Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 3-20-1942 The ohnsoniJ an March 20, 1942 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian March 20, 1942" (1942). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 37. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s/37 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OUR CREED: The Johnsonian wants to deserve a rep- Thu Wdk'i Sermon utation for accuracy, thoroughness, and Caintesa in the covering of the Winthrop campus. You will do us a favor lo call our attention to any failure in measuring up to "YE GODS" % any of these fundamentals of good news- papering. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF WINTHROP COLLEGE Juniors Set High Moments in "Ye Gods" Rehearsal 87 Requests Senior President 'Life atWinthrop'Is For Exchange To Present Teachers In '42 May Day Theme 'Ye Gods' Director Mitchell Pleased Littlejohn States With Continued Coop- oration Of State Super- Annual Follies On March Each Class To Give Dance Pantomine Of Its intendents 27 To Climax Weeks of History—Will Use Cotton Exclusively For Preparation Eighty-seven requests for Costumes—College Seal And 'W To Be exchange teachers have been received from schools all over Stage Decorations Climaxing eight weeks of South Carolina, according to a preparation by cast, choruses, report Wednesday from O. M. and committee members, the Built around the four classes, the theme for the 1942 Mitchell, director of the ex- May Day will portray the varieties of life at Winthrop, ac- junior class will present "Ye change. cording to an announcement made by senior class president Gods", its annual follies pro- Ottering a program of demonstra- Mary Katherinc Littlejohn this week. duction next Friday night at tion teaching, check-up of methods, MARY SUE BKITTON To carry out the Winthrop theme, eight o'clock in the auditor- materials, and techniques, and1 newly elected pmidrnl of the rising Mary Katherlne said the exercises ium. Under the chairman- round-table discussions, the week ! hen lor class. would be centered around a huge ship of Maria Moss and the will, have Dr. Florence B. Strade- Losse Gives standing "W" draped In white and co-dire:tion of Virginia Stev- meyer. professor of education at Co- outlined in garnet and gold, which enson, the cast of this satire lumbia university, as leader on the will be placed on the amphitheater on Greek gods numbers 17, subject of "Guidance, a Responsi- Masquers, Sponsors Of stage. The queen will reign from with 28 girls solicited from all bility of Ihe School''. the peak of the "W". and her court classes to dance in the four STRADEMEYER WKI.I. KNOWN choruses. Dr. Strademeyer Is well known Orchestra Tournament will be seated on the steps of the The play Is * three act comedy throughout the field of education. prongs. Large Winthrop seals are written by Emma Bishop and Nancy to be at either end of tl" - stage to She has been first vice-president of Grand Eastern Opens Tupper. It tells the story of • (roup Kappa Delta Pi. and instructor in complete the decorations. Broadcast April 8 With Thirty of gods who pay. a visit to a Holly- the elementary grades, a critic F R DANCES wood night club In order to get first teacher, an associate in curriculum Colleges Expected Plans are to present four dances hand Information on the movie research, president of supervisors of Fifth Program Will Con- In pantomine form to portray the stars and modern American life. highlights of each year at Winthrop. student teaching, and author of sist Of Play With Mu- Representatives from ap- Complications arise when rivalry The officers of each class will meet scientific articles and surveys. proximately :i0 colleges and springs up between a mortal girl. sical Background soon to decide the events of the Teachers from various towns and universities will begin arriv- Penny, and the goadess. Venus, over year to be presented In the dances. cities In the state will attend the ing on the Winthrop campus Masquers will present a (ConUnued on Page Six) teacher exchange program on the April 8 for the sixth annual Tentative plans are to have girls play, "The American Way of from their respective classes give campus and will give Wlnthrop sen- Grand Eastern forensic tour- Life", with a musical back- iors a chance to teach In some of nament. According to Wini dances represenUng the freshman, ground supplied by the Col- the state schools. fred Losse, president of Grand sophomore. Junior and senior years. lege orchestra, as the fifth and N. C. Group Eastern, the tournament gets Other plans Include the exclusive m final in a series of five educa- i 1 under way Wednesday after- use of cotton costumes. tional broadcasts from this noon when the preliminary "The directors of dances, decora- % campus Sunday afternoon at At Vespers Announces contests arc run off. tions. and other details, who tradi- • X 5:35 in the college auditorium. M- Each year a Winthrop girl is ap- tionally come from the senior class, The things In which Americans will be announced later." said the Candidates^ brtleve -and stand up for make the pointed by the president to help en- Marion Calls Attention senior class president. Other class climaxing plot for this dramatic tertain the delegates while on the To Change Of Time, officers are to set up committees for presentation. Student voices which campus. Being assigned to a spe- For Tatler decorations, properties as well as to Quality Of Worship weave the though! are those of Mir- cific college, the Winthroplan meets appoint directors for their own iam Ward. Margaret Padgett. Mar- Ihe representatives from that col- Quattlebaum, Sheely For dance groups. The adviser for May A worship program led by a depu- gorle Traxler. Virginia Stevenson. leges and tries to help them get ac- Editor — Jones, Payne Day activities is Miss Marian Fugitt. tation team of five N. C. State col- Margaret Harris. Theresa Raynor. quainted with the tournament and gjjWy 1 Instructor In physical education. lege students will be held In John- For Business Manager Nan Earley. Mary Elizabeth Stan- Ihe campus In general. "The Winthrop theme for May son hall auditorium Sunday after- ley. and Eleanor McDermld. Heard Heads for the 1943 Taller will be. COLLEGES ATTENDING Day exercises has been chosen with noon at 3:30. on the program also are Dr. Eugene Some of the colleges planning to elected Tuesday in secret ballot by the hope that it will be picturesque The deputation team includes Link, acting head of the sociology the members of the rising senior] attend this year and their sponsors and humorous, and will appeal to Jacob Ting*, Hans Frei, Bob An- department, and Allen Edwards. In- are Unlvresity of Cincinnati. Grace class, according to an announce-1 students and visitors." Mary Kath- kers, Walton Thompson, and D. B. A structor In economics. ThL script Bedenbaugh: University of Notre ment made by Doris Gruber. editor, | erlne commented. Practices for the Green. Teamsters Tlnga and Prel reading is being rehearsed by Miss Dame. Enrline McNeill; Dartmouth. Wednesday night. exercses will begin after Spring were on this campus last spring with Florence Minis, director of public Candidates, selected by a Tatler | Clara Allen; West Virginia univer- holidays. a deputation team. speech activities. nominating committee, include Har- 1 sity, Adrlenne Taylor; University of Scheduled to appear on the regu- riot Quattlebaum of Aiken and ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Maryland. Nancy Losse: Emory uni- lar Sunday night vesper service, the "Sneezy" Sheely of Columbia for Beginning the broadcast with a versity. Rhoda Fennel!: Wake For- deputation team agreed to an af- editor, and Nancy Jones of Bates- special selection, the orchestra, un- est. Vivian Coward; Roanoke col- ternoon hour because of the musi- Hi Edition burg and Prances Payne of Dar- der the direction of Emmelt Gore, lege. Dot Willis: Maryvllle college. cal presentation of exerpts from lington for business manager. will play musical selections on cue. Margaret Padgett; •The St. Matthew Passion" by Polls will be held bv Tatler staff Music corresponding to script will be Shippensburg State Teatchers col- Johann Sebastian Bach to be given Be Out Soon members from 9:30 until 13:30 in used during the program. lege. Edna Hooker: American uni- by the College Choral society in the the coveredway between North dor- Campus broadcasts have been un- versity, Mary Heath Owen: Lenolr- college auditorium, under the dl- 'Miss Hi Miss' Edition To Bill ilf \>mitor y and the post office, the edi- der the direction of Fred Hayward. Rhyne. Rosa Cannon Hancock: recUon of Dr. Walter B. Roberts, Be Issued In April—100 tor announced. WBT radio producer, and have been Wlngate college. Georgia Hamlet: head of the music department. Basis of selection for nominees Is given through the combined talents High Point college. Frances Payne; Entries Received From "All students are invited." says the staff work done, organization and facilities of Winthrop college Catawba college. Elsie Earl Beard: Y President Caroline Marlon. "We In the top picturc above Frances Payne, center, playing Juno, queen of the gods in the High Schools ability, and qualities for teamwork and radio station WBT. This last Clemson college. Elizabeth Beaman; want a large group to attend, be- Junior Follies production, "Ye Gods", is trying to help Amelia Talbert, right, playing Pen- and leadership.
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