Biology 2008-2009 press.princeton.educatagory •  1 Textbooks 17 Biomechanics 4 Ecology 18 Mathematical Biology 8 Evolution 20 Field Guides 12 Behavior 28 General Interest 14 Ocean Sciences 37 Index/Order Form

Welcome to Princeton’s Biology list, which features many new and exciting titles. As we continue to grow our list of outstanding textbooks, we are proud to an- nounce Benjamin Bolker’s Ecological Models and Data in R, the first truly practical introduction to modern statistical methods for ecology. Instructors will also want to check out James Clark’s Models for Ecological Data, Sarah Otto and Troy Day’s A Biologist’s Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution, Matt Keeling and Pejman Rohani’s Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals, and William Karasov’s and Carlos Martínez del Rio’s Physiological Ecology.

Readers also won’t want to miss a provocative and controversial new book by Robert Park. In Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science, Park attacks what he sees as the pervasive influence of superstition and pseudoscience in what is suppos- edly an era of scientific objectivity.

Those interested in the Ocean Sciences will also find several new books. Mark Denny’s How the Ocean Works is an accessible introduction to marine science. Also be sure to check out Jorge Sarmiento and Nicolas Gruber’s Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics and Robert Ballard’s Archaeological Oceanography. And, as always, we have several important new books in ecology, including Exploring Animal Social Networks by Darren Croft et al., Theories of Population Variation in Genes and Genomes by Freddy Bugge Christiansen, and Infectious Disease Ecology edited by Ostfeld et al.

Last but not least there are several great new field guides and natural history titles, including a new edition of Hadoram Shirihai’s A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife and two guides of international conservation importance: Andrew Smith and Yan Xie’s A Guide to the of China and Charles Francis’s A Guide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia.

Robert Kirk Executive Editor, Biological Sciences & Natural History

Alison Kalett Editor, Biological & Sciences

Cover image: Sharknose goby Elacatinus evelynae on brain coral by Laszlo Ilyes/Creative Commons letter from the editor For Course Use: Professors who wish to consider a book from this catalog for course use may TEXT request an examination copy. For more information please visit:

Forthcoming New Archaeological Physiological Ecology Oceanography How Animals Process Energy, Edited by Robert D. Ballard Nutrients, and Toxins William H. Karasov & See page 14 for details. Carlos Martínez del Rio

September 2008. 296 pages. 170 color illus. 8 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-12940-2 $45.00 | £26.95 See page 5 for details.

2007. 744 pages. 40 halftones. 242 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-07453-5 $65.00 | £38.95 Forthcoming Ecological Models and Data New in R Modeling Infectious Diseases Benjamin M. Bolker in Humans and Animals See page 4 for details. Matt J. Keeling & Pejman Rohani

September 2008. 400 pages. 99 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-12522-0 $55.00 | £32.95 See page 19 for details.

2007. 384 pages. 141 line illus. 7 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-11617-4 $65.00 | £38.95 New Theories of Population Mathematics in Nature Variation in Genes and Modeling Patterns in the Natural World John A. Adam Genomes Freddy Bugge Christiansen See page 19 for details.

2006. 416 pages. 24 color illus. 84 line illus. 9 tables. See page 8 for details. Pa: 978-0-691-12796-5 $24.95 | £14.95 Not for sale in South Asia Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology

2008. 432 pages. 100 color illus. 100 line illus. 46 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13367-6 $75.00 | £44.95

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: textbooks •  Principles of Animal New Locomotion How the Ocean Works R. McNeill Alexander An Introduction to Oceanography Mark Denny See page 17 for details. See page 15 for details. 2006. 384 pages. 105 line illus. 6 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12634-0 $45.00 | £26.95 2008. 344 pages. 148 color illus. 7 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-08678-1 $85.00 | £50.00 Pa: 978-0-691-12647-0 $45.00 | £26.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12646-3 $99.50 | £59.95 Atlantic Shorelines Natural History and Ecology Dynamic Models in Biology Mark D. Bertness Stephen P. Ellner & John Guckenheimer See page 6 for details. See page 18 for details. 2006. 464 pages. 69 color plates. 327 line illus. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12554-1 $45.00 | £26.95 2006. 352 pages. 10 halftones. 90 line illus. 15 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12553-4 $105.00 | £62.00 Pa: 978-0-691-12589-3 $52.50 | £30.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11843-7 $110.00 | £65.00 Models for Ecological Data An Introduction Second Edition James S. Clark Aquatic Photosynthesis Paul G. Falkowski & John A. Raven See page 18 for details. See page 15 for details. 2007. 632 pages. 163 line illus. 21 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12178-9 $67.50 | £40.00 2006. 512 pages. 8 color plates. 10 halftones. 145 line illus. 22 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-11551-1 $52.50 | £30.95 Models for Ecological Data—Lab Manual Cl: 978-0-691-11550-4 $105.00 | £62.00 2007. 152 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-12262-5 $19.95 | £11.95 How to Do Ecology Cornell Lab of Ornithology A Concise Handbook Handbook of Bird Biology Richard Karban & Mikaela Huntzinger Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology See page 6 for details. See page 25 for details. 2006. 168 pages. 10 line illus. 4 tables. 2004. 1,248 pages. 1,000+ illus. 8 1/2 x 11. Pa: 978-0-691-12577-0 $16.95 | £9.95 Cl: 978-0-938-02762-1 $99.50 | £59.95

 • textbooks A Biologist’s Guide to Comparative Biomechanics Mathematical Modeling in Life’s Physical World Ecology and Evolution Steven Vogel Sarah P. Otto & Troy Day See page 17 for details.

See page 6 for details. 2003. 592 pages. 234 line illus. 33 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-11297-8 $75.00 | £44.95

2007. 744 pages. 207 line illus. 22 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12344-8 $65.00 | £38.95 Fisheries Ecology and Second Edition Management Evolutionary Ecology of Carl J. Walters & Steven J. D. Martell

Parasites See page 16 for details.

Robert Poulin 2004. 448 pages. 95 line illus. 7 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-11545-0 $55.00 | £32.95 See page 11 for details. Cl: 978-0-691-11544-3 $115.00 | £67.50

2006. 360 pages. 109 line illus. 2 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12085-0 $42.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12084-3 $105.00 | £62.00

Introduction to Computational Science Modeling and Simulation for the Sciences Angela B. Shiflet & George W. Shiflet

See page 19 for details.

2006. 576 pages. 198 line illus. 62 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12565-7 $69.50 | £40.95

Population Ecology First Principles John H. Vandermeer & Deborah E. Goldberg

2003. 304 pages. 8 tables. 8 halftones. 88 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-11441-5 $47.50 | £27.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11440-8 $105.00 | £62.00 textbooks •  Forthcoming TEXT New Ecological Models and Data Infectious Disease Ecology in R Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and Benjamin M. Bolker of Disease on Ecosystems Edited by Richard S. Ostfeld, “I have no doubt that Felicia Keesing & Valerie T. Eviner this book will become a fixture on many “This book introduces ecologists’ bookshelves the latest thinking in an (it certainly will be on exciting new field in biol- mine). With a presenta- ogy: disease ecology. The tion that is gentle and authors assembled rep- encouraging rather resent the most diverse than jargon-filled and collection of experts ever intimidating, it empow- appearing together in one ers ecologists to develop book on the subject. Both their own statistical graduate students and procedures. I strongly recommend it.” readers from outside the —Timothy Essington, University of Washington field will find it exception- ally useful. It will be the source.” Ecological Models and Data in R is the first truly —Peter Kareiva, Nature Conservancy practical introduction to modern statistical methods for ecology. In step-by-step detail, the News headlines are forever reporting diseases book teaches ecology graduate students and that take huge tolls on humans, wildlife, domestic researchers everything they need to know in animals, and both cultivated and native plants order to use maximum likelihood, information- worldwide. These diseases can also completely theoretic, and Bayesian techniques to analyze transform the ecosystems that feed us and provide their own data using the programming language us with other critical benefits, from flood control R. Drawing on extensive experience teaching to water purification. And yet diseases sometimes these techniques to graduate students in ecol- serve to maintain the structure and function of the ogy, Benjamin Bolker shows how to choose ecosystems on which humans depend. among and construct statistical models for data, Gathering thirteen essays by forty leading estimate their parameters and confidence limits, experts who convened at the Cary Conference and interpret the results. The book also covers at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies in 2005, statistical frameworks, the philosophy of statisti- this book develops an integrated framework for cal modeling, and critical mathematical functions understanding where these diseases come from, and probability distributions. It requires no what ecological factors influence their impacts, programming background—only basic calculus and how they in turn influence ecosystem and statistics. dynamics. It marks the first comprehensive and Benjamin M. Bolker is a theoretical ecologist in in-depth exploration of the rich and complex the Department of Zoology at the University of linkages between ecology and disease. Florida. Richard S. Ostfeld is senior scientist at the September 2008. 400 pages. 99 line illus. Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Felicia Keesing is Cl: 978-0-691-12522-0 $55.00 | £32.95 associate professor of biology at Bard College. Valerie T. Eviner is assistant professor of plant sciences at the University of California, Davis.

2008. 520 pages. 66 line illus. 21 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12485-8 $45.00 | £26.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12484-1 $99.50 | £59.95

 • ecology New TEXT New Physiological Ecology What Bugged the ? How Animals Process Energy, Insects, Disease, and Death in the Nutrients, and Toxins Cretaceous William H. Karasov & George Poinar, Jr. & Roberta Poinar Carlos Martínez del Rio “Thanks to the astonish- “This book fills a ingly detailed evidence major gap in the provided by insects ecological and physi- trapped in amber, we ological literature in know that insects the most delightful competed with dinosaurs way. An exciting for food, preyed on journey into the them, scavenged their wondrous mechani- corpses and cleared away cal world behind their droppings. Most the great diversity importantly perhaps, of animals on earth, they infected them with it is an exhaustive thousands of different diseases and parasites. The overview of everything to do with resource pro- authors . . . even go so far as to argue that these cessing and use in animals. From page to page it diseases may have been the killing blow that demonstrates the seamless connection between finally pushed the dinosaurs into extinction. What[ ecology and physiology. The writing was a joy to Bugged the Dinosaurs?] does an excellent job of read; the authors are in command of the subject bringing to life the mini-beasts of the Mesozoic.” and write lucidly about it.” —Luis Villazon, BBC Focus Magazine —Theunis Piersma, University of Groningen and Millions of years ago in the Cretaceous period, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex—with its dagger- Unlocking the puzzle of how animals behave like teeth for tearing its prey to ribbons—was and how they interact with their environments undoubtedly the fiercest carnivore to roam the is impossible without understanding the Earth. Yet as What Bugged the Dinosaurs? reveals, physiological processes that determine their use T. rex was not the only killer. George and Roberta of food resources. But long overdue is a user- Poinar show how insects—from biting sand flies friendly introduction to the subject that system- to disease-causing parasites—dominated life on atically bridges the gap between physiology the planet and played a significant role in the life and ecology. Here, William Karasov and Carlos and death of the dinosaurs. Martínez del Rio present the first accessible and A scientific adventure story from the authors authoritative one-volume overview of the physi- whose research inspired Jurassic Park, What ological and biochemical principles that shape Bugged the Dinosaurs? offers compelling how animals procure energy and nutrients and evidence of how insects directly and indirectly free themselves of toxins—and how this relates contributed to the dinosaurs’ demise. to broader ecological phenomena. George Poinar, Jr., is currently in the Zoology William H. Karasov is professor of wildlife ecol- Department at Oregon State University. Roberta ogy at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Poinar is a retired research scientist. Carlos Martínez del Rio is professor of zoology and physiology at the University of Wyoming, 2008. 296 pages. 61 color illus. 39 line illus. Laramie. Cl: 978-0-691-12431-5 $29.95 | £17.95

2007. 744 pages. 40 halftones. 242 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-07453-5 $65.00 | £38.95 ecology •  Honorable Mention, 2007 Award for Best Professional/Scholarly Book in Biological Sciences, Association of American Publishers TEXT A Biologist’s Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution Sarah P. Otto & Troy Day

“A gentle but thorough introduction to the mathematical techniques employed in ecological and evolutionary theory. Readers who . . . finish this well-written book will be prepared to read and understand a sizeable frac- tion of the current literature.” —Donald L. EeAngelis, Quarterly Review of Biology

“A wonderfully pedagogical introduction to mathematical modeling in population biology: an ideal first course for biologists.” —Simon A. Levin, Princeton University

2007. 744 pages. 207 line illus. 22 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12344-8 $65.00 | £38.95

Atlantic Shorelines TEXT How to Do Ecology TEXT Natural History and Ecology A Concise Handbook Mark D. Bertness Richard Karban & Mikaela Huntzinger “The major strength of this book is “[A] refreshing, concise Bertness’ ability to work aimed primarily at present important those contemplating or concepts and ideas performing ecological in a conversational research studies. The text, one which authors’ approach will be should be engaging equally beneficial to those to students. I think he in various other areas of does an excellent job study. . . . Highly recom- in pulling together mended.” many fields of study —Choice (geology, hydrology, and ecology) in a way that shows the interconnectedness of these fields on “How to Do Ecology contains much of the sage the Atlantic shorelines.” advice that good supervisors have been giving —Mary Crowe, Ecology their postgraduate students for years. . . . [I]t’s absolutely correct and vital information.” “A definite seashore man at heart, Bertness has —Robyn K. Whipp, Austral Ecology produced a wonderful general introduction and 2006. 168 pages. 10 line illus. 4 tables. field guide to the ecology of shoreline communi- Pa: 978-0-691-12577-0 $16.95 | £9.95 ties of the North American coast.” —Biology Digest

2006. 464 pages. 69 color plates. 327 line illus. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12554-1 $45.00 | £26.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12553-4 $105.00 | £62.00

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at:  • ecology Winner of the 2007 Wildlife Publications Award, Outstanding Edited Book Category, The Wildlife Mechanistic Home Range Society Analysis Handbook of Capture- Paul R. Moorcroft & Mark A. Lewis

Recapture Analysis “This new book provides Edited by Steven C. Amstrup, Trent an original starting point L. McDonald & Bryan F. J. Manly for new directions in the analysis of territorial “This is a good book for behavior.” anyone with a basic un- —Donald Kramer, Katrine derstanding of capture- Turgeon, and Patrick recapture models who Leighton, Quarterly Review wants to develop their of Biology knowledge and apply these techniques to their “This book greatly ad- own data. Exactly what a vances our rather simple handbook should be!” and descriptive view of animal home ranges. —Laura Cowen, Quarterly It will have a profound effect on the analysis of Review of Biology animal movement data.” —Joshua J. Millspaugh, University of Missouri “The editors have done an admirable job in try- ing to make complex capture-recapture models Monographs in Population Biology accessible to a greater range of field-based 2006. 208 pages. 20 color illus. 4 halftones. 57 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-00928-5 $42.00 | £24.95 ecologists.” Cl: 978-0-691-00927-8 $90.00 | £53.00 —David Wilson, Austral Ecology

2006. 336 pages. 20 halftones. 6 line illus. 74 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-08968-3 $55.00 | £32.95 Individual-based Modeling Cl: 978-0-691-08967-6 $120.00 | £71.00 and Ecology Volker Grimm & Steven F. Railsback

Self-Organization in “This seminal book truly Complex Ecosystems deserves to be called the Ricard V. Solé & Jordi Bascompte founding text for the growing field of indi- “Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems is an vidual-based modeling excellent book, and could very well be the very and the broader program best of its type.” of individual-based ecol- —Timothy F. H. Allen, BioScience ogy. Core procedures and standards for formulating, “This book is an outstandingly good summary of parameterizing, testing, where we currently stand in the field of ecology. and communicating such It draws together, in a clear and synoptic way, a models have long been large variety of new ideas and supporting them lacking. Even the basic definitions have been where possible and appropriate by data.” missing. In one stroke, Grimm and Railsback —Robert M. May, University of Oxford provide all of those things.”

Monographs in Population Biology —Don DeAngelis, author of Dynamics of Nutrient

2006. 384 pages. 112 line illus. 6 tables. Cycling and Food Webs Pa: 978-0-691-07040-7 $52.50 | £30.95 Cl: 978-0-691-07039-1 $110.00 | £65.00 Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology 2005. 448 pages. 12 halftones. 34 line illus. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-09666-7 $55.00 | £32.95 Cl: 978-0-691-09665-0 $110.00 | £65.00 ecology •  New Analysis of Evolutionary Processes The Adaptive Dynamics Approach and Its Applications Fabio Dercole & Sergio Rinaldi

“This is a major achievement—a self-contained presentation of the adaptive dynamics approach, of its role within evolutionary theory, and of the kind of evolutionary dynamics that can be predicted. I believe it will become a standard text for researchers and students in evolutionary dynamics. To my knowledge there is no other book that presents the theory of AD, places it in a proper biological context, and develops it with an approach that is mathematically sound but not overwhelming.” —Andrea Pugliese, University of Trento, Italy

Quantitative approaches to evolutionary biology traditionally consider evolution- ary change in isolation from an important pressure in natural selection: the demography of coevolving populations. In Analysis of Evolutionary Processes, Fabio Dercole and Sergio Rinaldi have written the first comprehensive book on Adaptive Dynamics (AD), a quantitative modeling approach that explicitly links evolutionary changes to demographic ones. The book shows how the so-called AD canonical equation can answer questions of paramount interest in biology, engineering, and the social sciences, especially economics.

Fabio Dercole is assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy. Sergio Rinaldi is professor of system theory at Politecnico di Milano and holds an appointment with the IIASA Evolution and Ecology Program.

Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology

2008. 352 pages. 6 halftones. 102 line illus. 10 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12006-5 $65.00 | £38.95

New TEXT Theories of Population Variation in Genes and Genomes Freddy Bugge Christiansen

This textbook provides an authoritative introduction to both classical and co- alescent approaches to population genetics. Written for graduate students and advanced undergraduates by one of the world’s leading authorities in the field, the book focuses on the theoretical background of population genetics, while emphasizing the close interplay between theory and empiricism. Traditional topics such as genetic and phenotypic variation, mutation, migration, and linkage are covered and advanced by contemporary coalescent theory, which describes the genealogy of genes in a population, ultimately connecting them to a single common ancestor. Effects of selection, particularly genomic effects, are discussed with reference to molecular genetic variation. The book is de- signed for students of population genetics, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, molecular evolution, and theoretical biology—as well as biologists, molecular biologists, breeders, biomathematicians, and biostatisticians.

Freddy Bugge Christiansen is professor of population biology at the University of Aarhus in Denmark.

Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology

2008. 432 pages. 100 color illus. 100 line illus. 46 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13367-6 $75.00 | £44.95

 • evolution Princeton Series in Evolutionary Biology H. Allen Orr, series editor

Evolution lies at the heart of the modern life sciences. In the Princeton Series in Evolutionary Biology, outstand- ing scientists tackle core issues and emerging challenges in monographs, texts, and synthetic studies.

New New How and Why Species Dynamics of Cancer Multiply Incidence, Inheritance, and The Radiation of Darwin’s Finches Evolution Peter R. Grant & Steven A. Frank B. Rosemary Grant “Dynamics of Cancer emphasizes both the “Distilled into 200 multiscale dynamics of pages, this is the the disease and an ap- life’s work of two of proach that synthesizes evolutionary biology’s empirical knowledge greatest advocates, with parsimonious, Peter and Rosemary mathematical theory. Grant. In this book they Frank moves the field meld insights from forward, narrowing the geography, behaviour, gap between a tragic ecology and genetics disease of everyday life to paint a complex but and the Darwinian world of the genome.” compelling picture of —David C. Krakauer, Science the evolutionary process. [A] must-have primer for any biology student.” The onset of cancer presents one of the most —Henry Nicholls, New Scientist fundamental problems in modern biology. In Dynamics of Cancer, Steven Frank produces the Charles Darwin’s experiences in the Galápagos first comprehensive analysis of how particular Islands in 1835 helped to guide his thoughts genetic and environmental causes influence toward a revolutionary theory: that species the age of onset. were not fixed but diversified from their ances- tors over many generations, and that the driv- Steven A. Frank is professor of biology at the ing mechanism of evolutionary change was University of California, Irvine. natural selection. In this concise, accessible book, Peter and Rosemary Grant explain what 2007. 400 pages. 5 halftones. 106 line illus. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-13366-9 $39.50 | £23.95 we have learned about the origin and evolu- Cl: 978-0-691-13365-2 $99.50 | £59.95 tion of new species through the study of the finches made famous by that great scientist: Also by Steven A. Frank Darwin’s finches. Immunology and Evolution Peter R. Grant is the Class of 1877 Professor of of Infectious Disease Zoology at Princeton University. B. Rosemary Grant is a senior research scholar in the De- 2002. 352 pages. 40 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-09595-0 $42.00 | £24.95 partment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University. Foundations of Social 2008. 272 pages. 120 color illus. 46 line illus. 3 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13360-7 $35.00 | £19.95 Evolution

1998. 280 pages. 2 tables. 39 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-05934-1 $47.50 | £27.95 evolution •  New Paperback New Paperback One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2006 Robustness and Extinction Evolvability in Living How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago Systems Douglas H. Erwin Andreas Wagner

“[Erwin’s] accessible new “Wagner contributes book, Extinction—written, significantly to the emerg- it seems, both to persuade ing view that natural his colleagues and to edu- selection is just one, and cate a lay audience—is maybe not even the most told from the perspective fundamental, source of of a forensic scientist biological order.” trying to piece together —Greg Gibson, Science a quarter-billion-year-old “Wagner’s treatise is more crime scene.” than good biology; it is —Joshua Foer, Washington also very interesting biol- Post Book World ogy. The picture is painted by talented hands. . . . “Extinction provides a great reference for re- If I have a favorite aspect of the book, it is the searchers and the interested lay reader alike.” meticulous yet insightful analysis of neutral —Andrew M. Bush, Science spaces and their relevance for the main themes of the book.” Douglas H. Erwin is senior scientist and curator in —Eörs Szathmáry, Nature the Department of Paleobiology at the Smithso- nian’s National Museum of Natural History and an Andreas Wagner is professor of biochemistry at external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute. the University of Zurich.

Princeton Studies in Complexity 2008. 320 pages. 32 halftones. 32 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-13628-8 $19.95 | £11.95 2007. 384 pages. 22 halftones. 51 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-00524-9 $24.95 | £14.95 Pa: 978-0-691- 13404-8 $35.00 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12240-3 $65.00 | £38.95

One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2007 Why Size Matters From Bacteria to Blue Whales John Tyler Bonner

“Bonner argues that size is a driving force for all of biology. . . . [H]e demon- strates convincingly [that] size dictates everything from an animal’s shape and appearance to its locomotion, speed, voice and social organization.” —Wray Herbert, Washington Post Book World

“A masterful and engaging work, elegant in its simplicity despite its subject’s complexity.” —Susan Lumpkin, Zoogoer

2006. 176 pages. 35 line illus. 1 table. Cl: 978-0-691-12850-4 $18.95 | £11.50

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 10 • evolution Winner of the 2004 Award for Best Professional/ Scholarly Book in Geology and Earth Science, Lowly Origin Association of American Publishers Where, When, and Why Our Ancestors Nature First Stood Up An Economic History Jonathan Kingdon Geerat J. Vermeij “[I]n Kingdon we find a primate who is unafraid to give the establishment a good hard shake, “Novel and intriguing. . . . and whose keen powers of observation and [Nature] offers a distinc- reasoning make him impossible to summarily tive point of view and dismiss. . . . Indeed so packed with novel ideas is an insightful synthesis Lowly Origin that it presents us with a picture of that promises to provide human evolution quite unlike anything that has the basis of much future come before it.” work.” —Tim Flannery, New York Review of Books —Douglas H. Erwin, Science 2004. 416 pages. 55 halftones. 16 line illus. 2 tables. 22 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-12028-7 $26.95 | £15.95 Cl: 978-0-691-05086-7 $60.00 | £35.00 “Vermeij is one of the master naturalists of our time, and his command of the subtleties of Winner of the 2003 Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in animal interactions is exceptional. I think anyone Science can learn a great deal from this book.” Life on a Young Planet —Richard K. Bambach, American Scientist The First Three Billion Years of “Vermeij, a well-known paleontologist and Evolution on Earth observer of nature writ large, has written a Andrew H. Knoll marvelously interdisciplinary work that makes an important contribution to the literature of “Andrew Knoll is an ideal guide through this complex adaptive systems.” early phase of life’s history on the Earth. . . . Life —Eric J. Chaisson, Quarterly Review of Biology on a Young Planet . . . expresses better than most the bumptious vitality and sheer fun of open- 2006. 464 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-12793-4 $19.95 | £11.95 minded research.” Cl: 978-0-691-11527-6 $49.50 | £29.95 —Stefan Bengtson, Nature

Princeton Science Library Second Edition TEXT 2004. 296 pages. 33 color illus. 25 halftones. 47 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-12029-4 $22.95 | £13.50 Evolutionary Ecology of Parasites Robert Poulin Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of Species “This book, like the first edition, will be a leading Sergey Gavrilets text in its field. The style of writing is superbly lucid and well organized. The discussion flows “This is a . . . rich book, full of sober, well-consid- from one topic to the next, creating continuum. ered insights, and there is a sense of real progress Poulin covers an impressive range of information in understanding the variety of situations in which on parasite ecology and evolution.” speciation can occur. Any investment in this book —R. C. Tinsley, Parasitology is well rewarded.”

2006. 360 pages. 109 line illus. 2 tables. —Brett Calcott, Austral Ecology Pa: 978-0-691-12085-0 $42.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12084-3 $105.00 | £62.00 Monographs in Population Biology 2004. 496 pages. 85 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-11983-0 $55.00 | £32.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11758-4 $115.00 | £67.50 evolution • 11 Forthcoming Exploring Animal Social Networks Darren P. Croft, Richard James & Jens Krause

“This book introduces ecologists, behaviorists, and others studying social behavior to the methods of network analysis. It is clearly written and accessible to readers whose primary training is in biology, not physics, mathematics, or sociol- ogy—the fields in which network techniques have largely been developed. The book is method oriented, so that it can serve as a practical guide to how readers can analyze their own data.” —Stephen C. Pratt, Arizona State University

Social network analysis is used widely in the social sciences to study interactions among people, groups, and organizations, yet until now there has been no book that shows behavioral biologists how to apply it to their work on animal popula- tions. Exploring Animal Social Networks provides a practical guide for researchers, undergraduates, and graduate students in ecology, evolutionary biology, animal behavior, and zoology.

Darren P. Croft is lecturer in animal behavior at the University of Wales, Bangor. Richard James is senior lecturer in physics at the University of Bath. Jens Krause is professor of behavioral ecology at the Univer- sity of Leeds.

August 2008. 208 pages. 47 line illus. 17 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12752-1 $35.00 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12751-4 $75.00 | £44.95

One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2005 The Evolution of Animal A Natural History of Families Communication Scott Forbes Reliability and Deception in Signaling Systems “[Forbes] reveal[s] the many fascinating aspects William A. Searcy & Stephen Nowicki of human family life “William Searcy and and reproduction that Stephen Nowicki provide arise from evolutionary a fascinating perspective conflicts of interest.” on the honesty of signals —Jonathan Wright, in animal communication Nature systems. . . . [A] compre- “Forbes’s writing is hensive yet concise re- lively. . . . He explains view of what we currently evolutionary theory know concerning signal lucidly and well. . . . Forbes is good at explaining reliability in animals, the subtlety and frequent counter-intuitiveness enriched with many in- of current thinking on these topics.” depth examples.” —Seamus Sweeney, Times Literary Supplement —Katherine E. LeVan and Noah Wilson-Rich, Science 2007. 256 pages. 18 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-13035-4 $19.95 | £11.95 Monographs in Behavior and Ecology Cl: 978-0-691-09482-3 $52.50 | £30.95 2005. 288 pages. 45 line illus. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-07095-7 $47.50 | £27.95

12 • behavior Primates and Philosophers The Altruism Equation How Morality Evolved Seven Scientists Search for the Origins Frans de Waal of Goodness Edited by Stephen Macedo & Lee Alan Dugatkin Josiah Ober “Exhilerating. . . . [This] is “De Waal is one of an engaging book with the world’s foremost devoted enthusiasm for authorities on nonhu- the ideas of the main man primates, and his protagonist, William thoughtful contribution to Hamilton. . . . Dugatkin’s Primates and Philosophers . . . account offers much to is enriched by decades of think about.” close observation of their —Caroline Ash, Science behavior. . . . He argues “If evolution involves a that humans are like their competition for survival, closest evolutionary kin in then how can we explain altruism? Biologist Lee being moral by nature. . . . Dugatkin splendidly narrates a fast-paced tale of [A]n impressively well-focused collection of essays.” scientific breakthrough, genius and intellectual —John Gray, New York Review of Books history as he examines the lives of seven scien- “Exceptionally rich but always lucid. . . . Intellec- tists . . . whose groundbreaking work attempts to tual soul food for biology-minded ethicists.” answer this question. . . . This superb tale of scien- —Ray Olsen, Booklist tific discovery is required reading for everyone interested in the nature of human morality.” University Center for Human Values —Publishers Weekly 2006. 232 pages. 9 halftones. 3 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12447-6 $23.95 | £13.95 2006. 208 pages. 3 line illus. 1 table. Cl: 978-0-691-12590-9 $26.95 | £15.95

Mating Systems and Strategies Stephen M. Shuster & Michael J. Wade

“Timely. . . . It is a major landmark in the area of sexual selection and mating systems and is a must read for anyone interested in moving this field forward.” —Alexander V. Badyaev, Ecology

“The book delivers on its promise to present a thorough framework for quantita- tive analyses, and it does so with admirable clarity, guiding readers through the models so that any interested biologist can follow.” —Mary Jane West-Eberhard, Quarterly Review of Biology

Monographs in Behavior and Ecology

2003. 552 pages. 50 tables. 11 halftones. 86 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-04931-1 $52.50 | £30.95

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: behavior • 13 Forthcoming A Mechanistic Approach to Plankton Ecology Thomas Kiørboe

“A considerable achievement, this book is a vital addition to the field and an important tool in assisting interdisciplinary investigations in ocean biology.” —Susanne Menden-Deuer, Princeton University

The three main missions of any organism—growing, reproducing, and surviv- ing—depend on encounters with food and mates, and on avoiding encounters with predators. Through natural selection, the behavior and ecology of plankton organisms have evolved to optimize these tasks. This book offers a mechanistic approach to the study of ocean ecology by exploring biological interactions in plankton at the individual level. The book focuses on encounter mechanisms, since the pace of life in the ocean intimately relates to the rate at which encoun- ters happen.

Thomas Kiørboe is professor of ocean ecology at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark.

October 2008. 224 pages. 9 halftones. 71 line illus. 9 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13422-2 $39.50 | £23.95

Forthcoming TEXT Archaeological Oceanography Edited by Robert D. Ballard

“An excellent and accessible introduction to the work that Robert Ballard and his colleagues have done in the pioneering field of archaeology in the deep sea. This challenging new domain requires a mix of oceanography, archaeology, and engineering, and this volume shows how the best research seamlessly interweaves the three. A must-read for anyone inter- ested in exploring our sunken past.” —David Mindell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Archaeological Oceanography is the definitive book on the newly emerging field of deep-sea archaeology. Marine archaeologists have been finding and excavating underwater shipwrecks since at least the early 1950s, but until recently their explorations have been restricted to depths considered shallow by oceanographic standards. This book describes the latest advances that enable researchers to probe the secrets of the deep ocean, and the vital contributions these advances offer to archaeology and fields like maritime history and anthropology.

The contributors are Robert Ballard, Ali Can, Dwight F. Coleman, Mike J. Durbin, Ryan Eustace, Brendan Foley, Cathy Giangrande, Todd S. Gregory, Rachel Horlings, Jonathan Howland, Kevin McBride, James B. Newman, Dennis Piechota, Oscar Pizarro, Christopher Roman, Hanumant Singh, Cheryl Ward, and Sarah Webster.

Robert D. Ballard is president of the Institute for Exploration in Mystic, Connecticut, and professor of ocean- ography and director of the Institute for Archaeological Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island.

September 2008. 296 pages. 170 color illus. 8 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-12940-2 $45.00 | £26.95

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 14 • ocean sciences New TEXT How the Ocean Works An Introduction to Oceanography Mark Denny

“An elegant presentation of how the ocean works. Denny’s purpose is to review a selection of oceanographic topics to provide a background for considering such current public issues as climate change and marine fisheries. Accessible and enjoyable reading, and the scholarship is very sound.” —Nicholas D. Holland, University of California, San Diego

The world’s oceans account for roughly 71 percent of the planet’s surface and 99 percent of its livable volume. Any study of this huge habitat requires a solid foundation in the principles that underlie marine biology and physical and chemical oceanography, yet until now undergraduate textbooks have largely presented compilations of facts rather than explanations of principles. How the Ocean Works fills this gap, providing a concise and accessible college-level introduction to marine science that is also ideal for general readers.

Mark Denny is the John B. and Jean DeNault Professor of Marine Sciences at Stanford University.

2008. 344 pages. 148 color illus. 7 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12647-0 $45.00 | £26.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12646-3 $99.50 | £59.95

Geochemistry of TEXT Second Edition TEXT Marine Sediments Aquatic Photosynthesis David J. Burdige Paul G. Falkowski & John A. Raven

“Despite the complexity “[I]t is a pleasure to have of the medium and the this important volume processes occurring in back in print after a hiatus it, Burdige has written of several years. No other a comprehensive, well- text covers the subject as organized, thoroughly lucidly or completely as referenced, and highly this one, and that makes readable text. Marine it an extremely valuable sediments are important pedagogical reference. as habitats for life, in It will be a welcome geochemical cycling ele- addition to any library or ments, and as an essential personal collection.” record of the past. These themes are seamlessly —Richard C. Zimmerman, Limnology and integrated in the book, which should find a place Oceanography Bulletin on the shelves of anyone working in these areas.” 2006. 512 pages. 8 color plates. 10 halftones. 145 line illus. 22 tables. —Carol Arnosti, Limnology and Oceanography Pa: 978-0-691-11551-1 $52.50 | £30.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11550-4 $105.00 | £62.00 Bulletin

2006. 624 pages. 33 halftones. 75 line illus. 33 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-09506-6 $85.00 | £50.00 ocean sciences • 15 Whales, Dolphins, and Sensuous Seas Other Marine Mammals Tales of a Marine Biologist of the World Eugene H. Kaplan Hadoram Shirihai & Brett Jarrett “Eugene H. Kaplan has been teaching “Highly recommended. . . . marine biology for half The outstanding, well- a century, and shares his organized guide to the experience of bringing world’s marine mammals the subject alive. . . . provides a succinct out- Each of the 31 chapters line of the main groups opens with either one of and modern taxonomy. . . . Kaplan’s own memoirs The 450 color photos, or a scenario from his 500 other illustrations, imagination, before and 124 maps are clear exploring the marine and informative. . . . All biology behind the tale. . . . [T]he entertainment information, including a seldom flags. Kaplan’s book conveys the breadth glossary of unfamiliar terms, is provided in such and excitement of an education in marine biol- a way that this volume will be useful to both ogy. . . . [T]here is no stronger recommendation nonspecialists and professionals.” that I could make.” —Choice —Jon Copley, Nature

Princeton Field Guides 2006. 288 pages. 31 line illus. 2006. 384 pages. 476 color photos. 75 color plates. 124 color maps. Cl: 978-0-691-12560-2 $26.95 | £15.95 Pa: 978-0-691-12757-6 $24.95 | £14.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12756-9 $57.50 | £34.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union Fisheries Ecology and TEXT Management Ocean Biogeochemical Carl J. Walters & Steven J. D. Martell

Dynamics “An extremely valuable Jorge L. Sarmiento & book. . . . [W]e believe this Nicolas Gruber to be a very important text for fisheries ecology “This textbook is a and management.” monumental and —Reviews in Fish Biology masterful achieve- and Fisheries ment, and the authors should be “This book is the next ma- congratulated both jor contribution to the field for taking on this of fisheries science. Walters important task and and Martell provide fresh for the end result.” and non-intuitive perspectives on a variety of —David M. Karl, issues. . . . This will become a landmark work.” Bulletin of the —Jeffrey Hutchings, Dalhousie University American Society for 2004. 448 pages. 95 line illus. 7 tables. Limnology and Oceanography Pa: 978-0-691-11545-0 $55.00 | £32.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11544-3 $115.00 | £67.50 2006. 528 pages. 8 color plates. 102 halftones. 178 line illus. 62 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-01707-5 $75.00 | £44.95

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 16 • ocean sciences One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic TEXT Bones Titles for 2004 Structure and Mechanics John D. Currey Comparative Biomechanics Life’s Physical World “Currey’s book admirably Steven Vogel accomplishes the goal of making the vast field of “A delightful and research into bone me- comprehensive text- chanics and adaptations book that is perfect accessible to serious for undergraduates investigators in other and those of us who disciplines. . . . It conveys need a refresher. . . . the contagious enthusi- Vogel writes with an asm of a mentor guiding effervescent sense of his reader into the heart delight in his subject. of his specialty.” The text is laced with —Mary W. Marzke, American Journal of Human wit and humor, and Biology sprinkled with eclec- tic examples of nature’s many marvels. None of “A remarkable summary of bone structure and the fun, however, diminishes the clarity.” mechanics, full of interesting insights and cre- —Daniel E. Lieberman, Nature ative thoughts to spark dozens of dissertations. I am glad to have it on my shelf.” “I tried skim-reading Steven Vogel’s Compara- —R. Bruce Martin, Journal of Biomechanics tive Biomechanics . . . but was compromised: the volume has so many little gems scattered 2006. 456 pages. 151 line illus. 38 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12804-7 $42.00 | £24.95 throughout that my eye got caught by the glitter and couldn’t escape.” —Julian F. V. Vincent, Science Principles of Animal TEXT 2003. 592 pages. 234 line illus. 33 tables. Locomotion Cl: 978-0-691-11297-8 $75.00 | £44.95 R. McNeill Alexander

“A valuable reference Also by Steven Vogel book written by a leader Second edition, revised and expanded in the field.” —Stephen Gatesy, Life in Moving Fluids Nature The Physical Biology of Flow

“The book will be a “Required reading for students of biology at all godsend for any lecturer levels of career development.” looking for a course book —Paul W. Webb, Science

about animal locomotion, 1996. 484 pages. 16 tables. 142 line illus. and many a naturalist Pa: 978-0-691-02616-9 $57.50 | £34.95 will find that it sheds a flood of light on the reasons behind the endlessly Life’s Devices surprising things that animals do. . . . [A] ‘must have’ The Physical World of Animals for anyone who thinks in terms of physics about and Plants the way animals work.” —C. J. Pennycuick, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 1988. 384 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-02418-9 $57.50 | £34.95 Not for sale in South Asia 2006. 384 pages. 105 line illus. 6 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12634-0 $45.00 | £26.95 Cl: 978-0-691-08678-1 $85.00 | £50.00 biomechanics • 17 New New Optimization Algorithms on Feedback Systems Matrix Manifolds An Introduction for Scientists and P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony & R. Sepulchre Engineers Karl Johan Åström & “The treatment strikes Richard M. Murray an appropriate balance between mathematical, “A very useful addition numerical, and algorith- to the literature on the mic points of view.” basic principles and —Kyle A. Gallivan, Florida theory of feedback State University systems. This is a unique and excellent book.” This book offers tech- —Elling W. Jacobsen, niques with broad appli- Royal Institute of cations in linear algebra, Technology, Stockholm signal processing, data mining, computer vision, and statistical analysis. This book provides an introduction to the P.-A. Absil is associate professor of mathemati- mathematics needed to model, analyze, and cal engineering at the Université Catholique design feedback systems. It is an ideal textbook de Louvain in Belgium. R. Mahony is reader in for undergraduate and graduate students, and engineering at the Australian National University. is indispensable for researchers seeking a self- R. Sepulchre is professor of electrical engineering contained reference on control theory. and computer science at the University of Liège in Belgium. Karl Johan Åström is professor of automatic control at the Lund Institute of Technology in 2008. 240 pages. 24 line illus. 3 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13298-3 $49.50 | £29.95 Sweden. Richard M. Murray is professor of control and dynamical systems at the California Institute of Technology.

A Biologist’s Guide to 2008. 408 pages. 24 halftones. 183 line illus. 5 tables. Mathematical Modeling in Cl: 978-0-691-13576-2 $45.00 | £26.95 Ecology and Evolution Sarah P. Otto & Troy Day Models for Ecological Data An Introduction See page 6 for details. TEXT James S. Clark

“This volume presents a wealth of interesting Dynamic Models in Biology research and theory development to encourage Stephen P. Ellner & TEXT further study of primate , to guide John Guckenheimer methodological approaches, and to use in gradu- ate-level courses.” “This is a great book and I expect that it will play —Beth A. Kaplin, Ecology an important role in the teaching of mathemati- cal biology and the development of the next 2007. 632 pages. 163 line illus. 21 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12178-9 $67.50 | £40.00 generation of mathematical biologists for many years to come.” Models for Ecological Data—Lab Manual 2007. 152 pages. —Marc Mangel, SIAM Review Pa: 978-0-691-12262-5 $19.95 | £11.95

2006. 352 pages. 10 halftones. 90 line illus. 15 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12589-3 $52.50 | £30.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11843-7 $110.00 | £65.00

18 • mathematical biology New TEXT New Modeling Infectious Diseases Genomic Signal Processing in Humans and Animals Ilya Shmulevich & Matt J. Keeling & Pejman Rohani Edward R. Dougherty

“Keeling and Rohani have “There is a genuine need written an accessible and for this concise, informa- much-needed introduc- tive, clearly written book.” tion to this field.” —Olli Yli-Harja, Tampere —Carl T. Bergstrom, University of Technology University of Washington Genomic Signal Processing This book provides a makes a major contribu- timely and comprehen- tion to computational sive introduction to the biology, systems biol- modeling of infectious ogy, and translational diseases in humans and genomics by providing a animals, focusing on recent developments as self-contained explanation of the fundamental well as more traditional approaches. mathematical issues facing researchers in four areas: classification, clustering, network model- Matt J. Keeling is professor in the Department of ing, and network intervention. Biological Sciences and the Mathematics Insti- tute at the University of Warwick. Pejman Rohani Ilya Shmulevich is associate professor at the Insti- is associate professor in the Institute of Ecology tute for Systems Biology. Edward R. Dougherty is and the Center for Tropical and Emerging Global professor of electrical and computer engineering Diseases at the University of Georgia. and director of the Genomic Signal Processing Laboratory at Texas A&M University, and director 2007. 384 pages. 141 line illus. 7 tables. of the Computational Biology Division at the Cl: 978-0-691-11617-4 $65.00 | £38.95 Translational Genomics Research Institute.

Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2004 Winner of the 2003 Award for Best Professional/ 2007. 312 pages. 20 halftones. 47 line illus. 4 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-11762-1 $60.00 | £35.00 Scholarly Book in Mathematics and Statistics, Association of American Publishers John Adam, Winner of the 2007 Virginia Outstanding Andrea Shiflet, Winner of the 2006 Undergraduate Faculty Award, State Council of Higher Computational Engineering and Sciences Award, Education for Virginia TEXT The Krell Institute Mathematics in Nature Introduction to TEXT Modeling Patterns in the Natural World John A. Adam Computational Science Modeling and Simulation for the “Mathematics in Nature is an excellent resource Sciences for bringing a greater variety of patterns into Angela B. Shiflet & George W. Shiflet the mathematical study of nature, as well as for teaching students to think about describing “Introduction to Computational Science . . . has been natural phenomena mathematically.” carefully written with students clearly in mind.” —Will Wilson, American Scientist —Bill Satzer, MAA Reviews

2006. 416 pages. 24 color illus. 84 line illus. 9 tables. 2006. 576 pages. 198 line illus. 62 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-12796-5 $24.95 | £14.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12565-7 $69.50 | £40.95 Not for sale in South Asia mathematical biology • 19 New Life in Cold Blood

“David Attenborough shows us the lives of and in all the fascinating detail we have come to expect from him. A treasure trove for everyone.” —Philip Rainbow, Natural History Museum, London

Life in Cold Blood offers a rare glimpse into the peculiar world of amphibians and reptiles, the first vertebrate creatures to venture forth from the primeval waters millions of years ago, yet which today include species that are the most at risk of extinction. Join acclaimed naturalist Sir David Attenborough as he travels to the far corners of the Earth to tell the epic story of these animals in this companion to the television series. Discover the secrets of their astounding success—and the profound implications of their uncertain future.

Sir David Attenborough is one of the best-loved naturalists of our time. He has hosted many world- renowned and award-winning natural history documentaries.

2008. 288 pages. 200 color illus. 7 x 10. Cl: 978-0-691-13718-6 $29.95 For sale only in the U.S. and Canada

Also by David Attenborough New Winner of the 2006 Best Book in Nature and Environment, National Outdoor Book Awards The Private Life of Spiders Paul Hillyard “This is an excellent, “With its superb syn- engagingly written in- thesis of the majority troduction to the diverse of living species, Life and often incredible in the Undergrowth world of spiders.” is a high point in —Jonathan Coddington, David Attenborough’s curator of spiders at the career, but it is also an Smithsonian Institution’s elegant restatement National Museum of of something he has Natural History spent a lifetime trying to teach: we are simply In The Private Life of Spi- one species among a ders, spider expert Paul Hillyard takes the reader multitude, all of which are worthy of our interest on a fascinating and richly illustrated tour of the and respect.” lives of some of the world’s most remarkable —Tim Flannery, New York Review of Books spiders.

2006. 288 pages. 275 color plates. 7 x 10. Cl: 978-0-691-12703-3 $29.95 Paul Hillyard is a leading authority on spiders For sale only in the U.S. and Canada and a former curator at London’s Natural History Museum.

2008. 160 pages. 200 color illus. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2. Cl: 978-0-691-13552-6 $29.95 | £17.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 20 • field guides New Birds of , Russia, China, and Japan Passerines: Tyrant Flycatchers to Buntings Written and Illustrated by Norman Arlott

“As an illustrated checklist (designed for quick identification purposes) it is first class, but it will also be a useful field guide in its own right. . . . No other book cov- ers a similar range and scope in one volume. It is long overdue.” —Clive Byers, award-winning bird illustrator

This is the first of two field guides illustrating and describing all of the approximate- ly 1,800 bird species found in the Palearctic—the huge region that includes Europe, Asia north of the Himalayas, and Africa north of the Sahara. This first volume covers every passerine species and subspecies in the area, in every adult plumage.

Norman Arlott is one of the world’s leading bird artists.

Princeton Illustrated Checklists

2007. 240 pages. 80 color plates. 706 maps. 5 x 7 1/2. Pa: 978-0-691-13372-0 $29.95 For sale only in and the Philippines New New A Guide to the Mammals of A Guide to the Mammals of China Southeast Asia Edited by Andrew T. Smith & Yan Xie Charles M. Francis And Robert S. Hoffmann, Darrin Lunde, Illustrated by Priscilla Barrett, Robin John MacKinnon, Don E. Wilson & W. Budden, John Cox, Sandra Doyle, Chris Wozencraft Brin Edwards, Ray Hutchings, William Illustrated by Federico Gemma Oliver, Guy Troughton & Lyn Wells “This is destined to be a “This book is an important landmark book on Asian and long-awaited resource mammals.” to anyone interested in —Bruce D. Patterson, the region’s spectacular Field Museum of Natural mammal diversity.” History —Darrin Lunde, American Museum of Natural History A Guide to the Mammals of China is the most com- This richly illustrated prehensive guide to all field guide is the most 556 species of mammals comprehensive reference found in China. It is the to all mammals currently ideal reference for researchers and a delight for known to exist in mainland Southeast Asia. anyone interested in China’s rich mammal fauna.

Charles M. Francis is a research manager at the Andrew T. Smith is the Parents Association Pro- Canadian Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife fessor of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Research Centre. Yan Xie is associate research professor in the

2008. 392 pages. 72 color plates. 74 line illus. 422 maps. 6 x 9. Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Cl: 978-0-691-13551-9 $55.00 | £32.95 Sciences. Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union 2008. 576 pages. 83 color illus. 572 maps. 6 x 9. Cl: 978-0-691-09984-2 $60.00 | £35.00 field guides • 21 New With a foreword by Dr. Antonio Brack Egg Birds of Peru Thomas S. Schulenberg, Douglas F. Stotz, Daniel F. Lane, John P. O’Neill & Theodore A. Parker III

“[T]he culmination of an incredible amount of fieldwork.” —Don Stap, Audubon Magazine

Nearly eighteen hundred different bird species—one fifth of the world’s birds—have been recorded in Peru. Birds of Peru is the most complete and well- researched field guide to this rich and fascinating diversity.

Thomas S. Schulenberg and Douglas F. Stotz are ornithologists and conserva- tion ecologists at the Field Museum in Chicago. Daniel F. Lane and John P. O’Neill are research associates at the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science. Theodore A. Parker III was the premier neotropical field orni- thologist of his time.

Princeton Field Guides

2007. 656 pages. 304 color plates. 1,805 maps. 6 x 8. Cl: 978-0-691-04915-1 $49.50 | £29.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union New New Birder’s Conservation A Wildlife Guide to Chile Handbook Continental Chile, Chilean Antarctica, 100 North American Birds at Risk Easter Island, Juan Fernández Jeffrey V. Wells Archipelago Sharon Chester “A great resource for anyone interested in “In a single, portable making a difference in the volume, Sharon Chester future of the continent’s presents nearly every imperiled bird life.” natural gem that Chile has —Lexington Herald Leader to offer.” —Edward S. Brinkley, Birder’s Conservation editor in chief of North Handbook is an indis- American Birds pensable resource for birdwatchers, researchers, This is an essential guide naturalists, and conser- to Chile’s remarkable vationists. Reading it will inspire you to become biodiversity. an active steward of our birds and the habitats we share. Sharon Chester is a naturalist, wildlife photog- rapher, illustrator, and author of several natural Jeffrey V. Wells is senior scientist for the Boreal history guides. Songbird Initiative, visiting fellow at the Cornell

2008. 400 pages. 120 color plates. 21 maps. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. Lab of Ornithology, and former director of bird Pa: 978-0-691-12976-1 $19.95 | £11.95 conservation for the National Audubon Society. Cl: 978-0-691-12975-4 $45.00 | £26.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European 2007. 464 pages. 100 line illus. 100 maps. 7 x 10. Union Pa: 978-0-691-12323-3 $35.00 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12322-6 $79.50 | £46.95

22 • field guides New New Seashells of Southern A Photographic Guide to Florida Seashore Life in the North Living Marine Mollusks of the Florida Atlantic Keys and Adjacent Regions: Bivalves Canada to Cape Cod Paula M. Mikkelsen & Rüdiger Bieler J. Duane Sept

“A tremendous re- “A worthwhile addition to source for zoologists, the library of anyone who ecologists, and any is interested in marine life researchers in tropi- or who spends time walk- cal marine systems.” ing shorelines.” —Paul Valentich- —Wayne R. Petersen, Scott, coauthor of author of Birds of New Bivalve Seashells England and Birds of of Western North Massachusetts America This field guide makes it Paula M. Mikkelsen is easier than ever to identify a marine biologist and director of publications at Atlantic seashore life from Canada to Cape Cod. the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, Both casual and dedicated beachcombers will New York. Rüdiger Bieler is an evolutionary find this a handy, enjoyable, and reliable guide. biologist and curator of invertebrates at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. J. Duane Sept is a biologist, writer, and award- winning photographer. 2008. 520 pages. 1,359 color illus. 74 line illus. 8 x 10. Cl: 978-0-691-11606-8 $85.00 | £50.00 2008. 224 pages. 300 color illus. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. Pa: 978-0-691-13319-5 $19.95 | £11.95 New—Second Edition Birdwatch 2002 Best Bird Book of the Year WorldTwitch 2002 Best Bird Book—Oceans and Islands The Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife Birds and Marine Mammals of the Antarctic Continent and the Southern Ocean Hadoram Shirihai Illustrated by Brett Jarrett

Praise for the first edition: “[An] amazing and valuable book.” —Jeff Rubin,Polar Times

This is a fully updated new edition of the award-winning Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife, the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the birds and marine mammals of the vast and beautiful Antarctic region.

Hadoram Shirihai is the author of a number of highly acclaimed books, includ- ing, with Brett Jarret, Whales, Dolphins, and Other Marine Mammals of the World, see page 16.

2008. 544 pages. 920 color illus. 128 maps. 7 x 10. Cl: 978-0-691-13666-0 $55.00 | £32.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union field guides • 23 New Boas and Pythons of the The New Encyclopedia of World Mark O’Shea Chris Mattison “These well-known “The New Encyclo- species and their pedia of Snakes is more obscure cousins a must-have. . . . are all magnificently Mattison’s work illustrated with beau- is a breathtaking tiful color photos, wonder. How he with short write-ups managed to fill 271 of their life histories, pages with reams range, size, prey, and of scientific and other natural history.” plain entertaining —Nancy Bent, Booklist

information, then 2007. 160 pages. 155 color plates. 2 maps. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2. added 200 beautiful Cl: 978-0-691-13100-9 $29.95 | £17.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European photographs that deal with every on this Union planet, is simply astonishing.” —Gene Muller, Washington Times Also by Mark O’Shea Comprehensive, up-to-date, and richly illus- Venomous Snakes of the trated, The New Encyclopedia of Snakes is the best World single-volume reference on snakes. Feared, revered, and often misunderstood, Chris Mattison is an internationally recognized venomous snakes have been a source of legend herpetologist and photographer based in the and nightmare since time immemorial. In this United Kingdom. comprehensive volume, author Mark O’Shea has 2007. 272 pages. 200 color plates. 8 1/2 x 11. combined expertly written, in-depth descriptions Cl: 978-0-691-13295-2 $35.00 of the world’s common and exotic venomous For sale only in the U.S., Canada, and the Philippines snakes.

2006. 160 pages. 150 color plates. 1 map. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2. Galápagos Cl: 978-0-691-12436-0 $29.95 | £17.95 A Natural History Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union John Kricher

“This is an excellent book Reptiles and Amphibians of for the many ecotourists East Africa visiting the Galápagos Stephen Spawls, Kim Howell & who want an intelligent Robert C. Drewes and stimulating account of the islands and their “Reptiles and Amphibians of East Africa fulfills the animals and plants. It is need for an inexpensive, concise, and portable written in a clear, acces- guide to the herpetofauna of the region and sible, interesting, and yet should find a broad readership among herpe- scholarly style.” tologists, amateur naturalists, and ecotourists.” —Peter R. Grant, Princeton —Aaron M. Bauer, Quarterly Review of Biology University Princeton Pocket Guides

2006. 256 pages. 50 color plates. 33 halftones. 2 tables. 6 x 9. 2006. 240 pages. 230 color plates. 230 maps. 5 x 7 1/2. Pa: 978-0-691-12633-3 $19.95 | £11.95 Pa: 978-0-691-12884-9 $24.95 | £14.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union 24 • field guides WorldTwitch 2004 Best Ornithology Book TEXT One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2006 Cornell Lab of Ornithology Parrots of the World Handbook of Bird Biology An Identification Guide Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Joseph M. Forshaw Illustrated by Frank Knight Call it Bird University. This gloriously illus- “A broad range of trated volume pro- practitioners who come vides comprehensive into contact with par- college-level informa- rots—from avian field tion about birds and biologists to customs their environments officials to avicultural- in a style accessible ists—will find this to be to nonscientists and an invaluable guide to an teachers the world intriguing group of birds.” over. —Mark Riegner, Quarterly Review of Biology 2004. 1,248 pages. 1,000+ illus. 8 1/2 x 11. Cl: 978-0-938-02762-1 $99.50 | £59.95 2006. 440 pages. 121 color plates. 6 line illus. 378 maps. 8 1/2 x 12. Distributed for the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Cl: 978-0-691-09251-5 $65.00 | £38.95

Birds of the World Recommended English Names Birds of South America Non-Passerines: Rheas to Woodpeckers Frank Gill & Minturn Wright on behalf of the International Francisco Erize, Jorge R. Rodriguez Ornithological Congress Mata & Maurice Rumboll “Anyone with a strong interest in the birds of “An international bird lister’s dream come true!” South America should have this book.” —Robert E. Hoopes, Wildlife Activist —Frederic H. Brock, Wildlife Activist

“This book represents a major advance in nam- Princeton Illustrated Checklists ing the birds of the world.” 2006. 376 pages. 156 color plates. 1,270+ maps. 5 x 7 1/2. —International Hawkwatcher Pa: 978-0-691-12688-3 $29.95 For sale only in North America and the Philippines 2006. 272 pages. 7 1/2 x 10. Pa: 978-0-691-12827-6 $19.95 | £11.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European Union The Birdwatcher’s Companion to North Albatrosses, Petrels and American Birdlife Shearwaters of the World Christopher W. Leahy Derek Onley & Paul Scofield Illustrations by Gordon Morrison

“There is a wealth of detail in text, distribution “This is a reference book for the ages that maps and paintings of each species that you transcends mere North American use. . . . The would be hard pressed to find in any other entries are informative, easily assimilated, and similar guide.” also written with spirit, humor, and charm as well —Martin O’Brien, Bird Observer as authority.” —Henry T. Armistead, Bird Watcher’s Digest Princeton Field Guides

2007. 240 pages. 46 color plates. 136 maps. 6 1/8 x 9 1/4. Published in collaboration with the American Birding Association Pa: 978-0-691-13132-0 $29.95 | £17.95 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the European 2006. 1,072 pages. 35 line illus. 6 x 9. Pa: 978-0-691-11388-3 $19.95 | £11.95 Union field guides • 25 WorldTwitch 2003 Best Bird Book—North America With a foreword by David A. Sibley Raptors of North America Hawks from Every Angle The Wheeler Guides How to Identify Raptors In Flight Brian K. Wheeler Jerry Liguori

“These two books are “Hawks from Every major contributions to Angle is a major ad- the literature of North vance in our knowl- American vultures and edge of identifying Falconiform raptors. . . . raptors in flight and [B]oth Wheeler books as such needs to be in should be owned by every the library (and field hawk watcher and raptor pack) of every serious biologist.” raptor biologist, hawk —Donald S. Heintzelman, watcher, and birder International Hawkwatcher going afield in North America.” “A highly significant contribution to the field. —Donald S. Heintzelman, International Wheeler has accomplished what no other guide Hawkwatcher has done for any group of birds.” —Clay Sutton 2005. 144 pages. 339 color photos. 32 b/w photos. 2 maps. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2. Pa: 978-0-691-11825-3 $19.95 | £11.95 Raptors of Eastern North America 2007. 456 pages. 559 color plates. 37 maps. 6 x 9. Pa: 978-0-691-13476-5 $29.95 | £17.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11598-6 $45.00 | £26.95 Shorebirds of North America Raptors of Western North America The Photographic Guide 2007. 560 pages. 622 color plates. 56 maps. 6 x 9. Pa: 978-0-691-13477-2 $29.95 | £17.95 Dennis Paulson Cl: 978-0-691-11599-3 $49.50 | £29.95 “A mouth-watering browse, but also a great One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2005 reference resource. . . . Sharks of the World There have been several photographic guides to Leonard Compagno, Marc Dando & waders over the years, but Sarah Fowler this is not ‘just another one’—and do not let the “You don’t need to be a title restrict your thinking; shark fan for Sharks of the this book is just as useful World to be a useful addi- in Europe and Asia as it tion to your library: this is is in North America. It one book I’d recommend works as a field guide (almost pocketable, with to any diver or naturalist a wipe-clean cover), but really it is an expert any day.” identification handbook. . . . [I]t should be on —Virginia Cowell, Diver every birder’s shelf.” Magazine —Richard Millington, Birding World Princeton Field Guides 2004. 384 pages. 534 color photographs. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. 2005. 480 pages. 128 color plates. Pa: 978-0-691-12107-9 $29.95 | £17.95 500 line illus. 500 maps. 5 x 7. Cl: 978-0-691-10274-0 $75.00 | £44.95 Pa: 978-0-691-12072-0 $29.95 Not for sale in the commonwealth (except Canada) and the European For sale only in the U.S. and Canada Union

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 26 • field guides Finalist, 2005 Colorado Book Awards, Colorado Winner of the 2006 Best Nature Guidebook, National Endowment for the Humanities Outdoor Book Awards Garden Insects of North Caterpillars of Eastern America North America The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs A Guide to Identification and Whitney Cranshaw Natural History David L. Wagner “If you’ve ever won- dered what’s eating “A lusciously photographed your garden besides book generally regarded as yourself and the the most comprehensive woodchuck, this is the field guide ever to caterpil- book for you.” lars, as opposed to their —New York Times Book better-documented adult Review forms—moths and but- terflies. . . . In the book, the “[T]he best reference I fruit of a decade’s research, have read for diagnos- Dr. Wagner . . . argues ing virtually all insect passionately that creeping problems. It will make you the neighborhood things can be every bit as entomologist.” mesmerizing and transporting as those that flit —Washington Post and dart in the air.” 2004. 672 pages. 265 color plates. 7 1/2 x 10. —Andy Newman, New York Times Pa: 978-0-691-09561-5 $29.95 | £17.95 Princeton Field Guides

2005. 512 pages. 850 color photos. 12 line illus. 5 x 8. Dragonflies and Damselflies Pa: 978-0-691-12144-4 $29.95 | £17.95 of Texas and the South- Central United States WorldTwitch 2005 Best Butterfly Book to Date Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Butterflies of the East Coast and New Mexico An Observer’s Guide John C. Abbott Rick Cech & Guy Tudor

“Recent interest in “This volume is one the amazing order of of the best books insects that includes on American natural dragonflies and dam- history to appear in selflies has sparked recent years. . . . Quite numerous publica- obviously I recom- tions. This book, by mend this book in the odontologist John highest terms. . . . It C. Abbott is certainly needs to be read.” one of the best.” —American Butterflies

—Choice 2007. 360 pages. 878 color illus. 275 maps. 8 1/2 x 11. 2005. 424 pages. 384 color photographs. 32 line illus. 6 tables. 263 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-09056-6 $29.95 | £17.95 7 3/8 x 9 1/4. Cl: 978-0-691-09055-9 $52.50 | £30.95 Pa: 978-0-691-11364-7 $35.00 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-11363-0 $95.00 | £56.00 field guides • 27 Forthcoming Forthcoming Superstition The Faith of Scientists Belief in the Age of Science In Their Own Words Robert L. Park Edited by Nancy K. Frankenberry

“If a tree falls on a scien- “Frankenberry has given tist in a forest with no one us a great gift, a ground- else around does it mean breaking collection of he won’t make a sound? writings by preeminent Not if that scientist is the scientists, past and pres- indomitable Bob Park, ent, on religion and its the skeptic’s skeptic, the relation to mathematics Ralph Nader of nonsense, and science. The breadth the man who rose from of sources dazzles as does the (nearly) dead to pen the range of views, from this uncompromising Pascal’s Catholicism to critique of superstition Goodenough’s religious and the beliefs that follow once you abandon naturalism. One emerges from this heady mix with science and reason. Read this book. Now.” the firm conviction, as Einstein puts it, that ‘science —Michael Shermer, publisher of the Skeptic and without religion is lame; religion without science author of Why Darwin Matters is blind.’ This is a magnificent achievement, one of the most important books of the year.” From uttering a prayer before boarding a plane, —Philip Zaleski, editor of The Best American to exploring past lives through hypnosis, has Spiritual Writing series superstition become pervasive in contemporary culture? Robert Park, the best-selling author of The Faith of Scientists is an anthology of writings Voodoo Science, argues that it has. In Superstition, by twenty-one legendary scientists, from the Park asks why people persist in superstitious dawn of the Scientific Revolution to the frontiers convictions long after science has shown them of science today, about their faith, their views to be ill-founded. He takes on supernatural about God, and the place religion holds—or beliefs from religion and the afterlife to New Age doesn’t—in their lives in light of their commit- spiritualism and faith-based medical claims. He ment to science. This is the first book to bring examines recent controversies and concludes together so many world-renowned figures of that science is the only way we have of under- Western science and present them in their own standing the world. words, offering an intimate window into their pri- vate and public reflections on science and faith. Compelling and precise, Superstition takes no hostages in its quest to provoke. In shedding Represented here are some of the most influ- light on some very sensitive—and Park would ential and colossal personalities in the history say scientifically dubious—issues, the book is of science, from the founders of science such as sure to spark discussion and controversy. Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein, to Robert L. Park is professor of physics at the modern-day scientists like Carl Sagan, Stephen University of Maryland. Jay Gould, Jane Goodall, Freeman Dyson,

November 2008. 240 pages. Stephen Hawking, Edward O. Wilson, and Ursula Cl: 978-0-691-13355-3 $24.95 | £14.95 Goodenough.

Nancy K. Frankenberry is the John Phillips Profes- sor of Religion at Dartmouth College.

September 2008. 560 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-13487-1 $29.95 | £17.95

28 • general interest Forthcoming Forthcoming The Long Thaw Swindled How Humans Are Changing the Next The Dark History of Food Fraud, from 100,000 Years of Earth’s Climate Poisoned Candy to Counterfeit Coffee David Archer Bee Wilson

“In this short book, David “Bee Wilson is not only Archer gives us the latest an able historian but a on climate change re- food writer with a pas- search, and skillfully tells sion rooted very much in the climate story that he the present. She wants to helped to discover—gen- shake us awake, to make erations beyond our us look afresh at the grandchildren’s grand- food we eat. She does so children will inherit atmo- triumphantly…. It is her spheric changes and an considered and often altered climate as a result humorous approach that of our current decisions makes this book so suc- about fossil-fuel burning. Not only are massive cessful—and so alarming. We still do not really climate changes coming if we humans continue know what we eat.” on our current path, but many of these changes —Clare Clark, Times (London) will last for millennia. To make predictions about the future, we rely on research into the deep Bad food has a history. Swindled tells it. Through past, and Archer is at the forefront of this field: a fascinating mixture of cultural and scientific paleoclimatology. This is the book for anyone history, food politics, and culinary detective who wishes to really understand what cutting- work, Bee Wilson uncovers the many ways edge science tells us about the effects we are swindlers have cheapened, falsified, and even having, and will have, on our future climate.” poisoned our food throughout history. In the —Richard B. Alley, Pennsylvania State University hands of people and corporations who have prized profits above the health of consumers, If you think that global warming means slightly food and drink have been tampered with in hotter weather and a modest rise in sea levels often horrifying ways—padded, diluted, con- that will persist only so long as fossil fuels hold taminated, substituted, mislabeled, misnamed, out (or until we decide to stop burning them), or otherwise faked. Swindled gives a panoramic think again. In The Long Thaw, David Archer, one view of this history, from the leaded wine of the of the world’s leading climatologists, predicts ancient Romans to today’s food frauds—such as that if we continue to emit carbon dioxide we fake organics and the scandal of Chinese babies may eventually cancel the next ice age and raise being fed bogus milk powder. the oceans by 50 meters. By comparing the global warming forecast for the next century to Bee Wilson writes a weekly food column for natural climate changes of the distant past, and London’s Sunday Telegraph and is a former then looking into the future far beyond the usual food critic for the New Statesman. She has been scientific and political horizon of the year 2100, named Food Journalist of the Year by the Guild of Archer reveals the hard truths of the long-term Food Writers and Food Writer of the Year by BBC climate forecast. Radio 4.

David Archer is professor of geophysical sciences October 2008. 384 pages. 53 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-13820-6 $29.95 | £17.95 at the University of Chicago. For sale only in North America and the Philippines

January 2009. 192 pages. 1 halftone. 21 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-13654-7 $22.95 | £13.50 general interest • 29 New Guesstimation Solving the World’s Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin Lawrence Weinstein & John A. Adam

“Wow, I suddenly grasped concepts that have eluded me for a lifetime. . . . [T]his little book could have significant impact on both your analytical abilities and the way you are perceived by others. An absolute eye-opener!” —Martin Yate, author of the Knock ‘Em Dead job-search and career-management books

Guesstimation is a book that unlocks the power of approximation. It enables any- one with basic math and science skills to estimate virtually anything—quickly—us- ing plausible assumptions and elementary arithmetic.

Lawrence Weinstein is professor of physics at Old Dominion University. John A. Adam is professor of mathematics at Old Dominion University.

2008. 320 pages. 72 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-12949-5 $19.95 | £11.95

New New Beyond UFOs Titan Unveiled The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Saturn’s Mysterious Moon Explored Its Astonishing Implications for Our Ralph Lorenz & Jacqueline Mitton Future Jeffrey Bennett “A great book for anyone wanting to know what “The author’s optimism it’s like to be on the front is contagious. May it help lines of a mission.” inspire us to actually —Mike Brown, California accomplish these lofty Institute of Technology goals.” Titan Unveiled is one of —James F. Kasting, Penn- the first general-interest sylvania State University books to reveal the star- The quest for extraterres- tling new discoveries that trial life doesn’t happen have been made since the only in science fiction. arrival of the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn This book describes the and Titan. Ralph Lorenz and Jacqueline Mitton startling discoveries being made in the very real describe Titan as a world strikingly like Earth and science of astrobiology, an intriguing new field tell how Titan may hold clues to the origins of life that blends astronomy, biology, and geology to on our own planet. explore the possibility of life on other planets. Ralph Lorenz is a planetary scientist at the Johns Jeffrey Bennett is an astrophysicist, author, and Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. educator. Jacqueline Mitton is a writer, editor, and media consultant in astronomy. 2008. 240 pages. 8 color illus. 25 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-13549-6 $26.95 | £15.95 2008. 272 pages. 19 color illus. 65 halftones. 21 line illus. 2 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12587-9 $29.95 | £17.95

To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at: 30 • general interest New Winner of the 2007 New York City Book Award, New York Society Library Trying Leviathan The Nineteenth-Century New York Court Case That Put the Whale on Trial and Challenged the Order of Nature D. Graham Burnett

“When the Catholic Church put Galileo on trial for his heretic views, man’s posi- tion in the Universe was at stake. When schoolteacher John Scopes entered a Tennessee courtroom in 1925 for violating the state’s anti-evolution statute, the issue was man’s relationship to the animal kingdom. It’s hard to imagine that a case brought by a Manhattan fish-oil inspector against a purveyor of whale oil could end up in similar territory. As D. Graham Burnett’s enthralling book dem- onstrates, it did just that. . . . His clear writing and delightful detours help build a sense of suspense at the outcome of the trial. All of which makes this serious book an unexpected page-turner.” —Henry Nicholls, Nature

D. Graham Burnett is associate professor of history at Princeton University.

2007. 304 pages. 16 color plates. 19 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-12950-1 $29.95 | £17.95 New New Enhancing Evolution Benjamin Franklin’s The Ethical Case for Making Better People Numbers John Harris An Unsung Mathematical Odyssey Paul C. Pasles “Harris systematically analyses historical and “In Franklin’s Numbers, a contemporary writings book mixing intellectual to support his central history and mathematical claim that the pursuit puzzles (with solutions of methods to enhance appended), Paul Pasles the human condition is brings out a less-celebrat- a moral obligation. . . . ed sphere of Franklin’s He makes a persuasive intellect. He makes the case that today’s bio- case for the founding fa- technologies—including ther as a mathematician.” neuroengineering, stem- —Jared Wunsch, Nature cell research and cloning to improve bodies and brains—are on the continuum of an age-long Benjamin Franklin’s Numbers is a delightful blend pursuit by humans to improve themselves and of biography, history, and popular mathematics. therefore, he argues, are permissible and morally essential.” Paul C. Pasles is associate professor of math- —Judy Illes, Nature ematical sciences at Villanova University.

2007. 280 pages. 9 color plates. 50 halftones. 52 line illus. John Harris is the Sir David Alliance Professor of Cl: 978-0-691-12956-3 $26.95 | £15.95 Bioethics at the University of Manchester School of Law.

2007. 264 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-12844-3 $27.95 | £16.95 general interest • 31 New The Mathematician’s Brain David Ruelle

“If mathematics is what mathematicians do, are there any psychological traits or personalities that characterize mathematics? Ruelle addresses this lightly with some illuminating insights.” —Donal O’Shea, Nature

David Ruelle is professor emeritus of mathematical physics at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in France and distinguished visiting professor of mathematics at Rutgers University.

2007. 176 pages. 18 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-12982-2 $22.95 | £13.50

Science Essentials

Books in the Science Essentials series bring cutting-edge science to a general audience. The series provides the foundation for a better understanding of the scientific and technical advances changing our world. In each volume, a prominent scientist—chosen by an advisory board of National Academy of Science members—conveys in clear prose the fundamental knowledge underlying a rapidly evolving field of scientific endeavor.

New Paperback New Paperback Memory The Great Brain Debate The Key to Consciousness Nature or Nurture? Richard F. Thompson & John E. Dowling Stephen A. Madigan “Dowling does a “[A] useful and cheer- masterful job. . . . His fully accessible account eloquent essay pro- of current ideas on vides solid examples of the phenomenology what elements of brain of, and neurophysi- development and brain ological processes as- function are under ge- sociated with, memory netic control and which formation.” are largely guided by —Steven Rose, Times experience.” Higher Education —Charles A. Nelson Supplement and Irving I. Gottesman, Science Richard F. Thompson is the William M. Keck Chair in Biological Sciences and professor of John E. Dowling is the Llura and Gordon Gund psychology and biological sciences at the Professor of Neurosciences and Harvard Col- University of Southern California. Stephen A. lege Professor at Harvard University.

Madigan is associate professor of psychology at 2007. 200 pages. 1 halftone. 45 line illus. the University of Southern California. Pa: 978-0-691-13310-2 $16.95 | £9.95

2007. 288 pages. 20 halftones. 30 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-13311-9 $18.95 | £11.50

32 • general interest New Paperback New Paperback One of the New York Times Notable Books of 1997 Winner of the 2006 Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in With a new foreword by Carl Zimmer Science T. rex and the Crater of Plows, Plagues, and Doom Petroleum Walter Alvarez How Humans Took Control of Climate William F. Ruddiman “[D]eft and readable . . . T. rex and the Crater of Doom “If you’re not familiar with gets the facts across in a Ruddiman’s hypothesis, lighthearted, almost play- you should be. . . . Plows, ful manner. But it’s also Plagues, and Petroleum solid science. . . . [An] esti- is excellent reading for mable account from the scientist and nonscientist world’s leading authority alike.” on death from above.” —James White, Science —Timothy Ferris, New “[A]n excellent book sum- York Times Book Review marizing and placing in Walter Alvarez is professor of geology at the context the age-old influ- University of California, Berkeley. ence of humans on atmospheric composition, climate and global warming.” Princeton Science Library —Nature 2008. 216 pages. 8 color plates. 15 halftones. 2 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-13103-0 $16.95 | £9.95 Cl: 978-0-691-01630-6 $45.00 | £26.95 William F. Ruddiman has published many articles Paper not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) in Scientific American, Nature, and Science as well as various scientific journals.

New Paperback 2007. 224 pages. 16 halftones. 14 line illus. 4 tables. 7 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-13398-0 $17.95 | £10.95 Success through Failure The Paradox of Design New Paperback Henry Petroski Darwin Loves You “From [Henry Petroski’s] Natural Selection and the Re- vantage point, failures in enchantment of the World design and construction present perfect teaching George Levine opportunities. They are “Levine’s book is one object lessons in the of the most appealing history and practice and and subtle attempts to beauty of engineering.” bridge biology and the —Cornelia Dean, New humanities.” York Times —Adam Gopnik, New Yorker Henry Petroski is the Aleksandar S. Vesic Professor of Civil Engineering George Levine is and professor of history at Duke University. professor emeritus 2008. 256 pages. 15 line illus. of English at Rutgers Pa: 978-0-691-13642-4 $18.95 | £11.50 University. Cl: 978-0-691-12225-0 $24.95 | £14.95

2008. 336 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-13639-4 $18.95 | £11.50 Cl: 978-0-691-12663-0 $39.95 | £23.95 general interest • 33 Honorable Mention, 2007 Award for Best Professional/Scholarly Book in Mathematics, Chases and Escapes Association of American Publishers The Mathematics of Pursuit and The Pythagorean Theorem Evasion A 4,000-Year History Paul J. Nahin Eli Maor “In the 18th century, mathematicians began to “This excellent biogra- tease apart how best to phy of the theorem is track down and intercept like a history of thought prey, inspired by pirate written in lines and ships bearing down on circles, moving from merchant vessels. The ancient clay tablets to mathematics is by no Einstein’s blackboards. . . . means trivial, and quickly There is something in- becomes fiendish if the toxicating about seeing merchant ship takes one truth revealed in so evasive action. This is many ways. It all makes just one of the colorful problems in Paul Nahin’s for hours of glorious fascinating history of the mathematics of pursuit, mathematical distraction.” in which he guides us masterfully through the —Ben Longstaff,New Scientist maths itself—think lions and Christians, subma- 2007. 288 pages. 8 color plates. 141 line illus. 2 tables. rines and torpedoes, and the curvaceous flight of Cl: 978-0-691-12526-8 $24.95 | £14.95 fighter aircraft.” —New Scientist

Nonplussed! 2007. 272 pages. 5 halftones. 67 line illus. Mathematical Proof of Cl: 978-0-691-12514-5 $24.95 | £14.95 Implausible Ideas Julian Havil Also by Paul J. Nahin With a new preface by the author “Nonplussed! Is a collec- tion of lovely paradoxes: When Least Is Best facts that are provable How Mathematicians Discovered logically but are neverthe- Many Clever Ways to Make Things as less seriously counterin- Small (or as Large) as Possible tuitive. . . . It is an exciting book. It should be in every “[J]ust plain fun to read.” . . . college library. It would —Choice even be the right gift “A refreshingly lucid and for mathematicians and humanizing approach to anyone who uses math- mathematics.” ematics—economists, —Booklist business analysts and many others—and indeed for anyone who would claim to be educated.” 2007. 400 pages. 99 illus. Pa: 978-0-691-13052-1 —Peter M. Neumann, Times Higher Education $19.95 | £11.95 Supplement Cl: 978-0-691-07078-0 $45.00 | £26.95 2007. 216 pages. 18 halftones. 143 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-12056-0 $24.95 | £14.95

34 • general interest Our Affair with El Niño The Two Volume Definitive Biography How We Transformed an Enchanting Charles Darwin Peruvian Current into a Global Voyaging Climate Hazard Janet Browne S. George Philander “There is no better “[Philander] writes with chronicle of Darwin as the enthusiasm of an human being, friend, eyewitness and the and indefatigable authority of an expert. scientist, nor anywhere The book skillfully weaves a richer description of together descriptions of El his milieu, his family life, Niño physics, the historical his social circle, and his backdrop that led to wide- scientific connections.” spread interest in El Niño, —Ernst Mayr, Newsday and the philosophical perspectives on the role 1996. 622 pages. 32 halftones. 4 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-02606-0 $26.95 | £15.95 of scientific research in Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) and the Republic addressing present-day environmental problems.” of Ireland —Michael J. McPhaden, Nature Winner of the 2004 Pfizer Prize, History of Science 2006. 288 pages. 20 line illus. 1 halftone. 3 tables. Society Pa: 978-0-691-12622-7 $19.95 | £11.95 Winner of the 2002 National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography With a new introduction by A. Zee Charles Darwin QED The Power of Place The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Janet Browne Richard P. Feynman “This biography is matchless in detail and Praise for Princeton’s compass.” original edition: —John Tooby, New York Times

”Feynman’s lectures must 2003. 632 pages. 75 halftones. Pa: 978-0-691-11439-2 $26.95 | £15.95 have been marvellous and Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) they have been turned into an equally entrancing book, a vivid introduction All Creatures to QED which is leavened Naturalists, Collectors, and and enlivened by his wit. Biodiversity, 1850–1950 Anyone with a curios- Robert E. Kohler ity about physics today should buy it, not only to get to grips with the “An important contribution deepest meaning of quantum theory but to pos- to the history of naturalists sess a slice of history.” in the United States, it is —Pedro Waloschek, Nature well worth the read.” —Peder Anker, Science Princeton Science Library

2006. 192 pages. 93 line illus. 2006. 384 pages. 56 halftones. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-12575-6 $16.95 | £9.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12539-8 Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except Canada) $37.95 | £22.50 general interest • 35 Why the Sky Is Blue Fossil Legends of the First Discovering the Color of Life Americans Götz Hoeppe Adrienne Mayor Translated with John Stewart “Mayor the storyteller “Hoeppe puts life back relishes the opportunity into great scientists . . . to provide fascinating and how the simplest insights, but she shines question—why is the sky most in her ability to blue?—has stimulated stitch together a rich and more than 2,000 years of varied body of oral his- human exploration.” tory grounded in natural —Publishers Weekly history.”

2007. 376 pages. 27 color plates. —Bryn Nelson, Newsday 35 halftones. 76 line illus. 9 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12453-7 2007. 488 pages. 98 halftones. $29.95 | £17.95 2 line illus. 1 table. 6 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-13049-1 $19.95 | £11.95 Complex Adaptive Systems An Introduction to Computational One of Strategy & Business’s Best Business Books for 2004 Models of Social Life Short-listed for the 2005 British Academy Book Prize, John H. Miller & Scott E. Page The British Academy

“In Complex Adaptive The Company of Strangers Systems, two masters of this A Natural History of Economic Life burgeoning field provide a Paul Seabright highly readable and novel restatement of the logic of “A welcome and important social interactions.” contribution. . . . The —Samuel Bowles, author Company of Strangers of Microeconomics: exemplifies a new breed of Behavior, Institutions, economic analysis, seeking Evolution answers to fundamental questions wherever they Princeton Studies in Complexity are found and ignoring 2007. 288 pages. 18 halftones. 16 line illus. 42 tables. disciplinary boundaries. . . . Pa: 978-0-691-12702-6 $24.95 | £14.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13096-5 $65.00 | £38.95 [It] is highly readable and will be accessible to a wide audience.” #1 New York Times Bestseller —Herbert Gintis, Nature Winner of the 2005 Bestseller Awards, Philosophy Category, The Book Standard 2005. 320 pages. 6 halftones. 2 line illus. On Bullshit Pa: 978-0-691-12452-0 $22.50 | £13.50 Harry G. Frankfurt

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