CHESHIRE. • Newell Charles Edward, Ravensdene, Ruscoe L\Irs~ Rg6 London Road Viggor Oswald, Moi:!S Road the Crescent Samples Mrs

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CHESHIRE. • Newell Charles Edward, Ravensdene, Ruscoe L\Irs~ Rg6 London Road Viggor Oswald, Moi:!S Road the Crescent Samples Mrs - 466 NORTHWICH. CHESHIRE. • Newell Charles Edward, Ravensdene, Ruscoe l\Irs~ rg6 London road Viggor Oswald, Moi:!s road The Crescent Samples Mrs. 54 The Crescent Von-Slicher Mrs. Moss road N ewell Mrs. The Lymes, London rd Saner Jn. Arth. Highfield ho. Castle Waddell George W. Brookdale, Man- Owen Rev. A., A.D.V. (curate of Hart­ Schad Philip, Westward Ho,Winningtn chester road ford), Thornfield Senior Alfred, 48 The Crescent Warburton Mrs. r6 The Crescent Owen Thomas, 8o Chester road Senior Arthur, 31 The Crescent Ward Edward Thompson, Hillside.. Packer Rev., Charles B.A. (vicar of Senior Mrs. Station road Beech road St. Paul's), Da.nebridge vicarage, Shaw George, 56 The Crescent Ward Thomas J.P., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. Castle Shaw Joseph Patterson, Beswick's rd Wadebrook house, Witton Palin Mrs. Sunnyside Shaw Thomas, 2B The Crescent Watts John, Fairleigh Parkinson Willium, High street Smith Rev. Herbert William Lionel Weston JDhn J.P. The Heysoms Parks Joseph, 83 Manchester road A.K.C.L. (incumbent of Holy White Charles, Chester road Patten William, 84 Chester road Trinity), Castle Whitehead Rev. Jas. 22 Weaver rd Peak Rev. George Robert M.A. (curate Somerville James, I Weaver terrace Whitley Rev. Arthur Charles M.A. of St. Helen"s), Church road Starkey Henry, 184 London road (headmaster of Witton Grammar Poole Arth. Spence, 17 Wellington st Stelfox Edward, Vicarage road school), Church road Poole Joseph, Heatherdale, Chester rd Stelfox George, 186 London road Wilkinson Thomas, Lyndholme Poole Thomas, 32 Wellington street Stelfox Percy, Vicarage road Willett James Macadam, 38 Winning- Poole William Hy. IS The Crescent Stubbs William, 48 Witton stree-t ton hill Powles Alfred Every, 106 Chester rd Sutherst Waiter, Thorneycroft Willett Mrs. The Firs, Leftwich gm Preston George, The Slopes, Castle Tan6'Yne Albert William, ID Dyar ter- Williams Edward, 33 Winnington lanl} Rathbone George, Church road race, Winningt-on Willis George, 18 The Crescent Renshaw James, Manchester road Taylor Peter, 12 Victoria road Wilson Miss, 10 The Crescent Reynolds Thomas, r8 Victoria road Taylor Pet€r, jun. 62 The Crescent Wood John, 78 Station road Riding Mrs. 35 Winnington lane Terry Herbert, 42 Winnington street Woodward Hy. Edwd. 14 The Crescn' Roberts Jnthn. Willow bnk.Chester rd Thomas Jsph. Sunnybank, Winningtn Woodyatt William, 46 The Crescent Robinson Arthur J. Moss road Thomas Miss, r66 London road Worth Mark, 26 The Crescent Robinson Jn. Alfd. 32 Winning-ton hill Thomas Mrs. Highfield rd. Castle Worthington Thomas, 94 Station rd Rogers Rev. William J. (Wesleyan Trim Miss, Leftwich , Yarwood Harry, 36 The Crescent Methodist), Wesley villas,London rd Vickers Geo. Cambrian vils. Londn.rd' Yarwood Wm.J.Lindley ho.Green bnk COMMERCIAL. Bennett Hugh Joseph C.E. surveyor & sanitary inspector Early Closing Day, 'Wednesday, 2 p.m. to Rural Distt.ict Council, Winnington hill Alcock Elizabeth (!Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 'Wballey road Bennison Joseph Littler, clothier, 66 Chester road Alcock Harry, hair dres,ser & tobacconist, 3'1 Wit ton street Billington J. H. Limited, coal merchants, Station yard Alcock John, insurance agent, 81 Church strE>et Billin,.,<Yton Samuel, hair dresser, 62 Station road Alien Jessie (:Miss), tobacconist, ,131 London road Birch Clara (Mrs.), beer retaHer, 162 Witton street _-\llen John He'Ilry, hair dresser, 'Yinnington Birch George, butcher, 43 Chester road, Castle Amies &; Sons, boot makers, 72 High street Birkenhead Ralph, beer retailer, 19 StatiDn' road Anderson Ma.ry (Mrs.), beer retailer, Waterloo road,Ce~stle Blades Charles, Mountain, analytical chemist, Castle st Appleton Samuel, builder, Winnington _ Bligh Thomas, fried fish dealer, IIS Witton street Arrowsmith JoS€ph, blacksmith, 71 Witton street Boardman Joshua, shopkeeper, 43 London rd. Leftwich Arrowsmith Margaret (.~1iss), grocer, 0 Church road Boden Nathaniel, provision dealer, 193 Witton street Arrowsmith William _A_ relieving, vaccination & inquiry Boosey William & Son, nurserymen & seed merchants, 3 officer i& registrar of marriages for Northwich district & Witton street; & at Middlewich; branch nursery, registrar of 'births & deaths for Northwich sub-district, Holmes Chapel Weaver terrace, Castle Bostock Algernon Ralph, watch ma_ I6 High st. See advt; Ashbrook James, marine store dealer, Leicester street, & Bostock Christopher, beer retailer, 22 Church ~t. Ca~tle fishmonger, 6 Witton street Bostock Ernest Wilfred, <builder & contractor, Dane 7 Aiihbrook J oseph, ·Shopkeeper, York rplace yard Ashley Daniel E. insurance agent, 33 Edward street Bostock James Arthur, builder & contractor (estab- Ashmole Joseph, coach & carriage builder; repairs in lished 1855), Leftwich Timber yard. See advert. all branches; fittings always in stock, 10 Castle street Bostock James C. Talbot P.H. 40 Wit-ton street John, .shopkeepe,r, 4 Cross street Boulton Arthur, boot maker, Winnington lane Atherton Isaac, tailor, 28 London road, Leftwich Bowyer George, shopkeeper, Waterloo road Anckland Joseph, china & glass dealer, 53 Station road Bowyer Joseph, g-rocer, 43 Station road Austin Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 Station road Bradley J ames 'Villiam, refreshment rooms proprietor, Austin George Percival, generat ironmonger,39 Station rd 12 Winnington street Austin Harry Shallcross, painter, SB !Station road Bradleys, hosier & clothier, 19 WittDn street Austin Thomas, grocer, 2 Warrington road Brain Harriet (M11s. ), Crown hotel, Crown ,street Baguley John, butcher, I 3 Cheste,r road, Castle Bramwell William James, iTonmonger, 84 WittDn stroot Bailey Chrlstopher, pork butcher; Cheshire home Brandrith Joseph Oswald, saddler, 25 Witton street cured hams always in stock, 72 Witton street Bratt Henry & Son, general dTaperSJ & outfitters, mil· Bailey Henry, fancy draper, 24 & 26 High street liners & carpet factors, Witton sbreet Baker George, hair dresser, 17o Witton street British & Continental Stores, tea dealers, 49 Witton stree' Ball James, provision dealer 47 Witton street Broadhurst & Co. c0oal merchant-s, Station yard Bancroft William, 11olicitor & commissioner fur oaths,Tim- Brocklehurst George William, ironmonger, 7 ·~lark et st ber lane; & at Middlewich Brooke John, .surveyor & water work~ manager to the Barker John, insurance agent, 79 Church ,street Urban District Council, 38 'Witton street Barlow & Co. clothiers, 39 High street Brooks James, confectioner & baker, 2 High stre,et Barlow John, butcher, rs High street Brooks Robert, carpenter, Br Station road Barlow Josepb, butcher, 23 Ca;;tle street Brown George Peter, draper, 6sa, Chester road, Castle Barlow Joseph R. butcher, 6 Market street Browne Robert Joseph L.R.C.P_ & S. & L_M_lreL surgeon, Barlow Violet (Nrs. ), fried fish 'Shop, 21 Crown street Castleton. Cas.tle Barnes William, printer, 7 App1emarket street Brunne-r, Mond & Co_ Limited, manufacturer~ of pm~ Barnton John W. Blue Barrel P.H. 6::; Chester road alkali, Winnington park; & at Lostock Gralnm Barratt Alfred Ernest, draper, 91 Middlewicb· road Brnnner Free Public Library & Museum (Tom J. Yar• Barratt 'Villinm, shopkeeper, 43 Jame8 street woodJ, librarian), Witton stree1J Barrow Hiram, coal merchant, Station yard "Buckley 1Samuel, shopkeeper, r6 Forrest street Barton Harriet W. (·Miss), milliner, 37 Station road Budden JameSI, shopkeeper, 48 Chapel street, Castle Bates Frederick, tobacconist, 62 Station road Bull John & Co. butchers, 47 High street Bates Henry & Sons, iron foundeTs, 'Station road Burge Richmond, superintendent to the Prudential Assur• Bates William Edwin & Sons, engineers, Leftwich Iron wh ance Co. Limited, 34 Church road Bateson H. & Co. stationers & post office, I Dane street Burgess George & Son, house decorators, 26 Witton st BatE>son Harry, stamp distributor, Dane street ·· · Burgess Anne Jane (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 13 High st Beaman Samuel, draver, 79 Chester road ' Burgess Col.-Sergt. Charles, drill instructor to the D Co. Bebbington John, ironmonger, '<6 Hiqh ~r. & Morket ~t 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Leftwicb Beckett George, boot rna. so Chester rd __ & London rd Burgess .John, grocer &c. see Ryle & Burgess Beckctt W. (exors. of), drapers, silk-mercers, tailors, BurgesS' John, shopkeeper, 152 Witton street woollen merchants, milliners, hosiers, upholsterers &- Burgess Lonisa (Miss), draper, 61 Chester road undertakers, 29- 31 & 33 High street Burgess Sarah Sophia(Miss),ohildren'.s outfitter,3oHigh st Bennett Robert, draper, 147 London road , Burgon Limited, grocers, 18 Witton street .
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