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3-20-1942 The ohnsoniJ an March 20, 1942 Winthrop University

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Juniors Set High Moments in "Ye Gods" Rehearsal 87 Requests Senior President 'Life atWinthrop'Is For Exchange To Present Teachers In '42 May Day Theme 'Ye Gods' Director Mitchell Pleased Littlejohn States With Continued Coop- oration Of State Super- Annual Follies On March Each Class To Give Dance Pantomine Of Its intendents 27 To Climax Weeks of History—Will Use Cotton Exclusively For Preparation Eighty-seven requests for Costumes—College Seal And 'W To Be exchange teachers have been received from schools all over Stage Decorations Climaxing eight weeks of South Carolina, according to a preparation by cast, choruses, report Wednesday from O. M. and committee members, the Built around the four classes, the theme for the 1942 Mitchell, director of the ex- May Day will portray the varieties of life at Winthrop, ac- junior class will present "Ye change. cording to an announcement made by senior class president Gods", its annual follies pro- Ottering a program of demonstra- Mary Katherinc Littlejohn this week. duction next Friday night at tion teaching, check-up of methods, MARY SUE BKITTON To carry out the Winthrop theme, eight o'clock in the auditor- materials, and techniques, and1 newly elected pmidrnl of the rising Mary Katherlne said the exercises ium. Under the chairman- round-table discussions, the week ! hen lor class. would be centered around a huge ship of Maria Moss and the will, have Dr. Florence B. Strade- Losse Gives standing "W" draped In white and co-dire:tion of Virginia Stev- meyer. professor of education at Co- outlined in garnet and gold, which enson, the cast of this satire lumbia university, as leader on the will be placed on the amphitheater on Greek gods numbers 17, subject of "Guidance, a Responsi- Masquers, Sponsors Of stage. The queen will reign from with 28 girls solicited from all bility of Ihe School''. the peak of the "W". and her court classes to dance in the four STRADEMEYER WKI.I. KNOWN choruses. Dr. Strademeyer Is well known Orchestra Tournament will be seated on the steps of the The play Is * three act comedy throughout the field of education. prongs. Large Winthrop seals are written by Emma Bishop and Nancy to be at either end of tl" - stage to She has been first vice-president of Grand Eastern Opens Tupper. It tells the story of • (roup Kappa Delta Pi. and instructor in complete the decorations. Broadcast April 8 With Thirty of gods who pay. a visit to a Holly- the elementary grades, a critic F R DANCES wood night club In order to get first teacher, an associate in curriculum Colleges Expected Plans are to present four dances hand Information on the movie research, president of supervisors of Fifth Program Will Con- In pantomine form to portray the stars and modern American life. highlights of each year at Winthrop. student teaching, and author of sist Of Play With Mu- Representatives from ap- Complications arise when rivalry The officers of each class will meet scientific articles and surveys. proximately :i0 colleges and springs up between a mortal girl. sical Background soon to decide the events of the Teachers from various towns and universities will begin arriv- Penny, and the goadess. Venus, over year to be presented In the dances. cities In the state will attend the ing on the Winthrop campus Masquers will present a (ConUnued on Page Six) teacher exchange program on the April 8 for the sixth annual Tentative plans are to have girls play, "The American Way of from their respective classes give campus and will give Wlnthrop sen- Grand Eastern forensic tour- Life", with a musical back- iors a chance to teach In some of nament. According to Wini dances represenUng the freshman, ground supplied by the Col- the state schools. fred Losse, president of Grand sophomore. Junior and senior years. lege orchestra, as the fifth and N. C. Group Eastern, the tournament gets Other plans Include the exclusive m final in a series of five educa- i 1 under way Wednesday after- use of cotton costumes. tional broadcasts from this noon when the preliminary "The directors of dances, decora- % campus Sunday afternoon at At Vespers Announces contests arc off. tions. and other details, who tradi- • X 5:35 in the college auditorium. M- Each year a Winthrop girl is ap- tionally come from the senior class, The things In which Americans will be announced later." said the Candidates^ brtleve -and stand up for make the pointed by the president to help en- Marion Calls Attention senior class president. Other class climaxing plot for this dramatic tertain the delegates while on the To Change Of Time, officers are to set up committees for presentation. Student voices which campus. Being assigned to a spe- For Tatler decorations, properties as well as to Quality Of Worship weave the though! are those of Mir- cific college, the Winthroplan meets appoint directors for their own iam Ward. Margaret Padgett. Mar- Ihe representatives from that col- Quattlebaum, Sheely For dance groups. The adviser for May A worship program led by a depu- gorle Traxler. Virginia Stevenson. leges and tries to help them get ac- Editor — Jones, Payne Day activities is Miss Marian Fugitt. tation team of five N. C. State col- Margaret Harris. Theresa Raynor. quainted with the tournament and gjjWy 1 Instructor In physical education. lege students will be held In John- For Business Nan Earley. Mary Elizabeth Stan- Ihe campus In general. "The Winthrop theme for May son hall auditorium Sunday after- ley. and Eleanor McDermld. Heard Heads for the 1943 Taller will be. COLLEGES ATTENDING Day exercises has been chosen with noon at 3:30. on the program also are Dr. Eugene Some of the colleges planning to elected Tuesday in secret ballot by the hope that it will be picturesque The deputation team includes Link, acting head of the sociology the members of the rising senior] attend this year and their sponsors and humorous, and will appeal to Jacob Ting*, Hans Frei, Bob An- department, and Allen Edwards. In- are Unlvresity of Cincinnati. Grace class, according to an announce-1 students and visitors." Mary Kath- kers, Walton Thompson, and D. B. A structor In economics. ThL script Bedenbaugh: University of Notre ment made by Doris Gruber. editor, | erlne commented. Practices for the Green. Teamsters Tlnga and Prel reading is being rehearsed by Miss Dame. Enrline McNeill; Dartmouth. Wednesday night. exercses will begin after Spring were on this campus last spring with Florence Minis, director of public Candidates, selected by a Tatler | Clara Allen; West Virginia univer- holidays. a deputation team. speech activities. nominating committee, include Har- 1 sity, Adrlenne Taylor; University of Scheduled to appear on the regu- riot Quattlebaum of Aiken and ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Maryland. Nancy Losse: Emory uni- lar Sunday night vesper service, the "Sneezy" Sheely of Columbia for Beginning the broadcast with a versity. Rhoda Fennel!: Wake For- deputation team agreed to an af- editor, and Nancy Jones of Bates- special selection, the orchestra, un- est. Vivian Coward; Roanoke col- ternoon hour because of the musi- Hi Edition burg and Prances Payne of Dar- der the direction of Emmelt Gore, lege. Dot Willis: Maryvllle college. cal presentation of exerpts from lington for business manager. will play musical selections on cue. Margaret Padgett; •The St. Matthew Passion" by Polls will be held bv Tatler staff Music corresponding to script will be Shippensburg State Teatchers col- Johann Sebastian Bach to be given Be Out Soon members from 9:30 until 13:30 in used during the program. lege. Edna Hooker: American uni- by the College Choral society in the the coveredway between North dor- Campus broadcasts have been un- versity, Mary Heath Owen: Lenolr- college auditorium, under the dl- 'Miss Hi Miss' Edition To Bill ilf \>mitor y and the post office, the edi- der the direction of Fred Hayward. Rhyne. Rosa Cannon Hancock: recUon of Dr. Walter B. Roberts, Be Issued In April—100 tor announced. WBT radio producer, and have been Wlngate college. Georgia Hamlet: head of the music department. Basis of selection for nominees Is given through the combined talents High Point college. Frances Payne; Entries Received From "All students are invited." says the staff work done, organization and facilities of Winthrop college Catawba college. Elsie Earl Beard: Y President Caroline Marlon. "We In the top picturc above Frances Payne, center, playing Juno, queen of the gods in the High Schools ability, and qualities for teamwork and radio station WBT. This last Clemson college. Elizabeth Beaman; want a large group to attend, be- Junior Follies production, "Ye Gods", is trying to help Amelia Talbert, right, playing Pen- and leadership. Editor Gruber says, broadcast will complete the series Elon college. Caroline Williams: cause this deputation team will ny, and Jack Bonnoit, left, playing David, Penny's fiance, solve their love affair. In the The sixth annual high school edi- "I want all Junior to think twice of state-wide programs concerning Mars Hill college. Mary France give an exceptionally good worship lower pictures you see Jane Todd and "Banjo" Johnson, in the left picture, and Sue Willing- tion of The Johnsonian will be Is- and then vote. The 1942-43 Tatler youUi development In a democratic Gardner: Presbyterian college. Bet- service." ham and Hatsy Yeargin, on the right, practicing for the jitterbug chorus for the follies. sued about the middle of April, Ray iPhotos by Jim Allen) is in their hands." (Contlnued on Page Five* A Furr, director of the annual pub- lication. said this week. This edition is put out by the ad- i Link Lists Camp Projects Munday Will vanced reporting class, who will not Work Of Committee Satisfactory; only gather material and report the Show Movie campus but also solicit advertising , As Openings for Positions for the issue. The ads will be com- posed by the business English class. In Assembly ONE HUNDRED ENTRIES lar summer program Is sponsored Campus Returns To Normalcy Counselors on mental health and About 100 entries for the Miss Hi- by the American Friends Service psychiatrists emphasize today more Charlotte Fire Captain to Miss section this year have been re- than ever the Importance of keep- Committees in Philadelphia. Chi- Explain Handling Of mlnatcd satisfactorily as far as and suggested that representatives ceived. Prom the 5,000 copies to be ing busy and being Interested in cago. and Baltimore. The one in could be ascertain, j. of the group meet him In his office printed, a copy will be sent to every something, says Dr. Eugene P. Link, Baltimore Is connected with the Bombs; Pierians Pro- —— Dissatisfaction arose among the in IS minutes. great deitt had been done and would senior high school girl In about 300 acting head of the sociology de- Social Service Department of Johns gram April 7 Conditions in the dining; students because of an accumula- The whole group migrated, then, be done to Improve certain condi- high schools in the state. partment. Among the many oppor- Hopkins hospital. The Friends also room were normal' and quite; tlon of grievances about dining room to the auditorium of Main building, tions on the campus. As Dr. Phelps Although the paper will be small- tunities open' to present day stu- sponsor Work camps for democracy satisfactory at breakfast yes- 'service climaxed by a new regulation where It was agreed most could be entered the hall the student body • than usual this year, because of Captain John Munday of dents. Dr. Link pointed out those where American and refugee stu- terday, and apparently a great!that food would not be placed on be accomplished by a small com- stood as one. and his appearance on rls'ng costs of paper, a page will be the Charlotte lire department In summer camps and In social ser- dents work side by side. deal of the resentment evident the tables until after the singing mittee's working with Dr. Phelps. the stage was greeted with enthus- devoted to write-ups of each of the will show a film on incendiary vice work as v«y profitable. Another chance for Winthrop Wednesday night had disap-1 of the blessing. Formerly focd was In the meantime, some seven girls iastic applause. "Your committee 16 departments in the college, the bombs Monday during chapel Naming as one of these summer students Is a Job on Sherwood Eddy's peared, it was observed around j on the tables when girls came into had been chosen or had volunteer- has been at work." he said. He an- write-ups to be supplemented by period in place of the sched- projects or acUvltles the College 2000-acre Coop farm in Cruger. the campus. j the dining room. The new provls- ed to speak for the g;oup. These nounced that each member of the representative pictures of the cte- uled Pierians program. The Sumer Service Group In New York Miss. Here college students find In one of the frankest and most. ion was made because a few girls Included Laura Woods. Elizabeth committee would report, emphasiz- partmental activities. In addlUon Pierian society will present its City, an organization sponsored by work In all fields—nursery school, well-received -ippearances ever! were reportedly eating before the Mahon. Dorothy Hart. Doris Mc- ing that they were In unison as to will be feature articles on col- Lanier centennial program on the YMCA. Dr. Link described how recreational leadership, arts and made by President Shelton Pliclps j blessing had been sung. Muttering Fadden. Sara McKinney. Annie «he report. Three of the commit- lege life to give the high school girl wiembers of this group meet to- crafts, and many others. April 7. This Is a return appearance to before a Winthrop audience, he and | and apparent disapproval was ag- Lois Butler, and Alnslle Maxwell. tee members had nothing to say: Idea of what goes on In the dally gether for forums and discussions. The new two million dollar Valen- this campus for Captain Munday. a student committee reported to the I gravated when attempts to get the Student opinion being obviously in the complete texts of the other ad- life of a Winthrop girl. "They meet social workers, labor tine Boy's Club In Chicago needs who spoke on the incendiary Student Body that they had been; usual second helpings from the favor of the addition of two repre- dresses follow. leaders, bankers, prominent doctors, helpers to work with youngsters bo.nb under the sponsorship of the at work and that they fell the> had ; kitchen met with disciplinary op- sentatives: Frances Crouch, presi- President Phelps expalned that a and ministers: they take trips vis- from the stock yards. Among those American Association of University accomplishcd something. j postlon from the dlcUclan. Stu- dent of the Student Government previous engagement, which the iting social service agencies and Juniors, Notice! needed are such workers as libra- Women February 23. Those who The meeting at 10 o'clock Wedncs- dents chose to show their displeas- association, and Maria Moss, presl- group unanimously urged him to fill, sections of New York; they work rians. home visitors, and enmp pro- heard him were so impressed that day night was the last link in a' ure by sitting at their tables in the dent-elect of the Student Govern- would necessitate a slight delay in Superintendent Herman L. in settlement houses, direct play- moters. he is being presented again so that chain of fast-moving events that dining room after the scheduled ment associtlon. these were added, action. He stated that he would Frick ®f the Training school grounds. study social conditions, began In the dining room and cul- supper hour was over. About 7:1S making the committee complete with These opportunities are open to all Winthrop students might have meet with the committee Monday wants to meet the Julwi who etc.." he said. Caroline Johnston, Winthrop girls as well as any other access to the bomb film and discus- | o'clock several hundred girls walk- nine members. afternoon to continue their discus- senior from Madison, N. J., worked college student, Dr. Link reminds sion. dlscusslon c:e scheduled for op. cd in a body U> the President's home COMMITTEE REPORTS sion. "I am asking you to observe with this group. students. In all cases room and It was necessary for regular chap- pearances throughout the Carolines: regl5ter a Prolest. Reporting to the whole group one your own natural behavior in the POINTS OUT OTHERS board are provided for. and in some el Ume to be moved up * day be- thus It is difficult to book him on) PHELPS RECEIVES by one after a private session with dlnmc room tomorrw," he told the Dr. Link continued that' a simi- there are small scholarships offered. cause Captain Munday's film and short notice. j President Pheips received them Dr. Phelps, committee members (Continued on page 3> THE JOHNSONIAN Friday, March 20, 1942 ions of Three Major Organizations Completed Tuesday 4 Elected Winthrop Crads at Aberdeen Center 4 Officers Defense Demands Y Offices / • S.G.A. Chosen To Women Engineers All Fillea HeadWAA Positions Dr. Stokes Aaked To Recommend Student* For Can ho n, Hair, Wood, Lay John, Norris, McCall, and Immediate Government Positions—Advises This Week *P*e Over Offices Of Whittington AU Star Majors To Include Physics Courses Athletes Yobs, Herbert, and Sims Student Government Elected to Subordinate May X Impetus is given to mathematics courses in an announce- The Athletic association ment from the United States Civil Service Commission tell- Positions elected minor officers simul- ing of the shortage and urgent need of women with mathe- The election of June Can- matical training for engineering assistants. taneously with the Student Sttf>ordinate Y officers were nqli as president of the Sen-1 Dr. Ruth Stokes, head of the Win-. -— Government association and demand, and Uie number of persons electcd at student polls Tues- ate, Betty Lay as vice presi- tlirop department of mathematics, the YWCA at polls in the cov- qualified Is far too small. Positions day in the joint election held dent of the Student Govern- has also been asked recently to ered way between main build- paying from *3.400 to (3.000 are go- ment association, Mary Wood,! recommend several girls for Immed- by the Student Government ing and North dormitory ing begging, according to Dean as secretary, and Helen Hair, Mathematics is no bugaboo for the three young Winthrop graduates in the ballistics iate positions at Vpuhlngton as en- association, the Athletic as- Tuesday. Blake R. Van Leer, head of the as treasurer in Tuesday's vot-1 research department of the air-craft division at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, gineering assistants, at a salary of sociation, and the YWCA. The new leaders to take office the school or engineering at State CoJ- ing for other officers of the where Uncle Sam's new weapons are minutelv tested and examined. The three girls, all ), as in the case of the four Chosen vice-president was first of May arc Marlon John. Jun- It|e. Raleigh. N. C. He reports that Student Government was an- busy with their calculating machines, are left to right, Geraldine Lee of Chapin, Alta Par- Wlnthrop girls now doing govern- Olga Yobs of Columbia; sec- ior from BennettsviUe. vice-presi- calls for women engineers are t noqrked Tuesday night by | sons of Fountain Inn, and Annie Belle Graham of Anderson—all mathematics graduates of ment work in the Ballistics depart- retary, Nancy Herbert of dent; Bessie Norris. freshman from Ing Into his office from the Nary de- (•ranees Crouch, president of the college. ment. Aberdeen Proving Oround. Charleston; treasurer, Doro- Lydla. secretary; Ruth McCall. partment of the bureau of Ships, ttte.'ktudcnt body, at a joint d. thy Sims of Rock Hill. sophomore from Latta, treasurer; that the Wavy Is "particularly de- Olga Yobs, a rising senior, served nfteting of the Student Gov-i and Sadie Whittington. sophomore NO EXAMINATION sirous of getting in touch with wom- as sophomore class president. She ernment. the "Y". and thei from Lorls. recording secretary. Because of the emergency, no ex- en who have degrees in engineer- Is the present YWCA secretary. Athletic association, in Main Summer Catalog Lists 73 MARION JOUN amination will be required, but in ing." Sophomore Nancy Herbert Is a auditorium. Marlon John has been active In June U a Junior Irom Spartan- order to qLallfy. the (Iris must have Jo the Thursday, March 13. 1943. member of the "Y" cabinet. She the W. A. A. since' her freshman burg. This year she is serving as completed a major In mathematics isiue of The Charlotte Observer was president of the freshman class year, playing hockey and basket- president pro tern of the Senate and Grad and Undergrad Courses In a standard college or university Dean Van Leer quotes Captain H. and Is vice-president of the sopho- ball. She represents her class In Is a freshman counselor. She Is also and In addition must have had at E. Haglund, of the Navy depart- more class. the Senate and last year was • ft member of the Wlnthrop assocla-: least six semester hours in physics. ment's Bureau of Ships, as saying: Dot Sims Is a rising senior and is Seventy-three courses will cure seven semester hours. Listed the s.x-wccks* term or nine semes- • member of the honorary basketbail ilon for childhood education and; Unfortunately few mathematics ma- "Most of the positions in this bu- a graduate of Wlnthrop Training make up the offerings of the among the home economics subjects tcr hours for the eight-weeks' term, j squad. secretary of the Wftley Foundation.! jors In this year's graduating class reau are of such nature that women school. She served as a "Y" cabi- annual summer session open- are courses in recent development The only exception to tills is made to j Bessie Norris played both hockey §e,tty. a junior from Central, Is | at Wlnthrop have had the physics can be used to excellent advantage, net member this year. ing Monday, June 8. accord- In nutrition, offered June B-13; re- allow a student to enroll In a safety a permanent senator and a marshal. • and basketball this year and »t *. though the department and we should be glad to have the The new officers will assume ing to the summer session cent trends in summer education, or first aid course that carries one present Is serving as treasurer of She Is a member of Forceps and i strongly urges students majoring In names of'thOK Women whom yot duties May 1. bulletin available in Dr. Mo- June 15-9; arts and crafts for per- hour credit. the freshman class. Scalpel, El Circulo Castellano. and i mathematics to consider a minor in feel to be available." wat G. Fraser's office. The sonal use, July 13-24; and nursery Again, the college Is offering an th McCall Is secretary of the secretary of the Baptist Training | either physics or chemistry. How- .VAN LEU aaPLIKS session will be divided into school techniques and practice. June opportunity for a gradute to do work W. A. A. this year and has been out- Union! the Information concerning Dean yan teer replied: "Concern two terms: a six-weeks' one. 22-July 10. Also being offered by on her Masters degree, but special standing in all Wlnthrop sports. - SECRETARY. MART WOOD this government need has been ning the question of trained womur DORMS OPEN THRU which will close July 15, and the home economics department Is correspondence with the head of the She was guard on the honorary Mary Wood, a sophomore from d on to Helen Hanna (Class of engineers, I am afraid that the an eight-weeks' one. ending a new nutrition course for non- major department before June 1 Is ba: :.ciball squad last year. North Charleston, is a reporter* on '41) who. It is understood, can meet Navy, alone with most of the de- July 31. Special institutes majors. advised. Sadie Whittington has been cap- SUNDAY, MARCH 29 The Johnsonian, and a member of the physics requirement. fense industries, has started con- will be held throughout the EDUCATION' WORKSHOP Administration officers will re- tain or manager of all the athletic the winning sophomore basketball As further evidence of the line siderably too late on this. session on public affairs, read- Among the special courses being main approximately the same as In '.earns of the Class of '44, and she Dormitories will remain open learn. She was chairman of the spirit of cooperation among Wln- "Up until' a short while ago most ing, and professional relations planned for the summer session is the winter session, but hostesses tor was on the honorary basketball until Sanday, March t», to ac- freshman class last year. This year > graduates and willingness to of Uie Industries would not employ as well as meetings for the the three-weeks' workshop In edu- the two dormitories will be Mrs. squad last year. commodate any stodents who : lie has been on' Junior council of serve the country In the war emer- women and therefore a woman had county superintendents and cation. offered for two terms. June Veda O. Brlce. McLaurin, and Mrs. may find It necessary to wait an- th: Baptist Student union and is n gency. the mathematics department 9-26 and July 6-21. which will give Cora M. Hargrove. Margaret Nance. very little encouragement to study Ul then to leave for the spring member of the Senior council for home demonstration represen- at Wlnthrop has had letters iand students expert aid in planning the Mrs. J. B. TowlII and Mrs. Louis engineering. "/&« -result of'this, we vacation, according to Dean next year. tatives. All plans are being Bailey Wins State telephone calls in recent weeks from details of units for the comlfig Rcld will be assistant hostesses. graduated our first woman engineer Kale G. Hardin. Helen Hair, a sophomore from announced by Dr. Fraser, di- Wlnthrop alumnae asking what they year. Each course taken for the Most of the faculty also will be last June. - We now have four or Contrary to ram or. there haa Fpartahburg. is a member of the rector of the summer school. might do with their mathematical Few changes have been made In I entire eight-weeks' session will car- made up from the winter school. Extempore Meet who are studying Hfclneering and been no change in holidays fraas Tcnatc. 8he Is a member of the training in the war effort and how one will graduate Mils coming May the curriculum, according to the ry three semester hours credit. The Dr. Edwin Hughes, however, will the announced date* In iaat Junior council of the B. S. U. this to go about getting In touch with in archftectual engineering, but It summer seslon catalog. For the six-weeks' session will carry three again conduct the maate" class In On Pap-America week's Johnsonian. year and a member of the Senior the proper authorities. As a result, first time, however, the home eco- semester hours credit. The six- piano. Miss Sarah Cragwell and will be a year or two longer before council for next year. She was a one of these was called last week nomics department is offering cours- weeks' course will carry two semes- Griffith Pugh, both faculty mem- we can turn out any more." freshman representative In May Will Compete In Regional to Aberdeen Proving Ground. Md. Quoting further from the same Court last year. es for home economics graduates. ter hours. The maximum amount bers on leave of absence for the To Issue Bi-annual Four courses are scheduled for the of work that may be carried by s year 4941-42, will return to take Conference in Atlanta, NUMBER SMALL article lh The Charlotte Obse Offtcere will take the oath of of- "In recent months the State College term in which graduates may se- student Is six semester hours for part in the summer session. fice May 1. Tourneys in Kentucky Women of this year's graduating School of Engineering has received Catalog In May And Minnesota class in other colleges and univer- many requests for women engineers sities who are finishing the engi- to help fill the thousands of tech- New catalogs, to be Issued in early Play Given neering course are in still greater A clever play entitled "La Plals- Speaking on various phases of nical positions now open." May, will Inside material for ses- Around antene" was presented at the open Inter-Americanism, Esther Bailey, sions 1942-43 and 1B43-44. according Junior history major of Rock Hill, meeting of Lc Circle Francais in and Caroline Johnston, presented to Dean Mowat G._ Fraser. chairman Easy to Follow Johnson hall last Tuesday after- won first place In the South Caro- of the catalog commttee. the veaper program at Presbyter- lina Extempore Contest held on th# noon. Students taking part were ian collefe last Sunday. Mrs. Bi-annual catalogs are being used W. T. S. Sarah Ellen Cunningham. Mar- campus last Friday and Saturday, Briefly to-save paper and lessen expense. Frita ..MitUy, student secretary. and as a result will represent the —this Arthur Murray Step lon Fundcrburk. Doris Theodore, . accompanied the group. Upon publication they will be distri- and Mary Turner. A dance also state at the regional conference to buted to students and facluty mem- I Senior Play Tonight be held in Atlanta In April. j The seniors turn nctors and act- was given by Andrcnna Frye and Speaking bers. Special supplements will be Katherlne Edenfleld. Esther was presented with an en- tDonlap. Speaks issued in alternate years to bring to Daintiness! I resses tonight and present the Dr. J; O. Dunlap spoke to Tri- graved Shaeffer fountain pen for catalog up to date. thrcc-act mystery comedy, "Gal- Make Plans Beta. honorary biology eliib, Tues- her achievement, and James Bill of New courses are to be offered In tito clot* or Ii30 oato, guard loping Ghosts". The play will be The Wlnthrop association .for day attantoon. He gave a dem- Groups Sing Carolina, winner of second place, history, music, home economics, so- your sweetness and charm the given In the Training school au- childhood education and Kappa onstration of pneumothorax treat- The girls' sextet sang at the Par- was given a Shaeffer pencil. ciology, psychology, mathematics, way Arthur Murray d;i ditorium at eight o'clock. Admis- Delta Pi are making plans for ment and discussed the Basal ent Teachers association meeting on and physcal education, according to do—with Odoror.o Cream. sion for students is 20c. for adults STUDENT LEADER new members for next year. Metabolism machine and X-ray Tuesday and at a Rotary luncheon Fraser. Non-greasy, non-gritty, 40c. ta:; included. Outstanding as a student leader pictures and movies. Thursday. They, with George Mo- gentle, no trouble to use— as well as speaker. Esther holds Spain Speaks Odorono Cream ends perspira- Teachers Attend zlngo assisting them as baritone, many honors in the forensic organi- Mrs. Frances Lander 8paln tion annoyance for 1 to 3 days! Student teachers took over have been invited to sing at the zations. She is president of the spoke to the local chapter of Del- Day at Devotions Mlss.'Naney Day of the library Follow this easy Arthur I classes today and ' esterday when Easter service at the Episcopal Freshman debaters' league, and ta Kappa Gamma Tuesday night MUNN'S GROCERY science" department spoke at the (Old Kampus Kitchen)' Murray step to daintiness— I some of the iaculty members church of Rock Hill. The girls arc served last year as speaker of the on "Innovations ut the University Baptist noon devotions Saturday. lee Cream, Candy. Sand- get Odorono Cream today I went to the meeting of the Sout'i Bcttc Jo "alley, Sophia Frledhclm. house for Debaters' league. 8he of Chicago". wiches. Soft Drinks 10c, 39c, S0( sua (plus tax). I Carolina Education As-socaitlon Lorntuc Goodman. Mary Gene Rob- represented Wlnthrop at tourna- The subject of her talk was "Vo- Popular Prices j convention in Columbia. Those erts. Louise Stinc. and Catherine ments held at Myrtle Beach. Ap- eiUOflk! Opportunities' in the Li- Ed. Club Meets brary Field". j going are Misses Minnie Row- Trusdalc. Henry Rauch is accom- palachian college, and Charlotte. The secondary education club land. Pattie Dowell. Mabel Moor- panist for the sextet. The boys' Next week-end, Esther leaves for will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 quartet has also been organized and er. Ruth Eady. Rog- Lexington. Kentucky, where she o'clock In Johnson hall for the fi- Deputation Here ers. Jeanette Arterburn, Mrs. has now had Its second rehearsal will be one of six delegates at the nal selection of Uic new mem- A visiting Clcmson deputation Cut Your Cleaning Bills ' W. D. Rice, and H. L. Flick. Mrs. with • Miss Helen Hutto. student Wlnthrop-sponsored National Leg- will present the vesper program bership for next year. In Half , Rice Is president of tne classroom coach. Ed Jeter. Harold Marshall. islative assembly. From there she at the Oakland avenue Presbytcr- teachers and will be presiding George Mozingo. and Henry Raucli will go on to "Chicago to visit rela- Officers Elected Send it Tu j over the meetings of that group. make up the quartet. tives. then to Minneapolis for the At Uie last mceUng of the Bo- Thc P. s. A. council will entertain national Pi Kappa Delta conven- hemian club the following offi- the deputation at a supper at the church".' •; " * *'• ' V 'Best By Taste Test' Tournament Results tion. She wlll .be the only. Wlnthrpp cers were eleoted: president. Mary Faultless Cleaners In the big forensic tournament* delegate at this tournament. Bhe Telford; vice-president, Louise will return South In time- to attend 8wartz; secretary-treasurer, Eliz- I'HONE 881 held lost week by Uie senior and Furr fo Texas the Regional oonference at Emory abeth Staton; and poster chair- Junior Forensic Activity Leagues Ray A. Furr, director of Uic We Deliver the following were named as win- university in Atjanta.theweck of man. Carolyn Jeffords. Wlnthrop News Servlcc and asso- ners in the various contests in the April 14. ciate professor of English, will, at Senior club of the debaters; Idelle This contest is Uic second in a sc- Wheeler Speaks ' the request of the Yofk' County Goodman and Bette Ilailey as the ries. the, first of which was held lo- Dr. P. M. Wheeler will be Uie Defense Council, attend" the Dc- affirmative team and Jack Bur- cally last Wednesday afternoon. 1' g»e*t speaker a' .he' Klwanls | Knse fining school at Texas Let dettc and Tom Pappas as the ne- Is sp»nsorcd nationally by Uie office lajles' night banquet in Gastonla. A." and M. college to be held at gative team. John Reese was of the coordinator of Inter-Ameri- N. C.. March 24. Dr. Wlicclcr will . State' Collefe, Texas. March 31- Rock's Laundry & named alternate. Jack Birdette can AITalrs wiU> Dr. Warren G speak on "The Two Indlspeiul- AprU 5. won the boys' extemporaneous Keith, head of Uic history depart- blcs". He claims these two are— Dry Cleaning contest and Barbara Spain the ment. handling the'local and state women and n sense of humor. girls'. These people will repre- arrangements. Four hundred col- Give The Old sent Training school in the zone leges and unlvcr^tles are taking Students at. P. C. Dress A New Look contest at Whltmlre on April 10. part, it was said. Tho six speakers A deputation of the Presbyter- Winner of the Impromtu contest winning the national contest will Ian Student Association, consist- Telephone 755 was Rosa Lillian Strait, and win- be given tours to the other American ing of Emily DUlard. Claude Sit- ner of the oratorical contest was republics. ton. Beth Branchc. Jean Cameron. Hilda Proctor. From the tourna- bo SPRJNG PUDDLES ment In the Junior organlzaUon come the following winners: Her- Rock Hill's Finest YOU'LL GET YOUR Build Healthy Bodies SPLASH YOU? bert Gladden, hoys' extemporan- WE ARE ALWAYS AT eous; Elizabeth Johnson, girls' VOIIR SERVICE DIME'S WORTH with ex'cniporancoir.: Mack HoULs"boys' Hotel Impromtu; Ernestine Willis, gills' AT BETTER FOODS Impromtu; Earle Baron, boys' ANDREW declamation; and Tlieodocla Ma- from CALL FOB IT AT YOUR caulay, girls' oratorical. REID'S SERVICE "V" CANTEEN JACKSON ROYAL CROWN Wlnthrop college girls are awak- STATION McCROR Y'S ROGER'S BOTTLING CO. ened In the morning and put to sleep Five and Ten 'SHERER'S Dry Cleaning And Dyeing at night by chimes. awB VJ — BBB •» a Friday, March 20, 1942 THE JOHNSONIAN PAGB-f Faculty Members Address Teachers Meeting This Week'•End Meetings [Group Sings Getting an Assignment for a Quick Riae Knitters Doing Part In JQ Attend Excerpts Of Next Week NationaTEmergency Gathcring at which discussions of Bach Drama Defense - conscioulous 'WlnthroplanWlnthroplans • dren were also acr. training school, presi- To Improve Alumnae taking part In the singing of the dent of classroom teachers at the chorals, which were mostly familiar Clemson Band Is News, To Pay Scholar- 1 J.', New Bike, Helps state convention. religious folk-songs. It was a re- Miss Dema Lockhead of the edu- ship Debt vival of the sacred drama In musi- Well Received by Report The Campus cation department, and Dr. W. B. cal form, and the immediate fore- Large Audience Roberts, music department head, runner of the modem oratorio. Urging every member of the lie among the members of the The St. Matthew Passion Is writ- Alumnae association to respond Im- council of delegates. Dr. W. D. ten in two parts, and includes por- It's "back to the bike" for The medla'jly. an open letter published Phi U, College Hand, Anrl Magginis. head of the education de- tions of chapters 2« and 27 of the Johnsonian. in the recent issue of the Alumnae partment. and O. M. Mtchell alio of Goepel according to St. Matthew, Where staff members of the Alumni Entertain News from Miss Mary B. Calvert, hat department will be present too. the remainder of the text being com- college weekly formerly dashed chairman of Ihe alumnae fund com- 1 Thursday morning Dr. Hampton posed of hymasj The whole work away on an errand up town in an The Clemson college concert banc mittee, asked each of the 11.500 Is written for chorus. It dis- automobile, they now pedal their under the baton of Cadet Dear <1. Jarrell of the Englisn department alumnae to nelp the association pay plays to the utmost the breadth, way on "T. J.". the bicycle Just Ross played for a large audience of poke on "English Pleads for Latin", off: its (700 debt to the artist who richness, ingenuity and power of bought to save tires and shoe Winthrop students and Rock HiU- lohn O. Kelly, registrar, spoke this painted the President's picture. Bach in this form of writln*. leather. ians ln the college auditorium nomlng on the "Use of Examin*- She also reported the annual As- Tuesday night. ions for the Certification of Teach- It all came about one day re- sociation pledge to pay the annual The program consisted of classi- cently when the managing edi- debt of M00 for the improve- cal numbers, swing, and mllltar> tor wanted a picture from an Others attending are Mrs. Fran- ment of the Alumnae News and Boy Scouts Have marches. Soloists were Roy Daven- up town studio. She called a ces L. Spain and Miss Nanoy Day of the' S100 debt for the annual port. clarinetist, and LeRoy Sim- the library department. reporter tor the errand. The re- scholarship for work In the Alum- Mobilization Rally mons. trombonist. porter would like to. but she nae, of flee. Miss Calvert explain- The band was served a roast sup- On the left, receiving an assignment, ready to ride on the new Johnsonian bike, is Alice had a class In 20 minutes. ed how that a year ago the Alumnae The Boy Scouts of Rock Hill will per prepared by the "Phi U" girls Reid. Next to her are Frances Payne and .Mary Cilchrist. Giving the assignment is Jane Others had the same excuse. News carried an article giving an give a mobilization and demonstra- in Thurmond hall. After the con- A AUW Sponsors "Photo by Jlin Alien> The M. E. couldn't find a car. explanation of the fund and sug- tion rally tomorrow afternoon on cert they were entertained with a gesting that the plan be adopted if the lawn of the Saint John's Metho- ] The automobile of the faculty again: we will meci of to party given by the Winthrop band Easter Egg Hunt successful, in order that Wlnthrop dist church. Each troop.will be al- id soon, did Insight. It has caused us as a sponsor, frequently used In such and I believe we can v