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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-17-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-17-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1915. I tally l.v t iirriiT or Mail. AOs a Month. Mm.l !,.!.,:,. D WILL PROSECUTE FO 6 ATOHS WITH GREAT Bill Ll I b ;LORn FISHER MIKES f! M N SHOWN Mil SHOULD Evidence Accumulates of Plots ill steadily cfcnai ll GREECE s. Path hi. lash faug-- (V MtiftNlM JO.ISs-- . OMf iguig And brave RAVE PLANNED i f. . i x. a ihj were to Violate Neutrality of Nation 10 eve! I ll In rr III h refroni and m FAIL. POSITION Ingfi rt iirw , , w i an .uu. if M MUM art- - the ootids of (his war ieo doctors Hiv thr aposUes 'who THE WEATHER lord ton) lo Winston sp. neer I C fl iii this w.i, l,i iiol it in il'ul.' MS I I 0E THE ALLIES IS chin hill's statement ii) the hnuji' at lots. rate i.i'iinau re m lie- -' i i n i i: i i NGRESS WILL BE ASKED oiti w coanmonn yaatfflay, in hn h Mr. In the lines pte louslv In I ho I Chni i hill i urn i l.i mi ij that he had terma nii want some of ihe in', racvtvNI Bww Admiral Piaiiwr, BEFORE THE WAR and have with reapwM ' Ih DardaneHa at- - loerlble, Tlnar MOST CRITICAL lark, the v'li'ur gUldaUl e before "1 borately eon VOCAL REPORT. I wr.XTHKU Hie firm ajapoi after, which In til, many of " ii, Km, is being 0 STRENGTHEN SHERMAN twenty-fou- r For hours, ending line MB Ith omfnrti Ml. the bombard men rlsner, "were mane m ma m we 1. IK left of all this minimum, v range, CI de- ilrsru speech delivered yesterdaj l.v Mi. ias turn 10 piece it' p :!'i grees; temperature at t m da. , gh For Churchill. I hav. b. n aXty-0- 0 smne drunken giant Compelled ANTI LAW NM; nmth wind, cloudy. TRUST 0 CATCH Veals in (He SM'lvloc of ni country lured in 19011. According to:!""1,'1'"'".1' ;:i al nleugli over III. ' to Into Con- .it Utterly in- - Retreat King and I leave mv Pd In the hand "I in iiir iniiKl an is th. Investigating illll further of the my countrymen The prima minister American Observeis, d.'s. rlbibla medley of lorn wife stantino's Territory. hii, ken wagon uphi ived Umbers, mm against Fav and Schola, th id that Ml. Cluii. lull had Ml !! and .1 ien indicted in New V.ul; on it or two thing here and th. .basins like CERTAIN CRIMINA barge of putting, or attempting to have ani an. the . niters of small vol. an wher'! L GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION ,ail HI dynamite on board ships carrying lial'irallv left limits tomes been M'lod. d. POSSIBLE INTERNMENT in th notice gtven nul by the Which should have lo ha said am OF FIGHTING RECEIVED WOULD BE DISASTER . French uuthorHlea ..i gun and Attorney Confer on lW n nl. ul to Wall H is no the mnfc personal explan n inllimi taken from the H. Bnowden Marshall. LTnltad states! i i menttoa has , made I ..r New Bt'0Bn', intere "'"'" "V dtatrlcl attorney York, cam) Kas machiBM thai (rate I ot MULTITUDE OF FACTS NOW Washington a long j w ""' m',M "f " " Eail Kitchenei, England) to and had confer, Norton sav in his leltel thereupon i eiice with Assistant Attorney aenral ''"',l ttes Relieve Sutiern were l,,fl Ihe house. two sorts, .me for and Denis Cochin, of Fiance, War. cn. who has charge ol the mall, r iilll. IN HANDS Many SokHe In. if HilH. the other t OF , DEPARTMENT , , , , Thousand for the Pttited Slates. Thcv called in Th" latt. Are on Hand With Fleets to e , id h lin:1. Curat St i nude. hill lian, Klynn. i cure Hellenic Monarch. WHICH J, and the whole VALUED AT BILLION very effective tnslrom.aiis consisting WARRANT ACTION was gone ov.r carefully. of tWO main parts; one to llp OTVf The lawyers decided that i m .... .outtNf.L MaaiAV inti the head, lu'otc ting the I'Jfl s and clip JUUNNIL MKMSIH. JOURNAL IPtC.Ak ' WIMI pmaaetttion of the New fork ftn w Void., .v.. psnerlene pint Hi'' nose. th,. oilier an arrange- I'l.lllCl! o. Nov. H, The l. Nov, ot bag London, ll (II ll p. m.) Startling Which to Corre- ment and bottle containing Revelations Came Light Through iimki'ii which ii,.- wearer Inhaled Wiih the Increasing gravity from the allies' viewpoint of military sin spondence of Austrian Ambassador Are Supplemented through ii tllbe held In Iho mi. nlh the I r.i iispoi'i o Una tntermat'1 There were several forms of thee Hi, in In Serbia, ihe atlltude of Greece by Confession of Fay Regarding Plans to Interfere With Id ippai ams..s inn th most Interacting toward the armies of Ihe entente powers, a Ihe larmene, are related ini in to ion,, aocm in. in is i i. nr has become matter of I drapes) concern, m I be-l- n Munitions Shipments and Resignation of Dr. Goricar From nubile tndai from Rich- - stiiinp. il upon il tM uoIiIh. Type and effort govern-- n rdihg Hie Austrian consul ncti-a- t mi l developed from ihe type of made to Induce ihe Creek Consular Service of Be- I L' Because Refusal on His Part to New York do n.d constilille n hi developed fr in type "f if ns. ni In define Us Intentions. d ih 8nl-onl- for proaecutlon, but ii is not ft thus akowtng ven ago ll is said that the presence at come Spy and Furnish Teutons With of lame corps. that j ears th Plans American ssary thai they should Qerman had i.ici I.. fight Will, of a large number of French t line poinl that ,d iii Mr. MmNaM Can Be Cuiu-- lhil. HUH. and llrltlsh warships with trnnsporta Defenses; Secret Service to Be Enlarged and Vigorous Morton's rtarratlvi is fa.'l leaner degrc.. of offt'imivencss the inn I 'Illll ll it in has made sonic Impression on King kiih npparatti h h was a pt lire, I Prosecutions Are Contemplated by Department of Justice Id b rendered him persona noil E TILL I shall mil CnnstanUnc ami his adviser, lint ans in th. batU of so i. His consular licensi .old g chalk rond with much at slake, nothing short dated us hack M an.'idi d. The dccisimi in lllis far between black pine trees and on It. of a positive guarantee of Ihe safety Wlnf," he said, "that ef Serbian i entirclv Ihe itatty moving towards Wit two grpup the French, llrltlsh and ( Special Dispatch to Morning fournal. ) rests with Oerntani had da u. slat. and the of shuffling men, a i.i.x.ii red innaei irnnps, should they he compelled to Washington, Nov. 16. Evidence is AT LARGE: POSSE Greece, will accumulating that the legal iiwin- - at I heir backs. retire in uiif Loudon , are being administration is at last becoming aroused over the, The itat departmetti has mformay "OUT ear slow,, down In pass be- and whose ministers trusted iiK with tl whole strongly hy the Rngafan ami hi iluls against (lie tioi, from various sources thai tween them, hut when we saw we supported neutrality of this country. service nt the m .hlh all Italian repi Vo ii Nuher's name with various slopped ami e them pass. csenlallvs. What aciiiiii will Ik' will depend, Spy Mr. Moiion Ihe A tneric, n Action Nhnn. taken of course, on how Hchenies irvbnrrn ihe guvern SCOURS COUNTRY n one mar rnuvmt a murterj i.i i 'nine for Car lelieVHil tin- sufferings of .1 presence r. RRKn definite evidence Ik' in. Ing passport alul sialic Company What blue , lad fig- - The of Lord Kitchen, ihe can gotten. The new thing in nient, frauds llHfly 1 I md vidua llrltlsh Ni cicluiy lor war. In the Ac-- I s .la us to up mualtloajfl factories. .iir.-- druaacd in sa4dMa, or clung wilh lutiMi that t"i i'i his iirdcr"! to nnct"cr the id, tut ha K.H'U ..11ICUI Was (I'.Mit. genu and fif iKtnia Cochin, a niemfVer n c llftPOl laid matters that both bauds to u comrade's stirrup It nine liis neeeunl ol the i . I of the Preneh at Athens, it alleged was the or-th- leather. saw a broken sword ami raMnai thai ii d he ggj very iii Ihe leueral Captain Archibald Chaves Counly Raked With hoped here, will help clear up a neutrality some we. ks before the battle complicated ituattOtt, time, how- carry through RTit-- - eyes pjlasej with fatigue thai stared The pal with i ,f npti'.i r the in ,e knee, from evi lenses dlffktlll Fine Tooth Comb Effort ail sorts of dead-whi- te ever, Is for the lluignriiins Dr. DUmba and which from faces, n,, the other short, have hal a liiK movement was on i g statutes is niie in" the t passed a second .oiiipaiiy, muddy and en strongly reinforced both in cen- tp Recapture Alleged Mur- 'lie movements of troops hi undertake at the coming session. id Hha the first, bat here tral and southern Serbia, ami besides id day, the ureal number of . attempting a flunking: tic ili'partmeiil M, Cartwrif'ht, gray ia.i figures staggering lb step, movement This W! s one ol the subiecl (liscussei derer of aeroplan. a ml iptlve balloon and against at una Pass, at ie calnnet knew nothing Hie stronger with their arms around the Serbians Hal. general r pointed in this, it Mmi-asll- r, Attorney General Gregory at his de-- i heir comrades, i saw th ribbon f thereby threatening Prllep and erwards said th whan he look until we were sent the ll loss, and I saw aKain'eyes are opposing formidable forces Id ask for a change in the Slit rtnan anti-trn- act so il al d h Ih. .ii lHCIL O. ATCM T" MOPNINa .OUtNAlJ Amiens to this (lis along Hi. glazed with fatigue that in ii,.. Pranch at Qradahc nn,i - il t. III! id witl Itui lloswell. N. Al., Nov. Al stared from k- dim him. w no question about its an ication In conspiracies where the attack dl bile fai a the left bank of the t'crna. Thus far, il Ihe iricar vemio of the matter iw. ntv-foii- r hours of constant sear Ami ,1 was not mi- (he iK'i'ii e in "fa passcl us I., a remnant of the Ihe Serbians are holding llahtinu In have resnonsi lor recent strikes is till Archibald iiiiIh a good h deputies ni,, c sta- - po- Ing the sheriff, his hi. woeka ( i - pass, the French original - . rlttaaars charge in froup ..I I. and their I'llipts 111 low ni) siniis sailino i ha lie. f proaecutli and of being .ll mile of Ihe line Ironi niei posses of a hundred Cltfna, man prisoners. VI. and V unqulsh I to give ui i truthful ac- - lore that we had any inkling as to her activitic laving fur their object interfere Rodrlguet was still ni large tenli oil w lib onI) I ll'' v road III M Cell being fidt by troops who hnve been of all his relations wil iioth tly a ly oxai when or what spots I fighting 1. I RodrigUeS. (rial hi hem,'' for days without ccssatluli. reign CI c. Y, U. fl'. wlin was on for I numeri isectltioni tor conspira in and von riiHtoi he blow would b delivered. Teutonic Advance Slow. if this To ProiH" Arohlbaid, , HI lit undertaken in state coi irts under the Disposition of Hospitals. In Ihe north Hie Auslrn-ricrimuia- A. Brace Blelaskl, chief of the hu- 'When we W.I. seni fot ward, our ft total ! if am 'I her were IL who have joined hand with the Mi govefhmeni involved nt' inveetigatlon of depart-- riling of l.a. REVOLUTION .1,1 lean the VOUng last nigh) hr s being baa became ihe Croix. IS Igarians west of Nlsh, are moving sloW-- ! .t ihe United States am! con hi he dtos-- menl of justice left lot New York where larg c lie. u taken from the CO) 1't house to III. lali. til. had ly and steadily, but doubtlessly cau- I I to meet Joseph Cloricar, Ihe ere. tl d. S, vi n ot ICi et a c I'M V, Herrlngtoii a special deputy. the ambulances tiously owing to the prasen if ih ir Austro-Hungaria- n consul) were stationed here, two al oil ilatlon Needed. toll a. a in ronn by Night others unbeaten Montangrins, with perhaps w rei cut ptihlislled statements who was shot hy mistake Homme Tnurbe, five Amendment of the Kheiinan act, lion wilh the Austrian elllhassv in hose at l.a Salle and THREATENED IN 'oilier support, harraasing them in the the American gov Policeman Lucas, wan retting easily finally two groups were sent to ' probablj this country. have onfronted the " will not be the only I with some pew phases of today il is tliooullt tile Woods, Where we camped a wtaiiation ..i aoughl Through ihe seizure of ciimient and dispatch r Ived tonmht from that character Ambaador neutrality preservation. The depart will no, prove lerlous, Durli and dUgOtttl. BOBi ngrea. Developnienta of th.' DumJba' correspondence carried by bj way of Eurich says thnl mont of justice is particularly inter excitement it v put V "Tin' whole countryside had heen wki iiiuniiiK have offi-b- J tlio man. Capt. British ami Italian troops are endeav- convinced American newipaper III - BIO) carefully GREEK ISLAND - ested in the statements credited to Sheriff Prank arena red On main r.a, ii iii. a there is a woeful lack of James .1. Archibald, thr (data de- oring I" (be battlefield where QortCar Ih relation to James V, St rlngton. road bad been cut from St, Jean m. 111. Serbians ,r,. awaiting them, but 1 ft miitralilv slatutes. for o i a v partment was put in possession of Archibald, American who acted, Hold Hi. ik lor l iberie Ihe lolling .ball, lulls lo Ihe villages p. ertme have gone unp.liii.shed facts which justified in recommend- - the docs no) say from what 'hit thcv as messenger between Dr, Dumha, the Ah the aherlf f stalled up Ih jail of ir nils ami Meant), which were be- all' coming. lie lias been spent in nv . sti- - IIIK that Dr. Dumha he misted from steps prisoner, h hind Kiel i recalled Austrian ambassador, and with the stumbled lie oh batteries and the Aftti-dynam- Both Hie Belgian .i PptragrM ins.' government thh country. This was done. I. til ap lte Defnonstn law go ii) frpnl lies will, I Mt t the Vienna foreign offioe. far the or was tftpped llodrlau' lien, and Hon, h oilier statements report unlet generallv In conviction could rt parently the plotting did not slop government has not found ground Tile Mexican broke ana roads ran further north. Besides ibis the Nlyr riVV, however, Ihe Russians eared M'OUI ho nil IV si al ol with Hamlin's departure, Occur at Paras; F upon which to proceed against Arch- - around ,hc I. nil. ling, Ihe sli i main road, there were many track are still fighting for th criminal rode that The moat recwnl dbiturbing chargea, d have been at him. .In III of jail tile shel-in- and trail be fleseri V'ki il si ibald. fr the chalk ami Premier's Organ Deno ) nts. eeaafully are those Hi now under acrutiny by the stale de- s iff filed again a third time a Bfc-i- these as iic days passed became more In Ihe wesl the lh'' ol exptoi partment, are made hy a u Joirph weal tntlon ond later, ll believed the third and more clearly marked, ttain be- Government, "larked,ri in consul and there has been at)l and interstate mem (loricar, formerly Austrian at shot look ffect as Rodrlgue fall gan i" f ill the first day of Urn hie law WARD SENATOR battle mining activity again) in ihe San ICrancisco. I - ' nlkmenl and there n as some Id on the pave- aiiil continued off and on for many BUed stales for foreign service in Buhstance, Dr. Qorlcar is credited nient this i iirning. He regained his days ami turned ihis chalky soil int.. itl'.M H WMM I s RRATKN ""'iniu.iu attornava he with saying he resigned ins p.. si win freely thai fia t quickly and ran down Ihe sliei a mixture so slippery thnl a ear stand-in:- ; Sal Ki, Nov IL". I HA 111 IXiAfl TRIKIPS mumlted by ih, attorney general re-- t because he would not do spy work In frdlng 'I'lle sheriff w winded and called lo on Ihe town of the fOad would Paris, Nov. IB, whai ao of is the states, ih . i i - legislation United lie declare CAPITALIZED TO Harrington i ihe Mexican, in infrequently slide into the gutter, Nov n; l.v Wir. less tn Sny- ded, ami a dv nasi ic demons! l a inns possible an effort while be was consul at Sao l.'rancis. i bu( I I. I.I ed Sofia," 'It lerrington rted in pursuit, in. iiion'ii mini i roups, reports from he mad,, t,, Burstyn, i .in "ilify Ih laws of th Commander Maximilian was not arme ould do no mora "ll was mi ib, twenty-fourt- h that-w- News ugenrv, "de- - ' mi el Stat - an leiaiing- to neutrality .Misirian naval attaene al Wasningi. than keep in sight. A fe seconds received final orders in mow up "t Pain victorious advance Wolattonii . t 'snioiuiirc and kindred "I'dered him to gather plans i Hi after policeman Lucas came up and lo ih,. lines. look croup on Ihe former in Serbia. ' TUN E j foi ls of San a M - v '" Francisco harbor 0.00 the Sheriff stalled him alter the niglil ol the i W'enl tout lb up to the Ihe bolt cording ii reports of Enlarged goevtoo. navy yard at Bremerton, senei (the IdOn Willie lie Weill tot im'le help Uriel Is November II and 4, French troops, Although ' nil no detailed program haajWhen he refused to do this ki Lucas saw I leiringi o running and Tin country absolutely pack-- on night nf Nnvemher I at- - t n was 1 the I'M, decided upon, an attempt also work he was transferred tn Berll to him to stop. Harrington ed wilh troop and ." taeked Bulgnriuii positions op th. he .ailed munition Iralns made to When, after five there, h Was AL ! On rolling jV'ardar river, bnl bs a r.uigariun et enlarge the power! months in without stopping told him the the land, over which the "'hi it,. s..,T. i I Lorimer's Stock Failed Bank service so that ii may be ordered to report at Vienna, lo Can WHS rn ahead but Lucas did led trenches cm ihroiigh th,. chalk-soi- l 'Mint. o 'k wet.- thrown hack on U)r I., wi( such as ed a idol to Iniiitison him and firm shot ran great (peel to th1' Balkan slluatlon hav nol right bank of Ihe jfgfaattl I He " c. eondilions Was Borrowed on Name as understand and fired. Th and like while snakes, the ihe tx'l Int. as a result of the EStt- - j hi leave Inward Home, fl Wllele went wild, and Herring!. .n yi lied butteries of every sized guns were In- been defined, rumor have been cur. Bulgarians took two machine guns "Peail war and th iiua ,,r o.alu,. be went his I'.'slvi.ation Member of Upper House of again ihe Mexican was ahead, sun numerable! We tried to sleep r,n the rani that nllles troops and two mountain guns. "tl" '"""i mil. nts in country. Hollies' Charges. policeman did not understand and Stretcher for an m two may be n uit Greek soil iin November it, ('ranch troops tins Pnnei'rpc.t; Pmc-nciii- Ihe hour before Hie whole I subiecl of ..ol,,nau. in. (loricar also charges hal In AU ivc find again. The bulla) struck a note daw, of Hi. Iwenlv'-filih- , bid when Ihe lense that were thrown hack on the Mat 5adiarisni, bomb eanlnalnna no aann el Irian eoosnl lieneral at New York, iii pockel ami you a re-k- f of Wales, i book Herriiurtnn' hip have battery of ICO's COUghlni bank of the Kaiassu, south Ueity propagmttd nd a Alexander von Nuber, and the uer-- l was deflected, entering the flesby uninterruptedly within less than too allied war were attacked by 'he Bulfariana, who n ., , g" vi , 'nitcil man ambassailor, Count Johann VOnl fV MOUSING JUUSNAL part nf ihe leg. The wound is noi yard of where you arc renting, to say shlpi Halonlkl ami Singing their famous national anthem, ,ios III.. Nov. laws and neutrality Morris, )l, The word 'Bhnmw M arils,' stormed and mn-qUer- ', .... 00,40(1 "' hands nf cio..e at "senator" was cvita)led for t .loin - Slill Held. strongly entrenched Prattoh Cftl scrnec branch . th Lucas lost sight ot the Mexican and posit ions." Savings was charged kvei evidence In in develop whom thcv control through see ret bank opened, that was Ihe last sen of him during idaU Hid Splendidly, ale e III'M , i 11. Hayes N I, i I ."" s. at n ee.l lie Ihe slal. sen ie agents. Captain Fran i on bTank of counsel for the the long sear. Ii. 'I'll.' posse were' in no pot iti. ni lo te! Wel', Ml VIII. IIMN 'Omeiil and then pen, military he, Illll siai, iii ins argument tn the juri thai quickly mil s. nt In .very di- troop did III.' best bttl 'I'her. lulo ml Inn, yel Si I EHH I IN VI. 1, I RON i s ' passed mi lo tin. Pa Herman atlai formed work overj M""""i of justice, where prose, Austrian consuls at St. Louis III. I is trying C, II. M inula v, former vi." re, turn. Th.- whole country was enmh-- j one knows thai llu colonials ebcli l.'ifl. Vellizo- seem Berlin, Nov (hj W ireless to Sav-Vill- feaslbl Cleveland also neie mentioned. ed for fifty miles around during the Oeneral Alar, hand .lid sptendldlj IIS lost ini, rid, ra fl ) The Aiislro-lluiigiria- n army "f thh kind of work already Tin- Austrian embassy issued night and today, Business men left' did the I'd. venth inrps, which wai 'nt th d lie w ''cen 'sen- I hwadquarters' report ..f November in, J done. The depart rm nt of statement denying holly all of '" "MUnday capitalised the name their plaCCa nf business and Joined In alongside hem. Olllv 1, lable III. Ill to 1,1 suys: is iii for $100,000 when he obtained i I as received here today, possession of much Infor-$- Z cars charge ami denouncing him ator' Hie search in all lfmi I.. i. turn Hi'', incidents of In twelve liar, ai campaigns. Willi paid "tn ihe north section of the Hotier- - BOnu' '"' "Inch has been pre-- l a whose eormivanci with the the nimiev whi.h Lorimet prisoner for trial. rlearly in my mind, lo ol war fimed the ' traitor highland, engagement conOn-ii- . "' gland juries, step Russian service was the cause for his stock when Ihe LaSalle Street Tin- .ver, definitely selected as. hazy memory of in in. Thli unhapp) says du the and othei secret ' I - al dav and night. Hie g ii take,, f which ihe pul'lic recall from Berlin and his guilt National bank was opened. he said. jurors and the oilier live poggtbta shabli is oT Ihe Skoil- 'n nnrlh , .r I. .a Mllhtle. the ""' len made aware. us.- of bis disappearance In-- jurors were kept locked In the i'n and lain, an; roWs of laden Stretch-er- s in w charabei Montesan Thr. a Italian severe lime entered the I' lrimenl points I.. the fuel stead going home. room all dav and every effort was walling to be put Into the cars, g bid the nu- - mm o-- '""V d promptly has Ihe "They argu that .Monday has been made to keep from them the new ofl wavering lines of less seriously Ausi luncai ian positions at night. ami se. ured The stale department ' ''"in i. e in- - a but have almost completely "lls in the ease of Ihe men names of a bust ol pel sol mention-h- pels. 1'Uted, continued, clean the escape. The Jury will be lefaiiicd wounded hobbling along to where We ben a nothing to Leave- - ill. Oi" led from Iheni false affidavits of seeing ed b y (loricar lhat the I'll knows Uian ami clean bank has and as soon as Ihe .Mexican is Cap- were waiting, sleep, hospital orderlies, llhUleuburg Ho 1 Austr.i- - 'he ser- a th hands of Ihe newspapers, tured iin win proceed. dark underground hamhefs in I otiilon. , 17 ('. a. in.) The In th Balkan theater Ihe laisltatiia as a guaranty nothing about vet, and the so rot liar niai whi.h - 'hat WIS tl'.e .Mm nib post's i lerni Sw lUel'land Huiucarlan ore ggyaneMt every- a. i with decision when it vice is tracing lluse men dOWg Willi "Instead of running g bank, these Reward were offered shi.rily after doctor were sorting out and ear- a y it r Wheri They hav reached the district to ail upon the object of learning something men ran gambling bouse. The the escape by Ih sheriff and the sons ing lor Hie Wounded, and an oneeas-in- eorrespondenl says is ported there Iv tkjd Von Indenburg of Nvae, Clguta Planlna and Hie Ju-v- ''he Dvnsaha im i.i. ,u about the Mysterious fires and ex- mistake mad was thai they of M. Cartw right, the man murdered noise of rumbling wagons, whir- Field Marshal begin a of ring aeroplanes, guns cough-i- n left Ihe for tile western height. principal matter that have plosions in munitions factories. didn't business under a siirn hy Ih. Mexican, offered reward distant has eastern a nearby "The Herman detachments of flen- - Another angle of the investigation 'Speculators, ami ones crashing, shells f TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1915. No, "is. UTAH GOVERNOR UNCLE SUM ASKS IHItiKI ol lOVIHTIoN III llll Ideal Remedy STATE NATIONAL BANK An

HAS HID POWER TO TO TELL i for Nursing Mothen

i . nil h mil, I ii -- lniplc I uxallvc llerh-- SAVE ABOUT lor lt:ih ami HILLSTROftfl AnCONA I1 H. ho.lda iIw1k.iI t" e, hi I' S M imdts (par Mi eahiel , '.o.ntni.1 Masher. n .nii.iimj mi Hi Total r tt Ixirtda if- - XB t n. a ondilioii that 'it rlecurltlet other than I' B i.i.nrt (nut including ii'ation unpledged facta the old, voting jnd SSiddll - - .1 Ktoiksi owned la ml most people one or er of World, Dints Require Expla-Befo- re Total baggie, ne uHtlta ete at tune sa other deed Help in rii loin tins the Bnbecription t, mi ck ot rewemi imn lion of the bowels. Marsh cathartic Convicted of Double Mur nation Washington I sil, I ; ,001 and purgative: sh no' ho mploy-- Lcxe nnSOttttlik...nopal, I Im! relieve as - Clan r. Opinion Regard-e- st t" constipation, tneir der, Must Die Unless Su rm Value hi nankksg boaaa nf unetscshstbcrei feet is only totii;iorar while they Konily Iii banging homo ion, mi system Sea Tragedy, ,'i. mock i'io unnecessarily, preme Court Inteivenes, Furniture and futures , v remedy that tkn he aaad with K, ii I estate owned othti than bunking hou ' safety habo ami H; R km Perfect for the tiniest N',1 ntnount due from Federal Reserve ' that !s equally effective for the Ni t am mm sue m approved troiidcsi constitution is found in the v eahlegton, Net Vol k. ago. mid si j combination of sitnine talXAtiVf herhs m approved Mr. Byntp PwnMftaM si V ..(Unown is Caldwell's Peiisin :"llib ilie.s ,154.1? j and sold in drnst stores everywhere toil. i I. I,,- A,, or sap utile Ait minium du fr 111 hanks am for fifty enls a bottle. This is an New Stove trial. arian foreign oil, ' a state meat than included 11 or ) .049.41, Ideal household n m i anal skould be That cheeks on ii,,- (in Cbest. iii th of llo p. iliiiHlam M if iho torpedoing Other banks eveiv family medicine as repoetins bank ,915.9S Mrs. K. I. Harsolnw. is Leslie Si. e L ii it eon nf tin Italian liner Vm ,na in lln to pick it ration m intMiti- checks mi ol h Muss., wrote Caldwell, Now's the time . Holyokej to , in. vi ill S4 i Franco-- 'I Ki Mediterranean last weak, with loss 1 I I mil at Klin t tonal currency, ni' ;os mil ,714.47 "Syrup Pepsin certainly is fine I gave II Ksoi i soft , i Mi of aevi mi American lh se out and if you burn tmioa nf th, slllt,' pllo Notes Of Other national banks ti my hab', fcvelyn, and also took it '1 i t" l h .n .1 sa upon iln ,. 1 powera taken . coal, take our tip and choose Ihk with the Hate Coin and ceil if irate lt,S nyaalf. It is the only ntedielne hace A trial bottle of nr. catdwiir, i h Ihe embni . pardon Tha i, Kin lit a presentation not,'H . been nhle to (ako without affecting Kj rup Pepsin can be obtained, the Stewart Hot Blast Oak. iv in ' fr, f I ' , Secretary Ijui lug of 11 COI I '1 Baby in nursinp. I it In IiIk i h t n . in .til hero to ft S the hove used pante he vriio.. ( rHiti', the I You'll find this the cleanest and 11 , .1 is 4(4 in Vi for all four children ami it fine: Wtlt, Waahlngtoi M'Wdmi of the hoard of pardon, - coal ., as! 3 it and ask it. I most satisfactory of all soft inn f,,r n,i longer perioel. Invefnor Identl, the like fur in. ' li s , Mot ongh heaters. It burns wood too. Hpry eserclsed this pi i outline in In the Overaan s syS Am una wa gees of Hllletrom tki i stillest of i'U Sf the I submat in President Wlleon, September f, ahen shelled Auatrlan l.l!thililis he granted n respite from October i. while tr IllK I, icspe, inn that whet THREE AMERICANS BRIDGE PLAYING she siopp iii forty-fiv- e minutes wan the ilate originally Not for Hlllxtrom's I surplus tund ngera i w jeexeutlon, inttll October I', the date lowed fot tin pai si and Undlvldad profits 4 of (ho next meeting "I the hoard or got into small bouts, a torpedo be tteeerved for I LSI ' pni, inns. Tin roHpito w.,s terminated fir I only win n snother ship i.ess current expenses, Interest, ami in 111.411 STOVES RANGES In response REPORTED SLAIN AND WOMEN ARE i, unanimous mil of iho board on peared to a Hiunmo Circtithtlnf notes outstanding .i October IK, no now tails hnvinu been wireless from ih" A neons. Due 10 banks and bankers (others tlUtf 2X .' are several und"leii in or 29) re noted for their perfect oper- presented, and illstioni was Intor Thar ' i - lioints on which the American ii ni, mil deposits: ation and extreme durability. sentenced to be m t Frl- Individual deposits subject to cheek IN SONORA I trnmeot noa seeks infdnnotlon. STATE B rfowork day. Neither Ho got ' pOI no, thr deposit due In less than BEATING RITISH Built to work right and in, i go Certificates of board "i piiiion has authority to "l - 'rhe thai the Austrian 111 97 right. They give you big value foi Certified checks der n nan trial, Thai power is vested menl assumes responsibility disposes Cashier's checks outstanding for your money. in the supreme rOtirl of Iho state, action of the suhmarlna ITnited Slates deposits reports tin which has lev lew i d lllllstlolll's IIIHI- believed, "f the thai Total demand deposits, items 12 can supply the model ib n boat flow a fink vo of Them Murdered by Baron St, We just land found i m sufficient io inn- is, Herman tl, H7. :is and 39 Davids Launches that will please you best. tlfy a new trial on er the law. even offii lata are ansloua to be sai i 'ert ificatea of deposit II i Mayo Indians and Another Attack in House of tin supreme court cannot now order nil this point us well. Total Ol time deposits. Hems 4a, Lords win. Federal Ranh a m-- II lal of the case. Hodiscount.t by Cattle Protec- Against , Iscwh, i, Bandits; Sir John French's & Mauger Governor Spry had no! received) MITCHELL NOTIFIED Noti S and bills tedlsCOUnted Raabe ITodeial Hark "f tin- American Federation ltesere tion Asked Not Given, Conduct of in mils payable, Ittetudlng obligations rept War , v i i it si of ljihor filO .Mam FAIR WILL BE OPEN ii; ai this afternoon inoiiev borrowed (similar roipnsls and demands from ALL OF YEAR 19161 ifjv MfiasiMd JfiUhMAL 4jetna.L MOANINO Ivariom. htbOr ot kiuiiziI l"ic. in Mils and LIAhltl WlMI f OIISHl MPiriAL IAIO Ml luther countries have been received at Topolobatnpo, SinaUm, Mt'X., Nov. .(iinl'in. Nov, II (U:10 ii ni.) ae (. n a ro m u i fi u n A t St thi Coventor's office In the i.mi five ll'criAL Merrltt, Car med bank, do solemnly 114 via Radio to Hn n Francisco, i I Charges of incompetency nu,i neglect GALLUP LUMP Hants Nov. 14 Ralph B. knowledge belief, months. f. e statement mv and Three Americans wei killed in the of were brought Mag-le- a t their work agsine! Twltchetl, presidnl of the New t. .H MRRRITT, Cashier I llillstrnin is in his normal condition interior recently, accu rding to advises thi British staff in Frajice by Barest exposition Commission, today re- GALLUP STOVE al the stale prison nml a death watch received here today and Settlers 8t. bavtds in the house uf lords thai ceived the telegram officially an- has nut yai been placed oyer Mm. I around os Mnohls w ere reported tot evening, when he aske,l the govera-- Panajna-Callforn- ia IN, I nouncing that the H.KRN1 " Preparations for Ihe execution have fear atlai ks by Mayo Indians who are j ment whether its attention bad beta SUGARITE LUMP International ea posit ion will be kept MAKTtt iN. lieen tunilo and it Is believed hern that I II on the warpath, The Carransa garri--1 railed to the rep,, i ts alleging Hint open DlSgO, and rectors all of IHI at San i November, 1 jit will mke pin, e hTiday, is sfrttuged, in, i sworn to inline m, tins nib day of son was ordered to leave there for during the recant fighting there hwl officially Inviting th mmonwaalth lie. as the Caai bus beefl considered niul . kl i,' i , W. A, McMlLblN, Notary r operation! against villa troops near beep many complaints as to failure! O'MERA LUMP nf ,, w Mexlen to participate in whal acled op by all local u lit hurltles ami j.Sau Hlas. A reipiest for protection of the staff work, "Ill ffeel be new mid grand r It Is nut believed President Wilson will r " for Los Moenta was made recently to Lord St. Davids asserted that mi'ti Intervene affatn, iOeneral Dlegues, Carransa command- - had been added to the stuff for nn ALL KINDS WOOD ib No tction rry I'tah I'Mtrrape, er of troopl In HlnatOS and southern military reasons who ought to be iii 111 VILLA i IN TRAPPED ill,- i i ii K ENTQMBtR Offtcern ,,r life state and ity ledcr- - villi the and 34 iSonora, b Admiral Cameron Mi'H. the trendies and that he had beN ready pn L the New Mexico hu u I Ii hi of labor (lei Ideil at a Wlnstow. .told that the itritish headquartsri Mng coitiii nil next year al an e- - nk hi to take no i:iri In (lie i iiiiiiuikii The Amertcana killed wen- Maurice Staff iiis ffVa or six Mines ns Inrgt' im iii iy 1 1. (Mm a month or jor the American Federation ,,f Labor jpandttui Free and Charles Qo!dsbOt,OUgh, slain that of (lonoral Joffre, the Frsnel Mm a per county HE CAN ' AZTEC fUEL CO. I,., i... I,,. If .,1 UlttatMm Mn. llOM mohth 3 RESCUED UNLESS comniander-in-cliie- f. It bMS luik building MINE; N"eml er I. by Indians at BalCV, arid Th economi a iih which the : tenced to be shot, next frlday, fur w. 8. Windham, killed hy rust-- 1 ktated, he continued, thai women ra PHONE 251 year Is the marvel of. cattle the murder of J. fl, Muni on, ami run this lets at Quimlchts, Tepee. Ited headquarters in Franc, and Ii" s by nph Imtli misiness men and officials, itut asked the government de- vised Prteitdent impel telegi Advices ft ived at KI I'aso last whether views he which V ii n better showing would be mad nwf nrnn fended thei rproaancs there. on of their tslagtam, flimr mm night stated that one American, In-- 1 eral Koavsaa have sdvanced both next vein and the results at th, nam was y IP pivsblenl of the uin. Too Much Itrldgc I'laylug. f from Krii sinned UHL Luum sejih W. Tsys, and lour ( unil'nnlonq bMss the road running - would be ininieasur.iblv eale HLIIL ULnu fot Th.- were sending their sons i mi local bodies spress es the colivlc- lime l itSVo to Novlpasarl and have taken gained (his were killed near Sen Hlas early in in a by the Impetus out in finiit under th. direction ol Auitro-HungarJnn- fur-ih- lion Mint lllllsti had fair trial i Beptember, They set out from rten , hice. The would result In Langlbli results men who, he declared, w,-r- living ut an Impartial lur that he hail a fall - U, eoatward new Hat t, have Mm W'a r m Hlas fur l. os Mnchis ,,n Beptembcn- be- hi. ni,, state in thi ng headquarters in vast numbers nn4 I'M in the supreme conn ami "I Wsaft-Stro- Forces in Front and anil slain. :iceorilioc I., h lell.-- I criiHHod Iho road from llnska to Km new and Dust Explosjon Causes wile lir- - fore board oi pardons. Hun la- capital, enterprise inoi COUld not K't early to their offices i the from Mm father of the victims to his eutniya nnd stormed Barilla Inter- people May Northern en use theS were up late playing bor unions in I'tah have not i Fear Is Expressed Rear Cause K by In- on tho I, a, 11k Mountain. The) took brother in I'nso, a baud of bridge. in ibe case and "know no rem in , Hue., officers ami 11(1 fered Back Track to dians led by Much, mu. According '., is btlaonsri Why liny should be dianned into an CITIZENSHIP TRAINING 101 irty Miners Trapped Chieftain to men ami capt treed on., machine inn. the tetter, it was said Cain, nza am M U ii hi Mint Is based hi misliifori thorltle had been notified through The Oarman and Bulgarlas troona are IS SUBJECT OF ASPLUND lira Level Chihuahua, lair ciiance. ,m,,i, than once the Mod." Mm Aim i a I MfUUttla n, approaching from the north and east imin consul hut n linen it Is. Curt is, pfi lib ill "f Ml, troops have brol the German a at the lion of that so far the ham had ea pel fo point Jnm Lake of Labor, said t, sssaseeesesaas ln mssmiws joubnah but owing to bad st iff work iho whole Federation (rr,L MOSNH.S rc,v mmti punishment. Santa Ke. Nov. I B.- -' Training; tor lav MDKNIKS J(1UNL PC,L llilD W,H tav jousi ion, thiiiif fell through. Many lives Iihvp huthl that I. A. Camomile Thirty-lou- 1 Although tl)'" del! Is im- Wash., Nov. 14. r Naco, Ariz., Nov. Owing muddling in i ClttaenaMn In th Clradae" the Seattle. been sacrificed to frOnl Salt Lake t the San Francisco headquarters al Agua Prlets t Vltlt . Tltoot's s ST FRENCH REPULSE ALL Bd portant iou, Assigned Rupert , men were entombed today In 'he Carranaa liikh places." convention, "had iiKbl to declare 1 I 61 Mexico r.enerai Ohreg Im INK) Vt't l. The Mnrquis of Crewe, lord ior of tile convcuii in as a ndttnr the New Northwestern improvement snnounced that 011 BULGARIAN ATTACKS prn- - ' ih-- ,t til-- of KdUCStion, upoll the itaveiisdale, f n K Kener.11 of seal, replied that the sllegutiona ite, thai did mil Journal pany's cunl inine at ordered the nuaymas, Sonora, Max., n,, II !ty-fl- RllSSGd BS - grnm at the elementary school. southagat t Beatl Villa '.o bC ' .success at Loos god been rj? not ni miles Against i'rancisco i i ( ' and wiik prei to Fran, MlHS via Radio San isc. ing to to bring up reserve" tv MIHMU riciAL illllo w,, r orgnnlaed labot in imn .it Albuquerque next weak tbe result ol an sgploalon of ciai niKht, Obregon, who is at Na the failure ransa troops have been ordered Into f Halomki. Nov ifi (1 p. in , via Paris, Hall bt to lend In the dlacu slope. I'arly to-- 3 had sip i lit the right time was the subject Pearl noK. opposite here, 1 the faqul valley east of here, accord-- i an- - 12 p. 111.)- - (lenenil The Of Stilly, It: been removed by llgti at a hour of movtog south an Inquiry between the highest Nov Hi, Sarrall. dulse late ing to advices received today, to pro- VbUse," is another Sllbjecl, with ni bj the Butted ward. Sonic eavnlrv left f the in thorlties thai uould be Invoked, roiiiimimi, i in ohlel oi Mm French ill Ulk inn tect American interests there iiKainsl l k of as the leader and Mom the body of Defends Number of Staff. In , r at th ins Texicn bureau of mines Seatlle. terlor today hut main j ni my in t lie Balkans, m announcing ipoke in hull rtlllstrom States raids of the Vaqui Indians, who were un- .Hi. of Lordahurg t. (Ol- - a laliorer, WUR men, with bin l!.ir,,ii Newton, who said he was op Is p) i, ni lluggctt line, John Brrlngtoti, about four thousand i ilie result ,il a till) i six hoUM' Bstttle vent ion, mil known fflcera reported tq have resume, activity, j tla" . i im revived by machine able to dtactoae the number ol ... i hi mum low mi discussion. dead, bill the others wel field pieces and fourteen uf ol'kiain,,1 heic and - a recuiesl for Mich protection wast SlSC 011 Mm Coma river In southern. Serbia Miss si, iln Brodowakl, ol Madl on, us, putmotons. lit camp. It was stat- j British staff, defended ii as did is nut in UIS ity directory. Presl the oi Kuns, remained made by Admiral Cameron Mefl. Bulge- - , Obregon probably vtscount Haldane, Mm former SSUft lie, i.ites that thirty thousand idem sagi containing Wis., win tpeaJt on "Some Common itescuc parties Ware working d, however, thai Odmpirs' lues Wtnslow, comrnandlng the PaclNoii tary of war. were repulaed along the whole , tin- - Faults in Penmanship and now to duatrlously reach th men would march southward tomorrow. rluns the rtwolutlons the le fleet, tn (baieral Dleguet, C.irrana- Wrd ' bellev-th- e Critical. Lord declared lino vMth very heavy casunltles. Not I ore Them." Miss M. Lee Kcniinn, id still unacoounte I for, who are Villa's Pitl04t llaldanu "at ventlon was at ilovei inn whose forces arc ad ,1 dBSCUSslun level, II In any rase, that the commander, St. Davids launch' Bin UltaCh one French gun was loot. a had Santa Fe. is 1,, lead in tile lid entombed n third was clear. had Spiy'a office ovcinor . Vil- vn i, cilia imrtiiw aril in Soiuna. , Kead-- ( without adequate information. The Auatro-Germa- n effort to en- 0j ,.u Men, mi Method of I'll, inetic Idltiorntl resciK dispatched arranr.a military chief resarded be gCOOm- - Detachments were ordered to Los The marquis of Crewe said that velope tne Herblan armies In the Ing is the subject thai will I Boslyn an 01 Blum, 100 miles la favorably placed fot the nun to protect the Irrigation ennui Marshul i of ' of eliminating Hornos from bis knowledge of field north, It Is also announced. ha. laded, j tackled Miss (inssic Dyer, union. reaahed pllshmeni of the task (east, a ml to i iniagota, egceedtngl) an-- llnnd-Harge- Ac French he thought it nnd the Serbians' counter-offensl- nt i nmpani Iitrarporatrii, mi bora Holmes Morthrup, of night. him from the Mexican situation. likely Mint wuiild submit I" hSVlM is in , eessfull) Fe, Nov. 10. va, will follow In the discussion. explnsii which occurred cording to apparently reliable reports he proceedlnii Santa The in, staff llond-Borge- lines ol persotm upon peraonal papers were filed by the nl Mrs, He, use Dixon Is chairman of about an hour after fifty men had Villa Is between two strong WOODMEN OF WORLD forced his only means . . i.oru ctewe had no Hesitation in ARMENIANS SUBJECTED company of Qrants, county. the which is always one of left the loWar ic, i because pari of Cnrranta troops, and ins w A I buslassi j:nuinn, divided Lhi ded of convention not working, of escape is retreat hack to Chihua- MUol INCnLAoL n to 'ntc that unless women had The capitalisation is the the power plant was ' not M 1 , may already seeking at headquarters they uiight TO HORRIBLE TORTURES III .1,1. s he IIH orpol.'l" blew he ton off the main hulsl house, hua. That he be s;i by there. tth'd directors are; Frank Bond, k sending tire, mber nnd ilebris liikh this way out was indicated tonight m, m nm leuaiwi irssiii ig'sssoisei j , a part his troops hud Chicago, Not . IB. W'iniles in -- Inn es; Kdwaril Sa wrecked report that of Juili.e mdinim sessmi iiaiiii mast psnolS into the alt. rim gptosion I ni BRITISHER SEES seventy-fiv- e miles today Itostnn, Nov. IB. ftev, Junns P gent, Chama; ll,IM shares, Leonai iho telephone lines throughout the appeatred at Arlkpe, the circuit court refused to , of Naco, ami approximately the Woodmen pf the World from How Tuberculosis McNuiightoii, a mtsslonsri arhu .is II. .in I. M auls, , .Mill shares. mine, making it impossible t,, com Join to Fight nilli-- which he increasing fnrmetiy M Turkey, the with the workings, Hid from the point at assessment rates. (teorge llr. A, w fnrluirt, sf kun OStSSlS, tsSSS, addressiai mimical, interior be-v- . tlamognrtto Tesathees' i iirall, m entered Porwm froMI Chihuahua Miller, counsel for the order, ssyst "sgass lime uitu sssstlssts Must, m Laymen's ventlon tonight,! The milatiiiK system remained t one ofj attempt 10 tskc an showing of srl i lie ndaernt saastsaess tbr diSCTlhad atrm which In said had! Hanta Fe, Nov. It, Rverj EIARuASSMEnT ftrSt b vel was his disastrous ;tro,luce, affidavit the in tti lbs , nrorkln aider and the harass hsdy, they must be Mipehed ol Alamo-- - Prtbta, had iuTo.Uiin nuu in - been perpetrated upon Armenians b) the eiitlilcen teachers the cleared f uas. but because of the ,le- Igaolsatlon insur- f,MiM r iHSSaaisaiesitsd in minrrHt Senas'" Igordo s, heois enrolled tottaj for th Cw off From Bnrgfeg, lance outstanding with a valuation ,i, - noni. r natural sassssi sdta Is- - bris. thc lower levels could not tie etsiTstiee - b,.".o(i be- - I keil. uprrml f luttrr- atlonul . eniion. Th,- entire Qbregon has about troops of $ l ag.aod.ipio. according to tinehei The elm "in purti e,l The first level Was filled rsimiS ireei,lnble JIeHfi I at 1 Viiin border. They, of sad other Mom describing fSCUlt) ,,1 the Normal unhersitv it tween ami' the reports the organisation's actuary, illle Inno-l- l the mission field th' OF THIS NAT ON with debris and was feanal that eg- - SllMflni lllme lil'klBJ' ; vagaa, Frank hold positions at lioints on a line Is a 114,044,040, Uilll a ,,r U" ireatueat of an trmenlan unlersiti Fast lien, led bt I't he irtdgt s belOW the second level "There surplus of ri, is atSttltSdSS llirumhoul Naco, Sonora, On the! rlvhltsd wurbl." progsaaoe," "Beeatiae be liti it ttoberta, enrolled m the same lending from which is only a bagatelle compared m he said dest royadi Sln, In una cf Ihn Innroillenti The 10 Cumpas, about 100 mtlMjtO. the ,, - lime would not make s confession m tees time, thw additis iwtntytwo border, amount oulstandiny insur- Rcknnin's Alternllve. mueli f It" SOOaS 404 of Agua Prlata, Isisae," bis I" sou, In- was hauMcd lo tile uiiata for advnnre enroltment between and! Clan, Made Itailroad Mloniey. south said. lOeaothMS Is dmS, t itn cumtilnntinn Ss , ad-- j I With 11,000 men of Bill . n ni, t, It fnnlly anal m Until. twentv-fou- hOttfa; his finger T44, is b fat m RCOSi of any Santa Fe, Nov. H. Villa about - hv reaint then At Reception Given to Ambas Alterative has IvsDce the hhrtory "i thi vV. Clancy was today ap- - arms, according to the best available Noted Woman Writer Dies. ' "' nulla wiio torn out iubaaquentt) he ehrollmenl in rs J. Frank raarbsbls renultn In libsreslasW. eWj la I force wua MMsctad to unspeakable bar- iu m lal Ion Rverj mm ntber of th sartor rnue andlift j pointed sttorney for the New Mexico information, between hie and; Scranton, Pa., Nov. 14, Miss Susan inioiv tsataaeiS, nptmrently lian ytntsSn viscount BSIWlOI bus company to succeed tin army of tienerai Manuel Diegu K. S2, wom-a- n It. ami It nn ,,plntn. barisms, tie died without nikuitiK the Unlverstl) fscultj al Albuquerque Central ttellwas Dickinson. noted literary rises cumins try. P Made for disposed about the capi- or hSblt-torml- ,liug. It la (e (" confession." mil, added ' hi mil- Bryce, ea Do batm i of Albuquerque; llermoslllo, and newspaper writer, died today (llr'""i. tal of j Auk yi.iir UritRlst nr niul and Brock, of Chicago, as Sonora. ot piicitniniiia. BMnSSM I .OaTSl'T). riliUiirlpldn Fairness Itnlph Klv to suc- - lllcsue Has I I. mm Men. rlopewetl, resigned, Charles Kaudall, Villa's governor at WHY "AN-URI- C" Nogales. Sonora, declared yesterday n ,, -- , ,, LI Kian-ClgC- '.It.NNAL t nton Thanksgtvlug berilccs, that Villa and the TaqUl chief, at EAT IT ONE WEEK FREE IS AN INSURANCE AGAINST SUDDEN DEATH! 14 I1- .omit, U. NOV. 14 K ast Las Vegas. N. M Nov. IB. 1'ibale.lo. had actually begun an He Gained 26 Pounds Kidney Trouble. Ma f low gr club, under the presidency The annual Thanksgiving service will attack on Dlegues al Hermealllo, Die- She Became Plump and Pleasing Sufferers From Backache. Rheumatism and of parlla- - 14,-00- Of Parry Aldtn, member be he 1,1 this vcar in the Jewish house gu, z, however, has not less than 0 fttn.rriul I If found incut for Middlesex, gave reception . ..,.,,,., T,,m(. Monteflorc. The nun. counting fi.Oou reinforce- KM CB Ii J O N E out' week F KK E - , , and pet New l Kitlier Hltiod, 111 house ol commons Mils alter- . . , ife hot the nSNiicillMon has select ments that have reched him from Steadipr NVrvei, ItK-tio- n Befoes an Insurance Compani will scent in dissolving uric aciit . llt Improved noon ut which Waller lilnes t'age, i the fttreneth-piv- er your examining sugar, besides being abso- - the aevsakS hut it Is said to he Quaymaa, and it appears that the CERTONX take a risk on lite the a stei melts 'H" found t the American i mbasHadnr, and Ri Itoyal A. Slmoods, of nearest Vlllg gut 10 state capital iad report Is endowed with ukely that the - A physician will lest the urine ami lulely liarmless and , last- fiiuat imporiaiit diieuvrry. count Bryce a guests of honor. some torty-fiv- e miles blood, S risk, pro ISO, It preserves the Ithe First Methodist rhurch, will was Carbo. Tones up mid nourishes whether you an I When other Pert for Ml I. .1. Ill a Mr. Ahlen in - ' Will of Hermealllo, his forces, nerves, bmly and brain. Tlioumnds your kidneys get slunKish and 'log, kidneys In a healthy condition hy thor. "i prca h. Th, temple choir furnish north and thinking Knalls p, ,,,,e reports today, were of RM nnd women MTt itftined you suffer from backache, sag hi) nleanalng them, iiemg o jimuili,aut. music. at lust stretched healtli, strensth and tleih throujth with thi United Stales with regatd to In or leak strong meditinea failed. llsy spells ,,r the twinges and gtajt) times mure active than lithia, it more detachments CKKTO.N'E alter like unjust i till isms which her neii-- l RKNT Itoom. JRiiin. facing Magdnlena, seventy-seve- n miles "I Kaiut'l -- t rounds and fetl , and P valves of any sandy POR from " I Itsve putiM palna of lumbago, rheumatism tears ths heart i section, for fine.' writ Wm. Kieffer. tral position in the war had brought alley In buslncNn snltatile "f Carbo, to Arizpe, which Is pAW The t often cloudy, full lubet which may clog them and ahop, or storage: north fig l..i.n,l. n...l cntlili .fliCntN haVfi DPTn Kout. urine - or llu ,u'! about Arthur ghlrlef Ibtin, mem- almost due west of Casus (iiaiules itru-.- " an,,, f: T ..... tf.t C.s il... P. in Irnm Hurnrtft'l clianm Is often get norl- lehec. di generation of thi bleod ami water InHnilcd. ApiiIt this deliphtpd' a littl of aedlnient her fur Fly mouth, also spike, He ex- - heat Chihuahua, the point from which lh people who M better and TOOK BRTTKfl throurh eutina and sleep Is disturb., two m thret vess, well a reRiilating blood ,ffl. this arranti lunic nnnriaihSKar nrannralinn AhnnlufrK side for ineu and WJBP - doctrine to his s you areas la a In- ptatned the Monroe outlaw chieftain started his Invasion and children too. I or example, rere't Joseph A. Itudiiv, the ehainpiou u night. This is the time reirular . " times auditors, who wees reminded Mint Km Qwliilaai Not Ctwae u ra mm ftad his childn-n- lie used CKHTOVrffor hiiruwlf and his children and reconnneiH ph sh inn or wid, iml r for all big taniniMiii of aUft should consult some sllK- - III K iv.'li'?.'ll'f,in3 Tonle" as do doe or, health etnerts, athletes and men and women ,l,,i was adopted at the ss nor Hinging Head - s Dr. ,,f the ra ami those who gapoatl thi Mine Nriini, NOW OU vol n n k ... .u.u. .it ,u,ht tn est KKl'i aiich ai Pierce, meal in Ho Will flWll experience Qreal Britain, The happy combination of laxatives IbraiPWilsvn will md vnti m hot (A a.innIO frre If VOU 0' Hurglcal Institute, in lolnts. Ask the geetioa of C,,,ip.,l, , aeh Invalids' Hotel and lime salts thrir an was ATI VI" BROMO QUININK makes ,l lllr,.t,l,twr.t our p,oti,er runens.-- r na 'an tW9 uawai wm ""sCTtn "An-urlc- " During ttie receptloa appeal CSl ' Tln-- i h N V. en,t him i" cents for ISM f ir put up bv Dr ' lax a TO StJBiOHlBBKS - ,.L.yil'!' 1ST,,NK ""'t. taut vino uiifiur. ;io guinine In this form have far BKI n.H. Get jixh) aoiw u u ! Buffalo, i, in behalf destitute Batgguu the , fall tu th un) i.t!ln Dealth. Of mw discover ti t package. ell' "f effe,-- t ox.limiry Qui-- It fen fur Moraine - immple Package h' Among several 'better than the Jenrnail eall ft EAT CERTONE ONE WEEK FREE your symp and Armenians. the It can taken by anyone "An-urlc.- " Write turn - nine, and be WS3STBRN UNION TBI CO. - Tllb roupim irllh III tewnnt a W oor lOQSMasie' ctm j guects press at fum'- Rertwm-J.e- KlRiri ,,r po(e en'nen pxl OkiIi Pellets for the hundred at the head. r I4S-K- 1 TONH, tn already and proved tllla irmarkaba' . an a aampb of urlm foi Dr. Pierces Pleasant without affecting the Pksa , iv not HM unit H w, large name. Look Ilia ,1'rn 'li-- i eirn peit Onl, tirr boi lo prnoa.) ieY.. and liowrls have t,een favorably ni ie uuniber of lesnieni to call for the full A "it I.. tisatavaht T" Pnne Iiwt !,'ic. lo. Mln. llNk tXIMCvNI Ml Tw.lllh Aa.. IN" powerful known fot nearb Mi yearn Adv. unn visiting American.. for signature f i, w. Oravs ,h..i " is the msi !. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1915. THREE

i EIGHT PROGRAM FOUND Notes of Interest WOMEN PERISH OPINIONS From State Museum i'1'innoi by Hannn J , Roberts I and Parker J . concur! um lSC,AL. COMIlPONDiftCI TO IPHiM XHjAACl Hank ra, Oastu Santa Fe. Nov tfi. Col. Halph E HANDED I OWN Y F FIRST STATE FIR ES IN The First National bank of La V. Twitcheli today ordered a gift for the I TWO K is, X. M appellee, vs. John S Clarh Museum of w Mei. o. ,,f which he ia a regent, a pedestal in mission style for the hundsomp bronac of tlen. Iw S COUR T Ttits is , MEET Wallace recently IN UPREME suit to f.u. mort- TEACHERS' given the museum TOWNS STATE gage and fur an accounting L Wallace, JiuU of Cruwfordsville mem ..f th,. ,,,Uit beloe affirmed and Indianapolis, lnd... of the son sGlahii- - bt lb, t General ..mi Wallace Pedestal and bronze In order to be entitled p. mt.i,n are to have a permanent place in the l S-- . Many Matters of ipoitance lllbb 4:'t;, Code 1S1",. it ,s ,., . Interesting Subjects Were Wallace roam of the Palace of the Mrs. J, J. Sandeis Loses TOBACCoti esar that tbe Interest of the Inter-few- v Governors in which the bust has been Passed I CHEWING When Educators in Tularosa and Mrs, Bi pofl State's in the matter In llllgattnn b. Discussed already installed. I ., . dire, and of subsi.uuial nature not - The great derail-Cussidy- Highest Tribui Now in Wm- A of New Mexico Gathered at water color b ham Dies From Burns indirect. lllcoiiscMU, el ia! ,m , ..on., LEADING BRAND OF THE WORLD "The Desert," among the Cas-sld- y,11 pictures .it Sai Santa Fe in 1886. In the Palace of the ceived Near Clavton. opinion b I Governors, will be sent this week for j .um Parker displa at - the annual exhibit of the sian- . ( Sea). DItATCH to MOMNINS JOUHta alter NCt TO MOANI JOURNAL, Baltimore society, me: ., Water Color which DISPATCH To MONiN4 lOUSNAL . gtata of New Mevi, ,m:ai COMtONOf Santa I',-- No tl The slut appe Nov. 1 fi. A program of is Mad both a entail and art event Tular Will. Ie t ' Saul !, cfoe court toda) bunded dowi irter. each year by Maryland. ; fust annual Bnuni oi ma . eastern two at count the The following registered at the mu- low lag eight opinions Wllltie Kducationut association, has sloncr J. J landers In t Walk.' sWco seum: J. J. Bergland, Denver. W. II ii ae P Cleveland, eti et a by RBpcrl F Asplund. file I 0 jug up Hurneti. East Vaughn. N. M.; H, O, caunht 61 about iioo I burned to the ground. Mri I, held in lh F irst Presbyterian Goodman. Canton. Coorge M. Ben- 28 to who was In toe building at ,hui ii at Santa Ke, December son. M. E. Benson. St ousgur. la.; I a in brought b) I association will, was so badly burned that s This is suit eqult) 30 i t, and he H. W Dobbins. Chicago. T. B. Downs. the first of Hie null, year its o i iock tins arternoon plalatUta asalnat defantlunla to re- cUt lou ,1V r. lot ", next celebrate Clayton, who has just returned from which charged the unlawful playl anniversary. Mis Sanders "Was unable lo gIV form an instrument purporting to be thirtieth a visit to the San Diego exposition of names ,,f chance, i shaking ,ji K. account of the occurrence, and teed and to quiet title to certain The address was made by Gov. and is a guest of B Wooters: J. fir money, from whi,h origin of the fire not in complaint conviction a Rues, and Chief Justice E. V. Lloyd, N. is deftr. described the prayed William Westfield. J.: Ida - am was treated an appeal I known, but it supposed pon issue joined and testimony Long tpoke t Need ol he B. Trude, Albion. N. V.. J. J. Berg- that this court e clothing taught findings " days fire whih She en the court made certain - Hour. Keen in those the land. Iis Vegas. MyUaba bi tin- question was the fore in nuiged In rendering lard, that -- In- of law ami fu'i and rendered Judg- - rushed into Hie hous her men! f r the appellee oiaintlffs be- - V, Mexico, for K. I.. Cole of the MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS nwertit) had ior his topic. Tempera- aflame and that the build low. from Which Juaitmenl appellant fire from the blase prosecuted ap sal. Iiidgmeul nce Instruction in School." 'Buttling OF SANTA FE COUNTY has ibis a Mexican servant girl, who was of court belo affirmed. with Icebergs," was the topic of i, the neelcd with V. 1). ISryan. NOW IN BLAST the house at the lime anil who was bytlahwa bj ihe Court, I, ,.ui. by I'luf. R, FULL direct e im on the upper floor, had a narrow es- I. Objection made at the trial of Mperlntendenl of the Indian school that from tin cape trow) death In tin 11. B the sufficiency of a pleading uiusl ui Albuquerque, who also spoke on COHNcaPONDINCS TO MOHNlM JOURNAL' lire Sandeis. assistant i asbiei of a local dennltel) point out the allege erroi The Education if the Indian." Dean Santa Fe, Nov. IS. Santa Fe Miss Mac Sanders, who em- when that Is not done, til i i. ai (. Hodgin of the university at moonlight schools in the rural hank. is and All'u-aerqu- ployed in Alamogni - will be in but then with the e the conn bouse in ina literail construed order for his topics: do. Miss Nell Bandera, a teacher in to uphold the Judgment academy, had thirty-on- e nttendnne,. runs from six to school, child-woma- 2. Equity has jurisdiction to r "Ortheopy and Heading," and "The the Tularosa all of them " and old and young, men and women, ran of were form written' Instruments In but two True Hasis tor Determining Methods. the unfortunate com,, regularly. County Superintend- :io- - at home well Joflnd cases, I I Wiirl'e III, re Is Others on the program were: W. when the fire occurred. John V. Conway's campaign to a is. Vc-sa- s ent The money loss was estimated at mutual mistake thai where then Hi:, w II. Ashley, president of the Las among cr.ilil of a stamp otil illiteracy oven the 15,060, 12,60(1 insurance. has i.ein a meeting of mlnda, and lib- academy, who spoke on the d Wih lo ittveetiyatc aged, appears to be successful. How- 4 agreement actually into, but subject: "The Elements of At o'clock this afternoon the entered wttneai with reap ever, he finds that he must be con- E. B. Vigil, a grocer, the instrument, In its written form fetching;" 1'. R Rurke, superinten-ilen- i home of about stantly on th, go himself, visit each a from Sanders residence, does HOt egpreSfl what was reallv in "f the Albuquerque Indian mile the district frequently, and that for the caught fire, but the flames were ex- tended by the parlies thereto, and tgfeool, ..ii The Place of History In county superintendent to accomplish tinguished by the prompt work of where there has loi n a mistake 'iol ihc Schools;" I. B. Whlttemore, things worth while, he should go to one parly, accompanied by fraud 01 principal ol the Albuquerque acade citizens fin every school house In the county al other inequitable conduct Ol the tf my, on The Function of the Public manner iu Which he has used those least once a month. He has therefor. VI. I D H I IM til malnlng panics School," BllOt Whipple, superintend- means, bis powers ..f discernment, engaged in office at his own I :;. way of reforma- assistant FLAMES UI ii ton where relief mi mory ami tleacrlpl ent "I the Ramon Indian school at i expense and will devote his entire tion S incidental the main purpose i I"' Questions propounded to a wtt-n- o Itati John Victory of Santa lime to field work. Mis next step Clayton, N. M Nov. 16- .- Mrs. of a suit, It Is not necessary to allege h'l M. H. on tu on The Public School;" J. will be to establish corn glowing clubs Bingham, over Tu years of age, who a demand to correct a mistake and a ai ivhai Span-s- h another witness h id Aland on the same subject in in each district.' was temporarily living alone on bar refusal thereof. testified at a pn S, K. llminar) bearing m the cause was not .Mrs. Carpenter of Santa Fe, Superintendent Conway today filed ranch near here, was burned to death I. A court of equity will not re- Exercise;" I. proper crose-exa- m ina (ion, ami helps fellow keep "Kindergarten Miss A. a report with the department of edu- yeeterilay as the result of a gasoline form a void instrument Held that cannot Wmi "STAR a be upon - M Fe, "Cengrnphy Justified the llle.. of Icil- Carothors of Santa cation that is a model of neatness and explosion. She walked over a mile the instrument which is sought to I. ing the accural and credibility ,.f a Ww his baiaiice on these cloudy Exercise." Miss M. E. Disette, "Exe- Comprehensive information put in the With a sheet about her body before reformed in this suit is not void. witness Opinion v Henna, Rob- rcise bj Indian Girls." most concise manner possible. It collapsed, Her fingernails had ' in Jurisdiction a mortgage J wratching jobs." MM ,she this erta, C, J.. and Pnrkoi. The names on the Committees shows that the rural districts of Bants burned off and flesh bad fallen from on real estate is simply s iii for concurring Wtm I eoftartj - awaken memories of the early public IV county now employ sixty-tw- o her body when she was found. (he payment Of a debt, leaving the tircruhiaf. in- w. c Leonard, el ii s, hisj ItttOOl day! in the capital. On the one-hal- f .1 appellant chewing man keeps teachers, of whom are third The Clayton Light and Power COhV legal titlo Hi, mortgaged prei v. program were: a Qreenleaf, appellee, from Ber-naiii- mm vitation and committee graders every one of these is as- caught but in mortgauajr. ( pluv- and pany'l plant fire, tonight the county. U,inm).V TME on any job. For - UIUM Prof r Whipple, William M. Barter, siduously studying to prepare for the flames were extinguished a 6. (a) A morlgiiKee in a mor after . plodding, u- This an action on an a. i lit Ring, uay-in-aii- Prof. K. E. Whlttemore, Prof. W. H. second or first grade certificates, Two hard fight. deed which contains a pouer of sale fM Ashley, C. E. Hodgin, II. stated, on which a bill of parti, itlars Prof. Prof of the schools have four teacher and on default, eunnot become a put chas- - WirM't (lay-o- ut '. ;ak. iiood the rule W. I). Bryan. Prof. E. L Cole. fourteen two Every district er at u sale which he, himself, maki teachers. STATE TAX COMMISSION K ; -- keep SUPpI) the same ludirnient was PWsMS 8ayi:"3TAK to your nerves 'W'k and hall: William M. Merger, of the forty-tw- o is having at bast under tin- power, cither direct!) or ten .bred agnlnsl plaintiffs, (keeert Harvey, J. M, H. Alarld. En- seven months school a id thirteen bold PASSES ON VALUATIONS through the agon. of a third person, lroiii which ly, your ir.ind on your work. this is tertainment of guests: J. H. Livingst- school nine Each has a mod- expresalj b) appeal prosecuted months. unless permitted the - and contiTitmrnt with your job." on. L, Or-ti- t, sGlahii- hv Ihe t'OUIt. Charles llishop, Hilario L. ern school house with domestic ISPKCIAL COHRf lAONOIhCI TO MOUSING .'OUHNALJ terms of the Instrifmeht. An aCCOUnl stated is an a ml plug ii.lialii-wii- h Urbaao Chacon, J. P. Victory. sch nc,. and manual training depart Santa Pa, Nov 111. The state tux . (bi A tgot'igagea'a pur. base at The llixk STAR Miss balanced, and rendered. Willi an as- Cgrgthers, Mrs. Kellogg, Miss mi nt. The enrollment exceeds Inst comfliMelon tottay look up the value-- his ow n fore. Insure sal W lo UOl more prune fntmlt 1 i Whipple. Music: Mrs. M. - J. Warner, year's by 300. i com- authorized, is voUlable only, giving fl.ivi . ion of corporate, bank and trust to. pli ' llian ordinary plufcu. Belief and Mis Rowland, B, M, Thomas, Mrs. party properties, stock and livestock. the mortsager an election either to ram i tile S bettef loliacco, loo. AnJ STAR can'i Church, Andreas .Wire, Key. and Mis. IMPORTANT RULINg1)F It denied to Socorro and Sandoval ratify and affirm the sale or lo avoid Moore, had b dry out like a thtg plug. STAR is not prof. B, i cole, chairman; counties tin- petition to exceed the BU- - It and have it set aside. VV. M, only clean, sold clean, fresh Uerger, secretary. LAND OFFICE RECEIVED toinatic lunil Hi iinount tl ii. to The mortgagor's option must made Iut i ;i is, by be exercised within a reasonable and full Weight t thoritics tan taxation time bib Preparing for i.,h,I Time. I on an account stated, la the absolute aSBCIAL COHRItPONOKNCa TO MOSNINO JOUSNALl cause of the tow percentage o and before He property has passed SMI Vegas, N. M., Nov. Hi. -- unqualified, unconditional and volun suit. i Fe. Nov. 16. An Important collections in i hose counties. into the bands ol' an Iniiocenl pur-- j The BcottWl Itlte club of Vegas lary admission hj ihe defendant) at e Las laud office ruling has been received The tax levy for Hona Ana C( chaser for val ml without notice. Chew-Ar- in Men Who milking preparations for a (QjOd I his agent, and the plaintiff, or lib by the local land office from Wash- $ 4,"i.:l 1 .66 ; 7. (ft) In sun for reformation, bin,' shall not exceed till a al its annual Thanksgiving party. ( Igent, before the e SUlt, ington. Hereafter notice for rehear- Socorro county, $ J -- , 7 S 7 IKI ; tiic compiuiiii miisi make n appear The organization has of of a specified SUttt a upwards ing before the secretary of the Inter- OOUnt) Was denied authority to complsTharlt ii pifrmttng his remedy as DO tjfenty stag Men Who menders and its affairs ior must be filed within thirty days need the r. per cent limit becnu in good lime after dial over) of the are mowing origi-pall- t) Rotable for their after receipt of notice of the decision the large amount of funds in Itijury; otherwise, the same is demur- - cordiality. will 125.000,000 tcn-cc- nt STAR cut and The affair complained of, and will act as a su- COUBty treasury: Union was allow tnd sold That ii a persedes of the decision until other- $ 0,088. OS for general cily p remanded are every year. pretty taxpayers' CoaaHilttee to Meet. raise C by in- lo ol Roberta, J t about "fills Kasl I wise directed the secretary of the poses, and 8)0,176.16 to pay off lent as the lime ol discover) good pioof lha STAR ju s Vegas. X. M Nov K hi interior. Tile motions, briefs and b vy a mistake, it must lie taken to have thousands of The executive committee of the New debtedness. The for Las t'rnces the lull" wilh many, many must HOI be served on Die was approved. Bernalillo county tnd been known to all parties Interested axICo Taxpayers' ,i. vg, .1 America's chewert mid "doers. league will meet the, ii Hchwentker, appellant, In opposite parly but sent direct to a sbuquarqu levies wen- approved, from time the inatrunient wai Lis Vegas on November 3D, Kubba, al al appellees, from lier- - self, to satisfy yourself. Washington. If proper grounds are w hile excess of coun- II ad. TrySSWii mil to notice- received by John 8. the levies Sierra lllllo county. noi shown Ihe rehearing will be de- ty roads and county pur- 7. (c) An objection to the Introduc- ''link, a member of the body. The for general This is an action Instituted in Du 16 oz. Plugs 10c Cuta nied and sent to the files of the gen- poses were disapproved tion of any evidence, made al ihe be Meeting "ill be held In the Commcr--'i- l eral land office whereupon the com- ginning of the trial, on the ground Club and will be by the attended (be , league's missioner will exei at.' decision IHn land Heal In Prospcci that the complaint docs not state i expert on taxation matters, be due on a promissory note. therefore rendered. In applications Santa Fe, Nov, 16. Mllo Hill, of cause of action, Is In the nature of I oll M by the committeemen, i pon issue mined ami teetlmon) for contest, the statements made must Santa f e. today received from his demurrer on tonus, Prig ""in Tuesday evening, November 2:1. taken judgment was rendered for ap- - STAR wai nwarJrAthe Grand he corroborated by the affidavit of ut brother in Has Diego, word oi a land 7. (i a oompilnl ami reply an ihe San rancitca Expotition, and it per- of pellees from which this appeal is ut F least one witness having such deal in the Immediate vielalty onsldered together in determining a thfi only chewing ever pi osei il. .1 .1 oilumeiil ol tuhaccolhat hat sonal knowledge of the facts in re- Kanta Fe that promises much for the demurrer ore tonus directed to thi out m the rci cived thin higheet poitihla award. entry If BJieveti tl - below affirmed. m lation to the contested as, future of the capital. complaint, where the reply alleges m Hyllalms b) tlie Court, HAVE proven, would render it subject to Mtltd acres fifteen miles north Of San- matters anaittcd y. and which should YOU Parole evidence is admiss cancellation and these facts must be ta Fe. have been sold lo s.vndlcile h ue been stale,) in the complaint, be- ithu f contracts, to set forth In the affidavit. of southern California colonists, who cause the irregularity of pleading Im- constructl fine Transferees ami incumbrancer of will cut them up Into n and twenty proper matters in the reply is waived the nature ant of the subject matter, t he t i A CHILD? land title to which is claimed or Is acre tracts to be colonized. The by aOCfptlng il and in refusing to i nation and eta Hons of the parlies, and all I he cr- - in process of aei)iiisition under any proposition is lo' plant each trait to move to strike It out. or otherwise al- public land law shall, upon notices ol trees and crops, to build a modern ia. king It. cumetaneea. In order thai the courts Minv may put themselvi in Ihe place of Wfimfi lon (or rliildrrn. nut beenum of the transfer or Incumbrance In the home on each and then sell them to S. The tenor of the instrument . urniilr parlies, see bow P i ulniiK al derangement sre deprived district lund office be given the same desirable colonists, who will pay for which the pai in s seei, to have ectl the Ihe ins of tin J" tmum of all happinesn. decf notice of any contest or other pro- Ihe land and house out of the crops, by the court, In siibstitullon lb, Instrument affect the subject matter, I.15 " whoM names follow of ."l'" were restored Th.- syndicate la by George S. ami ascertain the signification which '"otmal health by l.ydis E. Piakham a Vegeta- ceeding thereafter had affecting such headed agreement as reduced to writing, mutt Write anrf ,m, Un- OUghl to be given to any phrase i Th. ,K,.. land which is required to le given (lilbspi,. of Los Angeles. The pine appear upon the face of the t. . term In am- original ui i ina n or claimant and paid Is in the neighborhood of $70,000 ths contract which is lh- development to biguous or susceptible of more ban "I took your Com- every nOtiOe of transfer must he and huge plan is !. A moriKagee in making i one interpretation; ibis, llullkl'llpll pound and have a fine. made a matter of record in the land be put into operation aatiy next veyance under a power in n mortgage and although the result of the may be In strong baby. " Mrs. office. spring. The 'leal was made through should not execute the conveyance in eiidcnce l re- Col. c. Collier, of San Plego, a his own name, In prln-iipii- eoiilradicl the usual meaning of John Mitchell, Maa-sen- but thai of his gent of the School of Arch- terms and phiases Ufed In the one ia N. Y. TRACK WALKER IS American as the lattor's attorney in fact. tuhllshe.l ire iimshmt aeology at Santa Be, in. mi All ih eaaentlal requisites tract; bUl If the words an clear ami 'ollowlng the filing unambiguous, a Contrary " Lydia E. KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS of lb" power eontulncd in a mortgage intention ill lire lo ,lrs. Ilobii.son on Pinkham's WENT TO be THE HOSPITAL. tnuM he Btriotl) compiled with, iriay not derived from the circum- will nbl btlllies are given ai Vegetable Compound is a C. B. lilanchard, postmaster at stances, Held, , io, ib) Recitals contained tu a that the contract iii at 17.500, Including wonderful medicine for ...... TO MOHNISO JOURNAL) Blnnehard, Cal., writes: "I kid- hud deed a lilns case was ambiguous, and thai tilt Rlncon, N. M Nov. 18. At one ney trouble so bad I hud to go to the executed by virtue of pow expectant mothers." - trial court properly heard evidence, o'clock Monday afternoon a track hospital Foley Kidney Pills were rer- - of sub- con t&l ned in rnortgage timi Mrs. A. M. Myers, proper and that the evidence fully warrant' d walker was struck by a freight train omtuended to mo and they completely notice of sale was given, an Mo. some cured me. I cannot speak too highly prima facie of such faots as anain:.t the Interpretation placed upon the and knocked from the track by speed- of them." Sufferers in cvnry state the parties and privies to Ihe instru- contract the trial OOUrt. " I three miles south of here, his highly recommend had thlsj J Where i Pftfty desires more er also being knocked from the track, have similar benefit from ment contained the power, anil the K. Pinkham's Veg- standard remedy for kidney and blad-- i burden findings the trial conn, be At II o'clock tontght he hud not i.e. a ?f overcoming such proof rests etable tier uilments. It banishes backache, upon Should dire. I Hie ntion Oi ' Hu Compound before ered consciousness, though the doctor the parly asserting the contrary all. Arrive-d- joints, swollen muscles all child-birth- , stiff and ' lo lip. upon Jmt by icouri partleulai queatione it has done so says he Is probably not seriously hurt. the varliMts symptoms of weakened or "pinion liaiinu. J Roberts. "-- J. and whb h such findings are desired, or much for me. E. A strange thing is diseased kidneys. Hold everywhere. Parker J. concurring. (Irealest about the affair - The Little OeUrge BueOj tender proper findings- upon sin b m il M.Doerr, R. K. 1, that the man, who is u Mexican em- G. appellee, v.s James Corn, loo-i- sticks 1.160 M, Dye. ters. opinion b) Roberts, 0, J Man- Pa. ploye of the Fe railroad, la) Eastern administrator, etc., apgeltanl Santa It'oultiey'N stock Tonic for the na ami Parker, .1. J com airing. Gas Heating Stove klDoerr unconscious before being from ('haves county. lour hours hone or DOW. needing a high of Mexico, appellee, va Pink-hato- 's treat-mon- This ig a suit by appellant to - state Hew took I.ydia E. up In t. Dom- I I "I picked and brought for cdaaa condition powder; i&c slac, 16c K ii ro MAKE rH BATHROOM COMFORTA- peii the to pay ;1 John Bakarlason el al., appellants Vegetable Com-poii- 'The 100 slw 8O0 adminietrator elaim which had from Sim ol io counlc BLE I OB BABY, MO'llll-.- AND YOU; HEAT FOR IHE to build up my No bones were broken and but few The Dollar atae been refused payment by The Indicted, I 1 or- -, I ,Mc the administrator for the reason appellants were irled BEDROOM, S11 THESE system and bduises were found, though his over MO bottles Inillicill thai DINING ROOM OR INC lxM have the '.Ml,- stsn i iii-i- '2,'ic tin- same hud not been mid COnlttCted at the Man h, 1815, alls were torn In several places. This Will.... Simtiii presented dur- dearest baby girl in the ..o- - Wilbur's colic ' ing one year prescribed term of the district court for the HILLY MORNINGS ol EVENINGS. probably resulted from eOOUct with Owe the In Ihe world."-- - Mrs. More Wheat Hay. green oolor, prep) statute. The claim was also disal- county of Socorro, upon Hu Charge of SMALli LlpHT, HANDY, READY ON THE MIN- the rock ballast pound Ik good big Inilc- - I.V Blakeley, Coalport, Pa. feed: lowed by the prpbata cpurt. vppei- - killing one head of neat cattle of the V BOOM-IN- :,o-l- UTE AND MAN riMES CHEAPER THAN A b suck Best ihorta, pplh-atlo- iiihii aad Innl brought In property of Francis, o llaca Jiulg Power Cot's Vpprwed. I suit the district court I white Si ii and SIioii- - , 50c I IN I E. l "I praise the Com- At close of plaintiff's men! of Ihe court below afl'nined IRE II II. URNA A RACTIYE NICKLL Simla Fe. Nov. 16. The applica- a. ii. s.acks P.. OaOk rci leaned. the testimoni pound whenever I have tion of the Itlo Grande Light, Heal for l.s;l the defendant demurred to the e Rj i Iftbwa h Ihe oin I. TOP AND HAM.. I. 1 a chance. It did so much jind Bower company, a Philadelphia ciniki-y'- Heave Itenaedi 80c ib nee which was overruled by th. Every criminal Churge m ssur-- for mo before my little concern, capitalized at Jl.nn'i.OOO to Ihuti s Hoof ointiiK-n- i lac court, and judgment rendered Hgainst l.v Involves two distinct propositions, Price $5.00, Cash or Installments trirl horn " Mrs. build a dam 112 feet high in the HiM-- Sail. '2. pounds or more appellant as such administrator for '1st I that a criminal act has been IT oi i: sitiiii; n: i mom hi i i:i sim n i :s. should In- - kept where botwe or the fuii amount of the claim from 'committed, (I) Dial the guilt of such jttsilE. W. Sanders, Rowles- - White Itock canyon, eighteen miles cow ran help himself: very which judgment ibis appeal was play- uci attaches t., the particular person west of saiitii Fe, was approved today - per i burg, w. Va. nhrap meiiii inc. ed. . barged ulth Hie rtSMlon "I h Albuquerque (las. Electric by State Engineer James A French. Ii you care lo open a I II 1 Judgment of the diatrld conn re- offense Kach of these facts on. " took your Com- The company proposes to furnish tCtXMJXT wiib us io so uiiii a gwnr-anie- e w proved bo) oinl a i Company pound before baby was electric power for lighting and indus- of perfect satlafaction as to versed cause remanded for in trial reasonable Light and Power smaHty, prices and syllaluis b i In- Court. either hi direct tSStlmony or In pre born and feel I owe my trial purposes to Albiuiueniue, Sanla service. IaBS r. w. BEE aii claims rigtrast estates of da- - sumptlve evidence of the moat ci gen Be. Vegas and other towns, and , life to it Winnie lyeud SJM "Mrs. power to in the West Att'iiiu-- (eased persons not filed g probate or irresistible kind. The pi o.. -- TlLUS, Winter Haven, for pumping farmers Phone ifl. Telephone 98 Kstanrbi vallev and on the Santa Fe court, and notice given as provided both oaaca be clear and distiiui Florida. by on- - mesa. Riwultt from Jonrnal Want Ads. law. within reftl from the date FOUR ALBUQULRQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1915.



Many Tickets Sold and Good' Affidavit riled in Answer to Mom ban luan vain Sum for Fixing Up Armory j Garth's Demurrer to Mrs,, flPS 111 Definitely Scheduled Seems to Be in Sight; Good Andros' Petition to Be Ap-poiil- Settlement of "Strike, Time for All Who Come, Flournoy Executrix,

STERN-SCH- I OSS & C(i tnaweiing Senator Isaac Bartas General DtstnbuioM H. i! ' oen Mam i Vai. Nn iv urnunient that the wife sould not Alhuqurrqur, N. M. purpaaa nf rahdnji fumta 10 ttalp put maintain a apart from her the amari in eaadUttaa fat me leach-er- f' liusltand. si. i Audi, is ..stetdax filed , i onventlon 'eni.s to be an aui-- an affidavit in tlu- probate eourl, sa-in- g CIVIC , tucoaaa. The KUardHim-- hjafa hoeti Ihtil hi and his wife, Mrs. Xell BETTERMENT 'rlncc l) I th, , uti-- ' t,us yell InK H, anil a Ittbatl K. Flournoy Amlros, had establlabed LEAGUE DIRECTORS i,l Inst AHu-,U"rtu- i. : ajnOU nl hap Ix en uitM'il The dance their permanent residence in e. wtii in a mot aajoyahla aoi lai avaaf CHOSEN AT MEETING When Mrs. ndros pelilioiied her anil every cent PX patldad for tick"t appointment as ex"euliix of the will ill help nn r, nf thr I ralleva the h.inu of her lather, M. W. Klouruoy, say- . Blent league held MM night, iii,. I I ,f of fixing Bp -- resldem-'- 1 pigakinners wni do sttl cits tha burden Vt' ing that he had established in umi vi is noi that is being done bj that armory for the teachara' .onvemion. hare, genatot 11irih. eoVMbal Tor lira, orgaadaa mi i 11 hi i'l. Ml RIMttOM tion was diseussed. reports ,.f ' Klournoy. de- ,,jf,. th. Mop Captain J. 11. Toulouap plans tadac laamlli W. the widow, errs were Xiivnnli,' murred, saying Mrs Andrea could not reeeived and directors f.,, Cambridge, Mas. ov. n Har- rata thp arnum witli tin- P"nntiiiln nf the Loming year elected, Th,. Thi ifi ,1.1.. ,v ,;. set up ihnr.ieile apart from her hus- in, in, dint, preparation i ,r the slati- anil report of Secretary Keed, vard's generous npplli all th" illfferent institutions band. ivmq; facts km wtih Tail ' '" played In tlM to make the buMtttg attrartiv, to the and figures on the woik under his ii. mi Th, o lli't no I'tiilion. supervision, was toa hara in avary possihie way, Thi r, nefHilallj interest- in disband Mr. Androa savs thai heretofore he ing. Tli.. fact Ills I III,' pi;,, II,. Murtutl iiit, i, hi iii in- rest rooam fir tha tadiaa, a was a rrsident of Cliaiiipaiuu. 111., and , The newly elected in", Inis gsi gad Friday nipht iii," ii adjusted Icomplata arratiKenu-nt- and prott mining lasted hoar imif and was haatini sadatani star of reaearch III, : i.i , y Mrs. Louis- Id. Mis. a if, pittlnfrt, ,.. i pos-tbl- , jjg. it,, longest ,f ihf season w,,h regard- - hp lion "t ll. ai othat eonvantancai that rouid in the allege of engineeriiig of the , Icn. Mrs. Max Nordbaus, Mrs. i , r t f i lo- aueaipa ji,n .mil ii,, ii" wi ,i .i'Ii contrtauta to the of tin ot Illinois. lie says liu-th- ,r ,1 pi imii, ., i Ion nf Ih importance t'nivtrsitv tae Clarke. .Mrs. Ft, H. yea, Mm. latti mdnuniani lo neduw l IWW j i onventlon. that In- fealgnad November i ih ih, Abide Hrewer, Mi's. B. K. C rv ,,ii, crimson roaches to fm Haturda) with raaultw U The hall in n of realdence. tn on sajcoum of his chnace B. c. CdraJah, sirs, Alfred Qrunsjfekt, Hi, i development ,,r ih v., i, Mrafull pose nf putting inone: only Mr Andros' aflid ivii was the E. V. A. ;. I i l!et. Sehinler. Strous, Mini V"!ti'i iim .,11,1 m ii" d, 'vaoh ehaquar of Company It is for tile ,lev elopineiil csterday in the Klnur-n6- y ' Rabbi Moise Bergman, praf, j. w Ktpp'r antwd Won than i acow purpose of ahawlna th t Company will case. N'o daclsloa been I has CURnar, B. R, Soti-hau- i n i m ii i MOM H j y Gov. Stover, Max mi n.o MirmiK 1,11,1 mora i i than wants to help in .1 M public anter-u- rtridtnrlnii randergd yel in Judge John Bamn c. 1. g. 1 it u cushman, David Eioean. in iiiii i:i COM Imp naan in aaldanpi iwcvlouali iiiii- j prise; ami those who tlekets lor ask-i- n imii Rurg upon Mrs, Andros' petition, wahi, nrancla B, Wand i helpin ! on Hie MMon in iiis,ii hi in,, football ii in the ball will he out that she lie appointed executrix. ,, iThieago, ,. The ,i, 111111111 fin The esta lilishment legal (U Itiaa, waa out on Hontwall ti Mart tea, hers' l ollVelltinn mi re than on th" The probate court yesterday allow- hi kci. to in,. Chlc&go-ltllnol- ii football depart mem, for the purpoac of pro- Iiir uraparatlon foi the two lf sanaM affairs of the national tuardaman. ed the , lailM of IV F. M, Canna, as gMM ASl HiiIiiiiImv caused official! tecting the leKiil rights of thoae e ,if ih" qutclt udjuatmani nop es- - , ) iiirnniii administrator da bonis of the i,i.ii tu i i i ihui n crowd exceed supplies I liau-lri- l. to couAaat, was dkasnif nf mi- mtaundkrratandlni Iht hlah H Die tat- of Annie l.oel's and lis gUardlaV log thai of thi' Mulligan HM In i' Chicago, Nov. 16. If 111" Kurnpean ed, and il is likely that this depart- aohool 'iniiii itiiPHi'ii ,iiii i ii" iiuyv , n, also lor the Loeba hiklr. and that Will I,,' 111 ii'M ui n ii k i. ,11'iiitiK " in record fw , war keeps up it is nuile likely Iheio ment established tha Iprat'iU-- .mil in n" nrorli haralai of the' AmcHcgB surety company at i ! Pante Will he no Mue Jeans, and loil-- ! attendant kimur to ba iii tii, rarj baat ima-- I more I'H.HiN tin- of lihun aw ill against the estata of 0. Diackmann Him fill mil, hands , ers of th,- futui" may ba gar Bad dbl( andltWMt r,,i tin approa hiim These , lainis were taken under ad- scalper reported (a ha selling ! ptnb or gray, according CHARLEY WHITE STOPS Mr eoataata overalls of by .,, I, It- visement tHa court a week ami mill, Huh fiiii' vii Inn. N'-- tO the pl eilletiiill of V. llanhlirKel'. Wiiii ih,- Unlverili) ,,f Maalei was v in hpa did ha bru . i His decision announced ester MILBURN SAYL0R IN mi effon iii gasp tin gridiron drj , of ih. National ttaorlitlna ii Imk in honni j ' Mintary ", na "j t" 'I day. mill fnai aa Hint Speedy hall of mi" ru j iii- his man CM MaXIco of Hat nis workara, which basan . A ThiinkHi u nm afalnii tin Nw ' , Mr-- Trtaabatl Won't int. MINUTE AND HALF in (kaii I,, today Ilea ril of this in I seuii-unnu- today . hi. kiiikk ot f tin Alton-- , 'ni,,',sit ,,f Wise, .11 its session here rrh .kkI,h, th. dtabandlna ,1 y . i i but it did a, limn ' Mrs. Bafah Trlmbia, widow, eater dsrsd llrau strewn i eai h nmiii - The foreign supply of blue vegetable in, i, mi- a if. m. ugfregutloii iiin'iit- th" publl, prtnta 11. tiny filed her declination to act as HOHl,INd 1UUHH4L M - is kiHi ghoul exhausted," ha said. CIl to ,i dilhutiuarqdc in thi ,t- idi - Ll0 .mil by iiKiiiiii.,i,' mi .loint exe, of the estate of her r.ostou. ,',,v l Charlev White, 0 Hh ins, utrlx I I I dkamaitt of lo do wlthotn In Chicago, ran (eOPIII i: i K III i havtm null nl .11 II I N I I 1. VI X ' i: husband, A. A. Trimble. The Widow, win, was defeated Mil - l lilt football t'liin" mi Turhai oin.-ei- nut that last year he ago by Milugrn Baytor, TttllOl n Mill M CM s I'll u III I it ti n, his rmr been u son, William, and a daughter, Mrs months of in MoDfavar, Hi, two ihrIi nehoal nl,- a .ml k i k tin Da dai baraided broadcast ai drop mi oiiiliiunt e S5S, Crawford, were named ny air. Trim- dianapolls, turned on his conquaNi no oarialnti ottw mi f.iebl a klek , M nun, .polls. Nnv , I m ii anew Iumh w:haduld Mark biaya foi tbal dll "' PUBLIC LIBRARY, ble lo execute his will. Both Mrs. tonight and knocked him nut in Hun tniMlit ml- on ill" Vunkton Attn It by City Council of covered fi 1,1 Dr. Wiiiiuihh rushed the tn football anthut W.'Nii ran unit orattj ., B nrdlained the Trupbtfl and her son will not act, minute and a half after th" limit start lorty-flv- v Albunuarqua: he daalrad. Tha I in,! another of i the CII of ad, i i, I'niveratij of Mlnnpeots tootball tsam and h" ii .1 drop leaving the mailer to Mis. Crawford. After being floored f"r count III, fiiHles ill', die atllleti. action 1. That Chapter :', of the xi, in, prscttc ainoiiK goal t 83" Dbg ad- seven. Sayho- struggled bis feetoal ihrmiiiii strenuous '" from 'b ' a. in-- is hareny J. Rankin was appointed in III,- anil Revised nil s of lyii iu,. in preparation lot ma wit h ichool olevans stale al" Hfatral Noi born Xori ,,f the estaie of Qnorga to ge down again fm th. full ''mint fans , amended as to read as follows: ministrator vary pvenu ma lied enrdliiRlv j n Cor Wisconsin al Madiaan nasi Haturda) s n, on ' lobar id. Wh, is Baynoldi has c. Brdwn for BarnalUto county. Mr. The mat, M twelve rounds , lea ' a Hlleki i on tin two datai on I ui-i- Th,- While mi nit ,,f i Kllf lili n, prevails pul Tins drop hlti el in ih hit ,1, mated the City of Albuquerque died in California. leavinK nag ac llghtweighla , foi both Kit m win ba I I in th ;,,h r camp, it In admitted our atandar, iik world', r nrd bentl ar?.' the bH :s gnd grounds known as property Isnh in California and New i I I hard foiiKht fron I, its 3, 4, r. I,, of blook of Bun tin niih tin hardest light ' iln ! is Mexico. a , HOOfl inii's Highland Addition to said Hi,' Mm i bring ad loaa in - THE WM. FARR COMPANY of luir. ,,'in vlctnrv - in.citl- - Minn: D II Boattigkt filed his re- ins (u blent to the pondtttpna thai the I SAN MIGUEL COURT Kei-merar- , Whnlesalp 'hai s V Ward aaaa nf said City shall subs, rlhe the port as guahllan of Marie AMtS and Retail Dialers in FOOTBALl" SkMJt RESULTS nt am nmin sum nf one iiiousana dollars lor tn It was approved by the FRESH WD MI'ATS TO TRY MANY CHARGES library sansim,. n SHilalty PANAMA WANTS (Halter, assistant purchase of books and other UUrpoaee, and that said City shall For Cattle mid Hogs the lliggcst OF CATTLE SEALING praaanting avi- - .Market 1'nld agree to maintain ami use said premi- NEXT INTERSTATE Prices Are the grand Ji" ses fOr a free public library forever, T i ihould Improve tha troundi with m m in. CONVENTION MAY BE mh ovfji ti-'-es keep said grounda GETil.250.000 Kiisl I .its V'egni M, M .. OFFICIAL SPINDLE IS and lawns and Mr, anaii Ulnar, iiivm, ind, and th" building thereon In good ir DRUMMER ALLEYS ' i I'atlh- st, nil n is tn. off, HELD IN THIS CITY arfltM can truthfully lay Pole) BY, ELKS and gooil cndltion forever; i agalntt ihteiiiiii UTILIZED THE POH BXKRC'IgK Cathartic Tabisti nr(. the bast ever th f'rs Ami whereae, s.n,i City has aoc ptad used 'I'll, y are ki, mild In m il, ,n. I placed on .,1 in - iii vi, said donation, subject to said t otidi- v. m. con- fcpi I ih again." The next Interstate c. a. Uka havs i'ii itMtda over IN SHORT ORDER the hiator thms: Try a Wgsnn Of Ten I'h's I ;i vention may ba held in Albuquerque, lion, health has iii, i;i I. r enemv KM' And whereas, said Rayntlld" hi l'tl5 West (.old tha according to w. thun conatlpatlon 1'oPy cathnrtlc UVI red lo said Cltv a dead foi snltl interstate Bacratarj Tablet kaap tha stomach sweat, livai Dpemlses duly executed, and tin it t - H Day, who with Mrs. Day returned active, bowels regular, and bantah i city xubacribed more yesterday from Kl I'aso conVCn-tiu- n , zetis of said have the loniiipoi. headst haa, Hour (torn twenty andldabsa, pur- Will-mi1- , than mi" thousand dollars for the The selection Of the ,ily for ch. Si nn naraom walcom tni iirih. idle Republic Is Quite iiiiu'i thai imiv be In- - poses aforesaid. the next convention Is up to the ex- DUKE CITY frp fri HtiR ihcy Rlvo. Hold tVaf Big law, are t a foi American Agent tt uinlcr Sec There is heiebv rented ecutive committee. whi't billy-go- al to Commrssjon, shall goat- - Idbtarj which Mr. Day said many of tin- delegates Cleaners-Hatte- rs tipoti. it may h a. rnlmt ,,f il,.. Mnvnr and four cmnetent Supervise Finances of Pw- - expressed a wish to coma here. How- tdpulll itt arc io be th vie - iVersonH. of said City, not IS more than on, ,,f whom shall reside ever, Hie delegates will got decide th, i2 West (.old Mats in COMPLAINT 'in the sain, ward. The Mavnr shall place nf meeting. The deeisiun bl appoint one competent person from ih, executive committee WHI not lltlv app ilcanU wera elected each ward lo seive as a member of next summer. N i probably until .. ikhi of i.i ihe spin, He to his suc- - ,WNNlt, ..i 1HI.P - ship hrpcr said Library Commission until Sim, two delegates attended the Kl - put appointed; and FILED 8Y TURKS Panumu. Xo in Pradeni I'm ide upon those win, arc lo he cessor Is thereafter Paso meeting. At the last conven- Signs iuih in i utile In Sol lacob.v. will in,, lit- - r jumps nl (he meeting to-h- t there shall be appointed after each Hudson for tas mailed ructions to mints tl,e Tucson Ariz., twenty-eigh- t cltj .1, . by the Mayor-elec- t, upon tion, held at tar I'si-bi- Mnrulea, tin- Cannms ii, a strange coincidence, tion organisation of City Council, one were present Bhjrtaa ft. Blnime, Inyttations to whose the mlntater to IHr nlted to in cempeteul person from each ward to "i Ha, issued, was in obtain ii,, uppraval idlne huvi ua bean serve as a nicml,, r oi saiil i,iorHrv Wall Paper AGAINST RUSSIANS i pro-pose- d cor-i- u , rotary nt Rtate Lansing i tha In his the tirsi iinc to lie thoseli hy tne JHin f,,r nrlod of tw ,,.,.; i. - new- Panama loan of li.l& uroeeed. inlle at rnngeinent. The question , .i s or unl his sue, ess,, r is appoint BUSINESS MEN on the bam posalbla, even lo Hi, v tiu i.tiing the minds nt sir. sims i,-.- t .ini in case or a vacancy me arajrw HUDSON for Picture - ,,. extant f consenting, to th" appoint-mt'ii- t w bet hi he figures lo ,,I s,i:u i uy sii.,ii no (,,,,,,, it iiiiir- unexpired term. All of a fiseai agent for Hgnama'i itigement. parson to fin the Frames Bey De of said app, liniments shall ipprov- - Russian Informs State fm in, ea, tsct ordtng to i ellable mim i, foil,, wing HAVE PLAN ed by th" Council. FOI meeting tn-ll- o paitment That Ottoman Bee, I. Said Library Comntlsalon 'ourtli St. ami Copper Ave. he in. shall organlas annually by the election Consuls Ait; Arrested In of a nt anil a treasurer. See 4. It shall lie Hie duty of said PREVENTING WAR Cltv link of Netv York, IM fallltlR ' Pogart) x. Kavan Library Commissi, ,n. when so appoint- charge this, with Hie Commerolal National I', II. Murphy, Sitnins, A ed and organised, to take of ' public library, bulldingt and LUMBER Waj blngton cononnt Ui a M Vein r, W Stuuf- The the grounds and all bunks, furniture anil PainlN. oils, (ilnss, Maltlioiil polntmanl a tiscai hi co mpf, 0 Rudolph ,f nfanl nthtl nicies of personal property of ing ami lliiililiug l'iis-- i s, , M M Mat, w. tlngent upon the approval of F nald City, held and used for Library of I Commercial Bodies World rj. LUMBER eharga of 'be Turkish enthaaas tods) tars ,,f stai,. Lanaing In Panama gl iii., ii i, Intosh, D a. Oreen purposes, and shall have full and ali- - j. BALDRIDGE transmittad i hacrrtary Lanaing fm snlute control of the same tor the Asked to Endorse Program , COMPANY tin ui,, mail government a protaal ,1, litem b he Initiation the' benefit of the people, and shall au-the- of all moneys agaiiiHi the alkngtd at ttan M Ruaalaa w In lher or not thorite the expenditure Outlined by Chamber of the improvement of said DUItainas Hud Hrltlah soMlers in arraatMig Tark vv Klk for Mrxiin Slat" urounds, the purchase of books jph conauis in Persia and taking over rer Hie inc'tinK land Commerce of United States, FAYW00D HOT SPRINGS Hp , and the maintenance of said public onaulates, I , if v x..ns in s i in,. ii.miugo. is mi. the 'av id Inn, b eg library, all needed rales mid and make Trott-bits- . Th, -- tldtrad ., suitable pet sot, i, regulati I ear, there- - For Ithcumntihiii. Stoma Cji , n- latnental I . "pi of. KORNIN4 lOU.Hll. HclL LIS.D WlHfll Kidnty Ailments. Inflamim ivtw Pann Iinunelal ' i Washington, 16. A Hsrdonlng, aW tesol'l- .md tntrot i n, , mles Vr :d City Nov. referen Hons. Arterial 1 I x- - Breakinf, , officio of nit id dum of organ- motor Alaxlu. Nervous of Turke I,, I i, sub 1', ,rias. a flaOllt - hall president American commercial jsaMssrLl,' ' Commission, shall sign all papers con-- isations Qiroughout this country etc Perfect Traatment, Penec' in the l,nl desired to amine Into tin- '.' sad Health, I'leasure, LargP n, 'etc, l with the man igi'incnl nf said in lierlin. Paris, . Constantino- Climate. N'aclonal, hi, ii library, Modern Hotel. Booklet. all cuntraets for work and all ple and RlO de Jam ir,, on six reenm- - in bail shape fllll wan ants for the payment of monov. mendatlons having to do with the c In th absence of th" Mayor Hie nt T. C. M'DERMOTT i .lulhoHtbs of MUM 1. shall perform such daVelopments ,,f the European duties. t u vn 1(1. N- Iii irkleh t onaul at The Librarian shall be es --officio sec- - wur was instituted tonight by the Reslit Persia, u nsfer to Ruaaia I inn, and after tills dat it Oharg I retary of said conimiss'.'in Ind it shall Chamber of Commerce of the I'nited of ten pwr line will be mads fn sn,t the eleurlas ih i omuilata la- - crnts l, the duty of the secretary to keep States. The recommendations, draft- pub l a "t cards of thanks, res,,-- , ' i lading th, ii tion i.innleie record Sf all doings and ed by a special committee of the lutlona of reapact, obltuarlea, t : Th,, of enmmission to PILLS art hv es th, ' H ads the relative chamber, and now forwarded to all, S does ind aid Iv In notices f death public It shall ha CHICHESTER A not her dcs ibi such free library. affiliated organizations for vote, time ,,f fun. and similar to, lies the duty of the treasurer to keep all iheir Itendei bouehli r. Which lll be published as a matter moneys state that th" United States should hi rtnrlff BUsiulti and funds which Khali come n i M "'"() i ,, persons dtedrtng publish I'liu u Bnl ;'";"tV trtiopa seHn ot news " to th, bands f the Library f'nmmis-- ! take the initiative In: teM ,Ui gssss, ate and hot cards of thanks, etc., will please write 8UI 'Securing s conference of neutrals! 'he skin, and P the same upon pre a., i - nm send or brine them in ininiii. v?ir t 'ai,- a b ' it it as them and of warrants as lu SgrSC ,m rules as to Insure safety' iik Piua, TDK MOKNINt JOURKAI sentation therefor ItHili tin ' i" euhttr m above provided, ind muke full and of life and property ,,n the high seas; jrm Till' KVKX'IVi: llklt M.H koi EVERYttHtRE complete reports of the moneys re- establishing an international court to SIH D BY DRLGQISTS paid by every six ' ceived and out him settle disputes that do not come un- - d,i, must months In the Cltv Council: anil hi' del esta 'dished rub- - f,,"ilii" , cnin- - shall execute a good and sufficient Foundry and bond conditioned for the faithful per- oil of conciliation f,,r disposition of Albuquerque Ip w formance of his duties as such treas- luestlons hich Ihe fat ts cannot Works urer in au h MUOOnl as shall be pre-scr-- be established by an international Machine , by the City Council, t,, be ap- court: set urtng an agree.; RgfSJSSSsnj I s Mat l,l,llU ,11 I I - 1 inlernattonal oiindci Ml It ill II Lis noil a, I Ai un ' IM prove! by the Mayor. Bronse. ure )i ment to brim; SOOaOmtC pressure to Castings in Iron. Hrass. iN T MISS THIS Cut nut thi See 'i Al l.nxif"' r.y taxes heretofore levied bear on any nation resoriing to mili- Ilium, Klectrlc Motors, nil slit", en, lose Willi and mall It t' f "i public library purposes together - Pumps snd Irrigation. Whiskey I Co Chi, ago, III., tary force before an international tri- Malt wrttin- I owe, Albuquerque with all subscript donations, gifts, I and office SOttr nauip aint oddress , leuily , Toi buna has passed on the points of b Works CHECKS DISEASE dsvises and bequests to ssid City jsur: will receive in return trial psckss iherefor. shall hp turned over to the effecting with other nations an Foley's Honev Th amtp I AND eoulalnlng and Library commission for the uses and XgTSSSHSal to use caaaSrtOd military an Compound, foi roughs, mids aai -- purposes for e 1 shove provided, shall not I against any nnlion cannot '0 sad that ' PROMOTES e i on j, Foi,-- ' Kidney Ptlbv fur pain 11 , c be used for nnv other or different pur- be ' impelled In desist from war by It sides and buck, t bat ka, h pose. jetonomic press in 'establish-lin- g BigG kldnev .md bladder ailments, and lira; and Passed and approved this all ,1a. ' cooisc-i,- . HEALTH c.iHvgrll, Tablets, a wholes, mi or the principle of freipient Interna Will oot s'nelurp. Prevsnn It tih-- ka B November. Ifti n,'.-',pii- iv clp.mHim. sin ml of Hrnaihvay. .it tli iion.,1 at saiHSsaji nui (Jiv. end calbarli, D H rafarencaa stated silts si 3 oot ii ' Ol-i- i ,,, j BOATRKlHT, Potii if drl-Pr- ic II, or ,,,. rn ': liv Siii .ui rrctl 'for ,,nstlitb,n. biliousness henda, h Vf n . . Intervals for prusrssi, amendment' Prpii'fii hv X oo on,, CIVCIVNATI. J. and sluggish bowels. Sold every her ,,t. TH' 8 m;OHW, City clerk. Ul lln, 1 UUU,Hiai UtW, Tftt EVANS CrTffslrrAt ci ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1915. FIVE


American Mining Engineer Be- Cash Register Magnate Shows "Pipe's Diapepsin" ends all lieves That When Difficulty His Faith by His Works; Is stomach distress in five Million Is Remedied Two Spending $200,000 foi minutes, Moie Men Can Fight. Publicity This Month, Wonder what upset vtmr stionaeh which portion of the food did the dan -- I Press rerspnlenre. t Bgt do yoll J Well, don't bother. IT ;,iv. 3. "Simla is now t ' n. i', Nov 14. In the can I v.uir stomach Is in a revolt; If sour, gnssy y for want of rifles. and of aalistuini of National! and upset, and what von just ventlot, the ale is properly supplied, at has fermented Into stubborn Register t qanpanv. gathered hart lumps, head dlrr.y and nehes; additional soldiers c.ii belch two illinn of thlK continent, re-- 1 raises and acids ami undigest- ,.t - from cart eructate n into the field with r.-- tongue .hi is throw , mis were made indicating Ihe gen-- ' ed food: breath foul, Coated which only next springs iin- - lUst take a little Tape's PmpepalB antl This is the opinion In five minutes you wonder what be- came of the Indigestion and distress. American mining en- - - IsK I a.i .Bfo ,j a sromtnent M 9 Millions of men and women y Lon- lesnieii present, all but 01 e said that .,n(vr. who has just returned to know that it Is needless to have a tmd six in s territory wits moving last toward utom ich. A gs) jitter f nding months tin little Diapepsin occasion- empire, suadlstg W Siberia buetncfe boom. ally keeps this ibli.ate organ regulat-le- Russia and they favorite e engineer of an I IuisIm .lohll rat their foods .here t 10 rhief hi the of these reports, Without f nr. of .nines. DKjrtb- -' fOUp preeideni general dorf-n'- t said: Hie Patterson, .n,i If .oir stomach lake eare of 'onJiti'ois in Kussta he , prevailed outside anager of the ca.-- h register coin-irv- v.air liberal limit without rebellion: !.Mlrn which If your food Is a damage Ins'ead of a KL. during the gicat Gorman drive rredlcted that the approa. hing 'Jkr - f help, remember the (uickest. surest, Poland was really du- - ' rarvus!'.., ioer ' most Is Tape's Dlapep-Isi- n DoiBMttC IK- - Mm- harmless relief uprated In that country. af- I -i - hut the v j- trv..TSK.- which costs only f fty c. nts for a :..i,i.. existed as always large case at drug stores truly LVople power It's have mode their feit It digests only Wiing wonderful food and sets m never before, and the remarKS, tie re-- j ithlngs Would As a preface lo his straight, so gently and easily ,Hltooulci eauee revolution now It Is really astonishing. Please, nr. vowed th UUaineta depression of the that ff the conclusion of unfavorable for your sake, don't go on and on with powers years. This-- , said, MM! with the ventral previous tWO he had! a weak, disordered stomach; It's su The people of Kussia are enjoying affected all UBt'" agriculture, min- Itinneeesnary .onio'hliig in the nature of a boom, ing, industry, commerce and finance. I Kussian and Iht cost ol living of the ' Now, ' he continued "the doom in not leuulre lux-urif- WCPaaHfsK''JHf frS OlMloaa lo Meet Abeam. peasant who does on. Agricultural Interests .ire the has Bt appreciably increasou. ,M Si T.inl, Minn., Nov. 10. Mike iniagt-nativ- e to feel it. fib farmers have lbs Russian peasant is not an t.rst tllbbons and "Young" Ahearn, middle, suf-'rrr- crops, big de- Individual, and the losses d re. with foH ak ssfl lieea v Iwelalits. will meet m a d in the war have not greatly mWr mand. Confidence lias The British tensor has relused t. hi ight ol recked And besides, the losses Various ipduatrles have pick- - nit. st h the first Week Oi Decern him rlptlons Hie last MB Tin eensil In the great retreat were pertait desi tf kllbd. incurred oe sent bj rse of llO.ett, it whs an- small, when the magnitude pelln raid on London ha trmltted iht phot, eonsid-rratio- Ol Onus, ight Thev agree to a of the fighting is taken into cable. Inn this photogiaph a Even the generally admitted WWH-ltft- dsBWtgi Ithl of Us pounds. E.C PERCY F Ihe city ihowa the gniil Of rifles, the wastage of W!- - COWIBSE . ROCKEFELLER. W COQLi in shortage bouse wa id In lilt unprecedented, is not MIPPIEPOWA-M.- H don. In the last raid. T'le Noted Horseman Hies. rhieh in" been DOD0L. SM VAUCLMN.FNK AVANDERLiF light by Mtin tie Russians much concern, bv S bomb dropped from Decatur, ill.. Nov. m. w. - BOTTOM f?0W- - CHAS. VI 5vABlN A1VA.H C DINKEY. Struck t. Mthe itaff Has realized that the rifle Ott, one .f the best known harness uwd by infantry is not an effective hoTaa owners in the country, died to- w II These are the principal corpornted tat 1 (111 arm. The Russian army is now E HELD OUT FOR day e TRANSFERS. at hi' home near Assumption He supplied with heavy guna and nuinl-tlon- of the n.w Midval. Steel M.i "11 tin Dodgi REALTY Hartlev U;,H "f I, met a anil the infantry is being supp- QllPFPRFRS FROM CANCER ""'""r '" t'orhrun, which has just gone Into Him petition I lose, l is Just made mlllh ns o a lh. i pacer, lied with thousands ol machine gum out fnmed and large string of I Corpora- - lMls. In attacking, the Russian infantryman with the United Stales deal. lie turned lilt the new Mid homes. bayo-ne- - - Jill," slrnost invariably detaches the t lion. The demand for st.- ami muin- vale a plant be had leased from the Br HU.NIMI A, V " Jonil .Hi ii Hope WI1S from his rifle uses il as a of vvar been so great that Minnie b''' New York Nov and lions has I la Id w worus Phila- . in Locomotive of war., Nov I, Iota I. ( bv knife leaps into Herman K Kee, tr., out for .nicer sufferers In TAKE THIS MAN'S ADVICE when he the William I'orey. former president of Ptace; consideration. 11 held trenches. He has even been known to delphia for many shares in the new block I. l.uni. .l.nms II. M Urph) of ibe Ro, Uefellet the steel corporation, returned from A. de San, In to I'orfino discard bath rifle and bayonet, rely-in- s eompuuy. He is said to have Vnasita In an addreaw delivered by hi- - Paris exile lo go inl, busln CopM, Nov. s, piece ill Sail institute, on n club to win a trench. these at a profit of something like war, ,,f N, Try the Great Kidney Remedy the United Slates again. .lose, precinct I, and one in BreciBci him toda ' the member! the rlsoncrs Used in Mince. 12,Qga,6M. The par value of Mld-val- e m was the prime mover b mlas: eonsiderutlon, II. tlonal Acini mv of Sciences, now "Ker the gri ater iiarl ol the vvar Jle ,n share, but It went mg K. C, Converge one of lock is Qeorge ii. Adams to flumes session here. It EllWaVl giv,. g pleasure to v. have used Austrian prisoners as together g ,n- - t $S7 few dajs after the company Nov. It. lots 1. :'. th, BBteniista miners In our mines, but lately we the great but little known mini dams, war.. Ur. Murphy saitl that anything thai Is right and ho was organized, In fact, Midvale is If, Moore Regit) .oi, in Heating il my to praises hmv l'eu receiving. Germans from Hi es, .iil.l IN fl i;oi geieuer son of of the itlHtltlite had tried feel duly herald th rich, st most success-iva- r consideration, H , i Swamp-lloni- . the lOWnment prisoners labor bu RoeWbfeller. of Standard ' il. the largest, and rats, from which am rs had been of Dr. Kilmer's Wltllnm ' K. ami husband to Tins, (lermans In the babies of Wall Sheohan hy of y In order i' yours was Willi K fail. ,")al" a numbei of other Nov 10, lots , use the or troubled ar aloDa with ob Korbe'i war. Ibiolutely unfit for hard . to stimulate Ihe growth df (Hat white Itej tllsease ami It was s.t Intense thai poriam nieii 111 a uiuytMij which thai . Hunlng Place; insiders tlon, most of them being old men with ells that originate In ihe tpteOn and I was bedridden for days at a time i re beards, while others are of th BUI itl husband the marrow of lha bones ind float in gave up all hope an, I Hot tors for miles student .lass, many of them wearing adv oi any lb, lores iter,, da of Ihe telegraph and at y C w II off- Qutlerroa Inn., the hinph Miroiind aave me in, help In. i,. utallv glasseji with thick lens. A staff introduced a Ihe to jose similar measure 4. ".. . Pereu i patent icer, who la closely connected with Nov HI. lots block Il was found, he gajd. Ihat the tried several rtmtjlli ind ncxi Dongreas. 110, rob-len- dM prisoners bureau, told me that STRONG PROGRAM addition; consideration, treatmsnl resulted in making the s lasi irieti swamp-Roo- t, from the j In favoring the eiealion by Ihe and ailfs to I. T. .. fir B&4M tone on the Dvlnsk front Antonio Ueitera Inintnne from be ivturn afsthe first it me relief in. Hip United a marine, wife, war, Nov, lo, Russians have been capturing 'States of merchant ,OII. ii. PATTI RSOX, Kerrera and was to be so bath time before I was able Ee eon- - o Is 1,1 irowlh This found from ana to two women Ithl federation recommended to piece In Atrlsco, precinct 2. I hundred president National Cash Itaffls-te-r In the i nsca of spontaneous and graft- around ami now am peffecti) well ! of if $f,. v'ckly These were all In German gross the "prompt passage of leatisla-- ration, 1 BY Coaapattg, to V '. A. ed cancera. According to the speaker, and abi,. I,, work as uaed to b tore uniform, and a ere apparently serving IS OUTLINED of a shipping J, M Mahboilb and wile lion for establishment war., Nov. 10, lot 20 ami this was the first time a use has been my terrible BlqkBeaa, M "oldP'rs. or v es-ej- a Mcttillln, board for building or purchase e,l up, one anothel. Then the 1 lO let me you "In Petrograd I recentl- alter west half lot III, block 37, N. found for the while cells. now thank for vniir entered the by Ihe Rovernntenl and operated needed gpoda, and factory op- y otened museum of atrocities, but stores Co.; consideration, 11, While this process Is only in the ex wonderful discovery god take this devi'loimieni of foreign trade n com- w 10 the horrors displayed there wen- too Ifor the wheels begtn tO move. Tin Itoderlck Sim ei antl ife periMbtal atage, Dt Murphy suiti ha portunity to recommend it to ail who much for me, feeling deadly ill LABOR UNIONS 'and also be available as an effective merce and transportation reflected the P. Bryan, war., Nov. II, fractlo prac- suffer from kidney troubles. and " ' expected n to prove valuable in I auxiliary in of vvnr." it in tO including block A. vi Compelled tO have the place naval time change. Finally, was manifest lots is U tical Ireatme f canceroug paUents. fours very truly, wttnuut seeing the complete display, On the n tariff commis- the financial world. We have plenty 4 p, addition: consideration, It. aHrvBR, inni was Cltv ,,f AlbuquerqU to Ethel II. waltf.u allowed to bring to England sion Ihe resolution reads: , f money and the best banking system 317 N. Main St. Hope. Ark an AuvlriMM I Nov If, lots 387, ;i"s, FORMER II. S, SENATOR rifl, cartridge loaded with Federation of t.a-- I tOdaj Moftue, del. me, an "The American in the world iidi Subscribed and sWOrg lo before explosive bullet, which la really orgulll-utlA- Rocnh iflAn idea of taking Ihe big L'.'.tb t LV a mlnlaiur - IIWUIMMUIH Adopted bor endorses the "WO have three federal DIES AT KAI.AMA, tills day ,tf March, snrapnei shell that eg- , ,,,. Hull. tai'HI ii t oi ponnc liiiimok - tiakltwr- --- eofe- of these- various .1 A. V. WARS, "loiles when l little plunger at the tip n n A. W. Morris to Mary Morris, iblk l Ownership in driven in by bn- - bovernment anc n... ,ivn service commission nd interests: First, the Inlerslale coin- warl, Nov. il', lot 7, block Eastern contact With a l, ISV MOSNINO Js.USNAL SPtCIAL LIASIO WIR man rights of workmen at the commission; came (he fed- tariret Operation vaded the nieice then addition; consideration. II. Kalaina.oo, Mich., Nov I letter t(l "In of Nearly Every Calif., naVy yard by for- and, finally, It. wife to U the gcandlnavlan countries Mare Island, eral trade Commission! F. Steele and 'sear United Slates Senator Julius Dr. Kilmer & Co.. nothing was tall;..! polities Lewis, war Nov 12. of lots about except the thing, bidding them lo participate in the federal reserve board with its north Ins Illitgliamloii, N, V. food N BrOWnWBU Caesar ItiirroW., died at home hem snortuK, in (iermanv, anil some in ValleJo. t'alif.. where the men chain of reserve banks. The value of 7. and . block 2i. ft I " " 7 VMI'-ltOtl- nanrmati of tills was given to me In- IjiII addition; consideration. r. II In make their homes, the federation these three boards or eommlsslons to Couiilee-frttlau- I'ltOYK H TSW WIIJ, a Dane who renl'oScnlK In Merlin Oscar 1. i.euis and wife to it. n. frttft) of YOU "np structed its executive council to use the country cannot be estimated. 1H. VO FOIl of the biggest American packing isr ...... aSSI4 .... sesll Cheney, vvur. Nov IL'. propertl Insl Detroit. Mich., Nov. Three a cir- Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Jjaapanles. This San I' Nov, Hi means to secure law that will "'fill',, ugh th, nil f the reserve described; consitlet at loll, $1. who pleaded guilty III Dane declared that ranciseo. Industrial above (.young men Bingbamton, N. Y for u sample slzo fal cumvent "further invasion by this hanks, the various banking institu- I allowance had been reduced unionism, or organisation of w orkers United States district court to pi itn It will convince anyone, you nam eleven ,,, ,.,,. I i e ana - indicia botlv." of country to loan Deetta. bottle. Seven ounces a person by Industries as opposed to existing nM tions the betfan Trust irounterfeli money, were fund and Will also receive a booklet of valuable nstlv an,) he people poultj not get it stated that the German craft unionism received Its customaifp Moral tnppprl for the International money where . sentenced todaj bv Judge Arthur J. Informal ion, telling about the kidneys population I J",rng would have a dif I union of before. Now, wit Ii big crops an, big t el.., I,,,n :.l Iw. h,.,wl ,.l lh Utiles' Onl'mCnl Workers and bladder. When writing, be sure time getting through win-- Z the t New York was favorably reported and demands, with little foreign competi- mention the Albuquerque Morn- " mis can today' t.u ,., ,.i....L n nei.inal Tnwnatte .Leavenworth, ban. All thiee were snd redueed Riioaranoe. This ,,1'Kiinixatioits were urged to tion, we arc at the commencement of ing Journal, ltegular fifty-ce- and Qulnc Mass . affiliated may aammeu told me Kngland .laims Duncan. of 11,200. reatauranl employee, ' w-- 'o that was ion. one-doll- bottles for at all Miuvm- respond to an appeal for funds to de an era of prosperity such ns this sale uj, prigoni ermany explaining the committee's a.tiott trj Catherine M. Ilasselt to D. K For hey bad made siurloii; IS lulls and drug; Ma feed expenses of twenty-fou- r country never seen before, stores. the convention, said the whole ,Ues- - lia defense has t.rfleld. tr, Nov 19, lots t.i and ITi had , lisp. e.. . of 3.0on worth TB Copenhagen I Indict- Pained that the 'tion had been fully eonaidered three officers antl members under "Alt this great prosperity cannot Moore Realty Co.'a add I ton No, I. "t'onal Harvester charges, come In a day. It will time. Hut Bn to company had years ago at Koehester, N' Y ment on various lake Oaapwr rela and wife Andrea OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO OO00000OOOOO000OOO00OOO00 OO OOOOOj ? "'I of Us American emploves The executive council has asked in conditions everywhere era improving. Homer,,, tr., Nov. 10, tWO pieces In The resolution on this point was of- r, OO oo (.ermany. Austria-Hungar- y, Tur- - to use ef- The are prosperous. The initial precinct I; consideration, g 1 7 7 5 Oo W ted the fered by ihe Oregon federation of LB an approved resolution fanners loo Balkans and they are a law ever be- George H. Adams to John, M joo OO ... , , forts to induce congress to enact of Pittsburgh nr. busier than "s me Danish capital hor and P'red L. Hourne, a delegate Moore, tr Nov. 10, lots I, St. 3. 4, B, loo oo itlng any slop-watc- h speeding fore. Railroad stoi kH are going, up. It orders from Portland, said "brace game" prohibiting J. M. Moore Reglti Co, addition No, oo oo "Khl.,..,- - the Is only a of lime be- 0 0 OO aiiL' In any departments of nuestlon a short 1 ; Albuquerque ""v owners In - The the Seandina- .methods were used In extinguishing; it. consideration, 1200. OO countrp a fore the wave ol prosperity Will be loo are ma king enormous President Qampere, taking a hand In Bridget tlarrehy ami hulband in 100 OO Jwtanea out of us. the war and It is said upon, i August Israeuier, tr., NOV, II, lots OO oo 'nat In the discussion, 'an that he under- Befi alone this industry has NEW W. CAMP TO "Now is the time for storekeepers block "B" Kastern addilion (N. T.I 22 OO -- stood "brace game" to Imply dishon- W. 0. ' S, J OO 'w. "t.v seven new He -- i tr,oo, .. millionaires t.i advertise," added Mr I'atlerson. Armijo No. consideration, iOO Milling Company oo aafhpM Mti.M, esty anil he was sure Bourne did not ,,.H is backing up Ins opinion with his Bthel H McRaa and husband to oo mean that. BE KNOWN AS SUNSHINE 100 money. His company Is upending Kiral S. H. A- T. Co., mortgsge, Nov. 100 oo The federation, acting upon a "7V, 3711, too oo more this month feTSd- - If, Iota 37s anil block 3.L port of the a amp of the Woodmen 01 than p. Bros, oo oo executive committee, went; new musing, in addition), it has saehi Amnio addition, iOO oo 0 GETS on as favoring following I organized here. It J. It', McCollum and wife to W. A record the the World has been tin, 000 to have the M0 members of oo Have Purchased Several 00 propositions: camp. Il was organi- McMilMn. tr, Nov. IJ. lots 1, 2 3. 4, oo 00 Si is the Sunshine its Helling fore, attend its school ol oo OO fiovernmeiit ownership ,.f Mount ze, b) Deputy E. Taloya with the I, 0, II, IJ, block Terrace addition; f. Dayton for three days, where thei consideration, o o 00 Vernon. 'a.. George Washington's old assistance of officers of Camp No. I. JL'.ioo. 0O 00 were taught the new and Mrs. Marv J. , Llltel Cars of the Very Best (, Arnallo; watchman, Luciano Archl- - 00 OO S, FEVERISH home, anil the Thomas Jefferson home Ideas for their businesa tr.. Soy It, lot 7. I,lii oo oo IS let Monticello, Va. of laa new camp are: phhi Consul, consideration, 700. 00 00 oight-h'ui- r govern- cehamander, p. oo Oo The day for all jnsc k. AruiLlo. consul U. Stitmni ami 00 00 ment employes. !ii. C. Westerfiehl adviser. Grant M. U, T. Co., tr Not 1. lots 00 Oo IP I lovernment ma ItufactUT offSanchec; banker, Manuel gtontoya; DEO CROSS MUS T to, block 8f,: Iota I, 2, I 4. S, fi, bloek 00 00 CONSTIPATED slamped envelopes. icrk, i:. U Gpnaales; cicort, Ellas till; lols 7. X, , tfl, II, 2. block .4; oo 00 I Red 9. 10, 12, 31 Turkey 00 lots II block lots 00 B ltei pay foi pOStoffii b ind ,1 .Afmljo; watobman, Luciano An e and oo oo 2, 3, 4, R, , bloek VI: lots 7. I, i, 10, the clinilniitlon of night hetpie; sentry, Aaron fornog; manag-os-- 1 00 00 work 11, 2, block 32: lot I, I, 4. I, , poatOffli e ami 00 8 department, so lar as era, Rafael Peon. John ttockman NOT FAVOR ANY 7. k. ;i, 10, 11 and 12. block UK; lots 00 hlbeipie. ml-ti- ll Julian An 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. block , Terrace 2 rn'a Syrup of Figs" 2 A government bureau of safety Ion enllMlll atloll, l.l.otiO, 100 2 i t Wheat bv Bltseo ', lha vea Ife, et a,l 10 cant harm tender stom- nther resolutions favored lbs and no 2 convention include: K. L. lirose, tr., Nov. 13. action loi oo For Acid Stomachs ONE 10, 'i ;;i oo ach or bowels, Qoverninent ownership of the tele- BELLIGERENT all lot and north feet I im hei lot H. block Simp . oo 2 graph lines. "It" additinn No oo and will guarantee their 2 Use Magnesi 2 conalderation, toon ',v congress a perme- - oo 2 Creation of IS, ,i,.io..,, sesciAL .... WISSJ 00 2 , ''"stive lieu' non-pa- rt ..san 4'arlfl .'inn mission. 2 'o'lay seven a lrU rblld I unUersMl 00 fhilflrnt, .. An Anierleaii marine to MfJ s , e e 00 2 e .... rv livj. merchant ml T't'clullais f"-o'- - I'.erllll. Nov, Hi b.t JJlty- - loo 2 time fr m play to empty their be minimal bv American seamen iill- i.f Ml iiia. lt I'litlltleM is due to Ihe fit. WtleleHSto oo 2 u"l ' .hl.a it i ti,, excessive, taus semi-offici- NOSE CLOGGED FROM Htf " become clogged up with tier conditions W hiCh uild make nsatrtfts aefa and vlllet.. "The Nyrd 00 2 food ahe direct ,ause f STAR FLOUR steal sou, gets sluggish; stomach them an effect ivt naval n el Deutsche Allgemolna Zeltung ptft A COLD OR CATARRH 00 2 at Hearty II stoinacli trouble, ur Mm many 00 2 A petition cengregg ,n-a- , ttuett lishes a letter written by the Arperi-- i i i ti, asking ut magnesia as aides, eltrabs. 00 2 "Mm tie tongue, If a. one ROW an Itetl president of mother! ttnent of a law that would prohibit lart.ouat, sulphate, the i Cross to the the! Apply Cream in Noatrils To 00 2 vr vniiti is listless, cross, uppUsd ni sttkey powdered or tahli.t form good in the 2 fish Contractors from employing alien la- German Red Cross, (he Qveraagl News; Open Up Air Passages. 00 to be as as any V ' rFstl,,f,s. anil especially ree"inmnile,l for acid st'.io 00 2 ' heartilv doesn't f- - agency announces, stuling bor on all government work, in pri i, h l e.-- il a BisgneMs, IsSspoi nful that the 00 2 "rtrn Or of cold or has gore nnv it-I- a warm water American Red Crosa was unable to 00 2 i'h,'r children's ailment, erenee to American rilizi the of Mliich th little market 2 "'ait. t ly aftet eating will Inrtantly Beutrsltse h send rhedlcaj lupplles t" Ger- Ab' What relief! Your clogged nos-lr- l loo f Fig, ,P 00nful f "California Syrup lilted States und terril, rial p. nop thus' eertain 00 2 saeMaivs ei.i. fsnaeatatlon, ami main hocuuai the British governmaftt open right up, Ihe air passages of 100 2 !! '1 do"'t worry- - because It sessions. normal dtgentloi, He utir.-l- K'rfert v ettfuie iwlnless - your head are ch ar you mlp!"'' an1 In Un- hlsurwted ntagatsls than unvj refused perinlsslon for th exportg- and nut loo '""'s mi th a few The entile day was devoted lo set rather breathe freely. No more hawking, loo US l k" contlpation poison, i titer magiieala. as this forni is prepared GIVE A TRIAL nd sour reports of the resolution committee snuffllnr, mucous dis hurge, 00 r'.'un'!r'K wai,e w'H gently Mseelstli rr tits trsatstaat "f arid "The lett, r addB that Die Ited Cross headache o o out t and the executive committee, A res- odii,. Tbs ibe grain tsbli-t- are the rtiost dryness -- no struggling for breath at organization will now make direct up-- 1 00 ' olution favoring government owner- eottviitlent f..r physlelsnr and travelers night, vour told or catarrh Is gone. O DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO chlld A thor-l1"- 1 t. 00000 00000000000 t aa,n' - evi- csny and two tsbiets are equivalent a plieatlon to tlie llritish government stay I n'e?!! r,eiiniiln" i ship of the telegraph sn thai Don't stuffed up Get a m;il. h oftlmes all teaip.ionful of Ihe powder. Take two of ship- m!S!ary- dence before Industrial relations for permission to forward the bottle of Kly's cream Halm from youi treat 8ho"ld be the the Hie tuUli'ts ivllh of without wstsri or a: I wag- ments declares that if it tails to druggist now. Apply u little of this . o'-c- m any siciiness commission on the conditions of teaspesrttful uf itir powder In a quarter ol a ami wi fragrant, anlis. ream In .vniir nos Glass-Pai- nt your "ntl?rfeit fig syrups, es, hours ami freedom of speech of glass of water after each meal Stomach obtain the required permission lo ptk 7 rtrn t n..w i ri in. h i it penetrate throngh every all b1' f"r a bottle! sufferers ami drseeattea who this semi eupplies to lierrnan hospitalH no the telegraphers of this country was SSjSSln Bl passage soothe, krforn plan ami avoid the use ..f too. ill Htipplies sent to any "f the head; and Ileal Cement-Plaste-r medk-lni-- -j tbei will be LUMBER Ch "that it is hard lo believe they e. da mints, and at,- an- 'Ln1s fnr dross the swollen, Inflamed mucous no in tg. . bab'e. children;,.,, n mulshed to find lhal tie' hansel., relieved country, an the Awsrtoea Red cross Kl.v 1" 'OT grown-up- s exist a free country hrune. giving vou instunl relief (, , plainly the mid and m- - t retrains i In- rjtet , , - of Irrliatlna e, holds view ihut artlili's which Is wliitt even ' old Albuquerque Lumber Company u"- - I rwtnuiit.ti .niairn-- Cream Halm Just ''"ok earefully iur rmtoises Itl ttotmnt ton and an d. Its werk cannot ba to ail cannot til NOItTIi KIKOT STKKttT dl-- n'nt anuntrlas has been seeking, ,ri4 " made by -' "'iln nouse resolution, ,o. WItHSUt ike aid of art i. itilo l and catarrh sufferei vi "t! the Call- toattful be uu l mttunv ' providing for government ownership ssktsats, sent It, an om'. Ii 's lust splendid. SIX Albuquerque morning journal, Wednesday. November 17. 1915.

j ivrrrvriNT jxwspabb M Hum ii" uny desire nl-i- r n c , Shade of Darius I l a Green ''Look what Started!" By Bushnell Y FOUND o that, a I r J our MISSION 10 HEALTH ffic nr. in.iiind cither . morning journal h mImiiI n. t with Pv.Mr,4 Iha INDIA FORCED IN lr it'll .111.1 10 CftBl JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. 11 inx ki MA'PHCKSO Ftwum Mci'liriOHT Bmii'H atanaear DO MENIA li MrAl.l.UTI Nawa rMIt' for In finun ml loidgct I WOK Ot r.lllnr Oklahoma Lady Says She Vi- rr tut r tat. When M U FOX Mil sited Four 11. t h ..!. iii .my States Seeking Wnlrn Saer"allla mie C. J AMlr.KMIV "( aunt rise, 11 la ulth Health. But Did Not . 1.1 ,- - Find I hi' ihul he muil not! Returned Lutheran Minister It ml.'fi ir of hii salary for Until She Took M Tells of Difficulties Exper- Bti m 11 llU lllllHt in- M i i stolid M K. Cardui. rsrk ,,r Ofln 1,. ...en rrmii I".'. imni. "V 1 ienced in Far East; Was m eialtar at III ,,,,,, HhaBBBBBBBBBw! S Lg0mmBBlBl ' 1"jp'r "i?lF . N. kt. uuil.r Ael In. 11 S1UII.IUIII Held Three Months, yet tm pilVl it fund fl at Km Hear la, okla. Mrs tnna Ha man, of "thar papal In nur domestic politics ' nil lIlll UlM this place, saxs thai she aM Lar idf S years ,ir Hw fared for with head ii 'i i" la i'P" .11 Hill batter for the Hull piUuai .n hWI la - ,o moN"ii jou.niii he. and other OOBtplalntl inrl are worse In thrlr results 10 the st. Lou, Nnx- in. k- inhold from xvomanlv troubles ,,t,(i n,.,. UBSCBIPT10N. R. . OP twenty-fou- r had been to Colorado, i r mat:, oaa m nth Mo nountri Tin- epithet "politician" I'reche. for yee.rn an ou V" at BotSfft, and Kansas In , nnfoi lunuli I) wain In have attached EvHiiaeiicai Uu there a inlaalfituii .1 in leeklna TO l Hsi RIBBIU. Indie, returned to St l.nuis todax if never found Ii until She look Cr5i lit". In llir pfofwltin of pi d it len 11 She says gi,-- in,'i Iha Journal, whan wrltlne being she was un ' t aaw ter detained in India for three aapar a told she , ,J" I hav lit ir fhnf4 l iiiiiii foi spci iall trained mid month by the Kritinh authorities. that had cancer ami w rata niuat I" ana lha "Id aildraaa fined to her bed for t high-mlmlc- l il we St three montha linn th find atarted fur Louis on June She saxs: a miliar :'4 and baiardad a Dutch He further "We then moved men of i.Ik mentalm. wid 'mi steamer. here and after lo r. In "thai xva.s taken Hong KoB in- movina the drua . off at and glflt la Tb Am.rloaa nnd irreiil exarutl-- al.illty ont rnclxliiK here in llenryetta. Okki terned for three monthn. husbund tM fcawper th- of u nn u His xxhereubout xvere about Cardui ami )m vT ..illlln unknown I'lrthday Almanac, ami ii. I.I M riil. duty. here, but Inqullie throuah the Amer- timonlals and beaun ican state department hrmiRht out the takina it ami Mom i if mil (joyrl iiinatltnl wii mini, could see after I had taken th information that be hnd been in- It thi- bottle wis .loin? me good. aad prlala mont of ignmiiiii k linn iixnlnnt VV .IOI KNAI. lafcaa terned. ArrangeiaenM fn Mtn have kept it up. aJftV Tin ad thlrlj mla-- , would not do bourn I ..fiHiiil ItfBll kBd nlriHt DtltfHe IMde f"f his release. mit it in the house. When i,r,.,j .if 1 -- - Aaaoolalaa I'raaa i In-.- Itev. Dr. Freche tOjj) etors. , i i ii ...nn tin- . tadaj tin und nervous doing laaactl wlra aarvlca rai-- waah. from litnorun. after hard oari if his experience an follows; x ork it saems to rest nn- Nil alli-- puI'Mnliait la i and 11. u ti i irtniilflmncntii and link m ii.ii. I was permbMon . Nr Mailt-niiiprlahaa more Ihaa irixen hy thi feel fresh . . I w II iin iiiiliiK hut unfit Indh IiIuuIh Dritlsh authorities mi May .'s to leave ' Today i a lwnl. liiiura lit Awilulad am well Woman and I my station. I g mile- - I'raaa aarilca during Ilia aak. nho know iiimilmlli iiothinK n limit west nf Madras, know that Cardui . . has cured m I ! for America. reached Ceylan and can do all m ow n th Inmlnrm of i.l i v rX utlyi1 ... work SBi In Colombo Wttneaeed a riot between washing and nous,, cleaning nuw IhiiiI Judl. ml "iivcrnuii nl. win, the Simplex, who arc liudilhists, and ou' ever uiving, i,,,,,. llT Not mil' out of Kt) uf our ioiulur-;- h tin- .Mnh.iinniedans. friends right here in tOWn who have w 1 ( ' i ijdnkhday i The Blnaade in celebrating reiis-iou- s n unable tn do h i.i IniM rvi'ti inilH-'i.- il l a their work tot holiday, set fire tn .sum,. f the year but are now up, since takina llu- riidlin'-nl- of otvlctj liolltl- - :l houn s nf the Mohammedan and couple cf bottles of Cardui. i I I M MA welsh III I. Ill IK i rcnoiny, loClulofy or mntOtMl British officer in automobile, rode I Hi pounds, and am alxvaxs well I ii If(Mine. Ah n mat I uf fin t. with u through the crowds shootiim iloxvn When commenced taking ,.ne year I 10 H I Btngale in an to ago, only weighed pounds. Tin- attitude of Qreee Imi'k- - nunilK-- nf reuuBtitily K BHIIt the effort quell the riot. All druggists sell Cardui, the wom- problem of least nffti"-hold- for Ihii ullle. liolllirnl nml ' "I reached Batavta by an's tonic. Try i' if you need a rrn.cdv : steamers and tiu- it. why . a today, ciii to mi regard in. tin' campBlfBII und thi' i hud to appeal to the American Oonau of this kind. Oct buttle tad la pr.n Iher should tana dlflhult lo tloiiM BPf looked iiiiiin iiiiti. In (he toe ded In Singapore. . Front 1 i there started for Sbancbai, but was 11 nihil lie, Mm r III, ii iii on kingdom light of prgpoBltlOBi wiili-h- tboftlBi taken off the ship at K.nnf. In tin- noa e Hour Combing Won't Rid olil'll to Hllurk fl nil) oi ihcv fl ikh th illti .1 July 4. it. ill) Hum uny other mil' 'Tin- provoat marshal doubted that Hair of Dandruff xvas 1 w in III, 11 in: thi ullli'l roliiii a missionary, sn produced my ordination papers. Mediterranean, uf course provost "'Ah!' the marshal ..-- I 11 (111 I i The only sure wax tn rid of 11 few A tint ii nut in. i mioinu-- mi nt until tin- uplmDt lo ploOCI ,. When In- looketl da. hud them Is to dissolve it. you With, over, 'so you a xxc draft then destroy line lo hi' reckoned hut niy political power, an well Ii till- IIIU- arc missionary it entirely. To do this, gel have no pastor In the detention camp, about few ;in- no longer foi mliliihlc joriti i,r nur HtueBry. i to ii- ounces of ordinary liquid apply WW" oine so you max go there for a While.' arvoDi 11 u thi-- Inn mm ii i o it at night xvhen retiring; use enough pi here Hind Kovi'ininenl iik th one till.'sl "The camp, three ai rea of flat xx to moisten the scalp ami rub it Iuihi- VMM ti ii till lot tlii'j l xx 'it i.h hUHIneH uf a uutioii mid gfoUnd en. losed bv arbed ire and gently xxith the finger tips. I guarded by sentinels, rii n ..Hie. pollthw inn- of tht Bohlrst and contained thirty u bBRtboe huts ami housed 0 men, uf Do this tonight, and by mombM Tin i wii.i' iti do villi mont efli'i linil n llu- ii most, if not all, of your dandruff will iidmthm I Wham eighty ware soldiers derman be gone, or more. KlBI fiinntiintliii- who, C'Jueitted ii i. w il III t Ii in lil ami at IIiIh lime. The majority of tin- skin need (or The others were merchants, profes- ami three four i- Dr. Twichell Pays to mplications completely a4 Tribute purtNMe brought Arabia sors, physicians, will dissolve Cermany and mauled to the nlnler oafla Inly the prnfalnn of polltlci ih thla ar from Journalist, island ex.-r- mm entirely destroy liUKte sign und i anil a bit- r uleo come trader, agent laborers, or the kaincr, in eiiiiteiy in (ympalhy B0 iim i l nwded ai top Or holtoni. Dr. eon.sldera nuinhi trace of it, no matter how muck da- Trudeau 'j Great Work iaabanona, They are carried "Th.- food consisted of bread, but- with the llerniiin oBttMi Hul ihe peo. from ihe ndruff you may have. in liei.ron by camel caravan and Mid ter ami coffee, with meal possibly llt Oreece friendly lo the l III III II I. s NT VII Ml VI once a day Those who funds You will find, too, that nil itch nur nf are in had tin tanneiies Their manufacture enn-teen- and digging of the scalp will st.., it ,ly l Editor Morning Journal: animal ..mill purchase fund from the HimihIi mid the Involve aaveraJ processes once, and your hair Will be, Daffy, Word ha com uf mill bottle WlllKlon Spenei i w the diath uUhowku 'Ii- has said: liny were IH'erated from the rruel hlin lull. In. "All prisoners worked one hour and glossy, silky nml soft, and look n. inn nn Movcmber IE or i.iv- - the many feci bettor, iHindaft of Turky, ami tin- llu fori w tin- war ami nml I the Edward fir tHffkeultle a half each dux Cleaning up the ami a hundred tines lngtoti tit with, m You can get liquid arvon at any tin- HiiIkmi Iiiiin. HiIIIhIi nay, gav Trudeau haa onu seirntiii. tralnln ip this we did imt iiiiiul from the physi- lurk and 'he iheni protb)y tin- bn drug stork, it is Inexpensive and of laadlng fikun-- in mrlcan ntu-- in in CCHU in Iioolis, am! tin re- - cal standpoint, but felt humiliated tn asvef in.. I. in. tin oBj) Inoad MauMe lin; Hi allli-- finni total dlaiiHti-i- 'I'm- fiiiisbed bottle are eHl to all medicine tor t in- paid twenty-fiv- e nf nix coolie presence of fails to do the xvork. 1, motenei aurraundlnga removed be labor i ol (In nn. .1. .in, hi-- i n in. 1. paiBh hi ihe in pai ls nf ihe eat, thoiinunilH being sent uoranioM yeaiH. To a Kieal iiimiy nf tin- me from contaot Ith medloal m n to coolies. MUCtl he into Kx pi and the Soudun every year. elrarly that if the nhnwrd thai he xviih not to thOlMHUlda U( ufferera from taberou- - whom miKhi apply "I beld r llglou services in camp for Inatructlon Ffeatdee xvu- - hon- I aerving as receptaelea for every foiirti en days, and we spent gaitlsed, and the provost lnnishni win, the Inten-Hl- of 'lurkev und llu blam for any pail of the Imiir agrlOala thin eoi ii and help," Tin- prdagnl perfectly ter and other II. Iiiids the skins ale of" our leisure iimi- in carving article ored nne or two of our celebration, In reputation ua tin- re-si- Ifarla uhme will he eoutddered htt of dlHiiDlrm Which hae liefiilleii leaflt'l ill the ilulpyed liii oiHtury for aelentlflc w xviih preeenc. Once th com- - I md a number of them from wood, iffi his warfare ukiiIiihI thla h Hi. Balkan, mid their aml'ltloiiH the Brlttatl arm. tet)jU$e, nn " out nf that beginning, to a liuht wooden raft sliiRing wag MBtMlall) with tin- BittbitloM Ii on ihe ailxiee of Karl KMoh-- l '"' Trudeau Bved lo be il years ui nr. Trudeau isaa one of rare .ills well and is capable ''Several WM b Ne .i i i if not with i iu'i ami tin. rrencn iovernmeni thai "'' " OrJeana, men. tiia heaifiWaa ami full uf upporting a heUvy load tails of xvnrm (ir he ordered th- - landing of s,uot ma- - !!vh h " '' aympathy ghd lov for ail thoae i kind ar Often seen nil the rivers . c'onliiej r . l.imiK.l ,I,h he came in with. Tin- oaty Irate and cedonla, I he xx "" 'I'," mil l e "ZnTV'T'V '"f n. men he could nui was a , underatand l havlna uraed upon the mlnlntry the fail,,.,- was an ii.iuniil,- friend l men n man or mi untruthful man. h-- la M he earlv dlnpateh nf a much I ( by ntinnaer Audobull anil made a trip In tin Many am edolva could la- (old. anc M'l ( isl I S IMtOjfc CH ITON. e tn Hint . lire e. ' Ireei w ill n t i.e allowed HtrateKle foftraaa, hlchkAOWll Buuthweat" with him xxlu n In in ih. ai ly daya. Halle, k nine mix w.i.n w II Confidence COBtinUe i n of dlafegardtd. He fnvr-- In America. Thej left New m in in i. llu- ilmjur thai n fam-- to mill Kaval ami ' ,, ioor ed nitie kitiif the imt ulll for ahorl huqtlng ami mi w lm lived in tin h Il Sulonlkl, und It i n plu L'tlcall) certain Daidaneltea, trli nrk unmls wim their base. is true that wnni was In .ml Imm them fur In I Dial nhe will alail lorn the valuaule flint had Ihe entire approrul ..r th three ami aenl him get oil s irtlng powder can be made r month In Mm Ttiuhmi li'mn Ih lib. in meillr 'I'lli- iln tm- a un lull nml Biratealc iHtami of Crete. active war hi both Bnglund a took md pulp, the artillerist pi. done in Audubon, nf llu pleacriptinn liad nmli wvm xx. .old In in great difficulty if In- were i u ot hei if nml Km n. i the hand, th alllel ai lf3er Trydeau in a huatlng u sack nf BeiWr a lu- am bin on." pi ovlded with such propellant, is important factor in the securing 'l trouble .... i a most compelled in coerce (Jrec into re p...... t ...t, XXI ol.l-f- fringed buckukin bis i and said: "Heeg m get i a u si in lo obtain any sort of Ureal Britain Iiihi b) delaga ac- inalBlBg Mulra.1, it la more than ami the loned loiorharrl ill mil. 1' sc t'l it inn the of tin- wood of credit. Your business may not need -- nitration .. - .'lull no np- t k.-p- pioiiuiiie thai ih win iiem heavily In inaoeiiiuiii- torce in At in age inree xeurs, youiiK und lake I,, Ihe lit be at a low point. aid I Chun-hil- commodation today. Tomorrow a little the firm i aettlement if the altlea win erat at vi n iiiiint. urg-- Trudeau was n in Paris by bi i: ii i is alllatli s. mi which the artll- - w adequate In winter .n A b the ar ami Stel tta t. i mi nf a id forces ami promptness parenti ll. edul ah d. hax c In aid Karanat lab. few das s rist dc may be a great advantage. Get acquainted II ago , ho conataara haraell entitled of attack, and wan ox 1.,'bil llh a whin memorial tab. ml t Jet was unx.'iled there, Hr. Trudeau High xploeive me iluhise highly with the officers of to all that ever Wa owned lu th,. ,e. Kitchen, ami Fisher. he in from In mi K bed sent Oils message. nitrated thai Is, higbl charged with m eouatay, i From firm In him the x.i 4h "aunrtaa" the ambassadors to is process cnslsts of lm ItaliaiiH mil I it, wlinh UlClutlea llu federate statoi m Wate (that bus been rm ami Ihe IhIiiiiiIh of Aia Minor wiie popular Kllglnud HI Imn I,, nn- to have lix ed tn Ill t as.-il- picked .in.l dried i parent!) no und My t in b) QeBoo and Venire, there has bath dint cut thai time, but reverse ii lone." Tin- xxinlcr Slexins.m spent in u mlxtur. ..I' nitric and sulphuric plan, tm Initiative, m ii 1 yxlll lAilude llrei-ei- from Aula Minor Where pans Mr ,m Mi Udell xx. Maranai Lakf( he xan in Uie habit artdi , ill the proportion of I"'!' cent T sending messages In- n- - mill tin- larger Lelandi Hxriu, wMich IIOi men was require. paaslna Ihrongh lil k In n a gl his In Ti aUphurlC in id, per cut nitric acid State National Bank i fly-le- St I xx i. y w rltlng Mvem ..i i tin- af N mdhl have keen orab, win beoom Bngiand bus manaaad i1 ' uf hi'olbnv ognlaed iheiu. ith ami per cent Water. After the acids the l .null of a thrown atone bi 'iuf uf hi ..wn voliiin s. i me bore have gated for the required time they A1MVQVKRQVK X. M. Italian; Crete, with Hudu bay, will men a numth Inter. tin younK Anierlcun, Mr, Ibis nn gfage "Denr Boctor Bend nr.- ; the cotton waste is, Wht such Inadequate nt lilted Mason Hied lo removed Avcnoe ihiulitleaH no lo lireal Brill ml i . Corner Kccnml Street and Central e ii ' s i me snini- more of thus e nilis The repeatedly boiled several . i en ne, lil I. no, e. erytradj und the lads tlUlk to washed and s.ilnniki, (lnulith-FH- will be iii m il " the Ilk.- tbclr heels, all Keep) young Tl udeau, taste tin- dovH, but they make me time- - n water n is then pulped, United Males DeHnllorj ; ; : : Sonla Itsllwsy HeiswItorT nation blam. everybody else That Ie m ei In Sei l.l.i. In pro! nle In needed Who stood his urn u ml Tin- ambaaau feel belli it, S." partly dried and pressed Into molds. Infxpllcable xxay port and reaompaBM hei ihe Great liritaMdfl took him in in, , at ...liar With Bom years nan now, Br Trudeau The manufacturer dots his best to X' .lid mole than do, for tl l COttdUctod the war. thin, the yo unt: lad's iuragc left him read u paper bofare It meiln al assmn regulate bis output so lint it shall lor ruin nhe k) HuffeiinK nnxx ami he ran, leaving bis coat In Mr. bkure xxiiii th.- title. "Uptlmtstni In contain approximately eleven nmlc- - n a I MINTAKJBN Masons band. Thai evening boy Medicine." was surprise to some lib is ..f to tin quadruple mob Vemfa-lii- neen i ll all swirxnn Ihe nilrale ic Ani.'i lean ntbossj uf liis mdlwaguee that K choa luch I'll le nf Hub as shown in the ..I i.i ..mi Turkey an- r the a subject, Dr. Cabot, of The American .q Trudeau'i meili. al t lo 11 flichard form n(ent of nitrogen that ol (lieei-- she Is for-- 1 Adratlon taibof ''' lines and thill Boston, km. wing the title nf tin- inl ,... and IS.08 per meeting ha piianed a resolution " '"""' '" New Vork C His rang! 'itiltg ex el y clarm she ever r mlil dr. knowing Hu- l,a'1 ii- - and man. broughl seeking in some wsv to slop h ex.- - Smh,t'0 " '" en In un lo Annul. ive had On the ulllen Fit her she wiib him in hear the address youni Th pin. ess i delicate and com-- . I, I, 1 ' American uax.x. but llli.l.. nf (,,, .1 ..I.. In l I '" the nf a dear brother from Ril w ho. din- to an incurable malady, plex, for the pr portion ..f acids and "' I The Sum of Comfort x Total or an ai be- - . lah melons double murder. barvulo m.,,1 turn to medicine Was within u short period to water inu-- t be xaci and all musl be At tm lime hu dOUbl been i conn- blind He somehow chemically pure beside thin the cel- - aiiv f,,r n ,,rk haVe In aril him mix sup-- s . A a a.nt .11 hop' il ihail sb t mn mag bri HEATER and dm rtei Ided that It could til I Up. the glllll of lllllstloln. that bis liesl m..wli,.- luioa must of uniform frade, PERFECTION 1. 1. 1. b gh A nr leave It alone, Imt He. :1a eciil there are those who sax a was tried lo dlnnilade Imn from lhls!hnl the which is a most ...ii .ii thing t.. ob ply of kerosene mean solid d.n I. ears ah ut to d ide people mi Id on the floor of th. federation us all predicted ihul he bud tain, is in a thai of '"'"sc. suae. comfort. The Perfection ready - OrBltlS 10 111 nn di- - I mm-- l meeting, cap- giioluate tat i.nfiae their Ihiint Ihat lb. courln Wer In ""' I FMtltH - Di Trudeau wags many-lde- d man. UllMH lis PAUL minute. Take it anywhere. Smoke- , . .. .. i. ..,,.1.. - .... i. elm more Ills-- j in.iio.i III , ii...... r...... n,-i... ..i.i. ( than two pints of ..i.iir-- iiiii.i.'.i' nna l'.l Manx knew him as a gnat and he New York Sun. i Eco- - Stricken with ' less, odorless always ready. i month which maas nn.- didn't bay a fbtf IWI. himself tuberculoal, lmed phvnli A wiit.-- has gixon Ihe twenty inns! JfsV I hnrttj' after his successful graduation of ever) uther day for the irSBM The American redeiatloii nf T mole in batt). A lUige gl ip jstrrking wonders at tin- PanamaPa! 1 nomical, toogives you ten hours In medicine, in- aouaht proiousatiou of husbands hi reeourve." is in oininciitlv renpecta Id,- hil oi pie looked upon him as a broad- - rifle exposition as follows: ninJl of ker- - lire iii thi Adirondack etldcrna, He glowing warmth on a gallon I orga iilxat long nn- - rabsded phitanihroplet. When he Diesel engine. Ion. and has been had no Idea of reualnlna health bx economical tood with Koch und Calmette, the Tranacontlnchtal telephone and au-- ; osene the handiest, most I n armies man has been looted sane, eonservailve leadership, it this venture, bul was mereh impelled I j Bj dr jgreut i.'ien.b scientist In Waahlntton Idion amplifier, Judge in land his oiistltu- iiiukes a mistake when it undertakes b a lunitlni tu livi ii. add i'b. Ih "p.ii xx.- - ..f , In ihougfM ihe) mad I per- Development nitrate from air. Ills liapenoe lo cr.-at- the Imprensloli that court bunt .and fish fur what day xx. t. I, fl 10. feci trio or Ihe highest and bast i Color photogrgphy. "even laublH of lu bl" H. was all ardent lovir of THB COMPANY iced auiilnsi the sclen, A Wide circle of Ihe dm Cure for hookworm in the south, IpJJKLis CONTINENT KL OIL ' tor' q I """ Is All idea of the praO people Hllldtrom is a, most Intimate friends look d UPOI Motor tract and gasoline driven lice ot nn q elm- was abandoned. Tueble laki Cil I HIM.- - Ill I I XI I .. ..xi (( Hie Industrial Workers of I'im as a man of trul.x deep religions D"J" mi .I even a w.ud of medicine Bv l MV''?y which eolA-letlo- (the World with the American fnt aeveral . cars, he bus told me. The .1 i r. (federation way is He i nib a imlc boga deal little pa-tle- itb all tin in no attibated. ,,..,, mm .,i health and strength him- - of his Willi the Wolds. "I ho&t Vocal j. mill in schools. mental s stem.. and pra. I ICS Of for Th Industrutl Worker tooff m law sell ami tin djacoirarb of Bob n i SO Advam In team . some day lo )ou well and happy bHomotlon. eign oiiiitrics all offer us Isolated nd spit upon nml trample under Km-- as tn the true nature of tulu-r-x- l' mill in am- . vent, happy with that Tel.-- aphone. mumbled eaampaM Of effuieii. i Unit foot the American flag. They are ciiIohIs and lib them the possibility peace which i o in e i to those who wireless telegraphy. one cure, le.l u. might well emulate In Lump, anarchists Hut when nf tluin'of with thin message from Win tea telephone, - cm. 111,. i.iiileHlInn nf n.illlli s Ik all till. Imm If in Ihe grip of (he law him in even sufferer frj ntfe. tk amphor. The Bad honorable "lie With the noli be deride, he U'conien the most ar-- I Adirondack Cottage sanitarium DAVID c TWlfJHKUv. ktgsothoi urn, a derivative of h of the Intelligent wealthy, or runt and pitiful OOWard He .bus for the treat menl of luberoulosls was ilium rounded, through his efforts alone, till Advances leisure class, It In looked upon iis a imt h.Hitate to inflict outrage upon in Illumination. an aimed to assist in-- 1 soru- - ism Institution Willi The ub inline. most eminent ear r lather, nut whenever outraged In - Scissors and Paste vail. of urn d. ral. mean- In irubuig Wat ui i ampere hour meters. The diplomatic nei x n e in tm . ign t) pro.. 'ids to glxe him a done of his. their stax in thai region long enough M ki s inn u i Dye ., et trum coal tars. paelillHi Ix fax - ow'n medicine, he res.. I in countrie offer in make the ulr lo perfe, a .lire of llu disease. The (Comrherc Iteport. ) Par. fo. d movement. . Di . nnnt with la VII- side sntl for ambitious hie wail. ito of th sanitarium on the id lie ii. wbnii is uny of th oldest vet thin list is In its vely 111 men nt bs i scter nml nn ri of a hill whci. in fni nur days there' cuies In Palestine. h..s I. n been pa lun iigde. iat. It records but a fe learn at first hand the Inlrn ..clen of Ii iln- weather man run the fill wan a ruinous fOI innxvii. i The doc- molls for Its waterbottlcs, made of or Ih sp. taenlar advances. There xx many fox I'nel International affnlr. and thai branch, late Into Ih inter season much tor hud killed ( there goat skin These bottle' are turned are tl Ouaa ula (hat might he recorded day be his guide. "Old Kit I In- i.x II n i turned lo out bx In the in inn lustrlcs, in surgery, in of patriot i. service better equipped, may be forgiven for past offenses, thousands tanneries Hull' b," mi s.ii.l an t lead this or city. il k. In , be not popiibu with thla The finished bottles are the administration malBtalneg und mole encniir-- will be the i batter life of idleness an) longer; mi Id Inflated either xvith air pr'wlth wale! ,.f tenemints and ot prisons, and In tin- old ul magnate. b.-l- need hx countrie than irrl try to some other poor devils Ilk ami hundreds ..r tin ns are placed on ih, h gh d xeliqinieni of .ugaiilra-- la-- the foreign offli ' nd lliyaelf get Well." th ground, v her) Ihe'y may be in- i or thi country. irr nation ma) have auiils Tin f iiindutinli of ihe Sarunac la spected by the purchaser who is thus ' s i prohWm rur.-hair- te or wen snv at-d- bt about what they are ftghtlm; bmiim,-- in n mum nhle to assure himself ihnr Ihe) are tl If CoT .l""ltc tux mnll illy anl.erl hy Journal want ! I. itMHtfCnT nt in etaas, -- m i ,i . mn. n to Ihe tud.x ot Intermit Serbia in nt men las has awa hawaM. line them n it ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1915. SEVEN

Copyrlaht 114 Bringing Up Father International News Service By George McManw v ( WELL - I VOU MEATS TO VHM- WOOLD BUT OPPOE ( VELL THEN ) ME. TOO 00 CALL IT iF f 1 TELL TOO It HAPPENED SuPPrVM it v --V FELL ' DON'T BELIEVE TEN VTOfOE I C a HAPPFED a . Sas.l 1 i v & i w . . se - . i UUiT- t r a i . . i J7.5t,. IN i ii AND LIT Or-- N.OUR im l l i i i n i.r Tr U u miclE'd0 iiV L ' V t HEARD HEAD ND OiDNT 1 COINCIDENCE ! - TIME - I ) 7J HURT ir I '- " WHAT TOORSeuF? ) THAT'S ' , - TIMES? f frfTS S W0! JUiTAN A Wr-- f" m tflf'S,

If I w W w V n111 " 111 'i ; I ii "i" 5 a? jfet. m p ; IE """" California IVtroleuin .... MH I I inni rwnilllinr Cutadlaoi Pacific Central Leather 1 Chesapeake Ohio 4.. : Chicago, fireat Western 1 nn n n hi t'hi...... Mil. & St. PMl. . pk hi 11 1 1 11 u 111 1 . r Chicago & Northwestern.. ., ... : I IHULU nuin.lUL, Chicago, 1!. I .V Paeiflc II Chmo Copper FOR SALE Oufl Colorado Puel & Iron ... $1,70.1 frame, mod- A for V1TED i Pout i modern wen pebide- - nnnnrDC rAnillP Crucible Steel Kighth St. in n n mm mmm m ern; corner lot, North In lis I I I 1 & (Iran.le ptt . . 2K a large room- .1.' d house, fireplace, sleeping Ill II. n Ml Denver Rio I.ll.fiOO frame, bath; 1m, 100x .rinci A r inn POR BALK NeW five Distillers' Se. urlties 4; '.. ed Bungalow, with spAcioua porches, porch, eiiar. Basl froni on corn- 142:, near shojis. er, e, to buy second We Erie built-i- n In the High- fourth ward. prl M.tftl hand furniture. $ 2.6f0 frame dwell- and features pay I Terms, $31 per the cash pi r,,r Cenerai Electric ing, modern, s. Arno St., Dions in. lands near car line. me of the beat $ioo cash, month. i.e ut'id W Three-roo-m medt rfl pebble-- furniture, or exchange new old. Identified With; Great Northern pf.i 115 S,f00-- frame dwelling, mod- baresins we have ever nfferrtt- - Por for Many Shares (Ire.ii Northern OKe ctfs. ern, fireplace, fine shade, good out- TMa A mm dash,.! adobe with large sleeping S'ee us before buvinti i,r Nellinir In. h porch front, Guggenheim Bxplotmtton buildings, 3rd ward, close south Fourth wsrl but Not Wholly Given Over; Illinois Central ins ' $1,110 frame, bath, electric price, ",... Terms, 10l msh, lights, C0-r.- lot, North Kighlh St ; to War Orders Show Con- -j 2 nterborough Consoi, Cmf Biy tS per month. Inspiration Copner terms. TriBIMTON ft CO. (Co. $1,100 frame, modern, shade SI!loeoiPdeT8 ffwm. siderable Strength. fi International Maivester, and fruit trees, good West (.obi Avenue. ruiy-io.- ii Ill :1.IN. Kansas CRy Routhern l(K)e,tien, e.i porch ea, lot, gbnu fenoa l.o .IN tit XI. PIKlM Phone Ui. Soutl. Second str.rt. fine 4th ward. buildings, wulks; Lehigh Valley t'.'.iluu frame, modern, close and out cement dandy little home for only 11,000. It MONI.JO IOUHL KIOU LtD WIH Louisville A Nashville . In; 4 Hi ward. ri:ni itooms. . Small payment down; balance like1 im w York. Nov. lfi. Prices in Jievi. an Petroleum 14 V, $3,000 stucco bungalow, mod- nn; KALi: Mvest.Mk and Poultry. rent. Ton Can't beat It. PROFESSIONAL CARDS irai (tnded upward todny with sori.cj Miami Copper ern, garnge; highlands, close In. Red l dwelling, sleep- Hilt HKNT Meoly fm.inheil from room. MiMtntial nalnn in stocks of various Missouri Pacific $L,000 brick A. no. s in No wlek. fiO N'Tth Seeond. ing perch, steam heal, Uval..ii-- i. iej oow. .1. K I fcitfiptlonii. Dlatlnctlve war shares National BtSCUil . . .118 K s I'll hltAI bedrooms; fine locution, 4th ward. Hill MHNT Mm r, t(i ateSih Ptsgai saeasea, ngmd only nllshtly In the but National Iead II M lPrfgr5kldr c tleaaj baHdlns t Weal ivnttai. rl, I'.ilt Kith Kood 1,1, RooMi I I Btrnstt Ml, la Phone 74 f the largest advancw wcrei Nevada copper i H A. FLESSOIER 111 West ;i.i. nut IttC.N - flir, , ApatslBtmsau Had hy Mali. Kortd by utockg of comiianios which ; New York Central l o j '4 I l ire Insurance, Loans. besesSSeplag, m.H I '....- l Real slate, I'lHSHI-tN- AMI SfKIIKONS, by Real in Insurance. ssetta. irt Indlrestlj profiting the frpin! N. Y.. N. m. Hartfortt. . 79 V. i South l'ourtli Stmt. ni;vf" FJ iai SOLOMON I . Rt'RTON, M. nnflict Norfolk Western Ill iiut UltW, .. i Rtodl . a oon ,'in, ii I ,.lhlKB 1 '.' rUlShllSS i.o.l Korgeau. Included in his clam were Marean-- j Northern Pacific si HarqiMtle. I..I: sTCf B Phoat at:. narneti bi,i. " thlvksna, II. Miiritir pTd, which rose 9 points! Pacific Mail LlVi:sT(IVK MARKITS. HEN i fin nn i.,'d n, WANTKD Doy v,lih blryol. Illshloindl nn BeuurlrUili ruin liar, v hone leeej nits, ii i i . r. poii'ii. i.u.i 7 . Amerl-- j Pacific Tel. A Tel wiiii iir Kiiiioni klesnitti .ii'. West lo rwi.r.l price of Cuban raarmaey. i IJashad in gar, Noae prtca Chicago livestock, Cop pa iv QUA LIT i COUNTS BUtf OrplngtOBi and on Buar, also at a new hiKh Pennsylvania WANTBI Mexican lui rert, 11.76 pr Ilia, 'It ktlseesasi tea and baby chkka Throat. 1! Fun P.KNT Nicely turalsJisd roam for (m 14 to atifl cop-- j Palace car Chicago, Nov. 16. Cattle ecelptn day. Kmployiut-n- ASSSeS, 110 Routt. In U II Morgan A bona, 111 South Htate National Hank Pldf. Us rise ol IK, the Pullman Kenilenian. .em North IteOBd Street. liaSsa. I Third attest. $. A r pm, another advance being reported itay Consolidated Copner, 0,000, Market steady. Nativ. beet I'h.iu. lit. Phose ItolW, Si; SS 22 'ii? UK Mlt(iHKT li. t KTUHK1HT WANTBD Mali giv h'on4 id tt fflET LAT, they win, they pay, IhSt'l Practise in th( price of the metal. Reading S2, steers, ll.tOfl lO.Itli western steers. thsl un Frth RE.VT - furnished housakaeplni Watlted te Weasa'i and Chi- If, deliver and eolleet for .4hlcas(i Por- anoush to lay. Navajo It 1. lleda gteak ldren',, HUeuaea. Republic Iron "4 Steel cows, I.15i ropaiSj alseplss porch, imm tot h,,. .. Copptri as a whole constituted the. r.2, $.Mfl M5i $.78i i t pay to man. U K. Poull.y Ta.da, 711 ' trait t'... iinill address if .,iu,..i, nn and Thowsa Slate lintel, til .. WMl 101 I0.7T,. uuio L'htsp; ni.k. ItetJiurtk N M nuinsl.iy of the market. Xew mxi- - .Southern Pacific H $.ft6 a, ii. WllUiiihSai, AISsMuerque, N. ii li..x K.,.i f.ii .7. i. in.., aveiiu.., A:li,.,iu,r,ue Phone 111, Albuiiu.Tu.ue. N. M. 41.1100. second, mums Were registered by Anaconda,! Southern Railway 24M Hon- s- Receipts run RsrrUMrtirifei iumi-i,- m , tig. M. t ON Al MKN StudebaKer Co l.,4 moderately active at IT, to 20, under WANTKD tl I .iilnee,. :,!.!. n. r to ink,. gaagg. a.nooth, heavy-v,,H- l,.,l, r.tnK raided, I'tah, QutKenhelm Kxploration iinill I Kye. Hal, ,i M ,,t mirdcM flvi a, In ehan.,loiiHhlp atate fair, Srn.l I'n.e.lie lulled Noae Tennessee Copper ."'"J ' yesterday's average Bulk hold iri.ik of Tea Stodem furnished hsaMkesp. at Arlaona itiinn. American Woolen. United i..wn ,.r three 1,. Hani,. Inliuhitoitta; no lint ItKXI f. r further IntotnvstloS to Aubrey Inveat-late- mid Thrum 1 S3'i; $6,7 T,1i 1.15; ln rounia; sick, u47 West Lead. st.ti- Industrial Alcohol and the oil Texas Company light, heavv ...her gardeM; n snnii. Address C It. C, as Plaeoatt, A.ia. lumi. SSraM fl (.16; $9.76 ri.86. i IN ill ION 'I' Modern rooau. an inn heal; B0 Neta-.n- Aria. flu tapMr particularly coinpHi.y. iTnlon Pacific Mill , nigs. Jsurna j Texai ni. k. Wosi (SiBtrali watch roue to 1 K4. were amonK Union Pa itk pfd 83 Sheep Receipts 10,000. Market esmsi. 124 TeKHnt batk j S Mlsc-ell...- United states gtce si; -- ak. Wethers. $5.Mfl IJIi lambs. WA.VTBI) tTiri For general houieWork, KOIl PENT furnial.ed room, XI.Pr the other outntundlng stocks. oillolnlna--. Tt West bead. rR United States Sled pf Apply fOD South Waller no Batted I' . i It light K.ill SAI.B tiadar posts I", IMilW. States Steel was comparati- .v hi hunt Purnlshed i,,m f..r Copper VVVSTKH Kill general uTBl houas, vely obscured hy the metal rtah Apply fr avenue. le.useUeeiliiit. 7:'l Sooth Hc.iii.I. POM MA I.K Lumi. Itt.iS. lie sharesj Kansas Clt) LtVCStOdt, H,t Silver qUlra Arno. M, Western Union FOU ItKST Two lares, lentil 1. ieo l(....t-ii- hi Aoilli T Kurphey, U, Medlesl Dlrettor mm wus ..K'.oi u.ioer j.iess.... , pirtn" 'ANTKH 'om(tent uiri for Kcnernl Westinghou.Me fi'J City, Nov. lfi. Cattle Re- bsdru BO ah'k. tlBllirnmra good Ithem Sleel an ad- Electric Kans.tH and .cooking. Ai'ly 40!. lint roo.iia. also till Km ejlil lypen.llrr, rloacd at 4r.!", Weal 'lold. orrter. 11', Meoond eir.o Plume in W, M, M, D, vance Montana Power 00 ceipts 15,00. Market higher. Prime North Tweirth hii In SHERIDAN, f Americar Locomotive ii i H. General Motors $9. ISA 10.U0; I f Pop RENT Pleasant r. wi ioi nisti FoT! sa fold .390 fed stivers, dressed g ,. Piaelfsa strongest of the medium priced eil, i and alryi kl n urlv llegs If taken biK t II pfd 31 9. 2.r; western steers, lean war slocks, 5, very Wabash steers, $7.751 dealle.l, lain V. a Liuid. IMIehalbSah. rising to "114 n 10.64), Genito Urinary Diseases and ' Total sales fur th 72.000 $6.:,0if( 8.50; calves, $1.090 eTirooin. suiT- - i fSH active trading. I nlted Fruit rose S f(oNitinn. l;. o.. cars POIt JtKMT - Modern fr.. ill SAtW1910 Hogs Receipts 17,000. Market Journal. vmii to 154 shares. able fur two nan. 41 si Basts Pi nmaidai trad. Diseases of the Skin. lower, llnlk, $6.2f,i 0.05; heavy. $1,16 wantki TompsteBti Rttddts-sse- d Anterl-na- n avsnSe. Holllll A.n... ..' .1. ClBk out-- ; lady wisie s ittiea m housekeeper WtsMVnUMin fltl- - Rttlintyi were irregular at the $5.50 II BALK Hmall Bdlaon phonograph and Tim iml NoKlichl Tril; I.O ll(l t (Kll. ( f$l.4; light, Il.4lfll.66; pigs, Shsre will iay liberal wanes; will ISSYsj Atlnilnlm. t Init soon improved on tin - point! TKl. hsmmarlets douhh barrel a varKan "IK" $P 6 . 2 tOSfS. Housekeeper, South Second. ' rtlli..riri HunU 111. Ik. ailvanep in Canadian) POR KBNT Purnlahed rooms. :'it Hmith K. Wsgasr, sanersl delivery, cuy. L'nlon Pacific, Receipts S.OflO. Market WASTBD -Position young man. A, mil-ca- )tnjitn i n New Mrilc - Sheep Walter, Plmne 202 BALI n hrtlfk, Southern Pacific, Reading! 1. n, Nov. If.- The offerings at uged l'J. nnviltlng MSSldsrsd, pre-- ! fOH weak. yearlings, POR Btsaol-hsats- d furnished rooms, good as Sew and Lehigh Valley, at the Wool sales today l.liI.U; position WholMSie. hoiSi; null speukl RBNT DR, W, W, DILL Atchison, Norfolk auction 25; fir with sleeping porehea. o HI 'a llasl Central. ver liven..,. $1.18(97. wethers, $t.l0O.S0, simniah. p t Alderman, 41$ Bouth Arse Western to 0,800 bales. The selec- fun,-ishei- and Eric first pfd gained amounted l - room nicely .. id-- MUM l l Ogtl street. ' ult IIEN'T l.srgt- icon rnit Raven paw, Tl Point B was a one (he '.".'i , a ludg J to 4 p. m. or more. An advance of tion miscellaneous and llenver LlcstK'k. ii. modern house, cheap, Nonh Seg,- ar, i ho. months, nt armljo WRt In & quality was not good, but there was Si Waller. barastai must used of at ones, Call Denver Rio riramle pf lj Di. Receipts FOR ni:NTDwelllngs. 2 Denver, Nov. Cattle at i it a sy E, El R0YER," Mi D, te was ascribed to the recent fair demand and prices were unchang-- l iTilt unxf Purnlshad rooms for tight Pull.. let ins. 1,300. Market steady. Reef st s, n. Apply l South ttttRfthening ed. buyers were North. huusokeeplnv. model "'l lit BALE Rooming home, in rmims. well KOMKOPATfilC pig IMA ..i the Gould control or American quieter. 7 ss. I fl $1.60 . Wslter itreet, phone oen.rally loeaied. ilotag g that 7.7$; cows and heifers, tl.OO! Pott i room I... us,., rnuders, furnished Offle. Whlllng In Phone IS property. o o bSSlaeSS, must on S.2Ti; Mtocke i's and feeders, $1,004$ sleeping ssjrehi ninety f ill llished. ull hBNT :i moms with sleeping porch, aril aeeount of health, twaai wer. firm wl h a diminution CHICAGO BOARD or TR DK. Weal Qraait. furnished for hnuaeheeplng 0 3 Sooth 1900 i ash Address Avery, cure Journal I. A Nil tTTOBNKVB ANII NI'KVKVORB if 7.40; calves, $t.$fl(f.00, "future" offerings, I Brtllh, Total sales par h low- i in II14NT Pour ,11.1 five in finis fur PITT ROSS CounVv Surveyor; Edmund Hogs Becetptl I, 00, Market n i i s p...,,,.! value aggregated 5,4 0,000. Chicago, Nov. If, Demoralized, Risked (W IlKllt housska pilot. .'all ut nut i.i tt.ii. Ross. U. s Mineral Hurveyor. Illu West er. Top, 1.45; bulk, $!.$ I. $6, i.iis. 444 TOR j He 4111. N, M. United North Second. I; an, K h Hold a. in Albuuusrausi, States bonds were conditions which the export trade has She,) Receipts XO0. Market Fl .It RENT .om on FOR HKNT- Two idem cottage! 4111 ! ri call, encountered as u result of the Italian Pi .It UKN'T One spaeioua room for orflos unier heal Houih Wnln steady. Lambs, $7.7$OI.4B; feeder sleeping p. Mu i Mi '"losing prices: with West puriioses, van reasonable; heat free, lier- - r ent Huuiiis and board. HaUM It. so government withdrawing a number bf lambs, 8.15; ewes $5.0O$,16. avasaei Phone C7. iisint Mka Qold $7.:.0'.i thold Spltr. Insurance. tti West OUSBl per dsv r,ll Soiiih tin s.lway. steamships gave a setback today tol two-roo- iil, largi Ii porch; price POh lli;T furnished, house, avenue. FOR RENT toTonT ami board with a- l- ping I!"". AWChatmers . . . . . of wheat. Closing prices,, I sleeping ll, ly sallllliry ''aH t $ Booth l h the value w Ml AI. MARMTN. lame pel . II I; 1' I.. noil Ing h, a Phone Is"-- . straet ni ttllth t ill" '. i;,inu,', i'0ntlllnn Baa pol. tea AatMcan Beel Sugar a de- at K-i- North gaooad itraat equips although steady, showed net llll handy, $14 North Klevsnth atrjel Nicely i l" Atterioan i Nortti BseoBd or phons FOR HKNT furnished n.. DDI ssm KIM. Can 0 cline of :n to I to lfi with Decern-- 1 New York, Nov. lfi Copper Firm. and 11,04 per week; $4,40, .'lose American Locomotive her at and .May at lOfiH-- Klectrolytlc, $19.00. SmOi. W A NTI'.I) M I wells neotis. In. l$J s..i. II. Hdllh, .REHHMAKINU Remodeling i.r plain sew- - Amor. lOit' & V 1 Nleel) '...i modern t mm. Smelt. Uefng Corn lost to U and oats to ',4. Iron--Pi- t in. No. northern, $17.50 POP KRNT Four room nouie, modern. In PI'll.tilNH an, repairing done cheap and Foil RKNT quire 410 sntranee; also spleniUd board nt, Smell. lieilR pf,. III Provisions finished at a range varying ifiUS.OO; No. 2, $17.$517.75; No. 1 Wist l.eud. well. Phone IIJ1. private American "nioiti pe per week Noilb Alno. Sugar ; POIt'tlENTl'lve hnnse, 113.44 Refining. . .117 from 5c deollne to a rise of 2'.'. southern, $1 7.50 If 8.00 No. 2, $17.25 WANTKIl Stamps and eollerllons for Irade are easily solved by Journal want American ' month, wuter pall. Apply ut 116 VVes Louts l.aZ'.s II, , HS Clip, LOCK HART RANCH The most attractive Tel. & Tel tonnnge (j rush. i Meed ihcm- HJSe (hern no n loitsv 128 Abnormal advtbei In rates 17.7 5. S. avenue. health resort, "u- talle north of town. sits American te 'I.HANINd, furniture and stove BUMS, Tobacco j to put a quotes quiet, CARPET All milk, and eggs produced ..n .229 seemed have stop to charters,, Metoi exchange tin FOR RENT Furnish, small two-roo- t.r.a. rreiiiu vnaonmi., repairing W. A. Goff, Plions Preo lor , teetH Ushis, rp,,er . , 91 and It was not long before gossip $4$.0O41 4 4.00. bungalow with gloss iappiaf porohi oo earrUs TIMS OAltM. was' $u and biiseliurnei must be ally Mrvtoe, Rnoetl or eouages. I'lnoie vt'hison . per month. GIG West :oal. tVVNTEIi- Hanee malt 108 current that reselling was In progress, - 1444. Read, in g cinlltlou V,, Mrs W II. fi:swellii-irri;gi- Mat! Line 5J'ln Locomotive . . . . .111 M on the part of exporters whose s l v tORK MOM 1 MARK El Von itto.NT rive room Rsodern biick houss eating range; must WANTED ft stove and pa t, r Wlmore & ' lfi.-- - pa- in perfect condition, with or without 1.1 TnCN Dally n si aervlOO lesvllif Roswell uhio. 94 hasi been with. The New Y'ork, Nov. Mercantile In. I., H ooiliUon a ...I ftlSSp for e.iali. Am I.RTIMIMi Silt Interfered furniture, Bat West I stall StrSnUta. and CarrtSogo nt S no a. nu Nhlehem steel 3 3 Vi per c-- Jatanaal, COMrMJCTK'lloe vel TtTaalvSri a - 41 market in the end was substantially per, to cent. 100T11 cii... Ihrough fine, "ii" way ItKNT- - Three ""furnished apart on 4t, nidg. eoklyn Rapid Tranait!!!! 89 50 c. roll I" bori.nv $8,444 mi Central ing novsiitts. n Barsatt points, per mils 19 the lowest point of the day. liar silver, p. nioUero. 114 I Inttmtsdtate Stent with steepliii; I nekats pi i moi a Iva business prepsyty at per Manufiuilurere' 60 lbs. I,,, km ii a,' Rsoost carried. Corn maintained a front Mexican dollars, 38 c. South Sixth Fllee I. Ii,,(inre al Savoy hotel. avei frto stubborn Phone ;.P. ROBW'CiX At to CO., In view of in (iovernineiit bonds, steady. HKNT une two roast and one three TVIM HlTKItX 'tmwmmmmmmmiiiiiiimB the break wheat. roll (I rstli sinks, we pay cents i mi in is in... ' ip- retort Pimno i i Of room fuimsiied, modern, WANTKI. weather and the chanCSa Railroad bonds, firm. ipat'tnient, eaeh. I H. 00 per hundred lor used saeka nr and aecond-hau- ' close to shops. 1753 or call at 4 207 ALL KDfDl, both a shortage to uphold Time firm; 00 days, per are tree from holts or tears; wlih bought, sold, and ispalrsd Albu of cars tended loans, Ihst rented -- South Seeond street. 1 - rices. cent; 90 days, 2"i'u;i Per cent; Hlx holes or tears. - rents or cent eaeh de- tnerqua Typewriter Kichsnge whone 7i FOIt HUNT Fuur-- i furnished house, pendlni .01 condition, Will buy one sack merely changes months, 3 per cent. DAILY AUTOMOgllbt HTAdE. Outs reflected the close In. both, modern, I4ll.ll month, n time or a thousand, Whether you ere ni Hlx hour Passenger i quotations on . orn. 'all money, steady. Ruling rate, wnter rald; also bouse, j. a ensiomer of our store or nut we will Service. uml pay cash. Our Iteeiill. from Joimull Want All. SS , liver 'II y 111 p. m. In provisions, buying on the pari 1 per cent. dalle. Artnljii Bid., corner Third buy your snoks uml vol cSntrai, wagons mil call for tin in. Clo ne III E. Leave Mogolio.i S;uo a. m. f packers I'd to a marly complete v r all trains lairgest and beat Pes I I (. M, MfliCK, ii. tlly. ADVERTISED LETTERS. HlgSraaass nulpp. d fine, livery In Ihe southwest. 2. 4, kiiusas. Mr- - 1. R4CNNBTT ACTO CO., POH RENT and - I Al l Mill 1. 1401 lt)R RENT- Hirer Pitt New Masiae Closing pflci landaoja, South Rdlth Henled bids iii ba i mo bv ilie olers I iHilles' List. FOR -- bungu-l.n- RICNT llouaeSeepIng rooms and fur I. ...I No Tluriei n (11), TBSf 1 4 ; RENT Tlirei loom furnished KOIl "f district W heat Dec. . 4 May, $1... pnrchs o Mexico, up to ten o clock llmfca?SvrBBBf J P Mrs. M AUStfttli Mis. P. W. Anson, with laoie sle.pliiK porch Willi south nlshed eottagss. alaaptns til ran. enutiiy. New Dec, Muy, 64 r, I Wednesday Hie .lav Corn ii04c; hk'' Mrs. Oecrge lltindy, Mrs. II. C, Beln-..tie- eapnsiurs 1117 ICasi iv.uinl. Plume West rvat In the fori no flist . -- - u Dec - three-roo- apart-men- t; of 1414, for tin- erection of nits- . 38S,c; May, 40Vc. J, M. VelmTI POtt RMnt Two r.Kim coiUge, well fur- TtTTr It F.NT Modern Deeeniber, Mrs. Chave7 Miss M lUi.lalniilr, New Meshw. May, $11.41 M. 0 fur housekeeping, no hick. ;i alaotrl light and water paid; sti In. use iii Pork Inn.. $10.47; Corley, Mrs. Q, S. Downer, Mian A. llielo lit .an lie s, en at lb" South M Hi. tail North F.rel street Plans ami pai IfluSlloni Lard Jan., $9.00; May, $9.15. KmersOB, Miss Frank, Mrs. II I Klsle Mae Stole of V II (lie llller .M'1'HIII.IT , Mrs. Mrs. win he requlr Mi ins,,-- ft HAM A IE R.tll.. Ribs Jan., $9.02; May, $9.17. ll. Hltchen, J. U Uonter, Oenenil. OHAN471W liic, The laccaasful bidder );kA Mae nets,' Mrs. i. Kalatead, Ht siNKSs led to give bond satlsfni'lory to the I rd M AV CO. Hark l. - water beat, I tVeslboiinil Mrs. Ci. S. Irsfin, M'ss Isabel Lope., FOR RENT flat, hot oil RUN itoomliiK House of 'of school dir.-- conditioned for the faith- KANSAS HOARD Ol I'll 11)1 . per month; water paid, faquirs '.nil board No. Class. rives Mepurls MIT It. Lenin. Brady, .Mrs. 17 rooms sit new furniture. White House foi parforman. 'h alrast, The Mrs. C. Latham, First Savings Hank Trust Co. any or all I. California Kapr.-s- , 1 :30p Nlcome-de- s hniet. ?aa Booth Pleat reserves the iiglu t" reject F. Miller, ilrace Miller, Miss 3. Limited . 11 uOa City, Nov. lfi. No. RENT -- ItodsTn 9 ami 7 t in Hut" Udl California il'3ll Kansas Wheat Marquel, V. Notand, Mrs. W. roll 7. 4ii$a oloao In. steum eollages I i V n. I. HANI. ON. Fast Express iu 2 49 1.09; No. 2 red, $1.091 B, heal; MOM 'Ml a. S44p hard, K. MCfajfiand, Miss Jean Oraln. s .me tarnished, VV. H. Mi Million lal. Clerk of Hoard Past Mail liireej OUR l.l pe. 8:40 BREAD 1.12; Dec, May, Mrs M. M. Reade, Mrs. V. Re' .l, Mrs .'11 TrToTiriTvo 19. P Lute I'l'hursdsysi IlCOa $1.01. West Hold. - I; I MRKTINO Ol cent. T. V. X.. ''.in- Journal MITIt ill IRsI Nlllll IllMllllld. Corn No. 2 mixed, 00c; No. 2 .lenrm- W. Reich, Mrs. R. D. Steed. ( RKOrTORS. sic' Fl PSSO Express ..... 'white, Dec, 57 l May, Mrs. Job Sayre, Llnor Sanchez r:, POH ItKNT Office Rooms. In l be t(strlr( Court of the Raited Btnles PANS 5c; ,,; fi0t von hi n'I' or vl. i. i;i Paso Express OUT 'Mrs. E W. Turphl, Mrs. J. AL Wil- Jtidy f.,1 the fhatrlel of New Mexico, Maepher - - tvilethouiul. (Hie, Kilt HKNT Off Apply ll. A. I 1,11 It l!N'l' C ic.ili. Murray Mrs. o. (J. Mlsa Ber- lmi, a. , in the Mailer of .fohs white No. 2 Ml li. uns. Watson, sun. Journal office. Oan-la- 10. AtlaStlS KxpreSM Oats white, 37i bouses In go..,) loaattna. binion ..pi. In Hai.ui opti y. r 'We'lini,' !.' ' 5' ,ime- - Bern use we ths Ward, Ante Wagner. llaiiki ;' Express lip :';40 mixed, :i 4 H- (a 3 5 j. c. FOR RENT Office suite In Woodmen build 1,01? North Arno elr-.e- t ..r John Murrst Walts, Knstern Men's List. To ii... t. California Limited II; 44p .i.o, the v naatarlais. base Ing. after June 1st, Inquire D. A. HUNT 1" a of Albu4Uerque, W las OBtaty of Mr, 'vtftpm Foil BAU1 on Hlshlssaa, X. ' c, A Chicago Ex 60 p '"'S! of baking M. Arafon. Jlr. Henry Bacon, TaaeSal mBdlllon, i aforeeald, ssss "loimem r"'"''n I I new nlfiv tant house, sanitary and distil. I WedncHiluysl nr"' 'mpb.y very I' VII MI MM and Mrs. D. O. Cobb, Mr. ami Mrs. A. king; .'a, in Luxe i the ti:r. furnished nicely for slaeplng and rupt i rasa south. ski" get. i Btter, Mr. J. p. w. N W'l I .D or rent, Is hereby thai ..n the 194 n Thil can Oarrett will sell ns fhaafl BR dill, Notice lives SIO, Cllv Cliiesgo. v , i ., -- JohM Mil. Kansaa 'o New York. 16. Metal ex. Oreenleuf, Mr. V. VANTEH l.ailli Hue flressmaklng. ion on hUS s .'all at day of No.. Mil the aid ,. not ''read is a., good, Nv. Albert Cluti'riez. lo leale loan SHi Kansas env a Chicago. ,;iip Oer-hard- t, I 1318 II ray was .inly aSitgHeated bankrupt' asinnallv. Ike time. change qtldtes lead nffered, $5.25. Mr. II fl. Cilaze, Master Charleg Sou til Beven h, ;"l i goutS Walter, or winie " ill Ing ,,f t M. K. Luit, M. (Jar. ia. or - and that the lllsl hit .ledllors '"'l'lv "lnd you'll g' t Nominal. 17.50. Carvin, lilii;ssMAKINi;. millinery, fanny bet. ft M m ISe Unih ' Spelter lt.76tj will be held iii eipmiiy 1. OomeS. Hobbs, P. emliroldery work Iii'H Hunt tl Waller. a;,,(i tomorrow. Igmv Tom 0. rojjijiL offi f Hie Referee, on the 'nd day of T. UOWell, II. Juck- - AUTO LIVERY KANSAS CITA PRODI I Hill, lieorge Mark WANTKD Kcwlng; children's clothes Foil BALK Five acre i. noil, one mile llecemlier, Mi ;., a I tR o'i lock. ,11 Hie fore son. Mr. William It. Keast, Air, nunc y. Mrs. Hi.rlon, una gnWeats from fawn, I room h. use on place. noun, al which tim.. th.- creditors mm Otre Ol a ' nil. We Will Treat Mr. O, J. Dane, Mr. I. S. Harness Bhop. 1IJ West Copper prove leSSr ektlesa appoint a irus-lav- , City, Nov. 1C -- LOrrense, Mausers attend You Right Kansas Ilulter A. P. arcsse. examine ti.e bankrupt, ami transact Moure, Marcelino Padllla. CONSTIUT-TIO- N Pioneer Creamery, 30c; firsts, 2.r; pSCOnda, In orihard, such oiber business as in. iv properly Collie MACfUXH, Al'TO Bakery PSarce, Mr. A. II. Pier, Mr. William P. ohli-ms purehaai a. FOR HALL it' 26c; 19c. ueaafs In lore said mu ting CO. 8 N packing, RUpj), C. D. Mr. Jllllejl Ro- i by alfalf frsrsa BAJJiINC, Rickmnrs. sales or trade a easily solved north iTnn. Plev- A iS - sqalpped f"r Sa trying mite . M. Kggs Firsts, 28c; seconds, mero, Don Ramirez, Mr. t.lonrnal Wan. Rend Iheni, use also . Magilalena 7 lid Trinida vv i llolgh .. South Mrs I., in., school ggled, Strewt Poultry Hens, 11 Uc; young roos- en Sandoval, Mr K. Sllllnian, Mi. S 7 ters, lie) broilers, lfc illovis Salaitar, Mr Alfred Sandell. NOVEMBER 17. 1915. EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. nt's train I wen inii P II irnul ' up on a MY ANO CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. TEACHERS TO BE VICE PRESIDENT mum rapirtrinl thf w.ri.i wttft U COUNT! thai It al aoliitely must hava, urnl.hlng ( utleey. Tool lri,a 11 pr. Valves Mont, lUngm. How I tii". and I'Vfn f the war .'hmild onrl tom.'t-rn- and Hltlnc. Ptumhlna. Healing. Tin r.,pier W ,irk al! Kurope wnui.l still In ilri.Biiijt on us fur tho next tin APPEARS I BY AND GUESTS LEI! W W II I PHONE 111 ENTERTAINED WIPE tr Ti tlft CI Nil! Wi: v, :iti tn i Ml'. MMf. MW M. i sir, 11 i lust i A'itr,l I, night mi Um limit' l Their (UM Hap (J in jftm Mar PRESERVES win be in Chlcatf, vhatt ih will BE UNDER LOCAL P. T. AT BARTH HOME paaM il Tin i:i imm LI! CANNED FRUIT "t HM I --' t.i tiiumi knpils. M:.h.. white Ml. ii Hi, MiimtuillK i,rf!,iher DEL MONTE Marshall is to lay a -- i nei smn, of a ASPARAGUS Mi mt j .i Mr itiirth aMi Mra M. Mwoejlc temple. Ptovb (lrand RapMa a . tha lotoaAo nterea Until tlli'V will o to Kost ill fill n sh.nt NEW PACK IS NOW IN CATSUP FOR AFTERNOON - t.:. ThE Reception Monday Afternoon :i!ll H'!,- Ink!! ti. t':l- They will return to VV.,hinmon ahoui .it fic iii .mil it. .in i. Mbeea Deeenber 1. in tttPe fi i th, trice aeea. to be Will Be One of the Leading h i (.r. , ,i n IumI in withi mi ha ep ilen hi iii-- ipet pli il Mi- - C Mi'- - of Bie Edu- Hull Social Features teiotild rawtM ilnwn ft. m Snn-- . BOND-CONNE- SHEEP AND WOOE COMPANY ll uiii make mi,' iii,' Mirty, lul cational Convention, .f ktent antbnll ealhil al IM iTomraer-du- b Parlors ii lam in, .mi-H- ii ntiui liwiwl thai SHEEP AND WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS Tnrough Spacious to put hie ti i ts t thoj at Brilliant Reception Given lofficefa 04 that organisation iintl mi Office leraa Aenue ami Railroad Tmck xfni ss his thnnk.s t PreaWeut (Mark M COUIteay i I Visitors, for the shown iiim it. lh for Noted s a fair mul Mis hinnis look th,- appoiottiiettt of a reception l i,,l.i i. , hi .'iiii .in mxl ii Hi rui. m i hi It) 'mi the i lee iin nl- - committee from the etttb t, meet hlw i MOMItifM RiVPtl M II"' I'" Mi ri wire Hi the m ini .,t Ml Marshall w thoWal fjaocltUblW f lh)- - the train. is Triu hfls Kllt NOTHING OF POLITICS intereal Hinmt ah ii. i mm nnly P. A. the pri aianrnl exhibit el New Uesica iMeond vrartlP. ...i t. RhorU) after 4 o' I. product! anil was in his pralaa of! in in MMtW "I li'isplliihb IN TRIBUTE OFFERED hih t 1 minis. l he Hw'rMtlnw, Til II no v in ssn v THEATER , -I LYRIC i v t; mrlhif il pataooi .in- onlliil I : , apt too at trit i rtrl i, siMliiii,',- pTPptWAWtOfi foi th- inlfr-- i in I II TODAY AND TOMORROW tniiiiinni "i ii eompwy thiit in will iniinhar frotn i,""" In I. 'iiuii'd PLEASING COMEDY IS Mingle in Doing Honor to An fhtiTdiii.tiH'tii pfocratn nf ipP" RENDERED AT CRYSTAL . in I in. i it will Nf MraaMHfc MliN ll,(l Second Highest Official in recaption On m oiinl of a necta ' i l i lii United States, "The Spender" s.i ri'iiriiiiiKi'im-ii- iif iik tot thai the - U,M-l- Bmn aaauaj wmIimi Ml tha owwoha' I'Mllii (,ill lT I, HUH in, Rath lit Btwr& Btmbmi sit InHiiihed has-- ' 11111111 II I tkPO nf i h- N M. B A, 'I"' pruisraiii M.lKKgll 111 of St il 1! U MMMi m ihiniii, irii:iM v , mi will BtvMed partM. u i ie,, I'i siii, Thom. R Marshall l u MARTI Mil MMBI in be ititn tun l nt is h t pe, and with preernted "The Idol'i Rye M.kk ! llilli'-- r I IrrtmlHl.iii.l, III. III. nillll'ul .llnl Mis, i sh;i it npen 11 I I It I II a. ...i a,l null Ml , lllll - nm neUam that i phi) is beautifully cot - J""' """ ntaaarn will ho n t i .ihiiiik th- lUtlm iniirirn- tW '''" mbi '" ih,, in AHuiniiettjtte yent t i. mil. ,n. p. She I. area In III. Iu.llnnl lain,'. " "k KOtinB MOMa i t ii.... n in in' Turkish attire and the '' 1,1. ; KVlIria,II,. fahlifiil l.l fniM aerihoi. ,e..i. III. I"i "HI, mat. ., nil 111' If will i II. od and was the a MM ' hull ol ttra Maconic .ample, " through the bill brantheg I hill a I llir H.oal gTSM 1'rlr, Iui..rll- r, llr Ml raoai Ai the In .iiatshiil iiiirint. group tit lhl ... .1. hi,,, l., ,,, I In. II' "I I...... r. in, it ritiif in .11. n net , lit. Something new an "f ir. mi, purelll '. a half when .,, luanlratloii ami I,, ilrilarr. 1,1. Illlmtlni, II In .merlin, milamierad idrnl ol WUconatn untvpraHy, will bal 'ir MMM Ml .,ua,rr . IBS mi Ihri train No i M p'liwr. ml lnl ' iientii Tnebde) mortrlni in the inaii I uul mul Itaflrl N'n. 4. at a. I'rlrr m-- i i, '' prin... ii ti.w.n i ink. Peier leag i" ' aaMaaee i" the DChool lUiilttoi inin at IU oiloek u BSgBl M luirr II tMlft Mkf '' '" " '" aili,d..l. "' HI Thin ftddreM will be as Uttettactual ' iIm-- . i it nam-- unit iiilislli ",,TbVi mm h usalaal BM vilahra of Pal KM " lie. mrrlrl, I as the Butnnn Chrtbr compa,ny, Bach ut Ml htllh In mi "he rilra IVIir. ,, Ihal Ml MM MS, l htllllellts of hi- l.ati Normal irlir.. I la every ,rr ..I her Till. lira IVLra I.Ira l all. lull .lu.e II MM I.i coHega will be t'i'allili- Ol ll and meaiilter hnve elready ,il .1,.. ilmtisl, nlllu.l,u,d. (HMI ,. ali,iwilwn. Ml MM her hi. poverty, unit flay inornini ses sillll Mgde themaelVag fnvorites anil Phil l.rairly hf MM . IVIrr ....I n i, Jul, Ik MrCato'l fa.n.ri uuknin,,, la NaLBSO. Oir AlIlollK the it llimlri comedy is ham to heat, with Mich lallrr lui. IfuMl Hill, hi. hrl. '" I" Jf i eptlon MoltdP) MNH IPPmMmH IHMM, In change of btU he proeee hi' viwag Hal.h iialklm lllll Mil " " HM ni o eloek, w'ili nMM'l HwMll It a"", lr,mp "I iiimlri rWMMt I" IMl MjM imI mt tiiity. His partner, Walter Dowker, bj mIi lb, I, barb b HM Mhlfl rlr- - b) the CMee lul MHilr utrJ IVIr. b, is even as tunny ami deliver) his .11, oipr a brg ol l,iiililtr tnnl iinlvei it , Mi iliiMihliiunilril IXfMI lh InViHIl! "f hi. r.a, hul chare of wlltlclMna, lal.r la KknlW llra, Viihk-Wilso- i cheatra, byaeui tiynv ftplalna H nil whi-i- i b. h- .ln,,l NMW'1 bI Mi bpkf'l r.m.l gam I'm Pti- - .a. , The m ana eni promiaea 'lrr la a IMWP'M t.-- ... Iliulh.n at Um n,J beta Male IHtlveralty Qae iluii lalli.r grl hurl' ItktM I " day Satutilay one directed i.y Pi ifrsMor Brder, solo). lj ami of thr liinnlist iiiils in their repertoire and Mih Klbubeth (inrreti of Ljii cruceii, those Adults 10 Cents; Children 5 Cents phyak'al culture demopatratloti b) Admission: In l laugn hail tiei nm onn in me I l Miss Padner'i pImmm i Indian club PffdeHril l.i uls anil Hu larC; Tem i ryataj moae uays. CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 1:30 TO 11:00 P. M. trill and tin- "tlnrden Pane. MM, j iBowght," at the PbhUum Hies- - I'lass, iieauty, muwe and comedy BtTtlelt'l Honk. l ain) or Hnnshine," tor Tomorrow ami PHday, are foundation of plaj pro. will be ttterpretd h eevtn Bpanlah the everj SKHM .dmbaton: lihttta, I Or rMtf -- - . WKf company. Pretty . kills "A Perfect Day," (Bond), will 'if;.- gggK itueed by thla girbj be sunk bj Miss hiiih'ii and Uterprp ted bs fifteen alrln ol the Albuquer- ii Buperinii III I. lllll- que lllHll Si hool 1111,1 St. llll l III BUY THIN It It N I) IIP the Manu i roafit ImeH, ,ir- - in adeiny. The progmma will be directed bj i,. last nlKl in ills prlvat DEATHS AND Mi. ' of the im- FUNERALS. lllll o w, ' Is en runt i to irtinniiiisi, chatrnwn II ons' sei tton of t he N. M. B, A. H.I1III tills at I. .K AllKeles. "TELMO I M. . int. in, . miii Rncampmenl No, I Tile limine liilfMs. nni rui of VLuacdgc, NO. 57 COFFEE HPonoi rueeta at the reception will The body of m. a. vinnedge was r win lii,ll u lemiiai seHi GOODS AMI m Qoventor MeDonald, hipiieii yeeterdny atternoog by CAJfNKO fB lollUlll. lieltllllllnK al ! loci and Mis In. Thom HAVE THE OBSBT. Th. iii be detrree di i, freeh'!" re, r n it. itooerta 01 lmm as Blahemore mi Santa Pe train No, V,";iis, Mrs. KnhM of '2. to in- inents win in- eerved. Prnfeaaor anil Puneral eervlcca are held I Ahrttn in , re Mr. Vinnedge THE BEST SELLER WE i in si Keller, ol Knoxvill Tann., Hftver otty, BuBerlntawHam Kohamo. linl win mm his bride, formerly Miss I. inline White ami Mis liili of Santa P, si acey, of pnlaabl, lite iNitlllf. profeaaor and Mra, Tailor of Dam-iiii- :. hel l I. in. iim former'a undle and hunt, Mi ami Profeeeor and Mrs. Uadd of Im HAVE EVER HAD, M Alhert A. Johnson, L'l years Old 35c, Mm. Barton Kejler, Tfiey n a I'rtnes, litesiilelil of N. I. A. J art died at o'clock yesterday morning nil weaka1 tour ol lite weet. Mr. Kel H, VniiKhn and Mis. VniiKlin ol ii Mra, nt his home mi Smith Aran street. Me ler in n retired railroad builder. Ootleae, Prnfeaaor and ,,, had heen here six months, having i Wnunei s. i i, a Pe, Or, ami gSTALWl Mr. and Mis. Karl illphant, ol vin- i I come from Chicago, His parents nil, hul. topped hare yoeterda) bftVtd Boyd "( A llilnini iite. Md 3 (1111-- V. M brother live there. The body wws LBS., SI .00, ml J. W. anil Mrs. 1 O'Hheu of MadMn, Wis is. v iisoh Btewit Kentucky, Hon, Ittiken to Strong Brothers' undertaking TI hpm front of - returulni Ml. I HUM M tltSH Al l, i i Mayor ion ins. 11 trill In the pat Ifle poaat, Mr. Oil. .inn line, iii .as hi. SUZANN CARTER I Mm, o Al- - phi lectrriI with the VtneenneaJ Boatrlghi and Bnwtrlghi dining I HV tlrldar company. buuemue, Prnfeaaor and Mm Asp-oili- of the moat luilllMni tmhli PARTY LEAVES HERE TO AM RRR Ml SK 1, I iiMI Policeman N M Miller, whn has inini ol Btvnta If, ami waverul n er held in i ins city. COMl.NY in in- range weeks atnte eduoatora, n ip. ts MEET SENATOR PENROSE been in BMck for two Mr. anil Mrs. Marshall lid tin i'ii sidt -- 16 Twenty-- , In- - - 16 PEOPLE lun a hunting irb, returned yeatt3Wlgy. lulu hiSM Kefiool nil cupy a ippctal i gr. They i rnv. wilr mul to enjoy the hi.jpi- WARD'S STORE smn Wagner, Davi Borrela and Bw eerve refreehmenU directed by Mrs democratic nlmphYHy, in of Senator Berth. Senator w. ii. Andrew, .). E.1 iv horn Son, is wen- with hiin. Their I:. O, Clark, i hairinan Fiix W lll ll so Pullman poach, with no World Made lit el-- Situ Iters, manager of the Aharado HOMKH II. W ltl MKT. Ven- - luntnmnhllr broke down three times lal committee, ami Mrs. j ilili till loll l linn would he assli a hrief mik with the reporters hotel, and his son, Qeorgs H., left I In Ol a 1IH .'III :iir. Mitrhlo Air P, T. I' ti- j..n the lrli The) Hot tvo deaf. able. resilient First w.ltil A. oa f tin ii millions o President Marshall staled that Monday nighl for Oemlng to noetj Idol's I Qrnt'e So Woodmen j There win be no tormenty and no re nil-- of a pOtttiCUl tta-ih- Senator Bolel Rengtor Pen-- 1 The Cutlnnwood The same flemooratlc nothing I aeni. MMBrilMMMHr i h- win hohi n regular meeting celvlog line, but , ioclal tniiiRlittK (letttHtcterlaed their iiearlng ihi mgh' mi' hf desired 10 give nut nt this rose is en route from CsllfomlS to ii. in, at ' 'ihi Pettfiwg? hull aN the company In order to promotejnut ithelr etay'tH Albuquerque, I, llr SPOke of Hie war in Kill ope ins home in Pennsylvania, rim At The meeting la caili-i- i for o'clock, j cordial acqualntanue, The partuil ;,). irtctouaneag with which thi ami the I reiiiemlu ns that it is buquerque part) will be his guests Eye I'andldatei will recelred into the Ibn of the reception committee, (no) thoae with whom tbej cam It having ii iin- m ire of events frum Doming in ki Pago, Strong N Brothers In- I'lHTTY I.IH! i n e .vi an i ll'i-'l- over. Tin- wor d is being inn in hi,'.in ,i. ti tnaauamra loci Wttfl a world rUtiVKH HWiiM. present ii i i .'in-'men- t Undertaker r.iueated lu br fur imi nun name, inns. Majo, i' inn, 'Ill.lde OVef," he si' id 'Old standard HE MTin'L iim l Ml s j ner. Milne, Btrumqulst, Btrumqulat,! w no I PROMPT si RVIl E. PHONB "rin practice, There was tin politics it. it. vi t in are longer of would be PI.IAI OP iMI Mrs W A BtOIMi wile ol ll r- - Jr., MoCOlIum, McMllll Rickey, Mr. ami nothing less i he n a man to GRIMSHAW'S HI K . th, reception accorded to IS. RtnONQ COPFEII ml M IT VI im i governor ol Pehmiylvanli Wilson, UMlglDW, Medter, Winfrey Mi- Marshall, The committee wlijch todaj to say what win hap CANDY ALL KlNBS Ml' AM) Bp UN n mul t, :i" Km Aauathter. Miss Btone, hai l.i Urgdford. Kuslarday, ituitx, Uoal met him at the train w u composed pen tomorrow. We are undergoing a 1 I Nt II WI) DINNEIt Ml. HIS VI I'M in in, riu iin laat two days, ii,i iIkIii, Mil's.-- Keith, Ripple, Potter. about equallj t democr t md tremendoufl shnke-u- p, ami nobody I - I 10c al aw day afternoon wen- ntn-sl- ut Hammond, Morgan, Bganslnl, Berg-man- n, pujblicane, Boatrlghi one knows while we Will land when the Adults 15c; Children t.i Mayor ' Iim Brinks hi. rwcaptlon given by Benator isime Manley, Hod gin. Cook, Berth, the leading republicans of shakiiiB-u- p process is finished, iim Soda , . Itai th and Mi s. LtaTth 10 Vi, liesl-d- Hughes, Mai i on, Strmtp, Prewer: 'que, headed ihe. raccption c "Mrs. Marshall and I are out for al LOCAL ITEMS ill and Mis ThonUM B Marshtill h. .... King, Warnocki rtllltard, Al- angtor laaac dgrth, one of Inued the viee preei. i 'Imi li s It ToWeOPi iiili i national len, Takkan, Hickman, Madden, Pad-ne- r, ilng democrats of New Mei OUldh'l think of any eaoeeaaaaoeaa4H 1MTK.HE.ST- - v m C A charge Or aecretar) of the " Bwtet, Diem, Plant, Dlson, nr. tile host of Ihe viee lin-snl- n rry out that program oi work of the smoclatton, Bergman, professor Milne, Captain Iwife, F, over in Albuquerque palm tup. ISim. l h industrial Chalrmael John 8li Herhoth. Mi. Hi in Mrs. THEATER i espeoted here thi mornlni mid Carr and prlncipall of nil county A to ry 1 terday was ithe democratic llcenae mat conven-th- returning from Mto laato the local snhooM, A. B. Btroup, lidate lor s BEST fie SHOW I.N .md to Auionio il.u la llni, in inn to in headquarters in Sew Torfci of on ti Tilt SIATK ( rlntendenl education I,una. w n si- - BRKTI hoy OP t r. B PK'TI KKH i II 1 M I .'.ma Albu, n hare ilh ltoi Mr, re TODAY ind it, iii spend hodf irecth Marshall declared that Bean ti. ket in the thai state there BVBM1 aeso--' Not limit frlalitena a mother mote PAV Horn to Ml and Mi w 11. Day, Ingpaotlng the arm-in-ar- m m in of no longer need lo of "COmhSf! retarj than the loud, hoarse rough of croup. walked the talk i let ion liullding, The labored breathing, strangling, Itors at the Itatth home to r tend prosperity." "Prosperity is already w. Morehouse, superintend. "I pret- - Mehin ihoklng mid fi inpitiK fur breath call Albuquerque wei. Mtie to the c prt here, he said. have traveled ,,f Mergiinthnler Mis. Pfedetiek Winn, of Biirlngoi i.iii ih.' l.lnlpe for Insiiitit action, Mrs. T Neurem r, Ident ally over the I'nited Slates THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY company, Brooklyn, N Y , and Hi nine Kuu I'lulre, Wis., says: "Foley's Honey a gDwd.aiaed cro tin during the last few mouths and I have vllle, Art has luken the tVaha reap There was "THE LION'S I DP " RPIBODB TWO P.MtTK. K I of the ChkMHfO and Tat DUred my bay of a ggtMWg nt-- I lb tt, tor s.'veiat monthi Mi Wiiu Iin oln. mammer dance house, who hnv tack of lifter other remedies IN DISGUISE DocemluN I M.t mHniler hriineh BILLY JOINS THE THE PRINCE win arrive lure nimui felled, i to every been mhiiiiik the two gpoaitione mul had recommend it Vinisrapli i mm ' Former (jovtarnor iinserniaii art ,M anow from our own evperl- - NAVY pi in. innl resorts, arrived here " ad luet niuht from Rogwetl (or brief ilh 11 ll is a wiuiiieinn ri'inetiy tor e THE veiterdsi afternoon unrt left last night eni'e in. " THE RESCUE OF , lei! He is ii the why lo '., r.tiii, u'liiiiii.ii.i, rut-of- f foi N. w Orleans, .i, CHILDREN to attend stggtons of the Hint th. I'el. 'ii MIkM 0ean all tiaaagra, aoolhei THE LOST MESSENGER BPAKEMAN'S ,i .us the) will ii tiini Hi,,! he.iia.. everywhere. l. n . ininiiasinn. Sold Battst. Ilanils ot ll. mmmmt rnder Bhei nt i hVk en is . .... Intel national aecre. Pure extri in-il- l. last iilxlil friuii M t't.i I e, Wh in Knehali o tin v m. ". A for rulrwsyg, Si en. in. uii It Bl canal W ih ailtuilioneil ns n wltlieSN the lary ami n s Bilhelmer, Intarnatlonal sei-r- In one ease, i li.n. a. roue, dis-- 1 w p, Allen 1,1 court, el. II iin- Hockj mountain Bat-- x building 1311 w in, x pected in arrive here Ph ""iClu.'J.p lui comitany a. . Bl Pa-o- where they havt Hahn Coal Co. M at 11 n vim k last nluht II. pi frum .omen-M- i PHONE ! U pile lilll leal i a III itteudlni the Interstate PHONE 17. milk St AN1HHAC1TE, ALL SIZES; STEAM COAL : Knehel leliti to lei III tli- rear w - i I N r TAXI M At TO KliiillUm time a Mr BlMjtetmer i" l gvei Coke, Hill Wood. Factory Wood. Oaffi Wood. NalHe n paue w md i w in,- ami M NMWT i Milunlai lglll Ht I'll,' La no will leave KMIL HRIEGO Mi Hiihelmer win remain until BARGAINS IN AUTOMOBILES lllll aaaa NOTICE. ! iw'slrlll SSSMMa . m--m- A um mail htankets ale To the Officers nmi Mei TIJC Ti R IV1.1 Pnrd el HWStlirg ti'Hiti' i oniplen . lerma. in. 1. lor buquerqne Lodge, N. 4 ii MIcMgan, P a nrfgrai of mints unit McefriMe at u. Marter, electrli lights, in-- tin- Kapple PMitMtttta rutMBStay, rirst A special 111, et nw w ill he held HI FASTIMJ&today n, w, on, eatra hli lllll I , Wednesday evening, Novarebar 11 at it' id' 'il tor. mi ast I ntriil nienue aln IIM 1 ;i .. for (he purpose of initiation am Albuqui i Co., pi tun. Mutt the reading of ihe Constitution nni By-ta- w of the N.'t Mealco Stat PHONE 23 TAXI SERVICE i:iks' amoclatton and deciding wheth. Dirtv Work in a Laundry X MTEHtl'd or not Lodge wants to geconu --- l POKH 2" I I VI I M NI i i s bjb er this BfWCUtL l, KI'YsTiiM COMEl WITH m n a mentli.-- of taul .isso.-iaiioi- Hui o.l Vlghl ajioN-lii- l or ItaSM hi lliior nr aj . S l A R HM aKOROR l: CRAJO, fisi LARGE, COMFORTABLE CAR Bxalled Ituler ne . i tmr.,-- i loihl,-- ' tommutea enient s.nhlli 1 i Ireej and i i MI ITHN'S SP.ItVICK taste ii, PVM) NTIOl I I Ml in:. nm Hani TM Ian oi h i, di Til Sl'H lis, aii.,1 NlaM, Plione MO sat mo Bpaaaah Kit, hen. Come In Hie lorliev slas al IM TOMORROW AND FRIDAY Springer Transfer Co. LET US SEND A MAN lioiitliiK ,,M' In Old .lliiiiiicripie. To Iteplsec IlMI Hrokrn Window Shisn eicry iln. BETTER SERVICE TTtrilTj "BOUGHT" B. M. WILLI AMM I ' X Al.ltt'OI I Itgl i: 1 I MHKIt A Powerful PlTO gCl ntlhtlMS PlB fealili in- -' Big OOMPAjTV DgMggg. aHOTQ av uorrrrr cmicaoo 1 Lewis, IMilui, We for N. Klml Rooms snd 3. Whiting HmMing and liiderUk Til,' IU.I BBf Plume 411 t Becnnd Oold i pcq Comer snd M 11S1I ttttt1--aa- aa MnNFY Phoae No. (14. I'lK'.M ts It. ALL. i