2 SECTIONS 60 PAG) S VOLUME t3 NUMBEF 20 island MARCH 27 19S6


Planners discuss commercial growth, © & regulations needed to end moratorium By Earl Hartman ith thrtc new shop) ing cintus due tu hi complttitl nt xt month iind a moratorium W on comrri rcial build n% on Sinihel still tn effect after a year banitcl flaming rommm nn spert much of their meeting Tuesday d scussing new regulations concerning commercial growth on the island f If the regulitions pr< posed are passed city o planners say thii will assure lifting the preM nt commercial moratorium A plan presented to merchants last October restricted such tourist supported businesses as T shirt and shell shops boutiques and jewelrv stores — locating them ir just one zoning district a small section of the total commercial space they now occupy Those not In the p escribed district The Vi'Iage of Sanibel. one of three new shopping • please see COMMERCIAL 5A CEPD throws out Run 5, «, will seek new plan for apportionment By Paul Luthrlnger own draft plan for economic a| poriionnrnl Kite festival takes CCC \ice president Mike Cohei told commis aptiva Lrtoion Dre\ent on D >.trict s s opprs thit the best waj to a tin equitable ap flight... off the island apportionment plan for financing t t-tcl porti mmfnt would be. to divide Captna into four C erosion control projects prepared hy thi neighborhoods and base assessment** on s juare By Wendy McMulltn engineering company lelra Tech wis uninim ush footpge o tly your kite elsewhere said the dismissed bj the board a? a special nutting Tues tndtr the CCt phn thi first ne ghborhood fa'ls City of Sanibel io organizers schedul day night "^ beiwcen Blind Pass bridge an! thn S curves or G ing the eighth annual Islands Kite The motion to throw out computer Run 3 f a Gold Coast area tht; stcond bptween the S Festival financial apportionment plan initiated bj the cjr\es and lhe old post office curve Gr Iweert So they ha/e Right off the islands to Edison previous Cfc-iPD board and designc I bv Tetn Ttch \\ alers road area the third from the o'd post of Community College atnletlc field where the annual came from Commissioner Orville Schaeffer ^ho ficc cur\c lo th° new post off ce or the village ° Come Fly a Kite Day has been scheduled for" has complained on a numbir of occasions tha -ind the fourtn at South Seas Plantation a- Saturday April 12 at 9 a m TetraTechs method of financial apportioi mtnt In (he CCC plan South Seas owners would not The islands kite festival is traditionally held was skewed and inequitable a be charged for any new nourishment project or Easter Saturday on Sanibel s Lighthouse Beach The previous CEPD board had issued co ltracts erosion control measures since they had already However city officials claim the annual event of more tnan $80 000 to the California hued paij for a beach nourishment project five years caused hundreds of cars lo be turned away from engineering company to come up with an equitdb t ago Cohen said aiding that there is some 16 300 Lighthouse Beach parking tots and asked the plan s ]uare feet of beach south of thi 1 lantation up to organizers to change location suggesting the Schaeffer was charged with finding competeit Blind Pass Bridge causeway as a mort suitable place and qualified exper s lo sub-nit a new etonom c ^ince South Seas J'ian ill in res dents are will It was not prohibited citj rranager Gar> apportionment plan for erosion control ing to pay 23 percent '$940 Of 01 of t*ie entire ap Meanwhile the pro nourishment Concerned • plea 6 see CEPD 17A • please see KITE 13A Citizens of Captiva (CCO »tpi ready with thir

Tin* bovity of Easter baskets ivas Easter week the work of Sanibel Elementary students who made and decor- around the islands ated the baskets in aster week is the time when tourists flock their art clasi last onto our islands and there are many events xieek. E for both visitors and tesidenls to remember Easter and enjoy on our islands Laster church services be[-in MtuntUy Thurs- day March 27 with C-ommunon at Sanibel Con gregational Church and Sannel Community Church both on Periwinkle Uay and holy euchanst at St Isabel s on Ssnibcl Captiva Road All begin at 7.30 p m 9 X W"*»* cc ClOoGoodd rndarndayy aatt 77 3 300 pp mm ththee ChanceChancell ChoiChoirr c of j^ jfeSt/^ ^c Sambel Community Chuch will be presenli Ar^BS£&^° 1^ A Service of Shadows" by I^ni Snytn a chora:horall W J&^L r Tenebrae presentation on the Passion of Christ' W r j^ v ^ Word is out that Saturda? from 1 3 p m thi f J 9^ *&£* ^strr BnnBLnnyy wiiill mkmakee a sjeciaspeciail slolopp atihat thee g Legion Post on Sanibel Captiva Road to hide some £ of his eggs which are redeemable for Ea«ter " prizes A photographer will be on hand to record • *«* • please see EASTER 19A MARCH 27 1966 ISLAND REPORTER 0 the island eye

is|andcr« will be uhk to got a a breakfast A lion's share which includes pan of pancakes cikes ind sausige at and sausages the Community \ssociation Satur Youv htardot day The breakfast1^ i\\- hon s share row prepared and served c mes the 1 ion s by %ol inleer Lions hreakfast Tut (h*1 Mill bt served from two together and 1 7 11am at Sambel what do you get/ Con mjmt) A*socia Tne answer if you tion prior to and dur ask any Sambel ing the annual Capliva I ion s Club Symbol Community member n a feast' \ssociation Spring For just$2 9T Flea Market

than bir 1* inrl mini Load Up and mals Hor da s y nat iral tnt ronmtnt shoot. *• for ind human intrrae photo tion Kith this en [ wire designed a poat "virnnment induding Cute as and shank to con\erl contest hunting fishing and a button to in tarring for With spring of olhtr elhiral uses of p erctd ears f ciallv here and the s at«s natural A new range of Judy Maupin then Florida s man) rtiiurces Onlv this earrings now in comc set aboil getting wildl ft spec-is b J«> cittg j ma/ include 14 Sanibe) stores was ! pitents hi\ing the »i h their life cjrles ptcjle the iijvertion^of Fort shanks manufactured it s a KnVil time to V*t rxpeel to Myers student Betsy . commercially out of toad your enrrera publish winners in Maupin surgical wire packag with frssh '•olor slide our Scptcnrucr It was jewelry ed into neat little film andtfakf pic Octobtr and designer Judy packs of eight inter tures Nothing is u November Dtcember Maupin Betsy i changable buttons more beautify) than 19^6 issues tditor mother who f rst I and marketing thi nature at this time of John Walirs Jr e« noted that decorative idea >ear' pla ned and we will buttons would make She no* his some \nd idd to string *~ pa> our usual rates attractive earrings if [ 200 outlets in pholograi h\ fun I a'id on our us*, of a way could be found S Southwest Florida in hi n/a Htldlje Ihc winning shots to attach them to j eluding 14 on Sanibcl magazine H offi ring I as*>>t<.r pierced ears She I and has just finished T I98o nature Waters added wt tried to design a j redesigning the photography contest pi I Sfjuto the top fastener but to no 22 -ntr es package into a fun Sponsored by the u avail j kit which shoppers her daughters Coca Cola or Honda Gamp and Official entr) When her 12 year can pick up at cash designs on the island McDonalds Jud> Fresh Water Fish forms ma) be obtain old daughter saw registers Another plan is to Maupin points out Commission ed b)^writing Florida some pretty earrings ! And she has in i produce buttons with they could be used in publisher olHjridn Wildlife Photo Con six months later she ! troduced a special company logos for promot ons or to \UldUfp this>ea's test 620 S Meniian reiterated the same line with the legend | major beverage match the buttons on contest has four Tallahassee Fl idea and experimen Sambel Buttons b> s distributors or fast the outf ts of staff categories wild £2301 enclosing a ting with twisted Betsy for the sale of 1 food chains such as hirdi uil 1 mammals self addrcied wild animals other stamped envelope


ed the shop to get-1 c^ats I tried to clean says but adds her Mary rid of the shells his it up and finally peo philosophy is pretty late wife an av d pie began to notice much the same as Bridell shellar brought there was a # when Ken was alive n horns c woman s touch The two of Ihem n the days before As soon as she She continued 3 depended mostly en the causeway brought the shells in working for the elec repeat business and S was built running the front doo Ken tr c compary Irom found themselves a shell shop on pitched them out which she retired makinq as Tnany Sanlbel was a non the back says about 10 years ago new Iripnds as sell chalant thing ac Mary After she al er 15 years of ser mg shells cording to veteran, died he had such a vice Mary has no plans shell shop owner big pile he decided We got marr ed for ret rement and Ken taught me 1 iust don t tet Mary Bridell to start a shell shop D We d close down In those days how to grind shells the shop manage when the ferry left there was Ken s and how to cle^n me dnd I still close and open up when it Shell Shop and M then by putting on up in May and open arrived she com Jim s ShPlI Shop % gloves up to here so aga n in men led she says Now | you could put your September But now while there are at least ten arm in a 15 or 20 She stops a Sanibel seasheli on Sanlbel alone * gallon drum of grandmother about ''shops come and go Ken tried to get chlorine Mary sa d to buy a shell whis Ken s on FiUhugh store people in ° add ng that they had tic lor a grander! Id Street is an insiltu terested in shell* t to clean everyth ng Blow it and see if it tion open since 1947 but they said Who x years ago becaue it works she sug and stlfl owned and wants those stinky * came all dirty gests If it doesn t 1 , V V you should pick out operated by Ken things in the shop Those were also Today she oays were alreauy It s cheaper to have anoUerone Havourd s Widow Nowadays therp the days when the 5 bu Id ng up on the shells cleaned o The whist es are Mary now remarried are shells in dress poor hvPd on the islands she adds to shell and conser shops grocery t- beach and (he rich where many are only a quarter and it vation enthusiast Al I didn t k low one found in the Phi! p is apparent that stores the hair imand shell from another u Bridell dressers even the pines Afr ca and In Mary Havourd Those who could says Mary of her d a than to pay Br dcii s mak ng a Mary was still Burger Emporium afford it d dn t want week end st nts w in working In North Mary remarked But the smell of dead somebody $5 an new friend as well 1 Ken Havourd tor $20 hour to do it here as add ng to her co Fort Myers for Lee I remember when no 'isn and red tide at his shop The one would look at Everybody s got to lection of repeat County Electric Co she commerts stock looked tern customers op when Ken open them But b» 1958 they blp and he had 50 *nake it today she

o •;••«• "Vy:



-. • TROLLEY TO DOG TRACK: Leaves \ ; B FASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE SERVICE: Irbrn jerry's Shopping Center. 6 p.m! Sanibel Causeway D-icnlccarea, 6 a.m. =: • MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICES: Com- :: • FIRST BAPTIST BREAKFAST: First munion with Dolph Price soloist, Sanibel Baptist Chufch'bn San-Cap Road, 8 to 9:30 Community Church, 7:30 p.m.; Communion, SanibelCongregailonal United Church, 7:30 -I, B EASTER SERVICES: Holy Eucharist at p.m.; Holy Eucharist. St. Isabel's 7:30 p.m. St. Isabels,6axn., 7:30a:m.and 9:30a.m.: • AUDUBON SLIDE PROGRAM: Au- Sanibel Congregational United Church, 8 dience participation nlgHi, Sanibel Com- a.mi and 10 a.m.; Sanifiel Comiiunity ' munity Association; B p.m. '•' Church. 9 a.m. and 11:15 a'nv-. First Baptist m "THE FOREIGNER": Pirate Playhouse.' Church. 10 a.m. - - .. " a,p.m. . • . (/. •"• 'G MONDAY.MARCH 31 ^ FRIDAY, MARCH 28 :|; a.JAZZ CONCERT: Barbara B. Mann Per- ... B CAR CARAVAN OF WILDLIFE DRIVE: jormin^ Arts Hall, For! f.'ys's. 5 p.ni, '-. Naturalist-led tour. J."N. '1Ding° Harling Wildlife Hefuge, S:i5a.m. • •• . ' II GOOp FRIDAY SERVICES: Sanibel ; j TUESDAY, APRIL 1 ,r , ~: Congiegalional United ChoFch, 12 noon; j, Sojerpn Liturgy and Communioij; Si. * -," • , '- : • ' • BINGO: Sanibttl Community Associa- Isab&'s Chu.ch, 12 noon; '."Service of >:V' tion, 7:30 p.m." (i . Shadows." Chancel Choir, Sanibel Com- ',;• • "THE FOREIGNER": Pirate Playhouse, munity Churcn, 7:30 p.m. ^8 p.m. ^ • ": n- ; r-j"THE FOREIGNER"; Pirate Playhouse. '

e Paws for celebration ' BLIP SYNC COMPETITION: SunHjal, 9 it fc WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 JYiiA Nedberg. of Scoltidalc. An:.; smiles nith -,-' - -. ' _'V;i. .-• - •. ' •• " .:: • BRIDGE FOR FUN: Sanibel Communily the beautiful orange lion's paw she found The Association, 1 p.m. * ~ '•• shell washed up at her feet on the beach near' • SATURDAY, MARCH^29 > :: • "THE FOREIGNER": Pirate Playtiouse, . . treat Gulf Drive. Trish almostthrew it back .. 8 p;m.,:- • • r , : " . - • LIONS' PANCAKE BREAKFAST: & • •: thinking it was just a scallop. - ; ... Sanibel Community Association, 7-11 a.m. . fl SPRING FLEA MARKET: San.be! Com- • O UPCOMING:: munity Association, 8 a.mr'io 2 p.m. ,. • AUDUBON FIELD TRIP: Tour ol Cor- ; ,«BREAKING FREE OF UNHEALTHY " Ttscrew Swamp Sanctuary led by naturalist • PATTERNS WORKSHOP: Sanibel Comrnuni: George Weymoutn, leave from Chamber of H \i Church. Friday/April 4 and Saturday, , ^ Commerce parking lot at 8 a.m. "April 5. .-; •'••"•• ' -«N ' - BFREE FILM ON POISONOUS ANIMALS: t • PEKING ACROBATS: Barbara B. Mann J.N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife gefuge Performing Arts Hall, April 4. ' - ' • & u Auditorium, 11 a.m. - • : - ,: II CAUSEWAY MEETING WITH COUNTY " fl EASTER BUNNY AT LEGION; Legion • -.COMMISSIONERS: Sanibel Community . ; Hall on San-Cap Road. 1 p.m. • Association, April 10. : H VIGIL OF EASTER: St. Isabel's Church, .;. • COME FLY A KITE DAY: Edison Com- 7 p.m. '•"?. ^ . - . ' - immunity College, April 12.2 ~ . B "THE FOREIGNER11: Pirate Playhouse, 3 p.m. > , • ; ;

weather: The Irish

.High Low Rain - Thurs., March 20 62 .. 70 0 X:' Frl., March 21 ;~ 81 56 :" .10 Sal., March 22 - 68 59 0 : Sun., March 23 68 52 , 0 13, Mon., March 24 74 55 .: 0 Tues?, March 25 •••- 76 •'' 58 0 Wed., March 26 ._,- 76 53 .54

island • REPORTER

silled advertising: 468-3500 . Editorial: 472-1587 ,"- :, Business office: 4G6-18tt

Maniglng Edllon Windy McMullen Edltotlil Slid: Earl Harlman, Paul Ulhtlngor, •-• - Ffan Nuelle, Ann Tlpson -. Advarllstng: Cyhlhla Arsnii!3«: Jerl Hughes, Man n Steger Clrculallbn: Shirlens Grasgieen : Accounilng: Lisa Brodsrsen, Elaine Miller Take your taste buds to the Orient Conlrlbulort: Ben Fuller, Car! Melamel. Cllf Poller, • Su? Stephens, Frilz & Norma SlopDelbeln, a *'v .and feast at our authentic Gco geWeymout*! " ;: . ;.:="V ]•{ TepanyakiTables." ; ,;. ; •i Perlnvukle Placc2075 PenvunVc Way -• PO Daaorfl Sambd FL33^57 t,-.._

PUBLISHED DY SUNBELT PUBLISHING G«n«ral Managei Kcvn Wiliirii Execullva Editor Ken Gooder'ii 1 Nsws EUHor Ann" Mit^rcM - Ad»eillslng Dlreclor G over PV Telemarketing Director Stc-o St "rrr Dusfnei* Manage. L>d a Icwrll Sfo 472-3117 Circulation Manager Lisa Hart-

;; in Morgan's • 1418 Palm Rlds< Hoad. Sanibel • la s Evening & Weekend Emergencies 'OnlheGulf - - 472-185.6 al Sundial Beach & Tennis Resort Serving Sanibel since 1976 1246 Middle Gulf Drive, Sanibel • •172-1114 Maureen E. Sniitt CTC 4A D MARCH 21 1986 3 ISLAND REPORTER


indicates the presence of toxins such a* alcohol in the blood mil not be read) for two vceks thi Death of student nedicil examiner s office told the Island Reporter Month* \ witness aecross the street from the place of at Sundial still occurrence Kaj Berbench told the Reporter thaf uhile watching television that nujht in her Sind under investigation Pebble condo she heard a |ot of hollering from Sundial By Paul Luthrlnger This I thought was no' unusuil givrn that it he death of 19 j car old Umv ersil> of \nzoru vt is spring break she said freshman Rorj Savas of Wisconsin a vitik It wasnt long according to the 12ytir rtsi lent T ago at Sundial Resort is still considered an of Sand Pebble before she coutd h«.ar some )ne accident Sanibel Police say although the incident Streimint, what s junded like obscenities fron he remains under imestigition front end of the building Savas fell to his death around II -lo p m Thurs I thought it must have been a good size fight da\ from the fourth floor of Slmdials 0 building so I called 'he [ nhct she reported when he reportedly leaned too far over the Berbench said that by thai time thn e pol ce balcony to spit tobicco tht Sinibel Police press cars arrived it the scere ilong v-ilh in ambuhnce release states ond rescue unit Then she reportedly heard a male Officers responding to the call from a Sundial sobbing If I had only then this Kouldn t have resident said they found Savas lying in the park happened Ing lot between 0 and N buildings ,p~ After two of the police cars loft the scene the Accordmg to Dr Janice Herbert assistant -tmbulancc ind rescue unit along with one police medical examiner at the tee County Medical Lx car remained in the parking lot Berbinch said aminer s Office Savas died from multiple Sanibel Police Chief John Duller said \Scilnes traumatic injuries due to a fall a day that it appeared *>avas was dead when pol ce The medical examiners toxicology report which arrived at the scene G A fall from a fQurtkflour balcony at Sundtnls 0 building resulted in the death of 19 year old Rory Saias lait ueefc , "

•WOULD lYbU'llKETO OWN:; CONTRACTOR'S EXAMS 0 j i GULF PINES Sample Exams &°Booka Will Bo Aval able \16thM7th centu(y'.map:orcHarir CLASSES FOB GENERAL»BUILDEt*«RESIOCNTIAL !, An opportunity to create your own ALSO Elcc AIC Plunb Rool Pool 8 Specially Eiams hhddfidd'! FORT MYERS - Wed Match 19th 7 00pm .';.• Or reftroductfoh.lh olMrom South'i multi unit estate within a prestigious KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 1901 Park Meadows Dr ^" America or China? V;.;'. I' J :^ : : subdivision 1 85ccies which ailo\t 4 :• Or'restortf and fram« ybu/oid -; • noKTRACTonS ift« Km^inlai^ building sites $2ci5 000 JXA s pictures??? ^:-.y/:..:'\-:',-^- v.•:" JCKOOU m 1800 82A B704 > tnsi utlors »»\e Been Ie.cn nj ton! jtlois Since 1971 W lh FlotKJa t Mosl tflecl ve Prog am SE: For You se! SHELL ISLAND REALTY Downtown Fort Myipra;'>]i7|Zjfi)wler Stretj tit SAVE THISAD FOR A- 20OOFeriwinkle

:: (situated^near inilqui shops);. (813)472 1011 (613)472 1267 (eves)

Come to Easter Brunch Gulf-Front 1100~am 800pm ' Sunday March 30th Lot SAI AD UAR " X I •>< 1 r lid n Silad MhCIo I o [)i nt,

C LI n IH r in I Soul (ream • RAW UAR Estate sized property. Nearly S II m1 ill (rib S. hi 11 I i 11 I SI n p one and one-half acre parcel (II n II II I SI II SOLI1 (60,000 sq. ft.) situated near 11 I Vs \\ I nlll If LNTRirS west end of West Gulf Drive. '! k (tin I ( I II •. nil II S R 311 b \ I I I Mn I O Magnificent 135 feet of gulf Ml I Mn II < (n si ip I i t Ml I i f frontage provides wide beach I ) \IUI 1-4 M lit\ lit I I al \ L 'II vista. Home-site footprint I ROM THr CHLtS CARVm I n Ji h Ko n 11 i R !> olll f-l \ h already cleared. Water meter H -la Hiki I \ if, i llur already installed. High beach HRrADS AND DrSSfRTS* I I M ts V Mdlt 11 I ridge with native vegetation. si 11 Is jn I t I •* V til) I n I K II / ' ^ rOMI'UMrSl\R\ GLASS Or UI\\f££M Asking $435,000.00. -i Bissell Realty Service Corporation Treetops Center, Suite 103 Sanibel, FL Phone:(813)472-0880 - SANIBEL ISLAND HILTON iNN 93 Cull Dm! San bel Island Honda 339a?

o ISLAND REPORTER a MARCH 27 1986 C 5A the islands Three new shopping centers set to open By Wendy McMullen ith three shopping centers to open next month and one opened hst ycir with W space still to span? would be shopkeepers can take their pick on Sanibel rto.". The Village of Sanibel Islander Pliza and Periwinkle Gardens are all slated to opm in April - or as soon as the city will gml them cer tificates of occupancy Sanibel Promenade opened last November hut has more than halt its units still available Altogether the four shopping centers offer i total of 46 retail units although 70 percent have already been bought or leased The remaining 14 units in the four centers run between $18 and $21 aO a square foot - rpisonabli* enough for Sanibel but nearly double tnc cost of less prestigious units over the Causeway The very visible Sanibel Promenade opposite w Tu.o utht r skofpmg centerr tinted to open in the the post office on Tirpon Bay Road has nine of its months ahead are Sambel I romtnade faboiel and to units still available Developer of this elegant Perxuinkle Gardint llefll — uAo alorg Jitk The ^ shopping center John Van Hecmst hid original!) Vt/laoc rtce ltd Ifteir deitlopment permits prior intended all the 800 squa-e foot Jiills to be sold as to the nty s commercial mtratoninr in Apnl 1985 $130 000 condominiums u Another ufand center uhieh has Ittn undergoing Established island shops alrcidy optn in the considerable renot if ion i> the Istar ier Center center include Shalimar Pieces of Eight and tlL(ou) built around the «'e of the BHne on Oceans Unlimited plus an unusual new store sell Penicinkle Hay ing nothing but real butterflies in boxes Now that Van Heemst has sold sis he is willing lhat since the city had adopted the nrw land use to lease the remainder for an average of $2150 plan and onglnaUy incorporated as as a residential per square foot over a three year period islard it should enourage businesses that pro All but one of the units in The Village of moted a stable economy anJ not ones that thrived Sanibel, which promises to be Sanibel s quaintest for only three or four nonths of the >ear shopping center with its clock towers and in Businesses are needed which provide goods and dividuahzed units have been sold Cost in tHs services to residents and fie hgh rents promoted center is $145 a square foot or $116 000 for an by tourist uses keep them out she said 800 square foot unit Sizes of units have been tailored to the buver in this center and vary from he issue of daytnppers clogging up island 330 to 2 012 square feet ~ roads and using Sanibel as a shopping center was emphasiz-d bj commissioner Mark Slated to go into The Village is a ladies boutl T \\ estall who said there w »re potentially masses of que an import gift shop and a gallery among people who would come over and shop others but sales won t close on units until the city approves certificates of occupancy which "There are hundreds of thousands of people on developers hope will happen this week COMMERCIAL the oth*r side of the causi way waiting to come • from 1A over here and spend (he whole daj going up and Also waiting for city to grant certificates of oc down Periwinkle re said cupancy pending approval of [ts lighting are the would become noneonforming developers of Periwinkle Gardens on Periwinkle Vehement opposition by merchants to this Westall added that if as some opponents of com Way Half the shops in this 11 unit center have limitation because of what many saw as threaten mercial regulations claim there were only a hun already been taken with the Mole Hole moving ing bulldback provisions for noneonforming u«es dred olf island people wanting lo shop on Sanibel there plus a toy shop a ladies boutique and a led city council to rethink the plan Council e* there would bt a natura' can on commercial jewelry store r tended the moratorium so planners could make development -But if there are bund eds ol thousands of peo- Developer Andy Zumlanskl said he would rather revisions not reveal the cost of leasing or buying units in A revised map showing permitted uses restnc ple certainly our roads cint handle them he con Periwinkle Gardens ling tourist related businesses to the Town Center tmued addng that he believed that there were district was displayed Tuesday when p'anmng enough people over the causeway wanting to shop The Islander Plaza on Periwinkle Way site of on Sanibel to justify cov< ring the whole island the former B-Hive is also due to be completed commissioners discussed it in detail and continued mid April although most of the eight un ts - in it to their next meeting with shops eluding the popular Ritzy s Restaurait — are Planning staff said commission action would By the year 20000 L« e County s going to have already open and thriving result in the commercial building moratorium be enough people and that tould be what they d do Still under reconstruction is the B Hive itself lo Ing lilted J Jnc 6 when it n due to empire every weekend come out and looV at the shops if * be remodeled slightly larger and concentrating on J« e don t believe the extension of the we allow every shop to tip a tourist oriented business he asserted c delicatessen foods and specialty groceries as well moratorium Is an option that ought to be cor n Although expressly nda dominant view among n ' as wine and beer sidercd assistant planning director Ken Pfaksr other commissioners \V stall struck a common In the same block as the B Hive will be the told commissioners L The halt on commercial projects was begun cord expressed to city council frogn residents of Fractured Frog a gift and specialty store catering April 6 1985 and has been extended twice Samnel »• as much to islandc-n a» tourists according to Former Mayor Fred \ allin cited daylnppcrs as developer George Kohlbrcnner Jr and Sands of Recent appointee to the Sanibel planning com^ mission Penny Rogers struck the theme the City1 one reason for proposing new commercial rtgula Sanibel a beach shop selling items related to the used to establish new zoning regulations - con .i lions to controll-mushrooming con -nercial growth cern for residential needs as opposed lo the Commissioners explored eliminating Cost of units In the Islander Plaza is US a development of the island as a destination shopp commercially zoned Ian 1 through incentives to square foot ing center with a preponderance of tourist rehletl develop residentiallv A commercial moratorium imposed after the businesses Pfalzer also indicated the <;ily mav back down above shopping centers obtained development per I m not against tourists I m not igamst tour si on a previous plan by restricting tourist uses only mils has stopped 'urlher commercial deve'opment onentid businesses Penny Rogers said addng in the Town Center district a zone which encom on the island at present G3 passes the end of Pern tnkfe \>a> Palm Ridge and Tarpon Biy Riads The former phn call d for tourist t\pe shops to he permitted onlv in a small area incl-Hing" 1 f nwmkle Place ind Tahit ar Ga den shopping S'aff has ah-) backed ofUn establishing a sepante zoro for office uses Rogirs^no but mimlatnid thai whi e phnningiomm ssioners and citv council may not be abl». to take the heal proposing strict reguli lions was a betUr wa> to " Commissioners d d decide Tutsdav « mmprcial uses w >u! 1 be limited lo only one stor> of a building Oiscossion on iht n \ is c-s to commercial - reiji Miot s * ill contir ut in tVe afttrnooti of the S re\t} hnning crmmis'iion mreling April 8 and i whate\rr is decided at that rreetmp will he pjt to c U TO ncii Planning Dnctor i^ruct IloEcr said * i-ew or in n*1 of the business comn utiil\ ^ho * havt prottsted at prm>ui rm ( npsonaTmir ci i\ regt huons »erf present for Tut^ te n ceting comm ««* rn cha rniiin l ( n I rt r | OLI

O <*,


the parking issue finding the incongruity of the situation too much to handle Ice cream parlor As Commissioner Mark Westall pointed out Kleins injured in request takes a licking many Sanibel clothing stores d dn t even allow ice cream eaters inside vacation accident from planning commission Out former assistant city attorrey Stern argued Sanibel councilman Mike Klein and his wife commissioners must have envisioned there would Evelyn were listed in stat le condition at Fort By Earl Hart man be an *ce cream parlor or stand when they approv Myers Community Hospital noon Wednesday ed The Village last year pointing out that it is following an automobile a cident which occurred arry out ice cream in a clothing store proved considered a drawing card to a center while they A ere vacationing in I eru South a sticky business for Sanibel planning Other stores in the city have been permitted for C commissioners Tuesday combined uses but commissioners are still smar The Kleins were flown from Peru to Miami by Commissioners denied s request from a business ting over a rebuke by city council when they ap air ambulance following their accident which in owne- in The Village a shopp ig center now near proved two shops of unlike purpose for the volved a truck aid a coaci Both were transported ing completion on Periwinkle Way for a Periwinkle Place arnex more than a year ago and from Miami to Fort Mycri Community Hosp tal conditional ust permit for an ice cream takeout mentioned the fact Tutsday where they were being treated ttr their injuries parlor on one side of hit clothing s ore It wisn t going to happen again it was ap Mike Klein'was reported by Sanibel Mayor Business owner Keith Owens requested the parent t outse Johnson as being bruised and cut but parlor through attorney Jerry Stern who argued Although Tnc Village was permitted under not severely hurt His wile was reportedly more that no di.velopmc-nt permit wai mtdcdr* previous standards the ice cream parlor was a seriously injured but ma* listul in stable condi At issue according to planners was sufficient conditional use therefore parking standards of j t» n as of Wednesday parkin? spates Under ntw land dLvc'opmtnt coJi the new rode applied Pfalrer said I urthtr informition comrning the accident inc. regulations Owens il dn L ha\e enough parking to Th s led to a i ntn mous denial of pLrmi^sion for extent f mjur ts was unavailable at deadline allow a clothing store and an ICL eriam [ arlor he ic*» cream outlet in The \ illagc and a recom thev said rncndalion to city council that it bt drnictf if tin But commissioners hid a hard time sticking t > owner appeals their ihciiiun



X n

DE-AN Paintings Sculpture

v Lennar Homes brings the American Dream home to you FLORIDA'S FINEST LIVING!!! BESSON Gibied roofs colon ill arched »akways Bull FROM breakfast bars separate >our ipjcous well equlppi Watercolor Constructions k Ichen from * formal d nine area In door "out it nor I

_u ire how b g luiur wn» »nd well, $44,640 The public is cordially wicedTouria^eSu^merlnHoadBrovideiouck'aBur home designs ire JPU *OT t hel e*e how they c jft^/sMVVS 0PEtl DWLY invited to view their £*• to S»n b.1 For Mjer, B.ach Shopp nf fcenlen J&> V^JcCcJ? Malli and the Souih»f*t Flor da Reg onat Jelpflrt }?». aw/ H 10AM e PM new works ' Continuing thru April 1 — Custom Framing — 1628 Periwinkle Way Heart of the Island Shopping Plaza (Across from Dank of the Islands) South Florida's #1 Builder Sat Mon 9 30 5 ISLAND REPORTER MARCH 27 1956 1 7A

Build or remodel with an expert! Mark McQuade .GENERAL CONTTIACTOR

Spcclillzlng In commercial, rcsldcntht and custom construction Over 21 years on the Islands 472-2713 PO DOX? CACTIVA FLORIDA 3 1924 394 Estero Blvd XNNow, Sanibei friends, a Gulf from

Now condo is available to you at an Serving Breakfast! affordable price!* See what unique Fort Myers Beach has to ofler BREAKFAST BAM 11 30 A M LUNCH • Fresh Fru 1 Bow s 1130 AM 4 PM • Homemade Soups • Crossants 1 • Creative Sand* che ^ Prices from $139,000 • Bag es * C earn t Fried Cncken Cheese • C IspGaden* Call 463 3178 lor preview of furnished model * Eggs Bered cl Seafood Salads • Capt va Hash 2 bedroom 2 bath w'th den 1600 sq ft'

-OR CARRY OUT- •TIL 8PM 472-2804 Island Shores Everything you d ever A WHOLE OWMERSHIP CONDOMINIUM want fro7 ] a Del! Offered by the Hussey Co Realtors Din* Intldt or oui — «• re on Andy Bo 2450 Estero Blvd 463-3178 NO TRAFFIC JAMS ALLOWED ON PALM ISLAND

JUST HOURS AND HOURS OF BEACH TO EXPLORE No fines or crowds. No toQ booths Old Florid) style vacation homes and Jounces - one owAx*lng our blend u no bridges. No tan or tnida. No tnaSc villas tucfecd tn among the palms beoch and one overiooMng ow hist mfle after mfle of *cduded and sea oau. /U orertoota fhe Out of mainland yacht harbor bcacfaa and Wdden ooTO. Me«ko and some are presently VFhcre do you Hnd (hto WandT punctuotcd \JJ swknoilnj foou, mtiable (or waton rertal cr jxirhosc How do you get to kT (acuals. and tamta ooiots. Tl»ese wcation homo indude a M £atf tu today to arrange a vbfc to or qufcc island VfeTc docs than Bto^w ff cofii^Hedcflt, oi ruoft amenDCS^ kidudbt( two nsUtonmts and you tyt hfc Aiom tfw Guff beach yotfl Bnd

7092 tHaada Rd Cape Haze, Ha 33M6 813/697 1445

Pcprcscnted on Sanibel & Captrra by lohn Ndumann & Associates Inc PnsciUa Murprrj Wcalty Inc. Resorts 472 3121 472IMI tiiachfwnl 1 Iloaluif, Uisorls Licensed Real Estate Brokers

O BA LJ MARCH 27 1986 u ISLAND REPORTER city development permit to remove the pool The per Problem pool case mil was nevir picked up laCroix said A build ng permit to Ho the actual work has yet COTI urges voters goes back to court to be applied for I aCroix said In the meantime fine* of $100 a da> totalled to support By Earl Hartman near!) $35000 when the CLB held additional election changes he city waited The Code Enforcement Board levies m abeyance until court ncli< n was complete waited But the offending pool builder failed Retroactive fines can be ma K however for The 400 strong citizens gVptp Committee of (he T to act and now the court will have to hear everj day tht pool is not in compliance The city Islands is urging all Sain£*yvoter" to attend the the case again uannot foreclose on tl c property lince the proper next city council meeting April 1 at 3 p m to ptess This the laatest move in an 18 month battle with ty falls uader Florida homestead ISM and ltd liens (or changes in election procedure so that can Bruce Genunzm whose pool at 2897 Island Inn against tt will expire within two jcars dtdatcs for city counc 1 i\re elected by popular vote Road violates Simbel codes Now a motion for con The contempt motion filed by I jCroix can bi instead of running for a particular seat tempt has been filed by Sanibel City Council and handled bj tht judg,t in onp ol tt ree ways Ccnun \t presen' candidates run for a specific seat a is to be decided in court April 30 zio can be jailed fined or given more 'imi la procedure COTI claims deters some candidates Genunzio was ordered by the court in December Croix sa d > from running and encouraf es late declaration of to remove the above, the groun ] pool he d con The CEB has been continuing the cast monthly candidacy structed more than a year ago which violates city since January on their atiornty s advicr \lthough The popular vnte is also fairer because can . setback and covtrage requirements He had 30 it appiars on the agenda little c mment n made didites wit*i the greatest number of voles win the davs to apply ft.r necesstry permits and 10 da>s tnd the oily action taken it to continue It furthtr stats ard not tnose running against the least thereafter to remove the pool or modifv it IO it ' In other CF B action th'* month they (ound pop jlar incuirbents its pr< pon^nts cla m complied James Boon guilty of vbtating standards for use The change in election procedure has bepn spon Modifying it required he cut off s portion of thia of fill at the rnr of the Hangkok Hu iae restaurant sored jointly by COTI and by the Condominium pool at la)7 Periwinkle Way and found Manljn and Association of Sanibel Inc V The date passed and Genunzio hid done » Cfista Howmin guilty of viohting the outd wr o •• nothing according to Divid I aCrotx cit> at displaj ordinance at A Bit of \mbrosia on I aim torney Later he dtd apply for and was ISSULC! a Uidgc Road

466-4545 Kin_slott Square PIZZA H MCGREGOR BLVD GRAND OPENING OF OUR DINING AREA CALZONES • SUBS Why don t you/om the thousands who have DINNERS shopped in our umqw store purchased lr«W EGGPLANT PARMESIAN SABRETT HOT DOGS SPAGHETTI FETTUCINI Snfiulj Antique 3mpartm,3\\t. DAILY SPECIALS OPENDAILYHAH II P M SUN 4 P M 10PM v 11763 S Cleveland Ave Ft Myers • 939 4223

25% to 50% EVERYTHING



WOMENS SPORTSWEAR by ' ALL PANAMA JACK • SEQUEMED DRESSES / 70 off 25% off <£$» $125.00 • ROMPERS B/ EILEEN COTTOh and PE^LINI TEE SHIRTS $1.99 to $3.99 $7.50 • IhDIA RUGS (26x36) $19.99

MCGREGOR POINT SHOPPING CENTER Corner of Gldd olus and McGteqor DKd »— j g^ Starting April 1st ;PE ^LSALE Mon _Thurs Q_8 Fnday 9_g «* New HOMrs Mon-Sat 433-4044 Satuiday 9-6 Sunday 11-6 ,"\~l 10-b Sun 11-4

O w^-m^vm^ar

=0. t£

ISLAND REPORTER rfMARCH 27, 1936.0 9A, city , tf CLOCK TOWER NOT STREET GRAPHIC: Gary Price, city manager, "that is what con- The i"lock in the.tower which will rise shortly ' stitutes a graphic." ;,'..;, *?..., : ,": Bridge repairs: dates ^ abovt* the Black Pearl shop on Periwinkle Way \ • Were it a graphic, either the ciock or the sign, will n.qt.be astreet graphic^Sanibel council ••"--• not bothVyiuld be used: <*-' " ~ - announced for ,,-.'•;• : members ruled last week. •-•• '• '' ""'•'• . . -• •n Councilmen saw it as a "fine lint-" and Mayor late night closures >-*?• Ownersjif the new business, EdUon Properties, .Louise Johnson agreed hut voiced concern that the •;&• A • . • ";•• ". • - ••'". • • &•- which will occupy the former shell and craft, shop; clock did not touch olf the creation of a "linn of ; ; Samuel's causeway drawbridge will be dosed, to.-- received "approval recently for the tower structure "clocks up ami down Periwipkle." ' 1 vehicles except for brief "periods from mfdnight to , itself .but planning commissioners left Ihe graphics A motion by Councilman Francis Bailey was 6 a.m. from April 30 to May 12 and from midnight decision up'to'cftycouneiL .--i-. _^ refined by city attorney David LaCroix whereby to, 6 a.m. from May 27 to June 9 for phase two of With council's decision, the path is clear Tor the • the dock wouid.be interpreted not to be a streel - scheduled repairs.y". 'r'~' y owners to have their sign on the building's'front -, graphic as long as it mot standards (or compatibili- First phase, replacing electric power cable to as well. V " .'•-. ~ ty, style, size, lighting and other criteria of the the drawspan, took place Mar. 18 2^, with the.-, Dick Baker, city code enforcement officer, told planning staff. ..-••* ,«' - ... bridge closed to boat traffic, .7 ..v.. -! _. council he interpreted the clock to be an animated. Owners of the new project told the Island. Phase two operations will allow vehicles to cross^ sign according to the ordinance and thus not allow- Reporter they.were impressed by Sanihel's strict the drawspan between pile driving operations two ed.^": -•-.-. . ••• standards and codes and found them compatible to three times per night but there will be long „ "It's obviously to attract attention," commented with their thinking and plans. : waits, according to information from Lee County's " bridge engineer. •'' ,: Work in progress will be the replacement of the channel bumper system, pilings which protect the bridge from boats passing through t!ie span. Provision for emergency medical transportation - fn>m the islands is assured. City Manager Gary -'-.- Price told city council last week.CX* "" -

Ribs the Island Way . % NOW OPEN! s SmoVed with Buttonwood Doctor's Office .A P Kal-fu Chow, M.D. Baby Back Ribs Special - $9.95 Lisa D. Ghow,M.D. Regular Ribs - $8.95 > INTERNAL MEDICINE Buttonwood Bar B Q] -Just before Blind Pass " OPEN 7 DAYS IV A.M: TO 9 P.M. railsmen 5^cw theif taents oil 'ALSO CARBV-OUT - 472-1910 -'."m tr»S Shop! UuVUfiS .-'•••

.'pnnts. embessmgs. paoer ^sti^i, taiVets. taiiery am]

stain g!aw tfttated 6y Oyan ,T- (ownei of Hiesnopj.-Thertis' "poiliutMETlasi" wroetting to everyone .,. tiDu'rOus select^n ol via * Slop By tcfliy.^ rui8 MX. VISA. AE •54P»rlwlnkliPlrca. Make your building experience a pleasant one Pron* 472-42M

1 : t '' '* Quality custom residential, cprrvnerciBl and ;., : rernodeTingvvorkcompletedonti~nesndwitninyotj^ ; .. J •;•.•;; budget. • •'• .'u'y '•;,-" - ••, •'•'.. . '.,.• :] * r»fi*DIEE OF SANIBEL - SFLORIDA E'eo Wis the Irofxs *itn a

* I3U Pe'lMlnkl* Plica " Phon»47Z-3M1 o • TrE IEACH HOUSt The tines! se^tciion of s*i/n*tar ' and beachAear j*a'ts you at ' coward-Winning THE IEKCH HOUSE. Cai'yirg suc^iadeis as: E. Slwan. -1 Goitfi..DtWeese, Rounn«. "PiereCardif'.'Coie. . '. Slapemaid. UBianca. Catanra. Sea Waves awl many. ACCEFI-ING more . . . Come In i^d see this sea sen's latest styles a-VJ calo J. THE BEACH HOUSE RESERVATIONS " MC .. ': VIM TStrau&trry • izPirlwtnkltPlK* Ptttn* 472-2511 EASTER SUNDAY : "- , • THECHOCOlJSrE •' STRAWBEflRY. This is - Serving 11:30 A.M.-9 p.m. V Sinifceis tonpieie 9OUT:TWI '.-. cti«oUt( shop. Mine We will be offering our chocoUics aie hind dipped ant full course award-winning 'handmade from mpwted : : fdcnm Swiit Chocolate. "-' Dinner Menu -.. lmwitd fruit is hanC dipped ap'ons and kn%ts visit ir^fl .. in.ctiDcoiaie lor a delightful U'tprttiarti Zttiu. They Treat . . . Cr enjoy nontnufle riave crvtt 100 shapes ol too* gourmet *s or r Carolina visit Iho Little: Eurier (ce Deam Ut', ' irinutes. Conte Gy am) si V Full Bar Service. All malorcredil cards . \i. CaptivaIsland . ;."• * ,, • 472-555B *32 Parimnkla Pitca

o sy^v^ijss?^


1QA O MARCH 27 1986 Cl ISLAND REPORTER sanibel cities on the bis is (f population Brooks and Hermes Council to question I ast fiscal >tar Sanibil received $7 312 •*•! from the county on occupational license taxes collected candidates for double job licence tax hy the county or 1 6J percent of the total it col By tail Hartman lected IWA board ° 1 Some Honda counties I aCroix noted gne Two new directors wi'l be elected to tht. board Can bo h Sanibel anil Leo County charge loca businesses credits toward county license taxes for of the Island Water Association Mcnda> April 14 businesses an occupational license tax? the portions of such taxes they d paid a municipal! with candidates Cloyce II Brooks and James Evidently they can according to information ty This is not required b> law however Hermes both supported by the board o( direilo-s provided last week by City Attorney David In the final anal) sis council decided thur only Brooks B Sanibel re idenl for seven years has LaCroix recourse to this double taxation was to gtt the law been finance officer for the Sanibel Capttva And council doesn t like it one bit chafed American legion and Secretary treasurer for the I think if the business is exclusively on Sanibtl A suggestion by City Managtr Gary Price that Retired Officers Association He was formerly and pays a license that should be it Councilman the issue be taken to the Florida League of Cities Chief of i oreign Train ng for the Pentagon Fred_Va1tin declared the municipal loboy to the stale legislature nut L Hermes is currently serving as treasurer for the Bui if it is the law we may have to concede to with council consent IWA-board and is a director on the board of the tt he added A formal request for action from the areas Saiibcl Captiva Chamt er of Comnerce A resident LaCroix said the citj has a right to levj occupa legislative delegation was withcld two weeks r of Sanibel since 1972 1 e w*s president of Bank of tional license taxes by Florida statute as dots the while league help is sought for the issue J the Islands until las yrar He now has his own county so long as the county divide the 'ax with business Vtinged Sandals which recently produc ed a videotape of the island^ He has also been president of the 1 Ions Club Members of l\\ A m ly vote by proxy or cast ballots at the April U meeting at Sanibel Com tminit> Association building Periwinkle Way itegiHlratu n will take place between 9 and 10 a m ^

J GULFFRONT » SANIBEL ARMS WEST } Vim * Corner — 1st door 2 bedroom 2 balh Antique Center £ steeps 6 Beauliluily furnished Pool ten Special Oak & rVahogany Armo rs J125 * nls, boat dock, sun deck, storage Low Solid Oak £ Mahogany Beveled Mirrors * maintenance Excellent rental record FAST SERVICE Pianos Curios Armoirs Buffets J See this, you II love It' FAIR PRICES Stained Glass Windows Wash Stands J $189 900 * HALF-MILE EAST OF US41 „„ „„„- 2051 BEACON MANOR DR nOR EQflfi SOUTH FORT MYERS 9OD'OOO9 J 472-4132 I (behind Days Inn) 300"UtUU


12999 McGregor Blvd. Suite 119 — Tropicana Mall (Opposite Circle K FoodStore). 466-1670 SANIBEL^S OUTSTAiNDINCiF RESENTXHON 1'

WE SELL FOR LESS SALE STARTS MARCH 27-APRIL 2 a Cigareties wi Popular Brands | pack king 100 s | $•109 Featuring Sanibei's shells lovingly hand-crafted In solid 14K gold.

Ear Piercing,u Watch Batteries Jewelry repair done on premises

Free gift trapping always


o ISLAND REPORTER iVi MARCH 27, 1966 • 11A

•)•, v'', Belly-Op to Our Weekend Buffet ...a marathon of good eating HESSLER ROLLS OUT THE CARPET FOR SANIBEL... SAVE UP TO 40% Ail You Can Eat , JustSI0.9S» ON MILLIKEN AREA RUGS TODAY! [_ - * Moimalta • Pasiichio • lamb • Mossier C upet- m S v kkVon iM2r5lCl*,olmjA. r ; ROIH Sirloin o( Bcc( saveupto40°ccr i™» wim J^IH ', :' Slnffed Gripe U'ivei • F.ih PlaVi ' ; Greek Silid • Bikfj.] • 4 More Every Fri. & Sat Night Sprri- 10pm ; Regular and Children"! Menu - New low price. . 6'x9' rugs start at Just $149' •^-"Aho Available . • .•' .i • Many more Mill Ken rugi on sile Daily Luncheon & Dinner Special! •Wall to will cirpet avmg • Wood and vinyl lloot'rg < ' Enjoy Our Authentic • - on sale 1 r " Grerk Belly Dancer. Two • Specialpnceson i * * *. custom dn penes ^ *" " Shows Every Friday & Saturday Night. ,

ALL YOU CAN EAT iw^$ -mu~- ••• ••••^ BUFFET-NIGHTLY

An Island ; Tradition ^9 , Since 1957 coconut

RESTAURANT &J.OUNCE . . s In BailcyV Center .:- Corner oCTarpon 6ay Road and Periwinkle Wiy - 'Mon.-Sat. 11 AM to 10 PM, Sum 8 AM to 9PM 472-1366 COUPON OUR GIFT Your choice of a FREE glass of our line house wine TO YOU;; or a piece of our delicious baklava dessert. • Prestige Gulf Front Condominiums . . . 'IWvacy '3? :-;.y

sij^At Junonia, this spacious three : bedroom unfurnished condominium ^priwides spectacular Gulf-front ;view, ;with pool and tennis shared with only /itsev/en other owners. $329,000,00. •

^Consider Sayana of Sanibel for your Gulf-front lifestyle. Just a few Beachroad Villas owners share the pool and tennis on Centrally located on Sanibel Island are v 1* site. Comfortable two bedroom, -' three attractive duplexes for an ideal two bath furnished apartment for" island residence. A lakefront view is ,;••;.:;• ! ;v. only $299,000. : - , shared by each two bedroom, two bath unit along with swimming pool and storage areas. At $109,000, you can en- joy over 1100 sq. ft. of living space. , ; •"""• :.- Contact: » -' MIKEROBIDEAU

Bissell Realty Service Corp. Treetops Center, Suite 103 M, Sanibel, FL- Phone 813-472-0880

o *1 ..J


- \

All natural Ingredients. Trees Sky Wate- Sun They are art,integra'part of ihn Country House because I ke every Acorn* home it was designed to f t naturaly into its environment It also demonstrate! Acorn s adeptf ess at creating a !- houw that lulWK individual spat al needs and pte erences ndud ng the HideABedroom. desire lor ene gy saving technology Why not create two rooms in one! Hide a comfortable TN; strudire of a sutcwS^I house. Aeon ia1^ reptesentat ves bed in a Murphy Bed watt system and with a (&ck arc^-rtKts and engrneers arc e»pert at mak ng anj Acorn you choose to of the wrist your bedroom becomes a spacious don or your land your'fesVe and your budget home office wilh your ch&ce of colors and style options 5cnd fpf yptir Agorn Horn^ Rytfol'O w-th Step by and we! demonstrate the mage ccfat photographs and floor plans of 50 df$I2



Oysters Romanoff -; Muiaeiain;daryic-^^tuffe^rtushrooms-i i p p .;Ertiea^heese^cfhIcken:FInger»^;SMp^er'^ ' Scallops -r.Cocoiiiii FH^i Shr|fmp,;-^:5vrordHsli:'^-:-FioUnd«r-'^ Grouper I^SOMP of; ihie;Se»^ •. MIgn^:^S^i»IC:iD^leb'ii^Mfliigrow;steak:^ Eye;StiM(k;i--v ^JBaby-iiBiacjK^RIbs-!^Chekikl Chicken:---*C(li^n^horiiyalc^i -^ Li^uiiil'|^:Parta Prim«vera;^FettuccliifcAli^^ esssi ; Jteuibch;Sa(ndwictr-^" French Dip',•£_',CraJjipeaiBuirgey.-^;C;HM$ej Burger — Fresh Fish Sandwich — Garden Salad — Spinach Salad 1 — i Plneaf iple Boat SSeafipo^ .Chowder£ov''^'Ixp-ffi^jr':^''^'"I'i

1', ''


•• ^OPEN DAILY Ui30 AMI AM, . -ri-ATl NlTjE FARE 16 M.V.'AM. : VHOUt3Ai7

On Periwinkle acr«s« fr«m Iht Gulf


Proclamation, not picnic, for National Volunteers Week . & * It isn t th it Sinibel s manv voluntrcr;. artn t ip predated — thty an. uty council m l it cliar last WLett — but a picnic to honor them yearlv could become pro forma they siul tnd (kudiii not to repeal last yoir s n\L renew e\nt again this \car Mayor 1 omsc Johnson brought, jp thi. sjbjLCt suggesting another tvenl similar lo last year s successful appric ilton picnic held by the nlv for volunlcm during N-itioml \ olunteir *\ eck in April She even asked if it wouldn t bt good to tie. it tn with a community diy celebration and make it an annual affair When you go back any annua1 community day involves everybody because at some time the) h°]p in the community she commented KITE Last jear s Appreciation Da> picnic cosl undtr S3 000 with entertainment and attracted appro* • from 1A Imately 325 guests City Manager Gary Price said Price noted No permit had been applied for but Councilman Fred Valtin said he feared an an it (the 'estivall had gotten toboa problem when nual event would become blase and that peoplt oter 1 000 people showed up We did suggest that would come to take it for granted a different weekend be considered City officials Something every five years would be better ht expressed surprise that the festival had been said suggesting that the city s 15th anniversary moved off the island was in three years and a celebration should be We couldn t be Mtiered with t*ie hassle said considered then Pat St Cyr who with husband ioc Si Cyr owns Johnson conceded to this consensus and Toys Ahoy! which sponsored the island event declared she would instead make a proclamation So Toys Ahoy! joined mth UBB1I TV Coke and for National Volunteer U. eek April 20 26 to Arby s to cosponsor the rew Come Fly a Kite Pay recognize the city s many volunteers D over the causeway in Fort Myers Registration for the event begins tX 9 s m and all events are free The confot is held in four age divisions junior under 12 teen 13 to 17 adult 18-49 and senior 50 plus ^ Awards for the smallest largest best decorated and most unusual design will be gnen as well as awards for the most kites on a string the best stunt kite and top comtnetcul kite F'yers will have five minu es to make their kites fly and b-eeze or no breeze they \e all got to stay up there at least 60 *econds They won I he able to gua-snlee b breeze but on hand to watch the kites fly mil be Jim Farrell and Tom Rector oi the TV 20 weather team

Guaranteed Used Car & Boat Ads THE GUARANTEE Your ad n 4 papers for 3 necks 25 words for S2S OOprepad If your car or boat docsn l sell UP 11 run ^our ed for 3 more weeks FREE* Ava lab1* lo private parly ads only <^ 466-0500 San*bel litand Reporter UB Souih Foil Mycis OWrver Foil Myen Beach Observer tVv Classified x - hFHOb For More Details D


THE DUST MAGNET 90 electrostatic air filte' effectively cleans your air between ' 99%duslFREEl $149 TOTAUYINSTAUEO * 5YEABWABRANTY CALL TODAY FOR YOUR PERSONALAPPOINTMENT 334-1660 KeepngSW Flo diComhrtabkS nee 1966 YORK.

CLimRTE C0I1TR0L TflRRf, IRC. CORNER OF i tnmiHKLE WA,Y AND PALM RIME R3AO (813) m 9 66 '".14A"EJ MARCH 21, 1986 •;: ISLAND REPORTEF ' sanibel

fighter pilot and spent 11 months in Rj-u-hu. -o Guffey given a^ •[••_ Japan! as a prisoner of war, asked Adams to be lej ^ three-year sentence .. Adams then sentenced Guffey to three years in prison forthe Vvb. I2,~ 1985, armed robbery of Vhi- , Southeast Hank office in Tort Mycrs.The judge ." - for bank robfcferies also sentenced him for tin: Dvt,. 12,1*J84. strong- ; By Paul Luthrtngcr :-£•--" T •. arm robbery of the Centrist Federal Savings and . l,uan office on College Parkway and the Nov. ti, • • = ormer Donax Street resident Janes Harry.. ., 1984. slroiiic-arm heist at the Citizens Federal Sav- Guttuy, dubbed ihe.senior citizen robber for ings and Loan office on Mctlregorittvd.1' -:•-•;, F his role in three mainland bank robberies in .• He did not order Guffey to pay restitution fur .. • '84 and '85, was sentenced last week to three '.' •. the J9.22G that officials of the financial institutions : -years in prison by Hendry Circuit Judge'James * say he robbed from them. Police repott= indicated ; Adams. "; ~ . ••.' '. '-'•-, that Guffey stole about $22,000 in the robberies. *' ._ •-..-.- Hut.Assistant State Attorney Lise Crane Tuley .,-• Hank employees identified Guffey in the 1984 \ " i said she would appeal the sentence because .., robberies as the man who held them tip,with what ,., -••$$ 62-year-old Guffcy was sentenced to 1 Va years less appeared to he a hand grenade. He was not charg ' (has he agreed "when he pleaded no rentest to the ed with armed robbery in these two heists --V robbery charges in January. ...; '• :" i? because witnesses could rot positively identify the : : At that time he agreedto be sentenced to -V/i ,-?grenade as real. - ' " - . years in prison, the minimum penally recommend- -•:._ Gutfey was arrested on charges of rohbing the ' ed .by state guidelines, " ' -... [' - ' ,; two financial insttutions and released on bond Jan. Tuley said Guffey was sentenced less thanthe ; 30,1985. "fhen he was charged with the armed rob guidelines because Judge Adams was apparently •bery of ihe^Sofitheast Bank because he brandished impressed by Guffcy's war record. • .'}; o ^. what police described as a semi automatic pistol as "

"I do not consider an honorable discharge a ].. ^well as a hand grenade. -• .- • " • .' t^ -•• • '•• - -• license to steal,"'Judge Adams told Guffey. '• Since his arrest in Keb. 1385 for that robbery; '- "Neither do I think a fellow wh'd has done what :• he has undergnnp open heartiurgery and ha^. : • you've done should die in prison." : -'•'.• •-•• been behind bars eyer.sircr. He has already serv- Guffey, who told the court he was shot down fly- ed V/i years of,Ms ihree-ycar sentence.G ing a mission over the Philippines as a Navy-it:

-The Game's Not Over Until You " ' SANiBEL AND CAPTIVA'S Have a ball : Visit Mulligan's Restaurant '"; .ri at the Dunes Golf and and Lounge at the Dunes!' - "COMPLETE Tennis Club! - : ~ ftWRflS ONLY IS IK)IE GOIF (lOCHM- HEALTH STUDIO miffing tj'^rT, ,„. r;!l: ;" Call 472-2628" ;^ . ''

Sx,rA\hve-™sk v.v;'. 2353'"Periwinkle Way F!TN€SS L (Behind Burger Emporium) \ 9§r FORUM ~ Sanibel Island f: FREE WORKOUT DAY *[ This couporf good for one day use of weight ~| training equipment and exercise class. .,. 'J



< I Ull SlUTr, mcily furnish! d with good news $152 000 unfurnished COMPASS I'OlNTfc — two bLdrooms two baths with dtn or breakfast room This unit is a penthouse with your own privite roof top sundeck Never been rented and is furnished beautifully All of Mm for $295 000 COQUINA BEACH 629D - F.rst Floor Two Bedroom Two Bath Good Rental history completely furnished for only $149 000 o o GULFSIDE PLACB • Located at 1600 Middle Gull Dr is without question the premier Condominijm on Sanibel "• Featuring 84 residential units (30 day minimum rentals only) on 18 acres of manicured landscaping two heated pools SK tennis courts t»o saunas and much more Each two bedroom two balh plus den or uinc bedroom than bath plus den unit has an unobstructed beachfront view All come with every kitchen appliance imaginable Make an appoint ment now to vie* the islands fluent 1 •III.! llulr in I In SOLD ' S1" > IJUO 1 nluriish d rr l'lll huln ni I I" SOI I)"1 "I'll"!' < nfnrni-ri I -313-3 bedroom three Dain with den $549 600 FURNISHED © • •207 . 2 bedroom two ISOLD den S360 000 FURNISHED -106 - 2 bedroom 2 bair with den $112000 furnished KINGS CROWN "107 • Huge Three Bedroom Two Bath with Den Great Low Density proiecl Just remodeled and prired to sell at J375 000 Furnished • OCtAN S RhACH " *" "2A2O- GULF FRONT two bedroom two bith second floor unit Offered at J168 000furnished "~ POINTE SANTO do SANIBEL - IMAGINE Ten Highly Landscaped Acres Of The most popular rental resort proper <-' ty on Sanibel Pomte San'o features unique Spanish style architecture tennis shuffleboard pool Jacuzzi and a recreation program for children and adults alike Every one. two, or three bedroom unit has a fantastic view of the beach We have a large inventory of units for sale and rent in all buildings and floors All Fourth floor umis have a private rooftop sundeck CALL NOW TO VltW THE BEST FOR YOURbELF •A-4 - GROUND FLOOR GULF FRONT WRAP-AROUND VIEW OF POOL AND BEACH This 2100 sq It 3 bedroom two bath with Fit room says it all in luxur) Furnished for $460 000 Terms •B-22-Secdhd floor Two SOLD*00*111 Good rental History and Furnishings SELLER FINANC ING AVAILABLE ^"^" flit 26-Second floor two bedroom two bath with great vicwland an excellent rental hist(ir\ S furnished ^ ^ *B-33 • Third floor Two Bedroom, Two Bath Spectacular furnishing! in soft blue piste') Muit be seen $245 000 Furnished Seller will consider trade ": •B-42 • FOURTH FLOOR BEACH VIEW PENTHOUSE V.1TI1 PRIVATE ROOF TOP SUNDECK Large Two Bedroom, Two Bath with a fantastic rental history $275 000 Furnished Seller will consider L trade for low density West Gulf Dr unit •B-47 - CORNER ONE OF A KIND FOURTH FLOOR PENTHOUSE W ITH TRLMENDOUS GULF FRONT VIEWS Furnished with everything down to electric drape openers Great buy for only S295 000 Furnished „ _T 0 "^ *C-26-TwooULiDwo3atliwithaGulfViewfromallrooms Priced for immediate , ° •C-45 • RARE THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH FOURTH FLOOR PENTHOUSE WITH PRIVATE ROOFTOP SUNDECX1 Unbeheveable viewa for only $315 000 Furnished "D I-Ground floor two bedroom two bath COMPLETE"! \ hEMODLLEJ beautiful unit Priced at S241 500 furnished ( •D-31 - BEST BUY IN C0MPU.X" Two Bedroom Two Bath just remodeled Fucellent rental i History Fully furnished $219 000 •D-16 - SUPER TWO BEDROOM. TWO BATH FOURTH FLOOR PENTHOUSE THIS IS ONE YOU MUST SEE IT WILL NOT LAST LONG Good Terms priced at $270 000 Furnished •E-7 - GROUND FLOOR BEACH FRONT THREE BEDROOM, Two bath Just Remodeled Just step's to the bf ach Spend one night with us and you will never want to leave Priced at $337 000 Furnished Has almost 117,000 gross rental income booked for 1985/19S6 winter X *E-22 - Second Floor Beauty, with both pool and Beach Views Two Bedroom Two Bath all new Fur nlshings Seller will trade for Beach Front House Priced $254 900 Furnished *£-33 Two bedroom two balh plus DEN Beautifully furnished plus great gul'views $278,500 fur LOTS — POINCIANA CIRCLE — Building lot little cleTring required $35 000 Owner will offer tirsnring - <= SANIBEL ARMS WEST •C-7 • BEACH HIONT, SECOND FLOOR BfcAUH Quiet East end of Island with Superior rentals $199 500 Furnished cir\T T\ «D 2 - GULF FRONT, firsiaULL) tifull> furnished $195 000 •, ^F-4 GULF ?»G:;T ;,r»i n^r:;;:;: •«•.:: „.:!:;;::: :r::, r:"™ "99 son u,,,iY^ SAND POINTE •134 - two bedrooms, two baths very nicely furnished with great golf views and fabulouf rental history $210 000 SHOREWOOD »3B - GULF FRONT PENTHOUSE with all the state of the art amenities including a pmate roof top sundeck This HUGE THREE BEDROOM comes with a $10,000 furniture package THIS MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED $J50 COO Furnished r. , SUNDIAL • One of Sanibel'a finest rental properties offering 13 tennis courts, three pools, restaurant, lounge and much more Sundial offers one, two and two bedroom with a den units, with views and prices for everyone " r *C201 • One Bedroom (COT T) 'errific starter unit Outstanding rental 'ncome HURRY THIS WILL GO QUICK $129 600 Furnished O\JUU H107 — one bedroom, one bath TIGUACAY " , «, •489 - Unique Gull Front one of a kind Townhouse Two Bedroom, Two Bath and a half FOUR UNIT COMPLEX. THIS IS THE LAST DEVELOPER UNIT, AND HE SAYS SELLI1I ALL offers considered, priced it $415,000 DUPLEX • DUNES - Three Bedroom, Two and a half Bath on lake, short distance to clubhouse Easy to see come on by $147 000 unfurnished — ^ HOMr S MIDI)] h (•[ I.I- lillltr rhriL Itufnurnii Ivtn Kith pool Humi ovirlimknK I.M inursr WilkinR ("istince to beach $260100 unfurnishtil (tUMIIOIIMHO-S'Hiiiiniiirnir I lu. ilrmim 2 lulh feiluns iluiinmr furnishing fin place cenlral vacuum mil many m in> i xlr i1. I'rirni %\fib '00 furnishid bAMIIbl I \hf l-ST\TfS twolK'lroom two bath new hoire wit1! all appliances and ON A I AKE All of this for $131 500 " Mil h ItllH.I- I riMii.1 ! , ill in Ihnt Uilr, ,m'- 1» ibilh h mi, wilhnr imir f!«M rs ptush carpelirR fireplace with bjill in hitknsis mil ill l> (M.f th( lini i| | li mr« s rhl^ hnmt is ilso bt int, off« n d wilh i one nar least back ifdisind S\MHH ltl\l K IS! \lhs Him hdrnmis iv, t li ilhs with i firiilv nnmi mil sen mid pool plus deeded In uh miss I'm il il Snilllllll <£

O •f^

< 1

/four m^ to get more Florida

\ IP has the only on site real csuk office it South S*.as Plantation VIP has more listings and is responsible for mon. sales, Our sales staff has more knowledge and aperttnee mth South both in unilsand dollars than all other RLALTORS* combined i Scis propcrt> the report resort prognrm-ind activates 3 | VIP is responsible for i ™t m ijonts of all salts at Sojlh \1P is the #\ Independent Real Estate Compam. Seas Plantation in Southwist Honda with convenient ofTkcbthrouehout "4the an.i

BLACIUIONtt S« —1493 000 — Two Bedroom/Two Htlh Hut Loft CllhkJd SlMf7Kt52 6 MARINA Mil A TIK Beach Homes otTtr the ult male in private lsla K! living within a residential resort contmun l\ I j Supcrblv located in a private «ting overlooking the on 1700 feet orCulf from igc thoc veclmkii hows ft uurerooni>two three -uuirourbedtDtxiitTonrplaiis GuIlof\L\ico I'nchlandSourd andflrSaithScas yadit hartxsir tne \ lanna \ illas fcatuic a Hcnd of com custom designed foi Ik perfect blind of indoot and f outdoor living All sited on lien\ il> nooded s tcs v. ih tntabk slandUing ^ihmaxnum patecfTiCKncy mature tropical vegetation ThcdcliehtfultwobcdnxKii tuQhalliflotwpIans re ho iscd m four tm Wings (en JIIIIS eKh HI h swm l i\3tetothccomp!t'x

<• BEACH COTTAGE TFNNISVILI \ Unit M05 - $33^,000 - T«o bcdroomlT>w' I nit 32U - IllS 000 Osc BMiroom / One Bath - llnM Ctll Ljlt Jitkion Sdri MuaRcr / 472 1SSS Call Kit! HnMni, REALTOR* Auo special villas nestled amid the island vegetation Enjoy the amenities of a wxkl class icsoft and Ihc cnerlookthcpnvatctainiscouitsandpodaira Ex X Q prnacyofahuuryhomc Ln«IhccnjojTncnlofnatural ccllcnt guaranteed inccme prrgi aim for these one and Captiva from sunset to fantastic sumel in a Gulf front two bcdioom residences in paradise cxsa homcdcvgnedbylhelsiandsniKsnivhaccK D

BEACH VILLA \ Unit 2314 - »2J2 000 - I»o B«d/oom I Two B«lh Un 15112 — 1129 000 - Out E«<3room / T«o Bath Ull Ljl* Jukmn SIIJI MiMKr I til tSSt J Binnj Broker SiUiwomtn/ 472 1S56 Villasfcatureonc t»o anatlirabeilnioinplaas each vu h sarcneo porch viewing the beautiful Ullf of Nk Luxury iOTdonin]uni5.pr\aicl> overlook ba\ and dhhl n anna i iMa» a Sou h Seas I bnialion Extra large ^ tennis courts prime to Ihc con pics Guaranteed tn pool poolharandjacu/7ispaini\Kclt>ingespcciaII> comes available ntrtTl_l nlhi»o>nriri™lrhie bd R and etiaranU.*ftJ incotiR progrurb


\ t \iij s tit) VII t Acit p 11 l\KI1'VVIII AS I MACIIVILI !•> CiptM Riud ai Sunset Cipt v PLflfJTRTI0]SI r en <-oiMcirs n B«III>I VIM v> t) mv ii no us t n^isuuvs S<«ith Vas l*Unljlnm Saks Resort & Yicht Harbour S i"i So I1jnta in

O ISLAND REPORTER MARCJr, 27 1936 • 17A CEPD • from IA porlionirn.nl (Sf 1 mill on) based on the letraTech Any box where Kun iccording to Omlh. Srhatffir and since I rest my beak imst rx-sidtnts want to sock it to the resorts our phn is to in rcase the commercial assessments bv is home . . . 27 ptrctnt Cohen sa d The commercial portion of Captivi South of Feathered inhabitants ,J The Hdgt mil kaie boulh Seas Plantation w ill ilso be \s othtr erosion control pr ijtct crmmxttee mtmbtrs Ken Preston Bruce Lalor anl is accounted for tht rcmiimng 61 percent of the Don Rugg attached 25 bird ntstirg boxes to trees cost could be derived from the centtr of tiptUi in that ana, lesignd to attract tartans tyjes of paying 11 perctnt the Twnn Waters section pa\ birls Mi; 20 percent and the bahnct of the cnt 3J The red belhed uoodpecker saeech nut, and percent coming from Gold Coist nsidints i uthtitch QTC among (Ac sir specu j / r uhtch The next regular CFI'D inciting will be held SCCF members Hob Uucrs and Al 1 U yd con Apn1 8 at 5 p m in the Ciptiva Cmirmini y Com stntcted the bozvs plex • Pictured tleftl is hen Preston, I ammenng a red lty I ( ipecker box to a tall tabhage palm Zj 'Gigantic* book sale continues Lee Count) Library continues Us 0 gin tic Warehouse Book Sal? through Friday March 28 at the Lee Countv Government warehouse on Fondella Road between Old 41 and V S II The warehouse will be open from roon to 8 p m on Wednesday and Thursday and 8J0 a m to 5 p m on Friday There are stilt many cartons of books as yet unpacked to be sold at very low prices New stock continues to b<- added eavh da> of the sale The public is invited to keep coming browse and stock up For further information call 334-3221 D

Introducing New '86 Providence From $128,500

VIP REALTY CAOLP INC. | 5301 San Cap Rd [across dom Wulieit Bd) 813 472 3456

D For Yourself New England By The Sea AruKtyRimsEdgt s the future ofFott\I>ets arrerreryi hi and country dub c mmunt> planned to mcludt • 18 hole Ron Garl des gi cJ cl amp onsh p po!f court • m riw\ llige• 2:>0Mp, dec) wattrirar r,n# 18-ccurtt ut [ imcnt unn s fac! ty • heihh n id s \ m club • 2

I For The Best Y\CHT & COUNTRY CLUB of the 14 OOrOBTSMOimiBLVaS^ fOKTMURS n 3J9OS Islands \ FLORIDA 01) 43i-4s'5 TOLL FRfcE t 800-24 66P R tr Elge ilocatcdonMrOrc^orBoul ard a pro* na I>'m patC>pns Lake Dr T inJon Kalfm cUf \ ntr s Cor tr o Qorrm/r

o •a


Of all the islands in the sea . IslandReporter |slande,

An historic a I yef fwisonal Wand n>[ I anJh. •* k*l fit- ij^ilisn Apui bt Igi* notraflt^ AKicjUatJtloitiper tntalton h l * fo thtt i CrtC t~"~0 cii^i fu! 2 3"iu J **tt» iiG f p c jH.ti»ii i J c !tj ij^n i \**j i. i oftt A a on horn S bull jmonp I'e of (, U ot i niv* hjrx^e *«. h c J wlciiioio! p iviteis.andclul) iso t Thoambentc o! I arui 1 bi-lrw m «njc «es fu ylu n4wd 4 U«*pp? adcei>walt:r\j hi bj r aq a ora S 4t OuO And f he hm!> thdt Pdj«s Classified ^m}> beach great f sh n^ $vt jnr" n^ |x«o1 w mis J t nrm- ttu orr-vt NigfH'd dnti bu It lor^ ttnnli and clubhouse a e | s a I A of ihe tht d tf ullft^ Ic »eru. »homcsiti-s fesort icalurcs off ai A dininfl dcllflnt"** nJ Tatf^ ft*"! 57 J Xtt A IITTI id nurr^b*1! rf cneoutstandngdn ng oomandInungL in nor p opctly m»net Hetmc m mbcrshps the hiswr c former » ntcr hone «* ftirron ate ah-ti ava labk Pages Classified Collier another more coutal eslautanl " The newspaper with almost twice the circulation

The newspaper of trained professionals.

The newspaper that gets proven results. O 9

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FROCARE L J j A customized home walch service is ready to 9 f serve you> 4 ! COMPLETE HOMECARE INCLUDING J j Shorl&LonBlermwalcning Lawn Care jj I Pest Control Cleaning Service Sj Licensed & Insured £ S Call For Information 772-1199 \

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I OR n\v> 6 1 I or (he First 100 scaled Irom ">-(> I M Ch Idrcn s mrnn RTiilablr Ilippr Hour > 7 PH )n Ihc TH rrr McT's NAPLES FT. MYERS House 4751AN. Tamiami Trail 11621 Cleveland Ave. &Tavem 261-7441 936-2331

o ISIAND REPORTER MARCH 27 1986 ^ 19A EASTER- * from 1A the event haster Suntla> wn ship calibrations begin carl) with sunrise services al the Samhil Ciuseway pic nic area at 6 a m Three churches b inibtl Con ^rtgational First Baptist and Sanibel Lomnumt> are hosting this arnual service this year I ar tlcipants are reminded to dress warmly and br ng a chair This j(»ful service commemorating Christ s resurrection is followed by breikfasl it First Bap list Church Sanibel Captiva Road r ach of the par ticipating churches will have its own Easter ser Lvices afterwards St Isabel a Church will celchnte holj euchanst at 6 a m 7 30 a m and 9am o^In addition to these special services and events the spirit of Easter ie ever) where It is al K Mart ""Which is providing some 21 000 food baskets across the country for needy families and at Sanibel Elementary School where children have made Easter baskets which the management at Sundial will fill with eggs cindv and other goodies for tl e Easter Bunnv to pass out Sundav to children Visiting Mie islands Numerous island restaurants are also offering special Easter feasts so Bon Appetit and Happ> Easter CJ Sambd Fhmentary students vere uorkinq hardin ***** art class last neck, creating these f aster baskets „ (far rtqhV as a gift for children at Sunduil on f Faster Sunday Top fenny Grondin, Ashley Thompson and Deborah South uere busy col laborating on their creations for the holiday n hile Adam Burghart (nght) u-as putting the finishing touches on his colorful container

INCOMPARABLE OF SANIBEL Luxury Matchless in every detail a remarkable opportunity awaits you at Seascape of Sanibel — a nejv standard of excellence for luxury beauty and uniqueness 5" INCOMPARABLE 6 Individuality In a most singular fashion the developed of Seascape of Sanibel have de signed a condominium with you the individual In mind With over 2600 square feet of air con ditloned space and over 3200 square feet total Seascape offers more private living area than any other on the islands And for the first • me you can take control of your own lifestyle re quirements Working with basic flexible space you will have the absolute freedom of ere me your own Interior living area You can deteimine your very own combination of bedro i (Jen media room or fitness center — the choice is entirely yours Generous allowances t e been made for every personal expression the only optional elements necessary are a setchpadand your imagination ^ INCOMPARABLE Location Situated on three and a half acres ol exouisite Gulf front property S scape ot Sanibel will consist of eighteen luxury apartments in three buildings designed ith a Euro pean flair Amenities will include 200 feet of prime beach frontage tennis courl rge heated pool hot tub spa and lavish landscaping INCOMPARABLE For details o' superb once Quality To complete this outstanding offering an un in a lifel H Tpportumty For The Best compromising array of superlative features cones standard wr r call at Seascape of Sanibel A partal list includes deluxe of the Pnscilla IV \ Realty Inc cabinetry three full baths Jacuzzi tub Jenn Air range and alior Islands screened lanais Bo 57 Sance Foija J 95T INCOMPARABLE & Si72 ! Value With pre construction price beginning at $425 000 for { E bLCtcR V HCPOflTER I Gulf from units nothing else compares in luxury indiv'dLa'i b c6tN DEVE 0'' F T*~ r> RA 01 ty location and quality

o U *^p * "


Our valued volunteers /( nj Darl : I! < i i I I r , 4 r / r l f I tH I J sdM I (h till ill 1 till (hur h J-J hn I t I at r r r I I ' I r It r r, r / t 1 I f ll ztr

A HOME TO DREAM ABOUT CAN BE YOURS! CHECK THESE FEATURES • Deep water sailboa canal • New dome ceiling kitchen with ALL NtW apol an including two ovens built in nr crawave 2 seto of rfs with 2 d sposals la ge retngeratur scpa O!P cc ako ceiling fans custoii oak cao ntt through jut /11 a built in desk and nook F "0 i u)i • Fue (5) bedrooms and tout (4) baths '- u0 H • Large workshop with DUI I In cabnets • New f berglass shingle rool • Over 3 000 sq ft ot giacious Wing • 3 zones of A/C or heat with ce I ng fans iWith lights) everywhere • Loca ed on private IIGHTHDUSE MM

We would love o show you th s vorm y OL OUS I ome so please ca'l for d&lo Is and an appo nfmenr y>m <2i •• • • . 472-1011 ISED REAL ESTATE BROKER . PERIWINKLE WAY IISEL FL 33957

Discover One Of The Last Great Opportunities On Sambel

cstled on the serene ind pcueful Sinibel Ulind is i specially dtsif,ned community that complirunts 11 urt. v%uhout interrupttnj, it ^ct^ull Fstitts Se igull Estates is a new luxurv housing rommumh thats thr ptrftct pho to relax to dreim ind to enjoj life Ficb, magnified ith crafted single f imih hi mi sits nn V P REA TYGRCLP HI. £331 SanCapRJ 1/3 icre of secluded h sh property Just i short |j is I m ttclR stroll iv> i> arc the g. lute s md\ benches of S mibel B13 472 3455 ind the spi"khnK w iUrs to th( Gulf \nd Se n u'l Estites is ishoitdrivt to tht Dinf. I) r1tn^ ttililifc Sanctunrj a birduilchers | iradisc OhotsL from four uniqut floor pi ins ind do?tns of del i\t amenities Each hoirn. features a mttal ro>f screened in porch fireplace energy efficient heat ind iir plus the following Europe in sl\le c linnets microwave oven wisherdrjer kitchen bir Ctthedril ceiling in living room We ve also added some extra amenities to make St igull P statt s t\en m )rt. attractive Tennis courts a refreshing swimming pool a rtlixinj, Jicuzzi "~*E~ ' " catnna •.omplt.tt with Lehen for enttrta ning

ow s the time to become i oart of the beautv of that tropiral inland jou vt ilwivs drtamed of escaping to Comt to Seigull Estates

SEAGULL ESTATES For ntre informition "~ Or in nppointmtnt ci!l (813) 472 69oO

PO Box 189(2700 Wcslon Gulf Drive! bn td t 1 r(K33f» 7I0nJ i ISLAND REPORTER i.- MARCH 17, 1986 D 21A?

,-•.-; SEASPRAY*1 ;.' ... ••,.- Off Sanibd-Captiva Road' •Thursday, March 27 - 2 PM to ffP.M- Saturday, March 29 - 2PM Ip 6 PMJ Sunday. March 30 - 2 I'Mlo'G PM "•

BY THE SEA B101 i - .' 2611 West Gulf Drive " '. (Middle Bldg.. Firil Floor. Left Unitl „ (Please note address as no signs arc allowd In this exclusive complex.) One o! a kind -Unit N-302 BEACHtAND^TENNJS CLUB. Beautifully decorated in the last phase to be built. See this one . • \ ; ; "\ Friday, March 28 - 2 PM to 5 PM •_- •_-•:• , and you'Jl fall in love. Call Dive Putzel, Broker-Salesman. After ; v =a Your Hostess: Alison Fijman, RealtorjAssociate hours, 472-9688. V ' ' --i--"".:. " -.. -> •.•=•-,.;•• ... • '•'



CANAL HOME, WOODED LOT, AND^PRiVACV is offered in this two bedroom, two bath home plus study or lhii$ bedroom. . Also featured is living room, dining area, k:tch-;n plus family ; 11 room, screened deck with solar heated hot tub, roof top sundeck, GREENWOOD COURT In lovely Greenwood Village. Country : :;. Club living. A Sunibc! lifestyle for you »t what it would cost to boat dock and lift. All of this for $215,000. Call for an appoint- - .: . rent. Call to see thl3>three bedroom, two and one-halt bath '• ment. 472-4000. ;i; ° :' • •' ,• . : -

' : duplex. Priced at S125.000 unfurnished. Call Dave Putzel, Broker-' "„. 7 $ Salesman. After hours,472-9688. • '-- ' -. .-'-•- - ,-: , TAKE A CRUISE FROM YOUB OWN DOCK (but you will want to hurry back to your own) CANAL FRONT tiree bedroom, ;--:: -;;•:•«.:."n." :•••<:-'--y-.- :• • •"-•}:.•'.: -"•• .-.,. ^ r B. PRICE REDUCTION. Tastefully decorated three bedroom, two " - screened, heated pool home. Seawalled deep water, direct access. - : bath duplex close to all DUNES amenities in Greenwood Village. ; to Caloosahatchee and San Carlos Day. Beautiful mature land- ' -Be a part of this enjoyable community - for only $135,000 fur-.-'• scaping. Quiet luxury at the right price. $189,500. "Showcase Con- ' r nlshed. Call Mike Long. Broker-Salesman. After hours. 472-1201 . dition". Palm Acres at Shell Point Village. Cali Mill Reik, Realtor- ~ •-.or Dave Putzel, Broker-Salesman. After hours, 472-9688. .„ - Associate, After hours, 472 2910. . o ~

One acre In GULF RIDGE. Already surveyed/perc test done. Give Us a chance to show you how easy it would be to live in: ^Sanibel's Best Subdivision. Call Alan Worlzel, Broker-Salesman. ;.: After hours, 472-3760. "•.••'•-.-; \_. -i',J . \',,

--.Enjoy-all-the Golf Course amenities along with a water location. .'\ and a deeded beach access at BEACHVIEW. COUNTRY. CLUB; Swallow, Realtor-Associate. After hours. 472-4595.

DIXIE BEACH BOULEVARD. 10 acres. MOjOOfc'termi nego-; ; tiable. Call for more Information on this outstanding value. Mike TENNIS PLACE B-24 - On canal with direct access to Baj.ind ; Parparian. RealtorAisodate. After hours, 4726048.- | .. ! Gulf. Two bedrooms, one bath plus vanity. S92.000. Call Marge McCombi, Realtor-Associate. After hoursb466-«63L " r.BEACHVlEW COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES is on the move ... and there are just a few full sized lots left, and this is one. Over- Fall asleep to the sound of the surf in this top floor SUNDIAL looks the 7th green - an excellent investment for the luture or; CONDO. A private • home for: you -and good rental besidesf : $259,000. tCall Dave Putzel,: Broker-Salesman After hours, for a home now. J67.000. Call John Nickens, Realtor-Associate. : After hours, 472-5980. ;- . •••?. ".. 472-9688. .... r- -~ • - •',>:. •'-.:- -.- ':

"•}-••- .

information contained hereln.'whilc deemed accurate, is not warranted by Merrill Lynch Realty.


22A L, MAWH 27 1936 ISLAND REPORTfcR SPRING CLEANING SALE^ rt A Tisket TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THE Duraclean Deference IMCARPETCUANING ANY 2 ROOMS for $39.951 A Tasket PATENTED FOAM PROCESS IS SAFE. We II decorate your FASTER DRYINO THOROUGH AIL WORK Easier Baskll with ON LOCATION BY PROFESSIONALS WHO Ask about on local on clean ng of CARE OFFER GOOD THRU (DATE) FOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES Bunnies FREE QUOTATION CALL 1 Flowers Duraclean X by Habllal Ribbons Habitat Tectonic Inc 472-0555 Soaps, Scenls Duraclean %-•• And Gourmet -~^J I Chocolates . .. MMISI!\LI II 110117

M P VTIUCt \ Kf N/ I Iccn-nlKcaltiUUlinker MAIN OFFICE CAPTtVA DHANCII OFFiCE ITU PM * nVte Way Located si U« Corner of CM* 1 bel ROJIJ Nfw Po« Off« Bu!d iR 472 1123 472 3318 (S U K f I O « A I A K T I S T lit Strung Sambel and Caplna hlandt under the same management since 1970


Price recently reduced bv $50,000 This is a three Dedroom delightful home overlooking 150 feet of your own Gulf of Mexico frontage on the finest location available on either island Beautiful v , Forthe ihggestf ^ views from practically every room Architecturally designed Super 1 terms available to a qualified buyer calling for only $125 000 cash Finest and,Lowest Priced* down and balance payable at 10% interest :, Lunch Buffet • on Sanlbel Island ... -• Welcome to ** GULF PINES NEAR BEACH

2330 PALM EIDOE ROAD ' 472-12S2 J1.-3OAM til2:3OPM For only $4,215 j gu could rat ali and anything In sight In X One of Sambel s most unique homes with many supc-ior extras that dueled are t.gg Roll and Soup must be seen to be appreciated Two bedrooms two baths with -\ of Hie day Sweet & Sour balcony dining room that overlooks a cathedral ceilinged living Pork Chicken or Pork Fried room Upper sundeck with a view of the Gulf Located very neir Rice ^Pepper SUak ulih n the beach access, pool, tennis and clubhouse Asking $250 000 This Onion Chicken or Pork Chow , cannot be duplicated Main Pork or Beef Lo Meln Fruit Tray (Honey Dew Can SANIBEL ESTATES CAN4L ialoupe etc}'

* EARLY BIRD DINNER 3.30-6 30 Pitf Mso for finest dinner on the Island. our unique nrlcmal c jlsim rcpn scnts the tn» Jrt of Asl in < ix king O ir complete unUtiil IIK nu inflmlts (i * Shrimp Dishes ptrftded IJI; years This fine Michigan built Ncwbury home is located on an idyllic and years of c^ptrUnce by our chifs canal with 210 feel of navigable water frontage Two bedrooms indn an oversized Florida room plus a year round, air conditioned porch * Original Fish Dishes Kkr- no other for added versatility Priced at $169 000 Also available ts an on the Island abutting individually buildable homesite with 140 feet of canal * And \ . . tht most my*!!-- dish frontage at an additional cost of only $20,900, all in a park like prepared In the art of Chinese amktng environment Peking Duck 24 hour tidfanrc notice for preparation SANIBEL BAYOUS LOTS DINNER SERVEII S PM 'til 10 PM Available from $37 000 to $45 000 so why pay more??? Thest are all Vtinis nia\ vjr> high and dry and include underground Utilities and sewer s>stem Featuring a Full Carry-Out Menu HhSFH\ ATIONS suGGrSTFD c S4NIUEL SHORES c for Romcntle and 12 000 square fi.et of huildable homesites situ ited on d paved road Lxciutstti' Dining in walking distance to the Gulf or Mexico $30 500 with terms to I2\pcr enct suit . IP


Library of Congress turns Flight Center n Gre-phelt Mrl a The restarchers and builders he testified are to science in effort to trying to determine if design changes are needed at Furl Delnck If answers aren t found Sparks salvage 'brittle books' says Our plan is to take the most prudent ap By Mercer Cross proach and dtlay awarding the rrntract until such National Geographic News Service timt as these problens can be solved Sparks plays down the significance of the fires merica s books arc crumbling aw iy at an and predicts that the projeit will progress nearly alarming ratt and nobody is more aware on schedule with groundbreaking this spring or A of it than Dr Ptter G Sparks summer opening in 1987 aid fully operational o In a box in hia office at the Libnry of Congress status in 19S9 Sparks keeps a copy of an 1896 book with the in triguing title of Sartor Resarlut The life ard There s no question about the preservative Opinion* of Herr TeufeUdrockh, by Thomas qualities of the process which takes fi\e days A Carlyle DEZ treated took may last 400 years or more Pick up the book and turn one of its dry >cllow nce the kinks are out of the Library of ed pages Bits of paper flutter to the carpet In 3 Congress facility the library will be willing few years the book will bt> unreadable O to share its parent with other libraries at no Forturatcly it won the lost because its heen charge Sparks says savinj millions more books transferred to microfilm But millions of other worldwide books from ever) librar> In the country wont be c Librarians have known about brittle books for ao fortunate They re on an irretrievable path years and the DEZ process isi I the only answer toward becoming confetti An Illinois company for example has developed a ., p Sparks a chemist who has been the library s Whoosh! A hefty puff by Peter Ha ert Library of process called Wei To that uses a liquid director of preservation for the past five years us Cjngreit contenatton ofjtcer ts all if takei to deacidification solution es the Carlyle volume to dramatize the nature of make confetti out of the pages of t b >ok maite Kenneth F Foster of thf Public Archives of the problem bnttte by slow-tvorktng acid in the paper Usirg a Canada one of the biggest users of Wet To says Under his direction the library has been con patented deaad\ficat\on proceti the hbrary \t hi* agency is now deac difj ing about 50 000 books ducting a rescue operation that should in a few 'coding US efforti to add yean to the life of en a year and generally speaking we re quite happy years, give a new lease on life to millions of books dangered book* with it The Library of Congress who vast collections The person overseeing Ihe whole preservation contain more than 80 million items houses the ne way to ensure greater longevity for effort at the Library of Ccngress is Deputy world s largest assemblage of stored knowledge modern books ts to print them on non acidic Librarian William J Welsh In 1980 dissatisfied Its general and taw collections alone encompass O paper Another way is to find a method to? n with the library s lack of i specific program he some 13 million volumes removing the acid from books printed on regular met a friend William 0 Baker then board chair Library officials estimate that one fourth of the paper man of Bell Laboratories at a building dedication books in those collections — about 3 25 million For the past few years the I ibrary of Congress Bill stop what you re doing now and Uke a volumes - fall in the category of brittle books has been working toward an effective mass look at this technology laker advised Welsh It And the library is losing more books at a rate deacidification technique exp?Hmeriting with its holds great promise estimated at 77 000 volumes a year The process is own patented process which uses diethyl zinc gas Welsh decided to atticl the problem in two one of the most unrecognized and serious perils — DEZ for short — to neutralize ihe acid ways through the mass deacidification program that afflicts civilization, says Librarian of Con Work has progressed enough so that ground for boom and through an optical-disk program grew Daniel J Boorstin breaking is planned for an $11 S million book that usfcs sophisticated later technology to The villain Is add Slice the mid 1800s when deacidification facility at Fort Detnck an Army miniaturize and preserve other data from mass production of books accompanied a spurt in post near Frederick Md., about 40 miles north of periodicals and newspapers to works of art literacy paper haa been made from wood pulp Its Washington Of the optical-disk technology Welsh says J ' sizing ' the material used to fill its pores and When completed the 40 000 square fool facility suspect that in due coursi it will replace make it suitable for printing is acidic Over time is expected to be able to deactfify 500 000 to 1 microfilm" and eventually will be used to preserve add destroys the paper million of the hb-ary a volumes a year with an books Today s average book has a life expecUncy of 20 eventual capacity of 2 million Sparks says Welsh reaches for a Lous L Amour paperback to 60 years before it turns brittle Sparks says But there s a potential delay The deacidification autographed for him by the aithor a prolific Books printed on better grade paper may make it process must take place in airtight chambers writer of Weslen novels This is not going to last to 100 or more Newspapers and paperbacks are because DEZ bursts into flame whin it comes in 20 years not even this personal inscription " the first to go contact with either air or water Ir congressional Welsh complains £ Really old books aren t aa much of a problem testimony in February Sparks disclosed that But he says looking ford y at ihe yellowirg They were printed on paper made from rags, and there had been two accidental fires at the novel I think books will continue fomer and they weren t acidic deacidification test facility at C odd ard Space ever and ever • VE&tlCAJl DECOR 72% - 64% OFF AIL VERTICALS Good Sanihel Values CLOTH VIRTICflL . D.T.S. EXAMPIE INCIU0ES 6 FT SLIDING GIASS DOOR $89 USf<3l9 VAlANCE in 75 «84 P.V.C. VERTICAL AND y $99 US? S276 INSTAl ATION Condominiums '5 YEAH CUABANT" - HEAVY BUTY TRACK n WOVEN along the Gulf-front WOODS 50 USUAllY A VERY EXPENSIVE A JD IRU LY CUSTOM IOOK NOW AT ) PRICE 1 Sunset South, overlooking the THEY ARE JU5T AS IOVEK AND VORE 1 ArFORDABlE CUSTOM DRAPES — pool Two bedroom, two batn, CORNICE BOARDS furnished Nice sized morning sun porch $175,000" a 2 Breakers West furnished two bedroom, two bath Good rental Gregory 1. Gresham C P.A. 481-1040 "Professional Services al Reasonable Rates record Only $147,000 ALL TAX RETURNS « % INDIVIDUAL 3 Loggerhead Cay two bedroom, 1040's SIMPLE or COMPLEX 1040's two bath, nicely furnished Good CORPORATE-ESTATE-TRUST-PARTNERSHIPS rental history $177,000

Increase Your Refund ^Prevent Penalties-Errors No charge for Analysis and Direction

EVENING AND SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS Bissell Realty Service Corp. Treetops Center, Suite 103 15975 McGregoregor Blvd SW Co rererr *elly Road FortMyes Flor da 33903 Sanibel, FL - 48M040 Phone: (813) 472 0880

O <*x

24A U MARCH 27 1986 r ISLAND REPORTER ???QUESTIONS??? ABOUT REAL ESTATE CALL ME! DAN COHN Long term Sap bel resident (8 yeafbj and homeowner Member ot the Two Million Dollar Club for 1982 1983 1984 w £ 1985 , D«y» (813) 472 3121 ety Harbor Glu^j Eves (SI3) 472 9337 Toll Free Out of FL Upper Captiva Island " 800 237 6004 Dan Cohn In FL 800 282 0360 Realtor Associate Last Call... Waterfront Lots -CONDOMINIUMS- from $83,900 Only 3 Left.

Feature include Boat Dock Pool Tennis For information & boat tour BLIND PASS 489-3131 On San bel» f esl beach One of ihe fJLST VAtUCS on San be Clubhouse full I me ti anagerienl tenn s pool saunas «lc l.o bed corns l-o baths ONLY S130 000 TOWNHOUSE — 2 bed room 2/i baths spec acula condt on Only * 144 900

NEW LISTINO — SNUG HARBOR SANDPIPER BEACH SPECTACULAR GULF PROMT UMT! T»o Top door superb v e~s ex bed ooms w th den Me* ca pel Aitlully lion In fow dens ty coirpien decoiated Kith t emendous space and p i

INM3MANN associates, inc., realtor 1149 Periwinkle Way 2427 Periwinkle Way - Sanibel iftnd FL 33957 Five ways to get more Florida out of hfe: y Mum ttounJcil b> |unotan K lakes and rui iral cotvtfnanon ih^ cr> special ruij offcn a I m till numtfl i»f • f wmpt him mm

Ea.h Mib hat been c-urfully utuaicd fcalunng \atis t in a 180* panorama as

IMAM) I \Fk WOODS w o t>r rar>w i the bcM ttf tcripurafy florali tarns In lit n r^ i xl

Gulf access ilfui ramp and d «.K Erxtocii boat i- THCRF Ib a single pUrc d all uf the rrurr. rkhes of n.ilutc SaniM lus to offer thai pUce sTIIU

UPRcaltyCroup Inc The No, 11ndependent REALTOR in Southwest Florida •1)''

:_ ISLAND REPORTER D MAHCH 27, 1S86 D 25A DohaldjiSlisher: Commissioners 'doing a pretty gQoiB job' By Linda Wlzner was the lack of accountability at the county. ; . _j,: state knew .what they, were doing when they pass- * 29, he's the youngest county commissioner '" "Jerry has put account a bility-~on the departments."' ed it." • ' . „_. '-<"•• ..-_• ,:, f\ i n tthhe statttee of Florida. He's Donald Slisher, ,,Where was the blame? There was no blair.e. I h - The commissioner noted ttiti he has no political . JLJL. a first-term llawmake r whho seemingly came think some heads have roiled." - ; . '. ''•}ainbition right now except to^cl more respect for out of nowhere to defeat the incumbent in his : Slisher said he ran on several issues that he ;, thmie: countycuumy. "I'iod justi ii«like to geti mthe county govern- ..district approximately IVi years ago*' /found particularly important. Property rights, • \\.ment back on track right now." he said. He seeks . Slisher is married and talks proudly about his hydrology, water and growth management were : ;\ no higher office at this time aV'id said he is not family. He and wife Debra arc the parents of, two h al! issues that drew him to office. sure if he will seek reflection in 1988. "I'vs got .• sons, Alexander, nearly'three, and Anthony, one._ He is not shy about touching on a variety of con-;! enough to handle right here/' ; •"-: He is concerned about the number of hours he "' troversial subjects that when talked about in - y'; ? '., Slisher believes the county is fortunate to have" .- puts.in at his "part-time job" as county commis* public meetings become heated discussions. One of I a good mixture on the board cf commissioners. His sloner as it takes away from the time he spends 'the issues he is more than happy to discuss is the fellow lawmakers al! have their areas of expertise with his family. Slisher noted that he puts 5060 bridge problem between Fort Myers and Cape :;.,- — Mary Ann Wallace, environment; Holand hours each week, -'••-- Coral. "I am pro midpoint, I am pro parallel span,"; Eastwood, taw; Porter GOBI, finance and business; ;WhiIe not being certain about Ihe future, :*'he said. "1 am not an advocate of putting in the ;; • fill i^llfbAtl r4m*ll«.V ll'll %1 11-n.iinn *-. nin _ M fl Slisher is managing to keep his hand in the •"-•••• McGregoMG r overpass." - - . : ° , . engineering profession, "because nothing is certain The new bridge is not the only one Slisher- •} in politics." He Is a civil engineer,and continues to wants to see get moving. He supports, at the • ijhmK were doing a pretty good job, he said. r , be associated with D.C. Barbot and Associates. He minimum, upgrading the Sanibel Causeway. He •: The county has a positive public perception and /; ;. cummcnted that he works part time. The firm has would like to see the bridge fourtaned with a - - '<> there is increased public activity at the hearings refrained from bidding on any Lee County pro- '• possible fly-over. The toll booth should be moved •; being held. The board has IUSO stuck to its guns .> jects while he is in office. , ; ;'.to the center, in his plan.. -; ;; and remained a legislative boiird.."..' - ". - .... Ale looked back on his first year with a smile on ^HeJs extremely concerned wtyh what impact the1 ; He openly admits thal'the first several months > - his face. "It was a good year," he said. Lee County new state growth management legislation will ; • on ihe job were a learning process. "I've done the Administrator Jerry Maxwell was hired and many have on Lee County..'.'I would like to see this . ;,best job I possibly can. I'm sure I've made some things improved during those 12 months^ growth management Act shelved. The lifestyle in J; enemies in some places," he said. "In other places, ; > One of the major points of contention for Slisher Lee County will cease to exist. I don't think the .'• I've made friends."!!!, - - •.\ ^~ .,:-


; fccauiifioi; ctist less tiait >' ;the competition; naveS • ^ "lihi'' ? 'Investigate Qur Best location; and arc located 'in a tree lined village':'y;•_ . with swimming poojb,::_:': I lighted tennis courts^and more, what: else is there?

; BRAND NEW ... GULF FRONT ...-' MEW HOME WITH rOOL?U ««.»« BELOW DEVUOPER nilCES.., THREE . /•: !r*'S», tvto CAt Living/dining looms. gouim<( kitchen, two lirge gdra^e, toadv of 4iora9< ind note. nvortt more :. Ktttrftd (ulconlvt. ccveied parting. lodJi of . _ . Diccdfd beach aeceu . J o/ttiook% water. '.^lotagt .'. ." ahd "mote ',. :. Bieaihtahing .vieurt " :CaQ Jurly tlelat 472 6565 EvtnuiQt, 4720658 • vRATE MORTAGE" ' and Ihoie Sanibel fufiwts can be yrcun' . .'Of- ttr-td at JM5 OOO - WOW!" Can Ann Gardiner Ml®/ at 472-6565. Evenings. 472-3486

•^ 2 OR 3 BE^RQ°M ' | LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS ^WITH MAINTENANCE ;: FREE LIVING : | That was (he good news. The rest Is that there ate JJ^' only 10 homes remaining. ; ~;- : Come see our 2 and 3 bedroom homes, ESTATE HOME ON GULF v . t495.000 n. A SEASHELL'S TOSS AWAV FROM THE ^ IPRICES FROM : >"*. . Four bedrooms, ihie* baihv, pius den;.' t> . GULF ... TWO SUPER GET-AWAY COT- Lar^e living and S.tiinq taoirn 'X\ih tanttttic

IF VOU CAN AFFOHD THE TINES! LOCA- TION ON SANIBEL, PLEASE READ ON . . The Uli.riiiite in Gutl Tiont Liiing is new TWO SEbROOMS. BtACH, .H1ATED available fV>r 9 limiled fime The 'Sanbel sunset* - POOL. Good venial ui'iTri on Sftc re^ideni man- >jer Furnnftrd. lrii«com lo ivoruoem. garage.' y v ( Offered al.JISS.OOO. Ol! MariOnn SJ-chan al - f est <^ 150-1.000 F« a ^- ; 472-VJ&5 Etenifi^. 466-0097. Woods cl Russ Naiat s\ 472-6SA5 1 INVESTIGATE THE ISLANDS! M BEL ! CALL SANirSEL-REAIJY TODAY! (813) 472-6565 J REALTOR ~ ••• ,i Four office locations to serve y"' m !l 1630Pt-riiiinklp 'Why: i- Snnil.el .Isl.inil. Fl- 3.W5V -'' - ',

:•• O 26A a MARCH 27 1966 Q ISLAND REPORTER Safety Harbor Corporation Qual ty Ciiitom Homes byeipe *n ed Fut Serve* It and and Ma nljpd Du Iden — Safely Harbor Corp o the toy shop

The Fountain Court B25O Co* ege Fa k*ay Su le 201 AAIM REALTY GROUP, INC Fort H/e J F^ 33907 We put smiles SANIBEl MAFKCTING CENTER (betMf r> W fik er and Summ» I n) (813)469 3111 on tots of faces San bet F o da 3395? I a\fi tondtil * (fie rft, 472 1546 24 HOURS ^ c ttiee t 4 c t/ COMER & MOORE condominiums CONSTRUCTION £ REALTY INC Cyfttitaiptg 1/2 iVi THE ATRIUM - Whe f only 24 spac ou* un Is Serving Lee Cojnty for 30 years &SI ipnu Tfll ! infudi Res dent al Coiime c al share 4 8 acres 350 Gull frontage a large sun ny pool ana lenn s co rt REMODELING Specialists 1353 Pe * nk o Wiy Su e 03 WE HAVE THE LOOK GULF FRONT UNtT F fst Iloor Iti n stied (Behnd Bu ge £mpo im) twoledoocns 1*0 iMhs and dsn I2B500O Cati Geoige Kfaege Realo Assoc atej Sonbel Flo do 33957 YOU WILL LOVE a?2

• COUPON- POINTE SANTO - Su[ ef v e* ol Gulf pool and SEWING MACHINE lagoon wo bedroom jv»o bah n eel/ (jrnish • lUr Stvlnf for Men& ttomrn ed Great buy ai $24000 \REPAIR SPECIAL! :i»S". \ • ^uipturrd Ump Si N SANIBEL ARMS WEST ~ Two bedfoom two • UK Old Na I Jeoelrj bath exceifoil renlat f Mory $149 500 SUNDIAL — Ow| Bed Dom t bath n D Bu d ing In excellent cond ! on $13? 000 ISLAND WINDS SANIBEL MOORINGS - One bedroom one twth un t vith fantastic renlal history $133 000 COIFFURES KING S CROWN — 2 bedroom 2 balh wilh e* • .^'."""rTi. I^|B the sewing j CGllen) view o) Gull Fully (urn shed J22'iOOO • * I utarvmtiMM*" i—Ha machine store | Great buy ! HEW IOCAII0K 11609 ChHUnl (D igon T in) t OCEAN S REACH — Walk oul your dooi and be rjQnt on the beach DIRECT GULF FRONT - 1 bedroom 1 bath $129000 DIRECT GULF FRONT - 2 bedroom 2 bath On an Island... '•ompletely lufi d $175000 GULF FRONT -Dfly on itie Gu 1 in s 2 bed oom 2 ban s ihe LOWEST PftlCEO In the $6O,ooos. DIRECT GULF FRONT ON &AN BEL. S169 OOG homes GULF RIDGE — WtiP e owners enjoy s°cu nty and deeded tnt( rpsl in the heated pool cabana term s couils ard two easy walk bojch accesses lo l"e most beaut ful beach on San be! CUSTOM OUILT — 3 SR 2 baths nilh many added (eagres— Jacuzzi dumbwaier etc $325000 GULF FRONT HOME - Cultom bu !! on 2+ weocted acrtr Th ee bed ooms two baths fea'unng d re J gulf v BI S from f v Ing roorr d n ng rcoii Y ichen Taster bodroom second bedtoorr and the 300 sq ft screened porch Included en sales pr t,e — and only sfeps ^wsy — is your dcedea in ereet n a tenn s court and^ Scaled aw mm ng pool shared w in on?y 11 oth°r lot owners Offe ed at $595000 Call Ceorge Kraeger — Realtor Assoc ate 472 4229 TROPICAL SETTING - Two bed oom two u bath with pool anj beach access Was a duplex — can be ccnvetted bacK into duple* SI 65 000 X Imagine an unhurried, unspoiled Flonda on the water, with a Boorplan made for SANIBEi. LAKE ESTATES 3 bed'oom 2 seaside village, nestled amid the natural easy living There s a private clubhouse bath home locate3 in a quiet area House tr excellent condition All rooms open into beaut; of a Gulf Coast island just steps away from your door, and a screened lanal $135 000 a untouched by explosive growth Wares pool spa tennis courts — with golfing T1ADEWINDS —Jamaica Drive Or a lagoon A lap against theiww of your boat restaurants and shopping just minutes beaut ful home with Income apartment Custom away —or you can just take it easy on built 2 bedroom 2 bith huge music room could moored at a private docb in your own be 3 d hft* j^n Format dnnn rnnm Camnrt K backyard, read; to take you out to your bacb porch ard "a'ch !he ZiU7 storage area pal o 169? sq It I ving area 3 Chase the tarpon off Boca Grande, to drift by room apartment has. 820 sq ft walk to deeded beach access on the gulf Only ashing explore the sandy beaches of a nearby Sounds good? It is Sounds expensive' 9229900*1(1! out island or just lazily cruise tic It s not condominium prices start in TRAOEWINDS - amaica Onve only a few backwaters of Pine Island Sound and the $60 000s Where can you End all himdred (eel to the deeded beach access on the gulf A neat and cozy 2 bedroom 1# bath Charlotte Harbor this? Blue Crab Key a chance at the home f th den (or 3rd bedroom) Central air ana Overlooking the water your Island life you shouldn t miss Call write heal washer and dryer included Th s home 2-bedroom, 2 bath townhouse has or come visit us soon for waterfront needs a family now and its price is only 5139900 plenty of room to relax in after a day living at a liveable price lots Marina Road GULF RIDGE — La ge lot on the Bayou with L33M" 813/283-3474 deeded beach ace *S3 only steps away Ready lorou ioing 5i7oC0u t GUMBO DMBO — Heavily wooded lot ready to build $J8000*> SEA OATS — La ge lot located on a la*e w th fleedK bcarh access 149 900 ROCKS — E»ce enl view on waterway no fol ag problems Short wa k lo beach easen ent fWfly t bu \C $55 000 ° SANIBEL ESTATES — Large corner let Ready lo bu Id $« 000 Owner will carry f nancing $10000 down balance 15 years at 9% in terest commercial The CJI HJT A p BS( g ou« name tt twajly FURNISHED MODEL OPEN salons Fc^ r comp ele slat ons p us lac al wa« ng 10 A.M.-5 P.M. SEVEN DAYS! CA| UQ A. we l f^stab shed bus nGsi on t ris siano tor _S2S000 llunT* Pint, subject lo t She! eyal 472 1546

0 •>./' •"


THE ISLANDS'MOST; ' REASONABLY-PRICED Sanibel*s First and Finest : HOMESITES \ Seafood Restaurant Each ftarcvl »i\lami averages oirr.'/j Harbor " ^ )_acrc of high:dry andliVIUUULE land ' b .'..thatjs already approved by the City nf Hbiise f ^ Sanibel. Tht? subdivision is family (across Ifom Wullert Bd.( "oreiented; located near the 'Elementary B13-472-3458 Sckbot, .Churches and'Island Recreation ' Restaurant Facilities making'it idealfar'the young, bine In Authentic Olde Island Atmosphere. growing family nrho want to establish ,"" atheir home an the Islands on a conser- . EARLY BIRD SPECIALS 5-6 --• 13 P/ece Shrimp Dinner — *7.95>. : vative budget. ';.- = ,--" , - . " - .;.; Stuffed or Fried Grouper1— $ 7.93 ". Extremely.attractive terms are available Stuffed Flounder— J6.95 to meet your financing needs. r' ' - v Clim Dinner- $5,93 ; Prices begin at S25.000 INCLUDING Ti-'a tie Insurance and a Survey.-1?. BBQRibs .;. ;>;'.'... v • ../..-••..;. Exclusively yours by calling either of our ~ Snow Crab Legs •'. • : offices for an inspection, of these '/> Large Fla. Lobster stutfsd with crabmcat $12.95 homesites. '" Friday Might Fish Fry" J ;o - . All You Can Eat (from 5 to 6 p.m.) •'.. • • • :".':. »6.95


1 Main Office (Sanibcl) 4721123 Captiva Branch Office -172-3318 ' NOTICE OF INTENTI0J2T0 REGISTER FICTITIOUS "... • -_ NAME. The undersigned does mi hereby certify that we are V conducting a retail .gilt ' store business at No 3 Periwinkle Place. Sanibel, Florida under t^e fictitious name of The Noisy Oyster and that said firm is com-' posed of the following per- sons whose names and pia-es of residences are as " follows: Robert w. and - ^Virginia A.Joyce, 1100 Sand - Cajtte Ro^d.. Sanibet, - Tlorida 33957. Ownership ot -: 'The Noisy Oyster s|s as follows: Robert W. Jpyce 50 . peicent.-.Virglnia A: Joyce , 50 percent.. . •.: - • : it is our intent Ion to apply' MEETING: SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL Jo the Clerk of the Circuit ..rj ?'• '': Courl in and for tee County, V.;;;;,7fr'-Vj«EETINGur"---:'-:^ Florida to register the sa'd name of The Noisy Oyster . - under the provisions of sec- DATE:-'"Tuesday, April 1, 1986 ltlon 365.09, Florida . Statutes, 1970. -; '' Witness our hand, this 4(h day of March, 1936. :'\ •• TIME: IS; 3:00 P.M;- -;v'.»,-% ''• Sworn to and subscribed ,. lo by Robert W. and Virginia . - A.Joyce before me this20th loCATION: Council Chambers"'"':'"--.*i day of March, AD. 1966. <- Lisa Srwiersen £v:S; (MacKenzie Hall) ; : ''". -. ••' Notary Public : ; ; Notary Public, State of. j, ' v.; -800 Dunlop Road ':: .-.-•• Fjonda" My ComTiisslon E*pitos ' - .••••;• Feb. 21,1M9 JJ Discussion ;pf a possible Bonded thru Ttoy .. -..- ... * lnsu?ance, me si :; "change in the: Charter & election procedure, .for. ".'•; Council persons of the Cir : ty of Sanibel; to be electee! on;a popular.vote rather .ithan by majority vote for The undersigned does : hereby certify that *8 are :/-the: individual council conducting retail :;; >: -t"- businesses at 2330 Faini , seats.;;A referendum will t Ridge" Road, Sanibel, '- ^ be required torevisethe Florida under the fictitious :- t Sanibet Realty vw? Kke the "responsibility ouipf renting yoyr property. We rise : names of Stirlslde Ato thechdlengec{rental ftiqRogement by toWng onocUveInterest irvownef^ T-ShirtsfSeaslde Shoppe T vCharter. ; ; " \ "; -".: ond reptor heeds. .'^ . \; '" -, '"_' .". - -...., -.;'•• '-"•;'-'.,' • • ••"" "'.:" and that said firm Is conpos- ed ot the following persons These neods on? met by ded'Coted, professiono! perionnel; prompt, eouiteoos - whose names and places ot I service and continuouj updoting of management trends. Ve colt (his oor program : : u residences are. as follows: of "PetsorioMnwrvement''. - -.•':- •-• •--• .. -- /' ;~ - : ,_ - indru Mansukhanl. 1293 Par- ^•-' ''•• • "Persona) IrwDrvemefit" goesboyond personal service.. View Drive. Sanibel, Florida ^ and Beena Mansukhanl, . 1 it encompasses oil facets of a good rental monoge- : 1293 Par View-Drive. ment^on a non-stop basis. ^ : : " Sanibe!, Florida. '/"Bents ^-ho 1st with Sonibel fAedty enjoy tfw benefits If a person decides .to appeal any deci- - Ownership ot Surfslde' v T-Shirts/Seasioe Shoppe fs Of; . ,;V . sion of ttie body.with. respect to any as follows: Aradhana fnc: OivefSified fAartsbursed UfeeWy : . z '"•'' . hearing, he will need a record of the Court In and For Lee County, • High Rote of Occupancy . ." :•"- .. =" Florida to register the'said • Complimemory Gift to Guests -'/__., : proceedings, arid, for such purpose he names; of Subside •"' Supervised Housekeeping .... 7 ., may need to ensure that; a verbatim T-Shlds/Seaslde Shoppe, under the provisions of Sec- • Regular Mbintenonee' (, . •• & \ f •:_ record of ;the proceedings is made, lion 865.09, Florida ^.•24 H»jr Agent "Cn-Co!^ •-'. ,: ;.. . - ,- ' • Statutes, 1970. ;•' . • (" whicri record includes; the testimony - Witness our hands, this".- I f yoif - ore conjideting renting your proper V' coll and evidence upon which the appeal is 5tri day of Match. 1986. ^•K 15onibe) P-ealry today We« be happy to v ;"" '•_ before me this filth day"6f- Mgrch, A.O. 1986. iC .' Shirlpne H Grasg'een ,- ' Nulaty Pubi'C" '"\ ."' NoIdry^Pu&hC Stale : Call Collect . (S13) ^72-6565 Sept.-20. T989 ^ilwinWe ^y'So^bvi Word, Fl 0 d lliru Ge/i5t,il • .. Ins Una, '•

o ¥ ^w** V" "i-^^^^*^^ ^3? *. "^s * ~* *** ^ ~


Fresh Homogenized pjblix Assorted From the Danish Bakery1 Breakfast Club Grade A Dairf Flesh Fegularoc Diet Publix Milk Florida While Danish Sour gallon size Soft Large Eggs Pecan Ring Cream Drinks $<|79 per dozen 16 oz cup 2 liter bottle $ •f49

All Purpose Sell Rising PUBLIX WILL Unbleached Gold Medal BE OPEN Flour 5 Ib bag REGULAR SUNDAY 79° HOURSON (Urn I meat* WthOthn EASTER PurchjBMotSr 50ot Mote Eieiud ng • I Tobacco Htm*) SUNDAY - r Swift s Brooklield Ocean Spray PLEASERS BUtter Whoie Berry or Jelhed^ kjn iti^l^r tti>Jii •JilltfKM li It nimrt In- Quarters Cr^"V 1 Ib tlatctn OdUCB Reynolds 12 Inch Wide $ 59 Aluminum . Foil 1 59v 25 sq ft toll Assorted Frozen International Combination 4X or 10X Conteclioners Powdered Sugar Golden PictSweet Light Brown or Old Fashioned Dark Brown Dixie Crystals 89

Honey Kut ^ Family Size <=•• Spiral Sliced Hams Lipfon Try our Honey Kut Ham sp ral "liced lor easy serv ng It S Publix highest quality graded ham Tea Bags Also it S completely prepared and ready 11 be 34 ct box enjoyed immed ately choose from a ha f o/ vyhoie 19 (Free Ham Holder $O99 wilh Whole Ham Only) $ Hormel Curemaster or Cure 81 1 Boneless Ham " *2" Gold ( habits or Mountain Burgundy Chablis or Rhine Almaden Wine y D

Reg , Light or Classic Dark Beer Michelob $ 75 Us«sn • EicludngaUTo* b2

where shopping is o pleasure 7days a '/veek

From The Dei At PuMx TURKEY DINNER 9 101b House OIRsefcwd GULF Fully Cooked Tu key 4 lbs ol Del c -us Dress mi V POINTS I Quart C Wei &*»> -., ~ A lib F»J*I Ciant*1 ff Orange Be i"i _*^\^ SQUARE TuiVey rti b» req esiftd e her h tead/!oeJM'ii)da/c>'co!j* \*h< :-.Jijlrticfons nc'iirtetJIwrea jal $ Publix

o J


Are youoon the list for unclaimed cash? Leon or Louise Wood last known address in Da) tona Beach can collect $5 456 Mary A Besi or Hellentyke of Day tona Beach $17 012 is waiting for you Carl J Brown of Tampa — come and gel your $15 773 These are just a fc* of the 21 000 Ftondtans uho may claim money or other property Although this sounds 1 kc a lottery or other contest it isn t The money already belongs to individuals named on a mammoth list of 17 8 mill on reported to the Comptrollers Abandoned Property Off ce this year ^ The list has been publ shed in daily and weekly newspapers m Florida s hi counties The list represents money left in savings and checking accounts as well as safely deposit boxes stocks and bonds dividends unclaimed wages and commissions uncashed travelers checks and other sources of abandoned property reported to the state by banks and other Institutions Florida law direc - the Comptroller s Office to Youngsters ;rom the try to locate rightful owners or heirs after institu Children a Center on Uions have held unclaimed funds for 10 years and Sambet paid a t tut safety deposit box and trust department items for recently to Care aid seven years Rehabilitation of If no owners or heirs are found the unclaimed Witd'tfe iCROWl for balance becomes part of the Sta*e SJioo! Fund a an opportunity to tee trust designed to benefit Florida s achoolchild-en the recuperating ani- There is no time limitation however on when a mal* the group caret claim can be made by the owner or heir for Above Laura Floridtans who want to find out if their name or SckucKord talk* to a that of a relative is on the abandoned property list group of youngsters should contact one of the area offices of the Comp about the anrnau at trollers Office or write to Gerald Lewis State they look into the Comptroller Attn Abandoned Property Section pelican cage Left 202 Blount Street Third Floor Tallahassee FL Michael Cohn OefU 32301 phone (904) 487-0510 O aid Michael Dicker ton uatch recvperat xrg pelicans through theferce surround ing the enclosure

My name is Ginny Quick f and I'd like to be your Tennis instructor i You reserve a court at your condo or home and III 19 come lo you • Head pro — 3 years Turnberfy ,^ Country Club Illinois • Head pro — 2 years Camden Own i gulf front home tot the price cf a Condomin urn UroLnd level w tb no itfpi to Country Club, South Carolina climb to ttiu ruilom bu It 3 bedroom 2 bath We overlook n( l!ie Gulf ol Mrtieo from • Assistant pro — Iowa City on* of tht h she»t f tevit oni on S»n twl Pl«« call for in »pj* ntmf nl to preview this , Racquet Club proptn; PfK* re


— Relax in th s .newly refurb shed top floor excecutive studio close to all amenities Fully turn shed and has an ex celled! rental history $146 700 furnished

N 303 — Lovelt 2 bedroom 2 bath plus den in newest Su«4ial^iase In Sund al s guaranteed r&.Vj)pfogram GULF VIEW and priced rigm al S249 (XX) furnished

T—202 — Sund al has luxury con dorr niums and T 202 is no exception K Ih S2S 500 furnished Its 2149 sq It of vacat on living w th spiral staircase to ground level cabana E 20S/6 — one ol a kind' It s been given T20t — Tucked away in this GULF Just steps to the pool «nd beach Ask TLCf This 2 tjedroom 2 bath uni! is very FRONT resort w Ih all amemt es is this about f nancing' $255000 furnished attractively 'urnlshed and very affordabty spacio s unit w th 2149 sq ft o* vacat on priced $229 500 Furnished I v ng ard a cabana al g ound level Ex B-40J/4 — 2 becfoom/2 oaih wth wee ent cellent rental history for the investor GULFVIEW from all major looms In resort s L 305 — Such a gorgeous VIEW from th s $250000 furn shod independent rental prog am Call for income GULF FRONT beauty! A spacious two Ah story $135000 Furnished bedroom two bath plus dnn unit with T 402 — Top (loor 2 bedroom 2 bath plus beautiful furnfsh nga and atl uploda'o den and private balcony w th excellent NE# LISTING conveniences Inc uding microwave oven renlat history Full resort w th lots o( ac O-4M — Enjoy ine Gull ifw Iroti ih B one Come see - It speaks fcr Itself) S310 000 lion or peace and quiet GULF VIEW — bedroom unit that 3 eeps 4 wilh ease A good furnished $254 000 furnished {{ rental opporlunit/ S1530O0Fu nlshed

For information on these or any Or visit our on site sales of ficejliext to the Tennis Pro Shop SUNDIAL LISTINGS call Mar e L Renn VIP Realty Group Inc Sundial.Resale Office Broker Salesman 489 2777 [even ngsj Serving Sundial & ONLY SurmiaSurmfal and Robin Humphrey 1246 Middle Gulf Drive / REALTOR Associate 472 663? [even ngsj (813)472 4151 Ext 3808 (da/4! Says it All in Real Estate1 The No. 11ndependent REALTOR in Southwest Florida

o 30AC MARCH 27 1086 ISLAND REPORTER Complete Services for the Investor

ds • K 1 144 SocV 7 M • Co POM e Do ds • N * 1 s e • T »t ee un c pfl t • Go e nrrer, Sect e • Op on • T x Sici e s • G nn e f W* • 0 T r Se • C • n*u an c • He* J

Come to the Old-KashioMcd Endangered CLAM BAKE Species 3 VMM II i9 WitMAINh oil theE trimming LOBSTEs R$1 O9 white It lasts SSI'llUTOr iOLr 400 f it T Hh\ 1ND SOITH St At PI ^STATION 172 9222 GOOD FRIDAY sea rf- spray* GOOD FISHDAY Delightfutly located apart (rom commercial areas of Sanibel Island S"a Spray is destined to be the island s most exclusive I SAVE j SAVE private res denttal community offer ng a limited number of c c beachfront and beach access homesites A un que oppo^un ty to ! 50 A LB. | 50 A LB be a part of what may be Sanibel s last beachfront single family I Off the Regular I Off the Regular community ^ I Price on any | Low Price on I Fish Fillets with; lAny Size Shrimp I this coupon jwilh this coupon


f sti Market Open 12 Noon • Resfaufant and'lounge, Open d 30 PM 472^12$ • Full L quof license • All ma^x Cred I Caids • 975 Rabb t Road TAXES • Business and Personal lax Return andals Preparation A Romantic Revival • Formi Available for Ml Slates Recapturing THOMAS R.LOUWERS,M.S.T. 1619Penu.nkleWii Su!eI02 the Best of the Past, 472-5U52 j very special kind of living awaits Amenities Lush tropicil Lindscap | you at Sandals A lifestyle that ing Free form swimming pool Bar Join the recaptures the ambiance of the past — becue grill area Private beach wilk reflecting the old island charm of over access Ospre) tower Spectacuhr EASTER X yesteryear — and combines it with views of the Gulf PARA1DE modern comforts in a spacious Sandals is a very private four unit townhomc design Gulf front complex found along pres to our n r tigious West Gulf Drive This is your JAZZY Special Design Features Lattice ishnd escape Enjoy the best of the and ornamental woodwork Class past blended with the comforts of the BRUNCH etched entry doors Vaulted ceilings present at Sandals — a very special Eight foot high glass sliding doors kind'of living Call todaj fo- all the Jacuzzi tub Expansive sunning decks u details Tinted windows Marketed by Unique Extras Corian counter tops l*riscil!a Murpb\ Microwave oven Cultured marble Realty, Inc. 0 nglVq*jOu o-Jf I%'i1** ! i da aJeul baths Wallpaper allowance Floor \\\ Al TOU EaserS d Our a ail r ry ^ "t*0 Box 57 Samhcl fL 1J9a7 \\ ""u a ! a i pf i J e door " Phone (813) 472 Hll -m I r L « s f a. Ja z -\ ! A Winrtm Development Project ! k f' s E. 6\

AND VERY SPECIAL DINNERS 5 30 to 10 P U Perils e !>irp Jiadd -> c rreTJa r- V t> locam dCa m bc-s AC Ld { 'obt r hi mA a ! i. K «s\R ^ L. H I

o *&Tg$£x4^3 irf*tsr-irij w*.. ^ j-

ISLAND REPORTER U MURCH 27 1986 P 31A permits i 1 The C ty cf Sai- be) Issued ts bu Id ng pe rti Is valuod at 3390 Lake Road No ttl by Raymond Remote ng lot $6900 Ma k McQuado for $1 200 J $339 712 between Marc* 19 and Mai h 24 w H Da e G bson lor a concrete s ab at 2479 Bi nd Pass o Resident!*) died* feco der) for more than $70000 in lid Permit* we e issued lo CouH by Qua! ty Indus! es Inc for ILS00 q ed Michael Chymbof lor a s ogle lam ly res dene at 1516 Tan er Eleanor and C M for a s ngle family res dence at R hard Kennedy to M chad Inns lot 10 b ock 9 Bunting Lane by R ctia d Kennedy lor 163 720 1438 Causey Court by Capetown Develop men! for 370 125 San be'Shores number t $175 000 Mike Nazarawtt for a sing e lam y res dence at 3016 Tu lie C-3 II Schne der hi a s ng e family res dence at 4285 Gull Condominium deeds of mo e thin $70000 neluded Ga I Lane by B chard Kennedy tor $58 ''ZO P nes Dr ve by N e nann Wolter for 161 950 Frank Cassavef tn Kennelh Bob nson un t 4 A. ShofcwoofJ Olive Campbell lorarootover at 1119 Perjvu nklp numbe George Kohlbrenner lot a* ngs at 2407 Per w nkle by of San bel condom n urn J430 000 p 80 by Larry M nn ck lor $3 500 p Coastal Canvas for II 205 Gera d Moo e to W I aumlor$2 311 er and Moore lor SI 950 Jo Lane to Robert Bonner un t 712 Ma iner Poirile Cort Wisconsin Dietary Management Inc lor remodel ig at Marian Kranlchleld for two decks at 13C8 Jama ca Drive by domnium phase II SJ75 000"


AND PERM d? 1986 PRICELESS SPECIALISTS jf Nauonal Hair Designer FASHIONS Designer & Quahly Name Brand of The Year Clothing at Very Reasonable Priced

^ Next To Timbers Restaurant, Sarabcl 472-5543 ^j£ 1776 Colonfal Blvd , ftwl Myera 93B-1511 S'-LP Ff^ Btit^e t* Vatentho Shampoo with Settee [8rmg Ad] r-^ I® *** [FullSsrvca Salons! ^ J ^QOQOQQQOQQOOQQQOQQQOO CONDO LIVING "LETIZiAS" NQTFORYOIF . CONTINENTAL CUISINE AFTER ALI»? SINCE 1969

-JAKE A TRIP ON US! COME SEE OUR HOMES! Let Letlzla'f vpntjnental Cuisine take you'on an authentic taste 'our

Middle Golf Dr. — three bedroom t xo and a half bath pool home that overlooks the golf course Featuring fresr]^veal, seafood and S260 500 unfurnished ,_ o pasta Also d§||clous tbste ^tempting dess'erts^ J Gulf Ridge — prLmierc area - thn e bedrooms two baths with fireplace ceramic floors and plus carpeting top of the line appliances and a Enjoy su h delicacies as beautifully landscaped aue $350 000 unfur nished M4?v I ^* Caloman (Squid) \f* A ScungitH (Conch) c Gumbo Limbo — three bedrooms tv o baths on a Auberg ne (EggplaAfl $ ffir Ungulne w/whife Clam Sauce special corner lot with lake views $198 500 fur Veal Marsalla \^ Btaciuol ni [itufied Steak) nished o Scampi Alia Neapolitan^ Fettuccim Turchta Alaskon Crab G ovann^ «£- Stuffed Cannel'oni * M and many mor^ethnlc felonies Sanlbel Lake Estates — two bedroom two bath new home with all appliances and on a lake All dinners Include Anlipajfo Of Coesar salad bread and $134 500 unfurnished & butter and cf spaafcettlm side d sh

&,1 na dine Panlbel River Estates — three bedroom two Join us at Letizia $, ana dine on a d tterent continent bath pool home with a family"3room and deeded i\+ tonlgh' beach access CS170 OOO furnished

472 2177 Danes — duplex with threq bedrooms tw o and a SORRY NO RESERVATIONS half baths with beautiful lake view* and only a short ualk to the clubhouse $147 000 unfur


PO Box 210 3402 Palm Bid** fid 3313 West Gull Drive beauVulSambel Island On the Gull Phone 8X3/472 5021 600 237 S146

O 32A D MARCH 27 1966 Q ISLAND REPORTER agenda

SANIBELCl Y COUNCIL MEETING FL1CT AN0 SEVERANCE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE Recess tot lunch (as schedut ng a id d scuss on requi es) COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE 12 20 PM Public Hearing and F rst Rttji ng of AN OR IMacKENZIEHALU c t J 40 A M Publ c Hear nj and Second Read ng of AN OR DlNANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 11 3b OF THE LAND O 800 DLNLOP ROAD DlNANCE AMENDING 3UB SECTION II B1 a OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDING THE CONDITIONS A'JD April 1 1966 DEVELOPMENT CODE REVISING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT REGULATION^ APPLICABLE TO f ERTAIN APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS INVOIVING THE CREATION INSTITUTIONAL USES PHOVID NC FOR CONFLICT AND AGENDA """ OF COOPERATIVE OR CONDOMINIUM UNITS CONSISTING Jai-VERANCE AND PROVID NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE 9 00 A M Invocal on and P edgo cf Alleg ance (Da ley) ONLY OF A PORTIOtTOF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE PRO^ l/iO PM Pubic Hearing and F st Pead ng ol AN OR o Proc amat on dec ar ng Apr I 13 lo 19 19S633 Bu Id ng Sale VIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE AND PROV1D Nu DlNANCE AMENDING SUB-StfBStCTION I E 181 (*> OF THE AN EFFECTIVE DATE ..AND DEVELOPMENT COOF REVI ING REGULATJONS AP Approval olMnutesol Regular Meetings oM 2tB6 2 18B6 11 50 A M Publ c Hoar ng and Second Readlrg of AN OR PtiCAQLE TO TEMPORARY OPEN HOUSE^STRETT— 3 * 86 and 3/18 86 ° DlNANCE AMEND NG SECTION 1G 1 OF THE LAND GRAPHICS PROV D NG FOR COrJf LICT AND SEVERANCE Planning Commlss on Repo t DEVELOPMENT CODE EXEMPT NG RESORT HOUSING AC- AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE C ty Alto ney 3 Report CESSORY COMMERCIAL USES APPROVED AS CONDI 1240 PM Pub c Hea no and First Read ng of AN OR Public Comments and Inqulr es TIONAL UsES FROM THE MINIMUM REQUIRED SZE FOR DlNANCE AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 6Y City Manager a Report ,, COMMERCIAL UNITS PROV DING FOR CONFLICT AND THE ADDITION THERETO OF A NEW SECTION I E.33 PRO a) Rev ew ol Weslwlnd Inn food service v olat on and C ly SEVERANCE AND PROVID NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE VIDING FOR DfVIATIONS FROM THE REOU RED CONDI Manager a request lo w Ihdraw teMau ant pe m l 1300 NOON Publ c Hearing and Second Read rg ol AN OR T1ONS LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE LAND b) Resolul on app ovlng rev sons to p oposed use ot OINANCF AMENDING SUB-SUBSECTION IB 2c |78)OFTHE DEVELOPMENT CODE PERTAINING TO PUBLIC FACILITIES Federal Revenue Shar ng for FY 198586 LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REDEFINING THE TERM SET YiV EN AUTHORIZED BY DEVELOPWENT PERMIT APPROVtD c) Approval ot Coopers « Lyb and ergagemeit letter lor BACK (OR SETBACK LINE) PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT BY THE PLANN NG COMMISSION PROVIDING FOR CON Fiscal Year B5 86 Aud t AND SEVERANCE AND PROV DING FOR AN EFFECTIVE FLICT AND SEVERANCE AND PROV (/ING AN EFFECTIVE d) Resolution approving FY 1985 86 Supplementary Budget DATE ^ DATE Numbar 01 Amendments HI through #12 12 10 P M Publ c Hea ing and Second Pead ng ol AN OR Mayor and Councltmen 5 Repo ti Q e) Review ol B *e Path reconmenda on rega d ng changes DlNANCE AMEND NG SECTION IF 3 AND SUBSECT ON Pub c Commen 5 and Inqu es to mandatory b ke path usage ord narce he d over from March IF6b OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE DELETING THE Ad ou nment ^ 18th City Counc I meet ng REQUIREMENT FOR RECREATIONAL. OPEN SPACE FOR 3 00 P M Co-nc I w II con ene lor J Spfptal Counc I Meet ng f) Monthly Slat is Repo t ol Approved City Cap tat Projects RESORT HOUSING UNITS AND OTHER UNITS OF HIGH tM rega d ng poss ble changes in elect on procedures g) Monthly Status Report ol Counc I Approved Tasks PACT IN AREAS WHERE RESORT HOUSING IS A PERMITTED II a person de des to appeal ary dec 9 en ol the bod/ w th 11 30 A M Pub c Hear ng and Second Read ng ol AN OR USE AND ADJOINING BAY BEACH OR &JLF BEACH AREAS resoect to any matter considered at such meeting or hear ng DlNANCE AMENDING SUB SUBSECTIONS IC*3b (4) AND FOR UNITS LOCATED IN A S*RUCTUPt VJH CH ON APR L he wi 1 need a record ol the proceed ng* And lo such pu pose I E 23 b (5) OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDING 10 19 9 CONTAINED ONE OR MORE LAWFUL RESORT he tray reed tc euu e that a ye battm vetD'd ol the p 0- AND CLARIFYING THE PARKING bPACE REQUIRtMENTS HOUSING UNITS OR OTHER UNITS OF HIGH IMPACT PRO ceed ngs Is trade wh rh record In ludes the tesl many and FOR NEW AND EXPANDED COMMERCIA' USES AND V DING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE AND PROVID NG ev dence upon whu,ti the appear Is to be based „ CHANGES IN COMMERCIAL USES PROVIDING FOR CON AN EFFECTIVE DATE

Short of holing a seance \iccanl WiTJitScconscqucncesofdisplosinR FlondiGrouperon\\cdnesdj> Jamaican 1 acluallygetendorscmenlsuTocrpeoplLlike someone hkluniiEnund wecreiled Cfucken on lliursda) JMK New York 5tnp Ernest Hemingway King Henry VIII CKidwivksill jtRi-can eat buffets . Steak OP Saturday " '

or Napoleon Bonaparte c [1ol>iKsian Paradise on Tuesday Plus a specwl menu for other hard But wei e certain Chadwick s would StafoodDel^tonFndty Champagne to-please title people Your kids. please them inspirit, Brmrh on Sunday And bountiful lunches All at prices so reasonable you can Afteralongdayofb.1ttl1nRir.vl1n everyday afford to feed an army orbattlirgaljpewnter Pipal'emmgwi/ 1 lenrv probably uoud ha\-e proposed We heartily errdorse a visit to would have loved to avoid, bat tluig a nakt ic loathe cook Chad wick s in the rear future So k would hare loved Ch.idwn.ks Genll> persuading reluctant pnn As WOUKI a couple of histor> s and our fresh seafood choice nieils apnlities tojon the empiredoe^ntitare biggest eaters decadent desserts and divine dnnks-^ a genenl much time ta catch a qurk bitu And one of lustory s smallest ones. Because while the atmospheres nik r Which b why Nipo'con is tnd lion inoresophisUatedlhai in/Vncnns.if'ia illy portnjed with a hand inside his coal the dress is alircist is asm! massaging his growling stcn v\t King Henry Vlll went through six If only be \\\.rc round for wives trying to find one w1w d give him Cliadwicksdmncrspecia]0 Prune Rib good food in king sized portion-: indKui^Cnb Duo 011 Monday btufed TwoBigEndorsements For Chadwickk VIP REALTY CAOLP INC. j , - And One Little One. 5301 gai Cap Rd (aCfO99lromWuHertRd) B13 472-3456

ESffiJ ,

I For The Best of the APPEARING Ar CHADWICK SA1R1UM LOUNGC EVERY NIGH I BUI 1UCSDAY K Islands Z-BOP — MARCH 10 - APRIL 7 Every Tuesday night, Soutlmebl' londi Steel Drum Band __^ 1^1 AND REPORTER- >Vfi< H ? 9* 33A

Bargain Time at Punta Rassai Condominium! Hist fir .or unfurmshed apartment vuth t'<.o bedrooms and tuo baths Widi> scieened porch Ov tier asking >90 ri00 with rtijlv fen pei cent down1 Bisseli Realty Service Corp. 0Treetops Center, Suite 103 Sanibei, FL Phone 813-472-088D

THE OLD-CAFTIVA HOUSE "Sunday Match 30, 1986 11:30-2:00 and 1:30 to 9 p.m.

H ikdl \ ir(»iiii iJl mi mtli I! u-m s in » O ttwihd In 4 f. I c- „ Spniif. ]j_p of Limb « Mm! 5 m < h Hint linast of l.rki; ° !na«t I/ing W.iiid DurlvhiM u/Orini,, ••mm ami Wild l!n,

Bountiful Silad lia X^ortcd Yn-h \((.Uiblts Candied bail's c O\tn ROIMKI \C» 1'oHiois WJdnrf Salul lrcli BikiJ Hot f ross fitin^ ^ NOW Jrcsh Apple Pic " Cirml C.ike lircid I'uilding w/Cnam ],, Cr un 1 id "iliprha " f offii h i, Milk (ir NJ<]| Al'PEAKIMi Vdull-- Ml Childpn il.' i5 undirl V 'ir>% tn\ifp flur,.. | lus 5' -ilii°t \ iddid a

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The Danny Morgan B.ind for your dancing and listening pleasure from 9 00 to 12 15 am Appearing Now Thru April 6

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Smoked I Ham I .67. y\p5.39 .15 ***** faster candu- national Drands whole cut a wraDaed free - f White"" "' [semi toneless»49 ID) ~~ oTuna 1.19 Snack Bars 1.J9 M'&"M Candies 2.58 Juicy Juice . .. .99 lamb'... ID. 1.69 SoTi'dWggT'' 318 Creme Eijgs 1.19 f Grapefruit 6 Juice .. . Loin Round B'i«rEggs"""' .98 1.79 Roast Steak f Dinner ***** 1.55 Q Napkins . .82 Roasting ChfcKen <* •/y ***** .2.78 Health s Deauty P Hefty"" Porterhouse Steak.3.58 iExcedrin "" 3.72 6 Bags 1.73 T-Bone Steak 3.38 RumpRoasTT .1.98 i Nuprin 5.99 Bacon . 2.08 Ground Chuck .1.48 iRight Guard 2.19 oSak 1.66 I Close-Up 1.19 {Ready Crust .85 -deli & nailery-, Cocmilets .4.08 PerchVillets 4.59 r— frozen 5 in to 6 ID ham 2 IDS uami I IB Pink Shrimp" c 5.29 Bass Fillets 2.68 green Deans 1 aoz.ainnor rolls Whipped Topping .87 m W S C»j[ •> P £•*£•£) y holiday Salad Shr.mp ^ .4.59 Snapper Fillets 4.98 i Sausage Pizza 2.29 f -I ham -farm fresh produce {cherry Pje 2.55 n dinner.. 19.95 ia ID. bag-fresh 1 Macaroni & Cheese .53 llonghorn unite grapefruit or {Broccoli Spears .50 Cheese 1.58 4 Little Ears 1.45 Turkey florida Breast 2.48 {ice Cream 2.49 Hot Cross Buns 1.39 -dairy- Easier Stollen ,.2.69 EU1U I UE . __ Florida •jn. Pascal iFleischmann's ..98 Cup Cakes «* Us Strawberries .. .f 5? Celery .33 {English Muffins . .91 Pound Cake Seedless QQ Green 4 Cream Cheese .oa Turkey Pastrami 1.88 Grapes . ... .».5/5/ Cabbage .. .15 I American Singles 1.38 oirveioat .158 White" Rosa Potatoes.. 39 §^*,]_ ..59 Ishredcled Cheese 1.25 Kaiser Rods Rhubarb »1.09 Anjou Pears ,..79 Yoplait Yogurt .49 Challah Bread ,0,1.29 Arrangement ,.7.99 {cate Geneva


Ad cllectln Fhu tdiy March 27 thru Wed-widiy AprX 3 W96 in SUNDAY B i FL Hy* t Criarlo «t Harbor Karry Boo ta Spcngj and Cap* Co il FOOD CENTERS W ISLAND REPORTER D MARCH 27 -1936 C 35A 3 commentary police watch

plemcnting the spyplanes from Cuban bases that • DLADSLATURTLF A complainant who America must stand monitor the USA s East. Coast ° wished to remain anonymous called Sanibel police Yet despite this threat Tip ONeill and the to report a dead aea turtle in frcnt of the Snook up for freedom liberals in Congress vote a« though the) actually Motel Marrh 22 at 10 57 a m Charles LeBuff of support the Nic&raguan dictatorship and San Caretta Research told police he had checked the in Central America danista efforts to topple neighboring Central turtle and called public works to have it removed American republics • SAILOR IN DISTRESS A 21 year-old Si By Congressman Connie Mack For several years they cut off all funding for Louis man reportedly }osl a ma>t bracket on his anti-communist groups in Central America — even ssilboard near the West Wind Inn March 23 at id you know that Managua Nicaragua is for pro US governments m the region Last year 4 45 p m After Sanibel police s jmmoned the U S closer to Fort Myers than Chicago Illinois? pressure forced Congress to back a small sum of Coast Guard the sailor wai towed to shore by the D The battle for democracy in this non military aid — just }14 million — for the anti Linda Lee docked at Sanibel Minna beleaguered Centra) American nation is real and communist rebels in Nicaragua known as contras •OLDE SANIBEL BREAK IN One hundred close to home The time has come for America to But this amount cannot sustain the contras in eighty-eight dolla s was appareitly taken from the -Hand up and decide whose side we ire on Is light of increases in Soviet and Cuban support for Sanibel Five and Ten Store in the OMe Sanibel America on the side of those who support freedom revolutionary activities by communist groups in complex and was reported to police March 23 at r lnd democracy or those who support Daniel Central America The freedom fighters need guns 10 25 a m Police investigation of tt*e premises in Ortega s police state? Does America support peace and ammunition to continue their battles not just dicated that entry was gained through the north at any price - even the price of freedom? Or the band aids and toothpaste Their numbers are grow door Reports show the door may have been jim Ronald Reagan theory thit freedom and peace can ing every day as more and more Nicaraguans par micd with a slim object such as a krife No s gns go together? ttcularly young people go up into the -nountains of forced entry were noticed Ptlice dusted the The Soviet Union s 200 military a ivisors are to join the struggle to end years of government (1 or for fingerprints hu raised only smudges repression in their homeland training more thin 7 500 Cuban soldiers and • HAM) r,UN IK)\ATr D A I impel Drive mimnmila Ailing t)ilT want arc I he tools to hambel police found an empty old Army 45 Nicaragua that will allow their spypianes to fij do the joo themselves and to free ther homehnd caliber gun and plared it m 'he police proper y over the West Coast of the United States torn from years of repression D locker at ner re jucl-w


1FB A Traditional Children s Shoppe LOOKING SHARP! NAUTICAL 20%">OFF ALL PLUSH ANIMALS MEN'S LAGUNA POSTERS Fine Clothing ^ K Beach Toys Smocked Dresses w Books SWIMSUIT SETS HAND MADE JEWELRY* RANDALL Swimwear/ PiusVAnimals KNIVES • ASSORTED HMOfGS Color and casual comfort NOW OPFN AT OLDE SANIBEL P«rlwlaU« * Tarpoa B«y Rd OldeSanlbetTarpl> nets Located In 20 im * complex GOOD FRIDAY MARCH 28 thru EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 30 with 20 x 40 pool and tenn $ court 2 available for s.ile $99 500 and $110 000 o <- & In addlllon to our regular menu ^ we will feature DIRECT BAYFRONT VIEW THE BEST PRIME RIB * ON THE ISLANDS $1195 • • and THE BEST SHRIMP SCAMPI Mariner Point #1091 Corner ground f! HA — 2 bedroom i'naih completely furnished fii ON THE ISLANDS $10.95 cludnq !l vrti housemates lull 5?e w & d in laundry loom Amen ties ncludt i. pools lenn s courts fshngper a place for yet r boat D reel i lyfrotit v ew and tSe oest pnep offered in the com All dinners Include salad vegetable pW $14^0l» y and choke of potato BEACH ACCESS

Child s menu available Sorry no reservations

'Best Reslaurant for Steak - Tasle of the Islands 'Best Restaurant for Seafood — Taste of the Islands Tt is pract ea ly new/ 3 bedroom I baih w th farr ly room on a ft«r-u.«kr canal is n Fast Rocks Subd ulslon *!h deeded beach aces Custon mrror treatment throjghout energy effcient drapes bl *• )s solar tinted w- ^dows decorative wrought iron secur ty enlrance door Double car garage w th automatic door opener talhydral celngs wet bar upgraded asp'ances large deck off master bedroom Uiig room and famly room Ground level CBS hoiie professionally landscaped and on a Cul de sac Offered al $159 500 WYMAN ATKINS REALTY M FUh Market Optn 12 Noon • Restaurant and Lounge Open 4 30 PM PO Box^'M Sanbel FL139S7 472 3128 • Full liquor Itcenie • All major Credit Cards • 975 Rabbit Road )ad 472 2194

O K1^, ^t^taMF z&x^F «r t;

36A O MARCH 27 1966 • ISLAND REPORTER public forum

recently placed on Captiva s tiva Island What I saw vas a hunch cfire7 Thanlfully thtrt are people In defense of shoreline was correct although un of concrete filled bags jutting out of who not only havt asked this ques fortunate in view of the the water and extending along the tion but live out the answer daily to our little friends, deteriorating condition of our beach They werr collecting sand as the benefit of those in need To those the raccoons beaches would anything of more o«- less per special*" people r nerds in Servict It has been long known that the manent nature that extends perpen Here 'MSHI I end A Hand Red To hlanil Reporter placement of objects of a more or dicular into the witcr While they Cross Sanhel Fire Department In defense of our little friends the less permanent nature perpen ire doing so tht j are eyesore? of Sanibel Pol ce Department WINK raccoons what would Sanibel be dicular to the beach will accrete monumtntal proportions TV WLVU T\ we wish to thank without them? They have Secome sand This his been proven on Cap If tapti'-ans re looking for a you fof vour efforts to soothe a piin much more visible because of the tiva Island It his also bten long Q cheap solution to our erosion pro (u) situation superfluous destruction of their known that such objects as they ac blom thL\ nn forget it There isnt To those special people who do habitat for unnecessary commercial crete stnd du so at the expense of inj Cheap solutions will give us not deal with such tragedies on a purpwts causing them to seek far beachts thit arc down current cheip results daily basis but were ever so suppor and wide for sustenance especially Notwithstanding lh» gt rural con It is far more important for the live and giung -ve extend a thank during the dry season During the tractor and project engineer on state to be prichcil with this ex you 7 Clcvcn Noah % Ark Dan rainy season thej find frogs gam their own initiative chose to injict | erirneital proiert and give it i MilUrd \alleru Tool \ivienne busia ground shrimp and w ild concnte into the sandbags ir direct chance to prove its worth This tx BouldRidiian HettvUark Dr Col fruits violation of thi ptrmifs issued to the penmental project •shojld be iltow lucis office local real estate agen 1hev do occasionally take birds Captivi Lrosion Prevention District ed to proceed and test the ability to iics in particular \ IP aid the owner eggs but so do snakes palm rats and bv the stiU of Florida slop boich erosion it d we tn other of the W oodbridge Apartments vultures It is the wav of niture The CFPD tnLst share some of the locations Mike Trowbndge I have enjoyed their company for bhme for this fia°co It bent over t> John II Mount To everjbody who called to lend the last Is years and all those I know backwards to award the contract for Cap (i in support to (iir people Aeextcndour at e healthy and beautiful It is i pro the installation of the sindbags to gratitude In such times of need ven fact that dogs on the beach Mr Holmberg and the supervision comfort still can he fouid in knowing spread dangerous diseases Nothing contract to Mr Learned In dong so CEPD meeting there are genuine people there to so far has been done about that c it violated fundamental principles of help Thank jou Sanibell Here on the island we must be bidding on public contracts in more 'a breath Former Resident* of than one instance TheCEPDdid not VVoodbndge \partments wary of man) poisonous plants and of fresh air' K stinging insects Our island is a even follow the advice of its own u Sambrl wildlife sanctuary and ill wildlife counsel <( must be respected and protected The Cfcl'D owes the taxpivers a To Island Reporter A smalfmatter' Until an autopsy prdvesotherw se I public apology for this ill fated pro - Although CEPD Coirmissioner will not believe that our little ject wh ch has cost them tens of Bob Martin and I have dtsagretd in of vehicle safety friends carry a dingerous disease thousands of dollars Perhaps tht. past and most likclv will •* Alice Kjllo however it is money well spent disagree in the future I wish to com To Island Reporter Sanbel Maybe the CEPD will now devote its mend h m publicly for the good job As a pait time resident and long full attention to the beach nourish he did running the March 11 l<»86 time visitor to this lovely inland I ment project which is clearly its CEPD meeting in Commissioner would like to call to your attention a ° A bouquet- main duty Hofschneiders absence small matter relating to vehicle safe I lojd Wright "Vfcechnrmen never have the op ty on the island Four way stop in and a brickbat! terscctiont with their alternating Captxia porlunity to be as prepared for a 1 To Island Reporter meeting as the chairman Asanewlv stop and proceed rules are genera Of the two island papers the elected commissioner he has not had ly well hi idled by notoris s on the Itland Reporter has always been far Give sandbags the experience vet the meeting was island Hcwevcr there is one loca and away the leader — In news con run in a business like manner Com tion at which the placement of a tent, currency format layout a chance to o missioner Martin gave the other Yield sign is confusing and could photography graphics editorial prove themselves CEPD members an opportunity to be a potential hazard The sign is at acumen and responsiveness to the commejit on issues as well as the the intersect on of Iindgren ard public Each issue was addressed Penw inkle andjtpparentlv i« tntend readers A copy of this letter to Flonda ed to be observed by drivers coming Please do not allow slipshod Goiernor Bob Graham was submit and a conclusion for some positive action WuS arrived at ^ off the cau«eway and merging to the editing to tarnish this reputation ted to the Island Reporter for rig'it onto Periwinkle It appears to such as that seen in the February 20 Mi b lua (ion. I look forward tc continued pro e fessionahsm in conduct of future drivers both on Lindgrcn and February 27, March 6 and March 13 ^•To Governor Robert Graham Periwinkle that the sign is intended Issues wherein the identical tide meetings it was a breath of fresh It it a shake that tile Captiva ai* for them Actually the "Yield" sign chart was run in each of these fojr resort heads and developers should be on tht right of the driver issues! Richard C Kleinhans pressured our state government ! Captna foi whict it ii intended All other Some folks really use that in tor departments to slop for a minor er Yield 5 gns are so placed matlon ror in the readirg of a permit Sincerely, from an Island visitor restriction an attempt bv our Cap Fire victims Perhaps jour safely people would Evelyn Loverde, tiva Erosion Prevention District to be inter* sled in looking into this Urbana, Ohio experimentally irstall on a 65Q foot grateful to matter vith a view to bolstering 0 Thank you for your commtntt section of our three mile exposed •those special Sanibel s outstanding vehiclfc safety which are well taken. We appreciate beach a new engineering plan to record tuch tvpport-and cnheism-and Me save our badly eroded shore line people* Q John T Dickman X ' *> imcertly regret the error Similar vertically installed sand '• Columbia Ohio ° -Editor bagged groins have been successful To Island Reporter As a rtsuil of this letter 1Ae sign* ly installed in other parts of our Recently IB of our local people on Pentiink'e and Lirdgren are be country rebuilding badly eroded were awakened early one morning o vig chan jed. CEPD must share shorelines and then ho'ding the while flames were ltterall> dancing sand around them in their sleep Imaging blame for Only an expensive short lived standing helpless while your lifes dredged beach nourishment of our treasures are being destroyed in sandbag project beaches will satisfy this business f-ont of you To Island Reporter = group As a resort head published in Hopefullv most of us will never I think that the decision of the the local newspaper last week I have to tace such a tragedv Governor and his Cabinet to order recently paid a visit to the site o' the However have we ever asked the removal of concrete filled bags miricle sand bag project on Cap ourselves Whit heppens after th°

them quirklj if the price begins to drop ' taking stock How do you know v hich sto ks arfe volatile^ No dreaming today lhin are comjlicaied and sojhi^ticated wa\s of measuring volatility but here is an easj wav ^ou By Ben Fuller is going up jou can have this part of vour mi nev 'ook in tht paper to find just to the left of the ast week we soared on winged sandals: in in aggressive growth fjnd If the market sinks name of a ^tocK its h ghtst pnn and the lowot into regions of empyrean bliss to dreams of you can phone 'hem to switc*i to a more conser pnc( in the list o° wieks Divi le the highest price L 35S percent profit that cou'd have been ours valive in"onu fund or to a super sate monev b\ the lowcs price sjbtrdft on( ard \ou have a in only a few weeks merely by murmuring into market fund vrlatilitv index the ear of a broker the magic work options Tn Two excellent families of Turds are the > -\s in txamp1< \hminsnn a speculative stock day we clump around once again on the solid earth Vanguard Group (1 800 662 7147) ind tht I idi Uy thn has had a specti ular rise his a i2week high in our clodhoppers of prudent investment pro Group il 800 514 66661 Do ph me for thur propstc- in I k w of 68 * and 27' Divide fc8' 4 by 27 1 to , cedu-es tuses get 2 1b Subtract one to get a V laiilitv Index of I d Ime to summarize what I advise and offer a To find out whether the mirket is Kolfitf '»n r 1 1Q This is a h gh f ftin o ir sivwgs in a very whether the market is rising or filling \s of For comjiari f*n vtrv conservative Atneticr^r conservative irutuil fund like Strong Investment March 20 whrn th s is beins{ \r tttr t is e'ear Hon c Product1; his a risjn and ow ur the !J«1 S1* Fund or Mropj- T Hal Return Fund If vou havtn I thit the mnrk-*! is still rising If vou wint id make wctks of ^0 and il 1 This f;ivcs 1 ! * i !al lit j phoned them at 1 fc00 )fi8 306"] for i pr ispech s I the e In effort it would be pr (itibk for x J (r index of onlv 046 It^s -\ g;o>d c< n^frviiivt si ck urge you to do so rcid^VTiuc I inp and bUnd in and i oors tx tilint toowna d hold hunot « itihle Icr «ptcu it n Third another part of -vour n oi v\ with wMch ierv cts onct i wetk at the I bnr W el! (,001 luck or [ht ^p sout 6 icnes if irf 5 I you can take a tittle more -isk «• th a choice i f \prf then, if viu hivt enough sivir 5* U i'i lit tike to nvtsi vour swings H t it «J*f un hsi ' g- eater gain should be invested in a nutuat fund ten Kv s| iculating vou til \e » cautiou^K h 1 wak ti drtirn a liitl abo t hs ^ p rccnt t r that forms part of a family of funds If the market \ lalilt si cks wl tn iho n irKtt i« r sing tnd stl f (•> with optnns wisntit °

o -f"»~vK7;"-

ISLAND REPORTER rj MARCH 27,1986 D 37A business

Travel agent trainees take a look Vo ' ; at the inner workings of a modern airport By Ear) Hartmah ravel is America's passion. We travel for. fun, for business, we drive to the mountains T or to the shore, we cruise the seven seas, -.. we fly to the ends of the earth. . "}:- And much of our travel today is more than just " Mom and Pop loading the kids in the car and tak- ing off as some of us may nostalgically remember. :..__ Today travel'agenis and other industry profes- sionals book our flights, our ships, even plan our itineraries for hotels, inns or other lodging in y Europe or across America. - • ^ ~ iv _' -. Sanibcl - and all areas of greater Lee County.'*" £ and Southwest Florida - are part of a travel in- . dustry that knows only the bounds circumscribed ."• by the atmosphere, at least for npw. The area boasts a growing regional airport with the capability of becoming a first class intcrna-. " ."" tional facility'—. it is already an international air- '; port with flights now non-stop to Canada. y -' '. •<-.. It also has its own schools to train travel agents - -'and others interested in working in the travel in- .1.7 million airline passengers debarked o. ': Students at the Universal Tmvell'nitUute in Fort r : ••:, dustry. :f ... -. " "..:• - •. '-.-•: ,. '»*''• , . embarked- •- *• >* , •.-?- • , , i Myers during a recent tour behind the scenes at : ' On a recent tour of Southwest Florida Regional • 19 air carriers serve the airport, with • the Southwest Florida Regional Airport ' .:) - -.---" ,:. Airport {RSW as its denoted by people in the Chicago-based Midway Airlines recently-added. •^ travel trade and their computers) a group of • Over 150 flights are scheduled, with non stop 1 ranged from that for the bite of a rattlesnake to a - %) future travel professionals studying the complex- flights.to 12 cities including in Canada.' .. ., •_. number of cardiac arrests. - ,,- : tl ly Ities of today's travel world saw first hand what's According to Gary Letellier, the airport's ex y Everi;car seats required by state law for young ;-.i." : - .behind the scenes at an international airport, H ccutive director, the airport is making efforts to- < '•',children are available for nominal rental from the 'C'Q ,. To the young travel students enrolled at Univer- increase passengers by working with members"^ ' center, as part of a federally lunded program of. r* ; L '••; sal Travel Institute in Fort Myers, it was a time the travel industry to get higher visibility. " •- " ;. the hospital. ^' . - "' .- '- • : •''" •• -'- to appreciate the intricacies and faciliities which "Travel agents need to know we're here," he ,, "; With an inside look at Jerry's Caterers which ,," ,. y. make a modern airport. -._. ~ said.". . "«.'''•.•• "• "" •" • •)"' . :' prepares the meals for 25 flights each day. UTI ' .-•>•- : .';.'• From the front office to the caterers' kitchen, - Such familiarization trips as UTI's are part of .: students got the picture — tliere's a lot more that .._x. from airline check-in counters to baggage claims . that effort.., ';• ." '-•__ ; will go into their passengers' flights than meets'.;- '

areas students glimpsed what their future work Lower landing fees for airlines at RSW have ; the eye. • . ; -;.; .-•. _ ,. •-••'• - ' • \ ~ will generate-passengers and the services to,: made a difference in traffic, Letellier says. The fee For this group, not being.able to see everything -.• : provide for them. - ..--:' • ; was recently lowered from $5 per 1,000 pounds tc : at Southwest Florida Regional Airport was not t!;,;, Some areas were not included in the tour this $1.50 per 1,000 pounds, - 7 - ; such a disappointment: they were leaving on their . . : ' day, Wayne Catlett with airport operations told Catlett noted that the airport is sulf-supportjag • own cruise by sea to the Ba'nt-mas in the morning. ,, the group, due to heavy, demands because of the in its operation. For an employee at the airport, he ^.Travel school UTI was recently purchased by i .volume of traffic this time of year.--- " said, it was like working in a small city, yet one Paul Sr. and Marika Luthringer.who own Around v^:'; But the students could see for themselves that not supported by tax dollars. .. - "„.,>? -- ;the World Travel agencies in various parts of ;J- . i Tthe Southwest Florida Regional Airport is a busy ,. It has its own fire department, restaurants, ad- [ -SouthWest Florida including Sanibet." r : ! •*•• one.'": " - -. ""-" • - -:-••. " - ". ministration, and maintenance department, securi- . The school offers various programs preparing'., -: Statistics for Southwest Florida Regional Air- ty, even its own health center. :- ' ;• •-' students to deal with all phases of the ttavel ^ port in 1985 show the volume of traffic to the air-. . For those in need, the Airport Health Center, "; business in occupations as travel agents, resort =:''" : : • • port:""- . s" ;'•-.-;. ~ " „ " - .•; operated by Lee Memorial Hospital offers the travel desk consultants and work in the airlines ^ '..•-... • Air traffic increased 35.77 percent. £ • .\ ._. •public and airport personnel treatment that has ji and with rental car companiei.G -v • ^ -.?'

add to your total include; deductible moving ex- ^..; -Taxes and your " penses; business and investment looses; unreim- - ~ bursed employee business expenses and an adjust- paycheck: answers to 7 ment for^a child care tax credit.: •' B 2. If 70U do npfplan to Uemiie deductions in the mystery of % ! 1986, simply add any charitable contributions to '^ the total you got in step one and go directly, to „ ;. % withholding ' •"',.;,: step three. However, if you will be itemizing •.••• •:.'.-_ ave you been getting too much taken out •-•- - deductions on your 1986 return, subtract your zero ' : of your paycheck for taxes7 Do you get a bracket amount from the toUl in step one. The, ^ H little unnerved wondering about whether^ ' zero bracket amount for a single person in 1986 is ' you properly filled out your W-4 form? {2,480. For a married person filing jointly, the -: /You're not alone. Most people say income tax ;ero bracket amount ts $3,673, and it's {2,480 for a withholding fa a confusing topic. According to the <- person who files as a head ol a household. '•• •, Florlda Institute of CPAa, sn eaay-to follow = • • 3. Divide the total from step two by $1,080.^ =:. withholding tax calculation can clear up any ques- Round off your answer to the next higher whole.' .. " tlons you may have about withholding of your, . number. If your answer ia 1.2, for instance, rounds it off to two. ' •'••" l r - > weekly .wages. 1Z '-'• "_ ."',.. having any penalties imposed for having too tittle :. 51 :. Withholding la the Federal government's way of withheld. The penalty ua'be avoided by applying;: , • -I/Add the number you obtained in step three collecting tax on your income. Your'employer one of the following safeguards: Pay at least 80 -K;• to the other personal exemp:icn3 to which you are - figures out how much of your wages should be tax- percent of your tax liability during the year or ' "•} entitled. You are allowed to claim one personal ex- ed based upon information you provide when you pay an amount equal to or greater than your tax emption each for yourself, your spouse (except if file a W-4 form. The W4 form is the one that's liability of 1985. •* - .»•".•• -; your spouse works and claims an exemption on a - given to yoii when you begin a new job. ' The other importantrrcason to consider filing a r- W-4), your children and other dependents. In addi- Out when people begin a new job, about the last new W4 is'if you expect any significant changes • • tion, you'are entitled to an extra exemption if you T? - . thing they want to contend with is an IRS form -; to occur irV your financial situation. For people who or your spouse are ege 65 or older or are blind. ,1 ' they do not understand — even after they've read purchased their first home this year, for instance,; According to th«*CPAst the final number of ex- ; it over several times. Because the form is so com- the mortgage interest and local tax deductions on;' emptions you now have Is the one you can insert . plicated, many people incorrectly.fill out their their 19S6 returns may allow them to claim extra > -on line (ou> of the W-4. You submit that form to exemptions on the W-4 and have less income : [: your employer. Based on the number of exemp- W-4s. Fortunately, you can straighten out any ; withholding problems by filing a new W-4. r^ ; withheld. •. ' '•' tions you have entered, the employer uses a table to figure out how much to withhold from yoUr r\ - In fact, while the details of your \9Sjj tax return " Unfortunately, the W-4 is one of the;most . ' '•. are fresh in your mind, this is an opportune lime -:. perplexing tax'forms Americans must fill out. To ' weekly paycheck. . . '' ;; . : to address the issue. Since we're only three mon" ' save you the trouble of laboring over the hard to " • Bo'aware, however, that the amount of ... . ths into 1986, there's still time to adjust your ' follow W-1, here is a four-step formula that cap ; withholding you have figure! out here applies only;, withholding for this year by filing a new W-4. But help you figure out how much to withhold from '?: to your income from your paycheck. Significant : " ;the sooner you act, the better. '..'•••• your.weekly paycheck. Grab a pad and pencil. _•:•] =amounts of interest income or "other sources of in- ^ You'll want to consider filing a new W-4 with '•"' O 1. Add up the following: Contributions you ,,. come will require additional amounts to be -< your employer if you expect to receive a large re- expect to make in 1986 to an Individual Retire- . ; withheld. . •'-• ^ '•.'"•'•:1. 1 • fund from the IRS as a result of having too much - .- ment Account or a Keogh; alimony you wfll be d '•'•' Also keep in mind that, "if you claim more than ~ - - withheld from your wages last year. A big refund paying; the amount you plan to claim for a two- ^ 14 exemptions on your W-4, your employer ia re-' earner deduction (this is fiir working couples only^, quired to notify the IRS. If you need further _ ; means you allowed the government to withhold 1 : . too much, and you gave Uncle Sam an interest-free and the total of all itemized deductions you will 4~- assistance in sorting through the withholding ~ : ':- loan. .'_••" ' ;„- cIaim.JReminderUtemi7.cd deductions are medical^ questions or if you have other tax planning issues Another reason to file a new W-4 is when too lit- expenses that exceed five-percent of adjusted |' you want to resolve, consider getting the help of • tle was withheld from your paycheck^ If that was gross income, charitable contributions, casualty • your local CPA.Q^ . the case, and you had to pay a large amount in losses that exceed 10 percent o\ adjusted gross in- . "Money Management" u a weekly column on per- f taxes when you filed your 1985 return, consider come, interest payments, state'and local taxes and tonal finance prepared'and distributed by the:- r" adjusting your withholding to have more taken out certain job and investment expenses). . "• -ISLJ Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants of your weekly paycheck. This can save you from Some less common items that you should also Committee on Public Relathns. 38A K, MARCH 27 1986 i_ ISLAND REPORTER business briefs

• NLWHOMttt VTUMllSINtSS \ new • bUMMEROrtMNGtORtONtfrKt'SCt • NEW REGULATIONS I OR INTER* ST Sanibel Captiva business starinl recently by Jami Li N TLR South Seas Plantation Resort is plzp BEARING RANK ACCOUNTS On April 1 1986 and Mark Bird Wtsiill is Island Homewatch nmg a summ»r 19&6 opening of their new con the long process of deregulating interest bearing ( Inc which checks houses wtiklv looking outsidi ference center according to Austin 1 MoU III ex bank accounts will be comp ete ard passbook sav to see that mail and newspapers have been stop ecutivt vice presidcrt and generjl manager The ings accounts will no longer be limited It paying a ped checking pool and lawn rmintenan.ee and , conference center will offer ! J 000 square feet of maximum of 5Vi percent in erest generally looking for evidence of break in or trou function space to accommodate up o 62J people In preparation for this firal step in the ble Inside the company will check ekUncity nr for meetings ind TO0 for banquets and includes a deregulition process the boird of governors of conditioning isible pljmbini; and gtneral ap o 000 square foot ballroom with a 16 fool ceiling a the Federal Reserve Syslen on March 12 adopted pearance projection booth and the latest in audio visuil reeulat ons to go\ em bank interest beamg ac The Westalls have lived and worked on Samhel equipment Breakout rooms and a deluxe ex counts Effective April 1 1'86 the rew rules for many years Bird emplo\ed bj Canoe Adveiv * ecutive boardroom will also be available governing money market dt posit accounts retain tures Inc and a member of the Sanibel Planning Located at the south end of the resort the con the six transfers per month limitation and a longer Commission and Jame working is personal ference center is next to Chidvuck s Restaurant reserve requirement for meney market deposit ac secretary to Porter Go s^~ ind the resort s Tennis Center The additional counts held by individuals Withdrawals or facility also provides for guest access to I ind transfers from money market deposit accounts • FREE SMALL BUSINESS COUNSLL1NG Ot bergh hill in existing meeting room offering made through Automatic Teller Machine* (ATMs) FERED One expert estimates that 50 percent of 3 100 quare feet of spce that s also parl of tli? do not count toward the six transfers per month) the 200 000 small businesses starting in Florida ChidvucK s Restaurant complex l_ The new regulat ons will lift the (150 QGO 00 ceil during 1986 will fail In an effort to stop 'his alar ing on corporate Savings accounts on Apni 1 and ming amount of failures free advice on small • NLLDHbU'TOPtYLNFRGl BIII S* Ift will reduce the minimum ef rly withdrawal peialtj business problems will be avail ib't in Lee Count) >ou or a member of your household is sixty jtars O^i all categories of timt (savings) deposits As of at the Metropolit-in Fort M*r>n> Chamber of Om of ags or older you may qjalify for financial \pril 1 all time deposits must ether prohibit ear merce on April 3 These confidential one"hour ses assislince in paying c i gy bills through the ly withdrawals during the firs* six da>s after sions are conducted by professional counselors Emergency Home Energy Ass stance P-ogran deposit or requirr forfeitinj seven davs interest from the Small Business Development Center Col Contact Senior Friendship Centers at 337 2108 fi r during that period lege of Business Administration University of more information Non personal time depos ts with original South Florida Current or future small business maturities of IS months or more WH! carry a owners can take advantage of this free service • RENT \L DIRECTOR NAMED Hope P It mm mum early withdrawal penalty of one month s man has been named rental director for the newly loss of interest during the first 18 months after Appointments are necessary and should be deposit These minimum requirements however, made through the Metropolitan Fort Myers formed Properly Managers Inc (PMII according do not prohibit banks from imposing h ({her Chamher at 334 1133 Counseling sessions run to Mike Jones owner and president of the firrr penltiei in order to ret-ovi r costs from 9am to 4 p m Key problem areas on which Located at 136118 McGregor Blvd in South advice will be offered are business feasibility in Fort Myers PMI specializes in annual rentals of Members or the banking community expect the eluding business marketing and advertising plans condominiums homes apartments commercial and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the financial assistance and loan packaging obtaining multiunit proper'ics in the Cape Coral and Fort Federal Hoire Loan Bank ftoard to act on similar government -onlracts and personnel D ____ Myers areas proposals In the near fuUre

Ladies! Fine Appartt on Co THOMAS BROWN What you really wail REALTY, INC. on comignmtnl Is mailing you CAREER-CASUAL-AHD FOBMAL WEAR- Serving Sanibet Since 1974 2410 Palm Ridge Rd, Sanibel SUITE 156 • PINLBROOK PARK Btiwitn ColUst P*rt« */ t Th* Ball 7ow«r South U S 41 Fort Mgrin HOMES Man SH 10 S 813-9361001 GULF FRONT HOME WITH POOL - West Gulf Drive Large living room wilhworli ig fireplace dnrgaea three bedrooms and Iwohat^is siiaMollcew ih powder room adjoining large kitchen with skylght sundeckadio n^man e bath wet be lull balrt and d es« ng room for pool on ground level garden tools slo age room two-car enclosed ga age Fve elng tans La ge screened/! v ng porc'i overlook ng pool aid GULF New HYDRO SOLftlR S/slem Guif-Front Cottage With Guest House • West Gulf Drive 1 DELIGHTFUL AND UNIQUE partially furnished beach collage elevated and overlooking ihe Gu I * th liv ng room dining area study bedroom and bath plus bath and storage fault esal ground level o In add tlon there Is a furnished Quest house w th living csom k tchart two bed ooms and a bath J(, The grounds are beautifully and tastelully landscaped at conslderab e expanse to Ihe o*ner VIP REALTY CROLP It C WEST GULF DRIVE HOME WITH POOL 5301 Sa- Cap R(I This well-constructed home at ground level nciudes a a ihree bedrooms two I oss f om Wu fed Hd) all-electric kitcnen and dinette custom built ppo! and sere 472 345b to the beach by deeded beac)- access B oker Owned EAST GULF DRIVE Furnished wood frame three bedroom two bath home on canal and ad scent to Tfe Colory Foil use of The Colony s beach pool and other tacil t es w in merrtersn p Exce lent rental un t Cash or exce enl terms by owner c PALM LAKE L ' Lakelront cottage 2bedroo*ns bath screened porches carport storage Beach access Best buv on ihe Island only $94 500 u LOTS GULF FRONT One acre GUf front homes He native vegetation located o prestigious West Gull Or ve in Sea S de Sub division 10 berm Recent survey 1425 O0O

Another Cult front home site seciudeo on private way beyond the cul-de sac at trie end of West Gull D tve heavily vegetated wltn nat va y g'n g owlh S425O0O With excel ent te ms NEAR GULF HOMESITES • SEA OATS Several horreiltes aval abte In Sea Osls S/D from 1*2 500 to S7S 000 for a lot at the corr er or West Gulf and Soa Oats Drives deeded beach access Five Sea Gals Subdivision homes tes have now been c eared ol alt Brazilian Pepper SANIBEL BAYOUS Large lot In a well developed subdivls on All ui I ties underground 103 000 Excellent terms CANAL'FRONT HOMESITE • CALOOSA SHORES Enjoy b rdlng fish ng and boal'ng dom Ihis tranquil homes te loca'ed near Ihe ei 11' ihe W idl le Sanctii&r with 200 4 on canal wltn d ect access to Bowen s Bayqu and P ne Is and Sound $89 600 CONDOS CONDOMINIUM • THIHfcSfcAWINE SEAWINDU Townhouse with two bedrooms bath and a hall completely furnished Laundry cenle f rst (loot sere l"cintcis\ Island po chplus 2ba con es boat dockage on She I Ha bor canal w th access lo San Ca los Bay and a deeded C Stilts access Heated pool and tennis Good rental h story JV9 5D0 SAND POINTE 3rd floor Gull front u talned Excellent rentals for 1985-86 seasoi Attra t^elyfu


BICYCLE HELEN TEOMj>£:M^LTY RENTALS Licensed B=J! fsla'e ; RENT THE BEST FOR LESS I (813) 472-6669 fc .TIME 1Spd. SSpd. "10Spd. '-lisWAnriy ROSES Uns " " •/"'•. PO. Oox tCSO. C^ptiva. FL 33324 •i.'hr. - srw COMPLETE Ju,:* S2.00" $3.00 1 Ihr -S3.5O' S4.50 ~ : S7.00 HORSE SHOW * 24h « 24hr. - «nn $700 • «i0.00 OVER 100 ANIMALS * UPPER CAPTIVA: Week Vs 20.00 $25.00 S30.00 Lions, Tiger, Bears, Llamas, .*-.= Safety Harbor Club — Serenity and 10ft OFF 3 or more Bikes. Elephants; Hippos, Carries, * privacy amid extraordinary natural ; . + Monkeys, Zebras,' Laughing Hyena?, and more^ beauty. Three story", 2 bedroom, 2 bath ; "Also tandem, BMX, Cnlld Bltei - ; -" d Free Delivery & Pick up. H . )f WORLD'S ONLY PERFORMING OST3ICHE5 AND HlPPOS *•* plus den.MI exceptionally decorated. »••-—: — •• ——TS •* Amenities include docks, swimming pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, birding J- FT. MYERS ,i J- tower and Gull beach.«$175,000, V WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd' '-*• |185,000, and $198,000.Q ;. 472-5577 + ROYAL PALM SQUARE ,J* • SHOWTIMES 5:30 P.M. S 8.00 P.M. i' * * CHILDREN (undor 14) (3.75 ADULTS S6.75 * H0MES:o '" •:// Sanibel —.. Lovely atrium home. cFREE FRANK BUCK Spacious two bedroom, architecturally PERIWINKLE WAV BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE appealing and.-well crafted home. . CZlwiis WILD ANIMAL MENAGERIE Beautiful landscaping and mature IANOIMO 1353 Periwinkle vegetation,'true integration of indoor/ (Next to cm itntaunnti * AMERICAS GneATESTfiWITAINMENTVAWE + outdoor living. $128,500. T GROUNDS OPEN 1 HOUR BEFORE SHOWTIME * **•***•••*•******•*••* Sanibel — Two .^bedroom, two bath, canal front home. House opens to,an inviting screened deck overlooking tropical settiong. Den or 3rd bedroom and a full guest area with a private en- trance. $198,000. • - •..!•'=.

: Captiva — Two* bedroom, two bath, > «r ground level home. Fireplace in living room. Large studio with northern ex- posure. Short walk to the beach. Just IT'I reduced to $152,500. , " ; ••"-« DeLorCapliva — Beautifully furnished four bedroom, four bath home on acre estate property on Roosevelt Channel. Swimming pool with hot tub. Double garage andSock are just a few oyhe many extras. $520,000. •." '.

Captiva — Secluded retreat; Three 72 greai seafood bedroom,-2Vi bath, wood frame home with open decks and enclosed por- ches on'estate property. There is a dock on Roosevelt Channel. This two year old home is offered unfurnished under one roof! : for $385,000. .. ,,,

v Be as picky as you like: ['. you're going to find exactly what you liLcon the ., Captiva — Excellent Invastment op- portunity.'Three bedroom, two bath, seemingly endless McT's menu. The islands' largest collection of seafoods, over 24 frame elevated home on private lane }-; tempting appetizers; prime rib, barbecued ribs, chicken dishes and the always ; leading to beach. Large appealling fabulous Mud Pie.. * all prepared wilh loving care in McT's award winning kitchen.' screened deck. Split bedroom arrange- •«' -'.-•••' - ' :; Choose McT's tonight and get all ihevhoices... ment. Offered unfurnished at $198,5001

HOMESITES: = <> Del Sega — Canal lot with 267' on the fllLYOUCfiNEAT i water by 117' deep. Short walk to SHRIMP OR ALASKAN CRAB beach. $110,000. ;; •', >• Del Sega —'Irregular shaped canal lot. Beautiful "mature vegetation., 20,475 sq. ft. Good financing terms._S88,000. The house that shrimp built! CONDOMINIUMS: Sunset Captiva •— Harbor Side — Panoramic views of open bay and sun- rises. Two.bedroom, two balh units, both offered furnished.olnside unit $225,000, outside unit - $234,000. Shell Harbor-Sanibel Hilton — Two bedroom, two bath decorator fur- nished unit with eye-catching views from the master bedroomv'living area and screened porch. $180,000. -:

COMMERCIALS: -<« Captiva Restaurant — Serving breakfast and lunch. Excellent lor family-run business. High traffic loca- .lion, .lease available. .Tremendous growth potential. - -

Captiva Underdeveloped'Lot — Andy Rosse Lane. 100' x 1B0'. Zoned C1 —. Commercial district. $235,000. . • ' '

O f^lBf^^T'S'^^



9 .01 8109.900 - BARGAIN!! NEW LIST- ING - FIRST TIME ADVERTISED - Delightful and cozy 2 bedroom. lVi bath \ ranch with attached garage. Completely, • furnished and ready for immediate'

QUALITY BUILT CUSTOM HOME-on < : -a large lake front double Int. This 3 bed- CANAL FRONT — DEfi.P WATER — 3 • NEW CONSTRUCTION - . CANAL room.- 4 bath home includes a fireplace. : FRONT HOME - 3 bedrooms. 4 baths ; Spa, custom tile, fans in every room and a' : bedroont. 2;baihs.with large screfnedin priced in the loW S3OO.OOO's. Call, for Ihe huge 3 bay garage with workshop. You! pool. Move into this immarulate canal details.1-CO. Robldeau. Realtor Associate front home located In prime.area of Shell must sec the quality of this fine home. For; ; (days 472-3121.eves. 472-5102)._X- an appointment, call Mike Robideau. Re-. Harbor, subdivision. For your personal ap--' . nltor Associate: (days 472-3121, evcsi: puintment. contact G.G. itobldeaii;Realtor Associate (days 4.72-3221;-. eves, 472-\ 472-5102); -: •• • . - - ;•>• - _ • •.•:•• 5102). - - v GOWDOS ^CAN'T BE BEAT - It's one of a kind. TAKE ADVANTAGE ... of this first'floor * You'll relax and unwind In a tropical set- ;condo with a great view of the Gulf. Two bed- : ting of a forgotten time. 2/2 + den. Unique . rooms, two baths, excellent rentals, on-site i style ..beach front; top floor with serene management, pool and tennis round out this" , Views. If Gulf Front Is what you want, don't,. , •:••• . ;,; . .; :•'• ' . ;.;; .:|v perfect complex. Wheret SANDALFOOT' . leave.thls one off your list. Call Becky IfEW LISTING: BOAT LOVERS — . COMDOMINIUMS on East Quit Drive. Asking • Williams, • Broker Salesman {days 472- WHT NOT NOW!! _ INTEREST Is V: $179,000 fully furnished. Call Rose Gibney, 3I2Ueves. 472-5457). v o, " .DOWN; INTEREST is UP in MARINER Broker Salesman {days 472-3121, eves. 472-

POINTEI They are selling FAST and there • 2631). '..-,," r -; : c -. .' ;- •••',• •••• : arebnly a few left! Still have some on the Bay but they won't last long. This 8 acre peninsula can't be beat for location and ^amenities. Call, me and I will show you . n. what 1 have. Marv Lou Traucht. Realtor : -Associate Ways "472-3121. eves. "472;

2880).: ,,•.;,.;;••. -.: "-. ,,:; ••'•:•:

UNTIL NOW — There' is absolutely, " nothing like this on Sanlbel. To be conv LET THIS TOWNHOUSE CONDO ;OUir;ra0NT SPLENDOR- Enjoy 1 {fabulous views and much more from thl^ : struclcd, LAKE PALMS... an exceptlonal- WORK FOR TOUI - 2100 of exciting, ,4th: floor condominium at GULFSlDfe :' lyntce lOunlt complex consisting of2bcd^ unique, floor plan L with wrap-a-round PLACE. Unique decor. Offered at $340,000 1: room. I'/ibathtnwnhomeswIth 1156 total porches, .parquclcftoors. sleeps 8. beauti- : unfurnlshed.:-For more information, con-' square feet of LAKEFRONT living for :: fully furnished! Mlnl-rcsorf atmosphere !tact Scott .Naumarin, Brewer: Salesman ONLY $84.9001! Close to shopping. For fur- with on-slie rentals and management, rac- J (days'472-3121 or 472-0225, eves. 472- ., Incr. details, call John Nicholson. Realtor quciball courts. Jacuzzi, pool, sauna. Gulf •6202).i-:-:^; '. •" t'.v. ,•-:•' •?»:. ./'Associate (days 472-3121. eves. .472-: beach and much more! By appointment ' 6296). .:,:>, •' '. -••'. -•'.. : ,1, only. Contact Glenn Carretta. Realtor Associate (days .472-3121. eves. 472- 5 j LOTS 6644). . •<....- HEADY FOR TISE BOATER WITH EXCELLENT HOMESITE - In secluded ^WAIT - and you will not get a lot this size THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS! - area of other fine homes. Have your own \ in the Ounes. On thcwatcr.Call Mary Lou . ^ kT Build your dream, home on this lovely acre surrounded by lush vegetation with Traucht. Realtor associate (davs 472-3121^ .'direct access lot. In Sanlbel's more prcs- deeded access lo Dlnklns Bayou. All this • I eves. 472-2B80) or Becky Williams. Broker I Mlgldus subdivision. Priced at $ 127,500.: for S37.5O0. Unbelievable!! Call Joan Salesman '|days^472.3121. eves. 472-/ TCall Rose Glbncy. Broker Salesman Ways Joyce, Broker Salesman (days 472-3121. 5457). ': '•: !• \472-3121, eves. 472-2631). eves. 4 72-2649)^, , . r

. McmtHTol fianitjcl C-ptl/a Comptilcrizrd Ltsttns Service

1149: Periwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way Sanibcl bland, Florida 33957 (813) 472-3121' Toll Free: In a (800) 28Z-03G0 ' Out'olFL(800)237-6004 1 •• - H

MARCH 27, 1986 INSIDE: Rauschenberg brings. •'A mile'toECC 5B A week of classictennis 10B Hereos in the Horatio Alger mold 18B The modern dream " of weight loss 22B SMILEY'S PEOPLE Left Rtn ittnitej As seen through the part time Captiva video camera lens resident and full-time itdvo stringer ukose By Paul Luthrlnger fe 6oemin j vt leo pro on Smtlc) seis trt stirs through a vid-'o ductton company camera tikfs H m acro»s the The pirt time Captivan who has made it co itry captunng R the litct oftht, nch big in Philadelphia as vi ho stringer for news orgtnizations and syndicated T\ shows spent a 6-i I Ian out land week incommunicado at his Capita home after i nets uorthyl on tape heavy week of CBS filming of Chicago s Tjlenol Iriong the cast of poisoning incident Smxlry s people are the hktt of actress Its been a busy time for Smiley who worked on Morgar /•aircAiW several in depth pieces following the Challenger (bottom) and a recent shuttle disaster for CBS Smiley now has own premier boutique and \ideo if w. ui(A production company Ron Smiley Video Produc uft $uptrmodel tions IRSVP) in the highly competitive world of Renee Simonsen video stringing where overzealoua crews often go fu\th Sm\Uy beloa) to great lengths to scoop a competitor *& Take for instance the incident in the Bahamas when Smile} was supposed to have an exclusive Interview with March Co$mopohtan covergirl Rcnee Simonsen when the gossipy Lifestyles host Robin Leach stole the s^ow Or when Smiley stole back an exclusive from Leach with actor Tony Danza on Paradise Island white Danza WHS ouying a swimsuit in a local store -r- How does he tine up jobi? Persistence and creativity help the Temple University graduate in radio and television admits At a recent shoot of the Dynasty cast at Bloomingdales in New York instead of competing with the I ifestyles crew (who always seem to show up with Robin Leach) Smilej worked alongside eventually making videos for them in stead of working against them Two weeks later I got a call from them about doing a video interview wi'h David Brenner Smiley said That s basica ly how you get jobs but word-of mouth helps too Smiley has managed to gain quite a bit of C credibility in his three years at the helm of RS\ P Who is going to argue about credibility when he points to Ms latest client on the cover of Cosmo X 17 000-a dav Swedish supermodel Simonsen? No one Most of his work is retained by TV soaps feature shows and news organizations for inclusion into syndicated talk show programs and news features The Simonien photographs resulted from Smiley being retained by the Ford modeling agen cy for the Face of the 80s Contest He followed tf-e model around New ^ork and then down to the Bahamas And yes a sleepier Robin I each somehow found out about it and showed up Smiley s film production busmes* used to be dominated by 35mm film but he his traded all thai in for the latest In video technology with its greater economy and ea

o a o MARCH ?7 1986 ISLAND REPORTER ^Vfeeiliiii Miirr

NEW LISTING BEACH FRONT CAPTIVA I-nj »> fihulnus visits if th( (nilf from this 1< uttful pilirp hnun f iun 1 on ivve in im of prqfrt ((tnptti wiih llru hcHrf mis Ihrn kit hi dn it Hi mi viul ul ( il!(n,s piddle fins th oj| hjut I i is an pnihi tid Fpolish *-t\t« j,irl«n ofjjsh in ,i](A! vtjrt tahop nnrf i ti ut\ furni'-h A m nc lr i»m rm l»i h (,uttl h-Jii^t- fir ill vour I'i nii \rnlh out^ inding offinng i\ ii iWf ft r < i )0 0(M f (Jfifar/ llarharo NEW LISTING f hapm I ruker S*I/I wnn for CANAL FRONT Hired \CCO,B! The location on this piling frinu sla-id honit is pirftU for Iht seifanng «ail>r This three bedroom iwobathhomt conus eompleU with Great ROOTI bretzj porchts tnclosid garagi and dock is found on an unobstructed <*anal kining to a full BfMESITES service manna and then out to Iht Bay A \erv good opportunit} Available for $210 000 Contact Mary Lou liailey ItroKer Salesman for detail* 472 4121 NEW OI'FEKING! K-I ROM k t Ih- MH rW^ jmher

ISLAND HOMES CHATEAU-SUR-MER 1 r-^p!" »!/"«• PRIVATE LAGOON BEACH FRONT |»runli Considered L5> ti** ori( jf the premier designer ( randnatilthr T . T tt I V touch o( exotica n a h 1 Itn away suhdn s n honnsontht Niind This superb Gulf front Bordering a plat d liRwm in qu el Tah U Shorn th; f hardsome three bedroom ground level home comu resideme is uun 1 in i \it) r\Jusi%t »ini\er> arge Kami to m den Irree luthsand stilidniMon on ^inilil ind offi rs ill Iht luxuo raged |xn | Complete » th sjfff tal bonuses such -a and pnvir> anvont would evtr want In TAHITI SHORES 1 hurr c*iw jhidlers security sjstem and deeded auvs» to iddilion tn a spinnus J700 si] ft of Itting irei the Gull UaiUbrfnr HOG 000 someofthe iut*>tim]inp finiures inrludi i hiautiful gourmt.1 kitchin two fireplacts lovelj WALK TO THE GULF tr istcr suitt plungt pool plus much more f«r ^ T mcirtf* th a * Hird I found n private »hell rnad lead BRIO Ihe Culf ih > the bt*t an Sanibitcall Ilarbara rhaptn cozy look ng Captiva hnnp is sLrprisinplv jpac ous 0 fer d f r 1^ 004 and full if lurpmej In arid tion to loo herlroomi and llrokrr Sativnan at 172 'Hot new A C un t plus ba

^ M I MM. \I \ I'l Alt IN THF SI \ 1 Tarpon Reach Condominium is c nvcnimlij Incited n f>n< if tht -< ijgbt afur am vcr>. ties rank sirientnllv ontntt J mrcst beachts on Sinibtl and onlv i short jiunt t > shtpptm, i r ill condominium cnmnidnit^ \ itmi R \ht,e is i prestigpge ownership your vacation needs Our listings art Gulf fr int with In lutiful commit x The architectural dtsign is a coitt mtonr* cono.pt off T views of the htich cich with two bedrorms iwn btths ind lo%* !\ smalt vil'igt silting Spciul fialurrs include fill si/ed btdrooms furnishings If you TL interested in cash flow kn p in rrind T irpon double vanities in hath ^trlerous closets lar^,e kitrh* n and more Btach iparlments arc grtat rentnl units t nit #J0*> (tiilf front Outdo>r imtnit es include heated pool undecks whirlpool tenn s second floor bt tutifd vicv. S220 000 Unit BI07 thtnl loor and over thrct hundred feet of tiich Our new Guif front lifting is Gulf front corner decorated like i modi I $'2)000 (nil our i\iilablc for $2>D000 furnished Cell oar Caustuay office Palm Ridge office for dttattx (72 Itlf at 472 1121 for tit tail* SVMHf I SfFSlV Ml'HtlOKl \IVY Gulf front complexes on Sanihil Our spet.nl unit allows em first Sinpiv outs* indinir Migmficeni \\<-\& | nmied ind gori,( ms units |T-iud onh a short wilk to the gotfr. ursi in tip top shape Amenities inclutltd 22i fttt of Gi If htach two h itunnj, t w> bidnmrnt (somt with i rftn' twr ruths lurniihin^-i tinted pools with sun deck tennis shuffieboird girtKt tnd ind iimrt We offi r the >(•*( priced0 apnrtmtnf* atatlnhlr with storut trei Avul ihk for $169000 furnishtd (all niir /Vru/rnAfc prici s IM kiniim, is hw J^ ST 0011'urnishcd hunhmr mijurh May office at 172 t )tl for tfttatt* nffinnqi nil- ( apt ia offin at 172 il'l for dttaih Real Estate Inquiries Only - Call Collect Rental Inquiries Outside FL. 1-800-237-6008 ^ RELO PRISCJLLA MURPHY REALTY, INC. PO BOX 57, SANIBELISIAND Ft 33957 (813)472-4121 (813)472-1511 (813)472-1934 (813) 172-5131 J

ISLAND REPORTER L MARCH 27 1986 L 3B SMILEY • from IB \\ hen the shuttle Chalk ngtr txplodtd 70 siconds ifter launch CBS contactid Smikj and retained him to help covtr tht event since thi lit w< rk di In t have tnough crtw u ( api~Canaveral tir his work CHS paid RS\P $1 000 tor two cimenniin based on a 10 hoi.r dav But Smile) is not realU a niwsimn his st-irt cime in industrial video for bin I hil uie'phia com pines like Cigni Smith Kline Ueckmnn and others I startid at tht corpor itc end of filming he siid From there we grew into brmdcttt video His ctit.nl list rtads line K< nald IUagan t dinner guest list In fact man> are close with the I'rcsi dint Charlton Heston Li?i Minm Hi Dionne War wick Kitjuel Welch Hal! mdet 1 cm Horni O? 211. Osbourne Heather Thonns Morgan FairihiH Hilt* Ford Clara Ptlltr and Fii Koch art just some of his recent interview1; ^ And business keeps growing If we hid a growth chart it would show sttath growth Smiley said pointing up I can jttnbjti that to just phin old word of mouth We hive peo pie calling us out of the hlue His work throws him into many situations but none as stomach knotting as his next joh — film ing a live birth for a 3>ndicatcd health pro^rtm Health Matters He s done it !>efort but the list one he filmed was at 5 a m and he arrived cnl) about eight minutes before delivery I don t like it because Its so unpredictable he savs White a tot of Ron Smiley a ujrk miolut inter i Not all evenvs can be planned much n advance t leu ing the famous land the nearly famous) for When the mayor of Philadelphia ordered police s in heated talk sho it and neut features — at in to drop a bomb on a MOVE stronghold last yea* thin intcn leu (aboiel uith actresi Heather CBS got Ron Smiley out of bed to cover the -siege Thomas uAo posed uith Smttey for the photo I was there for six days straight he bttou — he also actf as a stnnger for T\ neux remembers But there s never any notice when organization* hating rtceitly finisntid a ueek the news hits of filming on the Tylenol poisoning incident after Smile) is looking toward the upcoming presidcn gftcral in depth pieces on Me tfialtingfr tial primaries in New Hampshire for moreron catastrophe WAi/e Sm ley sajs persistence and tracts with CBS and othir networks His location en utility help get him jobs redibjtty and a u >'d of mouth reputation built up over time e?r and home base in Philadelphia mikes New Him p phlre an easy state to penetrate hi s ys given tan h*-lp keep them calling the limited number of broadcast journalists sta tioned there Pillcr !he old ladv that made ttindvs famous But for now he has great memories of the past from her \\ hcres the betr campaign is so hard year prior to his time off on Sambtl and Captiva o( hiam> iccf niinK to Simley( that producers had When questioned about his funniest interview the U pinch hir conhnuovsly to (licit the now famous . name Clara Pcllcr came immediately forth mprnst

THOMAS BR0WN_ REALTY, INC ° """ Serving Sambel Since 1974 U 2410 Palm Ridge Rd Sanibel 472 4138 X ttJU3 a

GHARMING GULF FRONT HOME This charminq Gulf front piling home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths Its large living room has a fireplace and a beautiful view of the Gulf Dining area and family room both have sliding glass doors that open onto porch This beautiful home also has the following featuies wet bar small of flee with powder room (half bath) large screened porch that overlooks pool and Gulf full bath and dressing room lor pool on ground level two car garage with automatic door opener storage room lor garden tools nev, HYDRO SOLAIR system and MJCH MUCH MORE1


A lyrical evening of classical music and classic cuisine „ By Wendy McMullen

Forme de Habanera and Chopin waltzes with on^ Gershwin number included on request And the food equalled the superb music (rench chef and owner of La Vendee Jean Grondm ex celled with a seven-courae meal which included dishes such as rinnette (duck pate country style) in swan pastry and saddle of lamb stuffed with chicken mousse in celebration both of this gl tter ing artistic event and of La Vendee s first anmver /( uos a classic ete sary n nij - in both musi a id jneatt — as the Ch\cag y nuemble jmned uilA IQ \tnlif res tnurant r\n Cnptna to o fcr istan fan on rx (t combination u*tm/mu»f and c asmc r«i»itip

AAA ROYAL NAILS OF FLORIDA ?otos A i-. Introducinq D

Island's End on Fort Myers Beach

captures the essence of Florida NEW Fast Tanning Bod Orly On* In Fort Mye • at trie BODY TANNERS

COfntnan prrrftCY on • rop*Ca i*r>dbc-ti ngQu ewi *nd bjy vi< DRA( ON PLAZA ~- 275 700* * hflt**r #>nd ng tun M* tndiuni* *. t liandft Efldw tiou di 11609 j Oea d * e - S V>d Upfutt lo> fOutM t Int ttMiwt ct fW«U oft «nd n«« Mon Sat 9 to 9 Sun iLmri End tt comoriKd ol U • *sM*nc** «lui «d on M t Owntla (UnriEndvllrnKiT*1

naartoy boat VA kri. f thtng gu>d€i ind t«**fAl u srmtft 0 fj tfiiTt Em) I i W ckiM lo jotl nq • tmu neitr toc«f I It « *tit" >]• ff c X •



• Unelog Drain; V*^ ^. &9on Wirdmw • Mulch Palm French h »*Pump Waler •Palnl \ \}* >'duO Drill Sand • Generate ll«li|ojl^' Sleep Cuesli • Entertain f tiands" ^ • Pressure Clean • Clean carets and upholstery

Sent II rodoy lor an tatter Tomorrow"


o R VARCH 27 19B6 « 5B

fifuschnbcrgs fourth ustillmtn

tn-j at the fd o/itn (.tn mumttj Colt^qr m tin qtlhrif laxt SatuHij night utth liauschtnUrtj fir tfjl sit/runt/1 n&ters tht mom % for vk ch vmtt>K C for uier an hour Moie the artist himself ad juittd this Xving arm holding ietiral flour sacks a i n tituati no/ Kt.vschen> erg « I* 'i mih exhibit I* Uft Moults hoitftan imln an irt st 1 rr^in/ mf/i thi lintmty f S< uth hi ndi. t ok great jwns t u;lm thr art t his tuoytar oil Iitiuhl r Mrs Olqi hirstandout x said htr hwihud le hut I in larly train ni] tor their chttlrtn.

H?l\ 1O 7\ hall The Games Not Over Until Y6u 1 tavt; a Uall Visit Mulligans Restaurant \at the Dunes Golf and and Lounge at the Dunes'' <*S Tennis Club' S\ 1BELSO LVISHOLFGOirCOt KSt P-tOurfi&jaindTfnniri.i n tKhumniiiruNfi lylSholfoaHfovKinddninj irvjr T*« Du n

S«or>rjr(T*fc»-i Welcomes The MoleHole Of Sanibel ^J^ 949 Sand Cas le P id Opening April 5th San M Island Ho id 1 3)957 mm, BI3 172 3355 s riL ill COlf A\D ILNMS CUB

Sew Your Own '; offeisyoij more luxury rentals, itfari »hy ottier •' ; "Jams" — Skirts — Island Wear ; vacatjonproperty matiajement tesrnin the area! with our New & Exciting V Tropical and Shell Print Fabrics V Most of our resort cdndorninioms art'.•"' • flocated:directly;

. Ac?ommodatibnjsljenvyou why'veareSanibel' Islandyvacation renj»l headquarters;:^;;^:

i Complete and Uniqup Houfs tO-5 Monday Sa-1sfdaf Sewing & Quilting Center 472-4210 6B d MARCH 27 1986 ISLAND REPORTER

WHERE DID YOU SKA SHELLS OF SANIHBL kGET THOSE GREAT PMD10LK I WBIIL "EARRINGS? TMS^hAK' Sa\o latis bj owninj, lbs 2 1 (('room 2 b^th furnivht d c »n WINDWdRD dimimun with decikd hnch ictiss j-w t n nnii ind on siti. minagtn«nl to htnitlf WKK« SPGCWLTIGS of advurid r(SLrv utons Of

Tom Roderick Really located in Captiva Village Square Captiva Island ° 472 W59



* PURCHASE 2 SWIMSUITS • 1 suit at full price • Second at 50% off or * PURCHASE 1 SWIMSUIT& 1 MATCHING COVERUP * First unit at full price • Second at 50% off BRING A FRIEND!! ) X The two units need not be the same size The lower priced unit will be considered the 50%'olf unit MEN'S SHOP SALE SHOE SHOP

OTTON SWEATERS 25% OFF SALE ALL JACKETS 25% OFF 10% to 30% OFF NYLON WARM-UP SUITS 25% REG. PRICE Men's D MEN'S SWIM SUITS Sperry Topsider — Timberland * Buy 2 Hush Puppies Buy 1 at Reg Price 2nd will be 1/S> off Ladies Unisa — Browsabouts — *• SWIM SUIT & MATCHING TOP Keds — Grasshopper — 1 will be Reg Bermardo — 2nd will te Vi off Many, many others to choose from The lower priced units mil b considered the Vt price unit

Open Monday Saturday 9 30 5 30 • Closed Faster Sunday

SEA HORSE SHOPS • 362 PERIWINKLE WAY • 472 1858 AT THE LIGHTHOUSE END OF THE ISLAND 9\ J h JL. ISLAND REPORTER MARCH 37 1986 7B arts A funny thing happened to Tom Nagata on the way to the major leagues By Fran Muelle t was Tom Niga'a s dream to set his fact on a bubble gum card somed-iv That way I he says you knew you had made tht major leagues " These divs artist Thomas Hiromu for jovial I Nagata is more apt to aspire to the painting of those cards w tilth in their fancier hi tech versions Aboie Boat an t Old Dock, an etching and dry arc now known as sportsflics Nagata of Fort Myers and eirliT of Honolulu point by hathenne MerntL part of the Itinghjiq c Museum * lineman Iri of tke 1930s and l*40s Hawaii seems too modist to call him elf either circulating exhibit to be o> displau it the Captno baseball player or artisl What he feds nnw is that ^femo^uxl Library he has struck out on the earl er ambit un and is striding out toward the stcond But for now just say I m i househustnnd savs the aptly named jmial Nagata who taught for 5/i years in school* in Fort Mjers His con arts digest sum ing interest at the metre nt is in potty training youngest sun Tai (named for Ikki and I ollv Mat sumoto s son of the same name) and seeing that Art of the 30s and lOycar-old twins Mark and Trent plav their soc ttr little league baseball and maintain their black 40s on Captiva belts in tie kwnn do American Art of the 1910s and 1910s i Uur Then there s the straightening up bed making ing Ringling Museum of Art show will bt at Cap dishwashing ard all the other chores except the Uva Memorial Librar) from Tue«div April s laundry which wife Martha d es insisti ig tha through Wednesday April 30 ths boys not rave to wear pink Boeks Tom il*;> Captiva I ibr»ry hours arc Tue»d i) Thur*>di> docs the cooking on the theory that it s his kit and Friday 9 a m to 1 30 p m \\ednesdav 1am chen he s to 9 p m and Saturdiv 9am to 1210 pm Martha works for the familv constrjction American Art of tht. 1930s ind WOs was the business in Fort Mvers ind as is «o o'ten IIIP cose lime of the rcjfiomltsts wh) painted in the home with family businesses she is required to be there ly style of the \mcncan scene typical fi'st in the morning and last at night Vagata sajs a. American locales cverydiv objects and [topic I started to stay at home when the twi is >*er( 1 irtist Toir Saqala (topi and tuo of hii recent rendered mostl) in a realistic style r five and somebod) had to mee<, the bus Ton ex iiorki plains He says it was the only solution for a After his father d ed when Tom was 16 hero Peninsula Players teacher who wanted time to paint worsh p of his prep scl JOI coa h d reded him present 4Saving Grace* Nowhere in the wo Id could I do what I m do toward a carter in the major leagues He had ing - b" a housebound hu«band ard paint he entered the prep school on an athletic scholarshio Peninsula Players presents the comedy Saving savs wi'h pride in his clan that growing armv of Because his coich had grad lated from Ohio Grace on Friday and baturday Marth 28 and 29 other housebound husbands uho for one reason or Lnversitj Tom found tnmsel in the sarre univer and Thurdays Fridays and Saturdays through another are find ng roles reversed today sity on a baseba I s holarship That was when rm (Apnl 19 at the Peninsula Playhouse kiwams Besides after the bus transports the three dream was to see mv face on i bubble gu*n card Building corner of Wood ford and Second Street in children off to school he aoes paint He also lee he says but 1 was the only non wht *• baseball downtown Fort M>ers ures and t31a* is to speak to banibel Ciptiva Art playtr and also the shortest ind I think 1 lacked a Tickets for both show and dinner theater are League members on his techniques with hand mental toughness available at $5 and $16 respectively Call pulled prints and silk screening at Sambel Com He had io have some other major and chose fine 334 0780 D mu ittv Association at 1 30 n m arts Insisting he does not take himself too seriously [ was the onlv athlete n tiat depirtment he New direction as a lecture- Nagata nevertheless has new proj s When jou hate creative ins incU you lend ects he can talk about For instance there is his in to have higher goals Art was something he could for Matsumoto volvement with the city council of Fort Myen do »h le he was sUdying baseba'l he trtimates A new direction for artist Ikki Matsumoto is evi which a year ago adopted as its official p ittr his and the r wasn t anvthmg c sc I could do " His dent in works now being «hown in an exhibition at pleasing montage of Thomas Edison rovil pilms degree was in graphic design the Schoolhouse Gallery Tarpon Bay Road manatees boats shells and hibiscus jl was a wedd ng of a college roommate in Cape ^through Saturday April a n There is also his more recent poster for the x oral that lured him to Souttwest Florida and he > His original paintings as well as fine art prints University of Honda l*e Real Champions 1°&^ met Martha ringer on a blind <*ate » of both recent and older vintage are included in showing the Gators in s huddle against a backdroj Then he and Martha met Iagata claims""" the famous Peking Acrobats louring the U S for ithographs lhal are sij,nei and numbered from Of his dedication now he avs \OM can onlv do the first time from China to be htld at the Mann Lion fish and Simba to The Falls and the hest vou oossibly can at what you want to do Performing Arts Halt 80«9 College Parkway at 8 Stillness hut >ou need courage and \cu nuit work hard _ p m on Friday April 4 For further information call 4SJJ033 xTerry and HiU at Edison Clark Terry trumpeter htird regularly n the NBC Tonight Show orchestra will perform with Dr Dennis Hill of Edison Community College in i jazz ensemble at 8 p m Monday March 11 in the Mann Performing Arts Hall ECC campus Fort Myers For more information cill 489 3033 ^J *Kids Stuff reception An opening reception fir Sherry Chieverton Rohl and her art Kids Stuff" wiHbe held from 2 to 4 p m on Sunday April 6 In the Lee County Arts Center corner of Colonial and McGregor Boulevards The show will continue at the center Monday through Friday 9am to 5 pm through Friday Apnl28 Rohl s piintings evoUed from what she saw as ibstract in he laughter s driwmgs that ltd htf awav from stuhborn conctrn w th stibjtf t matter si P S tys "

p see ARTs 9B 8B _ MAUCH 2? 1986 ISLANO REPORTER




C aJ* I | lL »u ft t ret in « I bin iu\ 482-7611 f il 1 pi Sal > \ ir ip(ct Ic J.W. MORRIS, D.O., P.A. c *ihi i I i J ni OFFICE HOURS q itl c rf t| c JJ\ Jfnpk o 4 i p ahj I jt d ! boa d irld 7 30AM 500PM MONDAY FRIDAY Jevo r ojr fa*i IciK f Itu n 7 30 A M 12 NOON SATURDAY Then r>iu cm — (.onqutr our nl I de c I d plj\

MO\D\> SVTIKUW 1130 a m 2 1)0 p m S7 7M er I crson PRI5CILLA MURPHY PLACE 15550 MCGREGOR BLVD S W • SUITE PRISC1LLA MURPHY PLACE SUITE 104 FT MYERS, FL 33908 1 Retort & \acht Harbour Captive hland Florida

Sundial Real Estate Sales by :U

A Gulf front tttort* 5*wimmlngponlt • 13 tennli court* • on ilie rental ro«ni(i

EXECUTIVE SUITE - A perfect FABULOUS, FABULOUS AND starter unit for that young executive FABULOUS - illicit bt tht on1> ready to mike his first second, home WJJ to dcsiribc this fim con purchase Excellent rental income rinmfnuini home II just may he Offered at $114 000 furnished Con bet-iusi «l its 1 O( \TION 1 OCA tact Scott Naumann Broker Sales TIO\ 1 OCA I ION Must SIL lo ip man (da>s 472 3121 or 472 0225 prc( I it*, this firt &UIKM il B ich and eves 472 6202) T< nnis Ri v rl unit For further (kntls call bt )tt NauiTnm Urokf r Stkbtnan lcH>s 472 3121 or \cs 472fi202)

GORGEOUS GULF VIEW - \M) txcdkiU ru)til*> ni ikt ihfs 2 htil room 2 Inth ion iominium IIKU stindnt^ h\\\ bur\ thing Sundi t has to olfcr ^nd UM)Ht &»tX>rKK) C ill I' mi [ hhler Brt k< r ^ ill sni ni fnr d 1 Us ((Ins 472 1121 t\t\ 472 18971 YOU COULD EASILY BECOME AN ISLAND RESIDENT - In this 2 ONE OF SUNDIAL S FINEST - 2 LOOKING FOH INVESTMENT bulroom 2 bath wild den (or 3rd bidrrmii 2 huh with unurtlhlr PROPERTY WITH GOOD IN* bedroomj at Sundial Beach & Tennis den AND cabitu 2149 sq ft (I COME? - You It t>u just th-it uuh ; Resort This nicely deconttd Londo decorator furnisl ed luxury Prlv ite thlsbundtil Hetth and Tini Is Club features a cabana for extra room and towered parkinc and romc.ntt.ntiy Guirvlcw Club Suite Offered at just easy accessibility to beach and all locited to all imuiflies This un t l;> $165 000 with large issumable first amenities pools 13 tennis courts sure lo satisfy your ever} vacation morljldUe This ulll prove to be a boiUbike rentals restaurant ind need Voursforthcisklng$269 000 tf%\ of in Investment for more in lounge $265 000 Call G G RobI C ill Dave I\-rllh Realtor Associite formation call Scott Niumann dem Realtor Assochtc (da>3 472 (days 472 3121 eves 472 0201) Broker Siltsrtnn (days 472 3t21 or 3121 cvea 472 5102) 172 0225 fves 472 6202)

Southwest Florida s finest properties ere represented by 1U3 Perlwlnkte W»y / 2427 Perl.Iokle W.j Local (S13) 472 3121 &NALIMANN TotlfTee — UFl «OO 383-0360 ^associates Inc. reolbor® Oat oITL 800-337 6004 Mr n rn Sin hrLCapilvi M ill pic 1 !•

o ISLAND REPORTER ~ MARCH 27 1986 C 9B ARTS SI from 7B Waterbird artist Second arts hall at \\t Crocodile The public is muted tour planned to meet artist A fa\orahle response to the Fil ruarj tours of Carolyn Wright at He the Barbara B Mann Perform ng Arts HJ1 at tht Croccdile Thursday r CC/USF campus Fort Mvers had led to mother \p lUfrom 10 am t jur scheduled for Siturdiv March 29 at 10 a ti until 4pm Tht^ tour is iYei and open to the public For Write pictured mort information call 189 9370 will he showing h completft collectio of Saritel m*p red Arts Center Honia wattr birds Spring courses bach is Handcul handianded and Lie Count) Arts Center announces its spring handpainted in ac session of chsscs ^ art dincc interior deslgi and curate detail antiques beginning Monday \pnl 7 and continu In addition she ing through Friday Mav 30 will have on disp'av Offered by the Adult and Community Education col i tionsot djck Department of the District School Board of Lee and goose decttor Count) the classes mil be held in the William R nam< tiK American Frlmll Cultural Center corner of Colonial and r songbirds '"decorated VcGrejjor flojlt^irds Fort Mvers •wrciths and Christ F. or further information ctll 919 SSI or mas ires *- 919 399J D

m FIRST TIME ONLY! • 6 Foot White or Pink i DOGWOODS B Reg $79 95 §] SAVE $30 00 S SALE! 1 SALE! CALE' 8 Fool S «">••"• FISCUS PLUSl Mony more heel & pfanti to thooie t om B PERFECTFOR HOMES, OFFICES & B " RESTAURANTS ^ B • **~ MAIMTPMAMnPCCPF ^-^ •

we make direct y deposit pay off With Bank of the Wards Direct Deoosif \ou get nwc »tian 3 just convcneiice \su get an interest bearing checking ar ount with no sen. ice civil ges nohddfnrhargesof anyViid °lusvou agt a BOTI 24 Anytime Teilfr Card free noU'y public service, bar V fry ma' service cashprs checks wire trarsfers and trcvefcrs : DON T PUT OFF SPRING CLEANING ^') eel's : Turn Your Clothes into Cashl! And of course you get lots of our famous horrjeta.vn service

and too 1 Tcest on fort fica'es of Deposit a o ^ its easy to transfer WithDirxtDepos, thisgnod \,ehadtorr^kei''easvtoget S3 if youv aittatronsferyourDirertOfjositjuststopfcvaTd'-iQti atransfei form Velltavecareofe^rvthngplseandinrotinie your D red. Deoos t will start pay ng ofF

BaNkof The IsLaNds c fhi I ocal Community Bank l°39 Park Meadows Dr ImbNo IhoICo ege 939 0434 (Ofl U 5 41) MOH ffl 10 5 30 South Fo I Mye s SAT 10 ^00

o 10B Q MARCH 2? 1986 ISLAND REPORTER sports and outdoors

Fienthounh by S\s own afmusion, re wasn t Connors is blown h tlirta spectacular ^ *\ott han Lendl away by Lendl (left) a«j( tpcctacular enouqh 10 take the in straight sets Pa neYtrbber ClastK Utlefor the second By Cy Welnblatt t did not take long tor number one seed and ugln the finals oier number one in the world of Jimmy I nnort Czechoslovakia to establish his superiority 62,60 AfUr utnmng I the Mte in 198k Con over local at the Sonesta Sanibel Harbour Resort for thi final match Sunday of the nors — sftou n Aerc rrac *$J15 000 PaineWebber Classic Lendl took only 72 t ng in dubetieftt an mm jtes to sweep the $o0 000 first prize in the officials call 'helou Nabisco Grand Prix Super Series tvent presented lift) a d argung hi* by Volvo Tennis a coie (belou} — has faced Lendl > Lendl and Connors had played their first con it th tttle mitch tests on Wednesday and on Thursday ertch won finer only to fall again to movp into the quarterfinal round On Fn $.oth times day Connors beat Todd Wi'sken Carmel Ind 6 3 6 0 Witsken was a wild card entry in the tourna ment That win placed Connors in the semifinal round against Tim Mavotte U radon ton Fla Mayotte is ranked 17th in the world and was slot ted fourth seed-in the Classic Likewise on Friday Lendl was victorious ov«.r eighth seed Las Vega« Ncv 63 7 6 7-3 although he had to win a tiebreaker in the se cond set Lendl would face Andres Gomez Ecuador fifth seed in his semifinal Saturday a near capacity crowd was treated to an outstanding match betwen Connors and Mayotte There were choruses of Jimmy Jim my as the partisan spectators rooted for the aarl ing of the Jimmy Connors U S Tennis Center Mayotte had signed into this event because of its locale near home It was the first time he was engaging in tennis since being injured in January at the U S Indocr Pro Championship at i_ Philadelphia Mayotte had defeated Connors in the semifinal but suffered a rib cartilage injury which forced him to withdraw from the final against Lendl This week was a reversal as Connors won the semifinal 7 5 36 6 3 Perhaps that action was a portent of the future Connors struggled to pull out the lirst set 7 S and Mayotte easily won the second Although Connors took the third set to win the contest a few paints the other way could have made Mayotte the vie tor High winds all week played a part in the pair ings Each player complained that the wind did af (ect his game Connors stated The wind was quite a factor He 'Mayotte) started chipping the ball so I started serving and volleying It caught him a little bit by surprise He wasn t expecting it Connors continued The best thing I did all day was return the ball He missed too many returns and I kept a lot of pressure on him Once you get in the trenches that a my best game We always have competitive matches I e concluded about Mayotte Lend! oppositely seemed to not have much trouble finishing off Gomez But the Czech had x complained to reporters, all week that his game was not up to his usual standard However he had not lost one set and he had won 24 consecutive D singles and three Nabisco Grand Prix tournaments In 1986 On Saturday the Connors Mayotte match had been televised internationally The same happened on Sunday in the battle between Conno-s and Lendl As celebrities such as Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes comedian Buddy Hackclt tennis greats and Bobby Riggs and G orla Connors mother of Jimmy took their seats for the match no one expected Jimmy Connors to be blown away in the winds that had buffeted the stadium ail week Before a sold out crowd of 7 400 bv the third game of the first set Connors ted 21 But he never won another game as he struggled futilely against the inevi able The stadium group which inclujded a number of Paine Webber conventioneers moaned each t me Lendl placed an ace (5) or outran their hero to tap a ball over the net The coupe de grace was delivered Er the second game ot the second set when it appeared Connors would win by breaking Lendl s serve Lendl won the next point [or deuce and then promptly hit two aces to win that game Atterward the victor said It helps that I ve beaten hin nine straight He* got to be thinking about that I didnt hit spectacular shots I m going to work like crazy to get my game back to where U wai during the U S Open and Masters Lendl also stated that is is important that players have a little fear when they walk on the court to play with you When asked if that were true with Con nors he said he did not think that players on Con I en II — uho had httl* rouble binning oier Ar nors level were Intimidated by 1 en til being dres pomes (above rtghlt in the sem finals — oc number one in the world caswnally relied on a little body English fabox e left. i» an alte~np( to kei p a ball in bounds


1-4. <*» J® m* * ^ "* " * 1 aJgitgS^, ......

A crpacUy croud filled >he So iest

INVESTORS!!! * YOU WILL WANT TO LIST WITH US BECAUSE: MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION TO At your convenience . . $52,900 Regularly scheduled Open House will be held at on your property - GULF PINES I LOT 83



OPEN WATER cone e e s a* a ed Sun e t HOMES Gu f V ew — an outsland ng v^ ue a $!« LOTS n FOUR BEDROOM 2400 square foot lakeironi borre [ GULF PINES tiaLks up lu natu « p ese C Features 3 batfis pool andj replace 1224 000 cou ts poo beach G eai 6uv J 9000 ?*> x 140 Ask ng only 11*5 000

DEL SEGA On deep wa er cans 2 bed 3 ba h sc een o ed poo most lu n sh nqs nc uded Jusi S2 0 000 J 5HELL HARBOR On nav gab e canal lots olslo age PO NCIANA CIRCLE W HdW h 53^ 0OC in tnls pil ng style 3 bed 2 bald \ ve* $46 000 OPPORTUNITIES # CONDOMINIUMS Well established sit down (Pstau an! w Ih good cany out business Mcney maker — good lease plenty ol EASTGULF PR If y n M -i ii 00^ LIGHTHOUSE POINT Beaut f jl« La ge < rst f oorun I parking 5139 ooo w h 2 bed ooms and den Ja ue p ced J165 000OO MULTI FAMILY c GUI F FRONT MOTEL Mono/make £350 000 00 3 * un is c eened and hea e<3 pool beach ce eni conO t on good enta j In n shed I" Ashrg S215 0OO 12B C MARCH 27 1986 ,_ ISLAND REPOflTER casting around

concept being tisti 1 on the fi\e I k(i that ln\t 1 iss poj ulitions which shauld rtfem1 high angler Tenoroc Reserve: an been open since 1°8<4 and will ilso be inrorponti 1 success said ( hapman Tenoroc Fish I*nage into ihp ntw areas Regulations nclude (luotas on mint Project coordinator PerprtuatKg this fjuali experiment in fishermen in all the lanes redutt I bag limits sUn tv fishing expemrce is eja tly why these sir rl dard big limits mm mum size lim ts slot limits ••eguhtions are imposed catch a id rtleast and another hkt whtre C ns derable inkresi hi resma By Fritz and Norma Stoppelbeln motors may albo apph ti ns sh- »uld be nade well in advan c he Game tnd Frtsh Watir Fish Commission Report pg fishing success on the crei I sheet is Ftshinj, reservations can be made at lh( I)\R in coorperalton with the Department of another regulation Mtal to the success of this pr Tenon c office Thursday hrough Sundiv noon Natural Hesojrces mil open four additional jeci s-iid CFC Fisheries biologist 1 hil Chapnnn until 4 pm bj tailing 81 66? 8270 Hoth the TIishing lakts at the Tenoroc Reserve Hsh Manage W e depend on the information prov ide 1 bj the" fishing areas and the picn c facihtv will he open U ment Area in April Tenoroc State Rtsene is f shertnen to determine ho* su cessful manage the public from sunrise lo sunset Thursday and located about two miles northeast 01 I akeland and ment through regjlatioi is and as a bast for Sundays only was first opened to the public for fishing in th>> future management decisions U L fall of 19S3 Information from these creel sheets showed U at F lorida s Marine Fisheries Commission held a In addition to the new fishirg areas DNR will during 198o almost 9 IOO fishing trips were made series of public workshop and meetings ir open a complete picnic facility lo Tenoroc resulting in over 41 000 hoar* of enjoy Tallahassee early this moi th to try to come up For those who don t want to fish or for ment by anglers Fishermen reported catching with some management rules for ijueeo conch fishermen taking a break we have built a picnic a,31> bass U 068 were released! 3 171 speckled king mackerel (Atlantic group) snapper and area complete with bathhouse covered shelter perch 11 641 pandih and 2 865 calf sh grouper red fish and Spanish mackerel tables grills parking for 55 vehicles and use Is Chapman cxpeUs fishing at the four new lakes Several Honda I eague of Anglers rcpresen free to the public said DNRs Pete Noodwaid to be even better than it is in the lakes Uiat have Utives Here in attendant and all reports agree Tenoroc State Reserve manager been open for same time on one point — most of tre sessions were confus Fishery management through regulation IJ a fc Unushcd until now these areas boast excellent • pleast see CASTING 14B tides /charters /guides tide chart BOAT CRUISES Boats Thu 5J27 12 55AMH 704AML 1^31PMH B05WL Fr I2S 154AMH 719AML 12 57PMH 901PWL SatJ29 3 05AMH 7 24AWL 1 rfPMH 10 03PML Sun 30 2 01PMH 11 ifiPML MonJ31

on the 34 C ul F" sh n^ lun he n >hc ^ yh *^e n Capliln Ralplt Bartholoi • Boat Sales (013)472 5277 • Service e Storage Pier 50 Marina Justbel466-131o e San bel Causewa3 y BOAT 8 d Tou » ol (he tilands * i Georgt Wiymou h itutjt bl rl G ft rig Barrc 0 1 Lea 6 C n^ma rig tou % £<) a an th o ^h RENTALS Pa i n Ba eys Sfiopp PQ t uge on \\ <;•>hau o I m 1 $50 PER Dffr OFFSHORE!* Ceme a (J3iAr-P seria ors 6 11 air fl pg inj-ujj y $35 HALF DAY SAILING CHARTERS C»iuti Aquatl POJOT Ei Ve y e*i> M5p ^ CHEAPEST RATE!, ON THE ISLAND heselja e jad,»l^s fw G» e 4 2SPD p NEVYAMA^ MOTORS " non p ot o gan ia n M ™ " » ^ * ' •> Blind Pass Boat Rentals. Jnc awa »ness Age 1 artu Tws Tnus ags* 7 2 5al 'niiodgei on \0 s»n btl t 472-8400 Fail f P O!i am Su a G B»ich« £f « o Sa be T sO's on ed "1 C£SS fin VG ™ " < r $95.00 466-3535(5 CAPT. BOB SABATINO X ida lor our 30 yt* i OFFSHORE YACHTS I:I; S «) P((i» Wnn

ISLAND QUEEN II RENT A BOAT Lunch Cruise to Cabbage Key 10am. 3 pm $15 Adults POWER OR SAIL Sunset Cruise 3 30 p m - 5 30 p m. CHARTER SAILING $10 Adults Day or Sunset ALL CHILDREN '/, PRICE h HSU NO SHEUINQ 5 QHT ; )toal 472-2531 c T Also Offering SEEINO ulandn Split Shelling Trips 4722531 $25 per person (4 hrs.) Housi! NEW 40' OFFSHORE AT SANIBEL MARINA FISHING BOAT "SHADOW" USCG Certified 30 pas sengers full electronics radar experienced crew provided Cap'Uim's Twin turbo 300 HP diesels PRIVATE OR CROUP CHARTERS ONLY CH ARTE All cruises depart 'Twccn Waters NATIVE FLORIDA GUIDE Marina • Captlva Inland FOR RESERVATIONS CALL FISHING* SHELLING (813)4725463(8 30-5 30 pm) BUNDTASS 'MARINA Fo ffsef ?(lons Ca ! (813) 472 5398 (After 5 30 p m ) 472-1779? VISA & MC ACCEPTbD 472 1020


EASTER MENU* HAPPY EASTER ROAST LAMB with mint sauce or FROM ESI! ^ HOP ON OVER FOR BAKED VIRGINIA HAM THIS SPECIAL EVENT! Candied yams or baked potato Vegetable, salad, home baked rolls OPEN HOUSE Dessert and complimentary TENMSPLACEB23 glass of champagne THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1986 S11.95 )-5 PM FIXER-UPPER — The vie* is gnat 2pm to 9 p m and so is the price bu\ you need some (Children Under 12-J5 95) imag nation This is the ONLY OPEN Regular menu also^ HOUSE this season tot Ih s unit so available don t miss this opportunity!


WHITE SANDS 22 - Beautiful 'wo bedroom two and a hal'bath with den cabana ard garage de orated in n autumn just gold ard beige Excellent rental h Mory Call (or deUils RESERVATIONS ACCCnto I Formerly Gibs 7) A beautiful view of lha Gull of Mex to or of the 20 by 40 tool Mated swim minq pool is available fron the formal 1223 Periwinkle Way • 472-1771 d n pg room or screened lanai in this spacious apartment Walk in closet* and targe van iy dressirg iteas accent the master and guest suit s The (illy applianced k tchen includes an auto mat c ire maf-er and t ash corrpactor In one of Sambel s mosl p ipuiar rental complexes and for fie reasonable n vestment we offer KINGS CROWTi 113 for $214 900

The best of Gulf and Ba >s yours at \bur dreams are SANIBEL MOORiriGS less than a reality now at hundred feet from the beach thi^ two bedroom two bath apartn ent on the Shell Tbint Village. top floor shares the bu Icing w th just seen other un ts Wall- across the Come see how Shell Point complex and a bodt dock on the canal Village has m..de its residents RETIREMENT witn access to San Carlo Bay and the iltnms come true for over 18 Gulf of i****xtco b available to the ycirs Shell Point provides spa owner New a r cond tion rg un t ne* top of the line dishwash°r i*ew ca pet clous apattmtnts ovctlooking and new vinyl floor covennys enhanct the beautiful Caloosahitehee the decor of th s ta tefully decorated Rivet, extensive hobby hcihttcs home Yours foi Slb9 9C0 health spa swimming pools n puttergo'f course Nursing POIMTC SANTO de SANIBEL offers Pavilion and much muLhmotc owners and gues s the very best in island livirg Apartment E 26 directly o But beyond out supcib facili on the beach *ilh over I 400 square ties our 75 acre tropical Mand feet of luxurious livinq area is now is an environment carefully ere available for the smallest investment y for a Gulf front properly in the com ated to cater to yoi r personal plex $310 000 Call us for complete wants and needs relieving you details from worry and allowing you to concentrate on living the active MEW PRICE — A lovely Uo bedroom carefree lifestyle you ve dreamed iwo bath unrt in popular KINGS about and deserve CROWN on West Gulf Drive 1750 square feet includes a dining room with gulfjview Wonderful investment property This unit is priced to sell NOW at 5212 500 fumuhed

An extended three bedroom floor pian makes this beautifully lurnished un t at BUND PASS feel spacious Just a short walk Jo tht unspo led beauty of Bowman s Beach makes this a special location Lots of squire feet for a reasonable price — 5lr9 000


Visit us soon and sec fust ASK US ABOUT GOLF RIDGE LOT 455 In prestig ous GULF RIDGE Subd vis on hand what makes Shell Point one S65 00C of Americas prenwt ictircment communities Or send for i ficc brochure todiv We offer 1 multiplr financ j| ( ptions indud Ull ml Iru ing I No hu'owmcnt Lnsc Njiu>mukI80O-237- S milxl lslanil ItmMvus llomimw Fl -n9->7l8131472 41B5

o 14B D MARCH 27 1986 ISLAND REPORTER CASTING • from 12B of tht Kcjh llhbv tirpon bonifiih and ptrmit are by catch n the nets 1 \ v. orkshop w ill 11 held on environment mj* arg imenlatup and sc tint glided in shouting th^fice 1 for prohih tirn cf Uih or sink ntls oil tht m cnes between commissionirs jnd represen Gulf suitor tht Kiy« \LC WORKt KS \\ r Hr \) Would vou like to ta /cs of the commerml fishing industrj Uedfish — Stitewi It 18 minimum sizt Imil work in the outdoors for wildlife"' If so aid if jo i An> rules adopted b> tht MFC must bt ippnv (li!l> bag limit 1 fish per ptrson limit nf one fish are between the ages of la »nd o ine J % Ding ed by thp Governor and Cabinet before becoming longer thin 12 no salt illowpd season closure Uarl ng National U ildlifc Refuge on Sambel has a law and since the commerm! re[ rts< ntatives pre which woul J not include Scptc-ibtr through summer job fo** j u sent slattd for tht niord that they intend to 1 ectmbtr nri use of treble hooks unles3 barbtess Tht Ding Darling Ktfugt is now recruiting challenge som*. of the prop md rules It nny be a Organi?cd Fishermen of Fknda mdicaUd this liouth Conservation rorps workers for employ ' long time be fort ther" Mill ht any protictnn rulr proposal would bi- challenged men! beginning June 9 and continuing for eight available for the spines involved Spanish mucker el — a whole pass'e if proposed weeks Workers have a 40hour work week Mon Briefly for the record the Mr C adopted tht mtsh sizts for certain dates and certai i areas n daj thrcugh Friday for 53 3a in h< ur projects in following policies juolas for comrnrcial harvesting closures tn cer elude trail maintenance (rail and boardwalk con Queen conch — hxlend the prohibiti in against tain areas and rtrtain times for commercial struction building cleani p yard mainterance an \ taking quten conch to r loridi rtgisttred vessels harvesting - all or some of which undoubtedly boundary posting operating in federal waters will he challengtd Additional workshop will be Applications must be teemed liy Friday April King mackerel — 'Atlant c stock) 2 fish per h<*ld to gather more information on the impacts of 11 and are available from hi^h school counselors person/ per day for everyone but further hearings spotter planes and power roller nets' the State Employment Security o'fice in rort to be held to mane exceptions in some areas for Proposals for recreational fishermen 4 fish per Mjers and the refuge ofucc on Sambel or call commercial hook and line fishermen person/ptr diy 12 minimum length HZ UOO Handicapped irdividuals may apply n Snapper and grouper — For recreational The MrC requested the Department of Nalu-a! fishermen Bag limit for snapper 10 daily posses Resources to seek funding to study the amourt of • L\Kt\K\\\NOrr D! sion limit 20 for grouper 5 daily possession limit mortality in re eased fish A two-hour naturalist lej toiir will introduce 10 To repeat — the aoovc are not laws at this visitors to wildlife management activities along For commercial fishermen no lont, line gear but time Only after they have been presented to the Wildlife Drive in the J N Ding" Darling National a 5 percent allowable by catch when used for other do\ernor and Cabinet %nd approved do they go in Wildlife Refuge tomorrow Friday at 9 15 a m species no stab or sink nets on the Atlantic side to effect T Participant*) are advised to bring binoculars and dress warmlv


FOR nir mrsr AVJ uuicc^r Sf LECTIOV OF Ml M A\D IA VS APP^RFL Clothinn, Sportswear dvrng and Beach wear atitiliry'Best THERAPEUTIC - MASSAGE FOR RELAXATION AND Diana Sllvetitcne REHABILITATION • Swedish • Deep Tissue • ShiaJsu • Polarity • Rellexoogy • Neurofruscular Sfusaga H on« of the ino* (natural helpful and ilmpfest loans o! botty and mind tto spy Aver mnnted Ihli anJsnt haal ng art lui be«n uurd for over 3,000 yaars to re! en tension educt atrtss improve Wood •id otygun crculallon liueise rrujKte tone and aid mnjw body functions such M nstvous mplfatonr and dlsaattve iyilsttis Too many Americans rely on pt n Mien end sth«r drufls to r«intv« m)nor cjnnpicrmi that regular masug* COUld t»» 1^ f«ITI9dv Island Tower Plaza D „ Opendalyby apcl <6t9^ * rk e Wa/ - Su te J05-A 472 5579

Sanibel's Only Old Fashioned Discover Sanibel Sunset (dndominium FROZEN Itk mpnjfitivinglmijr) jml J siu-w r>fl CUbTARD c mxemptnty dn gn ttri r M unJcnuhk pirnl *r in ne lihcnbnJiliiruIflfifupm^-nin SHOP " Enjui ihclmuf) rf2VKHqinrtf«1 I vf [a tihiliiHliKlo ( r^mu hednxfltt Itntn Chocolate or Van lla th rth il h)l • Cones • Sundaes • Concretes • Malts • Shakes • Hot Dogs and Soft Drinks /ftr/urt/vr nfrrmal ntn^lhlJuantaUfmn nalur PRISCILLA MURPHY REALTY INC PO.BoiS7 San Mlttand. Florid* 339S7 6U«12bll "TRY ONE OF OUR GREAT TASTING SPECIALTY SUNDAES

L REMEMBER-OPEN rVERY SICHT TILl 9 PM IV R4UEVS SWOPPING C(NTf » 2959 West OolfDrtvn, Sanlbel lalnnd Florida 33057 MON SAT 1D-9»SU\O*\ 121 ?|K!»|PJ|^|^**PP^ '

• •* .-:•• "<•>'- j




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#1407 #6429 #2143 221TALL 30"TALL ? TALL ; .:•• reg. reg;M6M::. ; 88

PEPPERIDGE INSULATED BEACH TUMBLERS UMBRELLA 4 PACK c -ireg.,J16M " , M oz. Pkg. j^f - :••, -,;:••. reg": *597;,•••'• ' CHEDDAR Qpldfish


1 ! of,the week wa? Bob Myeres with plus fiyt . ••, ; _- Judy battles wind " 1 o ; _ • HEACHVIKW WOM \N'S GOLF ASSOCJA- i( and cold to ^T . TU)N: On March 19, golfers played in a.slrokt-\ *": : play tournament; In the championship flighClow take club title - •gross winner was Nanc.y Hucdig with Barbara By Fran Nuelle s,"'. > - ! Spochr second and Polly Chaves third. Low net H-:5 winner^* Mary Phillip's, with Iluth KohmtKher.." r une3 Golf Ciuh champion Judy Kaiser wasc. .! secondhand Ginny Reeves i^iird, .i " ' ^ r- taking the day off Monday after winning I -•. In first flight action, low griws "winner was Von D the club championship which she had ! .-Light, second was Barbara Fak-3 and third was " driven, chipped and putted out the previous^wo . ^: Bets Curtis. Low net winners were Knid Bevcr, " . days. • -,-, •" .-• t, Jane Foster and Dee Carrr.ody. '-' "~ On both Friday and Saturday the temperature Second Right tow gross dinner was Libby Van " . hovered around 40 degrees with winds which - Every. With Agne5t McClintock second and Arline < "could blow you off the tee" and it was worse than Mercer third. I*ow net winner was Mayan Witcox, •• - any other match Kaiser had every played, she " .-•-, second was Anne Hamilton and third EDie Barali. - said. • . ••' • -" • • .,.- .' =*/ • . -: Kaiser was three strokes ahead at Ihe turn but • DUNES MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION: On^ after a strong iron to the green and over she ;>\' March 19. 34 golfer* beat ?fj) Pat Minn's 35 on the ; cared a 7 on Number 10, then followed that with a j. front nine and 74 for the 18. Winners were: •'•-.• . bogey on the par three 11. Down one, she made it Allaire. Clark. Becker. Ohlman. Misner, I,ong, all up and then some for the 18. " •'-• ; Manecke, Smith, Keator, (llaeser. Lapp, Lloyd.' Last year's champion Audrey Derleth was Christcnsen, Collins, Corn;lius, Verdone, Trine; unable to defend her title in the postponed matchP Light, Curtis. Wagoner.Frocmming. Avery, ,-. > 1 One week earlier the two-day event had been rain- Maloney; Willl6it, Jenkins, O'Neill. Johnson, Loren- ed out after half a day of play. '"•'-. son, Kalvin, Seabrooke, Klessig.Glazer. ". ._- : Kaiser has been an inveterate golfer since the i Mecklenberz. and Bulcock. .•''' v ."•".' ~:\ age of 30, when she decided she wasn't going to be : a golf widow,she says. •: •.."- ' • -.. , ', \ • SANIBEL-CAITIVA POWEK SQUADKONt ' .Two-month residents of Sanibel, Pete and June £ New leaders have been appointed (or the,. ~ Kaiser are members of Rolling Green Golf Club . "near Wallingfofd. Pa. Jane plays four or five times : •V s week white here and three or four times at Roll- ing Green when she's home, as well as a summer cottage in the Poconos. -.- - c - .:. Last week's championship with Jane Werner ' and Joan Smith, Kaiser says, "Both were worthy 9 'opponents."::- - '•"•].-• '. ;• •-•: , - - = Cherry, Andrew Seipos and H. Stanton Con^it. " Other results: l&hale A-flight, winner Betty • SNOWBIRDS DEFEAT CAPE CORAL ; - Hoag;runner-up Alex Iber; Bflight, winner Jsn ___ _ COUNTRY CLUB: Sonesu Sanibel Harbour -- . Judy Kaiser, this year't cfuo champion at Tltt. : Baker; runner-up Evelyn Badger; C flight, winner ~ ; Snowbirds beat Cape Conl County Club three. \".f Syril Rubin; runner-up Martha Kildow; 9hole Marsh, Jim Briscoe and Dave Wooster. Second ,.'s matches to two in a close contest. Winning teams championship, winner Dot Ohlmann, runner-up ' - . with plus four were Ralph Ariss. Clem Donnell, for the Snowbirds were: Dick Brash If r and Jack Enid Bevcr; A-flight, winner Anne Scheitine. John Forster and Frank Calahanlr .;iU -' Clark over Tom Greg and Fred McBride, 6 2, 6-4. : \>mrii uwr IUIII uir|f auu rrcu i>i<:i>iiui:, u-^( vt- Among 9-hole players, Ruth Walker had low net At the March 22 tournament, two teams were^ ; George Bidder and Hugh Joyce beat Herb Heym and Elsie Becker had low puttsID '-.'•; even for first place; Curt Washburn, Bob Marye,': c and Dr. Joe. 3 6.6 4.6 3; BUI Baker aiid Joe 1 Bob Neth and Jim Esson; and Hank Groh, Dick, i -A Floleman took Dick Light and Kalph Smith in:. • BEACHVIEW MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIA- v Light and Joe Sleinerl. In second place with ;;- •? straight sets. 6 2, 6-3. Ralph Dillcy and Morgan TION TOURNAMENT: Winning team March 18 minus two was the foursome of Mack McClintock, r Menching beat Bob HcaUy and Harold Scrtbman, T; with plus six was the team of Bob Netti, Clay : , Rich Bhrrti. Ed Reed and Ted Hartehorne. Golfer 2-5,75,5-4.C: ? • •• • ~ „ ? \: :

EASTER SUNDAY '^Double Future" .'• •: In Morgan's Market In Sundial's Sanibel-Robm "'.' 11:30 a.m;-9 p.m. " : . 2 p.m.-9 p.m. •"". ^ Mimmum Paity of Six - .

Our Holiday Buffet Spectacular Includes: , AtO-lb.RoastTurkeyishroughttojour. : • table, Dad canes, just like at home. Vi . HOBS OP PLENT\'S.\LAD CARTS " (v ..;• ' (U"e'H_supplytake-kmeturfcejb«ux) •' -• PLUS ASIBROSIA, VEGETABLE AND PASTA.SALADS =- HOME-MADE TONUTO & BROCCOU SOIP Our Traditional Feast, Strrvwi Family-Stjle. Include:

BOUNTIFUL BUFFET ENTRHS: -:.": ",5 .. ':": HoaslPrimeliibcfBeervilthVotkslurerudQing „ jggy ..\mbrtsia Salad Floridi Seafocd Chcwiier,: ; Snicked Virginia Ham with apricot honey buttered glaze " Tossed Seasonal Greens with choiie of Hickory grilled Pork Loinwith Herb Butter.^ =: Scallcfa and Baby Lobster in Gariic Cream Sauce : ; IWb.RoMtTcmTWkiy with Com Stuffing Grilled Atlantic Swtirdfish with Sauce Choron y, •'-•' • .. _and_ - . ". ••• . MARKET yiOBTABLTS ."• PUtterofSmokedVlnjiniaHamwiih ~ . CusfWlfof Vegetable Mcmay :• „ Apricot Hone>-Buttered Giaie ; : Potatoes tnd Carrots Duchesse . Potatoes and Carrots Duchesse BAKERVBASKET, , ,, . ['• i ''Assorted Holiday breadi including ' - * 'r Ilot Cross Buns and a variety of Asorted Holiday Brtub with a variety .;; r butters - v y -. -. .'• , ; ofbulters '' •' '•;• DESSERT FESTTi'AL v • , Pecan pie with warm peaul butter sauce^ -. Home-MadeBiiKbeny ' ^Cdlre.leaor; T : te Cobbler with warm n milk and a variety Blueberr>'Cobbler with warm bnuid)-sauce : :; _ brandy sauce and - ofbe\-eraj?« : Chcolate-Chocolate Cake ' - - _: '" rrem'h vanilla ice mam - ^ ' Key Lime Pie with chocolate cookie crumb crust - t 117.95 Per Person! I0.I5 Per Child tinier 10 115.93 Per Person-ID.IS Pel Child under 10 - ^ Reser\-ationa Required -> • Rcstrva s .. 472-1114 • ••" •• • .v.472-1114 ISSSKSSSfPS

'• ISLAND BEPORTER Q MARCH 27,1986 • 17B ; clubs and community events

'Breaking free of "Ding" Darling Visitor Center Auditorium al-ll the needs (or the Fun Nile, Las Vegas Nile to be a.m. Saturday, March 29.Q 7 , =' held March 21. , ; ; •* . =.-- i Lions Urban. Palmer and Buhl Hur(;oyne asked unhealthy patterns' for the necessary volunteers to «perate the Lions - By Wtfndy McMuilen ' ; HAUmiimN SLIDE SHOW AND FIELD 7 Pancake Breakfast on March 29. This will be serv- : ; . • Q •-•"•."" •" O- ' - •' •"•" i , TRIP: Tonight's Audubon program invites au- ; ed from 7 a.m, to 11 a.m. with plenty of pancake^ -'.,. Whether it's alcoholism, workaholism, - •• dience participation with slides from Audubon .and sausage for all, at $2.95 per person. -r "overeating, overspending, gambling, whatever, members making up the color slide program at the ' President Bailey reported that the recent dona- \- there's an even chance those compulsive habits - Community Center at 8 p.m. This is the last even- [ tjons of over $18,000 had made a total of $33,600 f wore picket] up from one or more parents.., r \, ing of the winter, 1980"entort3ininent program. : • so far this year since 'July J, I9tjr>. .. / __ \ • ., Rut that destructive behavior can be changed,' The last field trip of the season, to be ted by ., '•: ,The next meeting will be held Wednesday,- j therapists say, and n workshop planned for the island naturalist and wildlife artist, George ; March 26, st ihe Sanihcl Community Building at \ - work end ,of April 1 is designed to help people iWeymouih to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, will : "••• change it. _••• - ' . • • !? leave from tlie Chamber of Commerce parking lot "Breaking Free of Unhealthy Patterns", Friday 8 a.m. Saturday, March 29.ll '?• • THOMPSON AUWA WOMAN OF TUB YEAR: night, April -1, and Saturday morning, April 0?at The 198fi Woman of the'Year in ihe Sanibel •p' Sanibcl Community Church is designed to help the • SAMUEL ISLES-WATEK SHADOWS: r; Captiva American Business Women's Association - adult children of addictive personalities change un- • Sanibel Isles-Water Shadows Civic Improvement ^was elected at the monthly dinr.er meeting last fortunate behavior learned from parents. &.„• ~ Association elected,its officers for the forthcoming week. Her friends and fellow businesswomen Workshop leader is Becka Bnrbatsis, lecturer . year March 12. Thcy; are: president, Wallace M,--; elected Bctly Thompson for the honor. c,and consultanUn the field of public health and Kain; vice-president, Louis Fisler; secretary, :• A charter membtr of Ihe SSariibel Captiva a .•:-, counsel to the chemically dependent who is cur- .William J. Miracle; treasurer, Sam Clark.Li : AUWA chapter, Thompson has given generausly .IT rently researching the special problems faced by '- of her time and talents for numerous club projects ; the adult children of alcoholics. ^ over Ihe pasl eight years. For the past three years "•-' "Children of alcoholics get confusing messages • CASI MEETING: Condominiums Association of !; 1 she has coordinated the association's f ' - from their parents all the time,' commented Joy _ Sanibel, Inc. held its Annual business meeting Fri ' i Christmastime participation in the WINK Giving .Kimbrough, who along with Mary Ann O'Keeife. is day, March 21, at Sundial. President Hobcrt Marye : Tree project for the American Lung Association. coordinating the workshop. •-••:-. '•'••$ reviewed the group's activities in areas such as, = ; She has served as the ABWA hospitality chairman , equalization of trash rates, hurricane vatch pro : w "H takes a long time to sort that out and that's gram, tax appraisal formulas for Sanibel property .; and membership chairman and has co chaired the "'why workshops such as this are so valuable," she ; ways and means committee. . . ' " „_• : ; : and the combined,CASE and Committee of the ; .continued. " ' ' " ;'. Island's effort to change the method of voting for i = - As the daughter of an alcoholic father, trainer ''<• • ROTARIANS HEAR ABOUT PERFORM-'' council members. -. -- -• ~ -:.!i ING ARTS HALL: Dan Urlon told Rotariaiis ; * Becka Barbatsis had firsthand knowledge ot the ; ; problems involved with breaking free of destruc- Elected new"officers and directors for CASI for •' about the 1,777-seat Barbara B. Mann Performing 1986-7 were Will Flatow, director and president; | tive patterns. And the difficulties, it seems are : : Arts Hall at their breakfast meeting last Sunday. - - common among all the children of alcoholics or Warren Hyde, director and vice president; Mike ' • The center, which cost |6Vi million to build, was. r Zakarian, director; Art Williams, director; and ...: ~ other compulsive personalities.'.'••'-,,, ; completed at the end of last yrar. ^ Ge-neJledke, director. Kathy Huldrum was ap :. 'I "The most difficult thing for many people is the One hundred and eleven RoUrians, including 79 pointed executive secretary and treasurer.•-• ')-. iVisitors, attended Friday's meeting.D . -.- secrecy involved," commented Elaine Barbatsis, All CASI members were urged to attend the ;;;\\ . mother ofthe workshop leader. « ;i special meeting of,Ihe council at 3 p.m. April i, to i rj ; The experiential workshop will begin Saturday. discuss election changes. - . . . ," '":' Oil painting ,demo . . ^ „ Friday evening's session will be an introduction to '•''the problem and the scope of the sessions the neat ;. At 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1. there will be an day. Cost of the workshop is $10. For further in- B LIONS INDUCT NINE NEW ^EMHEKS: '-\ oil painting demonstration by John Russell - formation contact Joy Kimbrough: 472 46b'9 or Sanibel Captiva Lions Club met at the Sanibel '•'• Jacobsen at Sanibel Community Association • - - : Community Building on March 19 with the'best a!** building. Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. The event is ;- Mary Ann O'Kceffe: 172-6844. D ' .~ '• tendance of the year.. : \- being sponsored by. the Art Council of Southwest ,_ ~ Lion "Doc" Copperrider reported tin state and ' Florida. A short tiu'siness meeting will precede the ' :>'••; • FKEE'FILM ON POISONOUS ANIMALS;. < international convention plans. President Francis - demonstration. A light lunch will be served and all iBees.AVasps, hornets, spiders and snakes are- ••• Bailey announced a regional Lions meeting at r. those interested are welcome. For more informa-- ',;_'. covered in this 25-minute film offered in the J.N. Lakeland in April. Lion Tom Louwers descsiKed =. H

Enjoy The Flavor Of Island Living For As Little As $89,900. Island Home-Sites 1: Large corner lot," near beach access, ; ; $42,500 : \ V: •,-• -. = : » V . 2i Corner^ibt'on lagoon, nice trees, „ r-; ; only $36,000 >': ; V^" ';. > * ;3; Large lot overlooking beacfiview golf course, and,waterway. $79,500 4. Away-from-it-all location! .. ,

Furnished Shell Harbor Home Exterior juSt painted. Attractive .three bedroom,'two bath home with targe screen enclosed lanai. Over-sized garage. Ready to move in! $234,900.

Bissell Realty Service Corp. Treetbps Center, Suite 103 Sanibel, FL '• Phone 813-472-0880 - Visit oiif fjntdsTic trrodVl hdies. ' SaiM Centti.Open tidily In.m . - 10^00 i\.M..uiml'5:00 P.M. " ; 1586 Sj:idc3sit<> Road ; .. . • !.i ihe Dunps cm Sanibel Island ^NIEMANNWOLTER..

O £j*3f-»*!">> ,* }*' 5^' ijgf -

* J


movie memories

dtdn t end the popularity of his books although straightforward look he eventually caused the tht. philosophy rf his ideas were abandoned for a ever present bully to mea ure his letgth on the Heroes in the „ few jears rawing-World War I greensward Horatio Alger, Jr. mold In fact a New lurk publishing house has ac Clint r astuood may not qualify for all stan quired the rights to an unpublished manuscript ciards set D> Horatio Jr but 'or this century he By Cllf Potter found in the archivts at Syracuse University and certainly comes close to wnning a self made &* ill go into print this year W nlten in 1878 the award B-ought up dur ng the Depression of the his year s Horatio Alger Jr av. ard for per tmnuscnpt was never publtshi d because the firm 1930s he spent his youth living from hano to son?! achievement Tne pull oneself up by went into binkruptc shorilv before printing time mcuth while on the road w th his father looking T one s own bootstnps has been presented The juthors urst love "*tory Mabel Marker or for anv odd job His perseveranct brought him to iwo of the nation s popular pi.blic nersomhlies ThL Hidden Trtasure will finally hit the bo< k lame after Years of discouraging attempts Not to Astronaut Chuck Meager and golfer Chi Chi slorus 118 years later mintion Dirty Harry hn present quest for the Htxlnques both of whom the famous writer of tht If this book is eii.r considered for a mo\ t it ma > or s job in his tiny California hoiretow n ma> last century would have characterized as coming jA.ill need much work and rewriting to capt with provi. h s worth as one of the Horatio Alger Jr from humble beginnings have earned this ob umodern interest Horatio Jr was about as 'trai^hl heroes^ scure honor The rather archaic expression refer as they canu even for those days The five fool Adotpn 7uku", also n little over five fee tall ring to bootstraps can best be explained as a tail Unitarian minister Was plagued b> asthma was an immigrant who most certainly was in loop uf leather sewn at the top rear or on each most of his life was a European correspondent for flue need by the Atgcr stones Starting as a fur side, of a boot to facilitate pulling it on My grand the Areu York Sun and Boston Tramcrxpt, and store sweeper he invested in a penny arcade in father (and probably your great grandfather) was an honor student at Harvard His stories IKO made hii fortune by producing the firs* four struggled with this problem ever} morning featured heroes of almost 17 usually supportirg reel feature movie0 formed Paramount Pictures, Horatio Alger > is sometimes credited v,ith a widowed mother and forced to seek his for and At his tfcath at 103 in 1973 was chairman ,. the American idea of success His death [n 1699 tune in the city Possessed of clear skin and a emeritus of the board of the same studio D


Quality construction by Greg Wcglarz General Coi Iracto Inc a Mate certified contractor with 8 vears* experience on Sanibcl i. Captiva Islands ~"~ tj, Suite 101 Sambcl, PL 33957 CalH8IJ)472

Bay-Viiew Village Thirty Forty Nine 1 Live in style on Sanibel View of West Gulf Drive Bay with good proximity to beach (access across street), attractive open . floor plan with vaulted ceiling Three O bedrooms, three baths Unfurnished o Owner prefers closing in fall Only four owners share pool annd tennis $245,000 Shell Harbor Home

Looking for an island home with elbow Td t^ra

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BUY 1 GET 1 FREE* leguiiTPrices 1 LONG & * SLEEVE BLOUSES POLYNESIAN BUFFET v.etcm 56 W S15 00 TO 536 00 Lunch & Early Bird Sla-reMiSei $6 50 * CHOOSE ANY SmE OF EOU» L OR 1 Special LOWER PF1ICE SteTpoo&tJl SB 95 • SIZES 8 20 • SELECTED STYLES • 12 5 Daily, Noon lo 5 Shanooo Cul • LARGE SELECTION* Sunday * S3 en Dry $10 95 , SALE ENDS SAT., MARCH 29 NO SPECIAL ORDERS OR perms From 518 95 BIRTHDAY DISCOUNT CARDb lung Hut Eilti) — WITH THIS OFFER $7.95 BUY ONE GtTONE HTwr« tout tasfilon dosot ouyt more 3 LOCATIONS FREE WITH THIS AD SCJTH FORT kTEHS T.ULF fQIHTS 1DU*« WE OO IT RIGHT! 4E1 3311 W 213* 'teaune. GULF POINTS SQUARE M FASHIONS Across from PiMx EXPIRES MAY 30 ' 0 smca I9SI 482-8888 19 T EXTRA CLOSET SPACE GOLDEN RATTAN TRUNKS EASTER SPECIAL Fre .h Homogenized 32x16x16 ALL STUFFED ANIMALS Publix Milk Reg $124 9,9 — $69.99 20% OFF 36x20x20 Beg $13999 $89.99 WE HAVE BOOKS FOR EVERY NEED

AliocntaSlgt* iM ™ BOOK CENTER GULF POINTS SQUARE PHONE 489 1300 Gu'f Points Square — 484-3442 "?Kw 'i. THE "BIG LITTLE" HEALTH FOOD STORE EASTER SPECIAL cA'uti. - cN - Stuff SPORT COATS & BLAZERS ONLY $99.00 Reg $160 00 TERRY PERRY ONLY $140.00 Reg $200 00 SUNFLOWER \UTpiTI0'J6L SEEDS GOLF SHIRTS CONSULTANT CALL FOR - ° 2 lor $25.00 89c LB Re-j S' 39 APPOINTMENT <9I 2853

482-1730 , ¥!SA/VASTtRCARO 20B D MARCH 27 1986 r- ISLAND REPORTER sanibel library Shopping centers join * in child safety campaign A 'wants-and-all' that will run tingles down your spine The Bell Tower ShopJ Fdison Mall Corslwood Iliograph} & Mall and Royai Palm Square in Lee County are biography of The Great Getty — Hobert Lenzner among nearly 5 000 shopping centers in the US Newspaperman I enzner has written a warts and Canada taking part in the first public service J. Paul Getty and all biography that details the life and loves of campaign ever undertaf en by the chopping center By Pat Robertson J Paul Getty the richest man in the world Gettv industry started with a $500 stake in the Oklahoma oil The centers are coop rating in KIDS - Kids Fiction f elds and ended with a fortune of ovtr six billion Identification Sign up — a weeklong event from The Ambasiodors Women — Catherine Gaskfn dollars On Tl his story would rival that pur April 7 13 during which an estimated 12 mill on The chance meeting of two young women one tra>edon Dynast) young people will voluntarily be fingerprinted American one British on n London bridge in 19JO Son riction The local effort is pat t of s national campaign marks the beginning of a lift long friendship that The \fcn of Company h — liar Old I embaugh being organized by the International Council of J nalso involves their husbands and children The set and John I) Campbell Shopping Centers the association of the shopping ting moves from Cornwall to Washington Zurich Company K a unit of two hundrt-d citizen center industry as a contribution to the growing and Russia in a saga that feitures friendship firm soldiers was jus], one of 1 200 such companies that child safety movement ly and heartbreak y wen tht cutting fdRe of the Amer ran army in Joining the local centers are dozens of local Seasons of the Heart — C>n hia Freeman Furope This ac punt written by two of Us w.vic service and gove-nment groups Some of the It was 1941 when Ann I ollock met and married members presents a vivid picture of the organizations include tre Teachers Association of dash ng Phillip Coulter a marriage that seerred fierceness of front I ne fightirg as the all erf arm es Lee County Southwest Florida Boy Scout As3ocia destined for a fairy tule happv ending Then advanced across Gcmar) meeting fiinous lion of I ee County Southwest Florida Boy Scout o Phillip went off to war and thur world fell apart resistance Association Voluntary Action Center Fort Myers A poignant look at a family torn by domestic Our Temicstunus Day ~ Carolly Lnckson c High Key Club and area police departments dilemmas The Rtgency period in England has conu to Parents of "htldren 3 14 arc being encouraged to 11 Coaster — George toy denote flair in forcement agencies onlj if there is an eirergency sinks But when Penrosc submits his insurance rec-eates this unsettled intriguing era when the iced for identification Along with the print claim the underwriters refuje to pay The battle Rcgt.nl was a figurehead for a self indulgin* record parents will receive a safety leaflet ouLbn to force payment unravels the tangle of an in aristocracy and the working poor chafed under ing basic rules of child -lafety and encouraging trlcate reinsurance scum Foy has produced a we I miserable economic conditions them to be certain tneir ch Idren follow the rules crafted psychological suspense thriller Arctic Drams — Barry Lopez ^ This will be amplified upon in special safety The Handmaid t Tale — Margaret AI wood The author spent four years in the Arctic lessons issued to local schools With a setting in the United States in (he near regions — traveling hunting with Eskimos work Heading up the campaign in Lee and Collier future this novel paints a chilling portrait, of a ing with arc^poiogists bio'ogists and geologists County is Cartilyn J Feimstfr from Oxford society whose roots are clearly outgrowths of to His book is warmy apprtciative and understanding Development Company chairman of the local com day • conflicts A religious dictatorship hat cvolv of the natural forces that shape life in this austere mittee coordinating the effort Also participating ed which has reverted to (he repressive in lands-ape te are Knstine Kramer Val Bartholomew Larry tolerance of the original Puritans At wood has Minmng Back The Sky — David Hubbjrd Hyman and Rosemary Meza created the penetrating atmosphere of an im Writing in a crisp cliar blunt style I hi Many national groups are behind the campaign aginable nightmare psychiatrist author examines terr irlsm terrorists They include the Interrational Association of Stone 588 — Gerald Browne and the U S response to them Hubbard offers not Chiefs of Police the National Sheriffs Association A strange diamond too flawed to interest top only an analysis of the act of terrorism but also US Conference of Majors National Governors dealers becomes known for its remarkable healing tough minded advire on combating this enemj His Association Boy Scoutt Girl Scouts National powers Whe l the stone is stolen Philip Stringer solution Is two prof (fed don t givt them what thev Association of Junior Leagues KIwanU National organizes an intricate plan to recover it The story want neither the actual release of prisoners Association of Counties and the American provides an intriguing inside view of the world amnesty or hard goods nor the abstract response Association of Retired Persons diamond trade with swirl* of murder and trickery of fear frustration or national doubt G The fingerprinting schedule at most par litigating tnalls Will be Monday April 7 through Friday April 11 from 3pm t&7 p m and Satur day April 12 from 10 a m to 6 p ra •

o K^71£T^5[S0?2«3R£?3y*^Wr'sirT>*


ISLAND REPORTER MARCH 27 1&6 D 21B 472-2555 Fresh Baked Croissants Croissant Sandwiches Giant Cookies, Key Lime Pie and much, much more1 Tmt IW lh« k»* It* I Ilt .. featuring— NEU. YORK CHEESECAKE ullli PECAN CRUST & the most unbelievable, INCREDIBLE, CROISSANT SANDWICHES available

8AM 1PM Monday ll iu I nday 9 5 Sit 91 "Sunday M v O !*r 1 H uu ,n A ' ante PILMHDO IU) ACtO^SiRO 11 LKi Hu DHUCS CMIH"> OUT OM V FIRST OFFERING Come and get it Captiva...wewant to loan you money.


-SHELL HARBOR- Beautifully landscaped home If bedrooms / 2 BaNkof The lsLaNds baths with heated pool, on canal with dock & I he Local Commvnm Bank electric lift By owner (appt only) &N EQUAL HOUSING IENDER CALL 813-472-3717 Introducing the Hottest New Property on the Islands.


n 1 Bcackcnber frets dirrtly on one of rrjedern elevators • Spaccus pato carpittng a d ceraii tile • \.t I ap La jndry room wit ! f the island s widest ard most attrac deck surrounding heated sv mm ng porited cen'ra ly locatc-J kitchen v* t*i and dryer tivc be.«.hrs on Santel Island A pool • Private boardwalk to beach every modem aopl ance • Europtjn s yle cabiivtr> • Great ra m lead rg Be<>^comter a t>iachf rGnt condo- private lane lea la to tl"" A cordo- • Tennis court r m num bu id nos in a beaut fu ly lat d tu overj zed screened lana • Vaster n urn on Sai be' Is ard "des gned scaped setting ted together with Enjoy the Ijxury of condom mum suite v itr- iarge w.alkin closet * and oeveloped m concert vvith Isianc handsome natural \ oodj •iving featur ig 2DOO square feet of Mart) e wh rlpool tul) • Guist bed- cv ronnv n for the perfect chrcce of spacious I v ng area • M gh qja fy room v th o\jn private bsl ony • island iKng Jr iquc arch tec ural drta Is and sur rouna nqs of tl e bu Id n^s inc!ud° Deltciteiy latticed balcoi es • GI2W Beachcomber mNAlUMANN block ralirgs • ->oft wcod tones • Roof 1 nes in the style of traditional ls^ind cottages • Covered par!* ng 3M storage locl-ers • Starways ard

O &>M~-'1 •:::"•%•*-:*

22B O MARCH S7.-1988 I! ISLAND REPORTER?' well Being „

because they exercise too little. EXERCISE is the ^ many and complicated and th-jy include such - Weight loss: the "'••", ^° key to weight .loss!..'.-. And here's why. ' V things as burning more energy when you are sit- ,. If you lose weight by diet alone.'you will lose,, ting still, decreased appetite, lowering the weight ^ modern American dream both fat and lean muscle mass. Thai's not good.^ ; • your body thinks is normal for you, and a feeling 7 By William E. Schamadan. M!D. ^he typical history of such a person is to start a i of well being which encouragts you to continue. -"-• "diet" and lose some weight. The diet becomes S ; ' How much exercise does it take to perform all s,Tl it. were easy to lose weight, there would -.-' tiresome'and is given up, and the weight is regain-; these miracles? A°minimum of four, but better -''--'- I not be so many people making a good living ed. In this exchange, however, the weight which .}-{ five, exercise periods per wetk at the same level [ JL by telling other people how to do it. Losing was lost was both fat and muscle, but the weight ,: of intensity that is necessary to improve car- •s^>-,., . weight aeems to be the modern "American dream1, which was regained was only fat. The person may :'•. diovascular performance..Walking briskly will do ••" ':• but for some it is only a magnificent obsession. again weigh the same as before starting the diet, it. But duration is more important than intensity.'-. There are all sorts of measurements to help you but a higher percent of that total weight is now :"•'.• Thirty minutes is minimum, fjrtyfiv; :e is better, . •'-f decide if you should lose weight. Insurance com- . fat.-After several such loss and regain cycles the r and one hour is best, ° r;. • - " ~ ." i:•;."• P»ny height/weight tables, skin fold fat/muscle ratio is changed considerably, in favor -;. . Let me'say a few things about diet, however, ..; measurements, underwater weighing to determine of the fat. /_ '

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For „ .""•,''••'" •Shelling Tips •Tide Tables'> le Snnibcl island ifliton'l'nn truly offers tliu best of tibtlPv,H((d5. i:.:: x •_'-')}. •Fishing : Reports : •And More ',.. VilnllJH Murph) KcjICy. Int.. I5GIO HcOrcflor Blvd.. H. fl)cts. II. 339OII £JfiKi sVY


SATURDAYS 2-5 > Mice 1057 r It has always been a good investment strategy to buy at the lower end ot an \b exclusive mark* doinustor jr specially selected Several houses n casterOimir feahmy - this block are well over $350,000, get StvfM toast fact Lamb* this 3 bedroom , , , Swcenmmi house, 50 ft. deep f/vsh Jcle-Oscar .. f water dock on direct to bay canal, Also RwtfWf\nbsof'hetf- fresh rft/et-oM0le-, vts across from^a beautiful wildlife ib/ymibr, scallops ,/efuge lake with Dunes golf course in the fresh m/Jnapfr »r background. shrimps ahcliow $272,000 e o An opportunity to amiably discuss Sambel living awaits you Wine & cheese served at our scheduled Open House 1667 Venus Drive 'Setvuu) hm -/to ypi SWiuflMnd fleam *»» For Information or'Appointment Call: 472-5443 or 472-5335- -


YOUNQ HE7IHE0 VETERAN - I SINGLE WHITE MALE, 33 UKU> HOMfflOMIHtlEA , Mo an 20 very well n'f end veiy tve good locing 5 10 150 lbs il m oM (rim t n * hoc* ti V\ rnj stooiing pool tbIK ards) to-a very long'Cat onsh p Must moves aid ea! ng oo! I %anl a t^alt act v* (InsmJ n!etl ;ent Isrjy non srnok ng vtJ\o wanls to Arswet 1^ S Jd vt th desc p' >e

seltle down and statf a family icl!er ar(J photo You wen I &»

'"'ever 1176 aorly All redes af>s«'ed PO PACAK MALt — Bo*KCM Cape Coral Fla 33910 PROFESSIONAL *r !er - pnoiO-

actualized profess onai woman c assy mull lincuat «6 blond who enjoys (raveling photo 54 IIS 161 bluefg eel eyes

e ally stable homeowner Sec us a ta I errol ona iy matu e nondt tM FEMALE 35 - divorced 5 *' 110 Ing (inane a '* S-CI^P mai 40 to lbs Hot into the bar scene Look 50 Vine PO Oon B7B Cape IAD Et — V, -«-y n lnB lor sincere compan ensnip ~ "^ ^ "„ 1163 F T-id,' »f.d d ed el Ji r fB£»i !y Nobody sa d t would be easy This is my Irsl (and r-npetutty H THIS WMOU bq *crU Cvdc^y itipoo* *# del gK fgl eoiv last) try at th s Let It be yours n unotwihed mo • »Ko w II por an. I on ny (&y (ulof and loo Please respond w 1h photo ne* rr*Gftl M dd a 60*1 oc and phone »\J3 bop* fou o # mo- !}• es in ng» e •;. qiyed Nan^i nker non vntfitr MALE 40 — D vorced not into cuf.tRlpul d»= Ike lo n-pel petto 'emae Ape cu v ng nutss s | HOW TO PLACt tOUR AO f O« QUICK FIltNOlHtFJ | telligent (mm tally secura a dew5 1* brown fu r and eyes I> MHO YOUI AD AND 17 10 I lady Proio a rrusi PO Box Nanh Tori M,tn Ob>tr.ir South for! U ... Obi* .« For! Mf.rl lf«th Obnrxr . 34 Desire non sr-nhing non T 878 CapeCorat 33910 titand R*pr ftf Cha -oti. Ihapp K CU do j drinking male 1172 B SmaiE, ATTRACTIVE, MALE, whitrj 30 S wanls woman ADVENTUROUS searching for wfcraty Humor Non smoker no pleasar" com pan onshlp I en bars churches Rad cat Inteilec joy jnteltlgent conversation lual Like travel read ng all mov and have * good serue of ies a'ts P ano player preferred humor ! also injoy an active lifestyle A#e *0, light brown #17' har58 <- N167

LADY allracl'vc^mtcli/rjent ac SINGLE PROFESSIONAL live 50 ih still working and hop- AddteiS mae 6 175 bs w shes to ing lo meet a gentleman 5060 meet si m a trie! *e lady w in stable S ot va led tnte e 1- to a good sense I fium^r (or a Share vlewpo rls anrj goo''I nes S ncerereia unhp CieS to so&jt a v»o ihw^i 1^ ncf? e 't h Ma wyieircslu*ps ouJte " lat onsh p nljt-t /"cwlop 1 red " ycU hate sny qwif on* rejsrrf" ifd gha honeiiy atf»*tl or> r p"j "Peggis SrceMf Yoirs ' Ml't:> PEGGY'S SlfiGERELY YQUHS gire hut a ta< it 4cS0 M or mil rly 01 1 SJ7SEF2 -I- 24B n MARCH 27,198b H ISLAND REPORTER

regular meetings

»'i«»S let Inloirn, island life Sanlbel Captlia Ame lean leg on Meeing ot memfcc i ol ire second "i.ei3i/ ot each nonih Capilti Clfic Anoeliilon B9a d ot gaverno i mtei rgi i it am] ir* rd TUMI*** cl each monin at things to do'and information Hint Club Veen tsl inO3 iJV etJ-u-ioj,i i| 6 50 .n.OrtiThjfi andSat 0 Dm al Sjn b«i Ccrnnun f, Centrr you should know an to 4 p m Ooied ci he' dais Captlia Minorii Ltbra-y Open9amto43Qpm. tl rh al B- Tuetfay Thj sdly a^d Fr da/ 4 am to 9 pm, Uuira Po*6li» ho,-nt 3S Fl^n.tni Country Club cochla ct 6 30 p Wcrjneiaay 3 a fl ta 12 30 C Tl Ea u 3ay C«iea Call Flo ene H 53 11 Ac (S FoiMytn «S2I7?D V itllng GUI Sceult J ut ox C*det e 101 * Sen on call (01 me*' "9 schedule al 4TJ9 US Pj-tr Squeti Gere J 1™S.i* p Kfwani Club 0 Stn b*l C*DII>« B c Comrrun ty ASSOCP rr«* -13 Wpdn«d*i» »t 7 JO a "i al ine P iV *inlii, way Uncft Pe CJT Ecacru e* Cointry C uti V M rtfl e^e.ortetl^ihep ^ Eme 6Incr Vele tniry Clii c SWSSo«tiTa"> imi im Tui»d»,»6 30lnB tat n IM n iBon P a-« Tc t M»e 1 933i*4I Ing in* f If si WednaiSj/ ol *4th mcnih al the Coconut Groia ReiUjranl O old 0 Way Rotary Club Meets eiery Friday « 7ti *m at Atnerictn Aiitxlilltm of Rttl *$ P» torn Sund al Deach jnj Tenn 1 Resoc v 110 1 am* second f ildar 01 e«n monih a! San babysitters guests are welcome For Informal o** call ty AjidCijI onbuklngamopm. Teen Club ol ihe Ittmde Sjtn bel lo-jmied by vd tor teem op*i opf Ovoj jp ! !; »T « Barrier iiland Croup lor In* Am (flit) At it *n 7M. MtryShjnMln.<-3 93" PtU C(3= organ uticn 'ound-d lo bu Id a cultural ec—munl Ruihloelne *7??i« Incs lirjl Sunday ol each mo . Bicycle rw'n The e ly ol 5an be! and Cavltta All me-nben and pro- homes at3 Mpm Socialacllvily Mrdwrttendol tin. t? u;it e ^ii Specltve memberi a * urjeJ 10 el tend meel rgj cachmonin Fcthiamaiton ci I P«i);y jKkion UltfMln A72-*77$v*,t IT* Meets tie last Monday ol ltie iwnlh al B p m For 4721694 Sha-nle Baum 4 2 ^91 E,--, n-» a Wendy Heit'er '4917I9 a-wwein further taforma'Ion, contact Aa onftiivo 473-4575 Ne* Bestnnlnfl* Club. A ne*c3me 1 5 oup lor Sailbal Communliy AnocUilon Meetings held 41 IH lotl'O 472U13 wonen For moralnformailoncaiPejjyjaaton, 8_3O pm. on the second Wednesday ol each AjitonitleSnimen 4/2 S3 ft month HOIWIMI ihrougn May al l*ia Cortimunliy Ports AHolle *7a~*364 Asioclat on aud torium on Pa If hh « Way Otllca hour* are Monday through Friday l-orn 9 a n« to 2 special interest groups (oorr at tt-* San txl Pec eilnn Ceniar churches pm, telephone 47221SS of Urban Palmer l«tfbal Commurfry O-wttC 5urMay Mnfcai Oti 4MlltS. lion) Auilliirv free I i third W«!nticay ol Irta Madge Amoroso al 472*101 * «721353 ( Gall The Ounei Dc't arv) Tennis Club of e S-Mey lam ant) tl IS am. Kwnery proifded for SantMl Capllia An League Ouldoo/ workihopa month *( 6 W p m lor d nnar al bund al Retort All wl»t* ol Lona a a welcome Resirve though both terXcei. Sunday achod tOIS am. Yowih •tery Thursday year a>ound trom 1 am. lo rowi Clutt and edu>1cl«M Wednesday* Mo.h«ra UWTV followed br sack fitnch and cnnQje Phor*t Mai»l Amon «M "-SSC ard 5154 nd 170 lorJB ho'f* .Co(tfi!iYClubotlenf ITIQ Ovt, V in Frtdeyl aj-anon I* nooo Frfdvyt, 472-4S94lorloca1lon$ Indoor workshopt January SanitwICapllia Jtyceee mctl 1st aid 3rd Thurs H!»el l*> oir) al Coccnui Cro*e For In'ormatlon ca I Tom a reguial en n re tourje temp el * ih prac H Pa^TQ* 3^e H^^ -Termy D#nn yon Jr FeNuary March Mcrnbeun p ocan lo a 1 are* Sanfbel Cong esillonal Unlltd Church ot Chtlte res dems Pnon« 472 »ll lor inrotmailon Konllnos 472 IMS Soiitfief»e« J fl tharj Island Child en 1 Coope atfie ai ct^in cd t^jty e e 19 tor rrtno nolel and US tor ISto e i Sinibeltiplli* Shall Club Mt«l) iht th rd Mon S'e n a> 20W) PurM Ws^ ^r SJ t Dta. day ol tf-fi month at S p m. at in* San be! Com s lingeichaijelorriiarm csotntj Fornoe n Flitilng Club Pteider-t Jack hunt ttlltOO (m mun iy Association bu iding Ottobet lh oufiti lormji on c»l Ellc KoMb-cnner t!}*ij> Club meet* at C b 1 Retail ail on lint Tuei^y of itPSC May 'lei members aie moli neUoma — annual FISH Fr ends In 5sr> ca Here Is • velonit*f -rwrinatBpm T a Firtl Chmch el CMH Scl dues a s M for Ind ildu.U X1D lor a couple Assia Organlfat on ol r>on proTcSS^ona 1 a^i am 10 ol'er P*cquelb*t and handball, 9ln 10 &m reierva ce and Sunday aefflo' 11 toniD efetted Scnaltnn M d-reGuJIOrne ocen y nelsnborly help lo people In need Call 472C4Q4 Wedneldty ring rreei'nc) 1 aclock. f onconwedroday eidFride [472 4709| or *' le 10 San MICapiha S"«ll Club Wtndi tl ng Clf It > tea if am! o, 1D toncowedoy ey 93Q Inc. Do< »5 Sic Ml Fla. 319S7 Voice ot Joy Njnflena toy 5ceuii Mitli Every Tuesday month al 7 pm a! lia SAnt«r Communllr p«rn> -k a WJf 47JZI73 472NXS f^tll Shop) al J pm al Sanbel I brary Gut ill and it 3 ling Association build ng For mo>e into naiton call G4tu'4*t v e > - S 30 0 m [FeS a-ul Ma ) Sii-nU, Jud* Brodaar al^"IS433 « Km 511 son al Scoutt are *eicom» Can Ron Sebild al 472 4141 r-TMt-m *ndft30»m We" ei»yl-9am. 47JW31 Alcohollca Anonjmoui Al St M chael and Ail Thu idaya -?J5im HcJy day 1 ai annnum-e-j SCORE. Trie la'eesl bul neis cofiiu 1 ng a.ancy St. Iaebe4 Ca^o9c Cnwrch. Sa mdey iHfii. i« Angeli Ep iccpal Church Periwinkle Way (a" In irte world, SCORE (Service Corps Ot Re! itii tt meal ngi at 8 pm and no imoMnQ) Thutiday pm Sunday tnui *30 and 10» *m Cany ma>i BVam an! 1333 em, da ly man «U closed d text J on Friday op«n «„.,/, Surety Hat For turner information. 939 30CS 7 doted iltp Ar 51 111b*! Ca nslic Cfiurch on an holy day icsedu'ee awne «i *Mtenda Men a 8 b'e Sludr ne* s each Tueiday 7JO a. -n. Selling Indnduif 5 oup cf>a ie< lauoni by a?- San Cel Caplita Road Monday 13am women » F nt (Ho! it Ch t^ , T- ' ai t;» Pei*lnk e W*r Ncxmen mln* cna pomfment Protecied wale 1 Ca I Fre3 Ccmpgtiy closed d Him on Tuesday 0pm closed d icui sporsced by K nan 1 Club \ s to j *v come Soulhwndlnc *HIS31 Hon. Thursday noon n-ena dasad Bg DocV. Ca-« and fithtblillilion ol Wlldllle ICROW)- Bsi a Srloge lot Fun. lVedne»da»i at 1 p m al Ih4 Corv d icustiofl rTHj" ijCenie underT^ed eel onolRo^erDickon •l«Wl(U T .^ San be! Lib ary coffere^e room at 1 JO p n For ion pet *U 2J60J. A1150 conlrl&nt on I tm eecn" Ca? Roed noan-l pm 1 irliymd on call 472 3644 p't,«tw 1 heio d«! *r totti "* Unlit 1 Chrfiilen Women Bible Sludiei a.ovpi mVet aacn wtek ai irw twiowlng timai and dacei Mon- 1 nke Way lei t72111t W I em 8umi.:le M e> 2J**TU luuicir recreattonal activities m*n472M32Sa D*| sfrvie<-i al L tary reel r*j day I pm, Ja- kla Ta'reautl t ho-n* tSIB Ang«l 1 Wnfl 47J-37M Tuesday 10 a ' ' (oornt sramjitt t!Si.Taa»e en ngs ol i "* nweiih IIJ M p m Fc I Mjf 5 *e»> Cti eyp7 Sunday si 1030an


NTRODUCING a \rry unique opportumt> lo li« a beautifully unique hfcst>lc-Lmlc Ltkc Murcx IBounded ty panoramic lakes and nalural const r\3 lion, this vety special vommunily offers a limited numKr X oi «.pactous rBtirtLSitcs, cwmp Tnim n*g

I illle lake Murcx is "privacy plus". . • 41 half-acrt laktsule honwitn • 8 actusti* homtuttx—eath ntariy one full acrr • a beautiful V acrr fmhwattr talt • ntarby gulf access } $5,000 Minimum Deposit • pnvott ttnnu courts "* Rates Subject To Change Without Notice • uideqtntund utiltftti A pated roads • txctlltnl eltvahont Substantial Penalty For Eatly Withdrawal

And all of this among the natural splendor [hat is the essence of Sanibcl Island

Little Lake Mum na'ural, wcurr, rwiushe B lm\y flnf wchubit

Your Frhndly Kelfhborhood bank Complete Banking Scrrlce*

FORT ,JYEFS REALTOR* 167BO San Carlos Bl*d SW 466-7500 CM Vivletine Bould VIP Realty Gnnip Inc Radlgan, REALTOR SAN1BEL FORT MYERS BEACH |8U) VI tWT Associate [or more r S Palm Ridge R 2301 Es'ero Blvd information 472 1314 4B3 7711

O ISLAND REPORTER D MARCH 27,1966 D 25B IT-5 OUR 34 TH 1,700 Square feet of luxury living Jfor under $100,000! Only 7 remaining ; ~ . / • South Rirt Myers* \i*r>; Bestl--- Condominium Value! An abundjnre nf .imeniHts, plus spectacular views of'the • Kike, island pool and Cjprvss Lake Golf - Come celebrate with us! Course. Two and ihiyebedroom f- Register (or our Easter Basket ! residences siarting at S97,900. • Drawing filled with in- Fumishevl models open daily. Unrated dividualized beauty products. "•; • ' . jtisl off island tin Winidtr Rrud, south ^ See how 34 years o! family -• ! of Cypress Like Drive. ' . -; hair care staffed.., view oJr display of antique salon . ' ~ ''• , equipment; But most o! all. •-' • thank you for tho pleasutt of,-, - " • l serving you! _ t Sanlbel Beauty Salon CONDOMINIUMS 6«9.Winkler Road : In Bailey's Center •- R>rt Myers, Florida133W 472-1111 (813) 481-5228 FORT MYERS NEWESTsT MOST COMPLETE BATH SH0P.1 •LUMBER.TOOLS'LUMBER.TOOLS'LUMBER' Qwwhd " WHM'SNEWl For the Dolt-Yourseller 3

,3. x 4s V ' ."':.:. .-.<.•• •':•' ° Firring Strips: r - Z

Plywood '• .: ••'••':' •,.•"!• "£ Tohe poiwge oboofd ihe Wond feiry Pressure Treated Decking , •> g 0 diKovef mile; of ledvdecf Gdf beochet 0 hidden logooru. Diicover Otrue Worid with fva carj, no N^Miet ?•:• Roofing Feft' • >'";^ s- 6 NO bildge. Enjoy the \uxury cf on . Wood to younclf. Di VisqUeen •. ^ ' - o gfer ^ "Pw- Adto-Paiw, • GuK From VIDai vllh Pool &T*nnti ISLAND s EQUIPMENT 3

Fiv Jc'*) 6 (lend Wonrwton, r'. RENTAL § ^ ISLANDER PROPERTIES, INC. 5 472-2949 | E |t IN THI JUNGU 8IHIHD NAVE PIUMB1N9 W ^ AT IHt SANiBEL SOU4B! IH0PP1N5 ACU f"

; !'.•'.-:'•=•« .- . '••-.-."• - . ? ^LUMBER-TOOLS»LUMBER«TO0LS*LUMBER.

I Single Family Residence

Afi Outstanding Homdownership Opportunity On Sanibel '; Periwinkle Pines is a first .•/. the first moderately Association will be responsible for all up keep of the : priced association of homes found on Sanibel. A great grounds including the maintenance of ybur own -"'•''.'• /deal of planning and engineering has gone, into rnak- '- private yard. A, pool, tennis court and cabana willjpe '•-f ing Periwinkle Pines an affordable showcase communi:s part of.the amenities package. The drives through'' . . ty without ^compromising quality or spaciousness. ' Periwinkle Pines are designed to meander lazily :;. ;;L. !! J ;'..:•::.•• , Found oh nine heavily wooded acres of hand around the trees.: ;. ,j> - . ",]'•.'' '"" /cleared land, Periwinkle Pines has painstakingly retain- 'a ,\,Three,bedroom/two bath duplex units (8) are of- • ") ed the original tropical vegetation in order to maic* (ifered from $144,900. Three bedroom/two bath single A- - ;' family homes (15) are offered from 5152,900. Please ." - imize that very special island feeling. Developed to of-. ; fer carefree condominium style living in a centrally - 'J note that the pricing structure has been set.'; .. . .^ •_r located, single family atmosphere. Periwinkle Pines is. significantly below the appraised market value. .--.?/'. comprised of twenty three single family and duplex • Take the time to find out more about this one of a kind offer. Drop by our Open House, directly across "homes.,For a modest monthly fee, the Homeowners^" • • from Periwinkle Place Shopping Center.._.

-- - FIRST HOMES '-' Prlscllla Murphy; MEARING COMPLETIOM (813)472-1511 » P.O. Boamity,inc.,ix 57 « Sanibel . F•L 33957


.invites yuu'to st'e,their furnishi'd model homo

'(;• Associate Award

"4- "'' • a -' •••••. - . .. -.i o. ." i/ • • . • e 9 Scott has been an Island resident since 1974; He has been a Broker with John Naumann & Associates Sand Castle (or the past eleven years and is a member of the Five, Million Dollar The Sand Castle features an enclosed entry which Club. ..,"-. •- / . ~ • pel Wits interior access between levels. The split • " Dutipg leisure time Scott enjoys „ bedroom design allows maximum privacy. The en-.;,:-. splaying goll and spending time wish ! his wife and two children. : : try, living and~{iining rooms-haveta spacious ca- ^ thcdral ceiling.°A large screened porclyidjoins sev- ; > Work with a professional . . . ' era! rooms. All Sanibel Homes are covered by the : J v "-: :. ." ^ " call - . ".. •• .: I HOW Warranty. ' ] ._. --g . \ .-": ' Scott Naumann • N_ 1028 Sand Castle Road, The Dures . at 472-3121 I "(813)472-2881 • . ; John Naumann & Asstxjates, Inc. Realtors uilh offices at: •"" "'•"•' "• " : 1149 IVriu-inkle Way/2427 IVriuinWe Way ^ ••'•' SanibdLsUnd, Florida 33957 (813) 472-3121- •' Toll Free: In a (800) 282-0360 Oul of a (800) 237-6004

JThe Classified Store : You can get everything ; you want at % The Classified Store USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD

General Merchandise i ', • Real Estate 25 words— $2.50 * „ r 25 words — $3.50 Additional weeks-J2.001 Please Use One SpacePer Word 4Weeks-5iJ.4O

Additional Publications — $1.50 ' : v' Additional Publications-$2.50

:•;• ".' ;»' Please Publish My Ad In these Papers:

Souih Foil Myets r'i . lilana p; v, != Observer ^ b 1," . Repoilet *

:., - Mail Your Ads To The Classified Store - Cl VISA : D MASTERCARD Cardholder's Name :Card Expiration Date_ «": Signature • ; Account Number

For More Information and Commercial Rates Address '• - • ' : ; .Classification-: . . 'l. -Phone : ..' . --' ' Telephone Number -^_L The Classified Store Total Amount Enclosed S_ " •„ Insertion Dates___^_l _^: - 466MJ500 | Mail To: The Classified Store"1668-riWGregor Blvd. S.W. Fort Myers, FL 33908 •:%$•:«

* ».£:

MAPCH27,"i986a'27B education bridge director of communications services for the school Sherman named dean of _! /district.' ". • "'I •• • '~y ,_ ; • .$• , •? Monday 7:30 p.m. March 17/ . -. ~: USF's Fort Myers campus' /•;. . "Any recognition the campaign has received in Mitchel Movement II TableH ? • " tht;,resu!l of support by the media serving Lee --N/S.- ; . •••• •*.- •- -.'•-•,) " .;.-". „ " : * Barbara It. Sherman has been appointed dean --f County," Ostrow said. "It is difficult to calculate, 1. Tap Osborne and Dave Yudowitz . and executive officer nf the University of South but-we received well over $20,000 in donations of ; 2. Dorothy Startsman anJ Helen Quimby Florida's Fort Myers campus, USF Provost ./.

.- Gregory O'Brien has announced. ~ — • ; All of:.the print media were produced in the ;K/w .:•••.• . •::•*• .& (fc-~. - ••-' Sherman, who has been acting dean of the Fort school board print shop. Staff artist Kathy Onda- 1. Kitty Rose and Virginia. Ehret " -,., Myers campus since July 8, 1985, was named to : Mazzotta created the campaign' s teacher^' : hor t air ,-i 2. Sona Rrown'and Pat Maddox •; "\ ; the post after an extensive search and strongly . balloon apple logo.D ""•-,. " - : 3. Claire Hrunner and Adelaide'Stevens : ' •/ •*.•''. . . **••• '•• •• -"j ..^V '• i Director Jean Scotl 472-4823. - •'- . supportive recommendations from (he campus anTd v community, O'Urien slated. - v ., • SCHOLAHSHIP DEADLINE: Junior and Thursday 1:30 p.m. March 20 > :, •" Sherman was named acting dean after Linda • senior class high school students who are in- Mitchell Movement 9 Tables Lopez McAlisler left the post to join the Florida. - ': tcrested in applying for $1,000 college scholarships N/S -'"•-I , •"•"..- "•- V • V Board of Regents staff. Sherman was associate should request applications by May IS, 1986, from 1. Lorimer Moe and W.L. HtllJr. : . ' vice-president for academic affairs'at USF from.. Educational Communication* Scholarship Founda- ^2. Helen Quimby and.Dorothy Startsman *•• r: ,. 1984 until present. She was assistant vice- - - - tion, 721 N. McKinley Road, Lake Forest, Illinois ;,j 3. Eiton Wagner and Nate Ousley J ; president from 1977 to 1984 and held a similar 600-15. To receive an application, students should EAV •• : .." . • .:w •-'•*: position at Western Michigan University from ""' send a note stating their name, address, city, state 1. Cleone Tiffany and Ev Horton v - ^ •-. 1972 until 1977. "."-,;. - j -- .= and zip code, approximate grade point average and 2. Charlotte and Bob Wise ; She received her B.A. degree with honors from year of graduation. Fifty'award winners will be 3. Juliarine Oatley and Helen Webb Albion College (Michigan) in 1963, and a Master of selected on the basis of academic performance, in- Director Sterling Hassett 472-0025. -.-:- Arts and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in volvement in extracurricular activities and need Next game. Monday 7:30 p.m. March 21 Sanibel; " 1970 and 1973 respectively. In addition, she receiv- for financial aid. : ••*. Community CcnterG ' n ' '-> • ed her Master in Business Administration degree in 1983 as a member of USF's Executive MBA- • ECC STUDENTS SELKGTED FOK'^WS : charter class. D - ; -. . WHO":The 198G edition of Who's Who'Among Student* in American Junior College! will include School board honored A ••- the names of 37 students from Edison Community College who have been selected as national out- ?• for awareness campaign standing campus leaders. Included arc students • r. The School Board of tee County has received . from the main campus, as well as from the Collier the National School Public Relations Association's and Charlotte centers. : " -.i=_j ' Golden Achievement Award for its multi-media^ -Among the ECC students named to Who's Who ' public awareness campaign, "Rising to Meet the Among Student* in American Junior Colleges are: ^Challenge." •••':-. :. • =?-. Fort Myers: William Decker; Lisa Donovan, Lee " . The campaign, which included television and Ann Griffith, Lauren Hollet, Dawn" Martin, Polly radio public service announcements, magazine ads, Matsumoto, Beyonka Oxen-iine, Beth Patrizi. :i: billboards and tray liners in McDonald's if Melvln Potter, Lisa Sandor, Tina Sands, Eva ; restaurants, was produced by Barry J. Ostrow, Marie Smith, Steven Swiatek. . " :;

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• Date Books e • Shell Books Mature Books Mote Paper ,:

Children's Books Mautical Charts . • Jigsaw Puzzles • Special Orders -:«;- FRIDAY, APRIL 4^^Mf8ifB^ 8:00 RM. Barbara B. Mann Perforniing Arts Hall • - OPEN NIGHTS - HOVRS: Mandjy FfWiy « • m.'.11 p m. „:. E(;cusrcoi.UGr.cv\ii'iJS-i)iw')C[)ii[cti'K\vY-FOR;MYERS rL.u'jy Situidiy 10 S M •: • ' , ' Sto IS00


O ; ' 2BB • MARCH 27, 1986 O ISLArlDREPORTER

: .''•'' l "••••••

- . / v Presents ' . mm .,- a " • "* • -. , TrntfiitoimC . ,~[ EASTER BlUTTE'r JfOR. EAB.LX DINERS ;c (5:00-5:3d P.M.) n Sutirfiiy, Mardi 30, 1936 A $ 17;|UICY SVL\K AND SUMPI DINNER i FOR ONLY $ 10,95 PER PERSON. : 11:00 rt.ni. to 10:00p.m.. You s»i (6.05 byjoinicg us f,,,. 7 c. Siilon Steak lad Chadwick's welcomes you t,o a special Shiimp Sompi dinntt kntctn 5:00 ,ni 5JO CM tvtry ... Easter Buffet Extravaganza dty £i£epj Wtdnesdiy. Ofodnesdiv's OTIIfibilou s St'jloodUuCfcir) -..•••.-:-- '-. • , ,, ; •.••'""•"--.';."; featuring:- •• - •" o ; •. 'KcEJIIV PitaDinntrhthin: ... • Cipol SaccsltttSoup • Mulct Silid Bir • T»ict- • Carved. Top Round ofBccf, au jus '" ,, ; Diltd Poliio. or WM Rke* Blind • 7 m. Snloin Sluk. broilci to yout order md |jmbo-si7ed Shrimp Scampi > lI • 'tPpachcdJGroupcr, Vcronlquc;••• ^ J • Vegetible Medley • Fresh Billed Sourdough Breid To [eceivc your deliriously just rcwird. belt tte rush ind : • Roast Uamb. English Mini Sauce dine eirly «iih us. Then sliy ind *ircK the sunscr over - drinks in Morgia'l liuly lounge. -•\-'l' • \- - • Baked Virginia Ham with Honey. Mustard Sauce- " _--

: ; :: ' • " ,. "- '• ® ".; . "".and ?.'. - " ."Y =. .;": ....,'

^ '^Seafood Gumbo, salads, cheese and fruit displays, : '.delicious hot>:v£gctables, breads and fabulous ;' : : ~ desserts also abound.,~ . /,•_ . Chadwick's Rcsfaurant will be decorated with ~f festive Kaster decorations and displays, So join us ^ -'" . ; in a memorable holiday dinner. '•'.,

I:.-.;-;-: .w. ADUI.TSS14.95 \C1UI.DREN 10& UNDER $6.50

.•'-^Reservations retjncsfcvi — Please call 4 72-5 lit Ext. 518t CUT AND SAVE : • .. Chadwfck's Loniigc tJ "•"=-•' '"i - •.. " featuring . -= Ij' • • =.' V ~ • "I ; : , ": '] "•'• "Z-Bop 9P.M.-1 A.M. •".' • •- " • " ., .... o- ALL FACTORS " I FOR YOUR SANIBEL DREAM 34V- ; * FANTASTIC INTEREST RATES . . ° ' . . ".* MOTIVATED SELLERS, =» .-.*:« ••' .'-^' ' * RECENT PRICE REDUCTIONS " ';:'•/ BEST CONDO BUYS •*'••** Sartibcl Arms3 West - D-l GULF FRONT, fully (u;^ e , ished, grossed tover $17,000 last s?ason. lowest price* -"".;« underiSlSS.COO MUST SELL! ,..--"•-":. .. . •: „ " I-S Full complex view; beautifully (ur'nlsiied $145,000 GOLF COURSE VALUES I * 1438 Sandpiper Circle. 3 br/2 ba hkefront duplex just is not golden... reduced $13,000 Itom $127,500 to $114,900 plus caipet allowance. -.: ''•--,.' -° '•' •>> I - /-•' ^.. -^ n-.*' 9027 Mockingbird Dr., LEASE OPTION,^ br/2'A ba. -.- , lake front home $229,000. , '^ „ ' :: :i • 993 Sandcastle Road,-COLD ALL OFFERS, 4 bi/3 . ",i ba home en Goll cours? »18?,900-. : * 996 Greenwood Ct. furnished 3 br/3 bath + loft duplex ' i once $154,900, now $141,000. All offers considered - ;•; : •••". NEED.SALE!'' 6 = : . "•,•.-- ' :• - •• CANAL FRONT IN SHELL HARBOR •• **, 1101 Lindgren Blvd., 2 br/2 ba. immaculate, $173/000 . 4 ., M'^YliViMi/ now $169,900 furnished except for pei- - sonal (terns. - - • \ r -~ '-/...'•' \J \fr 941 Pectin Court, 3br/2 ba, pool, davits^ mostly fur-' i 'nlshed,j$24S,900 plus $3,000 carpet allowance and lyr. --, homeowner's warranty policy. * • cr LOT VALUES r S?*.. Whelk Drive, canal front, $97.500,'offers considered. * Causey,: Court, best value,-lake'front "lot in.Phase:3< • = ;*..:,4j $78,500, a rare breed. ' ;; ";- ., ' i"; ' ; "-A >, *7 Sandcastle Rd.,,^golf course'perimeter lot, last chance • ":? under $50,000.' V ••'*'" - .: ,:.->. You're righl! The space ts empty. There isn't any ad. If you want to sell, buy, or trade and don't use The Classified Store, the silence Is anything but golden. • Advertising with classifieds Is really extending an Invitation to over 82,000 con- dos, homes, mobile homes, travel trailers and motel units {over 278,800 readers) on Sanlbcl, Fort Myets Beach, lona, Cypress Lake, Town arid River, Whiskey Creek, the Villas Tanglewood, North Fort Myers, Bayshor^ and all Charlotte County each week. And we stay In the home an average of 5 days.; T The golden opportunity .- Call Botty or Bob Bulcock, REALTOR-Asiociales at our Dunes; ••• :-;:'::"- "'•'-. -:': ' .: Is ; •' •'••'[..::'•':••' ••- \ •- (?Sales Office.: 472-1939.5-for more information about these The Classified Store outstanding opportunities or our other value priced properties. . ^ 466-0500 - . :i • 16681 McGregBr Blvd. SW . -v VIP HI-AI.TV c.iiqur. INC. :„ „ ; Fort Myers, Ft 33908 v _'Y '

O ISLAND REPORTER u MARCH 27 1986 G 29B new york times crossword puzzle

Special Delivery BY JUNE A BOGGS/PuzzlesEtHedbyEugeneT Mileska ACROSS „}•'" 77 Mil uui 711 OSIOFHCI 108K i nf

I10H 1 H2Trl HILnrg hor

tnnl 92 Spunk (r mcnlRr) HUM for 1I6STAMF Hercu e !20LETTtR 91 Nan cailern strawhal 61 Arl M Bonhtur 95 Mol f 12 Region of 65 \slr ngcnl 96 Buyer s born sh ftlngsands 66 Port Salul e g 97 Uhen. Aaror 33Fre ax 67ttwbeE e u" ed 36 Annuls is Its 68 CARRIER 98 FRSTCLASS 128 Pulley wheel capital 72Obblreperous 101 Most! kea nsci mbngv 37Suppressrd 73 Behold the halttr 130Sa lurs pat 38Navalairbise people— 102 An— sa nl inCal r Gen II 6 Mm E pc 1315hV countrv 42 Seih s long 75 Hryantor ' ' I vedson 0 Diy The Tend r (ol| w< «Saliysau e 76 \tljustaclock Lind eg l33LkeC

DOHN 14 Muscats te 4S »Ib IChanrelchoi ISAfutrd rof 48 Fables n ZCollodal Did sm Slang author substance 16 Indefal gabl 50 Liy —I r 17 Mystery l 71 Sea 3 Porter Cnces -tTurnthumbs 72SI w NM 71 Excn pi down 19 01>mpc 1 Old Dutch 77 Hem n 20 RI mjRi 78S ar-d S \nyih nglhat 73 S (.rrund laMes han-h dtl clous 80 Th t ki 7 Humid 33Nk 8 Occupation ^S^hatinobspul 35 \DDRLSS on 37Drtnched 10 in Scoil s»iba I. it Po sd. n 11 Ab urmitwlf 39 POST conci I to Hr ntemps 12 01 sh ill w comp

Wheel Ojt Over Far Our GREAT SEAFOOD AND BEEF Special AT REASONABLE PRICES! Easter * Offerings! Cu i


An Island Tradition Smu. 19D7 •SERVING HOURS* MON FRI 11AM 12 MIDNIGHT SAT 4 PM 12 MIDNIGHT coconut SUNDAY 11 30 AM 7 30 PM Located in tht. Summcrhn Square Shopping Center corner of Summcrlin Hd & Sin Cirlos BM RESTAURANT & I OUNGf Mdjor Credit 466-2626 C< rncr of Taqicn \\\\ Itoi I S. I r ,ii 1,1 Ih Cards Arctpled 466-2772

O <*.


Vacation ^

V'- :-~> •i.L" ^ * -V Floridailnc. Condominiums ... Let Me Invite You To Come Home at the RIGHT 1PRICE ; -V ';•' To SanibeU ' ; " ;:, L Here are two good reasons why you should! 1. Gulf-view.one bedroom.one bath. . '• : _ beautifully furnished at,. : • The Colony .%.. $89X100. r _•• \

--• :? / -a - ' ^ . • " ^ ' 2. Tennisplacc, overlooking the V :recrGationa' amenities, pool, *- ;- ; tennis court, one bedroofif, ';..•'-- : 9673 Piedmont Road 6 : . - Sanibel Highlands- :,. '•.* one bath;furnished. $79.000, ' '-•;. fSew paint, new carpel. Cute as a button with a price to match.. Make this your home for only $97,500. s. 3. Two°bedr,oorTu oneand one-" ;,: half bath, unfurnished at ,...... Captain's Walk: o ;Only^69,9pO.OO.'%; -V • J ' ,y/

4. Spanish Cay withpob] and golf - vista.; Near the,gulf, too! One :. v bedroom, one bath. . -':•-,. ,/:. «- '•'..••-'. 1294Sandcastle : .., -,;• .•'-.'. "-'" - •". :. : Dunes '•• ••'•."_•,•• - • J-.furnished; $83,000. . -"• .. This house is beautiful with mature landscaping. The price is reasonable. Possible seller leaseback to help you f : ; with your future plans. $159,500, - ;- :' ; For information on these homes or lots on the islands, Bissell Realty Service Corp. please callAlan WorUel, Broker-Salesman, after hours,- 477.37RO -•• '-•'-'- '• Treetops Center, Suite 103 i ' Sanibe!, FL_j" Phone: (813) 472-0880


You can get everything' PSYCHIC BOOK STORE. - Ne* classes lorming. morn-' ing i evening. Psyctilc Fair - you want at , -once a montn 11.00 to 7.00 Aom 26th. Astrology, Palm- . istry, Numerology, Tarot, The Classified Store Regression & Rein- Cflfnaiion- 491-3151, Planet' ri' •••. USE THIS CONVENIENTlORDER &fioc3'ns Center, B51 Co\- "(ege.-P*.*y.. Ft. Myers. FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD ' General Merchandise Mi Real Estate J i

25words —S2.50 : 25 words — $3.50 j 1-6ENEHAL REALESTATE al Publications—I? 1 Please Use One Space Per Word MCGREGOR ISLES. 2 feed' nom a bath, pool" Canal, -tfireel access tc. f^'er: ' Florida rcom. eatin Kitten.

is BY ANXIOUS OWNER, 55 • -V- '•.-.-'.• -s-;.'••.'• . Please Publish My_Ad In these Papers: --.},-. - acre '<%'and vnth na/icabie

: Fed M,»tl ItUCh Q ' ' " .:- SOvlf, l«1 Myttl Q t :~~ * Wortd Q-~ . CMHolis ShOppl«B Q coastal watcm'ay, behind •

•°°""" : . ". Mail Vour Ads To The Classified itoie . . ' ioir\: venture. Negotiable. " « fi'•' ; DVISA D MASTERCARD- & .". ; Days 466-9600 or eves. 275- . . 334t .-, •». .-*26 Cardholder's Name ••' ' : Card &pltaiion_Diie:— BEAUTIFUL NORTH CARO- ~ Signature ' ' Accounl Mumber LINA homer,;Scenic »;ew 2 BR^Qteat roon) wtsl^-- up-- ;iFor More lriformatic»n !r Slairs. ISR.fcathaot -""- " and Commercial Rale's - !:' Phone ••-••. . . The Classified Store NICELY SITUATED 3 bt. 2 j ; Total Amouru Enclosed 1_ btfi with tamily rOOrri plus " 466-0500 scsened-tlo'ch. Enclosed aa'age on lake, short .vaEfc.\ to-a'^eO^ri ijiiif easement, [ Mail To: The Classified Store 1668_f M=G;eQor BJv^ • H39 500 Cai! 47M22H/br •172-461 ia)[er5ffm- -:"*10 .. ISLAND REPORTER U MARCH 27 1986X1 31B

FOR SALE BY OWNER FMB PILING HOME 2 ASSUMABLE VA LOAN 2 ISLANO LIVING - Afford THE REGENCY \er>nica2 AVAILABLE APRIL 1 Real Baaut ful duplex 3pa trnent Blocks 1o gutl 2 bedrooms bedroom I balh cotta-ie able Periw nVte Pa k - bedroom iVi bstTi TOWN P'ctly 22 alt appl ances p in-e local on tastcfu ly Florida room I v ng joorti WuHert area S79 5U0 lovly 35 by 12 park HOUSC On coumard by- furnished North end d nirg a ea eat In k 'chei KIM«VIO Realtor mode! and 12*85 glassed poo" Prwale pai o S60 900 pool ib Idmn welcort-a Useppa Island J185 000 Also mother n hw apl 463 3178 in hard roof Flor da roam Call 433 246*- S47 9O0 OR RENT w lf~ op 4/2 2577 or 472 27.JJ garage Uefis SB5 000 7S62 tropical turn sh ngs Sun l on to buy Easy te ms 463-1743 deck shed Call 4/2 573a 472 366 > 326 GREAT BUY' Cape pool BUYING OR SELUNQ BRANDYWINE OF MYER MCGREGOR ISLES 2 bed home la ge 2 BP 2 B dcu LEE 2 bedroom 2 bath O FOR SALE REAL ESTATE? ble garage la go rooms OR POSSIBLE RENT Contact Tille of Florida toom 2 bam pool Canal family room enclosed direct access to river g eat k tcnen screened porch double ga age end PEPtERTREEPOINTE Agency Inc a lull se^lcp pool five rocK fenced Walking distance from two title company tor all your 1 Florida room eal n kitchen 1 uni Many eitras 24 hour double c,? age many extras trees qaloie beai I lu area 3-DUHIXE3 socur ty pools spa tennis shopp rg centers ~ unluf lie needs at affordable ftiB 500 491 5130 No app/aspd S73 0OO ask ng FO«1»L£ nljhed 1 872 aq 't Two bed rales 482 2292 agents $67 000 916 3131 b*2 19b4 room wo bath villa * th 482-6806 »at In k ichen S garage I iLAND LIVING - Afford BY OWNER Costorr drapes S vert >-a s Duplex on 100 ft gulf" front througt out — on Oua I Pun able Periwinkle Park — WATERFRONT HOME 5 SANIBEL ARMS WEST gulf O< va fact g New R vers lovely 35 by 12 park minutes to open wa'er THE BEACH VILLAS on ne* beach m -enler ol South Seas PUnUtioti view L building first floor Edge development 191 500 mode) and 12»85 glassed Large seawailed lot 2 OF UPPER CAPTIVA turn sMed newly decorated wtth oxmr llnanclng avail In hard roof Florida room pat os elec tie dav ts many Four CtOich I cnt w las eegani 2ibed 1 balh each s oe ?bedroom 2Da1h H44 9OO •ble43JIS65 before 10 am Ifopical furnish ngs Sun (rut trees 2 bedrooms 2 GdeFo idastieolactiieclue Can be 4 bedroom fam ly or alter 6 p m deck shed Call 472 5738 baths M d $905 SI James 2 ted oom 2 bain 2 story home Terms $395 000 312 4550006 3/26 City 283 4500 1800 sq ft per unit CoisuJe 4*2 4207 th % for your private res flente FJRNISHED<"ONDO 2bed NEW - 2/2 uniqu* design I MB PILING HOME 2 vacaton homt or suse re-nat cofKlo AH appi ances n LIKE NEW CBS HOME - p op° t| Pie eonsttutlorolle n DUPLEX — 2 bed oom t room 2 batfi Unique eluded Healed pool amera blocks to gulf 2 bedrooms two b-droom 1V? bath fur 1 des gn healed poU !m« flor da room living room ngo JmrjOQ Oul isandPio bath N ce b g pan a 1/ 1 es ga ore P iced for qu ck nlshed central ait/heal oemes inc fleillf sc eened deck Cove el from Sanbtl Cause/ay 3 ^salet 2 MILES OFF dining area eat In h tchen garage and lanai 10 • 12 & vca solrt PPo e 466^145 Also mother In law Apt 613 4?Z 48M parking Real co nto table SANItlEL CAJSEWAY storage bu Idlng adjacent place to ! ve Nea Boa h 656 4SI9 Garage trees SB5 000 lo< available aver SO pine RECENCY very n en 2 Bd m <63 1743 4 2 S9500 year Reply !0 art) fruit trees Near Pine RIVERS EOGE BoiBi c a islana Reporter 1 ^ DA to^nhouse on co^rt LOWEST PRICED 3 Ded Island Center 60s 283 Pre Conslruct on PO Hot R San be! FL yard by pool prvate pato 4981 2 Bedroom 2 Bat*i 3390' Sy)9CO 433 2467 i tne I: PILING HOME - three Pe'lect or yea rourd res Bedroom two balh hgh Pal o Home (leo! tisunt s completely ceiling living room 1 YEAH OLD PILING HOME San be! island Poperies 212 DARLINQ VERTICAL CONDO AT ESTEPO turn shed - 3 walk n balcony upstairs laundry 472 450a BEACH AND TENNIS CLUB Clowti hu^Ieffaf^s is ands room screened lanal stain 175 past 3 bedroom 2 bath Linda Stuff range refrigerator largt One fcedtocm heaut ful bes b'ach Call Maryann C ed glass windows J7900Q home AH appl ancet ceil Saes Assocates screen porch also fargi VB« o' neaefi aitf bay Qt Shehai B oker Assoc ate Seell to believe! Two fries Ing tans throughOLl 466-5352 opftn dick detdad beacn o*n-i $51000 Call 935 Sinibd Realty Inc Irom Sanlbel Bridge cathedral ceiling pockol 4117 acc«s» Furnlihfd or un 4726565 46M730 slid ng doors 2 28 ft sun furnished 549 3446 «nd 549- E/enngs4CfrOO97 porches 1/3 acre 4 car path OPEN HOUSE BEST VALUE! 2268 4/10 Esjr d al gulf front Ing S59 90O W th $52 000 Saturday Mirch 29 LEtSURE VILLAGE DELUXE EXPERIENCE FHA assumable mortgage 1 1114 Fantaitic View' A BJ >d ng large club 2oetroom two bath VILLA — KNOWLEDGE No quality ng Call owner 3338 Lake Road South DUPLEX BY OWNER 2t&0 nn g ill course Ga age and PROFESSIONALISM - B13 4S3 60<9 Immaculate $2 ground level 2200 CAMINO OELMAR sute Si 7* 000 Please calt owner two screened porches Por all your real estate home w lh solar heated DEEDED BEACH AC Phone 489-3047 nieds work with a profes caged pool * hot water sys CESS • ACRE SITE. *D 813 472 5296 CAPE RUTEN8ERO OITIONAL LAND AVA L atonal experienced II Palomar 312 Appraised lem 1 854 sq It It* ng area censed sales associate plus 2 car garage UTQUP ABLE 2 BDRM 1 BATH SOU1H SEAS PLANTATION J95 ooo Canal cul dfl sac OEN AND 1 BDRM 1 Lauren Snyder a gradu direct to liter Oomed eal in floor plan fealur ng view ol MARINA VILLAS ate of Fla SlateUnlven ty poo! from master bed oom BATH DCN S18S0OO FOR GULF FRONT j 2 2 fjreal v ew n cely for kitchen a > appliances En BOTH APARTMENTS with a degree In business closed porch lans deep liv ng room kitchen *ood Corner Apl I Sh3d SiG 000 under finance and registered se beam cathetal ce I ng fa n ly 472'B77 SUNDIA1 well automatic sprinklers rom Beautiful planing S cuntles dealer license Make caustic oiler RESORT CONDO Specializing in 2nd home E421945 ci rus Qu et etd cf island and investment properties, on high * dry lot Southern By Owner exposure two m notes to BY OWNER Lauren Is your real estate MY LOSS ISYCURQAINI Duplex on 100 'I gulf f oot Excellent tax shelter professional on Sanlbet beach Beau! fut home tor Gross rentals exceed Must sell durng March! 3 entertaining and gacous on new bi*ach In cenler ot and Captiva Island Bdrm 2 Balh gioUrd level South Seas P anial on J25QOG 2rjf2b Bldg A Call 813-472-3121 liv ng home On lovely natural lake $185,000 2 bed 1 bath ea^h sde 80Vj owner financing COMPASS POINTE Toll Free In Florida near beach Lets of birds Can b« 4 be room fam ly possible 800-282-0360 Srokers Welcome by Owner and native vegelat on Many home Terms $395 000 Sel Ing lop floor des gner Out of Fla. extra* Call for tleta Is Ail 472 2239 S2&500O , 3/27 472 4207 decsKited penthouse unit oilers considered Even a 4 10 B13/472-4B77 rid culou* one 472-0620 gulf front rooftop sundeck EXQUISITE 3BR 2 BATH 6(3/542-7316 2 bed;oom 2 bsth San bet Overlooking land DAVIS WOODS isbedrcom plus room for deeded beach access motivated *eller Call 813- ,472 3439 competitive price 4 bedroom 2 balh Immediate occupancy Bum I! Raaltjr Custom Home i 4726970 Of 31354&8080 Ownir 472 0446 SI60000 Principals ony 4/3 S«nrlci Corp H2S0OO 472 3339 3127 473 4110 813 472 50J4 312 433-5919 not! Tinnii Ce-Mtr before ANXIOUS OWNER! San be I Causewa/ Sp«c- THE VILLAGE AT Sacrifice) Best buy In pool tacular v ew and sunsets SAFETY HARBOR N>m4 In Rldgeway Estates vlnlurn shed 2 B R 2 baths 489-0444 Upper Ciptrvi liuid BMJ ilul washer dryer o shwasher DIRECT ACCESS 3/2 attached garage 132 400 porch w lh Wfol up shut ryfurnsted 2 5edioom Itath «sumable9V*% mortgage 1 lers covered parking 11 00 AtV Close to Sanltnl Pay t\ village ml in Saltly HJitor AiV.ing 163900 Negotiable pool spa ternis courls tentlon to the sights and Chitx Ei^Hent v*wS overlook 6M0466alH!r3pm 3126 goodf3hmg Priced under Friday February 21, 1966 sounds of nature In this mg !!>• fU^ Compa e *tirs wth market value Immedate beautifully located 3 bed oih-tj en Itie mtrk*| — occupancy Phone (B13) Ft. Myers \ room 2 bath canal front S1S9 90O Include* pool ten FOR SALE BY OWNER 4661254 morn ngs eve home near fiver M private docv and GuX front Bayfront home on Estero nlngs weekends 230 Acres S1MK0 bcicM Oul Island Properties Island 2Vi tots pool gir Inc tarty B>3 472 4171 ege detached guest apt • 5 Residential Tracts BEST VALUE dock boat hot^e and beat • 4 Commercial Parcels On this 3 bedroom home LEISURE VILLAGE Large lift S169 6OO Call 765-1847 Hot Development Ared Close 10 all amenities In afler6pn 4/3 NEAR BEACH McGregor Woods Only apartment Gulf frontage 433 3346 UNDER $100000 Great Exposure 1 1/2 Miles Frontage on SI 28 000 Lovely two bedroom un t QULF HOUSE features loft spiral star Daniels Road and Six Mile Cypress Parkway DIRECT ACCESS UNIQUE TOWNHOUSE on the Beach ~ 2 JOO squa e UPPER CAPTIVA case beaul ful fcilchen Wateifront Rutenberg 2 bedroom 2 bath fur and two baths Amen ties Excellent Seller Financing home with 2 master sue teet total Designer deco- n shed with large deck bedrooms pool S lovely rated nice view excellent include pool ternis and rentals Irtludes on Site overlooking gulf Eiceller-t BBQ Terms ava lable « canal view for the peaceful enlai property — rate Offered at S9B 900 For brochure call collect sstyle managemert wrap around porch nnd much more Ash S1,500/wk Includes tennis Contact ?Q4/224-SOO0 S199 000 lig 5239 000 Call Glenn pool and boat dockage Mars'iaClflor^ I25OOOO 4729223 UCPM 472 1934 CALL Cai'etli Realtor Assoclale wilh John Naumann and inc Licensed Real Estate Eves & Weekends Associates 613 472C360 Brol-er Afte hrs 472 6330 '•'. Auciiorifcrs. J '.-.j- \[ Realtors'". Jeannle 481 6538 Out of state 1 800-237-6004 4(3 Alter hours 472 6644

o J

328 O MARfH 27 (986 i"1 ISLAND REPORTER


D FOR SALE OR RENT 1 br 1 INVESTMENT PROPERTY SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION SOUTH SEAS - Plants or FOH SALE 8Y OWNER - ^ LOTS FOR SALE D pexirt J bath turn shed condo wMew Gullffont Co ner Condo Paniat oi Beach CU t of gulf Also 2BR.2B condo Week UandlSSIOOOea^h (March 2i 1983 Easter on salt water lagoon 5 m n Week 42 43 « 46 $600 each week) J14 000 813 4811 7631 M5 000 4 2 0446 to beach Ca I (or p cea and 2 Cedfoom 2 bath w tn details 463 1737 326 SAN BEL COTTA0E5 Utih OUT OF STATE piopo y t*RGE CORNER LOT • 472 4B55 514 845 7147 or 514 "M2 2W* 105 Weeks 48 & « Each Las Wgja NPV da t 4 a c -&> Bfj r- fa G H Lo SANIBEL AREA baylront 2 i week 19 000 or bail offer 'if -kJlS Betaw apprasal Gjf 1 ess 559*^/) 4 br MARINA JlMMY CON POINTE SANTO - Beaulr 71G 754 7092 SJCS5 i76Qfio*n baai p NOns TENNIS CENTER ad ful 2 bed oom I oa'h condo I CHTHOUT RESORT 5 yw IG1- n e «st 0 lacenl V ll cons der pat Ffonl building Newly uteel *6 im t Fet u3 yl 3 £4S00cash 91b 3729 tlcal equly trade for Cane redecoraied and priced lor bedrro n cenlel IJI ( fac rg Coral lots or home O*ier Bay Spac ois teaut lulty Cfiirlolle Harboi 10 acres 4317801 4 2 eel ent enta tt s ory Call lum shed Pod! spa tenn ? LAr-FFRU-T LOTS roned for 49 condo un ts owre (216) 82 3741 or 472 313 753 4352 even ngs i ti f)C ,alsir1 ^1 Near Ma na 2fn7 4 2 j 3 941 2715 days HH (^ Ctu*> V I * BEST VA..UEI Sundal gull Owner (itanc tig front Fantasl eve*' A SANIBCL ISLAND CASA SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION bold ng large club suite 472 5460 S175OOO Pease call owner VBEL lux i ou^ upper "2 813 472 5296 4116 bed oom condo over look ing gull seeps 5« poo! cSANtBEL ISLAND — Ner ta lenr» s sa I ng Ava lab'e 51 2m n v.a Mo lovely Co CAPTAINS WAU — one SANIBEt BEACH CLUB II Apt I 18 2S S9CC per *eek TORTUGA BEACH CLUB <1 r even rms 112 500 each weeki44atd avalabieMdrcnSJrdtoArj I 935-6105 4 24 3.27 (617)369 8453 45 (6 000 ccti 81*472 1123 5 Si29000 4723981 4 3 VANDERBILT BEACH GULF days 433 1364 BVPS IS* O l f SR60 RFASONABLE 3 LOTS en SHELL ISLAND BEACH Jan v Her A^soc KUie) aif (ion! MOTIVATED SELLER FRONT 2/1 MkE For O( .ana! oppos te Co aiwooo sala by owner 472 0005 CLUB Unl 14 weekj 16 A Pea l/Asscc lie 4-g on it 3 5BI Va I n Car-e Co a! Fo mo p SS9 000 rpduceu" to $84 °GQ 17 Two bedroom 2 balfi VVatei front 3 bedroom 3 e*es StOCOO 4 17 rf ml en cal -Itf 5 bleeps 6 beachfront gull SANIBEL LIGHTHOUSE 3E bath condo 2 230 sq It tv ca ca age ove ed b(M! 4C6 6955 a so sact Icl n view casfer week in 193? SORT Wot> 45 n I 301 3 >ng area All .major appll SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION 3 ta rr I u 1 1 pes MJ 30 te ia *eeH on San be S3 00u7*eek or both lo ted oom 2 hath all arrpn^ artces in klichpn & laundry BEACH CLUB Well 3 Lux Kumquat GantLveOai'S 115000 Call (216) 871 0230 1 es Over ook ng pool and Unit K21C 4004 Corona do u y coido 2/bedroom MANVEXTHAS Must see lo start fj at San Carlos Ba> Bpowma' Pkwy Cape Coral Call 2/balh s eeps 6 Balcony arcrecae 1250 CC-0 C3 i k«t S3 000 MA mend-ice HAP CONNELLY at Sar be' owner anyl me 472*674 overlooking the fijil^ SAMBEL BEACH CLUD I I pad for 1986 4$6 529<) 3.27 Island P ope lies *72 4B0B $14000 813462 7631 qiitaal ng w^eks 31 32 r mi 472 000' • 4f9 Aog 39 40mOcl 5 4S 43 COMPASS POINTE 5 SO in Dec 10'e cw SOUTHWEST FLORIDA S by Owntr SHELL ISLAND BEACH FINEST BAYFROhT LOT Selling top floor designer CLUB week 23 (nearlghl BEAUTIFUL Located on Upper Capt va decorated penthouse unt house) Unl ID Top floor WATERFRONT LOT EflS ly Iranslo mod into » Gull Iron! rooftop sundech gull from f6 500 Call CASA YBEL 2 bedrooms 2 tam ly «slate 1 2 Acres 2 bedroom 2 bath plus 314 227 4625 baths — sleeps 6 Upper Sanibet Inland roam lor den or 3rd bed corner floor Week IS w th 300 of white Si 000 Week 17 S700 Week room $395000 472 4553 WEEKS 5t 3.5? Lghtr-oupe San bei Gap! va sand shell beach Frontage •8 1650 tor w li sell) 514 — nc'udes large d"ep •" 4M6 Re«o l and Club La ge bay 0 Road 845-714- or 514 242 2379 Ic 13 bedroom un ' P cerj water dock See ng is weekends POINTE SANTO veil below market at For de a Is -ail be! ev g 1289 000 Gut DESANIBEL S11000 each 472 2614 i*land Pioi-cti es InC ie ol Sanibels finest lux 472 5633 Realy B!3 472 4871 .rlous gull front prop SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION irties Beautiful Iwo bed CLUB week 50 Free qo'l 3m two bach condomin and tennis Purchase ed prce Gult prvliegc* Plantation Club TI ground door guJI !7*W ten! S^OO. 216 771 Ch Mrr-a." p esen thd view lully furnished C606 am=nties List $38000 now . GULF PINES 1212,000 130 500 W II sell separately i shed Tutury apt d lee' y ca I 472-08'ie Breathtaking view from SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I - inGu(o'Me>co Tt race his 2 bedroom 2 bath 2nd Un t 7C Week 7 G ill front ac ng on Gu f SA rrrn n^ loor corner unit Fully $13 COO 314 °93 4843 CASA YBEL li iitry condo An opportunity o rteate your own urnlshed prme weeks (10 & lit (2d S 205 000 and 3d week ot March) 2 taurails elc Chi stmas & multi unit estate within a prestigious SALE BY OWNER Bdrm 2BA gulf f onl Yea«sweeks5U52 Enjoy your own private superbly ma nta ned Out "subdivision 1 85 acres which allow 4 Sanlbil Bitch Club I S27 000 for both iundeck from this 4th Standing lardscap ng 80 building sites $?95 000 a loor penthouse Recently Weeks 4 & 5 an Gull heated pool (acuKr tennis edecoraled throughout sailing often Easie Hoi day ully furnished price below market 813 1249 500 472 3145 ext 146 Lighthouse Rioit SHELL ISLAND REALTY These units alt have ex Weeks 9 10 11 4 12 :ellent rent history You TASA fBEL - Week 51 Q 2000 Pet Ainklc :an save thousands now on Bay Un t t49F (model un I) 3y buying diree'ly from ALL BELOW MARKET J9 850 ownerJ nancipg BO'4 OWNER FINANCING [he owner Owner avatiable 201/96&4066 POSSIBLE. Lets nlhe3Qs (813)472 1011 (813)472 1267 (eves) Call 472 3798 S13 472 3043 Cl G 4/17 SANtBEL BEACH CLUB — X Vlceks 51 & 52 212 *ih scre^n^d porcfr overlaid ng CHOICE OVER-SIZE CORNER LOT Gulf Pool tennN }ow t'er 42203t0 Oul of state 1 800 AT REDUCED PRICES stu S13 000 far both w,eci"f 237 6004 Aitpr hours Week 12 S11O0O 404 172 6644 • ONLY UNTIL APRIL 1st 925-2350 - DUNES - Exciting 2 and 3 bedroom townhcuses pr ced Iron BEAUTIFUL N C VOUN LOW DOWN BAL ON 30 YEhfl AMORTIZATION | SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION TAIN LAND 45 a te*3 6J«?4 rrr-dua quiet suburban family lifestyle 3t Island Park Woods on VOUB CHANCC 10 ACdUIRE A DUNES LOCATION J13 950 includes lenn s home w 'ufi baicr-eni n CO.V W TH LO V MOMTMLY PAYMENTS ON A CON Islaid Paik Rd just Vh miles south of the Bell Tower and gol Overlooks gc-f clud«s s !e 'or 4 t a e

*TIMESHARE RESALES Open 10 6 Mon Sal and 12 5 Sunday ey OWNER UPPER —CAP BUY * SELL TRADE TIVA ISLAND (-oration VIP REALTY GKOUP, INC. ol Me* ro ^flui'ed a ea of tram 11B5 i.p to 8 com Deeded docKage InrTudes 481-7747 •n sslon Call 702 588 3733 FOR SALE >-y 0*ne( Com-

Ranging from 8O'x175' to 8O'x285' + NOTHING DOWN —E.cept Highly visiole and unique first ronlh pg^-nenl of S143 Dockage accommodations for large boats Includes intPeM lor 60 retail office condominium Frontage on navigable canafs complex with space for sale or Block 4411 Un 63. BoOi Suitable for small craft adjacent to 2! Page C4 By Palmetto lease Country Club i v-ape Co ai Siesta Isles subdivision on Siesta Drive 472 109^ 327 Still a feWleft — SAFETY HARBOR CLUB I D C Properties, Inc UPPER CAPTIVA call lor details 8660 College Parkway, S W Beach (roil orope iv Lot »1 is the #1 Gull Iront p o -**• Suite #250 perly n Safety Harbot AAIM KialK Group Cub 105 I ont?ce n 1WU Periwinkle Win Fort Myers, Florida 33907 elude*-dockage pool fen n 5 Clubhouse AM lor :I, I l»ndu 33<>57 S18bO&q CM Is ana Pro 433-3900 &erl ni ipe Realty LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 813 472 4871




FOR SALE BY OWNER ov GULF COVE TRAILER TWO BEDROOM TWO DOUBLEWIDE 22 on cut Furnished 2? Home Smn F/hTASTlC UPPER CAP 1 steed waterfront lol across FARKi3l Furnished 12x50 BATH mobile home w h de sa" Pr ce slashed from gull t)«act> ava lab e TltfA GULF HOME, right ors. tiom Beach V,M S36QO0 1 bedrcom central a r and island kitchen and snail Sho*s new Lived in only 6 NOW to: seasonal rental b«ach 180 degree view ol 47241B1or4?22712 3/27 heal carport Own your lol Shed on rented lot I4F7O mof-thi 453 51 Jehus C! No pets By owner Tail Ciptlva pij* Beaulilullf Low rraintenance Phone $18 000 or my equily and l> Rver Estates Adult Pa k at Of 6pm (912(9245113 tj fished Sleeps six lirge sun deck groat shell ng on OUT OF STATE properly 463 2(26 4/9 nance balance 9950390 Siair Rd F nanfcmg ava t Las Vegas Nevada IMacre 30'e,O97S4fiC 997 4482 IniileO Tennis pool goil cirt included tSOO a *eek city lots Below appta sal TWO BEDROOM TWO ANNUAL RENTAL. JUNE tit OWN YOUR LOT SOUTH 2 Trie Island setawaw Calt S5 000 J75O down balance BATH mobila hone with 8 rders Paradise New (ur br 1 b screen r reh car 39' PARK MODEl (813)772 4884 Alters (B13J O 5 years 10% [merest or island k Ichen and small n shed *ater>ront 3 bed port Coastal Estates Pne TRAILER t Mdrcom t e<6 2<)a5 and midwest S4 500 cash 936 3729 4 3 shed on rented tot 14x70 rooms 2Vj baths P ana fldgeRoad Ft Myers Near bath nceco'idtion r ean (317)552 7741 $18000 or my equli/and li 11495 1000 San Ca tos laige screened porches fire nance balance 995 0390 466-3636 3/27 |)la"p double QAtaqe tun $34 900 482 2771 de^s 2 tMMis boat dock LSE3be1 oon 472 9G19 2 baih unfufn jhtn, A IH FOR SALE QUIF COVE TRAILER srreori porch on deep-v 74 JAYCO 32 Sth Wheat CHINOOK 77RUNSOREAT BY OWNER PARK 111 Furn shed 12.50 COZV Little watcrrronl two canal 175000 morth plus Iravet trailer 74 Dodge Ideal for camping coup'" Upper Captlva Island Four f tHKlfcxxn ceitffli ar and ittt es|412(682 23i!3 clubcab va automate atr Good mileage Rn'rlg b colcollla w thin adjo nlnQ lot« with clear good tlrea w/r III* wheel h^**t cttipo t Own your lol Best stove hea er sink See ?' 500 ct ihf> view to Gulf ol Merico plate 1-.I outer $3500 Call 1.0* ma nt aut tu pil ng housa on Acrow tl e JHeet fio n lotlets arid glass and ch ome II Is tastefully (urn sh buid rgtof i-ntd e bath Screened porrf- iak» Gumbo L rrbo 3 br 2 deeded beach access cd in a iropirai mol>' II has central a r and heat C pool covered boat dock w b-ilh main floor 2 br 1 bain 20O0O*i 472 227t SEASONAL RENTALS hcludes 2 car gai^gejnd • ATTENTION bedroom house (no conda) Screen porch All new applt* 12x40 Parh Model coming Preferably on a anal E* v SMELL HARBOR 3 bedroom tnces Ceil ng fans and a r soon $7 900 PRE-OWNED Mariner Point cepKonat references J 2 baih 1 bfoch to beach on cond tioned carpeted and Homos near sanlbet 2 , 472 4i>BB Townnouse 2 bedroom, 2 Large screened por month p'us ut 11 es Sanibal FL 33957 ^.. J Overlooking water C 305 271 50G9 evenings (813)472 4686 £nclos»d gs age laundry 3/27 (.emral air heat ceiling GATEWAY TO tana & rathediai celngs lablp 19a6«7 Dec 1 - riK-il $2 200 per month Mult pie month d scount SANIBEL Parches Georgalown MD Vacation in Luxury... M930 Of calf 301 27S22O9 1 2 & 3-beoroom luxury- condos with fuffy- TROPICANA AND CENTURY 21 PARKS equipped kitchens and an me extrasl

ADULT COMMUNITIES WITH HOMES TWO NEAR BEACH • San bet Beach Cluh uPtne Cow of Simlwl HOMES FOR EVERY NEED VACATION TO FULL TIME. tLqhihouH Rpwrt & Chib 'Shell Ibbnd fo-ach Club ANNUAL LEASE • Surlndcr B^ch Club -Sanhel B*avh Ctub 11 1 West Gulf Drive 2 bod room 2 bath unfurnished For **ee*V ncrJhVA seoxrof nstoi ccrfl PRICED $20,000 - $50,000 garage ptus fireplace J75(V monlh plus all ut lilies and 1*KMJ7-7370 (UJ.) HEATED POOLS, CLUBHOUSES, SPAS yard care Available May ; 1 1968 o 1-0OO-MS-7097 (Ro.) ' * AND A TROPICAL LIFESTYLE ' 2 SouthwimJs Drive Ebed 14004164010 (Canada) room 2 balh furnished elevated 200 feet from - 1413-4M-7766 (Local) » beach J 750. month plus all i es and yard ca'e THI VACATION tHOttt, MOOR 466-5050 labie April 7 l$«j PO 001046 Fort M^erl Seoctl ftrt» 3W3t Call evening* (813)472 9518 Want K> nnl yowVacaHon Hon»7 Can un




2IBEDROOM 2JBATH 9»» 3BEDROOM 1 BATH-fur 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH — |ur FOR RENT^condo on San SANIBEL TAHITI APTS All (font condo on FMB Avd I n sled or ur lurrt shtd Past n s' ed or ur furn *heo East fcei at LogettiLdd Cay on the units are 2 t>'!2 ba living able April 1st 2 week m n end of San bel ne,[ to ine end of San bel ie«t crj best rales. Be'ow market rate hous ng For rates and htot-hure RIVERS EDGE YACHT & program ava lab c May 1st 7718 Oahr flge H HUn He COUNTRY CLUB M<-G'ego' $400 472 3700 0 Newman SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Ar 35802 205 8812^4"' BEACH COTTAGE - 2 Itl Qlvd New condo —ground Hcor 2 b 2 oalhs lake 2baontheu.uil S650 *V oil Mike wur ivumiiiom NOW and FOR RENT OR LEASE April front Ijrmshed B month y seiaon St200*k season 15 — December 15 2 bed or ^eaion Ava lable Ma t*i S800 *R Jan 313 886 767? wit 11 we time (ind nutne\' room 2 ba h Cypress Lake liin 472 1605 Garder s Adu Is no pels B 1 br apl $530 wh 2 br apt re!et non smokers Refer CAPE CORAL IDEAL AREA KVOwk lower oil season GULF FRONT DELUXE encEs required -1811821 BfomBas rtwaterlrortl fur 813/47>1613 rates 813 472 4207 CONDO KINGS CROWN mshed 3 room apt Ea* ft Jibsdroofn 2ba!ti s'^opsS SPRINGLAkE - BEAUTI kitchen enclosed Ijorch FULtl Ground floor 2 2 NEW FLORIDA HOVE — on $400 ut I tes included Also screened porches 0*°l pi ngs Tree bedfoarr 2 n s fig'e room el'iciency $275 large sit in h tchen aiiappll ba'h — Lghthouse nd Ava ab'e Dec Pilvatoboa h accs^ Aval ances w'd hat I *ay storage or (203)281 5C50 3 27 covered parking close to dble May 1 472 %\$6 shopping direct access lo TWO BEDROOM TWO BATH _beach Annual lease ol S475 CONDO RENTAL - East unfurnished townnouse Hnonth No child en or pets SUNDIAL yearly renlal No pf's no 481 6CB9 4 26 oulloal' oito yachi chinrel Coo lully deccralfd fully DESIRABLE LOCATION ct Wren Close to San bel lurn stied 1 bedroom 2 bedrtom v< tit converl 466 5352 3<27 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION ground lev>1 w Ih uk n drn 2ba>hroom Sum 1 •t fates weeK_cr monlh Captiva sleeps s K — on t e closel a r-cond 1 tjicJ and SA\ BEL SUNSET SOUTH beach Available 2 weeks 4 4 healed Appl ances nciud Contact owner at 312 962-4941 to 4/18 5132712949 3 27 ea Heoted pools and out br 2b poof^ull front beau do jr barbecue Ter^r s t fut v ews of palms beach TWO BEDROOM ONE BATH Golf Do" Fas'1 "516) B66 unfurnished apt w In lanal cus of b d' ar>d boats f om 1142 7590 Coftand R,cV on canal Quiet setting S500 What other resorts your screened [>c*cr No , SUNDIAL BEACH ford MU9141 monlh plus ut hi es Re poiS No ch Wren J675 tt quie *sl last & secur ly & TENNIS RESORT call "Off-Season," we Steve am 472-1511 eves ab'e Apr 1 2« 472 4571 . 2BR/2B Gulfside Con Jack466-47j3 4 3 6 pm do Fully equipped consider Opr^rtunity. Decorator 'urnished WIOEWARO WAY condo screened halcoiy FOR SALE OR LEASE 2bl2b near San bel lease Pimli Ritsi Corner Utiil first last and security Sleeps 6 Tennis courts Our ptweti ivntal management Be,ow Mnrket 472 5522 3/2=" pools goll ava lable Summer & monihly 4725559 gets RESULTS' rales avail o TENNIS PLACE - 1 bed Ask us hosv room turmshed Ava lable Reserve With owner April 15 DPC 15 1350 m(>, 219/291 3058 VHJI

Largest selection to choose from on Sanibel Island and Murphy -11 other Tropical Islands Call Realty, Inc. or stop by and discover the SANIBEL BAYOUS Very nice 3 bedroom 2 bath single family ESI Difference, Rental office home scheduled to be completed March 15, 1886 $900/mtf> & open 24 hours every da/ of utilities DUNES Upgraded 2 bedroom 2 bath V; duplex in Lakeside the year. Villas Available for occupancy May 1 1936 $565*mo & utilities. GUMBO LIMBO 3 bedroom^ bath single family home furnsh ed Available ApriM, 1986 SB50/TO & utilities

TENNIS PLACE 2 bedrooms, 1% bath canal front condo, available May 1,1986 Fully furnished $550/mo S. utilities

EXECUTIVE Dunes Beautiful — 2 bedroom, 2 bath Old Florida Style single family home Available May 15,1986 SERVICES, INC £ h Unfurnished 5850/mo & utilities 455 Periwinkle Wa> Sinlbcl hi mil for more informal on conucl SUC RilChlG at 613/472 4113 Mon -Ffi FL. 33957 (813) 472 4195 SOUTH FORT MYERS RENTALS " i NEW HOUSE — Near Cinnamon Cove three bedroom, two bath, iwo car garage fa nity room & screened porch Call toil Irii Vitmtiukk PEPPERTREE POINTE — Two bedroom, two bath condo two Cinulal 800-447-6002 screened porches pool tennis covered parking and all ap 11. mill 800 282 71 r pllanceS For inlorrration call Lana Vail 482 8040 ISLAND REPORTER I MARCH 27, 198S • 3EB

HKOMMEKttt il-VABATlON 11-VACATIOII rt»-VACAT10M f IIENTAU ,• HENTAll ~ ' jlENTAULi- P ofess fnal off ce sfn « CASA YBEL 1f(f NORTH CAPTIVA iSLAND 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE LUXURIOUS 2 2 CONDO Nc« WATERFRONT CON -f 3 qcng»ously localed 4 [o ant Lai rcnta ^475 pc VIEW on gJif enn s golf H.Q — C ng boat o> pfit one fastest q o* ng a ca ' ''jinstyd beach Iront gulf tnonth 5^3 I pof f*en ni u pern Sirepa s « Avg (able **-e >2 allrew S^asora Sou h Foit Mye ,, Spi wpekends *Uf)\9S Hi ^ 1 '4 2 7R6 II 100 *ee« montiiy o weekly rates liom 9fi? 3q It (o 1<)2<1 sq courts pool a r .strip W5 5B33 ask lo J n 21&C8I2882 Fou V nds Ma m^ (8131 " Cl 1 t SANIBEL S FINEST dochatjp sea ta> a/a lab e 263 fXi Pr ces irnm WSO/wk POINTE SANTO SANIBEL BEACH CLUS I VACATION HOME B Lu«u y gult front 1 W* « «C00rrO SifSnite to De1u«e 2 b d oor> SANIDfu BEACH CLUB f \t- 14 Apr! 5U 2 bert urn 2 3jl3iandinlj secluded 11 000 wk $3 500 mo Fentfio sc Ccn ta quda ing w»ehs 31 21 n bath 3 reps * Heated lew 3 bedroom home $150 n le — 3 nile m n In ove look nq gt, t Aug 19 40 nOtt « 48 49 pool lacu'~. b kes tenn s •nagn flcnlly fumisned descr tably pr valp f, brautf lenn s and poo 8 50 n Dec 10 . owner Island $925 IP J472 0 72) luxurious amen tes fully lul Call Eluabelh Gulden Special spr ng 4 fnafK ng 0^1483*413 Tower Plaza nquppod Bcsl b*>a ti A 305 425 0111 sumrp rales genuine Island home C6?3 CASA YBEL luxurious qu I Office Suites GULF FRONT FERRY LANDING W nter OCEANS REACH 314/843 0937 rontal January 25 Febfuary FOR RENT Imrr acuiaie ferthouse Special off season riles 28 Soac ous 3 bed oom 3 B6- 87 SEASON Jo Pool * Tennis balh Beajtilull/ fum stitd Lovoly T2 pil ng ho^ie adja 472-1581 Reserre non for season' ATRIUM EXCLUSIVE guil Low Pool tennis cauris beach cent loBrd Sanctuary $375 Rat«s Ma. 4 Adiis fronl condo — res denm Call 13 000 (or Ihe month 1500 eh M 4 k 613 472 7904 or ash Ava laDie tot 87 season iii) 2 B4 a 813 47' depos I Call 472 0424 eve Rentals by week S"asor nlngs and weekends 4V. PUNTA RA55A baytront ORIGINAL1 PRIVATE S950 ot! season S'25 By Iwo bed oom two bath 4tti R cha d B-»nnelt BEACH HOME IN UliOSJV 10* Ave o*npt onfy SG 407 Fo« Soulh Seas Plantation Mam Fla 33(65 T al Lane Oak B oo^ fshing pier 4721156 466 NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND Season & oil season renl III no s 60WI TP! |3i2i 5W4 or 313 731 3611 — Gull front lown'iouses als directly on 100 Gulf 887 78^6 Tenn s pool f st> escape1 [rout b<>dch Deco aloi de SUNDIAL OF SANISEL Sleeps 6 Also prvate SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION s gned & furnished 3br/ Priscilla Murphy secluded home ava latjie •utsland ng foca! ocs 2 IBB 2b screen<>d pot h decks gulf front 1 bed oom ciub From $500/wk 185 n te 3 ha on the gu f $650/wk off RESPONSIBLE RETIRED^ suite condos Beaut !ul nies mm 613/392 1214 season J1 2O0r*fc ssason SCHOOL SUPERINTEN v ews elegant accommoda AM B13 347 7561PM l80Cwk Jan 31T 886 7872 DEN1 S6 desres reason tors All amen t es AVE I Professional oil cs space able l-ebfua^'crtal nearer «va!abie lor lease m the able weekly monthly sea CAPTIVA SOUTH SEAS onG ill twoadu'ts Dr Torr son rales fastest growing a*ca In BLIND PASS by owner al CLU3 — 2 2 condo Apr 1 11 GASPARIUA ISLAND - (612)633 5068 *!ler 6 pm 36 Col Soulh Forl Myers Space I actively fu rlsher. 2 bed 18 $900 Pool tenn s Cotf Sfa Oats ot Boca Gtandc from 962 sq 11 to 1413 sq room 2 balh condo sleeps ard beach 219 264 9720 Guff front Imury c&ndo on II Competitive rales For 6 ciul homo pool tenn s & secliided beach Season details call Sue RHche at ta becue fac lit ea short RENT FROM 0W4ER AND ANNUAL LEASE beg nn ng WOO oil season $400 FOPT MYERS BEACH 4724113 walk to Gull beach S ascn SAVE Lu« (nous 2 redroem Oclooer 1st on 2 bedroom 3t2fl87 7a26 GULF FRONT 2br ? bah Leased by ° $700 ^k ofl season S400 2 halh condos On gulf at gulf rortl furn shed condo rondo lor January March *k 617545^344 Po nip Santo K ngs Cro*n preferab y on East or M dd e Prlscltla Murphy SPACIOUS Oceans React) and Island Apr I fftaied poo' tein s gull Jf ve Couple w h no ti<>ar go 1 and shopp ng Realty, Inc ; LUXURVCONOO ATHIUM EXCLUSIVE GULP Beach Club A I amen I « ct id en or pels Max mum AT THE ATRIUM including poo and lenn s Phone 4330125 renl les ed SI 100 mo Cat) QBFV2B t den heated Season S92S p' r v eek olf Weekly monthly d scount eclfe- t 1 804-270-6831 FORT MtERS - CROSS FOR LEASE!! tool ttinnls Ava lablo alter season 1525 per week By CREEK - turned uo CAREER ORIENTED sngle Office space 30 * 60 wwil5 Onowsekmln o*ner 312 887 7826 all»r Apr! 1 LedroDTi one bath Condo rroiher wilfi small child toriQcl C 1 A prime loca CJ Reovei -4724686 642 6498 i 10 on Golf Course A<1u t com- look! is [or 2 bedroom apart lion In Comrroiclai Par* 3329 W Gull Dr POlNIE SANTO Deluxe 1st mjnty poof clubhouse and ment In good ne ghborrtood San Carlos Blvd and Kelly Sanibet FL 33957 door 2 bedroom co t^o on GULF FRONT 2 BEDROOM dull mem be sh p A over March 1 Two bedroom two 5*7 793-7914 looks Gull & Redtish Pass roorr house on San bel lor i amenities you found It bah sleeps s|i 1st floor nent season Approximated 20I-635-0447 One week mln stay S13J S70O per week Call 216- 649 0075 LUXURIOUS mid December to March I or 499 8509 GULF FRONT thereabouts Call 472-0368 ATTENTION PROFESSION Sanddrlll Gull front Apts ACCOMMODATIONS ALS — There are 2 tondo Inside Soulh Esas Plants tor the dlscr mlrat ng minium office units st II WANTED IN SANIBEL Non tion In season rates 1 br vacat oner wh Ava table immed ately -Solve your need tor proles Call or wrilt lor VochurT

MEMBER OF SANIBEL POLICE DEPT Wife chid and very c ean d»cUwed neu ered cat seeking afford ab e house or apart tent to rent on or nearby San bel VACATION RENTALS Prefer annual rental nr lease sorre landscap ng Inter or ^ WEEKLY RENTALS desgn and ca pentry skills We are res pens ble non iaslly acctislbli; LOCATION WINTER SUMMER Bandy Beach $ 825 1100 $ 550 sm )K ng or drinkirg tenants 463 4126 or Compass Point $ 600 1350 $ 400 750 : 463 5462 evenings HEAilT bF.TH.E

O tijsg^r '^3 ~^. ^&a ^5J ,t „ « r



22 CATALINA SAILBOAT •- RETAIL GIFT SHOP FOR SHE SELLS SEA SHELLS o! PART TIME RETAIL SALES WINGS WILDLIFE SECRETARIAL help tor you Let me lafce care or your t5 HP Ev nrude Eacel'ent SALE Prime Sambet Island Sanibel needs e«pe'ienced CLERK WANTED Call T SHIRTS and Boutique t,andtion 15 8- CoSdspot now hiring fu'l and j)ftrt paper work Conscientious location Please contact dedicated flexible diit 472 1051 ftoe.ei E«ceilem conrt tion Larry Thompson 433 3060 or going lull and pan time day t mo sale- help $4 50 hour dependable Sarnbei resi plus tolls 472 2251 3J2T dent Witt also care lor your Ladiesljowlng bail and ba^ Lyn Coller 472<»666or 472 ana evening sales people COOK, 5 NIGHTS A withsh es sze6 574 7192 0565 3/27 Call 472 6991 lonntervlew WFEK No eipenenre nee home or condo li) your ab 4M0 essary w II train 472 1242 WAITRESS NEEDED FULL sence 47? 2910 Referents* PRIVATE COLLECTOR BOAT RENTAL BUSINESS TIME Good benefits Apply PART TIME CUSTODIAL in person or call Tha Dunes Pay^ a (ottune (or u*d shot foi sale Outstanding loca guns wil'45ot>uf old paint tlon excellent lease room help needed Immediately Won Fn 9 6 472 33"i5 (or Island ftildl te facility 4f3 io mailer what tfpy lor eipanslon For more m RECEPTIONIST Part t me . Ask lor Fred «3- . formation call JB3 3636 20 hours per *k parly position S 30 5 00 Fnday BREAKFAST & LUNCH Terms available 3/27 morn'ry hours By appoint and Saturday Clerical skills menl only Call Laura 427 and some typing required Cook wanted Su days a 3644 3.27 472 5111 e*t 3387 week lor small specialty PURCHASING'" OLD CAPITAL AVAILABLE lor restaurant Good Pay 472 PAINTINGS Antiques - any business and commer VACATION - SICK LEAVE 3035 *n catpp's any condition — Clal purchase US 000 and KID N AROUND CH1L relief earner position $908 buyi ng now (or private col up Call 4812826 after 4 OREN S BOUTIQUE now hir per hour plus automobile FULL AND PARTTiME lector Free prolfssioral p m or write C&S Consult ing full or parltime S4 hr Clerical positions with this evaluations FAlRCHII 0 ants PO Bo* 258! FMB at low an co open at San (be! plus toll 472 6677 PosIO'fce No competitive1 paper Ptme apply In par FW£ ARTS INC 4330034 exam reauired — Call son Tha Classified Stori, TANNING STATION FOR 472 1655 or 472 9211) Suite 1 C Kingstoi Square, CHiROPPACTIC - Ha'ry G SALE by owner 2 tanning VACATION - SICK LEAVE 16681 McGngor Blvd SW Kar DC PA (tie practice _, e' j-h >opract>c 16«O Pe •- beds plus business 1 per reW carrier posil on S9 08 RETIRED? STUDENT? Forl Myers FL son operation Priced right per hour plus aut^moCifc a< * nVIp Way Li-nettee Ctn HOUSEW'FE? We have a ler 4721824 4634411 4/17 lowance open at San bel part time job (or you Tele 40 HOURS PER WEEK SS 00 Foit Ofl'ce No competitive phone sales opportunity HOUR 89 day aDpmnlmeit ired Call oppi at Sanibel Post Office Gel3*£> Sa < ng Sciiool —• with the area 5 fastest grow WE BUf CLEAN USED Now o!tt- ini; 3 and 7 Cay SELLING? INDIVIDUALS 472 1655 or 472 S21S Ing publications Sa'aryp'uS No compelitvg nam re qjired 472 1655or47232,5 ''lANOI guitars and band ccu'ses ai "TWPPn V;aie s WANT TO BUY your Sanibel commission The CassiJied instruments .Sunmeys tnn CVva Call 1813) Island business In ENERGETIC responsible Slort 466 0500 CLUB STEWART pad tine 5 Music 334 8012 o< 4ft 418* 472 4042 or wnle ]or © 9 teresled' Send preliminary person needed for full time bfochure Boi 76a Cap position at new n en and FULLTIME POSITIONS days Wed SUP II 30 am •allcr 6 pm and on *«eK 2 30 p m Effective Ap(,| 2 t va FL 33324 0798 TP c/o Island Repodei women s active wear slop w th progressive telephone References Resume with ;PO Box R on Captiva Please ca I Lisa sales department ot this HAULING at 472 7507 10-8 weekdays paper Commercial account (cod service experience COMPETITIVE Sanibel FL Bo* 1239 Captiva FL 33924 33957 reps Sala-y commission «1,H0U5EHDLP DEPENDABLE benefits Phone The Classi 4/3 ; SALESPERSON needed lor - ! H>B§JUI: ^ 472 2539 tied Store 466 0500 woman s clothing shop on '"JOBS JOBS JOBS Sanibel MuSI enjoy working We have over 200 opening! NEW BO INCH OBLONO with people Full Or part that reed filled MOW! "Some ELDERLY CAflE/HOUSE •me 472 2213 BAILEY SANTIVA glass, top sola tab e An SITTING hy Christian co« MINI MART will tra.n For informgllon deca with palm tree molis pie desire live In position call The Exchange 337 0505 .. bass 472W20 Ashing $575 - "ART TIME SEASONAL Is now hiring %27 Permanent weekends or Housekeeping employer Part time vacations References Stock & Counter Person 1756-0370 *M needed Mostly weekends PERMANENT PART TIME Call 472-411' For Nights & Weekends SHELL TAB1E FOR SALE positions available with Octagonal col'ee table 42 AI f BAYBSITTER WANTED for Apply In person at classified department of HEALTH FOOD STfJflE or, Inches across Hals Ebony SEPTIC TANK SERVICE my 2 year old daughter, this newspaper Salary plus finished wood two tiers Sanibel Ham tit 4 pm BAILEY'S Septic Tink < Monday and Friday only In 2477 Periwinkle commissions Early evening lowe- tier cane upper tier -my home $2 50 hr 472 Sl< days per week $4 00 hf Qrrata Trap Clsantng 3/26 hours 4 30 to 8 30 Apply in - glass Ideal lo' displaying ^ and Sludge HauHng 0236 MJS) have some knowledge Shells 47222689to5 4'2 person CiaisllittJ Si on* CALL 9954795 or 574 5700 or Interest in health tow 166B1 McGregor Blvd. Call 542 1000 In Cape Coral SATISFIED CUSTOMERS DINING ROOM SERVICE Kingston Square Foil ARE THE HEART to make appt, to interview Myers FL , 4/6 on Sanibel STAFt lor quality French OF OUR BUSINESS E1-IOIT AND restaurant on Captiva 4/23 <.":... FOUND ,;. Lunch and dmner shifts LETIZIAS currently hiring BABYSITTING PLAY available Position dish Hcslni* Bus he»p and CARE in rry home Daily washer available Phone Cashier Toils paid meals GOULD S Boofckaeplng Servrct 472 9405 472 68b6 provided, medicalfdeiai TORO MOWER 21 INCH 12751 Cleveland Ave available Cait Susan at finger tip start self JAMES SEYMOUR LOST 4722177lordetails 3/27 Suite 206 BABY SITTER NEEDED tor IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR propelled $275 16 Inch BLUE WALLET while riding Complete service In 14 yr old ffom3VJ3 177 MATURE HELP Genera! trimmer edgefw gas 160 moped on Sanlbet Please ng payroll individual call 4721561, Room 264 K Call Mrs Young 4721255 utility person with ability to SANIBEL COMMUNITY 997 2«43 *'2 Seymour II found 3/2' CHURCH seeks part time totuirs and daU last moving moped bit e (en eipedenced custodian For FOR SALE. 2 gas 30 gallon essing FULL OR PARTTIME e< tal business Dr ver s appt call 472 2684 43 hot water heater $35 pach perlenced pamle' or 93ml license teamted Must tie 542 5373 127 er) helper Willing to learn willing to do all Aotk as DINING ROOM <>nd ki'chen 472 4477 needed Pa/ comme isurate personnel Apply Plus N WAT Eh BED KING S12E witn abliTy Island Mope-J Cream an Ita tan American complete never uoed S165 restaurant Villa Santim 472t>;24 Attention WrS Dresser with mirror hutch HOUSE OR CCNOO Stlmg Wood Plaza *63 554* 3J27 S»5 Portable electric t«pe- wanted — ADMI 15 October TAX, ACCOUNTING, and wnter J55 DodgeOVNI Qt 31 en EamfcP! Relisbie and computer booKkeepinrj Pet ARNOLDS OF CAPTIVA 12695 Cape Coral home have references 472 \Z&2 BUSPERSONS POSITIONS Quality Temporary Help sonal financial advisor AND CAPTIVA KIDS $5 000 down 772fl76t avaitaole at South Seas r reasonable tees John Bolan CLERICAL 3V26 Looking (or motivated Plantation Eucel'erv- pay accountant BS MED MBA •"SKILLED TWOES* LABOR COVER TO COVER sti I lo lull time and part time and benefits Or* the job CDP 3437 Fowler 939-3011 4 BRIDES WEDDING cated in Pe*ett Center salespeople training provided Call dresses while All new across 'rom former toca Call 472 3777 472 5111 E*t 3387 or Job never worn Sizes 7(8 9O0 t on Sen exchange paper Line 472 7568 ^ 3127 1 4/2 lOSH * from S25toS100 oackt Large selection useo FANTASY Cali 765-08*1 iard covers collectors EXPRES5 ESCORTS paperbacks large print X 24 hr FOR SALE 2 COAST three papwbaths lor sale ""* Voice Paging System Personnel Fool. speed bicycle* bells bas College 4S1 4647 MORGAN S AT SUNDIAL ,. kets Boy and girl models 4/2 !S NOW HIRING ThcWcll Workforce* pump protective sp'ay in 335 4384 • HonlWosltntt Announces the following Er openings 3049 Cleveland Ave eluded To one buyer S7C PAINTING ,•, 337-044B • Dining Room Sirvars each Phone 472*765 3/2r Quality Work • BtrUnders Housekeepers 337-4100 Custom Pa nting • Dlihwashirs (part lima) Cooks 8 FT PICK UP CAMP TOP Licensed and Insuri •* Dishwasher Exc*tt#nl wiflM, tips and PER wilh curtains 1150 o Brim Dowd bamlltc, Including lolls Front desk host/hosiess deal 4631377 (813) 472 4477 paid Apply in penon at •4 WaiterMaitress CAYO COSTA SAFARI •* Accounting Clerk 3J.F0SITIQNS' Travel to Cayo Costa Slate Sundial Beich & Tannii : RIFLE 3006 REMINGTON Park with the Calusa R«iort, 1136 Mlddlt Gull Trolley Operator : : WANTED;.;.• 4/27 Woodmaste'. model 7*2 Aquatic Program Join us as Driva, Sinlbal, FL nriih a wide angle 4 plus we explore the Island s gulf GENERAL CLEANING "n Redf.eld scope 12 gauge coasl with marine biologist your ho/re or condo Refer shotgun Remington aut) Carl Melamel 535 per per IS YOUR TENNIS COURT UNOERUSED' ences Call Chris 406-9217 mate Modeli lOOnbbarrM son 472 9292. Sanibel Island Resident Also 16 It Kenrooro deep would like to share use HOUSE SITTER AVAIL Ireeie 1175 604 7879 4 2 of tennis court and contribute ABLE. Ten year aiea tesl a It • lor YOU) dent lull time pro'sssiona EDLEBROCK PERFORMER A Carter In LONELY?? to expense o( upkeep c J miter (emalei mioiorttcs 400 ser>es manifold, S12i Hslrstyllng k Barbartng Call 636-6668 anyi me I Lighthouse end ol island preferred 7 willing to provide respon 4 10 ring and pinion tor GV Write Bringing People To- Classes Start the 1st ^ Reply 472 03BB & sible occupancy ol your 1? bolt J75 BS.M Holeshot gether Dallng service 1651 Monday of Every Montn home this spring summer for 350 or 400 tu'bo Kenwood Line Suite 107A Financial Aid Availab'e and'or tall in exchange Icr a hydromatic S125 6*0 1 Fort Myers 33907 ,- I You Qualify gulf v.ew and pleasant ac Holiey Vacuum secondary Locally Owned commodations Reteienges $50 4669844 3J27 SontUt* Colllfi* Chamber Member! (u-nished Call 574 8729 ol Hair Dtslgn SAFE) THE BUBBLE ROOM 4901 P«!m Biach Bl»d MATURE RESPONSIBLE 694 6979 COUPLE seeking hotet 45-WANTTOIUVl &19 mottl martagerrent position •:ai,HElP WANTED;' in San bel Captiva area on Captivk Island is now hiring MASSAGE THERAPY Phone 997 1179 Ask far t CRAFTS - do you na«e to fill the following positions: Gail; unque crafts and gilts1' WINGS WILDLIFE T-SHIRTS EXPERIENCED ADULT Woi'd you like to «arn AND BOUTIQUE now hiring COUPLE SEEK RESIDENT money for your hobby? d I full and part lime sales bartender, waiters, waitresses, manager position ol cot 2751967 or 939 2037 lor Dwp T S!l» help $4 5O7hr plus tolls tages condos apartment more Information 3/26 STi'Vld 472 2251 evening, kitchen vvork, and Jn Sambel area Island WANTED Exceptional sril WeunnnuStu B 'eference and resuire avail que childs rocking chair a id general maintenance. Please able upon request Contact White «!Cker furmtuie DUN* SSIVERSTONL FULLTIME 604 568 0928 4/10 SALES PERSON apply in person between 10 472 47M 127 NEEDED FOR a.m. and 2 p m. at The Bubble MATURE, RESPONSIBLE BUYING ANTIQUE BOOP5 BAILEY'S Room, Captiva Rd rCaptiva adult * n take cafe o( your rare copies top dollar also ^CASUALWEAR home write you re w^i sliver jewelry anliques free Offer call Ann 433-0034 Please call 472-1636 Island? -



WHY BOTHER wththa rest DON T PUT Of F 11 lomor NEED A FR1EN0? Co mo 19BTBEIGE FORD ESCORT TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE 1S70 INTERNATIONAL coc Cill the BEST Mo TIG O*f wfiai I can clean today n d get acqua nted A*C wagon 4 npeed n excellent 1976 Me cu*y Monarch s eeper 270 Cummins out Condo c can ng Excellent Etllc "nt rousQCtean ng Golden fclr ever puup »s conrJ I on A smart buy at 48 000 m es New battery of frame overhaul 30000m fB erences Serving all Fo t dor-o nS Fol M>c 5 Fo t and Basset) Hound pjp 12 495 Days 549 4794 eves TAO new 1 res Good rad 0 10-spePCi transTi ss on tan M/e a and San bel Call M>e s Bear»> A San bel 0 es Champ on ances -y 549OT65ask lot Kathy 4 3 Good com. tO-i $1 500 de n si Inn 5th wf eel CB Uufa 997 7^93 or L nda D for appt Cad ever* ngsafler 472 1079 AMFM ratio $6000 *0 9*5 5*39 7 369 8356 CM/* 9 to 6 MUST SELL BY MARCH IS ( atbed nonon si d ng 997 523? 3 23 1979 VW Sc rocco AM FM and PAPER HANGING pa nt r g sic eo 5 sp»ed spo ty but rftrl ble good running con r Millpapet tenoval F st WINDOW economical Good 1 res ex dition Needs some body • 1 »»• work small iobs* t a clean $3 200 0 best ol work Asking J35OOO 472 ctmed 542 1625 CLEANING ler Call Bob 2750606 days C836 evenings ind week SERVICE 482fl7Q3 eve l ngs 4tf f CLASSIC i"CNVERTIDLES ISLAND LOCKSMITH Licensed MERCEDFS 300 SD TURBO 1170 two doo blue 83 surroof loaded Low i Waifar S Thompion CHEVELLE MAL1BU one • Insured 472 4207 1975 OLDS CUTLASS GMO m les Excellent cond tion owner M n condition 472 2394 led and while One owner $24 900 332 4543 weekdays. 197» FORD RANCHERO Had Q and B ' Cond 1 on ng G 'Licensed 'Bonded Sun fool no rust Sanyo 4-2 Can be seen on Shell Mound f AMFM stereo 50 watt ar Askng ilCiOO Call 4di PHOTO KEYRING - send Blvd S£50ordeal 463-1377 wallet size snapshot I will wo ks rebuilt transmiss on SSCELtCAQTS B and new Must see $2500 7725717 mount it on a keyr ng for S5 power windows locks (960 FIAT SPTOER convert 1983 t/ODGE VAN .ery 4/9 seats and run oof AM "=M good cana 1 on a r AM FM PHOTOGRAPHY CREATIVE cash no checks please To r $4 IQIQQDD iqei Rossi 2794 Wedge wood rassetle w th equalizer Me rad-o power sleef ng and c mdld or formal A photo qadac SerilS e VV66 very PONTIAC BONNEVILLE $11 900 or best oiler brake cj se control Norm Fort Myers Fla 33903 n ce J9 700 1579 Keystone o* you on the Island makes a Brougham 1977 Good con 4894402 eves 4r2 38000 miles only 36£00 (Ti cfO m n motor home Dal g eal g fill High qual ty in d lion runs good Loaded Must sell $1000 below etpens ve also special zing EVERYONE Ikes a C ean sun WHX) Sell cr trade full power New tires 1968 MUSTANG Must sell dea ei 431 5927 in photo vopy work lor ar home Some a e too busy to 4326532 *"3 shocks and brakes Bought Good body refu li eng ne fists CA11472 2949 davs or clean We can help new truck and dont need new sh Her1 rad ator clukh 1978 DODGE 200 van V-8 4'2146l eves AskforChp 656 5806 FOR SALE 1983 5 0 car $1 650 694 7B79 4/9 plus other new pa is Res 318 ccnv(jf5on Hcv rad a I Mustang G T Mot vated 1 es rew b akes exhaust MAJOR OR MINOR tcrat on project Must sell se *r 765-4191 ° and rruch i o e Ice bo« HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS 1968 CADILLAC COUPE — $1 400 A steal 481 5G2O ELECTRIC 62 000 mies Must sell CARPENTRr PLUMBING A 1 com] tlon One o*rer 42 S3 850OBO 482 5171 SANIBEL !N~ER1On* EXTERIOR Wh le itrmacutate inside 74 CADILLAC t door power PAINTING AT REASON and out No lust 12 500 ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR w nda*s locks ard seats i4-HEC«E*T10N*L ABLE RATES FREE FIRM WH be a class c 1993 KAWASAKI 7!>0ce L censed Bonded Very clean n re inter o ex ESTIMATES SPECIALTY — soon 4651179 4(9 I V VfVIHiCLE* t;/ LT D in ti d ive fa In., and InSi red ceiient cond t on $1 200 WALLS OF WOOD helmet 9 0OC m es Fne HAVE TWO~~CARSI M st wll bcker Days 27S6333 cond ton $1350 542 5002 INSURED LICENSED CHAMPION MINI MOTOR sell one) 19SI ChwroTet eves 837 2138 4 3 affer500pm or Sunday CALL DAVE 772 1519 HOME 1978 22 mm a uiaie Caprict clastic 2 door s eep« 4 omp ate k tcren ' 30 000 m tcs 19SS Ford 1983 FORD TBIPD up 4x4 Mustang IX spo t hatch macu ate navy */1t blue n COOPER S WEEKEND? 3 week vara rewengne lowm es heal si.per cab desel lariat ba k 16 000 ml es Phone lerior AM FM ca*se te FLOOR COVERINGS t on' Going Noriti fo sum a 1 owner rad aK $10 500 package Tra er package 4714Bt2dayS 4'9 Are wheels cru se 1 t Lt f t Pe lCi Residential & Commercial iner? C*l Homegua d fci wheel power trunk andmr g^e 209a more nlotmat on Phnne Carpet Vinyl VA Tile rots vantymrrors 44 000m 772 5744 askforCapt He* 19B6 HONDA PRELUDE 'ke $6 995 OBO 936-7375 4 3 TRAVEL TRAILER (985 472 2624 or 47J 5516 Head r>I Secu ily new Periect cond t on Classy dark blue Equa 7et CHEVf BLAZER BZ d'sel MERCEDES 1980 4 dr 2*0 D RICKS TOP SOIL mag wheels run rool Many Must ,e A r *ashe d yci appro < 44 000m excellent a cond t on AM FM rad o other extras 14 000 mies p vate bed oom 'uli b & body indinecce entcord WANTED Qua! ty books well -nantaned excelent Sand Gravel S12 7OO 275 3498 3,2& show many e*l a ton loassot e«t as mclud Hardbacks & papeibacks buy at $fi 695 Call Lpn at rons tict small tia ng 5000 lb Aench Must AM subjects Recent or old n Sshoi 549 1649O 5-4 8121 4 3 1963 MAZDA RX7 32OCOm Irade 466 7 15 Excellent co d 1 oir ony seel Mat-e oiler Ca 1 e*ce eni cond 1 on IB 750 542^.180 1 3691748 4-9 The Booh Dnn South 22J3 OuTip iruck (ot h re 19B4 BLACK PONTIAC Call 4721238 or 472 4611 19S* PARK MODEL n Firs] St Downtown Ft FIERO SE 19 000m eludes f»l Fufp s'le'* Myers 332 2333 Callanylr-e 656 2869 4 speed removable s in 5 ca peted a r washer a^d f oom A C casso le ste TO dryer 2 bd m tok Shop DODGE VAN 1977 hciofy tinted windows in Cortco pa K on San Ca les PRINCIPAL LOOKING TO MOWING &TREE * speed manual transit s maculate excellent cond B d Call 456-709 ask lot I BUY Condo on ihe gull TRIMMING sion great "*t& eng ne 20 tion must see Musi ? wesi of publ c beach Wes mpg hv,y F ne body 10° HOUSECLEANiNG sacr I ce Fur ca i TOP MOB E CAT RACER 16 FT Gut) Drive Small develop WB |U3t pa n ed (old-do* last ellcentdependabe Call 369 2716 4 3 Yellow Viraler andtequia merit two or tti ee bed back see( S3 000 543 1016 472 2902 sjn se sa fa cat Uvt roorns Write to CONDO nghts wopfc^nds "'S 1985 BLACK 3OQ2X TURBO ma"! extras exce lent con PO Box 08730 Fort Myers eg c a c Loaded Call 768*332 alter dillcrt Priced to se!ic FL 33931 79 TOYOTA CEltCA GT (ft t ol 59 000m New f ort 5pm 3/27 463 1413or489 1041 3/19 A MORE back New pa nt new t res new inter ot sleeps sletco A f dam "ouveis six lull rear bath etce etl EXCELLENT WAY VW BUS 1976 new eng ne PENMQYANH 21 BOAT WANTED 2/3 bedroom CLStorr Aheel cove % Call cond ton $4 995 94W775 1 5 very clean $1 600 or best of good cond tlun S°at36 228 MOBILE HOME OR HOUSE HEALTH CENTER 93S5 22 or 482 4468 after 4^ (er 463-7141 4115 H P Chevy eng ne tunnel In excellent condition Send 5pm 4/9 photo lull Information and 2^. 1973"flTANnotorhome d fve p'an ng Haps Phone price (o 3227 Wa ren Sharon o'lets h»ndson therapy 1966 LINCOLN 4 dr conve 1 Wiiri air qene ator bit k 46511326 J '3 197B CAOILLAC COUPE Road Vienna, Ohio 44473 Massage acctipressure ble Wh te wh le top new t*d oom comp ele y se I daVILLE Excellent cordl EXC*LIBUR 32 FT i*fn n reflexology colonies t US PfS P B power locks conla n?ti 46 000 p es m I t on sunroof all Ihe good beards leaded excellent ur ne/saliva screerlng for power antenna power macu a e S3 500 Call 462 1 PIANO LESSONS iesaipojvr mustsel Ask cone 1 on owner anx ous nutr t onal evaluation seats stereo and I it steei 1400 01 489 4794 Ing S3 290 of best offer Ul San bel ma na 472 2723 Experienced teacher w Ih ing $4 900 trade truck cai JtMA000 6?85 597 2755 939 43B4 allet 1974 Oday sa ler day sa l»r i music degree desires 466*931 43 HEALTH REQUIRES SELL students Member MTNA 5pm 947-4253 4* JNQI S6 500 Call 8 3 San bel Mat na 472 2723 Very good reputation lor Call lor appo nlrw 4/3 OLDS 88 BROUGHAM 1982 453 516? (h-ep try rg) 27 excellence , 1984 PONTIAC FfERO whilo 4 tioor sedan loaded ex Ho day Ramble Screened 332-1844. w tan n'erior Automat c CHJPARRALBOAT- I960 481 6279 cellent cond I on one room 1 ed^owrt & suited AM FM stew ar 2JOO0m 17 It 140 H P OMC Ou owner >ooks nsw Beaut lul On lake from RV Pa k SHELL DRIVEWAY •Vary clean! Encellent cond df CB deptn I nder 163 leal blue color 15 950 Completely fu n shed wtfi Fl 1 dirt tractor wo k tonl $7 800 or best olfer rrs Pr ce s $3 000 Ca I 4ft? d£67 or 768 0899 3»26 lull bath colored If grading - 693-C393 574 2274 574 6421 alter I eeier m cm te epnone 4/2 3306 Harry Crump Spm 4,-9 TOYOTA CELICA GT I ft rnotor boat dock ta kie FOF 5ALE 32 fool Pe na back 5 speed AMFM ar *> it shes bedd ng etc Rent U c afi spo t f sh ng boat CAMARO 1974 looks and i°rj/*h e excel erl cond pa d 11 Oct (central loca PAINTING w r 275 H P eig ne rab ne furs greal Chrome wheels t on Icyota dealer rra n tlon U S 27 near Seb ing) SPECIALISTS v Ir bf^ ni top dual con 3 speed 350engne AM FM ta tied all serv ces Teacher 1/26 trot W ifiou! gger $12000 Interior & Exterior cassette new t res and ex must sell 14 500 Call etes 3 472 3531 Condot Moblla Homes haust w th chrome a de ex 482 5845 4/2 OWN YOUR OWN LOT ""• Slngls Family Commercial SI 800 FIRM It park n odet w Ih sc een CARVER 36 ft '954 Iw 1 997 B 4/9 rno-n Total electr c*nd fur Free Estimates MGB 1977 BODY 99'. sc iw loaded cwner wants nshed Corner lot $37 900 Siftotd EnttrpilsH New lop nechancatly ex to ieal SeaRay 1978 24 It 1969 MERCURY convert ble Tat'e motor home n trade 466-9165 celtenl low or ginai 250 Merc 10 extra clean ot PS PB Power wlrdows m teage $2 8^0 FIRM W II rent lor Smonih m ni lets Sanlbtt Mtilna and seals AM FM no rust' mum 466 593! 4 j HOUSESlTTtNG AND 472*778 47* 2723 4 3 CAflETAKING SERVICE Of No dents! EiceUen cond tered by mature lespons lion Asking $3000 472 bio couple in San fc»l Cap 0838 3 26 dtVILLE Ful f equ pped D tiva aea hone 997 1179 leaihe Ini" lor unde coat ELECTRONIC AND BOAT Ask for Gal Ooi leave 1984 MAZDA RX7 GSL rust proofed 55 000 m I your home or pet un Spa kte black w th bu ownej, 466-6235 attended gundy leather inter or sun EQUIPMENT SALE root 5 speed c uise power ONE OtVNER 1980 Sunb d w ndows and steer ng a r DIXIE SATELLITES Spo t Coupe N ce ond FM cassette stereo wl ton AMFM sie eo Phone The Choice is yours Dix e Ma na VHF Rad o Reg $295 00 Now $149 95 s ex equal zet t nted windows 481 7037 has It all Service Instalta low m leage car is perfect VHFRadO Reg $269 95 NOWJ169 95 Depth Finder lion and Paris THE BEST $11200 Caleves 4721902 84 OLDSMOB1LE OMEGA R«g $19995 Now$14995 Lp vrance X3 F ih F naer FOR LESS Hund eds ol s 43 4 door cru se cent o AC f Reg $462 50 Now $209 95 40 i-Ofl All Woo sey Top t/stems Insta led We can AKC D08EBMANS 4 malts one owner 22 000 m es side S Botlomslde Pa n Lowes' prices in S W Flor da learupany syslem 1 fema e good tempeiment As Low as $9 95 a qua t Fibe giiss Res n $9 95 $43 75 78 LINCOLN MK V rebu It S6 000 Excellent cond! on piaia ot 41 good w children S25 each 5 gallons CGA FlaeKtS Re fold le s 489 4794 482 4596 & MORNING PLAY J2 00 3/8 Inch nyfon tine Rej ?tc Now 14c It 1/2 Inch down bench seat air condi 4/2 nylon I nt Reg 33c how 22c fl

o ,^mt&J^


S1-»i*r» AN! ~]M\ »t-ltATl *!»• !•[ Ii-Utt* Mil,

1973 23 FT CUDDY cab DAVES OUTBOARD ana 14 SAILBOAT wlh Ira lei 1979 24 WEUCRAFT AIR nils at infest Go •vSckenrJer N * 265 VH e Sen 0 p 11a ne Se ce 420 Class s cap Exec! enl SLOT W» k* ound Cuddy rt, ng nya iv Ch ys e 30CoU(jr e Good iu no ed OVC Sle n D e stdnd ng rt runn n^ at ntj ebu I 235 C an 84 pt>We V9 f- (c a (i. u F n ude Johnson Safe so


Professional Commun(catIons Sanibet s First and Only ISLAND FRAMING Advertise 2426 PALM RiDGE ROAD ANSWERING SERVICE SANIBEL FLORIDA 33957 24 Hours a day — 365 days a year Your Service Here Low Rales Hd yout Ktdi IK Cujltw FAST, EFFICIENT, CONFIDENTIAL ^ Maximum Coverage Reasonable Riles Phone • Pagers Available 466 0500 TODAY • Typing Services 472-1323

GENERAL.$EMlCES;i EASTER CANDY . 4 Take Come a del It o :^ Mon Sal !O 5 2Z4a Flo ence Wjy UJQEUJUi 472 382S ^Budget- i Co nerof Flotence & Ta pon Bay (4 Advertise Your Service Heie AND PRINTING ff)hOt SANIBEL 472 0086 Low lates Maximum Coverage CAPTIVA 472 9600 \ rHEISLAHDCA\tR/onibel A Phone SHOP fORFUMS 466 0500 (itli. ACCtSSOBIES TOOAY MAC«Nt j57i pe w nklpWa^ --..•"•*"• HablialVv;ss;; Free 1 Mt A77 1096 Pickup Service VACAN :y cHiECKs ^ :(Ucir«»d, lin<(•• TAX Emiriinc Wltir Exlnctltn RETURNS FKt Rtsl» atlcr) Sarvlcia ; . A COUNTING SEFH1CES ' ELECTRONICS; FINANC AL PLANNING BUS N^ssciARtU^S PROFESS ONAl CONFIDENT al SfcflVICE WILLIAM EL BOSWELL -^CERTIF ED WOOSTER TV & APPLIANCES PUBLIC ACCOJ TAfJT .. SIO.flilcirtTM

SALES - RENTALS • SERVICE 472 6869 :<-•?-'JFnw•tllmuMincirryInTVi• \VE MAKE tiKUdlttalmal Ant Pr»t»n PlUii; »44 • TV • Uaioi Appliances HOUSECALLS • St«rao < Air Cond Honing I y "On Island" Service for HOME/MMOVEMENT Your T V or Appliance SENTRY WT • 24 Hour Emergency Ssrvice SECURITY 24J2 Palm Ridge Road ' SYSTEM FOULKS FOREST Burglary, Fire, Medical (ts i /. *,• tu ij»r 472-1231 COUNTER TOP RESURFACING PO Box 1225 San'bel Isl TV REPAIR BY PROFESSIONALS Service on all brands Nave Bring Your TV In For Fa^l Service Advertise Plumbing Your Service Here Q Low Rates Andersen's TV Marimum Coverage Phone Miner's Plaza 466.0500 DECORATING TODAY 481-8111 uw Ann QOCO 2244A Periwinkle Way ^ Co U72 nol

TARPON BAY ELECTRIC 1 SANIBEL o Train to be a ised 2416 B Palm Ridge Rd , Sanibel TRAVEL AGENT SWEEPERS TOUR GUIDE „ New Construction — Service Calls Hcne off ce AIR LINE ~~~ Residential — Commercial condo rprtai RESERVATIONIST Electrical Wiring cleanings maid Sta tlocnilv GAVIN PLUMBING full t me pa 11 me REPA RS'REWQmS'NE V CO ."StFUJCTION Air Conditionmq service vacancy Eastern s computers 30 YEAR PfSIDENT Telephone Winrg and Service checks Financing available 12 YEARS P UM8 HG EXPERIENCE OS^ARUGAV H Licensed, Bonded Insured (813)472 2931 24-HOUR SERVICE - 472 9675 472-9270 1 800 432 3004



1983RINKER20 I Deep V 33 CUSTOM BUILT SAIL SOUP S^AV OPT IV 2b Lurtdy cab OMT V6 185 BOAT B nip A ?! Is H P Closed Cool rig Low a nqhy auloreim VHF- 43 ranee LFG 275 T Oeplh ad o He* cush cr4v a r F nde SST P op Potla leephone Dan o !h head COMPLETE SET MEHS Po ty Flar kit Convetbe OM 3 1* (J a I Wlson 1200 goU ci.bs 4 lop* thTauneaucove ful 2 000,097 2 wools fl (fons Sew g ps moot ng cove 4 whee Inc! d»s Dag and dead auTi num traief 25 hau s B FOOT DINGHY YACHt 4353 DOCK SPACt FOR RENT CQtin Must sell got nev[ loallme $iS9Q0nev Ask TENDER $775 '66 2636 P vale h me acco s lo bay sol SI75 Pt-yne 466 27*') [ngJJ2250 472 1095 327 3/27 and q ) W-F.pl altet 7 4 3 directory WRITE P O DRAWER R, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 339"57"


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SPARKLING BRIGHT This spaco FLAMINGOS ""A 472-285T „ CLEANING & PAINTING could be LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE I 1 Jr 472-Tile SERVICE yours! —^y ^ residential * commercial No job too large ^nSl&f ^ Serung Ihe residen s No job too small ^"Tr** r ol Sombel & Capiiva complete repair & remodeling service $3.50 Condo Specialist per 1 (813)472-0885 Privale Residences column inch 1 je t l Iff *" 0 JERRT FEHOUSON 997-6931 PO Box i3°2 • Scnbei Mr- aa 3^95 'Drywall Contracting by


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OPEN HOUSES 6300 Sanibel-Captiva Road Friday, March 28th 758 SANDDOLLAR DRIVE If you fish swim, boat and like lo shell 3-5 PM p on the beach" you It be delighted with Peaceful and quiet — Tree House 2 bed this two bedroom, two balh home with room/2 bath home surrounded Dy Palm OPEN HOUSE solar heated pool, patio boat dock, walk trees and naturally vegetated Located on An optn invitation to discover ing distance to tne beach, deeded large tot within wa king distance to beach, beach access, and the best fishing spot canal and shopping Your dream come living tit harmony with nature. In Shell Harbor This home also features true!!! Priced right at $135000 Mary Office Ik Model a family room and an eat in kitchen Mather, REALTOR Associate will be your Open Daily < ,y WHAT A VIEWI Priced at $245 000 Pre hostess Tin Itlitu fc SitHtxl UN> ID M ml u ir< It" sent all offers Call Rosalie Tipson, REALTOR Associate for more details

•mriS-mi ,|>K*il _f£ n. ,.n.siri,,i u,,li,-,. it...

1008 DeMere Lane Saturday, March 29th 2-4 PM Architect designed charming two bed Ollicis throughout Ihi Islands: room, two bath home Beach access nearby Furnished and ready for rental Shows beautifully Like new Offered at Snlbel $165000 Stop by to see this one of a • liaiW RnWwlW MM fl13)(77StSI SANIBEL SURFSIDE #224 kind home Polly Sesly Cosyns Broker A prescription to cure Island fever! Own Salesman will be your hostess this 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit, completely furnished and with a gulf view and room o to stretch your legs An excellent renta> ' or winter hideaway Owner asking ««I**?* GuB 0r« (*t*t 1>ftww P> $225,000 Call Betty or Bob BuYcock, X - °* Tauflta biinn «rf RtaURt i fl REALTOR Associates at our Dunes 9060 C y (k(kv»dd i*?o*?onnftwiOnrSW tf Comment} Sales Office, 472 1939 Capllvj n H. suit 977 Black Skimmer Way GULF PINES Saturday, March 29th 11-3 PM • COmmirclJl Division: Gulf Front subdivision, riverfront loca . Wf BMH» 6W* bit tion Great fishing and canoeing right in your back yard Lovely 3/2 family home fon l^es ttytZ* 3IW plus fireplace fans throughout, work shop garage 2 carports, playground of fice, plenty of storage sundeck plus much more All for $225 000 Sherry Anderson Broker Salesman will be your SPANISH CAY F-4 hostess _ ° GOLF or GULF Close lo Beachvlew goir course and across the slreet from Ihe NEW LOT LISTING ^ Gulf of Mexico Ground level 2 bedroon Tranquil freshwater lake homesile 2 bath furnished condominium In quiet within easy "walk by private access to adult orlentod complex with deeded the Gulf beaches Call Eric Rosen beach access Asking $112,000 Call Broker Salesman for more details on Says it All Pete OKeelle, Broker Salesman for this beautiful lot in Sea Oats Sub more details division in Red Estate! The No. 11ndependent REALTOR in Southwest Florida
