~~~~====~c-~.~====~~~JULY 4,2007 Gone 'round Funeral the roundabout Lacking an agreement between all of the property honors stakeholders, and with the support of a number of town officials past and present, the town board accepted amend fallen ed drawings for Vista Tech nology Park Mixed Economic Development See story on Page 3. Marine Shawn Martin, longtime local firefighter, lived a life of service By JESSICA HARDING
[email protected] c =-'" =.,.- -".- ~-'--_-~';> He was a man who lived to serve others and a man who died in fulfillment of his dreams. Friends and relatives gath ered at St Thomas the Apostle church in Delmar Thursday, June 28, to mourn and remem ber the life of Sgt. Shawn Martin of the U.S. Marine Corps, who Bard and was killed June 20 by a roadside bomb in Iraq. beyond Friends called Martin a serv Children of children who er, a protector and someone who came to Shakespeare & Co. was proud to wear his uniform are now enjoying the shows every day. put on in the Lenox, Mass., Joe Feller, a family friend; theater. called Martin a man of integ See story on Page 24. rity who demonstrated respect, thoughtfulness, love and caring for those around him. "He was the first to step up to o Marine Page 10 Tax rolls are online System provides values, sales and tax bill [IJC8mF~ [om information with a click The of the mouse cowboy way You would think a man ~mrn~ By WILLIAM R. DEVOE who has coached the Okla
[email protected] homa State wrestling team to ill11ID rtaB ([ffiffi[l~ -==-'---'-=---::'=-"-=~-----~-=--'" four national titles and won Town of Bethlehem residents four world championships on ~01JJ~~ now have assessment statistics The Dairy Haus in Saratoga Springs offers cold treats at the tips of their fingers with his own would be stately or By CARl SCRIBNER and a cool place to eat.