CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1813 HON
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December 9, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1813 between suppliers and purchasers of commer- For historical purposes, I submit this state- The Coalition is an organization standing in cial sex acts with children, and the defend- ment to be part of the CONGRESSIONAL the gap—and their work is already producing ants have failed to persuade us Congress in- RECORD in recognition of the union of Ahn impressive results through public and private tended a supplier-only limitation or a pur- chaser exception.’’ Mira and Sean Ryan Halpin, and of the distin- partnerships across the nation. One of these The anti-trafficking movement has recog- guished service provided by their families to successful endeavors is with a Dallas-based nized this as a landmark ruling which closes their respective countries. international restaurant chain, Bennigan’s, and an important loophole in the fight against f their ‘‘Wall of Heroes’’ initiative. Through the trafficking through criminal deterrence, and promotion, Bennigan’s customers are invited raises the priority of prosecution of demand. IN RECOGNITION OF CORPORAL to purchase a drink, write a note, and upload However, this victory will be short-lived if DONNY DAUGHENBAUGH, U.S. a picture in honor of anyone currently serving and related online classified MARINE CORPS (RET.). or those who have served in the U.S. Armed sites operate without fear of repercussion, fostering an atmosphere of demand which re- Forces. sults in the continued trafficking of women HON. RANDY K. WEBER, SR. Corporal Daughenbaugh also has been a and children for sex. OF TEXAS guest of honor at multiple ‘‘Happy Hour with a This is a grave injustice—a blot on our col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hero’’ events sponsored by Bennigan’s—and lective national conscience which demands his story has also been featured on their Wall Monday, December 9, 2013 action. Will you allow this exploitation to of Heroes site. continue on your watch? Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise America has been a nation at war for the Sincerely, today to offer my support and deepest thanks longest period of time in our history—bringing FRANK R. WOLF, Member of Congress. for a fine young man and outstanding soldier a new set of challenges, not only our military from my congressional district—Corporal fighting force, but to a generation of young f Donny Daughenbaugh, U.S. Marine Corps veterans. Many are facing unprecedented CONGRATULATING AHN MIRA AND (Ret.). physical and psychological trauma while SEAN RYAN HALPIN ON THEIR Corporal Daughenbaugh was hit with a bul- transitioning back to civilian careers. Over 1 WEDDING IN SEOUL, KOREA let in the face, and miraculously survived the million veterans are expected to make that injury. After a long and grueling rehabilitation, transition this year. Through his work with the HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA he has made it his life’s mission to give back Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, Corporal OF AMERICAN SAMOA to veterans facing similar situations. He is now Daughenbaugh is inspiring thousands of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Assistant Vice President and National young veterans who are on a road to recovery from their injuries. I applaud his work and Monday, December 9, 2013 Spokesperson for the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes. A 501(c)(3), non-profit, dedication. He is indeed a true American hero. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise non-partisan organization, it was established f today to recognize the wedding ceremony of in 2004 to provide severely wounded veterans RECOGNIZING PMI WASHINGTON, Ms. Ahn Mira and Mr. Sean Ryan Halpin held of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their D.C., ON ITS 2013 LEADERSHIP earlier this fall, on September 14, 2013, in families, with emergency financial assistance AWARD Seoul, Republic of Korea. The couple met dur- and other support services to help them re- ing Sean Halpin’s current service as a first cover from injuries and rebuild their lives. The lieutenant with the Special Operations Com- Coalition has also provided several grants to HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY mand—Korea (SOCKOR), United States various programs benefiting veterans in OF VIRGINIA Forces Korea. Texas, which is home to approximately 1.7 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Ahn is from the distinguished Ahn fam- million veterans. Monday, December 9, 2013 ily of Haeju City, South Hwanghae-do Prov- On December 9–13, the Coalition will host ince, currently in North Korea. The Ahn clan of Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- ‘‘The 7th Annual Road to Recovery Con- Hwanghae-do is remembered historically for gratulate and recognize the Project Manage- ference and Tribute’’ in Orlando, Florida to their several family members who took leading ment Institution’s Washington, D.C., Chapter help hundreds of military veterans and their roles in the independence movement during for its commitment to leadership and advocacy families adjust to civilian life. Although he may Korea’s colonial occupation. on behalf of the project management profes- Ms. Ahn’s paternal grandfather came to the never fully recover from his injury, Corporal sion. PMI Washington, D.C., is the recipient of port of Pusan, in South Korea as a refugee Daughenbaugh has been able to inspire oth- the 2013 PMI Chapter Award for Leadership, during the Korean War. Her family currently ers through his story of resilience. The bullet Planning & Operations. This award is given in resides in the port city of Incheon where her lodged in his brain is a constant reminder of recognition of PMIWDC’s focus on business father, Ahn Jaeman, is the principal of the top- his service to our nation as a proud member and operational planning, including the chap- rated East Incheon Middle School and her of the U.S. Marine Corps. ter’s outstanding website. In addition to the mother, Kim Kyunghee, is the devoted mother Together with Coalition CEO David Walker, chapter’s achievements, this year also marks of two daughters. Corporal Daughenbaugh is rebuilding an orga- its 35th anniversary. Sean Halpin is from a family that has served nization that rebuilds lives. In just one year, PMI is the world’s largest nonprofit member- the United States for more than a century. His they have transformed an organization with a ship association for project management pro- paternal great-great-grandfather, Captain Pat- righteous mission into a leading national orga- fessionals. PMI’s resources and research em- rick Foley, an immigrant from County Kerry, nization that gives hope to veterans. power more than 265 chapters worldwide and Ireland, served in the 23rd Regiment Illinois Their mission: ensuring our war-weary na- 700,000 members, credential holders, and vol- Volunteer Infantry (‘‘the Irish Brigade’’), fought tion does not lose sight of its obligations to unteers to further enhance and develop their under General Philip Sheridan in the last those protecting our freedoms. The Coalition careers. PMI’s worldwide advocacy for project major Civil War battle, the siege of Peters- is addressing a serious challenge facing our management is reinforced by its globally rec- burg, and was present at Appomattox Court nation: helping thousands of returning vet- ognized standards and certification program House for the final surrender. erans reintegrate into American society by cre- and extensive academic and research pro- His paternal great-grandfather, Dr. Thomas ating a safety net that would help returning grams. PMIWDC has nearly 11,000 members P. Foley, of Chicago, Illinois, served as a veterans avoid the high rates of unemploy- and remains the fastest-growing and largest medical officer with the United States Army ment (averaging 17.9 percent nationwide), sui- PMI chapter in the world. during the First World War. His grandfather, cide (24 per day), divorce (60 percent), etc. The PMIWDC Chapter has made significant Thomas J. Halpin, was a captain serving with Unfortunately, these true American heroes organizational advances by having both a the 88th Infantry during the liberation of Rome often receive little or no support from the na- Governance Board for strategic planning and in the Second World War. His father, Dennis tion for which they sacrificed so much. Be- an Operations Board for directing the organi- P. Halpin, served with the United States cause of a shortage of funding and an intermi- zation. Additionally, the chapter has developed Peace Corps in Korea, the U.S. Department of nable bureaucratic backlog at the Veterans advanced policies and processes to ensure State, and the U.S. House of Representatives Administration, they wait for roughly a year, on continuity through changing leadership. as a professional staff member of the Com- average, to receive disability pay and benefits. PMIWDC has been praised for providing ex- mittee on Foreign Affairs. Sean’s loving moth- Thousands never receive the proper care for panded management development and pro- er, Mina Chuok (ne´e Pak) Halpin, is originally PTSD, because it still remains a largely mis- viding a path for volunteer members to ad- from Pusan, Korea. understood condition. vance into roles with greater responsibility. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:01 Dec 10, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09DE8.012 E09DEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.