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The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more rour Page Colored 20 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Three Sections [jj,. VII, No. 50 CARTRRKT, N. J., FRIDAY, AUCUST 30, 1929 PRICE THREK CENTS rge Autoist Borough Schools Jewish Protest Parade Staged in New York Carteret Active In Clothing On Fire LefVHis Victim To Open Wednesday Kiddie Camp Program Girl Blames Boy Man SaidToHave Pupils To Report Where They Several Borough Folks Attend Dorothy Yetman Aged 9 Is rleret d Injured B6y— Attended During Final Week Program—Carter- Badly Burned On Back— For Lack Of Ev»- of June — The Teaching Children In Cast. Says Boy Living Near Put Staff. Cnrtcrot playod an important parti Punk Down Her Back. the success of the Kiddi« Keep I According with the schedule adopt- in . lllk | Bulks, of 32 Duffy street, | Wil l Camp Visiting Day Tuesday at-' With her clothing nn fire as a re- ' was arraigned in Rahway ed by the Board of Education hero Th h h sult of an increditnhly crupl act upon rrrl, the public schools will open for th<> tirnoon There were over three hun- ,iKht on charges of leaving 'lro<i em'sts p t any of them the part of a ten-year-old boy, Doro- h accident without of- fall term Wednesday, September 4, rc5en > m thy Yotman, nged 9, of 7fi Atlantic (,f ,,n at the usual hour. All classes will re- prominent citizens of the county > it was alleged he ;in<i state. Among those representing street ran screaming along the street „„. whom he had hit with port to the school building which they Tuesday forenoon until Bernard attended the laRt week of June. Par- t'nrteret were Mr. Ruckriegel, Mra. t mobile to the corner where Uuckriegel, president nf the local Kahn flung a coat about the child and . lived and then disappeared. ents are urged to have pupils enter extinguished the flames. Mr. Kahn on the first day of school. I'aront-Teach*rs' Association, ami Ik, wn« driving a car owned by Mrs. J, Connolly, secretary of the or- took the suffering tfirl to the office of ,,rii, Wilson, of 38 Monroe Following ia the complete list of Dr. Joseph Wantoch. The little girl ii betwepn screnms ami groans of ag> . ,,KI was going east on Milton teachers employed for the Borough Mra. Emil Stremlau served as host- ,;.'„„ which Pau; SicS, 16, the of Carteret: ony, told of how the boy, ten ess for the occasion. Thomas G. Ken- years old. who livca a few doors was riding his bicycle B. V. Herman, Supervising Prin- yon and Hn, Cbartai Bptna wars tha Bu awiy, pursued her wHh a piece o! ""\, the 'intersection of Broad cipal; Sadie Utman, clerk. nmmunity chairmen who sponsored Hifh School burning punk and pushed it down her \..t,\ Hulka made a wide turn and c invitations. back, under her clothing, ' .vi,,r«l the bicycle, which was A. D. Scott, principal; Clare Mono- The program, which took place* on han, M. W. Roach, Grace Hill, A. J. Screaming and running »t top Vly wrecked. The boy was o new outdoor stage, included the ,.„,.„ to the pavement by the gut- Malloy, Erminia di Martino, Jean De- irosentation of a musical comedy by speed as the burning punk Bpnred her Itulkn stopped and picked up the vine, Margaret Prentiss, G. Haviland, he campers and short addresses by skin, the little girl made matters Ethel Decker, Helen Heil, Sadie Do- worse as the air current produced by old him he would take him Ounty Prosecutor John K. Toolan, 1 *y 'p"hoitpitai.'"U is alleged however, mina, Loretta Powers, Mary McCar- Veeholder J. Fred Orpen, Camp Di- running spread the darn* . The light „ after asking Sica where he lived, thy, Florence Friedman, Doris Lu- ector George Gordon, Jr., Aylin clothing was blazing all ulqng her ,,,(,k the boy to the corner, told bern. 'ierson of Metuchen, Mrs. Joseph back when Mr. Kahn extinguished n call his father, and drove Eighth grades in the high school lond of Dunellen, Mrs. Sophie Wolfe the fire. building: Ethel Snyder, Mary Van- f New Brunswick and Miss Jane J. The girl said she waft standing in , ,„• night watchman at the Rahway Eostern. 'ackard of Stelton. front of her home when the Rickard ut" Supply Garage had noticed the Washington School Others among the guests who ex- boy came with^the punk. He lives Ethel Keller, principal. ressed themselves as favorably im- only a few dm/ft nwny and is said ci'trntinn license number and this to have tormented the little girl on Sod the police in locating the owner Eighth grade: Clarence Allen. ressed by the accomplishments of Seventh grades: Katherine Dono- he camp for the benefit of the coun- numerous occasions, Dorothy is the , in turn, brought the driver into Y r't Patrolman FlanMfan took tne van, Elizabeth McGinley Jakeway, y were Senator Rusaell E. Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yet- Kv to Dr. George E. Galloway's of- Louise Kreidler, Anne Gibney. SNAPPED AT NEW YORK-flome of the 80,000 Jaws who paraded before the City Hall of New York Assemblyman Henry Bergerg,, Mayor man, of Atlantic street and the where he was treated for bruises Sixth grades: Etta Date. Elizabeth and the British Consulate office here In a demonstration of protest against the slaying of their brethren by Thomah s DolaDl n of ParlinPli , MMayoMa r Wilil- granddaughter of fnrmer school Com- ut the back, shoulders and arms, Connolly, Mary Ziemba, Anna Cop- the Arabs In Jerusalem liam Hamilton of North PlainfielP d missioner and Mrs. Charles Morris, lin. ind Walter Masterson, supervisor of of Washington avenue. ,,1 a sprained right leg. Dr. Wantoch said he would decide Hulkn was dismissed for lack of Fifth grades: Mildred Sharkey, he County Workhouse. Wanda Knorr, Gertrude Casey, Mary today whether to have the child sent I'lH'O. The point stressed by all the speak- Filosa. Jakeway • McGinley Carteret Ferry Ends Cars Turns Over rs was the need for permanent to the hospital or treat her at her Fourth grades: Lillian Brown, Rose 'Uildings for the camp, and the use- home. There is not much change in Glass, Eleanor Harris. ulness to this end of friendly publi- her condition. No aritsts havt been Nathan H»L Sehool Nuptials Held Service Tomorrow Occupants Unhurt ity. made in the case. The boy who is ac- [ries To Retain Dog Mary J. Donohue, principal. •Said Freeholder Orpen, "The camp cused of the fiendish act denies the Fourth (trade: Minnie Chodosh. Ceremony Performed I n Falling Off Of Business Given But Shoe Flies Off and Injures s a wonderful place, well deserving charge and the little girl holds to her Third grades: Tillie Yuekman, An- the encouragement and support of Itory that he set her clothing on fire na Knorr. Minnie Mausner. Bride's Home Town—Will As Cause—Carteret Man To . Boys on Sidewalk. he whole county. I am convinced With the burning punk. Second grades: Bertha (Rubel, A. Reside In Carteret, Supply Ferry Service For hat if the citizens would come to see Catcher It Held In Bail Chester, R. Schonwald, Emma Chris- Two boys who were playing on the he camp and the children, the neces- tensen. Fort Passengers. sidewalk were injured and the occu- lity of permanent buildings might be For Action of Grand Jury-— A pretty wedding took place in St. pants of a car that turned over five put across very easily. The Board of First grades: Florence Rubel, So- Patrick's church in WilkeB-Barre on Second Game With Other phie Ziemba, Helen Strack, Hulda The Carteret ferry that has been times escaped without a scratch in a rreehofders is alwayB willing to help August 22, when Miss Elizabeth Mc- in operation between Carteret and freak accident here Monday night, in such a good cause." Stuttlce, Edith Ulman, Sadie Berson, Ginley became the bride of Thomas Anna Conlan. Linofeumville, Staten Island, for the The car that figured in the affair was Many Carteret children were in the lurt Williams, a colored man who Jakeway, of Carteret. Mis* McGinley past fifteen years will suspend tomor- Amboy Set For Sept. 29 a- [#m working as dog catcher for Columbut School the property of Wesley Moore, col- cast of the musical comedy, "A Dolls' is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. row night at 10 o'clock. A general ored, of 41 Mercer street. He was Tn-County Animal Relief Asso- Catherine Hermann, principal. V. McGinley, of 163 Stanton street, Symposium" by Elizabeth F. Cuptill. Continuation class: I. Levin. falling off of business due to traffic driving along Washington avenue Miss Margaret Collins, as Jack the Field Club To Be Strengthened ii.n. was put under' $1,000 bond Wilkes-Barre. being diverted to the Outerbridge •or the- action of the grand jury Eighth grades: Esther Gordon, M. from Rahway. Edison Jones, colored Rover,, was Master of Ceremonies; By Big Time Players—Rum- The ceremony was performed by Crossing, the Goethals Bridge, and who lives in the same house with and Helen Soltesz, as Bobbie Shaftoe, uesday when he was arraigned on O'Brien, Marie Hamm. Rev. Father M. A. Hughes. Miss Seventh grades: Etta Levinson, to the Holland tunnel, is the cause. Moore was driving in the same direc added a humorous element. or of Woodbridge Series. arge of assault and battery at Louise Kreidler was the bridesmaid It is not thought likely that the ferry instance of Helen Wuntoski, of Winifred Fagan, Ida Nadel, Louise tion in another car.