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3 RECTOR’S RAMBLINGS “Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day” sang Wizzard (and by the time you read this no doubt the radio will already be belting it out). Given the rise in attendance at Christmas service a Bishop has suggested that churches should replicate the “Christmas effect” through the year. He suggests that the high-quality music, greater formality, reserve and sense of mystery appeal to a wider audience than the more “feelings” orientated service we hold on normal Sundays. I’m always up for a discussion about why people do and do not come to church and I am always intrigued about what brings a whole load of people I’ve never seen before through the doors of our churches at Christmas. Is part of the “Christmas effect” the familiarity of the music, and that we are somehow tapping into a sense of romance and nostalgia about our world? In a world where everything seems so uncertain, so fixed in tracks that seem to be leading to destruction, to reconnect with a story and a place that has stood for millennia on the one hand and centuries on the other gives huge comfort. I’m not going to knock that. But Christianity has a bit more grit to it than that. Jesus was born into a world of uncertainty even then. He was born to a couple without family support, he was a refugee in a foreign country by the time he was 2 and lived his adult life in an occupied country. I’m really glad that we do have days in our lives like Christmas when we can hopefully take a step back from the pressures of everyday life and if that puts church on the calendar that’s great too. But it can’t be Christmas every day, and church is different for the changing times and seasons. Yes, there are services that are more about feelings, but there are also quieter services with beautiful music, and times for reflection. Through it all we worship a God of majesty and power, who also chose to be born human in stable. Connecting majesty to domesticity is our greatest strength. Happy Christmas Rev’d Lydia CURATES CORNER This will be my first Christmas spent in the Okeford Benefice and I am very much looking forward to it. There is a lot happening in all of the benefice churches during Advent and during Christmas. My diary is becoming filled up with dates for our benefice church and school Christmas services as Advent approaches. There are going to be plenty of opportunities for you to come along to one of the many services and to share in not only the worship but the very warm welcome and fellowship that awaits you there, it really would be good to see you. To keep up to date with all that is going on please do make use of our benefice website www.okefordbenefice.org. I have always loved Advent and Christmas. I was very blessed to come from a family who loved it as much as I do. Dad used to fill the house at least once with billows of smoke as he overcooked chestnuts! We had a tradition of an open house and our home was often filled with family and friends. It’s a tradition that I have maintained, hospitality has always formed an important part of my own ministry. There is something very special about that time of waiting for Christmas night and the most incredible gift that God gave us, His own Son, Immanuel; God with us. It’s a time made even more special when it is shared with others. Both Chris and I are looking forward to sharing this time of year with our Dorset family, our new church family and with you. Rev’d Karen

4 ALTERNATIVE ADVENT CALENDAR Across the benefice from 1st December we are supporting the Blandford Food Bank by having an alternative Advent calendar. In , Child Okeford and Shillingstone churches you will find 24 boxes. Please could you donate food items suitable for the food bank. Perhaps you could pledge to do this every day, perhaps when you are passing after visiting the village shop, maybe encourage your children to think about the real meaning of giving through Advent (not just getting chocolate each day in a calendar!). Please support this venture and show how much our villages care about those in need. NB – the boxes probably won’t look as pretty as those in the picture…

OKEFORD BENEFICE POSADA Posada is a Spanish word that means 'inn’ and is also the title for a Mexican Advent celebration in which two young people dressed as Mary and Joseph travelled from house to house in their village to proclaim the imminent arrival of Jesus and request that the new-born baby be given a room. The idea has been updated so that nativity figures travel around the village from place to place, staying at a different house every night, and finally taking their place in the church crib at the Crib Service on Christmas Eve, ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas day. It would be lovely to find lots of people willing to give Mary and joseph a room for the night. Mary and Joseph's journey through the village reminds us that we need to make room for Jesus in our lives, homes and communities. They can sit on the sofa to listen to a story, sit up at the table during meal times, and even be put to bed in the spare room. They travel with a candle to light and a prayer to say. We would love to see pictures of their adventures too. If you would like to take part, please contact: Okeford Fitzpaine - Rev’d Karen – [email protected] Shillingstone - Rev’d Lydia - [email protected] Child Okeford – Abi Rudd - [email protected]


You are warmly invited to the Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 6pm at Child Okeford Church. As usual there will be an interactive retelling of the Christmas story, so please do come dressed up as a character from the story. If we could have some Roman soldiers, donkeys, sheep as well as the usual shepherds, kings and angels that would be great!


SUNDAY 2nd DECEMBER – FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9.00am Parish Communion (said) – Shillingstone (Rev L Cook & Rev K Wilson) (Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36) 10.00am Matins – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev K Wilson) (Psalm 25:1-9; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Luke 21:25-36) 10.30am Patronal Communion – Child Okeford (Rev L Cook) (Mrs J Housley Mrs L Crichton (Isaiah 61:1-3; 1 Timothy 6:6-11; Mark 10:13-16) (Mrs V Beech Eucharistic Assistant: Mrs W Billington Intercessor: Mrs R Allen

Wednesday 5th December: 10.30am Holy Communion – Millbrook House

SUNDAY 9th DECEMBER – SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9.00am Parish Communion – (Rev L Cook & Rev K Wilson) (Malachi 3:1-4; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6) 10.00am Parish Communion – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev L Cook & Mr C Wilson) (Malachi 3:1-4; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6) 10.30am Messy Church – Child Okeford (Messy Team & Rev K Wilson) (Luke 3:1-6) 3.30pm Evensong – Shillingstone (Rev K Wilson & Mr C Wilson) (Benedictus; Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:1-6)

SUNDAY 16th DECEMBER – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9.00am Parish Communion (said) – Shillingstone (Rev L Cook) (Zephaniah 3:14-20; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18) 5.00pm Carol Service – Shillingstone (Mr M Riley): 6.30pm Carol Service – Child Okeford (Rev L Cook) (Mr K Allen (Mr S Baird 6.30pm Carol Service – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev K Wilson)

Wednesday 19th December: 10.30am Prayer and Praise – Millbrook House

SUNDAY 23rd DECEMBER – FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 10.00am Parish Communion – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev L Cook) (Micah 5:2-5a; Hebs 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45) 5.00pm Carol Service – Hammoon (Rev K Wilson) 6.30pm Carol Service – Manston (Rev L Cook)

24th DECEMBER – CHRISTMAS EVE 3.30pm Crib Service – Shillingstone (Rev L Cook) 4.30pm Crib Service – Shillingstone (Rev K Wilson) 4.30pm Crib Service – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev L Cook) 6.00pm Crib Service – Child Okeford (Rev L Cook) 11.30pm Midnight Communion – Child Okeford (Mr K Allen Mrs C Lewis (Rev L Cook & Rev K Wilson) (Mrs R Allen (Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-4; John 1:1-14) Eucharistic Assistant: Mr M Lewis Intercessor: Mrs R Allen

25th DECEMBER – CHRISTMAS DAY 10,00am Christmas Praise – Okeford Fitzpaine (Mr C Wilson & Rev K Wilson) (Readings to be advised) 10.30am Parish Communion – Shillingstone (Rev L Cook) (Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-4; John 1:1-14)


SIDESMEN READER SUNDAY 30th DECEMBER – FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 9.00am Holy Communion Order 2 – Manston (Rev L Cook) (Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52) 10.30am All Age Communion – Child Okeford tba tba (Rev L Cook & Rev K Wilson) (Luke 2:41-52) 10.30am Matins – Shillingstone (Mrs S Rawlinson) (Psalm 148:7-14; 1 Samuel 2:18-20,26; Luke 2:41-52) 6.30pm New Year Welcome – Okeford Fitzpaine (Rev K Wilson & Rev L Cook)

SUNDAY 6th JANUARY – EPIPHANY 9.00am Parish Communion (said) – Shillingstone (Rev L Cook) (Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12) 10.00am Morning Praise – Okeford Fitzpaine (Mr C Wilson & Rev K Wilson) (Matthew 2:1-12) 10.30am Parish Communion – Child Okeford (Rev L Cook) (Mrs J Housley Ms C Angelucci

(Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12) (Mrs V Beech Intercessor: Mr M Lewis

FLOWER ARRANGERS Date Child Okeford 2nd December ADVENT 1 9th December ADVENT 2 16th December ADVENT 3 23rd December ADVENT 4 30th December CHRISTMAS 6th January Mes Clayton & Lagerberg

Sunday 30th December 6.30pm Okeford Fitzpaine Church A service of music, Bible readings and prayers for the New Year.

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8 THE WORLD IN SAFE HANDS? Come along to hear Bishop Nicholas (lead Bishop for the environment in the House of Lords) speak about what response to the current environmental crisis we can make and why it matters. January 31st at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton at 3pm. Tickets £5 from Rev’d Lydia 01258 863774 [email protected]

YOUR CHURCH A fairly quiet month before the run up to Christmas. The Mill Singers came to entertain us in the church in October, and a good evening was had by all. Thanks to Abi and her team for serving bubbles and refreshments and thanks too to the Mill Singers. Another "Just as I Am" service in the Church Centre in Shillingstone was held on 4th November. This is a really lovely little informal service with well known hymns (lots of them!) and a well known Bible reading followed by tea and cake! If anyone would like to come to this service but needs transport to get there just let Ruth or Carolyn know (860068 or 860049) and arrangements can be made to pick you up. There will be no coffee morning in December but coffee mornings will recommence in January in the Community Centre. At the time of writing we have just had our Remembrance Sunday Service, ably led by our curate, Reverend Karen Wilson. The church was almost full to capacity which is always a joy to see and the service was truly beautiful and our thanks to the impeccable organising by Pat Soward. Our thanks to all who took part. We'll be decorating the church for Christmas on Saturday 22nd December from 9.00am. If you'd like to help, please contact Sue Clayton on 860653 An appeal for a new Treasurer at St Nicholas Church here at Child Okeford Please contact Lydia or Keith Allen

MEDAL FROM THE GREAT WAR When we were digging the garden last year, we came across a medal issued to Reginald Rose. Reginald Rose of the Dorset Regiment is listed in the November edition of 'The Hill' amongst those who fought for King and `Country. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of the Rose family, please would they get in touch as it would be nice to return it to his descendants. Andrew Stevenson-Hamilton

THANK YOU My grateful thanks go to those who generously made donations to me for the Poppy Appeal David Stokes 9


The door-to-door collection, Poppy Appeal coffee morning and the Armistice Day service must involve more active participants than any other event in our annual calendar. I will mention some of these by name but with some seventy major role players and probably as many again who help in so many other ways please accept my grateful thanks. Another aspect is that whenever I ask someone if he (or she) would play a role the response I receive is invariably "It would be an honour" or "Yes. Delighted to help". I will now report on various aspects of the weeks culminating in the Armistice Day service itself. Silent Soldier and War Memorial Plaque: After protracted efforts which have been described in earlier editions of The Hill, both arrived in the nick of time! The Silent Soldier was on duty outside the village hall on the day of our coffee morning and was moved to his present place, outside the church gates, that same afternoon. The plaque was attached to the War Memorial shortly afterwards. Both have been paid for by the Parish Council to whom I am deeply indebted. I normally remove the wreaths from around the war memorial at Easter, by which time they are usually starting to look the worse for wear, and had thought to take the Silent Soldier away at the same time. It has been agreed in principle that I will look after it and make it available to village organisations - St Nicholas School, COCCL, Village Hall etc - before it is re-installed prior to the Armistice Day events next year. If any reader has ideas on this subject I will be delighted to hear them. Door-to-door Collection: Angie Schwier and Joyce Langley took delivery of poppy collecting boxes and wreaths and took them out to their merry band of door-to-door collectors. This year they had to contend with the requirements of the new Data Protection Regulations and obtain the consent of all door-to-door collectors that their personal details could be written, with quill pen, on paper to record their box numbers and individual takings! The total takings are not available at the time of writing but should be available at the Christmas Fair in the village hall on December 1st. Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning: The coffee morning was again well attended - raffle tickets had been delivered with the October 'Hill' and that again boosted visitor numbers (79 this year) and raffle takings. Maureen Soward spent days stamping numbers on the raffle tickets and she, Vanessa Bastable and Val Beech spent days seeking raffle prizes from friends and the various shops in the village and as far distant as Dorchester! Their efforts were well worthwhile as the raffle made £371.50 clear profit. Oonah Eveleigh persuaded friends and neighbours to bake cakes and buns for her cake stall, strategically placed beside the coffee counter, and took a magnificent £150.51. Georgie Rees, assisted by Nancy, Penny and Trish served tea and coffee and Bob Wyatt and Joyce set up their WWI diorama. Marilyn Peddle also had a stall from which she disappeared from time to time to take photographs. Our thanks also to Malcolm Allen who kept track of the visitors and took their admission fees. In total the coffee morning took £763.22 a very commendable sum and only slightly down on last year's record total.

10 Children from The Ark and St Nicholas School laid wreaths at War Memorial On Friday, shortly before 11.00am, upper classes from The Ark and St Nicholas School walked to the War Memorial to lay wreaths. As we waited for eleven o'clock, the children from the school recited John McCrae's poem In Flanders Fields. This was met by a round of spontaneous applause by teachers and parents. After a one-minute silence the children laid their wreaths and returned to school. A reporter from the Magazine took photographs and details. That was very lucky because rain the following day ruined the children's hard work and the wreaths had to be removed. In the afternoon St Nicholas school was open for parents to see the results of the children's research into WWI and to read the poems that they had written. The amount of research and attention to detail was impressive and would have done credit to a professional historian. They looked, for example, at the role of Boy Scouts, especially Sea Scouts, in WWI, a subject that most professional historians would disregard. The Armistice Day Service November 11th dawned bright, if overcast, with light winds so the service started at the War Memorial where a good congregation had gathered. The service was led by Rev Karen Wilson and started with the augmented choir leading the singing of 'Lead us heavenly Father, lead us'. Edward Hart signalled the start and end of our two minute silence by sounding Last Post and Reveille and wreaths were laid. Marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Air Force Jim Freer, a flight engineer in Halifax and Lancaster bombers in WWII, laid an RAF wreath. As the sky darkened and rain threatened the Colour Party, Abi Rudd, David Pritchard and Keith Allen, joined on this occasion by Georgina Penfold in Brownie uniform and bearing the 1st Child Okeford Brownie's Pennant, led the procession to the church where John Sunnucks was at the organ. The theme of this years’ service was 'The Guns Fall Silent' and readings from Isaiah 2 - Swords into ploughshares - read by Ken Merchant and the moving poem Paris, November 11th, 1918 read by Ann Mills supported this theme perfectly. Rev Karen Wilson then built eloquently on these readings in her address. Normally the choir sing hymns chosen by others. In a break with that practice they were invited to sing a hymn of their choice. Mike Brown had again assembled a powerful choir and introduced their chosen hymn, the Captives Hymn, which they had previously sung in 2015. This was sung by the lady members of the choir with John Sunnucks accompanying them from the second verse. It was one of the highlights of the service and was greeted by applause from the congregation. Lastly I must mention Merlin Lewis who, at very short notice, read the names of the fallen from Child Okeford as well as leading the prayers later in the service. Andrew Hussey and Tony Bueno read the names of the fallen from Manston and Hammoon. After the service a party of eleven repaired to The Saxon for lunch. A fitting end to an excellent service.

Pat Soward – 860647

11 THE BELLS…………THE BELLS…… It seems only yesterday that I typed the first “The Bells” piece for the Hill and here is my last contribution, at least on a regular basis, since with the successful peal on the 11th November commemorating the centenary of the signing of the Armistice ending WW1 the bell project reached its successful conclusion. For those who like to have the detail, we rang 5040 changes of London and Cambridge Surprise Minor in 2hrs 48 mins (18 mins quicker than the last peal on the old bells back in March). Before that we had a memorable evening on the 30 October when the Revd Lydia rededicated the bells to the service of God. It was a joyous “buzzy” service, very well supported, an original thought provoking sermon and lots of bonhomie afterwards (yes there was alcohol!). Several of the congregation had a go on the new dumb bell - will they come back for more?? The service was preceded by a Quarter Peal (details below) with the band made up of the President and Ringing Master of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild; the Chairman and Ringing Master of the Dorset County Association; and our Branch Chairman and a Branch Committee Member (me!), which seemed appropriate with both associations having given generous grants towards the project. All that remains is for me to thank everyone who has supported the project in any way – it wouldn’t have happened without your support – and to make one last plea for any budding bellringers to come forth to boost our band. Raw recruits will be most welcome, but even more welcome will be any closet bellringers – statistically there must be at least 10 people in the village who have rung at some time in their life; with nice new bells now is the time to declare yourself! And finally, a BELL ALERT: we shall be attempting a Quarter Peal of St Nicholas Bob Doubles at 1200 on 2 December to mark the patronal festival. Bob Crighton 01258860650 [email protected]

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The Baker Arms, Child Okeford 01258 860260. email: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook @Bakerarmsdorset, for updates & events. www.bakerarms.co.uk Book your Christmas party now, check our Feasting menu on our website. We are having a party on Friday 21st December with live music to celebrate our 1st year at The Baker Arms, come on down and join the fun! We will also be hosting our Charity Christmas quiz on the evening of Sunday 23rd December, in support of Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. Our New Year’s Eve event will be announced soon, we’ll update you on social media ! We look forward to welcoming you all over the Festive period... James & Desi


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ZUMBA - Latin-Inspired, Fitsteps FAB – a fitness class based on Ballroom & Latin dances easy-to-follow, dance fitness class FITSTEPS Monday 9.30-10.30am Portman Hall Monday 10.45-11.30 Portman Hall Shillingstone Shillingstone FAB Tuesday 10.00-11.00am Community Centre Thursday 9.30-10.15am Village £5.00 per class Child Okeford Hall Nicola Thommes - 0788 792-1717 Wednesday 9.30-10.30am The Exchange [email protected] S Newton All classes are suited to the over 50’s 13 HAMBLEDON THEATREGOERS We left ‘Abigail’s Party’ feeling as if we had been run over by a steamroller in the person of Beverly, who was quite unable to take no for an answer and whose neighbours, invited by her to meet each other, eventually accepted unwanted drinks and cigarettes just to shut her up. Her bids to impress everyone succeeded with a young wife, new to the area and with a monosyllabic husband, but failed spectacularly with her own husband who was hen-pecked and provoked until driven finally to a dramatic confrontation. Teenaged Abigail, meanwhile, was having her party next door in a parent- free zone and was likely to be the only one actually having an enjoyable time. Mike Leigh knows how to ‘do’ satire and the wince-inducing behaviour was offset by some great comedy acting. Congratulations to the cast, especially Beverly who had an incredible amount of dialogue to master. Members have now been notified of our next play, for which we shall have to wait until 28th February. Booking for “The Mirror Crack’d” closes on 15th December as the tickets have to be paid for before Christmas. Agatha Christie is always a popular choice with which to start a new year. Details of subsequent plays will be given as soon as the next season’s offerings are announced. These should be in time for the February ‘Hill’ as the January deadline may be ahead of any announcements. If anyone wishes to learn more about our activities, I would be delighted to hear from you. Contact details below. Meanwhile, my thanks to all our members whose loyal and regular attendance keeps the group alive and prospering. A very Happy Christmas to you all. Penny Nicholson 863442 ([email protected])


CHILD OKEFORD GARDENERS CLUB November Report At a well-attended meeting in November the Club heard an excellent talk by Dr. Mike Adams on Butterflies of Dorset. Beautifully illustrated with close-up images of 43 butterfly species he has found in Dorset, Dr. Adams described the species found in different ecological situations. He started with those found in gardens explaining that the first seen, such as Brimstones and Small Tortoiseshells have overwintered as adults followed by those that overwinter as chrysalis’s (e.g. cabbage whites [small and large species], Orange Tips and Holly Blues). These are followed later in the season by those that have overwintered as caterpillars such as Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper and immigrants from North Africa (e.g. Painted Lady and Clouded Yellow.). He moved on to butterflies of chalk downs with examples from Hambledon Hill (e.g Adonis and Chalkland Blues), Compton and Fontmell Downs, Giant’s Hill Cerne Abbas, Ballard Down and Lulworth with rarities such as the Brown Argus, Silver- spotted Skipper, Duke of Burgundy, Grizzled and Lulworth Skippers. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the chalk down habitat with grazing to allow the small flowering plants (food for the butterflies) to grow well and removal of the scrub such as we see done by the National Trust on Hambledon Hill. Another of Dorset’s rare areas is heathland for example Upton Heath where the ecological situation supports butterflies exemplified by the Silver-studded Blue and Grayling. Dorset also has areas of old pasture with marshy and scrubby patches which support a wide variety of butterfly species including the very rare Brown Hairstreak. Next Meetings Christmas Social Evening. Friday 7th December in the Village Hall at 6.30pm (note earlier time of starting) An opportunity to relax from Christmas preparations with an evening of fun, activities and entertainment. This is always a good evening thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend. Contributions for the finger buffet will be very welcome; refreshment will be available, first drink is free. If you have not been to this event before why not join us for the last meeting of the year. THE ANNUAL DINNER Saturday19th January 2019 in the Village Hall at 7.00 for 7.30pm. This is one of the Club’s major events details of which are shown elsewhere in this magazine and in the Gardeners’ Club page on the Child Okeford village website Roger Hull Ph 01258 863418

TABLE TENNIS Wednesday evenings 7.30-10.00 Sunday mornings 10.00-12.30 All standards beginners to champions All ages all welcome Phone Keith Anthony 01258 860094 Or just turn up


16 At Monday's meeting we thanked President Pam Morris for laying our WI Poppy Wreath at the Child Okeford War Memorial during Sunday's Remembrance Day Service. The card read "The women of Child Okeford WI lay this wreath in proud and thankful remembrance". At this meeting we also took part in a Christmas Arts and Crafts session led by committee members. We made reindeer bunting, festive table decorations, delicate tissue paper flowers to decorate gifts, paper chains made from old editions of WI magazines and homemade Christmas Cards. This table was kindly led by Joan Nash and those who made cards with her, kindly donated the costs to Home Start-. Our WI has also been busy making pompoms for ‘Mosaic’, a charity helping bereaved children in Dorset. Thanks to all who have contributed. Several members attended the Dorset Federation Annual WI meeting at The Lighthouse in Poole and enjoyed both speakers: Frances Benton, known colloquially as The Pearl Lady and a well- known to many as a tutor in Pearl Knotting at Denman College and Nancy Birtwhistle, winner of the Great British Bake-off 2014. Our Beacon group, made up of WI’s from Child Okeford, & Margaret Marsh, Sixpenny Handley, & and have been busy over the summer and autumn months with Skittles matches, a visit to the RNLI College in Poole and a musical afternoon. They conclude a busy year with a carol service at Margaret Marsh on 7th December. Netball and NFWI have invited Child Okeford WI onto their Walking Netball project in 2019. After our recent taster session, with Karen Peaty, Dorset Netball Development Officer, we are delighted to be invited to take part and look forward to participating in this UK wide initiative. Our WI Skittles team have been doing well in the Dorset league and a final nail biting match against hot favourites, Shillingstone WI, will decide the championship by 26th November On Saturday 1st December our WI will have a table at the Child Okeford Christmas Fair at the Village Hall from 11am. We will have a selection of tasty homemade chutneys and enticing festive treats, including our beautiful homemade Christmas cards for you to purchase at very reasonable prices. Our next meeting is on Monday 10th December where we will be hosting a home grown ‘Christmas Celebration’ - complete with a homemade buffet, team games, quizzes and in house entertainment, all donated by our generous members. We begin the festive frolics at 12.30pm for a 1pm start at The Community Centre. If you would you like to know more about our lively WI please contact Pam Morris, President [email protected] Gaynor Cox, Secretary [email protected] Or visit: Our website: www.childokefordwi.wordpress.com Our WI Email address: [email protected] Our Twitter feed: @ChildOkShoWI Contributed by Gaynor Waring - Communications Team 17 The Saxon Inn Child Okeford Come to your friendly old village pub

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AUTO DIAGNOSTICS Steve Bealing ~ Painter and Decorator ~Interior & Exterior SERVICING, REPAIRS AND MOTs Friendly Professional Service TO ALL MAKES AND MODELS Competitive rates with no VAT (SERVICING CARRIED OUT TO NEW VEHICLES All jobs considered WITHOUT AFFECTING WARRANTY) Tel: 01258 861803 ~ Mob: 07815 957296 RENAULT SPECIALIST WITH 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE. Polly "Bs" FREE LOCAL COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Local lady doing Holistic Treatments Massage, Reflexology Indian Head Massage & Ear Candling SERVICE. Also Beauty Treatments, Facials, Waxing Eyelash & Eyebrow tinting. Manicure & Pedicure Nail cutting and Hard Skin Removal 14D, SUNRISE BUSINESS PARK, HIGHER Appointments available during the day & evenings. ROAD, Some treatments available in your own home. Gift vouchers available. DORSET DT11 8ST Ring Pauline for a chat on 01258 880084 / 07760303332 TEL: 01258 480456 Dorset Hypnotherapy • Anxiety, Fears, Phobias • Confidence, Weight, Exam Nerves • Smoking. Public Speaking

Reflexology - to restore and maintain good health using foot and hand reflexes. Healing massage - To gently ease away stresses and strains and to restore the natural flow of energy. Email [email protected] Rowena Carmichael


01258 860169 [email protected] Award winning free -range eggs for farm gate sale beginning www.dorsethypnotherapy.com February . Google Map SP7 0LH. Lamb half or whole ready to order – 6, The Hollow, Child Okeford [email protected] (Opposite the village hall) Stuart & Vanessa Chadwick – Tel 07976 563024 tuart & Vanessa Chadwick Tel: 0797 656 3024 19

CHILD OKEFORD ARCHIVE External pressures have conspired to leave us too short of time to prepare an archive item this month. Apologies but a full year is lined up for 2019. Looking back on 2018, the kind comments received about the column are much appreciated and make the effort all the more worthwhile. As readers will, hopefully, have noticed we link these “Hill” articles to the addition of more archive material to the village web site (childokeford.org) and this will continue. We remain hopeful of permanent accommodation to house the ever increasing archive but still have some space left in the wardrobes for a few more files. So, please, lend or give us your photos, posters, programmes, maps, etc., etc., to copy and store for the benefit of future generations. An initiative “kicked off” in 2016, but since stalled, was to record the memories of the village’s more senior citizens. We have recorded some wonderful memories from John Davies but sadly others planned to record are no longer with us. We would like to start again but we need help as we no longer have sufficient resource to conduct the sessions in addition to the maintenance and ongoing update of the archive itself. Would you like to help? It is not onerous – turn on recorder; listen; prompt; turn off recorder – and an enjoyable time is guaranteed. Please let us know if you are interested. And if you would like to get involved in delving into our village history please get in touch. Aside from building the archive there are always topics that attract attention for more in depth research and investigation either on, for example, the internet or at Dorset History Centre. Such work is entirely “in your own time and at your own pace”. There are no time pressures or constraints. That’s about it for 2018 and it just remains for us to wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. David Pope (861411) [email protected] A brief note from John Housley. This update gives me the opportunity to thank David and all who have worked hard to get this project off the ground. I very much regret that I can no longer undertake reading or written research but what may be of use are many memories of 52 year residence in Child Okeford. Best wishes to all, John

CHRISTMAS TREE CHIPPING Please bring your Christmas trees to be chipped by Okeford Tree Care at Child Okeford Village Hall car park on Saturday 12h January 2019, between 10am – 12.00. Donations to Macmillan Cancer Support and The Village Hall. Thank you. Stuart Carter, OKEFORD TREE CARE (01258 861998)


GOLD HILL ORGANIC FARM Ridgeway Lane, Child Okeford, Dorset DT11 8HB, 01258 861916 www.goldhillorganicfarm.com Email: [email protected]

Andrew and I usually once a year cycle from my sisters house in Clapham to see Landridge the vegetable wholesaler that we sell to at New Covent Garden. We talk weather and vegetables and try to plan what to grow next year. . I remember at Agricultural college going to New Covent Garden when it had just moved in 1979. It was all sparkling, clean and rather futuristic and we all came back with a 25kg bag of potatoes or a box of oranges, which was the smallest amount you could buy. Last year when we visited it all looked rather dirty and run down, as it’s become a big construction site, spilling over from Battersea power station. We were shown around and told yarns about the characters past who used to trade and how it heaved with colour and noise. The wholesale market has changed so much as Big firms/companies/food chains now buy direct from big farms. The climate at New Covent garden has changed along with the climate everywhere else. But Landriges has moved on to offices new at Feltham and Andrew and I got a lift up in the lorry with the bikes thrown in with our pallets of vegetables. It seems in London there is still a market with pop up street stalls, specialist restaurants and a thriving green grocer sector that appreciate good quality fresh veg. Our talk on weather and vegetables was in a warmer, cleaner more convivial environment. It was also Diwali so we were given rice and curry for elevenses. Gave us the energy to find our way to Busy Park in sunshine and rain to pick up Sustrans route 4 via Regents Park/London wetland centre and onto my sister in Clapham. It’s the other cyclists in London that give me the near misses. There are so many of them which is good, but they know where they are going and I don't and those roads aren't for loitering on. Andrew and I love our little adventures especially if it involves vegetables. Sara Cross

CHILD OKEFORD WALKING GROUP The December 13th walk (note this is the 2nd Thursday in the month and not the usual 3rd Thursday) will be in the Child Okeford area and will finish with a Christmas lunch at the Saxon Inn. We have to make our menu choices by December 3rd so I have sent copies of the menu to members for whom I have email addresses and let others know about the menu by telephone. Anyone that I have failed to contact and who wishes to attend the meal please let me know as soon as possible. For the walk we meet at the Village Hall at 09.30. We always welcome new members to the group and anyone interested should contact me preferably by email. Roger Hull Tel: 863418 Email: [email protected]

21 CHILD OKEFORD PARISH COUNCIL AND QUEEN ELIZABETH II PLAYING FIELD TRUST The parish Council met on 5th November, on a suitably misty bonfire evening. Highways. The SID is now operational at its first location, at the Manston entrance to the village. Residents nearby have already noticed a reduction is the speed of traffic, though the Speedwatch team report that there is, as yet, no impact on the speeding further into the village. The SID will next be deployed on the pole at the entrance to Portman Drive, and this should slow the traffic as it comes into the centre of the village. The third location will be near the school, which will be welcomed by parents and residents at this end of the village. The SID is not a panacea and some thoughtless drivers will continue to speed no matter what we do, but experience in other villages shows that a SID can make a difference over time. There has been some welcome resurfacing work in Haywards Lane, which had become dangerously potholed. The PC will request a further inspection once the Station Road diversions are finished. The Hanford road, by Chisel Farm, has also been repaired, again this is most welcome. Residents are reminded that you can report potholes easily on the Dorset for You website. There is a direct link. This is generally quicker and easier than reporting to the PC Clerk, who only has access to the same website link. Footpaths. Improvements to the surface on the newly upgraded footpath between Legal Lane and Gold Hill will be installed soon, hopefully by the end of November. This will make this path easier to access in poor weather conditions. Reports are regularly received of walkers leaving their dog-poo bags hanging on branches and fences. Poo bags have appeared recently on a tree by the kissing gate opposite the Surgery. This is an objectionable thing to do. The bags will not degrade and will remain as a hazard and eyesore until someone else clears them away. There can, surely, only be a small minority of dog walkers who would do this and we would ask you, please, to carry the bag on to the next bin. That’s what everyone else does. Planning. The application to erect a replacement garage at Joiners, in the High-street, has been approved. The Parish Council raised no objection to applications for an extension at the Corner House, in Duck Street and to an extension to Mary Court, in Haywards Lane. Budget for 2019/20. The council considered a first draft of its budget for next year. A final draft will be published with the Agenda for the December meeting for residents to see and the budget will be decided at the December meeting. The Parish Council budget is paid for by the Precept, which is the Parish Council’s part of your Council Tax bill. Playing Field. There is a hole in the play surface in the Play Area. This will be repaired as soon as possible. And finally, everyone is invited to a Christmas Ceilidh to raise funds for the CORGI project, on 7th December. More details are elsewhere in this Hill. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd December, at 7.00pm, in the Community Centre. The Agenda will be published on the notice boards and the village website and, as always, everyone is welcome to attend. Cllr Sherry Jespersen. 860482 22





Cast includes Pierce Brosnan, Cher, Colin Firth, Lily James, Meryl Streep Directed by Ol Parker

A musical comedy in which a woman finds out more about her mother's past.

Doors open at 7.00 pm, screening at 7.30 pm. Refreshments available.

Advanced booking – Val Beech 01258 860518

THE ART STABLE Child Okeford, DT11 8HB 01258 863866 open Thurs - Sat 10-3 Christmas Exhibition Paintings, prints and ceramics 8 - 21 December Open Thur - Sat 10 - 3 All welcome on the 8th December from 11am - 3pm for a glass of Fizz

MANSTON AND HAMMOON VILLAGE HALL As usual the 1st Saturday of each month is our coffee morning. This month will be 1 December 10.30 - 12.00 in Manston. There is no admission charge like some and we have scrumptious homemade cakes, tea and coffee at exceptionally good prices. Everyone is very welcome to come and enjoy a good chat and a relaxing couple of hours. Don’t forget to book up soon if you’re a regular user of the hall as bookings are filling up fast. Contact Carin on 07766 764878 Maria - Secretary. - Village Hall Committee”



FATHER CHRISTMAS Visits his Wonderful Wintery Wonderland Grotto @ 11.30 am and will be Ho Ho Ho - ing until 1pm £2 per Child

Lots of Stalls...... Gifts...... Wood craft.....Pottery....Cosmetics Local Groups sell homemade Gifts...... Cakes....Tombola..... Raffles...... Bottle Stall..... Christmas Gifts and more ..... Refresments Tea/Coffee... Mulled Wine & Minced Pies

contact: Wendy 01258 860990 for details

CHRISTMAS FAIRS Two lovely Christmas fairs coming up where I will be showing new affordable linocuts, small paintings, etchings, cards and my 2019 calendar. Hopefully see you at one of them.

OPEN STUDIO - GOLDHILL ORGANIC FARM Saturday 1st December 10.00 - 4.00

Child Okeford DT11 8HB FREE ENTRANCE

Lots of beautiful Christmas fare in the farm shop. Art Stable Gallery open. My studio and glass- blowing studio open and full of gift ideas. affordable unique glass, prints and cards... and come and blow your own Christmas bauble.

THE CHAPEL, HATCH FARM Saturday and Sunday 8th and 9th December 10.00 - 4.00

East Hatch, Tisbury. SP3 6PH FREE ENTRANCE A beautiful chapel full of fine art, glass, sculpture, prints, ceramics and wood turning.

Rachel Sargent

24 LOCKSMITHS 24/7 Quantum Locksmiths • Locks changed/repaired, UPVC specialists • Key cutting, doors/windows repaired • Lock Out/Gain Entry, DBS Checked & fully insured, No VAT Reg Hogg 01258 721236, mobile 07900196427

Plumbing & Heating by Knight Plumbing & Heating Services Gas Safe no. 546449 07791303302 - 01258 861372 [email protected]

KEITH ALLEN BAFRA Member, City and Guilds Qualified Tel: 01258 860068 or Mob: 07717 827427

RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION WORK Repairs & Restoration to all Antique & Period Furniture, Longcase and Bracket Clocks Veneering and Repairs to Veneer, Marquetry Repairs French Polishing, Staining, Colour Matching & Finishing

ELM HOUSE STUDIO HUW LEWIS Child Okeford DT11 8EJ Former horticultural student from Pottery made in Dorset by Kingston Maurward Cath and Jerry Broadway Ceramic artists I will mow your lawns & do Brightly coloured Earthenware and any basic gardening or manual work for Stoneware Ceramics £12 an hour Studio Pottery for all occasions Telephone: 01258 863662 Please contact me on: 01258 863800 Email: [email protected]

WELL TRODDEN PATH A lifestyle approach to being fit and well.

Offering Sports and Remedial Massage, Personal Training and Stott Pilates. An holistic take on wellbeing and fitness to work towards your goals and ambitions. With Matt and Kate, qualified and insured fitness professionals. Please call for more details (01747 811920) or look at our lovely website. www.welltroddenpath.co.uk or email: [email protected]

Izzy Cotton [email protected] Going on holiday? Need someone to look after your pets or walk your dog? BESPOKE HAND CARVED: Going out? Need a babysitter? MEMORIALS & CREMATION PLAQUES Want some help at your event or party? PET STONES, HOUSE NAMES, FIREPLACES Need someone to take in the mail and water the plants ALL RELATED MASONRY PRODUCTS when you’re away? Produced at our workshops at Farringdon, Nr Blandford Have you got a mailshot you’d like delivered locally, or need someone to stuff envelopes? Tel: 01747 811602 or 01202 698075 To get in touch please call or text: [email protected] 07553 157061 or 01258 863651 www.dorsetstonememorials.co.uk 25 CHILD OKEFORD CENTRE FOR CARE AND LEARNING (COCCL) As I write, the second meeting of our Winter Season is fast approaching. But by the time the December “Hill” is printed, the third meeting will be following hard on its heels on 3 December. This will be a talk by Gordon Le Pard under the intriguing title “Picking Darcy’s Pocket”. Mr Le Pard is an archaeologist by profession, but he has a number of talks in his repertoire which paint the picture of a man with many interests - “A Cup of Tea”, “Dorset Shipwrecks”, “Dorset Churches” ….. But the talk we have chosen was warmly recommended to us: Mr Le Pard will bring with him objects which might have been found in the pockets of Mr Darcy (from “Pride and Prejudice”, of course) and will develop stories from them. If you are as intrigued as I am - please come. We have four more meetings in the New Year, rich in diversity as always - January 14 “Adventures in Mountaineering”. Pete Finklaire of Okeford Fitzpaine is a climber who has tackled tough routes in the Alps and Himalayas, in Kenya and the Andes February 4. “5000 miles away, headhunting …..” Barry & Becky Gransden, from Blandford, spent some years teaching in Zambia, and now through regular visits they continue to encourage that work. March 11. “Trips and Odysseys”. Paul Hyland, also from Blandford, is a man of many parts - a travel writer, and a magician who performed at the last Gardeners’ Club Dinner. April 8. “Dorset Artists”. Jennie Spiers will talk about some of the distinguished artists which our county has attracted, such as Turner and Augustus John. Two of these speakers have especially come to my notice recently. Barry & Becky have a huge container in a field near Blandford, in which from time to time they ship items to help with education and subsistence in Zambia. Recently they were given some large empty filing cabinets, which they aim to fill with useful items before shipment. I am listing below some items which may be of use. Then in Blandford I came across a book of poems by Paul Hyland, entitled “Art of the Impossible”. So not just a travel writer and a musician, but a poet as well! However, it is the travel writer who will be speaking to us in March. You can book for any or all of our last five meetings by ringing T860767 and speaking to Christine or myself. Prices are £5 for adults, £3 for under 16s, and this includes the cost of interval tea or coffee and biscuits (and in December, perhaps mince pies). FILLING A FILING CABINET FOR ZAMBIA Zambia is a country where not even the basics are in plentiful supply, so listed below are some items which would be appreciated by teachers, and by teenage boy and girl students, at the Family Futures Community School. Teachers. A4 lined and plain paper and ring binders, pens & pencils etc, toiletries, briefcases or bags, calculators, felt pens, rulers. Students. Deodorants, soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrushes, towels, pillow cases, sheets for single beds, school bags, solar powered torches. Dimensions of a drawer are 37cm(w)x23cm(h)x55cm(d). Please avoid sealing up packages. Please contact us on T860767 if you can help. Closing date is 9 December. Grahame Downer. 26

The Baker Arms Folk Session 2nd Thursday every month, next on 13 December James and Desi 860260


The Mummers Play tour is on Friday 14 December at The Old Ox, The White Horse, Royal Oak, Saxon, Talbot - with the Baker Arms performance on the Thursday 13 December (Christmas folk session) interval. Charles Upton

WILDLIFE NEWS Continuing from last month on the subject of hedgehogs, Jacqui Braithwaite from Homefield tells me that she has up to 6 hedgehogs in her garden, which she feeds. She is slightly concerned that someone is marking them in different colours, presumably to identify them, albeit the ‘paint’ comes off in time. I’ve not heard from anyone about the culling of badgers in the area. I’ve looked on the internet at various government web-sites, all of which confirm that there has been, and is currently, culling in Dorset, but none of the web-sites indicate whereabouts in Dorset, presumably from fear of protesters. Incidentally an independent investigation commissioned by DEFRA has just reported that culling has only very limited effectiveness (around 15%) in reducing TB in cattle. Judy Pope tells me that she regularly has a roe deer mother with two young in the area of her garden down near the pond alongside the footpath which runs down from the surgery/Yew Hedge House behind Portman Drive. Richard Argles reports another landing of a heron near his house in Hanford, despite there being no pond. Richard Cox reports the sighting, and hearing, of a yellowhammer in his garden. While doing the washing, he noticed a flash of yellow through the window, and saw the bird sitting in his hedge in the back garden. He then heard its distinctive call:” A Little Bit of Bread but No Cheeeese. “ We’ve just had the reappearance after a long absence during the summer of bullfinches, and generally a pick up in the number of birds using our feeders. Has anyone had any sightings of fieldfares and redwings yet? Finally, some further information on bird song mnemonics from Richard Cox. He says “Laying in bed with my early morning cup of tea I was listening to the Wood Pigeons eating my new lawn seed when I remembered how to tell the difference between a Wood Pigeon and a Dove by their calls Wood Pigeon …. My Toe Hurts, Betty Dove ……… My Toe Hurts” All contributions to me, Jack Shonfield, at [email protected] 27 THE ARK The Children across The Ark Nursery created a poppy garden for a remembrance display in their playground to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1. On Friday 9th November they then walked to the village's memorial to lay their handmade wreath at 11am, with the help of WWII veteran Lt Col Pat Soward of the Royal Signals, veteran RSM Ross McNab of the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, and Corporal Robert Chalrton of the Royal Signals, Blandford Camp. Together with Oak Class from ST Nicholas primary school, they held a short service of Remembrance as well as a minute's silence. The Preschool children from the Ark will be performing their Nativity for the Residents of Millbrook House on Tuesday 11th December

Sunday 27th January 2019 10 30am – 1.30pm Blandford Museum Victorian Garden Club is hosting a POTATO FAYRE Pimperne Village Hall DT11 8UZ We are pleased to be running this event for the 8th year in 2019 An opportunity to buy your seed potatoes early and get the varieties you want! Dozens of varieties of potatoes for sale by the single tuber, onion sets, shallots, garlic, Heritage & Heirloom Seeds, fruit trees, rhubarb crowns and much more. Pennard Plants, based in Somerset, have been running these events throughout the West Country and beyond, for several years, with several new venues for 2019 The events are advertised by Pennards through various websites; the Blandford Museum Victorian Garden is advertising locally to more than 50 Dorset garden interest and other groups and in the National press. Orders placed directly with Pennards may be collected on the day. Please note: CASH ONLY as there will be NO debit/credit card facilities available, due to lack of broadband connection at the hall. All are welcome to this event; we will have information, craft and produce stalls, Tombola and a plant ID competition. Refreshments will be served; drinks, homemade cakes and light lunches. Entrance charge 50p, children free. The venue will be well signed from all the access roads around Blandford and through Pimperne to the Village Hall, where there is ample free parking. We are pleased that this is now an annual occasion in the local gardening calendar and hope we can rely on your support. For further details please contact Gillian 01258 454491

28 CORGI – Child Okeford Recreation Ground Improvements CORGI have another busy month in December with three Christmas themed events. Starting on the 7th December with the Ceilidh at the Community Centre, a family friendly evening full of dancing and much laughter. The fun continues with Lantern Making Workshops on Saturday 15th. Come along and make a willow lantern with the help of an experienced lantern maker - £5 per family. Please email Kirsty to book - [email protected]. Join us on Thursday 20th December at 6.00pm for our Carols by Lantern Light Parade from the Saxon Inn to the Cross, finishing at the Baker Arms at about 7pm. We will stop along the way for some carol singing at Nutmead Close, Millbrook Close, and near the Village Hall where donations will be gratefully received for CORGI We would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped and attended our events this year, we have managed to raise funds for the improvements to the Recreation Ground and Community Centre but we have also had great fun along the way, we hope you have enjoyed yourselves as well. This year has been packed with the After School Café, Community Breakfasts, Coffee mornings, Summer Barbeques, The Hill Race and Oketoberfest. We are continuing to put together a great diary packed full of events for 2019 and hope you will join us to help raise funds for the improvements we have planned for the Recreation ground and Community Centre for 2019. We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bruce, Cary, Gaynor, Gill, Hugo, Karen, Kirsty, Laura, Leo, Martin, Phil, Pippa and Wes

CHILD OKEFORD VILLAGE HALL Various coming events at the Hall will be publicised elsewhere. But to single out a few - December 1. Christmas Fayre, with a variety of stalls, Santa’s Grotto, a cake to guess the weight of (I have smelt it cooking!) etc. As last year, Wendy Addley is the supremo. December 15. An Artsreach event, with 3 virtuoso musicians from England and France called The Churchfitters presenting their “Christmas Cracker”. January 12. Another Artsreach event, again with 3 musicians (under the name of ALAW), bringing us traditional music this time from Wales. For the Artsreach events, look out for tickets at the Cross Stores. Grahame Downer


Friday 30th November Child Okeford Village Hall, doors open 6-30pm eyes down 7-30

Good prizes every line in aid of village hall.

Thank you. Sylvia Holdeman tel01258 861055. 29


Ed is getting anxious ‘cos he hasn’t got my piece for the Hill yet. So here goes . . . A strange man came and replaced the nice, old writing machine that White knew how to use, to a different, modern one that he doesn’t understand at all! So, having just got back from a bracing morning walk, I am raring to go; full of exciting things I want to tell my loyal readers about, but unable to get them into the afore said machine. We have to wait impatiently for Grey to come home and help us get started! At last she arrives, blissfully unaware of our dilemma, and puzzled that coffee isn’t ready and waiting! Eventually the morning coffee ceremony is done with and washed up, allowing White and I to get started. He spent most of yesterday morning sweeping up the leaves in front of the garage and adding them to an already substantial pile in the garden. Sadly, when we came out for our walk this morning the forecourt is covered with leaves again! The fact is that there are leaves all over the garden and the compost heap is overflowing with the perishing things. There are too many leafy trees in the garden! Hopefully, by next month the leaf problem will be history. BELLA STURMINSTER CHORAL SOCIETY’S CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sturminster Choral Society will be singing a variety of Christmas-themed music at their concert on Saturday 1st December, 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Sturminster Newton. The programme, conducted by Annemarie Lees with organist Christopher Dowie guest artists Elaine Korman, Oliver Gill and Caroline D’Cruz, will include Charpentier’s Christmas mass, Messe de Minuit, and Christmas carols for choir and for audience participation. There will be seasonal refreshments after the concert. Tickets £10 in advance from Candy’s (Sturminster Newton) or on the door. Children 15 and under free.

ST NICHOLAS WIVES' GROUP We gathered at Udders Farm Shop, with our husbands, on 14th November for our annual lunch. It was lovely to see Pam there and the meal was enjoyed by all. There will be no meeting in the village hall in December but we are planning to take lunch at The Saxon on Friday, December 14th, gathering at 12.30pm. Happy Christmas to everyone Maureen Soward - 860647

30 THE CHILDRENS' SOCIETY (www.childrenssociety.org.uk) Following a happy coffee morning on October 18th when a number of boxes were brought along to be opened and the contents counted, the remaining boxes were either brought to Shipton or collected and the final instalment was sent to the offices of the Childrens' Society on November 12th. A grand total of £388.89 was collected. The number of box-holders has decreased over the years as box-holders have moved on. Consequently the sum this year is just over sixty pounds less than last year. We only need two or three new box holders to make this good. Would you like to help? In 2017 120,000 box-holders donated some £1.6 million and enabled the Childrens' Society to work with over 13,500 children and young people who felt scared, unloved and unable to cope. By campaigning in 2017 the Society helped to make life better for more than three million children in this country. If you would like to help this good work by having a collecting box in your home or office, please contact me. Maureen Soward - 860647

Dates for your Diary HEY DAY 2019 will be on Saturday 22nd June A launch and a planning meeting for those individuals or groups that want to be involved will be held in the Village Hall at 6:30 pm on March 29th. Details will follow 31

CHILD OKEFORD FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB In November, we were pleased to welcome demonstrator Cath Brown, for an afternoon of ‘Fifty Shades of Colour’. Cath showed us how to create eye- catching floral displays using a variety of foliage and flowers. The afternoon concluded with tea and a chance to win one of Cath’s arrangements in the raffle. Our December meeting will be at 2.15pm on Tuesday 11th December at Child Okeford Village Hall. Taking ‘Tartan at Heart’ as a theme, we shall be making festive chandeliers and hoops with which to decorate the hall before enjoying a seasonal buffet. Visitors very welcome, £6 to include refreshments. Finally, we should like to thank our members and many visitors for supporting us during the year and wish readers of The Hill a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Sue Brown 01258 863775.

32 WHITECLIFF SURGERY (AND DISPENSARY) AND EAGLE HOUSE SURGERY Opening hours over the festive period Mon 24th Dec: normal hours Tues 25th Dec: Closed Wed 26th Dec: Closed Thurs 27th Dec: normal hours Fri 28th Dec: normal hours Mon 31st Dec: normal hours Tues 1st Jan: Closed Wed 2nd Jan: normal hours When the surgery is closed Call 999 in an emergency - chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency. If you are unwell when the surgery is closed, contact NHS 111. Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles (although pay-as-you-go mobiles must have at least 1p credit). This service is for urgent medical situations-if you or a member of your family becomes ill and you are concerned. It is not for routine enquires. Check your repeat medications Will you need a repeat prescription over the holiday period, especially if you’re going way? Make sure you put in a repeat request in good time. . . . . and finally Make sure you have a good stock of over the counter medicines for those coughs, colds, tummy upsets and headaches! Wishing you all a very Happy & Healthy Christmas and New Year!

DORSET WILDLIFE TRUST There is no event in December: Wednesday 16th January 2019: ‘It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet’ Local Dorset vet, Martin Fielding, gives an amusing account of what the day to day life of a vet in Dorset can offer!

THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS A big thankyou to David Leithead for the seasonal cover, I am sure you will agree that David has well and truly captured the spirit of Hambledon Hill at Christmas! Our thanks go as well to the hardy band of distributors and deliverers who get The Hill to you in all weathers – and to you for reading The Hill! May we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sally, Alan and Richard 33

CHILD OKEFORD STORES AND POST OFFICE Come in and take a look at all our Christmas Wares because once it’s gone it’s gone! We have the last posting dates for Christmas so get buying and wrapping. We stock all the bits you need at very good prices. We are open 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm Saturday 8.30am to 12.30pm Sunday We look forward to seeing you. WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR, Eileen, Rose and Andrew



WHAT’S ON November 30 Christmas Bingo p28

December 1 Christmas Concert p31 1 Sturminster Christmas Concert p29 1 CO Christmas Fair p23 1 Manston & Hammoon coffee morning p22 1 Goldhill Open Studio p23 2 Quarter Peal, St Nicholas p11 3 CO PC meeting p21 3 COCCL meeting p25 7 Christmas Ceilidh p30 7 CO Gardeners Club social p14 8 The Art Stable exhibition to 21st p22 8&9 Christmas Fair p23 10 CO WI Christmas Celebration p16 11 CO Flower Arranging Club meeting p31 12 CO Lunch Club p13 13 CO Walking Group p20 13 Baker Arms folk session p26 13&14 Mummers Play p26 14 St Nicholas Wives Group lunch p29 15 Artsreach Christmas Cracker p28 20 Carols by Lantern Light p28

January 12 Christmas tree chipping p19 12 Artsreach event p28 14 COCCL meeting p25 16 DWT event p32 19 CO Gardeners Club Annual Dinner p14&15 25 CO Filmnight p22 27 Potato Fair p27 31 The World in Safe Hands? P8

EDITORS NOTES Please could we have your copy for the next edition by Monday 24 December, 0900. We welcome contributions by email to [email protected] or please pop them through the door at Highlands, opposite the ‘old’ Post Office. It is also helpful if you would leave a phone number. The letters and articles published in The Hill are accepted in good faith and the views expressed are not necessarily the views of the Editors, whose decisions on publication are final. The Hill is published by the Child Okeford Parochial Church Council & printed by Sarum Graphics 35

THE OKEFORD BENEFICE www.okefordbenefice.org Facebook @okefordbenefice Rector and Assistant Rural Dean: The Rev’d Lydia Cook 863774 / [email protected] (Lydia’s day off is Saturday) Assistant Curate: Rev’d Karen Wilson 861051/ [email protected] (Karen’s day off is Monday) Licensed Lay Minister: Mr Mark Riley 860718 Lay Worship Leaders: Mr Steve Vestbirk 860910; Mr Peter Willetts 861065; Mrs Abi Rudd 861367 Lay Pastoral Assistants: Ms Carolyn Angelucci 860049; Mrs Ruth Allen 860068; Please direct all enquiries regarding Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals to Lydia The benefice is grateful to be served also by retired Lay ministers Details of all services throughout the Benefice will be found on pages 5 & 6 Parish Council Clerks Child Okeford with Manston PCC Child Okeford PC [email protected] Secretary: Mr Merlin Lewis: 863800 Correspondence Secretary: Mrs Ruth Allen: 860068 Manston and Hammoon PC Emma Smith 01258 473895 Churchwardens [email protected] Bookings Child Okeford Child Okeford Village Hall Mr Simon Baird: 860477 Rowena Carmichael: 860169 Mr Keith Allen: 860068 [email protected] [email protected] Hammoon Child Okeford Community Centre Mr Charlie Poe: 860325 Kirsty Baird 01258 860477 Mr Steve Vestbirk: 860910 Manston Village Hall Mrs Carin Ljungdell: 472825 The Hill Shillingstone Parish Magazine Subscriptions: Editor and Magazine Advertisements Alan Blackman: 860118 [email protected] Diana J Lewis: 472704 [email protected] Distribution: Mrs Sally Bolton: 861088 The Fippenny News Editor and Advertisements Editor: Derek Day: 861979, Richard Muffett: 860010 [email protected] [email protected] community.com: Editor The Community Office, The Exchange: 471456

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