Etnias y Minorías en la Literatura de los Estados Unidos Asignatura Optativa: Primer Ciclo, 6 créditos Asignatura sin docencia Dra. Carmen M. Méndez García
[email protected] Curso 2011/12 OBJETIVOS This course deals with the literary and cultural production of ethnic and social minorities in the United States. The United States’ complex ethnic and social map lends a multicultural and idiosyncratic character to its arts and institutions, while also articulating the reality of the country and its inhabitants. By questioning the traditional literary canon and analyzing the debates in North American universities in the last three decades, students are supposed to examine the social, ideological and literary questions that influence the production and reception of texts produced by ethnic groups and minorities. PROGRAMA 1. Minorities. Ethnic groups. Minority social groups. The ‘Canon Wars’. Models of assimilation/coexistence. 2. Latino/Chicano studies. 3. Native American studies. 4. Asian-American studies. 5. Lesbian/gay/queer studies. COMPULSORY READINGS Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (novel) Audre Lorde: Zami. A New Spelling of my Name (novel) Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior (novel) Selected poems & short stories: Denise Chavez, Simon J. Ortiz, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Leslie Marmon Silko, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Pedro Pietri, Tato Laviera, Willie Perdomo, Audre Lorde). Other Selections – theoretical texts and articles (Gilman, Anzaldúa, Fuentes, Zimmerman, Tan). [All the readings will be available at the photocopy room] COURSE EVALUATION CRITERIA - Final exam: 100% of the final grade. - Two parts in the final exam: o A. The students will have to choose two (2) questions out of five, and develop them in the form of a short essay.