|^^^^^:•^x«^^^^^^x•:•^:•^^^^^:•x•^^^^^:^ 1 SECTION ONE! PAGES 1TQ8J Thin IKMIC OUT i.550 Jj ' liver/IM'IIC our I.IHIII l^^^^:•^:•^^^^:•^x•^:•^^^x•^:•^^^:•^^^^^^^K^ THEWXSHINGTON *0TH. YEAK — NUMBER 50 WASHINGTON. WAKKEN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, DJ-Gli.MHKK 12. li(()7. SUBSCRIPTION:. $1.50 PER YEAR HISNItlEtl, BANQUET TO NEWSPAPER MEN A NOVEL DIVORCE CASE DEATH CALLS WELL- Tendered hy Hurry S. liny, Who IMU- The flmncilior hcridi't That the Mar- ly AMMJmril 'MiiMitti'iiiL'iit of ihe rlaiii! or Harry K. Vlii'l mill Mur- Hold Windsor In Washington. Iha A. Myers WIIH a Nullity. A novel event for thlH part of tin- Possibly one of the most novi-1 di- country took place last Friday night, vorce cases that thl.s county hm* cvr That is the Aim of the Ccmmis- |te Cou'dn't §nder»tand Wlut ttt Hotel Windsor, win ii the newspaper la Iti'n before a Clmiiuullor Ita-* just Familiar Voice of Harry Thomp. Other Folks Saw In It. folks of Washington and vicinity were he< n decided by thy Issuance of a Jt- son is Still in Death. sion Just Appointed. .Humntumi.Hly cnUrtiLlncd by .Mr. Harry cree rendering null and void tin? mar- •S. Hay, an enterprising young man riage of Harry ,B. Vlletiiml Martha who lately assumed mnnagemt-'nt of A. Myrrs, In u suit brought by i-x- this well appointed and popular hos- iTo^ecutor Win. A. Ktryla-r .-r Wash- WANT TO HEAR SUGGESTIONS JHRISTMAS IS AS WE MAKE IT telry. Mr. liny, who Is a man of ingtou In hehalf of Vllet. T. V. GORDON PASSES AWAY good wit-la! qualitlt-M, being desirous Vliet Is the son of Jaruh VlU-t. a mil lio ner a Would Like to Get Clo fome Small Incident* of a More or Less of. gating Into i-liiser touch with the well-known farmer of Franklin tnwii- Had for a Long Time Been a Patient Suf- Interesting Nature—The Big people at large, conceived thy idea of slilp, and Is still a \i-ry \tnmg man. ferer—Some Other Death* of to the SporUmen of Thii Sec- Dog and Hit Matter. doing HO through the men who push He hail paid SOUK? a(t<-ntlon to Miss the Pait Week. tion of the State., : the pencil for the edification and en- Myers and had railed upon the young Once there was a man who couldn't tertainment of the public at large. lady at her father's home, but In'tin* After suffering patiently with that 1* IS (1 IH'W !: .tnti giinitr coi • any tine <if people milking HO much fall of 190r> lie rcan-d his visits. painful itdllctlou. ((right's dlst-ase, for i incontroI int tHfi unrl gut:in* T.i add lift—and, wu might say.: four mouths. Thomas Volk Cordon In :'<«W J.-T.M•y ihiw; and If iHI IUHS about Christmas. Ho thought 11 dignity—to the affair, he also Invited; During (lie'following I'Vbrnnry Miss Tvas a nonsensical I'hiee of Uiislness Myers, aecon:pani''I by her father, ap- died at his home. M Cornish strei-t. in II will ia ki- stiillE'lt'iit In ten•st |ml on top of that was an expensive In some of the physic Inns of the hor- i nt !».!*• Monday nlglit. Ills death had to re.ws curtailll II!I*HH which th "%y (nigh, two nf whom were formerly peared tit-fore Justice Philip Cook of been momentarily expt-ctul at various may tiilfrtiitii, li r.i'iv |iuv«- the sat i- Identllled with the publishing busi- Broadway ami entered complaint This man had one <"f those Curdled times during his lust illness He had iary I'ffi-ct of liupmvliii,' conditions ness. As we nil know, calls of this* against Vllrt ehai-(;Ing him with as- been In poor health and sufferi-d with Wtinii.Tfully. nnd nt tin- .-iinie time •Jisposltlonw that nevi r HWccten hut Ulnd are the only ones that physicians; sault under promise of marriage. more sour us years go hy. the disease for si v<TaI years, but aftur correct certain ahit.^.'M thiit huvt- cx- respond to except at the profession til • This refill tori in 11n- Issuance of a war- the fiirtmtr attacks he rallied and WJIH { |st<'d for u IOIIK (int.-. Jrhert! was no happiness In this world rnte of $1.00 per. : rant which was served upon young for him and he couldn't understand Vllet by Constable Kiddle. The cou-able to return to work. The New Lackawanna Railroad It Is K<ii..niily ri'i'iiKtitzi'ii that the Tiow there was any happiness for The hard working and much abused stiilth- took Vlii'l; to ihe Mycr.-: li'niue Mr. Cordon was tin- son of Wm. old H-ih uiid Kaiui> i'oniiiiEs^Iiin WUH yhody else. ; news pa pf:i->' workers, and the physl-. and lie'wus coiifmnU'ri by tin- girl and (iordon. nnd was born at Qtiaker- itn «-xpi JISIVC orK')iiL/«ulou; that Hit* As caeli Christmas .season nppnmeh- clans as well, found Mr. Hay a must: town, X. J., oil Aug. 12, ISr,:!. Most Arch Over East Washington Ave. in.'iulifru f?avf liitlc alt>'iitloii to their duties. tiiKl took no furthfp Intcn-Nt d, he begun to Fret and his life was i>f his i-iii'iy life was .sprnt In French- Tills liif IKW nrch. which has been and tin- task was all (he more dllllciilt [unusually unpleasant from election town and vicinity, nnd it was In that th;in to nap (t.-r.s.uial b.-tifiits. TbKt In course of t-oiHtriHiiou for several ln-causte, it was necessary t<> lake rare bi-nun<> so •>vid(iit tliiit tin- Inxt k-gl.s- (time until at least two weeks after the town (but he mariird Miss I,»tltla months.: replaces the narrow ami un-of a stream nf wati'i- underneath, and Blolldays. The nearest thing to happl- Stout on Muy J", l.s'l. The couple liiture liboii^ht'd thi' t"!imils>!'in :m-i sightly old eiilverl under the Laeka- not to interf* n- with the travel of crt'fitt-d it iii-w. •uiif. TnosM Hint came to him was the Unowl- Kcttlfd in that pretty llunterdoi^ vil- wntiiiii main Mil" tracks on lOast Wash- trains overhead, and, fur most of the dge tliut the Holidays were over, lage, and .Mr. ilordtm was proprietor ingt'in iiveaue. Tin- Slur herewith limp, accommodate tin- trolley, wagon The li«'W board in non-partisan, [and It was only then that ho resumed of a chnir factory for a number of pi-i.-ents tlu>. lirst picture of the newand foot travel below. The actual compos.-d of two D.-niotiats nnd two ...t normal condition. (Smirnuir-flfrt IForl Ur g»lar Sraftrrs: yriirs. He moved here about *J1 years struct 11 iv. (hilt has been prill led. It work of building the culvert was be- ltcpublkiiiis. They Kvt im snlury itinl He Just couldn't bear to hear tire- ago iiml followed the manufacture of Is now i-nu'tlettlly ilu!slii>d.. uithoitgh gun on May U:!d and it was virtually thi'Ir trawlliiK ...\peiiycH ure limited feome little children talk incoherently chairs for awhile, afterwards, entering worlunt-n hiive betn moiv or less ooniph a-d mi Dec. iS. There were over to *s.-iO a year .-ach, with the |irlvll«>Ku jot Kanta Claus and make imsinlng- the employ of the Cornell Co., where busy ft it", tin! last four weeks laying 7-J lot.-* of eeineiit used In the work. of IMI^EIKIIII; » si-iT-tary. •Sal since the ftaum uf cuitligatiuu lian ll;rrr lie was employed as cabinet maker i remarks in anticipation of the the f-jiiu'dutl'Mis Tor the tmvt r and X«> ollhlal statement of the cost of We have tin knowh iij;i> ronivrnlng •coming of this legendary White for L'l years, retiring last spring owing perform lug simu* other' small jnhs tliret; nuMiib.'i^ of the coinnils.sion, to his poor health. the work ItiiH yet been given nut, al- •Whiskered Old Myth. It Jurrcd upon brcit a tiiur mhni lite rxrmnlifiratimi nf lljf tiff such as laying walks, etc. Kyurything though there has been a. statement but ran vouch for Mif inti'^rlty of tlio jhls nervt's and made his Dyspepsia The deceased man was active In now, however. Is complete with the that the actual cost is $:t1.0i>u. When iottrth mi'inbi'r- Mr, P(.-rcival C'hrl.s- •worse. nf llir (Clirifll mag nf nuirr iiuynrliuifc ln'tljf church work and lost no 'opportunity exeepthni nf cleaning up the sur- all the Items are In. It Is believed that li« (if illKh Hrld«-—who |H it thor- He sald that all* this Going On nt to do anything in- could to further t»w roundings, and hi January, If thethe cost will lie found to have 'exceed- ough sport.smaii. and liaw taken up • the churches and this trouble and ex- cause he loved so well. For many weather Is favorable, the big girders ed this amount by several thousand tho duties of DIP ottl<r> In u most en- pense nf Fixing Up Christmas trees limiiaii rarr lliaii it is ffirl Jtiin fart hr years he was a class leader In the overhead will he taken down ami re-dollars. thusiastic mimiifr.
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