Grimmuseum presents IN CooPeratioN with: Grimmuseum, Berlin; Cercle Cité, Luxembourg; kann es liebe sein? Künstlerhaus k/haus and Sammlung Lenikus, Vienna. Maria AnwandeR, JULIUS DeUTSCHBAUeR, Katharina LackneR, Christoph MeIeR, MAx Mertens With the kind support oF: SUzan NoeSeN, ChristoDouloS PanayIoToU Bundesministerium für Unterricht Kunst und Kultur Armand QUetsch, Letizia Romanini der Republik Österreich; Ministère de la Culture du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg; Fondation Indépen- KAy Walkowiak, Ming WoNg dance; Ville de Luxembourg; Österreichisches curated by Nora Mayr, Gilles Neiens Kulturforum Berlin; Botschaft des Großherzogtums Luxemburg in Deutschland; Ministère des affaires etrangères du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg; 09.09.—30.09. 2012 Österreichische Botschaft Luxemburg. CuratoR’S Tour: opening: 08.09.2012 at 7pm 16.09. 2012 and 30.09.2012, 4pm, admission free Wed.-sun. 14-19 h. Fichtestrasse 2, 10967 berlin
[email protected] ‚Love’ is at least as old as humanity itself, bition became evident in two ways. Firstly, The exhibition aims to shift our awareness bearing both connotations of complexity and love is increasingly perceived as a surface on from the intellectual aspects to the emotion- triviality, it conjures up notions of heart- which humans project their understanding of al ones enabling and encouraging a dialogue breaking romance as well as clichés. It happiness. Sven Hillenkamp writes: “There about an elementary realm that moves us was in the ‘80s when the, then young singer is a historically unprecedented amount of as individuals. Despite the term ‘love’ being Falco, along with the actress Desirée Nos- hopes and expectations involving love […] readily associated with naive, embarrassing, busch asked the question “Kann es Liebe The era of romantic love does not lie in the and at times, even banal personal moments, sein?” (Can it be love?) in their schmaltzy past, rather, measured by its conditions, has we want to re-establish a realm in the vein duet of the same title.