11374 the London Gazette, 26Th September 1972
11374 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26TH SEPTEMBER 1972 HIGHWAYS ACTS 1959 TO 1971 rthe powers of the Highways Act, 1959, or the High- iways Act, 1971, or on the ground that any requirement The M.58 Motorway (Skelmersdale-M.6 Motorway of either of those Acts, or of regulations made there- at Orrell) and Connecting Roads (Variation) Scheme junder, has not been complied with in relation to the 1972. Order, may within 6 weeks from 26th September The Secretary of State for the Environment hereby 11972 apply to the High Court for the suspension or gives notice that he has made a scheme under sections quashing of the Order or of any provision contained 11 and 286 of the Highways Act, 1959, varying the (therein. provisions' of the M.58 Motorway (Skelmersdale-M.6 motorway at Orrell) and Connecting Roads Scheme D. W. Hurtley, Principal, North Western Road 1972 which relate to -the date on which the special Construction Unit, Department of the Environ- roads referred to in .that scheme become trunk roads. ment. Copies of the variation scheme, the scheme to be 112th September 1972. varied and of the plan to that scheme have been deposited at the Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham Street, London S.W.I, and at the offices HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 of the North Western Road Construction Unit, Crystal House, Birley Street, Preston, and of the Lancashire The M58 Motorway (Skelmersdale—M6 Motorway County Council, County Hall, Preston ; the Skelmers- at Orrell) (Transfer of Highways) Order 1972 dale and Holland U.D.C., Municipal Buildings, Hall The Secretary of State
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