THE HARDY ORCHID SOCIETY JOURNAL NO. 3O__{CtObEr 2OO3 The Hardy Orchid Society Committee is... President: Prof Richard Bateman, Department of Botany, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD. Chairman: RichardManuel, Wye View Cottage, Leys Hill, Ross-on-Wye, Hereford- shire HR9 5QU.
[email protected] Vice-Chairman: Tony Hughes, 8 Birchwood Road, Malvem, Worcs WRl4 lLD. Hon. Secretary: Chris Birchall, Barratts Cottage, Clyst Hydon, Cullompton, Devon EXl 5 2NQ.
[email protected] Hon. Treasurer: Rosemary Hill, 38 Springfield Crescent, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 4LH.
[email protected] Membership Secretary: Maren Talbot, 4Hazel Close, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 3PW.
[email protected] Show Secretary: Doreen Webster, 25 Highfields Drive, Loughborough LEI I 3JS. dozzer{d.lobr o24. fr eeserve. co. uk Journal Editor: Patrick Marks, 40 Lawmill Gardens, St.Andrews, Fife, KY16 8QS.
[email protected] or
[email protected] fe. Conservation Officer: Bill Temple, Primrose Cottage, Hanney Road, Steventon, Oxon, OXI 3 6AP.
[email protected] Publicity Officer: Jim Hill,38 Springfield Crescent, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 4LH. hillj
[email protected] Ordinary Member (Seed and Fungus Bank): Ted Weeks, 74 OverLane, Almonds- bury, Bristol, B 53 2 4BT. Wecw3 94 I Ordinary Member (Newsletter Distribution): Barry Tattersall, 262 Staines Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5 AR. orchis@tatt) Ordinary Member: Eric Webster: details as Show Secretary. Cover Picture: Cypripedium reginae, Photo: Pakick Marks a TIM HARDY ORCHID SOCIETY JOURNAL NO. 3O__OCtObEr 2OO3 Contents Editorial....... ...........................4 Apologies.... ...........................5 The HOS Wisley Meeting-saturday 22nd November 2003 ...............5 HOS Photographic Competition 2003.......