J CLASSIC SMILEY'S TENNIS PEOPLE SPORTS, WB ] STYLE, 1B r o 2 SECTIONS 60 PAG) S VOLUME t3 NUMBEF 20 island MARCH 27 19S6 SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA Planners discuss commercial growth, © & regulations needed to end moratorium By Earl Hartman ith thrtc new shop) ing cintus due tu hi complttitl nt xt month iind a moratorium W on comrri rcial build n% on Sinihel still tn effect after a year banitcl flaming rommm nn spert much of their meeting Tuesday d scussing new regulations concerning commercial growth on the island f If the regulitions pr< posed are passed city o planners say thii will assure lifting the preM nt commercial moratorium A plan presented to merchants last October restricted such tourist supported businesses as T shirt and shell shops boutiques and jewelrv stores — locating them ir just one zoning district a small section of the total commercial space they now occupy Those not In the p escribed district The Vi'Iage of Sanibel. one of three new shopping • please see COMMERCIAL 5A CEPD throws out Run 5, «, will seek new plan for apportionment By Paul Luthrlnger own draft plan for economic a| poriionnrnl Kite festival takes CCC \ice president Mike Cohei told commis aptiva Lrtoion Dre\ent on D >.trict s s opprs thit the best waj to a tin equitable ap flight... off the island apportionment plan for financing t t-tcl porti mmfnt would be. to divide Captna into four C erosion control projects prepared hy thi neighborhoods and base assessment** on s juare By Wendy McMulltn engineering company lelra Tech wis uninim ush footpge o tly your kite elsewhere said the dismissed bj the board a? a special nutting Tues tndtr the CCt phn thi first ne ghborhood fa'ls City of Sanibel io organizers schedul day night "^ beiwcen Blind Pass bridge an! thn S curves or G ing the eighth annual Islands Kite The motion to throw out computer Run 3 f a Gold Coast area tht; stcond bptween the S Festival financial apportionment plan initiated bj the cjr\es and lhe old post office curve Gr Iweert So they ha/e Right off the islands to Edison previous Cfc-iPD board and designc I bv Tetn Ttch \\ alers road area the third from the o'd post of Community College atnletlc field where the annual came from Commissioner Orville Schaeffer ^ho ficc cur\c lo th° new post off ce or the village ° Come Fly a Kite Day has been scheduled for" has complained on a numbir of occasions tha -ind the fourtn at South Seas Plantation a- Saturday April 12 at 9 a m TetraTechs method of financial apportioi mtnt In (he CCC plan South Seas owners would not The islands kite festival is traditionally held was skewed and inequitable a be charged for any new nourishment project or Easter Saturday on Sanibel s Lighthouse Beach The previous CEPD board had issued co ltracts erosion control measures since they had already However city officials claim the annual event of more tnan $80 000 to the California hued paij for a beach nourishment project five years caused hundreds of cars lo be turned away from engineering company to come up with an equitdb t ago Cohen said aiding that there is some 16 300 Lighthouse Beach parking tots and asked the plan s ]uare feet of beach south of thi 1 lantation up to organizers to change location suggesting the Schaeffer was charged with finding competeit Blind Pass Bridge causeway as a mort suitable place and qualified exper s lo sub-nit a new etonom c ^ince South Seas J'ian ill in res dents are will It was not prohibited citj rranager Gar> apportionment plan for erosion control ing to pay 23 percent '$940 Of 01 of t*ie entire ap Meanwhile the pro nourishment Concerned • plea 6 see CEPD 17A • please see KITE 13A Citizens of Captiva (CCO »tpi ready with thir Tin* bovity of Easter baskets ivas Easter week the work of Sanibel Elementary students who made and decor- around the islands ated the baskets in aster week is the time when tourists flock their art clasi last onto our islands and there are many events xieek. E for both visitors and tesidenls to remember Easter and enjoy on our islands Laster church services be[-in MtuntUy Thurs- day March 27 with C-ommunon at Sanibel Con gregational Church and Sannel Community Church both on Periwinkle Uay and holy euchanst at St Isabel s on Ssnibcl Captiva Road All begin at 7.30 p m 9 X W"*»* cc ClOoGoodd rndarndayy aatt 77 3 300 pp mm ththee ChanceChancell ChoiChoirr c of j^ jfeSt/^ ^c Sambel Community Chuch will be presenli Ar^BS£&^° 1^ A Service of Shadows" by I^ni Snytn a chora:horall W J&^L r Tenebrae presentation on the Passion of Christ' W r j^ v ^ Word is out that Saturda? from 1 3 p m thi f J 9^ *&£* ^strr BnnBLnnyy wiiill mkmakee a sjeciaspeciail slolopp atihat thee g Legion Post on Sanibel Captiva Road to hide some £ of his eggs which are redeemable for Ea«ter " prizes A photographer will be on hand to record • *«* • please see EASTER 19A MARCH 27 1966 ISLAND REPORTER 0 the island eye is|andcr« will be uhk to got a a breakfast A lion's share which includes pan of pancakes cikes ind sausige at and sausages the Community \ssociation Satur Youv htardot day The breakfast1^ i\\- hon s share row prepared and served c mes the 1 ion s by %ol inleer Lions hreakfast Tut (h*1 Mill bt served from two together and 1 7 11am at Sambel what do you get/ Con mjmt) A*socia Tne answer if you tion prior to and dur ask any Sambel ing the annual Capliva I ion s Club Symbol Community member n a feast' \ssociation Spring For just$2 9T Flea Market than bir 1* inrl mini Load Up and mals Hor da s y nat iral tnt ronmtnt shoot. *• for ind human intrrae photo tion Kith this en [ wire designed a poat "virnnment induding Cute as and shank to con\erl contest hunting fishing and a button to in tarring for With spring of olhtr elhiral uses of p erctd ears f ciallv here and the s at«s natural A new range of Judy Maupin then Florida s man) rtiiurces Onlv this earrings now in comc set aboil getting wildl ft spec-is b J«> cittg j ma/ include 14 Sanibe) stores was ! pitents hi\ing the »i h their life cjrles ptcjle the iijvertion^of Fort shanks manufactured it s a KnVil time to V*t rxpeel to Myers student Betsy . commercially out of toad your enrrera publish winners in Maupin surgical wire packag with frssh '•olor slide our Scptcnrucr It was jewelry ed into neat little film andtfakf pic Octobtr and designer Judy packs of eight inter tures Nothing is u November Dtcember Maupin Betsy i changable buttons more beautify) than 19^6 issues tditor mother who f rst I and marketing thi nature at this time of John Walirs Jr e« noted that decorative idea >ear' pla ned and we will buttons would make She no* his some \nd idd to string *~ pa> our usual rates attractive earrings if [ 200 outlets in pholograi h\ fun I a'id on our us*, of a way could be found S Southwest Florida in hi n/a Htldlje Ihc winning shots to attach them to j eluding 14 on Sanibcl magazine H offi ring I as*>>t<.r pierced ears She I and has just finished T I98o nature Waters added wt tried to design a j redesigning the photography contest pi I Sfjuto the top fastener but to no 22 -ntr es package into a fun Sponsored by the u avail j kit which shoppers her daughters Coca Cola or Honda Gamp and Official entr) When her 12 year can pick up at cash designs on the island McDonalds Jud> Fresh Water Fish forms ma) be obtain old daughter saw registers Another plan is to Maupin points out Commission ed b)^writing Florida some pretty earrings ! And she has in i produce buttons with they could be used in publisher olHjridn Wildlife Photo Con six months later she ! troduced a special company logos for promot ons or to \UldUfp this>ea's test 620 S Meniian reiterated the same line with the legend | major beverage match the buttons on contest has four Tallahassee Fl idea and experimen Sambel Buttons b> s distributors or fast the outf ts of staff categories wild £2301 enclosing a ting with twisted Betsy for the sale of 1 food chains such as hirdi uil 1 mammals self addrcied wild animals other stamped envelope FOCUS ON: ed the shop to get-1 c^ats I tried to clean says but adds her Mary rid of the shells his it up and finally peo philosophy is pretty late wife an av d pie began to notice much the same as Bridell shellar brought there was a # when Ken was alive n horns c woman s touch The two of Ihem n the days before As soon as she She continued 3 depended mostly en the causeway brought the shells in working for the elec repeat business and S was built running the front doo Ken tr c compary Irom found themselves a shell shop on pitched them out which she retired makinq as Tnany Sanlbel was a non the back says about 10 years ago new Iripnds as sell chalant thing ac Mary After she al er 15 years of ser mg shells cording to veteran, died he had such a vice Mary has no plans shell shop owner big pile he decided We got marr ed for ret rement and Ken taught me 1 iust don t tet Mary Bridell to start a shell shop D We d close down In those days how to grind shells the shop manage when the ferry left there was Ken s and how to cle^n me dnd I still close and open up when it Shell Shop and M then by putting on up in May and open arrived she com Jim s ShPlI Shop % gloves up to here so aga n in men led she says Now | you could put your September But now while there are at least ten arm in a 15 or 20 She stops a Sanibel seasheli on Sanlbel alone * gallon drum of grandmother about ''shops come and go Ken tried to get chlorine Mary sa d to buy a shell whis Ken s on FiUhugh store people in ° add ng that they had tic lor a grander! Id Street is an insiltu terested in shell* t to clean everyth ng Blow it and see if it
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