who held him up, to have been re-elected, thanks to Hoohoo McWhorter, the good look­ The Code was an orderly, com­ with startled eyes when, for one silver nor gold. But when Peter' ing one in the family, and flamlng- pact statement of the laws of reason or another, this picture of She told them of “ suckers” took the beggar by the right hand the morning and ^closed them an is about as fine a piece of tyranny the faithful eleption officials, they decided unanimously that those ly youthful. Hoohoo would like France. It has formed the basis of its play street is flashed on the lured into tho heavy gambling and lifted him up, the beggar must hour earlier In the evening, by the as any state has ever been guilty Mabel Willebrandt’s Jtib and prom­ the Frenchman’s civil rights ever public screen. There are a few games by pretty youngsters— of have experienced a new thrill and dollars must not have been spent in an incredible sordid world of men clock, than in the winter time; If of. vain and that they should be cared ises to keep discreetly quiet during since its'promulgation, March 21, chroniclers of the big street who~ a new joy in the consciousness that campaigns if they will only send 1804. It was made necessary by the hint from time to time of shady and women living behind the gay strength had come to his lim b s. we frankly started our nooning at If he had been a gun toter he for in any event, but would con­ and sparkling lights of Broadway. sent to the pain of separation in her to Europe or somewhero until fact that after the French revolu­ goings on. Or there will be a It Is the power of the strong rlgh 11 instead of 12 and otherwise ad­ neVer would, have been caught, and case Uncle Boomboom couldn’t get after elections. With Hoohob on tion the laws of the country were paragraph in a morning news­ It is the Broadway you hear arm that ultimately demonstrab vanced our entire day. if he had been caught a crooked them all into the same bureau or the job 'n o defendant could ever hopelessly confused. Ancient stat­ paper relating' how So-and-so was whispers about . . . and more the power of the loving and gra This would be achieving the sanm underworld lawyer would have department. work any sob stuff on a jury be­ utes of doubtful historic origin beaten up in such-and-such a re­ than once I have found myself clous heart. The strong right arm. cause tl^e jury would all be looking were mixed with new radical meas­ sort, or how someone else was incredulous as I stood watching alas, has been too often given-', t result precisely as Is arrived at by seen to it that there was no convic­ Senator McWhorter is by no means the first statesmen to be at Hoohoo. ures enacted in the hectic days of robbed of his roll of bills. the carnivallan hordes milling deeds of violence even in the m adopting the daylight saving time— tion. beset with such a problem. Moat Any job in the Treasury so long revolution. A Rothstein will be murdered back and forth. Not one of these of civilization. and anybody who objected to our The Sullivan law and all simi­ statesmen solve it by picking fights as it Is Inside: Pilose McWhorter. This civil code was followed, in and suddenly it will develop that millions had a hand in the dirty The great social task of the vice and dope and racketeering dealing going on quietly, and with Using of our own working hours, be lar firearms statutes are aimed with their relatives well in ad­ Pilose would have the knack of the next few years, by three others, ern world.is to consecrate the ki: vance and making them so mad keeping other employees busy, it Is simitar in form and affecting com- i had amazing ramitications. Names amazing organization, ' just be­ er of the strong right arm to l i it legislator, outside agripulttiralist straight at the heads of decent that they -won’t ask for anything known to the Clan McWhorter that merce, criminal law, and the rules 1 of piomlnent people will flash into hind some of the blinking lights. purposes of love and righteous? any other, could be politely ask- people. But when Senator McWhorter tried Pilose is a sad victim of klepto­ of civil and criminal process. print »nd soon there will appear Only when the night has grown and truth. . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1929. PA G E s e v w

sioner to erect temporary or per­ new ideas. . The phraseology was manent buildings on state owned They’re New Pedal Champs , MUCH OPPOSITION the same In the days of the Holy PROBE OF PAUPERS land for high construction pur­ Alliance. It is merely another at­ poses; requiring seiectmen of all tempt to drag us up an alley, inch towns to publish notices concerning AGAINST PROTOCOL by inch, into the League of Na­ KILLED BY HOUSE changes in boundaries of properties tions and Europe’s entangling al­ In cases where such boundaries l ContlnneU rn>m Page 1) liances. They keep talking peace to are uncertain. us while all the world arms for war. The Senate finished its work to­ there would be no need for reserva­ We heard the same talk before day in time to adjourn before noon tions. 1914 when the great alliances were leader Johnson Says Next and swing into committee hearings. “The United States, I take It, formed for ‘peace,’ only to bathe would not hesitate to become a the world in blood and ruin and member of a court or a permanent hatred. The sam£ crooks are still in Legislature Will Take Up arbitral tribunal. But when it is power. LUTHERANS HAVE GOOD asked to become a member of a Hopes for Rejection. the Matter. body which is in fact the attor­ “I hope the Senate will reject ney general’s department of a polit­ these new terms. I hope the Irre- TIME AT REC CENTER ical institution, of which* political concllables will fight them. Mr. institution is not a member, that Root proposes a trial marriage with H Vt£tU Hartford, March 21.—A small presents a more serious question. the specific understanding that we T)>C , flurry occurred in tbTe House today Church Members and Guests of “I observe too that other goveyn- may desert the wife if we have an CRECKf over a bill, already killed in the Springfield League Try Out ments are getting quite as much in­ argument. I don’t believe in trial Senate, that proposed an investiga­ terested in this as the United marriages either as a practical Rec Facilities. States. This advisory jurisdiction thing or as a question of morality.” z j - r tion into the condition of the aged will always be a source of disturb­ The Root terms, Shlpstead added, XJ poor of the state. Oscar Dannen- The first Church Night held at ance and will ultimately, in my “change^ nothing.” r berg, of Bridgeport, opposed the the School Street Recreation Center opinion, have to be abandoned if the court is to be what it ought to "It Is still the League’s Court,” unfavorable report of the commit­ in some time turned out, last eve­ be— a great international judicial Shlpstead said. “Its law is still pro­ tee on the bill and read into the ning, to be a very successful affair. or arbitral tribunal.” vided by the League. We still are asked to join a court, whose laws records a long newspaper editorial The many facilities at the Rec were Shlpstead went much further. He given over to the members of the are written by a political organiza­ on the subject. Judge Raymond A. declared the American people, seek­ tion of which we are not a member. Swedish Lutheran church who had ing world peace, were load to be­ Johnson, House leader, retorted by as their guests the Springfield We still will be subjected to efforts lieve the League of Nations and to drag our country Into a super- saying that he could find many edi­ Luther League. -World Court were merely political Billiard tables and bowling alleys international sovereignty that will torials against the proposition. The organizations, “which came out of gradually whittle away the inde­ allotted to the members, were in the foreign offices of Europe during bill was finally rejected without use every minute of the evening, pendent sovereignty of the United the war,” he added, “so the Court States.” further comment after Judge John­ though no spectacular shots were lost its appeal. son said the subject had been un­ made in pool and the pin-boys were What Does It .^lean? W'Atk'Ovir/?/ der consideration and that the next not called on to exert themselves “The people cannot have a clear as the balls had a bad habit of roll­ Legislature would receive a bill conception of Mr. Root’s moves un­ ing off the alleys into the gutter be­ til they understand what this PISO’S covering the subject. fore striking a pin. However, all Si-x long days and nights of pedalling around the track at Madison League and Court mean to Ameri­ W.H. GARDINER Under suspended rules the House hands enjoyed themselves -tremend­ Square Garden brought Franco Georgetti, left, and Gerard Debaets, right can ideals,” said Shipstead. “The A 'C O U S h S passed approved claims against the ously. $10,000 in prize money as the winners. The Italian-Belgian team, pic­ diplomats know you can’t have 847 Main Street, South Manchester state amounting to $12,700. Under The formal games which were to tured here at the enA of the grind, gained the most decisive victory in, peace by putting the world in a the bill the Town of Ellington will have been plgyed in the gym under the history of six-day riding; they finished five laps ahead of the German- strait-jacket. The people some day receive $963.87 for care of pau­ the direction of Mr. Lloyd were can­ American team, their nearest competitor. will realize it too. pers; Palmer Brothers, of New Lon­ celled as the visitors were much in­ “This League and Court are not don, will be reimbursed an over­ terested in looking over the build­ payment of $1,000 on their capital ing and trying their hand at the stock tax; the Travelers Insurance various sports offered. The basket­ will get $10,256 for money on pre­ ball game played at 9 o’clock was miums on workmen’s compensation won by Manchester, 24-19. Details for the state highway department appear on the sports page. A half and the Town of Woodstock will hour swim for the boys capped the Make Delicious get $500 for care of paupers. evening’s entertainment. Hot dogs, coffee and crullers Favorable Reports were served shortly after ten Favorable reports tabled by the o’clock to more than 100 visitors reater than ever with House for calepdar and printing to­ and local church members. T o ast day are: Allowing leaves of absence with pay for state employes who are Right at the Table sick; providing disposition of as­ ABOUT TOWN sets of corporations which have With a Straight Eight Vmver! been dissolved; providing that di-1 vorce actions shall not be heard Hose Company No. 1,'S. M. F. D., until ninety days after the return was called out twice today on still day; allowing Windsor to assess alarms. A grass fire just off Cooper for street pavements; incorporating Hill street was put out at 11:30 Corona Toaster the Mark Twain Library Memorial this morning. 'This afternoon a Serve it hot! Toast is better Studebakerls famous Commission of Hartford. wood fire back of the Four Acres One unfavorable report was on was the cause of the alarm. served that way. For breakfast a bill to amend the charter of Der­ by by allowing the mayor to act as Players from Hartford, Rockville hot buttered toast helps give ex­ ex-offlcio member of the police and and this town filled 45-tables at the cess energy to start the day. finance boards. card party hqld.last evenin,g at St. From its calendar the House James’s hall. It was planned to passed the following: end the series with last night’s Incorporating the Merwin, Bur- MMANDER event, but demands for a continu­ Wiell & Farview Beach Association ance were so insistent that the of Milford; creating a recreation ladies plan to run them again, be­ Special For March board in Hamden; establishing a ginning Wednesday evening, April AS AN EIGHT AS A SIXs Hamden police relief fund; author­ 3, next week being Holy ■week. A izing the Norwich city and toivn total of 21 prizes were-awarded the governments to create zoning dis­ winners, at whist, setback and tricts; authorizing the Groton tax bridge. The committee of ladies $435 collector to collect in the borough, under the chairmanship of Mrs. J. fire, school, and other districts; in­ *1 4 9 5 - ^ 1 3 5 0 W. Farr served sandwiches, home creasing the directors of Riverside made cake and coffee. at th$factory Trust Co., Hartford, to 25; codify­ Only 35c Down $1,00 a Month ing fish and game laws concerning FOCH’S BOOK OUT election of members of the fish and DAY AFTER DEATH game commission; creating a Wall­ ingford firemens’ pension fund; Paris, March 21— Georges Goyau, W putting a closed season on racoons a member of the French Academy, The ^ IT t “if )f"ii...... — from January 1 to October 20, presented Mme. Foch with the first with muskrats from -March 16 to copy of the late Marshal Foch’s Manchester Electric Co. October 31; authorizing the Wal­ book bn Joan of Arc which was just cott Hill fire district of Wethers­ off the press this morning. 773 Main St. Phone 1700 field to regulate concerning snow and ice removal. SEEK STAMFORD MAN A Senate bill authorizing the Bridgeport Ladies Charitable So­ Stamford, March 21.— Police, to­ ciety to hold property up to $200,- day sent out a general alarm for 000 was also passed by the House. Timothy Atterbury, of 108 Taylor Judge Johnson, as House leader, street, after his v/ife was found un­ announced that while the House conscious with a large wound in. would hold a session tomorrow, her head. Mrs. Atterbury, according there would be none a week to hospital attendants, had been Every Type Of from tomorrow. Fast Day, and a struck over the head by a blunt legal holiday. instrument, possibly a poker. Her husband disappeared before THE SENATE. her condition was discovered. Hartford, March 21.— The State Hat Senate today sent to a committee on - BURN U. S. mSSIONS conference a bill providing a pen­ YOU CAN sion for Johanna Fahey and Mar­ Peking, March 21.— The Ameri­ garet Burgess^of Bridgeport. Dis­ can legation here today received a POSSIBLY NEED agreeing action resulted from the telegram reporting that several bill, the Senate having passed it American missions had been burn­ FOR THE SEASON and the House returning it to com­ ed and their missionaries in charge mittee. forced to flee during Communist up­ ' A > Under suspended rules the Senate risings in the southern part of the allowed the claim of Charles H. province of Kiangsi. Is Here Porter, of Windsor Locks for $195 The legation requested the Chi­ for care of his father, a Civil War nese government to Institute an im­ veteran. mediate investigation. The Senate received a favorable report on a bill establishing a small SACRED WINE STOLEN Hundreds Of New Hats claims court in Greenwich. An un­ favorable report was returned on a Hartford, March 21 — Rabbi in this refreshing collection. A shade to match the bill outlining procedure in damage Phineas Sobolecsky reported to po­ slightest variation of color in your new dress or ensem­ claims arising from highway acci­ lice here today the loss of fifty dents. cases of wine, used for sacramental ble. In small close-fitting, tremendously chic little hats, CoMMANDEX Eight C onvertibue C abriolet, six-cjlinder mttor, $14^5. Six wire wheels and trunk rack standard equipment. Bills passed from the Senate purposes, from the cellar of his or ones with larger brims. C ommander E ight C oupe, C ommander Six C oups, $I3S 0., Prices at thefaetorj. Bumpers and spare tires etftra^ calendar follow: home at 61 Mansfield street, ap­ Allowing midwives to use extract parently during the night. The Note Our Low Prices! of ergot; requiring Bridgeport wine.was valued at $1,000. property owners to file lists of tax­ h e fine and final touch of Restful riding, such as motoring never able property before October 1; Suspenders are universally worn Printed Crepes Children’s New authorizing the Highway commis- in. Trinidad. Smart Straws modern motoring— straight knew until Studebaker introduced ball Values to $5 d^O Crochet eight power — now lends its bearing spring shackles, is sdll further »tXX?«XX9gXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3^^ Special at . . 0 f O Tams V 1 T enhanced by hydraulic shock absorbers.' liquid fluency to Studebaker’s femous Commander! The sum of the new Commtnder'f' New Materials! New Colors! See Them! ' T h e new Commander, now available A cosy coupe era raey readtter-^ qualities, make it now, more than ever, * quickly it the greatest motor car ever built and Combination Remarkable Values in as either an eight or a six, worthily suc­ sold at its low One-Profit price.” Felt and Straws Crochet Hats ceeds to the renown of its illustrious predecessor, which All Styles d j y f O C sped 25,000 miles in 22,968 minutes. and All Qgj and Colors * 9 0 The Commander’s potent appeal of tireless speed is STUDEBAKER MODELS AND PRICES Straws Values to $6.95 The President Eight 117851012575 admirably matched by youthful, vivid style. Lines are t * * * The Commander Six or Eight e r e 1350 to 167^ lower and longer because of Studebakcr’s costly ­ For a Spring Tonic VISIT OUR NEW DRESS DEPT. The Dicutor # * e » • 1265 to 1395 drop frame. Evenin repose, you senseThft Commanders Here You Will Find New Dress Values! The Erskine Six * 860 to 1045 PEPTONA fleetness, and its power, and its brilliant deportment. PRICBI AT THB PACTOST This powerful toiiic is of great value in most run­ down conditions. BON TON mujjnery A prompt reconstructive tonic aid for enriching the blood. ‘ HARTFORD Builds strength and improves the health. 50 Church Street Three Doors Below Old Location THE CONKEY AUTO CO. 2tt EAST CENTER STREET ' SOUTH MANCHESTER QUINN’S yvertise in The Evening Herald-It Pays ■ ■ r

> x.’i ; PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HEKAUJ, SUUTn JOAINUHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 192R Hartford Dixies Will Play Here Tomorrow Evenina ’^1 ______- ______— ------^ ^ ------— Jarle Johnson Beaten FRANCE’S TENNIS KEBART DEFEATS DAYS NUMBERED SASIU 38 PINS Meet Rec Five In ByBensche, 100 To 79 Contest Of Their Series STATES BOROTRA Wins Final Leg by 20 Pins; YANKS NOT m S JONAH DECLARES LEFTY GROVE Best Played Match of Tour­ FINAL CHICAGO TOUR.S AMENT. $180 Purse al Stake;'LOCAL LUTHERS Large Crowd Expected to Fort Myers, Fla., March 21. Destiny and American Re­ nament Proves Treat to — Lefty Grove, star pitcher of Although few persons are aware of the fact, the coming National the Philadelphia Athletics who Interscholastic Basketball Turnament at Chicago will be the last one. Near R i o ^ ' 2 4 1 9 Watch Game Winch May was able to consistently beat sourcefulness Will Regain This was decided a few weeks ago by the University of Chicago ofid- Audience; Not the John­ every club in the American I « League last year with the ex­ Davis Cup, He Predicts. cials at the request of the National Association of Secondary School Johnny Sasila lost the final leg I ------Be Last of Season; Al­ ception of the New York Yan­ Principals which was held in Cleveland. It was decided to go through of his twenty game bowling match \ . j t v . son of Old. kees, told International News with the present one but to abandon them in the future. with Charlie Kebart last night a t , Springfield’s Luther League Service today that the Yanks Conran’s Alleys by 20 pins, which, 1team came and saw, hut ways Plenty of fecite- are not a “ Jonah” team, for him By DAVIS J. WALSH. Several reasons were advanced for the discontinuation of the tour­ added to the 18 pin lead he secur-jl^ft the conquering to the local /arle Johnson, former town — at least he doesn’t think so. nament. Clarence P. Quimby of the Manchester High School, who at­ ed in the first half, gave him the team'who took advantage of it and ment When Teams Clash. champion, finalist in last year’s “ I regard the Yanks as just a tended the Cleveland conference tells me tbe chief ones are as follows; match by 38 pins and his supporters soundUv trimmed the visitors, 24-19 town title tournament, and. In his ball club,” he said, “ and that’s New York, March 21.— Destiny Heavy cost of transportation; long distance to be traveled; too much the purse of $180. \ last night at the School Street Rec. prime, one of the best pocket bil­ the way I’m going to pitch to and American resourcefulness ■will Kebart won si.x of the ten games The game, through._ut. was very them this year.” take the Davis Cup from France as time lost by the members of the teams, also students back home; the , and averaged 113.6 against 112.6. loosely played. “ Mit” Nelson star- liard players Manchester has ever The Rec Five will tackle the had was eliminated in the first Grove was asked how many inevitably as the stars must shine severity of the mental and physical strain of a tourament with so much ; He made four strikes, 23 spares, for the winners, caging five round of the Herald’s 1929 tourna­ bali games he thought he would ■ and the sun follow its orbit. honor at stake; also commercialization of the sport. missed 15 spare breaks and got 193 baskets and holding his man to one Hartford Dixies tomorrow evening ment at the Rec last night by John win this season. 1 Jean Borotra, France’s gay There is no question but what a tournament of this sort is a severe pins on fillings, 'Sasila made six lone goal. A. Haglund, right guard at the School street Rec in the third Bensche. The score was 100 to 79. “ Thats a funny question,” he j troubador of the courts who for strikes, 25 spares, “ blew” 10 and of the visitors, ■who made eight and deciding game of their three- replied. “How.do I know? I'll | eight years has played his tennis strain upon a team of boys, but it is also doubted that it injures them made only 195 on fillings. , baskets in-the game at Springfield The match was easily the best game series, each team having won played in the tournament this >ear win as many as I can. 1 expect from the Rivera to Rio— in the to any serious extent. Neither can it be denied that these tournaments Kebart increased his lead at the was held scoreless by S. Anderson, and was replete with splendid play­ to have a good year.” i shadow of New York’s skyscrapers severely handicap the progress of the classes in all schools affected. start but the south ender reduced The score at half-time was 15-7. one contest. This may be the last ing by both men. There were very Grove said his arm “ feels one month, by the side of Nanking’s The students “ talk, dream and eat” basketball. it to a few pins only to have Kebart Manchester. George Stavnitsky contest of the season for the local great.” He suffered an attack rice paddies the next— was conced­ spurt into a commanding lead refereed. few easy shots missed. Johnson got No better proof of this is available than the case of Fitchburg, team. away in the lead but Bensche of the flu in January but had , ing today what he believed to be a again. He was leading by 53 pins Mass., High, winners of the Natipnal Tourney back in 1925-26. Al­ SPRINGFIELD (IQ) Whenever the Rec and Dixies ■passed him in the fourth rack and completely recovered. melancholy fact. The concession when the last game started. Sasila P. B. F. T. was made with typical Gallic though the school team had a very successful season the following year, made more marks but his fillings clash, the fans are sure of getting ■was never headed the rest of^ the 1 S. Johnson, rf. . .*. .1 0-1 2 their money’s worth. Tomorrow way although pressed hard at times resignation. It is fate; what would officials refused to allow the team to defend its title at Chicago where it •were much smaller than those made 3 R. Johnson, rf . . . .1 0-0 2 you? He seemed to say. by Kebart. A large crowd watched should be no exception to the rule. by ever-dangerous opponent. had been invited. They pointed out that the markings of the students 2 H. Matson, If . . . .3 0-0 6 With no intent to take any credit “ Our few can beat your few the match and there was a big 'v'er- The two teams are bitter rivals and had fallen down woefully during the month surrounding the team’s trip 1 B. Haglund. c . . . . . 1 3-5 5 the feeling is tense between the away from Bensche, it must be VEIVETNO.l now,” said he, gravely. “ That is bal argument afterward about the 2 A. Haglund, rg .0 4-9 4 fortunate. But it isn’t permanent.” to Chicago. Yet, the tourney will be sadly missed. money which was bet on the match. players once play starts although stated in all fairness to Johnson 4 H. Haglund, l,g . . .0 0-0 0 they may appear friendly in civies. that he has not been playing but What -was meant, he was eager Regarding the commercializing of the sport, it is known that the one time, it looked like fists to explain, was that it was only The Dixies will have Ted Torrant little pool since the tournament last WINS LEGAL members of the Central Connecticut Interscholastic League officials at 13 6 7-15 19 and Tommy Murphy at forward year when he lost to Jud Gallup in a question of time until the many their recent meeting seriously discussed the advisability of adopting a .>LY.\CHESTER (24) with Bill Hoflerth at center and the finals 300 to 290. Bensche, on good ones here, the man power of P. B. F. T. American tennis, must overcome rule whereby the coaches of all athletic teams be separated from the Heine Larson and “ Fat” Hafner the other hand, has been playing CHAMPIONSHIP 3 E. Anderson, rf . .0 0-2 0 on guard duty. “ Watty” Waterman quite regularly, especially of late. France’s few. La Coste and Cochet? teams during contests. The suggestion was defeated only after a warm 3 C. Larson, rf . . . .0 2-5 2 Oui, M’sleur. Of a certainy, they will probably play and in case ho Incidentally, it was Johnson who debate. 3 I Dalquist, If .. . .3 0-0 6 does, Torrant may jump center eliminated Bensche in the tourna­ are great. But they have reached Those favoring placing the coaches in the bleachers declare this 2 M. Nelson, c ...... 0-0 10 with Waterman going to forward ment last year and the score was their best and can get no better. He 2 C. Gustafson, rg . .0 2-5 2 added that they will play top tennis would give the players more initiative and make schoolboy sports less as he did in the last game hero 100 to 49. Jennie Lucas Cops High 2 S. Anderson, Ig . . .1 .2-3 4 when the Dixies won out through Bensche displayed a brilliant all- perhaps for ten years. commercialized. It is understood that Manchester may experiment “ Does that mean that you expect a hair-raising finish 41 to 39. around game an^d made high runs with the idea during the present year. It is being worked out advan­ 15 9 6-15 of 14 and 16. Johnson ran 12 once Average Prize Again With to keep the Davis Cup for ten Thoughts of that game alono and nine twice. The latter also years?” he was asked. tageously in certain parts of New York state now. However, it will should help draw a large crowd to­ executed some spectacular masse Mais, non. Of an absurdity! Of a probably be some time before Connecticut adopts the plan. 113.6 112.6 morrow night. No other game is on combination shots which dre'w 91.40; Complete List. great absurdity! His hands flut­ I Schmeling told the folks hack in taps now that the High school has hearty applause from the good sized tered in pained negation. NICE BOOST FOR BLUEGE Berlin he had quit his hoxing style completed its season. The Rec will crowd which •watched the match. “ We have no great confidence Joe Judge says Ossie Bluege and gone in for lighting after the use its regular lineup. McCann and Jimmy Reardon, 'who was keeping that we will be able to keep it one should make the' Washington Sen­ American pattern. After the Holland will play forward posts, the statistics of the match, reports Velvet No. 1 was the winner of more year,” he said, and launched Herald Bowling League ators as good a shortstop as the American pattern as exemplified by Norris, center with Stavnitsky and that Johnson made five scratches the C. B. Girls’ bowling league into a tribute to Bill Tilden, forth­ club has had since Roger Peckin- Paulino, Firpo, and perhaps Madden on at guards. Nichols and against three for Bensche. Bensche •with the remarkable showing of 60 with. William, it seems, is one of paugh was with the Senators. Thomas Heeney? Gustafson will be on reserve duty. made two fouls and Johnson one. wins in 66 games. The Ribbon and the gentleman’s many enthusiams. Johnson played 14 safe shots Weaving No. 1, close followers, “ No teams with a Bill Tilden is against 11 for Bensche. tied for second but they each lost ever beaten in advance,” he de­ Title Settled Tonight The three fouls were committed twice a? many games as the Velve- claimed. He seemed shocked when in the closing racks when the strain teers. informed that the American public of the battle was the heaviest. Both Jennie Lucas led the individual was expecting less and less of Til­ men proved themselves very dan­ averages again with 91.40. Martha den as time went on. Tilden, he Sons of Italy Must Win T w o' gerous with the balls spread in the Hadden and Nan Taggert were close added, would play tennis this year least. This, in striking contrast to behind. This trio was all that kept reminiscent of Tilden of old. Local the previous matche.s where runs an average of over 90. The league Why? He appeared surprised Points to Tie and Three to standing and averages follow: men have been short and many easy That anyone should question such a statement. Why not?, was his shots missed. The crowd enjoyed the TE.YM STANDING match immensely. They applauded reply. Tilden, he declared, needed Win from Green; Bon Ami Sport ed both players and were convinced W. L. only a day’s rest between two Davis Velvet No. 1 ...... 60, 6 that Bensche was the better man Ribbon ...... Cup singles matches to be almost last night and scored a deserved . .54 12 unbeatable. Play him in doubles Opposes Them at Farr’s. Weaving No. 1 ...... 54 12 Cl.aucr victory. and— . He paused impressively. eci which Throwinjg No. 1 ...... 50 16 Here are the scores after each Throwing No. 2 ...... “ You keel him,” he added, simp­ . .32 34 TONIGHT’S PAIRINGS rack: Old M ill...... 28 38 ly. Bensche Johnson Tilden, In his eyes as least, is Sam Houston has replaced Bill 9 Dressing ...... 26 40 V\ eaving No. 2 ...... America’s insurance at the moment At Farr’s— Brennan in the town po.ket bil­ 10 . 25 41 against elimination before the final Bon Ami vs. Sons of Italy. IS V'^elvet No. 2 ...... 25 41 liards tournanrent. He meets Joe 1 9 2 2 round. Subsequently, it will be our West Sides vs. Independents. Brozowski, probably Saturday 24 Main O ffice...... 21 4 5 est are 31 overwhelming resources of player At Murphy’s— afternoon, if not tonight. 31 Throwing No. 3 ...... 11 5 5 Green vs. Night Hawks. 3S Spinning ...... strength that will achieve this re­ 44 39 . .10 56 suit. Borotra professed himself to Center Church vs. Charter Oaks. Individual .Yvei ages With the discontinuation of the 40 be fairly staggered by the proficien­ Beethoven vs. Construction. national basketball tourney, at 62 49 G. Aver. cy of the average player he faced in Jennie Lucas ...... 60 91.40 Chicago, it would not be at all sur­ 6 7 5 S America. prising if the Tufts’ Tournament 63 M. Hadden ...... 57 90.56 7 “ x\ny of your men, ranking from Tonight’s the final session of the at Medford were started up again. S5 6S A. Taggart ...... 63 90.41 number ten to number fifty, may !\I. Sherman ...... 57 89.51 Herald Bowling League. It will de­ This was temporarily suspended a 94 71 beat any of ours ranked from num­ few yrears ago because of improper 79 E. Roswell ...... 57 89.19 cide the pennant. The winner will 9S ber five to number ten,” he explain­ be either Manchester Green or the facilities' but with the building of 100 79 E. M cCourt...... 36 89.2 ed. “ This means everything in a C. Jackmore ...... 57 88.9 Sons of Italy. The chances are that its new gym, it is understood that I. Gee ...... competition between two countries. the latter will pull through t.he the tournament will again be start­ 54 87.40 You have so qiany stars, we so few. G. Hatch ...... 39 87.17 winner by a margin of a single ed. When La Cosle and Cochet falter, point. However, that’s mere guess­ K. Gustafson...... 33 87.12 our best man will be Boussus, be­ J. Jackmore...... 51 86.22 work. Manchester High ■ has been to cause of his youth. The rest of the The Night Hawks who forfeited Tufts several times. On its last visit, m t i ^ G. Nelson ...... 51 86,18 good ones in France are, unfortu­ F. M ikoliet...... 48 86.12 tr the Sons of Italy are going to do back in 1925-26, it'lost to Man­ nately, not young. Regard, then, the same to the Green tonight chester, N. H. High. That was the H. Gustafson ...... 45 86.6 yjur young players. M. Newman ...... 21 86.5 which will put the Green ahead of year Fitchburg, Mass., High won “ Van Ryn” — he whistled through the Sons by two points. In order to the New England title and went on H. Bodreau ...... 63 85.51 his teeth Ijy way of creating atmos­ A. .PonJeelli ...... 54 8 5.36 win the Sons must bowl over the to Chicago to win the national title. phere for this cyclone in action— strong Bon Ami team three pointd. M. S tron g...... 63 85.21 “ there is a player. Mangin, Coen, F. Nelson ...... Two points would give a tie and The discontinuing of the Chicago 42 85.12 Lott; they play masterfully now {Reproduced from thP Yale News, Jan. 25, 1929] After years of furnishing the big E. Laulenbach ...... 57 84.15 make necessary a play-off. tournament means that this will be and they are yet to reach their best. Tickets for the annual banquet Bristol’s final chance to win a na­ leagues with such players as Joe A. Curran ...... 15 84.10 There are many more here almost Sewell. Del Pratt, . M. L ittle ...... 54 which will be held next Monday tional title for its great coach, 83.4 as good. Hennessey, 1 fear started evening at the Sub-Alpine club will , and so on, the M. K arpin ...... 36 82.27 Tommy Monohan, better known as to play— what you call it?— serious be distributed by the team captains the Knute Rockne of Connecticut is falling H. Frederickson...... 39 81.8 tennis too late for future develop­ OLD GOLD CIGARETTES WIN off. The only player sent up recent­ S. Sheekey ...... 57 81.3 tonight. basketball. A group of Yale upper-classmen comparing the ment. But you can have no concern FIRST IN TESTS AT YALE four leading cigarette bruds. ly was , and he has E. Arm strong...... 47 80.34 for the others.” drifted back to the Red Sox. C. N ovak ...... 37 79.25 The radio sure is a wonderful in­ He left no doubt that he consid­ LEAGUE STANDING vention. It affords the possesor of a L. Foots ...... 24 79.11 ered Van Ryn and Boussus the Branch Rickey seems to have 1. Lee ...... 27 79.10 P set the opportunity to hear almost In the recent cigarette test made at coming players of this day and that w . L. every important news event of na­ overlooked a bet in not buying the C. R itch ie...... 30 78.29 15 50 by 1935, perhaps sooner, they ■will Sons of Italy ...... 3,6 tional or international importance the University, O ld G olds 'were Universitv of Alabam’ as a farm. 1 M. McKinnev 39 78.24 be the Tildens and the La Costes of Green ...... 36 15 4S ,H 1 R. S m ith ...... soon after if not when it is actually 0 25 77^2 Davis Cup play. Bon A m i...... _____ 31 20 43 chosen by the students as the best. Judging by the number of A. Gabbev ...... 48 ■ 77.6 ...... 31 20 41 happening. Take the boat race in West Sides Biscayne Bay yesterday afternoon The cigarettes were masked by Palookas Strib has pushed over, he L. P u k ofk y...... 57 76.14 Night Hawks . . . _____29 22 34 ought to take a match with Phal- R. Williamson ...... 33 75.30 Construction ...... 22 29 31 between Major H. O. .D. Segrave’s “ Miss England” and Commodore black labels so that the names of ij It ling Phil for $5 and expenses. L. Armstrong...... 42 75.26 HAS YOUTHFUL W.4YS Charter Oaks ...... 23’ 28 30 E. Anderson...... 54 75.12 Center Church , ___ 18 33 . 24 Gar Wood’s “ Miss AlnericaVII” , for; the brands were concealed. Each j M. Marks ...... 57 74.39 Although Coach Jimmy Austin, ...... 16 35 17 instance. Who would have thought On the other hand, a return with the St. Louis Browns, is more Independents , .. label was numbered. This was j L. Custer ...... 39 74.28 Beethoven ...... 14 38 16 (hat he would have a chance to match between Strib and Sharkey is than 50 years old, he is one of the “ see” this great treat when he turn­ being advocated by some people. E. G eddis...... 39 74.6 judged to be the most sporting way A. Paradis ...... peppiest men connected with the ed on the set yesterday afternoon? Pro%'ing you just can’t give some 45 73.42 Browns. folks enough punishment. M. Sullivan ...... 39 73.38 of testing the merits of the four R. O’N e il...... 36 73.30 Both Major Segrave and Commo­ M. Duncan ...... 23 73.21 BUSY SPORT SEASON dore Wood spoke over the radio. leading brands. Some 208 Yale A couple of New York sport Each showed fine sportsmanship by scribes pick the Phils to finish in L. Ladd ...... 30 73.5 students were asked to smoke the A. Waikowski ..... 30 72.18 Havre, situated at the mouth praisiqg the other. The put-put-put- seventh place this year. Must of the River Seine, is a central FOR YALE ATHLETES put of the nlotors could be easily figuring on a streak of good luck A. Wolfram ...... 30 72.8 four disguised brands without G. Kanehl ...... channel port located at the cross­ heard over the radio during the The four leading cigarettes . . . **Masked” widi for Quarkertown. 57 71.4 paper sleeves to conceal their brand names. A. Taggart ...... 57 70.53 roads of many commercial routes race and when the boats rounded knowing their identity. and of Innumerable shipping lines New Haven, March 21.— A sports the bends near the microphone It The guys who pick the Phils to D. M iller...... 38 69.27 V. Phillips ...... 30 69.22 that serve all parts of the world. schedule calling for 108 events be­ was deafening. Major Segrave’s They were merely to choose, by E. Lennon ...... 33 68.29 Only two per cent of all the In­ tween April 4 and June 22 was an­ boat has a 900 horse-power motor dians in America have incomes ex­ nounced by the Yale Athletic asso­ which sets in an amazingly light number, the one that was most League ball clubs. H. Laser ...... 45 68.1 M. M ukulis...... 27 68.0 ceeding $500 a year. ciation here today, the schedule hull weighing only 600 pounds. appealing to the taste. S. Sadeski ...... 38 66.3 starting with the first baseball Another interesting little fact which game of the varsity’s southern trip came through- the broadcast was ‘Two Yankees Shot L. Sillano ...... 9 65.4 The N ews supervised the test A. Bonnette ...... 36 <4>- played at Charlottesville, Va., with Wood’s admission that he always 65.3 GAR WOOD FORCED V. M ozzer...... 12 57.8 the University of Virginia, on April takes two little teddy-bears with' on January 18 at various fraternity somebody up to it. GUT IN FIRST RACE 4 and ending with the Harvard Re­ him as an omen of good luck and gatta at New London on June 21, “ protection” against injury. houses and in the N ews office. The score at the end of the first Miami, Fla., March 21-^Gar An extra feature this year la the Inning in the recent cricket game JOLIET TEAM WINS. Wood, Veteran speed boat king, track meeting in which Yale and Weather permitting, Segrave and ' When the votes were recorded between England and Australia was Chicago, March 21.— Five men was forced out on the third lap Harvard combine to compete with Wood will be racing again this 519 to 491. Baseball scorekeepers comprising the Hub Recreation of his first defending , race Oxford and Cambridge at Cam­ afternoon. Tune in on Station it was discovered that O ld G old who have thought they had a tough team of Joliet, 111., were the heroes against the British entry of bridge, Mass., on Saturday, July WEAF in New York between 4 and (Ggarette No. 3) had won. Old spot can now raise their voices in of the American Bowling congress Major H. O. D. Seagrave yester­ 13. The Yale sports schedule has 5 o’clock and you can hear the pro­ gladsome shouts. today. This team, unheard of and day afternoon in the Biacayne 34 events set for April, 64 for May, ceedings. Gold was given 63 first choices, unsung, last night rose from ob­ Bay regatta when the Miss 10 for June and 1 for July. Twenty- Jim Maloney seems to he coming scurity to crash its way into first America VII broke a steering six of the home events will be free Norval Baptie, sensational New which was 11 per cent ahead of back. It has been a most unusual place with the handsome score of quadrant. Wood was leading a to the public. York skater who took part in the Cigarette No. 2,34 per cent ahead spring. 3063. They turned In games of half lap when he was elimin­ Applications for tickets for vari­ ice carnival here, won two out of 1002, 984 and 1077, with each ated. ous large sport events at Yale will The stories from the spring train­ three events fro«j Everett McGow­ of Ogarette No. 1, and 53 per cent man averaging better than 200 per Seagrave completed the 12 close as follows: Yale-Prlnceton an in the Springfield arena last ing camps tell of players who can game. baseball. May 22; Yale-Harvard night with ease. They were the 220 ahead of Cigarette No. 4. toot horns, play the piano and mile sprint to win in the time of First place in the doubles also 11 minutes, 9.38 seconds. His baseball, June 5; Princeton baseball and thb 440. He lost the 880. Sev­ other musical instruments. C’Goofty changed hands when J. Lellinger at Princeton, May 31; Harvard eral Manchester persons saw the just got back from Mlamisburg and average speed was 64,537 miles and G. Geiser of Chicago knocked per hour. They race again this baseball at Cambridge June 5; Yale- race and said that there was no be says they aren’t so bad at stud over 1302 pins to top the former afternoon. Harvard boat race at New London, comparison; Baptie was much su- .poker, either. leaders by one point. ------^ JUQS 6, ' nerlor.


play, songs and recitations. Arthur Stein will furnish the music for the dance. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Afternoon Whist Next Tuesday R o ck v ille The finance committee of the Thursday, March 21. 499.7—WTIC, HARTFORD—600. 6:30—Sea Gull dinner group. Leading DX Stations. Every Mothers’ Club will hold a A twelve-year-old pianist, Samuel 7:00—Music memory contest . 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. public whist Tuesday afternoon at 7:30—WEAF programs (I hr.) for Shrelder, will play Mozart’s first 7:30—Salvation Army band. ‘‘Department Night" at W. R. C. ERVICE 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. 8:30—"Tone Color.” musical hour. 8:30—NBC programs (2',2 hrs.) Burpee Woman’s Relief Corps movement of "Concerto in D Minor” 9:00—W EAF programs (2 hrs.) •10:30—National entert.-iinmcnt. Fred A pel of Prospect street. Re­ at 9:15 over WPG for one of the big­ 422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710. 11:45—City organ recital. held their annu-'l “ Department freshments will be served and gest highlights scheduled for Thurs­ 7:00—I’opular songs and patter. 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. night” last evening in G. A. R. hall day night. Fifteen minutes earlier 7:30—Orchestra, soprano. prizes awarded. the WJZ network will radiate the 8:00—NBC programs (2 hrs.) with over 100 members and guests Food Sale Friday 8:00—Novelty songs, guitarist. 10:35—Herbuveaux’s orchestra; artists present. A dinner was served at the regular "Neapolitan Nights," a pro­ 8:30—Studio stock company. The Allen l.ible Class of the MOTORIS 11:30—WJZ Slumber music. gram of Italian music. Joe Biviano’s 9:00—Soprano, tenor, orchestra. 12:00—Fiorito’s dance orchestra. 6:30 o’clock. Department Com­ Baptist church will hold a food sale accordion and the string of a man­ 10:00—Symphony orchestra, soprano. I:(i0—Insomnia Club hour. mander George A. Tucker of the dolin quartet play an Important part 11:05—Two dance orchestras. 1:20—Two dance orchestras. Friday afternoon from 2 to 5 TW O THINUS TO REMEMBER: in creating tire romantic illusion of G. A. R. of New Haven with -mem­ 302.8— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. o’clock. Mrs. Imogene Starkey and this hour. Giuseppe dl Benedetto 7:00—Jewish advocate program. bers of his staff and Department Mrs. Rachael Gyngell are In charge. By Henry A. Schaller will direct the program and contribute 7:30—Musical cake program. 9:0(J—Columbia programs (2 hrs.) President Miss Lillian E. Bailey of the tenor solos "Ricorda” and "A 11:00—Lombardo’s dance orchestra. Meeting Postponed 8:00—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 12:00—Studio orchestral frolic. Danielson and her staff were in at­ A THOUGHT Surrentlna.” Other numbers to be 9:00—Bowne’s merry makers hour. The meeting of the Rockville heard will be "Canzone 1’ Aprile,” 9:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 12:00—Old Gray Mare club. tendance at both the dinner and Fair Association stock holders "Souvenir,” and “ Banderillos.” The 10:50—McEnellv’s dance orchestm. 254.1— WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. meeting. Following the dinner vocal virtuosity of the Male Singers 348.6—WABC. NEW YORK—860. 9:00—Mooseheart hoiir. which was called for last evening, The thought of foolishness is will be demonstrated anew in their 7:00—"D ogs"; musical program. 9:30—Studio hub hour. there was an informal entertain­ will be held April 24. Owing to the sin; and the scorner is an abomi­ own quartet arrangement of Ravdi- 8:00—Sweethearts musicale. 10:30—Dance orchestra; artists. ment program. Music was fur­ corporation laws, it was found nec­ nation to men.— Prov. 24:0. ManlnofTs “ Prelude in C Minor” to 8:30—Then and now music. 11:00—Studio program. nished throughout the program by essary to change the date. be sung in a coast-to-coast broadcast 9:00—Aunt Jemima hour, Negro songs 12:00—.Artists; concert trio. the Maple street school orchestra, oyer the WE.\F chain at 9. Singing and stories. 416.4— WGN-WLIB. CHICAGO—720. Thou mayst from law, but not violins offer also a unique arrange­ 9:30—Pauline Lawn, operatic soprano. 10:00—Musical symphonic melange. directed by Miss Pauline Cooley, 10:30—Symphony orchestral music. from scorn, escape. — Charles ment of the Spanish lyric “ La Palo- 10:00—Freddy Rich’s orchestra. readings, “ The • Ghost of Annie On account of an outer and in­ Sprague. nia,” and Ohinan and Arden, ver.«;aiile 10:30—Musical episode in the life of 11:15—Quintet; dance orchestra. Flannigan” and "In Flanders ner bar across the channel con­ piano duo, will present a double synco­ a great composer. 12:00—Dream ship; dance music. pation of "Gypsy'.” Pauline Lawn, the 11:00—Two dance orche.stras. 344.6—WLS. CHICAGO—870. Field” by Mrs. Evelyn Keeney; and necting Lake Maracaibo With the famous American operatic soprano, 454.3—WEAF,. NEW YORK—660. 8:45—Little Brown Church quartet. readings by Pillie Herzog, “ Wash­ Gulf of Venezuela, only vessels will be the guest artist of the Colum­ 6:00—Dinner dance music. 9:00—Concert; dance orchestra. ington and Lincoln and Me” and drawing less than 12 feet of water THE ANSWER bia network’s feature at 9:30. Miss 7:00—Jlid-week hymn sing. 10:30—Elmhurst Women’s Choral glee Lawn’s offering will include "Vio lo 7:30—Comfort hour orchestra with club , “ Castor Oil” also “ A Modern can enter the port, with the result S.apcte” from "Cavelleria Rusticana” Thomas Joyce, baritone. 11:00—Concert orchestra, soloists. Washlngtoii” consisted of the num­ that but two shipping companies, Here is the answer to the Letter in which opera she created a sensa­ 8:00—Song shop selections. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. bers on the jirogram which was one ^American and one Dutch, Golf puzzle on the comic page: tion in Italy when she appeared under 8:30—Sentinel’s dance orchestra with 9:30—Minstrel show: quartet. followed by the regular meeting. tite direction of its composer, Mas­ Jessica Dragonette, soprano. 10:30—Concert; Amos ’ n’ Andy. maintain a weekly passenger and TACK. HACK, HARK, HARD, cagni. 9:00—Male Singers, orchestra. 11:12—Concert orchestra: aerials. Ml'S. Celia Busch freight «ervice between New York HERD, HEAD. 9:30—Vignettes music hour. 12:00—Two dance orchestras. . Mrs. Celia Busch, 77, of Spruce and Maracaibo. Black face type indicates best features 10:00—Educational talks, music. 10:30—Concert bureau program. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. street, died at the home of her sou 8:00—Columbia programs (3 hrs.) Arthur Busch, Wednesday morning, All programs Eastern Standard Time. 11:00—St. Regis dance orchestra. n':00—Merry ramhlers; dance music. From the second half of the 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 12:00—.Amos ’ n’ Andy; studio music. after a long illness. Mrs. Busch had Leading East Stations. f,;no—Old Man Sun.shine. lived in Rockville mapy years and 17th century until the present day '\L 0:30—T’ollack’s dance orchestra. 288.3—WFAA, DALLAS—1040. the city of Krefeld in the Rhine­ 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 7:00—Talk, Savel Zimand. 7:30—WE.AF orchestra, songs. leaves a son, Arthur Busch, chef X:0’ programs (2',4 hrs.) 11:00—Your hour league. lO l’.o—.Arlists: dance orchestra. 272.6— WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 299.8_WH0, DES MOINES—1000. hold a dance and entertainment on SUPER OIL HEATER 6:.53—Knights of Columbus hour. 7 :30—Harmonizers concert program. 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 7:40—Castleton instrumentalists. Easter Monday night. The enter­ 8 :00—I n. S. A. mid-week service. 8:00—NBC programs (4 hrs.) tainment will feature a three-act 9 :00—Cohimhia programs (2 hrs.) 526—WNYC. NEW YORK—570. 12:00—Little .Svmphony orchestra, MAYTAG WASHER 11:00—,\mos ’ n’ And.v. comic team. 7:30—Air college lectures. 608.2— WOW, OMAHA—590. 11:1.5—n.iy’.s dance orche.sfra. 8:15—German .5ong recital. 10:00—Feature program. BARLOW’S GARAGE 325.9—WWJ, DETROIT—920. 8:39—Bar Association meeting. 11:00—Burnham’s rh.vthm kings. SALES AND SERVICE 7:00—Trio; dance orche.'tra. 315.6— WRC, WASHINGTON—950. 309.1— KJR. SEATTLE—970. 595 Main St., So. Manchester 8:00—WEAF programs VM hrs.) 9:30—WEAF programs ( l ’,4 hrs.) 11:90—Artistic ensemble, soloists. Arthur A. Knofla 9:30—G.vpsy baron’s concert. 11:00—WJZ Slumber music. 12:00—Salon orchestra, artists. The Home Electric Next Door to Sheridan Hotel. 10:00—.WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 12:00—Dattgherty’s orchestra. 1:00—Vic Myer’s orchestra. 875 Main St. Appliance Corp. I Railway locomotives now weigh Insurance and Real BsUtc. Manchester Auto las much as 250 tons. Phone 2936 W T 1 C Top (>). I’ KOGUAMS Theaters All Work Folly Guaranteed. Travelers, Hartford W. J. MBSSlEll 500 m. 600 K.- C. J At the State Monte Blue comes to the State Radiator and Program for Tliursday theater tomorrow, in his second NEXT TO A NEW BUICK IS A USED BUICK Warner Brothers Vitaphoue pic­ Genera] Repairing G;15 p. m.— Summary of Program. ture, “ The Greyhound Limited,” i.u ere it is Selling at a Great Price Reduction United States Daily News Bul­ which he plays the part of a rail­ letins from Washington, D. C. OLIVER WELDING road engineer. The engineer rooms 1927 Brougham 1924 Brougham 6:25 p. m.— Hartford Couraut and boards tvith the mother of his WORKS News Bulletins. fireman. Both men are in a way in­ 1926 Sport Roadster 1924 Regular Sedan 6:30 p. m.— Sea Gull Dinner trigued with the pert blonde hash- Corner Pearl and Spruce 1926 Two Door Sedan 1926 Four Sedan Group. slinger at the quick-lunch counter A NEW Tel. 1235 W e have some other makes that might Interest you that 7:00 p. m.— King Perfecto Music along the tracks. The fireman’s Memory Contest directed by mother begs Monte to alienate the will give you plenty of good service. Emil Heimberger. girl from her son. He does so re­ AU used cars sold by ns are thoroughly checked by our 7:30 p. tn.— Coward Comfort Pro­ luctantly and the enraged fireman NIGHT mechanics. ' gram from N. B. C. Studios— takes to drink, later being framed Fritz Forsch, Orchestra Di­ by a gang of thugs, as the murder­ AUTO^ SERVICE LET US DEMONSTRATE THESE VALUES! rector. er of the saloonkeeper in whose FRIGIDAIRE 8:00 p. m.—Forhan’s Song'Shop place he hangs out. Use your car days. Let us do from N. B. C. Studios. The uoote is about to claim the your repair work at night. CAPITOL BUICK CO. 8:30 p. m.— “ Tone Color” pre­ lad when through thrilling adven­ After 5 p. m. Phone 2954 Tel. 1600 J. M. SHEARER, MGR. ' Tel. 1600 sented by The Imperials— tures with thieves, on runaway at the 250 West Center St. I Egyptian D ance...... Frlml trains, in hills and thickets, Monte II swing Along ...... Cook finally finds the real culprit and III Chanson Bohemienne...... frees the youth. Vitaphoue is terri­ ...... Boldi fically effective with voices of play­ lowest price IV Habanera and Vaquera’s Song ers, and with sounds that mark the FOR RADIO from “ Natoma” . . . Herbert progress of the lightning-speed SERVICE V The Kiss (waltz) ...... Arditi melodrama, as well as in symphou- VI “ Sylvia Ballet” M u sic...... •ic accompaniment. Besides Blue, in Frigidaire PHONE 1968 ...... Delibes the cast includes Edna Murphy, M odel L Have yon heard the new Ma- 9:00 p. m.— Seiberling Singers Grant Whithers, Ernie Shields and (estic Electric Radio? frorh. N. B. C. Studios. Lucy Beaumont. Howard Brether- history 9:30 p. m.— Rapid Transit. ton directed. Barstow Radio 10:00 p. m.— Halsey-Stuart Hour Two selected acts of Vitaphoue from N. B. C. Studios. vaudeville also share an important Service 10:30 p. m.— National Broadcast­ part on tomorrow’s bill at the Anthorlzed Dealer KELVINATOR ing and Concert Bureau Hour. State. The first act introduces Jack .. and ^flipped Majestic, Crosley, rhilco Bringing together the fore­ North, the popular singing banjo- 216 Middle Turnpike East most talent heard in the hook­ ist and master of ceremonies, who Sooth Manchester Exterior finish. White Duco on Parkerized steel. Three ups sponsored by the National offers a snappy assortment of In­ shelves and the bottom space have a total of 8.73 square Broadcasting Company, the strumental numbers on his tenor with the National Broadcasting and banjo. The second act features Ly- feet. Food storage space 4.43 cubic feet; Two 21 cube Concert Bureau Hour, one of dell and Higgins, a pair of comedi­ ice trays. One with rubber grid- Overall dimensions which is scheduled for 10:30 ans extraordinary, who specialize Cold Control 23 11-32 inches wide, 22 1-2 inches deep and 54 3-8 inch­ o’clock this evening from Sta­ in art of hilarity— and hotv! Gates & Flynn tion WTIC, is gaining steadily The current installment of “ The MM D^iiwmrmd eom pM m es high. » I U Bbigg^d tnmnd working in popularity. Among the radio Collegians” and the State News stars that this presentation Events will complete the program. only Let us put your prop­ Kelvinator is the lowest priced operating electric re­ brings before the microphone frigerator (On the market today. Come in and get the are the Utica Jubilee Singers, Major Segrave’s 231 miles an And a cabinet which adds beauty to any kitchen. . . all ma­ erty in shape for Rita Gould, contralto, Emita hour at Daytona Beach is a fine facts befc^re you buy an electric refrigerator. We can Ortiz, soprano, and Pancho thing in itself, but an awful ex­ chinery completely enclosed. . . built of steel with a perma­ Spring. Fuentes, baritone. The Na­ ample to be setting for the Sun­ nent Duco finish...and with the added value of a seamless save you money. day drivers. tional Concert Orchestra, un­ porcelain enamel lining, as easy to clean as chinaware. der the baton of Cesare So- Let us get your ceme­ MODEL L-5-E dero, provides the regular 4 cubic feet food compartment; 8 square feet of shelf space. of’chestral features of the pro­ BEWARE OF THE COUGH tery lot in condition for As Described Above grams. 11:30 p. m.— Hartford Courant e r e is the greatest value ever Frigidaire development which enables Decoration Day. ••• News Bulletins: Weather Re­ THAT LINGERS ON offered in the history of electric you to regulate at tcill the time re­ port. $175.00 Installed refrigeration.H . . a new Frigidaire at a quired to freeze ice cubes and to make . When “ patience ceases to be a Lawns Mowed virtue” and you get tired of trying price so low that no one need delay possible dozens of new desserts that All Eelvinators are equipped with baffle plates which The 18 odd sawmills in Singa­ to stop that tough, old,- weakening any longer. require extreme cold. and taken care of for mean better air circulation. die-hard cough with sweet sugary pore and three in other British And it has every essential Frigidaire Stop in and see this latest Frigidaire the season. Malaya, use no machinery other syrups. That’s the right time to ask than circular saws, as their work Magnell Drug Co., or any live drug­ feature. development. You need Frigidaire. is entirely that of cutting up logs gist for a bottle of Bronchuline It even has the famous Frigidaire Now is the time to buy. See this new for dimension stock. Emulsion. Hedges Trimmed Ck>ld Control. • • the exclusive new Frigidaire today.. .in our display room* ALFRED A . GREZEL It’s the contrary, obstinate, mul­ ish, old time coughs that Bronchu­ Headquarters for Plumbing and Heating Supplies. line likes to conquer and the tough­ HOME ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. WM. E. KRAH er they come, the faster they go. Main St., 0pp. Park Street, South Manchester So If you have one of these 749 Main Street, South Manchester Phone 503 Expert tight, persistent coughs that cause sleepless nights and days of tor­ Radio Service ment just ask your dealer for Bron­ THE MANCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. 669 Tolland Turnpike, chuline Emulsion— It isn’ t a cheap '773 Main Street, South Manchester medicine— the cheap ones are dear South Manchester at any price— that’s why ifs guar­ 3389 £hono3&4-2 anteed. Herald Advertising Pays— Use It jt.^ 4




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-\ For Release In 48

March 26 i '5s^ Installments

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r:>^v $52-- > > '’ ' " . • , % - j ’ l - ' > v4<

I Are hearts always trumps in the game of .love? Aren’t there times when the

‘‘Queen of Diamonds” takes the winning trick? When the girl with money-- ’ J . and the things that money will buy-has an unfair advantage over the girl whose party dress is last year’s made over? Ruth Dewey Groves, one of America’s most widely read serial story writers, has written a modern, answer •f to this age-old problem in her latest serial, “ Rich Girl—Poor GirD

Starts The THIS HAS HAPPEWHD followed closely by a dapper little learn something to your advan­ 0& MoadAy mbrnlng BX?TH |iES> man, who had evidently used a cer­ tage,” and she released the black TEB, McteCary* Unde tlie body of tain famous' mayor as 'his sartorial pigeon, ,r ■ By DR. MORRIS FT8HBEIN ' Editor Jpnmal of the American h«r e p i^ e r, **HANDSO$IB BAB- guide, emerged, exchanging fare­ “ Say! What does all'this mean? Medical Association and of Hygeia, BX** B O ^E N , spimwled beneath well courtesies. . . . ;And I thought you weren’t lis­ the Health Magazine. ti^e airshaft .irhidow of his private “Whew! That guy’s so polite he tening!” the detective sputtered. ofbee. makes me want to kick him in the ‘!Look here. Miss Lester! 1‘ve treat­ As the first warm days begin to seat of his pearl-gray pants to see ed you almost'like one of the!force MdMANy, detective sergeant, appear Insidiously among the Mrs. Sadie J. Robinson of the of a skirt, sweater and coat, p s »r if he’d say, ‘Thank you,, my..dear — let you in on everything, but-1 qgeetfons the following suspects: chilling breezes of March, the old- Lily Beauty Barlor who attended seated as a novelty a fe s years .tfo Mr. McMann! Thank you!” the de­ warn you-^^lf you’re tippinig off MBt:^BOBDEN, Borden^s estrang­ fashioned mqtber begins to get the Hairdressers’ convention, at the is an accepted style today, a ltb o iw '' tective sergeant growled when the Hayward that he’s going to be ar­ ed wife and mother of his two chil­ ready the sulphur and molasses Waldorf-Astoria in'New York last perhaps the sweater is giving a ^ y . lawyer had bowed and smiled him­ rested,. so’s he can beat, it— ” ■ dren; BITA. DUBOIS, night dob for the cure of spring fever. week, was so inuressed with the more and more to the more dressy self oiit of his dead client’s office. Ruth’s lovely face was sparkling daqcer, with 'trhom Borden was ' The idea is that spring Is a time new Nes'tle Text^Meter, that she blouse. The objection to the sweat­ “But I ‘m glad he came, anyway. with laughteb as she ansivered:. “1 infatnated; and JACK HAYWARD, for house cleaning and body clean­ has purchased one of these wonder­ er for summer use was the diffi­ Come on in. Miss Lester, and I’ll wasn’t listening. And please don’t Bath’s dance, whose office is Across ing. The drug stores begin to dis­ ful instruments to pre-tbst hair for' culty in laundering it frequently.' tell you all about it.” scowl at me like that.-As Cleo Gil­ the narrow airshaft from Borden’s. play bottles of spring tonics. There permanent waving;, Only highly The light weight" wools and wash Before obeying, Ruth Lester man said, you’d be an awfully hand­ Jack’s gnilt seems emphasized was a time when the bock beer sign trained operators sneh as you will silks are taking its place. gathered up the four typed sheets some man if you cultivated a jolly by his admission that he retomed heralded the definite arrival of the ■ • ♦ » / of what Birdwell had called a sm ile.. . .Ob, look! Jack’s caught find at the Lily parlor in the House to tho seventh floor Saturday after­ happy season. “serial story” and folded them into the black pigeon!” . and Hale block are' qualified to A cake' crumb pudding is easily: noon, mid by the testimony of The worker at his desk devel­ a small square which she tucked' “I shouldn’t think Hayward give these "pre-tested waves^.Phone made from a few pieces of stale MICKY MOBAN and OTYO PFDU- ops a sort uf lassitude and dreams would ever want to see a. pigeon 1671 for further particulu.s. cake and a little fruit It isn’t at all GEB, elevator boys. BILL COWAN, away safely in the pocket of the of figures that are not in books. * • « brown velveteen frock she was again, after the trick one of them like one of those abominable left­ Jiadc’s friend, im w lllingly tells o f There is only one spring tonic wearing. played on him— making those foot­ When you want to eat late at over dlsbM. It is . almost good ^ving heard Jack threaten Bor­ that is real and that, is the out­ “A man’s will Is a pretty good prints in blood inside and outside night after the theater or entertatn- enough to make a cake especially den’s life Saturday morning. * doors. The cure can be found-In for the purpose; McMann.. questions... BENNY index to his character,” McMann be­ this window,” McMann reminded ment, and there doesn’t seem to be the trees and In the fields, along anything that appeals, try toast For about a cup of cake crumbs SMITH, Borden’s office boy; ASHE, gan, after he and Ruth had seated her. “If It hadn’t been for thpse the banks of some stream and out with marmalade and a cap of allow- two eggs, one-foUrtb cup his nianservant; AHNNIE CASSI­ themselves opposite each other at pigeon footprints, inside and out­ in the sun. the dead man’s desk. “And more side a closed window,-1 doubt if a steaming hot tea. sugar, pinch salt, two caps milk, DY and LBTTY BfULLEB, seventh Walking over the hills and halt teaspoon vanilla and one floor scrubwoman ; 'CLEO GILMAN, times than not,, when a rich man’s grand jury would have -iUdicted * • » - him— ” . . . . ^ .Chirls for Baby Now. banana; (or any other kind of fruit Borden’s discarded mistress, and been murdered, his will Is the po­ Q.— What is simu disease? lice’s best bet in looking for a mo­ But again he was amazed to dis­ The very newest idea; according or raisins, dates or currants). Pour JAKE.. BAJLY, his.bodyguard. A.— Sinus disease is an in­ the entire mixture into a baking MABIHA MANNING is brouidit tive. I tried to get hold of Attorney cover that the girl was not listen­ fection of the cavities in the to the experts who gave demonstra­ Walters yesterday, of course, but he ing to him. She was smiling and tions at the National Hairdressers’ dish and bake nntll set. Serve cold ■ into the case by Ruth’s clever de­ hones of the face. These crypts with or without cream, plain or tective work, ^ e swears she last was out of town— didn’t get back nodding, with carefree gayety, to are connected with the nose convention, is curly locks for the till noon today.” the young man across the airshaft, whipped. saw Borden on Friday ni^t, but cavity and serve to warm the baby who has straight-hair., it has • * * admits phoning him three times “And did you find a motive?” who, after reading the brief mes^ air taken into the body and been discovered that the greatest Saturday afternoon. Ruth asked eagerly. sage, gave her. a puzzled smile and give resonance to the voice. offense against a child’s hair is the The little cans. of fruit that can When McMann pointblank ac­ “Not unless we want to believe nod in return>.and then tore the An infected sinus is a serious use of soap and water from Infancy be bought for a dime— vegetables cuses her of the murder, she chal- that Mrs. Borden got’ impatient,” ribbon of paper to bits. The pigeons matter. with the almost constant bombing, too for that matter, are very pop­ iteges him to bring forward any­ McMann said slowly. “Outside of a fluttered after them greedily. brushing and cutting. Thd new ular with women living alone or one who saw her in the building few thousands to his lawyer, who, * - • * through the valleys is far better treatment is believed to enormously whe^e there are just two. This week Saturday. While Ruth and Jack it appears, expected more for keep­ ' “What was that message'?’’ Mc­ than traveling in a sedan tbrougii benefit the hair, making it . more .the fruits are selling at one of the ate out for lunch, Ruth determines ing Borden out of jail on some of Mann demanded sternly. miles of billboards along paved glossy, and luxurious. In boys It chain stores at three canb for 25 to check up on Martha’s story. The his fake stock schemes, everything “Oh”-r*Ruth laughed, as she roads. is predicted that the treatment will cents. Different combinations are memory of Rlartha’s nervous, goes to the wife and kids— ” turned away from the window— If fresh air were a commercial effectively decrease the possibility excMlent for salads or jellies. I twisting hands Stirs some deep-hur­ « • « “just a novel way of making a date commodity and all that was used of baldness In their manhood. know of no-more delicious, quickly ried impression in Ruth’s subcon­ “Nothing to Martha Manning’s with .my young man! Please don’t had to be purchased, it would b« Nature aided by science in - accom­ made desert than one of the pre­ scious. child?” Ruth interrupted. scold, Mr. McMann! I promise you more hijghly prized an l mofe■lav­ plishing a profusion of cprls from pared raspberry jellies with one of “Not a red!” McMann answered. that Jack won’t run away-— that If, ishly employed. If walking were erstwhile straight hair. the' Sm all. cans of loganberries added, and served with whipped NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY “I ’ve just told you that a man’s at five o’clock today, you still want part of a daily dozen that had to cream. These are also to be found will is a good index to bis character. to arrest him for the murder of be learned through a course Black and white is always a CHAPTER XLIV He makes no provision for the child Henry P. Borden,-he’ll be her©'and bought from a city headquarters, favorite color combination for in the “buffet” fruits whereas for­ merly cans of loganberries were “ Yes— old subconscious working that Miss Manning claims is his. I shan’t utter a word of protest! it-would be more popular. dresses but for spring and summer at last, darlin fl" Ruth answered, Put on some clothing adapted about 28 cents. Maybe he had cause to question bis “You’re pretty sure of yourself,’'' there are other colors that can be when the elevator had discharged to the weather, shoes that do not MARY TAYLOR. paternity, but I doubt it. I’d stake McMann told her, eyeing her with just as effective, such as light and them at the seventh floor. Her eyes cramp the feet and that are not my hope of promotion for solving frowning curiosity. ‘Holding, out dark shades of green; red, white were shining like blue diamonds, In Bolivia gasoline retails at this case on that woman’s telling on me, aren’t you?” 98JJ poo3 n qiiju ui3eq. ‘iq3n oo; and black, or red, white and a but even if he had wanted to con­ the truth— so far as the kid Is con­ swinging, gait. bright blue. A new color com­ about 60 cents a gallon. fide in her sweetheart, the inevit­ cerned, at least.” “Why, of course not, Mr. Mc- Enjoy the walk instead of look­ bination is a blouse of pale yellow able group of reporters clusters “I agree with you,’’ Ruth said Manq!” Ruth disclaimed, with ing at it as a job that has to be with a skirt of green. about Borden’s door would have soberly. “Did Mr. Borden leave a wide-eyed Innocence. “You know done. Take liberal doses of this * * * prevented her. large estate?” far more than I do— and a ll that I treatment and repeat daily as. long FIG BLANG-MANGE. Fashion Plaque do. But we were talking of Mr. ' c U u J T l/ / Throwing back Hayward a bril­ “About a million and a quarter, as needed. That is the best spring Two cups milk, % cup Irish Borden’s will. It was rather fllsSp- liant smile by way of farewell— a according to Walters, though the tonic prescription that any health Moss, % cup sugar, teaspoon polnting, wasn’t it? I thought he adviser can offer. M smile destined to grace the front will simply says, ‘More than ?10,- em a »r wtA nnyict iwc, salt, cup stewed chopped figs, 1 had more originality than that— ” % page of an extra a few hours later 000.’ The usual thing, you know,” tablespoon lemon juice, % teaspoon i — Ruth slipped into her office, or McMann an/wered. “Of course I McMann returned to the desk, sat and Mary at Helgoland. 'While on vanilla. rather the office which had been asked Walters if Mrs. Borden knew down and selected a memo from his this island Isadora discovered an Soak moss 15 minutes in cold hers until' her employer had been either the extent of her husband’s stack of notes. “I wouldn’t say adjacent island with a sandy beach water to-cover. Draih, pick over murdered. wealth or the disposition made of Harry Borden was lacking in orig­ which was visited for swimming. anfi rinse. Add to milk scalded in She found Detective Bird well it in his will and he answered ‘no’ inality,” be said; with an-odd smile. There was one hotel on the tiny double boiler and cook, in double with his feet on Benny Smith’s to bbth questions. She must have “There’s one clause I haven’t told little island. Isadora decided to boiler for 30 minutes. Add salt and desk, his black derby tilted low been pretty sure, however, that you about— the strangest clause, leave' her children there while she strain. Add sugar, figs, lemon over his perpetually weary eyes; At whatever her husband had would ever written Into a last will and and Mary returned for baggage and juice and vanilla and turn into in­ the girl’s entrance, down came the come to her and her children, but testament___.” come back for a permanent stay in dividual molds. Chill for several feet and off came the derby, but the since Borden was giving them $500 (To Be Continued) the quiet little place. hours. Unmold and serve, with expression of. bored gloom on the. a month, I’m afraid we’ll have to After dinner, though, Isadora re­ sugar and cream. detective’s face deepened. look■ elsewhere for a motive that, membered that some admirer was . *' « • - What was the danse in Harry ‘.‘Has anything happened?’’ Ruth will hold water.” 11 was women In great droves due to arrive and decided not to re­ Just at this-:, time of the year Borden’s wlU? It’s told in the' next asked as she hung up hat and coat, “Mrs. Borden did not kill her who called for Isadora Duncan’s turn to the children, very small there seems to be a scarcity ■ of chapter, and fluffed her golden curls before, husband,” Ruth stated quietly, life story, bookstores report. The ones, by the way. till the next day. fresh fruits. Apples have lost their the washstand mirror. “You seem pretty sure— oh, all same, women are probably reading But a fearful storm arose and when flavor and grape fruit and Oranges “ Oh, nothing much,” Birdwell right, Birdwell! What is it?” as his the two recently ' published bio­ Isadora and Mary voiced some are on the wane^ but the fruit eat­ drawled wearily. “Nothing except subordinate appeared in the door­ graphies of the frank Isadora Dun­ worry about what the storm would ing habit , must be kept up. Re­ that Commissioner Weeks has been way, can which pick up the thread of her do to the little island, they were search workers tell us that dried here handing- out nice; hot little “Captain Foster on the wire,-sin YDUR story where her death left it. told not to worry as "probably prunes and figs vie'w ith citrous samples of hell. You’d think, to Wants to talk with you.” Both these books, “The Unsold everything is washed away by now.” fruits in healthful properties, offer­ ■hear that guy talk, that nobody While McMann was^arguing and Story,” by Mary Desti, and “ Isa­ ing an excellent supply of Iron and hadn't done nothing but twiddle expostulating with his immediate CHILDREN dora Duncan’s Russian Days,” by Maternal instinct was fully lime and easily - digested . sugar. SPRING HOSE. their thumbs or play tiddly-winks superior, who had evidently just Irma Duncan and Allan MacDou- roused at this and they begged and They must be washed very thor­ since you stumbled over Borden's been heckled by his own superior. ^ Olive f^berts Barion gall, prove that it’s one thing fbr bribed fishermen to take them oughly and simmered at Just below A N E W silk stocking for spring body yesterday morning. As the Commissioner Weeks, Ruth sat bu NEA ServiceJne a lady to be frank as she likes about across the island. boiling until tender but not mushy. has a geometric design posed at' chiersays to him”— and Birdwell staring at the airshaft window, her own personal affairs, but quite “ ‘No one could live in such , a Raisins are much used for their the front of the ankle. jerked bis bead toward Borden’s smiling strangely, her chin resting Don’t force children. It is bad another thing for her friends and sea,’ they said. And now filled iron content but are usually made private-.office, .where McMann was on her interlocked bauds. McMann, for them. Not only is It bad for relatives to dare be as frank for with terror, Isadora and I so plead­ up into breads, cakes and puddings. presumably hard at work— “he glancing at her*once or twice for them to be forced In sebbol but her. ed with them that the life guards Dates and prunes are delicious says,/Give us time, commissioner. IDDIES'COLOS approval of the way be was “stand­ bad for them--to be forced at-home. qaid they would take us. Jumping chopped and added to any sand­ should not be “dosed.** Treat W e ain’t been on this Job 30 hotlrs ing up” to the police captain, saw to in a boat we were soon bounding Someone has compared' the GASPS AHEAD. wich bread. Stewed dried 'apricots them cxtenwlly with— yet.’ he says, and the Big Noise his amazement that- she was not through the'terrific, waves. are fine for a breakfast fruit and; comes back at him with this kinda even listening! growth'and progress of a child to Mothers, I imagine, instead of “When we reached the little is­ gasping at Isadora’s amours, as are enticing when stuffed with j propoSiHoh: ‘If you can’t make an Something did arouse her out of a flower: “You cannot force a bud land we dashed to the hotel and by tearing it apart.” they probably did'" in her autobi­ cream cheese and nuts' in a salad. V U s IS S arrest by five o’clock today, Mc- her smiling abstraction, however. found the two children, faces peer­ ography, will gasp more at the rev­ • • * " I M u n ,’ be says. T il assign the case It was the • mournful, .reproachful That is what it. is to force a ing out of the window, terrified, < W Umd y— 212 elations of unusual maternity In at T^e sports ensemble. Consisting to Lieutenant Pryor.’ Hush! I call of the black pigeon, which was child, faster than nature Intended waiting for us to come and get least one oL these volumes. know Pryor! He’ll clap everybody strutting, up and down .the broad hie' body and mind to develop. them. W e threw our ■wraps and For Instance, Mary Desti herself, in sight in jaiU and then say ‘Benie white ledge outside the airshaft Even if be may appear to be capes about them. I holding Pres­ recounts how, arriving In Paris one meenie miney mo’ to see which one window. With - an exclamation, of slow, perhaps under it all bis mind ton and Isadora Temple; and started night for the first time In-.her life did it.” ...... dismay at her -own thoughtlessness, is growing in a way of its own. W e back. with her eighteen-month old baby, Raisin CooMaal Nut Braadll “And’ what did Mr. McMann say the girl jumped and ran to the are not omnisceht, either as par- “The like guards declared that up she decided late at night that she Data Waffles 11! to that?” Ruth asked, smiling outer office, to get the envelope ents or teachers; we cannot tell any moment the whole Island might must go to the annual- Opera Ball. cheerfully. which she had filled with bread the exact condition of. a. child’s be washed away. I can still feel It's a snap to mate up these delicious She hired, the .maid, never seen “Oh, this and that,” Birdwell told crumbs from her own luncheon. But niind at any time. ^ Just because he that icy water as the angry waves recipes with Rumford. tTiey’U he perfect before that night, to take care of her wearily, “but the gist of it was the hungry black pigeon had to is not progi^esslng in, the way we broke over us. drenching us to the her baby, returning at 4 a. m. She that he guessed your sweetie. Hay- wait a minute longer, for Ruth wish him to progress'doesn’t say skin. A tremendous crowd of found the baby sick but, neverthe­ ward, would have to be the goat. stopped to type one line and tear it, that he is not .gaining something fisherfolk awaited us as we came Thought I ’d, tip you off— ” else by Ifaps ahd bounds, of which less, took him with her in a taxi­ in. cheering and lending a band. a narrow ribbon, from the sheet of cab to inspect draughty apartments. “Thanks awfully, Mr. Birdwell!” yellow paper. With her message, we are not aware. The children were put to bed, after The day ended With Mary being dis­ Ruth replied, but to the detective’s bread crumbs and a length of , black being given hot tea and whiskey, If his lessons are too difficult covered by the Mad Duncans. ’There K Never obvious amazement her smile was thread, she hurried back into the for him. It must be evident In a'fe'«? and we sat the rest of the night RUMFORD yras a gay scene •with the sick baby not a whit less cheerful. “Is Com­ private office, where McMann was waiting for daylight.” S po ils weeks to thos© who are' Interested placed'on the piano while wild Tha WiKilaaoaia missioner Weeks still with Mf. Mc­ just replacing the receiver, his face in him. If he Is- trying normally • BaMni; dance tuiies were played and the Mann?” to do all he cab, and sUIl keeps flushed with righteous indignation. whole tribe danced about the wall­ 197.1 “No, he’s toddled' on off to • * * failing over and over, and it tells BAiyilGPOW DER ing child. The next day, much to brighten, up another dark corner,” on his happiness And health, some- NOT HARD “Expect a man to solve a mys­ MOLDED WAISTLINE. Mary’s Destl’s surprise, the beloved Birdwell grinned, “but .Borden’s thing Is wrong. He is perhaps too tery like this in two shakes of a An attractive printed silk crepe infant had pneumonia. lawyer—-a la-de-da chappie, with a lamb’s tail!” he grumbled, to the far ahead of his grade^In school, it that simulates tuck-in type, a TO GROW THIN People all about you can testifyto that. cane and spats and everything— girl, then abandoned his self-de­ may be his muslci If he has no youthful idea of Paris, The. flut­ S’rmRING INCIDENT. Most of the Mender figuzee eeen todAy dropped in a few minutes ago to fense to ask curiously: “What are music in him and Is nagged and tering box-plaited skirt, attached Super-maternal women will gasp, hsvebeenwon inea^wqrs. Many have lend a helping hand. McMann you doing there?” forced into practicing something be tu hipiine secures slender sil­ too, at the incident with the chll-^ been won by Marmola prescription tab­ phoned him to bring in ‘Handsome “Just feeding the pigeons!” Ruth cannot master, nor comprehend, houette. The mqlded bodice has Harry!* will. But if you want to ■what is to. be gained? dren during the stay of Isadora lets, based on a modem scientific discov­ laughed. “ Poor things!- I’ve neg­ Vionnet neckline with fluttering ery. People have used Mannola k r 20 see the chief I ’ll call him out for lected them shamefully. I hope the He may hot show any evidence bow tie. .Style No, 412 is 'o'l/elv years— millions of boxes of it Now you.” next tenant in this suite has a more of physical or mental strain. He for afternoons, mace of georgette slender figures in almost every drcle »‘No. I ’ve got- a job to do that’s humanitarian secretary.” won’t If be is of the tough-fibre crepe in'chartreuse green or flow- ahbw what Marmola does. going to keep me very busy Indeed “Say! That’s a piretty sight!” Mc­ make. But on the-other hand, it erod chiffon. O’.her practical sug- A book in each box of Mstmola gives for the next few minutes,” Ruth Mann commented, as he strolled to may make'him nervous to a serious gesi'Ions. are wool jorsey in p.'istel dre formula and states the adendfie rea­ answered, as she sat down to her the airshaft window, wbete the degree.. shade, 'featherweight f.v-?e»l iu sons for results. So users realize how desk and took the cover from the girl stood, laughing and cooing to I knew a mother who insisted on wooi-Tiolet shade, pla’u silk crepe and why effects are beneficial. A way typewjiter that had stood idle since the flock of pigeons, which fought her boy learning to' play the violin. i ♦ouiaj d. Pattern- for this popular which has done so much for so many the abrupt termination of her greedily for the crumbs she was He couldn’t. He practiced dutifully style can be had in sizes 16. 13, 20 Clean" deserves a test from you. Make it now, career as private secretary to sprinkling upon the ledge. for two or three years, but made no yeurs, 36, 33, 40 and 42 luchfs watch the results for a little while, then “Handsome Harry” Borden. “Oh, you greedy thing!” she headway. He was ashamed a'nd un­ bust.measure. iSlze 36 requires 4v4 Milki decide. Ask your drunist today fbr a « « « cried,. as the black pigeon boldly happy. His mother nagged; his yards of 40-in.'jh material.with % |1 box h^umola. For a few minutes, however, her settled upon her band and begkn to teacher, who should have known yard of 36-inch co.at.'as’lng. Price from hands lay inert on the keys, and peck at the crumbs it held. “Now better, scolded. Any teacher shpuld 15c in stamps or coru (coin pre­ T hn her brows were knit in a mighty you’ve made me spill half of your be able to tell when a child simply ferred). Wray coin carefully. frown of concentration. Then, with dinner!” she added ruefully, as a cannot do things, no matter how ./arm s C k a n t n an exclamation of eizeited triumph, shower of crumbs fell upon the pol- hard he tries. T h a t *b? quickly rolled a sheet of yellow One day the boy’s nerves broke Manchester Herald ^ ished strlp of floor between rug and C le a n paper into the' machine and began ■v.indow. “Just for that, Mr. Neme­ — the best way for it all to end. Pattern Service to type with furious haste. sis, you’re going to be punished by He bad one grand glorious, explo­ As our paitems are mailed As page after page was filled with being made to work!” And one lit­ sion of temper and stamped on the her flawless typing. Birdwell looked fiddle-until it was flat. He was from New York City please al­ tle hand closed firmly about the low fire days. on with growing interest, when be gleaming body of the black pigeon. punished unmercifully but the fam­ ily couldn’t afford another violin was not engaged in answering tele­ “What are you going to do now?” PATTERN NO. 212. phone calls from police headquar­ McMann asked indulgently, as 'swift and the idea of lessons was dropped. Bub all the relatives rejoiced in- his ters. fingers wrapped the narrow ribbon, Price 16 Cente “What are you writing— a serial of paper about-tbe tiny red leg of freedom. , * Children may soldier and play off story?” he asked at last, unable to the pigeon, fastening ^it securely •tec*;*# reStri^ his curiosity. with the thread. about things they are perfectly able to do, but . the difference between “ IJm afraid It .does sound a lo t - “Watch and see!” Ruth laughed. this and the -inability to master • • r»r» • • ••:*•*» « like fiction— of. the ola-fashioned, Then, still holding the pigeon- something beyond him should be Ap­ penny-drbadful kind,” Ruth laugh­ against her breast, she called out in Address parent to his parents. ed without halting her flying a clear, blithe soprano: “ Yoo hoo^ fingers. Jack!” • • • « * • • • f She had lust 4rawn the last sheet Almost Instantly the young insur­ The personnel of the United ‘ ■ N hS t T- from her typewriter with an ex­ ance broker’s head and torso were States naVy has been nearly doubled Seed jroor order to the “ Pat­ cited,' triumphant “There! ” , when framed In the opposite window. since 1914. The figures now' show tern UeyL. Manchester Erenlng th#^^ floor between the two offices . “Got any crumbs, darling?” Ruth 113,000 men' aa against 67,000 In iBeraid. MAncheeter. Conn.*' opMflfl and the detective sergeant, called gayly. “If you have, you may 1914. ' V* ■ ' .

,.V ‘ V-.V r MANCHESTER EVENINGjHERAIJJ. SbiUTO MANCHA CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1929.- '^G E TWELVE ■ v': •:' ■ ■ '■'v.■'- -;•;:; .> ' , : - ^ Springtime Is Moving Time-Use Herald Advts. IT A House To Se^

Card of Thanks Professional, Services Apartineiit#* Flats, Teaements <13 ' Want Ad Intormatlon. SO.IM 0BTHEN consisting of running uajfnmpli Mill II FOR RENT—^FOUR room tenement, CARD OF THANKS PIANO TONING modern Improvements, rent reason­ lit'the', gymnaslnm; also a'voUe baU game.. Manchester John Cockerham able. Inquire at 65 Starkweather We wish to express our deep ap­ street after-5 p. m. DiAimhlCHEET There 'will be a bilef boslQei, preciation for the kindness and ex­ 6 Orchard St. TeL 846-B. meeting' .tp hear, repi^ts -from contT^ Evening Herald pressions of sympathy during the Ill­ EXPERT BARBERING. ' courteous FOR RENT— 5 ROOM flat, first floor, ness and death of our husband and all Improvements. Vacant April 1st. The Mefi's^Frieodsllip club of the mi'ttees ahdr tb^rrange a progra^-7. and expert service that will win Call 688-3 or 219 Summit street. - Classified Advertisements father. your approvaL Latest styles, follow­ South. M. E. church will hold, an for fa turn edciais.- RefrMhmenlir^ Count six -iveras* ,t.lo“ s MYRTLE L. CORLISS ing dictates ot fashion. Midget Bar­ E. F. CORLISS FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. Athletic iJlght tomorrow evening. will be siBrved. - UL'^'Sa;? « • ” wJ"rS iSSTomS;.. MRS. W. WALLACE JONES ber Shop, 1013 Main street. T h e H erald North Elm street, newly renovated, •^ords as two words. Minimum cost Is MRS. G. W, PUTNAM. modem Improvements, garage, ^ l i Repairing 23 258. pries ot three , Lost and Found 1 FOR R E N T -4 ROOM flat, and garage Line rates per day for transient WANTED— AUTO owners desiring expert repair or welding service at at 147' School streeL Apply j, j ads. „ . LOST—ON MAIN STREET or In one Rohah; Telephone 1668. ESectlre March 17. 1«S7 reasonable prices to call at The Cash Charge of the stores, a pair of l^eavy kid Oliver Welding Works, corner Pearl driving gloves. Finder please call Days 7 cts 9 cts and Spruce streets. FOR RENT— 5 ROOM > tenement on 6 Consecutive ll cts 2072-2. Reward. Grove, street., with modern improve­ 3 Consecutive Days 9 cts 11 cts tS cts automobiles —W agons repalntedv ments and garage. Telephone 732-5. Home N o’w 1 JDay «••••••----- Insertions All orders for pn,« Annunneenienta Duco or varnish. Prices reasonable, will be charged at the one-tlnm rat^^ expert work. We —can saye you ifOR RENT—5 ROOM fiat, all im-1 P o rto St. section, 6 room single with 2 car garage and money. Peter A. Baldwin, South provements. garage. Apply 28 Hollis­ Special rates for *°"® ter street. the price only $6,200 on easy terras. dav advertising gl’ e" upon NOTICE TO TAXI driver applicants. Main street. Phone 329. Ads ordered for ‘ hjee or six days Drivers who answered adv. In Herald and stopped before the third for positions, please be at room 10, EXPERT SAW FILING, bicycle re­ Business Loimtlons for Bci-, 64 liere is one, brand new colonial 6 rooms, oak floors, dav will be charged only for the ac State Theater Building, Monday pairing, tires and parts. Worjt Clip this Blank—Write Your Ad, steam, gas, etc., garage. This is a beautiful home and rual number of times the ad appear­ morning at 10 o’clock. City 20c Taxi guaranteed, prices reasonable. Work STORAGE SPACE IN DRY basement Company. done while you wait. Bills’ Tire Re­ offered at $6,500, $500 cash. ed charging at tlu rate earned, hut Number of insertions here------for rent. For rates see Bronke and no allowances or refunds ^®J"?he pair Shop, 180 Spruce otreet- Quagliarole, 991 Main street. Mur­ on six time ads stopped after the SEWING MACHINES rented by week phy's Restaurant. or month. Repairs on all makes. 7ew BICYCLE REPAIRING, tires, parts, Half an acre and a six room house close to Green sec­ ®^No^-^ni forbids” : display lines not and used machines for sale. Singer expert service. Complete stock of Print your name and address below. FOR RENT—STORE' on corner of tion- Just the place to puttdr around, grow flowers, Sewing Machine Co.. 649 Main, TeL fishing tackles, .juslcal Instrnmepts. Main and Eldridge streets. Inquire ^°Tlie Herald will not be responsible 2828-W. prices right. J. P. Ledgard, 248 Ntrth Silk City Barber Shop. vegetables, raise poultry, etc. Price $6,20p.. fo? more than one '^correct Insertion Main street. of any advertisement ordered for STEAMSHIP TICKETS—All parts of Famm and Land for Pale 71 Haynes St., up-to-date single of. 8. rooms, modeiihi m- more than one lime. . the world. Ask for sailing lists and SEWING MACHINE repairing of all The inadvertent omission ot Incor rates. Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith. makes, oils, needles and supplies K. cluding fireplace, 2 car garage. Price only $9^500. rect publication of advertising 1009 flain street. W. Garrard. 37 Edward street. TeL FOR SALE—10 ACRE -FARM, in ready. South Windsor, on main road from rlcUned only by “d«red 715. charge made for the s^ervice rendered. East Windsor Hill, to Manchester Antomobiles for Sale 4 VACUUM CLEANER—Clock, phono­ and Willimantlc. 7 room house, Three building lots near Autumn street all \fdr $900. All advertisements must conform graph, door closer repairing. Lock and Mail to The Herald for Real large service. Garage and tobacco Hard to beat at the price. 7_ in sivle. copy and lyPOgraphi with FOR SALE—NASH advanced six and gunsmlthing: key fitting. shed. William R. Wood, East Wind­ regulations enforced by the P“ h''- sedan, 1924. fully equipped, in fine Braltbwaite. 62 Pearl street. sor Hill. ers and they reserve the right to condition. Make me an offer. Call Westfield St., north end, brand new single of 6 rooms, edit, revise or reject any copy con­ 71t1O'o* *5 •> CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired, Houses for Sale' 72 steam heat, gas, etc. Price is only $6;000. sidered objectionable. sita key fitting, safes opened, saw filing Cr.OSlNC HOURS—Classified ads f o r SALE—STUDEBAKER Light and grinding. Work called for. RESULTS FOR SALE—ON GARDEN street, sin­ to be published same day must he re­ six. in good running condition. Louis Harold Clemson. 108 North Elm gle bouse of six rooms -with modern New seven room siilgle, fireplace, oak floors, in fact a ceived by 12 o'clock noon. Saturdays Schaller, 33 Walker street. Tele­ street. TeL 462. OR improvements. Six *car garage, all home that w ill suit particular people. Price $10,500. 10:30 a. m. phone 368. rented. Can be bought reasonably to Tailoring— Dyeing— Cleanln.r 24 settle an estate. Phone 387. Certainly, tile bath and garage. Telephone Your Want Ads- FOR SALE—CADILLAC seven pas­ senger touring, good condition. Wal­ WEAR A NASH suit or top coat. FOR SALE—4 ACRES of cleared land Take a drive or walk over to Elizabeth Park. It is'all Ads are accepted over the telephone ter Olcott. telephone 3.57. Tailored to your measure for-$23.50. on State highway, 3 miles from Man­ at the CHAUOE HATH given above the name implies, “Beautiful as a Rose.” Prices for as a convience to advertisers, but Whv pay $35 to $40 for a suit? Drop Phone 664 chester Center. See Stuart J. Wasley, GOOD USED CARS postal to L. J. Gibson, salesman. 156 815 Main streeL Telephone 1428-2. building lots are now at the lowest mark. Henry street the CASH RATMS will be accepted -s Cash or Terms Benton street. South Manchester. FOR AN AD TAKER FULL PAYME.N’T If paid at the busi­ MADDEN BROS. TWO FAMILY HOUSE with forty runs through this magnificent tract of land. Plenty of ness office on or before the seventh GSl Main St. Tel. 600 DIANAS TAILOR SHOP. Expert acres at Vernon, well located near dav following the first Insertion of cleaning, dyeing and repairing. We school and church, fine place for fruit and shade trees- Get the view from the top of the each ad otherwise the CH.XKt.L 1929 REO SED.AN specialize in pressing all kinds of chickens or fruit, good water and hill. RATS will be collected. No responsi­ 1925 HUDSON COACH trout brook: low price, easy terms. bility for errors In telephoned ads BEL'TS GARAGE garments. Call 1734, 3 Eldridge St. accuracy 43 Boarders Wan led 59-A F. H. Parker. Tel. 136, So. Manches­ will be assumed and their Hudspn-Essex Dealer—129 Spruce. NEW LOW PRICES on repairing, re- Articles For Sale, ter. $5,500 buys a new single o f seven rooms, short dis­ cannot be guaranteed. llning of fur coats, scarfs, or trim­ tance out. House has bath, electricity, garage. • • • NEXT TO A f’F.W Buick Is a used mings, latest styles, expert work. WANTED— g e n t l e m a n boarder, or WRY PAY RENT when you can pur­ Buick. 1927 Brougham, 1-926 Sport FOR SAI.E—HEN house. Can be seen roomer, good board. Inquire 78 Birch chase tills modern, single home on Index of Classifications Roadster, 1926 Two-Door Sedan, 19*24 See us flrsL H. Chapnlck 20 Birch at 59 Foster street. Telephone 652-5. Evening Herald Want Ads are street. street. an equal basis. Nice location near On Wetherell St., nice old homestead of 9 rooms, some Brougham. 1924 Regular Sedan. 1926 school. For particulars call or see B. grouped according to classtfications Four Sedan. Capitol Buick. Phone improvements. About 2 acl*es o f land. Oiie fam ily below and for handy reference will 1600. NATIONAL HAT and Shoe Shining Electrical .Ippllancea— Uadio 4l> Wanted—-Rooms— Boat d <52 E. Judd. 843 Main street. Tel. 2951. appear in the numerical order Indi­ Parlor, hats reblocked, cleaned, lived in this house for about 30 yeai*s. Now vacant cated; . FOR SALE—REO 7 passenger tour­ renovated: kid and satin s'.ioes djed WHAT, DO YOU wish in radio? We FOR SALE—WASHINGTON street, and owners said sell. Births ...... g ing. Chandler sedan, 3 Reo trucks. any color. Expert work guaranteed. not only, syll the best, but give yop WANTED — PT-EASANT room with brand new six room Colonial. Tammany, 90 Main street. peror could no,longer be a member of the church and Household Goods ...... 61 FRANCES GOWNS designing, crea­ Jlachinery and Tools ...... 52 tion ot exclusive New York, Parts Poultry anti Supplie,« 43 FOR BALE—LARGE STOCK of used FOR RENT-rM AY 1ST, tenement 17 NOTICE OF THE deppeed him from the throne^ Musical Instruments ...... 53 mudels. Dainty frocks., coats, suits 1923-J* gas ranges. Uks: new,. Mqst gb re. Poster street,. first double house t a X c o l l e c t o r ' V f t NpL Thrauth Ptrtnlition gl fkt enkn.hwt el The took el Knewltds*. Copyright, Office and Store Equipment...... ■ 54 you can affurd. Frances Gowns. 679 BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock hatch- gardless of pttca. . Our loss, vo.uf ' from E. Center street. All improve- ^ . . i' . J. I I , v " ... I ■ " II' i' ; ..... ' - *** Sporting Goods—Cuns ...... 5i Main StreeL Phone 2818-W. Ins eggrs. 'Choice stock $2.00 per 15. gain, Edward Hess, 865 Main street, Srcctals ar the Stores ...... 66 $10 per 100. J. F. Bowen, 570 Wood- ments^ Inquire 15 Foster streeL TeL All persons liable by law to pay Wearing APb'trel—Furs ...... 67 .bridge street. Phono 2121. 167-2. Town or personal Taxes, In the Town Moving— ^Tniching— Storage 20 Wanted— To Bpy 58 of Manchester, are herefiy notified Wanted— Buv ...... 5S FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat on D<*1- Koo nis—KonrfI—Hotel*—]{e*nrt* that I will have a rate bill., for the GENERAL TRUCKING— Local and Articles For Sale 45 mont street, downstairs, all nod- List of 1928, of 15 3-4 mills on' the IteHtiiarimtM I WILL BUY ANYTHING that’s, sale­ ern Improvements and garage. In­ Rooms Without Board ...... 69 lung distance, .well equipped for able Ip-the line of junk or any other dollar due and collectible on April 1, Boarders Wanted ...... 69-A tobacco, 3ertiUzer.. wood, grain, FOR SALE— 7 DOZEN Austrian caned articles'. Call 849 fpir; prompt attenr quire 37 Delmont streeL TeL 94-5. 1929. Personal Tax due Apr.ll 1, 1929. heavy freight, etc. Experienced men. seat chairs, suitable for club, restau­ tlon.. Wm. Ostrlnsky, 91 Clinton. Bald Tax payable at the Tax Collec­ Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 rant, or store. Also plate glass, cigar TO RENT — CENTENNIAL apart- Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 Prompt service. Rates very reason­ ments. four room apartment, jani­ tors Office In the Municipal Building; Wanted — Rooms—Board ...... 62 able. Frank V. Williams, Buckland. case, mahogany trim, equipped with w a n t e d T p PUT alt kinds of cattl, from 989-2. storage and display space. Priced and ,chickei)8. faR' prlge. Dispose of tor. service, heat, gas rgnge, ice box Iteal Entatr For Rent right for quick sale. Making room furnished. Call ‘ Manohe^er Con- APRIL 1 TO MAY 1 . ' Apartments. Flats. Tenements .. 63 ypi}r stock at a ptoflL Gordon’it Na- iBtruotlon Company. 2100. or'782-2. Business Locations for Kent .... 64 MANCHESTJ^ AND NEW YORK for- modernizing store, rea'sbn for tlve'Market. Phone 1650. inclusive Mbtur Dispatch. Dally service be­ selling. Inquire South Manchester ■ Hours 9’ a. m. to' 4 p. m., except Houses tor Kent ...... 65 Candy Kitchen. FOR RENT—FOUR room, flat; single Suburban tor Kent ...... 66 tween New York and Manchester. W J LV PA Y . TH B. _ HiGHBPT ca?ih House, all modern' improvements, Tuesday. April 2, Tuesday, April 9, Call 7 or 1282. . RTlCfS fdC; raerJ. paper, magaslfies, Tuesday, April 16. Tuesday. April 23, Summer Homes for R en t...... 67 FOR SALE—LOAM. Inquire . Frank garage if desired. .Inquire Frank Wanted to R ent...... 68 oid’ihetaL'Will also buy aU kln4s pt Damato. 24 Homestead sfreet, Man­ Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, Damato, 2'4 Homestead street, Man­ cUIbkbn's. Morris ' H. Lessnsr. TeL May 1. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Kelli Entate For Snio Moving— Tracking— Storage 20 chester. TeL 1507. . - chester. Phone 1607. Apartment Buildings for Sale ... 69 -16i|5;;^f,-; • . Interest will be added, to all taxes Business Propert.v for S ale...... 70 PEKRETT & GLENNEY. Call any­ FOR ' RENT—MODb ‘^ six room remaining; unpaid after Ma,y 1,. 1929. Far.iu and Land for Sale...... 71 time. TeL 7. Local and long distance FOR SALE— GOOD COW manure,. by single, on Elro street,' with ■ garage,- Intiereat will start from April 1, 1929 Houses for Sale ...... 73 moving and trucking and. freight one horse' load, $3.50. W ill deliver May 1st. Walter-Frlche,. 54 East Mid- and will be at the rate of 9 per. cent! IaUs ' o> Sale ...... 73 work and express.' Dally express to any place. In town, order ' early. FOR ‘ RENT—^R N IS H E D ‘jo6m:';’aJl .dle Turnpike. Telepbqne 348-4. to October 1, 1929 and at the rate of Resort Property for Sale...... 74 Hartford. ' James Burns, 591 Hilliard' street. modern ' imPlibyemcints, near . M'ain 10 per cent. jCor balance of year. In­ Suhurtian for S ale...... - 7S streCL. Call-T'Tjlv ■ V.c . . ■ FQR RENT—FOUR AND five room terest at the rate of 13 per cenL after Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 LOCAL and LONG distance moving, FOR SALE—LAWN fertilizer, t a na­ tenements near Cheney, mills.' Mod- lien has been filed will be added. Henry,.unable to bear Wanted — Real Estate...... 75 . ern improvements. Rent very rea­ Gregory Jiad retired to by experienced men. Public store­ tive mixture, of proven •'valued; Care p 6 r 2 fu'nilthed roornii GEORGE H. HOWE, Ani-lton—Legal Notlecs house. L. T. .Wood, 65 Bissell street. for your, lawn now, priced'rlkht. Call wIth.a.U ■ 'ImpTovamehta at IS' W u - sonable. Inquire Tailor Shop, 6 1-2 the results of the dis- Canossa, high up in the Auction Sales...... 76 TeL 496. 136 Summer streeL Phone 1877. 'liaths street. Call 97-2- i Walnut afreet. TeL 2470. Collector.' Legal Notices ...... 7! gracei journeyed over the Apennines whither ' he icy slope of Mount Cenis was followed by the pen­ GAS BUGGIES—Smart Outsmarted By FRANK BECK in the depth of winter. itent emperor.

CORRECT. AND ^ M OH OH BOV! DIO 1 YOURE NOT HALF AS t h a t S w h y I DID M5USE MAKE IT SNAPPY, ^ s w Ee t TH AT RINQ OF .WELCOME GLAD TO SEE ME AS 1 WAS so ANXIOUS SAY THE THERE'S A DOLLAR MUSH« IN VIOLA'S VOICE, WHEN A M T O BE HERE. FROM TO SEE YOU~.I PALACE BILL IN r r FOR SUE SAID COME RIGHT NOW ON I W O N T BE., C A N T CLOSE IT .. HOTEL. YOU IF WE'RE UP. inX SAT 1 DIO. HARD TO FIND- — - YOU LOOK sur pr ised ! BOSS THERE IN TEN WITH DAN OUT OF ___SAf/— --.W H Y DIDN'T MR. DRESSER MINUTES! THE W!«< SHE'S THE TRUNK ^ TELL YOU I WAS J . m in e . GOING TO VISIT M Y A U N T IN A FTE R 7 H ARTSD ALEf SEEING HIS wM HATED R IV A L, [S! 4/ir. dresser. SAFELY OFF ON THE T R A IN , ALEC SMART HASTENED OVER T O 4 ' X . - . ' i y MISS AVALON, three days, the emperor, clad In th« ;{bih white* AND THE robe of a penitent, shivered m the enip^ard of SU RPRISE OF HIS sa, praying for the pope's pardoVu . . '^ fd^ L»FE gave him, though in a ^ r tlm% pope again anci gam the better # M il'll tndCopyright. 1*J«. Th* Qrotior ^ '■ '' ----- PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. fLAFPER FANNY SAYS; SENSE and NONSENSE SKIPPY By Percy L. Crosby

th a t'5 o u e e R . w h 6n w e The talking movie we don’t want N iw HCR€ U/C to miss, says Bill is the play which 1 THOP^HT' a i€ R « s o FAR OFF will give us this memorable line: i Thought C oV tO W 'r 5 F « eACH OTH6R a n ' i t 's f/6 lT N € R Y o p uieRC ‘•That'th all there ith— there ilhn’t I THOUGHf IT WAS VOU AW' any more.” OF WS . ______Vow TH0W6HT |T W A S M G I ' TESTING ’E.M OLT.

The boss called in his secretary. •'But up a sign outside the of­ o fice,” he said, "that no salesmen are allowed to enter.” ‘But you Just advertised for a salesman.” "That’s just the reason. If a man can be stopped by a little sign like that, we don’t want him.” i i Druggist— Yes, miss, you'll find mo.st ladies like this lipstick. Young Girl—You couldn’t—ah — tell me the kind that men like, could you?

«EC.U.5.PAT.Orr. The grass widow is one of an- CvfytitU, 1M9, Ptrey U CrMky, Ctatnl Prtn Aon., tiM. ClK<. lY NCA SEnVICC. INC.- lure loveliest evergreens. Tlie road to thinness is often There’s nothing like forestalling OUR BOARDING HOUSE just around the bend. trouble. Here is some diplomacy West Toonerville News Item By Fontaine Fox in a nutshell, and it works two By Gene Ahern ^vays------on employer and wife alike. Employer— “ Ah, Brown, I’ve de­ ------0 cided to raise your salary ?2 a SHAF^o K F9TT3, (o w n e r ANP o p e r a t o r THET CL'^D£,AALAP,. \}B^ AQ B VoLi e o ih iG -PLEASED To week.” (ioo^E dRUiK FERRY), R^OElVES. THE M e WE THAT Brown— "W ill you give me that I UlAiJY Voii Yo HAVE To SHou) m VouR SYAMP f " — in writing, sir?” YME -Mo /sIo R oF COLtectiOKi bbT ^ Employer— “Isn’t my word good 0oTH ^ r ip g ^ee Ha v e e e e m w a s h e p a W aY I * SEE THE POINT? enough for you?” I MEETikIG AaV Vod I HAf STAMPS Every TACK has a HEAD and Brown— "Oh, yes sir. But I wantj 3)lsriKlGUISHEP TROM 'BLAC6S IKl DtR ‘W e l l ,-THIS roday’s letter golf puzzle proves evidence to show my wife. She’s CoklCE/TEP « that there is little difference be­ e.\pecting me to get a ?5 raise.” TRIE kJD,vvP/?oFESSOR VJORLP Vod UEFTER tween the whole tack and the head.' p o P fY OF VRBSPefJ ! HEARD TROhA / LIYTl E U )A -R T /. Par is five and one solution is on You can’t keep the upper hand by ro ess or — c h i l l s m e another page. P F Bother mit dealing from the bottom. ) TM/S IS CLYDE 7 , OKI A/J , / lliDRODiJCTiOisls To 1MTr o D u c T/o u /< ! Patient (showin bilD- ‘ What’s P OKIE o f TME BoYs ME Jvww eFPRYBODV T A C K I the extra $5 fo r?” 'tv*.., IaJELI'7**' Dentist— "F or squeezing the g u)rio Room hbre ' U)HO IS TAMOdS l U WH iTYLE anus of my chair out of shape.” KKloiOS ME / h im D ou )ld "Well, Tommy did you behave in X VV SMolIudMV .B E T o R g He school today?” asked Tommy’s MuM ? LEAsIES / father of his young son, who had \\ not been going to school very long. \, “ Behave?” exclaimed Tommy in ■ S f l j a tone of amazement. “ Of course 1 TnloyW ! did! "Why, the teacher said she DlAUECr i never saw a pupil who behaved so.”

Little Willie was sent to bring in tile kittens. His mother heard a H E. A D shrill “meowing” and called out: I ^ R THE “Don’t hurt the kittens, Willie.” BEHEFiT oP “Oh, no,” replied Willie, "Pm T H E R U L E S Those u)Ho carrying them very carefully by 1— The idea of Letter Golf is tothe stems." UJERE OUT change one word to another and do r " ' IH the it in par, a given number of strokes. Visiting Minister: "Ah, my dear KirCHEkl Thus to change COW to HEX. in unfortunate friend, this world is three strokes, COW, HOVr, HEW, WHEd THIS full of trials.” ' srARTeptv HEX. Hard-boiled Harry: “ It ain’t the 2— You change only one lettertrials that worry me, sir, it’s the *ifHE MAToR at a time. verdicts.’’ 3— You must have a complete TRAMEP His fR iE dP , lOHO word, of common usage, for each Politicians are exiiert at passing jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ laws, a writer declares. But that’s IS Ad EXPERT tions don’t count. nothing to what they can do xvith 4— The order of letters cannot be 6 0 AT- GETtER, the bift-l:. To CALL AdD chauiged. ^ “ To him that hath shall be One solution is printed on given■'— the experience of losing. 6l\JE t h e - another page. Q ■00'^S M I'ace the .tliisie. •RAT-Z IfsJ SS RUINED^ On O c o m e s FAMINE MIT ANAR.C\AY. youR l i f e , s l e e p m \t v u n e y e A ORDER vJON'T COME fOR SE"'- OPEKl ^OT DOOR^^ OPEN!.’ NEFFER LOSE SlCrHT UF n To TAKE j\ DANS UNTIL ME PAY OUT ; I DER t r o o p s. FOR. MUTM' DER. K EYS.^ 7 ^ ouc-tW iKi-y MONEY.^ TH£R£. ? (( yessTr . '


RtG. u. s. 9AT. qrr. j. O '>2*. ■Y.NEA sknvicc. mE



X v X '

m cx. Rrs. 0. s. MT.orr. o I92». BY NEA SENVICC. INC. SALESMAN SAM Base Honesty By SmaU

(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE IMCTtRE) ALVsIATS TAUDKT MoT tYhat fun the Tinymites all had. it was great. The little coal men ITS A , 1 1 Y a d i d n 't T o u c h X o u e . T o u c w a THING t t h a t , Of course the bunch were very glad laughed in glee, and then began HOMeR., FIRST, SeCOMO ER. , \TA W 0 0 V HOOD Howdy , SAb^\ TH IRD, 0 UODT’. WOTS / TRAlMiMO- — eieUOMCr t a m e . tfiat they had met the coal men, to hum: “Of course we never like .^ and had found a little car. As to shirk but we just ride while Twe lOtA? yx— ^ Scouty pushed, and Coppy shoved others work. For us it’s naught the got a ride that they all loved. but pleasure. Oh, we guess we’re II eAweThOAV THYlMGrOUT ON ACCOUNT 'S, Then Coppy said, “ I’m getting tired. not so dumb.” OF NO RAtN I can’t push very far.” Just then a thund’rous noise VhTM TWe One little coal man snapped re­ arose, and Scouty shouted, “Good­ prTMi.e.Tics, ply. “ Say, I'll jump out and gladly ness knows what’s happened just AMP COMMlft fKTM^US.Tl» try to take my turn at pushing.” ahead of us. Keep going till we t^ACK MAS see.” They shot around a little mjNotNO- THteo ’Course this made the Tlnies smile. RMAUtV Said Scouty, “ That won’t do at all. bend. A coal man shouted, “ Here's in You’re mighty kind, but much too the end of our nice ride until we OONYINCCO y f e R o v y r ! .small. Y’ou couldn’t push this car, work as hard as hard can be. m ia t h a t I fear, a quarter of a mile.” “ Much coal has fallen on the TUeTMlHG- Then Carpy said, “ I’ll lend a track. I’m sorry but we can’t tuin TbPOAt!*^ hand. I’m pretty sure I understand back. We’ll have to shovel it away. SeCKlMCr just how to keep the little car in You Tinymites are .strong. Plea=-,e "m e eA U - motion. It’s a cinch.” He tried to take the shovels from the car and push it all alone. 'Twas funny how work away just as you are. As soon / he'd puff and groan. And then as all the track is clear we’ll travel RUM/ somebody helped him ’cause it right along.” didn’t move an Inch. Away they went! The track ran (The Tinymites get out of the AIA ROUMOlMCr SecOM D - oSmrnSLJSLSa^&mSm straight, then quickly turned, ph, cave iu the uext slur}'.). AK 0 '

PAGE FOURTEEN > , mmtriiFatrr £ti?nina Ifnitd THURSDAY, MARCH 21,192». •

Mrs. Herbert B. House of East Miss Lebta Colpitts arrived home WHIST — DANCE The Friday evening whist and dance which the ladies committee Center street will .ittend the Cen­ last night from Cooperstown, *N. Y.. tennial flower show at Mechanics GREEN SCHOOL HALL from the Community club at Man­ where she' is a teacher in the Knox chester Green hold every two Hall, Boston, tomorrow and spend i Friday Evening, March 22, 8 :2 0 school. She will spend the Easter ^ ^ 0 L weeks, will take place at the Green the week-end with her daughter. Manchester Green Community Club school tomorrow night. Playing Miss Emily House, and sbn Charles, vacation of two weeks with her par­ 6 Prizes. Refreshments. 35c. will begin at 8:20 and continue for both of whom are students in edu­ ents, Rev. Robert A. Colpitts and Special Prize to Couple Having two hours. Dancing will follow. Six cational institutions there. Mrs. Colpitts of Spruce street. Highest Score. prizes will be given and refresh­ ments served. The committee will ANNUAL SUPPER, award a special prize to tho couple running up the highest combined m\ CONCERT and DANCE score. It behooves the husbands, Tinker Hall therefore to see that their wives are present tomorrow evening, and FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 6:30 P. M. married women who sometimes lind m o N t ! Helen Davidson Lodge, D. of S. it difficult to get their husbands out Scotch Impersonators to the card parties, can offer the in­ ducement thai, a prize will be given BILL WADDELL’S ORCHESTRA that they can both use. Tickets Including Supper, Program GOOD THINGS TO EAT and Dance, 65c. A Japanese tea party will be Entertainment and Dance 35c. „iven tomorrow evening at the i Zion Lutheran church on Cooper HEAR! HEAR! SHAD! FRESH SHAD! street at 7:45, under auspices of Costuming the Young the Ladies society and the Young There’s a thrill in that cry. For tw'b hundred years it has stirred the pulses of Connecticut every ABOUT TOWN People’s society. The team parly : I will be in the- basement and the spring. Long ago it was never heard until May— young people will furnish piano and till the Connecticut and the Housatonic yielded up The March meeting of the Iro­ their “ run” of the succulent fish. Now it comes quois Girl Scouts was held Saturday violin music. Preceding the social For Easter and Other Sunshiny Days a lecture will be given in the audi­ tlnis early because lightning transportation and per­ afternoon at the home of Miss Eliz­ fect refrigeration makes it possible to bring us the abeth Norton. Eight were present, torium of the church by Sumio Uesugi, Japanese misstCinary, illus­ sound, juicy shad of the .Maryland rivers weeks be­ four from Troop 5 an^ four from fore the shad have worked up the coast to New Troop 7. Margaret Korngiebel was trated with lantern slides. England. chosen as corporal of the Oneidas , Tomorrow Pineliurst will offer the first shipment for the for the and Thelma Jackson of the Onoda- The Justamere Bridge club will of these Fresh .Maryland Shad (as different a crea­ gas. Brownie Acorn Pack No. 1, ture from the frozen shad of Florida as yon can held an enrollment ceremony and meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. \V. M. Balch, who is now located at i imagine) to the shad lovers of .Manchester. Tliere the following were admitted Audrey will be both Bucks and Roe Fish. young miss young man Gallagher, Dorothy Earl and Doris 64 North Elm street. Christensen. Marcella Holloran When the angels made shad 2 to 6 was also recently enrolled. Pearl The devil was mad 2 to 6 Martin of Troop 5 was named lead­ For it seemed such a feast of delight, er of the Brownies. Visitors pres­ “LEAVE IT TO DAD” ent were Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Mrs. .' So, to ruin the scheme, S-.-tCT PLAY hie jumped in the stream tv. Hyde and Mrs. G. I. Hubbard. And poked in the bones out of spite. Tonight at 8 O’Clock m The three-act play, “ Leave it to Dad.” by Eva Becker-Shippee, will When the strawberry red .SECOND CONGREGA'nON.AI, First illumined its bed he presented by a cast of eight The an.gcls looked down and were glad. young people in the vestry of Sec­ CHURCH Rut the devil, 'tis said. ond Congregational church at S CAST OF 8 CHARACTERS Fairly pounded Ills head. o'clock this evening. This play was For he’d used all the bones on the shad. given with success this season at the First Methodist church, Hart­ Auspices Y. P. S. C. E. But blessed are the'bones in a shad! Because, ford. and tonight’s performance if it were not for the bones, so superbly delicious is will be for the benefit of the treas­ Home Made Candy on Sale the shad, that it would probably be selling for two ury of the Christian Endeavor so­ Adiii. 35c. Children Under 14, 25c. ciety. Home-made candy will be dollars a pound—if not by this time wholly ex­ fn tinct. \ r on sale. Oil, shad! Fresli Shad! Phone your order right now to Pineliurst, two thousand. Mrs. J. W. Goslee of Madison street left today for South Orange, N. J., where she will spend the next Spring Coats two weeks with her daughter. Miss Ethel Goslee, dean of girls at the FISH LIST Tweed Coats in blue, High school there. Tweeds and Kashas Cod, Steaked or Whole Haddock tan and rose trimmed with solid color collars. A variety of in Smart Little Models Whole Mackerel styles for the wee moderns, Tailored tweed coats for school wear and Navy Sports Coats of fine (Z c jr t/ Opened Clams Salmon sizes 1 to 6. Priced dressy Kasha coats with detachable fur quality wool cheviot in the reg­ for Chowder. Fresh Caught collars for Sundays and dress-up occasions. ulation style with emblems on Troubled With Tan, navy, green and blue. 7 to 14 years- the sleeves. Brass buttons. 1 Filet of Haddock Halibut $4;98‘“$9.98 to 6 years. Priced ^ Corns or I Low Mark on Grape Fruit $5.98‘“$16,98 Bunions ? $4.98‘“$9e98 ^ We have a special offering on Grape Fruit at a record ^ breaking price. Not very big, to be sure, but fine fruit. J^YE.N so, you need not wear homely 29 CENTS A DOZEN. shoes for comfort's jinesLj piano sake. ^ FRESH SPINACH, excellent quality 19 CENTS PECK 'Vilh Vilhur Coon Shoes, our needs tuning g FINE RED RIPE TOMATOES 19 CENTS POUND. Foot Specialists ran give you com­ fort in smart styles....through Spec­ ial Measurements h u ilt info the REGULARLY Shoes. More than 200 size combinations C^THE piano you have in r|- ....1 to 12. AAA A to KEK. So even ^ your home is more than if you need an A heel, B instep. an

will represent US on $2 98 “$5.98 $1.98"’$3.98 \. $ L 9 8 $ 4 . 9 8

Baby Shop— ^Main Floor Girls! Shop— Main Floor, Rear Baby Shop— Main Floor THE ELECTRIC M ^ 0 4 : FURNACE-MAN in Manchester and Vicinity. DO YOU WANT FILMS Generator WATKINS ’BROTH ERS: Inc, First Class Masic (for OEVIjltUPEU AND FKINTEU Starter and Ignition 24 HOUR SKRVigB Repaired at a reasonable YOUR DANCE? Film Deposit Box At ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS w s o n Store Enf rai\ice ■ charge. We can save you ex­ ...... ' , * pense and annoyance as we CHAPEL AT JI OAK^ST:) have instruments which locate Tel. 1457 Pli/mbihtrHeatmtr^ uobbintr Robert K'Ahderson, all electrical trouble quickly. Tel. 364-2 KEMP'S Pkone50O OFFICE AND SHOWROOM Fuhei^ Director V2837A V : Norton Electrical 57 Bis^ell Street. Phone 1433 This should be a wonderful , Italy Is ready for war, says Instrument Co. '.Easter, judging by . the nuinber of Mussolini, though none is in signt Broadway shows that have’ been' just now. Waiting for the outside HilUard street* - Manchester laying eggs lor the occasion.- ohancs, you ntight-say,-- ADVERTISE LN THE HERALKIk:^ BAYat
