ENDTIME ISSUES NEWSLETTER No. 182 “The Immortality of the Soul” Samuele Bacchiocchi Retired Professor of Theology, Andrews University Chapter 2 of the forthcoming book POPULAR BELIEFS: ARE THEY BIBLICAL? INDEX OF TOPICS OF THIS NEWSLETTER * How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe * New Outreach Book: Popular Beliefs: Are they Biblical? * A Plea for Help to Edit the Manuscript * A Report of the Friends of the Sabbath Conference * A New DVD Album: Abundant Life Seminar * Books from Two Private Libraries for Sale “The Immortality of the Soul” (The Essay of this Newsletter) ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERVICES & PRODUCTS * How to Contact the Center for Cancer Care in Goshen, Indiana that has healed my liver cancer. * Special offer on the Package of 10 DVD/CD albums, containing all the recordings of Prof. Jon Paulien, Prof, Graeme Bradford, and Prof. Bacchiocchi. The package includes also the newly released DVD Abundant Life Seminar. * Introductory offer on Prof. Jon Paulien’s DVD album on Simply Revelation * Special offer on the new edition of Prof. Bradford More than a Prophet, together with a free DVD album. * Upcoming seminars for August, and September * Incredible Offer on the new Hitachi 3000 Lumens Projector Only $1395.00 The Immortality of the Soul 2 * The Smallest and most Powerful Remote Presenter * Does your church or School Need a Screen? * Bed and Breakfast in London, England * TAGNET new Web-hosting offer HOW TO SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, please email your re- quest to <
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