Report on the Tennis Environment in Japan
Supported by Report on the Tennis Environment in Japan March 2013 Japan Tennis Association This is an abridged translation into English of the Japanese language report entitled “tenisu jinkoutou kankyou jittai chousa houkokusho” (テニス人口等環境実態調査報告書), which was published by the Japan Tennis Association in March 2013 as its special project for fiscal year 2012. Table of Contents 1. Introductory Remarks ················································································· 3 2. Findings ···································································································· 4 (1) The Tennis Population of 3.73 Million in Japan Is Shrinking Over the Long Term (2) There Is a Potential Recreational Tennis Player Segment, While the Committed Players Remain Strong (3) An Ageing Adult Tennis Population (4) Prefectures with the Top Tennis Player Ratios: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Hyogo, Chiba, Aichi, Kyoto (5) Tennis Court Facilities Decreased by One-Third During the 13 Years from 1996 to 2008 (6) Tennis Equipment Market Size: 54.6 Billion Yen, 8th in the Sports Equipment Market (7) Tennis Business Operators Focusing on Tennis School Services (8) One in Ten Tennis School Students Are Children Under 10, and There Is Interest in PLAY + STAY (9) Expectations Towards Media Strategies, Activities to Popularize, and School Tennis for Expanding the Tennis Population (10) People in Metro Tokyo Play Tennis at Rental Courts, with Friends/Acquaintances (11) 12,761 Registered Players with the Japan Tennis Association, Gradually Decreasing and Ageing (12) Court Officials, on the Decrease from 2008, Down to 3,478, while Instructors Remain Static at 5,491 (13) The Three Major Tennis Tournaments Attracted a Total of 164,000 Spectators in 2012, a 40% Increase from 2003 (14) Japan Tennis Association Budget: 1.5 Billion Yen for Fiscal Year 2011 (15) Tennis Organizations Have 400,000 Registered Players/Members in Total 3.
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