Hamersley HMS Pty Limited Baby Hope Mine Closure Plan Mineral Field 47 – West Pilbara FDMS No. RTIO-HSE-0245210 17 August 2015 Contact details: Kirsty Beckett Hamersley HMS Pty Limited 152 – 158 St Georges Terrace, Perth GPO Box A42, Perth, WA 6837 T: +61 8 6213 0468
[email protected] http://www.riotinto.com Baby Hope Mine Closure Plan August 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overview Hope Downs 1 South West Marra Mamba deposit (Baby Hope) comprises a series of open cut iron ore pits located immediately to the south of the existing Hope Downs 1 mining operations (HD1). The deposit is located in the eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 75 km north-west of Newman and will be developed using conventional drill-and-blast and load-and-haul mining methods. Ore will be processed at HD1. HD1 and Baby Hope are managed by Hamersley HMS Pty Limited (Hamersley HMS), which is a member of the Rio Tinto group (Rio Tinto). Scope This closure plan has been prepared to support the Baby Hope Area referral under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). This closure plan is designed to address the closure requirements for the Baby Hope deposit and associated infrastructure. Closure is assumed to include progressive rehabilitation that will occur throughout the life of the mine. The goal of mine closure is to relinquish the site to the Government. This closure plan has been developed to meet the requirements of the joint Office of the Environmental Protection Authority / Department of Mines and Petroleum Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans (2015) 1 (Closure Guidelines).