Stabilisation and Association Agreement

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Stabilisation and Association Agreement P U BLIC Conseil UE STABILISATIONANDASSOCIATIONAGREEMENT BETWEEN THEEUROPEANCOMMUNITIES ANDTHEIRMEMBERSTATES,OFTHEONEPART, ANDTHEREPUBLIC OFMONTENEGRO,OFTHEOTHERPART CE/MTN/ n1 THEKINGDOMOFBELGIUM, THEREPUBLICOFBULGARIA, THEC;ECHREPUBLIC, THEKINGDOMOFDENMAR:, THEFEDERALREPUBLICOFGERMANY, THEREPUBLICOFESTONIA, IRELAND, THEHELLENICREPUBLIC, THEKINGDOMOFSPAIN, THEFRENCHREPUBLIC, THEITALIANREPUBLIC, CE/MTN/ n2 THEREPUBLICOFCYPRUS, THEREPUBLICOFLATVIA, THEREPUBLICOFLITHUANIA, THEGRANDDUCHY OFLUXEMBOURG, THEREPUBLICOFHUNGARY, MALTA, THEKINGDOMOFTHENETHERLANDS, THEREPUBLICOFAUSTRIA, THEREPUBLICOF POLAND, THEPORTUGUESEREPUBLIC, ROMANIA, THEREPUBLICOFSLOVENIA, CE/MTN/ n3 THESLOVA:REPUBLIC, THEREPUBLICOF FINLAND, THEKINGDOMOFSWEDEN, THEUNITEDKINGDOMOF GREATBRITAINANDNORTHERNIRELAND ContractingParti stoth Tr atyestablishingth Europ anCommunityandth Tr aty stablishingth Europ anAtomicEn rgyCommunity,andth Tr atyonEurop anUnion, h r inaft rr f rr dtoas"M mb rStat s",and THEEUROPEANCOMMUNITYandTHE EUROPEANATOMICENERGY COMMUNITY, h r inaft rr f rr dtoasth "Community", ofth on part,and THEREPUBLICOF MONTENEGRO,h r inaft rr f rr dtoas"Mont n gro", ofth oth rpart, togetherreferredtoas "theParties", CE/MTN/ n4 CONSIDERINGth stronglinksb tw nth Parti sandth valu sthatth yshar ,th ir d sir tostr ngth nthos linksandestablishaclos andlastingr lationship bas don r ciprocityandmutualint r st,whichshouldallowMont n grotofurth rstr ngth nand xt ndth r lationswithth CommunityanditsM mb rStat sA CONSIDERINGth importanc ofthisAgr m nt,inth fram workofth Stabilisationand Associationproc ss(SAp,withth countri sof south- ast rnEurop ,inth establishm nt andconsolidationofastabl Europ anord rbas doncoop ration,of whichth Europ an Unionisamainstay,asw llasinth fram workofth StabilityPactA CONSIDERINGth Europ anUnionCsr adin sstoint grat Mont n grototh full st possibl ext ntintoth politicalandeconomic mainstr amofEurop anditsstatusasa pot ntialcandidat for EUm mb rshiponth basisofth Tr atyonEurop anUnion )h r inaft rr f rr dtoas"th EUTr aty",andfulfilm ntofth crit riad fin dbyth Europ anCouncilinJun 1993asw llasth SApconditionaliti s,sub3 ct toth succ ssful impl m ntationofthis Agr m nt,notablyr gardingr gionalcoop rationA CONSIDERINGth Europ anPartn rship,whichid ntifi sprioriti sforactioninord rto supportth country'seffortstomoveclos rtoth Europ anUnionA CE/MTN/ n5 CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stocontribut byallm anstoth political, conomicandinstitutionalstabilisationinMont n groasw llasinth r gion,throughth d velopm ntofcivilsoci tyandd mocratisation,institution buildingandpublic administrationr form,r gionaltrad int grationandenhanc deconomiccoop ration,as w llasthroughcoop rationinawid rangeof ar as,particularlyin 3ustic ,fr domand s curity,andth str ngth ningof nationaland r gionals curity; CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stoincr asingpoliticalandeconomicfr doms asth verybasisofthis Agr m nt,asw llasth ircommitm nttor sp cthumanrightsand th rul oflaw,includingth rightsofp rsons b longingtonationalminoriti s,and d mocraticprincipl sthroughamulti-partysyst mwithfr andfair l ctionsA CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stoth fullimpl m ntationofall principl s andprovisionsofth UNChart r,ofth OSCE,notablythos ofth FinalActofth Conf r nc onS curityandCoop rationinEurop (h r inaft rr f rr dtoas"th H lsinki FinalAct",,th concludingdocum ntsofth MadridandVi nnaConf r nc s,th Chart r of ParisforaN wEurop ,andofth StabilityPactforsouth- ast rnEurop ,soastocontribut tor gionalstabilityandcoop rationamongth countri softh r gionA REAFFIRMINGth rightofr turnforallr fuge sandint rnallydisplac dp rsonsandto th prot ctionofth irprop rtyandoth rr lat dhumanrightsA CE/MTN/ n6 CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stoth principl sof fr mark t conomyand tosustainabl d velopm ntasw llasth r adin ssofth Communitytocontribut toth conomicr formsinMont n gr.A CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stofr trad ,incomplianc withth rights andobligationsarisingoutofth m mb rshipofth WTOA CONSIDERINGth wishofth Parti stofurth rd velopr gularpoliticaldialogu on bilat ralandint rnationalissu sofmutualint r st,includingr gionalasp cts,takinginto accountth Common For ignandS curityPolicy(CFSP,ofth Europ anUnionA CONSIDERINGth commitm ntofth Parti stocombatorganis dcrim andtostr ngth n coop rationinth fight againstt rrorismonth basisofth d clarationissu d byth Europ anConf r nc on20Octob r2001; CONVINCEDthatth StabilisationandAssociationAgr m nt(h r inaft rr f rr das"this Agr m nt",willcr at an wclimat foreconomic r lationsb tw nth mand,aboveall, forth d velopm ntoftrad andinvestm nt,factorscrucialtoeconomicr structuringand mod rnisationA CE/MTN/ n7 BEARINGinmindth commitm ntbyMont n grotoapproximat itsl gislationinth r l vants ctors tothat ofth Community,andtoeff ctivelyimpl m ntitA TA:INGACCOUNTofth Community'swillingn sstoprovid d cisivesupportforth impl m ntationofr formandtous allavailabl instrum ntsofcoop rationandt chnical, financialandeconomicassistanc onacompr h nsiveindicativemultiannual basistothis nd avourA CONFIRMINGthatth provisionsofthisAgr m ntthatfallwithinth scop ofPartIII, Titl IVofth Tr atyestablishingth Europ anCommunity(h r inaft r r f rr dtoas"th ECTr aty",bindth Unit dKingdomandIr landass parat ContractingParti s,andnot asapartofth Community,untilth Unit dKingdomorIr land(asth cas mayb ,notifi s Mont n grothatithas b com boundaspartofth Communityinaccordanc withth Protocolonth positionofth Unit dKingdomandIr landann xedtoth EUTr atyand th ECTr aty.Th sam appli stoD nmark,inaccordanc withth Protocolann xedto thos Tr ati sonth positionofD nmarkA RECALLINGth ;agr bSummit,whichcall dforfurth rconsolidationofr lationsb tw n th countri softh StabilisationandAssociationproc ssandth Europ anUnionas w llas nhanc dr gionalcoop rationA CE/MTN/ n8 RECALLINGthatth Th ssalonikiSummitr inforc dth StabilisationandAssociation proc ssasth policyfram workforth Europ anUnionCsr lations withth West rnBalkan countri sandund rlin dth prosp ctofth irint grationwithth Europ anUniononth basisofth irindividualr formprogr ssandm ritA RECALLINGth signatur ofth C ntralEurop anFr Trad Agr m ntinBuchar ston 19D c mb r2006asam ansofenhancingth r gionCsabilitytoattractinvestm ntsandth prosp ctsofitsint grationintoth globaleconomyA DESIROUSofestablishingclos rculturalcoop rationandd veloping xchangesof information, HAVEAGREEDAS FOLLO2$0 CE/MTN/ n9 ARTICLE1 1. AnAssociationish r byestablish db tw nth Communityandits M mb rStat s,of th on part,andth R publicofMont n gro,ofth oth rpart. 2. Th aimsofthisAssociationar 0 )a) tosupportth effortsofMont n grotostr ngth nd mocracyandth rul oflawA )b, tocontribut topolitical,economicandinstitutionalstabilityinMont n gro,asw llas toth stabilisationofth r gionA )c, toprovid anappropriat fram workforpoliticaldialogu ,allowingth d velopm ntof clos politicalr lationsb tw nth Parti sA )d, tosupportth effortsofMont n grotod v lopitseconomicandint rnational coop ration,includingthroughth approximationofitsl gislationtothatofth Community; ) , tosupportth effortsofMont n grotocompl t th transitionintoafunctioning mark teconomy; )f, topromot harmoniouseconomicr lationsandgraduallyd velopafr trad ar a b tw nth CommunityandMont n gr.A )6, tofost rr gionalcoop rationinallth fi ldscover dbythisAgr m nt. CE/MTN/ n10 TITLEI GENERAL PRINCIPLES ARTICLE2 R sp ctforth d mocraticprincipl sandhumanrightsasproclaim dinth Universal D clarationofHumanRightsandasd fin d inth Conventionforth Prot ctionofHuman RightsandFundam ntalFr doms,inth H lsinkiFinalActandth Chart rof Parisfora N wEurop ,r sp ctforint rnationallawprincipl s,includingfullcoop rationwithth Int rnationalCriminal Tribunal forth form rYugoslavia(ICTY,,andth rul oflawas w llasth principl sofmark teconomyasr fl ct dinth Docum ntofth CSCEBonn Conf r nc onEconomicCoop ration,shallform th basisofth dom sticandext rnal polici softh Parti sandconstitut ess ntialel m ntsofthisAgr m nt. ARTICLE3 Th fightagainstth prolif rationof w aponsofmassd structionandth ir m ansofd livery constitut saness ntialel m ntofthisAgr m nt. CE/MTN/ n11 ARTICLE4 Th contractingparti sr affirmth importanc th yattachtoth impl m ntationof int rnationalobligations,notablyth fullcoop rationwithICTY. ARTICLE5 Int rnationalandr gionalp ac andstability,th d velopm ntofgoodn ighbourlyr lations, humanrightsandth r sp ctandprot ctionofminoriti sar c ntraltoth Stabilisationand Associationproc ssr f rr dtointh conclusionsofth Councilofth Europ anUnionon 21Jun 1999.Th conclusionandth impl m ntationofthisAgr m ntcom withinth fram workofth conclusionsofth Councilofth Europ anUnionof29April1997andar bas donth individual m ritsofMont n gro. CE/MTN/ n12 ARTICLE6 Mont n grocommitsits lftocontinu tofost rcoop rationandgood n ighbourlyr lations withth oth rcountri softh r gionincludinganappropriat l velof mutualconc ssions conc rningth movem ntofp rsons,goods,capitalands rvic sasw llasth d velopm ntof pro3 ctsofcommonint r st,notablythos r lat dtobord r managem ntandcombating organis dcrim ,corruption,mon ylaund ring,ill galmigrationandtrafficking,includingin particularinhumanb ings,smallarmsandlightw apons,as w llas illicitdrugs.This commitm ntconstitut sak yfactorinth d velopm ntofth r lationsandcoop ration b tw nth Parti sandthuscontribut stor gionalstability. ARTICLE7 Th Parti sr affirmth importanc thatth yattachtoth fightagainstt rrorismandth impl m ntationofint rnationalobligationsinthisar a. ARTICLE8 Th associationshall b progr ssivelyandfullyr alis doveratransitionalp riodofa maximumoffiveyears. CE/MTN/ n13 Th StabilisationandAssociationCouncil(h
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