|^^^^^:•^x«^^^^^^x•:•^:•^^^^^:•x•^^^^^:^ 1 SECTION ONE! PAGES 1TQ8J Thin IKMIC OUT i.550 Jj ' liver/IM'IIC our I.IHIII l^^^^:•^:•^^^^:•^x•^:•^^^x•^:•^^^:•^^^^^^^K^ THEWXSHINGTON

*0TH. YEAK — NUMBER 50 WASHINGTON. WAKKEN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, DJ-Gli.MHKK 12. li(()7. SUBSCRIPTION:. $1.50 PER YEAR HISNItlEtl, BANQUET TO NEWSPAPER MEN A NOVEL DIVORCE CASE DEATH CALLS WELL- Tendered hy Hurry S. liny, Who IMU- The flmncilior hcridi't That the Mar- ly AMMJmril 'MiiMitti'iiiL'iit of ihe rlaiii! or Harry K. Vlii'l mill Mur- Hold Windsor In Washington. Iha A. Myers WIIH a Nullity. A novel event for thlH part of tin- Possibly one of the most novi-1 di- country took place last Friday night, vorce cases that thl.s county hm* cvr That is the Aim of the Ccmmis- |te Cou'dn't §nder»tand Wlut ttt Hotel Windsor, win ii the newspaper la Iti'n before a Clmiiuullor Ita-* just Familiar Voice of Harry Thomp. Other Folks Saw In It. folks of Washington and vicinity were he< n decided by thy Issuance of a Jt- son is Still in Death. sion Just Appointed. .Humntumi.Hly cnUrtiLlncd by .Mr. Harry cree rendering null and void tin? mar- •S. Hay, an enterprising young man riage of Harry ,B. Vlletiiml Martha who lately assumed mnnagemt-'nt of A. Myrrs, In u suit brought by i-x- this well appointed and popular hos- iTo^ecutor Win. A. Ktryla-r .-r Wash- WANT TO HEAR SUGGESTIONS JHRISTMAS IS AS WE MAKE IT telry. Mr. liny, who Is a man of ingtou In hehalf of Vllet. T. V. GORDON PASSES AWAY good wit-la! qualitlt-M, being desirous Vliet Is the son of Jaruh VlU-t. a mil lio ner a Would Like to Get Clo fome Small Incident* of a More or Less of. gating Into i-liiser touch with the well-known farmer of Franklin tnwii- Had for a Long Time Been a Patient Suf- Interesting Nature—The Big people at large, conceived thy idea of slilp, and Is still a \i-ry \tnmg man. ferer—Some Other Death* of to the SporUmen of Thii Sec- Dog and Hit Matter. doing HO through the men who push He hail paid SOUK? a(t<-ntlon to Miss the Pait Week. tion of the State., : the pencil for the edification and en- Myers and had railed upon the young Once there was a man who couldn't tertainment of the public at large. lady at her father's home, but In'tin* After suffering patiently with that 1* IS (1 IH'W !: .tnti giinitr coi • any tine lie rcan-d his visits. painful itdllctlou. ((right's dlst-ase, for i incontroI int tHfi unrl gut:in* T.i add lift—and, wu might say.: four mouths. Thomas Volk Cordon In :'<«W J.-T.M•y ihiw; and If iHI IUHS about Christmas. Ho thought 11 dignity—to the affair, he also Invited; During (lie'following I'Vbrnnry Miss Tvas a nonsensical I'hiee of Uiislness Myers, aecon:pani''I by her father, ap- died at his home. M Cornish strei-t. in II will ia ki- stiillE'lt'iit In ten•st |ml on top of that was an expensive In some of the physic Inns of the hor- i nt !».!*• Monday nlglit. Ills death had to re.ws curtailll II!I*HH which th "%y (nigh, two nf whom were formerly peared tit-fore Justice Philip Cook of been momentarily expt-ctul at various may tiilfrtiitii, li r.i'iv |iuv«- the sat i- Identllled with the publishing busi- Broadway ami entered complaint This man had one <"f those Curdled times during his lust illness He had iary I'ffi-ct of liupmvliii,' conditions ness. As we nil know, calls of this* against Vllrt ehai-(;Ing him with as- been In poor health and sufferi-d with Wtinii.Tfully. nnd nt tin- .-iinie time •Jisposltlonw that nevi r HWccten hut Ulnd are the only ones that physicians; sault under promise of marriage. more sour us years go hy. the disease for si v i'oniiiiEs^Iiin WUH yhody else. ; news pa pf:i->' workers, and the physl-. and lie'wus coiifmnU'ri by tin- girl and (iordon. nnd was born at Qtiaker- itn «-xpi JISIVC orK')iiL/«ulou; that Hit* As caeli Christmas .season nppnmeh- clans as well, found Mr. Hay a must: town, X. J., oil Aug. 12, ISr,:!. Most Arch Over East Washington Ave. in.'iulifru f?avf liitlc alt>'iitloii to their duties. tiiKl took no furthfp Intcn-Nt d, he begun to Fret and his life was i>f his i-iii'iy life was .sprnt In French- Tills liif IKW nrch. which has been and tin- task was all (he more dllllciilt [unusually unpleasant from election town and vicinity, nnd it was In that th;in to nap (t.-r.s.uial b.-tifiits. TbKt In course of t-oiHtriHiiou for several ln-causte, it was necessary t<> lake rare bi-nun<> so •>vid(iit tliiit tin- Inxt k-gl.s- (time until at least two weeks after the town (but he mariird Miss I,»tltla months.: replaces the narrow ami un-of a stream nf wati'i- underneath, and Blolldays. The nearest thing to happl- Stout on Muy J", l.s'l. The couple liiture liboii^ht'd thi' t"!imils>!'in :m-i sightly old eiilverl under the Laeka- not to interf* n- with the travel of crt'fitt-d it iii-w. •uiif. TnosM Hint came to him was the Unowl- Kcttlfd in that pretty llunterdoi^ vil- wntiiiii main Mil" tracks on lOast Wash- trains overhead, and, fur most of the dge tliut the Holidays were over, lage, and .Mr. ilordtm was proprietor ingt'in iiveaue. Tin- Slur herewith limp, accommodate tin- trolley, wagon The li«'W board in non-partisan, [and It was only then that ho resumed of a chnir factory for a number of pi-i.-ents tlu>. lirst picture of the newand foot travel below. The actual compos.-d of two D.-niotiats nnd two ...t normal condition. (Smirnuir-flfrt IForl Ur g»lar Sraftrrs: yriirs. He moved here about *J1 years struct 11 iv. (hilt has been prill led. It work of building the culvert was be- ltcpublkiiiis. They Kvt im snlury itinl He Just couldn't bear to hear tire- ago iiml followed the manufacture of Is now i-nu'tlettlly ilu!slii>d.. uithoitgh gun on May U:!d and it was virtually thi'Ir trawlliiK ...\peiiycH ure limited feome little children talk incoherently chairs for awhile, afterwards, entering worlunt-n hiive betn moiv or less ooniph a-d mi Dec. iS. There were over to *s.-iO a year .-ach, with the |irlvll«>Ku jot Kanta Claus and make imsinlng- the employ of the Cornell Co., where busy ft it", tin! last four weeks laying 7-J lot.-* of eeineiit used In the work. of IMI^EIKIIII; » si-iT-tary. •Sal since the ftaum uf cuitligatiuu lian ll;rrr lie was employed as cabinet maker i remarks in anticipation of the the f-jiiu'dutl'Mis Tor the tmvt r and X«> ollhlal statement of the cost of We have tin knowh iij;i> ronivrnlng •coming of this legendary White for L'l years, retiring last spring owing perform lug simu* other' small jnhs tliret; nuMiib.'i^ of the coinnils.sion, to his poor health. the work ItiiH yet been given nut, al- •Whiskered Old Myth. It Jurrcd upon brcit a tiiur mhni lite rxrmnlifiratimi nf lljf tiff such as laying walks, etc. Kyurything though there has been a. statement but ran vouch for Mif inti'^rlty of tlio jhls nervt's and made his Dyspepsia The deceased man was active In now, however. Is complete with the that the actual cost is $:t1.0i>u. When iottrth mi'inbi'r- Mr, P(.-rcival C'hrl.s- •worse. nf llir (Clirifll mag nf nuirr iiuynrliuifc ln'tljf church work and lost no 'opportunity exeepthni nf cleaning up the sur- all the Items are In. It Is believed that li« (if illKh Hrld«-—who |H it thor- He sald that all* this Going On nt to do anything in- could to further t»w roundings, and hi January, If thethe cost will lie found to have 'exceed- ough sport.smaii. and liaw taken up • the churches and this trouble and ex- cause he loved so well. For many weather Is favorable, the big girders ed this amount by several thousand tho duties of DIP ottl In u most en- pense nf Fixing Up Christmas trees limiiaii rarr lliaii it is ffirl Jtiin fart hr years he was a class leader In the overhead will he taken down ami re-dollars. thusiastic mimiifr. |was Tomfoolery. .Methodist church and held meetings moved to another place. The improvement is a wonderful Mr. Clirlstle IM partkuhirly o,uiilili- _ When Christmas Hay enme around Itrpt in min6 in tljr .brautiful (Eltriatiima >timr. tmce a week. He also taught a olass The building of thl.s arch has been ono. The arch is an wide as the ave- t'd to look out for the hitiTi-sts of the Ihe shut himself up in the house, just In the Sunday school r«r a long term a.vrry laborious piece of work and is nue and travel beneath the railroad people In this section of tin.* State, I like he did every Sunday, and wished of years, only quitting when his lunllh recognized an n skillful piece of en- can now be made with comparative which is t'XNenUally a farming com-, -for thencxt day to arrive fulled. AK a chorister he was also ac- gineering work. The angle ut which safety.^ The trolley'trucks occupy the miuiity, uud It is not m much a imes- This man, as might hu expected. tive in the work of the church and the mllroiiil crosses the public high- center "of the road through the open- tlon with him of just wlint leKlxlutlou • never wave any Christmas presents (Sunday Hohool. When the Washington way made ll necessary to build the ing, and the advantage to the trolley can be Mecured, art it in Just wimt I nnd coiiHccnu'iHly never received any. " Tnlon Mission was organized, Mr. arch upon what is known as a skew. company is very apparent. lt'j,-l»latlon Is necessary. I lie never said Merry Christmas to ! (Sonlon was one of the most active He In giving the subject much -study • anyone on Chiislmiis niiirning ami no I of those instrumental in starting this and I.s devilling a great dial of time " mhslon work In Washington, and it to the work, talkInj,' with sportsmen lone said Merry Christmas to him. H»- was lurgoly.tliic to his efforts that the nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING ' I didn't want thetii to greet him that iign.-itble and hospitable lm»t. lli«! h«r father, who demanded that he Joseph O. Thompson. at every opportunity in an endeavor j way. he said, b.-causu It was on!y ui-vt'ii succt'cdt'ii in hiding his asli-nlsh-i fltln-r, marry Miss Myers at uticc or work han been HO successful. - Ucsddes his parents he is survived to.Kel- their sentinieiitH. lit; invites. | feiollsh. childish custom. , nifiit 'when he noltc-'d what ravt'imus \ go to jail mid take tlu- ball itnd chain hi lodge circles Mr. Gordon was by these brothers and sisters: Jacob •IiiKtii-e'iiiuI'Mni. Varu P. Giillvfc Oh- thriiiiKli the Star, any ^iiggesttons' This'man. was right. Then; 1^ n<>appetites the hun.-h possessed, luit j tn-atincut. also active.- He was a faithful mem- Thompson of Clatlst^ne, Charles and srrvL' the Fiftieth AnitlverMiry of from sportsmen in.thiK neighborhood, i such tiling as Christmas happiness really s.-i med pb-aseil that the n;p»at I Vliet refused to inter into the mar- ber of L'te Tribe, Xo. SO, Imp. 0. II. John of Dnvi-r, Joseph of Jersey Ulty, Their Marriage at . and any i 50th anniversary (joyous MorryChristmas greeting of a di'iiiig-room.' wheiv the banquet took though he de.-larod he-would never ceased was possi ssod of an ittillrlug Hit* Thompson . residence on School time. Sportsmen may either write I Christmas morning In his early child- energy. In s|dte of hix' physical alllic- of their marriage. It was a congenial him personally, or may sum! contrfbu- place. The menu printed below was I live with .Mis;. Myers If In- married ln-r. strei t ibis (Thursday) afternoon. gathering of relatives and old frlcnd.H, hood—to .such a man th-r-- Is noserved in th» lu-st <•:' order and proved * Itev. ' Win. Thomson, pastor of the. ti repast, an- ! he declared Harry and Martha man time when It had been lii.v custom to ington eenii'tfry. ami .sincere. The commission hits, as yot, reach- If any. other hour ur nVre was itfvon up to•', and wiiV. Vliet at onee left fur his prepare for the evening service at his ed no delinlte conclusions as to just Moral—Christmas is nr isn't—just toasls and story telling, with great ! Ashury home ami never r.H-ognixeil church, he called his family to his Tlje banqui'tting room used for the what legislation should be o-sked for bedside and bade them an affectionate .Mr-. F.upheiiiln Whitmore. occasion was the storeroom immedi- at tlMi coming session ot" the legisla- | us we make it. pleasure for all pn sent. Kach diner th* innrrlutfe ntlutldn ,»r lived with Tin- funeral services of Mrs. Kuphe- his wife. farewell., giving them his blessing. ately across the drive-way from the ture. Favorable consideration, how- pond'eil in croilltahlo fashion. I>r. Throughout his long suffering the pa- mia Kllzaheth Whitmruv, whose death Guliek homo. This room was hand- ever, lias been given a few features. The mamiiHith Kt. Bernard dog "f .Smitrimithh acteaeteidl as toastmastoastmnstet r andl provl - Tliu separation font hi was brlelly mentioned In the last August Gteitz, the vel< ran piano mak- tient never murmured but suffered the somely decorated with evergreens, Foremost among these Is the exaction eil parllealurlv lin|,|i>- anil entertain- IwKlnnliiB of llw pnsem year, when severe atllictlon lii silence. Fifteen issue of tho Star, were held at the yellow and white paper and white of a license upon all resident as well : • and tuner, Is a familiar object on lnB in his renm'rhx. : Vliet .leel.le,decided! ti?l,re«to* break the honibondl that home of her son. Samuel Whitmore. 1 the streets of, Washington* Mr, CJU-If/ and through Mr. Stryker. ti minutes before lit/died he recognized bells, the whole cut minuting directly as 'non-resident gunners. It is esti- Or. IX'drick told ol" Ids early ex- 'ii'iiiumlnr-of lib-fit mil v-ii nil dit.-d with Inv.Fcebk'iown; :.:. Sunday ..afternoon, over the bridal: table..;. in. a prominent mated thnt a license of ?2 a year, .or ,: and lie are "almost-inseparably mid periences' as a prlnler"imd later as a Institute.!. That case ha> itev. Dr. P. W. Johnson olliclatod and may always be seen together. They then, re- ii smile on his face.. place was to lie seen the Hag of the a less sum if possible, will create a publisher, and gave an estimate of been before tliu • . Besides the widow, he is survived interment was in Washington ceme- Union, under which Mr. Gullck fund of $100,000 a year in Mils State, form a strange contrast. Hover is how much he would have been in debt sultim: this week in llnal. decree tery, liesido the "grave of Mr."\Vhlt- 1 unusually large anil .Mr. Gleitz is un- •rlng'y amillltyi that by live children: 13dward F. 'Gordon marched ' for many long months dur- which' mun'ey ean be used to great had he remained a Journalist. Dr. i declaring the of Grand Uaplds. Mich.; Mrs. John J. iiKu-e. who ilU-d eighteen months ago. ing the Civil War. There wore two advantage in propagating same and usually,small. As a manor of fact, I.alliew told of his early life at the ''"' I ititu the marriage re- Mrs. Whitmore died about tj o'clock Hover weighs 110 pounds while Mr. lations under illegal stress. which Furivll of Xcwark, Mrs. ICdith Handle lung tables and a smaller one between restocking hunting grounds with 1 t-aso and at tliu desk and felt thankful and May and Win'. 15. Gordon of this hist Thumhiy morning. Death was them, arranged after the pattern of game and streams with Ilsh. There Glelt/. weighs only II: . Kover gets that he had decided upon a change of amounted to duress; itnd did not from acute indigestion. She had beon meat than his timsU r and be thereby, consent la marriage; and place: also four brothers and one sis- the letter II. At the small table were may bo more or less protest against occupation so early. Mr. l-'mnk K. tor— Demurest Cordon of Harrington. visiting her daughter. Mrs. S. T. Itiish. seated Mr. and Mrs. Gttlick upon one legislation of this kind, but the com- ought to go to work and provide the I'orter narrated bow he lisul gotten that they an- mu nuirried to each nt Brass Castle ami wont to the home living for awhile to own things up. other now. Del.; Wm. V.'Gordon of --hiludelnhla. side and Itev. and Mrs. Crouse on the mission, in view of the successful op- into . the, printing ... business, how. Uev. I,. .1. Gordon of Frenchtown, of her son on Sunday ufternnon. That other. There were HO persons seated eration of such laws in various other he had gotten oiU of it.attd then into Vliet is at present employed in the [lev. Ja lie way Gordon of Pittsfield. night" she was taken with a severe at tho tables at ono time, and turkey States, believes they will work out 'One good mrn deserves another, but it again—In •"" nt'gan stylo— Taylor Iron & Steer Works at High Mass.. and Mrs. I,. M. Davis of Wash- attack .of indigestion, anil when she was merely one of the good things with good iv.sults hero. . most of us uxpi*i;t, live or six. and what the outcome ;ill be, he said, Urldgc and his former wife Is 11 w ington. requested, her son to go for a phy-served. , no maan n kimwethliiioweth. ' . ing with her parents. sician. Mrs. Whitmore told him that The commission believes,'-also, that On one trip between Washington Kx-Mayor Ii. M. lVlty." who owns .• The funeral services will be held at she knew she was soon to die. In The only person present at the an- it is advisable to abolish all shooting and IMiilllpsbnrg a local trolley car the hotel property, was. also one. of the late home Friday morning at 11 spitf: of medical skill she failed rapidly niversary who was present at thein the spring; to abolish woodcock carried I :tti passengers. This is the A Letter I'roiu Ci'.ptahi Lim^tau". o'clock. Uev. C. X. Hutehinson will until her death. wedding of Mr. ami Mrs. Gullck was shooting in July and to, make the op- the guests and he told how much Tho inany old friends of Captain ••record on the Kaslon .<• Washington nicer It is to be a banker than a print- conduct tin* service, assisted by Itev. .Mrs. Margaret•. Smith of Gladstone. ening season in South Jersey date line. John T. Lungstaff will lit* intet-cstiid Dr. Johnson. Tho body will he taken The dect'iiHed woman was (30 years The children of. Mr. and Mrs. Gulick, from Nov. i and in North Jersey from er. Ho did Mr. David M. Cook, cashier In a letter which ho lias Just written to iFrenehtown hy train and interment Oct. 1. M Is also intended to abolish if the Netcong Hank, who hq.il old lust -May. Her maiden name was viz: Walter D. Gulick of Washing- It Is "unite worthy of note that the inide, Ca]>tain II. II. made In the cemetery at that place. Smith, she being a .laughter of the ton and Mrs. Hlmou A. Ayers of Vi- the sale of game entirely. Some con- borough of Clinton, with nearly 1,000 companied editor Chas,-.\\. haton. a Crocker. Captain l.augstaff is now Life's race well run, later Loder Smith. All her'life had enna, were present, accompanied by sideration Is being given to the ad- popiijatlou, and a town that boasts nuwwpaper nmn nf that viirlvin-vniMjirJ l^ln|imte o( URI H(lUMl>lV U-JI1|0 ,„ Life's work well done, been spent in this vicinity. She wasIheir families; also live grandchildren visability of limiting the amount of. '6f;:cbhsiduruhl«-wtiilih',; has nota sin- Morris county boi;ougli, who had. a I .TTTITHSOU City. Trim . Dtirii ..-:• " : Life's cro-.vn well .won.::.. • :.-.:.•; a member of-the PresbyteriiMi /'tum'h. with- their, husbands and wives and game.that 0,-u-h Individual m;iy tak»; .. gle resident who owns an automobile. fiind "of good Irish stories. or he had employment "with the Xow comes rest. j These children survive: Wm. Whlt- three groat-grandchildren. It is proposed to recommend to the Ur. Williams, with, characteristic H. & \\\ llallroud. and uboul the mid- MAJOR PUI3LANCK. rhore of riiihidelphia, Rev. Harnea Following the dinner the guests re- legislature the passing of a law to grace, threw some sweet-scented bou- dle of November went to the Soldiers' j Whitmore of Walpack Centre. Arthur open the bass season on June l"i, in- quets ..'at -different..-members of ....the Hon!e~-f'MV-the-Av!!U..'r.;;;.;:.H'.:"'iniv!u!s.:".t<> .... _Ur.iT.v li.\...Thr--ni!it—«<>ftI"!!--"!'-!!' llck wenj. to war. Miss___,Tonnie F. r •"G'lm^kT-'ii-'-Tft^ ,. reached.' tlio D.imlk'lTr':"staTurn™a 7lis-~ Tiiuthl^hTir(l^r!«toM~"wlinuwtwoVrepro-|VoTinfr>" "Vie " liikiiji'"the" climate'" very" tacks was' so eTuVi'nionly" imow'if "tlii'it j burg mid. Mr*. Jneo lloyer Ington. gave a reading entitled "A ] also to.abolish net ilshlng, except for Li patch was received I'ronr the conduc- sentatives of'lbe Star launched a -few j m'ucn mui Siivs the pC(1I1io arp t.x. the nows of his death from this cause minnows, after June 15. '.' ' ' '•• tor staling that his train had struck a was received with a great deal of sur- vUlere. Golden Wedding," her talent in this remarks that were saved from the j tromely agreeable and show the very line being highly appreciated. Mr. lladiciil legislation soems required ,, am on a crossing between the two Hood of Xoab's time. j jK.,st ot- feeling for the boys who wore prise. -i Hlg business at. Oovnisli's. ..! . in..preseV.ving the shad .Industry. Miles places, and that no driver could be Gulick.acknowledged all tlia-kiiul ref- Mr. Muy replied approciutively t" me blue, among wbieh areJone hun- Harry had b'oen.-a victim of this When so many Industrial plants are erences r.that had been made to him and 'miles of nets are stretched across ' found. The natural supposition was thc many kind personal references and j (lr0(l ^punish War veterans. terrible alllletiun since^ the age of the •Delaware river during the shad j^_Uuit.-ihe..driver^]iad J»een., killed,,imt nice thjngs said of his hotel, and ex- | Captain, LangHtuff wayj? he always wurking fewer men or shorter hours and.Mrs. Gullck: nnd gave a.very in-! ; : two ..years,..at. which tiij.ie „he ..became. j llshiug; season,, with tlio result that., pressed the'hope thafhc- would nice t (Vntertairied the opinion t"iiat 'a"' SuV imralyx.ed on o"ne~slde,""as''a result of "an" 1 "comparatively"" few" shad are "able "to""" the fact that no liody could be found. all present frequently and get'.botter dlors Home was a sort of almshous attack of measles. 13ver since then get to the head waters to spawn. It Several men wont from Columbia acqualnteU with them. but ills opinion Is now altogether his condition has remained practic- is a recognized fact that at the present to the scene of the accident. It was The bill of fare that was so tempt- changed, nndVhe, declares that ho ally unchanged, although within the rate ot" extermination, 10 years more learned that John' Dockor, accom- ingly served follows: would rather live there than in tho last year ho took a cure recommended will see the total eradication of. this panli-d by^Jiis^soji and another man. best hotel Jii^Viwbingtoii^ He says by a Philadelphia concern and favorite^ food fish. : : "WasH17iiRlou~Co ffai5in"iiie""a™ la~*l Voya'l 6™ unil~liie~IinHHies~lfei'-^^ ocl tnat"lie'iiatFocon greatly bcriencteur ;:^Trrii^Srr'^-iu:i^i'e~!T^-Aigli^Bn'o^c^n~- Columbia hotel for his home, driving clothing, one dress suit and one fati- Iced Cucumbers _;„ Queen. Olives : In truth,,.the .iittacks were, for a iinie, you have any ideas or any protests to ^LcmticlillIll's .team.::---:--.--;•:•..-:,_-.,.._:- gue ~'siiitr iili"'utiderclo'thIng, shoes and very 'much" less" frequent.' "•"•:r"r-"'-: '-•• • 'ma"He"orsen'(i':U!5 couiiiiiiniuatkVtid:u"ver:;": """•" ' Xew"'York " Celery "-"' ' ,stockings, and their •washing done. 1 The'searchers found that when the .Bilked. Son,.Bass.,.; .WJ'.Vdsor Dressing ...... ,A_..cliii.tigo _canie ..last_^y^eeli.._wl\?.]l™!>_ your, own signature. What the com- ward Wllgus's home they had gone 'rotunr'"or"the"" spoils"- was"maulfestedr i Roast Vermont Turkey, Stuffed comrades and says he would not be brought on, it is thought, by an at- •what•is-;!ieode'.l, :.!iml.th'.'ie is no boiler into his bouse' and left the horses Cranberry Sauce lonesome at any time if he had at authority than the average rod and standing. The team was consequently least^oue of them there. ' lack of kidney liouble. From eight .....Hi 111 V.> l.'l^if^lll) .til, 1III1J .III L?I t|. il, Arashcd Potatoes French Peas o'clock Friday night until ten o'clock Linaberry.' Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Cox,K\m sportsman who ranges the fields drlvorless when struck by the or whips the streams nnd casts the train. One horse way, killed, and Asparagus Tips in Cream Sunday night, he suffered between Mr and Mrs. S. L. Mibler, Mr. and Mrs. 1 ^. ^ K h I n o^ \V I ii o^ I^llt ^i> ncl^i [__ ,, Xcvv. Cliurch lit Oxford. _._. _ J-.h.re.°,. .fy.V(A.. Xl)-M !L.)JI!.LIA! r°>L>!.?i }ii!ii!.P-P..?.*.- C.^IL All)ertHon,,,Mr. and .Mrs^ J^_JLlakes o' this immediate section.- and -on- .Saiurdny-lie-rrhad-aa-iiiuny.-its- sixteon in the""siibi*t" period- oT'one lick; "kov. and "Mrs.'j, I*,- Orouse.-Mr'. oC the accident. .lier._"yV"~est. Washington avenue home Holiday • Suggestions.' hour,. .his jleiitlv .result)ng;..nL. s_nyo.n and Mrs, ICdwfird Corwin, Mrs.'li.-R Assorted Fruit 1 o'clock on Monday. , "siiiioriiVg'CriHii injuries "received" Iif a Howell. Mrs. Sadlo. Howell, Mr, and pp, ritts ltcc I live. Meetings will bo held for the present ; full, lust Sunday niorning. Owing to • For Men—Women—Children. . . , XJmbrollas''from $1.50 to $3.50. A Fruit Marmalade withAVhiiipnd Cream In the Methodist church, tho first The young man was a particularly Mrs. Chan. Puffer. Mr. and Mrs., Ed- Spend your money wisely. Sumlay in each; month. Ucv. Lewis well-known character of •Washington, ill health, Mrs. Unwiiiiin was takendo wurd Pool, Mrs. .John Pool. ttev. AV. box for each. A fine one for OSc, ^ mainly because oC ,.tlie fact that he the Presbyterian church in a carriage IT. I-Tagger ty, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Cum-:, •"-•'• Make sensible X-inas presents. NanansyMs pastor. hy her son, Samuel T. Howmnn. ,'• As l!uy your presents—footwear—at Boys are boys, but, nevertheless, : Head Wolslayer's ad. in another The llrst meeting was held last Sun- had for many years acted as town mins. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cummins, "Grehr's," I3nston's Rest Shoe Store. ; column and then visit his store and she was entering the vestibule she Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mo well, Mr*. Lytila Thoy ncea the best . > day, at which'.time these,eUlersi(were crferf announcing all, manner of en- see how many useful things you can tertainments, sates, games and other tripped on a mat and fell heavily on Hardin. Mrs. Mamie Howell, Miss ••-..:;,. •.---Why do most -parents- •-.-: elected: Lad Sivah, Stephen .Kokod, 'her facc-.-A-sninlllione^in the right c get there suitable for a sensible Christ- Charles Erdor and Peter T.oth. attractions, 'being "soon almost daily Emma, Bird. Mr. and'Mrs. Gus GuUck. KKAD I-AUBACII'S U1Q AD. TUTS liny Storm-proof Shoes HERE? mas present. , ^ ,- wrist was broken and, hor nose was Mr. and Mrs. Ezra' Ay^ors, Mr. and * • • A second shipment just received. upon the streets acting in this'capa- WEEK. V; •• - - » • I - — Who says.Money Is tight? Plenty city. It was about the onl.y^mentis ho badly bruised, It being feared...at first Mrp._lTT|ng-,i\yers, ilr. and Mrs. Etl- A full page—page 1C. It will give . , Why arc we selling thorn? •^ that the nose was broken. ...~ ;,-, 1 Xo Money In the Country'.* in circulation at the Ford Furniture Iliad of supporting, himself.*-' Ho was wai^T"TItiis, Mr. and Mrs.- John Tims, you many, suggestions:; Cor. Christmas "Geehr's," Elision's Best Shoe Store. thirtyrsix years old last May, and his ....Rep. 11- Iii actual circulation In Ford's Hotise. .... J,.,...... : .is^ _V. ...'.. -—- . jTrs. John Black well, ijMr." and 'Mrs. Buying^'' Read It throughout. " f i ! r -' .Freahsklm milk 2c. qt. at Uehleln's. sliow window, ^ "See show wlndbwi ~* -* '•"" '."." dcatiris: the' lirst ''out 'otx family "of Star ^Tri-W'eekly .N'.Y. Tribune' Ji:.-J5 Clias; 'Voorhees -'anil' "muUieiv- -• •- •'—--~-«"\Vm;.-Latihach-.& Son.vKastoni'-Pa.-—^ ii THE WASHIXCTO.V S'l'AK. AVASHIXKTOX, X. .!.. THURSDAY." DKCKJIUKK 12. 11)07.

!li>, Aiiini Kit-n. sl't'iit WCIIII.'N- •lay nt .Wu'tmi. p NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS TOLD | All-- l.illlnu Vim UIIIT |i vlMltlnii Christmas •vliillv..* In .V. Tlii" ftirinvr* II.I .'.'K liiiv.- It, i-n || BY STAR CORRESPONDENTS lilllllllt Ih.-lr lU'itvy h Money .Mrs. II W. l.ai.av IVIII i'il lu.iiu' -Mh.'ll K. I'MUI.T Sinn! Ills Th.-iulis- GLAD H 'IV 1-U.V tit.' I ylvltiu vai'alli.n nt .Mnllllt ll.'i-lui.tl. MH'M'lilS. -tilt! .ism'itv. IIAIM:SIIIIII;. * I'lli'Ntinns I'.M-rt-lsi-s Mill ln> In'M In Jin. i:.'1..-iiii •I'.-IIi. nf IMlllllP'.l Al.rnm li.'i'k nii.t Mrs. Itiirt-?* m-j Triin.itiimy iliuivh. .Clirlsuniiin ivi-. • -vMiliii: li.-r ..-i.ii. .tnliti X. I'.'lts. Klrli nr.' Ill j liana A|i|ili in Ims II'UM-,1 I-M\vuril Kx-Sriiiiinr MIIHIII tt'yt'knir Vt ii.ll .vlljnyllli! it. MtulKlt. llilv.l'll Will-, 'j ShalVrV li'iinnt linns.- at Cri't-iivllli'. GREETINGS v v r This ^ "'""•'''"""'"' "- " '"'jn. winy. j 01.1 Suit or Ovi-nivit I-:. II. Slnllli i-ii.'.l rlilliuMpiilll # l.i>t W.-.lii.•«.!«; 1.1,1. ]::.-.• I,:- li'ill ]S j- fr..iu $-'.'»> t" *l.'»i. Jlw. Kliv I tirak.-,.r An- in,; you hum $1VIM* Mrs. M;ihl"!i F"\ M;« t- - «»••"- •« *• *• <• ' •••• now tli" li.'ii^.' .luring iti" I'll*! .-li l*y ll Al-nii I,Int.- went t" .Iuri\ti"ti ct Halt. U«'ii.li-r lii>w lu The Saving is Still Greater ,ty tti \i-it hi* sl-t.-r. .Mrs on Ladies' Clothing C Ml-* Hhtm-li.- .Vriniii .am.' h..m. .r-.ttt V"lil*.rs mi S.itur.fity f..r a nv. I Mr. anil Mrs. Chirk Stlt'l;!.1." anil Only oac tJtr uuii, ana our good j ni'>ntti>' v,uaii»i-ii..i N «|.n.r. Win. 'Snyili'i tit cltiilnatn mail,' a l.n-hi.-s>\ tri|. .Mir l..«n last uv.-k. •••ork mnv.mid avoid tlic rush. •'Mr "- *•''""• s":'''1'- "' <;'1" Clark Sii'l.-y. ..f Hiiiusltun:. ban ns Hi.- l>;i»t •••!;. Hi' h.is I., 1,1.-,I I., HIM | Ills luwly purihas.'.l pr>.|.irt l l.-.tiuht lilt- J'.SIMIII Purling fa: [ Mr-. J.ilm VanO.-rvi.rt .•! Wliito- ilr.-.'iivllli' f.ir ST.iiiiii. IK.US. I|. 1 II.T linmrhl.T. .Mrs. K. II. .la,'..l> All.il. tli.' v,'t>'taii malll .'iir- 1 M....1-.- .lurlm: tin! l«i>t »••>•!<. l.r. Is slllll on hhii sJ J.il l JukiJk. iI sI ,!.".. Sh:i«' nf Iliilllsvlll,. has lia.t t"" th.'s.h ' flf,ll.l. uh'h» iis r.'a.ly assist a u.'i\- i-.x'l I .it t in...ii his l.arn ami al- It \< iv.ir.d tliii! Ihi' 1-riKht. liltte . fl h i y t sii up-.II Ills .Iw.'lllni; hi'iisi-. [- ™i\-y-;.r-'>I'f -m "1' Mr. .'mil .Mrs. tr- <>: that's tin- riuhih t spirit to King -:,..u j l:.'l..-rt IMslinu- Is liavlnir til.' I.U" | vit: ..M'B.ir will ic.-i- his .-h.-ht. A .ari.il rat- s.'riiil. iv.-llval ami I',""''"'. """"," '•"'"' '"""" "'"""'•'''•'). 225-231 Ferry St., Eastonl^^^^^^'^^ i r. wllli ..>.-t.-is In.lii.l.'.l. will I.,'!-'- ' • l!in'>" '• ">'• .an.i'Mtir .'ii y.-.l. :i\.n I..- tin- trust.'.•> nf ..nr i-huivh ; Onil.' ;, I'.t •>( milk Is Itrlug ivivlvvii .. . .__._,„._.._.*.. • i-l'iim- Al..'!r;.v in l'l.llll|.>t.urc. m l-'riilay liMit. IVc. -'': It >t<>rmy. > at tin* t-ivum.-ry. Snnlf nf lln' rarni- .Mr. tin.l .Mr-, til.iiiii \V.|>-!i will ."I- hi-n nil Saturday nlcht. j i-rs fiirliish ftu'lit ami llhif cans ilnily. •,,,,.!,• :h.- r:.!li ..nnUvr-.try .'.' th.'lr H.-ntaiiihi It. It.-.'!; Is nnt lumbering' ijutt.' a iiniiil»-r nf this plai'i' nt- .1"- itiui'h Hn'si' ilays. llf Is waltlnirMi-nili'il thi' i-titi'i'tatiiiiit'tit ami social nr'si litll.' nmrn slum', ll.-iinv Is nni' I lnl.1 al Allainii.hy ml ThanksBlviiiK if :ln.»" r.lli.ivs vrlin ilni-sii'i say miii-li I cvrinnii. Hi. 11., 'i,l uii.it In- .-.i>.- In- nn .ill.-. , 'IIIIMV m, «' Una' i iiliimv at Jnlin I.. IVi'k. iMllcriliii; slnivar.l nf th,. l.a.ll.s' Al.l mi'itiiis lu'hl nt tlm K.-v. iiml Mr-. .1. -I. Itiiriim.T .ill- Vlmi'i'li. i« .iiininir iinmiiil hi a I h.n f Jli>. ,I..lm It. llraki' lust I The Approaching .•ii l"iinl "f Sprni" CIIII «VK i« .lays tn M-li y..ii. ami hv will talk I Tliiii-sihiy. ;u.-l- nf Mr" an.1 Mrs. <\ Man ..II a lliiaiu'lal Milij.'.-t. "Dnn't ism j u-,. ,.xi..i,,| ,,,„• ,..,,i';nllulall..i,s ,,. , Holidays "II ^.ittlI'Mil V , :!ir.-r,i 11 i. * y^ huI'IMt JH*Jn»It pa|'iiy' ymi» .M>r• iliti-s ami h.' Wlnllnlil ISunymi .mil l.rl.l,. nf lhu-k- Th" A-l.i'ir;' I.IIMI.' ->ll""l tins Jn-n j wil"' l :i"'l stay Yn' r .Iliinor" . '!!st..\VII. 'I'll.' urnn111 fni'llli'lly 'K'hi-at.-il In nni-[ sli!«il at Tramiulllty. .•jhnlllil S>'1 Vi'll tu Jnlin itatlyhail alnl family ha'., nmvoil frnm .1 farm nt Fr.'.lnn tn ill.* j iliiiiUins: iiluuit liiiviiii; Tlloinlnlv Froililil.tli-': farm, tii'iir ; SIII1IC IK'W I'hlltOS 1 |; lltintsvllli". .. ivhlcli h.' ri.'i'litly pur- | j.'has.'il. imulo. Try tluV ol.l Ki-.'.'iuaii su-alf>-. Ivti'r Mnrtln ami L'Siiiblirlunl iiml ivli- .I.'lm llll.l'-r i.ni|iliiy...l William lnir- llmr tn thrash iln-ii- i-tHlri' vrmis with able studio of his thrishliii: niachltl.- rtm with a •lasnlln,. fiiKliu-. Thi'i-i' will 1..' r.|in-i>!'ih I.i'aiiiU' sor- vlri's in Tiamiuility I'liuri'h I'Vt'iy Sim- ilay ..v.-iilm.. nvv. 111. I'un l.-r will In- S. S. TEEL ln'i'Si'iit. ami will i;ivi' a s.'1-li-s nf talks WASHINGTON'S ONLY t'llntmi Vnss nn.I family s|..'iit Sltn- ilay at tli.' hnni.' nf his liinth.'r, Austin \'ass. al Itrii:lil"li. Tli.'ir aii.'.l nmtli.T. "Mrs, Aii'lri-w Vass. is v.ry w.'ll .i.n- i sl.li i-ini: HIT1 inlvsii 1 an.'. ^ .Mr. an.l .Mrs. li.-... A|.!/!>'lnan .-nt.-r- I AU tlic licw ilosi^ns in o.ir.I ; talm-.l tin- f..|I.,wliii; |..-iv u |.-a ! stock, the litfsl wurkiiKinsIiip I last Tluirs.lay nl-rht: Mr. ami Mrs ' ;n:d lilt latest siyWs anil up to- iiilH-illah Wil-i.n. C'laivm-.' lM"k anil! date method* L-mploytjil. j family. Mr. ami Mrs. ilnil llllil.'l'. j And :i wish from u^ thai old and ymmjj. by and liltK', one and all, may ! Unv. Jlull.-r. pr.-slilliii; .-lili'i-, will ; ' prcai'li In 'rrati'iulllty i-ltitr.'h n.-vl Sat- : liaw jnsl the merriest and l)e.st Christmas ever for 1907; with an old-fasliiou- OVER PCTTY'S SHOE SIORt. Iiinlav .'V.-nlni.-. l..'i-. II: s.-nin's will 1 od home yatheiint;. with the well-laden tree nll.a-gliUcr;'\vit!i old Santa Clans I'l'iniii'-iiiv nt ;::)" Aft-.r i.i-.'ii.-iiiiit.'; j 1 in- will linl.l th- thir.l •iiiurl.-rl> and the Chimney, the li;m<;iiig np of stockings, the settinf; of plates; with all tile mysterious whisperings and suspicious bundles, and good things to iat; yes, everything to make one liappy. • Jjei tne d^ a |Grigin ofth e Buttzville Methodistsas^n J n,,,,u,^::^;^:^ii,,i(,lnu{ KHlte TOr AmaSl Organization and History of Their "Church;T"-;''- «^*JM.I-, >-\ No Christmas Complete Wo iloilbt if tln.T., O.. i.s a ,Im ..y ,i n ..till.s ^ • " :inn. I:. .--ni!t!l. i'A iJiUI/lVlllf. mi Mill- I ; th- .lay of !''»>-. ii-hnli. wlili! fi'iuitry wiin at sum.! linn- i-inn- . lt*-!utr tin n [la. class { il,-t!ii:ati in. th<- ...^ \v,,< nil I H-nha A.v-i-s. witliout the gift-giving p:ut, and today, more than ever, are the more sub- nr ntlior lias nnt wisliml for a kiilf... 1st^l \\:-\< wit!; 1 itu will swap nr s..|l -most aimliin- '""' h.-lil m--uni-s ... ..r' j.r-.vitli'.l r.,r. ! th.- tltianrlul 5 1 ni>- .\?•> Ilk,' knifo? liowuis.' w..-v,. wati-heil !•-'•'"•"•. ••">• •"""1 '"'"" •mitaf huii.ln-il ilullars still tn Ii.- pr.. We enumerate a few, of the many below, which we can supply: A >;1 r-.'\i- ; T'.vtnty yt-ars :iz'\ iin.li-:- th [UMI at Clark Sinltii'.-. n-ar Oxford. shorn us ih..y •iiizi! int.. niir slmw win- >'•'•'•• "'"'- '"•'"'• -n Huii'lay. til- iiu-i'ii. i l"ial" nf ii.'v. Alt.- r; C.iin. tl ilows, Innkiu-: as tluiiiK'' thi-y alai.ist Fr.-tnl; Sttr-s. <- i::tnl> farm nwir t.ixfonl. •rill- i-liai-Lr.. vva.. A Couch, 15.styles. An Arm Chair, S styles. ..:.

V. ....••:'.••:.".-..,; . ;All[l,x i-i,,,,^;,^ • aa.l wiiV -mm--iw.i •.•: . A_Turkish_Chair,-3 styles. is th.-n Pastor. ltialltr,n,.rs S1),.iu s.imlay with fri-n.ls 1 a: r-'iv-c. l.'nl..ii ' ' •' A liulTct, 12 stvles. A Dinner Set, S styles. Sennetfs Hardware -Store T™-'Z* ^J^f^t'Jjt^S^i^h ^ W\£.-Mrs. (•'rt.-il BtK-ki-uim-yi-r is SIRMHHIIT A Room-sized Riig, A Toilet Set, I17-I19 Xortlumptoil St., CaSlOn, Pa. K'-rtim- w«s Uiu prwu-luT in i-hurK" ! Him umk pluw unuoi- the i.ascr.nues this w.'i-u witii n-latiws in Washinj,-- -lu-ii the Urst cluirWi was Inillt. •Il»l>-|»l' Uw. John 1,. Hiiy*.*. llw. AIIHTI 30 styles. 10 stvles. :t yitick was class leailrT. . j Cain ami lU-v, A, W. Will-.-v-.T. UPV. KMa AiMK-rsoti. vlsiti-d her oousln. A Floor Rug, 100 stvles. Only <>n-.' iiu-iii.)..?[• of "thtf. tlr.-t yiass. ! Wm. A ten, tlif prtwiu i>ust.ir.;. is -MyrtlM Whln-.-r. ut Hiutzvilk'. Thnrs- : > far as can h>- asc-erutlni'tl. is still anxious to see tin1 sam- fjrtat p-uvt-r ilny niKl Prldiiy A Standing or Hanging-Lamp, . A- Costuincr, 12 styles. vtnp. Tills is Mrs. Henry Noyimrt manilV-su-us ]>a«tors wh grandson pass.'d Sunday with his sis- A Parlor Table, 35 styles. A Hire Screen, 15 styles. Huttz is tildcr In yoars. Inn not us a «Ml ter. Mrs. Josiah Park. nur of ihc th...; nhurch. •sod .may 1R> in-: ntionoil .l'..?v. Goo. Kllznhc-tli and V.Un Anderson pass- A Dining Table, 23 styles. A Half Doz. Dining Chairs, lt'-v. Thomas D-.HlrL-Ii, failu-r of nyiiai-t. whus,; horn..- was iii this fil Sunday with th.'lr iiunt. Mrs. II. O. V)r T. W. ami If, C. Dedrick. of Wash- Whlner. at Buttzvilk-. A Music Cabinet, 20 styles. 1 ington, was tin lirst pastor to 'make In the comt'tury iidjoinini; the church. r; .Grace Shoemaker, win r."u..-ntly iv- 6 styles. Side Table, 4 styles. his homo in ..liutwvilln, living in a Anotln: ot' th..' M!(1 tiun- miniate turned from the Pate •»n Outiural houso. hi 1S71 >f thi.s church l:e\-. John L. Hospital, does not impr. c very rap- High Chair, ro styles. Bedroom Suit, was bulk during th.^ iiastorut idl Hiiyc-s. lli'v. Mr. ITayc A Crib for Baby, 6 styles. .20 styles !i..rv. Win. H. HiiKgerty. • In 1S52. thfii from KSiI") to IS'1'J -Mrs. I:, f,, Widner. of Buttzville. Cfroim.I was t.rok..-n fi»r th- pn td for tin- third am! last. term in and Mrs. &. X. Cross, of SturHiiK, Pa.. A Hook Case, 4 styles. 7 passed Thursd'a>- with Mrs. Kdwin church in 1ST. , and it w;is «!.•<][,-:U>:K] I ISS-t to ISSfir; [!.:• io.-i has Slioemaker. '•'ii March ^, JSTtJ. II.-v. ll.-nry iAlly. J u. his linal ivwanl. A Paripr Suit, 12 styles. ' A Chiffionier, iS styles. . .John X. Park is ke|H busy with \u> na.-Mi;iiM''i.'HKiin-.-'Mi" iim wuud and :..,\-".'Mirror,-25 styles.; -..:-.::.-. .'--.r .Ar-Roman Chair, several styles. .. .. thr. sliintr Krain { i-yclopwiia of Dmhl. Mi'iul .t Co.. for dnn-ch by a com]»k-u- sorvkv t-ntiikd this vieiniiv. '. A Picture, 50 styles. A Table Cover, 10 styles. .;.j.th*> -.ifliuul llhrary. I ••!••.,Mowing tht* Star." 'V*;o Christmas Mrs. liudd W'ildrlek. who wont to :<[ Mr. and Mrs. ('has. u.Kmiand at- ! tn».-s will ho erecteil and '.Santa Clans J A'Princess Dresser, • A Roll Top Desk. .ai0.,_.] Htvr«on,-,.O,.'n'> - Hospiial -••:-:•••-iVMu-'-iT-'-Vitt-"ri-V.-pi'""'-^'^-!'!!-'WirV-'juni-: i^-«xi'CCt«';».'"-TIK.-- L-AL-reins' • will—-be' ai0.,_.Htvron,,.O,n Hp t ---:.--- .•;- .•.•.:..-..--i-.'.-"."--.-:.,-.-..--.i..-.:-.-..-.-j- j:g{y] ^- -.•;.-:..•.•::-,•." .. ~~.\ "• • PapCT Rack. " "" 1 d i e .Mrs. \V. A. Itutt, at iJioi.m.-hiiry.' on j Ltiv '--" "» Christmas nif,'ht. days URO. was successfullflly operated \ ;i watch iu for mi on last Wednesilay, and Is dolntf as A. Hall Rack, 18 styles. A Shirt Waist Jibx. Wwlnoisikiy i-voniim. " .lacol. B. Hwk. our tons and anvil well as could bo ex]»ofteil. Ilor luis- :ofllie Miali-araac Dr. Wiley, artist, Is ijoundhiy away W;i1lii«iii, K1K»I a ry l.and. who was with her fm- a few A Combination Case, S styles. A ^[attr!•ssS^ ,. h daysd . IkH- must hbe Kointf lo taki days. reiLirnod liome Thursday uven- ::^ lire in Hi.- ^' vacation soon, because that is. tin _ A_Tabourette.., 15.styles.,,„,' :. _ .,_ ™_. : A. Bt'cl-Spring.-- ,, Miss . to Pliil-f T"<-* \\'iird vuntlti.- was well attend-I . .. Friday "to "sjinifl Ru •d and fair pricos wo lIAlt.MON'V.; ' * with calf by her sld.\ M i Not all, oli.no; we can't tell you the half, better come in and look for your- ,vitb lu mil, 'Mr: n).'. Kthel t.nmmason visited i-ela- by Miss I-jSthtjih " ''fouRht $71!; an oilier lirouKht 550. lives i.'t rhillipsbury nvor Stiudiiy. ' } 'I*Th \-\ . . ' . e. .. • ..U-an. '. .T ,* i.. . .,.'."o, f"1 ."..^ray. ...'r^.i*i >1 IT -•• I.. %\\~*. •"Ja- • 51 r. itiH Mrs. Km. 5letz visited rel- self. • . • :'- ...,-. - .'. :. ,;v .-. ," .. OTTO JARCK, JEWELER rs. Han. who spent the- summer [ "^ ™iPr*: vus the principal buyer, atives in Finesvllk- .m Suturday und •111 .Northampton St. Easton, Pa. i !u:r ilanirlui-r. Mrs. A. D. Mutch-: Jabez Walters, our fnterpi'isinir .Sundiiv; Won't you make your selections early, please; it will help us so much. ivium.-i! ii) lOlizrilK-th tlif; first uf • y>uny fannor, has t.'ased the' Ward Mr. iin'.'i lire. " 1'JMvltt Kiloy niul Come any how, even if it's not until the last day, for we guarantee the de- week. Slie was Jic-iMimpunif'p l by : farm, tlatinv. from December 1. Jahoeiui Urs. ,\u\vt(>ii Mtitclik'i- uf I'hillii.s- ' is a sciontillc farm p Mis d will experi- rs w-•!•<•; ues is of Mr. mi Mr livery of every article bought. No disappointments. ' nif'nt alont: .sevt-ral 1 xt sitininc ; Hy the way, he has d wife, wh ; is ntso woll posted. Tho Iluttnnwninl Cirovo school is ltO( KPOKT. •losed at present. -Miss Orate HecH- J t^Comes^to^Li -dh I •{..-ally is vlsitii M< i'f Belviderr made ; lents. .determined lo Tlie exert'ises in onnnoction with n«h eh; s will fat-ilitate Laundering l-htire la:-i:...F!:idLiy...-—•:, L FURNITURI ork. received a ear- Hi'.- laying uf the corner stone of the f .i^m'JJl^k 51>*-i)lU'W.L ^ .... .V!.!!.. ..J. ..!Ji \ . JJ^HH jsiitXGJrojc, N. J._. 1 C. R. Ford . •.-Tf.-j in ,'nr>t>d. ir-ir-H-IUIS' 111'TmnK-rUK- %vl]j Sl|ppjy tO^thoS!- ''V ut :: oVIi.ek in tiie afifrnoiin. i Knowing i\w laundry busini'ss as we j '" i:v the way. they us.- - visit"'! h. "C!tienr"ChinFtr~Kave "a--iiii)sc—oxeellenf "itul, It's an I tu pussi 1*11 iLv.for uri,,.tu.l .,..^ , : . '.': V.- ... ; ; iiililr,:ss lip.m Ills ivnrlc.ln.tlu) fni-nlgii. s ; vl-UU'lii'^'.---~*\r*: -GILH'1." "i-..iriV. f J~W; :McMANIMAN , ,' Unit" there' is Ruporior ,1. Washington, la.st Sattti-ility. MTllKltMOX. filssioti Held; In ilte local Presby- DKAI.KK IN dorin.u;. We've never seen it, and terian church, Tuesday evening; Dec. FOR SALE Miss F1..XKH Xellars liad aw n truest I „ ?l 'tcml ppassea d Friday and 'Stocks and Jlonds orknownvtiiue Banker and Broker wo'ro'always hunting for improve- frormm ShSnhmlal v untitill ,. MMondad y hher ! ^turday In Kuston. am. (.•'iiishu MissJCllJi Anthony of Pen well. I Mrs. Anna Seals of IIopo Hucnt last llrs. I'Yed Mackoy and son and ill", Thirty-year 5 per cent. One of "the Oldest Estab- and Ill's. IKty Aniey lire spending ! Thursday with Mrs, John C Klumer- Gold llAnds Dealer in. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Coffee !Vlt!Vlt . ., ,, • sonic time nt the hunio of Matllspn 1 lished ...Roadhouses in A luiliscruus »»t'n(lloclt, AtDey. ' Mr. Ainey. u'ho had his anil luttresl pnynble .send-nuinmlly, no tnx. am CoUoti. Buys and sells for im- Mr tli.'U sometimes terminates fatally, is A. M. New than spent last amputated after having It caught in mediate or future delivery on "Warren County WASHINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Ilit- a"com. huslvlng machine, is getting Money to Loan the stoppage oC liver and bowel func- dobrnnt." • .. \. •" .""' margin Direct private .„ L. C. OPDVKE, Prop'r tions. To quickly end this condition For price nud terms, address without disagreeable sensations, Dr; Mrs. Clrns. A^arnor of Nojie is tak- .Real Estate for Sale (. wire^to New York and King's New Life pills should always IIIK euro of her mother, Mrs. Philip embracing I'nrms, Building I.ots nnd Town CASTORTA ; Property. .<•' ^ Chicago. be your remedy. Guaranteed abso- BtilllH, who is 111.' ; Gco. F. Kichline lutely... satisfactory in every case or bears the 'signature of Chas.I-I.Fletcher. Property placed In my hniuls for "sale or Hov, . A. C. ..Covey..,, returned-...home ;: real will be carefully looked nfter. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, 2nd: FLOOR money "back; • Kt:JcnklnsT& Meefcer's last "Tuesday 'after spcncliriff a""few -ih"iiso^i'or"over thirty yuurs, and - and heals lungs drug; store. 25c. ., ^V—.., . , -.Office: Itoom fl. Opera IIOII&O RIock, days with friends • at Asburv. The Kind You Have Always nought. Wnshlngton.N. f.t s* • N. J : _&_


Our display of Holiday Goods will delight the grown people as well-as little folks. Early selections ;:;•;':;! of Holiday Goods can be made now from complete stocks and with greater .comfort and satisfaction to you. Goods selected now can be left in our care, if desired, and delivered when wanted. Wraps, Suit Ga'es, Umbrellas, etc. can be checked at Central ISSMMBHK Package department. A first-class restaurant and lunch room on our lower floor. The best Ice Cream, Soda, Confec- tionary, etc. You can find refreshments here at any hour of the day. Come just as often as possible.

Ready-to-Wear Department China and Cut Glass Suits, Coats, Furs, etc. Lamps, Portables, etc. Our groat ilendy-to-Wear Uopnrtmuiit' is Mtinj,' llio licst oppor- The .showiii" this y.wir eclipses nil former exhibits. The lines par- ilies of the season. .Suits in tlie best desi.....;, <... ns, colors, nml fulirics in ticularly desirable us jjtl't C'hinn, and exclusive in our department, are the tight or semi-NUod models in a wide variety of weaves 1'iekurd, Hand Painted, lilakemiiu and Henderson French China, Dresden Coats arc also in .ninny fabrics and colors, made in loose oU'eet, tight China and Lenox Delleelc. A beautiful line of llaviland open stool; dinner or semi-liUing, long or short. Also caracul in ninny colors. Kur Coats ware. • and Kur lined Coats that must be seen to ^ realize their.: value. Prices- vary according to c|iiality, but are mucli lower tlinn you think. Dorilinger Cut (iliiss needs no introduction us it has been considered for years tlie most brilliant und artisticul Cut (Muss on the market. We Kurs in Mink. Lynx, Kruiine, Kolinsky, Persian Lamb, etc., in neck carry a large assortment of this beautiful make, together with large lines pieces, in clusters with heads and tails, tie shapes and . long throw scarfs. from other good factories. • '••., Also beautiful shawl collar shapes. All sold separately or with mulls to match. -'-.. : .. ' '. A lias or Kleetrie Portable will make a very useful and apprecii'Jivo, Christmas gift. A large assortment of shades that you limy have fitted up Children's Kurs in all styles, qualifies and prices. to your taste. -Metalmid China lamps of all kinds and for nil purposes. Carpets and Rugs Gloves for the Family Furnishings for Men For the home, Carpets and Rugs take first place as Our great Glove Departments can easily supply The solution lo tlie question. "What to .^ive boys gills uf usefulness aud value. Gwr sho.ving was never anything in Gloves for any member of .the family. Tlie better, nut only in the regular lines, but.in special holi- and men," is easily solved in this great department. smallest tot or the largest man or woman can be " fitted House Coats, $5 to $6.50; X'eckwear, 50c to$i; day goods. Large room size Rugs in a very large var- with any style or quality they desire. iety of patterns and qualities from $[5.00 to 355-00. Shirts, 50c to $2.50; Hoys' Suits, $2.95 toS6.5O; Knit Jack- All the standard makes are represented by large ets, Si.25 to $4; Gloves, 15c to S9.50; XighKShiits, 50c . Smaller sizes for use any where about; the home $ 1.00 :to; assortments for every occasiuih Street and evening ..Sio.oo. In this section can he found carpet sweepers of • : to $1; Suit Cases, 95c; to $11.50; Bath Robes, S3 to $10; Gloves, opcri^Gioves, wook-n .Mittens and Gloves and 'Suspenders, 25c to $1;" Underwear, 39c to $4; Hoys'Over- all standard makes. A most appropriate gift at reason- all kinds of Gloves- for workmen. Von can fix /your able prices—-?2.00 to $3-7,> coats, S2.95 to Sio; Sweaters, $i,.to S5; Hosiery 10c to limit of price and find just what you want. S2; Pajamas, $1 to $2.50; Hags, 75c*to $13.75. Holiday Handkerchiefs Holiday Umbrellas Umbrellas are one of j.he inost useful gifts one can make. They are always appro- priate for men, women or chilchcn. Our assortment is not only the largest in this vicinity, but more complete than you will find in many large cities. There is such a large variety of qualities and prices that it is impossible to enumerate. The covers are prices. Children's Handkerchiefs plain and initialed. \Ve can assort lo suit and pack in neat Christmas boxes if desired. of very good material and the handles come in Horn, Natural Wood, Gold aud Silver mountings, Pearl, Dresden and Congo. Prices range from $5.00 to $.10.00. OUR GREAT LOWER FLOOR The display arrangement of goods and wide aisles makes it a most delightful and satisfactory shopping place. Toys of every description from an inexpensive iron toy io the most expensive of imported mechanical ones. Dolls and Doll Out-fits, China and Cut Glass, Gas and Electric Portables and Shades Hammered . Brass Goods, Ormula Gold Boxes, Clocks.. Candle Our Hues, of.all kinds.- of Me- Sticks, etifr=a Furniture and House Furnishings. In fact you will Dolls chanical Toys, Engines, Magic We have made the doll busi- Lanterns, Moving Picture Mach- find here anything you may be looking for, for a Christmas gift. ness a study and this accounts . for the superior quality of dolls ines, Trains, -''Fire Ku^ines, 1 Horses, Wagons and imported we showy You can "find any size, novelties are the delight of every ..Christmas; Books any kind or any price, from the Furniture beautiful imported dolls to the child in this section. (Prices vary, Our assortment: of alLlcindsof Hooks forChvist- Large shipments of new -Furniture for the of course, as to size and quality, nias giving is the largest and most attractive we Holiday season is being placed on sale every day. little rag" doll of calico. Prices range from 25c to $7.50. Doll have ever shown . The,\;ery latest aud best Books China Closets, UnflTets, CInfl^iiers,__J2fesJ3e,rt5[ I^lux- r i—- Q\KJ Li ii Vi j-y^I >cu sr-F ui'ni I'uTcfTji slies^ "you can get" for whatever" sum" ™i uy v~li If 1 rsf^B j jT j n g- rra' HfesT^ra rl 01T Ta bles;'" H all . very best and attractive style. Hooks for the little and everything else a Doll wants you care to ])ay. Racks, Pedestals, Rockers,.-.Brass aud White Beds, ! folks that will be sure to please. 1; or needs. "• Springs, •Mattresses, etc. : •


THIS UKi Xl'MHKK. A rilll>1 niUISI'MAS l.KSSOV, This In ttie IStli Vonaeciitlve Christnum number that him bcvii ncrit out from the Stur otIHi\ ami In some res ltwtn It In llu- fcrcuti-M t*iUtloti • llmt (Jty Iti-v. \V. M. Mltthiiiii.l>aMori:i>l*> has Wen IJWUIII. It conniM* of 2« pitfffi*, IH«*UU'H the cover, milking .10 put;*'* «ii|uil Cluirch, llarki'ltMtown.) In till. :i»'l tlK' c41tl>»n txcwd* 4.550 coinpK'U' coi'l"*.' rvqulrJnR o\vr oiu> ton Ik'nUHi*. in the«L.< latter tiny*, when and a. quarter of whiu* PUIHT. The lulvunco In tin* price of white pa JUT tun I men live what we, vull."imictkal'' Hvwt, printing imiti-rluluf all Mm!.", the .viwt. uinomu of work i>ni|tloyed In KOttlns annd d carini g fofrr tlitl e thhji i of tthhe e pe presentsent,, up tthi- viirlinw xpin'lui fi'titurcH anil numerous litatoricnl and tirHcripttvp e ar- lire >>iiti-4tieiidd to allowl - the \n\<-ll t to t'ltjojyy ih t ttah! to th mutln f Mi muil uutbt> ticle.*, alow; with ttu* attache*! to the muttlnt; "f Mil* imunuiil uutubt>r al'itdute oblivion, it nmv be well to call umloulHi'dlllll y tnak^x thin edition more expensive - ttitut any tluit IISIM to mind jii-t what t!u'*l-YiM of Chiist- IfOIie bt fore...... unit K mill to catvh the spirit of at The Cliri-timm numlur of the Star comprise iOU full columns nf Hp:ici>. teiiitt one of its chief II'J^OIH to all men, of which !'ft I'llttinnx tin* tlilvil with news, mtaccUaiieui!* reading ni-itter and riirNtma-4 U the . Fewtt of ClirUlV pit'tvirt'.". ami 112 coIiinniM i>f advertlseuittits. The udvertlsvi llirthduy, Mo*t men know* that. It U Do Your Clwistmas ,V. Ktainpid with tin- eiiu-rprise uf the local anil .'iKhliorhooki lmxlnex Uic Feast of the Nativity mid Incarni* arr fr»Mi ami Ht-an. am! ri'tlect the good cheer which marks tvery timi of Jt'itiiA ClitiM. jiant* "f rliU Christ in:*.* iniuihi-r. , It is more—it U the Veast ofllmuil- 1 Th< lecnl lorri'^ii'tit'li-iu'e ft attire, always reenKtifzi'it as "lie of tin- most itv and S'etf-denial: the l'ea*t of IVMLV viilu:>l>l'' fi-iititn-s or Hit- .Star. Is worthy of spet i:i! attention in lhl« nnmher. and the Kea^l of l<» rtll rt.s*!< :s and patrons nf the Star. ncearily a M*a*im of j>reat rejnieiny. T»> appreciate this we must consider CHRISTMAS. that for' centuries before that "holy t'rsu/ iU* tin* Itirth of Christ, i>> oli»«*m*il in »*very part uiyht" men had constantly looked for y men ii«vll. CfitUt pivavlieil a religion of liylit that the. ful ill linen t of the niu-ient promise ,ijm,.ii ti» t';c TV.I-O:: oi men. IlU Ion1 for lite |>oor matte tlic jtijor love Him; that a Saviour stiould l;o horn into the It means satisfaction to you in the selection of your woihlWIio filmiild -javi* \\U people from tiis iI. !U!!futusi t'ii vn.-iv,- madde t!it!« Lki-d hate Him. He healed the sick anil their ciu-. looked1 at from our late aye •n:nMiM tint ' tt. ;:!'•«••!, , ,i:v\ hU y lvniine the corner--1 nn<- of the Chris- gilts—it is more satisfactory all around. Gilt articles fi.m r^'biiXi. IJMM.- ion^i'i i t't uilii-taiul 11is hatred of HII, IIH enemies had and with our, at II-M, cold faith, \ye Ilnd were never so beautiful—never so moderately priced as iliiii ".•nt-v.'*-! l' (ii.it'.t :iiiii He "Jit'il ujH'n t!ie croi*. How lie died on Calvary, it. hard to enter into the full spirit of ifiaviiiit !'ur tiu.-c « h.- ui!>i.i ilisii. i-< an iippriwini; le.wm in religion* history. tin* jny and hnpe e.xpres^t'd by the fjtcal *u 1 IJ: Hi' the an^eU niinoitncini; tlii* di- they are this Christmas Season at the '*i':i iVil.i'.v in lli-.-.:»•<»('•!<•!>* "I d.ri-t i- ilie duly of every jmifV—inj: Cliri-- vine .-vent: "(Jlory to Cod in tin- Hif-'h- ti.in. X"t to Ii<-1 t!-- -jtitif oi Cliri-t i* m-l t*i l;e a ClirUtitin. l'rofe-sin^ faith 1 v-l ami on eattli j'i'ati to men of ^ood t- %nu> t!i:n;.-; JI*;;IJ^ t!«' tail!: U attuttier.' It U the duty of every man to do will." ijjitii ut!nLr-* ii» Itc Ufii!>l !I;1VL" I'iliiT^ ito unto him, '1'ho man who o!ie\> the »o!.!.;i i:;K- i- :i l--i'^ i-• IS-JII, t >' he Christian or l\i^an. than the oin." wli'o doe«* Little wonder that they sui^'tliat -•Hi;.'' with ho-:nma« mid loud mvlitim. CHRISTMAS STORE not.' <'t!i>tmii* i- I-K'Ud t->rwiird I" a- ilie "reate-t ivlij-ioiw lV-tiva! of the for CUD. ble^ed tln.>ii-h all up*, had lit"' nuriv ]ii;sit!i' ot" the'eliiMieit over tht'ir pre-i'iit-, the ^ntokin^ tnr- for the pence and love of men conde- dd i h IV f Hi S »i"'it the t tatiirti . ;md tthhe -.mil.-- iidincident t t o a ffamily :•" -"vml.il. in tlu- IVr-nn ,,f Hi* Soil, lo lx- r horn ilie tneait liirlli of men. So tlifii Particularly fine displayspf the lamous "Tuxedo' • Hii!Itjit. hliee i- ttie W'\ Ciui-li.ui on Clin-tV natal day who tviiU'iubo» the poor, i "v lmVl' li"' "ll'!lt Il> Articles lor Men—Shirts, Suspenders, Neckwear, It U net cntm••'» tiuit In- dumM pitntyv t'.u lumunitv: lie* .-limiid pmov e Ityv liis deeds "",,.. . .. ,, . ,„ . .. . Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear and Bath Robes. :'...- ' •- • '• • ed...'..-. He .-honl. d mak. e n* 'I |iroii»h nil tin' a-ri-i of tlin-lmi tra that In- i- iiiiii-.-if an.! » feel that the .-pint of Chri>t pervades ilitk'ii many sweet: and timcliin» iiis- ,t t ... •.-,,(jt in a!! i>e .i- »iMht it- uc uivn'.nvmticriii!* tl"»t \u> enjoy (be t'ellowsiiin 'll( which nt" thU a»e. we. reserve 556 Dresden China >i man but a .-lioit iim-. ami tliat wv laU- n.'tliini; mit of t)u> world tliat we -*elve-* jeatotKly U the univer.-al practice of tin1 j^ivinj.' of present.*. Hut Best American Cut Glass lid not ittiitj: into ii. :. . . • , f th ii f t Ht why? Wlwt N there in tins ciKtmn tlmt in suj:»e->liid by tlie event itself; Jliteli! Brass Novelties \VASIMN(;TO\ AS A I>UA\VIN<; CI:NTKI:. In an nye of uetlin^ we llnd I lit1 reversal China Novelties Tlu- en'vv.ls of p.->.pU- svvli on th- 'streets nf Wuslit tu aiu'-nialy unU"** some stit- Silver Novelties larly on Satiinlay iii^.u-«. l-'urnwlmt noti.vably.iarKer IIM th- Hiilu jiofaclury i'\|ihination U t'oitiicoiiiiiiji. proj-T. ss.'S. The i-xct'lleut facilltlo. for trawl to this town, particularly Why ;:ivt\ ami tliat too with rejok'inj:? from points ea.-t and wi.-st, rither by tmib-y or by the .-M-.-lli'm urn Clfilrlv ln-ei'm-e as at thi* time Ood pave Jewelry Novelties i-oads. makes this place a nn^t Inviting one for the -people "f thi to men HI* .Most i'rociou* (lift thereby Leather Novelties roundfui; coiuniuulty. U Is a satisfaction to know that most uf the visitors {making Hi- supreme act of solf-ilonial, fach riaturihiy cwnln^ COIIUJ li-io with moni'v to >pend in the !ti«>drni and j»o men in faint imitation endeavored to Art Novelties wrli-sUK-ki'd stuii's. of'which thW town has l- taeutixtied its piacc-j that draw hundreds and t-vvn thousands of j fr<»in this ilav :m«l this cii-toiu \< not people at.nlxhC Uu-ti th.-iv is the sl.atliiB riiit;. which pn.vbl-s » plac- ..f- \it Itl1t..|, Hint joy tiinifs tn our own Christmas Aprons f»riiif.- liotli :iniiw'iti"iii and nvnatlon. j heart-, a- that by mtr own clVnit- anil Dtess Goods and Silks outside ]l] •thin. for in Washington those days, uf our families and friend-, and—bettor Cloaks, Suits and Fnrs hlill— to the poor and nccily-ulways Misses' and Children's Purs lVllt .iiu-ors. COD'S -pedal loved one-, Self.denial (hen. make- \'»v ha|i|»iness Curtains and Rugs t.M I*ATIII:H ...,• in.. i.,,..••iiib., T term ,r w,,mn tiapj>ine-s of a -inule day an mini ly re* ! >-"""- currinjr or of a -inyt.' *rift nine received Fnink ilt'rtiii'M. .Hliurt,'. 1th w;trd. jlin,i ..njoye.1. but iiK >m'h lit-tiii^ hapjii J1.I111 l). K.'U-l idcix-ndi'iici-. , ,,,,s. lin,i p,.iln. ,|, ;, .jiveii >>f (iod by Hi* "i^-'ny. U'Olnlc-een-i.iii of tln*'liir-t riiri-tmaV iluy \Vliltli.-l-! My.-rs. l.optitcoiiu'. '.and pr.">jeefi'd tluoimli nil time. It via* Chi cli.) ::-.!:. Krank K.tx. Uachittstowu. lt\w sinful ii-evlioii (.f -i-lf tlutt made .My ai thi'M" th- SKirini'l 1 •(lie t'tr-l niri-UHa- »*>!•<•--«rv. nn<1 only its ijismj- ivuilers "l« L\y ••ft- • J.dm H. Sla.-I; . Franklin. .by the eon-taut ellWt at the eiVaivmctit ' INirry l>rak.-. Wasliinmnn H..n u-li. •of «idf iiiu «.. h.-lp in our -mall way to turies uld: ' inak-1 ilu> worlil and esirii other happier. I.i-wis I). Smith. Manstield. i nini to fuliil tin- pruplu-cy nf th > nnjs-ls "Piace. CI will iinil llap- Frank i!i am, •Hackeltsiown. ( wlicii thoi'e —tiuit be univer-ii] ''pvaco" piiuss t.» . all." May th-- Jiinii's Henry. Kuowlton. l.nioin of luve 'sweep ,'iw;iy Win. Oitski-y. I'liitHi^btiix, iltl ii.>.l wilt." . th..' cobwebs' -if. -lisappoint- i-d. • ( .Michael It. Sttwney, Oxford. National Fireproof ing Co.| 'niirnts and Ii"p>'s iinfiillilli-il Cassius .M, Crissmnti. Iilalrsf>\ ' vXolice of Kii'ftlon. from the nouks and crannies ll.-nrv litird. Poliuti-onir. TIM. jtMiiual eleeii.m of directors of «U" menidrj.*1 to tnul therein , - ; th- Wr^hiimton Wat or Company will many hldilfn; ttnlonknl-ffir Win. O. Civv.-liiii.'. WtishinBt.m More \ hl. hfiil^it tlm olik-»; «.f the cmnpany. \v]'iiu--i Sliest.- tu iniiK-- Smith, Kuowlton. j Nn. ••:', West W'ashintrton aveini : MANUFACTURING 2 M| . Janit-.s I*. Shurts. Washington Bon I Tnosdfiy Dec. 17th. 1007. T'olls this Christmas «(.-:i«oti of K T 1 opvn ; the liuppii^t, •iiierriest sea- ; l.'.-wis A. L'arks, -Mansiiobi. from !").:iO in 11.:!» a. in. MAN U RACTUKK K S O I S'»n of all. May l.oy..- and i Goo. (;. Kepue, Hojie, I J". j:. I'ulper, He Charity h»hl sway nver the j lleverc ». Snioyer, »c>lvlilcn>.' CARBONATORS ploasar.t..;^ . u!T • family reun- j «eo. Case. Phllllpitliurfr. 2ml want. FIREPROOFING "AND ions anil chihiirih u 11 joy in-in. | ii-vln MeCriiiMceii. Knmvlton. iHARRY B. GARDNER is the sincer'j wish of • |-Michael Frain. Oxford. Votii-.s for a ilt-rry Christma.s. John Vaustunu, Hiirdwiirk. AND BOTTLERS BUILDING BRICK Arthur I-'os-s, Washington tu\vnshi]>. JOHN A. CAULFIELD. Thomas H. JIayes, Bolvidere. I General .St. Jost-pli's* Uectory, Dec. 7. Andruw Voasler. Oxfurd. U-vi n. Hart, FrellnKhuysen. Abrani Ht-llcr, Greenwich. j Ulacksmithing Dislributors of Ballantine's, Newark, New Jersey, Frank G. Kveritt, Ulalrstown. , . , Beers, Ales, Porters. The Beer of Quality Wm. O'Connell, Phlilipsburt,-. 5th j ^P«cial attention given to the shiniiiitfof j Sold in any quantity. PORT MURRAY, N. J. ward. _ jf j interfering and lame horses. GE.SEr.AIi SEWS XOTES. OurMincrul Waters are guaranteed pure, King Oecar II. of Sweden, ai:cd 77, free from alcohol, and correctly conforming to " ™in,«i,UrB. WASHINGTON, N. J. died on Sunday. the National Pure Food Law. Bottled in all The HepiibHcan Kational conventiot Sanfonl Vnnatla. flavors and all styles. "The Mineral Water will li-e hold in Chicag- .-o- on June 10. Johni C. Imlay, J'hllllpsburi,', 1st ward, You Know.1' . •President lloos.evelt • lias re-appomtedj Geo. A. Jilsi.n. Ailamuehy. Hon. .To!m P.. Viwlniid n« I'nitod States ! Jacob Hnlm, Wji.vihlnj,'ion* horo. JOHN M. GARTER Most down-to date machinery, in cleaning SLEIGHS AND SLEDS attorney for New Jersey. { Frank ilulshizt.-r, Pohateoiifr. Drayman and bottling. We Pasteurize (steam) all, Gt-'or"!.1 I'ari'lny, who was a cons-pie*, John K. l!uw!ii;tn. I-'rc-Itnslniysen our Beers. . 1 K ;i r 1 Phllll lsllu M We solicit trade from Hotels, Stores and 'Tt"!m'oM°i1«u,. 'raS" i'™'v'°?- '™i' ' " """" i '-' > \ FRKICHT AND BAGGAGK Families. Special attention siven to. churches, picnics and all public gatheiings. p 11 deijili'i'i'. " ••• IJo h"'•" - I.i hi i,lone-, Tlie city poultry .le pr parting liatllv stun"" on -Tliiuiksaivinv'. Tli.-y |''lias. (;. Grcf n. I Ini'o. •m-Mdl" prico.t-" ;:;: t;:.'r -1-1l v:'::'.f. :!!!•! >v..i-.-. ^'m. Allen..Witshin;uun hunt ... Try.'Our New Drink Made by • "lail lo »rt\-lrar of \'M =!'».-k al friiai 13i SsViiiiiV-V "Cyiih.-ri. Wa;iiinS[.,,n,i- Dr. Munyon, "Paw Paw" 10 ISccnl*. I 1';'ul >*"«••>*- (iroran-k-li. Hniry 0. llavcmcycr, prcsij.-nt ami! »-. 17 EAST CHURCH STREET financial head of Ilie trust.

;p iniriPW^UepFs^ .rth.'liii«IneBs.aieiIlasls|irlils. I il : 1 Ji l 1 li < n ils IJOC n Barren's Cafe and Restaurant, in charge of " The 'niihii»i''Mi^mli(i"!iI'W»yclo--fofeo;i l" ' 1''|"''; ' ; ^f ;' . -' . '. "!j ' ' KOHCUU {* hfiii" ht:M in Madiscn Siinavo 0;uii?ni'' ' '' • 1Lll< llllln John L. Shurts, Resident Agent ':.. .*;,. p,im.,,.,.„ ilunw-iml nci-oii-i • I iti^ has KOcurotl a posilion r^5 1 .-.- *; , ' AJ ,, -. ,n'.-nin'' W'KJIJ'"''II ' iLt HaiiH-sIjurj;, with Wolff 0 ( vy the contest .MI ThL-m were sixtee .Tulinsun S.-H.. n is having his to stall. paintoil by ScliaiTCi" & _._ ._ _ u-ill not accept; i'turr '• '' '• tliu millinns wliicli the cewntvic Qnilkcv,! Rvurlu T. id 101:1-, Miss, Sadie MHS Anna .k-itiic^. K'ft it on couUtion T..-w. ^J.OIH ith rehitlvus lit Try One of tliat. tin; institution civil n]i nil intcrco]-i Hope. FOR SALE Cleanliness is lOL'into atlilctiis. .s]ioi-ti and panics to! Mrs. liannali Isays has returned! Our Foot Warmers mob'ahlv'i'rach SSJIOO.OIIO. ' j r..-,aliv.,a in Susses. ~] PINE PLANK—3x6 i«-, a.xS ! ' . . . : ! Mr. an.I Mrs. G, T. Scliarror nnil ;J 11 ]X TAK1XG CAKE OF THE . i , , o ... ^,. : " A'O'-'.S of IJM',,!-,! are ,_«iK'lldii^' in. and 2xio in., 14 to 20 ft. edges. A bargain for prompt unanlinoiis in [heir pniise of Alfivd sin.p. whieh is very eonvenic-nl for K. jN.aron'.s new- musical production, i oor townspeople ami vicinity. ' • acceptance. Address, I have a liivjvci variety oi Sleighs and Sleds of styles and 1 we .serve to the people oC 'Varna, ' to ho presented at the Able David Ansle lias bought- \Vnshl..jjton the utmost cau- makes Cit.inv "" Hlay.! binder, '-which he expects to add to American Saw tion is iisoil. This and tjcll- , . .Id .Tllcv^oiiiPAn.CCQniPA/JL^cllJ^^^ _ | c T^V _ir?k -T ft,..- *^> -Tn? ; i -~ "IlacKeisstpwnrN. J."."', ;\whnt..Is ..winning; nf!U :-ji.T.trons. ..What :We Can Do;;in ,,j.ouii.sUiiilly, l^arlyand prompt; —\ ""ilellvyrics.ip ••"••"1" .• ". " n*. the Lumber Line t,,. JA w. cHAaimsmax, The Washington I>KPOT: 78 .Weft.,Stewart St. REPQSifORY Make gooil. Not trust lo luck. " !,- ••.••••• ' ' ,' lire cast, t-norus umi mun-*. uu^uv o m!lkin^ buckwheat -jrlt, W Water Co. more than CO people, and.is precisely j ,iomaml for. .. PUm_oH£ \york, then wor)'. oujr^ Write for illustrations and prices or call and sec,as. large a stock lilui ;l ar[rc t ; r : ;:=: ""l'iiliv. ~ ' •,""" ^; '~~ "BosTon. Clilcaso-aiul the other pi'incl-i S()(;i(!tJ, inet nt Knowiton last Satur- —'^~aTrT^Svffir"aiiy\vIicre aT^ic^:t6 ^riit allS Also have a 1 1 -ArtEWiNSur ijai .cities of the country' . dayd , afturnoonfttoon . HarrisoHarison Blair was. Others have profiledH>y~6nr ad- • -f Wishes its friends u ICS f, Few pair Heavy IJarm Bob Sleds with brakes. ,, • elected president, and John A. Wal- vice. Will yon? v J.ters, secretary and treasurer. and patrons the " Xs TAILOR The Cross Shoo 'for Women. Miss JIary Low is the guest o£ Mrs. Suits niu(l!.: Compliments of • Cross Shoes arc 'the'" kind. . spend the winter with her nephew, Washingioit, N. J. •""'.""~ 01 "liV AV ASl'l 1N i'i'rON-lA.VliN 0 K ~y ^ 41 North Fourth Street/Easton/Pennsylvania , you tan buy them at Isaac Low, formerly oC this place, the Season "Geehr's," Eastern's: Best'Shoe Store. but now a'dentist. In Sussex. mm THE WASHINGTON STAR WASHINGTON, N. J.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1907.

A duiiKhtcr wtiH recently born to Those deslrinir extra copies ot Tlio SHOOTING MATCH nt American Mr. nntl Mm; T. Franlc Ctiwlpy In As- ChrlHtmitH Star should «nler prompt- Hotel, New Hampton, Christmas Day, liury. ; ly.- . ' • • ', • , • ' • ut 1 o'clock for 1,400-pound bull; Uto Tribe of Hod Men tinvc one Tho young people enjoyed'the HrHt also matches for geese, turkeys and CtaKa. I* Stryker, Editor and Proprietor pule face r«>aily for adoption on Friday HKatlng or the season on tho canal chickens. : night. htHt Friday and Hat unlay. WANTED—Plymouth nocku. Wyan- A son wan born to Mr. nnrt MM. How • Wm. 'Atcn hpgnn n n«rlf« of dottcs, Ulack Mlnorcoa and OrplnRtons. Subscriptions Payablo in Advance. Robert Stiickliotm% near Anbury,, on revival meetings ut tlio Frt-e Union Will pay double price for quick de- Year, $1.50; Six Months, 75c; Three Tuesday nltfht. Metlmdlxt church htHt night. livery. Lewis C. Beatty, Waahlngton. J : Months, 40c. Single Copies, Gc. Th« Ntork left (mother baby nt the Palrotil/f tlm buflneHsiucn who In- lS-S-3tp. home of Mr, iind Mni. Win. Morgan vite ynur inttronufe through the col- PAULOK SUIT, Rood, as new; on Diltn street, tiiHt ^Saturday. umns nf Thu Christmas .Star. Bargain. ll!0 West Washington On Sale at llio omco or Publication .Mr. ami Mrs. • W. II. De Homer of • Tlio Ladles* I'niyer Circle of the M.avenue. 12-0-tf. •IKI at tlicso News-stands: Miller's, Went Warren Htn-ft buenmu tho par I-', church will mi-ct at the homo of TUK3DAY, BKC.17—Public jcalo of < rits of a bright little girl lust Tin* Mrs. JCicc. 20 Lincoln avenue, on l*'rl< farm stouli. machinery and household Washington; Weber's and KIuppcl- day. ...-,-., day afternoon ut 2.110 o'clock. goods, near LonuniiHson'H Glen school , burg's, lluckcttstown; Mclllck's, Bcl- houHe, by Samuel .JowerH. M. A. Plcr- Storm doors huvu hven erected at Hy order of the court of.chancery, snn,; nurtlnneo. vlderc; Flchtcl's, Oxford; Yelslej's, the entrances t(» the express and hatc- Wm, A. Strykor sat UH Hpccial muater riillllpsbure. iwmi rooms at the l^ickuwunmi ntu- tit the otllce of Oscar Jottery yester- POSTAGE STAMPS and """albums Christmas Contentment tlnn. : day and heard evidence In the parti- sold; 100 different for^ii:n. 10c; CO, 7c. tion ««e «f the llnniHoy t-atnte. Old stamps bought. I^ifayetti Stamp Tin; Warren county board of free- Kxchange. 21!!; Suydiim Ave., Jersey The Celebrated Scranton Coal holders are payhiKa their annual in- The damage to the Shit-Ida building [IE conteiitnient one feels in the secui'ity of specting visit to th<. County House to- by the recent lire has been satisfac- City. X. J, 12-R-r.tp. ":: •••"!"". AT RETAIL. day—Thttmlny. : torily ail Justed by the insurance com- FOltSAI*K—Several new buggies, his savings is a contentment thut lasts all Washington, N. J., Sept. 3, 1307. Philip M. nurd of Montana killed panies. At a recent meeting of the road wagons and sdelghn; also a few At .the D., L. & W. H. II. Elevated two eiRhl-month-old pigs last week. adjusters and Win. A. Stryker, the loss second-hand waRonw, whlcli I will sell Chutes, at head of flntt i-ight-hand WUH placed nt ISHIl. very cheap. Harry Christine Well- the yeur. Thero can bo no "Merry Christ- street abovo New Windsor Hotel. They weighed u l»tul of Cfta pouudH, ington. : Orate $5.G0 per ton. u'hiuh In a record Imnl to boat. H. If. Carpenter will hold a KIIOOU mas" or "Happy New Year" for the man Stove E.60 per ton. Morris Janu's ha« been appointed Ing match for a bull at his residence, FOIt SALK—on mv runn near Hope, ttSS 6.50 per ton. general msinter nu-chitniu at the 1-M-StcidieiiHhurg. on Saturday afternoon 10 hc.id of HolHteln hclfciH. romlnv Chestnut 5.50 per ton. Ixon t.-eiuiMit plant to succeed Horace oC next week. There will also bo three years old; "art of them will be or woman with a question as to the security of his Pea (termed by some com- A. .Van AM ken of Washington. matches nt blue rouks for ger»e, tur In profit soon. Amos Swayzo, Buttz- panies No. 2 Chestnut.. 4.00 per ton. vllle. X. J. 1^-5-tf Buckwheat 3.25 per ton. Chan. It. Kusli, assignee, will sell keys, ducks and chickens. or her investmenis. • Blncksmllhlng or Bitu- tliu ])i-r.somtl property of It. M. Kush A .shooting match will be held nt I have for salo 12 Illack Orpington minous coal C.00 per ton. at pulilii: Kale :it thu store on up|>ur tho American Hotel, Xow Hampton, cockerels from prize winners at Mud- Rout qualities always on hand, dry Helvidi'm aVL-nuc, next Thursday. on tho afternoon of Christmas Day. ison K(|Unro Oardrn, Xew York. 1907. far a 1,100-poimd hull. There will al- W. J. Hull, Prop'r Falrvlew I'oultry (under cover). : Alias Carrie Shropc Is assisting in. Farm, Washington N. J. ll-2S-4tp J. It. Hampton's ntnva this week contests for turkeys, geese and The Old Firft National Bank Coal londcil direct from chutes (over iu- tho iilMfiicii <»r .Mrs. Kdith Utindle. chickens. SATURDAY, .TAX. ^.—Executor's screens) In wagono. WIIOHO father. Mr. T, \*. Gordon, dk;d Willie wrestling In 'front of John sale of tho real estate, of Jacob P. Pet- Ilagan's Howling Alloys Wednesday ty, deceased, located In Mansfield town- of Washington, N. J. JAMES U SHIELDS. Monday night. ship. JHSH Lnftus of Hitrrinburg, n trav- morning, Kdwnrd ICerr fell against Tho December term nf Warren the plate glass in tho side window. SMQOTIXG MATCH—at noekslnirg " county Cimili Cutirt will i>et,-lu un ••lini; o[n>rator. is In Washington thin The glass was broken into n number of Hotel, Rucksburg. on Saturday, Dec. IDec. ill. wouk, giving the operators at the pieces. Tlie I oy's grandmother, Sirs. 21, for a hull and a cash prlw\ provides the security that brings contentment behind ti'l*rtIi'Mi" I'schnnif*' special hist ruc- John Kerr, has promised to replace Floyd Major linn hail a wat,'nn- j tions In 'their work. . : HARX FOR HBNT—good condition. house erected in the tear of Ills Carl-| the window. Inutilrc ltd Itroad .street. lL'-ii-tf it—guaranteeing Unit security which the conservative ton iivenue home. : • • . Tiiosi! who liftd to ddiiee should keep In mliiil the lirst ball to bu given Tim door nf the Washington Union •POU SAMC—Two Rood road horses. : Warren Cmini'll X". Hi. Jr. 0. U. Mission Is dni|>ed in mourning out of Address A. If. C, care oC Star. 12-5-"tp men and women of affairs demand—Over a Million A. M,; l.s arrainrliiK tor a clans Inllla- by Inku Trllio X". 217, I. O. i(. M.. to respect to ttui death of two of tho - tion to lio held In .Imuinry. lie held in U<><1-MOI'M Mall, StuwaiU- mi.'inhers—-Thomas V. , (iordon and l-'Oll.SALK- -Four Drahma herw, villf. Krlchiy evening. Hurry V, Thompson. Mr. Gordon was one Hrahnia rooster, one gray horse, 7 and a Half Dollars of tangible and marketable assets- The stork 'paid Its Initial visit to Iho. Klnicr KU:c. who Is a tenant on the years old, wrfghimr about 1,100 lbs. home of Alvin Hoffman In West War- the first president of tho mission and C. Ii. Axtman, Drldgovlllo, X. J. ren Mtrei t, Tuesday, and left a daugh- Canlluld farm at I'enwoM, fell from it his death h' Id tlie positions of trun- Tliis old-established institution is managed by a ter. his wagon while descending a steep to e sin'! chorister. GOOD DAIRY farm for rent. Ap- hill lust .Saturday. One of the wheels ply to LewlsMerrell, Vienna, Is*. J. Hoard of Directors composed of the best-known men John Cllne nf N,.\\- Village l».«t a passed over his hand, crushing it. Values—not wind-:—win In the end. valuable work horse on Tuesday. The Wo are winning—winning—winning. ... U-58-tr Mr. J. A. Jones, 87 years old, one of LARGEST STOCK of Best Watches of this eomir'iinity—men who have made it success of nnlinal died after reliirnlntr from a tins hirst-known residents of Oxford Gulii! ng—Gaining—Gaining. at low prices, at Davidson's. 8-22-tf trip on tho road. township, died after a short llltu-ss, at WHY'.' "The Methodist congreKiUlnti of his home in HuU/.vilk\ last Saturday. Come see—you will buy at --• • FOR SALE—15 H. P. onglno and their own business and have a large financial interest • ChniiRCWtUcr will hold a. supper In The fuiu-ral si'rvk-fs were held Tin-s- "Cii-ehrV Kaston's Host'Shoe Store boiler; til so 10 II. P. engine, all as '. tho church basement next. Wednesday good as new, and one road horse 8 in the bank. . day. Stnr and Thrlce-a-Week New York years olU. H. II. Hance, Hackcttstown. evenlni*. Dec. IS. Tins daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. World, ;$2,00 a year. 7-18-tf Mrs. Leonard Miller, the oldest Herman Castner of Chnngewater on HOUSE VOR RENT—44 Beethoven Could there be a more suitable present for your person In Port Culdeii. WHS I'O years Nov. 'J:J died on Tuesday, The bnbu avrniie; all modern Improvements. old last .Sunday. She is en joying re- hail bfcii ill from hlrth. The funeral Call at 115 Broad street. Mrs. Jacob children than a Savings Account Book.of the First markable health for her years. services will-be held Saturday after- Crevellng. 12-5-tf The ML Lebanon Methodist con- W'AXYMD—Kinploymont at any National, showing a deposit to their credit, earning firmation will hold Its annual dona- Owlng to the storm on Tuesday, kind of light.'work; good references, tion at the home of Jacob .Slater on there wan no session nf the township Address or cult at -i:i Slilmer street, 3 per cent, interest, uncV'n constant inspiration to Thursday evening of n«xl week. school In Jackson Valley. The eredt PiiilllpHburg. 12-5-2t was so high that tlm highway was Advertisements under this liuad ure them io acquire the habit of saving? It Is said that at least three popular Hooded, mni the pupils Were unable published at the uniform rate of one WHEN you have Cor sale or wish to yuiim- collides of town will (five the to reaeli the school. cent a word but no advertisement will buy live stock of any kind, write G. weddliiK bulls an opportunity to chime American Advocate Council Su. «4.bo received for less than 10 cents for W. Gano, Clinton, N. J. 5-23-07-lyrpd : with tho Christina!; bells this year. tlio first Insertion. Haiight.'rs of Lil)ertyr will have a class JEWELER DAVIDSON repairs . Unhurt WelHted. whose brother died Initiation Friday night of this w k. UKLIKF for Dyspepsia—Ilring or watches and jewelry at moderate WM. S. RITTENHOUSE, CaMer. JOSEPH B. CORNISH, 7Vej. reit'tttly, held ii publle, sal.- of house- A lur-v. iliilf-witlou Is t'xpeeti'd to nt- ill this ad. and 2.">o and reci>iv>: a charges: best work guaranteed. hold K runtown properties for sale and rent. J. "-' • or sit Hi*' •Cr-eenwii-li I'n-sby[.-rl;in IT\-1V«-II liv the newly m-Kani/-'.i hnok a general store in Uniiulwiiv", N. J.. It. Llndubcrry, 11 Broad street. li-H-tf 'manse In ltl"niosbury. itad ladder I'II in pa ny nf that viMaK'1. ml ills., .run a wagon to KrtUrm CV- ient w..rks which is nnh- two mllm' DAVIDSON, the Eyesight Specialist, Tlu'^iI.iL' iH-w. riminr nt tin* power- tjelegaltoiis were present liom Helvl- will teat your -eyes free ana make house of. [he Ka«ton * Washington i\cv', Hlairstnwn and other pbuti-s. iHtiince. • The right price for tlie riuht num. Call or write; address glasses to help your eyes at very small Tnu-tlou Co. was tested and put Into Furty-tw.i WashiiminnlaiiM went to cost. practical wrvlct* \u*l week. The L'OIII- ((roadway' by trolley lasl Thursday ""igoe Mros., Kastnn, l'a. li-li-tf puny now ha-* a cnnipl''tt> double night and ••njiiyed the- hospitality of VI UK JXSUUAXCrc—.him* rates: THE COST of ads in this column is equipment at the. power huiise. farm property Insured. J. \". Carter, one cent a word, but no ad is inserted I lev. iimi Mrs. .lames and daughter1 , the first time for less than ID cents; Mrs. l-'rank Civvi-llmc died at h.-r Miss Malu>l. at the M. K. parsr.ii.-m> . lielvldere. llMli-L'tn after that one cent a word whether hiuiw In Asbury mi Tuesday. Dralli A. most pleasant evening resulted with WANTKD—To buy whole or pan- live words o-; fifty words. | THE STORE OF SA".Tf :: O'EN EVEN'N^S U1TIL 10:30 :: ESTABLISHED OVER 13 YEARS | was from tiara lysis, from which she. tvfreshiMeiits being served at ii late lei-sliip in a staple business that will had sullVivd for three months. She hxitr. . :tund strict investigation. Aildross FIRE! Life, Accident and Health was about iiN years old, and brsides The Warren Cniinty Board Tor tlio "Hcianton," cure of Star. R'-ll'-Utp Insurance. Only the best companies. K.niallzmion at Taxes met in Phil- FOR HA!. 13—A square piano in John E. Uehlein, Agent. ' C-S-tf : and sister. lipsliurg un 'Tuesday to hear appeals. good'condition.-""A. Uleltz, I Jilts street, FOR SALE CHEAP—AH .the wood, HuroaKli i.'iij-iiH:er Alex. Anderson Tliei-t> are a number of appeals In that Washington, X. J. ltp slab and sawdust on wood lot near town. Aft»r deciding the various P, M, Burd's. Arthur C. Foss, Wash- is ;u iiivsi'dt t'imaKed in laying out 1 FOR.SAT^B—Xutbing safer than ..• ,-- ,lho grounds for.the new factory Inilld- cases, the b'^V ' will moot In the other ington, N. J. R. F. D. 11-7-tf districts. wlK-i'e there is dissatisfac- mioy in :i home; 7-room house at PHONOGRAPH cabinet of quarter- inns uf the Gardner Valve Co., attion ,ovei* the assessments. I'nrLColden, in good repair; low price Junction, hast week he was engaged of SSOO. See Henry Cummins or B. ed oak for sale cheap. Call at Star surveying at Parker and New Cier- ollico. The Hungarians and Italians have T. Winters. 12-12-tf. THE IDEAL GIFT STORE - • mini town, Hun ten Inn enunly. been leaving New Vllliine in large GOOD UA1UY.FARM for rent. Ap- BADGER Gasoline Engines, Ellis , ' llcv. F. If.'Crewman was installed numbers since the cement plant'clos- ply: to Jacob Hann;' Great M'eadows, threshers, cleaners, corn shelters, fod- . pastor of. the. StewartsAiltt; Lutheran ed.' Kiich ono has returned to, his X. J. -. 12-3 'J-.1t der cutters, wood saws, etc., for sale STOMD WITH CHRISTMAS GlfTS THAT WILL CARRY JOY TO MANY THOUSANDS church last Sunday afternoon, Kev, native land with the savings accu- by M. A. Pierson, Washington. ll-14tf C. It. TrowbrldKu of College Ililt. Kas- mulated at New Vlllaire. Two broth- YOUN'G SHEPHRRD dog for sale, FOR SALE—1007 Rambler touring ton, conducting the services.. Rev. ers returned to last week with toward Limning, near I'.owerstown, car, nearly new, in. first-class condi- T. C. Prltclmnl of IMilMipsbunr deliv- $::.000. "which they have saved in five tion; price - right. Call or address ered the addrtss to the pastor,•' ami years. l-'OI'v SAM-:—I-'Irewnod In stove airs. A. Grover, Hope, N. J. ll-21-5tp Itev. C. I*. Fleck of IMcgelsville ad- ;^:^\*. Mmtre, as executor nf the es- engtb.' 1-anning A Tarr. Washing- SURREY in good condition, and dressed the connrenation. There was tate" of Lena Moon:, deceased, will .on. X. J. 12-12-tf three-spring truck with two seats; -.::..-•- n large attendance at the service. .. offer all the household goods contain- FOR SAI-K CHEAP—Genthi pony, bolts with tongue and shafts. Inquire ed in tier latcresidence. No. lit West "earless of all objects;" works; anv- at A. B. Grort & Dro.'s store, Washing- WHERE WILL YOU BUY Considerable has been said about Washington avenue, at public sale on vhere. c. Wilkinson. It. F. 1). cur-1 the Prohibition law In Kansas In re- ton. • 10-24-tf. •tftird to it being it success or I'alhiiv. Saturday,. Dec. ^1. commencing 'ler, Wajshington, X. J. Up. FOR SALE—Double house on Carl- Miss Lillian l-'ox. who is now teaching promptly at 1 p. in. The !lst of goods FOR SAM-:—Xine shoats. John ton avenue. Inquire at -IS Carlton comprises practically everything found •ilater. Port .Murray, X. J, Up. in the .Washington public school, for- in a cnmitletul" furnished home. Ave. tf. merly resided at Miireka.. Kansas, and FOR SALK—Cheap—Barber shop SECOND-HAND Threshing Ma- Your Christmas Jewelry .. .graduated from the normal school in Tlio tlrst otllctat electrocution in I'urniture for rme-chiiir shop; good as chines for sale cheap. John I, Pickel, New. .Jersey occurred in tho State new. Jacob Fulper, Junction, X. J,, that State.' u Tie i'wants teaching.. for prison at Troutim :i few minutes be- Bloomsbury, N. J. 10-17-tf ,V.a nunibcr of years. Until Miss Fox R. V. O. JL'-U-^tp. FOO11 PROPEUTIWS In Washing- : Probably wlicrc you think yoxi „'.•.',:•:.'""' came ;.to .Washington, she had never fore H o'clock' Wednesday morning, War. CEIAUT.KS WARGIX—Asbury Diamond Jewelry seen iin Intoxicated '"man.""1 when Herverio Di Giovunni. an Italian, ton, property of tho late John Baker, ciin t|o best, li' you buy here that paid the penalty for the murder of larness: maker and saddler; repairing are offered at prlvatu Bale. See ad. i Brooches ^T.'^O upward One of the late arrivals at the r>el- •rmuptly attonded to, also siioos re- HOTEL for sale. Located in pros-' vhlere jail Is Peter Mills, who resides .liisenh Hanson, a fellow f-iuintryman, lalred. . 12-1^--Ip Finder- Rings *S.OO upward is positively correct. We show •near Hope. I To was arrested one. day aL Karitan. last September. The clec- porous section of Warren county i Cull" .Muttons .... ::... .:i.">0 upward trucutidii was pnuiounced a success In SATURDAY. DKC; 21—Public .sale and doing a good business the' .ScarC Pins ...... 15.50 upward tlie largest assortment oi' FincDia- tjvo'ry way;:-: • •'•••'-' •'-"'••:»•-•• -"-::-';• •-••.: v,:.:'J-:- year 'round; old ostnbtfshert; build- llt'at'OlctSv"....;.. r.:;. .17.25 upward: threatening to kill "his wife.* MB hart Tbe Oueon Ksttiov Missionary Circle C. V. Moure. executor of lV>na Moore,' ings In . fine condition. ' Will sell -IMUUUS' Jtieh••Jewelry and Correct • a raxor In his possession, which was gave ii most enjoyable entertainment deceased, at 11 1. West Washington upon favorable terms to early buyer, i the weapon usod following a rmnrrvl 1'o.tiue. having an opening of another charac- Time Keeping Watches in Norths bo had with bis wife the night hi*.- at the Mnthodist chapel last Friday Solid Gold Jewelry : ; (:y."ninir;.--.. A . social ..hour . followed the FOR SAI.K—llanvd T'lymnuth ter in view. Address "H. IT.,".care of I •;:„-,.:.•.;•:;.foro; - -Mills -wjis-relwt^d-' ..I'l'oin.^llic- : Star.;.for_.fiirt:lif:r--iiarticulars....lO-10-tf: Signet Rings;, Men's •!.."»() i.pwnrd crn New Jersey. county jail only a few days In-fore that Iif the.' tlrst part, of tho program wen1 Isaair lieivauuli I'ort AluVray. X. J. WANTED-r-1,000 nice, clean, tlifidy . after "having served a sentence for a Signet Rings, Wnys'.• i-VMiiiWrir .similar ei'fcnso. *o pleasinr that there has been ;i re-r Up. pigs and fat hogs, 40 pounds and up- must that the society, repent them .in Coi'iilsh Organ for salo cheap; good wards; highest cash .prices; write and | Signet Rings, Ctrls'.. ... 1.50 upward The Ins urn nee emu panics interested au.Hhe.r rmtcrUiinmont the laltni' part •ond it Inn; fine stylo. Apply Metro- state what you have. Wm. Tinsman, ' l.oclii'is :!..">» upward ---J-ii'i-ibjLlfis*1-"!!!1!1]"^!! h}' J- J1'"nr>'tmt> politan In.suraiH!e Co., ^Va.shington. .. Port Murray. N. J. 10-10-tC! THAT'S WHY YOU CAN DO BEST HERE ; ; ir T : : • public favor by the manner hi which' "•'M".""1V.' Flumerfelt: 'wiio "has' cliurgi.- •— \'\> 1 F- S A h 1-J-—A-- i uV- iV v "V-'i uVr es- - a L -: -.- —Silver TGiletGoods—::- ;,;-!!;•:.;:.;:thcy.i'atljustetl'-h!s.ckiiins. • Within twn .i'i"''the croamery at Horfmairp, near l\ai-rsvil!e; good buildings, plenty of Christine's Liver1 y stables, Washing- ' '; 'weeks after-the matter luul boon ail- Cftilfon; laid his weil-niled wallet on a t'ruil.- Uerihii- j'eUy.-Kurrsvilkv X. J. ton:-- •••••• '• - ." " • •••- :••—- •••• 10-17-tf Comb, : I'.nish mid. Mirror Our stock of l'iiigcr. RiiiRs, Lock- ...justed, nil the companies had .sent in.table before reiirJng the other night. 1 tp LONG- 11YI3 Straw—Am now paying] Sets 7,Tin upwanl ets,- Fobs, Chains, Haii'cly Pins, Scarf •thulr-drafts without exacting the cus-"When lie awoke the- next morning only FOR 11I3NT—The oklost cstublish- S10 a ton for lln.ll threshed. A lot of: Cliriiivite Cases :i.OO upward tomary discount for promnt .payment. a ptn-th'ii of tho wallet was there, the !*1 and most centrally loentuil drug Rough Hemlock and Yellow Pine Smnkhi"' Sets .".00 mnvard Pins, Tic Clasps. .Cuff Buttons, Silver The law alows thorn 00 days in which rest including small pieces-of money, •tore in Washington. X. J. Fur anyboards. G, S and 10 In. wide; answer IJiS" Assur In ion! German Mesh Bags, Silver Novelties, Silver to make .settlement. 'J'lv policies was under a bureau, where rats had druggist wishing to start anew or to for lining, partitions, etc., $2G a 1.000. were all written : by.^Washiii'Tton cf/.Vrird thorn after chewing tlie wallet change bis location this modern plate- Full stock of hemlock, white and,yel- Silver Hand ttajivs, l.oO ii[)wnnl Toilet Sels, Silver Picture Frames, Cut and bills Into pieces. •','. grass front store-room is an cxecpticin- low pine, cypress, oak, chestnut, slilr.- , Glass and Fine Clocks, is simply great .The numerous cuts used in this Mrs. Amelia /Pyle> who has been .1 opportunity,' as It lias been occu- gles, doors and sash, tit the Coat,..Lum- Watches •number of tlio Star; descriptive of the making her home-wllh.hor two daugh- ded as a drutr store for more than :!5 ber, llav, Straw and FertlllKoi-Vyarrts. 1 1.00 upward and will" prevent your wasting; any Stale Tuberculosis Sanitorium aL Glon ters Mrs Frank Ciunnborlin of Wash- •oavs; pcissesslon April I, 190S. Ad- of P. S/Yctter, Kolvldere. N. J. 10-31-tf more time in looking: furtlier. Hvery- 1 ington and -Mrs. John Q. Ketcham at Iress nr call upon K. -M. Shields. (Joins', -olil . ; :'.(I.OO upward •Gardner and. the plant of tho Taylor INVEST YOUtt MONEY In high- 10.00 upward thing is priced low, and that's why To'wnsbury, went to • Townybury last 12-12-tf. grade securities, llrst mortgage on real '"'""' • 7iVadVTt?TlTe^'^¥nri)HslTmTnriTf~r:r""W7 l 1 L Hush in Glen Gardner. Mr. Rush Thursday morning, Mrs. Pylo -was. FAR^i" ANM") X\K^"T*"jV' CippT) 6"xl'l" spomtetice solicited. Charles B. l.>run-', lms used those cuts in tlio making of found at Iho foot of a flight of stairs.: AT A BAIIGAIN, hero U is:"' 1~ acres IJoys', silver ti.00 upward „„. _..,smiye.nlr }l>ost cai'ds into a handsome IT.r arm was broken, her face batlly —17 woodland. ~»o cultivated—alongnor, l&iston, Pa.,-, 11-20-tf i RUKOEtt STAMPS, Fountain Pens. ! ANYTHING RESERVED BY A SMALL-DEPOSIT removed" In The": F.asloirifoTpitairwlVefe- '.:... .:, •'a largo and pronliible business In this T:liiiK'iraniVsclfci61;tlii'ooraH!oa(is0110 ; line of late years, and Ibis is furnish- she la now Improving. lung distancb teb'pb ! S-room house, Free catalogue. Brunnor & BrunneV.: ~ — -YJCT- ing- a very .satisfactory outlet for the modornly equipped kitchen, line barn, Easton, Pa. U-2i>-tC i : Adam Castnor of Changewator has wagon-houso. cow shod, and other AT J. K. UTSLER'S Fish and Oyster product of liis I'^nius. •sold :>S0 dozen eggs from SO leghorn market, oysters arc plentiful and from ALL GOODS ENGRAVED FREE AlsD PUT IN lE7Tr~]PR. CAR FARE ALLOWED WITHIN 25 MILES ON PUR- oul-liulldincrs;.. nil In good condition; • CHASES AX0UIITIKS TO $3.00 AND OVER D, Ford Henry of Port Murray, bad I'liens since last spring. He is nowyoung hearing orchard; brook, oseel- pure, clean water. • 9-12-tf BOXES, AND KEPT IN OUR VAULT UUTIL If* JPIU—wat.or.:_rlc]i,..aandiulpanji, ajlaptcd. WII13N_ IN EASTON stop at the : ! ^ ''"'-• returning-lio'me"iidi.i just as he p.usised ;: "• Co^Til l~oi oi5s7^o3"P"CC I ft 11 j"'asp ar aEtii?7^r p-? 1 1 111 1 f t "lieia "over.' Last* yeai*~' the.'.'.prico'^vas turning' In rrro' prollts • quickly: make RegutaY "\linner "2 5' ccnts."*r'~™il-21-ti; v:-:.-,".-Lhrouglv--thc, -'ncW"CUlvort,-stecred his GO.-, eonts? n hundred whereas, now.., It 1 -SATURDAY,-, DEC. 21.—Public sale machine to one side of tho road. The is SI. '0. Fifteen tons" were ' recently good MiiinnuT" rcsoi't!-"S lllltos- from ground is very miry owing to the Water Gap; buildings worth price, of Dempster Driving Park, 2 o'clock; work which had recently been done sold at tho high -rice, ami tho farmer S5 000; terms easy. Owner retires. Union Squaro Hotel, Phlttlpsburg. has had many offers for the remaining Address Box 72, K. F.- D, No. 2, Dela- '"there,'and alt four of the wheels sank 10 tons, many of the would-be mir- ,F0,R SALF—Homestead farm of down Into the soft mud. Ho could ware, N. J.' . U Genrge L. Salmon, deceased, situated ,. TRUSTWORTHY JIWEUH AND DIAMOND MtRCHftNT . ' not get out of the mire and was oblig- chasera wishing it for seed, aj It Is . WANTED—GOO bundles of corn- feared most of tho cro« of 1907 will! in Jit. Olive township, Morris county, 1 ed to call upon' Alonzo Bryan for stalks; .cash'on delivery. Address 11. Davidson Building, 2 Doors ifrom Square, WafiliinRton i-, help. Mr. Bryan urousht his large bo too soft for seeding' purposes. Arner, Junction. N. J. $ 12-12-2tp N. J. Apply»,"to Mary C. Salmon, Ad- r > bay team and assisted. In extricating ••Goehr's," Huston's Best Shoe Store. SATURDAY, DEC. 21—Shooting ministratrix, .Port Morris, N. J. 'the machine. There, is one way to prove that— match for bull at rosidoncc of H. II. . Il-14rl2t ; STENOGRAPHER., and Typewriter—I Examine our Shoes—price—quality. Carpenter, Stophensburg. ' (, •FREE- A BEXUTtFW. S )UVE


ES^fti! _xi:\v VIU,A<;IV EXECUTOH'S SALE : W; I-'loyd. Lewis, i* sufferlm; from |j rmmnuiliun. Buy Your Supply of | NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS TOLD liiii'lli'iii oil .Sunday t-vi illiur, llev. Air, Jaiiiev, of llrmiilwip- was Valuable Real Estate I Attractive Offerings for iiiiilthitiiuivtonil falls hi-iv lint I-YI- • Tlie mibscrilK-r, oxecutor of1 the last will find teNtatuvtit nf Uolmrt Dcnil)- BY STAR CORRESPONDENTS | •.!»)•. . • • Christmas Candies ? Kter, (li'ci'iixeil, will HCII at nubile veti- f | .Mrs. Adam CnsiiuT fin-lit Tuexday iluo nt Lint L'tilcii St-imre Hi>t<-1, In the Y r AT Till* ; ttiwn of riilllliiitbiirK. X. .1., on -•t- Christmas in Y ^j with lif-r tlatij, hUT. Alts. Ct'oi'Kf* Jvihy Y WASHINGTON at two u'ehick In the nfternuon, tlio Y roliowiilix ik-sui-il.otl I-L-HI cHtiite. known Y n^ MIL- iJi>tn|iHter Driving 1'iirh, sltu- Y JHJ*I,V III^IXIX'II i iai- uti'il In Iliu town nf l'tillllp-iliurK-. in |MII». II il his 1 ri iH-arly fail.- 1 lilt the county of W'nrri'ii IUIU Htalu of WlU'll 1 ,- l.,,,k n K I ni if at th ANDY New .li'ihey. and IN bounded ami do- f Th(-v nil talki il ;it ,:un I! ul Ulltllt Hcrliu'il as r.'ilouM: . Mull' hi il,!.. llv t IIV la ta [{'** litKlniiiiif; m a ma rid i' xtune corner I Men's and Young Men's stand plmv nml it pairs will In like II 1 t lie 1 It! ">•<: MI'HIi tlu'tn ui ik rst 111! .Mrs. Win. A. Hayhu-. uf Wa^hliitf- of AiKluVi-f Iron Co. In Uruuli Htm (1) mil.- to the plant. ] ultiiiif Aiiiloi'ir I run Co., the. throe foJ- IlKtt Il • B » elf 111-^ in II tit 111 lo», ,sjn-jit , hist Wi'djic.iijji.v Writing ITCHEN luwiiiK cuinv.'x. nut tli tweiit<.-Uu-L-e dc- f'el.-r Mills, win* was fn the ooiinty ],r ln'ii> with her pai't'iits. .Mr. and .Mr.-*. uri't'H twi>nty-live tmuiituH,. wt-M twelve 1 K T jail chiiiir.tl with dlsonlerk e"intuet. Th.y K |\V hi at »-r a K cii ili al .if Daniel Klinuy. and fiHir-lcntlis fuct tn a ulu-rry tree \\\\< iv.-n released. Itiilliiii •lii-xvlne i r the •ail nit ^ 11- Jai-utt K. Smith, id* Si-rttntnii. Is Tor a i-iiiiK-r; • (2j north l'ourteun dc- Y INram Melroy has l«-on hhvd as UT Kl lilt n',1 il 11 ,•< lu< lllll vv* llfteen inimilow, wi-m Mix hiiiidred y 11 tin- vi.*lIlnr his mo(lu*r. MVA, .Marf,-art-t HOME MADE l (Ifiy Tet l to marble utonu corner; sixion of tlu> il, K. i-inm-h in plnci> nml 1 ft Ik. Ii st a lut i r th 'in. li i\V- Smith. Mr. Smith will iciurn t» his Suits; Overcoats 1'VIT, lh<> si Ilv ii • 1 ) linrtli XfVvitlfi'ii (|i'Kl'L-(.>H eiKhteeil of John Paul, rosd^md. it." ..r ii ml t litmii- KM .Monday, the !*tli. T Ih.'iii ri f I't-iw 1. on.I.f-it I In- fill !ii-1 HnlkftiC'ioii nn initi-n. wt-f-i one hundred ami lliirty- At Samuel Mow.-rs" sale hei\ id. Harry Smith Is not ulilt- to \vall<. Y ic t|ii(iliiy.'ii>r liy nuikhtKi'K-m our- fii iitnl ."ev.-n-u-iith foot to n murblo ., ,IK- Liinier to xahl AnduVer In HI CO. T ttn-tv viva** --"Itl :i tliu> ulil'fii^liliinoil .III,. .1, Mi'vvr. 1 Mil) \ i't •n n »f ? tin IWIUK to Idoiid poisoniair T inn out- or hii : n- IKH «!• kmi* they nte |«i«r, fiwh nml and Ijinlly A. IIVKK; (I) HIMIIK fald r. illi'il at h[.4 In in n l.-itM- feet, hut Is improvinit and hop ikllcioiift. s (iinl J. SiindLiKuri, norili tldrty- Y .Mrs. Wm. \Vul!.-r''''"•*• "'' »*»s burn in I Wine. Miss Ji'iinlf IMI. Smith. '>f S.-ran- '((iiatilv cci^iiU'rcil, IIT, l>y n'mkiiik; Ilu-m hundt-til and tliirty-«ix feel t<> punt for Y and Furnishings • Mm r to• ilohy • Huff In SaruI'-rHon's I She Is fivtt\i\" alnim- v.-rv ,.1.,-I.V. J-SwItx.-rlinul. AUJJ. i>. .l.s:to. and vame toii.Mituini'd to ln-r home last Wid- , C.) alonu Holly HutY. m« fullow- ... . „.,,, ,, 7 .; . , , I" this niiimiy wiun a chllil. llr ni'.idiiy jifur siit'inliiif,' a wt-i-k vlsltinj,' .'''iS1,,11 ,<• V-V t. ti"•IV * ! "V.-.1 In Philadelphia fora number or frit nils in l'hlllinshtirK, Dovi-r. Wasli- K tWO L-ollIMl'.i: Mill til clXty tlCKrvCH y MI I •« t ' i" "'"" y.ar.-.; II.. ha.l I,,,., In ill health r.,r hlKtnii and Xi'W \*I11IIKI>. lifty mlimtt-.s wen thirty feet: (C) «ttdll be c|vc.illy pi.[)iutril to Mipjl •|»rili thirty-two drKrees tlilii>--slx I-.ml I.lit p.t $,,mi n.r thi> job. ,»,,„>• nnmths an.l at mm* VVIM >i .Mr. and Mrs. .lauus K. Smith iravv aimitt*'. west one hundred and one are shown here in such Tin- Ki'v. Dr. M.mlMlal.- addiv-s.d UrU-real t suiiVr.-uer froin Kidney nnd MiuNi ml Iliv-lrnth ftet. to \nnti for corner f itli.-riiii.- i.f ,!,iir,li worli.-rs j d,-r iroilldes. Ik- Is surv'lvi d l,y hisa Tamily Hit: rlBlit. IIvu liiiu- Miss .M.irv,! lirnv. wli i '•• lilllI IK-lill »'. Vu. lie was ton;: •.\ii-j*. .Muriraivt Smith Mrs. J. W. drvd and ten and Uvt-u-ntli fot-t to •?• n . Mrs. eorinr t,( .Miehiiel Kenni-y-H Inml; (fc) find it decidedly to your *j* >! !-. li< r hlion:, - witi h !• v.-r, h ;il>k- I '"•!• "f I'' " "llieiuli l hoard of the Jl. K. llnwk and datl|.-hler. l.nele Ma rltuivli mul h.i-I hmir IMVII an ai-tlv. Thomas Hush and children. Daisy liill Hillil ki'itney tn« follnwllin Heveii. c alt.,nt a^ain ;ill|iiiH- ! d .Mai-k-an-t and Willard. ami John A. .tMii'Kt-x; •'••nth tweiity-oni: th-frees interest to come see the t >-.-]]. j ami liirtu-st nu-iiilu-r of tin- I'in'nvli. thirty in I n uti'.", went .seven ty-oiiu and lie was also a m-'inli.-r «.l" tin- In.a1 Kinilli. of this pla>M>. [•'i-itnN Manim is iyitti;1 vt'f>- ill nil two-tenth feet: 11') south fourteen dc- ItnlCf or Mtlil I-\-ll«>w>. iniriHw tin- C'nisljil'lf Smith has lu-i'ti having Sniytnn.Mi.vf«l..iIM m ssc. KIII-M thirty ininuteH, west one Iniu- display. Do that to- & hi- li-Min- MH Thirii strut: lit- tui-* r Civil war In- s. nvij with ^ront •lnyul- ntihh> with soitn- lluiicarlans. The l-iiiuy Cmnly Cart-s.jitl j.rlcrn. •Irt'il iimi thlny-tliree nml ilve-lfiitli i t lii-i'ti In minisi tit'iilth [•'•!• a .MII- ly In C.itniiatiy II of ih.- famous Xluti: nils sink- apples I'roin Wm. Alls- Spt-ci'il I"im mi l*'aitcy IiOMd. feet; (loj south rutir dt-^rei's thirty morrow as early as you •> iil-rat>lt' U;n-.-, A*>oritil Choi.-otnltfHfiii<| Hun 11 iniitcM, wt-»it funy-nlnu mid fuitr- ,, . • . , , > •"•'• •'• Itt-fiiiiifiit, i.'a|italii ,|nsi pit ,1. Mr. Smith found th "rnnvo, Iiiili'!.. I'tjjs, nth feel; til) HIUIII HKIIL dt-Ki.-.-s can and be sure to look •> 11,.- .Ma.-riil.....Ma.-rali.-.'*s Initlau-Initiau-idl :iLt clii.da-.-wj ofnil : ||,,\\VUttry ", Wh• o was sm't-.-.-dnl l.y Cuptnln I Jil otu- of tlw lioanliiiK holies on tin- Ml Mil Nuis, (;ni]its, i-tc. iriy inltiuu--*, fiiHt ulnetL-eii and two- : 1(> (.•andisljiti^ on i u.-sday fVctiliii,'. | .lusi>|ih \'.,_ LawrMuvul'1'.t.dvld.-rc-..Tins I Land Improvement couioanv's Ki-nuinl. nth fi-i't; |l:'i .S.KHII slxtei'ii thlrty- at the splendid values y j :':ir. t.-.f w ,:•.: '.v;i^ u-.n. !.y a -'.tv:..l inn-'tal tonk |.lac-c iroin liis lino Imitir and **ut»si mly tln-y imni un- •t* niliniti-s, luwt sixty.nine and onu- • '" s •••' ..... i-harm-s and wwv let p>. nth fi'ft; tlitj xijutli thlrtv decree** thlny ailiiiite.-'. oast one hutittruil and we offer in *J* slxty-ilir.i- anil elKht-tentli dut; (l|) .-ouih thirty-three .^i-ri'.us Injurl fi-t-t to II eni-iM't- in line of CcntraT " Kallr-a.l of .Ww .ler^.-v: (jr,> auVi It Fashionable Washington Candy Kitchen said rallroiul south sixty-two degrees !.- X thirty minute*., ,ast tdKlity-nlni) fe.-t l'l i-i 'in tli,- riijtil !i> Ii I'.'V.y to eorner lauds late of Wm. IJemitster; Suits and Overcoats l l.*'t.r' IHT fi-lun tl'i) thi'liv't! itloiii: said land.-i late of IJeniiistri- the follinviiiK thrui- coiirsos; .Mr. l.tv)». whn' Is north thlrly-tlirce deKrees lifly mlii- utes, east on.: hundred and llfty-fonr at $15, iiniu* south lor thf wintt-r and elnht-tenth feet; (17,1 xoitlh forty- in'i'l'alily hi- away 'unit iit-x The Market'' in Washington threu decrees Ilfty-llve inlnutes, cast hfly-llvc feet; (IS) south thirty-three $20, $25 and $30 .liisiit's ' Ki i-'lintn has m Where You Can fief the i'tfi-ees fifty minute*, west uuo hun- tv-nv t!u' Uolmviiiv riv.-r. "it P lirt-d ami rorty-si«vt'ii and slx-tonth Mrffi. i-i \\w ln.iis.' nwncd l.y Itk'h iVet tu ifttiilx of Central Itailroad or Wlls.m I'MHI.T nf I'aul unit .New .k-rxcy; then (lit) aloiif,' said rall- At these prices you can I south sixty-two dcKrucx thirty r ..ur Itntk's ivlftmit uti's, east live hitntlruil and ntnety- select styles fully worth - lUiiiivt-rsiiry a iV-w days apt BEST MEAT . •II and live-tt-nlh feet to corner of 1 said railroad In line of land fonnorlv a third more and have t'V \i-iiinua in-iirliy t'arnivr :nnl pai - Wilson J. 11. Hriichj thence (201 alone ti^lputtrtir in a n-al oUl-t'ashhMUMl kill- land laic of llrucli, now U. \V. ila«crtj% Uv lice, . BEST POULTRY :it>rih llfiy-elKlit ilcKri'OH twenty mln- distinctive, high-class, ites, cunt tin-..; hundred and thlrty- :wo fu-et to the \Aavu uf lH>r,'lnnliii*v hand tailored clothes of i.uri: in^tc-a.l i'lini Hilling slxtt-in and iwu* tenth nml nil Hi" 'Mk'lou- spi'dallira Him uin-.i of land. » faultless fashion to add you liitit; In yiiiir inilchrr to supply The liiipruvf-nMT-s consist of one i.t-asaiil f:\m\l >tom\ three Mrlults and II vu Fnnne Uwi'lliii-,' House*', also two liirjie . to your enjoyment of •£• iring' tin- h->iis ritables, ill! In Kouil cuticlltlnti. This |uo[ierty Is locati-tl In tho best the Holidays. nchixtrliil purl of I'hlllipslnirt,-. l.oliif? n tho ••ery renter and hut a few uiln- ites' walk from thy following IIIIIUM-^' rie«. itiKersoll-Iinrul c«.'n liirHrT Christmas ihuit. Amtuvur Funiuce. Warren K«uu- tlry, Staiiihird rillk Mill, Ashk-y ,t .Shr^v THESE'SUGGESTIONS FOR suit Mm nt"! tlie.iiewrcoiitlnciitnl/fc'flk-:"1 Mill.1,Tlio Kaston Tmnslt Co.'s andjtlie "listcm &1 Washington Co.'s . cars Jftre- OSL' by. , Vf t GIFT-GIVING Poultry 'f.-nns nnd condiilons made known y Miss i I day of sale. ought to interest you, for in pointof variety,1 quality aiict" lias Kin.ll THOMAS NK'WMAN. y tlie V.Mink' Lii'lit-.s win ii,' n spi'uliiliy with ti>, 1ml we Kxtfiitor of Uobert price, you can't find another :showing to tqucil thvse de- li.!.'\'inaastK.s.. say UI Dompsti-r. det-vasc.l. y ms an' •>fvi\ H. "C. Krt^t. Attornev. . sirable—always appreciated—wearables. i-'ri.lay. avoid [lossililo 'li.-apjinintiiH'itt. Uattul .N'oveniLor 19.'1907. Smoking Jackets or House Coats, plain and fancy fab- Thniiliiiif' nil wlio Imv-- 1'uvoivil us y rics, beautifully finished $-'l-.SO up with tlu-'Ir piilroiiii^i', ainl wisiiini; Executor's Sale y Bath Robes—Blanket, in plain and fancy all n Mfi-ry Clu-i.-tmns. weaves. .. .$-'(..00 up VALUABLE REAL ESTATE f Silk Suspenders — with handsome go\A or silver C.k-n. '/Ann has i>...>n n-'inin "i-e,«)(i._-nt <>r tin' Oond Will li Shafer & Dilley Tlie {.'iiliscribor. .executor of Jidin buckles •, n()c liilu-r. .itc.-iisL-ii. by virttiu of his Insl pany: Messrs. Witlvti'.r. I.i 1*111 anil t.'stamciit. duly ndrnltted to Fancy Half Hose—all popular weaves.. '25c up ami liiw.'iicr f.»r 25 Belvidere Ave. •rotmtf, oKera at private sale tho fol- Naylnr and M.-nz U>r i-.ir.-in;i!i. Tin- Dress Shirts—regular or coat front, with attached or will take ulao' at thi.-January Xo. 1. A double dwelllnp house nnd am, on lot SO feet by 15-1 feet, known Itei-lill!.- us lumilit-is -)! and 40 Taylor street. separate cuffs $1.00 up This .is tin1 ni'iiuh "I* lax.s Jtn»! \v Washington. N. J. The property runts iiiw until tin- -Olli ti. eash up. A \m at twejve dollars ($1^.0.0) per int.rith; Street or Dress Cloves in latest shades...... $1.00 up t' ;;iij->at>1 •- t.ix*-> >U!i" ivjuuiii-• r<;snrt n. hon-ttwltiir mon- and city water. No. 2. A v.-ry desirable vacant tot, Silk MufHcrs in plain and fancy colorings. . . .75c lip y In i.rtivr [n meet lh.j s The Cost of 0 feet 1." Ml feet, nnd niljolns the Y .w tine. Why art: nut thf Inu-k hove property N'o. 1. Hoth [iropertles Pajamas in a great assortment of materials, plain or •!• ace oa Taylor .street and iutvo a. drive- Y I'ay or alley nl the rear. The proper- fancy trimmed...... :...... $1.00 up V h,-.). Titus is tli./ c.mills .ies belnff .••o.t.-entrnily located,, conven- Y soii. (!(.• m.w has iimivr Oini Electricity t'nt to hch'iols, clnirclies, stores ami Men's Coat Sweaters in gray $'2.00 up *•• n a plant (V.r tin- manui'aci AIJM1A. lie trolley line, makes them very ilo- Y ent brinks. Ho will rfr Iraljle. holm? only three (3) mlnuteH' .Mi's. IrciK.' Hoffman. II. Voting has a In-rso that \# i-alk from tlie trolley ami f-I^iit (S> • Linen Handkerchiefs in gift Boxes; six to *•* Daily and Inciiriionirc UIIIL is disproportionate to its liinuteH' walk from tlie D. L. <& W, HI Y s of Xf\v Jor-sey. Tht-n tin? tck vl.-Itliif,' lilU- lllMitlms h-.ii,,.s thru ll will IL- the box...... :. v...... $1.15 ,,p . '»j* lirick- advantages. Those desir- li. station. : wii-ilnl h.>he. ntr.Toini'jVre.l to the puhlipuic at ?10 a Jtivuh rjriipi- is huil.llm •us*? next to "Si-ahnV hull. Willlnin -Mctz was away on a jaunt ing to use electricity for'. No. ;t. Is .i seven-room house on n Silk Umbrellas with natural wood or V shuro. He already ha: \V«*(!m'>-(lay of last Week. llusiiiess ot 41',-i feel by 128 feet and located lighting or.power should '.' ust wust «f the Morris Canal near the siuH'inif.ns of hrick that Jte IH ( l|Ui (l hls alwilL1 1 fancy handles. ., $1.50 up ••• M;Ith,.mJich pride. inin'h hi.i s sum." - hulhllniT''"* '. lu-a" r the post- ' ' "' - - :..call and let us demon- •Id .boat yitrd. anil rents for fix dollars 1 oiiiet-. . W'anvn llorman oaiiKlu iiis hand (*fl) per munth the year round: has n I •i^trlnl camo off a. (llrt WnrreL. ffooil olstern of water and the city wa- strate these facts. Hoiisr* ii row days at^o. lifuvci-li David i A fi My from . liki will in a L'utting-liox and cm it unite, .se- ter maltt passes throiiEli street in front • f : • tiie tine house ac-ant verely, last Thursda'y. We will furnish you at )f house. • • • ' • iian^h.-irt and [-"rank Hair. It ii|i|u-ar.-- osei.h Hawk's. Y that .Mr. Hair .pniil David n mnuu- Clinton Ilartunji had tho misfor- pur own expense all ne- N'o. A. Is a lot -M l£ feet by 12S feet eyvlr that didn't turn out according' . AI r: Ilik-y of Green"* lirldffe i.asse.l tune, to lose his valuable? thi'«-( -yi'ar- ivitlt burn on rear ami adjoins the . ol T f siHiHil.id and tool; tho niaehlrii' hack". William Loiideiiberry. Oscar iiutler is lal contractors to do your iiinut.es' walk from the D. L.. & W.^R. Y f Han^hart .SLI" flood' \VIlV Drciii^h ' jiithl 'ti visit The' new ln-;iter."'in' tii'c Siiimor ' 'One of' Uaniio'ny'H ' sehooT 'marms "replaced free "of "cost." vhore can be l«ept a large number of l" tlio Dolawniv iln? lads on Tu.-sday shlckens or other poultry ami a good 222-224 Northampton St.. EASTON, PA;"" " il works \;,yy wvU. It is just, foim.l it dose- of. castor nil administer- . Call and see the beau- ranlen. KIICII a.s Is Impossible to be cvtMiiiiK: and c-njm-.-d the h.wpluility what iias Imii; in i wanted, ed oiioe in a while to obstreperous nnlnialnt-d In the more thickly settled of thai n"\vly orii-anizrjd dt tJiirtin-nt. t f Jersry Ciiy. lias pupils an effective means.of discipline. -• ••"tiful • ' • . • irt i>f the borongli. . • The fhicf niiide an addn-ss «f w.-l- IliiKMtll Snyder on passing a ei-iml.- of day.s with CinnrKO I.oniassi.ii did Iiis lm_u;her-: Parties desiring to view the nrem- : : :: ^•-^:^i>l-;"Mir-.-"Aiiiui"-SnVjui-.~------" " - L'M-uru* Invited lo ilo so. or for tnfor- i .Mrs, Cleiivlf, forfeit nml juiy n ihieninirt rinn on their garments. They liave a punii.! would (.•i.me. We !H»|ie. John foinidjuion "for the sllencn do.uj. in re than hventy ilollurs, or be imprlsotied In sale should select their dates mrt all tho dotn will now st-oJHo il thai we shall su Wm. R. Bryant lioroiiuli lockup 1'e.r not more Hum live p and whitti." The parly consisteil Li earlv. fhei nd ha discouiued iia|K-r right have lictter nil...... _.„,.. ,„.&... L.Snniuel ..Stewart, .S.un.a.lnH|).icter.,.P.,.l i, .s;mul llifM)!lict,T_.l)i;fi're..whoiii,.anv,.Mi(l J -son inuy ho itrniiuh! may Imprsivsnoirinn i•f -TilO!lm?^^.\^•!clv"wi^•••ocOlll^v"-th^••Frov^^•'Antlill;:^^t mciii by lino or iuiin'l oiun^iiL us lie. ma sh hand. 1'lnli: house 1 soon after th1 e middle of I Tiirhe and I'eter^ UnmoV. foremen. lit; no(.o.\w'(liii|,' Hie" nnixUmin' hori'l this month. •• Lsisi weeic'. we. reported These men .«i.sted grc-atly In l.uild- xod. , : RLAL ESXATL BOUGHT AND SOLD ; .Tohn ' Ho; and "Win. P. nminell. Hint Jacob HII lo have this ing the llt thoruiiglii'i Carperiter and tlie well-known contractor and v.w- CIIAKI.KS It. SMITH, Mtiynr. Ageut for tlie Fnnnors' Mutual Tiro Insurance Co. ponter, liavr- pour: to work r>n tlie house; but Mr. H. will rcnmfn In the thrmigh here. „ Ailcst: A. .1. Ci(Ai-~r, Clerk. house he. now occupies. i The report, which was circulating :?A, ii. ciiioKi-. i improvfmontH Hint are Rointr on at Contracting Builder 1 Ai;-^V-'-»!'^!Hv»:^-a' r'!!i!!iui:e,Co:!'::iIUc ,.:\V. \)..U\:t;lCK,"--{-::r;"-::;r:-."- :^- 1 : v 11 i the HniVen>\lio\iW^ ^ an d,":_Wood;.SawsT,r.'r""' " ~; 7;.VVJ.._"..'.!..r -•-»:'.'."'.•"«•'"«':»i'":"""" ••' »i- ; J( "flimiped in to iMicUetK. '• and .._ will •jnalfe"-Htcaniship- "ii;is.seimer >iiiKihess.--inet-wlth ji~fiitalaccidenr thence tickets to Burnnp a specialty. Stophon ; evidence of the Notice of Settluttu'iit. Call on or mldres: ldeloadedd In earlrKl .indd haulhauleed to the by slipping ,ou Die new hrldKu and railroadid . TThe mines are be Quism is ji clerk in that olllce. '' slidliiK into the re(|iie.st, Creek, WHSof work is shown In tlio handsomest; and ng oper- ffilsn. IJdward Dalrymple and other bust buildings in 'Washington. No job Is Notice Is hcivby (riven Unit, Hie m.Timntsvof. friends were about to form a seiircii- too Inryiror top iliniculi. to undwtulce. nlisiTilHT, cNi'i-utor of William I). Hull, M. A. PIERSON, 17 Broad St., Washington, N. J. Millions of bottles of Folcy's Honey lni; party when ilr. Stopp appearud scd. will IK- tiuilllrd and staled l>y thu safo and sound, tin his way home. Tho Bryant, force aro huatlers, mid leave iirninale, mid repnrii-d to tins Ornhun.s' CourL the, pnietice of carrying cnncealod and Tar have been sold without any tlio stamp of thoroughness-on all their nho(Wiit,vof\Varren,oii Krlday, |he third weapons shall eomo to an end, or tlio person cvci" having exporlonccil any y of.laiuitiry neM. ut 1(1 i>'c luck a. m., in I he olYonders will ho. severely punished. work*. Whon you wimt jjootl work, and rin of Drcombor, for srlMi'liu.'UI and lillow- eey pue ^>tlier than hcncOeial rcHults from its want It done promptly, call upon A fefw daydadys as hee callelldd a ctuinlle off use for'coughs, colds and lung troubles. Itusincss for Sulc. m:c, 1'iiiijp si. nur.r,, Alpha offenderd s bbeforf e hhiim and finefid dThis Is becnuso tlio eonuino Foley's The residence and business property Patod Nov. Si. 11*07. Kxmitnr, them each $100 nml costs, and on oC the late Joseph Hollander in Bolvi- 'rlulor'sfee,?-\7{>. . . •'- THE WASHINGTON/STAR and the L Friday last John H. Meyer.! fitso or Honey.jind Tary,in a yellow., package : contains no opi ttcs or othor '• harmful ilero is offered ;i'or sale at' a reason- ?An Attractive v; TIIRICE-A-\VEEK N. Y.^VORLIJ Alplin, was arraipnotl nnd, plcadinff pi.ttcs o ; able price. Excellent'restaurant and •....•• . (Four Newspapers;a Week) '•". ""'%. ffuilty to havinp a shooting iron in drues. Guard /;»bur h ealth by refusing ; Wm. R. Bi^yant liis clothes, was. fined $7S and costs. any but the "genuine: . Oonkins & saloon stand. Apply to Mrs. Joseph Combination: Only $2.00 a Year, Payable in Advance • Andrew Yettftr went down tlie Del-' ; Hollander, Belvidere, N. J. Washington, N."j. Cures Colds; Provonts Pneumonia HUi'l'LKMKNT TO THE WASHINGTON STAK, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY. DKCHMUKIi li, i;iO7. "Tf -13 REASONS FOR X-MAS REJOICING Mrs, John DrciHh Is'rterlouHly 111 with ptu-iitnonin. C.V, Blxkr S,P. Ludwig A.KBlxlcr (Uy Hi-v, (i, C. Monlsilalc, l*ii*tur Iti'lvldcro .M. E. Cluircli.) - Master - Htimpfon Unwell has horn MEMORIES OF OLD WARREN III for HcVerjil days. ' (.'lirititliniN U ii M-iisim i,( p-ncral rejoicing. (IK- exact rnt-on for which nil Christinas nxorcbes will be held in iiin.v iml know. It eclehratcs the lueanmi ion—tlie mlvent uf tu,<\ in liitiiijin each of the thrcr churches. I'orin. It selves to Jix ritir tliottght on tho center of tin- worlds lij-tuty, nnd cnin- John Lommason has been building About Christmas COUNTY FAIR DAYS mi addition to his buildings. niciiioratc-4 the tiiniin^ jitiiut of tin- u^i'H,\vlieii the desire of all iintioiH wiis tiiaiii- fcsteil iind the iiniplit'cicH of many ccuturic* ftillilleil. . . , MINS Li I linn Hurfow of New York city IK viKillng at A. C'lIawcH'w,' ; Tlii-i wiis n time of n-jnii-in^ ill heuvcli. ft i-vukcil Unjjclic >ony—lln- liwt Shopping uiul tlie only time when niortut curs euti^lit the >truiiw of tvto^tml svinpliouuH. Mr. ami Mrs. 13. L. Harris Wsltcd her parents at lintkestown on Sun- k !•* yd trtinii- of j!huhn."*-t throughout the entire Cutliolic world, iiii'l'tlii' great- day. . . .'-'." .; " •••.•• (This Annual Event was a Hummer and for Many Years Drew er |i:ut of I'lut.'-laiit Chii-lcinlnin. T,, chililliooil tlicrc i-. no M-;I*OII lonkcil foi> - Tiie Presbyterian cliurch Is pre- There ts no ftoru that ran say an ward to with such visions of. tU-liyht, ami to thosi; who have ^rowu ohl it i- a»- pnrlntr f»»r n Christinas entertain- wo do that every thinglnonrntock Big Crowds—Some of; the Specialties That Were to sncinti'il with memories winch innko the lit-mt youn^ jiynhi. . .. ment. ., : , . ..;. . U suitable for Cbristmoj gilt- .'...,.It M-i-itis ^tiiinyc that a fctstival of so mm-h jny.\vt\*.mi -low in »jiinin^' it< Chas. Cox ami daughter «if AViish- givinff.'; Wntchep," Clocks,' Plus,' jimjiiT [jhiee. It was the hut (if tint »rnil OirNiuii iVNliviil- tn.«jtirt reco»ui- Intrt'iti siR'Hl Sunday with his itrothei-, JewWry of every deecription tion. It wiw.uot introduccil into Koine until 'MM, not into Aulineh until :iS(l ami James Cox. -,...' be Seen and a Few Incidents that Occurred mako tbn most appreciated, useful not into Alexandria tiniil -JUO. Tin- reimyji for thi-i l»li> linti'.l* tnuwi ih'wHv in A damrJiig parly WHS Jit-Jd m tin- the fuel that the birth of Christ, cither IH to ilny or nimith. U unwheif htalcd lionn- of .Mr. nnd Mrs. I-:. L. Harris and ornamentftl gifts that could ***** ***** »+y^»v*« *v** ***** in Hie fio-ijiM history.: Hut it U easy to sec that, though it was lute to »iiin on Tuesday evening. be nelectud, and in Silverware the tvi'o<>iiiti<]ii, it sliouhl liavt' the llrst. place: for without il there cnit.l he tut [Hi-- Mrs. Ilarvi-y llowell of Washington different sets and Individual pieces n time" when Wiirrcn I litn-rittnly njien nric Hr two of tin- i-n- I trlnnlHtn appealed m>''strongly.'to Hit sioii story . with its (><>th«t>iuiuu'. or I-Iustcr with its jcunci'tiiui itniheuH of Is the gucsi of her uiotJit-r. Mrs. Isaac our. holiday offering include* • • l d l ll'l l f l I : County boast-d ot nn Agilcul- and extract a llvr or ten dol ncinberji »f tin tiium[»li over death. .~ Fine, for a f.inniglil. makes chopping a real pleasure, lar bill from oneli. Of lion that they made it a tural AW'H'latl.ni that year nf- Then- >* oiif tiling to 1H> lamcnti-dtii euniicetiou with Cluiritniiis fc-tivitiis A blrihdav parly was given Mln And because our Btore will be cour.se he nibbed It in .special feature nn eerlain liuih itlnl. last I-'riday ovcnhi;r. In |r year managed th<* 01 ice.-popular —Hint HI many should make it a time of eoursi- iimiHL'iuiiiU ami ilissijmtioii. more crowded and busy OH ChrlHt- I'arrcti County fair. This exhibition, pretty hard nnd Jollied days. Olio, well-known hoh n off n,.n r nnthh hllt While it i* n time of jihidm.'S-', no indulgence should lie iillowcit or thought of held in tho full nf mch year, tho boys because they lady, who now resides In Mr. uiul Mrs. Autos Alhort uitend- maH approaches is wby we ear- drew thousands frnrn all parts had not taken advan- Belvldere. used to ride In which insults thr> divine innocciicv of the Son nf Cml who cimic to hlo-s IN with t;d the funeral of her brother, Jacliuieiits of this hiip- from neighboring states. The other, laughed in si in the prize. iiv neason. ' • • - • U'-v. and Mrs. Lykt- jittnidcd the horse racing contents, halloon quarterly conrciiMicc of tin- Christian fashion anrl said The usual 'number of cliun-he.s, in nils section, at Johns.jn- C. W, EIXLER ascensions and features both what darn fools we I plek pockets and black k'gs h'im. last Friday. novel ami interesting, provml " visited the fair grounds ni/x>.>!sm;uv. matron uf honor, who was one of last The marriage of .Mrs. Win. pyles, very enjoyable- Hut the fakir was a Just as they did the other county .Miss llot-kenbiiry of (iicn Cardtier June's brides, wore h-r WCIIIIIMK gown hti e satin, and h formerly Miss Tillle Wolf. io posi- &C0, won- dnys when peo- imttiri'il sort of fellow, said he fairs, and exhibits Imd to be guarded was the gtirrsl of Miss Mary Cn-velintr i umsler Jacob Skinner of Meaiyes- on Sunday. f ppinn k chrysanthemye u s. The brides- ple gem-rally eiit ahii'd Uh- wanted to he liberal anil enero very closely to prevent their h'-lng maidid s wore empiri e gown town has been ami'iiinceil. JEWELERS and rt-pcatml the offer. Then th stoh-u. One inhibitor lunl n case of .Mrs. • KIM McCrea Is s|K-mMng a lips-Nit omi' views nmi everything organdie over nlnk taffeta, a \U-vi'. Yeonian nnd Haggerly. ,\jr. a jam to u<*t nrmitid his Ntanil, line hair work. Jewelry nml oriia- fortni"hl willi ri-tailves in Macketts- while chrysanthemums. and .Mrs. Klljah Cos. Miss Kthel littl The "lid was nff." so to town. . • Easton, Pa, Ipeak.iiml tit- tu-r- suggestion of eiieh man scraiuhllng *o get ahead •iits tir IIM.IMIIKII last Ic-Ide al Tl* Hlh X Tuesday. ; people in hold IIP their Werines.lay. HKh sliv.-l. Xevvi.rk. |amls in righteous horn.,- inilny. envelopes Ihls timit the expected tlvi ami siolr-ti ev<-riit lnin>l >.|. .[..liars' The bride wore a Irav.-llng gown Mrs. U'ni. I'vli-s, While al (he Inum- and len-doilar 1*111 did not materialize, I worth of I Harry llnlTinuii will inuve his fam- of dark blue broadcloth and a black of her daughter. .Mrs. John Ketcbarn, 1 The Warren Ctmnty Agricultural ily Iroui ibis place to Alpha during had Us birth i>rlor to. IxfiU. The looks upon their fuccs were nl- The grand stand, which wns on )| piclurc hat, irimineil with pluim-.s. In Townsbury. rrll IIMWII stairs, tasi Bodine's Celebrated tin- present week. For several years the lirldi* ha* I Wednesday evening, and limit,, her Idieii things in tills county were uii- uosl us bliink as north si(b-of the fair building, hud n nose, jawbone, two ribs and arm tn seating cii|>aclty of a thousand people. .Mrs. ilhiiK. UniiinWi. daughter and Ih-st vioHuisi in the Ccniciiarv IM- lly prosperous ami when farmers if the envelope. son made a recent visli with .Mrs. cbestra. , • " • two places. |ir IHmgeriy was call- it/d to demand F'uni- w>rt of a An Knston fakir wo ild Invariahl' The side shows hint th<- right of way Shoemaker at Fhu'svilb-. The ninny friends ..f the bride In ed am! cared for hi-r until morning, TRENTON SAUSAGE . where tliey oul.1 lmv« high old visit the fair witli ill: irri'slstahli for n considerable ilistriiiee iind there this place extend hearty rougrjitulii- when lie ami numbers of l:er fam- J. S. I'ickel this week purchased •hues nt h-ast once, a y.nr. .Jt.was.u shell game, ^consisting «f..th (Inns iind liesl wishes, ily accompanied •her, to , ibe, Kusion visitors hail, the ol' see- irbuHl ii»''|iiiiu I'OI n.itli.-r u.-ann.- and POJK RELISH shells or cups nmi a luys- seal. Ihe t'lut tu-.l Pit--, lilcles for his luerrjisliiK trade; Pvb-s is advaiiceii In years terioits "Joker." or ball, iwn headed A.\l>i:i{SOX. ;••'*.• . Alwn;*^ on hniid, us wull IIM alf. the. l.iidlcs' Aid SoL-b'iy mei covery will donbtlt-.-s be slo u which danced around dex- woolly horse. lh> churni- '\. '- '^.'"•"'SJ'hh Meats. HcroV loi-nlnr; at III*- home of Airs. John Ihnin is siitr-rinu fr-M, terously under his in ing snake Kill, tin fat wo- broken arm. -•-> .-A^tiri', you can gut Hontp- finders. Id- told his gn| niui. the living skeleton. .Miss Mabel 11; ANTHONY. : i-v^Vtiiii'Is'Saii^atiL', Scrnppleami Airs. South Sea Islands and l-'rank Liinee eaiitured a gni'v'^'it mother, Airs. Atchloy. at I'ertniiiKton. .Miss Stella Slllu-r I Siiinr. prow that tlie Imnd was many others ton numerous Alis.s (,'arrh- CivvelliiK "f I'hilllps- with Mrs. Catherine Carey. last week. . . *// quicker than the eye and to mention. Shrope's Meat Market burj; ims.sed Hiitunhiy ami Sunday Uavid Otlins is nilliiK f.-w Isaac Hoffman Is workln-' fo;/(!o- ht- solicited wafers, at sums" For JI number of years with h-.-r mother. Mrs. Klizabeth Cr.-v- days at Airs. AI. J. Aj ranging I'mm *r> to $•_>(! or th- fitir was a II|K thing <-linK. Airs. Sarah K'lnir nml sou Mdgar Xot a bid was received on thej flunk' more, that no man In the and prospered. After a A. il. OrevelhiK. ,'inr luacl jirintur, passed Saluriliiy hi Wnshinjit'-n. farm, offered for .sale last wee!I croud could tell him under (inn- interest seemed to has distributed some very handsome Thi.- reeent snow drifted .s/nie of which cup ihe little, ball was l.ym.'tn M. Smith of C'hiinu'<-water in-ople jin-w tired >•( it ami ealendurs unions his patrons ihls speiil Saturday jit .MisK^VInlii Garev's Hie roads shut on the mountlvfti. located. Many :• good man. piitroiiii^e fell • • tl" won-li-rfiilly. The home. : ' The people are trying to ge'f'a tele- should IIILVI- known better, ha premhini list, whieli was the main The i-L'Kiilur monthly meeting of the Airs. Henry Hcmlershot and Airs phone st-rvie'.- through th's vlUnlty. Bargains in Wagons caught ill this apparently I spring of TIL- conefwn. and which had Woman's lluni..- and Foreign ..Mission. Katherln.' (!nrev passed Thursrhiy In l-'rank Kfslir-r has returned from little gi ury Society mm at Ihi- home of Mrs. lOuston. . . I'I'll Argyl ami will remain mull They purchased a bin tract of hind nml the Warrni County | always been larye and Illn-nil. proved John lils.se>-mi Wednesday afternoon. and Carriagls^ |.f Abram MeMurtrie, hn-nU)d along fair proved a profitable Held of op-ra- j to i>e principally a paper nlTair ami (Jims, staats of Hound l(n»>l; was Clias. Alaybi.rry had the misfortune lion lor the Three Shell st-mry. ! ninny eshllilturs who were uwnrdcfl to injure his buck whik but.-h.-rliu; All', ilt • 1 .Mr .Ins.. ill AtiKur nt ml In Oxford township. thi' Kih'.st of J. S. I'lclci-I and family, Snriiliiy I liiiveii niiinlHinlHT of I Three Card .Monte, nii'ii also came | preiriiums did not even ln>lh*-r to last Frlihty. . . Nt'wimrl fp.-iu u'MIl l.i'ltlili'1 ttlCH nml rnml wn^iis le smith of |:.-lvidere. iii'iir town, sevrnl iluys th" past Uiistnvr. l to this lair imil had plenty of husi- ! cash ih-lr ehecks, Wei-k. John Alnylierry iind wife spent Sun- which J have rebuilt. lien- thiy em-tod l-'t-nlik Wliln llMIIKllt ii KIIIWU imil Tticy iirr nlci'ly pnlnlcil m,-ss. On one iicciisfnn two well-j This wiis tlie I.eKiimlfiK of the did. day with Mr. and Airs. Lewis ,\lleK«.r snitiilile IMI I I d 1 n ;,' s iiiKham Williamson had a boM< in Washington. :tn- next •lii>- h • liirni-il It unt. nml It Kinl ptu In llml-eliiss con- fur i'xh|l>ltl"U-<. barns known eltlzens of lldvidcre dropped bout this linifjhis I'ltlle toe I'mctiired while working illllon, nml ure nowpntc- Mrs.. John Miinn, who r,Triill\' fell tli'iiilynsKood us new. I and stalls frii- the live fl'ii apl<-e.- In ihrir Kreed to beat a aurt boiitued tiling, up. in j at tin- Alplut eemem plant ai d is now will mil tVu'iiinl bnrciiln I o|T .duly. • and fractured her sirm. is nb'le to Crovi'i Ami. Isnll .V II .11 iv his stock, n gi'iiinl slimd, I'jinl imin at his own order to furtlK'i' their own he itroiind the house. fjillH'r".^ null' I 'HIM HKii II U'llll" .Illllll ink'i's, Cut I ami w liow | ..]|i .l:u- Frills u I Ills «H«. mill. •IIKHI wrvlco lln-y will position. As nilKht be ami pull do not Imrmon- i Diiirynien's Supply Co. ol I'tillmloi- Airs. Cyrus Fisher of Washington ces«:ir>' adjuncts. A is spending ii with her t .Mr. nil 1 .Mrs lillltl Ililil snll Hi* l/.'-,-wlili.. luimpUlns.- and ( j.phla.-.wiis ••thi; .tfiiesi... of_ ,1,. S.:J'lekel oth- ii. ,\\ iv yu;; e rr:.\l !.".«»!• "I \Illsh Hr|(l^-L. Client Stmility ".•ituiitf." but the dupt'd j p' nd th j last: Thursday. - • - - was laid out iind ii|>on All.ert C. MenderKhot spent Tues- uith Ills s .\l r. i ml .Mrs. Win. men siiuealed and put ii a I.IK ro Things j .J. W. Crewllnj,' has had enrp.-uters \\. llann • this there were many rk tlie piist week replacing u day with her. sister. Mrs. Uudd I, WILLIAM MOUNT sueh it ••holler" tliiit Hi II to pi i>l,res ! Piirt of the iloorlni; In his rt-sid.-nce Wik-ver. in Washington. D.m'i rnrsul tin. i:i rlsunas t-xi.-r- i;ambti*rs considered It ... hi.Ml ill lilt WHEELWRIGHTING, UPHOLSTERING Mjiny noted hors--- i polities i I with, hardwood.. ... Win. Lance. Frank Kaylor and •I»"S t" .Mt. l.rlianon : advisiLble to return t agriculture "to Samuel MulTman assisted Jacob Miller .M. !•:. i liuri'li uliiy i.vunlni;. AND PtIHTING ren. Sussex'. Morris and iimiU'V to tlK.-m. Airs. John Duckworth and dauKh- DIH-. n:t. 'I'lu- I'lllllllO 1 IIS IVllI US took part, ami great nd itlung with ti-r Ivii of tic;ir town wi;vu visitors to butcher hup last Saturday. traveling photo- somt: nf Ihu l.lt'r "I i-s. will IIIIVI- Svas the sport. In those halcyon days Sluidt'.s of p In Junction the past week, sis the The 'Sunday school is nracticirig for iiimntliln A to It II y,.n. i horse that clipped .iff a mile in less Jciuiy .luniji graphur with his porta- The closing seen.- was guests of Christopher Shropu the Christmas cntertaimnem which 1 him three minutes was indeed a mar- t.le gallery used to d somewhere about 1S7S. when the A dyiiitmo liuviiiK a capacity of i>0 will be bchl \ i Chrism 13 vi land olllcu ds and all tlie. adjuncts thuroti Jt-ol—n valuable piece of "hoss llesh" usiness. At mm of lights was reeent Iy installed In (he Klmcr K. Ilcudersbot. wife and falrs the business at a certain photo- went imili-i hammer to pay th Hoffman graphite mill to be used for niece. Hazel K. Wilcver of Waslilmr- l—antl .spectators •»<1 with mlmlra- .thut could go under graph (,'iilli'iy K"t so rushing th.it tin debts of ihe ts.siH-i:uion. ami nothing Miiulcr.lmi and Wiirreu county mills. ton. spent Sunday with his parenls, Ihree mlnuto.s. "Vnch- Bobby" IX-mp- Ulcers of the Assoeliitlun hail ti now reniitlus uf the nitre prnspcroil: Airs. I-Yiiuk Hiiimhart on Thursday Some of ihe farmers are mike b.>- |oyi> down the man's business am Wurn-n com started lor New York eky iind will hlmi with their corn husking, un ac- Throat ipsliurg wits among the n.-ii that patronized (he Irivv out ihe inmates of tlie car. memory. also visit a few weeks with relatives coimt of the wet weather ami snow. did not L-arry off One of the attractive fcutun>s of tin In liohoken. Jers.-y c?ity iind adjacent Tin- donation of the AM. Lebanon BIJOU places. .. . . jilie best part of the honors, as ninny fair was the lonjr row of stnnd: church will he.held at Ihe.honie itf .feieoh Slater. Thursday Vvriilni.*. l>ec r>f the mon- or booths where everything was soli '" H. A. Douglass Willevor. I'll. U.. of Coughs DAVIDSON BUILDING with . the possible exception of |.os Xcw York city, attended the reception I full. t least let the , I A <'MR1ST.MAS riven Air. ami Mrs. Wnolscy W. Unit WASHINGTON", N. J. udges notice his displeasure. cards, which had not yet been Josepph Uuplp e of I'orl Cold Ask your doctor about these :it the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. to have At one of the llrsl exhibl- thought of. These stands were rent- Kcv. .1. I'. .MasL'hnia of I'hil- T W. Him. strong attraction up this ed out by thi; association and those, way. Humor hha s it therh e wililll a wedl - throat coughs. He will tell ,- the Warren Hpslmrg. Joseph Opdyke, now mi tlie ilul- dlnjr soon. ition sin iiiuisu- who hired them sold their you how deceptive they are. A MerryJJJiristnias^Ui you iu Franklin township, will Mrs. Henry Jk'iidershiH. .and... son IVOK- advertised, fomi'tlmt's without u-iirriint or. au- "love-in. ' • th•* -Hnffinnii- A tickling.inr:the throat often -•nil.-""What ii""1iapT>y •tTnuT'Ti"' .\'orman~"havt:-"~rCHinieii 'home. Jifu-r MOTION n W'estnn. the farm nuar Valley station, liethlehein spending a week with her uncle. It. S. means serious trouble ahead. in. was billed to A IMvl- tiiin was suspended on whlel: birthday celebration brings: townshi|i.' Hcndershot. |wulk a half mile In emnpeti- sj^t printed In liiiw letters "The Educated Givctings. well wishes, hap- Mr. and .Mrs. Clias. R Sdiders and Better explain your case care- py returns of the day. It is Altss VIolii -II. Clurey Is enjoying a PICTURES a celebrated Owl." The writer re- dauirhter (Ihulys were guests over few weeks1 vacation from her duties fully to your doctor, and ask ;as i-einiin-d to trot a members stepping to the Christ's birthday we cele- Sunday of .Miss Emma Kohbins in at the- Hnpatcoinr Worsted .Mills in here was a big crowd rear of one of these, his brate. The friend of boys Has to who Is spondlng spveral weeks Changewatc-r. him about your taking Ayer's :id' and both Weston curiosity prompting him ami KIHS.—:is well as thrown in that city 1 David Sliker and John Alayberry Cherry Pectoral. Bill changed on Mondays, oinf d peoplthe horse,.goe . nn ha t a liberal hand when the lilnl known as up ones, .• • ' ._. We learn that Phillips last slaughtered their porkers hist Thurs- ihey appeared on the track. The "The lOducateil Owl." And Isn't it strange" that week purchased all tin- corner prop- day. Paul Turner "did up'" his stock Wo publish our f< Wednesdays and Fridays. Church street anil Willow ave- Indies f,-ave the signal and away they Me saw the bin! all r!j,'ht. giving . presents ln^un at the day before. • - - Wo banl ilcohol 2000 feet film, 40 minutes' but it proved to he it once—"gold an.I frankL-n- f Mrs. Adah Barret, nc fJard- Air. and Airs. Alfred Hawk and you to performance, all 1 a t e s t alk . ' tin "swallow." Tin- place ci-i'.se and myrrh." The 'onstdei-iUion. $f).0Ol). grandson. Ahtrtin I'. Onryy,. h:ivf 1i£>YQ wo^nipyc in :itnd t,rii?iiiHk- was merely a "pcrowl- great thought the Christ iind Mrs. Chas. Alpaugh of turned ho few American and foreign pic- Klem after 'spending A Istriihw that In. matic'w i or\s" . den of th.: worst Child hirth suggists Us this: itftoii iiud Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey feeks with relativeli s in HigHih Bridge. tures. miff man then, lull of type. "It Is more blessed to tfvi- Alpaufjli of Mound Brook were visit- Klmer Xic*^ had the misfortune to Who makes the best liver pills? The very active, ami was The t>!ff building . llain to .riit:*.ivi'.",. Let .the ors at the home of Air. anil Airs. \V. break his lingers lust week. He was J. C. Ayer Company, oF Lowell,Mass. Is utmost endeavor by where the exhibitions were displayed real Cliristmas thmighl be W. Ruit nn Wednesday night. on a • load of buckwheat when a bug They have been making Ayer's Pills for very creditable and for many The Central Railroad Co.'s steam J dropped from. Hie wagon, throwing reasoii nf the fat for each and all. derrick recently removal . a large him in a position that his h.-ind passed over sixty years. If you have the slight- purse that awaited the -the women, the farmers, the est doubt about using these pills, ask "Others Lord. yVs otln-rs. boiler-,from the Whitehotisc pumping ider the .wheel. Admission, 5 cts. winner. To the sur- manufacturers, and others Illicit it And none of self for. me. . station to Hit' numning station' fust your doctor. Do as he says, always. All the. young pu |I1C who take part •rise of tho slghtsec i-lth their products uid wares. Tlie Ilt-lp me lo live for others. —Mado by tho J. C. Ayor Co., Lowoll, Mnao. id in the Christmas drill exercis. in the. mimls linest specliuen of fruit in •ogeta- That I may live like Thee." Walter Wilson passed Sunday with requested to conn; to the. Anderson S the._iiiiin.\:..>V.l have hh-s wore seen theiv. his oarciits In Washington. church on Thursday. Friday and Sat- 'U\cn:-:'~ ever •"•'ime-ilay-stuneoiie-sJiid'-'iVi" •jn-csi-" TThi e engagement of .Miss Helen urday afternoons. The Christmas since. It was a put-up [lent, Major Ilibbk-: Johr.s, daughter ol' Rev. Johns, pastor program . will also he practiced on PURE ICE ONLY. jolt), for tho man won "Major how Is it tlmt you have so of the local Al. K. church, and J. Saturday evening. PLUSH ROBES many line vegetables on exhlbitlonv" SI3Y llUIlSI'S. Rrnesf Willevo.r. son of .1. V. Willever. That is tliu kind wo houso nnd servo the race. iUilteMiaiidily. wui aniiMimced at the Rutt-Hoffman Tho bazaar held at Liu- home of Weston .is now a •. "Why. gentlemen, don't you. know." of llie .N'evv .Icr.- Airs. Apgar. last Wednesday jmil to the good people of Washington. It is and Horse Blankets > wedding...... , ...... ,...... iKCroin^vir o>vii.re^prvouv;ftd-by. pure man nearly 71) years itnswcral th.---fieiil:il • Maj»r,'-- .'tnnf I ['yislauiiv urc h ivy'er's.""'"'-•• '••"' •'::'-;- • L an :im soiiHi •|iuukins" mysolf." """A"n ivVillnu wns tendered MiC"'a'lid ed.- The Ladios'^Aid Society realized lountiiin springs which also furnish the A \ new and very attractive line, ild and only a. fortnight/ago completed (iovnnior Sink - \,;xy. been -ullW Airs; Wonlse.v Alpiiugh Rutt on Wed- 1 And then lie luUtfheil in his char- SiiO."]*!, nearly all of which is clear. water supplied to this community. i long 'distance walk from Hangor, from it lieav and i- reciipenitiii-.' sd:iv evening Dec. -I. ;it S o'clock, Many beautiful articles were disp< as "well as every other .Maine, to Chicago. Illinois, liemade ;u terlsl • to lie a n is nL llie home of his paivtiU in Alillvillr. at the residence ofihof thee hridegriioni'hridegi s of./'MIssi Mabel "flarey,"diiujjhtor of wanted thing in h]s-siim(!v:trl|».-4 0^,v.e.ar.s_iLtfu..^aml..,as=_ . P.iiiH,Miis,_Mj:,.,.and_Mrs._^\;^JV1..,.,Rutt,.. ,Miv:and,.Mrs...ICueeno_6iiroy. .aiuUMIss. "JTjyT," 1 118 1 11 1 i 11L lliit(itioirttiaris"ik)t"eiyCriilirHi 'in' Vi Mollcs. ..i i\\ chilli cd ;i b IT the. pnliliir. mads- it! --.nif:!!!.1- ,;ii).--.c;irrv l"llUy "Mrs. Paul Turner, colloetod M'.: ]T>rauy.looaliLy and- yoir can- tilwitys-l-'y-its-- i(twt;rs. Wagner' : : last trip by nccoiii-. Ol attci li. i: Tl neti i f \\ in handsome qiiill. Many of the visl- su'i'uH of ihu Host'whtMi you buy from us. 1ijilil>. " • ' ,in)i v tors enjoyed the supper, for which , UlllV' ll'l n il l > be tuldo b pli.sliiiig tile distance VI Mi-K. 'I'woinbly is huiMin- an Italian IT. u*ei is was ehargr;d. . • '"' : i Can wo [•|irnishyouriu;Xtse:isoirssupiilyV. ir, u shorler purloil "f in the lilt il am the. illW iy •zanii-ii on his Mn.Iisou estate, afti-r the tiint! Lhitn In- <1U1 in Kimri sh 1W nix ill this as Vi 11 plans of ••••n Hn»lish archiled, at a enst E. W. OPDVKE & BRO. S. T. VANNATTA^ ^y th dlL w irk Belvidere Avenue 1 TOWXSKUKY. Woshinjton, N. J. ••• i fat loon iisceiislo lisp],i v of U 0 Thu I'ouiwfliur Krajji-is it. l..u-; of Tren-. v Is- Cole. i Green has juircliascd a wore popular in thos 1 i: in led no si mil p trt Ion, is |»roslrated with lyplioiil fi'vci1. .,(!»>•« mul the peopl 1 Miss Kva M. CCole, , .daughtge ilr illl d thi far rs i = '.'cuniL. in throng r i traded while al the .iumrslown Ex- and Mrs. Ste art A. ColC e of Ne Mr. ami Mrs. Cluis. Aimer have StllC ; • •a Iser A Sit' VA position, where he was in elnirjrc of tlic ho is a well-known young lady in een visiting his brother in Mllford. D. B. LAUBACH i i tlnest sheep.'.hojjs. eiiltle and this seel Ion. having in recent years £& New .h-rscv exhibits. 1 : that, could be trolled I'rol1. K. 'it. Voi.rhees. iicii.i ol'Jlic State passed thi ' summer month's in this ^s7Tmu">T~TrH^n'Pts~^ iH^iit-.-[ii'i'eh Miid thai no one could > to the Mat-tents farm. Personal Attention Day or Night tile farm, the ceremony was performed in the ;t; Washington's I iNiuL iacbinery fo nilk nl.lcss tliiiu four ami oui'-hiilf ee C e u I e ii a ry Methodist Episcopal ,, Mr. and Mrs. John Tims attended d from dairy and th shop, iind the 148 W. Waahlngton Avt,, Wwhjngtoti i ..ijuiii't., wj'llh„':")»', tiiiu^.niiilvi'.jnotH'j". „ church. Wednesday evening, Nov. li", tho Kolrlen wedding anniversary of • uie?tK c" \:rr i J >v-Cl I a sr-i^-Mea ii v^rims in r • ILMilk—a -. irllVel- ilcllKlitoil withi tills feature. f the church oiliclatlng. Th" i Gu'iiuk i "vr'if'i^TlT' .n U'nct of Itinil nt Kr.tiiklin '(ipes.iio Kild his hearers, con- The horse Jockey wn m Hi. fair bride , attendants were MMisi s Amelia I'enialning uve-i nlgiig t ivlm he liar- Sussex county, luis" liei'ii de- Si >n Aycn | taineij. money—lunpy;. without fall, coming ciirl maiid • off honorh , AirsM . 'J onts, Mr. and Mrs. Sim id dep:i fraud bv aiu- Purd-Ollli *vas tiio term he used, ifi iivff only iU the1 hist call. llaeliiK of Iliirvey iiinehcllffe its matron nf hon- BEAM'S PIANOS £1,°'^ would pick up a lialf dozei ui-iil. This is onlv ol' Ihe hun- or and Aliss Gladys llowell of Summit •\Vo keep a supply of milk nl f illl kinds proved n drawing curd and and Miss Alargretta Hill of Newark A Heal Wonclci'laiKl. .iVlhoUlllle-oiickiiL'es.and.ask-^A.l ly_: .of sitaihir. sclie to ^I'l thedenol al all times. ^ ;-r.ii^^vr>ry™f;;r.!V-~thius:;.-r^h:ip|!ciicti. i-- fi-on'r t hJiir'moiiov—niui-H.'-^iiowoil- I0riicsi-ICiiiMs-(n-i-iiinoveiv-ii-eoLi>ir.-n^|-n"iiiiuS~l.rcinrvii7;a----"farmsr;^-"\vicl" widec -rangeranges X-•,i^^^r-ntill-^riid^ihiYp^ ^l^ri;K;^:*'T '7elliiiii';$2no;i'lltilof sTiit-k' hi-l'orc I In; thu... hrldt-'groom. .. _The.'..iishurs were | and strange natural. formations, Is a •:• ', n "r i i , \V _ ' j •' X i i'' iiTV':"^^^-^ r^i • • I him up a dollar for n bunch. The 'j'lasseil by bis competitors, drove to AVarreii Cole, a hrolhoroi;..the • hrldor veritable" wonderland. At around' City; I •;• •••'•"•.ivc.-j-i. :i.e-.!ruil:^"^r: .-.r-.--—.^ - j boys .always stood with their mouths Joseph n the home ofJrs. 1 . Clpp, a n certain \vort.!,l.;.n.- tiling or two Conn., writes: "I tried several .kidney .....hahy Irish lace. Her tulle veil witi h tuul g andi throaht t troublebl . "Ex- on the, opposite side in time to reach was "caught up through her engage,. ., - liaustlng ccuighing spells occurred" ev- and were not hiirn ye-ste-rdn.w.nol by rpniedles, and was treated by dur best the- jgoal and drive under the wire physicians for diabetes, but did not ment ring. She .wore liiimond cry live •minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, The Diehl-Schilling Co ii lony: hhiM. . ., abea'ii of Ihe oilier horsi'men. The ' "when I began giving Dr. King's New When Shopping in Easton 1 Improve until I took Foloy's Kidney Tin iv ihv sniiiolh faUir^would . de- stern Judge. r«bukfi«I.-.hhn and \\ Cure. After tho second bottle I show- »1 u sluuver boiKiuet of Discovery, the groat medicine, that V TAKK VOUK MKA1.S AV saved his life and completely cured l liltii by idtni? him olTlhe track ed Improvement, nnd live bottles,cur- and illlies of- the. valley, ed me completely:1. 1 have since pass- of honor wore au!fempnl him. "Guaranteed Cor coughg s -ii and SEIP'S RESTAURANT for f UK rac ! COHKI;H;: DISPLAY CASKS. • Ollllll. ,1 eeiillycopy- ho rest ed n'rigid examination (for life insur- is ./with colds, thront and itniR troubles, by ' . •• ™ 37'South Third Strtct. righted Novels PubllslK'rs* Then were llm exhliiitio ance." Foley's. Kidney Cure cures lnco. "Who enr- Jenkins & Mocker, dnigslsts. r»Oc and FINI-; OYSTERS-RliGULAtt 1HNNKR UAI1.V. Mantles a Specialty. . bnelwiehe _nnd_ all forms of klfl^~> ?1.00. Trial bottle free. Quick service nnd niodcrnlc prices. I price,..?l.riO..,ilFlttH. Hen Mive. liorschai'k ; riding .uj_so.. j^Jjajly^ ei|iies- EASTON. PA SUPPLEMENT : TO; THE WASKIXGTOX STXK." AVASIiINGTON, N. J;; THURSDAY.DKCEMI5EH, 12, 1907.

AN OIJI-TLMF, 1>l(OVKIt. IIACKKTTtfrrOWN. nratinilS Will be U fenllire. The (final Judge David Penwell Shrope, Who Ivniuli Swa\'/" has tieun ill at hb Hiippor will be served. > w. n.'Unri. wim.iins li'inii1 nn Wa.tltltiKttiu utreiit. . :. . J, M. rambetl of I'a^sitlc, h.-itd till] enntrilclldll HUpplieM - tll'tn •or (lie r«HViii..-l .Mm in Pub- '•.MIN« (ierllinle .Miii-'hani spuiiL IKHI Catnpbull A L*n.. hus leiiscd M. T. Saturday and Sunday with friends In FoundedtheSettlementatPenwell lic Affairs a I itlooniHliury. Wflch'w house on Church street. Mr, stmihnp!'. and Mrs. Canibell have been boarding Among the ftimlilur.tltjun.si'seen on long journey frum his homit.lu llun- About the foremnut drover of tl Clark Wilson and family, of Wash here several weeks for the benefit If 1 GIFT BUYERS WILL REJOICE the streets uf Washington. :to-oikl tiTiloiiL'tumty tu Plttsbiirj,'. I'u. t'Hont liny In this xcctioii Is John V inifton street, hav to 'Hop" e for Mrs. Gamboll's health. - •• . . ' the winter. years ago. \vnn that of Judge'. David .„ JH this a Re of, rapid, L-omr Dellnrt of Bloomsbury. Me cnm Arthur Aclclcy was admitted to tho Pemvell Shrope. At that Umo_ there iind luxurious trawl, people have but from u family of old-time cuttle deal J. Milton Everitt Is making eextenx - bar of Xew York laat week and has if they buy their goods nt the Keliable •• • wore quite n number of venerable a flfnint t conceptioi n of thh e perils off ors who are prominent In the his tor] sive Improvements t hl<« home began the practice of-his profession : mon living In this neighborhood whose Mtich a Iongs JourneJy y that he uunder- ot Asbury village nnd that section oi Sharp street. with a New York law firm. Mr. Ack- old Store of ; memories. extended back to the clos- took. The trip took him through an His father was Wm. The King's Daughters of C. C. I. ley graduated from the Centenary ing puriod of th« 'n evolutionary War. almost trackless wilderness with and MiC" DeHart held their annual buzaar last Satur- Collegiate Institute, Princeton";;.Uni- day evening. versity and Columbia Law School, When tht-y were young mon, condi- scarcely any form of habitation near- was born In that town on Oct. 2 tions In this country wore much dif- er than a day's ride. It took him sev- 1842, and Ilvei Prof, antl Mrs, F. W. Schlledor Last Thursday,•Rev. J. \V, Mar- and daughter returned to New .York ferent than they lire now. There was eral. weekn to reach Pittsburs. At there moat of thi tyn, of. the Presbyterian church, de- hist Fridny for the winter, , not a railroad In the world, and all; thtspolnt ho took passage on anark time prior to h livered an address on the occasion of A,B.GRQFF&BRO. travel' was done either by wagon or j (a build of boat that was pushed r e m o v a 1 t Mrs, Morris S. Neighbor entertain the "6th anniversary of the Presbyter- Bloom sbur od the Monday Evening Club at her Ian church at Canton, Fa., where he on hor.iL-back. Th" roadside Inn was j along with poles), The ark traveled was the pastor for eight years he- about ItO years home on Valentine street. a busy jtltict!. .A day'* travel upon i sluiviy down the Ohio river, thence foro coming to thin place, two years the roud would invnrtnijly wind up in ' out into thf; preat Mississippi, and MO Jilss Helen C. Smith of Louisville, Ky.. Is the •'watt of her aunt, Mrn, ngo. :i night or revelry nt tJic tavern, with Io n (jown t0 xew Orleans Mr. Dellar Kiclmrd C. Good, near town. Aldtfii M, Wort, Hon'oC Mr. and Mrs. tit* tUMl-M- to supply :iiu»lc,.;ho girls j while gofntr .\ nnd Frank It. Itcani ago and now has it clerkship In the ri-movt.'il t ure tlii. petit Jurors from this place, 'comprehensive than over, and comprises only •gar- that place. II Fifth Avenue Xational Hank, New for the Ivcember ttrm nf court, York. . . u t t-f n d e d tin .(•din Saudeninn, formOrly proprlp- ments and articles that show distinetiveness in < city .schools r nf Untrl Clarendiui. is now in Wls- Mr, and Mrs. .Morris linger Weise will, on Dee. 31 nt. roach the GSd anni- style, fabric, workmanship and price. The kinds While In this city h<- passed many six years nnd tif- •nsin. whi re he is iu tho same busi- ness. versary <>f their nmrrlnire. They re- that will prove acceptable to man, woman or child, evenings at the .St. Charles Theater, lerward.-? tnoJ; side on their farm overlooking the the leading place of a in linemen t there complete bUSl- '•The annual meeting of the stock- own. where they began lioiiHokei P- no matter how fastidious. Tlio list embraces : iu that tlnio. While In tho uiidlonco ne^ fOlll"s«t! Ill hiiMers of the llackett.stown Xational ng 01' years ago. Mr. Welse lias inn' .IIIKIII ii number ,,t sea-c;intains the llryn Hunk will be belt! Tuesday. January cached the advanced age of nearly S years and Mrs. Wclwe is Si years it!college. .Wwnrk. I-Mi. i-'Nicat-.^l and innsi nf. them hail tele- Ills parents fur n The Hackettstovvn Tel('f,-raph mid Umbrellas, China and Glassware Telephone Co. has completed Its Pn<- >.-.']..••<. wlikii tiny fm-iiM'il np-u ihe 1 ml Ian a. and afterward ru f> Sehoidey's Mnunialn and Hi-mian The Into Mrs. -Mary Uusling names :u'lucs. This angered tin- actors anil Asbury, where he assisted Valli'.v. her son-in-law Pr, W. II. Vail, exec- Dressing Sacks Isaac IVIIan. In. thcr mau- utor of her estate, which she divides s.-.l tn. K" "ti with tin' ptiiy. .lanie.-i Swayze nnd family, after a LHiually between her two unmarried • M'iL-i-uptains desisted. Tin f tin- hnti-1 at that pia< 'w muntlis* stay in this place, have ilaughters, after a special boque-st of U llllWS •.VMlll.l UKI ht't'tl tli'-! lihir'tafter till ;-turned to oxford. tlulr runner $1,000 t<> her daughter. Kltxabuth, White Silk Waists and ill < In the droving business, ami has nine. . . $500 to Mrs. Valentine ami S100 each threatened. Kverylmdy w I'd It practically all the Intor- '-" ui ivri-sutifr He mis iiiivi'ii mi ui:iny(as ^.lui> sinv leiiw thai r-'s- from It. Tin in "in- thin' frum Ohio u> Asbury, .rip to N.-1 Urlfiin-. anil return, .Mr, Pi'IIart has an onvlablo w Hopeful Outlook for the Future I'tHiir. U nth*. rtH-ord. Me enlisted lii September -t, Ladies' and Children's Furs of hard effort (lly Itcv. .1. W. Mnrtyn, I). 1)., Msttir of tin- llnekeUsunvn i'resby In tsju. • mad*.- today In luxury litjl. In Cnmpany II. Sth X. .1. Vols. p - lerliui Cliun-h.) in toss.than ;• Week ' He .started as. n-al and won Briclly wo have given tmt n few suggestions It li'.'Cam.' a me rally known that .Mr. way v> tlu2 ranks • >f !?ergoant-major. SJn'MjtO klleW some law. and because iKirticipatod In the battle f Wil- The OnrKimas season is always i>in\ of special iiiu.-ii.-.;t and «lu- and entirely omitted 'how ihe .prices, range, but of this Ii.t Wiv. in isao. elected Jutlge nijfluirg. Fair Oak.t lcks- llslit. The '"Christ'Spirit" is conspicuously abr.xul In tin; hind, come in expecting •much inore variety than we hint of. tho Utin:- nlun . County Courts. atid hard which accounts for the unseltlsbiu'Hs that specially oliaractt.-:lK*:s whieh potion he held for ;en years. of tho Civil war. He mil1 actions.during tliis sinson. There never was a time, I believv.' at in this liniiied spuee. Aiming'our Christinas dsi* David l nuell SIu-op" He was also a Justice of t!u l'ouce for wounded at Chantelltirsvillr on In tlie world's, history when the outlook for the futuiv was su Gift Goods arc some which never cease to give the u]uti<'ii;irv Wa In bis y>nith£ut i tvvunty years. following, which ho was in bright and bopfful. inmost sulisfaction to tlie recipients. hv kix-w sum'. nf Hi-MUI -soi.iUTs! The talos toltl t» thf ..lii ntfii vt various hospitals until honorably dls- An enlightened public e.>nseU,iitv lias (jeen awakened and .wh had IVni-ht n-i.M- WH-hint'ton. | Judy.- Shrop.-'s tlni" wer,- highly In- .-.•harut'Ml. this talcing place four years :ii-iiuse(I. .MI that the moral tone of society was nowr higher noi- Remi'inlu'i' our land heard many tnti-jvsUtii: stori-.s icrestliij;, because th.-y luuk, us back to thi' very day from th-* time of his nn.re emph:isized. | believe that during the m-xt decide more of march and ('an!- fmm their -<-y was. In «roatt ! **"»"il tli " ' iwnlng twu very desirable farms. form and Christian work was never more favorable Mav ,|,,. "part, a wll*lentes>. ami bk f> rtnjr lit- has been at tho head of nearly Chuivh rise to the m^isur ' her resp,.M>-ildlity ,-md in th- M^trv\ ruligli and deep- u ini it: td l a inIzed .•very 1 nisinoss <•nterprise undertaken name iteeMini'lisli tin- task. • 1 ti Mlfroinsbnry. .if recent years, both weather, and the fn mi«;(-nn | Slffi'IS II in Ui'-'lr ih 1'1'U klR'L - deep in A.I in r; with1 his energy and numcy. He Is GROCERY were primitive. Tin itln-r and IrUV tn speult (if/thf dust ilHi-Ing a aelivc in llu- supp"rl nl" the I'htitvh 1 and his ilccds nf charity are ninny. tlepiii'tiiK.'iil wlion ymi uro urdoi'ing yniii ('hristmiis being tin- {,'rlst itilll .U\ tl •en appointed truaiil In politics he fo a Democrat. room, has ivslgued ht-r pinion t front, the near?-" ere i'lillim-ntiil bin till* i>ard or Mdueati'Mi. at J iu'ce|.i iniirt- advaiiue u-i»rk in th I'eiist. Hring yoiir Huttrr and Kggs mid get. tlie hi. 111 tint) .'U-tri.-ity His wife was .Mary ./. Stewari of StOf r :idgewo.,d , . ,, yi Asjtnry. -whom In- itiiirri**'! in ,.lS(J. i. |llIb k ji t(mL Mi s l>est mil rkot.prii^!.s iiiexclniiigr fur imr gnoils. •--•-•-•1 -•- .l..-»».» h, in*.-- lii ntl -tiiuitt- .1. LKhiu; 'wh.Y-Kriiilutiifil r.'centlv frur nllna i ill d I whl,'!i [.. \ivi'. They wi'i-e' surely bereaved in 1S7.1 irucd i AI la. Vassal- I'nll.'L'e. lias, taken MIsA Bar thrnugh lh«- loss of bnth of th'jli' chil- •illaLV nf K'O j le Wit I.ers plae.- f..,- the renialinlyr of tI, nikkr. 1 Judgy Shnip- id( r .-I | Warren < "tunny .MiiilMiTinl I'tilon. it'ii. school y..ar. haviiif,' lieftim last M,m . II- 1 Tli-- liir I'l-prodiio'il nbovt; was Itiick.-tistown shows an Iner it.-i.-'i,^; i.'ii -,.iiin.\ •.Mini-ittTisLl'l'iitdirwa.-- li-!d -M . Heflart was a >vniny llu- KA?>T .WAS.IIIXGTON. .WKXCK. WASIIIXGTOX ( I l!•i • last .> t. i I. V llil mil, a a*A--!iitlI In i;,^ Kli-st i: ,.!isl .'hijn-h in I'lul- ue arrival ni' the ent pre- of lieiut/ tin :i Ida,-.-, hav • >\\>\ mi- printing of this sketch Tw.-niy-i Wnnit-n's MissiniiJiry society Ii idu -teil his |, t'MI- Ida lit" 'i-lal Ins! Tliiu>-day aftenimm a her,. ior iiver half JI i-,itury. He np- J. i:. 1-Mrm. mii' nf .Mrs. I'mnk !•:. W'jide "ii-l » Jewelr;- >-,„,,• ]„ f" in is.".:: and i .-in.I • ; sidiiit: iti tl 1 aiu street.; • ••I- -IS yeai-y has rom•ifti-d It In its e al.srlic- ..f II, .v. Dr. Mi location.- ii | .1. A. twi'ii 'f Hackfttstown. In the .Mrs. ]•;. H. Maltzly of ; was tbe tirst THIS IS TO REMIND YOU THAT last Saturday . N- I >u and Ihr pt . 1'r. A. If. l\ l-'iselier, is this . visiti n n Hop this woek. fnr many ye.-'u •Mr. llalrliotisr ]< in anil •ast i.f tl St. Cl d JI'-I.-I. ],iist<>: "" iit< hom- of her parents. Mr. , I'aiil's Liithcran Vhnri'h Irving .Merrill sp )W in.l. li-i it; a widoi•/O!' at tin •nt last Saturday Irs. .lolin ! AXF0RD CAN SAVE YOU MONEY tiliii-. Ills , «.;* lOasi..!!. d< and Sunday with iii: sister and brnth- •|>h A. S Cli:irl>v T. «':id... [• s V '1 fnnjliy, .' on ••Uinist.'rial L'l-iirtV-sy"" ' Vb','"w,?- Prof. V,. S. WiUIanisnti i.f Tnronm j vith him. fl'i liv.Ml! ni..a !.r t|:.. .'hitivh vnter:aiiicd .the •iv.« an illustrated.lecture !avi Friday last i-Ti.i-iy ,„, ,;:';; • •• Theiv iin-rumoi-r «i - irnlnir' v'l'l w.-ll-iiil-d :tabb- at the in the near future, .-filing entitled "An Kve'riThg Wini the (>l|f,, ,,i7,. u,,.m';. March :•; ~ii, at'the •>nri in ivn's pi-iIagiigiK'sV hiirl.'s Dick.-ns." • | ailvjimv- and liv- Tht. lat" l:rwr« i'ran-- carried a In th ilfte I:IV, r>. ,s. i.ein- 'I'll- .Jenny .lump (joiuicll. ,lr. it. V. U will I,.. I,, Calif,,,.,,!,, months. ,\: .M.. ntteiiilcd .services in a i'ody Uind policy in ih'- NorUiw.-M.-rn and nw llinv :>ml will full,™- I--!I. |Piist..r .d' ui,. pjfSl ii^forir.i'd Grocery Needs him nn . A, siir.-p- lsiti Sabbath and listened tn stn aide 1 Ir-ij. iiroimil tli... u-orld. ie .h-.'u. I , A.' -\l. KIK- win Von will linil it, prolltiil.lt, an.l a culil- ears . Th-- .Im •lin-j; \my>;i- <>n "TIH.- [•Jvnhitionist and scholarly sermon by Hcv. CoMerd. iiLviimiuinli.-il Ijy In.,- ,,!u- U"HS IVCi.-mly l-illeil SfWlMl Sbecp ent.-i. Al fhiirlra X. H-,,,1,. „„,! fnl't lo trade wilt, II*. Kvorvtlilii" di'lf- >u.-i living—Wllliitni. who li.-.ry of iirhjin. nf .sin." Huv. .Dr. Th- L-.utifs* Aid Soelety of the,local •daughter, - ,'loi,s rr,'sl,;.'H,,l pur.'... _Tr.v oin-aoUlcn- -M.•!•:. ehurt-h will serve a chicken and ii th,. iiisikm.-fi.i MI ii< in- i..w »"." Tii.- iocl •1.IOUU-I,:IIII-\VIIII,.- on fin'-: "Iftistoi'-Of tbV "[tralnvnl Union .iitmiou (..'niniell paid ih.- Mil. b./ard th. iio.lr, U,c. Bmolilvi, Xnvi- Drip Syrup. Mnplo Syrn[,. Xeiv crop in Harmony township. rosbyn-rhm .-hnrt-h of KnHt'in. ^itvts wall!.' suppeivat ihe parsonage, this yard bef< Friday •..•wiling. |>e. t::, t-. which till N. 0. .Molnss.?.-;, Fnnoy Cri'aiii Choose.' . ' PllbliC HUhdnl.* Weft- ml far pap. i- that was listened tn with aiv invited. ' . • • . ArtImr .1. Park, of -Xni-th llack- Twenty instiraiioe compan!e- -ir-' Su'i.'i-t ami Sonr I'ickli-s. iitu. bwiwet'ti iit t!••.-• tinif Jiidu.*' tei-t-st by all present." It was a very :tstiuvn. has li-as<-d ihe Tims t!at mi n-I>re.seiiU-d In a total nf nve'r j«yij(H} W« liniv n iiii'i- lini, or Talili- Oilcloth. nl •w and ri-itlc.ism nf. the brink Hutcher I!artiin.i; reeoiuly received an-- order frmn lii-iinklyii for 2H lain street and .Mrs. Tims will gn.io nsnraiif.-.on Ashley & Co.'s silk n ant Floor Oilelotli atal I.inolfiun. i;y inntelair for the winn-r. ' in -this place whleli was il.-strnyod issuer! if. Schmidt, of II Vi 1 \ esterday represontailves . nf "the -- Cf.rneji. "ii A if the M.^sia!i- id pr .Inhn P. LaKit' has leased the s t ship nt .R's of II tepliens -vetpertv. cnnier of W'ash- r l i A 1 Everything for Christmas and h« fairly .Mrs. .Miu-y A. Drake will niaku her igmn and Wnm:n streets, ami hasR"x™s""v,s; -ft, ; ffi;;t,i^,. " 5is in the Grocery Line U s.'lin.d U home in the future with lu-r daitKh- U;i-. ^jrs. .). X. Steole. the form or hav- V. Huff Ahamuchy for Hi. ivl'ii'ililljiit. "Tli^"lii(o."'[ membership of tin oihi'i- plums ,,,1(1 i> r.'iv ,„• . ,.,„. Tc-rriwrv ..c . .• Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wilson ami.two Uu -now -A:.- ritaie iar,v mcptingf.will. li< Icy. a missiniiary from v -Fat Chickens Always on • of •l.ouislani!. children mover! from Haekeitstown :i addr.-ss in UIL- ,1'res- ".'"' *,"" " '-•'""• '" tin" 'iihi'i' mills. ('•k'-ttstnwn i't'fsbv- last Tliursilny into part of Robert : and. stat'.-d in : Ill- Illlll-O nirCC llC'l,' |,;lS 1,1'Cll IT- Hand Titus' house. Mr. Wilson has been l Suiiduy mnnilng. !'!!«'' iii!"i'ii "'!""' '"' "' ' y'"'" "K yawyer for Off-, Dents, Jr.. for the past two years. Xatinaal liank report , Tl Mi'SI IVsiili'iil .„' ll;,,'Ii,.|isti.\vil Jlon, tliuiiiairaiiiiii.'ssupplii'il wit'll Ilioir chiobons fur Tluuiks^-iviMfj ulv.'n an case n( individual do- •Mrs. lljirrk't JI. Slrulil.-. wlili.w ,,f l™ nf tin- mtU'lit .if our tra.l,' In Una lino, l'lnaj vour onl.'i' mm-, Uideon Poyer bnuii^lu four j^eese 1:11 Hi- Christmas and The Christ Child ry (ii'tiinr prif.wuil Hour. I'Vuil, Hay, Straw, firain . Di-al witli us mid .you to town last Saturday afternoon ami iihoiil (HirU'i id, tr al .!ei.r,s|ts .Mrs. Sirn- .iil Si-rvlw. I'liimpL Dollvory. k> U'il: iHin in Nun- Vnrkk SMuiti ..,,. The winners were l-iwlur Cooper. P. M. wimi- ypilr. n» QIICPII Vli-turlli. 1S1II. S. Hamms and Hobttrt Cruson. Tin The f;. C. I. font ball team recwilly and l;i*l ^.-ptr mh^-i- t'Ok-lmiU'i] IIIT urth K"»*vwns sold to Wm. ilerrleu. •i soiulM CantJiiii Fuller with a gold SStl, lilrihilny. .Mrs. stnil.l,. l,» , For a-^f- prinr to ii*;.hin!i ,,f -ir-n mining inin the world ui' nil I Th.> -M.H. Sdnilay sehord is pn> nl ball emblem, suitably engraved. - uk-ind. hiu ii?^ interniyti wjjP>|,^;M}._J.^ JJl|V.|!?..>. >; V! . ; ." , ' .'. KR. llELyinKKK AXI).CAKr/i'UN'_AVJi.\ .UKS. g i ; iC i 1 l Tie-'"ciirisUiin '.Sunday HCIUIO! IS un- lading !:ooms. has bee "•'^J!:S "i'J' J.'l!>t's..KiX'iit .Inttrust in .lii," pylien _..i_in.— iluj-r—Slip-inmlp-an • Iielicvctl in t!i«: I'oiuin^ . liini-'-tl'-'-fl-' .thev.t..!lni:aJi^S!:i!u-ar.ll wli.-^.-Iif..:.,,,.]' ~• 1 *i.i>* --wilii •- ihe—SheritV liulil' thl: > • n: i ,s been in ifif'"li..|ln5ll!« .mi ;tuiior i't nsii king wmiM nMmr in an era of i,. nifL-ht jiialc a bettor man,of him, but, clinprl. [Ills ami whose empire would Ii« wnrli; mi the emurary, he has been illljL-d to •elativns Wiihhard-f-l'ler ever <.-Jm:c ilit' ihcrciorp ihf liviii* link il.al Imiuid itim n 1 tlu> his return, lias boon'abusive tn his '•• On Wednesday, the r.tli. .Mrs. Isa- and.tlie.niliirc . ]\nw gi-ii! K th" reliiiinn u.1 (']irij.t ! Its rrmm J)Y,\V Sl'll()CII,KVS IIOII.VTAIX. ""~Manutacturers oi Hour;' Feed;" mi j family and snrirms tin a is. At bellc Park was united in marriage to tlio philosophy am! jmefry (.f (;i*.,.n: and'"i;oiii'.-.. uml . in tho Ifn'i" last lie w:ias> overwhelmed by the Meal and Bran and Best of Oreat Me 1 1 1 visili B whole hctitlion world, until, wi- Iind ilipm Imrieil in I lie ili*n(li of .l,.wi-h hi^i,,rv who look a riiKor I'ri About iwei iy-live KiicstM wcr rfi'rni.'r ". ','''' "!'' ''" '''''" '" " ' Buckwheat Flour Tho hirllt nf th,. Christ . ly-nf lids lilac... havt g City. North Dakota, will L'iMill.v vi.sltcil Mrs. .l.iiin linnii. A New Urand Flour—Daily Bread—Try it. ::. A m-w or., for tl^lmver nraturo.:JJ, .v^I^Jnjh^™^ !lJ M-iuM^Mu nft^tm^nbiWlu here the L_,.Grist.\vork..lia.s.T>i'oini)t.atLeiitinn All-tin'rie.nr. i\ r rsr~.i r~ i r~K ramrr" w itrr-i rrrrmrm-'niur Im,! iuv,.^ to si Tue.sdiiy. Tin-.snow storm sonu;- the Viilley City hotel. ''•- Strain Im'mjlit ibr iiiamifactmu and shipment for whiLt marred Hie plua.sui-u of thu rido Mr. mill .Mrs. Samuel Taylor i-lslti'ii sjjut cash. Come and get acquainted. Trade - Chri.-lHiild. yd it U,ut. i nJ>s tlwt The lirldKc Whist Club me.t mi Wed- home. Theyowt;i-e decjily Imiiressetl 1 tiiclr ilaiiBlitpr, ITrs, JUIIIOS 1'. Fr.iiii,, nesday <>f lust week~at ,the hqnit of .-.._..,... .-^ snl initial.: ^r--".: -'-•-—- - —~~ ,—•.-...-,—-^.^—... "i\lr&r~jY:'y'Af?-^ ^;i oV^-••" I i K hT :-:^uTii"J r^"* m u i"J "S' nlUt."' Tho miiior portion of the human I'.unily r, was won" liy Mrs.' Forrle;'" The "t;lub ivm-i'n the ftiKiillm (ir Ktlkvii- Thirt delogntldii h.-istruSiilvoil to place was entortalnnd by Mrs. A. D. ller- now fliiirch liyniniils. "SonKs 1'iir thp muni tin- "Imlisin Sn^e,'' bfrause above all virt 's he «'\allc.i •sclf.rtucrillnp. ''IVi In the missioiutry i-ollecilon hero.tif.ter rlck »i the Anieriean Mouse yester-1 Sanctuary." wiiicli Imvc litipn piai'cii t ASBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY end Htiflrtiin wiHulrew I'n.in Uie soi-ictv ni H amounts .•(|iial to thai which has been In llit> rhnrch. »• '"id liirnitK! tin iiHcotic. This Hponr hci'i-tol'oru In luxuries. Then day; roat man lived ii lite of •cfJiitenipliiUoii' iiinl :elf-)ilnn>jjii:jj»Helf-)ilnn>jjii:jj . until his imWilv aRtiin. noiwIthstaiulliiK the late start Miss Olfji Martin, daughter of Dr. Mrs. Airnal fji'iillli Is u-ltli lu'i- sunAny .store \vill Hull yon our Muckwhctit or Dully Unsnd Plour ifycm ask for«iunc. J!il Ud .A.JC.i.MiicLlii.-.\vtll..comijltttii-hiir_couiiMC- Airroil hi .Morrlstinvii. Mrs. "wmitl

""^Tt'^'"who''t'limiJIIIt it. nnf a;pi-i/ii,.Hj.l!i!.;in(wi.i i i :: : = J luts~inVd*"r^acilt'ar"*( xi((irli ri(;'i'"ln'"K(>"v- •• '~-MrrVinil-^lrsr Ilii'i'ry -j-:r'i'nyUn-'^iiiir "'M ir nntb'-f^piHiitiiinriniii rs.i^oo|ft=^8eNN01>=BROTNERS======| i'anl, and was nmdc eral New VorU Imspilals during her daughter of Mfinlliani spent'tin- for.! in tin- Iikcno<-i of nidi: and bciitj,' round in in the feeling that their pastor .need' WHOLESALE FLORISTS n. he Inuniileil Inm- not further urge upon Iheni the ne- CntU'Ke. part or thi! wcoli will, liis parunls, soif, ami'became nheilii'ul mi(n di-nlli i-vi.-n tln> ilcatl i>i :.]«' •>-St. I'JUII, cessity nf "l.lher.'illty inward Mis- OlirlKtijm Kudeavnr Society ntlicers Mr. unil .Mrs. Sama.'l Tnj-lnr. Sr. » and 57 West 26th Street, NtwTom "lio was wounded i'ov our tran^rewioim; in- \ sions." l St. Cloud Hotel or our iuirjiii- wci'e eloeted as follows: .John C 1-Cen- U'onl wn.1 ri'i'clvi'il hi'i'c on l.'rltlav e N. V. Telephone Mo, 3438 Mndlsou Sq, lios; the ehastiseiiii'ii! of our JHTJCC WJIS njion lu'in; nedy, president; Wm, Lanterniaii. vice of tlio deatli ("jnis Itiikcr, Prop'r »d wiih stnpcs wp are f tlii o deatli in' Mrs, Wm. . -WalterWalters at Here's Good Advice. prcslijt'iil; correspond Ing socrntnry her home ll NNe ww VVorlil . KKunel'nKunelnl ostelry In ^ JSj .5: "Who wlicn lie Avas ri'viletl. reviled tint jiji'iin; win O. S. Woolovcr, one oC the best Miss (Jillllc Loo; rpcnrdiiif,' .secretary, services were liolirSiilurdalrSld y nftcrnonifii .Obiimy i he sullored In; tlircatene.il Miss IStlicl Crefffti" treasurer. Then. vltli Interment It, tlie Green House, Floinliigton, N. J.lt not •" *.'* iU who his o\viist>lf bare on'r'siiis tn known merchants of LoRaysvIUo, N. HnekPttstown iis own body nn the live, Y., says: • "Jf you are ever troubled Crnno, Jr. ' ,(>.'. Union t'«tnetery: Hint, we liciii-; deiid (o sins^slinnM live tmln riyhteni mess;, by whose stripes ye with piles, app'v Buck!en's Arnica Tlie annual bazar, linderlhi! aus- were lien led."—St.. refer. Salve. It cured me of thorn for good pices of the Wonmn'H '^Gaguc, will Money? Tlie tasty, neat kind done at the Star office. Call in Let- tis'iufoTt!! .le.«us lite l«ibe in tliu nmn»i;r; Imt ; 20 years ago." , Curea every sore, open today in the Methodist ebaticl Mint 'Christ. •; crucilk'd'Ws salvation. * wound, burn or abrasion. 25c at Jcn- and J^_nthiue_oii_Friihi,v. _Jj. is called i Jnstjjej e J^ •L'ulnlesin Ford's or'phone; we would/like to'talkjitjJver_wUli your nijotv"hiuzari—-aiuT-biittUiiii-utio- » o -|-t U THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON. N. J., THURSDAY, •DECEMBER- 12, 1907.

imOADWAV. •JamcH Suttr>n mnved hor*> frnm Nfnrd Into Ki'unk Strunlc'f house, cm

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS TOLD Mrs. Znphnr DeKrnw nf Washing* t»n wan IL Sunday visitor animiK ht-r Broad, Broad, New :.•;.: New ,•;:•:£ ••'<•'•' ,'"^"f-Qi( BY STAR CORRESPONDENTS Niendeinus Warm- representi'd U'nr- cii firanp- at the cnuvtiitlon liekl In and Atlantic City last. webk. : and ; Wm. Lewis havhiK ivcovrred frntn Halscy Halsey POUT coiiDi-jx. 1 Ills reeeiit Illness, went hack to work Sis. V-.sts; ••;••;" 7 Mrs. Cuinpluii vlslti-il lluit/.vllh .MM, Lmifse Smith npi-ut Tmwlay ai the. cement plant, .Monday. rrlftnlM Hcvcnil dnys hist we it. HiiitppUiK I" Hnstnn. .Men. Hannah Snonl:.s and two "clitl- Newark's Store Beautiful RETA LERS I. fi.'KWmii'.'aitil.wliu' uf IMvMeiv .MM.1 Win. Knliinuin nf WnshliiKlnu ttren nf Washington visited at the M|K-iit Sunday nt .1. It. Klini'iiniir's. vhllul .\lr». C. Itunl <>n Thursday. holm.- itf her sou, .M. It. SnyuYr, MU Olnrffii'f llwrb'k IIIKI wIlV Hpi'iit .. . .\!r.«..: MHUV Starker and .Mrs. ISIMI- Sunday. :• part nf lust ivut-li with Mom* ivlutlvi*. jatnln opilyko xjn-nt Thnmlay In "l>ltij,'ln" War no I ills puivhuyed a Mr. nnd Mrs. .l.wph Kitchen, uf white ferret and In now ready fur WaxMttKUtn. Witt last Snmhty u-Jtli taking (.•nntr.'U'i.s to rid the rutH from spent last WiM'k.with lu-r innther, .Mrs. A Ihu- Celt's j.'i' Misses Stella ami I'eitrl Mrlnk of H BEST PIANOS nlitced In the h't improving Mrs. Melroy. the Uf-oi! lady HiitiK with Cteo. Vanuatta. in gradually ornamental or artistic, nothing that will add more to the pleasure of the recipient or the entertain- -anil other jewelry. I've never tried \\V an- KIJHI tn licnr . tlmt I*lilll•• iu fast an his fi-Un.:.-* wish. to depart from the old-fashioned cus- The Lailles- Prayer Chch- will meet ;rti\vlHK Weaker. Unipsy has set In nient of the whole family and its gueats"than the piano. While costly, the piano lasts for many tom (if chanting just what a thing Is llcmti Is rapily rvcovcrlii" fnnn the ind there is no hope uf her recovery. •"""worth—whether It be for goods or rlToctM nf a spniiniMl unlik-. (•'riday afternnnn at the parsimaye; siit.ju-t r. [linvtu! and family attended Mary, v\Awtl :u the hunie nr Mrs. the home of his daiiK'Hter. Mr. ami WATCHES, CLOCKS, tint tunth wedding minlver-mry last Ji.l.n Si-«tt. In Washington, nu \V«I- .Mrs. Theodore Waiullluj:. at Still comparison with any other pianostore iu Xew Jersey. •'. These nnkes hare - national and interna- Sunday of n U'ushinKtmi rohitivu. intxliiy. - Valley. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, .Inlin II. All'fitson ami wir« sprnt , Mrs. Kllxiilibiii Do KuimiL-r. Mrs. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James went tional fame. . :\ •tow ihiyft hint wcirk In Atlantic City, Win. Si-hiiiiin and Mrs, L. Smilli were to bnver on Wednesday of last week SILVERWARE siltendliif,' Hit; Fanner.s' Institute. vlslnirs on Friday at Hit; h'tmu 'ntlis •A fnire of nifii are nt Mununim- with lier ilau^iitiM', Mrs. Arthur Mo- ering the Interior of Ids now house, Hiunk h-vi'lliitf tin- I'lpex timU-r tin- Mw.-u. which he expects to nireupy between tower fur tlu' iJiekawanna i-nmpuny. MUs .Marv Kllllk. nf I'nrt .Murray, now and Christmas, He will have n Rranich (EH, Bach Hens el r© B.HULL -•jpi'iit Tliin-f.ilay with Mrs. Charles Mil- very eozv home when he Keif- U com- Prices S425 to Si,ooo ler.. . Miv. Mllli'i'- nf SLeidic-nshurt; uml i-i'.'te.i.; ______. , _ _ ; }_ Price.gsjo _ _ " 3S K. WASlilNGTON AVE. oiif'nlKlit 'iiwt week in his otlleiul ta- paelty as coiiMtahle, looUlnj; for H Gabler party that formerly spent his winters Prices $365 to Si,000 here, hut the fellow had not nut In his Spencer appearance yet. Price SiS5 Adam O. Muers will move from the IT HAS I.ninerHtui farm on the one. he pur- Hazelton chased of Robert Osmitn. ami Henry Prices S450 to SSoo Inscluj from near Franklin school H ardman house and will take charm- of the homevsMii farm in the spring, GOME ! Titus DeciiH'i' has rented James H.ahne. O. Co. Autotone Htnut'H farm and will move here from Prices S250 to S400 Prices S550 to SSoo near Aslniry In the spring. Frank •Strunlt now occupies the place but .At This Time of the Year Under will relinquish farming in the spring, sell out and move on his lot opposite, the Proper Treatment You Ca the church. Soon lie Miule Strong and Well. 1 lev.. Thomas James eomos in very Piano Warerooms, Second Floor, hultdy as carpenter us well us a HAHNE & CO., NEWARK • If you have any of the following i. preacher. William Ui'iry had eiiKiWd •ensus, place your case in the hands of Dr. a man to build a kitchen to his house, Sherman for R quick ami permanent cure l>iit he could not cut MI- mid KeV. •of asthma and catarrh iu all their varied .In incs hiiH the build I UK well under forms, deafness, • head noise, lost voice, way. tryiiiK in hel]» Mr. Heny out nf liN trmilile. •couyliinj; throat; bronchial and lung ,1. Ii. I.lNDi:. Al.I-KKIJ KINN, Vkc-Prc'siUcnt. S. I). KI.MIJAIJ.. Secretary-Treasurer.. A. A, Heirulne had anotiicr attack "trouble, kidney, liver and stomach dis- from Kail stones on Thursday, which • eases, paralysis, rheumatism, cancer, prnsti-tiled him awiiin for a :'ew days, .'tumors, eczema and all Mood disorders, but he Is now able to be around uyniii. :;l:rupture::pijcs;L goitre,.!nervous debility, and all private and chronic diseases of the most severe save the Jlrst.: * lie ijien and women. : says he bejrtns lo realize how they PAPER G0MPANY VlUili X-RAV examination and a fui'l by this time, . trial treatment will be tfivtii to demon- Ilev. and Mrs. Thomas Jiitnus Wury .strait! their iibiiity to rill calling. . , Klvon a surprise by the members of the eoii'ri-epitloii oil Tuesday nlfiht ST.'• GEORGIi. HUILD1XG, BKKKMAN &..CLIKF STKliETS. NIJ.W YORK. nf last week. Imt on account nf the snow • .«tt>rm ii Kreat many Were tmi aide m be there. A vt-vy pleasant DR. SHERMAN social time was pnsst'd ami light re- We desire to reinind Printers and 'Publishers fresh mm M were served. that we cam- by fnv the largest and most Medical Offices The DiiiiL'hters of Liberty and their frii nds of Washington, to the number coni])!ete stock of high-grade of about sixty, were entertained at the "Third Floor First Nutioiml Hunk parsonage on Thursday niK'nt l>y Miss Bond Linen and Ledger Papers liuildiiii;. Centre Square, Mabel James, the parson's daughter. •ludcimr by the noise they made in ttuston. PH. leaving, they must him- passed a v.>ry to be found in this city. Our lines comprise pUasaut evenlnjr*as all were in a very, the well-known mills of the happy mood. Tako Klevator. Our old ITleinl. C. II. lirynn. who Is American Writing Paper Co., pfiict; Hours—9 a. ill. to S p. in." Sun- nearly ninety years old. is enjoyintr .day Ion. lit. 10 12.30 p. m. line health. Me keeps well po.sted In L. L. Brown Paper Co., the news as he reads the dally World and without rlasses, tun. He docs Parsons Paper Co., not have to' d«p*>n*l on."sriire".teeth to :• Crane & Co., help masticate Ills food, either. The only drawback is that he is finite hard Crane & Bro., uf hearinp and cannot enjoy the con- versation as he sits in the -store. Bryon Weston & Co. YOUR FIRST DEPOSIT Wm. Allshou.se, nf Xew Village, hav- -M7K been missing his apples -recently, We have unrivaled facilities on our premises kept a watch and saw two foreigners •persons k«» their inotiey in THK .MORRIS for •COUNTY SAVIXC.S IIANKns n iiennnueiu In- helping themselves. tie followed vcttmtnt IiccaiiM- the risk or iunnitiK to iu- Iti th of that i L'fntly t Alrs. KobfHcui, uf Nuwton. were iilso them to their boarding house. learned •(livMimls is avoided. Smnll amounts may be their names and swore out warrants, by tluirt! the .sumo ihty. Ruling, Perforating, Punching, added nt niiv time nml you cm withdraw n pnrt Mr. mill Mrs. liotli. of Uk-liiiioiid hut they played hide and seek for Iiidlfiiti a sui • or (lie entire nmoiint whenever >"' »""" " '" " " "? ' they were very willing to settle the thus avoiding the necessity of delay which is generally occasioned iu sending paper to other par- is litcre.istnednUy. InlereSt liegitis the first of Mr. aiul Mrs. .Inlur II. Iloyt i.uea-; u^v. ami -Mix Fiileumor spciu sev- matter rather than go to Helvidere, .-.enchmti t't Interest July i, ^ I'cr Cent. Per sioiiL'tl Iiy the arrlviil ol' a Hei-oml son ; eial tlnyn Thanli.sciviii^ week will! Mr. Aiimmi up IO $500.00. so Mi\ Allshouse. withdrew the charge ties to have this work done. . We have also a complete plant for making alt kinds of : last Wednesday. ! \lm] .Mrs. Treible al .stroutlsliurir. and nuid the costs. Tho foreigners A mimlicr of our Jliu-onlnvs i-nn-] They onuirtalno.1 iho |ire»lilliiB elder. paid him $10 f«r the apples. tomplate intending the 1)1K Melviilere j Dr. .Muller, lor a lew days last weeli. Machine and Hand-Made Envelopes The Morris County Savings Bank l to ho h.ld Deccinlier 10. nt j , , „.,„ .,,, . ,,.,„„,,„ T hrMl nl e nmnJ (the only Savings Hank in Northern lliu NNewarl k team wilill bhe | J r .; . . . New Jersey) -• ent. ' • ,„ lh|s |||lu.c. (h,,.inK ,,or ri.0(lllcnt MAllKSllOllO. vhich enables us to give prompt and efficient service in this line. visits tuMier aunt. Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. Nelson Budd hiivo • MOUKISTOWN, N.j. ,Onr public scliool ulilldron held in- .Mr nd Mrs. Nels irostlii^i.exurL'ige^ lust.. Frlihiy-fifi'M;.:.- Oi.dyla-. The Kroon) Is well known In NexyarNk k t o spendd, tthh o winterint . No[..order.top-large,for^us to handle, but .the small ones, are. siven. the same careful atteutipii "PHILANDEK B. PIERSOX, President ~~ anna. Tlicso weekly oxenrlses are waMhlnwtcjn -and • vielnky.- 'nu- KO. Mrs Martha R. Mayberry' passed "a that, has Avon the full confidence of the trade upon getting their wants satisfied in "an" expeditiousf'an'd '" ... HORACE G. WOLFE, Sec. and Trens. i merest I n-j and opL'ii tu the wishes ol' their n-iends attend them. few flays of this week with Newton A eantatii was Kiven l:y the Stinday relatives. satisfactory degree. ._.•.' • ~ ASSKTS: Sll.SlS.iiOlt.'J?. Win. l.undy Is having a a cruto si-lHHil Monday evening. entitled, Tho eonsreKntion nf the Msirkuboro -nKPOSITS: $:j,021,505.53 "Su;ua Clans and his Holiday Holn- r-hure.li will-hold, on Xe\\\..Year's Hve, rehouse erecteil. a in] L-IIUKU —-—-.^Estimates..che^rfnilyTgjven^ .solicited., •_.-;.^j,—„.•.-;„;;„,! „ ^—•,,;.,:: =-• -,••' -_._; - •-• ^••- SDItPl.L'S: #'Jll«,7U7.7a uittiiif,' up a wasnn house'in the near 1 in"'thI'Tlecture1 room"oi""ihe" churchr a Interest jmiil lo Dejiositor.-i since the Bntik WR«. f,,tun... .las. Henry. Gco. CU.rkv and 0. j {^ ^iin,^^."1 VedHn; werl e es- chicken pie supper. orKantxed: iariuni,' are (Inin.n" the vyork. | pceinlly line. The Sunday «cho»l ex- Rev A. H. Allison, of EUirvah, In- 5U7.31. Write to us. Prall Uean) t'oll against aidny while j t011(] t]1Hn]ts to unr toat-her. Mis; dia. Kiivc a Hue talk upon Foreign Jit...1wnrk_|njlre,J.tehJdeiriiilunibe Missions in the .Msirksboro Pre.sbytor- ".iaTi.riiii'iiToH^K'iili.Tiiiirstlay^.c.vc'nlrisr.r;::: |_ Executp.r's_,Sal,e. • 1 o 1 j r iitc (V "iri V ^^^ :..;• L. \.. .Drake :olM31airstown .has Just erected.in the Marksboro cemetery, si. p—— =qr==T'r~~~~rr. handsome Hnrre granite monument In A Carload of New Sleighs nifninry of the late John C. Mayberry. I ValiiaBleViilage' Property Mi-, and Mrs. Ahra.m Houston of Hard wick entertained, over Sunday, JUST RECHIVKD AT 'ami (lootl Thnbt-T Land targe Stoned Tliosiilt-rrllwr, iwccnlor of Jncob P. Potty, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson and Mi» tluconscd. l>y virtm; nntis Insl wilt niul tcstu- and .Mrs. Jacob Wolf nf Andover, anil ini'iil, ilnly lulmllU'd lo nrobato hv tlieSnrro- SET Chit's. Mann of Blairstown, . pito of H10 C'ounly of \\ IHTOII, v[(! sell at puli-. Passed From Bladder. ll« vondtiuitl thc'lmlluftlic Jr. 0. U.A. M., In The oldest person in vk-inlty I; After an absence of four months*. Port Murray, X. J., . .Tolin iTohnBton, of 218 E. 2il St., liorn visiting friends in Chicago. Lincoln. THEO. J. SMITH'S I'lninQ.--UI,N.J.,wlio for over l-i wives*; her only .sister. Mrs. Huimiel Mrs. Leonard Millo Sultmliiy. Jniitinr.v I, 100S, SUi 1S17. was. therofore. Neb., r,nd East Orange, Mrs. Martha years hits been tax collector of Jnnos. and J!r. Smith's ulster. Mr K. Mayberry returiu'd tn her home nt 2 i»'cl(H'lc in Ilieaftc-niooii, tho folly wing lots tli city, writes: "About tlireii b VlU Thi ti years <»hl hor laswt hirtlulayll . She Jacob Clminberlain. This was the jlO years old ![Jj' J: *,J1 ^,Vl',n;i (^!y. Carriage and Harness trNihl snn I lmtofiiilTcrith iri^rPhVofifieiaiuVKrT. himlly' .. • . . rV\ontlMn"\-hn cull in to see her. She man -nerkersnirer of N'ewark, Mr. and As bu utinut t;ii iv-ut front anil \W .feet more or less Mrs. Wel.ier and children, Wilfred and doqi; It 1ms u 1,'ooii liouse ami pleniy or frull. ,. -iiy wnier. Sometimes I could is very proud of her dark hro\ Isilii'SiumMot ronvoyeil by Daniel Winters _'£& .luirdly ims9 it, ami when I tiui u which slmw-w inn very few traces of Pearl, of Jrvlmiton. were recont suests REPOSITORY N .T .iHiilwifo ty Jjieolj P._l;«tt_y i)^ tleeil (luted the _ l 1 : ; r jpff* cinflnl; jmliisi. " Kotliln«" helped The" New ireniioi of "tlii reK for-sincoforsino-the-'ilenth Yew ,' aViove town. ; . " . - ^- \Vnnvii Coiinty'i?l('rl?i'(.'lli'i'i' fn Hook si"of~™ llUl U a l0 C91 r lV llelasco ]irotluellon, "The Warrens <>f hot" diiUk-lUer. .Mrs. lle Fluvol IC.err, of Ko'rr'n Corner,:.Hav- llmls, on iiiiire 172. Virginia,"'took place at the Belasen lht M l iug sold his farm to Albert Stmitf, of anil. A Wiuii lot iul|olniii!illiont»ovolothi «f3a^';!,^ "' " "" ' Cutters, Sleds, Bobsleds, Bells, Chiiues .,.lnir , r«rt Mtirniy; IsTr.fwl 'front mid'ISOfed. (loop, Theatre Uccumher ild. Both Char- Greonsvllle, will move in tiie spring N uml Is thesnum lot t-ouwvoil bv Kilvnrd M. lotte "Walker and Prank Keenun .scored to Newton and occupy the property Robes, Lap .Robes, '"Harness, ^Stable Blankets, Hiuust'.v ft t;ln ,\<> .hmi>b I1. Vvlty, l>y deed dated eonsplcuoualy -in the l^ndinj*. roles. A. tk'Uling h, from any Jie__rcecntly purcduised of the heirs of .Iunt"js, 1J4S.1, tworded In the vlerk's oJllco In DR. KENNEPY'S ^EooL^a£iiicrs^\^np ^?..^.\';' liOClT.121,Of,IJee'.lS,;pEl|{0.*CT ^-.v"^^:-™1;—.1;;-.^-;-^ ~, 1 i % Cough" Cure." And It Is -so thoroughly . V.. I). Voumnns, our able iiil .....- When Spring 6pens"you""\vill""tindiiei e as- 11 rJ. A iruct uf H'uoil thikber luiiil Hlttiiilo In "r . r : Munstlekl township, ucijoliiliig lands of liewls • .ii'i-u'iVil«;S5""'ani1^:3afc,™that.~Dr;:;:S!ioop; iii fth util : : F ciirrierfn>iuthuv •^e,nbleU the-1iiig^t-;i&5oUiueiU^of' refllly"Worthy~- -• •Beiiliy, .lolin ]'!ii)in]Jsu»Liin!l others, contains crate general ami largely through tells mothers everywhere to glvo It tlon having found, after servin's six :!0IIPIVS, more or less, WHS conveyt'd by Jolm Southern spectacles In a manner that without hesitation, even to very young months, that his strength" >yas not 'GnriliH-r, Slioiltr, to.lncol) 1'. Petty, by deed could Jiot possibly olfond the most babies, The-wholesome green loaves (luted lhi;-:i!(.hdiiyorJul,v,]S7S, nnd recorded violent Northern sympathizer of to- nn

^;. GUK.VC -MI2.VDOWS. HL'TTZVILLl*;. The. frlenda of Clinton lilies are 1-Mwln IJurdge U Miifferin^ with the K)'V, 0. E. CuliiTdtir llt.pt called on Ituv. glad to see him out again. liingkiingkttt. A, X. Kmiili lustTuuMiny. ,- OUR FRIENDS AS THEY COME AND CO David Cortilght upcnt part of hist Tho Mpworth L* ngue meeting will iMrM.. and Mrs. MinMnrx Ulu^Iiif;iirt In Lt'bu- week with friends in Newton. Uu lledd by MMrs , JJi.lnd i JJuyness. nun, Pa , v g their Airs; David Goble spent a few days MI-K. Cr.iss. of ^telling. l*a., has been ) llimta of FrunWiii FuruacL Personal Mention of Visitors to and From lam week with her mother, near Ox- visiting her sister, Mr.-*. Joseph Wld- htm LiL't-n visitinli g MMi.-l s KtlKtliell WillWillisi . furd, ncr. •• • • • : . . •. . - - & -Washington During the Week; us Well as . .'.Mr?. Julm l-WinMi* the gm-ntof hel'M*. Wm. Burd Is putting shelter over Little MIHS Esther Parry has so far ter, Mrs. .Mm lirili, in Pl)]lli|>slmrn. Christmas Presents Other News Within the Society Circle his saw mill, which has been needed n.-ctVereil an to he able tu be out Miss Lena I>'hi of Phii:i| .-IFIIT,; is visit a long time. ing her imient:., .Mr. ai.d ilr**. Tlao. I'ohl Miss Uuth [lendershot f«f Allamu- Mr. andd Mrs.. John Jayiu-Jayncs enterenter-- Tlie I.ttckawaiiuu Steel Uo. laid oil' cix ehy spt'iit putt of last wtek with her Mrs. Hun le Vox i.s" ih/provIiiK from MM. Jnub Wiimlrut'f li;i* recovered tallied her brother mmi Free Union iitvtiuiiTm-Mliivuiinmttiutot liKkofotder.-. NIi; 'DOLLAR OPI5XS A BANK ACCOUNT slater. Mrs. I,. .1. Deronier. ..ii SSuiiilayd . a severe illness. from mt attiurk of tmisllltfr. S'VI'1'HI ciiM'f uf K'tirU't fever huve bet» and each depositor receives one of these ex- , Mm. .A. O. Snider and KthH HIM ; Mtv. Win. Ax ford has Wvii Htifforfnjr [ Mr. J; Stewart Wnnte I* siKuIn i'rofessor Lawrence, "f Easto. n-puited durliigiLe puM week in town uiu O-.. -.--"-quisite RKCORDINO, SAFES-to be ha'dat--- wt-ni as delegates to the missionary in town on Tuesday tuning several of vicinity. wlth U'ttllKlit attack. <>r toiiMltltln. Mined to Ms I1..1110 by si-wtv Illne convention held . in Washington lust tl:e .phiHIM. (.. the Hank during banking hour.-;, from g a. in. tO3 p. Sins. Jane .Myors <>f Ploacant Groverove! Mr. ll^ivUl DUts o f IJuxIJutt OrancOance was Tuesday. Mrs, l.owi*AlbvrtM»ud Mrs Ik-nryArm Mrs. Wlllfitm Alter and djiughtcr. in. Cn'l nml a^-k toseeone— you will not go home i j thfgucfth atf Mr.".li M.M 3.' ffII, this* j« jrtiesf t «f, hhii tttrrt , .S;»uril;iSl y uiicl The I.. &. II. has at'aln put a week. j Sutiilay. Miss IA/.7.U' were In Kaston, on Frl- -Jersey City. .without taking one with you. • •', . ••-••••. pperato r at tthh e statiotation hero. .Mr. as shopping, Mtat.Utwtu Hean a isutist of j. Mr. John-ton WIIKHUI* onllm'd t John McXi-nr, who was laid up for about DrcsleDl r of UliUelviderd c has bbeen given Tlie young ladle of this pi nee, wh six ucekf. with thioiit troiili.e, ir. able to L>i- friends In Newark from Saturdad y un tl i OrnnGd d ji nue lli"im* witii 11 severe the position. Business Is expected to inet ii. fef w weekks ago andd organizeid a ui oil uu a^ain. til -Monday. ; attack of LTI|I. Increase about the liith. : club, meet at the home of Mis* Laura Jaiui'h Furr of Wbitrton lias jtfintd hi; Mr. Win. Morrell entertained hl.s i Mrs. C. N. Shroji KUift «>( The eluirelies are making arraiigu- smith on Friday. relatives at (.iroen's wife who is visiting her pureuts, Mr. am brother. .Mr. Irving Morretl of Hope, the early mints fur Cliristmas entertainments. Mrs, Jiimes Maitiu. : : part of the week. At Frank Wilson's sale on Satur- laat Saturday. Christmas .only font on unco ti year day, the nine cows all brought good ami when It conies it most always B. K. Attio bus been improving the Ox- Mis* Anna I.undy of Ka.-t.m wax a .Mrs. Prank CmveU and MI are price.-*. The horses also sold well. ford Uotice by putting in a new bin* mnl IV- guest tn* her mint. Mrs. Henry John- visiting her nmtlu-r. Mrs. Mary Hoff- brings f,' 1 «'l r t-spe-ially to the Knerr the baker, of llrlvidere, paid uiiitilig the liiti-iiur. ston, over Sunday. man, at Karrsvflk-. children. 510S for one, and ".lack" (.Iret-n 'paid Tlie lung (iis'.atice tetephune compauy i» -Mrs. KHJah -Melroy ..f X,u Vlllig,- Miss Uarrli-t Albt-rt "f Utah Mrfd;;.- Lewis M. .Smith and bride of New- ?:'O for the other. ark are sp.'iidhig a few days witi h rell- building a line Iioni this pluee to thu tmitr- was a iMiost of her nii-ce. Mrs. Or. \V, v\us a gum uf ht-r nit'ther, M K.l- k li d Sat unlit v iimntlng. ub.ntt 7 OYIIPLII. Yf on the l'liiliji ICauti laim. .Miller, «-ii Wednesday. i:ar Aihert. over .Sunday. atives bore, after returning from tin Ir death claimed our oldest citizen, Mr. Charlt» It. 1'oule is m>w the owner of u Mr.--. Alie-'Osmun lui.x l»vn spend-; MU* N'ellle .MeMuhon .if Haricot- was wedding tour fn Michigan, They ex- pect. In the near future, tit brgin John A. Jones whn had always llv.d -.iiiidj-ome team of hay hor?es, wtiich he ing a. few days with Dr. and .Mrs. 1.. ', the [;iu-.-l her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. near Itimzville. Me was born April putvbiiM'tl iit Uu\^r"uu Tuesday. housekeeping In Nt wark. Jl, 1SJ1 on the farm now occupied by M Lamilii" in Somcrviile. Ji.hu .McMalnm, uver Sunday. Tin- township I'dinmittie .will meet at .Mrs. Krfd Yawger and children nf. llev. j. u. i;..d!u>' nf New Vurk A social dance was hi Id at tin- Jacob From whie- h- -h e uwned-. Mr-• , home of Mr. and Mrs. K..U. ilarrl.t on the Oxiuul lloiii-tf (in baiuiday, Dec, -'l.nut Grand uvenue are visitlrj^r relative* State Im* lm-n visiting his niece. Mr.", Jones lived i i th. e farm unti.l. 1 s.i .years Wednesday evtning uf last week. ^ettle the 1IUMIH>S lor the yuiir. nt Scliook-y'.s Mountain this week. "• II. K. nice, mi l.iucnlii avenue. ago wit. n lit* <|iiit farming and moved Al.oiit TO j»i-rs.ms were piv.scnt and it Inge, wlu'iv he has since llv- Martin Znluul ot Newark and Philip 'An AHKS Anna Myrtle \Va,«hbiirn of Pat- Mrs. August Kunip and two sons refreshments win- served. The musle n laut ol llackett.-towu wt'ie eiitertninLHl lust >d. He was y t erson Is a L'uest of her friend. Miss ..f vVilliamspmt, Pa., have hem vlslt- ears " nuuiths and week by their brother. Win. 11. Zulutil. days old and had ahvay.h s bbeen vy ( Cenorva Clark at tho M. K, parsmiage. ; ini; her sister. Mrs. Joint S. Plotts. a-.tiv.-. lie united with the ehuivh Mr. mid Mrs, tit'orge T. Hchiirrtr and son Mr. Thomas J. Clark uf Railroad! Former Senator C. !•'. Wtaatis re- whMe a yiiung man and was always a Amos are being eiiteitaiueil tor three Week; avenue entertained Miss Anna !.•-•>' >>f .' tnt'tn'd U> Kilsl Urangi* *>u .Monday af- M IKS Anna Mi riciils l> VI IT k a riKiiliir iittendimt and aetive worker. hy Mr. and itis. Jiune.s Hull', ia Polkviile. Cliangewator last Thursday and I'd- ; ter a .short sojourn at his home here. II.- was a m< inber »f the ullk'Ial b')ard ihiy this w it ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Biickeumeyer mid - : ! .Mrs. .lame.s Limiting reiurned tu Pen of tin- ehureli fur a nuinber uf years. daughter Florelite i>l Jlouiitain Luku were Han v Maines has hlr i\ wi h U*m Mr. KimiT'K. Hull i.r Philadelphia ; Atx-yl las-t Friday altci' n vfck with Seven years ago he underwent an enu-ataintd un Siiudny by Mr. and Mi.s. l-ild l*( rthe win er. •M.-Mitl'Mi. which \vu« 111*1 Hryt time lie .- •• was th» gin'-*!- mi Snmhty ),-• .i,v| l]l>-. !'••:••;• K'.'l- |l,|,< | Wm. liurd. ew. Mr. Chits, Hull, on Vouinans avc-• ver. Miss Kdlth ( y '•.-I 1 t< •evt r I.epi his In d. Since th.-n he has her home with < dnsy. nut lu-eri un strum,' us before. AI- John Cryaii and Mary Elln Moouey, two mie- Mr. J. M. Mackt-y of Hurniuny was victims of tvplmid lever, liuve fo tar re- Mr. mil'Mrs. Cortrigl t ll\ , itir- th«'tigh l;e suffered with catarrh of Mr. .loremluh Moynlhan of .Minne- the yuest of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph M. the stumai'h, bf was never confined covered tliut tUtjy will be able to go out in apolfs. Minn., was, the guest of Mrs. Siiydvr at Pleasant Viilley last Sun- taiuing company I'rom 1 elvldt. re to MA- bed unlil. the day ' litfo.ru ii tew iluy*. ,.^.i Thomas-Uvrinv-Sr and f;utttlv. tn«t iliiv, - Knur i. i'ir.1 .>i t> rtain.' I •! nit nanv ThaiiKsgiving, gradually sinutiit; until M- yonir'tmlli's rom \'f. nn 1 I ii Sun- Sat unlay iiiuriiing, when the end George Ilityes took plncu Frulav lifturuoou Mlsse.s Anna Coyk-and l.ulu i; arris- : bury will e.-lebiate tlieir silver wed- day. mid wm. laij-ely 'utteuded; (iooil prices ame ars agi lu vas on were gutnt.s of relatives uf the ; ding anulvcrsaiy on Friday <>f this -Miss Marv C nright has ; ot e t" -.1 iu marriaue to Miss Margaret ere realised. former near Clinton from Saturday :\v» ek. Newtoi tn spend the wlntei wit! he: of Long Uridge. From this Work on St. Kote't* parish hou.su is being until Monday. -'i - ,Mr. ,.;,,„. M,tn>). i(! u...iniined to his graudp i rents. Many thousands . of these beautiful Recording Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jnscho of Val-: IMvidero avenue houu- suuvring with J. I). Cibl.C s 1 IS. sot.l hhis i ir n t< Safes are giveu as Christmas; presents every year b>v ley had ay Sunday visitors .Mr. ami I inilnmmaiion of the stusnach and rhe.u- Joseph Mlnsatvae wh.i will fathers to sons, wives and daughters, with an initiul : Mrs. John Poster nf West J'ortul and-mutism. it In the spring. deposit. Why not do the same ? Mr. McasliiBcr of Kllttibeth. | Mr# xv. ,;, VanFltet of Middletmvn. Mrs. Wm. iliid.-branc has nturiK-d •Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwin of nock- N. V., is a irucst of his sun, Mr. Wm, her luniif In Newark after spend- The Christinas Spirit away U spending some time as the, Vanl-'lcet. the Kast Stewart street ing a few days at [he homo of Jacob Itev. r. (irevllle I-Jaud. Secretary Mlni^tei'Ial Vnlon of Warren 3 PE.R CENT. INTE.RLST guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lance i grocer, thta week Ilium. Cuiinty imU Vicinity. on East Washington avenue. * Mr. Tlu,(>. ,;ullcl< ,.f Port Murray. ON DEPOSITS . . • Mr. Geo. W. Itlazicr visited hla j formerly of Washington. U conliued Tlumk Ooil for the lirst Christmas with its Gift and Its Message daughter, Miss Lillian Hlazk-r, at the '• to his home sulTeriiiir with a severe of l.uvo. and SiicriIice;,atHl thank Ciod for every subsequent Christ- Easton hospital on .Sunday. She has [attack of bronchial trouble. Smith spent a few days here mas with Its gifts and messages calling us from our selfishness to the past week. a severe attack of typhoid fever. ' j,ri jltf(.,,i, wuit-ns. who is now think of others! Mrs. James Anderson 61 Port Col- 1 employed at FU-miii'Uuii, was at the Mrs. Summ 1 AUn.-rl.-on has Ijeu'u' May iimny hearts in Warren county be blessed nt this time by The Washington den has returned homo after visiting home of his, father. Mr. lienj. Winters, •ry ill the past week. the opportunity. presented to help ami gladden others, and may for several weeks with her daughter, at Pleasant Valley, last Sunday. Mrs. Laura IJrugler visited relatives many weary ones be re.freshed by unexpected kindnesses at our Mrs. Arthur McEwun. at \\'hippany. Mr> MiW)l, vt the oontraetinL- tlnn at Stroudsburg one day last week. hands. . Mr, and Mrs, C. H.Derr entertained of -Miles-Tiche Const ruction Co.. has. Tiie slate factory at Portland ha« To go through life and make no heart happier, no pathway National Bank Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Vass and Prof. S. been conilned to his home in Kaston ihut down, but ft may resume work brighter, no home richer and no burden lighter will be to miss M. Tressler at their homo on You- suffering with an attack of vertiyu. iy Jan. 1. mans avenue last Thursday evenlnir. , , , , , Heaven here and hereafter—"Inasmuch as ye. did It not to one of Mrs. Susan Smith has iieeu (Miitc ill the least of these, ye did It not to Me." ltntlior let us give, and Washington, N. J. Mr. and .Mrs. Uriah Durdgo of .-..fL'tVofSstm.Hv^l I In 1' Mrfwrn'" this winter but Is now able to resume with uiir gifts and greetings let us give our love, for, Blalrstown and Mr. BenJ. Uurdiro ami feiVJ,inr"iirt r ult,' i iV vn'l ,Vn .. i her work. children of ilackett.stown have re- \,,. (','..« v. l.L, \'..J v,i •' ,*! I" "Xot what we give, but what we share,— turned after spending several days in' ' ^oointt., .M» oru *.u>. Mrs. Klniif.v Traitsiie is recovering Fur the gift without the giver Is bare; CAPITAL, $50,000 SURPLUS, $32,000 I'rtint unit.' a scvt'i-y heniorrhage of Who givis himself with his alms feeds three,—., Newark and New York. ] Dr. C. M. Williams was a visit..r in the .liiiurs.;:.,--. .. - •...... •:•• -'"•• :"~-"Mlas:"K."M.rSh'IeldM visited her" .sister': Pover 0I1 Siinaay.rrL'pon". hU. return -'Himself, his hungering: neighbour, and me." In Newnrk; on Monday. belnB accom- i he.was accompanied by Mrs. \\ llliains l-'lve cnnvVits were the"r-sii'lt of the panfed upon her return by Mrs. J. F. F ailli tw" i-'hlluren. who had been vis- . eeial met tings held in the Portland Gulick and.Clarence White, who re- i ilin^r rt-'huives tin M. I-:, church. inained as her quests until Wednes- ! Mrs. S. C. Weller fravt- a dinner Mrs. Anna P. Uald.itt of Orange day. •' 'party one dav last week in honor of spent from Wednesday until Friday uniim four children were hiirn, three puslied by Contractor.Lynmle of Washing- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bttrter enter-•( llt'1" K»osts. Mrs. ]•:. J. COIMHRWOOII of at her summer home here. surviving him: GcorgL- of this pluee, tou. He exp.-fts to Imvu the work com- Our Sunday «-'h.i.d is rehearsing [ilfted by tVbninry. tallied six iiclshbors at a dinner party! Uenvpr, Col., and Miss Mortha 13 Mrs. -Kmniii Allen, a widowed rhiiigh- y at their Uroa.l street home last Thitrs- I i°i"*S. Lrsimis uollew; l-a. for a Ciirisiniiis e«.ne.'rt, which prom- ter who has lived at home sine- -On ARE YOU IN WANT Tin Hulidav eniertaimnent of the M. E. day evenfng. namely: ilr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ZIliu Snyder an< ises to be v. ry .•nlertainlng. was left a widow, and .1. Kdward of, ,„„ : l y .-eiioul will lh*giveu(niritttiiiiu> Eve. . IJ. C. Mllllanl. llev. and Mrs. J. W. (laughter nf Xewton were jniest.s u! Mr. iiml Mrs. Daniel Ktu*t onter- Khem.-zer. He is also survived byy I &"• iibursul tbu echoul will rcmler a of a Suggestion for sv. Lasting Gift ? aic.Maniman and Mr. anil -Mrs. Willard j Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Nixon on \Vrd- tained his sisicr. from Slatington, from four- grand children, as fnlluws. .Miss ututii entitk'ildd " ThTh e Mlecpy Santit.S"' Alleger. '< nesday. Mr. Snyder Is station agent at Saturday night until Sunday. . Bessie Jones nf this plaiv. Chas. Al- Liberty Council, N'o. -It, Jr. 0. IT. A. M. Vt t1 1 anii is len, who i< atumling the Unlvursli} Mr. and Mrs. Oco. F. Ik-am enter-! • -« " havint? a U'-day vaca- Mrs. Kug.-ne Snyder ami Mis. Ma- attended the M. K. cbutcli iu a hodv ln>t talned ID relativfs at a dinner party!11"11- of Ada. O.: Mrs. Perey I terry of New- Huuday niorning, mid th** nnstor, lit-v. A. erina A'anVorst entertained their ark, and rmbl Junes uf Kbe-nrzer. at their home at :!S .School street, j Mr. and Mrs. O. Prostoii Smith are niece, Miss Moorf. hist Saturday. N. Smith, delivered M patriotic sennoii. hist Sunday, in honor of the i!0th an-i expected home on the •Kith. M After th« death uf bis lirst wlfu The Kpwortii League services will .Mr. Junes man-led .Mrs. Sarah Cook Frank Vos^L'tler iiml Frud. Docker are in nivcrsary of their wedding. The . Smith's last t'ligaKenieiit with llev. 1 Lie led.by Miss Anna"Jones on Sunday b t ::L'yt,-ar::'s aco. wlul > survKvs him New Y"ik this week. f;nt'--tM of the iormerV puests were from Hridyevitie. Manun- : A. Walton, thr? evangelist, was ia Ala- evening; tonic—"God in the World." s-isrer, ilrs. Arthur Kniyht. They will also kaciuihk, Easton and Washington. bama. lie wiil return after the holi- was a loving father and husband : li a vs lltlti Mrs. Mary Oruver has been sick siC kid fid li ill l I visit- the bicycle nice i» .Mudisun Squart; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Segulno of , - . begin an engagement i; and a kind friend, lie will long I Gardun. - Wlutt ciin out' nivt» nioro I'liiblemiitic of thu Christinas sensmi Broadway entertained the following: Florida. the home of her son at Terra Haute.. rein em In red by the neighbor.-* "am than a tine DIIIIIIOIHI—IIIL' nu^t lientitifiil ami lii.-itinf,'gift—wliusu Iiul.. luit expects to be able to return friends. w.ho extend their sympathy Christian Shnmbvrger'Inis placed a.street 'guests at their home on Sunday: Mrs. i .Mr. [-"dwanl Hnpkins. the motormai .-olt brilliancy peculiarly Ills thu L'liriMmun j-inrit.* ; to Columbia in a week or two, ID tiif sorruwing family. The funera .inp iu lrout or hit, reKiduiice on liulvlilvru Wm. Milham of noeksburg, Mrs. : mi the Northaninton Traction Com- was held un Tuesday at II a, m.. from ..t'fitue. It others would luilow his exiim- I hiive i;atlif Macch Chunk, Mr. jiany's line who had both legs ampti- Geo. Gardner uf Portland, i .iiilcuted col I net ton of • John Gardner uf this idac his laie. home, with iutertiU'iit i ti ple it would help ilippul the diirknuss of Harrv Zellars of Newark. Mr. John i uited near the. ankles as the result of recently may winter nights. nt (D u .-aiittarium at Whit H i-i-pi. fry adjoining the church. Zellars of Schooley's Mountain. .Mrs. ; a trolley accident last winter, was s Jlr. and Mrs. John Fichttl me nronuriuL' Hannah .Snyder of Washington, Mr.-visitor in Washington last week. Mr Pa. H Is feared thut lie has. an ad- vnncfd staytt uf consimiption. J. D. Suttoi loved from this phi . J wlubmtt! tlii-irr^Jth weddiugumiivL-r^try Fine Diamonds and Gold Jewelry and Mrs. M. U. .Snyder and two ehil- • Hopkins now walks with the aid of Lu Broadway, -nday, and will team Inch occius next mouth. TLey welt; dreii, of Broadway. ; ;w« artilk-iat legs. Mrs. Areh Dcohcr. nee Miss Daisy for H. H- Hai married at the old Suyder homestead on Vroome, returuod to her-', home at Dutch Hill. The unuivursnry will no doubt tustefuMv arranged mid put up in hamU>u plush oxt.'s nnd Moosic. Pa., last Wodnes,day. after Mrs. Wm. Gray, who has been 11 . L'lfes. The jiriccs uru very li>w and back of . h Din with rheumatism for "a long time, if be largely attend.;d becauk- the Slivder uml is 111 y LOWER HARMONY. visitins' relativrs In this vicinity. Hur fiunily i> the largest in Oxfoid. Koarunfeu of perfect ness ninl value. •PI:ACK ON EAHTII: coon wn,r. triu was one of buKincMS and plea.surr- improving slowly. Mrs. Henry Kiiuons, who ww (ui'.t If you will semi me your itiltlreHs, it will avail you the oppor- comblnod. She also attended tlie Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Gray were guests; Tne Hnugjinutifi of Oxford organized a much imjirovt'd. TO MEN. tunity oi .shopping iu your own home. wedding uf .Miss Decker, her hus- if -Mr. and .Mis. Freeman Lance at Ityfoimcd church lust Sundiiy iitternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jaiifon Howel! spent Satur- J ., , ,. ., , ,, , gtuwn on Sunday. with Jtev. Xnunnsv as pa-stor. Servjcfs band's .sister, iit Stnnidsburg, un Nuv. will ti« held for tim" jn-t-suut in the M. E. i^ni1 Suiul"y witb""hmh"- (iM>"n; '•-"••• *« J-iiSwU." Mvu.™. 27th. • • t^r$- • Tin inscho has returned to work church, the first Simdiiv in each moutti The I-iidles' Aid Suciety met at (he for Oi- . Gray afu-r visiting his moth- The lollowing elders wore elected: Lad Mr. and Mrs. Elston Stopp entertained i .Th«: mossacv of the angels is our homo "of Mrs. A. G. ]/UIK last Thurs- r and otheh r fifriendd s ffor a week. Sivali, atepben Kokoil. Churles Krdcr and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cool and Charles Stopp j message. The very atmosphere about day and oliH'ted the folLtwInfg g oftiecrses:: Clarence Fuliuer of High Bridge and Peter Toth. . recently. us ought to softly and sweetly ring sident. Mrs. .StuarS t WWintersi ; 1st Miss KVTI Suttfin nf ]-;;uston were vis- . A monthly meeting of the board of t,-dn- The Epwortli Uaaiw held a liteniry and ; i ,,f ,.aee. 1'cace be- vic M :\Iil IWi d l wilIl the mo Ol]y p , Mrs. :\Iilton IX-Witt; vje, itors at .1. D. Smith's last Sunday. aiion will lie. h.;!d buturduy attemoon at social at the home.of Mrs. Jahii Reeder lust ] twt'wi raeos nnd nations for tiie Di- Mrs. AVarren Coons; secretary, ^Irs. Uavid III.. VanaukonVunnukcn, who is driving L-hool ^o. 1. The water ironi tlie springs Her ton Snydoi*; treasurer. Mrs. K. O. Wm. Gray, visited his wife which supplv this school has been coiiiienin- DIAMOND SI'KCIAMST 1 Slr;-. George Hull ami son Dcpne pa^-ed a pL.;u;t. biitween el'i.sses fnr tin- ir Albortson; ofdleetors. Mrs. Li Z. and family at Hlairst wn over .Sunday. ed by the hoard of health, mid this nmtter H.B.,WATSON, WusiiillKton, N..I. Urands Mrs. A. G. Lnnd and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vail of Ilack- will be iiKiuiml into by tho hoard of edu- Cha.s. K'ltchen. •ttstown were quests of Mr, and Mrs. cation. Tim pupils of this school were the Win. Gray from Monday until'Friday. ones stricken with typhoid fever, Dr. Whaltn did not lecture in the Pres- 3llsU : : osity, and the lit'istmas Post Cards—"00 varieties Mrs. Vail and Mrs, Gray are sisters. •wliom lie ex])ects to work the coming year. • ' '-' ge ommon •?nkins <& Meeker. byterian church hift Friday night because the iuneral of a lf.'enibar-ot.' his liis "uliui'cli" •-I'OKT'-MUltKAV.'";-:-^ to work for two or three months, has so tur "lk-ll,""Luit'~ peace" :tiid the appeal' l in Carbundiile was held in lu\s church that Little Sammy has lost hie^itogV, day. ..rue lecture was postponed uutil , recovered as to be able to return to work reason. There i.s a star in the Kast .TUXCTtOX. at the Iugersoll plant. find it glitters over ,the cradle of the And doesn't know where to find him; Moiicuiy isveniny, but the weather was f-o Bowerstown Flour Mill Clinton Daniels., who hold* a position in world's new organization for jutu Miss Sarah Hummer is conllned to y y unfavorable that but few attended. The Tho subscriber 1ms tuken charge of tliis well-known flouring mill anil placed it ri fl .--•Anil;_now..he;s ti r....r "in.LKUffiriHs.AVith.-..vertigo.....-J-: ying- to.ilnd^him.....;. " itT'iirst^clifsfTcbiul Uion to niijko'uncl'siiil tlie'iiuost1 kintls'Oi"" ".""""" ' '" '" Theo,,.. Gtitlek ilrti'ss mid the lecture^viis ctilleil oil'.; here. His little son Charles, is sick with —as yet helpless as the Uabo of l.l.kh- Mrs. Samuel "Waidmnn of, Jerse> is suffering from the woopinf; cough and mumps. City, was'in town for a short time or .stomach trouble. lohum but potent with right •jii Flour, Feed and Grain and Christianity. Jt mean.«. the fus.i Friday. Daniel and James Vusler were In Notice bf'L-\niuml .Meeting, ^ M.._ . K__.. Churcli .Xoies. . the hearts of^the world—of your Mrs. Irene Martonis. of Washing- town on Sunda, Tli- ml imoting of the K which ia delivered miyWhero in this vicinity at the lowest possible -prices." Givo tan..j!vas.entertained_,at^.lT._.M._Blge-. .,..,,7ohn^AVintera.=.oC.AVashington., spent. thu Washington Nutlonal lluiik,.,.ur WiiHldiiL'- ton, >.-.l.,-lor~tliij].iu-i.,JW((r-vlL'utliit;-iJii-«'i:tuis ^Ua'.alrifll.oiuler'aud'.tcaUtlitf..^ Twrtlir fjiKiiliijiyenr; will IjiiJiL-liI-iiti tlie-Hank way iiiti.-rf.3lu with my-iuo LliBiliefMi.- nnd my patruus-will bu au-rved as protuptly an'1 ; ™'.\liss•;•]';]lmbcth'"i'"o.«s,~Vvho lives oh "Mrs:"."'Jaiiies Petty spent Friday with ••-'--.•- cy 'Drill- Social," to be; licJd or. Christ-/*"'••••—tin'.1 ••..r.a'7""obi:tructSons'."-— "'I*eacc mi Tuesday, .J.imiury T, I!MS, LulWeen (lie liou: tho road to Glen uardn'er," fell last friends in Washington uf 1 untI21n LhciilluriiMH). in the past with PUKE POHATCONG ICE. mas Eve. from us to all strangers from Tuesday and cracked hav hip. It. .M, Kti.KNHKiifiKU, C'n.slil«r. stnmse lands. Wn <-nn moot them Mrs. Calvin . Perry ..visited . friends : r ."The e • Christmas Stocking''g - the Mr. and Mrs.' Goorg(-7 Albright, of —K u v ^^LGriiir —N a"irTe" iArd a ea" i' aubjecaj t of the entertainment to be with the common langimgG of a smite. in Ji.iston one day lasfweck;" Rahway. spent last Friday with th Mrs. E. E. Hoover and Mrs. Fred givei n in ththe MthodisMet t church on We can link them to ..the Christ by :ormcr's-brother, M. n, Albright. Christmas J3ve. the common hand, grasp. As the Searfoss spent Friday In Easton. j. 1 Mrs. William Albright and two On Sunday evening. Dec. 2?., "ThGChristmas spirit spreads, tho dross Miss Edith Ileadley of Phllltpsburg A LIIJLE BULLETIN Harvey S. Cole children of Alpha, spent Sunday last spent Sunday with Mrs. Alfred Nunn. Shepherd's Story," a complete.'service .coat and ihu workman's shirt, fade vith her mother, M>s. L. S. Fulper. of story and song with musical set-" Mrs. Samuel Perry and Miss Helen out of sight and wo.are all clad in the Miss Isabel Waidmfin Is visitintr for of goocf things for the Christ- tings, will be given by a large choral Happard spent Friday in Washington. common radiance of the angels,' "With :ii indefinite time with relatives and choir in the Methodist church. mas Dinner to be found at ° the Sunrise of Christmas in the heart, friends In Trenton, Eayonne and Jer- Josenh Carling of Washincton spent . Next Sunday morning. Rev. "Win. there arc no enemies, no^eni/iitios, njj a portion of last week with friends ^cs^brsorrnons^oi^Uevclairoris^^ur-Hi^ Ifl all radiates love. We have risen ing for the.past week with a severe "'I'Mr. .and Mrs. Ch.'is. Cregar of New- text -will bo Rev. 20: 7, 10. In the ark visited friends in Easton last above tho old rough earth and arc attack of crip. She is somewhat Im- 'evenlnir a congregational song ser- Tuesday. vice will be held in memory of Charles God's messengers sir-gins in. I he proved at this time. ._!,,Mrs. ,N. ..I3.^P.ark..and ..son..Joseph THE BLUE FRONT 0NE-LINE QNLY -_ (lifirlocttirod in"-" the"~"T>resl)yteriah wore with frlciids in - •Wa"SlilnRton'"on' Saturday, ' " Card or Thanks. chapel on Thursday evening . J-Iis in- And that Uiuiticstionably the best u teresting talk was enjoyed by. a large Joseph Vuslor and family have Oranges, liananas, Grapes; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Thompson nre of Oiiitnients for Catarrh That audience. mov( d from Washington to their for- desire to thank the neighbors and Contain Mercury, A union temperance meeting will mer home -here. Lemons, Figs, Dates, Nuts of frlenda for various helpful acts dur- n-tiry will'surely destroy Hie sense (jf >o hold in the Presbyterian chapel on Mrs. Lewis Karr of Washington r jill .kinds —Fresh Candies .'of T.r.it 0(>iri|'lt[L-Ii'"-iiL-m]|i. u. IIIL- whnio svs- Sunday.evening. ,;.-Rev, ,-Olccson, pastor- ipont-Frldny-hfiro: with-hcr^mother,. * The Celebrated Scranton Coal .<;JII wliuiifiiii't-lngit tlirnugli ihft niiiciis siir- of the iMrthodlst church will address Also' to the many people who have, fntes. Siichartlcll'«.s!n)it!il never be used cx- M"rg. Joseph Anderson. ~ : during, tho long years of his alllicUon, fept. nn prrsrrtptions from runiitnble phvsl- the meeting. .•' Mrs. Anna Frome, who is now tak- #,;__;... it-j^:..:-::. :.-..:j:.jk^="iL:?Mffc^-SSO*st.Stcwart-sTrcl t-^S- extended a helpful hand or bestowed (.•Inns, HS tlie diuimsso Uiw' will do Is l«n iblil lo The Central Railroad Company ing care of Mrs, Jacob Miller at Stc- *' • ' •' .'•••'•"-;;'- •" . ',.r. thoimml y.m cacann possibly derive from tliem. lave put on a special train to bring phensburg, was home over Sunday. Cranberries, an act of'kindness upon, their unfor- atarrh Cure limmiiitiirely deive dfro lm tliemF J>. Delivered Free of Dirt tunate son. _ / HullHull's Catarrh CCureu ,, limmiiiictiirelimmiii d l.y F. J.>the employees of tho Taylor Iron.and Mrs. ReTtemor and clauchter, Mrs. Celery, and . L. ClCltcncy.t t Co., TToleilu,"0.il"0 , toiilidns no mnrm - Steel Works from Glen Gardner and Wm. Schamp of Port Colden, were "iry.unrt IB taken InUTmitly, nctlng direcliy Ms place to their homc-3 in the even- Miss Mabel S. Burd of Montana is .ion \\n> hlood nnd mucous snrfntics or ilm ; guests of Mrs. H, S. Funk last Thurs- everything in staple and, fancy syslom. In buying Hull's Cmnrrh Cure lio Ing. The train leaves at 5.30 and Is the guest of her i sister, Mrs. George greatly appreciated hy the workmen 'W. Wilier. ' /' Mire you set the genuine. It Is Hilton inter- groceries, also Home-made f nally and nmdiMti Toledo. Olilti, by F, J. Clio- who formerly had to watit nt High Publlc Sale. , ,. Mr. M, D. Cyphers returned to •1M? «t Co. Tcst.iinoiilnl.s free. Bridge until tho evening mall train. Mince Meat. ''"'.•' : ;1 1 Wednesday, Dec. 19—at his resi- Valentine, Nebraska, Thursday after- Sntil by DniffKist*!. Price. 7'K. . por bolt'e, I Sell Real Estate noon, after an elght-w^ek visit with Tukellair.s Family IMKslorconstlimtion. •' dence, VanSyckel's Corner, between READ OUR BIG FULL PAGE AD. Norton and Brick Tavern, Huntordon THE NEW WINDSOR " Aroytm ttilnltlnn nf SCIIIIIK y«nr farm or relatives here. MJ-JAT ORDERS^. PROMPTLY runt cstiild or any kind? I sell hotels and mill THIS WEEK IN "THE STAR. " county.,at 1 p. in. sha-p, I will sell C The Board of Frceholdersjias an- Christinas Post Cards—.100 va.rlcti.e.s THE AUTO HOXKL ' nroitcrllcH. Wrltu me. Are you tlilnlihij,' uf kind'?**"Consult'moVl liavu'iV'BooilfJc'lccTion'to"" terns mentioned, are well worth com- (2 blooded stock); 6 cows, 35 fowls, 1L S. '•.'•IAY.I'rop pk-lt frnni. <.-• farming Implements, rtc. ing after.. • >. , I - F. G. SIIIMKR, Star & Tri-Weekly N.Y. Tribune, $2,25 12-5-2L N Wm. Caubach & Son, Easton, Pa. JOHN MOYLE. M. D. DAVIS, Prorj'r WASHINGTON N.J. 101 Porter IltiildinE, Ivnston, Pa- ™ THEWA.SflINGTON ST AIL


M('I|()L\S II.MIUIS. KS(J. OIK I'ltKSHXT I'OSTMAHTKK. ,.lb ^ WAS TXVK.T; NIIXATO WAI. .1. ItAIIKKlt,' l-Vvv Worth on tlKrC'lifinirlui'ltfl I'fcli i'TliN Wi'lj Known ![<•!• Mr. Mint- iSnW.ri-. of I'lillllji-linr^. Wl of .lo*eph KI.V l'ltlpcf. ii Kcpilh- ililci*!' . Ijiw.vn* iiinl l-:.v- Sillt Tjil.e> n llnnd In I'-dillc-— i'rr-enni'' rirlli-nilly Sli-.ni* : f \ ffcnn of IVHHFIIIIKIOII. Mnytir. PROMINENT MEN OF TODAY AS Soiiicililng Alifdil III* AiinMiirv. ••Sonii-lhiiig lilting," , , K\-S< iiiitiT \tiitiw iJarlicr .-!i!I n - Tlie distinguished looking man rep- Wlt"iiev«r a lil'tf i nty fair In hclil. litiiin- jii-tiV" in pi>Hti'S. .tltfiMii^h most Vi.it ii.ll luittiv JIM) Barker- If you | iv.-ente.l in this picture Is not a Cien- sn.-li ax llii' Alli'litnivn or Hethli'Iu-tn 1 are n Heinoerul <>f this cminty, y Is iilni'>4[ .••I Liv lini.- N tnki n up in tb- pnu-tlre vtit^'l for him whin he run for Sheriff.- of a rallniad. although he looks aw sure (•» ntu-nd. Tliat iniin h \i.-hofa« - THEY LOOKED YEARS AGO »( ni"dielm-. He |,u- b|HiMI./itn y r F though he might be either. It Is our IhirrK IN'i-. "i Hi Ivlili-if. Xlfh.di^ (fttu Wat-nn e,,'miy nv>, full I.TIIIS— «MtI>- "d f-r hhi .'ll< all present postmaster, Josi-ph 1-1. Fulper, ihtnk^ a Kou.i fair bcnt.^ anyt.hirn,- on mid :<:<. .mil "•>;.'. :>•;: ant "oi. ini;i> »nv rlils- taken Hi yi urs ago, at a time when eartii'wiii'ti It •.•"im-.s (n tilings wi.i-th \Vi- beards of that description wi re the •sphji prevailing fusli- what's \'wb:n In "From Rare Photographs Taken When Mosi of Them Were in j ' iiml wl:i!.- a res- ioii. .Mr. Fulpi-r I'ariii s[tn-K and id,-tit. there he lias be.-M and is l» r •• *1 i fie Their Youth—Accompanied by Breezy Short Sketches one of Hie strong Mill phk ..'it U,e «• h a r.-v tci-s of ln-st iiilll;iM- in tt Wa-h iigton. For Whole stalife I'nli Appropriate to the Subjects •« IIIII'K Vrl't'l.tif of .-ntH- mid that IIJipl'! tu-vt I' grew •"V*1* Li-en Oa •..Iti-lii- thill he I'Mtildn't tell yon the mime cblcf ofMift. mi- Thl- collection of ph-luivs. clilch coiuprlx'S one of Hie lending rcuuivs of llie ChrlMnijt.s Stni-, i-epresfiil- nority licpuhli- of. Si' it in plain i-iin forces h«iv why he Ilkfet f. -o:ile of the hest-Knmvii men of Warren I'ounfy a nil vicinity—not as they look today. us a rule, bit I its (hey appear- and one of the take in tile full's. ed hi earlier day.-, ill ninny instances from pholrKtraiiits taken ivteriiy. lliiriy. fofiy and even liny .ictus ago. XHIMIIIX i-Jlir.w rulers of desilny The slii-iclies (hat lUTontpiriiy (lu-i- phoiographs an- not tbi- dry hi-iorlc write-up-; thai u-ually coiistimir hi-" of the party in a lawy-r nf llel- tin; county. He vldfjn*. n.-t t-Very- o^raphlcal arllclo. Tin- I'IIT before prorrilcd a iVainn' ju-l :**n* Mil-, - \ Sh.-i-iff li- was, mlirhl W term-.l V A great deal of work lias ticcu reiprlr-cd in I lie iiuilcrlalitiir. A n-prcsciKirthc ol' lhe Slur has .-pen l many | he a master mind anee in the I'IHI da» In visltliig (imvicnl purls oi' tin: county. M-ciirlng ilu- ilf»livtl phologmph- ami the n.'.-.'.-sary ilnta. .Many oh- | and when It got the ollice, be ty. II- was a -nicies were cricoiiulcrcd. Milny lime- a ili-sirtiblt1 Mibjei't wus approaclicd ujho li;id no photograph of Iihnself i took off bis coat .mines to prodiio inlltetl to tliv ; •"...:•••' "; "Ing results, polit- laken In curlier .veins. Ill some cases n lii(ei> |diotograpli Itlid to lie utili/cii for Ilu? piirpo.-e. idlhough quffc con- {,, rind !illed the Job in 1 NTS and In is I his shirt slej-vs rol|.-d up. No ical, or. otherwise, there are fi-w around lrjtr.v. Ii» (lie >clieiiic lis origlruilly oiiill nc-tl. • In sonic CIIM-S no photograph of any Id ml was avnilnblc. ciin-i'itiiciiify \ iitl? h'f-ad' ..f liiilr l^i Hit*'.Mcuilnn who" cxcell him! 1 iloiMiiv f..f bim if v;ft.r:io: a ,.MII- • '. The priiK-lpal huuoi liestnived upon Minn- men who >houM have iippearcd in lid- coiici'llon hud to be otuined alt ogcllii-r. ". '.' | wbieh tie hasn't «•<( hous^ Ilower. Wlu'ii th-iv were any liim l.y tin.' p''op|e of I!elv!. (years old then, Jirn-sts to In- made, no matti-r what own business affairs by close applica- seli'illng liltn to till the dlKllllied post tin- nature, he WVIH anil'got the >ni'n Tlie-c represent .sunn' of. lire oldest likenesses of tlie colluctfon. ' on ( tion to business anil untiring energy, of Aliiynr. lie lilted this with ain- ! I'iU'lJ.T. Wllo dl'-d it Scewartsville re- per^-mally. He came n-arer to btlng bin the goddess of fnte hax dralt ttlclvniMi! I'i'odit• ami a great deal of -,, jcently. Althoitgh ds family w, iv old lh..- sun of ii HhVrlflT.wO Imvo been dignity fur.Ilvu years straight. ; kindly with him. Twice he has been settlers of tllis coll ny. In- was bom.in looking f,.r than any Sheriff Warren postmaster of Washington and In ad- I.i: AX!> IIKAHTV AT NIXl-ITY. WAS A I'HISOXKK IX I.lllIlV. Dlt. 1'KAXK M. COOK. As .Mayor he ifsui'd a manifesto, or (Forty-Fort. I'a.. a /Illume that sounds tounly has bad in n good 'many years. dition to holding thin ollice at two H'Mimthliig of that snrt, liarrlng gam- Shurt Slii'leli of .fercinliih .McC.'nin. One of llie l-'ew Heinalnin^ Stu;vivors| Who .Made a Uejiuiation As .Mayor of inilltary i-nou^h, t< wiy the l.-ast. Thai IN- lias a rough and ready turn that different times (to which no other Ltiers frnin operating during the pro- a great many pi-upi.. admire. When a. man has; been similarly honored) he jjress of the great farmers' picnic. .Ml. Ileriuou's Well-known • Is Col. .lolm A. Wililriclf. Forini'rly . llackctuiown hi Two Dp'dcinhs young man lie used to do'some num- has held other ofllces. one1 of .which I •'apery rommented iip'ni the activity " Me i.repiU'-d fur ••ell- tr- at I "lair Xouc^tniai'Ian. <'ouuiy <'li'rk anil .Weinhlymnii. j —Sniiiliiio.v and \\u»*. Hall, craduatcd fr..m Lafayelte \*,»\. culur feats tlmt pe«>id«' nf- hlx home wus as member of the county las board. uf the Mayor hi this respect and he section point .1 (o with jiride. Many All of these olllces have brought nnd .hid linrker got tlulr jik-tures in tar n-adi'i'K are qulk- familiar with The unifiit-mcd man sitting In this i When Frank .M. Conk Used to al- l.-«e in IST<; and fr..ni the rnlverslty .Mr. Jf-rernlah .MvCliln. thu v.-nerahle picture Is Col. John A. Wildilcl; of.tei id scbiiol in Washington ids teacher. of I'emi.-ylvnnla in Is?'.'. Hi- hJH btn-n a time he left a warm dinner to no out him fame and more or less fortune, a city paper as n reward. and lick blazes nut of some fellow who Alt. llcrnion, man, l»y roasun nf the Itlalrsto •ho latel• y served .....this!.Mrs. . Witte, classed him amonir iln- a priK-tlciriK pliysiciiiu in i'hllllpsburK yet thoy pale when compared to the ; Hesl.lis hf'lug .Mayor of ltclvMt>rc, thought Im'warf the candy kid scrap- litters hi ounty as Aw- biyman and who for i wurrft boys in her room. She UMJII (>I non-political position ln> has occupied lie wns for seven years attorney fur per of the neighborhood. Jitd could a* secretary and one of lhe-principal lite enmity Imnrd of freeholders, wan niin fiTit of his early i live years prlnr to that was County j say: I Jr. liarl'i v's ancestors skilled In l.oiiatcou^ township in 1710. John always oat better al'ttr. ligluin' than stockholders of the Washington Water town iili'Hii'y for a time and was flays. .Mr. McCain was Wl ye ;ierk of Warren. | "Frank Conic, yott're that bad that befure llghtiu'. C«; There Is wh.-re he secured his • •rice Justkv of the IV-itce. in the tweiity-llrst of last month and Tlie picture wa.s taken at Annapolis,'some day you'll be liuny, if I don't liarlier, his tftvnt Kr"iil grandfather, greatest fame, and many of his gray It's u Kood bet that'he Is still as active Mil.•• , I•n .Ini" i is«:i, immediately fol-! IIIIMH my KUCSS." , biillt the old .Mansllp-ld woodbous.- Wlieni'ver theiv was a church festi- .Mr. llariis takes gn-at pride in his n»ar Waslilnutun. He is burled In the hairs—and, come to think of it, dncs- as half the men Of course, she didn't iman that. M val nr harvest home or such thing, jamily trei- and has v.dumes in ids (iriTiiwIeh c.-niet-ry. ami Ids trrave . n't lie deserve all he has made frojy »f sixty. a matter uf be.used to go out to *.> tin- girl..." Hy library tnifing the Harris family is tlie oldest one In that burylnt,' his water holdings in return for the Just can't :fact, -she told a the time he. K"t on the grounds hi- 1 rr"tn the juvKt'iu time way back tu ground. forgot all nbout the girls and got his., tireles* w>rk lie ha* done .' t dlvr t'r"inwell"s time, ills father sit down and re-' :Iot of the mis- Tlie Senalorsliip. was the only or mind st't on irhnmiu" some of thu .Mr. Fuiprr lias resided in Washing- was .iiime.s II. Harris, a w.-11-knuwn main Idle. he | 1 nf f.msc'inence lliat tin- Dr. ever held, smart Ab-cs who w.Te looking for tori for just Mi year.--. He came here iniin ut Oxford township. Xidndas suy.s. ' if ci>ur.-=e. I j her room the Uas txiiti In tliat township on June 1, «Line ttiimr, a lie wan. however, n member of tho . from Junction, at which place lie wa>' . Xo 'joking. ' there" were few who •t^ril'. This photograph was taken ciMiniy pent inn 'hoard f'tr si-ver.il located as station agent t'nr the Cen- years. Ilu has a wife but tm children. could down him in his younger days— ' 1 1 means, she tool; tral railroad. II.-was hir mu>i>* wirs 'wh.--ti-'i(V"w.^"::O" >".ni M "id. • iind maybe | . would scrap yet despite nf impressing H •i). U A W. agent at the Washington iiis rather mature years. station. He is one ..f the olde.n and upon thcitr the INO KASV XOW. most active members of the .Masonic AN ( :iece.-sity of Jin-. Upon retiring from the - of Hoe of ) virrKKA.v or i fihorllT a couple of yrars ago. be inov- . order in Washiuglnu, and is a Past lirovliiff . their IVuIls of Kiu-Iy Vetirs ol' Industry Xou id to Jlackettstown, where he resides jiijulrc Ilirniii Frame lla- [Seen lYec- ayrf. in a':pleasant-hoine on High street. Frank Cook , Itelii^' l-:njoyc(i liy'.Ak'xiinder | Moliler. Ouiimlltceinuii iind •tu.-tlce He is n.iw one Of the three mem- I has never done j of lite I'cae.—His Wnr Kcionl Anderson. bers of the County Tax Hoard. I anything yi t to i .V oin-arincd ven-rau of tho civil war j warrant i-npital This picture is n, French type of This picture of Mr. Harker was Mnrk--boro\ Well-known .lii-iici- ( has liovti O1H-..OI- th,.. conspicuous lig- i intnl.slintent. On masculine beauty. The waxed mus- lakin over -10 years ago., when "Sher- Hie IVJICI—lias Hi'Id the OJlice ijres in the Wari-.ii eoiuity board of \ the other hand, tache and nicely trimmed goatee Indi- iff" wa.s Just :'I years old. The photo-, rr.M-in.MiTS' fur sewn,] y.-ars. This ! he has done coii- cate an Imported fashion that warf In grupljer was s. • H,* Te.>l, :hc ' veteran' mail is 'Sijuire Hiram Frauec. of Uurd- ! .sidcrabli v<>Ki-<» ;!0 years a.tfo. The .subject. Washington photdKi-apbi'r. who ad- A wrl!-kn..)ivn man living at Miirk^ !l wovei il vertised that his gallery was "next b«,ro. perhaps the widest known ma wick• township. :t man ...f Ci.nsi.k-rabkr "the tft-.-i if'the punplo or Hack-| " ;. '^"'t FraH-hman—just a Simon pure type of door to J'lttengff tiros." a in! that ;. of thai town. i,-. tii-o. is. Armstrong lip that tt.«toyvn. wh hi- has .far! ••more'prints'can" be had at any time." way, several years "-. ' • American manhood, it Is Alexander -Mr." KraiK-c lost hi: - farm were bearing '• During the Minallimx epidemic In A n d e rson, the .Mountain.'. .Mil., -f fruit, and It wns-J that place, now a matter of it half doz- former Jit. ..Leb- VKAHS A J1OCTOII. term of years that he has b< en th anon .sage, now village Justice of th,,- ivai'i*. He wa on Sept. II, IS til', • r; ci-itp at that. f en years ago. he volunteered his servic- living easy and Sonieiliiuir Alxiut the Commendable lirst elected to this r.fliee in |.s$0 rm, serving in the i *U down and talk with this : i s in administering medicine and Filth i:ef.'lm«>ni, old K-.-ntl man for several hours and : professional aid to the sufferers, and comfortable i n Chnraeleristics ol" islah-stoivn's :iias IH.-1.I It coutinuotislv ever -.inci AVnshlngton. a matter of ii7 1'. !:. V. C. in lie will . uteriain you i.-very minute.! the yre;u goml that he did was every- Venerable Physician. -".•' years. Xatural- ,—:—'•'^.^• — ^ First .liri^a.k' of This is b .•cause ids mind Is still n« j where acknowledged. After the Prior, to four i'lwir iis i crystal and lie can recall \ jitement of that epiilemic, tlie eitl; years ago. Mr. When a man has lived the Ilfo that under command everythinthi g «>f interest in his whole | lowing Iiis liberation fr.-.in Libhy pris-! of the town presented: him with'a Anderson and his Dr. John q. Juhnson of Blafrritown law tiio run . of General. War- life. It is especially . interesting* to on—that horrible .Southern pen where i Handsome gold watch anil fob in rec- wife and three has lived;-then it may bo said that ren.. JIu receiv- FOILS lived near "he has lived the life that is worth of tiy law- heiir him tell of his experiences as a I Union soldioi-rf. were starved and tor- • ogiiition of Ills services. 1 ed an honorable ilniver. lie. having engaged In this j tured into insanity, and death, llisj -This watch Is higlily prized'by Dr. lit.' Lebanon on living." There isn't a person who. has discharge, in Xo- business very" extensively when it was j companion In 'the picture (tho one-Cook and if there is run; place that a fiirm. Besides an unkind word to say of him. an'd a v.. tuber. ISti-.1. limits infancy in this part of the eoun- i standing) was Li. utoiiunt W. II. Far- \ wears away In the Doctor's trousers . r u u n I u g this reputation of this kind should make Squire Franco ry. !!•• used to I ravel aM through ; rer, of .Ww Vork. Mi'ilckcr than anyotlH-r it Is tlie ivatcli farm, .Mr. An- a man feel happier than the accumu- lation of riches , ca r p e II t wing. lie States as far wist as the .Mississip- j L\'I. WHdrii'k was e.vclianged from I pocket. derson occupied when " the time l,~™''.,1™ .. ,-T^™- .Lately, on a .- old. Tin? piml'i- •i river., buying up cattle, sheep and ; LUrby prison by sp.-t-bil order Xu. -l01. ; Ho was .Muyur of the imvn whoa much of bis time in surveying (as on,,, ,-,„• l,lm .liSSHSlsS; e. o u n.t . of hl-s tlier farm animals, driving them to j wtiir-Ei ord r be still retains. Amongnlie mad dog scare prevailed there ; tin; eastern markets and clearing up nunierou." ot'icr articles retained from j three or four years ago. What lie did lie does at the [o . leave this , health. In' lias spin re of luimuu tur be fiimc out dsonu'ly by the transactions. He' those years while in tin- syrviL-u. of i to mongrel 'dogs' of the community p rese nt time) endeavor. of the army. made eim-ddunible inuney out of thisf Uncle Sam i.s a soiled sheet of writing ; was a-plnnty. Mcsides appointiug olli- ami for a term Work. Hi., passes "A. line man" is some of hi.-! tinn*. - He haw boi-n a UISIIK'SS and, although be is not a) papiT containing signatures of u large iejal dog-killers, he got right out at if four.years he w is county engine.--!- 1 .tilt' way he is in lisbliiK'. and •icb man today, he is looked upon as number i>f fellow Union .-soldiers in! the front with a revol 1 came if llimterdou. . Has the credit of i-nshlp.. lias served as 'infoi'tiilily lixed. I 1.1 He was born at getting some of man, and until this In the early days had an iiui- Col. Wildriek wa rn on Nov. 17, ! activity in till; red to by his 1 itr:i. As a matte the bigg e s t uber of tin- board of ate jicquafiuiincesh witli th. force cir umstanc s, lie learned the neighbors a n d pitches out of White Lake. • rcfusi-d to run for i I. Blair and they were for many Wildrick. who was a member of Con- Now a word about his picture. This business of plowing.. He uwil to drive all who know . He Is a-'DumorriU and always ha friends, .Many time, i gress from XIMV Jersey from IS-l!" to was taken, in Maltlmore in is,s:i. Just tlie plow ton in ;vitb the lines wrapped him intimately. Ijoi-n one.. Mcsides beiiiK Justice o Ills wife formerly Catheriir says; Air. lilair. di him llnancliil lSSli and a member of the New Jcr- ai'tir he ,hnd graduated from the Col- around his buck, which is the same Many little acts, tlie 1'eaee, be has served on the town Kiitan. Tlu'l rnilyyonsists or tw favor In which m lege of PhysfeiatiH and Surgeons. When • that Lincoln and Unrtlcld used to of charity done I ship coaimiile.-. His wife Is-deart-tiin iis.iind..tivii mk-d. if '• Hu wa^'educHied at Blair Hall ami a young,man graduates now lie parts drive. If read correctly. throughout !i 1 s . 1 lie has three children. .Mr. Prune- follows farming. One ;)dd tiling nlioVit^iIrV?.\lcCnh just lirior to tlie breaking out of tlie bis hnliVYn the middle or.cultivates a Well, as Mr. Anderson grew up he long life have. Is now i;:; years old. The photo 'lilies he is Democrat: is that he seems to take prid bead of football hair. .,ln those days begun teaching school. He was brond- 110' urn: (was taki u in Xewton whe '•years and talks as iliougli he was Cummins in Newton. At the lirst call tlie fad was to sport a. set of ".side- •ml(b>ri=d and musi'iibir.-wlilcl^ mnde imjiatlent to i-'jicli the century mark; for. troops .he was -cciunilssioned lirst boards." The effort of some young man sought after in ihii^e days'wlien his insliiu-ts ai STATION' AdKNT H I'OST.MASTMH. Generally, men regret :iu advanced lieiiienaiu "of the Sussex Kiik- Co. men in Ibis lino was pitiful, but tlie teacber was wanted, on the moun- against notorie- age, but .Mr. -McCain doesn't seem to. This command not getting to the yciung doctor got then; about as well tain. The way lie used to whale some ty; nevertheless, many uf them are It. If. Khniey. Whose Conihincil Dude.' 10 of He ilso takes pride •eferrlng, to front, he assisted in .recruiting O. Ii, s most of the youthful fellows of of the rough t>"l young manhood known and tin.- unassuming manner at ni-idgrvlllc Mtikc Him a iidvanced years at which i?is close .Second N. J. Volunteers, of which lie hut period. that attended school unibii'J.i.tm,.would relailvos died.__There_w(isJ.ils'.,father. > ItX-iL-Lotiching-mirrativerHe-taugHt j. Uusy .Mini. vas.commissioned .]irsj_-m'i^tfm!tt;-;!-r_e.: jr^I- r.r: 1 lnri''|'\vas"vas"^^ t~h«"V-ait~h«"V-airTiIiTry""fthi> .f_-.thiss jj.WashiiifrtoijWashi i ' fatiier following l.ower-V:VMey; .Mt: J.el>anorif'I-ake- ""Dr. •".Johns' 's "pbot'iiirrapiT is" he •;itu!r''iived to -be' i.!('"years'"riId:"nI'd:' 'cctini'|'iiny'"~an(1tinipiiny""~andi siilTs'oiionsi7lTs'"oi'icnt ly was maill t hih s 'graduation'd , and about lii Hopatcung and Harepta. reprinted. . vcr.v good late one —-a.-* a rule they don't stay long in"an> 1 ere I ! in the fuiniiy and he lieutenant-colonel uf 1'Sth X. J. Vols. ago located in Hackottstown. At that For some lime he comlujHod^sUres Jliin^cx;idd~b. JS Interest in Franklin township pnli- me particular place, This applies it % M v tin ''youngest. Nine lived to a Ilc_ never ..married,n,.JIe,.s])ends,.iiis ulaeu, lie has i'_nt,'iij;»'.l^iiis: timc:princi-" L-caiir.-.ir'.ni'ii-vruutiBicn" AirthV IHTPniJt Hii' the requirements of this Bttcs Is regulated c^ji^l< j;tiy.vj)>i_,whiit. V J^jJ^k;,»> i*Ji',?,iL_.j;a11,.._uos|>eo 1 aII>-, 1 i collection of old photographs, and MTner"-tho':Tros^^ "sunitners'"at"iiis"'pli'ai*a ii't"""t oiiri"iry resi- pally in developing ami selling real .'bile be kept adding to his endow- reached the age of !):*. This is Mr. liener. "Prospect H:'ill." near Blairs- estate-—a business that is more at- ments by practicing freehand sketch- tbis'-one was seh-cted instead. H was Smith is active, Interest is acute; If h- 'xceptlon to the rule however, Is Ii. .McCain's present age and be feds town, and his winters in tiie town of tractive and more prod table to lii in. Ing under- the direction of a. Professor t:iken.-in Xevyton about. :!5 .vears a^o, i no jiart, then there Is but Ilu' I. Kinney. the agent at 1!ridgevllie. sure that he will «o hi« brother sev- HIalrstown. v/ lie says, than the practice of medicine. —a "preceptor." be terms him. He and resembles the doctor now, al- |c'loln£,'. • There are Smiths and. an' He has been located there for twenty- eral years better. Seven ^f tlie fam- practiced drawing crayon likenesses though'his board is snmewlutt grayer. in Franklin township.;-, •aim OIK- . consecutive ily were hoys and live u( them follo.w- family: •• also his wife's family Jivhen they, line . up .for battle at - the ,1 school •• teaching lift heir early years. and he bad them all woozy for awhile, Keithcr is lie so robust ns lie was polls there is Mr. .McCain was one of them. An Old Letter From Easton bill, after much hard Work and per- at tliat time.. As a matter of fact, his always a Ii o t Mr. .McCain's grandfather was Ii-lsh iglit on and a nxtJjjs^g.randniQ.tlHir^^ onTiY-Tand his nuinermis friends i'elt portrails and lie and Pro- :ite apprehensive for a time. "ally a Sevan ton cniiiries ago and settled near Flom- An old and very odd letterris in pos-I other beautiful things and we sold fessor Sharps of Xew Hampton had L)r. .ioiiiison is now Til years "Id. He man who has man and before Ingion. Years afterward they moved jskm of A. Neigh, the well-known | seventy tickets at three phis quite u run U\.land the long distance a naiiye or,Suss.ex,A:.y.iiiU.v...iind™wasJ_rrr.-::.rr™. c, o in Ing to 1 ; r a great deal to Ohio and settled \lon laud there Califuii barber. He lived in Has ton- . apiece. We tmd -la.- ej,'i>" 'ct piiy- '•••. . •...- • Uriilgevillo was of pcrsovorence, which Is now in the lielm-of Cincin- when he was a boy ami the letter which JSdwin Lawall was the cap- .Mr. Anderson's industry was re- si clans and .Surgeons of N'e.w York.. located at Alt.' • tenacity, siroiig nati. Homo of tills land was^old on" was one which was sent him by some tain and we wont around to tlie warded after many years''of hard lie has practiced medicine for 5S .'• J'ocono. will power and as a city grtw up and .somo of^iliv/eut of his companions after lie left that stores to' collect money and we :'ffi)i't"a'nd he linally became a man of years iind Ills practice lias been a hard good ideas of With iiis fam- by ilefault. The McCain farnily be- city and1 located in I'rovitU'ucc, JI. I. had one dollar and ton cents and allluence, us ailliteuce is measured o>i me. like Hint of all the old-lime cpun- generalship. He ily, consisting of tho mountain, and four yeii lieves tliat tlieri! Is still valuable land The boys who wrote the letter, took ,tlie company broke up. AVe was a 11 >io mountain, and four years ago he ry_ doctoj-s. |l.o. j'rayoled,rM^jA9X*±-7-~^^^~ has a • capacity n wife. One .ami in tlmt city which might be/iWlaimod., the tliree-oetit stamp, and. cnt.it into going loliavo white puiHs jintl- no:.-:;. IWS!it-;!i;i)Ions,iiit" huiVsu'itrWrifihVrig- 1 for leadership g Kiel,- --over iv wide" "range "of "i;otintiy- "•*'•" *"•':•"•' iind one daugh- ••pasting out; piece in coat,'but in-our shir• • t "sleeve• • s nnd• • toiymd mvd h t j th ) "-•Mm!.-- • woYild-'glvo 1 toiymd moved here to enjoy tho com- in earlier dayslays, ami hi,)iliJ!;U,ll!Us tjstj AO.uUW^_:::=-;:J1 tcr.Iie.hasTftill nierl.v Amelia -AlcCi'a'^n,-;' They'were cornel" o£ lite enyelope aud_J|ip_.cojite^i..™.|)iisto..^)Ortrd.,.Juits ^Aicaui'u-nJi-TlHv^^ ••" hi in; political ; :; ; ; • charge of the^ohl. Vt" -tt iii-tnc"|inkidler*".iVist""'ai)-ovo~iho .wliicli"~wo""coilee"ted we ""have got even tu a higher degree than he ~- prestige -*-•"-• l ii'»-- a' "'~S"t"n" ire'" ""slat ion." I for. ' ,, larger Held than They had two glrl.i iind four boys. ct but we are going to make it- He hit»''lK'i>n president of the War- lie lias living Unllj girls are dead. The date of the letter is .April 7, festival ',with it. On tho I'M oC ;. ren County and Tri-eounty Medical Franklin town- i h ship. (piartcrs in the The picture of .Mr. JlcCitln. printed KSii!l, and at this time the in hid of the February, we had a general parade. .Societies, and in 1807 was president building, another part is used for resembles him very strongly average boy was IIlied with military You ought' to have boon bore. We art; pleased tu amiiHitice that of the new . Jersey Medical SnekU. : Ho has held ffreight pur])oses and att ththee easterstern he. appears' today, .loiugs nl orgiiniziuions' existed in Three companies were out. They Foley's Honey und Tar for coughs, He has a wife and one daughtei .otwjthstandlng colds and II;IIK troubles i.« not atrected llces in that .township, serving as one end th'W/ls a waiting-room, in which tliat il .was taken in Ulirii-slo the various towns. Ail this is indi- were tho Citizens Ar til lory ists and Dr. Johnson lias been one ot the r tiic cbnimitteemen for several years. is also "lofiiteii t'.te post-oIMce. The 1 by the National Pure l-'ood and Drug years ago. cated in the ' letter, which reads ns the National '''Guards, two '.now imost''ncijve members of the Ululij^ ; is now lifly-Iive years old. station building has been the post- Inw as it c.mtains in. MjiiiiU's or other r k follows: . companies, and the Kethlehetm town Presbyterian church Pot 0r " i a native of Asbury and lived olllco lieadnuiirtors for forty years. Knston, Pa., April 7. 1S59. \ Band.'1' They liail a very 'mio time' harmful drugs, as we renuniiiend il years he served in the chinch chft,. ,'Mllford and Harmony before coni- Consequently, tlie postotlico has been nun lieo Hive. of It at night. They wore nearly . as a. safe remedy fur children ...and 1 Dear Alymer: \\ and for* many •yva'r.s' was organist: ile lg to Broadway, where ho has lived mude.the center of what. little busi Handkerchiefs, of,all. kinds, inelud. : 1 hnpe you, nre well a-nd some ; • till drunk, but. U soon"1 passed .adults; .Icnklns

|0* \v.\s ioion:i{r,v PROMINLNT MLN Ol TODAY AS iU Almni -\«l" Snlllior 1-1*11- -.tiiir,: \\]f> <'»>inl( (til 11- Regal Alerchanl THEY LOOKLD YLARS AGO lii- nml Itol.ilt 'MIIUIK l HIM* III 111 luxlll^r II Specials.. Chi Ms' 1 Shoes Tailoring i.l ill xniiii month* i)" in tin ilh :uul Northampton Trom Rare l'liotographs Taken Wlicn Most of Them Were pi i-nfi iif siiwuti , \* MDPII tin u A litllc turn in the- meal- iiiiirlicl ciiublus us Lu KASIOX. l'A Iwimiii •.( tiioi tin mlii i of (hi 1 iw ih in in Their Youlh—Accompanied by Breezy Short • >f sn nil ,v l.i.iih. Mi smith mine! iiinhc tlie follow itijr wi'\" low qiiolnLions on fresh 11ml • ul v nj^lnj: Hi. li.st in" lit ilth u HI Sketches Appropriate to the Subjects tiiibluilv sttKl i ln\ and f. Mill mtiilh, ami wo linpi- our pillions will iipprccinto t i,il ui< |,s nfli i th it it w i« n (ji llic>o piici-s and help u*> locnlui^u ourclioluof friendh. w In tin i li- ild live. Ui.ulii.ilh A. .1. liiii'ki'l, Locnl Sl 6 Days' Special on V <.(>()l> III Ml ltno\ 1)1 MOClltl .i Hi 1 In th.- tin a Inmmlni; lonn xf'>ni. . . . njitl win a hi- iv- ! 'Kitlni'd IIIM for- SPECIAL PRICES ON MEAT or Ilii' OWTIiiio irmilrnliin C.iiin-< »<• -I""!" '•«»• ><'T mm-h «« lie <"<> mer stri'iiKtlt In1 I ... , „•,„, ,.,„,„ ,„,, nt tin- nw of ;3 yrar.«, whin ho luul u'ftii away fur it I'OUK I'liOUUCT.S BKKF i . i, l..-.iil.-i> who Jlmlo. Loll- , Mt vMml! ,.,,„.„. no ]oo|i8 „ uttlc Kurnpi an 11* I p. Best Skinback Hams, I2clb Best Round*Steak, Men's and Young; 1 Nc j niii.ii To»ll»lil|i Xoli'il. ] iniiro inutiire mill n IHtle more Juillclnl lie- Is riuw in the Picnic Shoulders, . IOc Ib Best Sirloin, «2n • I About thf hi.il or Iho ulil-tlnicrH In """'• |MI1 "'•» > to I.Is IOc lin>iiilt»'tit'» In lliintiT.loiiroiiuty |ioll-; I"T* 1'IIKIMIMonly liohl.K nmy l|. «li eth ilonle rnlsllis In Bthor nf r X t t' 11 S I VC Il(W Presh Sausage, \Zl,. Me Ib Best Rib Roast, • 12c Men's Suits llvimtl.-x. rI s II'Mwnnn Uk'il l liarilnolliimi.hroyr at, whtheo ni; is cstil olf lf " *'"«" fStont. Me 1ms t\ iicn of It 11 Hi n I'SN, hut jfi7 year*. l Thf llanshnrl w l and l>rr. | filKP>* «il>Mtrt .'it the roar of his home Best Loin Chops, • Me Ib Fine Rump Roast 12c 1lllt II K n a rtl I n K IiN Hum ami oth-rs wlio wore once Poj '- wuiiV wiifrtw to any Jtirlsdie- hrnltlt mure van- ." Loin Pork Roast, UJ^c Ib Good Stewing Meat, 6c, 8c wlih-ly'knnwn lmvo.imwi.Ml away ami:llt>tl invr them—1»c Fay* they belong For six .liivs only, from December 9th to Iiml !ll! n I'ully thiui h- did Best Pork Steak, • 16c Ib Air. liuinplm-y l< the only «.iwpicumis.; ^Jl^^^ £,"j|[* •""'*' *" before hts Uluoss. Best Rump Steak, • 16c l\v is putting in 14111, yon can tnke your pick ol'mir S-'H, S2'2, $2~> mid those nun * ftill; '-1'1'' "*" l'1(? H'ilItre's .iccomiiltoh- IIU IS s ;i stated number Veal, liiimb nml Chickens on Tniiid'ut llio.righi prices llvimr ' '" I hi belli)? ahlr» to preserve -Y -"i" h>>iii-.-f at hi S2S Suits • for $18.50. Thuse HIT our very best sell- 1 1 nil(I vuUl tIlc Mr."Humphrey i I' '"' ' ' '""""W Hiincnrlan ollico p.ich Jay.\ It u.«oil to he that he liijfiim,- wliloly Svl" affairs for those people tlmt nlfjlit. i Sweet, Sour, Mixed ChbwCliow' 10 Cil nlmtist ^ Lard,lie lb. " Onions. ' stouts. Pmi't postpone tlie select ion—this is positively mvn<-r ami 'iiro-i' " *l>fik Itunirariaii. lit Mr.'Smith has sunn- niti-rtalnli)},' pl'ii-tnr of tllO i •ver in their country, llim- New Pack Tomatoes, n oil «• 1 emmtry ' Kariatis K'-t Justice dispensed to thorn taleft In toll of his voyage and his tutir Curtice Bros.' Pure Fruit rt.ii iliiy?' proposition. n» olllcor known as a Per- through Muropi?. 'V\mrv are many in- h o t i> 1 at Glen .' * ti'rc.ttlns and pnitltahle ;;jmios played 3 cans :...... 25c] t.ianhu'r; which < ?r hero we have many oltlcers Jams, 20c jar for . .' ISc who mttiht In' cnlleil Perfects but n ahoanl ship and , In* »ot .iinnmlntuil New Pack Maine Corn, !ll> u-lth tiiein nil. He tuok note. also, that , ,, t ni'iiv whn itilKht constatently be It ri'i|iiliv.s money to tnivcl alu-ond hut, 3 cans .... . __25c. 5c Tumbler Mustard or ii'ivit- •C!1"(ltl 1 mperfect.". The Squire, we are $20 Suits ani1(1 l III^'^V 1111 kl i A BlatI t0 :1 u ot onc oC ni'Wnh.-li'ss, In- was prollt.-d in many : ,., Tlicso KOWIS are nrcremnl bv the .„ Horse. Railisll _ ifrhou-l* in • Uifsi * >"' » ways hy his trip mid has no regrets the same folks that liave packed $22 Suits ieetlmi of thei •—-.•*-. them for years. The finest flav- Old-fashioned Brown ltr I#I ; > >I IIKTI1 1 1 1 Sir. Smith si'rvi'il lw<» UTIIIS as Pro.s- ored; cljanly packed, fnll cin's. $25 Suits 'r!" »'-l »* ™"'' " ' ° ' '*'I' '1' eeut'.r nf Hit- IM-as of till*.enmity and Ik'ttcr store up with a dc/.eil uilile Sugar . . . . >vnt* «>r until y;itl.H Knmvn ManorwVM Knmvri riirn- it WHS mi Important perlml'in the the prices are low. . :. 1 flcMtl'-*. ill- wiK the Prosceutor in ; $28 Suits: IIK". 'WIK'U Uwisi' '">•—»'* HIHV .<3iiuHili*<—\-win- llif Titus milnlIT ease, perhaps ihe IOc Package Layer Pigs, 8c t<> niiothft- man. Tliis liotol was' blymnn and .Mayor, . must -h II. ;i fnrett;ner living at i»\finii. He Raisins . . . . 12c i tii'S will ltf ivrtu'iubi.'1'i.'t.l Ut\\*s Jit'tor -;,.tho ' |trift^ itro Itallrt'iirl .to p« thrmifrlt. .Sir. Hum- • Pinh. \x\\ his third by many. ••Fint* eating" is the and hutif: a! It.-lvide usual verdict. (ihivy l*'niK]it the hott-l c>£ tlie,- Juhn ; term a-- A: iMynmii from this. Mr. Smith Is i.f an unusually m' Century Cocoa, half .Ib. can, 17c j I-: vela iid estate...... ^. .,.. , I ty ami hi: natui-f. a {,-"0,1 mishaker and 4 Nice White Fish for 25c Slnco .i'1'tiriiif: from tlu> hnii.-i iitisi- , the town. "nvirsr with. H ' Quarter Ib. can . . 9c! m-ss'Jir. lltituphrey Una lived a *[\\\c\ Ik- U a'nuiii ppi,-i:sant nii Some folks who have never tried TERMS--- : .. I itV at his home adjoining the hotel.', eh a ratter. is popular in PhllMpshurj: and Is New arrivals oi Prunes, jML'.-upyinir liis time imilnly In .tiiper-• you .«hnti!U ire. t'Kiiizod as on.- i.f tin- ni'-st siil>stan(liil Childs' " Success " Baking vMnc \\w \\vrk on hi.- iw.. iMrmw. IIi>; him and it ok hi IIK 11 of tin- town. Ilu is now and ha:; Largest size . . IOc Ib. Powder STRICTLY CASH £0 EVERY PUR- !i:in r..-» family cxi-t-pt u'wife. ' il ln-i.-il i.M- several years a memher ..f 11 what lv tlu- sc'i.wil :»>oiinl. tlieiv,- His family Large size . . . 9c Ih. are ^ill jKiyinjj a liijj'roynlty ' CHASER OF THIS SPECIAL. ami may W of you. he W.M (.-r>n.*Nts 11f.ii wll'.- and live elilldreii. Medium size . . 7c Ih. to tlie Biking Powder Trust: y'i'ith any part m". $J'nl,i"nn> . . tell ymi acvot The piK.t-.v,r:i].Vi WIM t:ik-n whil" h<* Mr. l!uiit|>hfoy was'fur 10 jviiiv th-- ii.if to hi-- fi was Pr.w.viifr. Full Pound Can "Success/* 15c r.Minty C'ullrt-[nr n( I hliu>-i>tMii. ||y Vi.-tioiis — ,pn 10c Pkg. Uncle Jerry Pan J U m thf pivstMit time PivslOint "!' tfh' slbly with i Cake Flour . . . . Sc Cllat'-ti Xali'-nal Paul* ami has IIIT-U livine frniiKiii itKJMT MAX IX lUClIT IT-ACi:. Big Bargains in Brushes one ni' its Uiri.-cti.rs fr>r ::t) years. t jC iMioe rirtish ire I'lri'hiihlcr- .Madi> Cfioii Cliohe in It-; I-,- a native •>{ Nurtnn. Hunter- was unfaviiralili-. 15c Stnvy lininh ; me «K.n n.unty. This pis-tmv wn< taken Ooliseiiil. ntly, he I'laiiiit: "d'ooii" r.eiily ai Mead <»r ^fBUTTElf 1 I2C Scrub ItniMll He in Kitten whfii iu< was 2;. >vai-s old. ; make* ('IIIIIK.V AInislicm-e. $c Sink ltnii.lt 30 'i'hl.-J is tlie oith'st picture we could Elgin Creamery Tub, 32c Ib. j of . tJoodwitrd A. Leidy. the ItV doubtful if any I)taii.l f r 1 i' ii il f . btain butter nin so uniform Uirou^hoiH ! A titMierotis Si/ejiirof l'nre Tht.' nuinlier ami Stowant of thr- Wanvti County ; : !?»'."••: If r"i»n^rnt« a -linnlthy,- the out ire year as this brand. ' Hoiiyy ': fio Wai. .31. lJiin^hait of Iti 5c Can "IVt" ['.[.iii'l i:v.ij..>j.itt.I"..: . "! friends is really ur. ^ni'd-natured fellow who Wiio-i- nay in" miicliii r |t'u«se ,l.avd {'»•"•<• '"lu'-s la Phlllln 11 ; l!l;ltl des'lielii^'; '' .... ,'." _\ .. 'the.'ohly. one'he st-t'ii tin- I'iti ronstjil.K- [ W "'>««• »>"»• l-lc pkg. Force . lie: Finest Full Cream Cheese, Itc Win. M. MtinKhart of lld -vill" ion- ""''' a mt-iuber "| i!u- I i'f SYi't-l „„ ^^-.r, hail was taken spifiinus iitmrti^' tin- c.i ..'Mii-i'iv ' lioldi'i-s.- lie held s.'iit-s in .--i at tlie time of: iio has. ^n'wii i>ld in thf •rvu-.. and' the mnnk-ipai h/.anls. prl< hi.s DKirriaKO ami j WolH hi' si-L-n miurll lon^ lie is ,i Muyor. Ih- is this is enclosedi yours old now and the wt.- I always tun? ni a lii.t; majority in that in his marriage! is films ,tipon him. I , town, ami thi.-= faet provoi! partk-ularly certilieate. 1 n health has l-i-t-n ilet'linli ] valitjiMe at tin- late r-k-i-tinti, wlien bis such a manner time and I10 is at ! i:>-]>ttti!i>'ail opponent polioit l'iji niii- that it could not p res i- n t cniito i Jnrltli s iii tin- fnntiinj: ilistricts, almost be used for the fotrlilo. Heart j einuiKii !•-' tie feat the IK-iiim-ratir ean- purpose desired. ti-.mhlt; is the ! dl.lat.-. •This one was cause. . Mr. Klrth was for many year.- i-in- taken only a j ployed at the Wan-en Fotindry in 1'hll- few years, ago. llr. Unniihart •j lipshur^ Inn eventually emhiirfci-d in : Mri Leiily is a is one of the old- j the hotel bustnej's. retiring from that native of Knowl- est citizens oC I a few years ag". Me now sjlve.s his t o n to wnship. the KrldgovMc whole tiin-.-.to the'duties of Mayor and :Mo served as it c i g li li o rhood to his duties in the legislature. freeholder from nnil possilily thf- that to w h s'h i p I il 11 is family consists of- n wife and and; was still a there. Praetieal- :u> daiiKrhter. The daughter is an ly all his life ban actress •onsiilerahle repute, now member of the board when ho was ap- been spent in in England and fining an en- pointed steward of the poor farm. -The above picture 'iri thai of oiif of tlnvinuiiy lint; Moiuumuits thfit-iiir* b«inj! ek. This was twelve years ago. lie has PAPER Briilifcvlllo. He is reyiilurly. turned out of this—on.,;-of Uie- l^t vquippt.'d shop* in tlni StHte. All This photograph i •• tak'-n \ been In charge of the farm since that cutting'is doue with tin; use of pneumatic tools, insuring liner work,tlinn if dom,' the won of Mich- 1 ael G a n K h a r t. ivas ^1 years o!ii and just following time and the county property never , Jiy iiimd. Our inci'Wirifl trade prowii th- siipcriitr ciiarai-tor or our work. who died in 1S7C. ivas kept in better condition. It seems Bonds, Linens, Ledg- Mr. Banghart lias that he has the knack of growing big- ger apples, bigger potatoes, bigger j boeii constable ..In '..... SQC1HK AN1J .1_»OSTMASTKU. porkurs and more -corn to.- the acre ers, Writings, Book CHARLES FORGE [Oxford township for 'S2 years straight ihiiii any former steward. and for about the Kame time has been Two Impoi-taat Holes l'la.vod by a one,of the road overseers ,'. lie hns the assistance of a wife, Papers, S. & S. C, CEMETERY MEMORIALS 1 I'rominenl Republican of who Is admirably adapted to the. pi He keejis close tab on all that is go- linn of matron, and under her- SIIJ: MachinejFinish, Sur- injr on in politics, neighborhood af- vision the main buildings are alw fairs and, farming pursuits, and this is. Thomas. J. WaterileUl is Justice of kept iir splendid--sanitary condition illustrated in better way ihrtn by the Peace a.t Johnson burg and also and as Inviting as an alnisliouse can face Coated for Half newsy letters which ho lias fur- postmaster of that village. The people be expected, to be. Visitors are always Star for many years. I elected him to the tlrst o'lHce and assured of a cordial reception when- tone Work, Cover .Mr. ami .Mrs. lian^hart have had 11 ! r-'resttK.-nt Roosevelt appointed him to : ever they visit the Institution. --li, all <>t whom lire living oxc"-i>*. ; the tithor. It fsn t .so bud to be that /The family of Mr. anil -Mrs. I.t Paper, etc., etc. They are the parents of. nine \ kind of a Hcpuhlieun. consists of one-sun and one daughter. boys,, which is something to.be praud j. There, isn't..much court Inislne^s go- " " ing on in Joiin!:onlnirgoreio.so by," so ttu'i- of Mr. ISanirhart u.. the titloofSquire Paul Jones ami Betsy I loss found in ^iiJ, when he was about 20 1 really amount: where good cigars ace sold. to more, than the /•tnnHinient«. -•. A couple of OXFOItirs GOOD •KKGULATOK. y cars as ALK with the thousands though, bis ofllee n; Sharps. Who Has Maintained j '.! quite who wear them and you < loml. Order. Auions;.! lie. Foreign. A LASTING EFFECT will" quickly"realize"the ICicnieiii for 2."> Years. ] worth of Si"!UirG"Sha.rps"''6i! OxfortV or "Cor-1 a -rrcu'^iaw'piu I This'Kvidciicc Sluiuki I'IMVIJ K very i oner Sharps of Oxford" are phrases wliereljjiii; t"o( •* -orCuL-a. lot 1 Claim iMadc for Dnan'sKkinuy that sound familiar In whatever part Justices oC 'the of the county they may be heard. Puaco wont out TlolieC from the aches and pains of JB0U1 apply to.Bdward- W. Sharps,' oi oltioo ,1'nr tho a lifid back ia always welcome to every (who has been more or loss prominent time being. Jtso backache sufferer; but to cure a lame, in Oxford for the last twenty-five! hra p p eiiGd tluit weak or aching back fs what's wanted. S years, lie isknown as one of the re-I for a period of a Cure It so it will stay cured. It can SHOES for MEN liable Democrats be done. Here's the strongest-evi- A Y'elvefc^SurJ'ii'cc Coated $5QO of the township tliere wasn't a dence to prove it: . Paper. Nothing in tlie" e t "Win. Pumyoa, janitor of the Beth- .111 tl upon that I Justice of the, Peace in tlie county : r::S oieotccl Justice of f I C Jolinsonliurs and Hun ire Town- : r~ TUfilhT^^~ " Preston B. Keith Slioc Co., Xakcrs, Brockton. Mass. Sold by tlio • Ponce for I s. it AUannifliy. As 11 result, as favorably oC Doan's ICidney Pills as High-class Catalogue and in particular; • I did in 1S07, when I allowed a testl- ; n]pnln.]i..to^bn.. publish (id. .Book Work "i ' n, total of twenty ; 'Jut bounty ailklavits 'for.) *bxprerlonco^:*-:iiiei16re"I"'UsoU'-his remedy | five -yo.irs,' antl,! • in J-lanhvictt nml Pain I sufCcred for a year or so with'my Coroner for two j vy townships, ami do othc Kidneys, and there was an almost | Tho "ftoynl Dundee" Lino of.Ltmm, . • terms. II c i s I Tor thorn besides, itcady pain in the small oC my back TJodgoi1' and ISouil, with Envelopes to one oC the Cor- Siiiiire 'Watorllfid isiXnow ;1!) years I and through the muscles oE tlie hips. . inntcli; for liiyli-dass 'Coiiiinerdur /J.'Jii^iiiciin:p^yjis^.UiKc!ill^Ii(;v--J Sometimes Jho .pains^cxtend^d^around, lioHfjnor^wp handle cmnion*ifsiupu?.? I n^T-Tirni^ 11 s tm\';ii7;\£h^i^ : 1 '.T* ...r™-v'!:_ ™_JZ!L"ZSq ii"al cdjtt'Itlic. j li'lcti. LJLJ^V^ n mmlttV.for the price, Every bmnd of- presorit^timc. JE-rc^lycfirs^ojd. __2i " • - - • •• vory often ,;it was "simply " torture ", toi" ™"iias™sriM3c"n™in^thc"™"Jic~wHsrijblriT=iii™ :rcaich~out;'^,otoop,:-or.;:™!I£t-v-" anything.7 No matter what brand vou buy yon will tind that there'H good feeling corked up in furniture • and ami farmed until he was :!0 years old. Doan's Kidney Pills being recom- every bottle. Never proves disappointing or the undertaking After that he kept store In .Tolinson- mended to me "I got a box and, as I harmful. Any of our brimrts nro wortliy oC business during burg for l« years. For the last doze.ii stated? at that time, they justi- Nos. 66, 68, 70, 72 LAFAYETTE STREET a place in yonr liouseliold. All uro of tine his residence in years ho has been Justice and during fied all the recommendations. I had llnvor and fully rant tired, etc. ., the' last ^Republican administration he r heard. The benefit has been lasting Between Leonard and Franklin Sts. Huvo you ever tried any of Eileiiberg s Squire Sharps was born about half has held the ofllce';3oC postmaster! His and for this reason I am glad to re- soft drink?.; • , ' .way down- the big hill leading from family consists of a wife only, and it's commend them again." NEW YORK CITY I Junction to Glen Gardner. That was, a wonder Roosevelt, with his race sui- For sale" by all dealers. Price BO 1 over 53 years ago. When he first cide ideas, don't put him out of ofilce. cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, j y m» j^.f 1 over 63 years bago. wnei n ne nrst He;says'during his term of Justice New York, solo agents for the1' United rlCnry IVl. CllCnOCrg aLdonneL thdu -anknea e ofbrooches—tha- about: six t years-—hiis to says ,of tho Peace ho has never yet had a States. ' ' Y ~ '..••. •' I'll™"!!™" !""; 62 So. Main St. ^ Phllllpsburg I ho made that place his homo until he I applied to him for a divorce. = • I tif.Ke no other.


Ev HUTCHINGS ALFRED G. RINEHART Rinehart Hall Racks, Ladies' Writing Desks, Library (Ebrtetmae Tables, Turkish Rockers, so comfortable when one is tired after the day's work. To our many i>atrons we extend the compliments of the season together with a'a invitation to visit onr store and inspect our line of Sideboards, Buffets, Serving Tables, Chairs goods, all of which are suitable for of twenty styles. Brass and Iron Beds Holiday Gifts that are guaranteed. You can't break our beds with an ax. Buy one and try it. If you break it, we'll give you another or your money back. SAY WHAT YOU WILL, there is no gift which is more ap- preciated or which will make a hetter showing for the money than an Our Carpets and Mattresses attractive and well-nmdc piece of Furniture. Our warerooms are now are the best that can be bought for the money, and are just what we crowded with the V.TV latest varieties in the furniture gift line, which represent them to be. we are sure win be of more than passing interest should you pay us a visit. We have never before had sucli an interesting collection as we now offer in the Music Cabinets, Parlor Tables, Tabourettes, Pictures, Odd Dressers, Highest Grade of Home Reed Rockers, Parlor Rockers; Tapestry, Furnishings Plush, Rope and Lace Curtains ; In order to properly beautify the home, yon must exercise taste in making your selection of Furniture, Carpets and Draperies. We are We have a large line of here to aid you in making your selections and give you the benefit ot mir experience. RUGS IN ROOM SIZE in Axminster, Wilton Velvet, Smyrna and Tapestry. They are in all Here Are the Necessary Things for grades ami sizes, and nearly ioo patterns from which to select. We Every Room in the House have had a wonderful business in the Rug line the past year—more than once running short on account of our many sales ; but we • are prepared . :; in a great variety, including now to meet all demands. Our prices are the lowest that business economy will permit. Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Again wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Kew Year, Reception Room Sets, Combination Book Cases, we arc, Yours respectfully,

Second Floor, No. 42 East Washington Avenue. WASHINGTON,. N. J.

t-OMINENT MLN OF TODAY AS Well-Known as a Torn SiipcJiu- I Shiirp-*. MWUck. tin? Widely Known fivnrt 'V. lU-ll or film CJnrdm-r iCn- tcmletit of the S;-h Itobert s. and it is a solemn thought Hint we aresides being known as a constable, he Is To make this work cazy aid to keep any : v; Sketches Appropriate to the Subjects I'l-K-i- ••(• INu-lu.-ttst.Jwn. . vno -served vailed upon tot-lass him as such. .. Jtdistinguished. In and around. Glen undue strain from tho eyes sew by gas light. . Tor IN years us County Superintendent. Gardner hs belht; the oldest continu- .Mr. Price used ! ous resident of old-timi-rs hav> all passed away— that village, lie THE WEL.SBACS-3 BURNER tn visit the IMIis. Himerson; schools of the Is now . In his gives a. clear, white steady Kctcham, rib.im- seventieth year county at stilted lianore. O s in u u glow that mal:cs sewing or Intervals :md lit- and has always and Fitch. lived there. any night work less injurious had ' Sipiirc Townsend, Wlic Sharps Meilick lie lives alone ! to the eyes. r>litrksmi(hhi£ Since Hie .Agu littk; ii d d r has been in news- ready for ti longer than nny In a quiet man- For good light use mod- of Twelve. children.. eoust'- ner in the old ern light. ...,.-«•. in" Hi nut* now In Bell homestead. "ls;n picture of Joseph, U. j About the best known ninn in Alia-j qtHMHiy. he is re- the Held. lUi 1-e- Weisbach Burners insure membered with This quaint llier. Director of the ltusird of j inuehjv township Is Squire Ueo. £-. 0. giin tlie -printing house is the old- the best iisht. In Freeholders, and the rcpreson-j TOWUHOIUI, who has1 been a blacksmith pleasure by thnso b u s i i: i- ss "way who were schmd est- structure,in Dcn*t iaii to'phone usto Ion that board from Washington j in Allamuchy Cor 37 years. lie is a biick in .tliv six- Glen Gardner. It was talien when he wus > strong Republican and In his case it ehildren during brighten up your home. his term. t»f of- ties, going into Mr.Boll was cit,htcMi \V'irs old. i has paid him to be so, for lie bus held tho Warren Jo.ir- postmaster of the plume I*, that- of innocent I liuiiiy olliccs there; in fact, pretty , iiiil ollico as an village u n il e r,| \bout two years after it was nearly all that have been at disposal. n«j!\>re lie ) apprentice under President Lincoln} taken, ho we vi lie has be«n John .Shm-rson. and .had, the ho luvinehed out postmaster twice. p o r I u It was at tliis ollicu In the base- j by JulnliifS the being, appointed .Mr. Pi-le time tlui: lie nicnt ot* this fjishiou plate first undnr Presl- In llaek- •club"u£ AVushiim- -dC'iit"" Grant-; ami .dwelling :.. .,. ,.., ...... , ton, of which the last time un- - and • retired from the [ tun taki-'ii thii ; "The" house is"filled willf antiques;'ii!I lot* which are very much prized by tiie Aluiikn Lewis and der Roosevelt. He iVssion miiin lOeelving the apimlnt- awhile he acted as local ; Samuel T. Ucav- still serves as tt as Superintendent. .;. editor of the Journal and later hoe wawass owner. Some of them are two hun- iH-intf idrai years old or more. They include ers .,_\ve|'.e con-_ postmaster, bis h- is now living in retiivtmnt hi a proprietor ufthe Apollo, this being l ; spteuous ~m e in' —'J •veil-kepi" liunu .•i:!:i:;.prliHV-ti37.:t!n;rt!inu- tlKiLTine-.-.liitu: •hitei: ' ti-ifius-airli(\lOM.-eniployi-'d.--iii-..-house--;- bers. They wore f cated ,iu O'Con- . . liackt'ttstown. Josiah KoU'ham bought the paper-r.. : keeping, including " dishey/'bui" styleX Cliuivh -.Since then he has been eom.-spi'iulpiind- ll'urnimre and various garden impIo-A ) high silk liats nor's store. Me Hie hunhu . also, of "bavins and s port e d tins been Justice ed as Mayor of that town, besides eiit Tor of tlie co nty :i]ic-rs menis, besides spinning wheels and ; rrnm I.!-1 and also the •t,pro- ; lh>' lil«'...... I „ JiiL'L0*1 w}} '£.hJ of ihe Peace for ies in. the tuwn B«v- nmd H u^rTuti k1" - is, pnrliaps. •. •re- ago ok '.wTft^Tiio 'sanie"~nory"in f/7" select" va- ^.p.^..V^ 'i-lctlfit ai il 'Ills' versatility'"in" thi:-:™r*.- laiid" hap. 1'ffii" ooiioliiblt.- "• cpntlntious (•.}j:it.'.l'or.-il picture much o f t h o Uirn-nt nuiitics .arid si •lit Uii-Pemo- and had them- •^urYotfuto; It sp.-ct" con imnnds attention, since 18T(J. He knows as much law! good order that cratlc limn'lhation f.i lie iss ill as active as the best of us;a.s some lawyers and has displayed! selves tin-typed seemed that he bad ll iisiile track for hi "the fashion- Allamuehy folks iioihliii,' : els away, and as'a compiler S considerable literary ability. His 1 tho nnminiitiiJii bur. uul llie.nomi- -lories he sits filmic liiches j father, James ITance Bell, was a: able attire . of. prido themselves atratiifo jiarnos at tim I.Justice of tlie Peace in that township I |iit |i|Lriod. At least one of these tin- natiim wi-nl to anoth inan, much to il'in'l iippcii! to iho avi'mgo m-wspapw tliiiiippointnicni. • man. His ambition is to be a c:!uim- i for twenty-five years, prior to his! •. still in"existence and hunters '.I'ii.'; r'in>st importiint ofllee, in some : dentil in JSBII. | Id relies ami ettrkis have been respects, that he held was that 'of [lioti-snako story writer. t Air. •Mcllicl; has the rli^lit way «i; Mr. Hell wears only a niucttichc! freeholder. lie was elected for sev-taken several years ay.i. !L rwoiniilfif ! Manufacturere of eral successive terms, serving ten years him very much as l\e nciwi and tl:is is pretty woll tinged | appears toiliiy I ^h^uin.^ hands, the proper style of, sa; ! with srey. When the accompanying I in all. A year or so ngo he refused to at tlie age of (15 years, liis hair and j . ,- „..,,..,[,,„.- .....i ihc, 1,)1-lt!lrtli«, New and Origin- ; t'ict'.tro was taken, at the ago of forty- \ accept*,, another nomination aiul_ y. but be sun! ^M,^,%'"'," I;; .^"i..!^,"^! ,.i« al D e s i e u s of leTTns"\Won 't I reTlTi'mi'r th"(!""o 11 ic c; d a member of the i whiskers of that day.- besides.representing r ho burMifeh is 11(.i bolder. Vie Is ffot- conscriuehtly never"li'jia7 one' 'tulicni-j , __ -, ,'' » ; .a barber in Washington, .served as'a iut, lit he inn I the old-timers of Then he came Into Uieini"Mkv?yon«>a- £J>.un"'::£;jTtJ,o-~r*'V t»of ••i^ri/nrPfT-iy'ii'VifWrtn---" g\\ash7nKton md is a jn-ulty gnod. rruc-holilor nml a demand .for hla.pic- JT1OW lfi& -T IT&L %sVLUI CU ^lliyiBlUil j juryman at; time 'term~~ac' court, •' Jio j : ; Hiuthoiitx on iirtilis as they existed ture forced him into potting a picture • • d i » s> „ f* . F T\ 'was the llrst "colored man 'over" select-'j h | Hi for jury duty in this county, and We are z. e a d y ! tin.-re has been no other colored man j T '\\^:'^ S"S> .„. ub'SJ'S'Jct'Zo^^^S :• m this County Came to be Drawn with, the largest o ill !1 cn J-o;l ra lfjt0 3t _..ii^j^nJ1-n.f'i-or~i.ii^^^ utyL.o f_t h e_._e_o ijunM! P.ll_yj.Luiv,.t]ie,,.riiineL since.. lluiL..ti mo. _,,„ ._.„. P_llDhtPii—not of the rnjiethjtnd Ul'!llil!'ltM'iJ^rJl -_.t i? l _ i - _ 1 .l~.r^.^"1eVi^hTo?ijnly ~hntlii^Stato^^ ' eourtT-selectiiigjive names from eachi[ YVhen. tho Stomachy Heart or Kid-j A .-^ » and three to do grand jury duty. Bans ahvays° fail. Don't ,y drug the ready ? We can On one occasion they met at<.'Belvl- Stomach, nor stimulate :1.ho Heart or Kidneys. This is simply n makeshift. help you. Gall.: dcre for this purpose, and Mr. Stewart Get a prescription known to Drug- stated that he had some political gists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's lle- frlenda In "Washington, who were col- on some of the,most important com- The comniisstoners in Warren coun- 1 storative. Tlio Restorative is prepar- D. J. Howcll's Sons, 19-23 1 W H.KELLER & SON. hoUlei \\ oukl lit . com plot unless ty for that short space of: time were, ored peopl..--,,._e and h_e desired t„o mak. . .e ed expressly Cor these weak inside nltWM' •.•''*•« * pi Joseph C. Stewart of "Washington*anil ] them feel good by putting; at least oVie nerves. Strengthen these nerves, 219-22/ NORTHAMPTON, ST. he ^ci therci to SelTit story or two. bulhl them up with Dr. Shoop's Re- So, Front St:,EASTON,PA. Mi •"Imt-her his made an enviable To every purchaser of;- RQlkljiy, ;\Vm. C. Howoll of Blatrstown- at them on the'petit jury panel. He storative—tablets or llmiid-—and seo iccortion tho hoaid as an advocate V. "W. Christine Democrat and the other a Republican. then presented the names of three col- foow' quickly help will come. Free EASTON/PENNA. of immett oals lii this county, and fiiV art cnlendnr wilivill be given ,trpe.,trpe.. There- had been,so much corruption ored men of Washington and when"the sample test sent on request"' by Dr. throughout tho Stato in selecting; drawing was made the nanve of John Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health Is —onnni (^ ij nine liiii'tnea.lilghwas^.oCj^,:^,j; '^ ••_ ;_x.\ .^.,,I^lJi the j uity ha\ •rira.nil^niV~pGtI£~juror3"ttiat"tn5"*c6m-i^r^lIaffrriTisrseicctccir^"^^ tlnwi his offorti Paul Jones 10e Cigar satisfies. ' " ' "" •• - • -\rr.-Hoff, who was thoi^and still is THE WASHINGTON' . STAK. WASHINGTON. X. J.. ' THURSDAY, DKOEMUER 12, 1907.

~o| CHAMPION CI.ODM |)!SPI:I.I.I:II i hmltl Unrlnni. U1n> Can l'nxhitun> ijumli-ThMii Ativ Olhir.Mnn ; This is a I Ariiiintl TIX*M> I'nrU. Indcv to Th.ivl.l l!ar- llplics iti^liniRvV, Me. \ GHRIS1 Good Year on. ll*ry Special MnNU-r hi oa'Hvry. l'racu- will [ili-asc most women .". Honor In nil Volicil s-iatw. ^taltf and •'•»y ..tit- ami hcuntlfnlly furnlxlu'-l. m-li <>f it riivni- Count}' Court<. more lliun a fancy vase ^Ir. Yi'tlrr »c« | Ittr In wli!ttfv«>r i-umnlatoil hl«, c 1IL«I 25ywiriii sin- chasing your Christmas Presents ALMOST ANY of lln> Vou will litiilit much Inrjjertlini'ever bctore ami it prn.es a* lt n m low, or lower, thin you can Imy the same prt*U for in the cities, Sundays from* oi'kv ' V''' *'"'"* ' " i ro- 1 MAN of N where the selling expeii***. ** nre so much grc'Atvr ntnl prolils are |»reat : M Jersey, in at, tills season uf thv >car. «;;: ' ,"-,5!:;s K:[ ytJir iiUme li \vou!. McKINSTRY. M. D. of I )ouj;las Shoes lor NYn- York, Sn«- \ .. . 5c to 25c; S3.50 than an ornament i- h :i it 11 a A i Ladies' Umbrellas . . 49c to $5.OO •is U. \V-i»litui:*..i. Wcnm* «ti>rn llailroa.!' Men's Umbrellas . for the mantel. O». Much nfhlH! $1.OO''to $2.75 '' tuml)cr has been | • •!ip:;t«c(.' ««'.!• r.^v.'it ''-••*•;•:-' A-III lit- nt'Xl May. IX-luware river [ AArciiiiunt iloW nd If iiiid Mrs. raft nitd lt)wi il. Thf niulit l-ffori* tin- main J-ilii-k iik-bral- wa.s through lil» ! M-.^i.in ho l;c \>i tho 1-IKU^-SI pan >>f th<* Dress Goods F. J. LA R1BV, M. I). iHeiberger's l tliilr K"l'K-n o|>i-nitlons In this line that (iieU-nntt-s awalic 'till ni>>rnin>; 1>>- his •.•r Klnir ramc to him.} iiu-cinparahlf ^ttirlos. tittil'tli»* ii'-xt d.iy 42 in. Black Voile .... $1.00 I 239 Norlhampton St., I'l'^ary only last iv.'ly fiiKiiKfiiR In KOttliiKl tln-y >f>pi>eil In Hi- nihM <>f •tt'1*. Tlu,-y have out himlH'r. -Mr. Vi-ttor foltowctl mcr-! (i:tli-cr« t«» hr-ar tin- wliulnp "f »• #U>ry 42 in. Black Wool Taffeta . $1.00 1 . ••" "' I o.5'>t.i>.'j'M>.m. EASTON, PA. ,-jt i-lifil Hint cantlk* pursiilti* in ltlnlrstnwn nml i that 1M* W-I** siilnnlny at tlw r*'*tnrst "f 42 in. Black Prunella . $1.25 X L- now that Mint ii'-l^-hlioihooil. For llvf years he ; ,,m« of tin- j;rainl .nlW-or*. Thi'y look n I.,.™l i.n.l l-.nc Ul.lai.cc Tcii'liiui'iC. 46 in. Black and colored sizes i..y niiv Imt 111-" it imu'lK-r at I'lalrstown; then,he ; v.>u- and KIIVO him ilu> prize f»r $1.00 1<- for tin- KUIIII- i-.i it KciH'fjil storo nt Vaullna; j iln> capital st>tryt»'llcr . lii'lr fwry.lay ami iVtiitnvinjr that for "'• years* was \ Mr. llarti-on liist praftlrfl taw hi FURS Trentim-m <»£ !:>•- ! saint' t'lU'ti, i tln> 'las*! tiftffii jvars In U'lishln^lon, up- 1 Fur Scarfs . , . . vh . :s tliyir f>ni. C'tiin- ; !I>? Is Tl yoatv >dd n»>w ami wiw | \vlu'i'>' In vva« for NI-VI'IM! years lli»r- uwltice !n>ut> [Vitlav ufurnu.'li* tinun Wiittcr D. (julk-k, ronn.-s mvr, hmn in Snssi'j; i-uunty. The only \>o-', ,,unh Ati--. >•=• •unt \Vn«hInKt"ii 1" his auttnni'blk'I Mlk-nl «\\Wv ho i'v«r ht'M.wits that of i I-<\\M\ n«'\\wp;i|>ci- wrltlincas a iiii'inl-f Fur Muffs and Scarfs $9.5O to $10.98 SLEIGHS iid u\\nv thvin out f.n- a short split— j fiv.-huhK-r. Ik- Is mnrH.-il hut has liu | ,.r tin- StarV st.ni" ittttl .Maj.ir |-'ivlinu»> 0. 0. TUNISON, M. I). j|. sty!.' uf l.nnniolit-n qnitf different U'liildren. This j.lrtutv <.f Mr. Yittor I I* hut a ftiiU-.l. I'l.^-un- ; rnalc .-hlfl, Our stoi'ic df • Tinier wear, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets anil Unit : And Sleds roni any that wa« In vojruf WIR-II tiny [ was mlion ahont '2\t yi-arw ago. eiunpatvd t" him. In ih<- tl.'vis«'iiunt wear is nioiit complete. , • ; • •. •; wiv yomm. • . - . .». . of tales that an- wiinl and fnnelt'iil. i :..>•> IM t'.ij'ia. ni. !•:*• Mr.'culkk has passed all his 11 Co hi \ • ! With all his p-ml hunn-r he 1ms a I hive a hr^c variety of Imt ttolcl'l'i-rlirtml. Ho was born In; so.MKTHIXCi AI1OVT •*(>. ,1." i soritMis sl«li-. in> ta|:..s jnvat pri oyo ! ft icrciit >tvlus ami makes at VU'tiim sine 1ST0.1 \W k. Atitlrd to His lamr by ; ]>letn was talifll whel G.W.BEERS ins time hue res (fit himself in tho hi- j X4-w>i>a|u>r t'iniUihntions. was L'l years ol» uranee Inisiness. lie was collector of ; C.'B. WARRINGTCN. M. D. IS n, r . :•: In- township for a period t.f 15 years ; !-*or forty years the newspaper* ut \ »TB»-.U.TM-I..,.R. x. * li;; Easton Carriage g n.l Is nt present time a .lustkf of thei Mils cMiinty Have tpeiiuO with eon-1 ntAIC'S WKIJ.-KXOWN" STO1M-;. 'i-;ie.\ Ih' was also a Justice for 10 j triltntt'His bearing Iw.i mysterious; : I 7 to t> a. in. i v .•ais prior :<• his present term. • initials as a simiature. Thes.' initials; (Juml iintl Had Mike Seem lo Have Hour; l to :i p. in.! ;•: Repository Whili- Warrt-n fotimy ^l\\\ was » nilt- art- • i. .1.. and wlifinvei- they niv see:! | i'<(> for Itnttzvllle's Only Mer- i. 7 toy i». m. i ft ,d I- two A^ml.tymeu. .Mr. (itilleK ; th-y <-onv.-y an inimUakald.- ramili.u- ; t,t|)(|,(. rM,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,. Write for Hhistnitions and i-a-* i-nr oi• inr n »niln-'' s th»> mind oi the rt-ador. Tin- • 'ratli' lieki-i. Mi'- t'tln-i- it'-inu .Mleliii'-l wiH.-r of all aitieks signed in that ' liiiuzvill.-'s hest*known elti/.en Is G. C, YOUNG, M. D., prices or call ami sue as niaiinrr is (iscar Thuinas Oi'alj,'. who fi»r :J0 years has liirj;'1 a stock as can lie Tho iinpopidiirlty ..f Mr. Me- .'al'i* l»-d to the th'ft'at "f Imili ratldl- .K'fiVry. tim old- '•.'•Hi'liK'iAil a wry siuvcHsful Koncnit \Vit>,]iliiii(oii, ,V. .1. found anywhere at pries 1 latfs, tliiiiidii Mt\ ("nllek ran far e.«t prat't 1 el n fi'st'ii**. In that v'lllaiio. JOHN R. LINDABERRY ciino.vic I)ISI;ASI:S A M-IXIAI.TV to suit all. llK'ail nf !ll« L-«illt ilKtlr. ! lawyer It! IIIL- j Tills stop' Is widely l;no\vn, livery Also have a few pair of . Diii-lnu lln- war tt.y .-orvoil In the ; oniiity. [evil elinriu-tcr that h.'iils th" L^hli-h Tth X. .1. UvKinu'iit. Imt imd to leave : Mr.'.leliVry tiasi^- Itud.-on Itiillruad M-L-IIW M know It .\P-nt for and Di'iil.'rUi IM K. Church SI.. O|»|i. l'rt-s. Church S ;> iU-AYY l'AKM In' if«iment -during tlu- xervU'o be- j L' In ititl the m"re desperate ones some- Liaise of mi'attack m" lyplmid fovf-r. : politieal x • times stop off BOH Sl.KDS Ills fnnilly iM.n^lsts of a wlfrt. who ; ions, .mil in-ami trlvo the till MISS BERTHA L. FLOREY || i;i« alrt'Ji'ty lieen inentii'iieii. and a! p e n d e n I in a Mule sliakhijj with break-*. uii and daiinhu'i*. tin* tattor beln^'' tin in a>- well, as Real Estate , •. . . ixsi'ui-cTiox <•;• tlrs. Simon A. Ayt-rs, also uf Vi-nna. : is jndk-au-tl it: Huy pry open This pictnro of him is mudo from a, \ tlii> vat'lons ]>olt- tin- ni'.ncy. draw- VolCt' l'lilim ,lai,'ii'-irotyp<- laki-n in Xew York i tii.-al articles that ers ami set away Commissioner .,c,^,r-™,,x.v..,i| Evan Dalrymple ifti lio was in iiirf twonttes. Ilo wns ; In- has written, with the loose pretty ru^fd iniin at that time—' lit- Is a llf.'-loiitr ehnimv. 1'iit more Justice of the Peace • * 41 No. 4th St.. Easton, Pa. • re SI'I than his li^ht huild <•( today j K.-puliliean mid •iften they slip :i . Notary DR. P. JUDSON ECKEL :•:..„•. •nld ladi.-ato—and tils hair was an) was very justly littl>> dynamlu- in lelc as n ravi-n'rf wlnj-C. t ivpsilil fin* all the : (he sate noor work he has don--1 und ixj>l.>roinor. If you arc intending lo pur- Avi'., Oyii. SI. L'liMiil f..r the party hy i Hk.-ly . places. chase a f;um or property of 1 s.oo to i-.oo m. . 1:111 * 171. S. Mi'CK.U'KKX. : ,-. ivtn^ nn itppiiintniciit as post- \ V c t C I' a •any ilescrijtbn, or desire s: - i.00 to 5.00 p. m. 1 union aln.nl. u-n years j ."tore BOOH on anil to sell, do no: tail to write f, 7.00 to S.OO p. m. 15 Years' Experience | master .'if \V;i nous I'i-iiire In Mackettstown \ ,,. ||,_. nnty r-neiUly rftir.--! aftLT aiiis popular or sue me before doiny so. onspieaous I'i^ure in llai-lfftt :iir favor and nioro I always have desirable llolel Life—How lie lii-raui serving two t-nns and imnv, a.t'Hal ^ ]i.-rl«>d of nimv than nine years. t r a .1 e a 11 the properties for sale and gen- DR. THEO. K. HAYWARD Knmvn i\f ••(.'iiiley." '' Dnrinii Ills resi.lt.-i.ee in Washington. while, and Mr. erally have customers who DENTIST • whieh will he -\'A years next Janiiary, Craig, doesn't wish to purchase homes The naiiif ileCraekeii has I.-H seem io mind '-•-• and farms if they can find OlIUx: . US Ilroiid Street INSURANCE with na(;l;ettst..wn I he lias, liraetie.'d'law ami has lioen iimsl iis well known as that • parileulai'ly siu-L-.-ssfid in tils Chancory llio ..eeasioual "luiicliws." - - - them in suitable localities. Hours-- S.00 to 12.00 m. hat il jrr. Cralt,' is i>L years old. The pho- There is no charge to list noun,, LOO 10 5.30 p.m. n itself. 'Most, I'voryitody '' vasfs. Smaller cases don't 'inatter so your properties at ray Telephone 10-7. Business nd his success tiof.it>' .wume of tograph was taken when he was 23. heard of "Curtey" MeCrat.-k._-n. In.- J m Fashions have changed and side real estate office. ;e lit.- has tn-'eii iiroprietor of the j tt onirary JnsUees of the T't-aee f American 11 mine, then- for. a third nf a ; w hav.- -sot" in .this haiiiwick in hoards haw K me. out of date. Ilo anil M-iiifsi'iiilnir- i\\vni.v->i.v- of Hi olll> wears only a mustache now. DR. 6. P. MORGAN Iraillniv nuiiiuitiits nf Ami-i-iea Jim atnry.' , iyyt-ari s K hits boon vnrlrd. As a matUT id' faet. we don't iveall a single Me is the sun of Thomas Craljj. of a. l-:nri)lic. i*uahli\s mi? In taku car*- . • the time iv mllli'il fi lli>! balisir aIIsM iamn uimriit-yam - -In '" H^1VI<1I.TI'. IIATII. .l'M.\.VA. XurtliiM-n Awnriuii-f, nf London. imssc-ssinn f th Ml a CmuiN.:>lor-i!i-la\ llam.v.T Fire, "l" .Ww.Yiirlt. plmtoKi-apti was take OillCG Hours: From 3 .i. in. to 4 p. m. (,\d.-d.. "1" Scotland. Ameriean Mo Thl AJtAXKKK AT MliAlKSTOWX XO\V At KASTON. Franklin House, TUES- Wiltiiinishm- City, of NYw Vm-k. Tin An .f :;t. shortly liefnnj lit- wa DAYS. Address, IJATH. Pa. I'hi'C-nix As.^uramv, I.und»n. House Is. by the Sketch of Theodore li. Diuvw*. • Who way. niie o!' the HANCE BROS? "(Jri-w I'p" In Wasliinulon and ... O'>nn_t'c;tieiit' Fin\ Hartford. • oldest hotels in j Warren:-- IJet'aiin; J">slniaster. ^KnlnkiVn'Vfr'-': I'littulolphln. ' It has been con- <>no of tlie misetiievous younK boys 1*. O.i Ccttlre Stpmrtf, En ducted u Who Has iv around Washington 25 years ago was KVJ5 SPECIALIST Nlapirii Fliv. New V»rk. em fin io Wan y for :;n Yi'i Dory Dawes. the youngest -son of Col. .Sun Jnsiii-iiiK-t' Otlk'O. London, than 1D11 years, i Xo ' in 7!Mh Year. Wm. II. Dawes,. wlin was proprietor of i C»ntliH:ntiil_inre._Xuw^ York. . ,.,...../]•.!) ... h o to.,t :- at i .... ihe. Windsor- Hoi-sc fi Cur Fun* Al •ami-Ciivnit Court Judg.-s lie isn't mischievous any more.'He- Unit".! 'piivnu.-nV. <.t Fhllnduli-hlu. m and },'•>. 'nil there is one. L'mon lusLiraiu'L- Co.. Philadelphia, tel in the c.nntry tluit is old'r. | nllh'LT that remains cm— lias risen to a position of prominence Uest of everything in 1-Vcsh, American. r>f Newark, X. .1. Tiif iiii'knami' nf "Curley" eanie to I ' and much responsibility. For the last : ill doubtless ivniain so ]un» DR. HORACE LICHTY Southern, of Louisiana. Mr. MeCraeken many;' years agn and 1 " i'en years ]ie Salt, and Smoked Meats, ¥ [)- rnnltrv,-f to,-: Order I'oiillry- EyETEXArtiNATj'ONS'i"^;^^'^"T ; for Cliristmas early anil "avoid Made by the latest M; 1. methods. Ocular errors possiblerilisappoinlm'e'nt's/ of retraction scientific- ally corrected with len- ses for the eye, "Tor- oiil" lenses, giving In- W. G. Creveling thougb no't so yuuthfiil li \ bank was only a reased field vision, a specialty. miliar "O. yes, (.) few months old Hours Nine uvKiglit. Fenna. 'Phono. apijearana- us be onff was. \-\o IKi.es, all persons AGENT fl-1 now a iid has a family of grown-uphaving husinrss and had depos- elilldivn. lie has two aeeomplisiieti 'before this conn." its amounting lo DR. F. H, ROBINSON Office in the First National daughters anil they are responsible etc.. is remem- only ?20,000. fur two .iaterprising sons-in-law—L;i- bered by ;.ll iicii- Ko;iv those hiivc VI2T1211IXAHV SliKGEON Bank Building Ki-own to $300,- plo who have (100, ami the per with him in' t'bc luKeMiU^liliSi-iUJiLlJ.""nV"^«,\"AJ...'?..^. BUTCH ERS HC I.telviifereT Sfi business at Bath. N. Y. :•.. is the venerable Mr. '.MeCntcken novel1 got mixed i in polities' but took a milder form o Id XShe ••ntllHaUy" open^

L IXSUHANCK AND H13AI. KSTAT13. many thousands of dollar* Ibc e • ':H- was- imder- There""nre""now over 000 HOparnle ac- Hljjh Grade 5 Per Cent. Gold Bonds, (.'!• and more to his lildiiK. cotints recorded iii the Blairslown free of taxes, a specialty. sters 1 Just lo satisfy the curious we ad m i n islrutlon jlmnli. • o, Bents Collected.' Commissioner of s-ay, In .eoncliision. that ilu- name that Mr. St'rouse Mr. pawos enjoys the close business SKIV greenhouie* sl ivs..t ...b, o.c a nui. *?nnafilice^lin<'l:rJ]ns.-wnn^ho. fiiond- :.Little. Grbcery.'on:....: hlp nf tho- trnrnniOHt...mon-.of_ __tluitl •the Corner''-" • • the local: court«: '"""Juilg-e-••|iotis!ej'* np- J IIL iiuw yn.t,iihuii-vi. 4 oieU : .L-tuhljurhoou.'" IT(i''is"iiO\\™Mui'Vlng as a IJJ tlio nndcisigncd mu modem «ruTroslif uiiitliC5l!e!l,tHk6nfrora; .polntcd .•.Jiin*.....-.se.r[ieantTa,t.-armti••.;..tilld ucmber-of ;thc:tov;nshlp -committee - 1 "cinrihg-tiie tornTThTi"t"jiidgc>"'i.iu'iinTere° mm ii|i-Lu date in all appliaucs FOR DECORATIONSA$D limtOAD STREET suit water mid sold (it low prices. He seems: to have become as popu- and wo mo propaiod to fuinisli ; THE LUMBER KIXG. i»resldnd he was appointed cfiu'rtcrlcr, Inr iixnolitlcs in Blalrstown as ho was FUNERALS ~\ ~ -Agent for and Dealer ln Real-Estate. Hiiecepfltng-1!. T-, Dnikn; .di >*- .. hon'he llVeil^ln Washington. In what Uio puljllo with iijiiuil in uu> qiiuutltj liud \ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, GROCERIES r Andrew Yelter, Who Developed the Air, fjtmuse will be TO years old was considered a close contest, he car- (losigns on ono tlay'a notlcoi —' COMMISSIONER OP .DEEDS and It's ulso to your advantage to buy next June, lie is a native of. liucks ried this" town Cor Mayor hy the big- , }}•'' ^NOTARY PUBLIC. groceries here, for we positively will Great Lumber Business of FLOWERS, BUSHES Thopubllo 'Is cordially Invted not'Bell", knowingly, anything that county,"]'a., and is a Pennsylvania gest majority ever given any candi- to Inspect our uow groenhoiies. should not be Bold. Our modern Upper Warren. German, lie has lived In Bclvldcru date. He jjus also Washington's post- and BULBS store-keeping experience enableaus to Everybody In this part of the State 55 years .and comes near being the master for tir'term, and;Is prominent HOLLY FOB CHOSTMA ALEX. ANDERSON sell many things less than they are has ,heard' o'C Andrew Yetter, tho oldest continuous resident there. He in Masonic circles. '• • at prices to suit nt short notice. sold elsewhere. f 140 E. Wnahlnston Ave., WnftiilnRton "Tjuniber King." He lives In" Blairs- Is n member of the Second Presby- Mr. Dawcs is'45 years old and has a both looso and In wreaths SURVEYOR AND CIVIL BNGINEKR town In unostentatious fashion, de- terian church and the only member wife and one child. The picture of Win. Van Fleet spite,, the- -.fact that he. is /generally now.living.jwhojwas. a.member!at. the Mr. Dawcs .was.:taken -when Jio-was KaUury-Puiit!o;=City-Eris:near,*-rire;;aiid tlmehe came there?.11'His'family'con- 7 Life -.Insurance, • Real Estate Agent. credited with belnff \worth "d 'quarter that""mischievous"boy""," referred to :. Guarnntoi'il Ii per cent. Oold Bonds. r oC a million. However, his home Is a sists of a wife and three •children'.™"' above. He was then 18 years old. Mrs, upper-Broad THE WASllliNGTOiN STAK. WASHINGTON. N. J.. 'l'HUICSDAY DKCEJIMSlt 12. 1007:

MI-TV YKAUS A 3IHICCIIANT j At'llu- Oircir of Atlaiti \V. Cnnvlliig, PROMIN1LNT MEN OY TODAY AS lln* <)Ii!i->t Merrhitiil In llii* &t> linn nf Now 'Jersey. GREAipM'ITTS' THLY LOOKLD YEARS AGO Kifty years a nu'rclmnl In Washing- ton in thv iliMtlnguMicil honor Ii-Ul by Ailimi \\V Orevelliig, tin* oIiU'Ht. mcr- From Karc Photographs Taken When Most of Them Were (•hunt. per hit pn, in Warren comity, in Their Youth—Accompanied by Breezy Short XL'W Jer.«ey, 'J'o by rract. Ills record Sketches Appropriate to the Subjects us it uu-rchmit ilors nut cover a period of tlfty yi'iiw tint It coim-K so i-lnsi: to it that lie frcipicntly refer* to tin* fact that he was In hiudncsH for half a century. '. i: nirr\vi;i;x n» AM>2I been a change in the : interven- Mr. OrilliiK Mtnrtcd In business In I'liturrs Slmwhic ttie Itnillial fliaimt1 ing I*' year.*. lie WiiMhlimtuii iw a storekeeper in lStli. Ua mtin nt largo lllx fluve uC.hastttv.ta watt tlwtt at 'tUc n HillnI .Mny .Mnke in n VOIIIIK cnriK'r of Proml street and Washing- sliilnr.- Unhiy hut 1 ; . Mini's A|»i»*iiniiicT. time 'has hud Its(•m avvnu--. on tlift.'promises'mm* .oe- eupled hy tho J. \Y. Klttn1 More huild- Extends to You a Cordial llt-rc nrr two iiK'turi'^'-'if Win. C. effect, llheuni- atl.sni has laid Itx lii^. a frame hulhliiif; »S x L'H /Oct. Hmv.-Il nf ltldlrxtown, who l« well 11 IM only i-ompt'tlt'.r In husinos.i nt mvn as a Ki-iMihllcun tca n t u r e.s i) m i> tliis active store. We' ve been preparing for this, the event ti later fash Inn, across the way.h'Mi, and in IS" Mr. llou-ull is now iii'iirly :>f) In- bought a de- of all events, for months. AH Christendom celebrates, this ;t H u I* s tit n thil yean* old, jump- xlrablo lot on man of. lllalr*- ing around as i::i.-t \Va.«hin«ton great annual'festival. . Its recurrence is always looted for- ••pry -sm a youngster, wit! to ho. whao v e n n c- a n d town, H tun da ward to with pleasurable anticipation by young and old. hltcli In the ro-passeil his G Uli birthday only last Oc- t'llM't^'tl tllO IllK' : tober. 1ms to walk with a i-une, and l»l« thwe-Ktnry sped of those The giving of gifts, the forgetting of self, the kindly who know* him, slowly at that. l>ul!ditiK wltleh ' Physicians will tell you thai a ami hl.- K'|iilri>OirihUU Sell/. Siiicial Bryw Beer, is a must 1^ po.stinnsti'r (tfiknows more about law than tin1 nwr- iUnntlM much a:i to fit the occasion, useful' and ornamental articles, all •"• "'' tlte town and for hip! lawyer. UP IH a ^ruit rciutur anil It appeared wh'-n wholesome and delicious tonic .HRV«rnl yr.irsjii profomul thliiki'r. ilrst (-rueted, al- intended lo make somebody happy, and all prices so was a iiR-iiiliorof lto«ldcs servlpfr as Justice, ho was tlhitiKh ad-Iitioiis •. have- lieort made In the modest that the 'most'prudent need not complain. ..:.,.., i •._., -.,-;.... the...Town ...Com-.! fur.. 10...yours asaoxsor ;„ oC ..rraitkllii :;^:::.;r:.:::r:;;:: ;.:::Thc Mall is a food .half, digested, 1 liiitU't . talihiK tho K«it nf the latcf township •nnil N now township clfi-k. Kverything is displayed to the best advantage; the while Imps is a tonic. l;roiu these John 1. Itluir. wlio served I'O yoats. Mle has never l»ot.n anyllin^ but n Washington avinue wits «:: f.-i.t anil It Ho has been a Commissioner oCJ Uumuerat and nev.-r will m; iinytliSiif,- hii.i n. d.Nth ,,r ab.-ut :•:::. r. whole place we^rs a smile ot cheerful welcome. •••':. two ingiedicnts, in quality the best D o e d a contlmi- , else. \ ' " ' hotijjht iV^'froni .Tiieob ISruniu'i'. K'-t- thai money can buy, Seilz lieer is 1 "*|iiiro Cook- wasthnsoii .fSylviinns ttm,- the whol,.. nf this ileslrnblo tract iiisly since 1S71, for Shi,, Shortly after that he sold We would suggest that yon make your selections as . : made. It ^-ives strength and health. ivlutii he was ap- tie and was born in Xv'w VilliiKe. polnicil l.y.nw- lias lived in Hrnadwity tli lust -T to tho lute M. IS. Uowers n strip at the early as possible, before the assortment becomes broken. Try it. On tap at the St. Cloud Jii lils youiiKLT yi'iir.-i h'.1 work- east slrle oL* tin; lot for almost as much r.Tnor Randolph. as ho pitlti for the wh»Iu trait. The Hotel. Cyrus Maker, Proprietor. Whon bin prort- oil as :i MudumiUh awl for ninny Iiy so doing you also avoid the discomfort of the ever yettrs WIIH a yfctl«n man mi the M. &strip referred to Is now occupied by vnt commission the Nutze building. expires im will K. Uivkhm. increasing throngs as the time draws nearer. 1 iH Iiiirhif,' t)u> war Kipiliv Conk.- sorw.l The extensive htislnes.s that Mr. liuvo KOrvotl Just 1 Crevelhijr biillt lip at that stand was •10 years. In 1S73 thri-o yours hi the Klghth uitkip;ue : ; brod.s, some of. Soniervllle over the Central Railroad. I'XCLK lUI.Ii MOWDKlt. {them ppecily and transported from that place here, enough to go by wagon. Notwithstanding the heavy .f the lieany I.au»Ii. Who IJvesjdown around cost which this entailed, many j;o<.ds Dainty Neckwear for Bric-a-Brac at Anili-iwm. and Who !Ia- llnUli- [ --10- -To claims were sold cheaper than they are re- A Reputation .... Hint ho has the tailed in the local stores today. is established by advertising facts only. We claim to have not . Mr. Crevellii!,' in those days ot.ter- Women eivd lor Miny.lhvt ears. |Jncjjt sta|].0]i |n j mined novel Ideas about advertising. only the cheapest, but the most thorough aud reliable up-to-date itill Mowder. . .Surely., nil | tli mintry. litics Irti-r- lit: sold sugar, liutur and some other commodities at less tlv.ni they cost China in a law, omfm-uiblt.'. well- e.st him fttso. He him, doitm this purely for advertising purposes. No states that he lost at Dolls WALL PAPER HOUSE frnni ^lansllehl township ['or si term of least $"i0O a year In 'tho'salt* of butter. in Eastern Pemisylvania. sided as chairman, at the Democratic the being charged to prolit ami Books for Young and loss ac ount. But whore, llidiurtl really shines U It,- did exLunsivu .business for Millinery on the baseball diamond. He Is themany mile and down the D. L Old crack player of the neighborhood and \\"". Railroad, after the lino went a most valuable man because he can through. I Ie used to ll provisions play any position. However, he gen- far up tho road Into Pennsylvaniay, Glassware^ Ceiling,: Room taking lumber In payment. This lum- Blankets Let them come high or let thorn ber he sold in the local markets at a Sidewall and Mouldings, come low, ttiehard c.itciies tliem. They good prolit. He states that ho .sol Border 2c a ft. hen ho Is behind tho hemlock lumber hero at one time as bat. Tho only thing he can't seem to S10 a thousand feet. The price Mittens to match of ^hemlock is now about §:>;! a thous- Comforts Window time yet, for ho is still in his thirties. difference, but then 2c, 3c,' 4c, Sc Quite likely he can j?et one, though, there.was more of it and .there were Shades, whenever, lie chooses to take a park- sts In those days. Table Linen picture shows him to -Mr. Crevellng lived for many years Suitable alljwidths, h id ow'occupied by Win. Men's Neckwear Diis built that house in for made •! o years unns that, in his opinion. First one of the best built houses'in Towels any room to' order remem- .rers«-y; He oceuplcil it until bers was P.irt about -0 years agu, whon he purchased Men's Shirts C'*Ulen village, where" lie^was born. his present residence;'a"few doori? fiir- l-'ollow'ed boating when ho was a . :. The youngster." At the a«o of 10 years was •purchase was made 'from ,'I. \\\ 'Cole ...... Napkins....:~.. .:: boating on the I.chigh canal. diir- and proved an uiifnriunaie mirelmse field follo\vei] . the towpath. when ho Men's Suspenders : fin- .Air. Creveliiig. mainly . because We also carry.a large hue of fine and exclusive Wah Paper was u lad so you see the occupation then. l»y ivuson of deatii. his : ; isiin hiuionible one. . ;- cm wliai decreased, Linen Table Sets . i;and' Decorations in stock. ;:,. ;: , ;. •-.- '-.-'• •-:• -.:-.- — : lie fs the main prop of;-. Anderson life—|n politics, in society and in re- rge for hi^h'-eds. Men's Umbrellas ligion/ Nn/ehurch festival tn Ander- falings and faithful Air. Creeling ]»robal»ly played a AICHER & MAST larger part .'in building up Washington h h LadiesLandtChildren's I "he"does"wore "lie to 1 j-Successors to A. A. Aichcr Wall Papur.Co.)--_'• JEASTON,i,PA. ie rl'urch';.t?i^ri"'.,.\vill ii!l.of.whle|,_lie:'M t^d .himyylf: and ol miss Wm. II. Mowik'i- when he's gone. these he still owns several. Slippers . In conversation wlth,,hhn the other held by him Is All his long life, has boon passed in day he said:- "I have" done .a g that of .Prosecut- this Immediate'vicinity. 1IL> was born 'many favors in my time. 1 have r of the ' Pleas near Brans Custle and us a boy used to made J7i",00l) and lost IL 1 have gone for Warren coun- work in .the lu-k'lt yard nf Adam Ladies' Cloaks Men's Slippers on paper for many a man whom I ty, an olliee from "" iiuiling/'at that place I'm- live cents wliteh he retired ( thought wns all right just to acaotu- 1 ilny. The setint schooling fluit he No Imitations. Is Just inodnte him. It is surprising bow nily last year, al - got cos-t. .him at ihe rate of •ijl.ijs a ; •Ing" two month. HI? • . '. ' .-"the Same"' : terni.s. When Jlr. Crovi'lins1 was married "He .aspire.! |o his earthly possessinnw si mounted to kick (joining. Don't forget that 1 tunhonors as late as ter who perfiu-'iiied the wedding eere- it would not be an imitation. There r-till the best judge of cattle' around this Tall, when he mony and useil §ir. mere" on a wed- these purls and that i c:m (nithfully Vas nominated by Oiug trip tn \ew York, llo had $20 say- that 1,. owe no man a. cent ami left when ho returned t;>..Washington am Ktl!l:payitig cash for all that 1. gel." an.l with this ]io Innhoheil Into •busi- •:|.ic*Uk'S bulnj;- 'freelioldei' fur two'or Assembly. Ills ness, buying, out a store with-what tcnns. Mr.J'Mowdor was connnittee- w I d e iicqiuilnt-" money ho had and owing. |\.r tin; rest JEWEL niiin in Man.s!k'hl township for many anceship and Ills of It. years. His family consists of a wife sterliny; qualities . That was In ^SA9. lie eonliiuiecl HEATER Jiirir^iim.iorittbs.J 1 !•' lii 1'hilllp bii ir^.tliat can*be had'at Wilson's "Stove Store, t I : 1 r : ; :1 ;:: :"ivi\iniinoiit"'sruu"siVt liuss'ti ii" ]n' liifsincss a----.-.—the "-home of-reliable 5Loverf/- - ^ — • ' SiiuirtJ I'hilli) Cookc, n Disciple of Mr. Angle was horn In I.SBB and ishere and elsewhere owe their early nhurkstono, of Wide ltopute—Vel- a furni bred boy. Consequently, he is training.and their start upon a busi- almost UH familiar with tho growing ness career to the experience they got Wilson Stove & Mfg. Co., unin"fir Urn Civil War. of farm products as he. is-with law, In his big store. The venerable Jerry The good-looking soldier boy of this which business he has followed In Bel- Kief.er, who is now 91 years old, was 21l" Northampton'St. EASTON, PA. picture is Philip C. Cooko, then just vldere ever since his admission to the the ilrst cleric that Mr. Crovollng em- bur. Mr. Angle lias a ueautlful homo ployed. J. WARREN FI entering upon a term of enlistment, now very widely known as a Justice in tlie shiretown, and Is surrounded by, Mr. •Crevellng is now SI years old, of. the Peace vof Franklin township,' an Interesting family group. observing Ills last birthday on Dec. 4. 1 with tin ollico in Broadway. This picture was taken ubout - 30 He Htnteatliat his health is - excellent 3-35 East Washington Avenue; ' ^'DoWour Christmas shopping ek :.y. It will behest Phllili'wis a husky boy then, quite years ago, At that time he'had a full and that.he suitors" no Ills other tlian pnrfect_as- tt_ spccl_nTO_n_•.o.^iyoungi.inian-ri hoard. Now ho has a mustae.hr- onlyi ,tho!ic of. rli eti mat ism...... ' - Washington, N. J. TI1E WASHINGTON* STAR. WASHINGTON. N. J.. THURSDAY DKCEUBKR 12. 1007.

•1 -Sir. nml MrK. .Tnhn S. Mnro, Ilai-h- I ++*++++*+***** -..'fttxtown,. • ci-k'lirato L'5th wcdiliny ^HrBad Symptoms.; : nnnlvciTiiry. - JSlTho"woman who has periodical head- •I State Utisil'i! rrducu lioroilifli IIH.-IC.SIJ. g- aches, backache, sow* Imaginary dark ment ii(,'ainwt WiiHhliiKtoti \\ :tti r fyfcpots orsiwcks floating or Jitnclng twforo | HISTORY of the YEAR i " Co. to IJ2.A0O. ^lier eyes, ha^cnawing distress or heavy 4 Marvin A. Pierxon. Wnslilnctyn. np- 'ERE is what a Paterson, ' ill feeling Uiitomacli, faint spells, drag*: pofntid niembiT Cmmty Tn^ Hoard Ing'downAeuUng In lower abdominal or to ptitytvri J. i*I. Fulpcr. " ' i, easily startled or excited, :. |>r. K. A. Nnhl.v I*. 1.. !>.. n-H.Ti.iil N. J., paper says of the [[Chronological .Record of the : pr*-ldi'iit of C. O. I. for live ytiii^. ilnful periods, with or with- M • .". K.-v, Louis i\ Mnllcr. I). !>.. ti|>- tarrh, Is sufferinR from 11 I Local Events, the Marriages, : |n.lnt'«l prc-MlnK t-hh-r of Hie M. NEW Low Cost-Life Insur- fflcrangcmentsiliuislioUM - * !•:. I'iiniL'lu^ of IMtc'r.-'in lihtrK-t. i »ontion. Not all of abovo 'I Two .'.'illilivn of .MOHCH I-'lnh. John- | s likely,to bo present In any Deaths, etc., Compiled from : •,; sonbnr:;. satltlrd. tin- yiituiKri* **tto f ance Policy: "The stock plan of or badly treated and such dyiiiK. »f>enn run Into maladietnaludfcs which de-de the Star's Columns :: 7 K;ttu>r. surgeon's knife If.they do not S \V;.i. .1. C-wwi'll np|io|nlcd .• chii'i* rcsip^atallr. cli-rk 01* WiiHhinmon post»uh-t>. :'";; N» mcdlclm* pytflnt has such a long 10 Krmvt Wc'Hli,- A. i'j iicv, Thnji. K. \*a«*.iur. foritu ily a CVntial Htitlimi. ^:^M"M TFr, |y^;* V'Vvnr»P l'rfscrh^ I'mt .Murray i«isti>r. ^cU'linitcs h(:* 1-', A. If. Gruff. ,« rrn., Wiwhltmtun. .10tli anniversary [11 the ministry. hnvi' .sllniit iln- in th"li* uttuv, Ih'tVliilH'l*. HMXf, J9 KJIVIIKT.*' hiiitltitu*. Jvluwsiic. '."• Stc'.vnrtsvilte l/ithcran chiiri'li tv- I!l) Deliiwan- tn have IUMV rrt'iiniery. •Icdivnttd nfttr $I,0(M) »\» nt hi Im- Mr*>. Sarah Wi-lls, IVhtwaiv. e.-k- :;i Star contain* |tk-tim> "f .hiliti provements. The PrudentiJI lirittm »uth birthday umilwrsiiry. Si'huylvi*. fliarcd with mimli r of I! K.-v. j, L. Huff, now tmstor nt ; known to medical science for the cure of t l.titln-raii bazar, (Hen Canimr, .MaiiniiiL' i:\U-y. Hnmdway. woman's peculiar aliments enter Into Its tut.-' $71. ::i. Mr an>) .Mr--'. J:um>.-t Tamliiyn. IT J. \V. SLi'.Ii'H. IViitifMl l-'nnmce .'in- composition. No alcohol, harmful, or ! Alt*. Jitcnli Jl.yiT. Hehidvre. ltail- Mni'KWt!tli Wn!- ptttyvp. fatiilly Injumi. habU-formlnsdmc is to bo found in tlio i ly injured tiy fall. tlliiK aur* erfary with n.-ceinlnn. IS KfV. War.l C. Pi-iiliody Instiilleil which sells so much insur-, list o[ Its ingrallfnts printed on each : John Kil>[> ivtebnit-s his JOOtSi pastor .MiiMt'oiu:tci!iiK Vjillcy Pro>- bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. 5 Irlrthiliiy .'tiiniwr^ary at tin* War- I Vlirua ry. Ityt.-riiin i-hitrch. In any condition ol the female system, I ren cmuily almslmiiyf, 20 Mr. and .Mrs, K. O. Castnor, Sprii't Drr.. I'ierco** Favorite Prescription enn do • ;. IsiUU' '[•'. Iti'iid, tints! ~2 years. :'.. About 13ft convertonverts rrsulr t frui Unit. tvMirate :ioth tumivi-rsnry of ance for so much premium only good—never harm. Its whole eifrct Jackson hurt;. l>a HiKfjesl SIIIIW st'iruiiof Hie winter. •20 Floyd Hurl mail. Hnckctt-ttmvn. nerves are weakened, and a I0111; list of Mrs. Oliv.-r PliM1i"\vt-i\ Spruce II Tnill-y t'rn»lns|iit»skd]oa«l of L'el- killed wlilte ridinif on top of frcl^lit bad. unpleasant symptoms folluw. Tew . vldore votiths at Washington lill!- miu-li must not bo expected of this '•IV Him. badly liurtii'il with hot lard. \un .'lie iiml itijmhu; half a il.^en train. is the safe and sane method vorlte Proscription." It will not perform i Wiiri'fii Council. Jr. < >. f. A. At.. 20 John nitckwiirth. Cttitn^*water. WiHiiltiKtun formally opens 11- ;i KnuUwi r Win. Hill's ;ntln ili-ralhs! lilk-il ;il Ivlls.-n cvnutit works. miracles: will not euro tumors—no med- near ("resco. HO Kstella Fillts. u ftlen llanlmi icine will- It will often jurvait them, if liniry fnr member*. !< Sauuii-1 I'iillii. J'lii'liiisliuit: 1 adly. for the wise insurer." : L'.;<(MI Kimlish plunsant* r.ml !KH> ,-hlld dbs from citthur pills. taken In time, and thus the. opera tint; luiureil liy 1-Misi n WJVU train. table and tho surgeon's knife may IKS dm-lTl"1V:i!t('v '['lit- late Or. T. .M. A'I1IM U. .l .- -Mtiiy-Wlis.ni Vounu- ".-•- \Vi>nu')i suffering from discuses of Inns ti>tii leaves .<:. Aim'.-* elm I'l-.^I.iteiiaii eliut'l'li. '•"• •':""*•'" ""• ~ '2'', Hist aniiivfi-sitn- Warron Co. IMlik- standing, are Invited t«> von.-'uH Doctur 11 Three ihvc tn Helvldero ditrhu: fie li>- will. Soclity ohscrvtd in \Vti«1iltiKt'in. t . Tierce liy letter, fitv. All ivrri'-HimiiliMuro w,.t.|—.at H. I:, m.'lmrris*. C. II. N.'lsiin SmiCi nrn-f* Cm lo-o f •2\ K!nilirrt Clnh eonciTt ilinier ntis»- Is hold a? strictly private ami sacredly (•'i»ll iler's iiud i'r si.ytiM'ian luii'snn- ).ii-«s of W'jirrjii Co. Athl"tii' Clitli. contiili'titial. Address Vr. li. V. Pierce, •I:' ln."s inun vlml.-ra. - O hav :T. iVlvl'li-re n-t.i.ih-d :\m oiwcs uf ~~ ltiifT;»K X. Y. ••• •-.--•• • - •••• •• 'Dr. I'lcree'sMrduNiIAdviserflonOpacp*) Klkii tn l rl u # M^'^'cavdiier. Ili>lvlilen>, b ••., Is .8;nt free on receipt nf 1*1 piit'-ccnt l"i y.e;uV .-L'i:vk o. K. .!. il;ii"..ii:iu suit auattiM !•: isfon-VVashi btampi for pa per-covered, or .'11 stamps tor of .Mr. ami M . Win. SI m i»lf cted Ills s»m-ie.«-"'r. I'itilllpsl-urt: 1'tii J to di-atl Trollry C<>. for death of her .s at Xor ?'.oth-bound copy. Addrus^ us abov-i. '1'lie Wisshlni-'t'iii ).*• Una*. 1'. IItiI«-r. lhlvi'1.•!•«•- lw;lly U'MK 1* l l • .uijiir.il hy fiillliiK 'l««wn Mult*. Jt". ilp.lliilC Uf JitltliMtnWII Kxposlti.il. K--'awuf Haekettsto 111 Wanvn C-. Teif.Iu-is' A.-si.i-W-hii t • ..- •- •. ,-.:: f MithoiUst i-lnir.'h. hold .Mutl meet* in Washington. Slay. t ••.'•••. •• . • - ' . :. - ••:• T t;.i..sc l.:iz 17 Anbury .\|. !•:. elntn-'i iviiM.>md nt". ttl' I X'H'tl'iltlll'l' nf $I."l!rt. I St. amiit Hotel. Washington, juir- Three i>ve eiiaxi-d by Cynm linker. f • f (1. II. Vtn Wa IS. C.ii-tnK r'.s jury linds ""hi. '.' ».'. driver nf win* n. r»*.-pi'Jis'ltl,• fur •2 .lucoh Potty. Kiirrwvillc. fatally In- T W. B, Vanderbilt l ' Jtiri-d. ,,,,.„„.„„.. ,.,_,] trcll.-y a'vi-km in Wii-iilnmon 1/UM;\\ unuu tuvei ! iy i»<.|vji!*-*"i> bu^Iir «« iiii-n endt'ii V. Smith. Spnioi* f IMilFrnni! iinltlur ut 1-lM! tnift t'.'i- lh«- pur-1 , j,,,.,^. | v. JI'V'II- s'i<<"s tli*---i* i'.-.iii. vi'Minitr r-l'tii wedding annl- It's a Great Satisfaction l( dinse and jit.i'ratl..n ot a |».»rtti.a »\ Star V.mtulii/ phm-i ii: wr-ekVd vcr>rtry. ' • . t of the old Irun w?rk» at usiunl: • |Mtr|,,r \-ur at th.- uid \,T l.Hil^ '> Win. Kcteiian- a Tovvnshnry boy, t cullsderation '5.,;>IMI, v-ilh v hfi.l"t> lJ'ii!liii»:lin-i' l.adly Injun d !»• horse's kU«k. r. lre>hyt-.-ria!i .•linveh. llaeketts- T • ••••• ,1 with,:, cliarwr iiH'in-j . ?vhl|(1 p|^r ,,„ s,.lirs w,p, ,|(,)|t,,tr I'ttstuwn. rropt iu-d after $)S.(l0; It's ii grout satisfaction when u niiin wants a tliinf; to E IKTS. had hi'i-n spi-nt in t'lipi-oivmtMits. t :s ti-i Is I.urn.il d., Kum-nt- Wt'llt-rV farm barn. V rt ZZ .Ins. [.UK. Til ^.l «-n the ii.itii aiiiiiver.«ary of its or- know just where to go to get it. This is ])arti«iilarl\- (Now.uK ^ 1 ) O'hi.'ii. t.iinn.-'; tb.ns at .\..-w liitmutuii. Ihiran'iiy: ccli'hriiti' iTith wcilili i -2-2 Mr. at -1 Air* l.iiwivt iv I'r i.--hy. 7 Clias. L'ailiart. Cpp.-r llannony.. f huililing, delays being not only annoying lait .pl'len very Extra Pale Beer anniversary. 1 •.•l-i.li r Mld,.ji we 1- i-iitiiiii!t< sitl.-iJf. • ,'.''" ' L;ii'kiiw:tnii:i tstiilion, > lv:i:in i ' dinir. s Jtu-f tltuis pi.-liuyliT of Callfnr,-»nil- t costly. How ol'lnn tho average dealer greets a customer's untl Oastacr's ,-tur.' at L'luui; . 2:\ Mr. itinl Mr.-". <'. ['. Hal iy nf iiiiirili-r in Hist d-.-^i' e/ t Ale and Porter wiitur volibi-d.. ![;ivi;i'ttst"wn, i"!rl'ri[.- -."I !» Mr, I Mr.; .s. K. Su-pli.nsi Mat-k- inquiry With the remark: "Sorry, but we are just out oi' Wuinim's Loa^uc iMZi'.r. Mas ; tlin-c Jiiuiiv rsary. '•ttstowi' t-oifl'.'vt*' t'Uh u-.tnlvcrs- ? I'ttstmvn. nuts s;;«ft. I ::J John .1. laish i,i .\t»ntana. n ury of iluir mur:v.itr.'. • '•>• that; there's some ordered and it's expected any day." Finest California Wines lk'\". l-\ '<• K'aml. lulls "ti i;c IIIKI !-r>'ak^ hip it* lliti-l.etlsti'wn Watff' I'oiiimi.-sii'ii- T : . or i-hed : :r. CJ.iv,-. rit.;r '^!.i!;i,-"in;:'! ...-. u-.U '.' vtV.inr.ilii! diiin^-. -. llore, a I'emark like the above is •rarely heard, for our .ill. ' !!ifi>tiii'-'(H' Stat«.' l-MiMriiil . V.' John Dm'l.woriii. ;'hUH[islivirir. in- sinnivoi'Miry «( the W i tli'ii. ' .Uii-'.d by ritil. stock is large and varied, and is watched with such cure' A. A.. \V;islilnu:ti>n. evl-hmte i -S .\lin-tn-l otit-s-iiu-ini-ii; »| U Prof. KriiUiss' e..iu.-(-rt in Washing- with retx-ptlon and b:m>iuet. . i [[ir-U.:ttstM-.vn •. A. ton Presbyterian ehapi-l. that practically everything is found here in Iltutkt-ttstnwn llrttm-n cel^-hnitt 1C Piar contnins picture of the Hn»- t VANDERBILT'S JliLli i.nuU-fi^ury with 1 .UfiU'-l. 1 ! .Mmvli. - avian Inn an.l an'rihur of 11 s<-ri.-'-- Mi , ar.tl Slt>. -MiU'ris II. Wi-ts i.f iprtMfH Mi tin- ..Id vill.t^e ..f T Apricot, Peach. Wild j I UV>!iln'Jt..!ii W:n- r C-i. Mil i t'asi-1 i":inn <>l' !*:;. a-r.'--'. ii.-ii.' •....: f Ciicrn ant! Pcp&in \<: !tii!:.p.lien ituiilnM I/ti'kiiwaniKi Lumber and Other Leather L>.' asl:.'d by lice i >. A. t Hammond rt'l'i^' d. Kmpirt- Sti-c-! .<: •:'•: llonif •>!' I-'. \V. Vu«d. Mlairstnwn. t BEVERAGE il-oit O... and l\» partlv luifiird. Building Material liirily "rani It) !>«.• JS C. C. 1. win.-! niuiual l>a^.-ba!l tziuv.v f N I \1 li 1 1 Nnti in wam. . *. oil.-I its- from itUilr J mil. T [,:u-k.-LWiinna 1!> I-Yank !•:. l'.-irti-r and others pur- 1 itt.•'.-• fni-iii hulldlnw1*. •2-2 Oiliee nf. Cuban Clsar Co., \Vash- V.. iitc |>is cull to MLisroiK'tcrmir' . install, bisvii'-d out. t A'tilluy PivsbyterlHii ciuirch. ncai'i IWoadwiiy. burned. S Anniversary eseivise.- of Jliolto.-'O- '2-2 t.-ruy Curl. Port -Murray, painfully T Junction. . injured by fulHits tree. Thirty.I'vll l>;>ys. .lit^or.-:nl! woriis. ]iliian Society ami Wiiimey I.ytviun Both Lehigh and Scranton Coal L sit C. C. I.. Hat'kettslriwn. M Uladys McKwan, Dolawaro. killed f First-ClaFS strike and HIT disriiiiCfU'iK ; by l.iiekawaunn oxnress. ( Chitrle.s A. (.iisoln;!. Thllllpsliurp. f , Restaurant Union ct,'inc-t>.-ry. IfsieliettKtown. mi nls ^••1 Tyii tiraduate.s Itbiirstown. Hiu-li lias '2'2 inicrnnjiils from town ami • ort Mehool. and liiivo them in nil sizes, and this insures you getting "•IS from btit-siili\ ihirir-sr I'.'Oi!. . ; com ! and de 1US . t The 11 nil 11 I; i '•IV.1' •y On •27-, Dctir.vare & T.ackawanna Steel Co., Alpha cement works . iliskirtjrc.s ' 1 Oxford, lires its boilers. f just what you want. Having our own Delivery Teams 111 e t ;in ;i!*in:u- Hi UOt'.OOf) tons of cement rock with j •2T, c. C. I.. Hackettstown, wins Inter- two iiml a imlf tuns of. dynuinitc. ! scholastic meet. f insures, also, prompt deliveries. All you have to do is Opera House .Mansllelil Visilant Society meets! 1) Anniversary roithosophian Society ;it .St. Cloud Hotel. Washington.; and AM.ha Phi Fraternity, llniik- •2~ I. Martin Gibhs. Hope. lined over T to express the wish by word, post or ''phono, and we'll son Oumoni jtny roll is in ox- oustown. SL'O fur tyinf,- calf's !OKS. f Cafe uc.«a of $1:^.0110 every two weeks.; 10 J-liirn buMiluijr on the Foil farm. •2~ Uniindary line between Washington do the rest; or, you may do as of yore: send one of the Itr-v. It. I'. -Mellenir. Gorman 1 Phllli'.sl.urfr. destroyed by lire." horoimh and township established. T Vulley Pr.!sl).vtei-ian church. To-! 11 Krtward Jnyiro killed at the Jackson ^7 Richard A. Applen-nie. absconding local draymen. siyns. pastorate to ?;o to Cli^tc-r, [ avenue enissinjr. Wash Inn ton. Alpha postmaster."captured in On- f The 11 jjyiif. • Wtilters Idllnl at t:iul. Dei. ' • tarlo. :.- s-tiUion. Philliiistmrtr. ,':^= .•".;. •_'!i-County Kyiwortli T.efi'Uie. confer- To all patrons and the public generally, wo waft a Home ' . Ct. W. • Price Pliilllpshursj 1 12 DOUIJIO lionso OL" 'Mrs. Adaline " "~">nce • held :H Columbia. Brewing , First ' Baptist .chui'irh. rcsiL-ns to ; XtrlfthlMir *Calir*iU. l.urncd. P.O Aittnmoiille run-made from Xewari; f Merry Christmas'. :..'' '•' -••'• Co.'s accept ]iiiHtor;\t'.i at Piftiflmrg. ; j 15 Home of John Cnleinnn Cluinse- to*.'Wash !IIK toii. T Usmun Co. incnriinrjiiotl in lianl- j watev. destroyed Ijy lire. "0 Star contains pictures of 3Cpiscopal Famous eliurt-'h at Hope, erected in 1SS0, Y Beer and of Christian church erected in T 1 Alkim •hy Ita.s mad do;? scare. 1S-14. and Ale .. S. w. Nun I I lev. : I!. Williams caned to pas.- : : L •Srt-Aromnriiil.... till>let. ; containing Lln- f ---:.: . H. PETTY '.- A. crazy man was recently found Pi nil 11- 1 ;- eaiinj,' an tigK. shell and all, and it was ; ' • '• •* ""••* ""•" -•*•"•" .-SI contracL for electric llirhts. j """ \.yc,\ "*"" -——•—. » . . ..1o.MPfv.fi_iuldltlnnnr-.nroot-oL'his._ln- f.. r v •"00©"O0*0"O"C»O"0»"»«BaO0O8T'""."T1iiil]iVismii^"-rbuniV"-in'^D - •; • "pani'tj*rn^'7V^ry~°"ol"ie Toa'H«6s''th"at"''tlic shell oi'.an e^s.has no.food value, and T •„ rivoiv. .;,. .'••'•;• •• ... ..• • :...2'!;Suit ..b!>ousiit...asiaiiiat .Kacton..r.n•..,, ,. .I.....,"'.! $B50.iiiicx]>pnded. idLU'al*VG~™Glcnicnt3"~o.^coil-'Ivei'^v.o!l,--.. .xi-.uiat^.cau he inadc rr5,--Tro]|ey,—ear;i'"CO]iido""~at -••'-Oofiar sKip ot" JunciTon-schools to go lo but i,s entirely fruu fi-oin oit,-an\llri for ouly JS.od." •'" j Par!-:. P'liilUpsltin-y; •.several- pas- 1 Clinton. . therefore, the best strength creator serigerss bruised and one injured. 2S Homes of Leu-is Anderson and G. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.S. GulicU celc- I\r. Pldcock, nioornsbiiry, robbed.1 and tonic recoiiHtnietor possible]]to hmte ^Oth wertdinpr anniversary. obtaiiV." ••" - - ••''—-'-1' •... ;;• '••• • ,-y' nih\*lUiKfirnivsin]arlor

emulsions is. because It is made by scientific extractive and concentrating process, from- fresh cods' livers, com- Washin^to ton, robbed of jewelry, etc. bining with peptonalc of Iron all the ] Pahaqu.irrv copper mines reonenecl. 2•!.••• I; O.-n.' SI. ••of A'sl.uiry oMpbrnlos ; medicinal,, lieallns, ljody-bu!U1Inff.ele-. . . ,-,tliIrd anniversary, . 1 T. H. White' choseri'l'i-eeiiokior "to, ments of cod liver.oil, lint no oil. succeed latb Jacob Shields ot Hack-' 24.. ]t. K. R. Wood working Co.'s em- 1 . VInol is unexcelled ,to restore health ployees organize mutual . benefit' ettstown. ' ^' ^ 1 .Hackettstown Men's Club of 90 and create strength.^for run-down, de- ON YOUK FARM THIS FALL? ^^_ '•' association. 1 bilitated, tired, overworked people,>old ..Tioseberry Iron mines, near Bel- •"..-I,, charter members take possession cf If you hiive » smiiil Steuih or Gasoline Etigine, or Water Power, it wil'.^my you to j)ut in one or both of these machines, newly fltted-up club rooms. ])eoplo,~\v(!ak women, nursing mothers, vitlore, to be put in operation, ASK-FOR PRICES. AND. FREE; CATALOG No.JI. : „ : ,, .... ;,;-g, •• , ;• Hcsldenco o£ Wm. White, Bcat: 1 Trolley Co. voluntarily, raises wages puny, ailing children, convalescents, or ; of emnloyees onft centanhour, „ forn.cop]e suffering, with hard .colds,; Showing (ill sizes o£ Saw Mills, EdRcrs, Lath nnil Shingle Machines, Drac Saws, Rip and"Cut-Off Saws, Feed Stills, nml i-ycstown,. entered by burglars. : •. Chas.: Lambert-'tilled at Edison 3 Frame Owelling of. Dr. James De- hacking coughs, incipient consumption many other machines. Wo would l)u glud to Show you through our liirgo factory. Come to eob us.-.. '', i \,. • "-;..:,": ^ i -i '.•• Witt, Harmony, partially destroyed aml;J>roiiehltt^-^ will return'your^money.""'" Jcnitins LrtTstorms i Columbia's octagon school building Meeker, Washington, N. J, isburg, oveAsomc by gas. • bed'! Sir \J *OTH TEAK-•NUMBER 50 WASHINGTON. WAUKEN .COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, 'DECEMBER 12, 1007. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PER YJEAlt

TREATING CONSUMPTIVES AT The Introduction of THE STATE SANATORIUM False Faces in Warren These Hideous Masks, Which Were Unheard of Hereabouts Sevenly-livc Years Ago, Were Responsible for a Terrible Tuberculosis Patients Already Deriving Much Benefit From the Scare in the Vienna-Danville Section—Town Joker Made People Believe That the Evil One was Abroad, but He ^ Pure Air Treatment Prescribed at the New Institution Finally Met a Tarter. on Mt. Kipp, Near Glen Gardner Tin- introiliiuliuu of f.il.c fa in tliejliini-t; and followed i'leining in th*; bur MijililwiI1001I of \"i.iin:i, llii. ...niily, niom. No man pre-viit had toy much of [K.W II tllllttfl' of till.'..".!!!!!!'!..'!', of II t'l'll- it U> be .-cared at the talc Tim SUto of Xcw .ler.-ey. in Imildinjj to 104 patient:*, although more IKIIIII'. tlu> pntit'iit I.L'in^' ullmveil us lury. still forms a story for rnv-i.!.! i-on- Kl.-miiiK told. n.\ce|it Stitton. The men sanatorium: near lileu Canlni-v, ha- Id lit- -uvmiiiiiuiIuLi-iI simply by theIIIIK-Il til I'iU IIS 111- WlslllW. vcl>iitiou ill Unit iK'tehliorhnoil. pie-fiit tnhl Sutlon that he had better highly •nmmrridnhii building «if I'ottnges nearby, which U a AfUT liri'iikfimt liu xix's liiuk to lliej .lol.n Vliot, a far r of Vii'iuni, wus not go'home that night, hut to remain 1 tln'ii 11 HIL'IIIIH'I' of tin.- .Wnv I it Die hotel, lie ignored their udvicu task of 5eiu-Vni» coiisumplivi fork* how plan that has already been suggested, if ward and lii^ the sputum cup tliat PANORAMIC VIHW OI' TIIK SAXATOItlll.M SITK. . of .W-cn.l.lr. II.! u.'iit to iin.i how not ti> didie f tthhe wiirrmil it. , In; uvi'd iliiiiny llie nijilit. 'I'liL^ti sputum j : Ilini- mid ;i»iiig out gatht'ied up hi: However, the ytm floiii Trelitoli oil liur-e iinek, there lv und -.lii-tit and -tarted for the Vliut /arm, great White IMague. which eimies away ever, the -.yf-tcm tltnt lias O 1 wintry more peoplp every year adoptedd tnav prevent Hit; institution -"t"*iiit" tt''t"ii reLi-'pMKr'i" * Tii"y"^uii "U||.ii-'...n' ti«' puvi',,11 .,f ti,,.' hi-titmi™. pLAYED HORSE FOR FIVE DOLLARS 111. niilroailsut tlml eilrly ilalc ill Xoitli- Vetiug that be had perpetrated a great from filling up t"'iH'»n;than iu capacity ri'iiuivi'il ami• iWlniywl frequently.1 JIo!.\iii,iu» llicnr II• •• .tlw l«" pliyaii'iiin-,; .:..'.•••,:-,__• ITII New .ler.ey. than any (ilher (lise!i-*e. g p That there i* a ciin- for llii- ili-ea-*i', 1'alii'tith who art* j"'-"»»«...ttcili .».-*arc. niknui t k*'\t\!•*.», nnHt usu llu'iii inuli'i' all L'licuiustiiiiL'W\n iiutx-. a iiiiitrmi. mi iiwmmt inatniii.: . A. r rpon one iieiilsioll. following the Ilil- •'I'll w* that SquiiL- Heiuiiig had who ar in, |»ittait Mug nllmveil tu spit, into!laiiailiynmii, >'•>••iniiti <>f. jirnunils I'lirf; Vmiujr .linn < mi.-i'iili'il I" lie <>ui< ur u in im'n-iient; cafe.-* at any iiilf. is notthith ' indefinit y It i* ]iii',-uttH'il that jouriillteut of the l>!£i-lutill'(! unlit nl'- ieen tin- devil and been cha-ed by Jiini any longer questioned. Tlie .-iiiyeon's alter a patient lia^ taken treatment fur itnvtliiii" vlsr, not ijvi-n on tlio Hrniintl-ijiiiiil Inker. j Tt-iiiu lu l>raw>Vii«uii fi- llriit- ler thh e Clni-tuuiri . holhluvsl . lie lnte3 out I Tui'.ila.v nail Tlwr-iliiy uf Mlrll wi'k .vi'-lmm -w Aiiili'1-.uii. hi-, hor.-i! und mile to .Jer-ey (,'ity aiiid Mi' a iiiiiTI highly respected in the iiL-igh- »iil; h.iVf'iiiiiii'tiViii! ^tii!ii:c.ittlr t.fi f'<''!'™ll:il'c '"""•< '•"'''•^^ ftmit tberi' took a feirv boat to Xew uirliu.Ml.ji pillar iu the church, ami im Drug-s fnrm no pint in lh«* nioiti-ru treat.- isnint hi-. 'li-fli:u-r. A- a matter of lit-* into his pm-ket auln»w' winuW-.. lie ol lid«• nu- j;rt-iit alarm throughout the nn.l "..'A'.nT,."."jVi-'l" •»•« "tl'nt "'.Tim "in" I •'''»• J""f- *''• 'I'lioiiip-ini liv- nuT-itrted lines need .nnd what they are i-e i, to i-duca le th pit tie) .- to hoard receptacle*. When he lias oecn- .1 ..jme hitle. nil eoinirul false fuees village. People boughl extra loekn and viiiii.'.. In tin- .iiiiuiii'r time it will im-!'"l '»i C'liiiujieivater. uii'iipymj.' a lar?.' getting today, is air—ju-t pine air, and til i-at him-clf. so that he. inav ret 11 ti • iou to -pit In; iim-t u-e this let-i'ptaclo, niii-k-i. which were to hiin vi-ry much holts for their doors ami few veiiturpd il.,lll.mllv pnnv a very nunietive pluee. ['<"«- I."'"-" tli»l Mill slniM-. He fiinn- OCOUIIT, of it—warm air. rold air. ui^ht hi -. Imnie and pienl tee tl it- Mitm; uiailiner no niatU-i- oven if In; is walking iu the if a iiirio-ity, nevor having .-eeu any- mt nf ihe htHi^c after nightfall. There il wood-- MII listami' away. The theory Tlii. iihililiVI- HSU fe,'t ,,,,,1 tin- v1o«-";'l.->» .»" e.vU'ii-nv :-,'ille, ,ip,'rate,l n liing of the'kind hefon-. 1IU ciirio.it iva- more >ii|n.'rstilioii in those days ail* or any kind of air, ju-l '••n long,a-, it of treatment tltu L Ini-1,cell tiHlgl him . . • i tl ...... II '.....I ..1 ... .. r.,111... s.'l.i.ili It.. U pine and plentiful. lt*> the out- »rt'iit at the --aiiatoriiiiIII. < leialh t luce is that sputum fnrin-s the only uu'ans of ..MT u»- mllinu laud and the beautiful | "t"'"' "»»• »'"I "'*" «. 1ctr»u. wlm:1i Ii. le.l him to entei- the store. • i.u|ui.ed Jinn now ami p<-op!e prayed as they lmd 1 chain »( valleys to the -mUliwiml jst built at that pliar. lie wa^bxMoug odd- never prstyed ln'fore and many prayed lionler—nml the onlv- on.—for i-eixms HI niilh- "!-' ™> " «" tins in-ighborhood Ik 'mim-riiii; from dUen-ed litti--. to limn will prove. sitll'iii' sis. When it lieeoine-i dry, it U carried that thev were worn bv boy- at- night who had never praved before. view of beautiful Ihititvnlnn mimty w«- a remarkable pvismia-e as, indeed. While tin- excitement was at its The building of the great State >»ni- I'rimiirilv. the ••miat or iiltti i- a el iaii- si- so much r ('*. fright- rarniliiiKl r»r many niil«.s. Tbi- IMIIIU- i "'''•' ' -' < -«"-• leniently he and ight fuvth fuel wns added to the. llanm toriuin. which is Im-sited on Mt.Kipp. tn ble insli'tmioti. . Imli^t •at liiiill.-.its arc ing a vi-ry favorable nu-aii-i of coniinu- 11 1 eirpeiT-ous He hoii»ht onu and took it in^s have ln-'Ti lep-utfilly j I " boys *-tnrtm out to tiavc a goon hntne with him. ; the -ci-ond vi>iiiili"ii of tin; evil ...... ^ d(wiTtln-ii. so that tlu-re Is j time, whidt generally meant that there Vlk-t alinwvil' it to tho family and ic. .Minri-. Cummins, an odd i-hsiraetor 1 "V;\" •• nn oi-'jasi'iii in ri-|.u1>IIsh 1 "fiu going It be some "mil"]! each "tie in turn put it on and gazed of Llu day. called al the N'lierjioim! one fV^A'^ ' !'• des.-rlinl.rn at tills ii ! l!"" ' "'im'»lu'ri'. Inul n afternoon and stayed for -uppirr. .lack into a mirror, and they had a yreat deal pp ny. bf siiiil Itriifily that I imputation fttr duingg, jjust about as they of merriment out of the umvlty. nml this ri'jnitiition Suttou knt-w Cuminiiivwelv l and clml- th«in .lack Sutlt fla-s subject to .Mr. VIM. He >aw the pos-ibilitie^ of rk on. While CumminCi s was puttintti g wnr.l inul a w-i-st wanl in " ' l!n> fatst' face and formulated a sehrinu his overcoat and getting ready to I.IIIUIIIIS i s,.rvL>.' M.1I1 ,.|v sl,,ri,.i Vcliitiin; to tl.cir tn frighten -:onie of tht- folk-} of the ait for home iu Vienna, Suttou slipped IIHIIIIIIIS. 'iill'1!ii;H ,-.,.,ipn.'l iL." lolil. l.l»liliiij{.'i(!nr. "ill! u.'iirhborhood. l of the hsurk door with his sheet nnd lie procured a white -licet and with under bis arm anil took his old i-hwrrul .-ov.-i.'.l piisHiiKi.- t||ill ,!„,,. ,|i,|. ,i,,j,la „,, ., |,,t „(• l,,,r the l'uI.-c fact! iimler h!r< arm starti-d out •tation al Alnu «•"•"• "-iil.'li M.rm a viy i ,. t.'.reis ,vns nnoili,.,-, nn.l " "f lik.ljJ>>" wa»»s -o> »( m on liuv,. li.'.'ii i.rovl.lM.I. pl>-ti-ly I'Xliinwlwl tln.t it ilnippe.l ilou.l '.pilll! >min; who had been iu Vioi ed on the nin of bis life, shoutiuj' at tbo 1 ..-U-ctrleii- ••n it• - bar• n A ciiiwil coll.-'tt.'U' nn.l his iliiiijililnr. Ill's. Julm I . -Mcrto]) of his voieo. Jle reauhed the Vienna, I...1 .1 ?.. .. ~.4..Jx. _r ...iT.I ...... i..*ii.£- n.l.l 1)1' AD.MI.VlSTIlATin.V UtMl.llINC (IX CKNTKIt) AND AVUST A.VI> KAST WAKDS. liKlit plant; a latin- [.Mr- Tlioiii|i crfatL'tl . a stir !>v rill, whose hllsl'iin.l kept the hotel there hotel in a stale of wild ,t and | (try. si pumping siiuti.u and a bak- j ^_ there told a talc that discounted thu iiiltlK-ru -i-.ti- "f the ouiituiii one; jiilinilli'ii wilhotit i..H|ir.l to r.'.\. ra I Mii.utioii olher [MT-.HI>, In no i-tber;,.n? ,nK[ .kitdnm en moctoil with the in-1" 7" tale that Fleming had told. This made -I of I.'ten I'Mrdm is 1101 iii;i'i,lur. hut tho-e who have mean, am! .l.-!wny, the iloctoi> duirn. H . there any |., jiu,jUM, . .\U tin* ; were built or in-' two visits of the evil one ami people llh'T .lilies;.iie trealiaeiu are ..lili^i-.l u< pay tip-jdanvt-j r uf ililij: Hie .Ii-. i'il ivitli :i the were iu a state of desperation. have Minilar in-l'iliilioii- and gtvat »wnl; nlate-l aiiiouut f.ir their iiiuiiiliiiiiiint >tiiU> .if -.mitintuii. si--, in fact, It >eemod mutually agreed tlmt. tljo- ; LI • •"• \ '!-L*•.•'-;!'ii."1'.'jn,1-«l[-i,c-;\***.C U liL'iny dmii'. Il i- mil ibe puipn-i- u\ . Then* is tn. dhtiiirtion in the mode of;js ]t..|tiired to a« uiit iiUo ihe air for onojwt'iv all th.> Inm* buildiiii.'-. The iuter- only way to yet rid of the devil was" to Ihe-e !iiiititiuiou ••• • - nibcn-ulo-ii-' • ' 'Iroatment• ' , nor are an•y - fa i!\-tein!e:l:h,.!ir. He nuiv enjoy a sunbatlt frmii iur is tini-hed -o tliat thVre i-: nn j»o-*- I inerwiso the volume of prayer and every- piitii-nl> who sue in ailvn ed -ln-e- r,|" piitii-nt- who pav inoiv tiia • iii-i'.ii'.l-jthe tint.' ob>erv!itiun 'piiri-he.-, iu ir-mt ofj-ihle liii'king ]>lnce lor the germs of In- boily »ot down on his or her knees to tliu.tliM-ii^ bi-nm-e in •' ' ' 'charity pal! 'the ward huildiny <. Tin- i.lea is Tl lelhml of ivreivin^' ]iiilietil. ir.inn t[lt. |,r isl... ,.. h,. .hoo.i's. In eoliilfoi- ihal manor. The lanit.lry is a' liar- ble, was a young man who had no more to tret linl'l of niriiete.l per-uu- at un ear- the vui'io.i. |utn- of ihe SI ale U throii-h i wen I her. however, it i. m.'i-i-.ai'y Unit j tieiilurly well-kepi iiiiui.' unil .teriliza- judgment, than he should havo had and ly kaye and, ns a rule, il i. only th.-r.» ;eMiiiiiiiin» pliy.-ieiun. who have hi'. p- j |lt. ];i.i.p, well lu.iidh'il. ^la.viii^ out ill lion of pulicnl.' ,2ai'lueiit.- L'tnislitulos s to have been very unwise in liia iu thi. i-la-.,who ni'f ailinilli'il lor neat- poinleil al iionveiiieu! piio-e.. there hejili,. air. no itiauer how iol.l tin- went her, | oiu- of tla- safety ileviee. tlint i. em- --election of subjects, llu rwnied ready inent. Stali.Yi.'s -ht.w lhat Ihe uiiiuher nil.' -eveiul in en eh .-oiiuly. Dr. Tho:uii.|i. i-onsideleil mil only henelieiul. l.ul is ployed, to try the trick on almost any indi- of cures in incipienl isi.e. l.y the open S. [Jediii-k is t! Hi.ial .'.sniuiner ill icoiiipulsoiy. piovidiny lie is properly The land uj.nii whieh the luiiltliii'_'. air treatment i^ uhmit eij-hlv in-r' .viit. Wa.-bia-toii. ••- . .; , ..-.. . l,-|..th.'d, CM- nir will r...-viT :lmrt ;,i pti- vidual. One day Cichiml Hall, a carpeu- \-'t?w piitii-nl> «im *-iil.-i' ani-'.-.fVtlie.-ii:'in ; . A eiiiididate Mji-.Viiiiiii--.inh vMii- on;-j, i,,nl> either awsike or aiitmt»ii. know Ihi-. nn.l uhen the iu-o[ th.:K- olli.-ial-. i^ e.Namiited nml. if af- ]„. i;l?ejW w»:ll bundlfd up. nhoni ."i.">U ncrc.-. ami was bought up iu *ork. Hall was a big, strong man and fornmiii.n I.- impaiteil tu lln-in ii. stiniu-' llii-tt-il with luben-ulo-U. iiiul nut t-i-d upmi a.- a like-[and pnriiike- nf what tin- dnVtois ti*nu tlii* imct will he devoted l» trucking didn't stop to think about this though than a dM.-t.ir'.- p'.e-i-ripl i.>n. .; ly i-nnlidatt- for a.Imt—ton nail -t-ni. t";1 lundu . It coa-i-ts uf milk and e»i:-~ nml duiryiTig -|.ur]>ose- wilh iluv idea of il set hiri plans to work the devil trick .Ml. Kipp t- an'ideiil -p;>i for an in-ii- the in-tiiiltion fur a further both ]>uro and I're-h. and secured mn-tly raiding all tin: milk, butler. o--g-, piml- on'Hull- tulion of thU chara.-ter. Il w»< -.-led-' tiou by the iluetur- tliere. The nil of frmn the'fanuer- »i tin- iu-igliln.rlio.nl. try. vegetables and fruit that, is needed Hall linMiod his work at the* house ed by a ctiiiinii.--ioii a].|. •inled "'during \ lhe/: latter iwamiiiiUion • di'tf-rinine- Tin- patii-nl taki.-> Lhe. t'g»-. with tli lo rim the in-iiiution. and shortly after sun down started for Cdvernor Murjthy'-i adiiiiiii-tratii>n and'.; whether he i- entiiled m jidmi--i-m. milk and nidi pnii.'iit .yet- an appoitiui All tho iMivd grading about the his home at I'elershurg, then known as iiltliough various other dc.-irabl,. Mle-> Th c f TrcatmenC. n.an Ira.- not' yet bucn Cat Swamp. .Jack had slipped out ahead 1 ; thrmiglioiit the Stsitt; were considereih inii]itH ]f )IP i- I In yet> pi»— ] \\v nftVt -niniiHT there will lu» wt' of him and in a woods bordering on the favorably, this lo.-atiupfrinr ndviintiurcsi I the public to know the exaet i-uutt-e uf with plenty ol' milk. The tnore \ hviU to of the TlTE ATTKACTIVK l>IXIX dead animal and behind his back, under his coat tail. Sut- admitted, grabbed a broken fence rail, has bfcn oi-eupied in selecting a -itc. ,e-jari>es at o\:iu in the nn.ruing. The room TliGrti ure no tcirtiuular re-trietions plac* j i-luis*; of the land and tin? erci;limi of the of the team lo convey him back to ton \\;as short and stnut and when.l'lcui- struck the devil over the head and slioul- ' curing land and cfeL-tiug huililiiig.-. Thi-* is prcvimKly made warm sr.id troiul'or- ed upon liim -,un\. aside fnnn rieh pas-j hiiihlinys vnis ^110.0110. Of xhU* nmount ing came along he dotlged under the coat i!er*s and knocked him down. try nml -writ mid ve.-.l. all uf.which nruJlhciit i^ $:Kl,OU!» -till ini«.\penoii!t kilt liic Dick, I am Jack Sut- till'." If In- lilii'S >OII1L' rileIII • kind of The Hoard uf .\Iau:i»er.s isU of ...nt of the harness wtis uaLurally very nut for dear life down the roadv When j ton." Jack took on" his 'mask and sheet meat lie taav III) of il nir tlie eight ni^ two of lliein IKMII,;; Jl awkward but Thompson's ingenuity he reached the Danville hotel he burst ami got out of Trail's presence as quick- ml lie nnIV ]lll*s'l li- I'1 •l.'Wnher Inyhum of dhuiniaj-ed it so well that lie made a faitli Ihrough the door and. fell exhausted on ly as possible. The Hall incident ended Iliinl ^tililie if 111- Illllll't ite is Mr. A. L. Heavers of Oteu CanlneiC The | fill and serviceable teiun out of th the tloor. ihe "devil" scare in and about the Vien- A -JIKIII appi'tite U indiealive expeutoil, was mom dead ilia K\vr,v old resident of Washington am something else for s,niOtiyrn,,?,:i,i,,g_i!aa~-,.vr-~"-^g with aii'ither jiineh. but thi* consists of ni'iiiilv.. remember*. IJev. Jacob Caslner planned to go llshing and he didn't mean , ,- - alive. He was unhitched from the w: Ml CKS Dnop TAILOR-MADR yon and curried into the bar room of the Lliu good old, Presbyterian dominie. He to have the'program upset. •;erveil.at tlii! uftenumn luneh. :IUITS AND sii.k- PETTICOATS uas a man of inten>c earnestness al a -So, on Sunday morning, instead of go- ; 5 Anderson hotel., where a liberal jKilaLiou 'i'hen lingoes out: for mon: air. remain- AT LAt'lSACH'.S,, 1-:ASTON,. I A. lines. He believed that what he thimgh ing lo. ehuii-h, tho hid went fishing;. He of whiskey was, poured down bis throat. : : ing out doors until ."i.:tO.- Supper is serv- • \\\-'.IniAV iiiiuK-'-si.i"iijL' ,siJL-fiul:|>riee.'' lie eiiion eainq around all I'ighl-itud a'ji to htv n»-lit.-"-wi\v i'i«hl anil' "t.liat "there sat oil the bank of thi Shabbccong, be- ed at tli:'itwjiour and this meal is made >it tailor-iiuuU' suits—just L. time'l'oi -hoithl ! no furtln t. If then low jlnrnbakcr street, watching his eork the liyhteH nienl of the day. A little Holiday UujiiiK-. Call Saturduy oi othei elVentive way to stop ihe hob up whilt> the little fish nibbled at the bait. .. • • ' • ' •• more of the health giving: air is my day next week. Stilt-, and Tiirlue-a-Wcok Now YarU ale of applejack^cept to cut. down ap- thi'ii prescribed in the courso of treat- \\*n I lilts VI V ple orchards, why cut them down—lhat 'While thus engaged the black aider inent.anil ho guep ouliuitil i) o'elouk. The t vsis his theory. '.If nonie people, did not hushes behind him suddenly cracked and, ^ian'is'to'kccp^a-paviont^out-iiiio'^iie-airr pulpii, then they were so deeply in- ilisniay,. the venerable Dominie. KKItVICI** Ill/ILDINf* AM) fOVKKKI) I'ASSAtiHWAV. at least eight hours each day. ! Al !).:1O Ihe signal for "lights ou.^is | trciniluHl in sin thai tho. church could "Abrain," he isaiil sternly, "you lied, .sounded...:lhci.wiuilo\vs. .arc opiinod and ; not help ilieiu. so he said and so he to me when you suit! you won hi attend . ":work-";lias beon-jn-aetioally" llni^ii undatable, for 'him to dro."."tlw • uws hrtv-" the" patient goes lo .sltiep. An liour be-j iIonblless.'' believed. It \vas jiift •' ihis church (iri.4 niorning. "jf I live iiiitil-to- ' • the itiKlilutiou is now. iu actual ! kept' wide; opei ing the fore he retires the. windows arc closed) lihini; sincerilv that- pi-ni>le liked and morrow I'shall give you n sound thrash- " tipn,^ tin: oIliL-iar opening'taking. i>lai-o. i-rlit, ib admit the fresh air frooly. and tho moms maiUvcrnnfortablc for (Us-. ppm'iiH.'d.iiiJiini.^-:,!... ,,. ;....,. V.;.. A bra in. Andrews, a venerable culorod limo •before llie rohiim. They are opened again after he The .Dominie did, live 'until tha next gets inlo bod and is properly and warni- lan of Washington, when a boy. lived iliiv, although Abram built up'i'1 some • « • Ho\yHow Patients AAre Rnceived. rc closed and tlio•ste heal turned on, '|y...wni|iiM!d ,ttp. ,._ ; ; '^ ! ,-il.h Dominic Cas(m>r. lie did ehores liopts tlmt he might ilin duriiig the .(•iririiiiiu'viliaii-ly I'- it-'-is-wiiu'fortiibio'iir-th'c^Kioiir-liv'r*""1 " -~.~---»•-'"-'-"-—'•----:.-j:z.~--~-z-.-^:~z~~:-~ •following' that: '• Appik'alion-T'fi i^teMllcJ^iiSiTVi-^t:onCit f- >- ' Ecefits.Apparont,Already.r _.-;i . admission have been coining in-steadily bed.1 ii'v1aivthe-Nuwr-.7ersey-iiisfitu-"T" lireaeher'-sHtditlie picauhcr liked )tim. -•• since then and new patients are. received Tho first thing he is obliged to do af- lion, although'in practice-only a little | Tliere seems to have been . one thing nioro too, from his way of thinking. almost every day. Upon the occasion nf ter arising is lo take a cold halh. This over one month, is already proving bene- in flic household, howovor. Washington to prac- L nutles. There nr« two ward buildings,siart, hut once they become, acciisi.iiino.tl and slren»lli.wilh the oxceplion^f.two. ; thought it safe. , ': , . tice medicine. He .lived only a short one for men and one for women. Owing (o the cold wntcr liath, they really en- Out! young man, who had been y^crc just One Saturday evening Uie Dominie time. Her second husband was the late ..',;' lo the limited, number of patients that joy it. • ' , one 'month, had gained lit pounds. 13^! said to lu "Abraham, do not fail to .lie Col. Borthoiid of :,Xewtou, : who at the have been received/wily "tie nf the uanl After flic cold bath, ihe patient goes Knirlish's assisUnt is 13r. Kenry\l{. linn-! ... . ,.YO.U .. . :j?fit,-- in i.eluuvlr tomorrow lime of the nisirrin.«q wns Snperiiiten- •"•• building is ufili/.ed. 1ml the other will to breakfast, which U served the. ham. who was connected wilh llifc^Sintc morning; yoiOii/issctl ]ar*t Sunday." ilent of the Morris'Canal. She now re- • large: dining-rootii. :::Uc,-t:ilte3::lhi3-meal instiliiliniiiiiMasrfacliiisxttSfoi^iine sides... in ...Newton ^!and..waa Jn ..AVashiiic-^™...... , ••-••-•• ^^j;^^ J^ZZ;p ^ ,.^Xo_..jir-i.-^'oji'tr"-^.^'.^^.^!]^"]^ ntr7.fUoclonk^tcnist9lngyeagr The capacity of tho institution i= lim-diet, such ns might lie served in nny( There are m,t the present. time,!iil pco-1 Hut Abrahaiu had already planned 18 THE WASHINGTON STAtt. WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907.

tween $'.1,000 arid $10,000-11 bulk sum of approximately, half million dollars n 1 year. •"••""' ""•' ' r ; - " • •:• ,-• - TIIM FlltST C'HKlbT.MAN. In earlier years the company steered clour of hiring foreign lubor. Inability tidltor of the Slnr. The Great Iron & Steel to get sutllcieut native help forced them M.v , Christ man fcreet-i-g to within the lust year to engage nbout 100 you and your twenty tbou«- Hungarians to do the common work. imil remlertt Is In reiiejit the Despite these business activities, home beautiful Htory of the ilrnt building in High Dridgc has been com- Christmas, without which our life here would bu s»u Some tacts About the Immensity of This Mammoth Con- paratively blow and there arc not near cheerless and our hope for a enough houses to supply the demand. In life hfrvuftcr would be HO cern, which is Recognized as the Most Extensive Indus- _.7_icr to provide houses to necommodate gloomy. their growing force of workmen, the try in Hunterdon County—The Product, the Number of "And thvre was In the f company tins of recent years built sonic- Men Employed and the Wages-Taid—Benefits of This [thing likeforty dwelling*, mid during the same country shepherd* - I last year erected a dozen. There are abiding in the Held, keeping 'Plant are far-Reaching. ""..'_ : v : | .still 130 or more employees who can find _ watch over their Hocks by WORTHY GIFTS! niitht. And. Jo. the n.wl of | no houses in the town and are obliged to the l.onl citiue upon them; I ravel to nnd from neighboring tokwii and tlii> slory of:. the Lord An immense industry of upper Hun- [building of tin* entire plant, increasing every day. • HhoiK- 'round them; and they . This is a Gift store in every sense. The best gift is a useful gift. terdon county, whose benefit* extend the origiiui! capacity many fold. As ii The wages paid ni' the plant are said wurt1 sore afrnlil. And the well through lower Warren, is the great matter of fact, the wholo plant U prac- to be higher than at the average steel atiKL'l said unto them, I-'tnr Why not give sensible presents this year? These things, if well chosen, plant of the Taylor Iron _fc Stwl Co. nttically dovuted to thi. brunch now, tlie works throughout the country. Median* not; for. behold, I bring you _li»h Bridge. Thi- U the !nrge-t indu*- making of car wheel* and axles forming k-s make in the neighborhood of $21 it Kood .tidings o( groat Joy, fully convey your good will, are far more acceptable and certainly show try in Jlunterdon county and undoubt- a wry insignificant part any nton*. week and laborers are paid $1.40 a day. which shall be to all people. better judgment than gifts chosen for their showy qualities. We have edly tht. most bei:ct!cial and depend:.!)!' Tin? »eces>itv that an*- f'>'" sidding still further to the «.•, building separate from the plant and in the city of David n Sa- a large variety of lliese better gifts of which the following will give you , that tlie plant has run s ..Tidily anil, as ptfcitv of the plant, bv the erection nf every tiling' therein indicates the system- viour, whieh Is Christ the a hint:-.: • a nile, full hanilcd. Merchants'and oth- additional building-, caused the stock- atic departmental work that character- Lord." er* in neighboring towns even as farholders to give I'liini! cou.sldoration to. i/i-H all successful business enterprises of Yours for the Merriest '": Rogers'Silver Knives, awny us Washington have felt, great the advisability of rebuilding the plant: thi> present day. The office force con- Christina." yon luivo >vt en- bene'litri from this pro-p-Tou* .-teel plant, at ,-oine other point, paitiriilarly ins -i-t-t of about 3D boo [.keepers, clerks and 1 Joyed. Forks, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, etc. for hundreds of men living in neighbor- -onie ii'i-oyiiizi'd iron center.' A coiinnit- SAMUEL It. WILLIAMS. ing towns and village.-* have employ- tee investigated advantage- offered in The employes work 51 hours a week. Pastor First HaPtlst Church. Large Variety of Nickel Tea and Coffee Pots, ment there. At the present time llic Pitt-.burg. Cliiiiiiro, Choter. Pa., nnd Prior to four, yeais ago they were Washington. : wilh heavy nickel plating and silver lining. : payroll contains the names of a great llullalo. X. V.. lait tniiif to the- conclu- obliged to work 110 hours a week. At many employees who re-ide in Annan- >ion that High Undue ulTcrorf as good a (hat time the winking hours were re- BissePs Carpet Sweepers dale, Olon * Gardner, Junction and place fur a |H'rmam'ut home us any ofduce) d by tlie company and the men have Five styles : Chiiiw'w.it.-r. Uif.li HrlilK-* Is entirely Hi.' dtlu-r-. uui> feature horn of grunt ad-! since litvii allowed the same pay for the dependent upon Ihis plant and it may be vantage being the eiiperli water power.j k. The men employed there .ire noi KltO.M Nt:i»*'"i'« iu l*tfi«tui-ton. There U emipidtM'jiblf hi-tnric iuteie-t i- Ton fee. buiL' and MS iVet wide mid 4,Vl.u-i.H'" do,,e by the stool companv mav| J{)hn ^ I'ayk has been re-appointed Star Safety Razors in Sets connected with thU plant, inm wa- fivt hi»!i. Tlu'io arc 100 men i>m|i!ovt>d hv j:l.-rtn«l from the information that Ur|"'w Wttr,' Ll|1,nI H»»U.frtlon county. ilonr : from Si.50 to S5.00. : made hem a^.aily as 1710 by Allen & in'ro. .. ;• ••.'.; Hi.- .•uninanv p:.y> out the Mini of $l_.;.,- . >' .*-> &nyn«c, ii well-known hotel unit ii 'via*. ii|«|ii.t\iniitU>lv. in fu-i-Iii ; ^pt'It('r /" f-ninherivillo, is critically ill. POCKET KNIVES * ' ... . . *. . . ^*.l .Iflrtlkik l^iLl'li-.ii.i'i...ii..^kiiJacob J.owo4 Itihin , ii.a' Dill |irominen. t man of'l.in At time? it ?oliil irainload of freight An every tlay neccesity for every nriii. Large variety and low prices i-iii- out over the' l.'euhal Itailiumi, _!>IK' r-teani InirnnmUw crane. County liavo formed :in association, A. ; MnnjNiniM* .-t.u'l. which forms the H. Siiueixm ba_ been elected president. Make your wife a Christinas present of an'up-to-dati: Kun'gu or a ! jtrim-ipitl output of the company, is.used The women of Kleiniiigton will give in the tnanuf.i-tliuv of safes, railroad n .inin-trel phow in the Opera Itoiifio on new modern Parlor Heater. One whole floor devoted to these goods frog! and swiltlu's. mini1 tar wliec .:old Dec. l_i for the benefit of tnc l'lemington and every one is the best of the kind on tlie market. , .livdnos and variou- J'ornis of ma•hiiiery fireiiiun. f of tlm We4. Stephen .Sanak. a lluiigarian laborer, Come in and look around, it will cost you nothing and may be tliiarry at Mar- c thon-aud on.- v".';:"",". the saving to you of dollars. : ""JlvllHl' I T. M. Uclli.. , inojiriotoi- of a hi,.!- l« 1111,1 ilnriii" tin. S Ul..; Hwinnirti'" iwiiinnuil. lin- ninmi CIII-I EVERYTHING IVE SELL IS GUARANTEED; YOUR MONEY .Mn.-ri.-ni, War.'Hi- IM'jl, ISi-i.la.. wi.rk-i1!;" ",' "'" """" '"'•"1.1":".-, h"'"" ,I1UV Eiirn.-I- om n s-r-.-ut ' .1 i.f "H'VITII lltl';1"1"''1 lh" lv'l"»'1""' "' ' l»>1"-^ M1""' BACK II- NOT SATISFACTORY. «.n-kirk. uiiiitiliiilyv -li,.|l-liell- :mianto' qm'-tiuiiabh 11 l-r .in Mill -|mjK'i> •iii-i. .i . . '.Jl _•] I —- il,t.' Westjst. llupoti.mn n-lu-lwliii-h, il11,.'l . lp>m' ,,0. :n..»>|»i|K.|-, lii-i.l,. llw inpo ti. k»..|iaway; g[ mnuU fnr •niii.v hran- or,!..,-. Tlip .I.-.:1.1"-' ""'• ul'™ hK I"11 "I' 'I'" ,-lovo n, TQ -M-ralilL. • •..ut.-.-i.il n..vi 1-y lh, aii '-":• iloral.li- .,n,lil'i..u uf'llii. cr,,, - liuli.s. i1'-"' *'." »•"• ]« I]"*"1 '" ivnwn. IIR.; (g !"a.--Ul.e I'llort-'o: -Jim uiea. Thi- jmilil t IM . il», l:evohiti.,i.«fv War v,a- n.i. - '"• In- i l,,.in.. f,.|i iii.l .„.,.. „„„.,. ,„• 1... :l»'|H''' «"'' "" ii.n-iilt. tin. sliivi. BIIM.I1 al;SJ llirml, lint tlic work- «.-r.- iil.iin,l,.n i! in! l.'tU I'eet lsmjj anil :»0 t'l'ci wide. m h Iliiit B ilta iiiw Uirs of .17S2. ..win:: t.. tin:-fi.it tlmt II,, -.,|.|ip!y| : A great ma:iy tiieu : M»pl'i> , . !',f,,l 'il.' TiiLn itri;!.i!",Ji«.,i hi L:\f*\ -'" - " " i» .,f .-liamial 1 l™.mi. .'.\l.au-t.-il. liie pat [em -li"j>. iit the oilier -ni,j versuiou wi.!,]. Mr„ ;,.,. IVr-iva, Ji , l, -Christio s . a l!»Whil' '^"e itu ^' AV soinnamlmli.iti.^:!"^"V;.^e stal.'e lasi' lnnldiiiL'^ i"nl in ont-ide work, the whoh- iwlay night. Jlr-. Jacoli Cregar so llio p.,.^0,11 l,u>i,«-. In IS12 ]„• l.nill a '. f.i'n-e at tlif ple-ent little ;iliu>lllllin-j It',. 'ted li'.T.-i-lf in her lunne in Annan-; HL'w'fui-f-i' on the -ite »f »f the !iit[>[oy<-.-. allhoti-ii nt l' lg in Iiur death a shortWUI time later. l-t -llllllliei- tin-re wen- 'ahont . February or onrlv snrinrj. Mo?t of tlic';". "^- . ' :' made. Thou tlio niuiiufawure ut out pnl of tln< High Ilrid»e plant h used j ,\VuI.c "\ hvr ^9 ™r*- Cvc&u' M°S* i11"1 \ wheels and car axle- was taken i,|> unit;Siill on l - i.ii in tiie United Sfntc*. although big ship- !1IlC(i.a Iwnvy piei-e oi turniture, weigh-! -ihU proved tlm fniiiulutinn of..tli At pi n the i-oi l li I1 111P lHil 0 ling a- iniich'iis two men could en pive lm.-ine.s* that had -int-e re-iiked. oilol machine -dinn ''(it) liv "r°"» " ' ^~ ' '^ to.M«xico and. Canada.j What's More Acceptable i- 1 ni'i.iTti > wiiii "Ti* llIlt' ••ionie to the Hawaiian Island.. }.it- They talk about killing big bears up! Lewis II. Tiiylm- remaincil activ.-ly id a modem found Mnill lYnn-ylvania fiv(]iu'iitly, but most of j 5 Per Cent tcrested in tin-' business until tivn 'vc I'UMons nf -lt.il) x lil*. • ""ile if any hnAno^ is done with other as II Christum* presi'iit. a wedding \nvn- foreign uountries. i_-(! talt-s aiv imrtiliahle. Amos Price, [ (•tit nr n birthday prwi'iit tlinii ii fiuai- ago., lfe is now .it" years uld, is. in The old f!)]•«« building lm». l^aekawantia IhuiiKin. who lives in • iH-i-!tt''s:- ••T"'a:-I-I«in1^(l-Manr oi'lit. '...-. fL'lIent healih ami"lives in relireiin; it:i'v'o'rti'd'iniM"ii puwi'i-'phuitr ifg A ro roiidsbui-g. killed one'last .week, how-j iiitert'.-t 'i li is a smirci' or constant, He is said to hi: the oldest man in Iluib i'liitter powertn'rtl"r .t^l\o ttin lu-i extent of 00 Ii i» ' P 'P*-*rous corporation, this business conriistinjf of the inanufiieture of safes. ever. and-.-bowed the nninial to suhstan- \ Guaranteed liicuinu and ;ul«ls to nue'-s foeliiiK uf iudi>- icrdon county. I and there U ..an auxiliary nteaui ph It is practically the outgrowth of the tiate ]ii> Mary. He killed Mr. Bruin-i pt'iideMuu and investment swnriLv. -Anil Of iate years the plant has been run j The various machines arc operated by High Bridge plant, although in no way while on a hunting trip in the Foconos. j It it Is a constant reinluder of th'e giver. r., by a company, the Taylor family hold- elect lit: motor.-. connected, except that the owners of theThe lifiir weighed 430 pounds dressed,] ing the-controlling interest. The present i The Taylor h.ui & Stool Co. |)iiy.-nnorp Lli"h Briil"c plant are among its heavi- and alive weighed about (iOO pounds. oliieers are: President, Howard K. Jtax than any corpora lion iu Jluntenltui Gold Bonds GET INSURANCE THAT INSURES! L.,{ >.ockho!der.s.. : : A I.iugoi... correspondent says: "State White;., vice president and treasurer, j county. The amount paid is1 about $".- Road Commissioner Ilutchinson examin- r 1 Percival ClirUtic; goneral manager, 000 a year. ed the macadam road and pronounced insiinint'iViHi X\w Ilrviui'l Slop- Mn1VkI' |iti| (i Knox Taylor; secretary, T. F. ' pnyrull ainouiils to lie-; IMU! Juliet 10c Cigar tmtisites.. the part between this village and I.ari- ih.'ir restn't.-tlv.'.-.linres vvllliln two wc.-k- niter ]«»>> wasiKlJU.stt'il. witlintit illscmini. itltlioti^li The business is conducted in the most \ _ son Corner not built according to the re- • 'iiKi!<'anli's iil'lcnotv-n chttriii-icrnnil i;n-;it streiii;lli otls are employed in every depaitment. i The way the work wn* done was much, : iiiv iv|>n*t>iiH>tl liy inyiiH-'in-y. Cabinet meetings of the officers are held • commented on at the time, but as the j each morning, when the work of the day j onlookn* were not clothed with an- • is laid out and each man is assigned his i thority talking was nf tin avail." i TV 17 WT I' ££ Bands and Real Estate particular duties. Individualism play's I One of the greate.-t sensations in llio; only a small part nowadays,.. and any; history of. the' Smnei>et Countv Court! D. V. Wyckorr, nr. ^ur. /„..„„« one of the officer? muld retire from the | was; the trial^ lat/.week of William H. j No. IS Broad Street, Washington, New Jersey t'Oinpany and tin- l.i!i?iir.f,- would go op; iSkilbuan. tho-Tigod former president of | undisturbed. ••"• ... j tin- Xew .T. the hardu--i ; •tough- =toe)- tlm I, >- mad.-. , The process ; . KUM11LTXGS. u one invented ybv \l. A. Hadfield,, of, These panic times niade it imperative for most of England, and the Ilipli Uritlge- plant Tli(! great . I'miglikrejisii' railroad < the" only OIK in AAmerici a ththatt makek s - bridge ha« b(-en reimilt and .juttc a re-1 us to make this an Economical Christmas. Why although the Had field j -L.__-lJJJ-.lK!iil!_JlL...t_i_=lllVVl''1!=, Xi;il--r_ xy?s ''.'^.^.'i!" 1 not make it a Useful Christmas? Our s:ock affords —nilisheii in doing-ilii-"Work-wiiliiiiiL"inic-r~ v [ :r r r niiinv and at a certain I yurf uii"e"xeella7H -6ppr/^^ _ iVring-Jn.iuiy manner ;v/ith..lniftic, either.! Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers are always appre- ..... i.V1!|der it or., above it., .J.rhe...bridge...cost.i n^ni^mimrfyFlliirjr ciated—'and:the prices are right, top. ._:^...:. ; -_.•--. si\y. lihas lipnn responsible for tlio i TIIK OLD f'AK WII|;:K[; KOL'XUUV. ed during its construction. The bridge! is U.Tfi" "feet long anil the structure . is \ 21i_ feet above water level, j VICIXITV XOTKS. I Glen Gardner mid from William Scherrur of that town. 'I'hfi Su^iuehanaa sluLion at Lodi, npiirj were. Charles and William. J Tart HOCHMAN'S SHOE STORE 1'iit.erson. was hurned down last Wed- j STORE WHEHE ECONOMY DWISLLS What i veil to be the oldest liuv were given a nesday morning. • ; pumpkin in N'ew.leivi.'.yv is in the home tlustiw.' Van I'.illiard of 1'cr infornrilinn of prei.cher.'- a notice 220 NORTHAMPTON STRKEX, EASTON of .John II. IVhzt Asbn . and is in a discharged,, has been issued b\ ary of $1 mth. good state it-i>rv.'it.i It were held for nies toll -.U)U."i_.ji.iui—\vei_rh.s_iiP.irl\:wfurLvJ.Ui uvU'i-ian Church of Blairslown has bwn living near accepted by tho- l!i-w I.uther Davis of and Mr v Winlhrop .I'litlierfordistcwurtsvilli , was seriously injured last Kistoii. Imv liMwl t l*i-ir palatiii! hnme''jit Alla-lThur-'djiv i orning while operating a nnil will s- tin- wiim-r in h'lnr-i,!,,.,.^ r-hiuc in hir, barn. His riyht J. II. -Meyers, a iormor hnfel keeper of 1 Alpha. w'as'.ou.l'ruhy-Iai-l' linM ^7."i.by ida..:uul Kuroi.L'." Tlii.- i- \\m first ibm.- . hiuni •awn into tiic machine they'liiivo'dcr-ed their iifmie sinco it" i\:u ] Y< if. ,;wUl'-Hi1obal)lv lid Held i V HTI i E ru tV~ f« rr~'i ir: i OiT^ - i 11 m: - >v i i. i«—i; h t: -;u t -•* -;• n'[ f :'•• ji'fi V i -;*s iTm-r tr< i "y IT: ^ Klisha ltartou Vliet, a contractor of known as creeping palsy and his I While AVm. H. Ashley limy not perfect Hundreds of saving opportunities await you here. Not a single "section"but "haVpro^ XewarU, and a native of Vienna, drop- ,ipaL], wns onlv si mnller of a sliori time, his plans for the rebuilding of his.burn- icd dead in the str •ct of thU His ,igc > 71 vears. ed mill until the maltcr of insurance., is inducement. Not many days before Christmas. Don't put off your gift buying longer. Come in at once. Till. norning. ] le was which have fully adjusted,'it is now understood that ". old. been for some time operated by thi; Kdi-the new mill will lie of concrete con- 150 Doll Go-Carts andlCarn'ages, 25c, 50c, I 5-cent counters, this department comprises Express WagonsS.SSc, $1.13, $1.50,. $1.75 Slioj-Flies, 75c, $1.13 and $2.00. 75c, $1.0O, $1.13, $2.00 ana $2.50, \ huMreds of articles, though every dayday lessenslessens^1, $2.25.$2.25. •_ . tOcfosc and 50c Goods, in China, Tin, Wood:- The Morris canal is'closed for the soa- son Cement'Company, lnivu been aban- struction on the site of the old mill. The 1 The __,IKf*tf4^^_rrfhtf'^p . JJ^-2. _ ^ J * ti ylHH.A »,««,__• ' ..*.!. AU*/ «- J-_J.»« A J .. ?**J^*. A.H H._WJ M/_><.r V#>__«. t\/yw*t f V_ir/n In «. rt ^^ 1 Hobby Horses $1,13 and$1.35, j the'assortmentti Come mornings and after.Cliristmas and New Year Post Cards, 1c up. i son and llio water has been run out off doned, temporarily at least. The ma- building will!bo widened to increase the q ( Tree O.ytaments, 1c up, Beads on strings tlic leyels. The writer.is about the only chinery has been removed to ]_uttzvillc floor space, and the new building will be Doll Heads;- - 5c to 25c." Slippers, Comb- Sets, 7p.m., for test service, ' , '"' : | Leather, 5c;6 for25c. $ Moss, 5c$f)x. A rtificial Snow I' 5c- Candles' thing^thatr did much mtining the past and installed in a new quarry there. Tho of 'one story. Electric" pliwcr will pro- Stockings, Moccasins- 1,000 Dolls, 1c up to $3.00 each, in China,'Drums, 10c to $1.50.' We boxbox.' Lurge CandlesCandles, 5c. Tinsel Gar- lands, IctoiQcayard. season.1 - . . •• ideaj.oideaj'Of the Kdison Company is to getbably be used, and in every way it will Sleds, 100 Sleds in every shape and style. Bisi/ue, Rag, Kid, etc. {Blackboards. 50c and$1.00. 'limestone from queries located nearer be modern, convenient, and ns near fire- An nc.ccinmodation train has been put 1 li" -np;vf.rnl..raili;[)ad Imlwoon Junction th'c.ceiiient lijant nl; New^Village. , nj'oqf a^possible.—Cuzctle. • ••• • -ffiTf-' ei— for—tlie—"benoi i t"*"- o f" \—'i hist week, charged with stcnlingtcorn1 StaV& Tri-Weekly N.Y. Tribune. $3.. 'sisthe Christmas Store


.MT.'GICOVE. A number of men belonging to the repair Mif.'Nicholas Stillwell is g'-tting along'.li- gangs at thu Edison plant wero laid oft very nicely. • • - . - '-'*-' NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS TOLD Monday night. Mary A- Boss Wfts in Odifim Friday tin; Thu day watchmen at the Warren F<...- gueht of Mis. A. Apgitr, ; dry have bceu:putou two third time until Orvilli? Hartrum of Cokei-buiy juwod BY STAR CORRESPONDENTS further notice.- Sunday at thu bonus of his j>;irt-ntK Margaret M., aged T months, only child Hon.'stXotbof New Yurkrtlytiilliti on . . of Mr- and Mrs. John Brndy, <(Ied Sunday old fi-R'uiiH bere one day last week. . al»j! stnllod in IIIH rcsldonco. with her daughter ut Nyuck, N.Y. from above and cut her head quite biidly. ',: Mr, ami MrMrss. Haivey Alptiugli ttpimt a Sunday. day tttiernooii; interment in thu Catholic We liuve a young man here who dt'IIghts ' XX Alptiugli pt a cemetery. part of lasltt week with bbiiin parentprent* in towtownn. Hurry Hunt has returned from a western to boost of his lighting abilities. HtMliie.-n't XX All Roads Lead to the Port trip in t!tn int'irestof chit High Bridge Steel MISH Cecelia' Walsh of Phillipuburg has realize that li« is simply' making black- ;.;X John Weiso spent a day llas t weekk In , Somervillu visiting bis two sons, who live nnu Iron Co. boeu elected by the Franklin township guaiiiot hin-felf. If he keeps mi he'll '-'- Colden Store of . . them. •••.••••.•;. • , •' •••• board of education a primary teucber in iin iiKuiiiht tut* wrong man ouo of tl: Mrs. * ElfMbeth LIQCU of Woortg'en m U;c A-il";ry public school.;_:;. --,.-..: : pnntling Koine time with li«ruluti*. MIY. daysttml get what 1H* richly ' —•• Joseph Ti'Kiir in preiutriim to build iiii'tho soucd thrashing. lot he receutly bought of the railroad coin- ohu Force. The Acmqn Biw-ketlnill Club will meet on pany, opposite Hie postofflee." Fred. Hunt of New York spent Thanks- Friday night the Camden ex-National Wm. It. Flumerfcltclt,, who has chargchargee :o off ::X giving week with hii grandmother, MM. League, one of tbe tttrongest teams they the creamery »t Hoffman'soffman's, has good caufe ; ;.^»; Walter Matthews of Newark, n traveling' have uver battled against, to have mon.* than ththeu>uae u>uall nuntitiuattit y r.ir ;:;;.; .'• (talesman, won takeu ill lieru lunt Thumlay Cynthia Hunt. rats. Befun; retirining FridFriday night he laid ;: , and Dr. Topkirm was called to attend him. i. John Crater ami iia ghter Ethel are Margaret, wife of Charles Ellis, died sud- ilenly at the home uf her ilniightui', Mrs. his pockctbook upon a tublc. The MrH.A. J, Atwirweiit to Middle Valley passing the week with friendds in .NVN wY Yorkk morning soi " •--«-•• und Brooklyn, Patrick Brady, on Friday, („„ !i years. - on Wednesday of lust week to attend a She is survived by six children. dinner party given by her sinter, Mrs. John Ephraim Rush spent Friday with his Apjjur. mother in Califon. She tequitu active for Mrs. Lucinda Wfiduecht died at her A Polander, who works for Edward An- • woman s,"i years old. home on CIiamberH street hist Wednesday decodercon,, whilhile nk-di-innkigg stontnee on the farrmm Allen fjucen of Elizabeth visited bis afternoon. Hhu was a widow and she Is i»y is eonndtrrablM. Thi one day hist weeweekk , a piece of stone struck mother, Mrs. Hnphia t^ueen, who is not ex- survived by three Men-children. tin* money market is not to him an idle cry ] •;••;• his hand mid cut it HO badly tliat tho wound pected to recover from her present illue.-rt. Frank B. Lesher, aged -J7 vears, died at of •' rats," but nieatis an actual los-s—a l<»~s | :;..;• hud to be treated by Dr. Miller. Mrs. Lewin Hartrnm attended the funeral the homoot his'sister, Mrs. Chieorg e "Snyder ' —, foor which thu "Varmints"a ' with;lonit : tails i XX Thtt men cm])lil at Kdward iSYIj,'h bar's if ber sinter, Mrn. Oeorge Hart, in the M.Tnpsday afternfion, alter an iillnoi _s of sev- nil sharp teeth nr« rejpuiisible;/;rej-puiisible;/;:: ' •*••"• limestone quarry nt Wrn<»y navti been put K. cbtircli.at High Bridge .Sunday morning oral mouths, Ho was umuarriei], n tbtiboro t time, mul Gtlifoti Limestone Co. Mrs. Sophia , who has nick Beiblehfinierof Phillipsburgand ..'HKACJ ESTATE of tbtb « Mtininu ptmtptm'tt ! hhaa s shuh t dowd n fof r u ttimei ,. : : for .S'Miie lime •.-.it the home o..f. Mrs. Miss Edith Troxell of Easton were, married List of real estate traiiffers kxl^i-d for : « : MMany of tthh e ItiilianItiliann lirlir e returninrti g to theithir lust Wednesday evening by Rev. E.Clark native Intnl. Brown, i« very much worre at, tlita writing. record at the Comity Clerk's ollice ."ince; XX Mrs, Lewis Hartum is entertaining her dine. The bride received many liuudsoine Nov. I'M, !!«)»: : i' saw them pour whisky in bis it is to be hoped that the disease has run $1.00, • . ' • tend thu political meetings. Tbe wagons boots to keep his feet from blistering, rihe its course. All the cases in town that are Andrew D. Nicol aud wife to Newton C. was about teu years old at the time. Dealing aud wife of New York, dated ... would be trimmed up with tbe emblems of iiulercare of doctors are nrouressinrogressi g satis- the party that the occupants favored, and News of the death of Mrs. Louise Barker, factorily, tliough1 several of Nov. lilt, "07, conveys laud in Oxford; con- ;.;:• with four horses comiKtsiug » team, si big • •--- "•--• - " "th'e sic"karenol t wife of Charles Edgar Barker, M. D., for-yet ou't of danyer. ,. .•-.•.- - . siilt-ration, $SO0. , ,". "' ' time with plenty of noisu was suro to'fol- merly of Pattenburn, reached here Sunday. Sarah J. Allen to George T.; Prnll of low, A wippiugpost at HiiuuV hotel wm It occurred at her home in Suttle, I. T., on Cliristiiia, the 14-yiiar-old daughter of - lines Smith of ISi Xorth Main utix-et, lias Kuowlton, dated Dec. :*,'07, conveys hind alsoau Jittractiun when criminals were U Saturday, Dec. T. Taey were murricd on ' Knowlton; consideration, $1,000. receive tny lash, June 14 and shortly after left for their new been absent from home for more than two The ground for the first M. E, church in homo in tho west. Mrs. Barker wits the weeks. Hhe was a pupil iu the grammar Califon was given by Eugene. Apyar. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hope u school and was very bright. She lias a step-mother with whom she could not get Danger in Asking Advice. congregation bitugbt tbe churcii at New Clinton. Her-death was caused by tevei When you have a cough or cold do Ueruiatitown aud moved it here. This was Mrs. Hopo left about two weeks ago to along with very well. It is not thought p she has been foully dealt with, but that the not ask someono what is good for it,; XI* : about 41 yearn ago. The price paid for the vibit her daughter and was with ber wheu as there is danger in taking some un- building was $;1UO. Among tiiu men who she died. She was of a .kind and loving is at tbe home of a friend somewhere. helped bring it here wero Henry Hoffman, disposition and ber many friends in this known preparation. Foley's Honey now S! yeut.H old, Jacob Frey ami Abraham community will bo pained to bear ot' her The Frank Coyne Association was enter- and a'ar cures coughs, colds, and pre- Ap^'ar. Since the, Metliodists built their early departure from this life. tained by James J. Cullen at the Alpha vents pneumonia. The genuine is in new churcti the oid one has been used as a Hotel ou Monday evening. After jmrtrtking a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. chapel. Tbe Lower Valley Presbyterian of a substantial supper the niembers were Jenkins & Meeker. • church was built in \S72 by Abraham Hoff- Favored with both vocal aud instrumental man. Each cburch has a parsonage. STE WARTS VI HJE. music Vocal selections were rendered bv .f. W. Rt-atfrtii and J. J. Culleu. ToaiLs JACKSON VALLKY. Calilou has grown during the past 55 Wm. (iorgiusnf Easton spent Fritlav with wiTts proposed, tint one evokiny thu most years from less than a dozen houses to over bi:,s. brotheri.«..**i* ._, S*_.• Oorgas/•* ™. . . T ajtpluiisu was " Bryan's Chances in thu hii P.iu-f, who was on the hick liM, ha a hundred. We nave four stores, four con- B. Curling lias been snendin g a few davs Next Campaign." veivit...... fectionery stores, a carriage repository, a i-ith relatives in Uxfor.1. Pi>t«'r .Jemeii went to Califon last ^ peachbaskiit factory, , two blacksmith shops. Ac a mtH'ting of Past (iramls, held in"Uie .a f tern inn. peachbaskiit lactory Harold Carlini; of E,i>ton two fe.d mills meat market. We ludl uf Acclui Ividge, 1. O. O.'F.. Friday! Mr> -lam* i A. Brink J two fe.'d mills and .Sunday to sw Ed, Knebler. «v«niri(r, a Past Grands' Association of I have also six loilyesICuigbtKnight.s* of the (fol(fol- ,n, NHW.Vitluii.-.- h T 1 1 M|M.., | in giv«? a bull in Xorthcni Xew Jersey wm, funned. -The IIHII Eagle. Kcd Men..,. Jrl" . f,0 .- , ,LT...... A.. .M.,, , 1 lit "Orvilli* \Villiyt of. New Villng .Modern Wnodiiii'ii, Ladies of tbu Gulden on I-riday evening uf thihis weekk. following (jilicurs were elected: Pie.-idenr, Eagle and Daughters of Liberty. .Miss Bf^iultiutiliuof Spri Kev. F. O. Bland of Mansfield Lodge, Sunday with his Mjss Dammar Jeus guest of ber mint, Mrs. E. B Washingtongton: lirstir.stt, vice jues., M. 31.. CorCot - .->••• ^..3u<... „ i .Muscoiietconj; Lodgi>, IIacki.'tts- I Holidays visiiin I ilr. and Mrs. Wt>rklii'i.-»;mf Eiwton spent oetcoj; g, c 1 |.Sunday with Dr. ttml Mis. Curtis. Snnl vicvi e pres.p , J . H. SStut u f .Mrs. ftiiniuvi C«cn iinti Mi: g , Htewartsvilte; third Viw Mr. and Mrs. Harvey'G roll' uro visiting Mis** Hazel Hj-.wk was t;nti>rtniii«d apart pros . fi. W. H of Harris Lodge, Ox- Pfter .N'lise'ii of Hiickett'-tov: it'latives in Culifon. of lli^i t week by Mrs. (.Ji-orye [leudersbot. ford: secretarysecretar , H. Buyderod f Acchho LLodyd ' , .Mrs. FivdFvd. Siiuduaa wns a i^iu^t at the Joh Hurtling of Newark spent Snmlav "'•'liiiwliurg: treasurer. E. C. Luukbnrt of Sni.iiiiy wiih bis futiier, C. JI*IIM>U bbont u of MMr. and AltsAl . W Wd h with bis parents, Mr. tuiil Mis. John Har- L'tiuut l.inly, Bulvidere. Tb» to :t James fiimliiur intends to spend the Snndny. tnnt g ..ling will be beld iu BctvUiui-Riu .Marcn. winter with his mother, Mr>. B. Giinluer. .Mrs. Henrenry Sunday and smmi OrillOrville and Th« Oddd FelloFellowss will give » HIIJIIMJIH * h In the meantime tlie book* will be kept Wiilard CiniiT.)f Wiishiugton spent Siin- daughhtt T rr.iiuna .wt wtEiw>touliUtTuu£i T - tliie menibers and their familifamiliess Ktratitrd y fur the HtlmUMou of charter membur.s. d.iy wtrh'hii. uui'luaud aim:. Mr. and Mrs day i, do Mime ?iio]ipiug. I evening, Dec. ]•!. Clark Pierson. , Special •Sir. nd Mrs. Edwant I/IIomadieti of I Mr. and Mrs. U. Hamlin have returifd If some of our fanner." do nnr. hurry tln-y j b home of I hoiim after .--pending ii foiv weeks with Ve- Sl'itUCK KUX, will nut Imvn all uf their corn crop ci'iljbi'il | her puivut!-., Mr. mid Mr^." P«t latives in p Oeorge Roetl, rfr.,ha s milled ;mothvr c by Christinas. Gnicw, tho little daiiL-hterof Mr. and Mr*. Tiiu Pre-sbyteriau Sunday MIIODI will giv«i to ll In stock. ;' -I. Stiinfunl Jtui-li.of near Mt. Plr-as/mt, is a pausing (Yiiitut;t entitled -Santu Clans," The Bible class will eet at tbe paison- oa ut tuy liiitfLnii Hi.j>|'it.il >>.'iiu; tmifjiyu, Holiday Sellmg iiiipniviuy slowly from a sevt-ro attack of un Tuesday evening, Dec. "J-!. agu Friday evening at 1)0 h:isretnrii<>() IIMIIH*. KWtrk-t fev.t>r. , ' . Rev.'CousuroM, a missimiary from Cbii;a, Fred. StfWnsoii entertained on Sunday Mr. mid Mr-. •I. H. WI-HIT mid Mr. m.d .Mih^ Viola Colt; returned t» the "home of gavo an intt'rostiug lecture on tin; progress iscliuni, Haynu'iul Parcell. •, . Alts. Win. R. Wvt'kutT atti.-inled a iutienili 10 rimke room for the alterations we lire her pureiits last Saturday after spending uf religion', in Cbiiia, in thu Presbyterian Stan!e>~Opdyk*! and Tlieodoie .Sliker nn> in Wtishiugrnu lunt.Thui-eiltiy: • •'•: several wi'cks willi relatives mid friends in cliun:ti bust Friday evening. Mrs. •). U. W«llur, our H-liuol teacher, is going'10 make right after Christmas cutting WOIKI for -MoiTis.L, Triiumor. Eustun a»U Phillinsbtiry. Uev. James FergiiAson of the Presbyterian not Troubled miv mort! with tratnns. Thu No Ejiwurtli L(iUf,rUe meeting was church preitcbed a sermon on Sunday morn- Mrs Win. P. Smith it> spending.this wwk rt*hoi»lhouso windows luive been imiled tbeSummerlield M. E. cbitri'liln Sundiiy i»Ktotiie,lr. 0. U. A. M.-. His topic was ith ber son, Ellsworth, in Wtmiiington. ilown.' . CHRISTMAS SHOE BARGAINS evening, iiutl it i^ ii-ared they i liave to "Tin* liilbieucu of ,n Kiyhteous Man on a Mrs. Harvey Alpauyh of Bartley jtussed Ruyumiiil UHtlyke eiiten:iiucd last IVid.iy "1*0•(lif-Ctrtltinned lltltil IIL-AI .-tlt Coiunnmiiy,''' Monday with her mother, Miv. E. .May- LH-eiiing Miirv and Dnyinai Jfinwii, Nitttiiin count •uf poor atieudauc James Sliker, a farmer, while iW'diuc a berry. , . Miirl.-itt, TliJodoru Putty and Jfrs. Edward (tiirdner. ,.. . Andrew NicholsNl' ' fainilv moved from I tiire.sbinthreshingg tniictiinmachineu uat Samuell Bavlor'ss as .astt Wilson Wurman is now filling th...' posi- their farm, near.Mt. Pleabaut, ln.st week, to VI eduesiiay, hud tbo ill-luck to have bistion of clerk witli Lance l>rutheV,s in ijiuu Women's High-grade Shoes. All Men's $3.00 Shoes, all style Zeath- West Holmkfii, where they will s.puiid til right hand so terribly mangled Unit it Is rlll'dtlei*. ;;.; ;,_;.' .. ,^- -...,.. — winter. Their frieuiis-herii-• are* worry "to thought it will have to bo.amputated at the :;•-•"•••'-•"•••/- ;""":;7"niakes." ' •:'":"-' ; "• •.:-; "• •"•"•- :-"ers-:~r- -. •••---;•• r^~--- §2."5O" hear that they are talking of rclling their vrist. Misses iiar : : ftirnt, for we would b-i t,'lad to have them Re sinuii was installed last Sunday in our midst ng.tin next summer. $4.00 Patent Colt, lace or.button, Men's $3.50 Shoes, all style leath- if tins Stewtirtsvillo Lutheran Mrs. Marvin Hush of Washington visiipd er church. Rov. Tr«wbri(lgt> ot Eastern pri^- Mr.-. Arthur Kucli vn Friday...... $3.25 s • . • .... $2.85

tate.t iatlwt. „ '--niltco(l or your .monoy_ back. ton, now ;:;:.:;;;;; ~ 7 $2.85 Men's Protection Rubbers^"T5c? :i7*1"*|fc"aice']ior. "••"" "' '• " "." ".• $3oo, all leathers, now $2.5O Women's Storm Rubbers, 5Oc , Miss Eva Fluininerfelt in" recovering from and Mrs; IS. B. Prall spent lust Thursday in Sir. and Miy^Rotiart Apgnr aud two Easton. FKKB UNION. thtt diphtheria but is still quurantiui'd. children of Uunnvale were guests on Snu $2.50, all leathers, now S2.OO U.«»' , ,,, , ..,.•. „ ,. Marcus Lusk moved on Satunlay to the Mr. and Jim, Reuben Cmtts wore guests day of her parents, Mr. aud Sirs. Lawrence Arrangements are beiuij nimlo for a L above «r= „„ «w .i/is yc". be" ™ s Woonsocket High Rubber on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.' John E. Inscho. Cravatte.- • • • " >•• ' ••:% , Christmiis entertainment to be held in Un- KuuU farm, near Hunan, church here. ',.• i, makes and right up to the minute iu style Boots, Sizes 9,10,11 Only,$3.OO Miss Lui'llii Myers has .been passing a Mrs. George Bryan of Elizabeth is pass- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moon? have been visit- Mrs. Samuel Joues spout Friday at Bntty.- ing relatives in' Milfotd, Pa. week with ber aunt, Mrs. Samuel Wc-rman, ing sometime with her parents, Mr. and at Alpha. Mrs. E. d. Castnur, aud other relatives in ville with her brother-in-law, .7. A. Jouw, Stephen Moore of Hope-is in this place who has since died. ' " ' : Mr. and Mrs. James Crutfa :ind Miss Ada this vicinity. renewing old acquaintances. 'Mrs. Wm. Bind and son Ash?al of An- Frank ymitli is visiting relative I Lot Women's Fine Black SKIRTS at bargain prices. L, __^ J. \VillartlKl110uy_8iw11b Friday iiuil Biit^- Crutts spent Sunday with tbuir aunt, Mrs. ^bilu Cook.Ju.Broadway.^-—-^-•-:--:7:--r.-—•-•- '-' Mrs. Reuben Orutts and sou Sherman ^iTHl\MoTrdayl^HTry'^71i\TrsrMf77l d "MT aiTdSulnc-iine^ori^^^ '••'. Prank Kiiincy liiis pone to llainesburg Io spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Win, T. Worman. The Sliumaker mines are now ,,._„ HjiL'iul Homo tiiiio with his uncle, Jtuiruu Irvin Iuscho, in Broadway. ,J, Paul, tlie little son of Kev. and Mrs. Porous condition. A large boarding house «'•'"• • ". $3-oo, now $2.OO- Kinney, Hummer, was painfully 'mimed one day will be erected iu the i^ar future. " fV Funiiie Bailey 'in beins entertained (or n MiHsIi. Willtivcr and nephew, OliiTnvil Lot Children's Wool Underwear, was 49c, now . . . . . 25c •Wjllevw, of near Asburv, wens visitors on last week by overturninovertu g n cup of boiling Owing to the 'unfavorable condition of :' few weeks by liev aunt,. Mrs, John Kosou- water, upon his m the weather, the employees of tin: Buck- buder, near Hopo, .. • . . Sunday nt thu liomn of lu-r sinter, Mrs. W. his arm. K. Huli>fzur. Our Holiday entertainment will bo held lioru Water Co. have not been working in Joseph Ivinney and Mrs. M'ury Bailey tbe yravel pit for several days. Messrs. Wm. llliick, iu company with his Christinas night. Solos, duets and a male pasted Sunday willi Mr. and ilrs. Henry quartette will bo attractions besides the Misses Liz/.ie and Atattie Hupler gave a Mitten, in Vienna. brother Earl of Cooksville, will spond the Holidays with their father, Emmet Black, regular program of the children. Santu dinner party to a uiiiubi'i* of friends l:i»t H Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hililelirant, $r Xevy- lias promised .to.be.therc.-so-.yoii.to.bu.tlioru-Ko-vnu-c'rcaii--Wednes;lay—Thoi 3Vednesilnv._.T' s ' nntnT.wo' n " .^iif|{.u7iv(ri)i;en"visiti!J!; lii'itiri' itT-—1"""'5^^^^ ™:r;rq:MvsrnrAV-A"iiI'leVMr;anandd .'Mrs'Mrs. Jason-diir-' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Inscho and daughter : Mrs. S. J. Hiltlubriiiit. \ rissris , MrM.r andd MrsM . A. L. JJoues, Dr. and Ijessiei of.Vii1l*>y,•nad-Mr.:aiid"Mrs; yjicucor : : ---^i:- ThuiiiiiM'- Ktjii r n- Ii »sIcrt1 lio cir v^oy • •"•^ "- - -M6"UI«HI1O; Divantl Mrs/ur W;'Cuni- "llofC of Cbbksville- wero at the home of Mr, ....!. Mr. and Mrp. Oeorgo Lanlz, Mr. and Fincy^Rio'CoWee," 2 lfi's., 25c~ Fancy Mixed Teas, lb., 25c Smnntjl ^yilson nntl KOIH> to tlm Oroat and Miu John E, IIIHULO uii Monday. rs. P. S. Yettt-r, Mr. and Mrs. CieoiGo K; ^ld ork for George Williams. Mrs. Theodore Willuver gave u line din- ,,1.:.. _. ^l... *n...... C7I.. „»»;.» ,*: ._ ,,^._. ... ug^tiii' Mary J. D. Gibbs iniHinen bailing hnv at tiie Fuliiter, Mrs. Charles Harris, Miss 1-. . .., Mrs;'Susan Moaroaud ner to tho following friends ou Tnesihiv: Heudersliot farm, in Free Union. * jj Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Wyckoff mid danghter, sptnit Tuesday and Wed day in Hack Mrs. M. Htuinotsof Pbillipsbmg, Mr. and ettetow with Mrs. Daniel Moor.. u an..1d Mi..Mrs. , Sir. and Mi's. J. D. Gibbrf spent Simtidy Miss Edna, all of Belvidere and vanity. . Mrs. Irvin Parks and two children and Miss . Ceo. Riddle of AVnrwlek .s^iit Sun- Call and See Us, We Want Your,iTrade. Clark . Hannah Parks of near New Village, Mr. with .Mr. and Mrs. Dtivid Vreohuul, ^in and Mrs. Win. Rush of Good Spring, and Meadville. .. , v day at his' home bore. Mr. and Mrs. Snencer Huff and danghter Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sobenck were guests Voter Locust of River ion .spent last Trial, Catarrh treatments 'are being Sola of Cooksville.. -' . of Steward ami Mrs. Leida at the county ..Suiulity with ITcrbert Garrison. mailed out free, on request, by Dr. lonKi! lastThuralay. , Snoop, Racine, Wls. Those .tests are llev. Sir. Allison, ii'mlsaloniuy feoni - proving to tho people—without a pen- Miss Eva Mitchell has returned toNutley J.B, HAMPTON ny's, ,cost-r-tlio great value of this OASTOUIA 'It after spending a week with, her parents- Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Mkebell. | ••" , • scientific 'prescription known to drug- boars. ,,tiie.sisnaturu'of Chas.H.Pletcher, : gstsovcvy\vci3 opte •-JIitC-Ainasa Hayywii-HHd daugliter Kvo- llo J!aimiVml''fi'Ioiilrl(loro,,.KiK.»t SiMHluy with D. S. Meeker. Tho Kind You Have Alwuys Bought. | iu-lnw, Mrs. Joseph Kurt, for 11 short time. Sb 1

t&?** L

••?.,••%•• ''•?"(•;•:


lir» .Tolin T-'nrrcll. NVwitrl*, nnii .Titlfii Oraeo Younian», "Litko Hopatronif. H, John Dean. Water Gap. and Km- •1'A David Kdilhiirer, Uluhinonii, Pa., ma Albert, llelvidere. and .Mr.s. Philip W11 lever. Phillip.H- :: History of the IJ;*. (leo. Vrei'lnnd ami Ala^U- .Ste- liuw. mHRISTMAS AT ili L. .Marshall Teol and ilrn. Leonora phen*, Selioolcy's Mountain. :••. Kilmir C. Moore. IUthU-li<-ni. and Thompson, IlnckettMtown. Year Minerva II. Ik-am. Washington. ^7 Itnymoiul Smith ami Plorenee •2T> Onear S. ''nuiifpt mill I-i*ln Hnxik*. West, lilalr-stowii. •>1 lloyal Fowler and Ida Smith, Phll- 'lift Wiiilk-M lilnl. Danville, nnd Li-nn llpshurf?. Hart. I'oterslmrj;. 27 Fred Dercmer. irncltcttHtuwn. and r/i'e 77rfe of Economy Presents Big Values! ^'7 Jacob Kiiiiiei-, ICastoii, mid Heat l.t'im Oibbn, Port Morris. 'SS J. Itlnlne HiImundH. UlulrHtown nnil J rife Hawk. Alpha. by lire , -•7 J. 'Thomas Klniiey. I'liilllpsbiirfr. .Mlna Wllfoii. Marksburi). ... For months we have planned to mike our store, this Christmas, 2S tiuo. Walters, UalnoKburK. anil 1 : : Hook and Ladder Co. urbanized :tt and Heatrlt-e A. Hawk. Alpha. m a place where you would bo happy to trailed J9 Coriit-llus W. Huff. Dunellt n. and Mrs*. Anna Maher. Alliunuuhy. Do I a war**, :!0 CJto. L. Ijtmger,' Wa.sliln^ton, and Shiver "••'.'•••• We are confident ouFselectiohsaiiil assortments of useful gift i Wm. Kelly kilk'rt by trolley at New Clara Vann. Mai-kettstnwn, ;. • ill Walter s. shoppard nnd'Mnt: Jennie Kits)). Jackson Valley. Just scratch a match—light articles will meet with your approvil. The best concerns throughout i Ilenrv \\tmvel fall* «,iT bridge lit Williamson, Harmony. :tO Frank D. ..MiiRiilrc. H]n»mHiuir>*t this country have produced for Xmas buying the very finest product .MjmJiiT- Crwk nm) hllh'il. :".» Kdwanl •>;• Xtlers. ' I'MlII-isbun*. and'Lulu Howlby, Awburv. the Perfection Oil Heater— i Mr. and Mrs. ("Jni. A. r.'epiie. Lower anil .fi's.u|.> ,j, Scott. Kaston. .10 Warren V. Ocpuy and Xiilik' S. that expert designers and skilled workmen could accomplish and we .Mt. Itethui. celebrate 2\nh aiinl- ;!1 Itoy Aimy. formerly Harmony, 1'iitter, Marl.-.sbnro. and stop shivering. Wher- have shared this triumph by presenting to you their work. and ** IJnmlcs, New Vork. :!0 Ot;o. Morris ami Lizzie M. ItlKlor. ever you have a room that's You can better realize how nice all our stocks look when you : Uev' lir. llk'lmnlxnn Gray installed "I Chus. ICdirertmi, and Uose Tltmtui." WaNhliif-'ton. , as [instnr Hcntycstnwn and Itock- Hlahvtmvn. ::0 u. Offtk'ii Whlh'setl, Wasbhmton. hard to heat—that the (ur- visit the store. port Presbyterian ehtiivhes. •Tnniniry. and Mrs. Chas. Walters, Oxford. These suggestions will help you in deciding your purchase: Harmony I'reshyterlarts e.-li-brati- ::0 Ira H. Nixon. Dover. Torinerly of nace doesn't reach—there 100th nunlvi rsnry nfvi>n;anlzutlon. 1 Chester W. Flu*. rhlllfpsburK and Washington, and .Itssie I!, Yoimr. you'll need a . IlL'tiry Hi-ink's ilead Imtly found in Mary !•:. l'nulus. Green's Bridge. Ooriland. N. V. :: Ityron ,i. Tarr ami Mary C. Kyan, :;n Wm. Williams and Ktliul P.-nny. Suits Suspenders Sweaters | ; Mrs. Austin VitnKlrk. K'err'y Cor- PhilllpKhurr. ner, injured by fall t'mm wapm. T. 1-M"ar J,. Oakes and Kiln M. Groff. ::0 Cliiw. II. Cooley and Stella Oaks. Undervvear Raincoats Hats 1't Annual fiiiitball wimi' between C. Washington. Philllpsbur-K- •» Charles Fur roll. Washington and PERFECTION M Healer L\ I. and ltlnlr Hall: u.;UIier team Mufflers Neckwear Klizabeth Slater. Anthony. April. - (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Sull; Cases tlj Uiirkii' Kabnan. Alpha tailor, kill- S U«v. Wnu J. Mutliinson. D. IX. 3 Win. LanclH' and Catharine Aliir- ed mi niilroii-l near Alpha station. Wellesvin,., ()., and Kliziiboth ly. PbllliiisburK. Just the thing for blizzard time or between seasons. Its genial Overcoats Jewelry Gloves 17 Cbristla.l lOnd.-avor. IliicJict'.-aown, :\ (k-o. O. Uraily and MIUu Grllllth. glowing heat makes any room cheerful and cozy. No smoke— 11' iilivt-r Kii.-rion. Aslmi n.I Mrs. I'lillllpxbtirN-. no smell—smokeless device prevents. Brass 17 Mtiildi'nss of imp rock work". '!'-•'- l*hl r. ChanjaUr :: KttKtiiiu S. Dunn. Kaston. ami KIsle Shirts Caps Win. T. Wanl. U.is..|k- ami Alary Hosiery t.Mt'iwii. tlo,«tmyed by lliv. Staimrts. mUllnttlHirff. f font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin- 7 .Martin. IMdlHpsbm-i:. ?< Cbns, ^r. Trans no and l-'lorcnee i llarrv WeKb, l!». Haekt ttstown. {-,"—.) ished in japan and nickel. Every heater warranted. kidnapped mill robt.e.l; held f..r, ! Max l.izzt-tt tint! .(lePtnnk> Miller. Tbompsnii, Warren Paper anil*. We would be pleased to have you call at our store whether you iwu hour.-", then iVcapcs. ! \Va»liliistf.n. I Thomas A. Paulus. (Irocn's Uiitl«t\ buy or not. Slop in and see how well we have planned to meet your i I'ni.tn Kiieanipim-nt No. 3:1. ">. O. l Siimuol j. Ktvil. -' Umtxvflli' and ami Kt-ba Norrls. Pblladelpbta. The J^Q^j/%}t J- « -v-,n Gives a restful, .May St.utt Mnmmkufhitnlc. 1 IIUI'IIS Kelso and Klsie Plekel. n. I-'.. Washington wins .suite X*-^,^-'—'C;l'X*-t"^fady, soft light wants for Christmas buying.- • STORK OPEN' •1JVENIXCS UNTIL prize In membership rains. HrAvan! ' Transiu-. Kaston and I'blllipsbunr. CHRISTMAS. i Asblev\« silk niill. IluekeUKtmvn. Oaprif M. Wltlevvr. .lacKs-in Val- (i I'M win L. Cai-diuT Port Coldon. which is^so-niuch appreciated by.rvoikers and \vl|-.-,l out l>y Hiv: loss about l.'y. •• and Lulu .M. 1'i'lty. .laekson Valley. atudcp.ta.^Madc of brass, nickel plated with.thc Ct-oi^.' fi-ousc and Mps. C'"i-ii 0 Walter C. Thuinas. Kaston. ami __.. latest improved central draft burner. Every laiv.p riiivil -Auniiis. WiishlnK'oM. n-nrty Slutiwetl.. Ululrxt»u'tr. Maine Thompson. Phillipshurj,'.: .lohn CV Mayor and Jonniu I-'n'v. 10 SamiiL-l \'. C'hiUiuiiinj-'. V;iH. and **" warranted. Write our nearest agency for dcA> JACOB MAYER .siift".ifated by ^:is. Tillle aivrlcli', Walnut Vall.-y. Uev. Dr. llobm Campbell appoint- Stijwartsviili'. scriptivc circular if your dealer cannot supply \ ed rei'tur of St. I'eter's Kptseopul Il.nryS.-ip and NVtlU* Kitz.-r. Thll- 11 P. W. Wetly. Ilethbbem. ami VALUE GIVIXG OUTFITTKR Gladys U Lloyd. Phtllipsburir. . the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo L^mp, church. Washington. Illtsbur". : ..TlH* third of the triolets of Mr. Mk'hiu'l t'opofsii and Mary Iliuly, in Gen. Wi'i-khelst'r and Margaret Standard Oil Company Corner Centre Square. Easton, Pa; L , .'.aicKntcor. Pbillipsbuix- :.,... 17"John IV Pitts" untl Lrnn Piersnn. I'hMliMsbur*. 17 Harry A. Waterbor and Kminu Plfivon. PlilIllpsbnrK. J 7 Ansou |!r«liMiiKi-r and Tltlk- Coo- b 17 1 r. Ja nil's. (ievi ley. am I • nrle til W CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS i.j \\ iii. M i;iiv.al.- til 'I •l>lu Stickney Portable Gasoline 1 v and I •imp biiru I-xciN nil n\\m< Iti iu i.^titu-r, cooling syM.-m J 1 1* •vln lien. ersmi aiid'^ he (ninllty of It- iiiiiterlni ami the iiccunisy iif in inkitiL; it the mustsntisfnciory for nil [itn-posts. Jl J bn j-:. *Cai ifn te "m«l I eiei"r Win. T. Melllek and l;:iiza'7.M"7ft: Globe Store Hawk, riilllipslnirn. . •']••'• Made iu sizes KlmerSnvder nnd Jesse Tlmtelier. '"require; W. Ootslll Sarah I-'. Ha: ^ Iljuib. OUR COLLECTION OF CHRIST- •Mii>. I'.lias .I"!uisoii, Ant'ioiiy. and .b-n- nie M. Ijt am. .Mt, Mvy* MAS GIFTS IS COMPLETE : s. .1. .Illinium. I'liillip^burL:, unit Leii'ira 1'utler. Kastou. I*. W. CclilianU. I'hllli|^burfr and In the basement you will find Dolls, Toys, China ware Iv'nsi M. (V"|.-, lerth Amboy. ! Win. .Sehwelkhai'dt. ilai-kettstniva, Glassware, and hundreds of beautiful Christmas novelties. and Auu-usta Helker. ICaslon. I Osear Xleee and Lillian• UnninuM'. •• !. 'QN.THK MAIN FLOOR l'hlllip.-hurj;. : I Jr. 'Alft'i'd Joius nnd I.'iuura .Sny- Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Knee Collars, Fancy Combs, Hand Bags, Feather Boas. Furs, Tailor-made Suits, .'('!• (I. Ward and Mrs. Ariler. Jnne- tion.1 •' • • ' Cloaks, Raincoats, Dress Good-;, Silks, Dress Skirts, Silk t i.!eo. D. Herring. I'lalnllold, and Waists, Lace Waists,'asd all kinds'of Dry Goods at our usual : I'Vede'rie'k Ohurehlll and Catharine Wt-lijborst. I'liilllpslnirw:. . money-saving prices. '. Frederiek Klirie and Susan Uer- i Christo].In-r Dittmar and .Mrs. Julia A. Aptfiir. Alpha. ! llonry Ruhr and IVarl Sampson. Kaston. ALLEN CARPENTER \ Frank Allshouse and Mrs. Mary Miller. 1'liillipsburn. . 229-231 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. i Abnuii Wildriek and Carrie Mit- ten, Vienna. i Oscar Ilrmlershui and KucliH : M. Diu-kworth. Washington. * Kmil A. KrolKt'r. l-Ias-ton. and Catharine Orbs, Phlliipsburii. June. . Frederick C. Struiwe and Bessie CHRISTMAS COMES BUT •TlieenKiiie. when received, is complete 111 It-selfniul ti-eil* na fining of pipe*, settiiiK»f ls»nk>. M. Rlnehart. Pbllllpsburi,'. k'iriiiBorti.iUeric-sorotliercoiinectioa-t, nml it is 011U necessary to Mtpjily a smnll qiitintity of [ Kdwanl S, Itlnohart. I'liillipsbur"- t*nterauxt.i>iisiv<; line of 1 [ Waiter Moke. 1'hilllpshurK.' and all kinds of up-to-iiutcVeiisoiiuble footatulTs at prk-w to pleas* Christnms shoppers. Grace VanAltu. West Portal. JoHn S. PicKel, Bloomsbury, N. J. 1 Thomas SHlelcls. Jr.. Haeketts- town, and Alice M. Playford. Am- Men's Slippers sterdam. N. V. mure iipir- If'TKoxioh* we Ketvrd f;cnback. Oxford. High Cut Storm SKbes Claudo K. Imlay and Muttie M. Htrouse. Hhiltlpsburg. Something any intiii who must be out in the stunn will appreciate—Also sizes Clarc-nee \V. Mann., lielvldere. and for big and little buys. • Hditb M. Thorn. Newark. ("Jen. Itoney'man. Soniorville. and 1907- -1907 High Top Rubber Boots licriha Shurts. Junetion. and Mrs. Howard Collins. Port, Oxford. •John C. Scbring. Hinghanitiin;' X, V.. and Mrs. Maine V. .Howard. .for boy.s and LTIIIS to !;r«M:i!, very reasonable in price, . ; spyeial pri/.es at Dover until*ry Febr iry. Kdwanl Tiiltle, Jr.. and Cora Lou- lieautiful Christinas Gifts iu our new and, much " <1 v n bii :".•.-- tt h i 1! i I)!*!);: rgr: :-:.:.—:.-.• ::.-:y 1 : Come i-i^'lit in and we can help you out. and you will have the sUWnotioii 'of ' sliow. "'«'•Clmrlws' Fishpai;«:h^'iii hla'-Bailey,' lafger stofe arid have"a^larger stock to select from.- 2s L'ltth annual Thanl^s;lvinK eiitei-- Isaac lieum antl Anna Xlcholiis. having bou^lit a sensili'i: present. ' • ,_ . . < nuitiiwbinv. C.r(en"s Bridge. Remember our up-to-date stock is in close touch udnmont bv 1,'i-osljyLerians of 1 Wasbitma'tn. ti Lester Muff and .fMsepln-'iie George. Chas. I-:. .Stryker, Pittsburg and with the times and we anticipate your every want :S: John Maek, 'J'.t years. Glen Gard- Hlalrst.hvn. ]-:iva Van Atta. Piiillipsburg. . . • -aiv,-v. -Ulll«l' while .walking •"tu.C-.'n-. i' Frank Good and Alice Margarita!, .O. Hurt Merrie.k and 1C Gertrude iu Diamonds, Watches. Clocks,. Jewel?. 'KiiKur.1 PliIHI|i»buriJ.Ti •." trul railroad. -:..:-Hclviderc:™-..^.™.::^--;; ery, Silverware,^Novelties, etc. Family Shoe Store 419 Northampton St., Eaiton, Fa. L'S Lewis K. Ueall T'riiK'eton student, f Amos jr. Dyer. Tran<|tiility and John 'Kolcslcr and Hattlo n. Hess, Mrs. Minnie C. Chirk. Allanuidi.\ Philllpsbunr. drowned at Foul Hilt, while ea- 1 . iiuulni; on Delaware. 10 John r,orci*ely, Wilmington, Del. Porrv D. Berry and 13ortha C. •\S <;<'o. i-'uroe ami family. Vienna. .. and.Mury Tdrak; Peciuest. •Jones, iiuttxvllle. • . ,11 ^Klorian SeiiH. xyaslUn-jtoii.v.and L r : ~--~uTr;^ iPi'iTihV:^ ^;i;^L-."nwir^icn~ ™'^i;;i- y-~riGh~^ "chimir'Nowark-^C!rcaf MeadowsT"*"" r:iy iind iniured.. „ . 111 Jumvs.. Murrot, ..N'»wark,;.nnrl.. A lie/-. i ularent-c-'K;-'Fisher,-'.UOKBVIHe; and ::o"Mr/and' M.rsV'JalJ'.'Z G. Smith, Do!- : Dcinohuu, is'ewark. j . llulh S...Owen. llackeltstown. .vniv. (...li>_lifiiin.. i0ih-.w.(.'ddlnK. an- i "John "Graffney-'ati'd KliKahoth" Fa- 5- 421-423 Northampton St., Easton Pa. "••'Washington;' umi'iluwtivt'l), Mc- nioritli and nil Consultation-, l-'xitinhinUon.s niversary. """••• ~" ""; !• •• ,'uan", Philliiisbtirg. e tti<>'l<'niMklin Hmis it ml Mi'dluinos included, to nil who apply belon; Jan. 1st. Kcnnii. Wharton. '-> i 'OcVi. A. Buchanan. Harmony, and 1 1". Howard Congle and Kvelino Kaust, .Hi.'iiiemlxM-, noi; auoUioi iv>iit need be:pai(l. Dr.. Mamie- )\ Phtlliiwbiirt;. Thomas'A. Shields, IIackotts.town.1 ville. does this to prove to the side lii* po'vnrs-us a Ifi Hlmcr C. Petty. Was In listen, and speeialist on nil Climnic l.)isi')asi.!«. . All wlu» suffer with •I l.uiils' Anderson. Jr.. and Ulanuhe \ Lizzie ]-[. 'W.vckoff. Port Cnldoii. and Ireiiii. Gardner, Itenova. Pa. ' M click, l.'.loom.slniry, It; H. C. .Smith. Holvidijre. and Ht-ssie I lav. James Jamloson, Mountain Nervous Debility. laipotejiry, Vital Weakness, A'ari-, View, and Alice Laiulgraff, Hrook- 1 :, Frorlerifk VuiiKbt, Phillipsbiirp:, H. Khaw. J'liliadellWiia. • 'e.ouekN rncouipl^in' Deveiupmeiit, rniuitunil -•Brains;- and,'L-:iixa Hoiidon. i'.elvidero. lyn. Diseases nf tho Heart, Kidneys, Stomach, Liver and 1 21 Peter S. Hartitntr and IJzxie \\\ S Johti fJiiniminss;.-.: Vioiihii, and An- Cooper, Jiopc " ' Loon .Smith, and Graciaea^>..'n, _no jntiHoi1 wJidt; _U:iIph I IJIIKSW Jlll(l_ :1'<-!ila Jl0!1^' fririruiriH\'Tih!iiro;yfHrirTnin'T/i?FiK'curaDieTra»^ ! IHtflO Meln.y Washington, and llol- r I will tell you so. I will not uiko your ease on. a forlorn Wil.srm, Hu],u. Tboo. C. Kanipai and Kdith Cline. en Sinter. Mt. Lebanon. : V). !!. Oburly. Stewaitsvlilo, lem-e will be ob^ervod. Write for my lioiae treutninri!,. > Ohas. I.Sell and Hertha Cole. Bctit- Floyd "lV. Crisman, HUiii'stown, and SENSIBLE fiOCID7\Y .lii'liy iimil. ' .. , . ••'..'•:. .n-nnlo Skinner. Pblllinsbiirf, i ("irovcr c. DiickwfH'tii ami J-'fot'cncc Wc\va7if; .. MANDEVILLE, Specialist Slifvuli-^ Oxl'unl. Frank Snyilo: mul ! '"' Hush. K'KHii'JI l'omi> Blilif., iK-r. NnrMi.iliipioii niul N. lilies. £ASTON, PA. I Kdwanl I'l. - Davis and l"va Apf;;ir, I Joseph "'Cianmrr; Jr.. ^Gluit Gsinl- Montana. 116'r, ami ]<'rances Keller. Junction. OFFICE HOURS—Monday, Wednesday and Thnivdiiy iiionnnys, !i to II sharp. Call fun. ' Uohf-rt Cook', Washington. :!and .Tliu lh*stHo]iiIu>;vil)uuKtit is for tho useful jjirtriintl Llio wisest, buyor in the 0110 Sunday morning,'-i0 to VI noon," Saturday, W to 1L» noon; H to •! n. in.; i.to I) p. in. I John K. WjKlrk-k and H. Klistnbotli 1 John S. Riddle and . J-ulu Petty, wlio buyscurllcsU What more uaefiil present than one- of our •;. . Xftllio Trceixe, Oxfoj-rl. l i-_.v mftHo—nliHo-.*- _ .. Mn rt-11 ~ '/ '•' '' ' Ne:w"-A:ina'£CeT~"-~-—T—r; r-~ ; t ! 'Clarence'"D.'Snydorr'nf-iviiloTe.raird" lu....TtLbo {,S.1,\\*atLors, JJaiii.p.abit.rg, ami ] .-LinijnuJTardiiiir...Peii>.Ari,'.vl.LiP,a. Wni. C. Pic.kel. Pliillliisliurw. and CarrIe"Br"Meye!^;:lMiniipKburg.-- !"~LfiVi' \\Ta"rriian""'~Xow 'Villa'KcT"'7ih"!V Ill ••John'1' A," Cummins and Georglan- Julin -'o'SIiuii. •• 'WusiiinKlon, n»tl Mrs. Martha " Ht-ntty, 1'hllllpsburs. liavo yatheroil togetlier for your inspection, sucli as ;.. World. $1!,00 For'Farmers^ na Khunerfolt, Vienna. ! Amrs .UoKers, So. Kaston. and Slary M". Blackweil. Hackottstown. IS Wni; P.- Ward and Mary -PI. Mar- Clave CortrlRht,- PhillHiKburf,'. Ashcr-AValters and Km ma llofCord,' tin. PhilllpsburK.. i Chas.. Dcrr. 1-Iaston and Sarah Phtllipslnii'fir." " . ' Fancy*Crockery and Christmas Goods Dairymen, Poultrymen] IS Leonard Ijancu" and Florence Xelce; TJbllllpslmrg. T. I,. Dickurson, WoodiirlOee, and r Luln IJ. Thompson, Dover—"Wash- Jinny holprul liints liore in iiaerul Holiday giving. Wo can take care of all your Smith. Gleif Gardner. - -" [John A. Case and. Slame llankin- : Chas.- R. Ford • : Inmnyentfor the Fnirbnnks and 19 ICric Dalberg, Oxford, and Caroline son, irackottBtown. ington. , ! ' wants In ' ;-.. Morse Qasoline Engines, Qunkcr Jiapp, Netconp. : Win. A. Kohlman, Bolvldere, and Geo. lll.shon. Broadway, and Mrs. Furnishing Undertaker City Feed Mills, U. S. Cream Sep- 22 John H.-. Ward, Washing ton, and Alice P.-]3urtl, l^ort Colden. Nulllc Burrell,' Belvldere—Wasli- .;.' Groceries and Vegetables arators, riodcl Incubators, Sussex Amanda's. JJowlby, Springtown. I Arthur J. Park, Hackottstown, and 2-1 Oscar Unanirst and Jjtilu S. Brooks, Robert J. Shoblin and Christina- as our stock is being constantly replenished with Uin beat and freshest NIGHT CALLS'1^ .: .: Plows, and Wood Saws. It will bo Kmelic P. Jensen, Bethlehem, Pa. •• Inird to "find another denier who Stewartsvillo. - i Clair Llnaborry. and Ethel llqii-d, Groningcr, Phlllinsburff. ;; . ..!:..•_' in tho market, . „ ' ;Atmy Residence, 71 E. Church St' : will meet my prices. , o , 24 John S. "Wilson, Phililnsburg, and ; Philip D. I^iilr, Mllford, and Anna Mt. Hermon. "i.~ 'R. T.eigb, Glon. Oardnfir. . -, 1 Jaliez"nViison'and^UertieTrryr^ol- —Th TaLBPHONK" CONNHCTIONS.""" " 24 Josenb "Bercenbacki • Oxford, and Washington. OX THE' CORNERS" ^;, & E LUTZ, Dunlield, N. /, ". Hattlc Glass, Dover. . Chaa. Grosse, Lndgownn.d, . and vldere. .. :

ii.. ;. (Continued from IIIIRC IB.) Raymond Tiger. Call fan, •and Mtiry Calvin C. •29\VYnley Wliltmoro and May Aton, C. Hoffmnn,. WiiBhington...... •.,. Washington. "•.•••" John Ort. Ilackettstown, and Jcn- 9 Ch'nw. Stile*. Phllllpsbiirg, S5. '2iulicr. • 1ft Henry Lexvls, Washington. 8G, Washington. •2 Joseph 11. Steele. Jr., Washington, Gift Suggestionli For Infants and Children. lt> Mr*. Patrick . Gammel), J'hllllp»- :: Aaron licera. •Spruce lUin, anil and Bertha Brown Stanhope. burif. 70. lira.' J5(lntL Fleming. NauRlirisht. '2 Wm, Collins, Port Coition," and It: Mrs. Herbert Yutz, Phillip.sburg, We have spent considerable time and caie this year in gather-. 4 J. Wesley Allen, SoimTVlllo, unil Mrs. Anna DiinUtp, Low's Hollow. 1 ing'together a fine selection of useful and ornamental Christmas Liuini Hunti, Htt-pliensburK. 5 Samuel liartk'M ami Millie M. How- IS Xancy. Hoffman. Ilnckettstown, 84. : Tha Kind You Have « Cliu-H. 11. JJimlmrry," Know) ton', anil ^ell, Fnlrmount."-" '."" "" " IS Mrs. Alex. Kveritt. PhlHipHburg, &ti. piits. They arc very choice. In Fancy China are ;; :; ,. Nellie V. Crinnmn, Blulrstmvn. 6 Hobert X. Reid, Davenport. O., IS Marjorle Crater, Junction, It. U Grant \\\ IIiiKerty, PhllllpHburg, and Itosella Vllet, • Uer.tycHtown. IS Gideon o. Gerard, Washington, 70. mid Mitry C. Mnltnn, : Green's fi Guytm P. •Aiiilursrt'n,' Florida, and 18 Mrs. Mary L. Shlpman. Ut-lvldere. Salad Dishes, Berry Sets, Bread Plates JwegetablcPreparationrorAs- Itriiltri;.: I-Jdna Tl(,'er, Madfson—Jlucketts- IS Kuphi'inlti liolton, formerly Uelvi- stadlatlngtheToodandRegula- Always Bought R Welllnift'tn [f. DoWltt. Simliury, town. ... ilere. 77. •••-..: Cake Plates, Cocoa Sets, Fruit Dishes thfjthEStamaihs and Bowels of Pit., and Uilu Farley, Fiilrmount. (J John It. Hiiwk and Laura Mclt- 19 .Mrs. Klizahc-lh \V. Sherrer, June-: 7 John Albm imd : Hilda Hwuyze, haney. Glen Ganlner. tion, as. Nut Trays, Cup and Saucer Sets Oxford, « Wm. C. Kennedy. Bloom.sbury, and l!i Win. C. Smith, Ashury, 7".. 7 Ira Beiii'nl, Waul i ing ton. and Km- Edith a Iluiclicri. • UtiKliviltc. ly Lewis C. McCracken, Ilackettx- .:. and other things in China to suit your taste. Pin Cowull, Newark. a Floyd B. Taylor and Iluttiu Buek- town. 6S. bee. Green's BridKo. 7 Gen. Asbli-y, t'alernwi, and Anna 20 Thaddeus \*anScoten, Jacksonlmrg, 4^^-^••l••^••l•^I••^^.^•I••l.•^•I••I•^.n^I^•^"I^•^.•^ BromotestSfesl!on,Cheerrul- W. SIIUJIIK HiicltettNtown. 9 John Zinc, Allentmvn. and Sarah 11 Lommnl n. Alpaiigb, Middle Val- Widenor, Bolvldere. 2''Mrs. Mary King. Ifaekett.Htmvn' nessandRest.Contains neither ley, and Xellle Wnek, Washington. 0 'Joseph Hopnork, Ocrnifm VIIIIPV. 21 KlIziilK'th M<-tt. Stlllwuter, Si'. GLASSWARE CtaumjMorphine norMinsral. ID lienj. F. McClny. WiiMblngton, and and A'rnes X. Dufford, WooiU'Ien'. 22 Mrs. Michael Khtivhuii, High NOT NARCOTIC. •Miir\* Ciarrixnii, Mnckutttttown. 9 John Rupell. T'jitteiibiirn and IM- Hrhlge, Or.. Water Sels, Wine Sets, Berry Sets, Sherbet Sets. '..'•' " ^7 CbaM. Holilcn, Wiwblnirton. and- na Piel, rhillinsburK. 22 Chas. Crevellng, Pbilllpsburg, r.t;. fiorirtidc Ctim\ TIaukettstown. 1" Krnest LaadenberKer. Freoinnns- 21 Mrs. Henry Moyd, Wiisldngton, ::t Jctwc Smith and Itebeccu Htone. Imrjf. ami Henrietta Smith, 1'hII- •24 Mrs. Jacob I*. Petty, Port Murray, HANDSOME JARDINIERES UpsbnrK. Quite a proper Christmas present. We have a selection in several H Kdward Wnolvt'rton and Ada Sllff, lit!. Haekcltstoivn. M Mrs. Anna State. I:looini;lmry, SI; sizes, various colors and designs. Ceo. S. McCmiiu-ll, Oxford, and 11 Win. n. 'Nlxim, PhilllpsbiirK. and 21 John Platt, PhllllpHl.tirg, 30. Mrs. Kllit II. Sutton. JIopo. Charlotte Wyneooi), Maston. 24 Joseph Faulkner. Oxford, SO. Lewis VanV'ost. Oxford, and Itetta I*; Frank McClary mid Olivia \. Gib-2". Mrs. Km ma. C. Taylor, Junction, ".S. LAMPS In Itobcrson, Jiuiityestowii. son. Washington. 2'i Win; I-Virrestci". Changewater. (17. A very large variety of Chinaliua, Glass iand Nickel Lamps at Lowest Jianua S. Lumlit-rt. lUiekaway, and 16 Fn.-d A. Broiisou, Blonmsbury, and 2'J Josliih C. Mosor, Pliillipsburg, SO. Liw.it! C. Vftrker. PlilllipsburK. 20 IX-Wilt Young. Allamuchy, lf». Prices. I'inPine ChristmaChristn s gift. CII.'IM. Stiirkor unil Kthel Dalryra- Harriit K. Winter, TMi'illlpKhtirR. 2U Win. Itnple, Pattt-nburg. 17. ple, Washington.' 10 Kdward S. Tilhnjin, itaiitan. and 2« JHIIK'S Taylor, Sr.. I'lillllpsliurg, r, I. ApctfccHiemcdy forconslipa- Mrs. Mcta lIondi,T.son, Glon Gard- ROCHESTER NICKELWARE Use Chan. Unas mul Louise Prey, IMill- ner. 27 Chas. Lambert, Stewartsville. -10. llpslnirir. 25 Vlriril K.'Itanium, Port Murray, fi.". lion,Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Iti Jacob Xunn anil Anna GoiiM .An- 2S Walter Johnston. Wasiiingtmi, 4 1. This line includes Serving Dishes, Jlrcad Trays, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Worms.Convulsions.Feverish- C'oiiutlluM N. Urnkaw. SIIIIIHTS, ami thony. : Mrs. Ida Iloyt;r, Sjn-lngtown. Iti Jacob Cnisou and Viola M. Mer-2!i Dr. Franklin Farrow. Washington. : and .Bread Knives. acss and LOSS OF SLEEP. David Lynch and .Mabel Mutehler, rlulc, Hop.'. Over lib '10 James Monahan and Catherine 2!« Ab.nz.i Somcrvllte, Port Murray, Iliirrv !•:. Slir(i])i-, WuHhiiiKton, and FRUITS, NUTS AND CANDY "l-Mlznbeth Ktnink. Mrondway. riihney. J'hllllpxImrK. •29 Win. iCiiffler, Pliillipsburg. 20. ; ^0 I-Mward J. Krlnic, Blooinsbtiry, 20 .Mrs. Stephen A. Lelllor, II:icketts- The genuine Cape Cod Cranberries; Grape l ruit, Oranges, White Unit, U. Kciwir,. Washington, and .. and Lulu E. Gl.sy. Dunellen...... : .M.ii. \Vini;i;u:;or.. Hiirinnny. , • 'MOV.'!!, 77.' • • -• -•. -•..... GrapevHiiglisIi.AValnuts, Cream.Nuts,.A!moiid«i Filberts.:;.; '-:.-. Thirtw Years Krnent Brown. ISlonmslmry. • and •it) Geo. Smith. HacKetlntown. and :!0 Mrs. Samuel W. Miller. Haeketts- Violet Imlay, Phillipshurn. town. Sii. Mary VanSydile. I'liUllpshurK. •10 JosenH-T. Caldwell. Vlruinla, and Commencing on Saturday and continuing until Jimietf .Murrit. Whnrton, and l-'rnn- Edna IlolT, Great Meadows. HI Mrs. Ithoda Sliiter, Genoa, III., for- : cls C. Mrady. Phllli|>sbiirir. merly x. .r.. m. after the Holidays we will >ell 1 •22 lOlisha J. Ittird. Xew York, and Sh Ivln l\. Hunt, Montana, and Sara A. Person, PhilllpslnirK. "I Margaret Itowmnn, Schoolcy's Kinma ApKnr, Potterxville. •Hi Merman l!« aty. Mt. Bethel, and Mountain. FINE MIXED CANDY AT IOC PER POUND Chaw. Kul.suy, WaU'rhury, Conn., Ervilln Clawson, Haekettstown. 31'Henry lioyd, Washington, 7:i. itml .Minnie Ctimnii, Washinfiton. 2.'t Frank Sutphin and Christina Laird,' , IVbruary. This is our regular 12c grade and is nicely assorted. '. , James II. Cliiie, I'hllllpsburg. and riillllpHhurr;. See display in window. 'Clmrldiiu A. Seldel, Mhldletown, •>'•'• Judson \'. Vaughan. Lafayette, and 1 Cliii-a It. Dreisbach, Pbillip.«burg. X. V. Edna ^^. SlmnioiiH, Washington. Exclusive agency for Kolb's Bread. II. \). [Suss and ' Chrlssli.' Keller, 25 John Gnbel. Phllllpsburf,'. and 1 Km ma Kseh. Philllpsburg. IMiillipsb urg. Elizabeth Harrison, Carpenters- 1 Mrs. Wm. Suydaui. Glen Gard- llr. F. A. Slitmur and ICtsle M. •vllle. ner. I-t. Try a bottle of Iireck's Grape Juice .with your Christinas Dinner—non- O'Brien. PhllllpKburff. 27 Wm. E. Melntosh Alpha, and 1' Alplious Cyphers. Newark, formerly alcoholic—2$Q a bottle. Joseph Curoy mid .Margaret Uellly, Catherine, Pheion, Easton. of Washington, (iS. I'hlllipsbun-. '17 John Dleht. Keranton. and Min- 2 lienj. Muckley. Holvlilere, II. nie Ward. Washington. 2 Carl Slater. Xew Hampton, S. CHRISTMAS POULTRY \ •J7 Robert .Shoemaker and Addle I! Mrs. KlUabeth Uoseberry, Wash- t Ularence K. indwell.' Eastern, and Rush, Green's lltjldso. ington. 7«.. We are making arrangements to have good, fresh, plump and plenty Kstellii Harms, PliilllpsburK. 27 Jesse VaiiHorne and Sadie ICveritt, ;i Wm. H. Swisher. K'nowlton. 77. of .Turkeys and Chickens for all your needs. Send in your orders T Wm. K. Youse. Xevvark. and Km- Mt. Hermon. 4 Jacob I. Harris, lilalrstown. 7T-. ma II.'Hiistlnjf, Ilaekettetown. 4 Mi-s. Mnrv Huff. New VIlIiiRC. SO. early, so we can make you a nice 'Selection! The prices will be right. f Y DitWlU Wilti'Vfi1 ami Julia Uurger, 27 Harry Aptffir, Xowark. and Jennie 5 Mrs. Ksther VanHcutyn. Polk vllle. I'hllllpsburj,'. T. Mnyberry. Port Murray. T 27 Chas. BanKliart, BridtfoviHo. nnd 80. Kdwnrd ('iisi'fk, Patovsnn. nnd Cleilrude itrand.f. Belviilen'. ii Mrs. Llzzlo Cole. Passale, formerly You will llntl nil of our stock worthy of tho euroful axiimiiiutioti of everybody who f f Anna UiiKtui, Washington. •11 Wonluey A. Hutt and Lulu HotT- Oxford. I"'. ' nuikefj holiday presi;iils anil servos a good Christmas dinner. and Print Herbert A. Opdyke, Port Olden, man. Bloomsbiiry. i! Clara L. Mayberry. Aiidersnn. 2:&. T T and Jt'iinio IS. Nixon. Hroadwny. li Mrs. Margiiret Gidick. Huekport. ' '' V Clark I'. Stimuli. Cornish—Allen- •2$ Arthur Shively and Lucrelia Duek- T • T town, and Annie Vnul.aviinee, • worth. Philllpsburf,'. : ttS, F rot.' in a us burg. . 2S John M. iltird. Serantou. and Mary ti Mrs. ICliziib.'tli C'rowk-y. fonnrrly f • . ••* HIL-II Uridge. .. . •• . . : . .. E. X. WYCKOFF, LOUIS ROESSEL CO. obediah (Jastner nnd Mrs. S. •Davis. It. Murphy, WiiHhlivtmi. •"?••• 2S Harry Mearliolf and Lydla Kick. 7 Geo. Brooks. Stewartsvlllo. D1. 'KAST'W.\.SI1INOTO.V AV1C. WASHINGTON-, NVJ. Manufacturers and «* C-diunbla. Stewartsvlle. • 7 Andrew J. llntclilnson. Portland. T Owners John flolm, Kastnn. mid Anna •IS Chas. A. I'mlt'rwooil and Mary 7 PrintersEvery of Description Broad Silks of •> Avi'r. I'hUlfpsbun:. ' Washington; 7 Sarah A. Frills. Glen Gardner. SG. T Wm. M. Wrlwlit. Newark, and Hoaiify. Washington; S Win. Dorst-v. Plillllpsljur-*. 70. x Pntuiir* H. Cole. Washington. •J.". Gen. W. Mlckel. Union town, and S Aaron II. Curlls, Pliilllpsburir. •«». T Willis N. Wilson ami Gertrude li. Mary K. i:in..-hart. HI-waitsvllle. / :•..• ::? •1% Itobertt Washclnilni, , Mast oonn, and S Lydla.nhilne. Lebanon. SI. f V Cortrlnht. l!elvid.;iv. !i AVm. C. Itutli Phillipsbiirg. 2n. f Kmtdoys 1K(>. •> Winthron T. Woodford, Gnrlkld. CJruro MoonMoon- Phillips).urgPhillips).urg. !i Mrs. Martha Gwiunt'i', lOiiston, 7"i. Is Dan Patch a Has-Been? T .A and Ulnnehe Smith.. I'hilllp.-hiirir. Hf.vry Bray and Pearl Boyer, Walter Smith. Kantnn and Allee WiwhiiiL'tnti. 10 Kenneth Ganlner. Ii'Mvidere. 1 fi. Harry OaKs and' Klizabcth Ed- 10 S.imuel Lance. Hiuli Hrlrlge. fi:!. lleilly. I'hiUin.sbtirK . 10 Maj. Knos Iliuld. UUIICIM Lake. 71., <~:~HKK~X~K~;~^^ Carl W. Simpson, lloboken and ; b Billy Biirron, the proprietor of the well-known ."Dan Kdit'h \X Welrtman. Columbia, 10 Wm. Carroll, HaekeUstown, i>;>. .lames I. Criils, Good Spring, and 10 L«vell WnndrufT. Lubunnn. Patch Cafe," in Washington, who is known as one of the most Frances Oiinlner, Washington. IX MMMOUIAM 11 Itov. X. II. Martin, Pliillipsburg. ardent admirers of the world-famed pacing horse, has late- Judsmi Fisher. Ulalrstown, anO/ 5 7. .. KSTIHATES CHEKIiFULLV GIVKX. VIHH llltrOK A.SPECIALTY. Wilhelniina lirover, I-Iiinhvick. ' Deceinhor, lDOIi. 11 IkMiry Craft. Oxford. 79. ly been so frequently asked the question : "Is Dan Patch a G. S. Ilamlin mid Grace Richards, Mrs. Kate Metz. Itncksl ]•• Wm. Wuldmim. Columbia. 07. PhllHpslmrff. // Thomas Reagan. Colu mbus. O.. !•• Cbas. Kppler. Phililpsburg. 3". Has-Been," that he decided to write to Dan's owner concern- foriiierly Oxford. 12 Mrs. Geo. W. Ai>gar. Vienna, Gfi. Ucuiicn H. Kichlliu-[feiHl Rstella John .Smith. Port Coldun. ":!. !•* Janus F. Cr^vellng. IHoomsbury. ing the published reports and his present condition, to which Brooks. PlUlllpshurf,'. f Mrs.. Klla Thomnson. Waslilngion. i:: Thomas M. Carllng. Greenwich. 72. the following reply from Mr. Savage has been received : PHILIP LENNON Paissell A. Cooke ar.il Grace O. 48. 13 Mrs. John Apirar Oxford, 211. Wolf. Marksbor". Geit. Voung. Columbia. 77. 13 James McCracken. Vienna. Clms. llyman and Katlierlii'; Al- Wm. Hynshaw, Good Springs. 12. H Mrs. Samuel Heller. Phillipslnir-'. Mason, Plasterer and General ptiugh. Asbury. Dr. Sylvester VanSyekle, Clinton. Wm.' Ho well ami Lulu Hush. ' SI.- " • • If) Levin F. Glfii'Inpr. Hompsteiid. X. Johnsonbui-K. E. H. Slgler. Philadelphia, former- Y formerly Waslilngton, "j(i. •flnternattohal'Stoch. foot) do. Contractor Walter It. Williams and Maryuret ly Washington, 82. IS Aaron Corliss. Phlilttwburg. jr. Casey, Phlllipslwrtf. Win. P. Armstrong. Asbury. GO. 15 John S. Carter. Xew York, former- Christian H. Fox and Sarah S. Dr. AV. W. Pm'sell, Whitehouse, r>7. ly Hloomsbury. if JOBBBING OF ALL KINDS Snyder, Wtisliinpton. Wm. L. White, Washington. 116. 15 Mrs. Lizzie Staley, Washington, D. Elmer- L.'•hninmnson, Harmony. Samuel C. Weller, Washington. C.. formerly Blairstown. ==~—= PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and F.tbel G. Dalrymple. Montana. Peter Nixon. "Washington, GO. 10 Mary Melllck, Stewartsville. Peter Hann and Bertha Apgar, John Morrisen...~Raijton, formerly 17 Ellen Hagorniaii. Columbia. ,/,\. J/iin ecember 5, '07 Hlffh BrldRe. •Washington, 48."*"" "^^S^s, 17 Mrs. Philip Carpenter, Philllps- The handsome ad.lition to the First National Hank Building U a Itaymond B. Surntn and Mame Isaac Teeter. Walnut Vallty, 71. y lleilly. Vlillllimburfr. Mrs. Amelia Hornbaker. Wisblng- 17 Mrs.'peter Sloyer. Phillipsburg. 4G. specimen of our work. ' r\ w 1 John C. GaiiBliran and Isabella . ton, '01. • y., IS James Hopkins. Belyldorc. Mr. Billy Barron, "Dan Patch Cafe ', Moran. .Phlltlpsbiirpr. Mrs. Stephen H. Blaekwell. New IS Mrs. James-Murphy, Ho bo ken, for- John; T. Coon. • FhlHIpsburg. and York, formerly of Washington. merly Haekettstowiil.,v? : Washington. New Jeraey. 9 Cornish St., 286 Prospect SI., Hazel W. Selple. Easton. Isaac IT. Apgar. Call Con, 63. IS Mrs E. H. Bebce. Columbia. James Ulchards. New York, and John H. Wren, Xew York, former- 1!) "Win. ii. Hess, Philllpsburg. GG. Dear Sir:"1 \ . ... . : •'••"• Washington, N. J. Phlllipsburg, N. J, Mary h. iirant. H:ieketUtown. ly Oxford. 20 M'rs. Andrew Martenls, Pbilllos- Hoy II. l^lchlin. MllConl, and Ethel Alfred Hann, Ponwoll. OS. In reply to your letter of recent, date, inguirinj? P.. Boers. Stewartsvillo. John H. Wren. Now York, former- 20 Mrs. IiCiiora Teeter, Haekettstown. into' the condition of Das Patch, I would like to say Russell W. Tltmnn and I'.. Belle ly Oxford. Sisco. Mt. riermcm.. 1 Herbert .Smith and Ktllth Myers, James Qiiinn. Dover. formerly 21 Mrs. Clementine Martcnts. Phil- that the great, pacer is far from being a-"Has-been ',' Hackeltstown. • lipsburg. .77. notwithstanding his eleven yeara of a'ge. Ihe reports Belvldere. „ ,: r -- Mrn.- Louise Sliilllnger, Stewarts- **! Jlr« Rose Bellls, W asliincton. Thomas F Fimstcad. Orange, and vllle. 70. 21 ^r^•s. Jano Vossler. Glen Gardner. of his lameness are without foundation, as was shown Edna F. Hnywnrd,. Haekettstown. Mrs. Ira Kinney. Columbia. John Coursen. Danville, and Jessie Joseph Collins, Junction, 30. 21 Constant Marie. Oxford. 55. by his recent performance on the slow New'Orleana Titinmi.' Mt. Hermon. JFire Ym Chinking of Building? Bernard Lynch. Phlllipsburg. 61. 2 2 Wm. T-T. Hicks. Elizabeth, formerly Mrs. Harriet Wese. Phillipsbiirg, track, when he paced an exhibition mile in 2.01, and ,•, LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST SO. 22 iri's^'Frodorick IT. Bryan, Hack- on November 11 he stepped the Phoenix, Ariz., track in'* •2 Howard IlulsUer. .SU'wartaville, Gen. Painter, Jersey City, formerly ottstown. S2. and Bessie M. Host-berry. Bloonis- Hii'cketstown, 72. t, "5 Mls^Sarab Royh>. Philllpsburg. 20. 1.57j4.; setting the 12,000_JpecUlqra_wiia with en- - UIl" miiny-ynnrs of-i>ractic:il" -.. Imry. - .-- J. Pri«"o Stliiklos, .lohnsonburc. . »i;. John. PittciifTer. AVaahlnpton.-. rl.v- r O expurienctf, gjiinoilin ereut- '"', Chiw." Siiyro." Warwli-k N. Y.: and R. Q. Bowers, llackeitstowii. "t!."' 2G Jacob A. Shields. ITackettstown, ' thusUsm. " '•" "~ " '•'"•" "'' im; nil sorts of liuilding.i in tbis Daisy Hnnioii, Warwick—Trau- llaltts Daringer. Oxford. 11. mid other neighborhoods, will quiliiy. Mrs. AVm. lteeso, Phillipsbnrg. 2fi Mrs. Joseph Womlruff. Pbillips- Dan ia truly the greatest,' light harness horse the prove of i'lL'stimsililo valuo to fi Amos W.. Itoatty-and Arabella Samuel Vannatta. Prnwetl, SO. liurg. -IS. turf has even seen. you wlmii you deuiili; to build. • Beei's, Port' Murray. Chas. Vorheos. lOHzabeth. !M. 27 15 u gone Hiilslzer. Carpqntersville. ~\\> wlll'gWUy ii. '•Mrs. Lavinla ^.Thompson, Philllps- PHILLIPSBURG and WASHINGTON 15 John X. Mulehlcr. X^hllllpaburtr, Ill Win.'jr. Cliiie, Washinslim. -10. .,'.; - 10 Percy N. CiiHtner and Amelia A. ,^rfs~iriM liorr\VnrIT, - • " _ , •• '• • '' ' formerly Wnshlnuton. 55. • >•• Holiday Gifts • Haekettstown. 6 John' Tims l'faekettstown, "G. 1° Wm. Mr.rtcnis, Newark, Conner A- Beats the average $1.00 Whiskies. ' . Earl 'Haley and Anna McDonald, fi Geo. Cromer, Oxford. • .• , Danville. • . „' a • . AND COAL ..•'•.•• ^''-^m-- Pliillipsbnrp, G Mrs. Sophia,, Carpenter, Bloonis- IK Mrs J. M. Mnckcy. T-Iavmony, ;> Itobert A. Smith, Jr., Bayonnc, and Iniry. SS. " ...' ; 18 »rrs. Louise Ward, Junction, 51. Mary TJ. Gray, Port Murray, Y' <. fi Mrs. Mary 13;" Allen, Alpha. 7S. 1 Philin Lore, Jr., Silver Hill, and 7 Chas. M. Foster. Haekettstown, 22. 14 Andrew K. Stiff. "Washington,. SO \ BUTTZVILLE, NEW JERSEY | KERN'S, PHILLIPSBURG ^jVljjcn^^.^Sussaiiiati, Greenwich, r -^ 7 Wm. Crosson. Belviderr, 45. 1". James Able. Bloomslniry. "S^Irs^Deantl11L" -Bit.i-lliol6niow,'~ Co- 15 •- R '.»1 «••!• I. kATi ; ?n tto n .j. JIppc, yA S^;.^ ton, nnd Madia S. Melroy, Cornish. lumbia, 79. 0 (Continued on paRc 20.)'

•M THE •'WASHINGTON-: STAR, WASHINGTON, N.J.. THURSDAY. DKCtiMHBll-12, 1007. i! '.:'•%?. :?iOTIck TO TKKSIMSSKHS, 'Wm. Hoschcrrv" ItlOKolrtvllle, 00. IS Atbm Orover. \lu\w. «U. . . {•XWXf'MX'X'MX'WW'X-S'W^^M'SiIC-iM-X-Ht-I-K'e'W^X-? if •All persons tiro warned against tres- ThnintiH S. Ciiiiiion. Uxfonl. IX Clinton Sharp, Hope. passing upon the lands of the sub- •111 111*. IS Jacob P. I'etty. Port Murray. 7l!. Bcrlbers In'any manner, without per*- J History of the .unr. IS Mrs. Mary A. llaker. Wa-hhiKton, mission, esjiuclally for tlio purposu of 1 Wnrroii Sanders, TraiKiullity, 7:*. HO. - i hunting, flailing, trapping, picking •2 Atmtin C l-'til|)er. rhlllltisbiirK. *>s. IS Mrs. Haruiau I.. Pam II. Sin-iK't Che Opera Bouse Pharmacy fruit, nuts,,etc?, under penalty of the ABLE : Manning K. Keiuple. Uaelutty- i:un, 4:s. ,:law...... ;,:.„'.,.'„..,.. ,.., _.:„...... ,;.,...... Year tuwn. H-2. IS (i_.-r>. M. VanC.impfn. Paliaqtinrry, ; :t Peter .S[atislmn>u#:i,' Asluiry. c linvc the ••; : finest lino of Jerry. Oram,.: Oxford. ©peraKouse 4 Siiuuiel V. UavK I'lifllipsbiirh'. 'IS. :« lit'-.-. Sai-iih Tlhitali. Piillll|isbiirn. George Everley, : Montana. 4 IrvhfFausl. l'hllll|ixliiin.*. 21. \ (Conllmii'd fi'nm I:IIKO '21.) S". • • ... . wif displayed in this place, nnd we want to inform you .'Mrs. J. G. Lominasson, t > Isaac T. l,;intz, PMIIIipsbtiiK. •J I James S. llntnt. l'iiifl-i'ttKtnivn. .*>'.'. V near" Vrankiln school house: also EASTON, PA. . Patriek •uirns, I'lillltpshurK- •21 Wm. Wi l.liuiin.'HaiiKor— CHumliia. 'iliat tlfii qiinlity is the best. Do not overlook our stock for ; land near Hick's school house. Alais ITchleln, Washiiivtmi, S7. ::: Mr.*. Jacob Drown, High HridK<*. \our token or inft, or you will mi-is a eolilen opportunity. Samuel Coon, Jackson Valley. 1 JMwaril Ithldh', Junction, :t!'. - :M Luella like. .\i:. ilenimn. 20. - "New good* Just arrived. ' Prices,; 25c; SOc.Jnc, $1.00 Peter Hardy, Junction. Henry !•'. Grace. Mueliottstown, 2-l. L'S Mlslo Swayze. Hope, 7:t. ami up, c: " . "Edward StlreM, Junction. Mm, Mary .1. Dairymple, l'Unilp«- Win. I-'ritts, WtisIiiiiKton. 5U. burj,-, 7t!. 1 2S Chas. Dunwull. Wdshlngtiin, .SO...... BOXED WRITING'PAPER ; _ ' Thomas Snydcr, J. AVlllovor farm, Monday, Dec. 16i Mn». Ire-no S. Koswler. .Marhsborn. IVtw J. llo|zhi|;er, Wiishlni-toM, .(L , SS iiiilh 10. Htliinner. Wiishiiigtun. 11. •'•- near Anbury. .Mr«. JHCUII Murrltt, Washlnifton, "•(. (leo. li. Myers, Martln'H Creek. -1:1. L'S AlKlrew -M. I.:ike. Hnck< ttsiitwn, tiJ. What nicer gift could you conceive, oti'l inauchaiiar- ChaM. M. Oberly, near Alpha. Mrs. Su.s'iniin Watts, Washington, Mrs. Johnson Connor, Htalrstown, 2S Mrs. Margaret Johnson. PeivMt re. ! ray of assortment ? Come atf* look them over. W. V. Sower* ami E. T. Karl .It&aecs 44. !'">. '-•..•••• Oon't Un'iib of The Opera House .Pharmacy as tbe best Wm. Stewart farm near Rocknort. Alfred H. Aarons, pre- I! Flossie Klnticy, OrOiU MOJMIIIW.*. Cieo; Junes. OxfunJ. 37.' 2S Jo'-opli HollitiKlor. Ilelvlden-. 70. ]>'nce Jo make purchases only at the Yuletitlc season, but '.Win. Scharrer, agt., Oxford Twp. 1 6 Mrs. ltiiii(ltil|ih .MlHIT. Ashury. 2S I-:. ' 7 .loiin. KJIIIULS, l'hi!ll"Ml)ui(r. 4'2. ItO .Mrs. Catliarine riempster. Phlllips- Jas. I* Shields Homestead farm. duction. James Mitchell Junction, 45. ' Miirt'CiHiKiut. Sr.. l'tiilliiixbiirfr. ""• b Jas. L. Shildn. Sprlngtown furm. ItL-dlriH Stolnor, Hloomsburv, 7S. s Klijiui l'.ray. I'hllllMuirK,'37. Jas. L. Shields. Stophensburg farm. Mrs. llnrbiirn Otiilck, Hcatyoftown, 10 Mrs, Sarah A. Plutts, Wash In','ton. CHARLES M. WILLIAMS Charles C. Teeter, Huzen. Mary A. Conlln, I'hlllipabun' 2B Harvey Stephens. J. P. Shurts' farm, t 10 Mm A. It. U'lgli, Uroat-MoiKliiu-H. I Henry Stliter. Now Vurk.—Suhoul- llonj. Walters, Vhllllpshiirw. T2. ey's Mountain. 7-1. Franklin Twp. Hi'nJ. Taylor, Jtinction. III. 10 .Mrx. Ovo. Sherrt-r. I'hlllinsbnrr. :»J. 1 1 Hi Wm. S. r;urr!!«. i John H, Hoffmiin.Veriuiy, S-I. • J., B. Varulerbelt, Washington Tivp. "YAMA" John I.. Whknor, Cornish. G7. ;t Pet< r Am merman, Asbury, 40. Jacob Anthony. I'enwell. Warren Kiley. lliirrnony. it;. IS Mrs. lloluiii (larf/ol, I'hlllii^burir, :! Mrs. Catln-rhie .Martin. Haeketts- John Stout, Milter farm, near Slun- May Italllet, 1'hilHnslmrj,*. 10. unkiichunk. direct from a run of nearly b'loyd K. Savercool. Mtu-hfttstnwn, •2ii .Mrs*. Joiiiithiin Kc-imcr, UflvliU'iv, D. O. Brink, near Brass Castlo. ioo performances at the 17. 71. 4 Adaa'i \\'. Klnehart. Phlllipshun;. Samantlia Dugnh, - near Asbury. L'O Jaitu-s lloustiiu. 1'hillip.st>iir. Herman Petty Hmiuhvay. Chris. X. Smith, Coniratle ilou'ninri, Callfun. '2''i Wiinvhir Dii^iit], Lower Harmony, ," Leslie A. Ddinls, Trancuilllty, US, . Junction. chorus of sixty. Catchy .lp>wu . Uwls, MiirkHln.ro. fnrnu rly i! Klhi Quick. (leeau Grove—Wash- Cha.1. Sartfunt, , Mt. Iteihel. Ktrodcimis Warn..- Itrooklyn. ington. THE SHOE MAN Llrofulwtty. musical numbers. Matihew I'enluiU', litalycsiown. J«! Os<-:ir IJarn 11, \Va-hii)f;t"n. Anron Petty. Port Coiden ruad. ^0 tiiMt. Pmvlt-r, Si-linnkys .Mountuin. li Kate Hamlle. Change water, 24. I wish tu call your attention to the Big Slock of Footwear Hnncc llros.. Mrs. Hllzahetli Laniilni:. Hrass Oas- l> Thomas Ilelbergei-. lMillilpsliui-^. MIIIKIHT Fiinn. . .tie. SL1. • • : ^?'Ctiri'k> I-:. Srticl;. WiinhiuKton. IS. EM Smith. Glen Gardner. Prices-25, 35, 50, •21 K.lwanl it. Iliimsey. Wilkcs-lfarrc. sr>. for Christinas Gifts and also for Cold and Snowy Weather Stephen Foil. Howull rarni. Udvldere. Mis. Catharine Kltfley, (Jl.n i.iurtl- furmurly 1'ort Murray. '.::. li Mrs. Joli i P. Castner. Clunu:ewaie John Slater, 75, $1.00 and ^S Mrs. Nunt'.iiii Dalrym-lo. .luiiL'tlnn. til. Men*!. Kelt Hooi* ,8*.-o. -J..v>, Jtco j I.mtics' flmi Mctn), B >• CnK. I'nttiil Colt nml •• . • Thompson-farm, Port Murray. Ch;is."li. WcKtmi, Oxfnnl 77. '.' Hmma K. Hilderbrau, lloji 71. MfitSl-clt >h(** fj.no, 8J.*I l)un«iiln Kid Sliwrt In tliittoii, I.nctfnud Silas I', VmiAtia, .Martin's Creek, •2H .lan.h T. TliMtiHon. Uiinhlnirtun. 70. Aiiiosij. HiinVe. lU. :> Chas. Uiish, Melvid-••*•. SI. .Mi-irs Arctfcs.'i Imcktr Si 35, $l..V>, 81.75 Hhichei fi.»w. J;.sn, fj.n-. All Widths S-i. • ' . If Mrs. Elton Morris, Uranehville— J. Bdtrar Smith, near Townsbury. •_'!» Jusi'ph Antal. I'liilUp.-litiif:. :ts. .MursAinskas/ll!^!.L!:'':';;";;\-:"lu5.|K«U^ w. *••«>, $t.2 81.50 Albert Fleming, Pen well. Salt* of seats op2ti Friday Nitlliiin lltiller koelislmrir. S.".. Jtni'.'tlon, 51. 5l Janus Mitehell. IMuli Urliiire, ...inly. 10 Col. Wm. II. J»rtp, Denver, Col..— Men's himln-t Hinif* .(,oo, f.f ,w,'S|.on j I.niHi-s' Amid nml Alnskns 75c tof 1.25 .- Gubrsc.Cniy.'"..". '..•"::•'., , ;U::!t::v!!!o morning al the buN-uinec. .Mrs. Kll7.al)i.'th Wldeiier 71. 1 John'E. Uritder. A. Swayze farm. Hope 7 JiUiii'i* H. Crt vt'lhiK \Va-*lilu.m«ni. Washington,. 72. Mt-i.-- ||..x Cftlf. 0 11 Metnl I'ntvnt C«U nml U.IH.V Knlil.tr Hcds Si.75.U.« Kiiinuel Ilantifltuih'. Itntlm-nls. L'U, . St. 10 Anna [larper. WashlnKtoii. 17. Ks ,15C,5rc, f^c, 75c. Sl Eugene Xunii. Ltoruugh Prompt attention given to Mrs. John i.ntrii'ii, 1'hlllipsb.irj.'. Kvuben Kunyoii. 1ft Win. 1-Vll. I'liillipslnir-K. IS. 10 .Mrs. Mary IMes, Phillipsburt,'. fiS. WIMrlck farm. Hope township •Mail orders, when accompanied 10 TlKMiihiru A. ik'iUUn. l»uri Oolik-n. 12 Cbas. Collins, I'nit Coiden. ists' Ilox Cnlf S.liool S)io«s...Ji,35, fl.50 Artlmr Howlliy. JutK-tlim. 12 Mrs. Kllzabeth P.. HotT, IVn Arsyl, :.Wm.,T. .Kvfivtt,,,,. , ,.. . .Mt. Uothel • by proper remittance.,. 70. -<•••• Munv*-- .->.. i...i> iiM,- iR-ur Sli'[iin.nsijurK, II Eugene C. powlby, Xew Hampton Daniel I-'ti-iiilns, i-*alnnoiiiit,\ T.'S.; 11 Mis.'r'i./ViMiiriiitu'.'ikivi.iciV. so. ]••', Mrs.' Jane Vlessl Phillipsbiirn. 77. > i IIo\Vr.ini Mi-ltil Itox Ctiiri'uU'tit Ciilt ntm KCS' Knblicr Bi«il» 81 50 A. B. Malcomson. ClmnEOwater; K' .I..I111 II. l,.-i.tv. l !:il!l!>'l)tiiv..7! ».. 14 Alfred lloflllliili. Hiiekettstowu. 77: Jacob Miller, Hann farm, Amlersun. 1:: Juhn l'I:u-kr>nl. o'.'.un-vll'.v «J. Hi Mrs. AntxHiitt' W. Sextan, Haekett-'- ,,„„.„ JUMm Sc)]OoI 8|l0Wt ,IO tat'|er John Aimer, near Townsbury. •" dmiw Ilitmmvl. .lim-li.in, «7. ttnvn. Yuiillis ri'm-s in Ilox 'nlf I'ntciil Coll nml nintlc Ji.co, 81.15 . Juim-rt Connelly. Huh..Is. 11—tin rl> If, Mary, n'linimell,' Plilllipsbui-^. lit. Vici Kid Iilnchcr and Hal. cut Calvin Tim>-. Leigh & Davis forms : .Mr*. .\iiiry outifii. 1'iiiilipshiii'K, 1 near Townsiuiry, 1'! Mrs. Andrew Cre«ar. Sr.. Catlfon, Luther V. Warman, near Townsbury. Scientific: Eye. - Ihn'-y V. Mllh/r.• rpptT llurtiu-'tiy. iji'. Vonilis kublicr flools Ji 50, '1.758)7 1 Ji'.M-I'li liuiuw.za. I'liillipsbtin.'!,:'T.| 17 Walter Dalrymiil", Washington, U. P. M. Burd, north o£ Broadway. .71. • • . -Vll Hool« «i 35. Ji 50 ' ],niHes" Overdi 19c, 75c, |cc, ^oc, 75c Wm. H. Wydner, Stoplieu-sburg .Inline l.'asf.v. Oxford. M». 1'> llalscv Uiiiioi-isoii, I'ulrmount. 15 H» lie Metlek. Springt'-'Wii." Testing Framtn II. I lap rty. Phillip* n's Overfinlcrit 15, ,|o, 50, 75c Children's Letting 5«.75c, Ji.ct Theo. Petty. east of Changewater. IT. Airs, Jnliii Mitlir Calirnu. Hi Joint V. Lyiler. Sprinstown. 25. 1 .miles' nml Misses' Slij)|>i:rH in nil tolor.H Jacob Hill, Sr., Anderson. Pi Olui' Swunln rn. Washlnuiori. 71. lit Airs. Mary A. tVHrien. PhllUps- pc to ft 50. If you have auy trouble with your burg. R4. John N*. Park, •. Hope township. eves ur your IIIIISM'S, let \\> tlt'inun* Pi SniniH'l A. Snyilcr, Hru*s Cast 11-. • A.G. Woolever, WaatilngtonTwp. 20 Kate Lereh. I'hllllpsburfr, tin. ?tnitfutiial>ility toivm.'dy it. ^ .Mi-.-. .liim.'s Aekley. IIiu-lit'Llslown, IS Miiry Tr-iU. ilrwns l?rhlj,v. :'• 20 Mrs. Chas. ii. Cox. Washin^tun. 01. Marcus Garrison. Kockland Grove We Lave it thoroughly t'iiui]ijnjd Rubbers to I*tt the smallest child to the largest man and prices •...:.:•• Stock Farm, Townsbury. •t;i. in Churl'M l.isk. Ciluuiliia. 20 EM|iha1et Bray. Washlnirlon. 5S. optical ilopurtnitnt and a complete :: Mrs. Mary Carliny. St- wartsvltk-, . that always please the bhrewdest buyer Christopher Radle, Montana. stock of best quality leases nud JO Jnsi'lOl WIHMI. IMilllllisluilK- !-• 20 Mrs. Catherine Ktttli. Blnirstmvn ; Samuel Lutz, H. M. Riddle farm. •21) Juhn 1,. Hi'liinil. IhU'K'.'U 'Unvn. '>"'. frames and optical goods of idl 4 Henry C. IMlts. holnwiire. HO. Whenever in need of I oot\vear always be sure and call on the Franklin School House. kinds. •JI .Mrs. Alvah KnlKiur. Hutt/.vilk'. l'i. 20 M'I'-S. Mary MeKinley, I'liitlipsburtr. Jacob Dunn, •.• Imlaydale. I WhitlieM Oastner. Chiiiifr.-wnHT. •JJ l?i-nuinl Ply mi, Phllllpslnut:. i!0. 22 John r-'lyte, Asbury. ; Old Reliable . . A. F. Lanterman, Pleasant Valley. •_'.'! licoi'Ko ihyi's. Us ford. .17. 2:: Mrs. Miiiririe Weller. Alpha. r, joiin Duffy I'IIIHH.SI.UIK. •_';: Albert Shim*. Vail. It'. 2:: tieo. IMnehart. Spruee Hun, 4 1. Cole Bros., New Village. 1 HERMAN PETTY, The Shoe Man Reuben M. Bryan, Washington Twp. 7 Davhl Coo|">'l\ I'hlMlpsl.ur^. TO.. i :: Hfiiry Ilulsliizi-r. lVlvldoiv. .">'». 2:1 Mrs. Sarah J. Willever. Washhin- 7 Kloience Major. Mountain Lake, •24 Mrs. liachel Iltinslir, Wit.shiiiKtun. Howard Smith, Morgan Petty farm, 1 Washington Twp. •s Mrs. MliZiibetli IJInl. 'Hen Oanlm-r, S li. 2: . Thomiis Welsh. Delaware, 2S. Peter E. Cole, Montana. SS. "-" JI Amli-fw Si'huiTor. Haokftlstowni 24 Mrs. Josejdi riein. Easton—Wasli- Caleb S. Burdge, Silver Lake. 5 IIIIKU Miller, Townsbiirv si«. IllLrtnn, 22. Irving Parks, New Village. ,s Harry Tunison. Xewark. formerly L'r'i Wm. O'liw.-inn. Paininuim, is it. 24 John Itinehiirt, Spruee Him. Milton L. Marlatt, near Vienna, WasliIiiKtnn. :'.;">. . . I'S Anthony Stiulilry. l'hllll|islmrn. 2T. Mrs. Catherine Itellly. Phillips- P. 13. Wanilllnff. Schooley's Mt. s Jiiv. Kllwibi'tli Christine. Washing- ^7 Wm. Uiiinmel. Phllli|islp|irf,'. hurt:. 70. > Win. P. Baylor, Burd farm, Anderson. ton SL'. 2if Mrs. Sarah1 Stt-m. UruuUlyn—I'lill- at moiiidgiic s 1 jr. Mrs. Mawuet MoMullen. Phillips- Hiram Henderahot, •••• : Brass Castle S Airs. Dora Heaton. IMilllili.-rl'Uri 4l>. Hpsburjf. SO. burn. '<»• ..-Albert.AV.:ivinney, J ; -...: ..New .Village. 1' Cha-.-J. Ilt-ese. Jr.. Haekettsfnvn. Kdward Lei«h. Mt.,Lebanon, 70. 1 :••< MrsMfii-L'Jir.-t • H. Smith. Oxford, "" WmMT.'" Major," ""Brldffevtlle "I'-Juhn- Henry, Newin-k; "T. ,rnit rl> 2! .M.Mrs."Ujrddtr Winters. Hope. 54; •;•":' ";• No need of puzzling alter a visit to this store. Ann. Gf>. Poultry Farm, Townsbury. Proof is Convincing 10 .Mrs. Al'i-am rk-rson. I(];i!rstmvn. 2.*. Harvey Campbell. Washlngltni, 4. Something for everybody—old and young. Joseph. II. Rush, Montana and our large and steadily incrwis- • 70. ' Mrs. I.ewi.- UiddU-. lla . SI. 2'! Catherine Lynch. Washington. 2. P. M. Petersen, . ing patronage •.furnishes thi.'.evi- 10 Knu'st Welsh. Ashurv. l.'i. i Uartholoinew O'Hrieii Philllps- 1 27 .Mrs. Harry M. , Kouse, Phlllips- The new same, IMAHOLA, Juvenile Hooks, Gift Books, Standard John IT. Dockery farm, Oxford. (UMKV that our expert servii-t in IL' Hnltis K*. Wiuterrinite. Miisemin.'. bbniK . ' l'..ir, i'.G. Prank W, Rush, Montana tin; mljti!.tuit>ut of tt.VL'L'lassL's jmil la., fiinnorly HanHvlcl;. :';i .Mrs. Martha Ikers. ("i s Bridge. 2s Kraia-ls L liartmi. Marksborn. 7S. Hooks, Calendars, X-Mas Cards, Fountain I'cns, ltrass Wm. Schuler, Rocksburg bpoctueles ia iippreciatea. We liuve 1^ Mrs.- Ueh.-eea Uzuih;uii,']i. I.UaSrs- 70. - -• • -. lis Mrs Elizabeth Hni^ler, Hetvldere. "•;' L)cfikl'tirnishin(;s, Silver Pcnliolders,"Hook Marks, Bryan, the Florist, Washington. ever maintained that then; is noth- ton-n i.'-. ::0 Jeblrl T-et>-r. Uliiirstowu 'iS. John Crutts, near Montana ing too gowl for tin,' eyes, ami t:' Davitl Aib.-rt, I'nn Murray. 77. :{1 ltanl./l MeMnlK'ii. Phlllhi^lium. «S. Pencils, Knives. KxteiiMon IJouk Hticks, therefore furnish the best only. 2N iViirl K. Crowte. PhilUpsbiirjr. 'Iti. • -Manuel Snydor, Brass Castle. I'j Mrs. John W. Inseho. l'lililliisluir^. ;H Wm. It. Shninii, PhilHitsburf;. tit;. ••[* Wm. C. Ciiskey. Washington. ST. :H Thomas Hynie, Wasbinyton. 70. Pliotograpli Albums, Post Card Daviil Shannon, Hornbalter farm I'KICIiS ALWAYS THE 1L' E-Mwiti Si weaves Phf Ilip^buric. Sti. "ft Wilson KveiUt. 1'elvidere, S:t. near Cemetery. i:; MM. Methliis H. Smith. Asbury, 7«. ;jfi Mrs. Sarah Whfley. Chamiewater, Albums. l~ Breltner Heirs, Port Coiden. l:; Mrs. Josephine MneUft'elluw. Phtl- Aii»u -Mrs. .lames P. Kent. Roi'ksbui-tf. 2 \A7./.k- Hayes. Washington. 2::. 14 Auilivw J. Hanuhart. Wno'Iylen. J MsirKiiri-t Mutehler, Helvidere. 22. 'i Moors from S(|iium, Washington so.. • 5 -Mrs, Louisa. Hilderbraut. Hope. 71. 237 nortbampton Street ^ « * Ca$font Pa. u Mrs, U^beeea Terrll'en-y. Cileu J John Patterson. Glen Gardner. i:. Mrs Calhiirfue Wenne.r. I'liillijw- :J Mrs. Anicvllnu Prall. Phillipsbum, <'innln< r. St. Mrs. Catheri M. Mtielull. i! Unbort K. l.iarher. Stewartsville, 91. REAL ESTATE 4 Dr. Hush Exton. WasbiiiKton, 75. mi-i-ly 1'Ilen fi nln SO. The subscriber will offer at public Ktewart Miller. 4 Irvin p.utlunbuuKli. PhilllP-sburK, Cli. sale his fine farm of 131 acres, located HUMPHREYS' 7 Thomas Cilynn, Oxford. 100. 4 Joseph Homier. Junction. 5,0(10 NQ. IT. L'.VDKK <;i,ASS. partly In Washington borough and OlMi Oiinlncr. «». 7 Mrs. Thonms Murphy. Phillip.s- Vctorhiiiry Spet*ilies enre diseases .lamos M. Ilumii -r. Strmulsburg— ii Mrs. Edward Shannon. Cleveland. partly in Washington township, at the burLT. —Glen Gardner, 2S. New Windsor, Washington, between 1 o£ Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs,: Hogs anil Hroadway, SI!, S John IC. Hulf/loy. Haekettstown. 2: and i o'clock, on Mrs. I'cunlali I llis, Arlington— 7 Florence Thomas. Phillipsburjr. 10. Poultry by ni'tint,' ilirootlj on the SICK PAIITS llalncKbiiri:. SS. S Mrs. Mary A. Kulins. Harmony, rij. 7 D;inlel Wright, Washington.' S7. Stiturrinr, Dec. '21, 11)07. S Carrie Vannutta. Washinston, '2. 7 Mrs. Adolphus Waldiiian, Junutluli, KNOW THE PLACE without loss u£ tinic. Mrs. Jacob rtktnner, Phihulolphla— it Mrs. Kllziibeth Merroll. Vioniui, S-l. . This farm is only clfjht minutes' Washington. 4!'. SO. walk from centre of borough and rail- A.A.',FI:VI:»-. y, , \,, . innnmm*- 1 9 Jeromluh WllUitms. Helvldei-e. SO. 1 mc w 1tH Mrs. Floyd Castorlint . riwartswooil 1 5 .Mrs. James Gi'fon. Tmvnsbury. . road station. The improvements In- CCRES) lillllx, LlllliT Il'VtT. .Milk I>V.T. 10 Abram S. Banfc'lmrt Glen-Gardner, —Markshnro. . [i Mrs." Etiicline Newinan, I'hillips- clude two dwellings in excellent condi- 1 WATCH US GROW tion. One has eight rooms and good Samuel .Aiwu , ("Men Oardner. dl. 10 John Thomas, Pittsbur^. Pa.—Ox- . burtr. 'it;. cellar, the other ten rooms and large Ali'x. I'!. VaiiDnren, Wasbin-'con. •!::. ford. :ir;. ;t Win. Kelly. I'hilllpsburir. 45. U cellar and Is heated with steam. The I'M win K. Silffivavos, Phlllipsburf;, 10 Mrs. Wm. Pursell, J2aston—Ilack- barn is a large over-shot with base- 1-2 Mrs. itutli A. I.!anni.ster, Haekeits- 5Irs. Klizaboth Town ley, W.ashinj;- town, !*0. ettntown, li7. ment stables, two wagon houses and inn, .74. ' ' 10 Florence -••< Mill. "Phitlipribur;,'— other necessary outbuildings. 14 John II. lloll. I'uukettJftown". 41. 10 Msiryaret Stiiif. Marksboro, 92. To be sold with one or both houses. Kste.Ha. Fritts. Glen Oanlncr. •!. 15 (ilady.s M. Ammerinan, Delawaro, Anyone wishing to view property will John Duckworth. Chiiii^owater. T2. 10 John Moore, Phlllipshurir, 07. 4. ';i'.. 10 Wm. Cyphers. Glen Gardner, 70. ..call on the undersigned. Floyd ilai-unan, JlJieUettslown, 19. IS Mrs. l-oiiise IliMerljrant. Hope, 75. J. P. COLE.. Mikn lienoek. Alpha. '•'.;>. Bryant flopr and truck farm lrt Jolin V. Voujrh. Miirlisboro, SG. Ill Mrs. Mni'Knrcjt Cahlll, Junction, 75. Hiram I'etty, Schooley'.s Mountain, j:i Henry Brink, Belvidere. ALONZO/. BRYAN, Froprictor GT. • 17 Mrs. Kiiziibuth N'Ichol, LSelvidero, SO.1 . ... \\\ Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Stowarts- Clf-o, Pate. HiKh Tlrldffe, 70. 17 Amies i-3. Uyan, Phlllipsburg. 19. ' vine, sr.; • . - - ;>. n Mrs. James Cool, PhMlipsbiirn:, 40." Philadelphia, 40. IUOIIIIIIIIR riams INitat uw Ma.v J5." ROOK MAILED FREE. Mabel I.arue. Free Union, 25. "4 Mrs. Ed ward Uelford, Belvidere. lit. 15 Mrs. It. Q. Bowers, Hackettstown. I'laiils 'll.l'lll IS Wheat Jiiiima Brown, - Portland—rC'-'lum- invdrniliis; Job 21 .Mrs.-Alfred FhimcrCclt, Polkville.v 15 Cliff- Roliblns, Blomnshury. - Itlilll.^llMC <"orn bia. 25 Chns. Howey. Harmony, 40. lO'Mrs. Mary C. ltice, Blalrstown. 73. Withi. more than -0 years' Mrs. Alchex. Bill, Jersey City— 27 Mrs. Win. Khmer, Hackettstown, Hi ]21isha Beers, Stewarlsville, 02. . Ili'l HIIIIW r.i?(tiiic Saai-i Knilil Dressed Park Junction. : experience in both branches, lfi Harka Kalman, Alpha. .Daniel "Woolverton, Junction, SO. 2S Joseph Mayberry, Perth Amboy— 17 Jacob H. Miller, Stepheiisbui% 94. -£.U-5V?•..:!?- H 3?GC 17 Bernard McCain, PhlUipsburg, 70. JlO Uiurs77 - lngton.;v.' ' ISO Geo. M. Dawcs, ^ g7 jrirr.Vus^iruE.ri do'your work as well as any "" flMrs no'o\Te^ : :: :v .'iO ,ATrs. Herman.. A"l«. ~Cllntoile Mrs. Phoebe McNalr, Washint'ton, maii^'ami- better -than""'many,""~ " —Eastbn, a-iv'-'•••" '••-"•'•••'•- - • •••••—•- . while my priens are extreme- September. Mrs. Sarah Coleman. Tranriulllty, ly moderate. FOR SPRING 1908 74. 1 Jacob Petty, Kurrsville, SS. I Christopher Breltor, 1'ort Coiden, Abram Swayze, Hop 1 air«. David Coble, Junction, 70. 04. Mrs. Sarah K. Ild JASON WItDRICK Mrs. Kllmbcth A. Kidd, Atihury, 7«. •: Mrs. Frank Chesterton, rhillips- den. liO. Orders are being .Mrs. P.>Hjiri'ity, High nrlflBt'. i burj,', ;',2. Mrs. David Firth, Phillipsbure, 72. GAS FITTING IS A SPECIALTY, Catherine. Ttosehcrry, Behidero, C2; 1: Mrs. Wm, Oomi, Belvidere, OS. \ CHndit Dills. West Portal. booked now for I.Jiifr. Gen. Sanno, Georgia,—Wash- - Mrs Wm.': White, Philadelphia,— Geo. niashur, Philllpabui'B, 59. peach and other ington. Belvidere., Sam\iel Brod, I'hillipsburt-, I!-. Buy Christmas Groceries Now at nursei*3' stock. . Matlhew L. Cole. Washington, 79. 3 Kliziiboth 'Haxmrd, Phillipsburg, Peter j; Hnppoutfh. Manvale, SI. i ^li-K. Mai-y Ilyumer, Stroudsburg— 79. Mrs. Emily Apsar. Glen Gardner, Standard varieties J^iHlttt7! 1 —clean,-:Bright' ami ;imrTnTl'er- T .wnrtavlllo. 4.0. 1^^nDGToe7 straight. . Clias. Carhnrt, llnrniony. CO. Mrs. Jonas Gruver, Phillip.sburg, S Gordon H. Hush, PhilliiJsluirp. 24. ) WUcox, Dehkk-re— Bluh\s- •I!). /,, UOOKS STURE 1 puntrrauu Orchard planters S Hiram liergor, Rtewartsvillo, TO. . S2. . Mrs. lOmma Foss, Glen Gardner. • •••-•.> —Heckman anri-Fit/moreSts.i^-.•-•••- •• are"" invitee!""'to'.visit" S •Wm; Scrj?Ciint, PlcJWU!iL-Gi'ove,--10. xiiK.ntjllQJIlioinps.DK Mrs M a run vr t T'pfcij Wasliintrton. c •S SsLinud TI. •Lanterniiin.. •Wn.shlns- '*FranU' :C"White.rmiiteT~"Jackson, 74. ,• PHILUPSBURG, N.J. the nursery. •' ' '. ID11, D. C formerly AVurrcn Co. Mich.,—ifftckeustown, 4 5. '24 .Mrs. T.yilia K. Gibb-s, Hacketts- Here yon will find a ^ood opuortuitily to lay in a supply of actual necessities^ JO II. C. Kellum. Junetiun, 5S. . Wm. Staples, Jersey City—Spruce town. sr>. Catalogue for the ( Kim. l extremely low prices)" considering present'market conditions. Finer groceries 11 Mrs. Wm. Cobb, Oxford, 57. 24 Mrs, iCIiKiibeth Force, 13rass CaiHic, never entered a home, l-'or more than year we have been'selling H. C. Webster, Prop'r '•^asking.'• • 13 Chas. Uurroiiffhs. Oxford. .Sylvester Maiisc, Warren Paper Mills. 24 Henry Hiitton l-'armersville, ',',.. North Main street cars'pass the MrB.^Hci:iardr>U!!T.v.d>UVMlt]JV b : 1 20 Lnntes T-Ialoy.^ Oxford, 21. "Mrs. Hobert CastricrrCii gewTrtei-, '"'r>"An(lre\v^rri^ttT~l'ir(VcVi t]Hli'nVy?~'S(jr' .27_M rs._..Annit; ...Kohjiicik, ^l^liiilEl**!•!*''lfv, It is a newly made, ricli, rosy^flftvpred^biiLler^and^sell^^ . ( 1 r ffT;chi'istIanKnai)P,Oxiord:v:_BC. ^._t.^.:,r ;„..";. ^r;rr.-' ^"Av.t,^.^:^^™-'"-'-^ "'give"us7f trial "order r~ I ."• '""",' .... I If 'awaiting yon. • Osforil. G. ). '•••••'• '~ • • " " ' 2.1 IIrs. Christopher Oaughran, Phil- 9T;h"itI Margaret >FancierK1"Oi. .Tunction' . M. 27 ICIias Conovor. Califon, -18. Sirnanton'sNursery liR.sljtir- o7. 0 Mrs A. C. Met/,.• Phllllpsburg, 5:i. 27 lioss Crane, HnckeliKtuwn, sa. 2^ Harney n." Adiims, Brass Castle, 70. 2 M.-C. Allen, Delaware, r.P. 25 Asa-K. Cole, Jlontana, IHi. -EverytHing for"tHe CKristmas Dinner Washington, G7. ° ^?S\ 2 Mrs. Lottie B. Davldj-e, Phillips- 2S John Alack, Glen Gardner, 2!). in the grocery line. We have a fresh slock of parsnips, carrots, :pumpkins, celery, 21! Kate Hatran, Philllpsburg, -'20, \. burg. . r I!0 James Brelsch, PhlillpsburK, "7. lettuce, &c. Good quality Prunes, 3 lbs. 25c; Cranberries. 10c a quart; Apples, 25c _ OTTO J\RCK, Optician 2-1 John Deremer, Belvklcre, G9. 3 Josepii Horvath. rhllHpsburjj, IIS. to 35c 11 basket; Soups, Fluiii Pudding, Mince Meat and all the fixings for the 2-1 Gladys MolCwan, Dolawuro, 10. 3 Mrs. Klingonfres, Plemington— , JNl JVortliRituiIon Street, EnMton, Christinas feast. (• Xotlcc of IClection. i-. 24 Abbio TI. Wolf, Vienna, G5. Junction, 54. Pnbllc^Spealier Inlerruiitcd. • Spectacles niul Eyeglasses 3 Mrs. Drenen;Ford, New Hampton, Tlioniuiunniuiunll meetingg of tlic slockliiiMcrslockliiiMcrii < 25 .Tamos Ttutchinson, Delaware, 73.^ Tli 2f> Tlcnj..Kershaw, Phltllpslmrg, 74. 29." Public speakers are frequently In- Holiday Confectionery t^, direct from the factory. tbbe P'lrst-NntionultNtil l HikHiinkoff W>lWHS>ilnttont , N. JJ. r : will be licld (ai Tiiewtny, tlic'lh d»y nf June iIJa'Mrs.' Emma Eclccl>\Syracuse, N. 4 Wm. IT. UuslhiK, Trentnn—\\ ash- terrupted by people coughing. This V, Candy, - Oranges; Grapes, Nuts, Dalcs/^iigs, &c.. Get the habit of dealing I.',."Our!factory la equipped i In

'•'";•'•'"' ''0 '. ': "'•". ,, ' '• THE WASHIJfGTOJJ STAB, WASHINGTON. N. X, MHfKSMY DECEMBER 12. 1007. 23

i* one of tho old-fashioned rotary TIIVO cornet*. He still possesses this instru- Recollections of Early ment hut Mhlom plnyn any more. It needs Hcuurinfl now and won't mako any Days in Frelinghuysen Why Go to All the Recollections of the music until it 1ms been breathed in for a hunt'fifteen minutes. By OSCAR IEHXRY Expense and Trouble I'rof.1 IMI.,,1," Lawrence ii the man "The OLD | nnding in tlie. center of the picture. I vummenced life.us (lurk In the coun- Old Beatty Orchestra He went from Washington to Kaston. try Mtore of itobcrt Ulair at Johnson* of purchasing supplies and burg on St. Ititrick'a Day in 1850. The preparing tlie necessaries, He WHH the piano plnyer of the orches- tra. Before tic became* a member of the old men of that community were very jOHNSTOK STORf , .:. when you can be sen-eel : Daniel F, Wanted Lots of Brass Band Lffect So He Had orchestra, Mrs. W. O. Cri-yeliiig ivaa the intelligent and interesting characters, nnd Home of them stood prominent in :'-/ with a: delicious -:. - NotOnly a Band But an Orchestra as Well—He Paid LLO)IIIJHUli.il. '--.•••'•• •• •' • •"" - Itctitty .stiiiiiU composed and dignified the county. Among them were. Judge All Bills and Many Ja.fine Time They Had-AU the it t lie right lianrj side- of tho picture. Klias Mtmlibnck and hfc brother Johu. . :Have you been In our store lately? We. have had It painted; Christmas Dinner Musicians Are Still Living Save One, But Their Instru- The oreliitHm used to piny at ]iracti< The Judge lind a lurge family, nil dnugh- and a new nilllnK constructed, milking necond story ahelvos; steam " cully nil the events hi town and trav- ters. ills brother John was a bachelor. ments Are Mouldy From Disuse. In their young manhood they were en- heut IIILH been added, nnrl taking it on the whole It Is one of the or Supper for >h'il over n considerable scope of eoun- nlci'Ht stores fn town. Kvcn if you don't buy, come fn nnd we us. try—Scliooley'it Mountain, HnckettB- gaged in tanning, and were very success- towu, Clinton and otlior towns far and ful, but tlicy went out of business about rtWhcn Daniel ]•*. Keatty WHS at thloe f pliotogniplw mill 'wouldn't ';: prwe. iciir. ]lenity bought music nnd • miidic 1850, J well rcincuiiwr the old buildmg , at the popular :.. ., L I zenith of his business cnleer, now a(.'reveling played . a tionilioiic Iiorn, and (tnnd* for tho players/nnd almost any- which was torn down when I. lived there. '.matter'of about twentv-Uve veins ujjo, the saint' limy he M-eii in the picture, thing else thnt they needed. Judge Muslibnc-fc was a lay judge, nnd Jewelry Department -he kept thin^ stirring in this little looking quiet Ione.*r>ine witliout a per- When Children's Day came around, appears to have been one of the ilrst Deremer Restaurant itown. There was very little goiiij* on former. Mayor Iteatty used to make it a prac- Gruiid-Jurymcn that was empanucled ii I^'ist CliriHtiniiH we liuii ti Hpb;ndld trade In our Jewelry depart- \Va«!iinj,'ton, N*. J., after the comity was All the Delicacies of the season at which he was not at the hcail, hotli Mr. IScntty uvciipfeu'' :i tommnnding tice to take the orchestra to the Alt. inent. This your we expect the fame. People like .to buy of nn will be provided, including Turkey Kvilli his •energy and with his pocket place in tjic picture ttnd the photograph old reUnblc house where u Kiiaranteo poes with the ffoodrt. We stuffed with Oysters. :_.;••• 'hook. Naturally, Ptnifol V. hurl a large sti pleased him that lie had mirnr»roii« following in those iiny«. re[i:od nit inns of it made, using them for nre stocking up in our line of watcliCH, clocks, jewelry, and stiver-. Chicken Dinner Thursdays As an advertiser he wns a marvel and iniverliiiii" juirposes. Tfie-e were dn- Hinted goods, all of which innkt; nice Chrlstmus jtresentH. This and Saturdays, 3nc practically everylliing that he interest- trihiili'd far ami near. . ! " department 1« In eliarKe of Mr. Mcrrell, who has hail twenty years' ed himself in wn* unilcitnken with a All llu; nieinla-rs of thnt npln'-trn arc experience, OYSTERS view to furthci' advertise the name nf noiv n (jiiartcr of a'century nliler than C'ime in early before the bc.^t Roods ««tH picked out. Families supplied with the finest Ileatty, nnd tho organs nnd pianos .wliich they were when tliev p'Hi'if for the pic- roul.l In present (Imwiiij; a big crowd to tbc m'"l>: "'"' r°r "l""" Salt Water Oysters in the ; bore hid name.: -Mr. Jlcatty .lined to ture in m:t. The ranks linvc. nnt hwn tlio -orvK Mr. IlraHy.comliloreil itlwa,H "f."'0'1: , ,. ,, „ Market. I.cave your turn the most 'commonr/laee alfnir into invitdi'd Uy dentil except in one iimtuix-i.1, fine or the eniwniiiB trlmniilu of Iii3 lifej,,4!!"tllc[.,"llc'05ll"» "I'll gciitlcman «M lial S r Some Good Child . orders at an advertisement, ami a clinractuiHlie the exception .being Henry Krii'j'eiyllic Iliul lie eouMlirhi.rtliis orcliestra to hi3 «' " "". l'. "•, «t™' •'*'««*. "I"' expression of hia to1 this ilny'U the oft- iciuitT—and n nii|ii.'i*i(>r. violinist. He wns lative ("lunch—tin: church that had been lad moved into the village..'He was n DEREMER; s repealed phrase, 'iiig. ail.," applying it it tmii'i'iii I fealty V factory awl came here pill it red in catalogue it interest ing gentleman in giving Values in Father to almost anything In which tlit: name of from Ontn»i\ Tionhle came ID him in i|itarterrt of tlie globe. reminiscences of the time when Ire com No. 9 Belvldere Ave. Ileatty llgured. itflcr years, IIH miml ynv<* way, ntu! one ...The selections they played mailo'peo- iced to farm, which wan, 1 judgi Presents Mother Twenty-live yearrf or won? n»o • (lion; er pair ,50c more than a half a day, and came back Alarm Clocks "While- only tho best is on wile at any time, with two or three times the amount of Illuck Clocks...... ,1.00 special preparations have been marie tor money that he had when lie, years be- Cult Units, a line assortment...... the Holiday**. Mot llruiul,'Hoik and Buns fore, used to cart wheat to Trenton. Hoop iir.icelctK. ijrooehet*.' Stick' I'ins, every morning. Pies and all other bakury The description of the roads in hi-* Koiintalii I't-iis. goods always frcfdi, Goodsdelivered at •arly days 1 can never forget. 1 have your door just when you want them. icard Mm sny that when lie came along ] tenon ting Alarm Clocks. ;he road it was all mud and then it A Fountain Ten,—n. line lien for ivoiihl fnn'zi', and his wagon wheels IVui-I Ilurulle IVns JOHN W. THOMPSON, Prop'r iv.mM lie one solid blo.-k nf mud. .Anufher old man was John I. JOIIOS. 'Ii; w.is a foreigner, a tailor by trade. !•««*«»«*•«•«*«+« i md fame lo live at JohiHonburg about Rogers 1847 Si ISi."> or IS:i(). lie wit* nf -hurl slature no YOUR CHRISTMAS md'it great [n-d.-trijiii. |[«- (old me' . for Christmas Presi SHOI'I'IXC. AT .hat, on one occa-inir lie had started Knives* imd'FutitH, put U[> In ii nice box of floTH^p^^...... -1.50 :iv,in .lolin-oiilinrg at snii-iise iind walk- ik-rry Sprnms..... TT. ... l;T5 _ Washington's .'ii to .Vow Vork. udistunw ..Mill niili-s, : StiKUr Shell atul Kullfr KliilV. '.'...•.', :"-...... I.JO •-• Oyster:Kui;kH,"sut.-:uf"t;- in-n" neat i*iK.\;. .;. . :. .-'.-~.*.r'...... ;/. .2.50- Another storv' which I wa.< t»1d ami . Colil .Meitt I'urks. .. 1.25 Sand 10 Cent; wliieli r Iind from Ins lip- WHS thf»: At CIravy l.nlkis 1.50 .me time he •wimtetl a ue!l-ro|>;>. The Sugar Sht'll.s . . stage ran. at that tinn\ froii'-Ncwtoii to nd Tahle Spouns, Avon-Pattern. Store Ka.-ton. lie went to-.Kit-ilon and -nt tin* 1 '•V i:: Hi-hiiU'iT Avenue. wi'll-r«r«>. On tin way l:;n-k. (In* >(n«i ilfd not »o i|iiitc fii-it*' enough fur him SKATES and SLEDS 2 harm* nsMH'tnu-iil of and when HUM- had i>ott<-:t a litth- 1H>1O\< liriilgcvillc. he got out. put hi.- well for the Boy or Girl >[.<> over hi- >honhl<-r. iiml milkvd (• "'imiililiiLL,' iinil Window Sliiit.-s. . . .. 7,V lo 1.50 per pair Johnson burg, getting there nh«-ad of tin- sfcagi-. Huckc.v SkJitfs; .also Untwiilc .Siirinc Skates. Hi- was :i VITV liiEgiou.-; man. and w«? 1 town who took tin interest in iiiu»ie, In- - riil't-s. with Die mtme of. one me »r less engaged in lili»alinn with Also I!'»ys- Kxpr : \V:ig(»ns. $1.00 up to $2.50. coining1 more or lt>s» proficient upuii va- N'l-xt to him in tlie pictuiv sils .1. Dii- i-tA>i'- the composer. It hi.- m-ighhors. mostly over small unit- rious instruments'.. Beatty conceived Witt (iroHV who luii* become a Cotineil- n the program and the lei-s. lie died in 1S.'>I;. all aloiic.-ns he tliu idea thnt their music euulil lie direct.- imni in the liorou^ii ninn' he gavi- up rule didn't know.. whei kept f'.i i die lor'.- Hall, itruf he Iind no ivhi- PENKNIVES, RAZORS to further advertise iiis biisiuc»ri nnd mii-ir. and look- but little older, lie 'ctio tht h AND l-SWl'li AXI) OUXA- he succeeded in getting them to organ- wai one of two cornet player- in tin; or- liestra lutil pSavf.l nothing more than phew, who was -h-w rii-iMh'h i named ICubL-snti Keen ICvitter Penknives and other gootl makew—over ize under the name'of •"The Uentty Or- •liestriu' l.alur he phiyed chiriiK't. lii! Minni'halia march., a favorite popu- "."» styles. Of course, every knife warranted. lar piece that, was rendered on almost iheslra." The orgaui/ation held togeth- The wntnil ligure in the lower row i- "Mr. .rones was ;i great man to make Have you seen our ? 1.00 Siifety HaxorV They pleane. Also MI:XIAI; riti:si:N'rs. er for a long time iiml ciiine to lw well •liiiues II. Johnston, then a llutist of every occasion. . . witts. I witnessed *t>vural of them and known nil through this 'seetinu. much ability. He wit* at that tinn: pro- Some of the .member* of the. orchestra when I . cmnineticed to practice law the'OUbHte Safety* Unzor—none better. Characteristic of him, Mr. Hoatty paid lific nt u[ton the piano and organ and. were also members of the IJetitty Hand, liiijiton my first Chancery suit was Carving Knives ami 1'orks. witli Stool, all done up in a neat ? I. & C. RAYMOND $alt bills and the iiitiinbvi? nf thv orj-tic.-- as a matter of fuel, has dcvotoil inost of which cut even a wirier swath than did to collect it legacy from tho bondsmen box with sateen'•biisi1. from 51.Su up. Rubber,1 celluloid or horn tra 'consequently had many good time?, hi> innsk-al etl'ort since'then to the or- the string organization. John O. Welle'r of the administrator of his Cnlate. All li.imlteH. ^- musically, socially nnd otherwise, with- gim, becoming nn uiiuuuslly tine per- plavcd with the lunid and was a nicnibc the people around Jotinsonburg, if they out personal expense. former upoif the pipe organ. He ha; of the JVanhiugton iJaud nt the time the over knew John I. .loncs, will remember %.HEiN YOU DRIVL TO 'One duy Mr. Heatly supgtvtctl Hint bei!ii 'irgnni^t at thu local Presbyterian groat Tom Coates was leader. Mr. Wel- Mm vory well, and if they did not know they have their pictures taken :is an or- church for over a <|imrtei' of a century. ler 1ms to this day a large collection of him, they have heard of him and know Edison Phonographs WASHINGTON ganization. The musician* told him fieorge C. Cninpbell. who .sits next to piei.es that were written by Mi1. Coates that ho had very peculiar traits. they would lie delighted to Mt'fur a pic- him. played e-econil violin, lit- niuved iitul which are in his own hand writing, Another old gentleman who lived in Edison' Phonographs, Including horn and stand, $25. A con- and wish your horse properly ture and u few iiiinuk'a nfu-r that pho- from Washington lo lCnstou n few years The ISeitity orchestra disbanded long that part of the county at thnt time, tx-rt in your own'home. 5S.O0 down anfi $1.00 a month. cared for, COIUL1 to the tographer S. S.'Teel had them lined up ngn.iind is now a piano tuner and sales- years since, although most of them be- was Isaac Dennis*. Ksq.. who had been a and "looking pleasant," each one hold- man. Ho. wttri.mu.' nf the factory iiuiur?? ciimi' iiicuiitei's of similar organizations tierchant all his lifetime, having it ston ing his particular instiumeiit--- nt that time. that followed. Kvery one of them, how- lot far from Quaker Settlement. II Some Other Nice Presents St Cloud Stables The accompanying photograph siiow> John C. Weller occupies a phu-e at the ever, lias rctircil from music now with commenced business very early in. the Mr. Iteatty ami the members of his or- end of the row. He was cue of the cor- the exception of Mr, Johnston, and he last century—about 1S12. To be a mer- JM\< " Potts Sadirons, nickel. Nickel -Tea and Coffee Pots, which have for nearly thirty chestra, with the single exception of net plavtTs of the orchcstni. nuil is soon doesn't piny, upon the tlute any more in chant in those days was very different 1 j public. ; Nickel Tea Kettles, Xickel Lamps with round burners and white year- been tii continuous charge .lames Crevuling, who had an abhorrence holding his favorite, instrument. which what it is at present; They had to go to Xew York to buy pooiR and .shades. Nickel Chafing Dishes, $4.25. Toy Sadirons, with movable : of the present proprietor. No the trip there and return, and the selec- handles. liSe. Universal Uread-Mixers, $2. Llsk's Enameled l._stables in the county have such AM Miiiri-ch-d in Kettinjr out of linrm's tion of goods, would lake'1 hem between noastiug runs, throe sixes. Linoleum ami Oilcloth. Oil Heaters, a fnil mciisurc of public confi- , Incidents of the Snow of 1836, way I'xci'pl l'Yaiii'is l-'nirc, who was pin- lio and two week?. ',: S:s.oo up. • •; .-.'•'• . ' • • ue.l down by a 1iir»e limb. His skill 1 was much interested'in hearing the deuce or so extensive a patrouagc «'ii* fnn'hirci] anil hi! ncek .waii broken WASH1XG MACKlXUiJ—Majoatlc, ?C; Xineteon Hundred, $10; old people talk of how they got their Pan-Aineriean, ?:!.T5. _., - 'FRANK BA11RON The Greatest Snow Ever Known The two trees wen; cut into lo^a am from Xew York\ They were pon Hit- shil ami llio body of SEWIXG MACHINES— Honeymoon, ?1"', '.Ball bearliig, The wonderful fall rf'Trimv1 >•( 1S.1I!. W,ni nnd the ridj-«:nf it- ' lit to Klizabethport by boat and as convcvwl to the hon-c on toj Kiiaraute.-rl Cor 20 years. .... referred to •roiiL-rallv as iho "di-L'p HIOW." Thy ullev nlnii^idf tin- >. w;hii-l there (hey wore taken by team. It : iiiil-uf-liiga. ••-.,— . •-.-. - — > 1 1 illmled'to'iii Tainilv "history in itm-j li-tl in the 1'nrn1. was 'a"two"(layi*'-:fh ivn:to7rfiit~(i"l ---•r^-irUIpsoirs .' CariKt-Sv,-ccpcrs;'--§2;'::$2;7.";-"-'-•-•-•••, •:"'-:•::-:•-•.* •;v:r-.-:. :—•;:•..•: ion with Sinn.' oiler event a* "l!u; nl -I In thp hi-ijihl i»f thf i.I story body was In id in tlu> w«£nY of good.- from V.lizalieUipnrt to the store. nd reiiiiiincil ih'crc until a roai Takini: in consideration the conditions i- of the deep .-now"—wlio lui>--nr-t window- anil it wti- hip ild l:c H|ifiied tu Clian»f!wattM-, the The Store of if; Then; miiy W iViv -till liv-jllii- iiiiiim-| lo (,hc of the roads, it was no light ivfk lo .lock a slorc; or keep if. up. A't. that 10-Cent Counter Bargains

A7rinOT«snsfuiuHcofjusi noss from your Lo-your is-ynuil nis was. n ' succb-iBfu'l htiMiiess man and Almnltnim'Salt anil 1'i-p- s acquired a'competence in Icecping a store IHTSIIUUOIS . o\ l«--^ hnusied. Clradita'ilylhc.v tliig' their "wiiy lii'e'tiin'e'when' SiVsKeiTwiis 'set oh" "Xiivv Tcsunn'oiit' Upper" Broad Street. fnmi Morris County, just |irior to 17ii«'*!. •1'lK.Tiuonieti'rs out—all tho men anil many of the wo- Cull Holls llutlcf l-rlnis men and girls taking u liaml with ihe In milking tho nssessniL'iit it took the Toy Driiius . cnsplilors shovels, until finally neighborhood coi M that lime the fuel used consisted hole time, and rirovcntell old'Jfr, .Tlyer Al IMidtll 1 Huolt .Straps o1- ••"" "• Krvlnc I'uiis "• •"" """" "" '• ~ ' ' luuiiication waa restored.' from geUing in his crop ami ho ,wns Vasuline Wi'tsli HUSIHH I rr 7 r ; : 1 v .'rt" ..''wTis"^doiii)""iit '-"Morrintowii, TTTable Sn()'onT* .™"'" ~ "!l rn'i!n:. iTi*i''a'iIs*"'' lIL^-^SlV ".:; •_." Iton-rememhemrilie 'Mccf simw". .]is- ..1U.1iy Sot, (Knir.', Furl; - Plo Dislu-s (Jlirlslmiis 'Hulls r : r : d ..mv...voinisr.,friends.,.in,.reading..this, f"T'~Tirom's"loLs"oJ-IIOH'S IDLH Uf l"wriiii'""lii"ii WIMll 111 ll~,V0LJ ,>^liVt •(liidi'ii'siUHli.lliB" tiiictly;'r^rnj6r X rbvclin«,"- Jiis ^"fatlior, .;-,- :uitl Hroou)..--— -:• .^•^•.DlprJ'-'ra.-^r^-.--.- 1 ^.:1'O till lies -^hr.~-L--:^?-^.~ _^_ >...>•» P.i.il. I l.illi It.lki" II. I /*!*'* it .. ..' .1 »»...«...» .i.i.T ..1...1 l.i lltiitli.ii.lmi n form soi'iie' idca'of'what^it'Vvas '"to" easy on your foot, 'thuti why thrav: it was :i drover ami wns in Iluiilenlon fSlrTmiKbes " 1>lUls ' •"' Ciieckers Co. when the storm siturtod on his way 'ie a pioncor in New Jersey. Hut it was 1 .. uwuy. Wo enn make il almost iis goad ;iich old men as Jlr. 1\innis and Mr. Shoe 1'ollsli ' 'Colanders^ 't1 Cliilds Mocks ' ji9 now ami nt ti cost that is Vory smnH. home with ii drove of cuttle, licnlizing ( olc, etc., etc. that lie was'hpt to get marooned.Ihore, Mushbaek who laid the foundation for INiekft Uoolis • • Tin rudilliig runs . .Try.us. Largo sto'ck of t the prosperity of-the present generation he started for home, mounting tlie ltest ; Men's and Boys' Shoes. horse of several lie had with him. His .. ,,„ ..ion (hen wont to w'orlc with axes Kit Is llt-n Hive. - „..., n that •region of the county. home was on West Washington avenue, nnd felled n (roe hut in fulling it wedg- l-'ull line of men's, women's arid Anrjtlier old man was "Mr. Youngblood. THE OLD RELIABLE STORE , . As wo do not tlepnnd on tho .soiling being the bouse novj occupied by TosL- ed into another tree. The nu'.n then ila- children's Slippers, t cannot think 'if his 'first name. I To • of shoos nlono, wo uro satisfied with n cided to cut down the other, tree nml liubbcrs and Felt Footwear of all vas the father of the laic Lewis Young- I few cents a pair prollt. Will, you como innster .T. 13.,Fulper. ' t (J llnjpr Crcveling bntl the time of his when'ibis hail-been, accomplished both ll F1TTS Bi3E HIVE, 'ilood of ITnekettstown. Tic M IS an in ~: -lnand got our prices ? •'• life reaching Washington. The depth of trees fell together. It was a dan^eipus '•oresting old gentleman, piinciptllj be JAMES H. JOHNSTON trees fell logelber. It was.^a dan^eipu4 s ;. [ •«.• _.. J • __' 1 1 l._ , ,._ l.^,!r J ., 1..., ..11» ;nufic..lie.',wns.ono,.of .the sohlieiq 111 y^ snow^cpt'STO)™^ i 1 and" when lie readied town little more about in ilii! deep snow as best tftey money? See Koril's front'^vlnrlow— iolooTi'sFhriny. '" liCTiininijri'hferi io "AliieT .42 East Washington Avenue. of the horse could be seen than the could in oriler to escape boing struclc; ,., | money in clreuhitlon, there. ica T think in 18.15. 24- THE WASniXCTOX' STAR, : WASHINGTON... N. J., THURSDAY DIH.'KMRUR 12. 1007.

OPENEVEN,NGS ; . Just i^^ ^

Comes out with the Greatest Trade Announcement ever heard of directly before a Christmas. The failure.of three large Cloak, Fur and Clothing manufacturers of New York enabled the quick buyer of the Hackett Company to secure Eighteen Thousand Dollars worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' and Misses' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts and Coats, and a , i^S^&SKS; •» LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR! ' -For this reason the Hackett Company breaks all business precedent and announce a RADICAL HALF PRICE A Y QAI IM To Begin on FRIDAY Morning, December the 13th, and r% JL "v>/\ Lf MUl Continue up to SATURDAY NIGHT, December the 28th. This will furnish everybody a splendid opportunity to save a whole lot of money in buying sensible wearable articles for Xmas presentation. ! :

LAWKS*" T.\ll.<.Utl-:i>. SllTS. S:t.»7. ihnuiflh wllli -ntin nixl line heavier (hie Imw lot nl' ^U*rr~ Suit-- !n tu.nl • OK SKIltTS. mid JIulTs. worth up to one hundred ; 1 KIT-I\V>. in Ion;.- I'ti 11 (.'oats mill Ilirri-- -in h S.VSn io SS..-.0 MIIIKS ill iit'iit. will sell ai Si".SO. . : uil clslK.v-Mve dollars n set. will lie The hnim ii>iir;il>!i> wilin - umoim ihe 1 One fiundrcd .MUscV iiiul Stir.-w "LulUV .uul \U!.!ri;i".« ' oft rliii:.* will .uc . i|iiiitl.-i- -i-iul-lliied Cn.iK will nil lie dark iiiiitcru-. vtill •..•ti ,,i s:t.!i7. SI'i.KO -OuvfoiiN-mtd CwMinWIi ..old Ilk,, nils: • . : . pi-itfii lit S!»,.S7, 'U'ulliV SMrl.- of ul! wool diu-k ml.\- Sll Suh- in 'hlni'k ami tdl-nnol ihirk Ci«its\vllt x-Miil SS.riO. turi* inan-rinl-. wortli S'J.SO to SU.rilt, SI.JO SIII Coney flitters n( H"e. on.' liil <.r icti Ijullc-' Titllor-mndf S^lt O>nt- ol' (he M'vy Idylie-l c|iml- mixtures will -ell nl Sr,,.stl. SKI IKi'ivonK will -I'll in S(!.."il>. will nit -<-M ai out' prhv, SI.S7. S;:.,}o Sahle flpi^mn nl Sl.!'.7. Snlis made ill" pun' ui>nl. tutii'.v mix- ll.v Ki'i-M'.v-. lini;i{|«li>tli- ttnit cra-li u-I- SI* fli,,- Itliii'k Wor-hM-, lUirk I'juuy s7. S.*» (nr^e -l/e Sen] C Sioles that and Smith I'nhi-ii-s will -ell Two liuuih-i-il Hue l'liiuium Skirts in lure.-. Ion:: anil .-lion t'oai dol^n-. Itoyw' mid flilldrcnV Ovcrcoai- will hlark, In-ouii, ri-d mnl hlur. worth reiuh In tlit- Knee, will -ell ill S^.ll". 1 Sl.% iiud s::.*> imported Illiitk Silk nt ss.r.u. .:" : 1 uiirdi 1'nnn SS..'id in SI'. . Mill nil lie he sold mi tin siiim* Jirirc irdiicllnii s:;..-i) to S.-).SU. In all -I/.'.-, will M'II at ' .'H.-'iil full leimlh Suhle Opii—inn uud Whi-r mill lYi-in-h Wliiiir <'oat-. .V.! 1 pi-kvil hi (hi- r-»U- in s;;.!>;. IIIIJM)-^- SI." IhuM Ulai-ic. Piii-e WorMei* •III- -i-ali' a> tin iin-u's. Sl!.7!>. Se:il Voiieys. will -ell nl iil.HU. IlU'llr- Inn-, ulll -rll nt SI II..-.U jtlld umiimU mid i:n»IMi Thibet-: lil-o a hie! you nui.v t'.vrlalni; Inil iievertlu'- r\i>i:invi:Ait—KXTKA : I'ifiv titiiuulllct'iit S7 Skirts, hlack. SIl'.KO genuine Ki>lhi-ky. Wnler li-ss us lmi* in »Uvl! S'_' I.SU. lot <>1' elemtiil Dark :iiid Hint' S»'r^;*';.-* :ii»i—I-'LI-:I-:CI-:S—:un-. 1 Mink, Sahle l'-i> <-olIiir him nnd (II'OUII. Ihu'-t chllloii. hi all 'Another lot til' SID in .Si:- Tailored Not ttl'UM- tin' liotiday.-. hut riiilit sl/rs, will sell at $1.1)7. lin. will sell at SI.Si). iv'i.ttl) an.N(l. littlni: mid Iirn:id -lioij.!. r clVivi- ulll now. in liino for Christmas ami \cw S--.>~>. lirsl -olc. puiv silk Skirts, will st'll ut SK..-I). i-'n.v Ni-ek Piece- mid .MlilT> willi rial - SL'U Suit- WIN -t'll :il SI I.SO. 1 Slid Suits will ><>ll in SI^.M). KXTKAflltlUNAIEV. »|iialit,v. liftivhsi wi'ijilil. I'k'ct-c I'll- Tin- silk' nloni would <-o-t Hvrt' ti'ii ural hetul-. wilt -ell at sin,so mid '*'.!;> Suil- will -HI njl Sill.,'>(». di>rwi>:u>. will lie sold durhi-; this inar- doilais. uii> win SI-II nt si.vso. Tin* eloiliiui: value- ol' lliis .-ale will vcloii- >:tlt> lit ono dl-lliii't [irit-o—:'Ah\ SI."..Ml. line yard wld<-, ^iim-auK-i-d * IV .lap. Mink Sri. ulih iinliinil hr!|> niiiii.v n limn Into llu> privilege "I' IISSIW COATS, IJ(i.vs' lionvic.-t. strictly lirst ipiality. pun' 'raliVtn Silk Skirt-, will sell at head>. anil ihtus. will -HI ill S2I.MI. a new Suit mid Owivual for Chri-i- H ml ;!onjr r,n.Inch s;!l) and s;::» ( ii-i]..in-iimdf OUT-' •.'•Tn: I'lct'H' I'lalfrwcnr will si-ll at S!l.71>; Sl»l ..Natural .Mink, line hm-r iii-ek L uiii sell at s:;.ti:. iims WIKI hud lie-run to think il hu- '(•:il- mid Itnin-iiroiif {'ravaiu-tlr (*o;Ks nut* prlt-r. Hit: ITKS. lilece, with two In-ail uriitiinent-, will Unix M.vi.-s |HI—Hill" till- >l'tll\ - • it' thi' I'aiiKMi- II.Mr- UoihMhild A- Utdii-s' linc.-t ^i-iuli1 lie " i-iMicil. I -ell ai NIJ I.Sd. ' . h While parent-eunltl ihluk of lioitilnu ;i>. uill now all ."."i- tii-adi- I'ndcriVfiir. will >v.i n<. :t •. Two 1 divd chilthvii's -c-ts wurih Slf.ri Xntural Mink SH. Ion-, lull belter I'm- lm>> of all list's uhen -uch lit- nim-krd down to Liiilio' and >li->(-" l«'-i -ar». lip to SIO, will Ik' sold ul !)7i\, .St.ltT; neck jiiece mill larne.-t nitilV. etmliiln- iiini-iiiil -axlim- I'uiiii-jn-l hi the uiVU SL'II II\ITI'II;II» mid line I'lccic \"r-l- and I'liut- v.:i[ -,. SJ.Sn to Sl.SI) lor -els. I Im: »\\vf fill .n enllre mink -Kin-, uill nf time. uill nil -ill at SI::..M:. V Three hundred Ladies' .NVi-k Pieces 3 M'II it Sliil. rices will be put in operation Friday Morni ng, December 13th, promptly at 7.30 o'clock; and end £aturday Night, December 28th. This will be the only public announcement of this sale. 205 and 207 NORTHAMPTONSTREET Near SECOND STREIET EASTON, PA.

^4,^.*^*V**'K"K-VV**'K^^ ,|

y\\\ and Mrs. C. W. I'nftVr. Jr.. at- :"..•!• MIIIV tint sumiiH-r. while wu Mr. and Mrs. J"hn Nlpw hav- A lai'Ku wild cat has h.^n seen In aiA.v<;i:\\\vn-:i:. 1 tin- I iry Run woods recently by sev- t.-niiv.t tlj.. nutd.-n vv-.idltiir nf K. I .in tin- -woods, be i-nt his Wn a ho niuv.-d fn-m Mr. Carlhitf's lions* rr.ml; !::ih->r l.t mi the sk-k list.'. clutii-l; in Vienna last Thursdfiy. kiit't; wiiieh laid hint up fi.-r iil.ovc 1..W11, int.. Mr. lluMwln's h'.iis« eral .•inly mornhiK;. l ravel.-rs. A 1 HI 1 uber 'if our iruuner.-: have hWIt Jidm .Viper. Sr.. has niuvtd to :;L-\v l».*na!d Clark and I>iine:m V.v.M-m !n-r.-. whirl) was [•.•cently vaeai.nl by Pliiiip WVIk-r. .Mr. Xip.-r works in Ist-Miirhm th" WU.MIH and sitrroundine llatnpt'Mi. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS TOLD |i will le;iv tn vHU lii- ir pan-nts in Win. Smith was the Ilrsl at this Sontliliid SMiu.. tinii- in January. tlie i.'ivann-ry at Chan^ewater. enuntry bm so far the animal has \v\i.M r V.VI.IJ:V. It has l>. t-n di^-mvrvd lately that a eluded its puri-uers. nee to --ujoy the line sleiyhing, Umberl'in-l Stuyvi-.-iiiu will «iw a I.- Tit in sin. of Oranae. spent number of Uw--^. live in th-.- hn|.«.s . The siHK.lini,- match.held here last Harry .Snyd-T is now tin* uewslmy, . BY STAR CORRESPONDENTS | Christmas tr,-- f.ir air in his munsi.ui; ilay with bis parents he under th- hlit rm-ks tUon^' the rall- Saturday drew a law cmwu -if (.•ceding MIHS Itlnnehe C-arber. • •• and all tin- ehlldn n i.( his enii-l>>yt'es j. Abra.ni Hill spent last w. ek \w"h ruad track, abovo town. Trappers sporls. and .some yimd shots were .Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oas'tier have will revive pn:s.-nts. :.;.;-.: j i'ri'-nds at Marshall's .Creek. Pa. are aftL-r their hides nnd the bounty made. Tin- •pmiltrv was about all uiut-d iheir new comer, lllondetia. Sini'Hi (iraiton. vvlio has been in the Ki'iifSt Junes had a turn..:- removed i.i! thun. r:in''.-ne Mowlhy recjutly disposed .if. iJiiek or ehlek.-u was Mr.s. ,i. i;. smith and s- returned - Mr*, l.ueinda T.nti-u is . jiiiswini? an '.. The fair ln'.'ld by th.:- ,M. L-:. church Mr. it-id Mr.--. J. L. DnniK-ld vlsiteil Ki ei iard Ceil )k I- W d.ielily i h.-r nn«th--r. .\irs, Van Ktten. of Purl fmiiid that the animal had escaped. itOCICPOUT. ludellnite time here wllh her »,,n, tht'Ii' irtiildivn "ii Siiinlii*. r i Jervls. . . ;; - • - They are not only destruetive to ill sat i.lny a IK 1 \n: smun -of llae k- Mrs. 11. [lanky spent Monday with 7AU-A. •' • Sliss Ada Phillips of Clinton spent The Christinas i-iii'-rtaiiiiii'-nr. will L-ttSt<11V \'n w"ilS e; illei 1 in the ill orni •Miss Carrie M,. Hi.warih '.ntertaiiied his son JniN.ui VhV-i yp.-nt Sunday with his •We Jin. sorry to hear th;it .tiicob for New Vock. [[•• will takn a vae:i- ».|»ii.r. Mrs. Ih-nry Waldron. at Mini. »C l'hll:uie!nhi.-i. part of lust • father, J;u:ob \'ii.-t. at A'sbiiry. • • K'iser of'Vail is much worse, ^uiiLjer- il.ni Iiffoi-L- .seeliint: ;in».>:ln r position. Struudsbui't:. 1'a. with I'rifinls at Ki-attyesnnvn. eiie havln-r set in. Itailly Mi\ed Uji. Wesh-y Johnson, of Mt. Hvthel.iWas .M.'.:D. Cramer •>( Annandalc spent Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn attended Mrs. Mahlon Van Auken, u(. Abraham Brown of Winlerton, X. Mr. and Mrs. Win, l.ueey uf Wafii- ..last Friday \\U.h hi*, M.TI Charles.. Mrs. Abrani Wildriek has b.-en Orange, is visiUng her .sister, Mrs. ' among' the visitors here on Stindity. iSfm we'iv frtiesls nf .Mrs. Klla SmjUi.-; tin.-, wi-ddinj,' .il' his sist.-r, Mrs. Isa- Y.. liail a very remarkable experience; Mr. and Mrs. Frank \\'un| .y visited The ladie? of tho M. K. <.-luirch held fiulto ill with, liver trt" her lnisl>and Mr. iiud Mrs. George .Illseii and home with sickness, blood poison, and. the fifth stomach Mr. and Mrs. Ktm-T liall.y cnU r- i Thursday. at this place over .Sunday. Mr. and .Mi's. P.cnjnmln Hendersliot. Mr. ami ..Mrs. Course. Dennis visited! and liver trouble; but none of them tained friends from New Vork elty Oihin lilt), of 1'hllIipsl'MrL,'. was in • and rninily attendt-d tlie soeial rlaiu-e his sisti r. Mrs. Andrew iVtt'-r, at helped me, no my wife advised trying last w-ek. • Mr.s. Susan *\\p.«ar :u Anthony, on .1. II. Linaberry wif- and .huiyhu-r wn on Tuesdiiv callhisf nil relatiw-t . Grace i\m\ .Mrs. J. L. nunlleld eiilk-d at the h"tn-- of Knt,s 1.. lliirris in Swai-tswond, recently, Electric Bitters, which are restoring •Mrs. William Hill was with her sis- id uttl fri<;nds. 1 mo to perfect health. One bottle did ter. Mrs. William Curl, at Mt. liethel. f mi tlit"ii* midher, .Saturday. Vienna last Wednesday evenlim . .Mrs. Gertrude llMwell. nf Vienna, me more good than all the flve,-.'Joctors Mlss ktella, Smltli\visited. her a mil, Mrs. Kdward Hnn-ry is .•iHcrtaininir ilr. and .Mrs. (K-n. Homy .if Marble Mrs. Piter Carlins. at Washington, w her sister, -Mrs. Ciia!•!••.» l.viily, nf Miss Katharine Axfurd!' who hasspent Saturday. 11iiTht.jA.nd Sunday with nvesttrHjed."-• - Guaranteed, to - euro lilll were irvit-sts at tlio home of .Mr. acted as -mt; of the nurses for Mrs.her duiifrlUt-r, Mrs. Isaac Hill. ~" blood poison, weakness and all stom- - Mis* IVnv, <:;--MMr\n:r ^ivnl Ttiurs- part of last week. "'..' Kaston, day ,and Friday with her eousin in and Mrs. Frank riwisher mi Saturday. .Winthrop lUiiherfnrd's children is .Madam Kuinor says that one of our ach, liver and kidney complaints, by Mr. iiud Mrs. Heo. Anderson eallod Mrs. Win. O. Cr<-'slt • May sp'-m Monday wills hw ...•••u^iii, sclioohnarms Is about to enti-r a new" ;i J.'dU-r, Airs. J. ViinScoten wei-e callintr enb Axfunl. Imfiire leavim: for Newstate—the state of matfimony. • Mr.s. Park and son. Ilarv.y. of im. Sundiiy aflenmon. ..;; Mary Cruui-.-r, un Mrs. .1. A. Walters .Saturday al'tt'r- V'irk, where slu* will learn to lie a llaekettstown. were atnotiK the visl- • The liulk-s uf the' li.-t'-rnn-l vhuivh trained nur.se. Miss Until Lander and Miss ICdyth Mrs. George Smith and children, of ntion. Fi'i-'leriek. of Marshall's Creek. Pa., turs here, Tbursilay. Washington were guests ut her par- .Mrs, Laura Apu'sir and ihmghtfi1.' the near' fmifiC/ • Iliirrisnii Hlair was .iilwivtl st-cre- Kk-hard Cook and family will leave spent part of. last week with relatives IUJAIRSTOWN'. tilal home on Tlnirsdiiy. lary ol* the Horse Society on Saturday. for Highland Falls abuut the Ill'teenth here. Mrs. Joseph A. Jono.s of Albany. X. Millie, have been spending some time Herman Castuer will.'move . im.i.. T'n.-i<- was a small attendance at thn ol' I his month.- wherlrrhc.^wil!" take with'Mrs.-William.'-'nrl..•.-....•,...... ;.., ~:airtlilleVa7iVysf7.'m'sIinTlay*wlthTlH'ir '""'!/(.:. Hill iiiid 'family spent Thnnks- V.', was the pliesi ol' Mrs. .1: 10. Hair meetiuv wlileh was held at I.eida's anotlHT position. SiVniuel Puder will jflvlnii at Stillwiiier with Mr. and Mr. last weelc. Mrs. Rosa M. Davb, was with John Mitwder this cnmiiii? year. aunt. -Mrs. Alr^ngl!. take his place. '.We regret \-<-ry much friends in Huston and * I'hlllipshuru to see them jjo. Jacob Snvacooi, who had a family re- Kicliiird Kwirlott of Xewark is Sirs. Charles Thorpe..-of Wasliunt}: •- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Touts of Knir- Wosh-y MniihM-ry while unload- union. from Tuesday until Thur.sdny. 'mount attended the1 funenil of Mrs. .spt-'iitiln- a few weeks at the home of ton, visited her parents, Sir. and'Mi^. inir i:ornstalks with the hayfork,. was Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Welter, of .lohii MctzKar. y\y. and Mrs. Prank Stewart were aiid.Sirs. James Mill. Tuesday uf last... .Liiiiiii'liL^wi th^the... iriiK.ro ue.iirouniL.t ho- 4dh .Siinday.,_giicst.s ..of_ M r..,..and .. M. !:«,.„. HiN •i'eoi.*' thro\vt\"ninon^""sonie•"Ptones'-and" ward-».»smun,--ot:' liacketis.towu;T" —- chairman... of,.the_..De.niocrati'j County ;; : v !i ...^A^.j- JSa imhiirt.ii lid' (iraTHlaorC'Jiicob^ """'Mifis'-Ktiior-irndTtTiy Baldwin' "spent "Tit man:" •—•"-;•—-.•-:-•-~ —-— -V".TosT'idi ltr - Smvii^"-l--"ha^- 'rcturiH ...... Gardner ]ast..Satuv).lay-, __ \ "voniinitle'i.-'-last ~ 'l'hursilfiy:""-'~ ""-" : •-""?.lr5r-1"r;T."'}*.n:™"J'icc!:.^.of.::"Htii!iesbiirfrr •;-..~.-Ji:(!aun-J?is!K;i1-.-!i:is-. left-the employ home /.from a yisll at X-ittle Vork fonne.r. s::.dauf,'hter.. Sirs,' Kriiiik Sny-__ .lorry liohcr.son, who.liiis hec-n i:tl; 'With his.'slHlerrMr^'Uiielnvorth";'--"- tier.' oh Slunday; "- "~ ~--.r..-™~,.-. I <;iv,' Honor to Whom II IS DUO. Miss Klta Aps:ar is spending some nnd Mrs. Theodore Reiekard, of Mt. of Albert Yetter on the Sloadowbi-ook Jns photos for sntno time, has givoi time with her grandmother near. An- Bethel,, wore recent quests at John A. Farm and is now 'working in the . Mr.s. Sarah Weaver. has returned Those who pasl'sod Thursday in. up tlio biitfinf'K.s for th« winter, Dr. n.-tvid Kenii'.'dy'H Kavoite Hom- thony. A'an Scoten's, Blair.slown creamery. home ai'ter spending several weeks •Washllmion. were Sir. and Sirs, i-'nin- ely of Krmdotit N*. V.. cured me of with her d'.uighter at Washington. Mrs. I.ucrftia Anderson livs in t Mrs. Willhitn Wydner and daughter. Mr. and ^Irs. Harry Coursen. of ' The infant child of Sir. rind Sirs. c-is Oerhart Sirs. Frank Ulnehai't and iiri^ht's diseusQ and (Travel. Four of George IX Osmun expects to move Mrs. James Smith. critical 'condition at the homo ol' hethi o Jjest uhysieians had failed to re-Viola passed Monday afternoon at Scran ton, are visitin« Mr. and Mrs. '/..MamiH Vass of Union Brick died son, Willard, with consumption. , lieve' Hie,.. ] have recommended it to Hackeitstown. T. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Coursenlast Friday, a^ed seven months, from his family from his country home to Cieo. Anderson Is having a new r; Mrs. Albert Vunnuss moved >ii: scores of jieonle with like .success, will locate in. this place if they can the effects of teething. " Xew York for the winter in the near iw shed built. Benjamin, Archi- Jliss Berthn Slilcliell has returned future. household ^oods from the U'VA'.-. Uand know it will cure all who try It. to her sister's Mr.s. Albert Fleming, ['mil a home to .suit. . ;*-• Kminet .7. Huff'was taken suddenly bald and Nathan Caslner are;doln&," his father's house on Church street. —Mr.s. K. P. Mlzner, • Uiin,' Mill. O. for, an indelinito time. James Currnn, who had a foot cut 111 one day last week and for some The Mt. Bethel Methodist Sunday the ciirnemer work. c school is. preparing to have a Christ- Price $1.00. all dnttrKists; 6 bottles Samuel "Wydner spent Sunday iifter- of( recently by a train on the X. Y.time his lire was despaired of. At Ollif* Curling and'Miss I.cona Ulne- l fl! Ui l r01 tn Hi Is writing he Is ihueli belter. mas tree and treat tho scholars on tu.Sahool(:v:s-Mui;ntjiiu—with. Jl- h.yi.iS-^}:^ . J LI£ ni£ ? !* IL .ii ll1l Sl ililiAii"' ? 'ii1 JlL ^'iill1! "ill0 'i,v's' ll~ homo nt Joseph Dusan'.s. irerbdtQcnain(:ri party last Tuc-sday nl-rlu. ami it was chances on an automobile at -5 cents Mr. and Mrs. John O. Stewart, of Ilarmnn Cusiner, on Sunday. . a .surprise Indeed. AI-LA-MUCirV. Miss. Taniscn ITann, of Plon-sniH Mt. Bethel, • entertained a company Clrove. is . spending some time with a ehnnce. lie expects to dispose of Those that attended the Slissoinary Mrs. Sadie Teats of Fur Hills, who the machine when $200,i.s secured. of yomig folks last Saturday evening. L-onvenllonCat Wushlntfton last week ..was called here on act-omit of the KuthrTfont Stuyvesant has purhe- r niece Mrs. II, If. Carpenter, ,^.\o false nrclens(?. has marked the ,Sovci;aLD.'9HlJ-Jl!-i P!U.GC WC1"C;l !1(:rt'- ivore Mrs. Kugeno Cashier and daugh-^ ehrised the M"arlfi. Hawk hou.se. • Ilev. 11. T\ Howie 1ms been duite 1 1 .-._n?pir_.«-..-n]innibprs, ..the. Ma nk«niitbs, ; 1 career of Kfy's CrHim" HalnVr- - Heins "'" Most "of the"' farmers in tiiis" scHlnif LerrAvnsrAli^^iiinaiitiH^CuHlaoi'^iiia"" sickness of her sister, is remaining : lmll«|iosed during the past week and iiave dissolved '• partnership and Mr. with relatives for some time. ' Mrs. •Kd\vjird Hawk and Mrs; Wm. entirely harmless, it is not responsi- Chambers lias returned to the city. have a portion of their corn stalks Sllsses Dannie Snydei-, Itosa hey, Struble spent Saturday at.Newton. wa~Vr unable to preach here last Sun- ble, like the catarrh snuffs and pow- lii Ibe Held and a. few of them have Ituih Sehooley aud^Bessle Moore. Mrs. Lewis Hartnfm and daughter day as .usual. Kiurone Heck- will continue the busi- Mr. and Strs. Win. Parr'spent Sun- ders, for minds .shattered by cocaine. ness. not Mulshed huskin\VX. _Trimmer of Huff mans spent Wednos-; •_:riini1-diniirlitnr ^!j\? \VnsXev_j\l_k;n, of nyerepinew .. nasal catarrh and liny the engagement ot: Miss Sadie Motz- Lymim DetlifkiT am1^1\-_C. Barker ™~irr.".it-M\in'il t'i'il -.-i.lViNti-AVi,-, York.,:, spent' v Vi rcvei-r^BucH-Mrr-r-tlii^ULtenienL^lS tllO Kni\--:youn(:esi. daughter-'ofr-Mr. and .(ii-orire A'rec'lainl has iiioved to.. : 'Sunday-' with Ids sister,' Mrs.; 'Donald ci'ji .sit ~by the ;^tbve'• aiid' toast" tVielr L!ttlo ;>laiui' Robwrso'n. .wh was'ln- 1 11 Mrs. John MofXKhr.. to .Mr. Richard sb ins _foiv neither ..have, corn, ."talks in : Munro. . _ jr.._ her. t __ . ; ...... _L; ±z:~z:"z ••osLliHi'P.y^iir—^^y^s^s-v^i^-i. ---^''^*- * •5 i-i i ari e (t-'u C---X tVwiV ly.-™™——;-: —^ v—-;:; ~jui eu^iMSt>viiit5r.^.vhiJcco:L«UnKvJiStithiJ v n sriV.^MaVy^DiVmV'TVt'^Traiiriitility "' ifcrmoii Mowiler... ut Anderson, "tion" of" many" ^cnTs'^ticcoss. """"All csdiiy afteniooTi"." ." * ""' her yard, is still unabh; to walk. She Tt is reported that .Samuel Snover 1 : spent Sunday with her step-son, Jas. spent a couple nf days the. ilrst of the drtiWKlsts. 50c or mailed by 12|y T3ros^, Clarence Ou1ie.k has rented the mill was'helpless all last winter. It seems. week amontist his friends In this vic- 56 Warren Street, Xew York. of Jncksonbui'g lias purchased of C. \\'/. Dunn , '. 12. Jluuh. his farm below Jackson- The llnest Coffee Substitute over house of Hiram White. , w. to 1JO a Jiard life, for the .little i:lrl. .. inity, hel-iin**- them .with Iheir-bnteb- made has recently' been "produced y : Tn the last year there has boon erhif?, he ^tijein-j- an expert. burg, occupied by Gecv Ilenry. The 'Miss'lSpple'r. foriiicr school teacher Mrs. Siisan llart 45lbycni;H old, wife neither a death, birth nor marriage in purchase price Is said to have been Dr. Shnop of llaclne, "Win. You don't hrrc, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. our town: . Quite a Mmijber from hero attended X13W HAMPTOX. $•1,000. have to boll It 20 01* 30; minutes. Wiley. a large surprisij^party at the homo of "Made in a minute," says the Doctor. James \V.-v Dunn butchered eleven- William Ilann, Ji^jicar Anthony last Several loads of cinders have been Mrs. Geo. Slmersou is exhibiting a "Health Coffee" is really the closest Postmaster Skinner's daugbter-In-- hotis Tuesday of this week. The total" "Wednesday oveninff? Dancing wiis in- put in front of thq.store, which makes riuart can oC peaches that were put Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. law spent a few days in town, return- weiRh-t was over ;J1OO. dulged in until a late hour. a line improvement. up :(0 years ago and apparently arc ed homo Sunday evening^ In 'n good state of preservation, n.1- Not a grain of real Coftee either. There was an extra preaching .ser- Miss llena Osborii Is rehearsing her The con.1 cracker nt the .storage! at Health Coffee Imitation is made from Rev. "Dr. Wiley, missionary [from Junction lias boon in operation and thnugh the fruit 1ms turned dark India, gave a. very interesting lecture- vice &ild in the school house Sunday scliolfti's for., a Christmas 'entertain- with. .uge.: - -•--•--- ' pure/jroaatctl cereals or grains, with aftorno'on at 2 ''o'clock. ment to^bo^Kiven^on December 20th, the company has been breaking'large malt, nuts, etc. Really it would Cool ut4 Ren. lyes town Chureh last Wednes- •-."i-JTrn;1 C!;"W.^\\Tctin_t>r!?jiritrsQn. •Har''jri coal, intol...chestnut..and,.,.pea..,._.^..„..,.„.„, iuu.exnert—wero.:.he..-.tn -unknowingly day evening. Wo wish him every suc- r 17 drink"ft"fbr'CofCeerJenkins & Meeker. Y ^ , o'f Jerse'y'uUy, have b'ocn" spenclmff'tlic" 'MnnsfieidT Pai'Toii"lI)'cceifiti'cr™'2lst77r'"* Tr~Ahr.alin.nr Suydam7""wli"osb "doatii^oc- 'LrancliYiVic^^vne.rc' - she --uxpiVuW-- t* . • where good cigars .arc soldi' 13. church with interment in tho\Clin- Oeorjie-Vlllson, for.a few.vtiiiys i: of.Jt. lie seems to bu in hard luck;

ton F.vergrceii Cemetery. •; # - ;• •.-- • -•