January 1978
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VOLUME $ NO. 1 ~ERL! JAN. 197.8 ( 20509 Negaunee O.f!icia.l Organ UNICYCLING SOCIETY OF A.MERICA Inc. @1978 ill Rts Res. Red.ford, MI 48240 Yearly Member:,hip $5 Includes Newsletter (4) ID Ca.rd - See Blank Pg.16 OFFICERS Your Secretary-Treasurer a nd Editor wish to say fflANK YOU!!ff to Pres. Brett Shockley BILL JENA~K for alt of the help he has given them as they took on V.Pres. R. Tschudin the responslbflltles of their new jobs. And it ts very comforting S.Treas. Joyce Jones to know that hts support and assistance will be avatlabte throughout their terms of office. lOUNDER MEMBERS Bernard Crandall DATES TO REMEMBER Paul & Nancy Fox Peter Hangach APRIL 29, 1978 - Indoor Meet Patricia Herron sponsored by Bill Jenack SMILING FACES of Findlay, O. Gordon Kruse for more inforutton writes Steve McP~ak Jan Layne, Director Fr. Jas. J. Moran 514 Defiance Avenue Dr. Miles s. Rogers Findlay, Ohio 45840 Charlotte Fox Rogere or call ·dy Rubel t-4t9-433-8Q59 _,r. Claude Shannon Jim Snith Dr. Jack Wiley JULY 22 and 2l NOOLETTm EDITCR NAT IONAL UNICYCLE MEET Carol Brichford to be held Ins 244(:o cy.ndon MINNEAPOLIS, MINNE$ OT A Redford, Mich.48239 CONTRIBUTING EDITm Bill Jenack PROPJLES - BRETT SHOCKLEY 2-3 i----,E't' YOUR-------------~------~ OFP!CERS 3-4 t------OUND THE WOOLD---- ON A UNI- •- WALLY--~--~lt,._..._ WATTS 4 ___ ., ,_____ _____________ .,. __,_ __ i-----OUSTING ---------------~ON UNICYCLES 7 - 1977 NATIONAL MEET PICTURES 8-9 SMILING FACES 4-H UNICYCLE CLUB 10 ---------=---..a10,11,14 ------------------·--- jORDER BLANKS , Mbshp,Bks,Back Issues 15-16 13~.:"T''f S•JC~ ,(I.C::Y - Wnrld 1s highest unicyclF.: c,3,o1.,, U11ly 1r;, 1·n7) Page 2 i.tHC"f'!LTW1 S~IE'l'Y OF A.:~ERICA , INC . - NFWSL?'l'T~.R. 1-78 Page 3 MEET YOUR CFF J(~ERS t Vice-President I ROBP.'RTO 'ISCHUDIN President: BlH~II SH<a;LEX W'hfle ROBF.RTO was tnterduced when he first accepted the office of Viee•Presldent for lcycling took another step up at 7t00 p.m. the year 1976-77 (see Page 4 of the January on Prtday, Julv 15, 1977, when BRETT SHOCKLEY 1Q77 NEWSLE'M'ER), he has since changed both rode the 53 foot, 9~ inch unicycle he had job and residence. To update the tnfor1Mtlon just completed building the preceding week. USA Inc. 111embers already have about him, he And another name was put in the Guinness Book writes the followtn~1 of World Records. (The picture taken at this ;;ent t s on page 2.) The unicycle Brett built "Roberto works as a TV News Reporter for was made of aluminum tubin~, wet~hed 150 tbs., ABC In Green Bay, Wisconsin. He was on his contained 96• of bicycle chain, twelve 18- way there when you saw htm at the National tooth bicycle sprockets, had a gear ratio of Meet (August, 1977). So far he hasn't run one-to-one and a heavy-duty spoked bicycle across IIIOt'e than a hatf-dozen unicyclists wheel. In his words, "It looks like a radio 1n the Green Bay area. But he hopes to find tower with three main poles and cross beat'lls." more and ls busy tryln~ to organize a Brett rode between two cranes SO feet apart. untcyete ~r oup for the area. Recently He made four trips, but the first was the Roberto dressed up as a clown to open the most exciting because of the gusting winds. new bridge tn De Pere, Wisconsin. Heavy rain forced him off his ~lraffe, so he rode This record breaker and current President of his swing bike for tn0st of the parade. USA, Inc. be~an untcycte rtdtn~ and building Nevertheless, he attracted quite a erovd, tn junior high school. He ls now a sophomore partfeutarty children lfflo loved the zl~-za~ at the University of Minnesota majoring in maneuvers of the swing blke. Hts latest mechanical englneerln~. He has spent the past acquisition ls one of the new Schwinn several sulll!lers ridtn, at Valteyfatr, an aJ11Use ~iraffes and he ts dell~hted with It. He ment park near Mtnneapotts. The act has grown plans to modify the seat according to a from one of just a few ~lnutes to six half• dest~n by BILL JENACK. If you are passtni ~~ur shows a day, six days a week. Jn it he throu~h northeastern Wisconsin, please stop ( lea the ultimate wheel and giraffes six 1n and say hello. He has tots of space for to sixteen feet tatt. In addition to the vlsitt"- fire11en ••.. and he loves visitors!" Vatleyftar shows he directs the 30 members of the SPECIALTY CYCLES UNICYCLISTS and can often Roberto's nev address 1st be found in hts workshop butdllng spectat 500 N. 10th. Apt . 65 order giraffes. DePere, Wisconsin 54311 Brett ls currently working on the arran~ements for the 1978 NATIONAL UNICYCLE MEET. The dates Secretary-Treasurer 1 ,IQXCt; JQtl~ have been chan~ed frO!II August to July so the Meet will coincide with the Aquatennlat Joyce writes the fottowtng as an Intro celebration in Minneapolis. Brett ts hoping duction to hersetfs that unicyclists coming for the Meet will stay beyond Sunday and take advantage of the varl• "Wht le I have at ways considered wrysetf a ous events planned. The hl~hli~ht of the full-time wife and aother, I•• at present celebration will be the Torch Light Parade workln~ part ti• as a swttehboard operator on Wednesday, July 26. Alt unteycttsts are and typist for Allarlcan Way Service Corp. invited to participate tn this hl~hty oubll cized parade. Specific details of the Meet My dau~hter, Dt8~AR, was introduced to (location, lodging, events, rutes, etc.) will unicycling about two years a~o. White be ln~luded In the April edition of the Deborah ts the only llleMber of the family USA, Inc. NEWSLETTER. riding, ve have alt become Interested In this ~eat sport. And what are Brett's plans for the future? He ·admits to being open to alt offers and I wttt try to do my best to serve as the 1 tre are always more records to be broken. Secretary-Treasurer of the society and wttl uy,there is the endurance record and the try to meet the challenge to help build a juggl tng record and the tttdl lng" record and ••• better and stronger society." UNICYCLING SOCIETY OP AMERICA, INC. NEWSLETTER 1•78 Pa.-;e 4 MEET YOUR <FFIC~S - CONT'D Edi tori CAJ!OL _BRICHFORD ROOND THE wano ON A UNICYCLE - WALLY WATTS U ke Joyce, Carol vaa drawn into USA, INC. 8y the time this NEWSLETTER r eaches you wJ mefflbershtp by her children - DAVID, MARK, BILL wt 11 probably be start in~ out from Per th, and NANCY - alt of whom are active members of Australla, heading across the Natabore to the Redford Township Unicycle Club, Inc. It Brisbane. The Natabore ls a desola t e desert vas because of neither talent nor experience area vtth stretches up t o 300 miles between that she volunteered to serve as editor of areas of ctvltlratton. Wa tly plans t o the NE'WSLETTER. But over the years she has hitchhike across It and then cycl e t he 1500 seen youn~sters blossom as they learned to mites to Melbourne, cross to New Zealand, ride and perform with RTUC , Inc. Beyond cycle to Auckland, fly to Los Angel es and association with the loca l club families, she then cycle to Bill Jenack' s In Ne w York. has enjoyed meeting the many marvelous persons who make up the ,nembershlp of USA and felt In a tetter dated December 31, he wr ote that that one way to say "thank you" for these he had ~one aurflng a tew tl 111es and does " • opoortunlttes was to volunteer when there was ~reat nose dive!" By the time the nex t a need. Needless- to-say, she fervently hoped NEWSt.ETT!:R goes to print , we should be able that another more experienced person would to say, "Wetcoae back, Wal ly!" receive the editor's job; but since that was not the case, she wilt try to do the best she can. However, It ts definitely not a * *. * one-man job and she asks that all members SALLY WHIT~, now a regutarty mat l any t tem of news • large or sophomore at small - so that the paper reflects the Pennsylvania State contributions of many. Unlverstty, stilt spends much tt111e on as Htr address ts found on the first pa~e of top of her wheel, witnessed by the this Nf"i.."'WSLETTER. Please use lt OF'TEN!f accofflpanyln~ picture Thts ts reprinted rrom r.RJT and used MISC. Nf"i.."'WS 1 with permission or Grit Publlshln~ Co., When foundlnP( meri>er BERNARD CRANDALL vas Wt11ia111sport, l'A. tn the hospital shortly before Christmas, he t 7701. was surprised by a visit from some 15 unicy * • * * clists from the Paul Fox Unicycle Club, Redford AL HDtMJMGD hH Township's ~oup and his own Pontiac Untcycttsts. coapteted a novel Ot-"anhed by KAIBY SKINNER, the group del t~hted uni. ht• dau~hter Bernie until a nurse reminded them tha~ unless TERESA cat ta "the they were carolers, there were strict rules as porcupine." They to the number of visitors allowed per patient. wandered if any All dutifully left, only to regroup tn the one coutd ~uess waiting room where they warmed up their tenors tr011 the name how and sopranos.