Yate - Wotton-Under-Edge - Yate
84 Yate - Wotton-under-Edge - Yate Timetable valid from 01/09/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Sch SH SH Sch Sch SH Yate, Stover Road (E-bound) 0800 0805 1405 1405 1505 1505 § Yate, Yate Station (E-bound) 0800 0805 1405 1405 1505 1505 § Yate, Longs Drive (E-bound) 0801 0806 1406 1406 1506 1506 § Yate, Mow Barton (E-bound) 0802 0807 1407 1407 1507 1507 § Yate, Morrisons (E-bound) 0803 0808 1408 1408 1508 1508 § Yate, The White Lion (E-bound) 0803 0808 1408 1408 1508 1508 Yate, Shopping Centre (Stop B) arr 0805 0810 1410 1410 1510 1510 Yate, Shopping Centre (Stop B) dep 0810 0820 1420 1420 1515 1520 § Yate, The Ridge (SE-bound) 0813 0821 1421 1421 1516 1522 § Chipping Sodbury, Bowling Hill (SE-bound) 0815 0823 1423 1423 1517 1523 Chipping Sodbury, Chipping Sodbury School (N-bound) 0820 1520 Chipping Sodbury, The Clock (E-bound) 0825 0825 1425 1425 1525 1525 § Chipping Sodbury, Wickwar Road (N-bound) 0825 0825 1425 1425 1525 1525 § Yate, Love Lane (N-bound) 0829 0829 1429 1429 1529 1529 § Wickwar, Hill House (N-bound) 0832 0832 1432 1432 1532 1532 § Wickwar, Poplar Lane (N-bound) 0834 0834 1434 1434 1534 1534 § Wickwar, Youth Centre (N-bound) 0834 0834 1434 1434 1534 1534 Wickwar, High Street (N-bound) 0835 0835 1435 1435 1535 1535 § Cromhall, Cowship Lane (N-bound) 0840 0840 1440 1440 1540 1540 § Cromhall, Heath End Cottages (N-bound) 0840 0840 1440 1440 1540 1540 § Cromhall, Heathend
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