Vatican II Series 13
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Joy and Hope in Christ: Vatican II Part 13 in a series July 15, 2012 This year, 2012, marks the fiftieth anniversary of genuine ecumenical efforts in its the opening of the Second Vatican Council, which acknowledgment of the good that exists began on October 11, 1962, and closed on outside the Catholic Church. December 8, 1965. Throughout the year, we mark The Decree on Ecumenism builds on the this milestone anniversary by celebrating the teachings of Lumen Gentium. Christ established Council, and exploring its teachings through one Church, and we believe that one Church bulletin inserts, lectures, and a variety of special to “subsist” in the Catholic Church. But, events. You’ll find this entire series at the Cathedral “some, even very many, of the most website, significant elements and endowments which together go to build up and give life to the The Council Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: the and Christian Unity written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, Christian Unity was one of the primary hope and charity, with the other interior gifts themes of the Second Vatican Council. Pope of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements. John XXIII announced the Council on January All of these, which come from Christ and lead 25, 1959, following a service marking the end back to him, belong by right to the one of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and Church of Christ” (3). In other words, in his opening address to the Council was called spite of “defects,” especially around Toward Christian Unity. Pope John XXIII spoke acknowledgment of the See of Peter, the In 1960, Pope John XXIII appointed Cardinal Eucharist, and the other sacraments, of his desire for unity among Catholics, unity Augustin Bea as the first leader of the Secretari- with non-Catholic Christians, and “unity of at for Promoting Christian Unity, a newly- especially Holy Orders, we acknowledge that esteem” among Catholics and non-Christians. established office in the Roman Curia. Cardinal “the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from Bea had a profound impact on the Council’s using them as means of salvation.” Having Pope John was building on more than teachings in the areas of ecumenism and inter- made this important acknowledgment— half a century of slow but sure progress in this faith relations. area. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which was unthinkable only a decade earlier! had begun in 1908, and had soon spread around the world. But —the decree goes on to speak of the practice of ecumenism, Catholics were wary. In the Catholic view, Protestants were recommending shared prayer, though that sharing cannot yet be thought of as schismatics (the Orthodox or Anglican) or heretics sacramental; thorough study of each other’s traditions; joint (other Protestants). Catholics were forbidden to enter a non- missionary work; and clear exposition of Catholic teaching as Catholic church, even to attend a funeral, and weddings between means towards achieving Christian unity. Catholics and non-Catholics, while permitted, could not take A careful distinction is made in the document between place in the church—they usually happened in the rectory or the separated Churches in the East and in the West. The Eastern priest’s office. (Orthodox) Christians, having retained the apostolic succession In 1927, Catholic theologians were invited to participate in and the sacraments, are to be considered as “sisters” (14), and the an ecumenical gathering at Lausanne in Switzerland, but were document points to the beauty of their worship, and the great forbidden to do so. “The union of Christians cannot be fostered tradition of the Eastern Fathers, as sources of enrichment for the otherwise than by promoting the return of the dissidents to the Church in the west as well. one true Church of Christ, which in the past they unfortunately Before the end of the Council, Pope Paul VI showed how abandoned,” wrote Pope Pius XI in 1928 (quoted in Keys to the seriously he took the call to ecumenism. On December 7, 1965, Council, p. 150). This severe approach began to thaw under Pope at the solemn closing of the Council, he and Patriarch Athenagoras Pius XII, who allowed Catholics to participate in ecumenical of Constantinople simultaneously lifted the bans of meetings, where they learned from their non-Catholic colleagues, excommunication which each Church had imposed on the other, a and formed friendships that would bear fruit at the Council. first step towards understanding. As a Protestant observer remarked, “if the Church is able to express its regret for the past While the Council did produce one document, Unitatis with such ease and humility, anything is possible.” Redintegratio, which dealt specifically with relations with non- Catholic Christians, ecumenical themes emerged again and again Corinna Laughlin, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy in the various constitutions, declarations, and decrees. For example, Dei Verbum, the Constitution on Divine Revelation, Find out more about ecumenical efforts today by visiting encourages the joint preparation of Biblical texts and translations the website of the World Council of Churches, “by a common effort shared by our separated brethren… the The Cathedral Bookstore has some resulting works can be used by all Christians” (22). And Lumen great reading if you want to learn more about Vatican II. Gentium, the Constitution on the Church, paved the way for .