Message from the Principal

It has been another busy and productive, stimulating and creative half term at The County High School, Leftwich. Students continue to embrace opportunities during timetabled lessons and beyond. As I visit classes and walk around school I continue to observe hardworking and thoughtful, imaginative and dedicated students, engaging with the learning opportunities their talented teachers have created for them. Beyond the timetable, enrichment activities continue to thrive Principal and more students than ever are developing their knowledge Mr M Snelson and skills, character, creativity, and imagination.

Year 11 are coming towards the end of their Student Tracking 2 exams, a final chance to hone their exams skills, celebrate what they know and identify the gaps in their knowledge they need to fill before the external GCSE exams in May. It has been reassuring to see students fully engage in the intervention activities provided for them and the mature manner they are approaching the final straight of their GCSE courses.

Students of all year groups have the opportunity to continue learning independently outside of lessons. This may be: formal homework activities set by teachers; by reading to learn more and for pleasure, which is proven to improve attainment in all subjects and/or by completing tasks on one of our online platforms, such as SAM Learning, which has tasks for all subjects, which students can access 24/7 and receive instant feedback from. I would appreciate it if parents/carers would encourage their children to engage in these activities.

Thank you to the many, many parents/carers who attended Consultation Day on Friday 24th January. It was a fantastic opportunity for students, Tutors and parents/carers to reflect on how the year has gone so far and to plan for even more success during the second half of the year. The positive comments I received about the day and in particular about how well Tutors know and understand students and what they need to do to progress academically and socially were much appreciated and have been passed onto them.

Friday 10th January was our first Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening. Thirty-two Year 11 students have demonstrated their commitment and resilience by achieving the Bronze award and it was wonderful to be with their families as they were presented with their certificates. Thank you to Hayley White, a local ultra-athlete, for her inspirational, informative and entertaining presentation. Thank you also to all the colleagues involved in supporting the Duke of Edinburgh Award, most notably Mrs Wells, Mrs Jones, Miss Lamb and Mr Malam. On the evening, I challenged Year 11 students to go on to achieve the Silver and Gold Awards and to ensure the next

time they received certificates in the Hall, the GCSE grades on them reflect their TheSchool, High County Leftwich academic potential.

I hope that you all have a relaxing half term break and I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 25th February, and for students to continue to develop their academic ability, whilst enjoying their time at The County High

School, Leftwich.


Congratulations to 7 Armstrong, 8 Hatchmere and 9 Livingstone for winning the highest Tutor Group word counts for their year groups during the Autumn Term:-

7 Armstrong - 11,492,714 8 Hatchmere - 5,184,449 9 Livingstone - 5,447,901

The winning Tutor Groups received a certificate, a trophy and a large box of biscuits.

Also, well done to the seventeen students, who have already achieved their Gold Accelerated Reader certificate and gained entry onto the Reading Millionaires board in the Library - these students have each read over a million words since the start of the academic year.

Mrs Allen Librarian

DofE PRESENTATION On Friday 10th January, we had our giving them opportunities and skills very first Duke of Edinburgh that will help them in the future both presentation evening. Setting up and in job opportunities as well organising this award in school for the as character development and past 8 years - It has always been an personal resilience. event I have wanted to take place. However, this year group has been the Well done Year 11, it was a very first where 32/34 participants had proud moment for myself, as well as completed the award in amazing for all of you. time. So we set out to organise an evening I hoped they would Mrs Wells remember. DofE Co-ordinator

Hayley White, our local ULTRA athlete, was our fantastic guest speaker. Hayley inspired the whole audience with her own personal drive and ULTRA race stories, especially to the Arctic Circle.

Each of our students gained their bronze award certificate and pin badge making them unique and FLUTE GROUP On Tuesday 17th December, Flute “Hark the Herald”, Deck the Halls” Group, accompanied by Mrs Moss & and “Silent Night” and clapped Miss O’Brien, paid their annual visit to along with great enthusiasm to Day Care Centre to songs such as “Jingle Bell Rock”, perform carols and Christmas songs Frosty the Snowman” and” I wish it for the clients there after they had could be Christmas every day”. It eaten their Christmas lunch. was lovely to see everyone enjoying Christmas music can always be heard themselves so much. A request has around the music department from been made for the flutes to visit October so there were plenty of tunes again later in the year. to choose from. The staff and clients enjoyed singing along to favourite Mrs Moss carols such as “Away in a Manger”, Peripatetic Teacher

SALE SHARKS team work and confidence to name a few.

In May, these students will be attending a premiership game against Saracens as well as taking part in not only a mixed ability festival but also a parade around the pitch at half time.

I have been able to go and watch some of these coaching sessions For the past 6 weeks, we have had and have seen some of the some excellent coaches from the students excel in these conditions Premiership rugby union team Sale not only their rugby skills but also Sharks in school. They have been really showing what they are made coaching some handpicked of. students from years 9 and 10 working on skills like: hand/eye coordination, Mrs Wells touch passes, communication, Second in Learning Support CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY

Cambridge University came to speak to a group of Year 11 students about the advantages and application process for Cambridge University!

Students left motivated and inspired to reach their full potential.

Mr Kinder Learning Leader: Careers

Miss Fullwood rece part thein competition. both taking for book recipe Lily and certificate and Harriet learn learn about, and from the holocaust. to opportunities the High students our give County the to platforms various using were School at staff January During the weeks leading up to the 27 revenge, and no justice”. away and rebuild my life. The ways precious is Susan “Lifesaid holocaustsurvivor, a Pollack, after atrocities. soul such their and experiencing repair body to mind, broken strength the found and experiences horrific their about heard We tale. the tell were to who survived and individuals Nazis the by persecuted the of some about learn tolessons EFL our used we 27 the On ways. of number High County honoured holocaust Memorial Day in a the At exhaustion, starvation, disease or beatings. died. of died million gassed not 1.1 Those Auschwitz, to sent is estimated that of the It 1.3 million people homosexuals. Rom and people black disability, people, a with people and people, Jewish to regime of Nazi persecute the by liberation used camps the Auschwitz of anniversary 27 The -

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Leading up to Holocaust Memorial Day, The County High School Leftwich were given a fantastic opportunity to have another visit from the Anne Frank Trust. Jonathon McKee from the trust came into school to run the ‘Free To Be’ workshops. During which, he used the story of, and words of, Anne Frank to support discussions about This was a very modern day prejudice and successful day, which discrimination. Students involved created a real buzz in were faced with some shocking school. Students statistics about the rise in hate crimes, attending left the particularly those of a homophobic workshop with these and Islamophobic nature. inspiring words from Anne Frank; “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”.

Students who attended the workshops were also supported in their discussions and knowledge building by The County High Schools’ Anne Frank Ambassadors. The Ambassadors took to their role, displaying great maturity and leadership skills, encouraging deeper thinking and empathy from the Mrs James students attending the workshops. Learning Leader: RS

CROSS COUNTRY The County Cross Country took place at Knights Grange in on Saturday 1st February.

Well done to the students who are ranked the following positions in .

Year 7 - Minors Year 8 &9 Juniors Year 10 &11 Inters Theo Wassall - 6th Tom Corwood - 17th Tilly Gibbs - 23rd Evan Williams – 10th James Dixon - 19th Melissa Healey - 29th Alfie Murray - 19th Natalie Wilson - 23rd Jamie Wood - 33rd William Wallis Hedges - 36th Olli Washington - 36th Alex Lyons - 38th Tirion Cooper - 38th Autumn Mugridge - 45th Ellie Dunn - 47th

Congratulations to Theo Wassall, Evan Williams and Alfi Murray who will go on to represent Cheshire.

Mrs H Marklove, PESSCo SPORTS RESULTS Netball Netball Netball Hockey Netball Leftwich v Leftwich v Leftwich v Leftwich v Leftwich v Weaverham St Nicholas Cransley Weaverham

Year 8 - Lost Year 7 – Won Year 7 - Lost Year 8 – Won Year 7 played Player of the Match Player of the Match Player of Match Player of Match their first games. Poppy Curran Brya-Ray Landon Barbara Caracas Poppy Curran Won 4-0 Year 9 - Won Year 11 – Lost Year 10 - Lost Year 9 – Won Drew 3-3 Player of the Match Player of the Match Player of the Player of Match Lost 3-2 Lily Gordon Hannah Match Emma Lily Gordon Bebbington Nolan Well done! Year 11 - Lost

Player of the Match Congratulations & Well done to all Well done against Eve Bateman well done to all Involved. tough competition. involved. Well done to all who played. ECO-SOCIETY

The Eco-Society have been working hard to research different ways to make the school more environmentally friendly. On Monday 10th February some members of the Eco-Society worked with Transition to plant cherry trees in the

school grounds. An excellent

example of how students are committed to making positive environmental change in the school!

Miss Phillips Second in Geography


We’ve helped to unlock potential This is to thank Mrs Curry and 25 students from Years 9 & 11 from Leftwich High School raising funds by busking at Manchester Airport in December 2019. You raised £100.00 Which will be used to support people with Down’s syndrome in Cheshire. Signed by Rebecca Goodier On behalf of Cheshire Down’s Syndrome Support Group

General 2019 KS4 PERFORMANCE TABLES information and The County High School, Leftwich is in the top 2% of schools nationally for its announcements students’ Progress. @leftwichhigh “The 2019 results are a consequence of my students’, their families and my colleagues’ hard work, dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence. The class of 2019 embraced the challenge of their GCSEs and received their rewards in August of 2019. For myself and my team, today’s publication of the KS4 Performance Tables is further justification that our broad, balanced and enriched curriculum in a caring and nurturing environment, provides the opportunities for our students to fulfil their academic potential, whilst enjoying their time with us.” Mr Snelson Principal

The main source Today sees the publication of the full 2019 KS4 Performance Tables. This of information will validated version includes all of the national data. continue to be our website The Performance Tables show that The County High School, Leftwich Progress 8 score for 2019 is +0.80. The Progress 8 Score of +0.80 puts The County High www.leftwichhigh School, Leftwich in the top 2% of all schools nationally. Students achieved .com progress Well Above Average, as defined by the Department of Education. The Progress 8 score of +0.80 is the highest in all of Cheshire, both East and West.

The Progress 8 Score for disadvantaged students (students supported by the

Pupil Premium) is validated +0.35 and again places The County High School, Leftwich as the top performing school for disadvantaged students in all of and West. The Progress 8 Score for disadvantaged students of +35 puts The County High School, Leftwich in the top 5% of all schools nationally for the progress of disadvantaged students.

https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/schools-by type?step=default&table=schools®ion=896&la-name=cheshire-west-and- &geographic=la&for=secondary

GENERAL ENQUIRES: 01606 333300

PASTORAL OFFICE: To report any sickness, absence ie. Appointments for Doctor, Dentist or Hospital, Free School Meals, Holiday requests or any pastoral care issues. Direct Dial: 01606 333313

PAYMENTS OFFICE: All payments ie. School trips, cashless catering queries, music lessons/instruments or any issue regarding money/payments. Direct Dial: 01606 333303

ACCOUNTS OFFICE: Direct Dial: 01606 333314

CONTACT MAIN RECEPTION: General Enquires: 01606 333300

The County High School, Leftwich

INFORMATION Granville Road, Leftwich, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 8EZ e-mail: [email protected]

In our Newsletters, not all students are acknowledged by name. This is because the Academy is GDPR compliant.