Choragic , c. 334 BC Greek Monument Greece CORINTHIAN of Lysicrates -Half columns -finial tholos form -allegorical freize

Temple of 1st C BC – Characteristics Hercules 2nd C 1. On portico; elevated 2. Composite order (ionic + Corin.) 3. 2D 4. Hierarchal relationship b/n temple and space around it

Maison Nîmes, France 16 BC Roman temple Carrée -rebuilt 1983-9 by Norman Foster -rich entablature -prostyle hexastyle CORINTHIAN

9. Temples Great Stupa , India c. 250 BC Stupa: Buddhist archi; stones/earth of the – 250 AD erected over relics of the Buddha Ancient East 1: Sanchi and Borobudur

-torana: stone carved entrance gate

-vedika: where parikrama (ritual process of circumambulation) is done; stone fence around bottom -top is access by priest only -circle=symmetry=balance -cardenal orientation -vertical axis=world axis

The Shirin of Java, c. 790-850 -largest buddha monument Borobudur Indonesia AD -influenced by Hinduism (lower) + Buddhism (upper-stupa) -no physical boundary between inside and outside

10. Temple Lingaraja Bhubaneshwa c.1050- -sanctuary; contain sacred image /element of the Temple r, India 1150 of god’s presence=garbhagriha Ancient -shikhara=mountain-peak roof of mature East 2: India indian hindu temples and Angkor Wat

Rudabai Adalaj, India 1499 Stepwell

Angkor War Cambodia Begun -Unsual: usually Hinduism never involves (temple 1120 concept of god-king/ancestor woship complex) -built as state-temple (royal shrine) -temple for hindu god Vishnu: male major god/ preserver of cosmos -fusion of indian religion & native Khmer tradition -mandala design: circle; cosmic diagram representing wholeness/relationship to infinite and place of the world

11: Temples St Peter’s Rome, Italy 330 Basilica= king’s hall (in roman architecture typologies: Basilica used as administrative building) church, -timber frame roof mosque -brick roof column (recycle old roman and temple columns into basilica form) synagogue -apse decorated with mosaics -aisle, nave, narthex, apse, choir, crossing, chancel